Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Habraskn Wiibei to Place St&U Oonriots in
Iowa Ftniteatiarj.
Jatlgr Tedford if .Mount Ayr Will lie
llin from the Urnch-Dn Jlolne
Athletic Club Want tu
Have Prize l'lizht.
DE3 MOINES, March 2. (Special.) Gov
ernor Shaw this morning received a tele
gram from Governor Dietrich of Nebraska,
asking If Iowa could Accommodate tome of
the Nebraska prisoners temporarily until
the penitentiary could bo rebuilt at Lin
coin or other provision be made for car
lag for the prisoners. Governor Shaw Is
on his way to Washington, but the matter
was taken under advisement by Chairman
Klnno of tho State Board of Control, which
board has full control of the two Iowa
itato penitentiaries. Judge Klnne Imme
diately wrote to the wardens of the two
penitentiaries, in regard to the matter and
an answer Is expected Monday, but It Is
certain that If terms can bo agreed upon
soine of tho Nebraska prisoners can bo
cared for In Iowa for a short time.
The last reports showed that thero were
442 prisoners at Fort Madison and 4S7 at
Anamosa, The prison at Anamosa has had
at one time over 600 prisoners In It, and
that at Fort Madison has accommodated
many more than at present. Tho wardens
wilt be opposed to taking more prisoners
because It will greatly Increase tho work
of caring for them, as many will have to
bo doubled In the cells. All the cells are
arranged, however, for double berths, and
If the prisoners are not unruly the doubling
can bo done without much harm.
Inwa has a number of federal prisoners
In tho state penitentiary and for the keep
ing of theso tho state receives 35 cents a
day. A few years ago a number of pris
oners from along tho Mexlcnn border were
received and cared for, but all are now out.
The number of prisoners In the Iowa peni
tentiaries has been decreasing for some
time. It Is reasonable to expect that Iowa
wilt ray to Nebraska that from fifty to 100
can be taken at each of the state peniten
tiaries without serious Inconvenience.
Ilrrnkn 111 l'nrole.
Tho executive office was Informed thl,
morning that Frank Ausburne, a paroled
prisoner from Woodbury county, will bo
taken to the state penitentiary again on
Monday. Ausburno was serving tlmo for
robbery at Smlthland, but on petition of
nearly all the residents of Smlthland he was
released. Some time ago the governor was
notified that be was violating his parolo
and ought to be sent back. Early last
month tho sheriff of Woodbury county ar
rested him, but beforo he had got him out
of Smlthland permitted him to escape. To
day ho was arrested again on order from
the governor and will finish his sentence.
mv Corporations.
The Worklngmen's Mutual Accident asso
ciation hus been organized at New Hart
ford, la., with F. W. Paulger, 0. M, Bron
son, N. C. Mack, M. R. Hughes and Loclalr
Martin as Incorporators. Tho company Is
strictly mutual In Its plan of operations.
The Earllng Drug company, with a capi
tal of $2,000, has been organized at Earllng,
Shelby county, by Lewi Sherctt, president;
I.. O. Powell, vice president, and P. J.
Korth, secretary.
Foil ml (inlltr of Murder,
John Davis was this morning found guilty
of murder by a jury at Knoxvlllc. Davis
was accused ot having killed a young man
named William Holloway at a danco at the
homo of Davis near Weir City. A quarrel
ensued and Holloway was struck by a stick
of wood thrown through an open door and
almost llnstantly killed.
Jo dire Tedford to HralRii,
Judge J. II. Tedford ot Mouut Ayr has
written friends In Dei Moines that It is his
Intention to resign from the bench at an
early date. He has been tn Ill-health for
somo tlmo and his physicians fear that If
he continues hard work ho will break
down completely. Judge Tedford is an asso
ciate of Judge Towner, the two represent
ing the Bamo district In southwestern Iowa,
and If Towner should be nominated for su
premo Judge, (or which he Is a candidate,
It would mean two new Judges tn that dis
trict. To Ctft to Philippine-,.
Rev. Homer D. Stuntz will leave Iowa
this week for San Francisco and will soon
sail for the Philippines to accept the
proffered post of presiding elder of the
Methodist church for the Manila district.
Dr. Stuntz has been engaged In pastoral
work at Mount Vernon, la., but In well
qualified for the position ho will assume,
as he has had experience In missionary
fields He will be nccompanted to Manila
by Rev. W, A. Ooodell, pastor of the Metho
dist church at Blalrstown, la., who will act
as bis assistant.
Ready tu Become .Soldier.
Two of the new companies of the Iowa
National guard which are to take the places
of other companies mustered out are now
ready to bo sworn In and this will be done
as soon as the adjutant general returns
from Washington. These are the com
panies at Albla and Wlnterset. The orders
for the three companies wore Issued at tho
same time, but unfortunately the company
at Atlantic Is not organized as yet.
