Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1901, Page 14, Image 24

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.s (jowxs wii.Ij hi:. i
sunshine, perfect quiet nnd exquisite com-
ion can no sccureu wiinoui mcuuinumiiig
the- rest of tho family or forclnj; the un
lucky ouo to report to a hospltnl.
fi) j Even contagious diseases can be treated
I'lnln C'eiliim, Slier-r MitlerlnU "nil
M11H1 Trim in I ii K Pro nil.
NEW YOUK, Mnrcli 7. Light, sheer ma
terials nro fashionable, nnd two good re
nulla nro to bo noticed the lightweight of
clothing and tho exquisite neatness of tin
finishings of n gown an tho lining, skirt
binding, boning, etc. Veilings, clamlncs,
crepes nnd mien goods nro for calling cos
tumes In light gray, tan, lavender, old rose,
reseda, pastllo blue and blaok with garni
tures of lace, nppllquo or chantllly; Bilk'
embroidered bands. In which Just n llttlo
Kilt Is Introduced, taffeta silk, chiffon,
ribbon velvet nnd llnBel embroidered nets.
A small quantity of trimming Is a thing of
tho past: fancy collni, belts, lingerie
lecvo effects, resembling tindcrslcevcsy
long, narrow vests, round backs nnd deeply
pointed fronts, mark tho fashioning of these
dainty toilettes that nro lined with taffeta
xllk of the samo color. Tho lining Is a
drop or separate skirt, with a narrow Inter
facing, a bins velveteen binding, nnd an
accordion plnlted rulllo of silk on the out
side of tho lining that gives a iluffy frou
frou effect. Tho outside material Is hung
from tho samo belt, trails with the lining
thrco Inches or more, and has ono or two
circular flounces of the samo width or
gradually deepening in tho back to fifteen
inches, when ten In front
For houso wear tho princess skirt Is
slylUh on u fine figure, but that will not
provent every condition of women from
wearing it; this Is for flno woolen or silk
materials, and liwi n bodice effect In omi
with tho skirt continuing llvo to eight
Inches nbovo the waist line. Tho outslds
nd lining aro seamed toguthcr, tho upper
part well boned, tho bones extending from
tho upper odgo to four Inches below tho
waist, tho- opening mado in tho bock or on
tho sldo and tho top 'cut straight ncrosSi
tho lower port linn n slightly nlltT Inter
facing of haircloth, Insldo silk rufllcs, nnd
tho usual llnlsh of bias velveteen that fits
perfectly nrouml tho edgo no matter how
it Is shaped. Tl. skirt can bo worn with
different yokes and sleeves, If It is cut high
under tho arms, but If cut with a low
bodlco llnlsh a soft walut Is necessary; to
complcto this sii. t for the strcot a short
bolero Jacket llko the skirt is worn. Hlack
silk skirts mado in this fashion become an
olegnnt costume with yoko and sleeves of
guipure lnce, tucked chiffon or embroidered
Illnck TrllillilliiK,
A note of black in thu trimming Is de
cidedly tho vogue, and for this black velvet
ribbon Is popular, also Insertions of laco
Accessories of tho soft panno volvet, a
black velvet belt with gold buckle, etc. Tho
desired whlto touch wanted lu nil dressy
toilettes Is Introduced by n yoko on the
renewed long vest ami wrist puffs on tho
Elcovcs. You may cut n waist round and
plain In tho back, but It must bo long and
pointed In front, for every woman Is deter
mined to look long-wnistcd nnd slender,
whether Mother Nature Intended It or not.
Halny day skirts obtain as over, but
among woll dressed people they ore kept
for bad weather and cool days, and nr
cut two to four inches nbovo tho floor, with
tho simple llnlsh of several rows of stitch
ing and a corduroy binding. They aro worn
with flannel, silk or cotton shirt waists,
with n ribbon or linen collar and velvet
belt, and aro sensible for rainy days nnd
country Jaunts. Other skirls aro generally
cut thrco Inches longer nt tho back than
In front, no matter whnt tho fabric may
be, silk, wool or cotton, for women llko
tho nppearanco of a "dip" at tho back, and
no talking will causo them to change until
Pamo Kashlon brings out another and
newer style. When a skirt is picked up It
should show a dainty petticoat of Bilk,
sateen, etc., harmonizing with tho color
of tho gown worn, as such llttlo things as
this mnrk tho reflncd nnd correctly gnrbed
Tho revival of tho postillion back has
given n new Idea for tailored or street suits
binding, tho latter showing an eighth of; strength In Its wearer to Insuro Us proper
an Inch below tho edge.
sn.vuii ci.aii imini:s.
