The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. ft PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SXIjS'DAY MOKNINGr, MARCH 3, 1901. single corr five cents. HAY DEN s The New Wash Goods The Grandest Feast of Beauty in Warm Weather Fabrics Ever Placed Before the Eyes of Omaha Buyers. An Unrivalled Line of Fashion's Choicest Fabrics From all the Manufacturing Centers of the World. "he choicest Imported Irish Dlmltlos Tho choicest Poulards exquisite colorings and designs 25c yd 25c-35c yd The choicest Scotch Madras OHo O Oi (tho peer of all shlrtlngs.y C-O VC-OUC The choicest Trench Swisses (dainty and serviceable) The choicest French Organdy Carreaux, for party dresses ! Tho choicest effects In Silk Mulls and Moussellno do Solo, yard The choicest Tlfsuo Ginghams (gcnulno Scotch manufacture) for waists 39c yd Tho choicest Dlmltlos and llatlste, over 600 styles of each 50c yd 45cS90c 25c yd 15c yd Tho choicest Ginghams of tho always popular makes Tho choicest and largest line of real French Percales (French Cretonne) Tho choicest yard wldo waist and shirt ing styles In best domestic I'ercnlo .... 10c15c yd 25c yd 121c yd SPECIAL OFFERS FOR MONDAY ONLY 100 pieces of the popular and welt known 32-Inch Embroidered nnd Cordod Stripes In 32-Inch Cuambray Madras, worth 20o (our second salo on this fabric) Monday 23c grade Mercerized Sateen Skirting, 35-ln, wide, black only 12Jc yd ?....125c yd 100 pieces of 32-lnch Zephyr and Corded finest Domestic Gingham (regular 25c goods), on Monday 100 pieces of Dotted Crepe Do Chine, (washable), regular 25c vnluo, colors and black ,,,,, 12k: 15c yd yd Colored Dress Goods TAll.011 SUITINGS Wo rarry every thing In tailor nuttings for spring. C0-lneh Prunellas regu- OQn lnr il.r.O iriKiila tOU d-lnch Park Suitings regular $1.25 goods M-ln. all wool Spring Suitings regular fl goods Cl-ln. Venetian goods made to sell for $1.08 on salo 1 C)C at IIoinc3puns, CO-In. wldo, strictly all wool, regular $1.00 Q- jrj 75c .... 59c values Double warp Homespuns, regular $1.25 goods .75c Black Dress Goods 11 Prlcstloy leads them all. $1.00 Plcrolas r.Oc 41.25 Plcrolas f.Oo . Jl.GO Plcrolas $1.00 ' 79o Chovlots DPo, $1.00 ChovIotB 75c $1.50 Chovlots nso $1.50 Venetians :i8o $2.50 Venetians $1.50 $1.50 Solclls $1.00 $1.03 Lupin's Chovlots $1.25 LEADING DRESS GOODS HOUSE , OF THE WEST Over 30,000 Styles Always on Hand French Challis Tho greatest lino of French Challis ever scon In Omaha. Strictly all wool, 39c Satin Stripes, 45c Gros Koman One cxclu- Qp slvo patterns Jij Shcarur Louths Satin fiin Stripes yJOVj Printed Henriettas Tho very latest on tho market something entirely now. Cnll and nee them. Tho regular price Is $1 . per yard everywhere wo 'Tw ?wlll lntroduco them at ' Tho now colored Mohairs tho new est goods on tno marKei wo got them In all tho pastel nnd evening shades at, 50C Aplcndlfl lino of Albatross In nil tho new spring shades, AC)o tO-in. wide, at 4L' Mall orders filled promptly. Samples sent to nny addrcsB. Dress Goods in Bargain Room. 3 cases of Half Wool Cash meres and Serges, all colors, yard 5c 2 cases of 34-ln. Half Wool BS-. Plaids, regular 20o goods.... OC Silk, Wool and Cotton, 36-n Wlilo, worth 39c, yard vlOc F.xtra vnlucs In 36-ln. Novelties goods worth 30c per 4 y?rd , IOC 12-ln. Serges, In all colors regu lar GOo values- 19C 15-Iu, Henriettas, extra ff linn goods, nil colors .nlzsC JO-ln. Dlack Crepon yard 40-ln. flno black )&- Jncquards, yard SlZrG All Wool Novelties 38-ln. wide All Wool Novcltloa, -IG Inches wide, worth $1 .. OC 29c HAYDEN BROS. Linen Department Spring cotton yoods nro now in doinnml and wo arc prc'imriHl to lulininisloi' to tho wants of all. We carry a complete, lino of India Linon, Victoria Lawn, Per sian Lawn, French Lawn, Linen Lawns, Orandies, Swisses, Mercerized Mulls, Opera Batiste, Dimities, Nainsook, in fact anything you may ask for. Before buying give us a call and compare our goods with the others. The prices are absolutely the lowest in the west. Wo are headquarters for Muslins, Linens and Bed Spreads. Some of our special prices for Monday are as follows: 4-1 Flno lhigllsh Long Cloth at ..'