Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1901, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Half tin Legislators Cannot, at Btqni:
Bpeak English Language.
of 1' mil ii i'l Anionic llic
N o III- Without
SENATE RE-ELECTS MR. FRYE greets andrew rosewater
President Deceit c Oinuhii fit - l".n-
Nicaragua, Fob. 15. (Corrc-
Kates from
countries, iippoiu
Associated Press.) Tho
-iposcd of two dclo
Central American
i meir respeciiMJ
governments, which ii.j been holding ses
aloiiB ut Salvador City, In Salvador, for tho
Non-Ocmpllance with Oreanio Act Apt U last month, had declared that hereafter all
n I exchange of product of each stnto with
Annni All Idjaoimmi. the other states of Central Amcrlcn shall
bo frco of ImpostH or duties. It In said
tho govcrrtnents of each of tho states rep
resented will npprovo tho Joint declara
tion of their delegates.
Work on tho connecting railroad link
of thirty miles, to connect Nicaragua's east
ern and weHtcm railroads, Is progressing
slowly. President Zclnyn has concluded a
contract with a local firm to supply all
mils and other metals to bn used on this
extension, tho Arm to uccept In payment
tho government's war charges on coffeo .at
tho ports of Corlnto and Granada.
Coffee Crop I .siiinll.
Tho present prlco of coffeo Is very low
and It Is estimated tho crop of thin year
will not uvcrago moru than one-halt of that
usually gathered, and tho outlook for cash
returns is very gloomy. This may force
HONOLULU, March 1. (Via Ban Fran- tho pcoplo of theso Central American coun
cUco, March 7.) Howell's first territorial tries, whero coffeo Is tho principal prod
Houm ii Muting in Old Palace, Where
Rojaltj Hai Reigned.
Controlling Tarty Cnnnnlttcil lo
J,liiior Dlpennry l.niv, Dun I Tni
iiIImm Stcm nml tlic i:clu
nliin of Consumptive,
Irglslaturc, which has been In session hero
hlnco February 20, Is In tho control of the
'Homo Itulo" party, containing a majority
of nalho Ilawallans. It has already been
tho sreno of somo remarkablo proceedings
and tho end of tho session promises to so
many very radical measures adopted,
net, to devote more attention to tho cultl
vatlon of their valuable fibrous plants.
Tlin minister of public Instruction Is en-
dcnvorlng to Improvo the methods of In
structlou In voguo In tho public schools
of tho country. Among other steps taken
along this line, ho has ordered all Nlcn
ninong those to which tho controlling party raguan schoolmasters to Instill Into their
Is committed being a Honor dispensary scholars tho principles of tho liberal party
law, a Inxntlon system that will bo a com- (tho party In favor of tho dictatorial presi
blnatlnn of slnglo tax nnd tho Income tax dentlal government of Central Aruorlcan
doctrines, on election law based on pro- countries) nnd to exclude Instruction In
uortlonato rciireBentntlon, and a law cx- any religious doctrines from their schools
eluding from tho territory all persons who Tho government ttusts all schoolmasters
inuy arrive horo nflllcted with consumption will Do of Its own political faith,
or leprosy. Chill i:t -M Freely
ToiiKiien (Jive Trouble, Chill has offered to educato In her unl-
Tho question of languages Is another versifies tico of chnrgo twenty-soven
source of trouble. Tho organlo act says Nlcaroguan youths. Nicaragua has nc-
that all proceedings of tho legislature
Khali bo conducted tu tho Bngllsh languago.
Halt of tho members ennnot speak Eng
lish, nnd llnwallan Interpreters havo been
employed In both houses. It Is tbo opinion
nf somo lawyerx that this will luvainnuo
ceptou mis oner and, by competitive ex
aminations has selected twenty-soven
young men, who will soon lcavo Corlnto
for Chill. This generous offer has found
much favor with tho Nicaragua!! people
but It 1h said by those who profess to seo
attempt to divert Nicaragua's trade In
wine, hay, fruits, cornraeal, blooded horses
and cnttlo from California to themselves
Thcro Is today much frlondly Intercourse
between thn two countries and promise of
moro to comu In tho near future, nil of
which would reem to bo directed towards
orders now
nil proceedings und this matter will como deeply that tho offer Ik only part of Chili's
before tho courts when some laws nave
been passed. Chief Justice Frcor and Gov
ernor Dole, who were members of tho
commission Hint adopted tho rules In ques
tion, havo expresed tho opinion that It
Intended to provldo that no language but
English should bo spoken. The Inde
pendents clnlm that It means that laws, capturing those Nlcnraguan
resolutions, etc., shall bo In English, kvcry going to Han Francisco,
tneosuro and ovory Hpeech Is being given
In both English and Hawaiian.
Tho houso meets In tho throno room of
tho old palaco building, now occupied by
government offices. Tho speaker's chair Is
the former throno of Hawaiian monarchs.
Tho uteamshlp Zcalandla has nrrlvcd hero
with 769 l'orto Itlrans from Tort l,os new YORK, March 7. The Commercial
Angeles. Three of tho Immigrants died on Advertiser today has tho following: There
tho way. Tho lmmlgrantti are being Hcnt s fi0od reason to expect some Important
In steamers to various plantations. It Is chang03 In tho board of directors of the
reported that tho Zealandla Is to mako bcv- Southern Paclllc. railroad within thu next
urul trips a's" a carrier of Porto Means few days, when tho board mootB to till tho
and that at least 5,000 more will bo brought vacancy enuscd by tho donth of tho dtrcc-
hcro by It hi tho near future. tor, John D. I'robBt, It Is likely that other
Wirele Telegraphy Svntrm. vacancies will bo created by resignation
Tho Iuter-Islaud Telegraph company has In order to mako places for tho Union Pa-
-...., , i m,. nf ihn nnnnim- for clflo repreBentutlves. It Is expected that a.
business of tho wireless telegraph system "nrrlman. who Is chairman of tho Union
between Honolulu and tho Island of Maul. ,aclll '. ""1 nave nil Influential voice
muL ,.. i.. u..nn .nt. i.t In organizing tho Union Pacific board.