.Klilniiiirrlnu Xrnllcwark In (inn tin for
I'nxtrr AVrtlillliKt,
NEW YOUK, March ". A flourishing
crop of brides Is promised for Easter week,
nnd with an Increased work room forco the
(llllIK AWIIJ" ClKtlllllF,
Interesting as Is every feature of the ajl
Important whlto suit in which the solemn
vows nro taken, it Is doubtful if tho aver
ngo brldc-to-bo Is not ns seriously ex
ercised over some othor feature? of her
trousseau. The going away costumo Is a
problem every woman can tnko all Lent
to think over and solvo for herself, nnd
safely In (his apartment (hat Is Isolated by
corridors from tho rest of tho houso nnd
nlso possesses Its own entrance, Its fumi
gating apparatus, ulcvator, lavatory, Ico
box nnd wonderful little adjoining rooms,
whero a nurse can sleep and whero a com
plete kitchen can bo set going on a mo
ment's notice,
Tho studio Itself Is a big beautiful room,
with windows nt top nnd sides, exquisitely
tiled walls and provided with furniture
that would fill a hopeless sluggard's heart
with Joy. Tho brass bedstead almost walks
and talks, there Is an organ and a piano
that can bo set going and regulated by keys
ti$$Nm ' iff
, ' llpv mm
of plain or faintly mixed covert, serge,
cashmere, etc., in brown, tan. green, blub
or -gray lu light and medium shades, ns
colors ore light for the street or house.
iiies uresses aro trimmed with bands of
tnffctn, stitching, brnld or cord nnnllmie
Tho basquo has a center back scum, narrow
postillion flat or lapped, Is short on tho posslhlo bridal costumo
hips and has a deep, pointed front, with or
without darts: sometimes a narrow,
tltchcd bolt Is added if tho wearer bo of
lender proportions, but tho cntlro effect is
rather plain, qulto English. Tho skirt is
a seveu-gored Bhopo with un Inverted plait
at' tho back without much of a flare for a
stout figure, otherwise it may novo a cir
cular flounco or flnro out sharply from the
knees down, In cither caso having tho
usual silk dust rufllo and bias velveteen
dressmakers are burning tho midnight gas
In a praiseworthy effort at making the
moRt of every Lenten hour. Decauso the
wedding gowns nro moro and more clabo
rato every year and tho requisites for a
full trousseau grow In elaboration cvory
season, tho workroom forces are this Lent
on an almost desperato stretch. Of course,
tho most Important costumo Is fully
trnlned, long of sleovo and ns high as pos
slblo In tho throat.
In Paris pearl whlto satin Is nnd has
beon, and probably will ever remain, tho
wedding dress of choice nnd trndltlou, nnd
when tho I'arlslnn brldo Is very young tho
gets nothing but whlto silk muslin for tho
garnishment of her satin. Other countries,
othor manners and tho American girl
lov j lots of laco, n silk Instead of satin,
and a deep, deep cream silk at that. Con
fident of her youth nnd freshness, tho
American bride-elect does not hesltato 'to
choose brocaded satin that in I'aris la sup
posed to bo only lit for dowagers, or whlto
velvot that In nil continental Europn Is
esteemed purely a court material.
Ilrlilnl Knlirltn.
Just for this year Loulslno silk and pcau
do solo nro tho popular bridal fabrics, and
their deep cream, almost golden tone, is
rather Intensified by tho tlmo tint of tho
laco that Is used In garnishment. It Is
tho plensuro of a lucky girl to bo married
In tho laces her 'mothor and grandmother
woro at their respective weddings, and
often enough, whero tho authentic ell and
flounces are lacking, a clover drcshinakcr
will havo a good web of modern Uonllon,
duchess, English point or Drusscls care
fully treated at a shop whero breeding nn
antlquo complexion to laces Is n specialty.