The new company at Albla Is being or
ganlzed by a young man who was an offl
cer In the volunteer regiments from Iowa
during tho Spanish war and ho has gath
crcd about him a fine company of young
men At Wlnterset the organization was
entrusted to a young lawyer, who has had
I'll yolclmm Ilccomuirnd It, DraKslits
SHI It, Kverj lod- 1'ialm It.
If we could sell one package of Pyramid
Pile Cure to every parson In America who Is
troubled with piles and who would gladly
Rive tho SO cents to be rid of piles, we
would havo about ten million dollars. The
only reason that we don't sell that many
packages this year la that we wilt not be
able to get ten million people to try It.
Just one application will prove Its merit
nnd amply repay the cost of a whole box.
The effect Is Immediate. Comfort comes
at once and continued treatment will cure
any cast no matter how bad,
Pyramid Pile Curo soothes the Inflamed
surface the Instant It touches It, heals It,
reduces the swelling and puts the parts Into
a healthy, active condition. There Is no
substitute for It. Nothing compares with
We have never heard of a single case that
It failed to cure; we have heard of thous
ands that It has cured quickly and com
Here are a couple of letters recently re
From Geo. C. Qelck, Owens Mill, Mo.:
"Some time ago I bought a package of
Pyramid Pile Cure for my wife who had
suffered very much. The first trial did her
more good than anything alio has over tried.
It Is Just what Is claimed for It."
From Richard Loan, Whipple, Ohio;
"I have used the Pyramid Pile Cure and
am entirely pleased and satisfied with re
sults. It does the work and no mistake."
The proprietors of the Pyramid Pile Cure
could publish columns of similar letters,
but these are enough to show what It will
do In different cases.
All druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure or
will get it for you. It Is 50 cents per pack
age and made only by the Pyramid Drug
uc, or Marshall, Mich.
no experience In the volunteer service nor
In the guard, but was In charge of a cadet
company while nt the State university
and made a fine record.
It Is learned there was some disappoint
ment at Wlnterset over the selection of a
physician to make the examinations, but
there was no effort to rebel against the
selection of the surgeon general. Wlnterset
baa bvien trying to get Into the guard fot
a good many years. Both the Wlnterset
and Albla companies will be organized In
time to take part In the annual encamp
ments this year and It Is hoped that tho
third company will also be ready at that
Trite Fight for Den Stolnea.
An athletic club has been formed In Des
Moines tor the purpose ot trying to se
cure a prize fight ot first-class nature
and It Is expected that a bid will be made
for the Jeffrles-Ruhlln match. Efforts to
locate this match In Illinois and Ohio have
failed, and, while Governor Shaw has de
clared that he will enforce the laws to
the letter and prevent any prize fighting
anywhere in Iowa, tho men who are form
ing tho Athlettc club havo secured legal
advice to the effect that tho Iowa laws csn
bo evaded with ease and the power of th)
state government be defied with perfect
safety. The club will contain a number
ot professional men and leading citizens
and will havo abundance ot money back
of It.
.Alnny renaloner Ule.
The records ot tho Des Moines pension
office for the Iowa-Nebraska pension dis
trict show that the pensioners are passing
away with great rapidity During Feb
ruary there were 163 deaths reported to
this office ot persons who were on tho pen
sion rolls here. During the samo time
thero were 170 original pensioners added,
eighteen of whom were from tlrt war with
Spain and one a widow ot a Mexican war
soldier. Tho pension payments for the
month from this office amounted to $31,-
Southern loun Ludcrtiikers.
Tho eleventh annual meeting of the Asso
ciation of Funeral Directors for southern
Iowa was held this week In Oskaloosa.
Thomas Zook of Albla, vice president, was
elected president to succeed S, O, Hcrsman
of Red Oak; O. C. Scott of Ottumwa was
made vice president and Tracey Osborne ot
New Sharon succeeds W. S. Cutler of Col
fax as secretary and treasurer. The new
olllcers composo the board of directors with
Mark Starr of Slgoumey, J. B. McCurday
of Oskaloosa and A. D. Woodruff of Grin-
noil. Tho next meeting will be held In
Crush In Yard nt Clinton and lln
Klnerr and Firemen Are
CLINTON. Ia.. March 2. rsnerlt tvia.
gram.) Northwestern passenge train No.
18 collided with a freight train whllo run
ning fifteen mlies an hour In tho yards
this morning. Engineer Keofe of Clinton
and Fireman P. P. Mott of Doone were
seriously Injured. Both ennuen were inHl
damaged and several cars derailed, the main
line being blocked for three hours. The
accident was caused by a misplaced swlth.
Hoy Killed liy "WnRon.
BOONE, la.. March 2. (Snrrlnl a
Fraser, yesterday afternoon, Dannie
Wright, tho 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Wright, was run over by a team whllo
playing In the street and Instantly killed,
his skull being fracturod and neck broken.
Ilnrlnl at Storm Lake.
STORM LAKE, la.. March 2. fSneriMA
The body of Ruth Katherine Springer
wno uieu,or pneumonia In Sioux City, waj
brought hero for burial on Tuesday, ac-
COmDanletl hv tho nr.,. r r1'K.. J n
Stauffer of Sioux City.