4 I1U njOll.111 Mi.O ,W.n ULII UUU.t .v.'.t.
ThmiKlit 'I'luit 1'nrt of Dlrectom
of Southern l'neltlo Will
ItcnlKii. '
Maim Man Returned to the Chair at Presi
dent Pro Tem.
.Member Who Have Tnlkcil with Hie
President llellcve Spu-'lnl Reunion
Ik to Terminate Ini-iiicdlutcly.
WASHINGTON, March 7. Senator Wll-
Klnccr In Cnnipnny nllli Scn
ntor Tlmrsloii.
WASHINGTON. March 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Thurston today Introduced
Andrew Rosewater, city engineer of Omaha,
to tho president, also to Secretary Hoot of
tho War department. Later In the day, ac
companied by It. U. Schneider of Fremont,
the senator visited the president on mat
ters connected with appointments In tho
regular army.
iMiiiiKiirnlloii Hum!" I.nuc.
It. II. Schneider nnd his wife und daughter,
Mr. nnd Mrs. George F. Uldwcll nnd Vice
Nothing in the Nature of an TJpriiiig is
Feared Any Longer,
Member" Decide (o Cnnllniic Sean I on
nml Hefer Amctiiliurnt (o Com
milter. Tilth Instruction
to Make n Deport.
Ham P. Pryo of Maino was elected unanl- President nnd Mrs. .Meuunougn ot tne
mously president pro turn of tho senate to Northwestern system, who have nccn guests
servo during tho present senate. This Is
tho second time Senator Fryo has been
honored by his collengues. Five years ugo
on February 7, 1SU6 the republicans then
being In a minority, ho was elected unani
mously. Ills services ns president pro tem,
especially since tho denth ot Vlco President
Ilobart, havo won for hi in tho cordial ap
preciation of his followers for his able and
Impartial administration ot the post
of Mr. Schneider during the Inauguration,
left for New York today, curouto for tho
Dei-river nl Miinrr.
The nppulntment of J. I Mcintosh. Jr.,
to bo receiver of tho land olllec nt Sidney,
Neb., was sent to the senate today nnd It Is
expected he will be promptly conllrmed, as
It Is tho desire of tho leading republican
senators to get away from Washington Sat-
IVlinn fhn n.i.taln nnnvaiiml n lilltrii iMinnll I UTdnV
of beautiful roses adorned tho desk of Mr. . . ' ,., ...
flan,!,!.. 1 1. .n...r In Mr lVMIcrnw nf Then) Is growing Opposition to tho np
South Dakota polntnicnt of Colonel Sanger as assistant
Tho vlco president announced tho op- rcr,c,"r V "V' . "nlor ,al ' cw
nn,in,.Hi - lrt.a. p,.inm ,f tlllnnlo ot 1.1 I 1 OIK laui'll UUUI lUU imninvin. uuu
mr-ureii of Mu.m.ri n. mnmhnr of th retnry Hoot 111 rclotion to tho matter. Her-
. .. .. Qi. i.. i., iti. rotary unoi sain ii wa um ivuu.n v
iiolntment nml should therefore not be In-
: . . . ... ........ c i.i.i. ....
.. .,, ... I leriercii wun. ncincr o'-uniuio i mu uu.i
.....rK.. ...- " Dcpow will tako the samo view of tho mat
At tho conclusion of tho routine business ter Is problematical.
Mr. Morgan rcBumcd his speech begun Governor Hlchnrda of Wyomlug nnd party,
yesterday In support of Ills resolution who havo been attending the
declnrlng tho nbrogatlon of tho Clnyton- ceremonies, were presented to tho prcsl
Ilulwcr treaty. Mr. Morgan rend that deut today by Seuator Warren.
part of tho Clayton-Ilulwer treaty which , ,Mllnl,- miiinlnlii.
reiaies io mo Nicaragua cnnai unu niso u.e ,,,, , nf vK,lllnkln Indians from n
protocols of an agreement lor the con
struction ot tho canal mado between the
United States government and the govern
ments of Nicaragua and Costa Illcu. Ho
declared that It was perfectly clear that
tho protocols entered Into last fall by this
reservation near Tama, !., today had a
conference with tho Indian olllclnls. They
wcro nccompnnled hero by Attorney Wilcox,
who was nt tho Indlnn olnco with them to
day. Tho Indians complain ot tho treat
ment of Agent Mnlln. nml tncy maKo
government were a distinct vlolntlon ot the Llmrgcs ngaliiBt Mr. Nolllu. superintendent
Clayton-Ilulwer treaty. It was equally evl- . hnni Whllo thu charges mado
dent that tho United States must abandon aalnitt uotn otllchtts uro serious, they nro
Its plighted faith with Nicaragua nnd Costa ,iHcriMilteil t,y Indian Commissioner Jones.
men, in oruer uiai tno uiayion-nuiwir w)l0 rxprc8fic,i implicit coutldcnco In Malln
ireaiy raigiiL no lasicnen perinancnuy upun v-piiiu, jw ilelegatlou claims tnnl all
this government ami hang llko h pall over n,,,M ,uo certain children nnd placed In
It, or take such a stand no will sustain tno haU(s of Agent Malln have not been no
president In his "patriotic nnd noblo .......i fol. Tnc trouble has fttlsen In
action." ..nnnneiinn with seliool matters. These In
"Tho protocols entered Into expressed ,iins i.vo rofiiaed for soino tlmo to bup
tho defiance by tho presldont of the Clay- port Ul0 BCh00 tlt Toledo, In. They ask th
ton-Dulwcr treaty and his regard for Its rcm0Val of Malln nnd Ncllls, but It Is not
provisions. They undertook to piaco tno nkcly their demands wllll be granted
government on tho high ground that the soux Fn,u ,,BtlI1Hter.
