X riifi All " OF ALL SAD WORDS," The Foot Sings, "Of Tongue or Pen, the Sad dest Are Those, 'It Might Have Bsen.' " THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE CniiiiueiidN Wlilttler'M l'ocm to the Allen I.lfc Companies Who Pre dicted Its I ii I In re nnil SoukM Its Destruction. IN COMPOUNDING, mi incomplete mixture watt ncrtilnntnlly spilled on llint).ickof tlm hnnil.aml on wanlitiitr afterward It w.i til m eovereil Unit Dm hiilr wan enmpletely rn moved Wo named tint new dlHcuvery Mo I1KNK, It Is abHolulelv linrmleHH, but works mini results. Apply fur s few mlnutol and the lialrdlHapiH'arH an If liy matrtc. It Can not Kail. If the irrnwlli llKlit, one spoil, cation will remove Hi llui honvy irrowth, Hiicti ns tin- lienrd or urowlli on moleH, may reiiulre two or mom applications, nnd with, out HllKhleHt Injury or unpleaHatit feollnr when applied or everaflerward, Moileno hii e rneilf h electrolysis, I'seil by peoplo of re., flnement, and recommended by all who liavo tented ltn merlin. Modenn Hen t by mall, In Hafety malllnic rimes (securely Healed), on receipt of tl.UO per bottle. .Send money by letter, with your full nddrcHH written plainly I'OHlaKe HtnmpH taken. Local and iren'l uirentH wuuted MOOKNK MANI'KACTlllllNn CO.. Dept. nr., Cincinnati, O, Kvery botlln irininintned, Wo offer f 1,(1011 for failure or slliflilimt Injury, RED GROSS WHISKEY 00 A FULL QUARTS for Olrrct to consumer, Express chars" prepaid $3 WESTERN Solo Ownore Recommoaded by loading phyatclatiR. A puro and nutrl tioui stimulant for family use. Such whiskey ai we of fer for $3.00 csinot be purchased elso where for $6.00. We ahlp In plain packaKea no marki to Indicate enntrr and If not per fectly satisfactory return at our ex pense and we will refund money at once. References: First National Bank of Ointilia or any Kxprc.HS Co in puny. DISTILLING CO - - - Omaha THE pe0fiNT -SHOE c0 i it MAKER Nto WEARER Of nil Hiul words of tongue or pen. Tho sndest are these, It might have been." When tho nllen life Insurance companies opened their batteries on tho Hankers Re serve Life they counted surely upon lta do Hlructlon. It wits young, In young com monwealth. They wcro old, from tho older states. They woro curtain this Infant could not maintain Itself against the 1,'llltCll OppilMlt lltll of tho old line llfo companies In America Hut tho Hankers Reserve Ufe la vigorous as well as young. It has a management of uxperlenco nnd Integrity. It has devoted Itself strictly to business. Never lllnching for a moment, but aggressive and deter mined, the young Nebraska Llfo company Wrote ll.7.-,.IMMt l.itMt Venr, thus forever putting at rest any doubts as to Its success and vlndlntlng Its right to a placo among the foremost llfo companies of tho land. It has proved to Nebraska and tho people of the west generally that a homo company, with home management, offering as good or better forms of policies than alien corporations, may count con lldently on a home support. Thinking peo ple know that Over I ..-.(10. (Mill 4,'im-n Awny from tho stato annually to alien life companies and they further know that less than ono-thlrd of this enormous sum Minis Its way back to tho policy holders nnd beno- llclarlos of this stato. Over $1,000,000 Is an nually withdrawn from tho chanacls of No- braska trado nnd commerce, no part of which Is over rottirncil to tho stato through policy holders or beneficiaries. It MlKlit llnve lleen" DIITerent. had tho Hankers Reserve Llfo nnd similar corporations eomo Into oxlstonco ten years ago. It will bo illlTorent nt tno end or an other docado, for homo llfo Insuranco is Just ns essential to tho prosperity of n commonwealth as any other great form of financial Institution, as, for lnstanco, sav Ings banks, building associations and banks of deposit. II. II. HoIiImoii, President. of tho Hankers Resorvo, Omaha, Nob., can employ a hundred good llfo underwriters. Wrlto him for terms, literature and terri tory. Lino up with tho homo companies and tho homo companies will do you good. A FAIR MAN" Is one that Is not to inilck In giving his Judgment on it most Important matter, be cause tin tins a Drain capacity largo enougn to retain Ills Ideas giving eacn and every thought time to mature, such Is a fair man. The Latest In stylesthe best of leathers the acme of tho shoo builders' art. That describes the famous UECIENT SHOES -and tho price Is tho llrst or factory cost J2.50 and SXt0. Others ask tf.OU and JiHi'i for their eiml. No middleman's prollt that's tho reason. Regent Shoe Co, 205 South 15th Street. lSxclualvfly Men's Shoe. A GRAND INVENTION I ESffJitSlf 'or tuklUK 1 ulklHli, inn Air aim wr Iinnit'. 30 oacn. irvii me of iMirai, ilruwn out polsoim wlili-li Irnimo dim-iiKx Million" en jov Our NMvNyl "Oimiifr" mini i liiet uti'kiy iinitmiii'D rniiiiui-xuiii. l'rventiidl'ttM. Ciiri'" Coliln, JVvitii, , IMiiiiiiiiiUii). (IrlniHi. Keiuiile 1IU. nil 1 Uli.oil. Skin. Kidney. Ncrvo iIIwimh 1 41UIU nut ceil. Horn nindo, aoiln' lli liil. l'rlcii rompli'to ." rr" I MtnclimiMitfl onoitrn. Onlor tuitn AGENTS WANTED JI00 00 MONTHLY & EXPENSES. Wurlil JIlB.t'o., 15 World ll'ld'B,'IIM'llUiiII.O. lll'e ttLummtnd above finn as rttiaolt. bailor. GkVIBff rhero me other things fair as well as men The Omnlm Hrewlnir Co. are very fill in their deilliiKS. furnishing nothing but the best of everything In the inaniiractur of their most favorite beverage known a "Hluo Ribbon Mottled Heer. Tho per sonlllcntlon or ago and strength. Omaha Brewing Association. 'I'elenlioiir VHW. MIII'nilKI.UOUS 1IAI11 on tho Face. Arms or any part of tho Body removed by M A IN DO Removes tho most unsightly growth In tlvo minutes anil doesn't lnluro tho skin. So simple In its application that a cnun can uppiy n. i'ohi tlvely guaranteed. Price $1 by mall, liooklet free you mention Illustrated Roe. Address MM 12. .lOSlOI'IIINK I.C-i:VH12, 1208 Chestnut St., Phils., Pa. Jgfe w lXIiUST RATED BEE. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Seventh Rage.) looking Into a BUlphur pool, tho gases of hlch almost sicken us ob wo stoon over. Tho pool is filled with boiling mud. There tho steam Is so th ck you enn hnnllv aee through It. Ho careful whero you sten. A girl slipped Into that vat tho other day and enmu out cooked. , Look at this hole, see how It bubbles un mud nnd oil. It makes a nolso as thoueh i wero run by machinery and tho peoplo ave named It tho donkey engine. Spo the white stuff nn wlilnh vnn nr ! landing. It looks llko salt. You havo passed out of tho sulphur hills and are now on hills of snow, which show out in con trast with tho boiling mud about you. Pick p somo of tho snow or salt and taste It. How It puckers your mouth. Your Hps and tonguo wither as though you had bitten Into a ercon persimmon. The stuff Is not salt. It Is alum. There are biiBhels of It here, but mixed with other minerals. Thero ro parts of New Zealand whero thero aro cliffs of alum and whero tho springs flow lum water. Hut let us tnko a look at tho Inferno. Wo alk through the steam over a thin crust t sulphur and look down Into a great vat twenty feet deep and so lnrgo that you could drop a Maori house Into It without touching tho sides. It seems to bo filled 1th boiling paint nnd ns It seethes It now throws up a column of mud. Tho scent Is nauseating. Our stomachs turn nnd we glvo our hands to the guide nnd beg him to lend us forth. We go out through clouds steam loaded with camphor, by the DovII'b Punch Howl, in which tho mud Is the color of lavender, nnd on Into tho open, whero tho green hills nnd tho blue sky bring us back to earth. FRANK 0. CARPBNTER. Japanese Ladies The February number of tho Woman's Homo Companion contains a deeply inter esting nrtlclo by the young Japanese writer, Onoto Watannn, entitled "Home nnd Soclnl Mfo of the Japanese." She sketches them as follows: "In a poem entitled 'To a Japanese Lady f High Rank,' by nn American, she Is do- crlbod thus: 'Fragile wnxen type of woman. Mute, Inscrutable, tiuhuman.' "A llttlo deeper Insight Into tho character nd a hotter knowledgo of tho llfo of tho ady of rank in Japan, might havo stayed the poet's pen, for above all things she Is human. Furthermore, sho Is essentially domestic, womanly and motherly. Obe dient to tho otlquotto of hor class, how- over, she Is mindful of tho strict conven tion which demands the repression of her omotlons, and which regnrds any botraynl of her real feelings, particularly In public, ns vulgar and unrefined. Hence, tho Jnpan- eso lady wears a placid, even-smlling mask, perhaps at n time when she Is undergoini; both mental nnd physlcnl suffering. Hut sho Is not 'unhuman,' nor Is sho nny tho worse for this repression, for together with It Is cultivated self-abnegation, un solflshncss, meekness nnd obedience, and nt all times theso qualities hnvo been put to a test that has provoked acts of posi tive heroism on tho pnrt of this 'fragile wnxen typo of woman.' "Hvon tho highest class Japanese women hnvo their household duties to perform, nnd no mntter how rich tho family, Jnpan eso girls aro brought up to bo ablo to sew, cook and attend to their homes. With tho usunl porverslty of things Jnpanoso, tho household Is managed with n view to tho comfort of tho husband. Tho first thought of tho wife, whether sho bo rich or poor, Is ovor to mnko tho happiness of hor husband. "Now, duty Is a pretty hard word for somo of us to spoil, but to a Jnpaneso it Is nlmost nn equivalent for plcasuro; and so no duty or task In tho homo Is performed but that It is dono with a light and cheer-' ful heart." A Bachelor's Reflections Now York Press: Tho biggest and ugliest mtcrobo of all lives Is In tho stolen kiss. Somo men's wny of getting tho dovll be hind them Is by chasing him around tho stump nnd going slow. If tho nvorngo mnn Isn't worrying around nil the tlmo about his business his wife thinks ho Is getting reckless. A woman never gets to no so sure oi ner husband's love that sho doesn't look hard , at nil tho pretty women ho bows to. I A woman generally doesn't find out that her husband has come homo out of temper for ten minutes after tho cnt has hid under tho stovo. Mnrcu 10, 1001. llooU-Keenlim mill IIhnIiu-hh FuriiiM taught by Mall. Prlco within rench of nil. Plain nnd Practlcnl Methods, intiivuiuai in struction. Tho best yet. Course Copyrighted, Sond for circular. 8. A. Rlgg, Palmyra, 111. aV? OPENING of Imported and Do- mcstic Pattern Hats on dis play. Largest line of swell street hats the most exclusive only one of a kind cannot be dupli- j cated. Davies 1511 Douglas Street. f DON T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. Many lailies and gentlemen who cannot complain of any kind of sickness aro ab normally thin and ennnot And any medical treatment which will correct this condition I Dr. Whitney's Norvo and Flesh Hulldor is ( not ulono Intended for thoso who aro sick, , but also for thoso who appear well and hearty, but cannot acqulro sufficient flesh to round out tho form, In dyspepsia, Indlges- tlon, all Btomach troubles, debility and i norvous dlseasco no remedy Is so prompt I and powerful. In order to demonstrate the wonderful merits of Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Flesh Hullder every person who will address tho C O. Jones Co., Klmlra, N. Y., will receive a large trial pnekngo In plain sealed wrappor absolutely free. For sale by Sherman Sc. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. WISDOM In beer drinking consists in qunlllng that grateful beverago only when as sured of Us purity, pnlatablllty, wholo somoncss. It's tho part of wisdom, thereforo, to drink Metz beer, which Is renowned for Its many excellent, healthful, nourishing, plcasur6-glvlug qualities clears tho brain Instead of dulling It, rests nnd feeds the body. ASIC YOUR DEALER FOR IT OR ORDER DIRECT FROM Metz Bros. Brewing Co, Tel. 111). OMAHA. All the l.ndlrn ICnt Cold Medil Chocolate Bon Bon s Ily Express, 1, 3, It find ft pound boxes, (10c a pound. W. S. Balduff, 1R1H-20 Knrnara St., Oninlia, Neb. rqCC by return mall, full drcrtnllT rntu drrul.iMel ill mill v'h llll- ir.ivml 1'iillitr M v m 1 1 in uf )ri'K mill tiiiriiirnt 1:111111111. Ki mi 11 to Datk, '1 he foundation lrincial ol cicnline carmtnt eul Unit aio taught i clc.nl and pro Cminrly that any lady of ordinary ' InirlliKrnce ran easily and quicL ly Irani In cut ami make any gar mriit in any t)lc, toaiiy mcai ure for I.mlleN, Cbllilren, Men mill Horn, (larmenu 'i;u.uantcca lo 111 enecuy. iin our tiinK A kmmlrdKO ol the MOOUj nisirni nwuiui w luituiio iu ujr lady. Thousand, of rert drr.tmaVer. owe their ucrr to the Moinly hy.tem. Asenu wanted. ItlOODY k CO., I-.O.llox ai(H),C'lnolnnatl, O. The $eal of $atisfaction WHEN we deliver an order of printing we render full value for our charges, and also ' satis faction." The "satisfaction" Is thrown In, as It were, Just to gra tify you and retain your patronage. We have only one way of doing business, and that Is why every customer gets "satisfaction." a A. I. Root, Printer 414-416 South 12th, Omaha USE IT If you want tho best. ' Adopted nnd used exclusively In nil u. a. Mnrlno Hospitals. M. Awarded O o I d Medal at I'nrls Exposition. CO. WOI.I.STWN V DISTRIBUTORS, 522-521 So, 13th St., OMAHA. At All First Class liars and Hotols. Purity above suspicion. ILERS PURE MALT WHISKEY To have a case in (he homo is like havin? money in ihe bnnlt. If5 value is slandand Sold by DruffisfraiitJ Pavers. if (tms si.:?- j I sA 1 "", , 1 1 'J. Gladstoae Ilros., Agents, umaba, Neb. 1 I Rrldal Chamber Rovealed. 500 pages, 300 Illustrations. For every mnn and woman who contemplates marriage, write for par ticulars. Box 1300, Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. WIiinIcuv'm Suntliliiur Syrup, has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MII.IilONH of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETH I NO. with PER FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES tho CI 1 1 M), SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN. CURES WIND COLIC and Is tho best rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists In every pint of the world. He sure and ask for ".Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup' and take no other kind. Twenty-llvu cents a bottle. A Sense of Pleasure eoniPH to the mouth thal'rt maln nwt'fit nnd wholn fmniB hj the UKoof dullclourt Arnica Tooth Soap PiwnrTmi anil wliltenn tlio teetli, ftreniitlu'nii the Kiiiin, "werteiiB the lirK.itli. 1 nutlKtfc, i-ciollim, loticBiiiiiK. inw diiiimnni iit'illlirKH inr uu jeure. nt nil druKieUt. or liy mult. C. 11. HI IUINU A- '., IIK AIJO. r. H. A. Psirtloulars sent Wrmm. If "Itoyol Dlgeitlve Tablets fall to cnr, after you have tried them, you don't pay a cent. If they cure m remit the coet. Order at once. ROYAL BPKCiriO CO..Sta. A, New York. 'A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO