Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1901, Page 8, Image 20

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of pcoplo to inuko a world. If wo wcro all
constructed allko It would lio no world.
Tlmt Hotno of tho worldly pcoplo nro bettor
iimn omcrs is an unucnmuio rnci, some ex
celling o thorn In nil things.
March 3, 1001.
Capital Oity of Iowa Has Becomo a Great
Insuranco Oonter.
l.oynl Cltlxi-itN of Sinter Hlnlc Set u
Mood Kxiiiuplc for liriNliuif
Home y'ominnlH llooolvo
MtroiiK Support.
Tho snmo rulo nppllcn to articles manu
factured. No matter how good nn article
limy be, there Ih nlwnys something tlmt Ih
better. Tho "llluo Ribbon Ilottled Beer'
excelH all other beers rnaniiractured for
purity, ngo and Htrength. Try a enso.
Omaha Brewing Association.
THriiliom- li.Mt.1,
loll I'liriiiuii M.
Two friends inouicnjeiicios.
Tlie Doctor and
pure malt
81 suspicion.
CDCC 'Baby's clothes wiH
iikk now m uoiue."
(llrl. run irot thl. beautiful Life Bum
ikhi niwoiuteiy f Tvo ior nciunironiy
four Ihihw of our Urvnt OoM A Head.
m ini Tiililvta at KA eentu a hoi. Wrlto
today ami o will tviid tho tahlel. lr
mil I kivIIiI; m lien nulil wnil it. the
iniiiii'V ill. mil ami wo will tend vou
IIiIk fjfn hlzo Dull which I. X fret
lilirli ami ran riir Iwiliv'n rlotlii'.. Del.
Ilu lmnn ImliKtriH'lllilo lleml.Ooldcn
llnlr, lliwr Chcekx, llruwn Kjiw, KM
(Vilonsl lUuly, a Unlit l'latod Ilvauly
l'ln. Iti-cl HtuckliupUlhu'k Shoe, will
til ud nlnne, Thl doll l an exact re.
iirmluftlim of tho tlnent hatul imlnted
French Poll, ami will llvo IuhcIiIW.
memory limit after childhood doyi
wive ivwwii. Auureiw.
Doll Dept. 93U nem Haven. Conn.
Tliero aro nbout fifty home Insuranco coin
panics In Dcs Moines. Nearly all lines of
nshiirnnco aro represented, but thu Ufa as
sociations show tho most Interesting ro
sults, and their reports furnish much food
for profltablo study.
Tho law of lown levies a tax of 2V4 per
cont on premiums collected by nllcn com
panies, thereby protecting homo companies
nnd compelling foreign companies to con
tribute tholr just sharo ot taxation, and the
lnw Is compiled with. In round numbers, tho
securities of Iowa companies now on de
posit with tho auditor of state amount to
$7,250,000, nn Increnso of more than $G,000,
000 Blnce 1800, nt which time tho nmount
woh less thnn $1,000,000. And this $7,250,000
represents only n part of tho wealth which
(ho homo companies have saved to tho peo
plo of tho stnto.
Iowa Is a great comninnwenlth, rich In
almost every nntural resource, nnd her citi
zens know how to conserve nnd protect their
own. They nro wise In tholr day nnd gen
eration. They know tho benellts to bo de
rived from sound Insurance nnd they linvo
irndo It sound they hnvo seen tho danger
of tho steady drain of premiums pnld to
alien companies, and they nro stopping tho
Tho grent lnrrenso In business shown by
western companies since 1800 Is tho effect
of several cauHcs. flenernl Prosperity Is In
tho field, but the prlnclpnl cause was fur
nished by nllcn companies. During tho
panic of 1803 tho grent eastern and other
nllcn llfn cnmpnnles beenmo nlarmed. Thoy
withdrew millions of dollars from Iowa and
Nebraska banks; thoy forced tho panic nnd
holped to bring nbout tho ruin of mnny
Institutions which might otherwlso have
wenthered tho storm. They dumped west
ern securities upon nn nlrendy overloaded
nnd declining market: thoy refused to renew
farm nnd other real estate loans, nnd de
manded Jnstnnt foreelosuro of mortgages,
not because they needed the money, but he-
caiiHO the debtor could not pny on demand.