.Not In AVny of I.rKlnlnilon
"It Is our duty," Insisted Mr. Morgan
Sioux Falls, S. D., appears to bo growing
moro complicated. Senator Kylo has for
warded the papers of C. M. Day to tho Tost-
ls now pronounced In a satisfactory con
dltton for regular business. Tho compuny
tales that It will soon extend communi
cation to Hllo.
Annual meetings of several sugar plan
tations havo been held hero this week. The
managers report lnrgo crops nnd good pros
nccts for tho coming year. Most of them
report having had somo dlftlculty on ac
count ot tho scarcity ot labor. In somo
cases tho acreago pluntcd was slightly les
sened on account of tho lack of labor. Tho
managers nil report tho labor situation Im
proved, und now that many Porto Itlcans
nfS being brought here, thcro will bo no
lurther trouble.
William Marshal, formor editor of tho
Volcuno, hna been released from Oaliu
Jail on pardon from Governor Dole. Ho
wns sentenced for six months for criminal
libel of tho Into Chlot Juatlco Judd and
bad served four months.
Charles M. Hays has been asked to re
main ns tho executive head ot the system
nnd thcro Is no expectation of any material
change In the executive stuff of the road.
Considerable guessing has been done re
garding tho probablo successor of H. E.
Huntington as vlco president, but nothing
detlnlto has been known on tbnt point.
Thcro Is n spoclal significance In tin)
chnngo In tho coutrol of tho Pacific Mall
Steamship company. Soon after Collin P.
Huntington died, Gcorgo J. Gould and his
friends undertook to make E. II. Harrlman
president ot tho Pacific Mall company. In
order to prevent this tho Speyer & Hunt
ington Interests, then In control of tho
Southern I'nclllc system, Induced the South
em Pacllle. directors to buy tho control of
tho steamship company outright. Now that
both companies aro controlled by the Harrl
man syndlcato tho question arises whothur
Mr. Gould's plan ot making Mr. Harrlman
president will bo carried out.
CliuiiKf" HIn Uoute nt Kiiimnn
mill Drclilrn to Vlult Col
orado First.
ttlt'ct Seeretiirv Conner.
On tho third day of tho session Secretary GOULD TO COME TO
tt tho Territory Cooper was unceremoniously
ordered out of tho houso and escorted out
by tbo Bergcant-at-arms. Acting under tho
section ot tho territorial net which pro
vides that ho shall "record and preserve
the laws nnd proceedings ot tbo legisla
ture," Secretary Cooper took up a place
on the floor ot tho houso with a stenographer
to secure n record ot tho proceedings.
Itepreiicutatlvo Ueekloy, Independent, ot
tered a resolution requesting him to leave.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 7. Gcorgo J.
Gould, on his trip of Inspection ot his rail
way properties, left today with his party
for Coffcyvllle, Kan. It Is understood that
President Gould will go to Colorado nnd
Omaha before returning eaBt. All arrange
Tho resolution set forth that his presence mcnts had been mudn to go to Omaha this
on tho door was i violation of tho rules that morning, when ho decided suddenly to go
tho three depurtuients of government, ex
ecutive, Judicial and legislative, must bo
kept separate, nnd It was urged In debate
that Governor Dole had put Cooper whero
he waB with a vlow toi Intimidating mem-
to southern Knusas Instead. Talking to a
newspaper man of his trip through Texas,
Mr. Gould said:
"I was amazed nt the ninny changes
which havo taken place In tho southwest
bers by letting them seo that tho executlvo since my visit to that part ot tho country
Plllccr was taking a stenographic report of nearly throo years ago. Tho prosperity of
tho proceedings. the southwest Is marvelous and I boltevo
Cooper was declared by republicans to that tho same statement will apply to the
bo present by order of President McKlnloy,
as ho bad been ordorcd to transmit a report
to Washington, but oven this plea did not
deter tho Independents. After a long de
bate they passed tho neckley resolution by
a vote of 20 to 0. tho nine being all ot tbo
republicans In tho house.
to declare that that treaty Is not In the oflleo dennrtment nild It Is tho senator's In
wav of our lpiHalatliiL- for the Nlenrnciia tentlon to recommend Days appointment
rnmil. If wo Jiesllnln In.liiv It will tin Ihn N. 13. Phllllns. who hu3 tllO Cl'dorSCUlCnl 0C
samo a year hecco nnd the provisions of Senator Gamblo aud Ucprrscntatlvo. Uurko
thnt Irrntv will lin fnRtrnnd noon in." I la exnectcd hero next WCCK. nnU J. lomilll-
Mr. Mtrcan urecd that bin resolution be son. Jr.. business partner of Mr. Day. Is al-
adoptcd 111 order that .ho president might ready hero In behalf of tlin latter. Men i
nnnprsfnn.l Ihn nnellfnn nf Ihn ...nnln n I'hllllnH 111 nominated llCIurfl 1 110. OUJOlim
thoroughly thnt ho would feel Justified In mcut. ot tho somite bis conurmatfon Is not
proceeding along lines looking to the con- likely. A move will probably mado
Trunin,! of Ihn ttlKHmcnnli pnnul hlln It O CCt M r. Phillips tllO UWOltllinellt
nirm u-ns to n lnnir mi-nii-i. and 11 Is understood hero again that Mr,
At tho conclusion of Mr. Morgan's speech Phillips will bo opposed by Senator u
the Benate, wl.hout taking any nctlon upon i not.HKoiy uiai nnyiumg win mi uuuu .u
tho resolution?, on motion of Mr. Lodgo of tno manor unui uio ruuiru wl iicinnm
Massachusetts, nt 1:10 went Into oxecutlve tatlvo uurke.
session, and at 1:50 adjourned until Friday. aIktiIcimi I'uMIn Ilulldlnu
A number of senators who havo talked R,.nator Gamblo had a talk today with th
with the president express tho opinion that supervising architect concerning tho pluna
tho present special session of tho senate ot tno department ns to tho erection of thu
can bo brought to a final conclusion by Aherdeen. S. D.. nubile building. Dlds aro
next Saturday and some think thnt ad
journment may bo reached tomorrow.
lliitlllen Amendment of i'uti-nt Trent y,
Tho senato in executive session today
... I .1 ... I .. nnHnn.Hn... ...1.1. . . I . . T. . .
lUUUl'll Ull Vl'UlUUl 11111 UllUUtf lUlU'
pcan powers for tho nmcndntlon of tho
treaty mado nt Drusscls somo years since
CUBAN CRISIS IS PASSED condition ofjhe weather tj gyp -qjjjj
Fnri'pnat lor .Whriixkii Showers 111 r.nst-
ern, Fair In Western Portion Friday; aui-
urday Fair, Westerly Winds,
Hour. D
in ... .
II n. 111
11. 111
111 .
nt Omnlin Ycli'riln-
S n.
) 11.
Ill 11.
11 11.
12 111.
PH. Hour. Dru.
JtU 1 i. m
US U . 111
vii :i 11. n ns
:tn -i p. in
:y.i n u. m ns
, -in 11 p. in mi
ir, 7 p. 11 ni
nt .s 11. in ."i'
ii p. in nit
Effort to Concentrate on Thompion and
Ueiklejoha Fail.
HAVANA, March 7. The Cuban constltu-
tonal convention met in secret session
this afternoon for a formal discussion ot
tho Piatt amendment. Tho conservative
lenient scored a victory. It was decided
o continue tho sessions of the convention
and to refer tho amendment to tho special
commlttco on relations, with Instructions
o bring In a report.
Twenly-nlno delegates wcro present,
Senor I.lorento nnd General Itlvcra being
tho only absentees. General Sangullly
favored dissolving tho convention nml re
turning tho nmendment without discussion.
Tbo other delegates wero unanimously In
favor ot continuing tho sessions and of
sending somo answer to the executive de
(liicntloii r.xtcMit of Poller.
The urgumcnl turned on the question
whether tho convention had power to adopt
a scheme ot relations that would bo bind
ing upon tho future republic. Inst week a
majority of tho delegates opposed this view
Today Fenor Nunez, representing tho com
aervntlves, argued that tho delegates were
empowered to call for tho convention to
establish permanent relations with tho
United States and ought not to nttcmpt
to shirk this duty. General Sangullly con
tended that tho Intention nt tho original
call wan annulled by Governor Gonural
Wood's Instructions at tho opcutug ot tho
eotu-entlon, when delegates wero asked to
glvo only an opinion. Tho radical clonwiit
did not flock to General Sangullly as had
been expected, and the convention's nctlon
In referring tho question to tho speelnl com
mlttco on relations shows a wllllnguctiB to
recede from tbo former nttudc.
Sn llltli-r l'oellnif Appnrcn t.
It Is evident thnt many of tho delegates
still hope tho amendment will bo changed,
but tlmro Is no bitter fcellnK now apparent
It Is doubtful whether tho convention will
over ngrco to accept tho nmsndiuont, but
tho conservatives maintain that tho willing
nebs ot tho radicals to discuss and, It ncc
ctsary, to send n commltteo to Washington
gives a moro hopeful nspect to conditions
which wcro growing strained
It In 0iiiiril to Chnrlrr Hill, hut
l'luiln l.lttlr S inpn tti y AtnoiiK'
Vote in Joint Senion Ehone Difference
Among the Kemberi.
Thirty-Fire Only Attend and the Vote is
Diipenied With.
LINCOLN. Neb., March 7. -(Special
Telegram.) A committee of democratic
l.n.t... .. t' 1. I I. A 1 1 I .. . 1 I I
as passed by tho house, tonight made an
unsucccMful attempt to get an audience
with 'ho fusion uicmbcts of tho legislature
in caucus assembled. They upproached
Senator ltniisom nnd Representatives Hunt
nml Johnson with such nil object In view,
but their requests wcro promptly turned
The visitors nro In favor of a new ehnr-
ter. but they object strenuously to the
provisions for a tax eommlsloner, an In
crease In tho number of wnrdh from four
to six and the creation of an excise board
These features are contained In tho bill
passed by the house, but they aro re
garded ns so objectionable by tbo visiting
delegation that the visitors would rather
bco tho bill killed than pass It In this pres
ent form.
Tho fusion members from Douglas
evinced no desire to contract for tho do
structlon of tho bill nnd they did not even
push the request of the citizens' delega
Hon tor an audience with the caucus.
With the party from South Omaha wcro
several republicans, but while they were
hero for tho same purpose they allowed
the fusion delegates to do tho negotiating
for tho hearing. Among those In tho dele
Tnn Ycum Auo (he Deadlock Win
llrokcn l)- the Cniicud, hut Thin
One llliU Knlr to Hold
for (he Time.
.. Unllols
m. art. :ki. :tr. :ts. itn.
Allen CI iltl III 'JU AO T
t'roiiiioc 7 T 7 7 U II
Currle It lit l.'t 1U 1ft HI
Dietrich i a 'Jt 1 I
luirruiKloii .... II -I it 1 M it
iiniiiin :i a u ;i a i
lilichcoek mi ail UU il IT
lliiiiihnvr 1-2 11 II lit 111 -Ji
KiiiKiiut m u a a -j a
Mnrtlii ( . :t . vt 'J
.ipikipjohn . . , . ;m an ar as ut
.Morim a t a a ..
KOftfwntrr IB 1-t in in II 1.1
1 honii.Miiii, D. 10.JIS tut :m !IT .'III till
'riiniiiiNoii, w. ii. in it ti s mi :i
MNCOI.N, March 7. (Special Telegram.)
Today Is tho anniversary nf tho nomina
tion two yenrs ago of tho lato M. L. Hs-
ward as United Stntes senntor. which muled
gatlon wcro J. J. McMillan. J. J. Fitzgerald, tho long deadlock besetting thu last legls
H. 11. Flebarty, Miles Welsh. J. J. Ilrccn, laturc, but It brought llttlo In tho wirv
T. D. Ityan nnd Thomas Gory. Uf solving tho preaent deadlock. It Is
JUSt tWO Ve.H'H Ill?n I till I lh.. nr.ltli.n .r...nna
PENITENTIARY WALL FALLS ok pine, that furnished tho groundwork
xor tho vigorous fight now being waned
against D. U. Thomion, and tho history
mnuo men is an inBepnrablo imrt of tho
history ot tho pending senatorial contest.
bo far ns today's ballot for United States
senator In Joint sessloti Is concerned, It
simply accentuated the movement started
fell Into the guards' yesterday tightening tho Hues of entrench-
o'clock tonight Hnd incut. Threo changes wero recorded all
O in nh a Mnn unit 'Inn Other Arc
CniiKhl. lull Thrlr Iiijurlr-n
Are .Not Nrrluu.
LINCOLN, March 7. (Special Telegram.)
Quo of tho burnt out walls of the peni
tentiary building
kitchen room nt
llfhlK' Ihnllf-h lint Hnrlnlialv. Inhirptl I Of them lenntlinntnt' llin lllnahifti.
It Is generally bellovcd that tho crisis, ncnry Uolln of Omaha, Patrick Murphy which reached tho maximum of 22, a figure
and Peter Larson, tho latter a guard. The nigncr than thnt previously secured by any
men wero severely bruised, but It Is not otner houili Plntto candidate but D. E,
soon to bo called for nnd work will bo bo
cun on thn building about July 1. Tho
building Is to bo a three-story structure
tho first story to contain tlrcproot vault
for the ubo of tho postoinrc.
KloiviTK for Ornithic
Senator Gamblo has been the recipient of
for tho protection ot industrial property several handsomo Moral pieces since he tool:
as nffetted by tho registration of patents, the oath nf office In tho uppor house. Ills
trade marks, etc. Tho modifications made desk In the senato was banked wltn llow-
by tho agreement which was today acted crs this morning, ouo piece bearing the
upon aro not of general Interest. Ono of nnme of Mrs. Marietta M. Donts, who, after
them changes tho phraseology in regard to serving for n number of years as nn official
the pluco of meeting. In tho original of tho Woman's Suffrage association or
treaty Homo was named as tho place; the South Dakota, becamo interested In th
amendment leaves tho places to be named anti-suffrage movement, taking n leading
from tlmo to time. part In defeating woman suiirage in mat
Tho reciprocity treaties wcro not dls- state.
cussed and It now uppears that thoy will Woinlu .Mitionni itniiKH.
not bo called up this session. Tho commit- Tho roport of the condition of tho national
teo on foreign relations had not acted upon banks of Wyoming at the closo or business
them during tho present session and sena- February 5 was today mado public. It
tors generally hold that It Is necessary shows loans and discounts aggregating $3,-
that thcro should bo commltteo nctlon bo- 349,571: gold coin, ?:ou,tiu; inuiviauni uu-
wost generally. On every hand I saw tho
material proofs of prosperity not booms,
but tho solid, substantial prosperity that
lasts. The banks In ovon tho small towns
In Texas nnd other southwestern states aro
tilled with money. Cotton nt 10 cents, nnd
high prices for r-ottonaeed, tho other good
It Is understood that Cooper has sent to crons nnd tho great values of all products
wasuington tor a ruling as to tno meaning tells tho ntory. '
ot tho Instructions given him to send
J, A. Aklna, Independent, n half-Hawaiian,
half-Chinese, member from the Uland ot
Kauai, has been mado speaker of tho houso
and Dr. Nicholas Itussell of Hawaii presi
dent ot tho senate. UusbcU Is a white
rintt mill Dcpciv I'rotcut AKiilnat
.Nominal Inu Maimer for AnxUtaut
hccrelnry of AVnr,
tntcriiiitliiiiiil, Cuiilliillxcil nt One Mil
lion, Prows to Have Lit
tle ANNCtN,
JOPLIN, Mo March 7. The International
Zlno company has gone Into tho hands ot a
receiver, with assets Bald to bo practically
worthless. Tho International was capital
I zed at $1,000,000 and sold Its stock In vari
ous American and P.ngtlsh cities at almost
par, much of tho stock being bought by
wngoearncrs and other people who could not
afford to loso tholr money.
Tho names of bankers of New York and
fore the senato can take them up again.
Ilnttlcalilp nmed for Antelope Mtnte
(o He Constructed nt
WASHINGTON, .March 7. Secretary Long
today mado n distribution by name among
tbo shipbuilders of tho vessels recently con
tracted for. Of tho battleships, Newport
News gets No. 13. tho Virginia; Moran
Pros, of Seattle, Wash., No. 14, tho Ne
braska; Path Iron works, No. 15, the Geor
gia; Foro Itlver works, Nos. 16 and 17, re
spectively tho Now Jcrsoy and Jlhodo
Of tho armored cruisers, Nos. 4 nnd 7,
tho Pennsylvania nnd Colorado, go to
Cramps; Nos. 5 nnd 8, tho West Virginia
aud Maryland, to Newport Nows; Nos. 6
nnd 0, tho California and South Dakota, to
the Union Iron works.
Of tho protected cruisers, No. 21, the
Mllwnukco, goes to Ncuflu & Levy, and No.
22, tho Charleston, to Newport Nows.
Protected cruiser No. 20, tho St. Louis,
was to havo gone to tbo Until Iron works,
but that corporation having declined the
contract, tho Navy department today Issued
a circular calling for now proposals for
constructing this cruiser. Tho bids nro to
bo opened at noon April 4 next, nnd the
department will supply Information as to
tbo changes thnt may be mado In the
original specifications to make them con
form to those required in tbo case ot the
two protected cruisers let to Neaflc & Levy
nnd Nowport News.
WASHINGTON, March 7. Senators Piatt
and Depow of New York nre both opposing
tho proposition to noralnato Colonel Sanger Iloston were at tho head of the company and
tor tbo office ot assistant secretary ot war. tho names of somo prominent Joplln mining
Senator Piatt saw tho secretary of war to- men nnd olllclaU were also associated with
day and eutered u formal protest, on tho tho company
ground that Colonel Sanger Is not a con
sistent republican.
Senator Depew also has indicated his op
position. Neither ot them was consulted
beforo tho nomination was decided -upon.
Tho solcctlon seems to have been made by
tho secretary, but tho senators claim that
If that official is to assert that prerogative
ho should find u man who would bo ac
ceptable to them. Senntor Piatt todny
expressed tho opinion that tho protests
vhich havo been mndo will have tho ef
fect of preventing tho president from fend
ing lu tho nomination.
HccrlvcH Allimniirc from Court
Clnlm for Dcntructlon of
Spiiulali Fleet.
WASHINGTON. Murch 7. Tho Treasury
department today Issued a warrant In favor
of Admlrnl George Dewey for J9.750, on
account ot prize money found to be duo
him from tho court of claims for tho dc
structlon ot the Spuulsh llect In Manila
harbor May 1, IMS.
Kfftirt to Turn llnck Clock Spleen Sen
utorlnl IIiiIIoIIiiht tilth n
Flu! In Scnnee.
HELENA, Mont., March 8. At 12:30
o'clock this morning the Montana legisla
ture Is still balloting for a short term sen
ator to All tho pluco mado vacant by the
resignation of Senator William A. Clark.
Tbcre Is nothing to Indlcatu when the elec
tion will occur, If at all.
As tho sergeant-at-arms was about to
turn the hunds ot tho clock back at mid
night, ono of tho republican members, Greg
ory of Carbon county, tried to stop him In
order to prevent tin election. In tho Btrug
glo tho tlmo record for fast fighting Vas
brokon, nlong with tho clock.
Thirteenth Ilallot-Carter. 32; Frank, 26;
Cooper, IS; Conrad, 0; MaglnnU, 0; Gib
son, 1.
posits, 1,109,937; averngo reserve. 30.GC per
Cnptnln Matthew Lecper. assistant sur
geon of voluutecrs, recently appointed and
now at Fort Crook, has been ordered to
duty In tho Philippines.
Department of (he Missouri.
Second Lieutenant Clarence S. Day of tho
Seventh cavalry. Into nldn-de-camp, has
been relieved from duty nt headquarters of
tho Department of tho Missouri and ordered
to Fort Leavenworth for duty to assist in
tho organization of the Fourteenth cavalry.
Georgo T. nigonotto of Minneapolis has
been appointed plumber at Fort Crook,
l'listotllce Clinime.
J. M. Johnson wus today appointed post
master nt Norwich, Pago county, In.
Tho numo of tho postolflco at Hlgby,
Sheridan county, Wyo has been changed to
Uoltz, with Clarence W. Hudson, post
master. Albert T. Stowart has been appointed flro
man nnd laborer In tho Sioux City postomce.
These postmasters havo been appointed:
Nebraska Lancaster. Lancaster county,
Elizabeth Davis, vice E. M. Hopkins, re
signed; Sacramento, Phelps county, A. T.
Curtis, vlco A. M. Shaffer, resigned.
Iowa Plato, Cedar couuty, E. K. niat
tier. Louis Nekls ot Independence, la., has
been appointed railway mall clerk.
A postofllco has been established ot St.
Orla, Aurora county, S. D with Royal O.
Uutterfleld as postmaster.
Postofllces discontinued;
Iowa Illsinarck, Clayton county, mall to
Nebraska Dcerfleld, Douglas county, mall
to Millard; Osco, Kearney county, mall to
South Dakota Flint. Campbell county,
mall to Lagraco.
MUaourl Mnlor Haiti to llnvr n Chuiiee
of llcconilliK Coiuiiilsloiier
of Pensions.
KANSAS CITY, March 7. Tho Star says:
There Is reason tor believing that a
tcntntlvo offer of tho office of commissioner
ot pensions, to succeed II. Clpy Evans, has
been offered Major William Warner, United
States attorney for tbo western district of
Missouri and past graud commander Grand
Army of tho Republic. When questioned
on tho subject, Major Warner said:
"1 am not now. nor havo I been nn up-
pllcant for tho position, tt Is not best to
decline a position that has not been ten
dcrcd. I am acting on that line."
It uny existed, hns passed, nnd that by tho
tlmo tho commltteo reports tho present
excitement will havo died out. Much do
pends upou tho uttltudo ot tho radical dele
gates. If nn Impassioned appeal to tho
peoplo Is Issued, us It Is rumored will bo
tho cusc. It may oauso demonstrations of
protest against tho United States. Hut
nothing In tho naturo ot an uprising la
any longer fenred.
AiihtIchii i:nortN Affected ami ot
Affected hy Itelnllnllnn Anniimt
Countervailing Duty.
WASHINGTON, Mnrch 7. A statement
prepared at tho bureau of statistics shows
that during tho last year tho export value
of American goods exported to Russia, not
affected by tbo recent decrco of tho Russian
government lu retaliation for tho counter
vailing duty Imposed by this government on
Russian sugar, was 17,598,020, while that at
fectcd umounted to $2, 872, 429. Following Is
tho statement:
Export value of articles not affected by
tho Russian retaliatory measure: Agricul
tural Implements, $1,130,730: extract oi
bark, bones, etc., UC167; books. $2,033:
broadstufffl, $934,736; vehicles and ears, $80
628: chemicals and drugs, $14,114; soft coal,
copper bars, $637,291; cotton, $2,260,448
dental goods, $1,401; emery, fibers, fish,
fruits, $89,03S; metal furniture, $9,636;
grease, gunpowder. $5,076; household ef
fects, $2,878; India rubber. $32,218; sclen
tlfle Instruments, $67,790; Iron nnd steel,
$1,354,973; firearms, $10,483; marble and
stone, $2,343; musical Instruments, $6,080;
naval stores, $220, 47C; nickel oxide, $13,363;
lubricating oils, $30,114; leather, manufac
tures of malt liquors, $27,083; paper, $7,425;
earthen, stono and chlnawnre, $1,183; par
allln, $9,890: meat and dairy products, $453,
118; salt, soap, tobacco lent, varnish, wine,
$17,317; wood nnd furniture, $55,768; wool,
manufactures of, $1,C41: total. $7,598,020.
Export valuo of articles affected wholly
or lu part by Russian decree: Builders
hardwire. Iron and steel boiler work, tanks,
articles of sheet Iron or steel, forged nails,
believed any ot tho Injuries will bo per
Tho kitchen whero the men wero at work
was located In the basement nenrly under
tho old turnkey's room, which was gutted
by tho lire. Over tho kitchen whs a heavy
tower. Tho south wall of tho tower fell
tnwnrd nnd crashed through to tho bnse-
I nient room.
Ilolln suffered several severe bruises on
Thompson. Evans nnd Hmhoni transferred
their votes from Morlan, and Sandall his
from Harlan. Other variations wore duo
solely to nbscntccs.
Tho return of Senntor Duldrlgo after lib
long absence was greeted warmly by his
colleagues. Tho senato suspended buslneis
for fifteen minutes ou bis entrance to wel
come him nnd for tho lolnt Bcstlon tin
was Invited to an easy chair at tbo sldo
tho chest. Murphy was pinioned nearly two 1 of thn jjresld.nt: officer. Nntjtrnlly-be .hna
hours under tho wrecked timber, but wns
not seriously Injured. Larson escaped with
n few scratches.
It a Uc, in of
M ny
been In great demand nil day by friend
who havo hills peudlng In tbo senato for
w-hlch they aro anxious to Bccuro his sup
port nnd vole. Ho Is still very weak, how
ever, and to husband his strength will
hardly bo nblo to be present regularly at
all tho sessions.
Ilepiihllenn Ciiiicun' DoIiik".
Tho lepubllcnn caucus, which waB ad
journed tonight, is scheduled tu meet for
tho llrst tlmo In the Llndcll hotel. An
nttcmnt WUS llllllln MOtlln lltlln nc-n In f...
was completed todny. Thu constitution us movo luo .m.ntini- nine,, from ihn
adopted permits men engaged lu rnlslng hol80 to tho llolo, or gomo othop Ulwn.
both cattio aim wieop to uccomo mcmiiers, (owu )nco ,)llt tMe1. n then went only
provided cattio raising Is their paramount K0 far ns R ri.soIutlolli cav,ig It to tho
Interest. Denver was made licndqtinrterH B,,enl(er lo ,Cslguato tbo meeting placo. and
ot the association und annual conventions ,, ..romntlv iinme.l the hall of ih., hr.o.n
lloth Cuttle nml Mieep
He Admitted lo
DENVER. March 7.-Tho organization of
tho American Cattio Growers' association
will bo held hero on tho llrst Tuesday In
March. The basis of representation Is by
individual memberships, in person or by
proxy. Each member pays nn Initiation
feo of $j. There may also be levied a tax
of 1 cent a nead on all cattio owned by
each member of tho association
Tho executlvo commltteo held a meeting
tonight at which J. W. Leary of Salt Lake
was chosen secretary nnd trafflo manager
of tho' uesoctntlon. Tho following working
board was named: A. J. Nlsblt, Arizona;
W. IL Howery. New Mexico; E. J. Simon
son. Nebraska; Alex Ilowlo, Wyoming; H
H. Robinson, Colorado; S. J. Ulimorc,
Texas: Conrad Sharer. Colorado
It wns decided to establish hcadquartors
for tho present at tho Denver stock yards
The selection of secretary was loft to tho
executlvo committee. Resolutions In favor
whero they had been meeting all tho
time. Tho speaker on thut, occasion said
his objection to tho hotel was that Its enfo
and refieshmcnt dispensary was In such
closo proximity U might Intcrforo with tho
work of tho caucus, whllo In tho stnto houso
not only was nbsoluto freedom from Intru
sion assured, but tho plo counter In tho
corridor formed no disturbing temptation.
The republican caucus tonight brought out
only thlrty-llvo members and, on account of
this small attendance, nn adjournment
taken to next Tuesday evening. No ballots
wcro tukon nor was any discussion Indulged
In by tho members prescut. Tho mealing
was called for In a room on ono ot thn up
por floors of tho Llndcll hotel, but many ot
tho members wcro not Interested enough u
Its work to leave tho dowustalrs lobby.
Tho fusion caucus culled tor tonight was
a failure, ouly a tow of tho mombers bo
ot leasing tho publlo raugo nnd denouncing
forged iron and steel, $152,273; pipes, etc.. tlio Grout bill wero adopted, after which ,nB pre!lcnti No ncllon Wns taken.
$60,078; rough castlngn, $28,40,; scales, all
other manufactures of, $148,639: machinery,
steam engines, $1,431,726: metal working,
$121,589; pumps, etc., $18C.t04; typewriters,
$170,750; gns nnd wntcr meters, dynamos,
sewing machines, knitting machines, ten
ders, etc., $531,440; all other Items, $38,41
!.,!nl ' RT? 4"f).
I.tvo stocK association, mo cuuiiuiiu'ii
nnd hereby 1b, authorized to tako tho neces
sary action to accomplish this result.'
Tho convention adjourned sine uie,
l-i . nnti vn n
1,,Mnn0 nv.nnnlntr eoncrntiilatlona to the olll- ' '"" i iiJiie.
" v ' r - - . I r. . . - - , . . i i ., . ...
mra nf Ihn National I. vo Stock nssoc nt on Dcuuier aieriu hub received nnoiuer icucr
"in ihfiir success In defeating tho Grout bill, 'rom Vice Chairman Puyno of the repub
and tho oxecutlve commltto of thlB assocla- Hcnn national committee, acknowledging
Hnn ih instructed that if. In t heir Judg- expianauou oi uie caucus summon.
ment. It Is practicable for this association " i""ur uus inn. givcu mo cnnieins out.
to h enrolled us a member of thu National but It said to icnssort simply tho hope that
.lumen I,. Mclulonh In Appointed nt
hi line' h- the President.
WASHINGTON, March 7. Tho president
today sent tbo following uomlnutloiis to tho
J. Otis Humphrey ot Illinois, district
Judgo for the southern district of Illinois ;
teeninen Center of Co-Operndve ilii-
(unl Inniirnuec Coiiipniilen'
COLUMHUS, 0.. March 7. Tho annual
an election may be brought about before the
adjournment, together with tho Information
thnt Mr. Payne Is shortly to sail for Eur
Mclklc John it I'rMntc Citizen.
Tho announcement of tho appointment ut
Colonel William Carey Sanger of .Vow York
to bo assistant secretary of wur, marking
tho retirement ot Mr. Mclklojohn from that.
position, has elicited considerable com
ment, although It was not altogether unex
pected. Mr. Melklcjohu has held publlo
... . ... i . i.i... r.. oflleo so lone and so continuously that It Is
Thomas Worthington of Illinois, attorney election oi inu .uuuuui m.mwiiuii . . ' , , t , d nrivt0 ci.
for tho Southern district of Illinois; Operative Mutual Insurance companies was 1VC'?'
Charier. S. Wilson of Maine, secretary ot the held hero today, following which tho con- ; J Ml o ho W v , It out th. ho
legation to Greece, Roumanla nnd Servln. vcntlon adjourned to meet In St. Paul tho would not bo Lontinutd 1 tho nr
' Volunteer Army-Sergeant Major Walter flrst Tuesday In March. 1902. ccuS a tttlo o'a seaMn the senato by
eCCUllU lIUUHJllUMki iutv tiiuauiuu tmti i jj voiucilti a w , vv ........,
H. Loving, Forty-eighth infantry, to
second lieutenant.
Regulars Acting assistant surgeons, U, S
A., to bo assistant surgeons, with rank of
llrst lieutenant James Franklin Edwnrds
of Pennsylvania, Jny Ralph Shook of Pcnn
sylvnnln, William Eugene Voso of Mnry
land, Frank inomos woouDury oi rcnnsyi
James L. Mcintosh, Jr., to bo receiver ot
publlo moneys nt Sidney, Neb
l'h Hleluii of Former I'rmlilent lie-
elliifH to Say Whether Grip
Ih the Only Trouble.
CHICAGO. March 7. A special to tho
TlmcB-Hcrnld from Indianapolis, Ind., says:
General Ilenjaiuln Harrison Is vory sick
secretary-treaBurer, W. B. Llnch, Lin
coin. Neb.; vlco presldent-at-lnrgo,
W. D. Doam, Ohio; Btato vlco
presidents, Dr. J. Saunders, Indiana;
W. II. Flowers, Missouri; A. D. names,
Wisconsin ; W. D. Gnsche, Kansas; C. N
Doane, Iuwa; O. L. Lynch, Colorado; F.
J. Martin, Oregon; E. T. Stnplo, Texus;
W. II. Rundlu, Illinois; II. R. Stouffer, Ne
braska; C. II. Stanton, New York; M. G. I..
Roberts, Tennessee; W. P. Presster, Ar
kansas; I II. Yates, Minnesota; F. A
Hagans, Ohio; J. M. Galhin, Mississippi;
Si J. Moomaw, Virginia.
It was decided lo establish n central of.
flco at Lincoln, Nob, Judgo K. M. Coflln
will be In chargo us general counsol tor
tbo association
MovenienlH of Oeeuii VewnelN .Murch 7.
At Now York Arrived Cuflc. from Liver-
iciijuiuui oo ij "in -J,,. Au,r.lm. from Itntlelil.nn. Hulle.l
at his rcsldenco on North Delaware street. !i,u HretugnL, for Havre; KarWruhe, for
Ills phynlclan refuses to discuss bis case Hnsmen.
iiuill ouw
without permission from the fnmlly and
this wns refused by Mrs, Harrison this
evening. Sho taid the general Is suffering
from thn grip, but his condition was not
considered alarming. When usked If tho
patient wns suffering from uny complication
of his disease, and particularly as to prom
chlal nffectlun, Dr. Henry Jnmeson, who
was with General Harrison for moro than
an hour this evening, refused to answer.
At Hremcn Arrived Lniin,
York, via Houtliainpion,
.t ijueensiown .vrrivcn iuw cummin,
from HoKtnn, for Liverpool, Hnlkd-Mnjcs.
tic. for Now York; WiieHland, for Phlhidnl
pbla (both for Llvirpooli.
At Glasgow Hailed, March 5-Coiintliluii,
for Philadelphia,
At ntiiniltur Hailed KalKorlno Maria
Theresla, from Genoa nnd Naples, for Now
At i.undoit aaucu .iicnoniiucc, ior jncw
been only from ono end ot Pennsylvania
avenuo to tho other. Some ot the politicians
hero aro Inclined to regard his early ro
tlremvut as nn Indication that tho adminis
tration Is not particularly concerned In his
campaign, otherwlso ho would havo been
retained until tbo senatorial contest had
reached nn outromc. Personal differences
with Secretory Root are Biipposed also to
havo bad something to do with tho prompt
acceptance of Mr. Mclklejohn's resignation.
Ever slnco the opening or tno legislature It
has been assorted that Mr. Mclklojohn was
tho administration candldnto for senator,
nnd this Impression has been carefully
nursed by bis friends nnd managora ns a
valuablo part of his political capital. Mr.
Molklojohn docs not think It necessary for
him to go back to Washington at tho pres
ent time to nrrango personally for turning
over tho olllco to his successor.
Three Holdup .SciipeKoatx.
Tho .report ot the holdup Investigating
commltteo submitted this morning was
tamenesH personified In view of the oppor
tunity offered to show up eomo of tho
crcoked work In ami outsldo the lobby. Ex
cept for three notorious leglslatlvo ou
huugers not a person Is mentioned, but a
clean bill nf health Is given nil ihn
honornblo members of tho legislature,
who are
every one of them
participation lu or