This harmless hoax has been practiced so
often that It requires an ngle eyo to dis
tinguish between lace that was mado sev-enty-flvo
years ago or only In 1900. To
tho spectator, however, this Is u very
trilling matter, for the aspect of tho gown
trimmed with laco of either ago Is Just as
The alternative to a lace-draped gown, Is
ono of cloth of silver, and a choice can hero
bo mado botween a silver cloth, with tjio
shining throads worked In a flat or damasked
pattern or embroidered in high relief. It
goes without saying that tho last Is tho
handsomest, heaviest and most expensive
brldo of very
delicate physique cannot carry, for In
stance, such a costume as tho accompany
ing sketch displays. This Is a princess
robo of cream whlto peau do boIp, encrusted
from hem to bust with bold applications of
silver thread. Thu train Is of tho plain
silk, with a narrow flounco peeping from
beneath Its edge of silver tlssuo, Tho veil
Is of whlto silk muslin, garnished with dell
cato nrabesques of sliver thread nlong lis
edge. Such n gown requires height and
Ilflfin nnnflnnmAiiT fif I4i tin it ZxltfSSk
mm iiuiiiiutiiUGiii ui lib xm
More children would be borne if the mother could
be 6uro that the pains, worrit and tribulations of
geitatlon could be avoided.
(tht marvelous liniment) Is unique in relieving and
relaxing all the strained tendons nnd muscles, as well
as the distended organ. There It nothing' like it.
"f teat o uy,'
MRS. LUCINDX P ASCII RL. L&mtxtton. Ark., nro ei th bor tttmn hn thm t ,,.. t,. I
i(t Children tn4w4lfc1wi)ri In Uboi (rona twenty-four to thirty him. This tlm 1 uui only en bottle of
Mother' Frten4 Uh ruy tintfi chiM o4 U !lor nlr bgit four twuri. Mother's friend ' UJust
wht it U rccommJ4 to be. 1 will uotr U without Ittgtin."
Sold ty &U test dturgUtt or tent ty eipret rrrpld on receipt of price. 01. OO pr bottlo
"Mutbethood,' ontttri lor wunen of all rt. mii'ed free,
TIIK llHADKlKI.U HKUrijATOn CO. At I an In. 42a.
Hook, lC
(lure Is a tendency Just now toward
elaborating this toilet unduly. This Is due
to tho Impression derived from England
that the going awny suit must bo a splendid
affair Indeed.
At Loudon, or fashionable country wed
dings In Englnnd, tho brldo nlwnys leaves
her father's licuso In a pastel-colored cloth
decked with panno, whlto gloves nnd a
plumed hat nnd currying a Jowel-sot card
ciuo, and this Justly arouses tho envy of
tho American bride, who desires to make
as admirable an exit, but conditions nro
very diifcrent in tho two countries. Tho
English brldo usually gets Into a railway
c:rrrlago and makes a run of half nu hour
to the country place or tho shooting box
whero hor honeymoon will be spent. In
America from two to Ave hours by rail is
tho elfort domunded of a bride, whose
pnstol-tluted llnery and whlto plumes would
then seem Eadly out of place. '
A slmplo tallor-mado suit la tho best
going, nwuy gown after all, nnd many of
these, already llnlshed for tho April Journey
to sonioenrthly paradise, show smart skirts
of 'brown,' dahlia red and blue, hopsacklng
frieze, ladles' cloth or French broad
cloth, mndo to wear with coats of black
taffeta shot with . tho color that pro
domlnutes In tho clothe A waist of whlto
or palo bluo or pearl pink panno Is worn
under tho coat to tho great advantage and
satisfaction of tho traveling brldo.
Till" MV I'ollllll l.