I-IKnre Riven for United State Steel
Corporation In liy .Morgan an
if,-t, o(M),ooo.
NEW YORK. March 5.A nirou. .a.
dressed by J. P. Morgan & Co. to the stock
holders of the Federal Steel company, Na
tional Steel company. National Tubo com
pany, American Steel nnd Wire company.
American Tin Plate company, American
Steel Hoop company and American Sheet
Steel company, which together with the
Carnegie company are to bo merged Into tho
uuucu amies ateoi corporation, was Issued
It recites the previously known terms of
exchange of securities of the constituent
companies and Is 81lnnlemenf 1 Kv a
dress of the board of directors of the vari
ous companies urging acceptance ot the
terms on the sen nt tAupoA i
larger net earnings without advances In
prices or manufactured products.
In order to carry nut thn .
the consolidation tho capitalization of the
unuea. aiatcs ateel corporation will be
$1,154,000,000. Of this amount lir. nnn nnn
Is 7 per cent cumulative preferred stock.
an equal amount of common stock and
$504,000,000 of 6 per cent bonds,
The bonds ore to be used only In ac
quiring the bonds and 60 per cent of the
stock of the Carnegie company. An under
writing syndicate of $200,000,000 has been
formed to finance the plan. J. p. Morgan
& Co. will manage the syndlcato and ex
change tho bonds and stocks of the new
corporation for those of the subordinate
companies and $25,000,000. The syndicate
Is to retain all stocks not required for
the acquisition of the combining companies.
Negotiable receipts will be Issued, for the
doposlts ot stcck at the depositories desig
nated. a
ChlORO Jury Grants Verdict In
Favor of John
CHICAGO, March 2. Judge Kohlsaat In
the district court today sustained the ac
tion ot a Jury which gave a verdict In
favor of tho "Pony Express" system against
the United States Express company and
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad
company. He decided, however, that the
verdict for $2,000 In favor of the plain
tiff, John F. Lund, was excessive, and that
halt that amount would have to bo returned
If a new trial Is to be avoided.
The "Pony Express" system Is the name
giving the methods employed by out-of-town
"purchasing agents" who buy goods
tn the city and carry them back as per
sonal baggage, the express companies thus
being deprived of what they conslderod
their legltlmato business.
la Held 'in Cavalry Protestant Church
Private Services Held
In Home,
NEW YORK, March 2. Funeral services
over the body of former Senator William
M. Evarts were held In Cavalry Protestant
Episcopal church today. Before the service
In the church there were private services
at the late home of the deceased on Second
avenue, at which only the Immediate rela
tives were present. The church was
crowded. Rev. James Lowls Parks offl
elated, assisted by Bishop Leonard of Ohio
and Bishop Potter. The pallbearers wero
Sidney Webster, William Allen Buller. .1
Plerpont Morgan. John E. Parsons, Carl
Schurz, John L. Cadwalader, Samuel Sloan,
Whltelaw Held, Benjamin F. Tracy and
Thomas B, Reed. ,
After the serlces the body was taken to
Windsor, Vt., for Interment,
South Dakota Legislator in Oaucui Dioidei
on Rsmoril,
ow Only Wnlt-, the Slmintnre nf the
(lot ernor Project for Library
nnd Illntorlonl IlnllUlntz I
PIERRE, S. D., March 2. (Special Tele
gram.) A legislative caucus today decided
on Mitchell as the site for the state cap
ital. The old plan ot all favoring the proj
ect with an agreement to stand by tho
town having the highest number ot caucus
votes came up. The caucus last night
failed to reach any agreement and another
was called to get the conflicting Interests
together. A test vote on recess to 3 o'clock
to secure time for the noon caucus was
carried by a majority of two In the house.
Tho caucus took three ballots to settle
on a place, tho points voted on being
Watertown, Rcdfleld, Sioux Falls and
Mitchell. Mitchell won on the third ballot.
In the senate, on motion of Englesby, tho
apportionment committee was ordered to
report Monday. The conference report on
tho wolf bounty bill was adopted, as It
was In tho house, and the bill now goes
to tho governor. The deficiency bill for
Fred Evans on his soldiers' homo contract,
which was lost yesterday, was reconsid
ered and made a special order for Monday.
An unfavorable report on Martin's bill to
tax the product of mines was rejected by
tho senate by a decisive vote and the bill
goes on the calendar.
The bill for reorganization of the Hoard
of Charities nnd Corrections, which passed
the house yesterday, was passed in the
senate after several vain protests on the
part of Its opponents, Loomls moving to
strike out that portion ot It which applies
to tho present board, but falling. John
son of Douglass moved to strike out the
emergency clause, Insisting that the only
emergency which exists Is that ot those who
desire to secure tho places to be opened
by tho bill. It passed with the necessary
two-thirds and Immediately went to the
governor and has been approved.
I.lhrnry Appropriation Killed.
Tho senate went Into committee of the
whole on the general appropriation bill
and tho only chango of Importance was the
striking out of tho item of $5,000 for a
library and historical building. Loomls op
posed this and Stewart took the position
that It was a matter for the people of the
whole state and ho did not care whether It
was cut out or not. Several other changes
were made nnd tho bill was adopted with
out material change.
The senate went Into executive session
and confirmed the appointments of tho gov
ernor for the new Board of Soldiers' Home
commissioners, which Is tho old board re
appointed. Tho house passed a few minor bills and
gave Speaker Somcrs hu chair and gavel.
The special appropriation bills for build
ings were taken up and the bills pushed
through, aggregating $276,000. Tho appro
priations were: For tho Aberdeen Normal,
$30,000; School of Mines, $20,000; Agricul
tural college. $50,000; Deaf Muto school,
$3,500, Springfield Normal, $18,000; State
university, $40,000; Insane asylum, $53,000;
mllttla, $3,000, and several small bills per
taining to Individuals,
By consent Gross Introduced a bill to
create a new Board of Charities and Correc
tions of three members with a salary of
$1,500 per year each. Tho general appro
priation bill was taken up and passed with
but minor amendments, tho only one of
Importance being to add $6,000 to the Rcd
fleld asylum appropriation. Then carno
tho battlo of the capital removal people,
who had a largo majority In the house.
The speaker was with the majority, and ho
recognized his friends, which resulted In a
continuation of tho effort to adjourn from
about ti o'clock until 11:50, when n com
promise was reached, and tho capital bill
was Introduced and made a special order
for Monday afternoon.
Will Instruct Ilenrenen tutl ve tn Stnti
Legislature to Secure It lie.
mot nl from Pierre.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., March 2. (Special
Telegram.) At a mass meeting of citizens
today to discuss the question of the re
moval of the state capltol from Pierre,
which is now before the legislature, a reso
lution was adopted, with only a few dissent
ing votes, asking Mayor Burniide to In
struct the Sioux Falls representatives In
the legislature to secure the removal of
the capital to Sioux Falls and to pledga
tho city to provide a capltol building and
site without expense to tho state.
Drover Mimt Pay Tux.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., March 2. In the case
of John Kelly against County Assessor
Rhodes the supreme court has sustained
tho decision of Oae district court, uphold
ing tho right of tho state to tax shcop
which wero being driven through the state
from Utah to Nebraska. Kelly sought to
evade the tax, but the court held that as
tho sheep grazed while In transit, tho tax
did not conflict with tho Interstate com
merce law3, on which ground Kelly sought
Drop Dead After Arrent.
HUnON. S. D March 2. (Special Tele
gram.) J.. J. Benasb, wanted here on the
cbargo of selling mortgaged property and
for whose arrest a reward has been offered,
was captured in Edgely, N. I)., yesterday
and an hour later dropped dead. Sheriff
Kerr of this city was aslted today what
should be done with the body.
Hoy Killed hy ruther'M (inn.
HURON. S. D.. March 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Robert Cowon, living at Alpcm.
returned from hunting Thursday evening,
placing his rifle beside tho barn while he
went In. His 4-yecr-old son got hold of the
gun, yhlch was discharged, the ball passing
through his head, kilting him Instantly.
netting a New Crop of llnlr nnd Unit
No .More Diuiilruir.
Everybody In the northwest knows Colo
nel Daniel Searles. tho veteran Journalist
and publicist of Butte. January 10, 1900,
the colonel writes: "I used a couple of
bottles of Newbro's Herplclde with mar
velous results. The dandruff disappeared,
a new crop of hair has taken root, anil tbu
bald spot Is rapidly being covered," Herpl
clde Is the only hair preparation that kills
the dandruff germ that digs up the scalp
In scales as it burrows Its way to tho root
of tfie hair, where It destroys the vitality
of the hair, causing the hair to fall out.
Kill the dandruff germ with Herplclde.
To lie Roosevelt'. IVrxoiml i:eort.
CHICAGO, March 2. The Roosevelt Rough
Rider clubs of Minneapolis and St. Paul ar
rived hero at 10:10 a. m. today and departed
at noon for Washington, where, according
to present plans, they will act as Colonel
Roosevelt's personal escort during tho In
augural demonstrations.
Ilrcnrr Cut PrU-rx.
HAI.TIMOIIK. March 2. -A price-cutting
wur between the Maryland Hrowlng com-
fiany and the Independent breweries was
naugurated this mornliiK by a reduction In
the prlco of beer from j6'to Jl.50 a barrel
upon the part of tho company.
This cut was met by some of the Inde
pendent concerns, wh'lc oth'TM nude reda
tlons ranging from in t nu tu ;i v. barrul.
I made up my mind, soon after graduating .
from college, that no one man was great I
enough to master the entire field of medt ,
cine, and surgery. Many physicians have
tried to do this, but they havs met with re
i ults usually disappointing to themselves 1
and often disastrous to their patients. For i
this reason I determined early In my pro
fessional career to confine my practlc '
strictly to a single llns of disease and to
originating and perfecting cures for thm.
