THE .OMtSlIA DALLY BEE: SUtiAY, 3LA FK'TT H, lilui. business chances. JIM CASH on easy payments buys S5 strictly imvllll folCKcll BlUl mn '.iiih'-b iui uLiiinr. Hrar nr rmh will mm t2 and tinward I weekly each. Karl Clark Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. V 310 for BALK, agricultural Implement and carriage business In south central Ne braska For further particulars address Box on, west Liberty, la. y 311 FURNITURE of 7-room flat, fine location, completely equipped, full best class room ers, extra opportunity to make money. j. ii. jonnton, sti n. v. Lire. y jiik FURNITURE of 42 rooms, elegantly and completely equipped, full of first-class roomers nnd boarders; no beter location . In city. If you want a paying business 1 Investigate this Imedlately. J. II. John son, 541 I, Y. Life. Y M154 WILL tak lone lease on brick stable If built, centrally located, . and pay pood rent. Address J 66, lien. PARTY to furnish means to orosnect min ing claims, Hlack Hills: pood prospects; would do work personally; am experi enced and reliable; confidential. Address K 32. care Dee. Y-M3S3 3 OPKS'tS'rt for llvr. tnnn In well established buslncs. Small capital required. Address iv as, nee. i jio-j- 1.71.00. Tfl f NO On np week tn ft cood man Wo want n capable and energetic man to represent us in every state oi w nn. you may be Just the man we are looking fnf. Wrllii n nnra for full nartlPUlrs. Tho International Savings Aso-iatlnn, SultfJ H06. Malestlo Building, Detroit, Mich, . INVESTIGATE our plan for Investing In oil stocks; failures lmposlblo tinder our system. One man Invested 512.50 per month for right months and cleared 51.400. Lima news me greatest in tn- worm. Best references, union Oil Co., Lima, O. l "IF Vol want to make money" In stocks, grain or cotton on small Investments write to us Immediately. We are not brokers ami cli) not solicit accounts. Flower & Co., Chicago Stock Exchange wag.. I'nicago. x i a- THIS Is the greatest speculative era In tho history of th" world and the greatest fortunes aro now being made. How to operate In stocks or grain and make money with small canltal. The only way. Write for particulars. Address. J. U. Griffith & Co., Traders' Building. Chicago, III. v IW 3 INCORPORATE vnur companies under lib eral laws of South Dakota. Any capital; non-assessalilo stock, business onice nny whrrn! enst InnnL Write for full nar- tlculars. Charter Co., Box C, Tlerre. 8. I. 1 112-3" WASTED, nartner In manufacturing busi ness; must have 51.2(0 to 51,5(0 cash and manage business; a great opportunity. Address K 42, Bee. Y-M43 4' FOR SALE, first-class hardware stock, big discount If taken at once, culver Bros., Mankato, Minn. Y-4CT-3' WH can market your patent and sell your business, no matter where located. "Quick sales, small profits." Barbour & Peder- sen, Dept. B, 21 Qulncy St., Chicago, III. Y 46S-3 A GOOD paying business for 51,600, paying from 576 to 5100 per month above nil ex penses; will trade for farm or city prop erty. Address ic 31. nee. y M454 6 5S,(0 STOCK of clean, tip-to-date general merchandise; will trade for clear. Im proved eastern Nebrnska or western Iowa land. Will be at Merchants hotel, Omaha, March 5. G and 7. Address D. W. N., care Merchants. Omaha. Y 4S9 3 TO LEASE for a term of years, finest track of coal land In North Missouri; on Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad. 776 Gibraltar Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. - Y-33S-2 FOR SALE, mall order specific medlclnn DUBinera ann rormuiae; nns paid lost e cht years J53.7G2.tO with advertising ex penses K.250.05. J. G. Klrkpatrlrk. Nash ville, Tenn. Y s 3 WANTED, one or two ladles to Invest J2.1O0 ror an entire manufacturing Business ror Iowa or Nebraska; Investment secured with J2.200 worth of goods; sold clsewnere In Jo days; N. Y. manufacturers of these goods well known to Omaha business firms; merchants In every town In tho state will sell the goods for you: state will clear between JS.000 and JIO.COO per year; proms &w to stu per cent; investiga tion solicited. Iv 62, Bee. Y 4SH 3' WANTED, a live business man with from jio.wo to casn to take .nctive in terest In nartlv established manufactur ing business In Omaha; splendid chance for active man with time and money to Invest. Address k. 47, nee. v 3 AN absolutely safe mining Investment: dividends sure In July; full Information on request. L. E. Kimball Co.. Denver, Colo. Y K3 3- SUBURBANS drug store; fine trade; reason for selling, other business: half cash, bal ance good land; nearest drug store to e.wo population. Address k &e. uee. Y M5KJ 5 4 FOR i:CltA.(iE. A FINK IS5.00 imported made lantern, as good as new, only used a short time; suit able for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments', a bargain. Address F G3, Bee omce. ss I7i WILL trade stoves and furniture for horses. S01 N. 16th St. g-M763 Marl6 WILL excaikre clear vacant boulevard lots In Chicago for SouUi Omnha Improved or eastern eorosita turm lanas. uwners only address, Anton Holverson. 402 N. 24th St., South Omaha. .-MHOS" FOR EXCHANGE, eastern Nebraska land. Chicago or South Omaha property for stocK or snoos; can pay some casn. a. Goodrich. South Omaha. Z 54S 3 HOKBi) and carriage to exchange ror a cow. U 49, Bee. Z M&46 4 UA 12 a good square piano and some money; will fl-nde for an upright; no dealers. Address P. Bee. Council Bluffs. K MSGS 3 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. liox 232. umaha. Neb. confidential. 319 GONOVA is a Frenh treatment ror mals and female, for the positive cure or uon- flammatlons. Irritations and Ulcerations of tht mucous membranes. An internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week; 13 Der TackiiL-o or two for 15. Sent- any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Office, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; U. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's Engltsn rennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchesltr memicai i'o.. Philadelphia, Fa. CANCER cared at home, by Internal treat. ment; no knife, plaster or pain. Book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer In- stuute, izi v. 4:d St., N. Y. LADIES, I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female regulator; win relievo most obstinate cases of delayed periods In live hours; sent secure from observation. 51.00. Dr. Annie Fowler. 2741 LADIES. 5500 reward for an obstinate, long standing', abnormal case suppression, any causa .old Dr. Jackson's Vegetable Female Medicine fails to relievo In 21 hours with. out pain or loss of woik; no ersot or tansy home for confinement cases. Mailed 53.00, Dr. Jackson, R. O. Dept., I. 167. Dear born at., vnicago, ii 33,-i6 LOST. LOST Brown alligator skin lady's purse on 14th and Harney. Return to Bee office for reward- Lost 3S1 3 LADY who picked up'purse In Boston Store Feb. 22 return to 2203 Sherman avenue and save trouble. Lost VS 3 r - - ' 1 ' ' 1 LOST. In vicinity of 22d and Lake utreets. ladles gold pin, set wtth rubles and pearls. Jtetum to zzx unio ana get reward. Ixist-443 S LOST. Monday night, silver hnndle for car riage door. Return to G, F, Read. 413 B. lath and receive reward, iost 532 3' MATRIMONIAL. 6,W WANT to marry. March list 10c; per- ' . I n . ..... I .... .. .-..lY... r. lp..MI PtfllUI iiiiiuuuviiuii" , n i ooiij jmitu,,., prompt sen'lce. Mr & Mrs. Drake, 155 FOIl HA 1,15 REAL ESTATE. HOUSES, IX)T3. FARMS, LANDS. GEOP.OE P. BKM1S, Telephone 5SS. Paxton Block. HOUSES AND LOTS. We have a very large list of of houses and lots at prices ranging irom wj io nv.vv In every part of the city. We have the plain cheap home, good enough for any body; then we havp n lot of nice houses, from Jl.fOO to 2,5oo. some strictly modern, some partly so. We also hale some very elegant homes In the West Farnam and Unnxrom Park districts, from 53.000 to J10,- (AO-all of which are good values. 's lnv this n-npV a house and lot we can sell on the installment pian mat is a line proposition. Come In and Investigate this. A nice home, modern, 6 rooms, cheap at 52.0W. that wo will sell or trade tor acre property that has a dicenl house and some fruit on It. Wo havo a customer for about 30 acres of land near some small city, not too lar from Omaha. They want some fruit, house, barn, chicken hous. In fact some placo that Is already to move on to and otnrt business. Thev would like to trade the r home in on this property, which is worm i rooms, good size lot, gooa barn and chicken house, not too far out, will uuv it if you do not want to iraae, Let us hear from you. RESIDENCE LOTS. J150 each. X down and 15 per month, near motor line and lay r.icciy. Choice lots In every part of city, from ft few hundred upward, can upon us dcioic buying. FARMS. GOO acres In one of the best farming counties In Nebraska, good house or aooui i roomn. bam. double corncrlb, two windmills and tnnVK. it i nil it-ncea into neiun aim vv believe an exceptional bargain at 146 per acre. 40 acres, well Improved, fruit, etc., Nemaha county, per acre. 160 acres, Douglas county, well Improved, s per acre. SO acres, Douglas county, unimproved, very cheap, w per acre. 640 acres. Douglas county, well Improved, (46 per acre. 300 acres. Washington county, under culti vation and pasture, s per acre. Other choice grain and fruit farms, all sires, all prices, jnvssugaie. GOOD INVESTMENTS. Large double brick block, close in. bringing ill l,tw per year, oniy One of tho best business corners In the city, joo.wo. 66x122 feet, near 16th and Douglas, only It brick flats, close In, only $11,000. Brick block, downtown, renting for 12,500 per year, price, i-.wv. Another choice brick block, Inside, bringing In J1.5W. price, io,uw. RANCHES. SOMEBODY'S OPPORTUNITT-One that you may never De noie to aupncnir acre ranch In western Nebraska, 12 miles from town, good house and barn, granary, shop, chicken house, sheds, stock scales, 12 miles of fencing. 2uO acres In cultivation, balance pasture and grass land; very rea sonable at J6.000. but If taken at once we are ab!o to offer In addition 100 head of i,iv,...rn,in shorthorn and Hereford cattle i.n - ,, se mail. n Willi tne rancn uu iui ,wv v-vn , .v trade, no terms. 0,0(0, well Improved, J-5 per acre. 4S0, verj- desirable, ts per acre. 320, hay land, near above, S i per acre. nrn tin r iinrtap t n o iiiii-ii. aiu iici x i others of all descriptions. See us before buying. 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT- EDGE REAL ESTATE SECURITY. ALSO WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. GEORGE P. BEMIS, 1 (Established In 1S6S.) TKiAnhAnA f.ft PflTtfln Block. . -RE-507 3 INTEREST rates are low, general business conditions gooa. Anoiner puu uup Nebraska will result in a bik um " r., n..!,., rniv. Now ! the the We tltno to buy. See our list of bargains, have others. Call for particulars. 5 650 Patrick av., 7-room house. 5 3435 PatriCK av., i-room niuc. 5 760-3016 Plnkney. 4-room house, barn. i fi"rt,, oml Tlnnronft. 5-room house. '5lotO 2122 N.- 25th. 4-room house (payments). i o. riiti mnr hflr mm. i-i uum iiuueu. 11.200 ltm. near uun-iw, v,w 51,650-2413 N. ISth, S rooms, city water. 52.000 25th and Woolworth, 8 rooms, city t-wrfVLnflii T.,iat fi rooms, nartlv modem. 52,000 Windsor I'lace, o-mum iiuuso uiu barn. Ksno Near 40th and Cuming, 8 rooms. 52.60O-26th and Parker,- 7 rooms, modern, barn. , J3.000 Park Wild av.. 6 rooms, modern, Kara 53,250 19th st. Boulevard, 3 rooms, modern, barn. . . TT.rtNear 35th and Farnam, 7 rooms, mod- 55,2iAV-Georgla nv.. S rooms, inodeni, shade. 56,600 31st av. anu r arnam, rooms, nwu- cm. BARGAINS IN CHOICE VACANT LOTS. 5 300 East rront, aum st., on car nne; oar- 5 3S0For 2 lots, corner In Orchard Hill. i irjwotli and Miami, well located. 51,l(-21st and St. Jiary s av., aouDie, f rnntnee. 51,200 th av, and Harney, south front. S1.70O 31st t near Hanscom park. r? lso 34tn and b urnam. wxnu. 53,000100 ft. frontage, Hanscom park; will divide. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. RE-605 S ONE OF THESE MAY BE "IT." Now 7-room house, modern, except furnace. full lot, near jionscam para, near two car lines, w oarsum at Comnlpte modern houtc of 7 rooms, almost new, pavea street ana spcvidis jmiu, near Hanscom pans. Good S-room house; modern except furnace. full lot. best nart or urcnaru inn. Full Nstorv house of S moms. born, city water, sewer, 'near '3tm ana aewara. Cheap at 51,500. Neat house of 7 rooms, full lot, 2Sth and Emmett. 51,200. Cottage of 6 rooms, full lot, city water and sewer; close in. i,so". Vacant lots all parts of city, 51(0 and up. v,aw anu examine my spring mock. W. A. SPENCER, 1034 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. KtS )U3 3 WYMAN-SHRIVER CO., New York Life Building. 67x60 feet'on the B. W, corner 26th and Par. ker St.: paving all paid; sewer, city water; room tor two nouses; nne rent location, 51.000. Corner, 80x142 feet. Douglas, hear 36th; fine 7-room house, good shape, full lot, S4th, near jjitvpnpon. Two full lots. 7-room house, modern, Dodge. near 45th. 51.500. Large 10-room modern house, large lot, corner, near Pacific and Park av. 513,000. uaii iot, aoutn iront, tn, near Ulando. Vacant lot, 24th and Elm St.: lays fine. 5400. w-toot iot, i-room cottage, in and Doug- liLS. 5hSO. C-foot lot on 25th and Farnam; fine loca FOIl S.M.IV-REAL ESTATE. S WEET & IIEADLEY, Phone 1172. 6IJ N Y. Is. Bids. We have COMPLETE HOMES In good con dition .aiso gooa lots with houses tnai need repairing, at bargain counter nrlccs. On 25th st , S-r.. modern except heat, brick walks and cellar, nice lawn and barn, good fence, full lot, shade, a model little home. 12.4UI. On I.ake) St.. new S-r. house, modern except furnace, win De completed April l. a SNAP. 12.-M Emmett and 91th, 6-room modern cottage, 2 lots, lawn, fence, shade, barn. z.'.ein. 6-room cottage, good repair, one block from iur iwr, ennu, uaiauuc jr, month. Lot COxlRS, 4-r. cottage. 5-r. cotage In rear on Hi other " vacant. 10 minutes wniK southwest of court house; rents, 513. Prtce. 51.250. Make offer. 6-r. cottace near 31st and Burt, city water. 101 SSXIffl. THIS PHOPKKTY IS UK.- UINE SNAP AT 1S50. Near 17th and California, IVj-story house, rents lie, .only xj,iw, aiake an oner. choice nrn.Dts'n lots. 62X130. FACING EAST ON 2STH ST , THIRD LOT NORTH OF FARNAM. A GRAND LOCATION AND A GREAT BARGAIN AT 54 .2.71. 60x150. Hanscom Place tl.OOO 40x115. Douglas and 29th aVe., high, nlco OV 50x132, facing Sherman avc, near Bur- dette ,, 61x111, n. w cor. Cass and Ixiwe ave.. 1.G00 1.0TO 450 4'A 110 3.V) 0 60X128, in beautiful Marysvllle add,.,... 60x132. Templeton St.. A BARGAIN.... 6Cxl34. Blondo and 30th st (12x127, on 24th, near Ames, fine trees.. Near 21th nnd Ames, fine lots, iiao to. See us early this week for a good bargain. SWEET & HEADLBY, Phone 1172. 613 N. Y. L. Bldif. RI-SO0 3' WIFE (to Husband)-OH, DEAR! 1 am so discouraged with this OLD HOUSE. We have already paid oat In rent nearly enough to have purchased a home. Our landlord will not do one thing In tho WAY OF REPAIRS and now threatens to RAISE OUR RENT. HUSBAND (to Wife) Well, my dear, to morrow morning I will go down to the oinco of the PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY nnd look over some of the rare bargains they are Just now offering. I understand they have FOUR BEAUTI FUL NEW HOUSES on Cuming street, between 32d and 33d streets understand they are elegantly finished, with PORCE LAIN BATH TUBS, MARBLE WASH STANDS that they also have good, up-to-date FURNACES and cemented cellars They nro south fronts and can be bought for from &25Q to W.500 on reasonable terms. I THINK THEY "MUST BE CHEAP. I will Bee If they suit us. They are also Just completing two 7 and S-room houses on 26th Ave., about, 200 feet south of the Winona Apartment House, and they are said to be complete In every particular, with nil modern conveniences. They can be purchased for J3.G00 to 54,000, (500 cash balance 6 per cent. I am told they have a good 6-room all modern house about three blocks from Farnam car line, In the west part of tho city. Tho house Is on a corner, In good neighborhood and In fair repair, for 52,250, 5300 cash, balance monthly payments. I heard they have a good 6-room house out on 11th street, a corner lot and east front. Just one block from car line. The house has furnace, gas, bath, city water, hot and cold water plumbing and In good repair. I BELIEVE IT CH-EAP AT 52.C00, 550O cash, balance 6 per cent. AND THEN there Is that good C-roora all modern house In WALNUT HILL, two blocks, from motor. The house Is In SPLENDID repair, Is on a corner and can bo purchased for 2,300 on easy terras. 1 BELIEVE IT IS CHEAP. In Archer Place they have a 7-room house on a 100-foot lot. The house Is greatly In need of repairs; the owner must have CASH. Now, somebody will pick that up as a SNAP one of these days and make some money out of It. But it does seem to me out of the largo number of properties on their books we CAN find something to suit us. We will try It, anyway. PAYNE-KNOX COM PAN Y, Main Floor New York Llfo Building. ' RE 4483 PHILIP POTTER AND SON COMPANY. l'nuip potter, i'resiaeni. Auurey i'otter, secretary 311 New York Life Building. Gentle Borlnc' has come and we are ready to snow you mo cnoico umana property wo navo ror suie. i-aii anu see us ana take a drive around the city and make your selection before prices go out of sight, it is coming, Havo a fine house just listed with us. nine rooms, built in vas, all modern improve ments; hard wood floor first story, back plastered, tile bath'room: North 31st ave., rronting me new i,urus mrner pam, oniy 56,600.00, and will take a choice vacant lot In part payment. Let us show you the property. We offer as an Investment property 3 stores and flats above on North 24tn street for 510,000.00. All occupied save ono flat, which will be shortly. Here Is an Income bearin? property of 51.26S.00 per annum: It will return you ot least 8 or 9 per cent on your money, three times what you are receiving from your bank deposit. A six-room cottag, two stories, lot 30x168, c oslne out ror eastern party, only w).w. Fifty-five feet front on 24th street, near laue. a nne site tor nats or Dusiness property, only 51,500.