24 THE OMAHA DA TXT BEEtSUNPA Y, arATCOIT 0, 1001. ENJOINS STRIKING COOPERS District Court Ttkei a Haad in th Strike at South Omaha, COMPANY SEEKS PERMANENT INJUNCTION Striker ClinrKcil tIIIi Intltitlilntlnu UmUllled Men Who Want tu Itctnrn to Work iu the I'n!tr Judge Dickinson has Issued ft temporary order restraining tho striking coopers at Bouth Omaha from Interfering in "X way with operations at tho plunt of tho Omaha Cooporago company. On March 8 thcro will 'bo a hearing In court to determine whotlior or not a permanent Injunction ngalnst tho strikers shall Issue. Tho order of tho court was Issued on tho petition of tho Omaha Cooperage com pany and It Is directed to Coopers Interna tional Union No. 10 and Coopers Interna tional Union No. 114, both of South Omaha, and their officers. In tho petition It Is al leged that only u small proportion of the cooporago manufactured at the plant of the company Is inado by skilled labor, and that only from twenty to twenty-nvo skilled mechanics have been employed thcro, while tho number of unskilled workmen has ranked from sevcnty-flvo to cighty-flvc. It Is Asserted that tho skilled mechanics, by the" agency of tholr unions, submitted a wngo schedulu for acceptance by tho com pany whlrh was higher than any schedulo In forco nt any coopcrngo works within a thousand miles of Bouth Omahn. t'nitlilo to Ann-jit Stthriltile. The company claims that It was unable to ncccpt tho schedulo offered by tho unions, as such ncccptanco would havo mado It Im possibly for It to compete with other plants for tho trado In this territory. When the company rejected tho proposal Xrom tho unions on February 8 twenty of Us skilled workmen went out on strike. Blnco that tlmo tho strikers, It Is said, havo induced tho unskilled men to Join them by tl rcats of violence- and by other means., Tho company claims that many of the un skilled workmen who havo quit work deslro to return to their positions In tho factory, but are provented from doing so by un lawful acts of tho strikers. Soveral In stances ot assault on men who havo at tempted to return to work are cited In tho petition. Tho company necks n permanent Injunc tion against tho two South Omaha Coopers' unions and tholr oDlcera, restraining them from Intimidating any men who deslro to work In its factory nnd from Interfering In any way with tho operation ot tho plant. I Attention, Kir KiiIkIKm! Tho mombers of Mount Calvary command- cry No. 1, Knights Templar, and sojourn lng Templars are requested to meet nt tho asylum on Sunday, .March 3, 1901, at 2 o clock p. m. to servo ns escort to No braskn lodgo No. 1 on the occasion ot the funeral of Past Comraandor Sir WlnOeld Strawn. Per order. OSCAR ALLEN, Commandor. w. it. iii:.vm:tt CO. Hamilton WnrroD, M. D.,cclcctlo and magnetic physician, offlco at the Central bote, cor. N. lGth nnd Dodgo streets, till a aultablo location can bo found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women and children Wo havo many good bargains from tho National and Cleveland Cyclo Cos.' stocks. Omaha nicyclo Co., cor. 16th and Chicago. A dividend of 10 per cent has been de clared and will bo pnld to holders ot allowed claims against tho Nebraska Savings and Exchange bank. W.M. K. POTTER. Receiver. For policies that aro sight drafts at maturity npply to H. D. Neely, manager Equitable Llfo, 206 and 106 Beo building-. II. K. Ilurkct, the undertaker, has removed to 412 N. ICth St., opposite Jefforson squaro. . Twin-City Dyo Works, now location, 31D B. 15th, between Farnam and Ilnraey. 