I therefore treat only what I am abso
lutely certain that I can positively cure to
SEXUAL DEBILITY and all reflex compli
cations and assoclato diseases and weak
nesses of men. To these maladies alone
many of the best years of my life have
been earnestly devoted and on Uiem alt my
f acumen nr ini,i,.nltAt(-,1 r.,- - . J
-- ..... - ........... jt iuiiailil-1-
tlon and operating rooms are thoroughly
equipped with every scientific apparatus.
Instrument and device tMontlal to the most
modern methods of prnctlce and our refer
ences, both professional and financial, are
among the bst citizens ot this vlclnltv
who havo been cured by us and made
happy. I want every afflicted man to
freely and fully Investigate our treatment
Lach case Is treated separately, sclentlflc
olly. closely watching It and carefully fol
lowing Its symptoms with remedies varied
i3?J2H?. every s,s- t. T'19 -e that
constitute my specialty are more fully
commented on below and aro well worthy
the careful perusal of nil men In need of
medical attention.
Its tnjiirloui affect Is well known It de-' '
l.resso., the mind, weakens The bSdy. rocks
r,'?,'1""1? "nd "'"mfttcly leads tS '
a com -4vte loss of sosual power. if vou
am a i.ciim of this dlro disease come to
my omct und let mo explain to vou m
process of treating it You will then c.t ,
yonder why 1 have posltvelj cured hun
rtrcds of cares of Varlenrele durlns the
rast twelve months. Under my treatment
M.'LpaUVlf 1"Proyes from the very begin
nlng. All pat,, Instantly cei..s. lor",
nesy and swelling quickly subside. Th"
pools of stagnant blood ar- forced from
he dilated veins, which rapidly issunS
Alt Indications of and weaknesi
wllfFI.1'1,0' V 1,0Per nnU the Pleasure of
perfect health and restored manhood.
It matters not how long you have suf
ercd from Stricture, nor how many dlf
ercnt doctors have disappointed you. Our
treatment will euro youJust as certainly
- vtUn 4jv4 svuurcsa
pppfASS Electro-Medical Institute,
PERMANENTLY LOCATED 1308 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
REFERENCES: Best Banks and Leading Business Men In this City.
CONSULTATION inp erson or by letter FREE. Office hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a, m. to . p. m.
Other Cuntpniilrn Willing to Come
In, but Promoter I)u .ot
Want Th cm,
NEW YORK, March 2. It has been
learned from a well-informed source that
circulars signed by the directors ot each ot
the companies which ore to bo taken Into
the United States Steel corporation have
been prepared and will be sent out at once
to tho stockholders. These circulars staia
the terms named by J. Plerpont Morgan a
Co. for exchange ot the stock, nddlng that
tho signing directors have agreed to turn
In their holdings on thoso terms, nnd ad
vising the other stockholders also con
sent to exchange their shares for stock of
the new corporation.
It Is reported that several additional
steel companies arc desirous of being taken
Into the new combination. Their name3 are
not mentioned, but It is hinted that among
them nro the Tennessee Coal and Iron com
pany and tho Schloss-Shcfilcld Iran and
Steel company. Doth are southern com
panies. In financial circles, however, as
well as In the trade. It Is believed that
the United States Steel corporation will
not, for the present at least, absorb any
companies other than those already ac
cepted by the underwriting syndicate, al
though It Is said that the American Brldgo
company may come in at some future date.
JuiIko Thomnn Snnpenila MlKht-Yrur
Sentence- iintl l'lne IlurliiK
Good Ilelinlvor.
MUSKOGEE, I. T., March 2. The winding
up of tho Snake trouble came today In the
United States court as arranged last week
between Chltto Harjo and his band of In
dians, through his attorneys. It was agreed
that they all plead guilty before United
States Sanson to conspiracy. After plead
ing, they were called Into the United States
court, which was In regular session, Judge
Thomas presiding, and then, after a very
forcible charge on the grave offense
charged against Snake and band, he sen
tenced them to eight years in the peniten
tiary and a fine ot $250 each, but agreed to
suspend sentence It they would go to their
homes' and not commit any such acts again.
The court houso was crowded and many
prominent pcoplo were present, among
them Chief Porter, who made a talk to the
Movement of Occnn Vrsnrln Mnreli .'t.
At New York Sailed Columhln, for Unm
burir. via Plymouth and Cherbourir: nntter-
dam. for Rotterdnm, via Boulogne: Etrurla,
for Liverpool; Ethiopia, ror OIbsrow; Phoe
nicia, for Hamburg; Trnvc. for Naples, etc.;
Minnehaha, for London. Arrived Lucanla.
from Liverpool; t'ntrla, from Marseilles;
"-rlnzesrtn Victoria Louise, returning from
West Indian crulso.
At Liverpool Sailed Umbrla, for New
At Auckland Sailed Sonoma, from Syd
ney, N. S. W.. for San Francisco, via Hono
lulu. At AntwernSnlled Switzerland, for Phil.
ndelphln; Kenslnnton. for New York.