To lookn'cn thoto rattem dresses nnd then
turn tO'tho fashion plates of 18i9 Is to find
not a difference, even In dotnll. A tucked
waist, n flounce footed skirt, bearing en
crtiHtatlons of hire, aro typical of the polka
dotted foulard nnd tho tan-colored batiste,
und the ramo regulations of cut and orna
mentation wcro faithfully obsorved two
years ngo. Whnt enhances tho charm of
tho slato bluo foulard bcorlng the big cream
whlto bull's oyo' spots, as they aro now
called, Is tho gleam of roso that shines
through tho wnrp and woof of tho silk nt
evory fold. A counter piled with showy
now foulards shows this changeable light
In every one, nnd n clescly flowered gray
ono turns bluo lu rertnln lights, whllo a
grcon ono displays violet tones and a red
ono Is boldly undershot with brown or yol
low. As to tho batistes, they havo been wel
comed back with acclamations of Joy, and
in brown and string color, striped with
grrou nnd follow silk cords or flat satin
surfaced linos, thoy nro moro popular than
evo! At one counter it Is possible to buy
tho bntlsto in tho piece; at another tho rib
bon that will adequately belt nnd sash and
collar It. ' The ribbon is pure batiste, with
a roloroil silk edge, .or, preferably for belts,
a ile'xlbl'o gold ribbon with a bluo, green or
red border Is used. .To further recommend
and encourage tho general popularity of
thosu light and durablo gowns a batiste
Inco is sold through whlrh runs u delicate
vno dono In a color that will match the
stripe In the material Itself.
MIIIIiiiiiilre'M Id on .Suitable for I.rts
Wealthy I.'ik,
There remain few luxuries to be added
to thfv homo of tho millionaire, for tho lat
est fad of the uncomfortably rich Is a
scientifically fitted sick room. Tho more
cheerful name for this apartment Is the
Invalid studio nnd the millionaire who or
dered ono In his new twenty-clght-room
city homo has set tho fashion for his
brother plutocrats. This particular rich
iiinu Is thu head of a family whore mala
dies creep In In spMe of wealth and his
Bcmlblo plan Is to Isolate any Invalid to a
part of the spacious bourse where light.
arranged llko those of a typewriter, tho
muslo to bo played low or loud us desired.
Kor tho gouty person or tho owner of a
sprained nnklo thero Is a tufted leg rest
that can bo shifted to any height or posi
tion desired and if the Invalid is too weak
or self-indulgent to hold his book there Is
an obliging stand that will nssumo tho task
for him. When n holiday In bed Is desired
or enforced n pillar bed rest comes Into
scrvlco and Its top, subject to manifold
variations In form, can bo converted from
a breakfast tray Into a book rest, a writ
ing pad, nn easel, or even an Instrument
that will hold wools for winding.
To tho powerful pillar of this bed rest
a complete llttlo dressing tablo top can be
fixed nnd when propped up tho lnvnlld can
go through the process of shaving or hair
dressing or manicuring before a mirror and
all tho proper appliances.
When a convalescent has not strength
enough for exercise, but Is Insistent on
freedom of movement, tho walking machlno
Is taken from tho storage closet and the
most restless Individual can coma and go
without loss of vitality. Altogether tho
home Infirmary Is a hugo success and
promises to becomo ns recognized an Insti
tution In tho luxurious American homo as
tho model nursery or tho prlvato gymnasium.
'I'nuU a Delicate AVnniiin Net for
elf Canned Her 1'iillaime.
A womau was taken from ono of tho
Washington stores to tho emergency hos
pital ono day last week suffering from col
lapse Tho doctor called to attend her
was not left In doubt as to the cause of her
loss of consciousness after bo had read tho
memoranda on u visiting card found In her
shopping bag, which read:
"Chloride of lime, one spool pain blue
sowing silk, two nursing bottles, shoes for
Clarence, Jovon's logic, garden hose, board
meeting 11 o'clock, market, telephone
cateror for dinner Saturday, dressmaker's,
Tho first words the victim spoke were an
apology for having collapsed. Sho was
certain It was an indication of want of will
power, for sho was a firm convert to tho
notion that mind has supreme control over
any matter that might seem to tho un
initiated reason for a woman's strength
failing, Sho Insisted, moreover, that she
must get up and go back to her shopping
where she had left It ofT. The chlorldo of
lime was needed In the cellar at once. If
tho spool of blue silk was not ut the houso
by 1 o'clock the sewing girl would not bo
able to finish Margaret's dress for the
party that afternoon, Clarence must ha,ve
bis shoes for tho samo occasion, and If
baby did not get his new bottle nurso would
probably feed htm from a wur one, and
that would undoubtedly men. death, All
tho marketing was yet to b ordered. If
sho did not keep tho appointment with the
dressmaker sho would not have her now
drcrB for tho little dinner the was giving
on Saturday, of which tho caterer had not
yet been Informed. Besides, sho had gone
on n civic board In order not to loso touch
with tho larger duties of Hfo outsldo her
home, and sho was studying logic bo that
her mind Bhould not grow rusty through tho
autumn, and she did, therefore, want not
to miss her meeting or fall to get to tho
book store beforo It closed that day. She
had meant to drop Into church a few min
utes, too, beforo going homo; tho restful
ness of Just sitting there a bit sho had
found was a great good to her soul, nut
sho could let (hat go till another day if
tho nurso nnd tho doctors really thought
she was doing too much Tho nurse and
the doctors found opposition useless, aud
as soon ns tho poor woman was nbto to
draw a deep breath, out she went ngaln to
finish her self-Inflicted task.
Tho doctor, ut (ho suggestion of tho
nurso, corrected the entry ho had mndo on
tho hospital hook. Ho recorded:
"General collapse: cause, too much con
science nnd not enough common sense."
Prill nt t'linliluii.
The new rmluoldered India mulls nro
wrought in designs ns lino nnd dellcnto us
real laco.
French knots nro nulte ns nonnlar ns over
ns a means of trimming, with the differ
ence or using lieuvy Instead of line stlK.
On gauze materia M they nro very effective.
All shndec of gray nro lu marked vogue
this xenson. nml vntlnux liniiclmimn ma
terials of tills rellned color are lnrgoly used
for reception gowns nnd for guests ns
spring weddings,
Htorl llitr sliver belt liuektoq In tlin Indian
gold llnlsh, set with Imitation gems, urc es
pecially trood style, und tlx-ro I simply no
limit to tho variety In design, French gilt
buckles, ornamented with a design lu
paiuteii icatner, is nnotner variety.
Sltittle-faoed velvet ribbon Is tirnmlRnl ik
one of the trimmings for foulard gowns
una 11 in 10 ue sinciieii oil ut tue upper
edge. Graduated Imndu of nleeti velvet
wero stitched on to the skirts of tho s Inter
moucis, so it is oniy tno samo idea dirrcr.
cntly expressed.
Oored or circular sklrtu nf nnnl-crnv or
white wool will be moro than over the voguo
mix summer, until wiut tnutciiing i;um
Jackets, or, during the extreme heat, with
only tho shirtwaist of silk, linen lawn, tlio
very pretty mercerized mulls or of sntln
A pretty boll for tho whlto shirtwaist Is
mado itt bias folds of gold cloth. Tho silk
elastic belts romn lu white, black und uold.
three or four Inches wide, und nnturnlly tho
DucKlcs nro very large, one lit icuiner, deco
rated with enamelled (lowers studded with
steel being ono variety.
The smartest of tho new bolero Jackets
for "dress" uses uro formed of guipure lnce
cut tow and rounding In tho neck, curving
un si Elitlv on the iincK. nliove tlio corselet
or girdle, and nlso under the nriiiM, enough
to show a little of the silk or satin blouso
beneath, nnd reaching below tho waist In a
point on tno ironi.
Tho tirettlest. most becoming face veil
for mourning wear Is made of Huxscls net
wltji n scalloped edge, a hemstitched border
or a crepo nuiid. ,n 01 tno moueru acces
sories of mourning are very smnrt und
iiDthlmr Is moro so ncrluinx than the lints
and toques which nro made of soft folds
and jileatliigs of llncst erepe and chiffon
with silk roses, loops of .silk or crepe for n
Finely tucked or shirred skirt yokes, with
matching . botlloo yokes, lire features of
many of tlio I'aris gowns of batiste, liulhi
muslin, French organdie, llelfasl dimity
and China silk. Tho long sleeves or portions
of tho sleovv aro similarly arranged, nnd If
in .MliriO Allioineuo siyie, me miukiiik aim
Insertion bands or shirring reach from
shoulder to elbow
Tho tucked or pleated skirts ns now worn
nnd as designed for summer di esses uro u
very satisfactory compromise botween tho
kilted stvlcs nf other days und tho very Hat
habit -.'ffect so extremely trying to every
ilguro. Formerly the pleats wero of an
equal width from the top of the skirt to the
bottom. Tho new models show tho pleats
stitched down u portion of ttielr lengtli, still
ureserv nit the c iiulm; effect about the
iilps, but gradually expanding from there to
tno sKiri ncm.
Fe in I I lie Personal.
