(5 THE OMA11A DAILY MEE: SUIsHAV, M Alt CXI , 1001. SOCIETY TAKES A RESPITE NoUblt Abitao of Guy Fnnotlom Sinot Lot Wort. a CLUB MEETINGS FILL UP THE TIME (I in aim People Are Cnrnful to rr He mi in I iik Attention to the I.cnten Sconon llcvletv u( the AVeek. Society wan In imelicloth nml nshes lost wook. It wan doliiK pennnco for tlio frlvoll tlua preceding Lenten season nnil thoro was llttlo going on nraouK the swell set. Ilend ItiK ami enrrt clubs met, but thcro wero no Inrgo functions. Tho Kcntlo March weather tempted a fow golfers to try tho deserted links nud maids and matrons who did not enro for out door oxctcIho havo bocn bowling. Half n iloron now bowling clubs havn been organ ized by women. Tho next fow weeks prom Iso to bring forth many Interesting con tests among rival clubs. t'lraaurrn I'nat. Mrs. Van Uuron entertained at cards Huturduy evening. Miss W'nkeley guvo an Informal luncheon Thurday for Mrs. K. W. t.ee. Mrs. llowland rntortalncd n party of friends at cards on Thursday afternoon. Tho Southwest Dancing club gave an en joyable party nt the Thurston Ulflcs hall Friday evening. The Nn-Nnmo Card club mot with Mr. nnd Mrs. nrynon finturday uvcnlng at tholr homo on I'oppleton nvenuo. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoscndory enter mined tho mcmbcrfl of tho Cap-a-l'lo Card club on Thursday evening. Tho A. O. T. Howling club was onter tulned nt Metropolitan club Thursday after noon by MIsh Klttlo I'olack. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. V. Wellor cnlortalncd Mr. and Mrs. 11. J, I'lerco nt n dinner nt tho Omaha club Thursdny evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hon 8. Klrod entertained tho members of tho "10-20" Card club Thursday evening nt tho Orphcum. MUs ICdlth Snell entertained friends ol curds Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mablo 8te plica was tho fortunato contestant for tho prize. Tho Century club wns very pleasantly en tertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Joo A. Decker nt her home, 22'JO South Four teenth street. Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Itoths child of Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Kutz cuter tnlned u party of friends nt cards Wednes day evening at her homo on Douglas street. A pleasant surprlso party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Forstor, lfl!3 Centor street, Tuesday evening. High flvo wns plujcd till 12 o'clock, when supper was served. ' Mrs. Will K. Ilhodes nnd Mrs. Hradbury wcro hostesses nt Wednesday's meeting of tho Klorentlno club nt tho homo of tho former. Tho regular luncheon served at 1 o'clock was followed by cards. In honor of Mrs. Hothschlld, who Is Mrs. Kntz' guest, Mrs. Herman Colin gavo u pretty enrd party Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. I'olack nnd Mrs. Arnstotn won tho prizes. An cUbornto luncheon followed tho games, Mrs. Abbott nnd Mrs. Stevens of tho Sherman entertained tho A. D. I. club Fri day afternoon. After n delicious 1 o'clock luncheon ten games of high flvo wero played, Mrs. Fredlck nnd Mrs. (Jcorgo Tmchuck winning tho prizes. Mrritd Mm. Kofiorc S. Christie gavo. a most cnjoynblo card party to a number of friends Saturday evening at tholr home, 2209 North Nineteenth street. Mrs. llobbs and Mm. Chnrles Ulilquert, Mr. Deems and Mr. William Arnold wcro awarded the prizes. Luncheon wns Berved. Last Tuesday's meeting of the Haw thorne club was held ut the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Whitney on South Thirty second street. The prlzo winners of tho evening wore Mrs. J. It. Danker, Mrs. 13. 13. Ilryson, Mr. M. A. Murphy nnd Mr. J. It. Danker. Elaborate refreshments wero served. Mrs. W. J, Urle wns hostess nt n pretty luncheon on Wednesday. Covers wero laid for thirteen. Tho guests wcro assigned to seats in an unusual manner. Tho hostess tossed a shower of blossoms Into tho air. Tlioso wero caught by tho guests, who matched them with flowers which marked each plate. Tho Mexican club wns very pleasantly en tortnlned Thursday evening at tho homo of Miss ltogers. Cards wcro tho diversion of tho evening. A number of games were played, tho prizes for which woro awarded to tho Misses Sholloy nnd Harris and Mrs, Quy French. Miss Knthorlne Smith will entertain tho club at Us next meeting. Complimentary to tho members of tho Dourl of flovemors of tho Knights of Ak Sur-Dcn and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Fenfold gavo a card party Wednesday ovculng. Tholr homo on South Nineteenth street was, prettily decorated with palms and American Deauty roses. Tho scoro cards wore pretty novelties tied with red nud green ribbons. Tho prizes wero awurded Mesdames Klpllnger, O. D. Cronk and Thomas Fry, nnd Messrs. C. II. Smith, M. C. Voters nnd Thomns Fry. Punch and light refreshments wero served. Tho An Devoir club spent a very pleas ant nfternoon at the lovely new homo of Mrs. W. J. Cnttln, 2441 Manderson street, Wednesday. Tho rooms wero tastily deco rated In tho national colors. The table wns prettily set with handsome hand painted china aud cut glass and roses In the center. I'lnco cards wero pen and Ink ketches of Washington, Mtb, W. It. Homan was hostess at an cn joynblo Kensington afternoon Thursduy, nt which a contest In guessing the Identity of famous persons from photogrnphs consti tuted ono of tho pleasant features. For guessing the greatest number correctly Mrs. Oeorgu Abbott and Mrs, John O. Nel son woro nwardod first prizes. A short musical program followed. Ono of tho most cnjoynblo card parties of tho series which tho North Omaha women ro giving this winter was held Wednesday evening at tho homo of Mrs. J. J, Hess, Gltii North Twenty-fourth street. Miss Van Horn won tho greatest number of gnmu! and wns awnrded first prize. Itefrenhmcnts wcro ocned, Tho club will meet ngaln In two weeks with Mrs. Crnndall. Mrs. Frank Dould's home on 1'nrk nvo n lie was tho rcciio of a merry gathering Weducsdny afternoon, tho occasion bolng tho meeting of tho Ametlo club. I'lnk wns tho predominant color, which wns carried nut In tho decorations. Mrs. Colvln nnd Mrs. Fnrrell received Orst prizes for suc cess In tho card game. Miss Johnson won tho consolation prize. Tho next meeting of tho club will bo held with Mrs. Colvln. In honor of his approaching mnrrlngn with M'ss Cnrolyn St. Cloyor, Mr. Albert Drlscoll wns given nu elnborato 7 o'clock dinner by his men friends Tuesday evening at tho homo of Mr. Will Tlppcry. Kvory detnll of tho dinner wns arranged by the men. Ited carnations wcro used In tho tnblo decoration, as tho contcrplcco and also at each plate. Kuch member of tbu party contributed a toast npproprlato to tho occasion. Mr. and Mrs. A. I'. F.ly entertained sixty friends Thursday evening nt tholr homo on Davenport street. Six-handed cuchru was played nnd flvo prizes woro awarded. Tho pnrlors wero prettily decorated with pink cnruntlons nnd smllnx. I'lnk also provnllcd In tho dining room, whero fes toons of erepo paper Siting from tho chande lier to tho corners of tho room. I'lnk shaded randies and carnations and ferns wcro tho table decorations. A buffet sup per wns served nt 11 o'clock. Tho fortnightly meeting of tho Unity club wus hold on Friday evening ul tho homo of I'rof. nnd Mrs. A. II. Wnterhousc. "Tho Ilyznnttno Kmplro" wns tho geucrnt sub ject. Miss Hoonoy rend a paper on "I'lnco of tho Kmplro In Hellcn.e History." Mr. A. U. Fettormnn treated "Leo HI anil His Deforms" In on Interesting manner. An excellent paper by Mr. Henry T. Clarke, Jr., on "Dusll I and Ills Constitutional Changes" followed. Nenrl nil of the mem bers present took part In tho general dis cussion nfter tho papers. Mrs. H. M. Mar tin played n pluno solo. "Modern (Ircece" Is tho subject of tho next meeting, which will bo held March 15 nt tho rcalilvnea of C. S. Stcbblns, 1230 l'nrk Wild avenue. Tho members of Mil Sigma etub cele brated tho ninth nnnlversary of Its organ ization Tuesday evening nt tho residence of Mrs. Wood on North Thlrty-nlntn street. After tho literary program was completed tho evening was devoted to sociability. The husbands of tho members attended. Tho women woro antique costumes. A guess ing gnmo furnished much .amusement. For guessing tho Identity of tho greatest num ber of antlquo photographs prizes were nwnrded Mrs. John Austin and Mr. J. F. Iltchnrdson. A lino musical program wns Riven by Miss Hancock, Miss Mason, Dr. Dalley and Trof. Jones. Miss Day read several selections. Dy means of conun drums partners wero chosen and tho en tire party participated In n Vlrglnln reel. Old-fashioned delicacies woro Berved for refreshments. Tho Woman's club, U. M. S., and their many friends In tho postal service wcro most delightfully entortalnctl at tho charm ing homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. K. K. Hoffman at Denson on Friday evening, February 22. Tho rooms wero beautifully decorated with hugo American flags and tho club colors, purplo nnd white, and ninny cut flowers. Tho ladles who assisted tho hostess wero dressed to represent Martha Washington and presented each gentleman with small paper hatchets tied with red, whlto and bluo ribbons nnd containing upon tho hnndlo the Ural hnlf of a quotation, tho ladles receiving hntchcts containing tho last hnlf of tho same, each gontlcmnn taking to Buppcr tho lndy whoso hatchet finished his quotation. The color BChemo was car ried out In tho dnlnty repast served to about seventy-llvo guests. Mrs. Zcbrlskey and Mrs. Tugh wero host esses at last Mondny's meeting of tho Domls Park Neighborly club. It wns a patriotic, affair. Tho Zobrlskoy home was decorated with flags and pictures of Georgo nud Martha Washington nnd their Mount Vernon home. Several appropriate musical numbers wcro given, after which Miss Lynn Carpouter rovlowed "Sentimental Tommy." At tho conclusion of tho program enrds wcro distributed. Thoso for tho men boro tho names of prominent men of tho colonial period, whllo on tho ladles' cards woro the maiden names of tho wives of tbeso men. The proper matching of the cards furnished a means of finding partners tor the refresh ments. The colonial Idea was carried out In every detail In the dining room, Tho tnblo was bare with the exception of hand Homo drawnwork dollies. An old Virginia cherry treo poundcake occupied tho center of tho tnblo and on clthe! sldo yere rod- shaded tapers In quaint holders. Cherry punch was served. Movc-inni t unit Wlierrnlinnto. Mr. L. I'. Funkhouscr has gone to Kansas City. Mr. It, 8. Wilcox has returned from New York. Mr. C. W. Lymnn went to Chicago on Thursday. Mr. Harry Cnrtan has returned from lib western trip. Mrs. Horaco 0. Hurt spent several days In Chicago last week. Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck left Thursdny for Florida. Mrs, O. W. Megealh has been spending some tlmo In Now York. Mrs. Morltz Meyer has returned from nn eastern nnd southern trip. Mrs. Hurry Wellor has gone to Cherokee, In., (o renin In n few doys with her Bister. Miss Jennie Phelps of tho Iathrop school was culled east by tho death of her father. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyan returned from Chicago tho early part of tho week. Mr. it ml .Mrs. Ouy 0. Dartnn hnvo gone to New York, where they will remain two weeks. Mrs. ( II, Coon Is nt home nfter a visit of nearly two months lu Deadwood nud Alliance. Messrs. John A, Crclgllton nnd John A. Doherty .left on Wednesday evening for Now York. Miss lva McHeynolds of Cedar Ilaplds, Neb., Is the guouc of tho family of Dov. 1) K. Tindnll. Mrs, Arthur D. Smith and children havo gone to Florida to spend '.ho remainder of tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Onion returned last Sunday morning from n live weeks' trip to tho Pncltlc const. Mrs. Wilson Lowe returned from Chelsea, MnFB., Thursday, nccompnuled by her sis tcr, Mrs. Learned. Mrs. Charles D. Keller left Wednesday for Washington to spend Inauguration week' with Mtb. Wagguman, Mrs. Arthur Herbert left for St. Louis last week to spend somo tlmo with her mother, Mrs. Lcnicst. Miss Lydla Mooro went to Hannibal, Mo., Thursday, to bo tho guest of Miss Fred crlcka Wessells for a short tlmo. Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Wlthncll and grand son havo gone to southern California, whero they will remain until May. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash went to Chi cngo Inst week. Tho Misses Kountze, Towlo, Allen aud Lindsay accompanied them as guests. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. C. Patterson returned from Kansas City Thursday, whero thoy went to attend tho funeral of Mrs. I'anl .'clswiuigcr, Mrs. Patterson's stater-ln-law Mrs. II. F. Cady and her daughter left on Wednesday for Washington, I). C, where they will attend tho Inaugural ceremonies. Whllo in Washington they will bo guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. nlbal, Mo., and her cousin, Mrs. James Ocorgo Hawkins W. Caldwell, nnd daughter, Margaret, of March II, Qulncy, HI, i Tho llrtt meeting Mr, Francis Morgan of St. I'ntil, formerly of Omaha, spent several days In the city last week as the guest of Mr. Jolin A, Crelghton. Mr. and Mrs. 1). W. Drown of Lincoln spent severnl days of last week In Omnha, the guests of Mrs. Drown's brother, .Mr. W. It. lUnnctt. Miss Illnnche Arnold of Cheyenne, for merly of Omaha, spent the early, part of Inst week with friends In the city whllo on her way to Doston. Dr. E. W. Leo of St. Louis arrived In Omnha yesterday morning and U a guest nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo A. Honglond. He will return this afternoon, accompanied by Mrs. Summon). Thursday afternoon, THIS !(HO!IS SHOT. STOItP. I PATIENTS ARE GOING OUT of the month of the I With the .ew Shop fur Miliien I l.ociltcrt In Olllllllll. Clover Leaf Itebeknh lodge was held Sat- March 1(1 the Sorosls Shoo Store will open urdny iilglit, tho night of meeting being I n this city nt 203 South Fifteenth street lu changed from Wednesday to Saturday. th Karbach block, occupying tho storeroom Mrs. J. Deck and son, Walter, of Lexlng- recently vacated by tho Misses Derolz-, OiiiiiIim Nun lino tint I. ltd of r.iiiorui-iic) Him-nltni. e .Need ton, Neb., visited at the home of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Stlgcr, n few days last week, leaving on Wednesday for Itlehards, la. Sm lnl Chit Clint, I Miss Anno Lee spent the Inst week with Miss Moore. Tho Metiopolltan club will give Its an- nual children's ball March ft. 1 Tho Junior Cooking club will meet, with Miss Kllpatrlck on Wednesday. Mrs. J. U. Portcrfleld will entertain the Merrymakers' club on Tuesday. Mr, Patrick Manning und wife hnvo taken permanent quarters at the Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Mlkcsclt wilt entertain the No Namo Card club next Saturday. Tho Southwest Dancing club will give 11b flnnl party for this senson on March 15. Mrs. Dennwa nnd Mrs. Dunn will enter tain the A. D, L. club next Friday afternoon, Tho Thurston ItHles aunounco their monthly medal drill nnd hop for Tuesday evening. Mrs. II. D. Btrclght will entertain tho Friendly Greeting club at Us next meeting, March 11. Tho Winter club announces n chango lu tho dato of Its April pr.rty from tho Gtli to tho 12th. Tho women of V. S. Grant Relief corps will glvo n social at Continental hall next Tuesday evening. Tho Mercer party wa delayed In sailing from San Francisco nnd will not reach Hon olulu until today. Tho South Sldo Whist club will meet with Mrs. J. S. Tlppcry, 922 South Thirty-first street, next Tuesday evening. Mrs. Shorldan nnd Mrs. Frederick will en tertain tho C. A. U Kuchro club on Tues day at Mrs. Sheridan's home, 1738 Georgia avenue. Mrs. C. W. Morton will give n muslcalo on Thursday nt her home, 2219 Douglas street, In honor of hor sister, Mrs. Howard ltogers of Albany, N. Y. Mrs. Reynolds will entertain tho mem bers of tho Florentine club at her homo In Florcnco on Wednesday, March 13. She will bo assisted by Mesdames Fngles, Sher man and Portcrfleld. Tho Commercial club has completed ar rangements for n banquet to be given In honor of General Leo on Monday evening at 6:30. It will bo tho most elaborate affair ever given by the club. Mr. W. F. Ourley will net as toastmnstcr and among tho speakers of tho evening will be: General Leo, G. M. Lnmbertson of Lincoln, John N. Dryden of Kearney, It. W. Dreckenrldge, John L. Webster and Dev. Edward F. Trofz. Florpiire. Jasper Smith has