(o. LANDS Slxty-slx acres Douglas county, near the city limns, oniy iw.ty per acre, a gooa 640 ncres Custer county. 52.000 00. 320 acres Dawes county, 56W.OO. 320 acres Custer county, 160 acres Buffalo county. 5SO0.O0. r-rtr, l , v t- " Wl l,Li, S . A nine-room house. 27th Ave.. 517.60. A six-room cottage, 16th & Davenport, 520,00, A seven-room flat. 2im & Lake. Jiu.w, Don't forget we. write lire insurance and suretv and Kldeiitv Donas PHILIP POTTER AND SON COMPANY Phone 470. RE-S59-3 FOR SALE. 5-room house In good repair. city water and gas, small lot; win take 5K0 it sold this week. Call 2026 Bancroft. RE 422 3 REMEMHER our farms on the crop pay ment piau. uniy iw casn requirea on each 160 acres. Excursion Tuesday, March 6. 10 p. rn.; round trip. 510.55. Nelson it Hoelck. 319 Itomge Bldg. RE-3S4-3 BARGAINS FOR SALE. 2626 Parker street. S-room modern house, barn, etc., very cheap ..52,600 1920 wirt street, iv-room moaern house ,i 4.000 IKK Norm intn street, y-room moaern nouse. races east on ibtn ana west on 17th street 3.600 nve i-room moaern cottages, corner Hamilton and Ztitn streets, renting for 586 a month 7.600 Four 6-room cottages, mn ana omo streets, renting ror so a month t.500 Lois 6 ana i, Arcaae i'iace, ueautirui east ironi, iota in nne location; want offer. Lot 11, block 1, Brennan Place, SSth and California streets cost nrlce .-. 750 Lot 6. block a. Kliuy Place, east rront. 40tn ana uooge streets., cost ii.ujo: will sell for SOO Five acres, end or Ames Ave car line for . 1,050 20 acres fine gardening land at Flor ence lake 1,600 uotn or ooove ror rent. 160 acres, four miles north of Flor ence ror :,ok Best rarm bargain ever offered. W. R. HOMAN, S and 10 Frenxer Block. JvK 3S2 3 SOME extra good bargains In large stock farms, specity wnat you wisn. .-veison & Hoelck. 319 Itamge Hidg. re 3S3 3 OROCERY and feed business: dally sales. 510; very cheap rent: stocK Al. Nelson & Hoelck. 319 Ramge Bldg. RE 3X3 3 5-ROOM cottage andjot. 19th ner Ike St FOR .AI,B-ItKAI BSTATK. GEORGE & COMPANY. lfMI Fnrnnm St . Tel. ii PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT Oil Ht'fltKKHS 51S.CnO.tO for brick block In business part of South Omaha, leased w,o.ui per .ear. will consider nart clear property In ex- change. 5I2.5VUO, S. W. corner 12lh and Harney Hts., 4IX1S2 feet, one ot tne most u'sirame 1nrAtlnn In whnlp-tnle district. 56.250.0) for 9-roqm house with lot t,xt26 ft. ironiing SOlltn on vai'iwi mrnuc unu rari and west on 23d and 24th St?" Thts Is one of the most desirable corners In the city for an apartment hmue or building ten nnck nouses ror rental iiunioes. nr the lot faces three good streets nnd is ono block from car line, one block high school and within walking distance of business dUtrlrt. 53,rU0 for good building well located, pay ing over lv per cent nei. TiKSltiENCES. 516.000.00 for ono of the finest reldence In Hajiscom I'ark district nnd oeauuruiiy located, psoeclallv well suited for some onn In htulnf in South Omaha. 515,000 for large brick residence on Tarnam car line, no feet ot grouna, cost aauuic nrlce mknl. 59.7CO.OO for ono of the best houses In west Farnam St. d strict, a beautiful homo and rrwontlv hiillt Alan In rep barn. 53.(00.00 for 8-room house on 35th St., near Farnam. strictly modern arm nearly new. 51.1(0.(0 for 3019 Marcy St.. 8-room house, large hall, nil modern anu in nne reiwur. must be seen Inside to be fully appre ciated. 53.2no.00 for 7-room cottage. 26th and Dodge Sts., all modem, finished in oak down stairs, easv walklnir distance city. 52.G0O.0O for 7-room cottage on 20th St. Boulevard, east front, large lot, house nearlv now nml a fine homo for nnv one. 52.noo.00 for 4324 Franklin St.. H block west .Military avenue, s-room nouse, modern oxcent heat. In fine repair, lot 60x150 feet. 51.SO0.U) for Xffi Mnmlerson St.. G-room pot tage, new, large lot, fine trees, also small nam., -mis is in a nrsi-ciass noignnor hood. 52.000.00 for 302 St. Mary's ave., 5-room cot tage in good condition, special taxes nam, south front; terms, 5M0.00 cash, balance navaDie montniv. 51.200.00 for 1142 N. lKlh St.. S-room cottage. lot 30x140, rents jii.oo per month, just tne piace ror u. p. shod men. mni.ntNn iots. 52.000.00 for beautiful E. front lot on Low Ave., near Dewey Ave., all special taxes paid In full. ' 51.S00.CO for south front lot on Harney St., lust east 36th St. 55.jO.00 for lot. 45x110 feet, on Ohio St., Just west .vm at., a- tine piace ror a cottage and a barcntn. 5350.00 for choice building lot, 60x150 feet. In wninut inn. naif diock car line; just rigui 10 nuiiu on. SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY 5750.00 for 6 acres 3 miles S. W. of South uraatia, with house, barn and some fruit, lust the nloce for earden. 5775.00 for 4-room house on 221 St., near O, with barn. 5323.00 for 33x130 feet on 23d St., half block norm Miiroy ave.. easy payments, DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM 163 acres 18 miles northwest Omaha, only 537.(0 per acre. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St., umaua, or in .am at., soutn umnr.a. RE ISO 3 R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. DWELLING HOUSES. No. EST On 31st, north of Park, 8 rooms, all mouern improvements, tun lot, nsphalt raveu street; nouse in good condition. Price, 54.000. NO. S,S 2S11 nnvpnnnrl st.. 7 rnrtmv ni closet, hot and cold water, furnace, good cellar; very compact and conveniently ar- mngcu. i-nce, i..M. No. SiSC rooms, almost new. bath, rlnset. cemented cellar. 60-root lot, near car line; bvvu luvauuu. l,J9U. No. lOaVi ,-room house, all mndprn !m. provements, z blocks from car, house in tlno condition, on corner, muth snd emt front. 52.500. Owner will take vacant lot us pan payment. If you want to buy a lot, we have got some urn u.ireunis mis ween, rrom 1200 up. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam St. RE-502 3 REMEMBER our farms on the cron nnv iiiciii. jjiuii. uniy casn required on each 160 acres. Excursion Tuesday, ""vii u. in ji, in.; rounu trip. JIU.O. neison & noeicK, 313 Korage Bldg. RE 3S3 3 LOT 66x 1SS, ISth and Martha sts, 6-room house, price 5750. xs4, nne &-room nouse, bam. city water. gas. east rront on iOtli ave.. nrlp. sin.. 33x132, 6th and Pierce sts., one-story frame cottage, HS50. 4SHxlG6, 5-room brick house on Burt St., st.uv. Half lot on 24th and Capitol ave., 6 rooms unu Dasemeni, Lot 60x168, one 6-room house, one 4-room, join ana 1'ierce sts. 35x160. 6-room house, on BUrt' st.. 1S50. 8-room. all modern, east front, naved st.. gas, furnace, lot 60xl2S, 52,300; rents at 525 per snomn. nENKON. 100x128. 5-room house, barn, rood wll. south front, two blocks from street cur line, 5760. : acres, nil under cultivation, between five ana six nunareu oeanng iruit trees, good jiuubb ul o (uuiiih, iiirKQ unrn, com crios, close to paved road. 34.000. Six lots lduxlSS each. 4 blocks from street car, ono diock rrom paved road, only $500 iur an, g0 ncres nortn of Florence at the low nrlca 0f 52; per acre 424 Paxton Block. RE 192 3 FOR SALE. 1663-acre stock ranch; ideal sneiterea location, auunuant range, wr.tcr unu proutictive meaaow bottoms ror lurge nera; rauroaa station, navigable river, mill timDer. orcnam. licnrm-cmenis nn ranch, cash market, hay, implements, 110 neaa siock; u-,v.i spot casn; no trade W. M. Humphreys, Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. Jlfcr 60-ft. lot on South 24th street, across from .-usson street scnooi. Any reasonable oner accepted. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 So. 14th St. RE 490 3 BEST farming counties In tho world; bar gains in urown, uonipnan, Nemaha, Franklin, Atchison, Jefferson and Jackson counties, Kansas, rarms; Hiawatha, ele gant suburban homes; poultry and fruit larms; nne siock rancnen in eastern Kan sas, I cheerfully answer nil Inquiries. O. ii. Aicuuary, iiiawatna, Kansas. RE 482 3 5 ncres l'i miles west of Hanscom park, niKn ana signtiy; win sen tor ts.n. One acre two blocks from Walnut Hill car nne, la minutes- naa aown town, (MX r.asy terms. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 So. 14th St, RE-490 3 20 ACRES, west Dodge st., house, barn, cranes, etc.: a cheap place for 52.5o0. 12o acres, 11 miles northwest, fair Improve. menta: price. jo per acre. TO acres, Papplo bottom land, south Of South Omaha: price. ju per acre. 312 acres. 12 miles west of Omaha P. O.. near Milium: price, l per acre. Full lot on .Grant St.. near 26th. 5450, Decatur st., between 25th nnd 26th sts,, 60x 126 feet, near car line; prlcp. tooo. 4339 Franklin street, lot 50x150 feet, 7-room house, near-car line. 51.200. 90S South 20th street, 6-room house, rental iia per monm, ciose in, 1143 and 1145 North lith st.. COxlW feet, pav- lntr nam. ua:iuai. at N. E. corner of 26th and Cuming streets, two nouses. u.w. Bt- uf f i- it. Farnam street. 9-room bouse, barn, very chean at 53.500. Farnam street, near 14th. three-story brick buuuing. zzxis. ieet. .ai. JOHN' A. FRENZER, OPP. OLD. P. O. RE-501 W. H. GATES, 618 N. Y. Life. 9 rooms, fully modern, cellnr under whole hmaa horn ln hr17. J? Will? irM Varnum 10-room modern house near High school. corner lot, js.sw. VACANT. 60x121. Howard, near 36th ot, 51.510. 50x100. Harney, near 35th St., 51,300. 34x100, Harney, near Park ave., 51.100. 70x165, cor. Sth and Dewey ave.. 54.350. 66x140, Boulevard, near Grace, tl.ffto. ttxiiv, unio, just west jvn st., 40x126, Patrick ave., bet. Z6th and 27th, per manent sidewalk, sewer, water, tras. lm. 60x127, Miami st., Just east 30th, sewer, water, 5225. 5-room cottage and corner lot 6xl!6. close in, one block rrom am st. car line. If you are looking for something good and cheap can in ana let me snow mis to you. Price, oniy ji,3w. itu 4S3 s A Snap 23 lots In different parts of the city belonging to non-resident. 7 of which cost 510,5(0. We are authorized to sell the bunch for :,&ii. The Byron Reed Co.. U3 So. 14th St. FOIl 5U,l-HKAIi KSTVTK. SHOLES COMPANY, Life Bldg Tel. 310 IS $29. SS 4.150 Charles street, 60x140 feet 7-room nouse. ono block from mo car iina nun school, price 5!oo. This property Is clear and must be sold, and Is going to be sold. -,ook at it und make us a proposition. 57 20S So. 2?th ave., 40x79 feet, east tront. 4- room house, ! takes it We offer in north part of city a corner lot on nllev. south front, with 6-room house, modern except furnace, In fine re pair, mm nne brick barn, room tor two horses and two carriages, stone sidewalk. Iron fence, etc. A beautiful home for small family. Reasons for selling, owner desires larger house. See us for portlcu- lars. rnce, iz.eiA'. 4I1-S12 N. 39th St.. 37x112, 7-room. strictly modern, oak finish, one-hall block from car line, 53,250, 63S 26th and Harney, south fronl, lot V;x 131' ft., y-room nouse, strictly mouern, with barn. Price, 54,750. 623 On Georgia ave., near Hanscom psrlt. run corner lot. new s-room. strictly mod ern, nickel plumbing, porcelain bath, oak nnisn, poiisned noors; a mouern nome. Price, 53,500. VACANT. On Farnam street opposite the Barton resi dence, we oner iwxit reel, being me lin es! location for view or anything to be naa. or a tew anys we are auinorizeu in make a special nrlce on this which will nttrnct you If you aro In tho market for a tine building sue. We offer on 32d ave., 70x133 ft., a most beautiful building site, surrounded by houses costing from 510.000 to 550.0O, for the small sum of only 52,500, with nil pav ing paid, stone walk, trees, eic. This N a bargain seldom offered In choice vacant property in such a locality. We also offer on the same street soutii of Davenport, 51x135 ft., lying line, built up on both sides, for 51,6'JO. This Is no price at nil. LANDS. In Boone ounty we offer the finest slock ley, 165 acres of which Is In alfalfa and the balance fine hav land. This ranch Is well Improved, the Improvements costing about 57,600. Free range In the sand hills adjoining ror 1,600 head ot siock. iti-o, rM III.- Iftt 1,1, , SPECIAL BARGAINS IN IMPROVED PROPERTY. S. E. cor. 29th and Poppleton ave., 8-room nn moaern nouse, nne large yaru, iw u. frontaco on Georzla ave.. 100 ft. on Pop pleton nve., both streets paved nnd perma nent warns, one piock irom streei car; possession given at once. Price, 5o,7. 1524 S. 29th street. 8 rooms, nil modern. east front, house, lot 60x150, asphalt paved st., permanent walk, fully paid. Price, 53,600; might shade this a little. 1531 S. 29th st., 8-room all modern house, lot wxuz. nne anaue. navea si., perma nent walk, fully paid. Price, 53.200; part cash, balance long time at t per cent. 1313 S. 29th. 7 rooms, cltv water, bath, small stable, lot 50x150. paved street, permanent walk, paid in run. price, m.wu; pari casn, balance monthly payments. 1706 S. 27th St.. 7 rooms, city water, large barn, lot wmoo. price, 1718 S. 26th. 2-story, east front. S-room house .lot 60x132. on grade. 3 blocks rrom it. car. cltv water in Kitcnen. nam room but no other plumbing. Price. 51,200; part casn, balance in mommy payments. N. AV. cor. 34th nnd Martha: has a frontnge of over 1H lots. 78 ft., depth 133 rt., just right above grade .fine shade, paved street, permanent walk, S-room modern house, electric lights, large barn. 2 box stalls and man's room: has private drive way nnd also all special and regular taxes paid. Price, 53,tiio; part casn, dui ance long time. 2212 Cass st., 2-story house, rent 530, largo lot, yixisz. price, t,,itj. 3856 Leavenworth, 1-story cottage, rent 57 lot 47x114. Price, jsw. 2609 North 15th St., 2-room house, lot 45x100. Price, 51.000. 2851 Douglas, 6 rooms, rent 511. Price, 51,600. 20S S. 2StK ave., 4 rooms, rent 50. Price, 5625. 3103 Burt St.. 6 rooms, house rent 5S, lot 3ox 10). Price, 5550. 2406 Capitol ave., 6 rooms and basement, rent esu. price, h,vm. 1 block north Ames ave., bet. 2th and 2Sth 6 rooms, lot 46x130, price, r-i casn and as sume taxes. - LARGE LIST OF UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. J II. SHERWOOD, Phone 38S. 93; N. Y. Life. RE M531 4 THE BEST THAT EVER CAME OVER a?o. near O'Neill. X7UU. ir so a uv August id, 1G0. Holt county, Z. iw in iioit, some cultivateu, izrm uunuy county, --w. im. Hitchcock county, part cultivated, 5400. All the above are clear and titles rwrfeet. Have several 40-acre farms I Harrison county, Iowa. Improved, 525 to 540 per acre, nave aooui iw improveu farms In western lowa to sell. Have twe good Improved farms In Douglas county, short drive to Omaha, t30 and 540 per acre. 160 Improved southwest of Kearney to trade for eastern Kansas land. I,2h0 fine vhraska land, c ear. and cash for Omah property. Fine 120. Improved, In Wayne rountv. Mo., plenty fruit, for Omaha house and lot. Have some neat little homes, 51.60) to 52.000. Call Monday. Lyman Waterman, coa aee uing. RE-3S1-3 SEE US for small or large farms neu umana. neison cc jiocick, m lurnm Bldg. ItK BS3 3 SNAP 55,700 fine business lot, two blocks south depot, mm ot. inquire nu viniou litiSJi A11S HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire insurance, uemis, i-axton ir. rtc ot CHAS, E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St K-313 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by th t'ninn panne ltanroau comnanv. is. A McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Net. RE 311 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; G2V5-foot east front in eisons aaaition. .m. Kennnrd & Son. 310 Brown block. RE-315 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, Ml N. Y. LIFE, Kb-31 1 FARM LANDS. Write Spotswood & Veatch, Moscow, Idaho ror list ot rarm lanus in tne tumous t-t louse eojntry. RE M196 4 We haVe several lots on Capitol avenue between 27th ana ?em streets, mat we tan sell for 55(0 eacn to. parties mat win uuua S IIU UJIUll u .u., uw. '. RE490 3 van SALE. 440 acres 14 miles from Mos cow, laano, nil unuer cultivation, s itcres bearing orchard, good buildings, well wa tered, 225 acres In tame grass; one of the best farms In the Palouse country; price 540 per acre. Aaaress epaiswooa , Veatch, Moscow, Idaho. RE M197 4 vnn hale. 550 acres, nil under cultivation 14 acres orcnaru, sw acres rneaaow anu tame pasture grass, good 7-room house, large barn, living springs on every 80- acre tract. 4 miles from railroad; If de sired will sell with farm 100 head cattl is head horses, harness and farm ma chlnery. Address Spotswood & Veatch Moscow, Idaho. RE M 198 4 FOR SALE, a bargain, lots on 20th. 25' and 23d sts., urown parte, sou in umana W. H. Green. 406 N. Y. Life build nc, 'RE-M36I 7 TWO of the cheaoest lots in the western part or me city; must ne soiq mis ween M. J, Kennara & eon, 3iu urown iiiock KI5 37S-B A BEAUTIFUL farm (106 acres). 11 miles One of 200 acres, These two are tho best In vicinity of Omaha. Nelson it Hoelck 319 Ramge Bldg. RE-3S3 3 FOR SALE or exchange, lot 12, block near corner Sherman av and I-ocust Address Thomas Fitzgerald, Independ rou ai.i: iii:ai- kstatk, J. W. BOBBINS & Oi.. 1S02 FARNAM ST.. OMAHA. OR SALE room cottage, east of I6th, on mrnam. full lot. Verv ehenn at ICW0. 10-room modern house, near All Paints church. Can sell for less than 5cw. 10-room modern house, corner lot. 1W ft.. south front. Hancom Place. 530. room modern. eat front, paveti street. Hanscom Place. Verv cheap at tXW. C-room cottage, 24th and St. Mary's av. VACANT LOTS. Full lot, 30th and Dodge, f.50. tin lot, Jlsl and Dodge, il.z.b. illl lot. 3Mh nnd Dodge, wived St.. 51,20. orner lot. 34th ntx! Iimlir. RTrlV. ft.. I" 600. Corner near Hancom park. 51. AO. Lots more of good lots at 5150 and upward. FARMS. very large list of good farms In all n.irts of Nebraska and western lowa for salo cheap or for trade on favorable terms. RE ISO 3 119-21 AND 23 Blnney St., three 6-room do- tacueu nouses, ncwiy pnperoti and painted, city water and sewer, finished In oak and pine, price 54.000. Will pay 12H per cent on Investment. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. I4tn St. RE-490 3 100 ACRES, four miles from Columbus: 130 acres broke, 2S acros pasture, 300 various kinds bearing fruit trees; first-class ltn provements: price rmson.iblp. 5) acres; 3(0 pasture. broke, 223 young fruit trees, up-to-dato Improvements; can furnish renter, who will take 6-vear leaso n,t 51.300 year. Price. 530 nn ncrr. NEBRASKA I-AND AND IXJAN CO., Columbus, Neb. RE 576 3 OR GLE on easy terms, 20 ncres garden and irult land, 3 ncres grapes, good orchard, 6-room house and other Improve- meris; 3s mncs west south umalut. ad Joining Seymour Park. Inaulre of S. Saunders, Council Bluffs. RE 567 3 P. TUKEY savs that he wants us t sav In today's paper that If we see nndbody strolling about tlio' streets without n homo and who wants one, send them to him Or If they haven't money enough to buy a homo complete and want to buy n nlcn lot. ana want to mnKc a iosn to buna n house, be can take care of them In good shape. His office Is at 445 Board of Trade bulldlnc. RE-541 3 FOR SALE. N. E. Cor. 15th and Davenport sis., wkik leer, itico jis.'.w; terms easy; or will rent for long term. Tho Byron iteeu u-o., 212 c. inn St., UmaJia, Neb. lit M53S 3 ACRE trnrt. !VV 16-acre tract, close In, 5I.0i). West Farnam lots. 11.200 to 52.(00. Acre lots as low as $100. UAV1U C. PATTERSON. 1623 FARNAM, RE-63 4 3 51,00 BUYS Improved ranch: will feed 200 cattle. camubell-Chrtstlan, York, Neb. RE-673 3 OLD gentleman owns York county farm. neavny mortgaged; must sen. Box 25s, York, Neb. RE-574 3 20 ACRES 6 miles from court house cheap; Losii, vi uuugias at. Jto vil 3- WRM for sale, 240 acres, rich black loam bottom land, 10 miles rrom South Omaha; 0) acres timber, fine pnsture land: corn yie'ded en bushels per acre last vonr: S room house, brick milk house, stone barn 40x1(0 feet, other outbuildings, windmill. running water, all kinds or fruit; only U mile to railroad station; want to sell nt once. This Is n hood bargain. For par ticulars call upon or write R. C. Peters l' 1-,, 1 1 1 .1 T , - -n t v-w., xiv. itw ijiuk, jtri irtki a I-MI15I FOR IIK.NT. 40 ACRES, near South Omaha. RICH BLACK LOATd, good building, windmill, running water, fruit, mile to rallrflad station. This Is a VERY CHOICE FARM. For further Information wrlto or cull upon R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. -M529 6 FOR RENT LAND. A FEW garden tracts for rent. D. terson. 1S23 Farnam. C. Pat- 635 3 HELCJIAN HARES. FOR SALE, 25 fine Belgian hares, out of Im. ported stock, prize winners, at reasonable figures; have a few at 51 each. Come early and have your pick. Inquire upstairs. 1443 South 16th St., one block south ot William st. 108 M2 SPECIAL OFFER for the week of the show; pedigreed Belgian hares scoring IK) points nnd over for from 55 to 510 each; young, 52.60 und up. On sale at the show or at our Rubbltry, No, 295S Dewey Ave. The Royal Belgian Hare Co. 447 3 BELGIAN HARES Some line docs bred to a 96-polnt Fashoda buck Tor sale, ltoyai Rabbltry, Holdrege, Neb. BELGIAN HARES Buy from first hands; largest breeders in tne woria; inncy siock; low prices. Rocky Mountain Belgian Hare Co., 208 Qulncy Bldg., Denver, Colo. Agents wanted. 415 3' THERE'S no money In keeping Belgian hares. It's in selling mem, we nave uei elans to suit the size of your pocketboot. bo Jt largo or small. A pleased customer Is our best advertisement. Glvo us a call. We'll treat you right. Tho Mld-Contlnont Belgian llare Co., lra eouin join au, Omaha, Neb. 36 3 STANDARD Belgian Hare book. 175 pages. free with each yearly subscription to tne Poultry and Belgian Hare Standard, tho amateur s omciai magazine; uuui ior ioc, Standard. Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 13-3 3 1,000 BELGIAN hares; highest grade; low- pil prices; investigate, a. ji. iove, oi S. Tremont St., Denver, Colo. CO PEDIGREED Belgian hares 3 to 6 mo. old; best strains, ioru unttian anu j-o-sharde, and four Wire Hutches; who wants a bargain? Dundee Rabbltry. 4b01 Davenport St, 570 3 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA TLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2635. 331 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. IL Phil 332 bin, ivu Farnam. ueiepnone tm. L.Vl'NDlty, OMAHA 8team Luundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2c; cuffB, 4c. 1750 Leaven worm. Tel. mi, 333 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 334 CARPENTERS AND .lOIUIKRS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly atienuea to, J. i. ucnuiree, jutn and Lake Sts, -370 BICYCLES. we. HAVE the only Vulcanlzer In the city ror buggy tires. e uo tins worn un kcuu as can be done at the factory. 1622 Capi tol Ave. 3o J UN If. B. & M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealer in nil metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty 8J1-W3 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 2378 - .M6.ll WANTED TO BORROW. 51,000 ON four acres, highly Improved, nd joining So Omaha; private money pre forred. Address W, M care Bee, So, Umaha. ai 371 3 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, 1301 Douglas -329 DO YOU WANT TO BREED EXHIBITION STOC K? I havo two pons of C. H. LATHAMS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS from LANCASTER. MASS. DIRECT from hl breeding pens, the best that money could buy. Eggs. 52-60 for 15, also have two pens of S. C. Brown Leg horns, one pen from WM, BRACE, VICTOR, N. Y-, ono pen from JUDD JOHNSON, ELM IRA, N. Y. Eggs, 51.50 per 15. I also have one pen of Guidon Sebright Bantams and Pekln Duck' Eggs, 51.00 per 16. All stock and ergs guaranteed. AVhen stock is matured and results urn not satisfactory I will refund money paid for all Eggs, except Incubator Etgs. Incubator Eggs, 53.W per hundred, from good stock, Send cash with orders. Tel. L 2744. p ti:ts, INVENTORS GOT AN IDE ' r hZuvia IHtients. i-opyrignts anu trade marks, y- i glvo us the bare Idea and we will do tlin rest; modern eqtilpxd machine shop and foundry In connection. Official Gatettp mi file, guide bonk free Mason. Fehwlrk .Vt Iwrence. patent lawyers. 1M Howard St.. Tel Hit, Omaha. J P. Crotiln, repr. -330 INVENTORS, we ask no fee until th patent Is procired. If we fall, we get no fee; advice free. Sues & Co., Patent law yers, Beo Bldg , Omaha, Neb. Long dis tance telephone. 161. 41S Marli IAST chance, last term for this season. begins this week at Morand a dancing school, Crelghton hall. Adults, Tuesday and Friday, S t. m., reduced price 55 for ten lessons; children, Wednesday 4.15 p. m., Saturday 2 p. in., 20 lessons 510. pri vate lessons dally; assemblies every Wednesday. 3S5 12 ACCORIHOX PLUATI.Nfl. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick. est. .Mrs. a. c. .MarK, s. oj. vor. 17th ana Farnam. SO I.Ct IIATOHS AND IIHOODER.H. INCUBATORS and brooders; cntaloguo free Write Burr incubator Co., li z, Omaha, Neb. Factory at SSth & Davenport. 479-M.11 MIOltTIIA.M) AMI TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 13 BOYLES" College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg -J2J NEB. Business k Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. 3il GREGG Shorthand, Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug -3S OSTIXPATHV. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. ich; Alice Johnson, D. O.. loiilcs' dept.; Gld E, Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. 317 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Klrksvlllt, Mo., il Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. SIS r.I.OCl TION HEADING. MRS. DORWARD. Studio C23 N. ltth St. -377-A1 WALL PAPER CLEANER. C. MIDDLEMIST, experienced cleaner: 'phono 125S; leave orders with Lewis Hen derson, florist, 1619 Farnam street. 162 Mart EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. Li:S30NS In bookkeeping, evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Rathbun. etc, day oi Bank. G. R. 326 iui)i:i:s. BADGES, banners, flngs, gold and silver trimmings. Omaha Paraphernalia House, Room 207, W. O. W. Bldg., 15th and How ard. 1M IIMTI HE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -330 ItrilllEIL STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. ri't. Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. -ZT, llillllS AND TA.MUEll.MV. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. 3 MUSIC. (Continued from Fifteenth Page.) tend both concerts they havo postponed their concert until the following night, Friday of this week. Oil that night, at. the First Congregational church, an excel- - lent program will bo presented by Mr. Walter Young, organist; Mrs. Thomas, so prano; Miss Anna Bishop, contralto; Mr. Wheeler, tenor; 'Mr. Garelssen. basso; Mr. Steckelbcrg, violinist, and Miss Alice How ell, reader. Mr. Garelssen will also play a Orleg number with Mr. Stcckolberg. The concert will be given under tho direction ot Mrs. EfJlo Parker Palmer. It Is very gratifying to the many friends ot Miss Ella Ethel Free that her studio work prevents her appearance In concert work in Omaha to any great extent, and when sbo does appear slio Is greeted by a large and a responsive audience. 1 say It Is gratifying, becauso It betokens success, and Miss Free Is young, but from the other standpoint, It is a source ot genuine re gret that she Is not heard oftencr, for sba Is a positive artist, and a very gifted young woman. Her manner Is perfectly natural and she carries this naturalness or "at mosphero," shall wo call It, Into her play ing. She Is of a very unassuming and un ostentatious disposition, but at the piano that la all changed, for there she Is au thoritative and assertive. She plays with great force, and back ot it all there la a, living soul. Miss Frce's playing of tho Sixth Hungarian rhapsody at a recent muslcalo was a revelation to many In tb audience. In her Chopin interpretations she shows tho genius ot poetry. It will b a pleasure when she Is so tar Independent ot teaching as to let her Jlgbt so shin betoro men that they may see her good works. s Tho concert given last Tuesday night at the First Baptist church for the benefit of tho Child's institute was a distinct suc cess. Tho participants were Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Urquhart, MIbs Boulter, Miss Fitch, Miss Luella Allen, Mr. Hazelton and Mr. Landsbcrg. The Kountze Memorial church was well tilled last Monday night, the occasion being the concert ot the Omaha Mandolin or chestra. The ensemble playing was de lightfully frebh and restful, and the mem bership of the orchestra may well be proud ot Its work, under Mr. Zltzman's studious and effective conductorshlp. Mr. Selgel was the phenomenon he was heralded to be. Mrs, Myron Smith's voice, that rare rich contralto, which should bo somewhere else than In tho west, has already ex hausted my adjectives. It Is not flattery to enthuse over a voice llko hers. Such a voice U a great gift, not to flatter a person on, but to congratulate them for Its possession. Such a voice brings with It responsibilities. Mr. Walter Young was at the organ,, and ho played with his usual masterly style and finish. All musical eyes should now be turned toward Boyd's theater for tho Sembrlch appearance Thursday night. The wonderful power of this great and world-renownsd artist has been already given expression In this column. Further mention Is super fluous. Enough to say that every student of the art of singing, whether studying privately or engaged In choir work, should hear the volco of Sembrlch, and should study the tono production, the style and the spontaneity. There should not be a vacant seat. Such a visitation Is truly angelic. THOMAS J. KELLY. J. 8. IMAN, 1901 So. 29th Ave., Omaha, Neb. 4 i I I tion tor tenement nouses, ,w,J. RE -501 1 Washington St., Chicago. 3l-s ence, no. i . tvts i RE-HO-10 . RE l0 3