Tndlana's riches farmer in Mrs. Delia
Rlggs, who has OA) "personally conducted
Mlstt Harnh Seovlll Whlttlesev. whoso
paper on labor legislation has Just won her
a I'll, ). friuii Yule, is tho only woman who
holds both u Harvard ami a Mile degree.
Miss Kuthleen Haydn Oreen, daughter of
London's lord mayor. Is a writer of very
promising verse. She has Just been elected
a vice president 01 tno aociciy 01 vt unicn
Journalists 01 ionuon.
Lady Sybil I'rlmrose, tho eldest daughter
of Lord Hosebery. Is said to lie one of the
hest Informed women on politics In tho
world. She not only constantly studies tho
subject in imiokh, mil in tno newspapers as
well, und by means of convention with
nearly nil the dipiomais in i.onuon.
!Urn. Henrietta Dunn of Kent Island.
Maryland, recently gave a party lu honor of
her two sisters, .Mrs. liiiza urown nun .irn.
Mnrirnret Weeks. Mrs. Dunn Is tho mother
of twonty-llvo children, Mrs. Weeks hns
twenty-ono una .Mrs. iirnwu nas eicven,
making u total of llfty-seven, nil of whom
nro ullvo, Flfty-ono of them wcro at the
Tlio North Dakota' federation has now
twenty clubs, with a membership of 500
women, though organized hut three years
ago. There, never was a library collected
moro quickly than that superintended by
tlio Nineteenth Century club or Devil's
T.alte. it issued uii lineal for books to form
a public library, asking each club In tho
general federation to hind u book; tho re
sult was l,6uo volumes.
Miss Mary Hoards, an nttrnellvo young
woman of 'JO. has recontly served ns court
Interpreter beforo several New York magis
trates who have had cases of foreigners
Inc entomologist of the Royal Agricultural
society of England.
The votinif women of llrvn Mawr i ollexe
lmvii not been studied liy too much lenrnlim
ns some worthy souls Imagine that college
women must he There was a lire in one or
tho college cottages the other il.i As somt
ns It was dlsiovcred the chief of th. t-oL
lege fire brlgadi hliw the Iwin ami In a
moment forty girls wcro on hand They
rushed to tho tiro with the hose, cart They
plaved two streams on the Humes and soon
mode them ashamed of themselves. They
were cooler than cucumbers. I'tie of them
was mt bv u piece of glass, but she Mood
her ground ct. but, glorious, the yiiuntr
wonun went tmrk to their room.' changed
tluirtk-thcs nnd took up the dally grind ' That t the kind of joung woman
that goes to llryn Mawr
tried beforo them. Miss Hoards is a Itus
sian by birth, but bus been lu this country
most of bur life." Hhn speaks Lithuanian,
Italian, Russian, English and several other
languages, although she mis never nuti any
thing moro than nn elementary publlo
school education.
King Kdwnrd hns Just conferred the
Royul Red cross upon Mine, do Fcrrleres,
superintendent of tho French hospital nt
Johannesburg. This decoration was Insti
tuted In 1883 us n recognition nf services
rendered by women In connection with the
nursing of tho sick and wounded of tho
army nnd navy. Among tho llrst upon
whom It was bestowed was Miss Nightin
gale. Countess Roberts Is also entitled to
wear It.
Miss Klennor A. Ormerod of Loudon, who
has recently had conferred upon her the de
gree of doctor of laws by thu I'nlvurelty of
Kdlnburgh, rnuks very high as an ento
mologist nnd bus ono of the finest collec
tions of grains and Insectn to bo found In
Kuropo, Hho was tho llrst woman elected
to fellowship In tho Roynl Moteorologlcul
society and has latuly been elected consult-
Ilcmovet Tan, I'lmplta.
Frecklct, Moth I'ntchn,
v Hath and Sltln die
tttr, anil tvry
blrmlih on beautjr,
and drnti dela
tion, It baa stood
the tut or CI
Jtur, and It to
lurml'M w tastt
It to L aur 't
la proptrly madr,
Accept no counter-
Kit or nmur
nam, Dr. I,. A.
Havre laid to a la
dy cf the haut-ton
(a natlentli
"As you ladles will uie thorn, 1 recom
mend 'GOURAUD'B CRUAM as the loust
harmful of all the. Bkln preparations." For
sale, by all Drugalsts and Fancy dood
Dealers In the U H. and Kurnne
ruilll. T. HOIMCINS, Won'r,
7 Great Junta St, N. V.
Thoro's n lurking danger in a
bad back.