13.00 hats. Frederick, 120 So. ICth it Havo Root print It. FAVORS MANUAL TRAINING Pniierlntnnileiit l'mme Talk of Xn tloual I'.iliii'iitlnnnl Met-tlnir. "Manual training was tho keynote of nil tho discussions of mothods. Educators from all parts of tho country contended Jhtit tho hand should bo educated In tho grades as well as in tho high school. All greed that If manual training la desirable for oldor pupils, It is equally deslrnblo in tho grades and should bo adopted as soon ns possible," said Superintendent Pearse of the Omaha schools when asked concerning tho meeting of tho department of supcrln Intendcnco of tho National Educational as sociation recently held in Chicago. "In many places phllanthroplo citizens havo established manual training Bcbools, which supplement tho work of tho public echools. Tho Hrndlcy institute has pro vided Peoria, 111., with nn admirable train ing school. A wealthy citizen by tho namo of Stout hns provided n almllar Institution for Menominee, Mich," Mr. Penrso con tinued, "In sonio places such schools havo boon established in connection with tho public libraries. An Interesting showing wns mado by tho Wisconsin educators con cerning tho influenco of a stnto library commission. "Slnco tho organization of a commission in that state n few years ago mora than $1,260,000 has been given by citizens for library and educational purposes. Cir culating libraries sent through the stuto by tho commission havo awakened peoplo to tho lmportanco ot additional educational facilities." INCREASED BANK CLEARINGS Why The Iloc'n Klifurrn ana Thoie ' of llrndntrcct 11 u Not Aicrre, The total bank clearings tor the last week Woro 16,083,733; tho total for the corre sponding week last year was $6,296,523, nhowlng nn incrcaso of J687.211, nearly 11 por cent. Tho discrepancy botween theso figures nnd those- of Dradstreet Is explained by tho fact that Tho Deo figures from Mon day to Saturday of tho sama week, whllo Bradstreot Btarts with Friday ot last week nnd includes Thursday of this week, which brought a legal holiday into tholr week this year. This gave them a decrcaso ot 9 per cent in the total, though tbero was no falling off in nny day of tho weok. Tho following tablo shows comparison of dates under discussion for 1000 and 1001: 1900. 1901. Increaso. February 25 Jl.20i.223 $l,2tW.6S3 t tr.'.atM February 26 OlO.-.'rt 1,063,321 H7-.OH3 February 27 1,012,463 1,164.153 151,690 February 28 982,035 1,0S6,319 104.284 March 1 1,060,233 1,126,643 fifl.OH March 3 1,121,276 1.277.0U 155,733 Totals t6,296,623 6,9S3,733 JCS7.211 FRED METZSNEAR DEATH jalnnuliiR Cluuiice I ltrporteU in A tied 1'utlcnt's Con dition. Thoro was an alarming change yesterday 1b the condition ot Fred Metz, sr. Ho is weaker thau he has been at any tlmo blnco ho was taken sick nnd is unablo to tako ny nourishment. His physicians say that hla condition la extremjjy precarloua. I Momtii)' Onlj-. A lot of bluo enameled dinner plates, as long ns they last, Cc each. . CROCKERY SPECIALS. Flno - English undcrglazo nnd enameled semi-porcelain dlnncrwaro for less than plain white. Plates, meat dishes, open vcgctablo dishes, plcklo dishes, pitchers, covered dishes, sauco boats, all go at less than plain whlta ware. CANDY DEPT. Hoarhound drops, regular price 15c, spe cial Monday, '10c lb. W. It. I1ENNBTT CO. Tho K. O. U. C, a home drnmatlc com pany, will glvo a military drama, entitled "Spy of Octlysburg," nt Crelghton hall March 7 for tho benefit ot the Union Vet eran's union. t'nrd of ThiinkM. Wo extend our heartfelt appreciation nnd thanks for tho sympathy nnd kindness shown by our many friends after tho death of our wlfo nnd mother, II. WOLFE AND FAMILY. OliJeoC to (Mllcliil Hnlnrlc. DENVER, -Mnrch 2. Tim Tax Reform league, whose platform Is "no salaries for public olllcluls," has been organized in this city. Its members will support at tho coming municipal elections candidates pledged to turn their salaries Into tho public Improvement fund. Tho Champion Iron nnd WIro works has removed to 617 South Sixteenth street. Pat rons will recclvo prompt nttcntlon ns usual. New custom la earnestly solicited. J. J. LEDDY, Proprietor. The big sensation tho J2." nnd f3." Cres cent bicycles. Sco them at 1622 Capitol ave. Dance programs and wcdddlng stationery. A. I. Root, printer. 