been sick tar the last week, but Is able to be out nt present. John Mlchclsnn went to Dlalr Saturday morning to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Mrs, J. F. Davis of Cherokee, In., Is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Danks. Dick Tuttlo went to Dlalr Saturday morning, whero he will visit relatives fur n few weeks. Charles Taylor, who has been very sick tho last week. Is better nt present und will soon bo nblo to bo out, A social was held at the homo of Mr. nud Mrs. Deyo Wednesday night for tho benefit of tho Prcsbytcrlnii church at Ponea school house. Chnrles Purcell has purchased two lota and a houso of Mrs. Jane Thomas and will soon movo hero with his family nnd make this his home. John Warner, living east of Council Dluffs. In., visited wllh Charles Purcell nnd L. A. Taylor a couple of days this week, Thursdny and Friday. Dev. E. Pnyson Hammond of Hartford, Conn., will commence n scries of meetings hero In the Presbyterian church tho first week In March, nnd will probably continue for a couple of weeks. Tho church- services nt St. Mnrk's Epls copal church arc: Wednesday evenings, 7:15 o'clock, and Sunday, I p. in.: Sunday Bchool nt 2:30 p. m. Sundny; Dev. F. 8, White of Omaha officiating. I) unit PP. Tho Friday evening Philharmonic society met last week nt the homo of E. A. Denson. Tho Round Dozen Soclnl club met WeOnc.) day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Marshall. Mrs. Noah Perry and Mrs. E. 0. Perley Bpcnt Saturday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Dr. Van Gleson bos recovered from hli Indisposition, which kept him In the hou'.i for ii few days, nud Is out ngaln. Mrs. W. S. Curtis has returned from Oklahoma, whero her aged father, Mr. Ran dall Fuller, founder of Fullcrton. Neb., died on Tuesday, surrounded by his cntlro family, Tho following guestrf dined Informally Friday evening at tho homo of Mr. md Mrs. Jnmes H. Pnrrotte: Dr. and Mrs. 11. C. Van Gleson, tho Misses Cox, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clayton Goodrich nnd Mrs. Sweeny. First spring opening next Thursdny, Fri day nud Saturday. Davlcs, 1611 Douglr.s. Fatal delays nre caused oy experimenting with cough and cold cures. Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent a cold from resulting In pncumcnla. Myers-Dllon Drug 'Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha, helmcr. They will carry a full line of Sorosls shoes for ladles, misses and children nud boys nnd youths, also ladles' slippers In i mo laicsi up-io-uaio cuecis. mis nun storo will bo fitted up elegantly with nil the newest Ideas of comfort and convenience for their lady visitors and customers. They will enrry no men's shoes. Sorosls nhoes nro bo. well known among tho women folks that to many they will hardly need au Introduction, many hnvlng worn them from having tholr nttcntion enlled to them by their friends, nnd almost overyouc hns read of them In Mnnaey's, Cosmopolitan or some other representative magazine or Journal The emergency' hospital Is almost depopu lated. Last week there were twentyfflve patients in the Institution. Fifteen of these have been discharged. Mrs. S. M. Maxharu, tho nurse who hns been In cbnrgo of tho women In tho hospttul, will leave In a few days, Seven cases of smallpox aro being cored for outsldo of the hospital, mnklng the entire number of cases In tho city seventeen. "Wo will get rid of the disease now In a few weeks If further Infoctlou Is not brought from other towns," said Dr. J, D, Ralph, assistant to thu health commissioner. "Tho disease Is well under control In Omaha. Smaller towns seem to havo awak- Tho now storo will bo under tho manage- ' ,i i ilii.v . . ,V i.J in ent of Frank Wilcox, well known In shoe ,pr "i'L T..t.h'l..,h" CUy 8000 men circles, who will from day to day keen tho public well Informed through the dallies of tho new features to bo found In tho arrange ment und furnishing of tho Sorosls Shoo Store, which will pleasantly surprlso tho ladles of Omaha and vicinity Cimeiirlni- nt All UriiKRlsts. Cures biliousness, constipation and dys pepsia, or money refunded, l'rlco f0 cent. Dook explaining cnuso and euro mailed frv, P.ea Dros. & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. ttllt Of TO IT II (ill CUtll. Mrs. McWilllnms Is tho guest of her sis ter, Mrs. W. J. Droatch. Miss Edna Sanderson of Fremont Is tho guost of Miss Agnes Wcllcr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rothschild of Seattle, Wash., aro gucstu of Mr. Rotnschlld s sister, Mrs, Kntz. Miss Dlack returned to Chicago last week nfter spending somo tlmo with Mrs. Man' dcrson. Mrs. Durke and Miss Dlnnchn Durke, who visited Mrs. McHhnnc, left on Wednesday for Chicago. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Lewis of Davenport, la., formorly of Oraahn, nre at tho Millard for a few days. Miss Reno Moscrtl of New York Is visit. Ing her cousin, Miss May Smith, on South Twonty-thlrd street. Mrs. Rachel Over of Abilene, Kan., Is visiting her son, Mr. It. 11. Over, on South Twenty-eighth street. Tho Mlssos Peters, who were guests of Miss Mabel Hake, returned to their homo In Albion. Nob., Friday. Miss Henrietta Hlgglns of Cincinnati Is tho guest of her sister. Mrs. Raker, on North Twenty-sixth street. Mrs. Howard J. Rogers of Albany, N. Y., Is tho guest of her elster, Mrs. Charles W. Morton, at 2219 Douglas street. Mr. Clyde Dunn and Mr. Robert E. Per. clval of Detroit spent last Monday and Tuesday In tho city with friends. Mrs. John Abbott and daughter, Amy, of Laramie, Wyo., wero guests of Mrs. F. M, Miller of Sherman nvenuo this woek. After spending somo time tho guests of Miss 'Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jcrrlms returned to their home In Chicago Thurs day. Mrs. Lloyd Ilnrkneas nnd children of Denver left on Wednesday for Chicago, after spending somo tlmo with relatives In Omaua. Mrs, Sylvester Rush has as her guests hci Bister, Miss Elizabeth Plndoll, of Han WrililliiKX mill KnuitKPiiiriit. At tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. St. Geyer on North Eighteenth street, tho marriage of their daughter, Carolyno Dlnncho, aud Mr. Albert Kennedy Drlscoll wns Bolomn- Ized nt 3 o'clock Tucsdny nfternoon. Tho wedding wns a nlmplo ono nnd witnessed by but a fow relatives and friends. Rev. Percy Silver rend tho impressive scrvlco of tho Episcopal church. The brldo woro her traveling gown, a handsorao tan Venetian cloth, with trimmings of cream and gold, nnd carried a bonnet of violets nnd frcesla. After March 15 Mr. and Mrs. Drlscoll will be nt homo nt 2S20 Leavenworth street. Tho wedding of Miss Alota E. Ellis nnd Mr. Roy Marshall took place at 925 South Twenty-fifth street nt S o'clocck Monduy evening. Rev. Charles Savldgo performed tho ceremqny. The house was very prettily decorated In pink and white. Tho brldo was nttended by Miss Addelo Wren as brides maid and Mr. Frank Wcskel acted as best man to tho groom. Tho brldo looked very pretty In n gown of grny add whlto and carried a shower bouquet of brldo'B roses nnd orchids. After tho ceremnny a recep tion wns held to only tho intimate friends nnd relatives. Tho out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall of Burling ton, In., brother of tho broom; Georgo Crls tensen, Underwood, la., uncle of tho brldo, and Mrs. M. Chapman, Dos Moines, Io. Tho young couplo will bo at homo to friends after March 15 nt 925 South Twenty-fifth street. Attention, I'ntten I.oiIrp, IT.'t! On and nfter Mondny, March -1, wo will meet In A. O. U. W. temple, 112 North Fourteenth Btrcet. II. RASMUSSEN. M. W. A. (5. GIUSON. Recorder. IIIKII. Feb- KLEPHTKO-Jopcph, nged 23 years, rtmry x. Funeral from residence, corner Thirteenth und William xtreets, nt 2 p. in. today, to Bohemian cemetery. Don't Buy a PIANO First spring opening next Thursday. Fri day and Saturday. Davlcs, 1511 Douglas. OMAHA SU11UIU1.H. w Oman's ork in Tlub and harity. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho nurs ery committee of tho Child Saving lnstltuto was hold in tho parlors of tho Young Mon's Christian association on Friday morning and, though tho attendanco was not lnrgc, tho regular business was transacted, Mrs. Mathows presiding, In tho abienco of tho chairman. Tho treasurer's roport was most gratifying, showing a liberal donation of money and clothing. Thcro Is on hand n sum nearly sufficient to supply tho now Iron beds with which tho nursery In tho new lnstltuto Is to bo furnished and In addition to theso the various women's or ganization's of tho city have contributed bedding and many of tho other essentials to tho porfectly equipped' nursory that tho committee Intends to open In tho new building. Through Mrs. George Wilcox and Miss Luolla Allen a roost successful mu slcalo was glveu last week, which netted n splendid sum for tho work of tho committee and nnothor muslcnle is to bo given In North Omnha March 19. Tho young women of tho Demls Dag fac tory wero very pleasantly entertained by tho Young Women's Christian association on Friday evening la the association rooms, Miss O'Conuell having planned tho oc casion to prouioto and stimulate sociability among tha girls. At R meeting of tho Jewish Women's Sewing aocloty on Friday afternoon tho wo men decided to lend their efforts to a fair and series of musical and dratnatlo enter tainments, to be given at Metropolitan club March 25 to 30, for tho benefit of tho build ing fund of Israel Temple. It has been the custom of tho women to glvo a charity ball each year for tho benefit of their charity work, but this year the fair will take Its place. Tho Woman's Suffrage association of Otoo county held a very Interesting convention In Nebraska City on Friday, which was attended by delegates from Julian, Dunbar, Douglas and Dover.) Tho morning session was devoted to a work confcrcnco and tho election of olllcors, which resulted ns follows: President, Mrs. M. J. Warner; vlco president, Mrs. II. N. Shuman; record ing secretary, Mrs. II. M. Pendleton; cor responding secretary, Mrs. Gertrude Clark; treasuror, Mrs. C. Enyart; auditor, Mrs. Graco Moek. Tho afternoon session wns given over to a program which Included a number of strong papers. Tho evening mooting wns tho largest of all, nn address by Miss Laura Gregg, stato organizer, bolng Its principal feature. As a result of the convention, fourteen new members wcro added to tho Nebraska City club. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Wo men's Christian association will bo held nt 10 o'plock on TucBdny morning In tho parlors ot tho Young Men's Christian as Boclatlon. A full attendance Is desired, ns important business is to bo considered. Last week's meeting of chancel guild ot All Saints' church wns held at tho homo ot Mrs. VanDuren and It was decided that tho guild should take up the study ot tho history ot the church during Lent. At tomorrow's open meeting of the Wo man's club tho program will bo in charge of tho housohold economic department, and one of tho largest attendances of the year Is anticipated. Owing to tho general tuterest In this branch, the club has decided to ad mit all women caring to attend who shall pay 25 cents at the door. The management of the Child Saving ln stltuto has been taxed to its utmost to pro vido homes for the little ones that hnva been taken Into Its caro since the building has been ,closed. Lost week six children were received for adoption and these, with several otters that have been recolvcd during tho last month, are being boarded In private homes In tho city. The manage ment of the lnstltuto uro very anxious to find permanent hornet for these children and request all persons Interested to call at their ofllcc, 310 McCague building. Out of tho proceeds of tho exhibit of I Draun carbons undor the auspices of the art department of thi Woman's club the schools of tho city have mado tho following selections of pictures to be used In their decoration: Central School Largo carbon copy ot Slstlno Madonrn. Franklin School Largo ongrnvlng, "Leaving tho Hills," by Fnrquharsou. Druid Hill School "Early Morning," Troyon, Draun carbon; large circle picture of Hon s head. wenirni rarK Lion picture framed in a circle; U oils by Rosa Donheur. Columbian School Dog picture framed In a circle. Mason School Marino water color paint ing. Park Schcol Deautlful colored view of "Crosswalk of Dominican Monks," Santa Mnrln uouvella, Florence; marine, by Weber; carbon, Corot landscape. Saratoga School "Poets' Corner, West minster Abbey," carbon. Comcnlus School View of Jungfrau; "The Forest," by Jacob von Ruytdarl; "Early Morning," Troyon; "The Rescue." marine, Duquette, all DrAun carbons; colored view, "U-;and Canyon of Colorado." Saunders School "Chlldron of Shell," Murlllo; "Mountain Sheep," Rosa Donheur: "The Hermit," Konlck: all Draun carbons. Omaha View "The Pool," Troyon, car bon. 4 Deal School "Cattlo Drinking." by Julian Dupre; "Christ In Temple." Hofmann; "A Llttlo Child Shall Lead Them," Strutt. all j Draun crrbonsj engraving, "Pharaoh's Horses," "Society ot Friends," by Her ring. Walnut Hill School "Early Morning." by Troyon, Draun carbon; engraving, "Scotch Cattle," Rosa Donheur; "Morning on Seine," Troyon. Farnam School "Guardians ot Temple," ertueltner, Draun carbon; neimon. The foundation of the homo of Mrs. Dcwes was laid this week. Miss Magglo Safford of Lincoln spent tho last week visiting with friends in Denson. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley of Chadron spent Tuesday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed E. O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Llnd nnd family havo moved to Kersey, Neb,, where Mr. Llnd will super intend a rancn tor Mr. Paxton. The Lndles' Aid society met with Mrs. Fox last week. It will meet nt Mrs. Stlger's next Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Prugh, who havo lived In Denson for somo time, but lntely of Omaha, aro rejoicing over the birth of a son, Hie womon of tho Methodist church will give a 10-ceut lunch at the home of Mrs. Fntit you stock of have Investigated our selected STEINWAY VOSE EMERSON IVERS & POND STEGER STECK A. R. CHASE and PACKARD PIANOS. 1 J1.G3 buys a beautiful Chlckcrlng upright. M buys n rellablo Squnro piano. $10 buys nn Organ, in good condition. $142 buys a new unrlcht nlano Terms, Ja.uo casn 51 per ween. New pi fully guaranteed Flue tuning and repairing terms, nnoa for rent. promptly done, Write for catalogue, prices and or pay us a visit of Inspection, SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, The Old Reliable Pittno House, l.'lllt Fn rim m Street, Oniiilin. ait? llrimdwny, Council Minn. Tel. ias. The Diamond Mantles. Made iti Omaha nro made b,v the Xew Hnnm process, thoy are more durable Hinn any oilier innntlc ever put on the market, give greater eamlle-power and cost no more than inferior grades. A trial order will convince the most skeptical of their superiority. You Can Buy Them at the Factory, 1319 Douglas St., at 25c each or $2 per doz. We want every mantle dealer or user in Nebraska to investigate the merits of Diamond Mantles. Write for our price Jist to dealers. c also make a special line of mantles for high pressure gasoline lamps known as our Diamond Uigh Pressure. Omaha Mantle Mfg. Co. 1 319 Douglas St. Lonj Distance Tel. 1766. Our man will look after your mantels and lamps if you order by telephone. Mrs. J. Benson Beautiful New Neckwear Juat in entirely new BtyleB in chenille and. other elfectB. A large line of chenille, chiffon Boas and SILK WAISTS Painted Fronts and Drop Sleeves. New Spring Jackets and Capes for children in great variety of Btyles. FOR MONDAY P. D. Corsots style 97 in long waists size3 18 to 3G regular price 3.50 Monday just half price $1.75. SiZL spring Opening Next Thursday, Friday aud Saturday March 7-8-9. Original models as well a exclusive domestic styles. DA VIES, 1511 Douglas. Rubber Gloves $1.25 Pair 77 E have closed out our retail drug department to W Myers, Dillon Co, as we were obliged to have more room for our large and increasing trade in Sur gical Instruments, Hospital Physician's and Invalid Supplies, Optical and Photographic Goods, 77E are headquarters for these goods for this west W ern country, Batteries, Trusses, Supporters, Bath Cabinets, Electric Stockings, Rubber Goods, In valid Chairs, Deformity Braces, THE H. J. PENFOLD CO., 1408 Farnam St., Opposite Paxton Hotel. Bath Cabinets $5,00. OPTICAL w ik coops