. Co 1-1 lino Cambric Muslin at GVic Wnmsutta Mills Cambric at yd lO&c 4-4 Fairfax Long Cloth at, yard io Langdon Muslins at, yard ., 7V4c lloulton Cambric at, yard, 10c, l!!l&o 15c This cambric Is very soft and lino very much suited to family uses. C4-tnch Mercerized Damask, ho $1.00 article, at, yard 50c 72-lnch heavy Cream Damask nt, yard Ma GS-lnch linn Illcached Satin Damask at 621&C 28-ln. Striped Whlto Dimities nt, ynrd 12 lie 27-Inch Checked Nainsook nt, yard T'jO 40-Inch Victoria Lawn (fine) at, yard lOUo Flno Illack Lawns nt 15c and ISc Another lot of thoso very nlco largo Turkish Towels nt, each 22'c 23-Inch Striped Whlto Dlmlll at, ench '.180 12-1 Satin Marseilles Spreads nt $1.03 A fine largo Fringed Spread nt $1.23 0-1 Illeached Sheeting at, ynrd . 19c' 8-4 Dlcached Sheeting at, yard .' 17c ;i-t t'nbloachcd Sheeting at, yd 17c 8-4 Unbleached Sheeting at, yd 15c t-4 Illcached Pillow Caso Muslin nt lU&a 42-lnch Illcnched Pillow Cnno Muslin at 10c Heady-Mado Sheets, 81ln.x90-ln. (lino"), nt 55c 22x45 Inches flno Imported Hue); Towels at 9c 25x52-ln. lino Imported I luck Towels, each 22c Very best quality of Table Oil Cloth at 15c Cotton Crash Toweling, 25-yard pieces, on salo Monday at, bolt 00c English Long Cloth nt t 10c, 12c, 15c, 18o 12-yard pieces at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 REMBMDRR that wo handlo everything In tho cotton goods line at tho very lowest prices. Sheet Music 17c Tomorrow wo place on salo several thousand copies of our very best selling selections nt only 17c; by mall, ISc. Such woll known ones as "I'd Llko to Hear That Song Again," "Cnn You Forgive MoT" "I Can't Ttll Why I Lovo You, Hut ,1 Do," "You llroke My Heart." "My (loorgla Lady Love," "Way to Win n Woman's Heart," "It's Just IJecauso I Lovo You So," "Coon Hand Contest" nud "Impecunious Davis" two good cako walks; "You Tell Mo Your Dreams. I'll Tell You Mlno," "You'ro Drifting Farther From Mo Day lly Day," "Colonial Guards," two step; "Bandmaster," two stop; "Sa luto to Oraahn," two step; "La Ilolno Waltz," "Miss Liberty," a patriotic soug; "Does True Lovo Ever Hun Smooth." All day tomorrow only 17c by mall, 18c. Wo nlso carry an elegant catalogue of 10c sheet music. Call or send for lists, which nrc free. Tomorrow wo will sell a choice lot of sheet music at only 1c per copy, by mall, 2c. Wo have plenty of vocal and in strumental, mandolin and guitar, violin and piano, cornet and piano, guitar solos, plnno duets, otc. ' Spring Silk Sales Wo lead ihcm all In silks. Every lady In this section knows that Hay dcu I Iron, carry the only eomplcto lino of silks, from such famous mills as tho Wlnslow taffeta mills, tho Oulnct mills of Lyons, Franco; Chenoy Iiros., A. I). Jullard & Co., fllvernnnd llros and A. Wlmpfhelmcr & Co. Many lines nio handled by us exclusively, notably tho product of tho fnmous Wlnslow Tntfota mills. In the now spring silks wc nro showing tho most beautiful fabrics In tho finest and must exclusive designs nt tho most astonishingly low prices. Wo cnll special nttcntlon to our wldo range of silks, embrnclng thou sands of distinct makes and kinds and offering an Immcnso variety to suit all In overy respect. Monday's special sales will surpass In genuine value-giving all former silk BntoH. Como In nnd seo tho now silks to bo found only at Hoyden's. Carpets and Draperies Our spring Hues of carpets nro nearly nil In nnd ready for your Inspec tion. Tho Hues nrc all eomplcto and contain tho cholco things of this sea son's productions. Tho prices wo are making are such that you cannot nfford to buy elsewhere. MONDAY SPECIALS All Wcol Ingrain Carpet. 