414-416 South 12th St. iioMi:i:r.K!:nji2xci;Hio.. Vln the .Mlnnotirl Pnollln Itnlltvny. Tuesday, March Cth, wilt bo tho next dalo on which round trip tlckota nt very low ratcn to points in Kansas. Arkansas, south west Missouri nnd Oklahoma, Indian Ter ritory and Texas, nnd to cortnln points In the south nnd southwest nnd southeast will bo placed on sale. For further Information nnd tickets call on or nddrcss company's olllccs, S. E. corner 14th & Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. T. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. J. O. PHILLIP, A. Q. F. & P. A. llonieHrpkern' ll&uurslons. Via Rock Island Route, Tuesday, March Eth, to points In Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, Colorado, Utah, etc. The only direct lino to Oklahoma and Indian Territory. City Ticket Office. 1323 Farnam St. I'mii-riil .Notice. Members of Nebraska lodgo No. 1, A. F. & A. Mi, aro requested to meet at Masonic temple on Sunday nftcrnoon at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral of our Into brother, Wln flcld 8. Strawn. All Masons cordially In vited. JOHN D. HOWE, Acting Master. Clint p Kxetirnloim, California. Oregon and Washington, Via Rock Island Route, Tuesday, March Dth, Only J25.00. For full Information call at City Ticket Ofllce. 1323 Farnam St. Mrs. John R. Muslck, D. 0., Miss Fay otto Cole, D. 0., osteopaths, Her Grand hotel. KYIiltY TVK.HIAY In Fchrnnry, Mnrch nnd April the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at tho following GREATLY REDUCED RATES: From Omaha to San Frnnclsco, Los Angeles nnd San Diego $23.00 Ogdcn, Salt Lake, Duttc, Helena.... 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tncoma, Seattlo.. 23.00 New city ticket ofllce, 1324 Farnam street. Tel. 316. Union station, 10th nnd Marcy. Tel. 629. fnMcr Time anrth. Tho Northwestern lino, "Twlu City Lim ited," now leaves the Union station, Omaha, at 7:55 p. m. dally, Instead of 7:33 p. m., ns formerly. The arrival tlmo nt St. Paul Minneapolis REMAINS UNCHANGED. Through connections from tho west aro thus assured and n MORE CONVENIENT lime ot depnrturo Is afforded Omaha and Coun cil DIuffs patrons. Tho same magnlflque equipment Is retained lu service. City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam street. Wanted, a trained nurso to tako cnargo of a santtnrlum; mint havo experience, a good education and good business ability. Ad dress J 69, care Deo offlco. Every man who wears our shoos realizes that there Is something' about them that makes them better than any others. They nro a llttlo later nnd moro "snappy" In style, a llttlo moro fash lonablo in appearance, a llttlo bet ter finished and easier fitting and n llttlo lower In prlco than any others of the sardo grado. CP. eariwrlgbl N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas HAVLIEIK New Spring Suits, "AT UCIlS waists and Skirts, Hundreds of Pretty Suits Arriving' Every Day. Haydcn's suits arc known throughout the west for their exclusive designs, their up-to-date and stylish make, and for their moderate price. Suits like ours are not to he found in the ordinary store. The style, the lit, tho hang, the appearance of our suits are different to those of others. Suits at all prices to suit all tastes and all pocket-books at $3, $12, $15, $18, $20, $30, $40, $50. U( nnd K75 Yuv uu -ji jiff Our Skirt Department is well known to tho ladies ot Omaha. Tloro