At iiiivre auiieu iti i.nampagne. ror
New York.
T TTWTll I i I
Do Not
Cure All
, r-ltillof 1. ltM f If ..... .!'.
Specialist In Discnsosof Men and Consulting IMiVMlclan of the StatcEIce
tro '.Mcdlcul Institute, 1U0S Fiirnam St.. Oinalin. Neh.
as you come to our office, for treatment. I
will not do It by dilating or cutting. My
treatment Is now. entirely original with me
and perfectly painless. It completely dis
solves the Stricture and permanently re
moves every obstruction from the urinary
passage. It stops everj unnatural dis
charge, allays all Inflammation. reducs the
prostate gland when enlarged, rleanses
find healu the bladder nnd kidneys when Ir
ritated and congested. Invigorates the sex
ual organs and reitores health and wound-ne-.s
to every part of the bouy affected by
the disease.
Nervo-Sexual Debility
Men. many of you nre now reaping the j
, - . " , , uuii i" lorn un
less you do something for yourself Thers I
Is no time to lose. Impotency, like all
w.l i?'"""' nev'r on ,he "tandstlll.
With If V n ,1 nnn mot.. .. .. ,
- ---- - . . . . , , j lumpruniise
hither you must master It or It wilt master
you and fill vour whole future with misery
and lm1,r-rtliQV,l. i i..... .' . r)
jm.ny cases of this kind that I am is tl
'miliar with them as you are with the very
j Snm Mny Sn)M Ho 't-rnvoloil Iiioor
) nltu to Avoid Dimmer from
CHICAGO, March 2. Sam Moy, the
"King of Chinatown," whoso failure to re
turn here yesterday from Kansas City, gave
rlso to fears for his Bafcty, arrived hero
i today. Sam Moy Is one of the most Influ
ential celestials tn tho west and two weeks :
ago went to Kansas City In an endeavor to j
effect harmony between wafrlng Chinese!
secret societies. j
"I traveled Incognito most of the time." i
said be, "and the faction which seeks my
life had no chance to attack me."
Jinn Who Clnlms Ills Skull Wit l-'rnc-turi'i!
Neekft nniiiiiKs from
Kinjiln cr.
Charles II. Hargadlne says his skull was
fractured and that he was otherwise In
jured while working on nn Illinois Central
bridge for Contractor Edward W. Raymond
last June. Ho holds both Mr. Raymond and
the railroad company responsible for tho
accident and has begun suit against them
In the district court for 20,150 damages,
I'm me llivelllimr llurnrd.
At 3 o'clock this morning lire destroyed
a one-story frame dwelling occupied by
Allan A. and Edward Covington ut Sit
North Twenty-First street. Mrs. Coving
ton, a woman of middle age and an in
valid, had to be carried from her bed to
the homo of a neighbor. The blazo orig
inated when a gasoline stove was lighted
to heat some water.
Tho house was owned by Dr. Paul nnd
was Insured. The furniture was not In
sured. It was a three-room cottage. The
Iosh Is (200.
Perfect Tin Can OrKnnlzntlnn.
NEW YORK, March 2. According to a
special from Baltimore to the Tribune, the
consolidation of the tin can manufacturing
Interests of the I'nlted States has
practically been effected. The money re
quired to finance the deal, estimated at
over J10,00O,OX, It Is sold, has been placed
on deposit by bondholders In New York.
Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore banks
The leading Baltimore manufacturers held
out for a long time against the promoters.
Insisting that they bo paid In cash Instead
ot stock. Tho promoters offered half cash
and half stock, but the manufacturers In
sisted on all cash, and upon this basis tho
deal Is effected.
.VlnrrlnRe Llrenno,
The following marrlago licenses nero Is
sued yesterday:
Name and Residence. Aje.
Loren R. Franklin. Council Bluffs 25
Q race Antel, South Omaha 21
Snnto Marasco, Omaha 2S
Rosa Cardumone, Omaha 24
Charles H. Nordwnll. Omaha ?J
Dorothy II. Pomy. Omaha 21
George Hudelsnn, Blair 24
Esslo A. Tnlt, Omaha , 23
Jens W. Jorgensen, South Omaha 27
Christina Petersen. South Omuha 35
Allan J. Hill, Mexico. Mo 3a,
lledwig F. J. Oouler. Butte, Mop.t 31
All the bad backs in Omaha, can b cured. No doubt about it.
But don't delay. You can't uil'ord to neglect a backache. A stitching, twitch
ing, aching back is the kidneys' cry for help. Sharp, quick twinges, slow,
exhaustive aches Simply early symptoms of kidney ills.
cure kidneys right the aching back correct the urinary troubles Make well
men and women.
Are doing it right here in Omaha every day.