39c. Extra heavy all wool Ingrain, 4Sc. LINOLEUM 23 roll3 Llnolcum.sllghtly damaged, worth from COo to $1.00 yard on snlo nt 25c, 33c and 45c. Manufacturers' snlo of laco curtains tho entlro lot of lino Imported lace clirtalna nt a fraction of their value. Nothing In tho lot but would bo cheap it $4.50from that to $15 go on salo Mnuday nt $1.0S, $2.03, $3.03 nnd $4.98 this lot far surpasses anything offered before Flannel Department SPECIAL FOIl MONDAY. 1 caso cxtr.Vsoft and heavy Shaker Flannel, 6'4c per yard, worth 12c. 3 cases double faced Art Denims, per ynrd, 12!c and 15c. 2 cases remnants of Cretonne beautiful designs per ynrd, 10c. 1 cases remnants 30-lnch wldo Cotton Flannel, per yard, 4c. 1 caso Embroidered Skirt Patterns, each, 20c. When you buy Furniture here you know you are buy- . ing it right All tho newest things tho latest finishes excluslvo designs at our usually low prices. Furnlturo from tho lending fac tories factories that guarantee their goods tho best to bo had all bought within tho reach of your purse. Look us over be fore you buy. You will bo suro to como back. Ladles' Desk, 26 Inches wldo and 48 Inches high golden quar-tor-sawed onk or birch mahog nny flnlah has lower shelf, and largo drawer also Is fitted with pigeon holes and small drawers solid cast trimmings a woll finished and well made desk at $4.50. Oak or birch mahogany Music Cabinet for $3.50. Sond for Offlce Furniture Cat alogue. Send for Baby Carrlago and Go-Cart Catalogue. If In need of furnlturo of any kind look us over before you buy. gut,'1... . .j t''ja 1 1 f Men's 15c Collars at 3c. fiOO dozen men's four-ply collars in all the new styles, all new and perfect; also the high turndown collar, all regular lTe (juality, at .'5c. M0 dozen men's colored laundered shirts in all the new colors shirts with bosom and separate cuffs negligee shirts with separate collars and cuffs, and shirts with collars and cuffs attached. This lot of shirts were made to sell at 7fie and $1.00, all on sale ut -10c. AH tho new styles in men's l.fi0 colored shirts DSc The largest and best line of working shirts made, double and single front, at -loe. Special Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hosiery at 10c, 15c and 25c Ladies 1 Night Gowns at 19c. Ladies' line fancy trimmed Clowns, worth U, at OSc. Children's muslin pants in all sizes, at loc. Ladies' 50c ribbed vest and pants in cotton fleece and part wool, 25c. Ladies' line hemstitched lace and embroidered trimmed Drawers, worth !)Sc, at 50c. Ladies' 75c Corset, at 39c. 100 dozen Uatiste Corset Girdles, sizes 38 to 21, in pink, blue and lavender and white. Also a full line of W. R, Kabo, American Lady and AV. C. O. Corsets, in all the latest styles at 1.00 and up. Specials Monday 75c OlftDLB nELTS, 3uc These aro tho very latest novelties In ladles Ilclts. 60c LAUNDIIY DAGS, 19c Theso aro extra sizes, all colors. 15c rUUE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 714c Theso goods nro unlauji dercd and of tho very best quality with thrco widths hem, all' pure linen. 20o now Taffota Itlbbons 10c yard. t 10c best Ilrush I)lndlng3, 5c yard. Cc best Velveteen Corduroy nindlngs, 2ic yard. Now Laces on salo. i ii i HAYDEN BROS WHERE REX HOLDS CARNIVAL Glimpiei ef the Famous Mardi Gru Ftitira at New Orleans. SKETCHES OF A NORTHERN PILGRIM Featurra of tlio I'aRrnntn Coutrnxtcd rrltH KIiik W-Sur-llrn'ii Annual I'unulr Cri-norn t City 111 llnllilny (iiirli. NEW ORLEANS, La Feb. 26. (Cor respondence of Tho lice.) If tho grade of wonthor put up by tho Crescent City for Its tuultltudo of visitors during carnival week Ib a part of tho regular stoclc on hand, this region of tho. . republic Justly and ap propriately deserves tho title of the sunny eouth. I am not quite suro It Is n regular feature of tho country. Intimations cautiously dropped by natives suggests an occasional change, to break the monotony,1 perhaps, or to give a dash of varloty to luotorologlcal conditions. Six days of It, however. Is stitllclent to thaw out a frost bitten northerner, mako his blood flow quickly nnd warmly nnd invoKo dovout thanks to tho fates that led him hither. Tho transition from tho, dull and dead brown landscape and tho lco and snows of tho north to tho flowers nnd emerald vonduro of tho south possesses an In descrlbablo charm. Whon to that Is added the genial sunshine and balmy breezes of a Nebraska May, you have a combination of natural beauties that enchains tho eye and fascinates tho bouI. Hero are lawns as green as Nobraskn lawns In Juno. Beds of pansles nnd violets In bloom decorate tho lawns ovcrywhero, and rose bushes with eountleso blossoms shed their fragrnnco on the enchantjng nlr. .Many of tho shade trees nro In leaf, the palms spread their hugo wlngB of green over closo-cropped grass, tho birds rovol In springtime song and Bhlrt waists uhound. Could mortal wish for raoro In midwinter? To view this scene and absorb tho charms of nnturo In spring garb compensates for the strugiJo nnd cost of bed and board in a crowded city nnd banishes the harsh emotions provoked by French dishes nnd black coffee. Cnrnlvnl Crmvilx. Local prophets and oracles ngree In sav ing that tho crowds nt tho carnival of loot iar exceed any In tho history of tho cltv. New Orleans has qulto u crowd of Its own, onu 300,000 In number, nnd' could cnsllv pack several blocks of broa,d and nnrrow thoroughfares. Passenger traillo Into tho city was enormous, and, although trains on all lines, particularly from tho north, wero quadrupled In number nnd doubled In length, tho day coaches wero packod and engagements for sleeping berths had to bo made soveral duya In advance. Hotels and boarding houses enjoyed tho srentcst harvest In their history nnd put prices to an aimuuo mat would shock a trust magnato. Fully .25.000 visitors wore drawn to tho city by tho naceauta and thev re ceived their money's worth. Tho city was attired In holiday finery, decorations being qulto goneral, particularly among tho busl- ness nouses on Canal street and on St Charles avenuo In tho residence district. Electric Illuminations, besides tho usual arc lights, consisted of ono line of Incnndesccnt lights ox each side of Canal street. Theso wero wholly Insufllclont for tho purpose in tended and contrasted unfavorably with Omaha Illuminations during tho festival of King Ak-Sar-Itcn. Thero was lacking tho diversity of colored lights and tho cross HnesntstreotlntersectlnnB, which, viewed nt a slight distance, roof tho stroets of Omaha with arched lines of varicolored light. Tho many club houses nlong tho lino of march wero elaborately decorated and Illuminated. Particularly noticeable waB tho Pickwick club, tho habitat of Itcx, Its front decorated with a hugo laurel wreath surmounted by a monster crown, Illuminated with Rex colors green, yellow nnd purple. canal street was the forum of tho caml al. It Is about 200 foot wliln. In tills broad tl-oroughfcro tho pcoplo wore massed during tho parades. Tho sidewalks nro covered with permanont nwnlngs and on uicao wero tiors of seats, which wero eagorly purchased by spectators. From tllCSO elevated ECatH tl awonnlntr vlnnr wno had of a panorama of Jostling peoplo nnd moving pageant. Five narndes wern nlvnn. horrlnnlnr- nn tho Hth and concluding on tho 10th, Theso woro conducted by four distinct organiza tions, whoso Identity Is veiled nnd member ship restricted. Each nrennljintlnn i-lvra n ball nt tho conclusion of their respective pnraues, and admission, excepting tho Rex ball, Is dtlllcult to secure. ThO abaenco of ntmrovinir nnnlnnco fro. queutly remarked in Omaha, was equally uuiici-auin ire. waving ot nandkorchlefs was tho chief mnrk of commendation from spectators. Tholr delight was no less sin cere. Indeod, tho moving pictures com mand Ruch closo attention, In ordor to grnsn montallv tholr' mnnv itnntioo fht applnuse Is forgotten, so absorbed Is tho imun uy mo passing scene. 'I lie riiKciuitK. Tho carnival season onened with tho flrvii parade of Moruus nnd his merry knights on tuo evening or tno nut. Tho thorao of tho floats was "Our KiMvnl parody on Independence day, Thanksgiving, vaiuiuiuos nay, ah I'-qois- day nnd similar holidays. Rex. throned In n cnri-pnncl v ilm.nrntn.1 yacht, led a huge procession of river crnft, crowded with people, from a point opposlto Chnlmetto to Canal street levee, on Mon day afternoon. Tho greeting accorded tho cnrnlvnl king was wildly nud noisily ef fusive, in which half a hundred steam sirens overwhelmed tho heroic offorta of braes bands. A proccsBlon. strictly mili tary nnd navnl, escorted him to tho city hall, whero a battery of speeches was flrcd. Monday night tho pageant of Proteus took a long leap from tho comedy ot Momua Into tho realms of logendary lore. "Al Kyrls, tho Magnificent," wns tho title, and tho scenes prosented wero taken from Mario Corclll's doscrlptlvo book of "Ardath," wherein tho novelist portrnys a wondrous dream city reared by angel hands near Dabylou 7,000 years ago. "Human Passions' and Characteristics" was tho thomo lllustratod with twenty pic tures by Rex on Tuesday nfternoon. Con spicuous phases of human life, from famo to folly, from marrlago to dlvorco, from sorrow to hone, wero ilenln(ii in ninii.n of surpassing beauty, tho actors elegantly cojuiiuch anu meir poses clever and ap propriate. Tho Mystlck Krowo of Comus concluded tho street festivities, Tuesday night, with a spoctncle of twenty scenes from well known operas, similar to tho Ak-Sar-llen pageant of 1890. To paraphraso a current soug, "All floats look allko to me." Tho dlffcrcuco Is In the theme, chiefly. Now Orleans docs not tnko kindly to electric floats, such ns Ak-Sar-Ucn has brought to perfection. A fow years ago an electric pageant wns Intro duced, but received such a public frost that It was not ropcated. Tho peoplo adhoro strictly to tho tlmo-honored customs nnd methods of .Mardi Gras, an Inheritance of tho founders ot tho city, nnd regard modern Innovation in float. Illumination ns a species of sacrilege. Float In the Siiii1Ik1i. Tho ono pageant which attracted most Interest wns that of Rex, on tho nfternoon of Tuesday. I was particularly curious to noto how tho floats would look In tho sun light, frco from artificial light coloring and pyrotechnics. I confess tho spectnelo ex ceeded anticipation. Tho color tones of tho pictures and tho gorgeous costumes ot tho characters represented wero brought out with a clearness and vividness that Is Impossible at night Tho sceno on Canal street whon tho pageant countermarched was magnificent. Tho beauty, of tho floats was enhanced by a vaBt human frame a mighty multltudo massed on tho center and sides of the streot nnd stretching away, oast and west, for a full quarter of a mile. In this multltudo wero countless masked persons In comic nnd grotesquo costumes. These, with tho bright garb of tho women, relieved tho monotony of roas cullno black and formed an admirable setting for tho display of Rex. Tho day was Ideal, tho sky clear, tho sunshine warm, with Just enough brcezo to wavo a greeting from countless lings. Overcoats and capes wero a burden. Many select groups of ele vated spectators, particularly on club bal conies, wero in full dress, both day and evening. Ilnll of the Klnir. Rex's ball closed tho festivities on Tues day evening. It was given in Washington Artillery ball. Tho spectaclo did not ap proach that with which admirers of King Ak-Sar-llen nro familiar. Decorations wero mongor and tho hall was not largo enough for the number Invited. Tho king and queen alono appeared In royal costume. Accom panied by their attendants, they mnrched back and forth through threo aisles of people, theu retiring to tho throne room. This was an annex to tho main dancing hall and was a tropical bower of palms, ferns nnd artificial llowors. Thero was lacking tho ceramonlous march, such as given by tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Hcn, tho solemn, dignified ontryof king nnd queen and tho hearty applause that marks tho royal fiction. In that respect, at least, Ak-Sar-non Is leagues In advanco of the carnival king of tho south. I'lfturcxqur Mnxl.ora, A multltudo of maskers, single, In pairs and drilled groups, was a novel and pic turesque feature of tho closing day of tho carnival. Theso appeared on tho side streets as well as on the Canal stroet amphitheater. Negro characters predom inated. Scores of groups gavo rako walk exhibitions or serenaded tho spectators with coon songs. Several groups of Indians, gorgeously arrayed and with feathers to burn, whooped merrily and gave fairly good Imitations of tho wlerd dnnces so frequently seen nt tho Omaha exposition. Four or ganized bodies of maskers paraded with bands and ono organization of "Weary Willies" marked tlmo with tin cans. Each body showed great proficiency In marching nnd performed a variety of fantnstlc capers, to the grat amusement of the crowd. Tho nbsenco of rudeness or rowdyism was par ticularly noticeable. Tho conduct of tho maskers, considering tho llccnso dlBgulso affords, was orderly and decorous. Tho only fcaturo approaching disorder was tho pro miscuously throwing of confetti In tho faces of women nnd girls, with Intent to Injuro, and It Is announced that this species of hoodluralsm will bo suppressed In tho future. T. J. FITZMORRJS. SUPERINTENDENT ANSWERS Mr. Glllnii Itepllex n ClinrRcn of Hie Died rlelium' Union. According to tho statement of J. M. Gil lan, superintendent of tho Industrial ex position, tho electricians' union was rather hasty In Its action Friday night In regard to tho alleged employment of non-union labor at tho exposition building. Mr. Gll lan said yestorday that outside of tho unskilled labor used In cleaning tho build ing overy man employed by tho committee has been a member of a labor organization, thnt in tho wiring of tho building tho only work dono was tho placing ot eight electric light sockets and as many drop wires. This was dona by tho Thomson-Houston copipany and no chargo was made for tho work. Ho said, further, that so far ns ho knew all persons to bo employed on tho work would bo mombcrs of labor unions, but that In tho matter of setting up displays nnd decorat ing them, tho Arms making tho displays would havo full control nnd tho superin tendent would havo nothing to say In re gard to tho character of labor employed. Exhibits aro coming rapidly Into tho building and everything will bo In sbapo for tho opening, March 10. Saturday a representative of one of tho Illinois houses which havo sont In displays arrived to put his display In shapo and will romaln until tho closo of tho exposition to dem onstrate his goods. At tho Informal meeting of the auditorium commltteo Saturday afternoon tho quostlon of tho Marino band was brought up for dis cussion, but action on tho matter was de ferred until Monday, GUNS0LUS HOLDS HIS JOB Court Ilci'lilcH (lint .MrMeiiKer Xcemwnry in Olllce of (bo County Attorney. 1 W. H. Gunsolus may hold his Job ns mcs eongor In tho county attoruoy's offlce. Judgo Dickinson has decided that tho county nttorney Is not required by law to get out and hustlo up witnesses and that It ho or his doputlcs undertook that part of tho work of tho olllce they would not havo tlmo for tho proper conduct of more Important busi ness. Tho court therefore decides that n messenger Is necessary nnd tho employ ment of Mr. Gunsolus by the county com missioners la declared to bo legal, Tho court raado a final ordor In the caso of Mr. Rurnam, doclarlng that his appoint ment by the county board as assistant county nttornoy is null nnd void, but al lowing him compensation from tho tlmo ho began work until tho tlmo tho action against his appointment was begun. Mr. Durnnm, however, will retain his position In tho county attorney's offlco, by graco of an act signed by tho govornor only n fow days ago. This art creates tho position of fourth deputy county at torney, nnd Mr, Shields on Friday ap pointed Durnam to tho place. FLOWERS IN THEIR SEASON Men "Who Oultiiato Blosiomi Do Not Bleep on Bedi of Bom. THORNS IN FLESH OF THE FLORIST Cnll" for Violet "When There Are No Violet Some Johnnie Jiini Vi In the Hothouse lltixluenn. According to expert estimates, tho peoplo of Omaha spend annually $60,000 for flowers nnd tho money goes to local dealers. This sum represents only about half ot the sales of Omaha florists. Ono of the most enterprising of tho men engaged In this lino ot business tells an Interesting story of tho development ot tho trndo In Omaha within tho last fourteen years, "Fourteen years ago," said ho, "tho busi ness of raising flowers In Omaha was In Its experimental stage. Today It is ono ot tho best lines of independent work In tho community. When I launched my Industry flowers wero in demand at weddings nnd funerals and as far as the trado was con corned this was practically nil wo depended upon. Occasionally a person who had re cently como from tho east and had brought with him a lovo ot flowers would order a boquet and onco In a whllo wo would get an order for a fow flowers for a reception from the Bamo source, but generally speak ing tho average resident of tho city did not apparently approclato flowers, or, It ho did, raised them at home. "Today flowors aro as much of a necessity In sorao Omaha households as tho groceries thoy consumo nnd wo havo standing ordors for a supply to bo delivered each morning. Doctor l'rcNuribo Tliein. "You would bo surprised to learn tho number of blossoms which go Into tho hospitals and ulck rooms. Nothing will cheer a patient so quickly ns tho sight of flowers and local physicians have been known to prc&cnbo thorn fresh ovory morn ing ns a part ot tho regular treatment. As birthday presents flowers havo grown In favor la this city rapidly, Ton years ago a book, or a card, or Jewelry would bo pre sented In honor of natal anniversaries. Today iho neatest presont of nil Is tho flower. "What Is tho most popular flower In tho' city? That Is hard to say. Those which tiro purchased in tho greatest quantities aro tho tea roses and tho carnations, but this la not ho much becauso they are favorites as becauso thoy aro always sea sonable. Thoy can bo bought at all times of tho year when other flowers cannot, "Perhaps you thought with many nnother person who bus no tlmo to study tho culture of flowers that modern skill had mado all blossoms In season ot all times, but such Is not tho cnBo. Take tho violet, that star of the earth which Is Just now coming Into season with tho beautiful lilies of tho valloy. You may hear ot them being used at fashlonablo functions In Now York, whero oxponso is no object at all times of tho year, but, let mo tell you, a violet cannot ha forced, When you force tho bloom upon a violet plant before Its Heason you do not havo a vlolctf but a mlsorable, dwarfed SHfif REGISTERED TRADE MA.RI SKIRT BINDINGS For lone skirts and ' drop skirts S. H. st M. Bias Velveteen or Cordu roy Bindings should in variably be used, not only on account of their rich and elegant appearance, but for the important reason that they do not chafe and wear the shoe as other bindings do. For short or 41 rainy day " skirts the S. H. & M. Bindings are without an equal on account of the protection they offer against the action of the heel of the shoe. You should remember, too, that they are the most economical bindings In the world. It taker; the most expert seamstress at least two i. ours to put on a new binding, and when cheap, Inferior bindings are used they have to be replaced several times and are both unsatisfactory and very costly in the end. Look for the registered trade mark, S. H. & M on the back of every yard or on the label of every piece of skirt binding you buy. and stunted thing whoso only claim to attention-Is the expenso attached to Its production." MR. GRIGGS GATHERS RELICS Solloitor for the llnrlliiKton Itnllronil ItetuniM from Arlxonu with In. terentliiK Trojililo. N. K. Orlggs, solicitor of tho Ilurllngton routo nt IJticoln, was hero yosterjlay on his way homo from a trip to Arizona on laud business for tho company. He carried sev eral souvenirs of tho trip, a practice long ubsorvod by him which has ndornod Mr. Griggs-' homo wlth nn Interesting collodion gathered In tho courso of his travels over tho country. Among tho ttophlca brought from Arizona on this trip wero a cactus cano, an old mortar bawl of tho Azteo days and a small stuffed ostrich. Speaking of tho eouutry Mr, Qrlgga said that thero had been plenty of rain In that state recently and that all Is prospering llnoly. Two things grow thero profusely -caltlo and cacti. Ho Is of tho opinion that every plant growing In that country is protected by nature In a peculiar mnnnor. Many of the plants havo thorns and even tho grasses havo a sharp edgo which cuts keenly. Denth Jtecoi-il, Tho following deaths wero reports 0 tho city health commissioner f,,r thS twenty-four hours ending ut noon Saturday Alary J. Slevciw, 1101 Houth I.MmVconth "BO'lJO: W. II Mcf.nnab.iii. I'r-byioilail hospital, nged 0i; Francis 'olf. at ja n" &UeV'Kt'a 4 Charles I ;2ni 22.TS Farnam, aged 4; Itoinalo Sponluto HU Chicago, aged 1 month. ' I'llen of I'dipli! testify to tho raorlt of Ilaunor 8alvo In curing piles, It, Is guaranteed, Myers. Dillon Drug Co., Oflaahaj Dillon's drug store. South Omah.