is no other store that carries such a largo variety of flno skirts. This year wo havo mado preparations to hnndlo somo of mo very nncst garments made many nro already in stock. The prices run at $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $30.00, $10.00 and $50.00. Come and seo theso. The Second Shinmciit of extraordinary good bargains which our buyer secured in New York havo arrived nnd will bo on our tables Mondny. These aro 200 ladles tallor-mado suits, silk llcnd Jackets; now flare skirts; Jacket and skirt trimmed with taffeta stitching c E? n suit sold In this town for $18,00 your cholco Monday for.. ..b O0vl 7G suits nearly all silk lined throughout; tho newest styles EZf sold in this town at $25.00 your choice for li2oU Bargains in Skirts iaiuju, i iuu inuics sKirts in all wool homespuns, chovlots and tC serges. They como In ralny-day, golf nnd dross skirts, worth is ehni. . . . Z.mI I TABLE NO. 2600 skirts in nil silks nicely trimmed sergo and homespun skirts mucin iriminoa rniny-uny ana golf skirts, worth up to $10.00 nnd fi $12.00 your choice for ench t3UU TABLE NO. 3 Ladles' skirts in dark and plain serges g- r worth up to $3.00, for " OC Ladies' Silk Waists from the manufacturers stock purchased by our buyer. t TrtA .111. m . . ''uw i muuo irom mo ramous winslow taffetas, corded In back and irimmuu wun smau nrass outtons on waist selling In this city for rk -w $6.50 Monday your cholco for jUl) 40 dozen French flannel waists, 6 rows ot tucks In back j-w and 12 In front; lined throughout-regular prlco $4 In all colors, at only....y UC Rend nig Snles on Page 13. HAYDEN BROS Tuesday Is the Day. Greatly reduced rates to points South and South west, West nnd Northwest, Tuesday, March 5. Only 23.00 to Utah and Montana. Only 25.00 to California, Oregon and Washington. One fare plus 2.00 for tho round trip to hundreds of points, South and Southwest, West and Northwest. Ticket Office, Burlington Station, 1502 Farnam Street, 10th and Mason Sts. Telephone 250. Telephone 128. "By the Way" Can you shavo yourself? Or do you want to learn 7 If so, wo havo shaving novelties that will interest you. Strops, Soaps, Brushes and Hones Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Dodge Street. I1UY A IirONCKlCI. It.V.OIt- 13VK11Y ONI3 WA11HAXTH1). SEATTLE' LOS ANCELCSC SAN DIEGO ONLY DIRECT LINE ACROSS THE CONTINENT To California MISSOURI RIVER TO SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, SAN DIEGO, Including all main linn points, north California stato lino to Col ton, San licrnardtno and Han Diego. $2600 PBUTTE Bow . 1 a. .SALT LAKE CITV feENVEP LINCOLN (putAVtNWORTH ONLY DIRECT LINE ACROSS THE CONTINENT Remarkable Reduction in Rates Via the UNION PACIflC EVERY TUESDAY During the Months of March and April, 1 901. Til UTAH, IDAHO, OREGON, MONTANA AND WASHINGTON MIH.SOUItl HIVIIll TO Ocdrii nml Hnlt I.nkr OOI City, UtHh (. IA Untto nml llrlcnn, f Mont I l'nrtlnnd, Orr . COC HpoUiuir, -Viml L jjZO Taconiii mid Scuttle, f Vimh 1 New City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street. Tel. 316. Union Station 10th and Marcy Streets. Tel. 629. T SPFPT A T 1 What Did Met Mean 7 TJL JLi J X JtjL JLi ! A few days no wo told you that "n Vr H n iinw nrterlnur Illcklnnnn'N pure itoulilc .lUllllcd Wlleli lln.el In 8 Ounce Bottles tor 12c 16 Ounce Bottles for 23c In Quart Bottles tor 45c AItiiij-h linvc n Imttlr on linml. Coin- imro tliln Wlloli HttxH 1UM1 irlinl you UPt claeirlirre nml nollcn tho illlTer- ' nice. nnDTnil ATnnp IQPUICCCD a-r price MUtJIUll V I llrlr I fcll DRUGGIST W DRUG DEPT. I . w. c.r. iath ..a chie. st A few tlnys nBO wo told you that "ino nnd ,-.Mct" got toKether wi pinned -nnd then wo smoked. Theu Met told us ho hud been "scooped" that tlm other follows wero RottliiK moro ndvertlslim from us than ho wan then ho talked of an other dent then wo sinned ngnln smoked und ns ho hid us good day, hu remarked: "Oh, but you nro nn easy mnrk." What did ho menu? Cruiui'i-'n Kidney Ctirr. ........ 7 .To llrntnn Utiltiliie !! IMiK)'" Mult WliUkcy hn l.iitiin Creniii . ... . . Illo 1'nllir'n Celery Conipoiinil 75i! Wine of Cnriliil 75c I'leree'n Prexerliitluii ... 7."i Seiitt'N KiiniUlon .... 7.'e OrniiiiilMlnn ...... 7o riiltMfnnt i:tie((ornii( , 7.e X. N. S 7c MiiILmI Milk Klc, 75e, .'t.l.l 1'lnkliiinrn Cniiii(iiinil 7."o ill ill You know what a day we always make of Monday. Special for the boys in our great clothing department, 2d floor. Purchase of manufacturers' serve stock of suits. re- 1110 lots in a moment. Just n word of facilities, l'lrs wo roniseu last month two onnortun t es to mnko BDeelal purchases, bocauso tho character of tho sutjs were not up to our slnndnrd. It's Just this caution that hns given you tho icrn conmionco you feel In this store, nnd tho clothing stock in ii. us mis guar dlanshln of your fiat sfactlou Hint hn grown this department to proportion over double tho size of nny oilier in the west. Tho responsibility ot every gnrmon in mis biock rests solely nnd nbso ute v on us. Wn wnnt vnti io leei ino ireeaom that buying under such guarantee Insures LOT 1 Hoys' plain doublo-brcnsted nil wool kneo pants suits of ull wool cnsslmcro and cheviots nil sizes m 6 to 1C not n suit In this lot worth Iojs than Vf C J2.2C but cholco :or -, ' LOT 2 Hoys' plnln double-breasted nnd vesteo mado of all wool flno casnlmcres aud cheviots nil sizes, 3 to 1G not a suit In this lot worth less than $3.00 tho special prlco Is LOT 3 Hoys' lino vestee sailor nnd plnln double-breasted kneo pants suits all sizes, 3 to 10 mado ot llncst tweeds nnd worsted fabrics They-nro good suit:. for Jl.CO Tho special prlco Is only OUR MAMMOTH SHOt SALE l$rought hundreds of people Snt urdny to. T. B. NORMS, ifs, This sucoessul sale continues nil this week nnd ull spccinl lines will go with u rush. Ladies' a and fl Shoes now 50c J.adies' $1 and .?o Shoes, black ano tan, Hand sewed 75c suits- 1.45 LOT i Hoys' extra flno three-pleco suits 10 mndo of extra lino chovlots and wor stedsworth $0.60 for only 2.45 In sizes ft to 3.75 I LOT 5 Hero Is tho greatest assortment of all. In thl lot wo havo Russian blouse suits, sailor suits, finest vesteo suits nnd plain doublo-breasted suits not n suit worth less than $5.00, and up to $7.60 special for LOT 0 Boys' very fine long pants suits all sizes, 12 to 19 suits that aro worth $7.50 to $10.50 special for $3.75, $5.00 and , LOT 7 Hoys' odd long rnnts sizes, 28 to 31, waists flno all wool fabrics, pants worth' $2.00 to $5.00 salo prlco 05c, $1.50 and LOT S Hoys' o3d knee pants all sizes, 3 to 16 mado of all wool fabrics, nlso corduroys. Pants worth from 60c to $1.50 spoclal for, 15c. 25c, 50c nnd Rend bargains on pa go 13. 3.75 all sizes, 12 to 7.50 i 31, waists of 2.50 16 mado of 75c Ii AYDEN BROS SELLING THE MUST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. mm fPP A Pleased Patient Is tho best advcrtlsomcnt n Dentist can have. In that lies our success. BAILEY, the Dentist 318 rxton IHook, 10th k Frnm St. Phono 108D, Lndr Attendant. "We haven't a customer we'd hesitate to refer you to" we have quite a number we would like to refer you to, who use SHERIDAN the cleanest , cheapest and best coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE. 1605. Far nam St. Tel. 127 Ns nrrtn nn tinmr A" u nnut jviwm. Registered RE-NO-MAY POWDER A. Mayer Co. DEC BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. In pink box not only relloves, but pos itively cures nil disorders of tho feet, stops odorous porsplratlon, cures ten der, swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In bluo box removes all bodily odors. If properly usod no dress shields are required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive perspiration, rub tho palms after thorouBhly drylnB them with the powder. baWt ua s vea In use tho powder In pink box. Vov axllllary (armpits) "wentlne, ,rcc"' use In tho cover of tho blue box. 1'or obstinate swea " J"" "must be ills" affected parts with tho He-No-May AstrluKento Antiseptic Lot on. It m t be . I,, tlnctly understood that tho RH-NO-MAY Towder Is not a toilet POer' lnfa'n a W a curative, hygienic nnd antiseptic powder, and should not bo used to, Jnfants as a toilet dusting powder. Talepowdered starch or similar products without any intrinsic valuo, ore inexpensive nnd sufficient. llH-0-M.V I'llWDKll, endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians. For "J nra.tlon. con suit Miss Mayor, 31C llco Building. Ooumiltutlon free dally from 2 to 4. MANUFACTUKKD n A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb- Sold by nil Druggists and Glove Dealers. THE SMOKERS PREFER BECAUSE THE JOBBERS' PROFIT IS ADDED TO THE POLITY V, B. H1012 IX, C. CO., MANUl'XC'ljUREHB, T. LOUIS, MO. UNlUN MAUI Men's 5, 0 and $7 French Pat ent Calf Shoes, -j to go at JLUU Theso are New York globe and narrow toes. Hemember not all sizes, but wonderful bargains. Attend our mammoth shoe sale all this week at T. B. Norn's 1517 Douglas St. Spring Painting Can bu done with very LITTLE TIlOU fliwm?.1 kV.,1V1.U:1' KXl'BNBB If you uao 8 ILItWIK-WlLLIAAIH MIXIJD PAINTS, i hero Isn't a thing so smiill nor so largo for which Sherwin-Williams Imvcn't mudo a paint Bultublo In Hhudo and size ot pneknge. Llttlo pots of paint for lllcycles nnd Haby Carriages. Hugo cans ot paint for big house, burns and bridges. llnlf-plnt enn Family Pnlnt uc Half-pint can Vnrnlsh Stuln 2f,0 Hulf-plnt can Screen Paint J5C Quartcr-nlnt can Kumnni inint . . - ! ....... fcUU Qunrtcr.plnt can Ulcyclo Knamel is0 jiuii.jiuii can Jiuggy I'atnt r6c Hnlf.plnt snn Ilnthtiili Miimi fn- Half.plnt enn Oil Stnln ip0 One-pint enn flno Vnrnlsh o UALL FOlt COLOR CARD. Sherman McConnell Drug Go. Cor. 16th f.nd Dodge, Omaha. CURSE OF DRINK CURED BY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can bo given In Glass of Water, Tor at (ofrcoJVVIthout Patient's Knowledge. .. ...u muuuji jivuiuuy win euro or an troy tho dlsensed appetlto tor alcoholla stimulants, whother tho patient Is a con- or drunkard. Impossible tor any one to hnvn an n. petlto for alcoholic lltiutirs artor uslni Whlln Ttlhhnn Mrr.Ax, II.. TjTi.J rk nu iiv wrmiiK oiro. -i; u. Mooru ?r.l? ln Nob- by CnaB- 'IL Schaofen ICth and Chicago streets. - DANGER IS LURKING IN IT When your bath room or lavatory lsn t fitted ui) wUh modern sanltnry plumbing. Sewer gas Is moro danger ous In Winter than In Summer, be cause ventilation Is not so free. You will ward off dlseaso by having your closets, bath room, kitchen, sinks and laundry' overhauled. Wo mako n spe Sl?Jty ,ofnfnl,ttry .Plumblnjr. steam and gas fitting, nnd do It scientific ally and at reasonable prices. Free 6t Black, 1800 Fnrnrttn. Phono 109. Eastman Kodaks still lead. Sco tho latest model of the No. 4 CnrtridRO Koilnk tnkes pictures 4x5, nnd can bo used for either plates or films. List prlco $25.00 OUR PRICE $20.00 All other good makes of ICodnJc nnd Cameras. THE ROBERT DEMSTER COMPANY, 1215 Farnani Street. DovpJoplne; nnd finishing by first cjass workmen. Your Teeth Aro precious, Naturo de munds thoy recelvo the bust treatment. All that skill and oxnnri. nneo can accomnllsh Ii at your commund here. Teeth Crowned , J5.00' t llrldgo Work, per tooth.. 13.00 ' Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DouKlaaSt.