Here's proot ol it j
Mrs. Michael Tosonery of No. 505 12th street, ssys: "My back often chd to as- -
verely that I could hardly stand It. I have been at times so that I could scsrcel7 1
move or.d to stoop was an utter Impossibility. To add to my ralMery. trouble with th I
kidney secretions existed and I wan constantly trying something to cure me, but a !
ture never came. My husband got Donn'u Kidney Pills for me at Kuhn U Co.'s druj J
store, corner 15th and Douglas streets, and after tcklng them for a week, much to my
surprise and ctnsldcrably more to my gratification, the long standing trouble dlsap. !
peared. Send anyone In Omaha to mo If they want a personal recommendation of i
Doan's Kidney Pills,"
Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale at all drue stores-50c n hox !
Foster, Milburn
Only, and
..! I ., ...
davllehf n, .a u
asaln ha h?tlf.r5rf "AX? ""' '?u n"v'r
SfematurenSi. L.n"h f m "'"n. drains,
S...m.. rvLir."' ma" or w?k organs, nerv
" ' . memory. loss of ambition or
Kiuiiiiniiiii wnirn rob you of your
manhood and absolutely unfit you for
I??. it" "n1, r'ftore you to what nature
tnt...,i..V . V. . - U'J l" wnnl nature
... " - urunj, nappy ninn
phyjIcaU mental and sexual powers
Blood Poison
..iV,, ii "i i . '"ennui niaeousness
LOntaelOUft Hlnnri Pfl inn I. -AMM..I.. ,-
the king if venerea dl.;V. ' Tt miy b. ' ' Vu, "r"e a tU" anA un
either hereditary or contacted. Once th! ' reM hls,ory -ur case, plainly stat
system is tainted with It. the disease may tnt 'our symptoms, Physicians having
manifest Itself hi th form of scrofula, m. 'stubborn cases to treat are rordlnllv in.
IjolnM SnwtToVirK;, w ,r "w.0,,,n
ijoinis, eruptions Or copper-colored SDOts on
,i thStoSiue- sore Vfe ih!i n,,u,hw
'fill 25? nt n!i?aiv'?iLe" ion,"l,j
a a
Ante Room Echoes.
The Scottish Rito Masons havo all prep
arations made for the Initiation aud enter
talnment ot candidates and visitors at the
annual reunion, which begins one week
from Tuesday. Tho Nobles ot the Mystic
Shrine have decided to hold no ceremonial
session this month, placing tho date ot
that event some time In May.
Washlugton lodge No. 145. Knights ot
Pythias, was Instituted at Calhoun, Neb.,
last week by G. E. French, grand com
dander, assisted by members ot the
Pythian lodgo of Blair. A full set ot olll
cers was Installed and sixteen candidates
Initiated. At tho clo?e of tho work a ban
quet was spread at the hotel.
A number of Pythlans of Omaha made a
fraternal visit to tho lodge at Elkhorn
Wednesday evening.
All of the local camps of the Modern
Woodmen of America are Interested In mak
ing arrangements to attend the meeting ot
tho head camp, which convenes In St. Paul
In June, Committees have been appointed
to take up the matter of railroad transport
ation and tho Omaha lodges hope to secure
an exceedingly low rate for the trip. It
has been determined that the drill teams
of B. & M. camp, Beech camp, Maple camp
and Magnolia camp wl.ll not only attend the
head camp meeting, but will take part In
the meeting ot the Foresters of the order,
making an attempt to secure at least a part
of the ,"),000 which has been donated by
the citizens of St. Paul to be used for
prizes for the best drilled teams.
Clematis camp. Royal Neighbors ot Amer
ica, will be the guests ot Pansy camp
Wednesday evening.
The united lodges ot the Ancient Order
ot United Workmen ot Omaha have decided
to make an active campaign to secure the
headquarters of the grand lodge ot the
stato for Omaha. Tho headquarters are
now at Grand Island and are not con
veniently situated for the majority ot the
members of the Jurisdiction. Since the tem
ple association purchased permanent quar
ters In Omaha the members of the lodges In
the city fee.; that (he grand lodge head
quarters should bo removed to the center
ot the largest, membership. Tho question
will bo decided at the grand lodge meeting
In May.
The degrco teams of Union Pacific lodge
and of North Omaha lodge. Ancient Order
of United Workmen, will meet in corapotl
tlvo drill on the evening of Saturday.
April 13.
A number of Omaha Kulghts of Pythias
paid a fraternal und social visit to Antlers
lodge No. 72 of Elkhorn Wednesday night.
The Antlers had work In the third degree
and turned It over to the visiting brothers.
A team from Nebraska, No. 1, assisted by
Messrs. niake and Rothholz of Triangle No.
H. put tho work on In the best of form.
After the business session n merrv tlmo
was had for a couple of hours, songs and
sps'ches being In order Chancellor Com
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
(finally a leprous-like decay of the flesh ana
bone. If you have any of these or utmllai
I symptoms you are cordially Invited to con.
I suit us Immediately If I find your feart
I are unfounded I will quickly unburden
your mind But If your constitution It
infected with syphilitic virus t will tell
you so frankly and show you how to get
rid of It Our special treatment for Con
tagious Blood Poison Is practically the re.
suit of our life work and I endorsed by
the best physicians of America and Europe
It contains no Injurious drugs or dangerous
medicines of anv kind, It goes to the very
I bottom of the disease and forces out every
I particle of Impurity Soon every sign and
symptom of blood poison disappears com
1 pletely and forever. The blood, the tissue,
l th. fl.ah 111. t.,.. ntwl . V. ... V. .. I - .