Most backache pains are Kidney yS
The kidneys filler the blood, keep Ml
it pure aud healthy. rT
When the kidney lilters become VJ
clogged up many serious disorders r
follow quickly.
nervousness, make you miserable all JjM
the time.
Neglect sick kidneys, urinary
disorders sot in, Diabetes, Bright'a
Doan's Kidney Pills
euro ovory form of Kidney Ills. They act on tho
kidneys only. Doan's Kidney Pills are indorsed by
people who know, by Omaha peoplo.
Mr. J. B. Ash, of 2623 Lake street, says: "For fifteen
years after an accident I had nttacks of kldnoy com
plaint, occurring more "frequently and more severe as
tlmo went by. Two weeks before I procured Doan's Kid
ney Pills at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, corner of ISth and
Douglas streets, I was run down In health and I thought
the treatment might help my kidneys. It did. I am
ploaacd to recommend a preparation which acta up to the
representations mado for It."
All druccists, 50 cents. Fostcr-Milbum Co.,
M Buffalo, N. Y. g
Wise Words to Sufferers
From a Woman of Noire Dame, Inri.
I will mall, tree of any charge, this Home Treat
tnent with lull instructions and the history ol my own
caw to any lady RUtlorlnir from female trouble. You
can euro yourself . nt home without the aid of any
physician. It will coiit you nothing to irlvo the
treatment a trial, and II you drclde to continue It
will only cost you alut twelve cents a week.
It ulll not Interfere with your work or occupation.
I have nothlnff to sell. Tell other sufferers ol It
that Is all I ask. It cures all, younsr or old.
aS'IIynufwl a henring-down sensation, enso of
Iniiwndltur evil, pain In the back or Ixmrls, creeping
fccliiur up tho pine, a dcslro to cry frequently, hot.
Ilashivi, wearlnrks, frequent ileln to urinate, or If you
have Leucorrhea (Wlillea), Displacement or Falllinr
ot the Womb, Profuse, bcanty or l'alnfut Periods,
Tumorh or Growl h. address MKN. M. 8UMMKKS,
NOTKU DAME, INI)., U.S.A., for tho Fsun
S. lousands besides tnysell have cured themselves with It. I w:nd It In plain wrapper.
TO MOTHERS OP DAUOMTERS I will explain a simple Home Treatment which speedily and
It (cUially cures Ltucirrhta,Grten SicHnett ani 1'ainul nr Irrtpilar Mtnslrualion lu young ladles,
It will savt you anxiety and txpenst and tavo your iLiughlir Iht humiliation of explaining her
Ir ubles to others. Plumpness and health always result from Its ui.
Wherever you live I can refer you to well-known ladlcsot your own state or county who know and
lv 1 gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all diseased conditions of our
J- (Icate female organism, thoroughly atrrngthens relaxed muscles und llgamenu which ratiso dls-
cement, and makes women well. Write to-day, as ths offer will not be mado again. Address
I, IRS. M. SUfiriERS, Box 31 Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A.
Means fust vhat it says. It is
against a cough. It cures the cold
and stops the cough. It is not a
mixture its n scientific prep ration for
curing it coiili.
Never take a sukstitiitu otliurarc not
ns yood 25c a bottle at Drug Stores.
The most
woman in
the world
For thirty
years a
Thr Discovr.RKR of Pace Hlkadc
Removes Permanently
Does not cover up but removes the blemish.
It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders 'with a B?d One.
clbsoMely Harmless and eJilways Successful.
Drop In and ttk 10 hive Mme. Ruppcrl'n Face Bleach ihown lo you,
nd have It mcrlla, manner nf utlnnanJ wonderful retuha eaplilntd,
o you will be aatltftcd It la what you need (or your completion.
We nhvays carry a (nil line of Mine. A. Rtippcrt's Oroy Hair Restorative,
Egyptian Halm, Almond Oil Complexion Soup and Hair Tonic,
t!all unit liiivotliclr nmrlta nijilulimd to you.
Ask for Wnc. Rtippcrt's book, " HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL." FflEE
KUHN lb CO.,
The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists,