Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1901, Page 7, Image 21

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Wonderland of the
South Pacific Ocean
'nrd hlron
tner, 'nimucr, 'ntimier on the
Itlilltiu ) -r Untie.
Hut to go on to the Yellowstone. As xvo
ptoeeod wo puts th roll nil a region of ferns.
They cover the hills, and In the xnlloys rife
Into trees lluo umbrellas. The wholo earth
I'opyrlght. by Krnnk O. Carpenter) i outnlns GCO00 ncres. It xvlll probably soon h inatteil with thetn. The tree ferns hao
AL'CKL ND, Nexv Zt alan 1, Jan. 30, 1001.-- 1)0 nKcn uy tno govcrntnent and dl- stems as big around as a telegraph pole
rumbling, Hplttlng
-ifSrf set
, ' l
- t
moiel.x having their morning baths. I do not trucking, steaming,
know. region about me.
Win-re Mother Kiirili I CooKliiu. she leads me from one wonder to another,
Old Mother Karth Is kind to her Maori Here Is a pool of boiling, bubbling mnd
daughtots. She does their eooklng for which now and then sliootH a column high
them. They never have to muko a lire nor Into the air. That great round vat with the
put the kettle on Knch woman has a while walls Is made of the silica and other
steaming box of her own. which Is alwa. minerals throw n up by a goser; It Is called
at the right temperatui e. This l is the brain pot That xast pool In which the
qneilil Correspondence of The Mark viucu uuo small larms. At piesotit t ,s anil sotno rise tut. en feet without a nraucn. merely an old dry goods bo. a shoe bo or eiiow mini wuniu mnmies ami nous is
p ' . . . . ... . .. ... given up to sheep and cattle. Wo tee Portlier south wo come Into highlands, soap box with (he top and bottom knocked known as the champagne pool. Its contents
Twain says I ittsuurt, loohs hkc hcii droves of hundreds of cattle and sheip In Wo pass through foioats, the tall trees out and the bottom eoveiod with slats. It stir about Just like chnmpagne and the
iho lid on." I have been itavoltng through Hocks of thousands The sheip are teed- bound around with Mnes and their wide ( sunken In the oiirilt oxer one of these gaseH now and then throw me water up to
a part of New Zealand which looks like lug on turnips, biting them out of the spreading branches covered with green steam holes. The food Is dtopped In and an a height of six or eight feet. Tho xvalls are
leaves Many of them are loaded with or
chids, which ornament the living as well
as the dead, hanging down amid the green
leavis and w lapping I hen. bi lvos around the
dead limbs to make them green ngaln.
When xvo reach an altitude of about
1,000 feet above tho sea wo come Into a
region of active volcanic energy. The earth
seems hollow It rumbles and grumbles
as our train goes oxer it. We see steam
coming foith from ih.- cracks here anil
there and we wond'r If the crust may not
break and drop us liro the bubl 1 tig, boil
ing, steaming mass wheh evidently lies
Wo pass the village of Kntittt. which Is
almost hidden la colonies of steam fiem tin
ground above, and sail on by Lake Uotorua
to ltotoiua llsclf.
This Is the famous health resort of the
South Pnclllc ocean. The land all ahmit n
Is titeiriilng, eluiids of vapor go up frutn
pools of belling water, each of which h.i
Its oxvn medicinal proper! lis Tlnie ,i
hotels and eottagis and all the surioiiu.l
lugs of such a ti sort In tho United State..
The gnxernmiut lias charge of 1 1 1 . Kp'ltii;
and llxcs the tariff, nml the people thu
keep the place fur themselves. The gv
eminent has put up bath hmisi m hi 'i
enormous swimming pools
Xliitlniii 111101101 nml (lie I'elexl,
"holl with tho lid on," save that thero are ground In which they have grown. There Tho baths have curious names. (Hie.
a thousand and one holes In the cover from aro acres of turnips, their green tops owing to tho beauty which It gives th
t 1 If 1 -lis
4j. " :
x.lch all sorts of poisonous gases, mal- eaten off and tho white, round roots lying complexion, steaming all Impurities out of
odorous smells, boiling springs and other Ilko tens of thousands of billiard balls tipon tho system, has been called after Madam
dovlllsh evidences aro pouring forth. I am the ground. Tho sheep will feed Itachol. which tho French pronounce R.i-
In tho Yellowstone park of Now Zealand, a them until nothing Is left.
land of volcanoes, geyser&, earthquakes ,tow henutlful the land Is! It Ib rolling
and lakes of boiling mud, n land In which VV(, KO ov,.r ,,i8 which look like tho bloc
old Mother Karth seems ainictcd with per- K1.nHH .,11lls of K,,tltucky n,i others which
petual colic nnd is over vomiting forth hot I.,,lll,i IIU, ()f tno ,m,ndows of old Eugland
paint or bolchlng out steam loaded with Wo 1)asa tiiri)UKt, ,-rovcs of cabbago trees or
alum. Now Zealand palms. Each has a tall trunk
This region Ib situated 171 miles south- endlnK ln n father duster of green leaves
east of Auckland near the center of tho wh,ch Jut ()t ,,,. Tnoro tfi I)lt,ltv
North island. It covers almost '-.onn.000 nf p(K)r ,,, wt, H K00(, nI1(, .
acres. It Is about thirty miles wide and )nrBe tracts xvhlch still belong to tho crown
100 miles long, nnd Iho crust upon It Is so nn(, wWoh wl B()mo ,no ,)(J turn,1(, ,,
thin that as you walk or ride over It you fnrmn
seem to hear a thousand devils rumbling
anil raging below nnd feel that thero Is llttlo "h"!"""'" o i.ov.-rnni.-nt.
Mto than a sheet of brown paper between As xvo go I examine tho railroad. Mke
you and hades. nil In th colony. It belongs to tho govern
Tho faco of tho earth changes from week mctit and Its nlllclals aro government clerks
to xveck. (Ireat cracks open and new boll- Tho conductor Is called the guard. He
Ing pools burst forth. Thero arc frequent comes through tho stntlon nnd punches the
earthquakes and now nnd then n mountnln tickets from time to time. The smnller
breaks forth Into eruption. Thero nro ac- stntlons arc also postofllces nnd I sen signs
tlvo volcnnors. nnd no one knows xvhen evidencing they nro government savings
thoso dormant may not spring Into life, ns hanks and tho ofllces of tho government life
Mount Tnraxvera did In 1SSC. In Hint year, Insurance company as xvell.
on Juno 10, tho towns nbout this mountain The gaugo of tho railroad Is only three
wero destroyed. Several nntlvo villages feet and a half. The roadbed Is ballasted
xvnro covered to a depth nf sixty feet by a with Inva and pumlco stono nnd It seoms to
delugo of mud. Doth houses nnd Inhabit-
its xvero destroyed almost as completely made, hnlf after tho American nnd half shell. The u oplo hi ro drop the madam
as Pompoll nnd Ilerculnneum by Vesuvius nf(Pr tnc English fashion. At every stntlon and any Itnehel, as though they wero apeak
centuries ago. Tho bottom of a big lako n i,eu H runK before tho train stnrts. Ing of nil Kngllsh girl, Another is called
xvns mown out and In Its plnco enmo a roar- RVOrv now and then thero Is a fivo minutes' tho rrlust bnth, another tho rnlnklller, u
old piece of carpet or cloth thrown ovr 1'
and In due time It Is cooked
Cooking Is nlso done In the boiling pools.
Potatoes are pared and put Into bags made
of a network of lopo. each holding u quarter
or half peek. The bag is then dropped Into
of different colors, hero white, there dark
red and there yellow with sulphur. Wo go
to see the I'ohulu geyser, xvhlch txvlce a day
for from twenty minutes to three bourn at
a time sends a majestic column of water
high Into the air. and then lako a look at
tho Klant's cauldron, which bubbles nnd
. .. ... ... ,.. , ...
1 no pool nnu a siring which 1 .amend. , 1(iMh tml ,,y ,,, ,.,, ,,,inv
11 is lieu 10 n h.iiko ... (.()lm, lim, n , no
minutes the potatoes tire ready for eating mml(h ()f ,, , ( ,
Meat can be boiled tho same way or It can ni!H fr()n ,,. W() ,,.,
be put Into a bucket and steamed. In fact. (icr()HS lo ,nU(i B1,nR ()V(r w,m( W(H (,v.
almost anything In tho boiling or nteainlng )U)ntly ml(.() voI,.nn ,.nll,,ri ,,, ,llI(
line Is bo done by these people. They have ,1()n(),n ()V(,r ,., ry , Tkltere. Ah
lately tnken up somo Kngllnh eustoms and W( m,ar W(, Krimt ei,imMH ()t ,,,,
now celebrate Chrlstinns, when they mako rl(l,,1(, ,, , n,r w ,, ()llr urH,.Hi ,,,,,1,
plum puddings nnd cook them In these petty w(h H,lfT , ,mm, ,,inK ,, V1)0r.
xolcanoes. Wo nro tn lnlljHl f m.rrB (lf imlllug
In somo plnces tho villagers cook at one springs separated by thin xvalls upon which
great vat, nnd In others, such as Whakaro- xvo xvalk along looking Into the terrible
vvnrovva, tho xvonion nil do tholr xvnahlng In commotion below.
one hot pool. They kneel down on tho out- Hero is n whirlpool. Tho water Is as
sldo of tho pool and scour their clothes black ns Ink. It bolls and stenms nnd
together. I Ilko tho Maori xvonicn. Tholr bubbles nnd spits. It Is hotter than the
dress Is now much Ilko ours, snvo that Shndrock, Mcshao nnd Abednego furnace,
nearly all nro barefooted. Somo would bo Wnteh out. for If your foot slips you xvlll
good looking xvero It not for tho tnttoo bo scalded to death.
marks upon their chins nnd lips, mnklng Noxv xvo aro on n great yellow mound
them bluo. Mnny of them Bpenk Rngllsh
and I tnko ono for n guldo through the (Continued on lllghth Page.)
Photographic Art Studies
Those nro tho works nf the Tonnesnu Sisters of Chicago, nnd thorn Is probably no
more capable photographic artists In tho world than these enthusiastic young women
Ing crater, which sont up a column of steam stop t,nt tj,0 passengers mny get out and third tho CoJTeo Pot and n fourth the Illue Tt.r nr,, twelve subjects from which to choose, of which wo reproduce tight.
10 a nuigni ot nimosi tnreo nines. The hnv n cun of ten a class of whisky or beer, until. 1110 names fouiiu curious 111 nrm,
earth broke open. Thorn xvns ono crack T,,0 N",v Zealanders are great drinkers, ""d when I was told I could have a Halt, 1 '"' Pictures aro handsome enough for drawing room and may bo used
nine miles long. Nexv lakes xvero formed, Thev nro nlwnvs stufflnc nnd swilling. ,l(1,lr nl Priest I felt Ilko protesting I effectively unfrnmed. or xvlll look splendidly with n simple dnrk frnmo.
clouds of ashes nnd dust turnod midday to Nevertheless they keep fat and henlthy. xvas not a Catholic, but a castlron Prcsby-
ovening. nnd for miles around there xvas n neer.xvhlsky and tea are sold nt tho stations, teilnn.
dijpnpour of xvater, mud nnd stones. j try tnem Tno whisky Is Scotch. Joking aside, tho lint lis aro wonderful.
hls eruption destroyed tho famous pink ,t ,, smoy ponty tnBto nnd It costs 12 Itachol comes from a boiling caldron of
lorrnres of Nexv Zealand. Theso terraces rPnfR RmBi Trn ls tuppenco n cup. enormous depth, which yields (iO.000 gnllons
wero In the form of basins. They xvero RvpPV nnn it with milk nnd sugnr. dally Tho wator seoma to bo loaded with
made ny tho sediment from tho mlnornl It ,, g)ronK but not bad. No coffee Is sold, sulphuretted hydrogen, nnd a smell of do
iiiurs 01 n geyser 100 root atinvo the lake. . nn.q it eayod eggs lloats Into your nostrils. You
ii.itiu.H wore mien wiin me clearest or
hot wntor. boiling bluo nt tho top and
changing In color to a lighter huo ns It
fell from terrace to terraco. They were
surrounded by xvalls xvhlch scorned to bo
made of Joxvols, somo very pink, others
wnite. Tho water pattered over them m
. .m ..1 . til . 1 . .1 I It
T, ,1,1.1 rl,tn wltt, , onra la Hin "ro uiBguaitiu null, yuu iviuh uuvmi inn.
lack of heating arrangements. Tho weather Thon your skin scorns to have turned to
was cold nnd every passenger had a travel
ing hlnnkot which ho wrapped nround his
satin, nnd you Ho ns cotnfnrtnblo as though
on beds nf rose leaves.
Tho Dluo Path has a sxvlmmlng pool
. T n An1,fn nnn nn.l r 1 1 0 T
,". . n V.f :'V:v nbout It ns big an tho avorogo city lot. Tho
added my rubber hot water bottle. I took ... . . . .7 , ,
tlnjcnscades and when the sun shone th U. ,fr0,I,4?ly. 'mK. n In ho "Corfeo Pot" tho pool Is covered with
hillsides seemed nlivo with falling dl.i
monns, Donrls, emeralds and rubles. The
111 ",u :v' ""- nn "y 8"m nn(1 tho wntor Is thick, browm
wns amazed at tho request and wondered . ,,,, Q,, . , .
a m A a. 1 iuiu niuiiiii. tuill 11. in it v, m 1 u 1111 1 uoiiiiiii-
terraces nro now being reformed and In the wh"t ,?,"np hnt, wntPror- At .J""1 tlsm. Others of tho baths aro so strong
near future nnturo will probably havo re- Bmi'0 ut "p r "ce and sno sain. i , (hor m!norn, pr0portloB that ono must
built them ln nn even more beautiful form Vl,1,rf,,,?n'1- Yo" wnnt U fnr y examined by n doctor boforo bo can
than thoy were In tho past. (Dnby). enter them.
"..iintry SvrnvH In x,w 7l,.,l. ,e8' my near, nam 1, ti 1 mm.. ... . hp,v n. ytiveH nth,.
I spent nil day on tho train going from
III I III 1 A . 1 It
" iiiV rn,..n . x, Thero aro many native Maori villages In
Auckland to tho Hot Springs region." Ro- lirZJ a this region. Tho Maoris, you know, nro
" " inn nnnrin nnu nr rvrmn 'nainiiii 'I'ntt nn
A la "i "Hn n ri tllMII'l. 1 in-jr ill
How to Get Them
These pictures nrn mounted on handsome black raw silk stock mounts, 12xli Inches,
tho photographs tiro 7x!l Inches. Theso Imvo never been sold at tho art stores for
less than ono dollar lly securing an Immenso quantity of them xvo nro able to
offer them
With a Coupon for 10 Cents.
When ordering statu tho name of tho subject, nnd If thoy nrn to ho mailed enclose
four cents nddltlnual for postage and packing.
17th and Fariiam Sts.
torun, tho central town of this Yollnwstnnn , .. ....
of tho south, was my destination. Leaving frolcn ,y II l e " " or "a " and you have TTn tf ,hn In,,lfn,B nf Nor,h Mwricn
Auckland, wo shot out Into a rich fnrmlnc n".??"y.. ",... i ? although fnr dlfTerent from them In char-
Vs.trlct. The fields wero green with luxtt- This la bo n ho storea, In buy ns tho c,'fl,n""'- There are only about
W grass or black where the soli was Ki n I spoke of asked the department "00, "f ,"f'" ' '"' "
)ng turned up for planting. Volcanic Btoro clerk where tho ruga wero kept. Ho ho ,10U8eB; nro n Hnrt "f n rrnsa h-
rvldences wero everywhere. Chunks of Ji .-noThrough .thai nlslo and flown by J" ,?' h..Un.l that of a lower
btva were scattered over tho fields and Hi the llecs" I could not think xvhnt ho c,nRS nRl's'imnn. They nro built right
many places thero were fences of lava. mennt ,,y "Iho llces." and a brief vision of "vor tho steaming earth. Many of them
Near Auckland tho farms nrn ninnii nn.i ii i . n.i .oi. ,,. i,n. hnvo bathing pools behind them, and In tho
tho farm houses especially so. This I have foro my eyes until on tho other side of tho P00'3 fee boys nnd girls bathing to
ODservcu In nil narts of Austmlln J! till WW T mmi anmA tttfi Itn InAA wtl Vl n ITlAia ft" H " i 1 II I 11 H HlCllIIl 1 II - M I V F. I HI Of I J U Ii I
Zealand. The frontier cabins nro not so ,, ,- boyond. nnd I knew the young man wntehed such o crowd this morning Tho
big ns those of tho wooded regions of tho meant laces. As for tho letter "h." I P00' wns n,)n,lt twenty feet square nnd
United Stntes. In many plnces thero Is n hnvo novor heard It so mistreated In Rng- ,n 11 woro n mon 1111,0 nwR ns nnUri'
scnrclty of lumber. Tho nvorpge farm lanrt ns In New Zealand. It Is alwavs on ns Pn hpy w,ro l)0rn- Tll fi,p,"' rnH0
nouso In n wooden cottago of four, flvo or whew It should bo off. and always off xvhen ,rom ,,,n nno1- nni1 nB u, 'nornlng sun
six rooms, roofed with galvanized Iron. It should ho on. Even the school chll- emKht It their brown skins shone out
i nro " bsrn8' no stables, no out- dren butcher the king's Kngllsh In this ro- through tho mist. Ono of tho bathers was
'r""' The, stock feed off the fields all speet, nnd In everyday conversation tho a K,rl ' She was pouring tho water ,
tn-ryear round, for tho grass Is always faults nre common. They remind mo of tho over or wlth n bucket, when I threw In
RfoPn. blacksmith whom I Ilko to quote whenever a B,lvf,r Blxponco. She, with all tho rest.
.now we go through plnlns covered with our English cousins talk about such Amer- d,ve'' flown 'n'0 the steaming pool for It.
nrimh Wo rldo for miles along the hanks lennlsms ns "I guess." Tho blacksmith fin0 flnn,ly emerging with tho coin In her,
'. ... vvniKato river, tho largest in Noxv wns discussing tho effect nf hunting versus mown, as i wniKeu on to ottier poois i
eninnd, nnd on again Into a country of mnendnmbed rondn on tho horso's feet, snw hero and thero the heads of men and
fft'ms. Tho holdings have now grown when ho snldi women floating, ns !t were, upon the wntor
nrner. Wo go through a grent estnto "Hit hlsn'f the 'npplng hover 'edges whnt Ty wero Mnorls, but whether they wero
wned by ono of tho landed nnbobs, It 'urts the 'oraes' 'oofa. but hit's tho 'am- tnklnR thin method of getting wnrm or
wr '-'
' yj
Present nt Hee Office or mnll thli coupon with 10c and got your choice of Photo
graphic Art Sturtlrs When ordering by mall add 4c for postage