. - ...0.,, wv, , , n d,,. mr -tiii'ir pf airiq
are cleansed, purified and restored to per
feet health and the patient prepared tot
the duties and pleasures of lite.
In curing an ailment of any kind we nevef
fall to remove all Reflex Compli
cations or Associate Diseases. If
the esse Is Varlclcele. the weak
ness caused by It disappears, If It Is
; Stricture and has developed Into Prostatic,
i Bladder or Kidney Affections, the lnjur4
organs are all restored to r perfectly
healthful condition. If It Is contagious;
I Blood Poison, any and all Skin, Blood and
Bone. Diseases arising from the taint ars
I entirely and permanently eliminated from
i V ' em' " " ' Impotency, the many
i distressing symptoms following In Its train
and Indicating a rremature decline oi
physical, mental and sexual nower are-
totally removed and rantdlv renlsr. hv
the youthful enersr nt i-ntint
Hnce all resulting Ills and reflex compll
rat ons. which may be properly termed As.
oclate Diseases, nnd which. In fact. ar
often more serious than the nrlclnnl all.
more eerious tnan tns original all-
"isappear completely and forever with th
........ ..... a.-" unr lu II1TJIII lll. we i.r.
cure or me main malady
Most cases can be treated successfully at
home. One personal visit Is preferred, but
It It Is lmDOislble or Inrnnvonlmt fn- vm.
to call at our office, vrlte us a full and un-
'W confl,,lt " We maka " '
. tnr nrlvnfi. rnona.l nnrt .(.,. . . t
contract to hold for ouFprom.
I 'ou c""- t"-'. write.
mander Walsh ot Nebraska No. 1 made si
hit with his "copyrighted" song. "There's
a Hole In the Bottom of the Saa." Re
freshments were served, cigars smoked and
everyone present was of the opinion that
Antlers lodge was "the best ever." Among
thoso present from Omaha were; Messrs.
Walsh, Cady, N. Rothholz, Weinberg, Wul
pl. Berg, Connoran, Dennis, Fife, J. Roth
hoolz, Heath, Joy, Malone, Kaltelre, Cow
gar, Blake, Matthews, D. Rothholz nnd
At tho masque ball ot the Sons and
Daughters ot Protection last week prizes
were won as follow s; Women's prizes
First, Mrs. Wtsenburg; second, Mrs. Chrls
tlauson; best costume, first, Miss Brayhlllt
second, Miss Miller; third, Miss Nellson,
Men's prizes First, George Mahoney;
Fc:ond, Bert Stiles; third, Mr. Nellson.
Druid camp, Woodmen of the World, gava
a smoker at Its club rooms, Twenty-fourth
and Grant streets, Friday evening.
Banner lodge. Fraternal Union of America,
entertained guests from tho other lodges
of the city Thursday evening.
The Royal Highlanders of Swan Swanton,
Neb., celebrated the admission of women
to full membership In the society with a
banquet February 26. The annual state
ment of the society recently filed with th
stato auditor shows a remarkable growtn
for this Nebraska institution.
Tho entertainment committee of Omaha,
lodge. Star of Jupiter, for tho month ot
March consists of Louie Scbonlau, Miss
Anna Kelly and Miss II. Mollne.
A, L. Moreau, supreme manager of the
Bankers Union of tho World, was present
at tho meeting of Harvard lodge Febru
ary 27.
The Ben Hur Budget, the new paper ot
Mecca court, Trfoe of Een Hur, Is much
appreciated by tho members of the order.
Compnnlrn from Ten 111 Infnntrr t
Relieve (iarrlaon at AVeot
ern Fortn.
The companies of tho Tenth Infantry, re
turning from servlco In Cuba, havo left Chi
cago for the forts of the west, where they
are to relieve the other companies which
have been assigned to duty In the Philip
pines. Two companies came west on tho
Chicago & Northwestern to Missouri Val
ley, where they are to be transferred to
the Fremont, Elkhorn t Missouri Valley,
one company belug taken to Valentino
for Fort Niobrara and the other to Fort
Robtnson. Next Tuesday there will be tn
outgoing movement from tho game forts ot
the troops enrauto to San Francisco, where
they will embark for the Philippines.
Nne for I. fix ot Oil Well. '
PITTSBPRG. March 2. -Four suits, ag
gregating In nil UW. were entered todny
In tho United States court agaiiiBt the Erie
railroad to recover for tho loss of oil wells
located along tho defendant compnny'e
road In McKean eounty. this stnte. Durinir
May of last year eighty-two oil well rise
nnd derricks wero burned and the alleged
ciupo Is said to have been a spark from a
locomotive on the Erie railroad. Tho plaln
tlffM are S.irali Mi'lOown, McKean Bros,
nn, I the Baker Oil compuny.