This deplorable nctlnn cost the west un
told millions nnd the people of tho west
hnvo not forgotten. Their eyes hnvo been
opened' nnd they see clearly. They observe
thnt nllcn companies nro willing to shnre
their prosperity, but not their adversity;
they observe that alien companies retnln
two-thirds of the premiums collected, which
menns n totnl loss of thnt nmount to the
stnto and n tremendous drain upon Its ma
terial wealth. They see alien ngents trying
to Interfere with stnto legislation nnd nllen
rompnnles esenplng their Just shnre of tax
nton. And seeing clenrly they realize that
their wealth Is safest nt home, thnt It Is
better and cheaper to borrow western
money thnn enstern money
Tho history of lown Is the history of
Nehrnskn. except thnt tho latter state has
nn grent Insurance center. Only within
recent yenrs hnvo Nehrnskn lnws been fa
vnrnhln to home companies, several of which
nro now In the field nnd estnbllshed upon
n solid founrtntlnn.
Among these home rompnnles the Bank
ers lleservn T,lfe of Omnhn easily lends
OrFnnlzcd In 1807 It hns nlrendv written
over $3,000,000 of Insurance, nnd Its futuro
success Is nn unnuestlnned certnlntv. Its
premium Income for 1001 will nnnrnxlmnte
$200,000. n very mnterlnl snvlne to the cltl
zens of Nebrnskn. Its officers nnd bonrd
of directors comprise some of tho most
substnntlnl men of tho state; Its field staff
Is a corps of trained fighters, nnd Its policy
holders ronstltuto n regiment of lnynl No
President n. II. Roblson Is n thoroughly
practical Insurance mnn of mnny yenrs ex
perience. Tils nhlllty Is unquestioned. Ho
hns fnlth In Nebraska and the west, nnd Is
living his energy nnd orgnnlzlnc nhlllty to
'ho upbuilding of n grent home life Ipstir
nnco company, which shall endure ns n
monumpnt to tho progress, resource and
levelopment of a great state.
Tho flankers Ttescrvo Life offers t the
citizens of Nebraska snfe, sound, liberal
Insurance In "Poltcles which nro not ex-
colled In tho world."
riarail BnulM Bargain
In a Piano?
Mm, WIhnIuw'h SooIIiIiik Syrup,
has been used for over- FIFTY YEARS bv
MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their Cllllr-
CURES WIND COLIO nnd Is tho best rem
edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists
In uvery jmrt of tho world. Do sure nnd
iisk for "Mrs. WIiibIow'h Soothing Syruu"
nnd tnko no othor kind. Twonty-llvo cents
II 1)01110.
W. h.v. hundred, of Urrleht r.turnf.1 from
renting by r.ot. tuotint which luuitlw iII.mi..1 i.f at onr.
uwionnul Di.k. room for thetu In our ..Irtmoini Thee,
pl.ticlnclmi. Kleinw.)., Kn.t., r'lsch.rB.hterliiigi. ml other
well known m.k... M.njr of thttu c.nnot lo dUllnituletied
root n.w, yet .11 .r. offered .1 .n .noruiou. discount from
prices whin new. Upright, m low .1 I lis). V.ry tuy term,
of p.jrnienl to rell.ble r.un. It wouM proh.tlir coil kboul
ti for freight to h.v. on. of tb... ihlpioil to )ou. A'ew
l.rg. els. oi.hof.ny, with m.nilolln .tuchment, 9IT3,
..nt .nywh.r. on ...jr p.ym.nt.. Writ, .t one. for eomplet.
lilt .ml full p.rtlul.r. Vou c.n mike . greet i.vlng by ..cur
ing rour from ue. Iv.ry w.itmtej eiecllr .1 rep
i..cnl.J. LVUNelillEALY.St Adami Ht., Chlean.
Tilt World' t Latgtit Vuite Ihiuit.
WINTPTi Ilellnblo women or men
" M. K-tU t0 st. 0ur KoodH to the
' runner In communttiua from 1,000 to 10,-
000 population, permanent employment nt
goon pay. Auaretis Turn ukisat iaast-
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Soventh Pngo.)
taurant man wns fined J7.C0 nnd costs for
employing his wnltresses fifty-two hours
per week, and another wns fined for not nl-
lowlug one of his females nn hour for her
In tho town of Napier a man who em
ployed females for moro than fifty-two
hours In each of two succeeding weeks wns
fined $10. This mnn kept a store. Ills
averngo tlmo nt llfty-two hours per week
wns less than nlno hours a day. I wonder
how mnny of our merchants would like to
bo nucd for keeping their girls nt work for
moro thnn nlno hours a day?
Ana this brings me to the Question of
salesladies. Tho laws of Now Zenland pro-
viuo that every saleslady shall have a
wookly half holiday. Thoy provide thnt the
girls must hnvo scats In tho stores nnd
must bo allowed to uso them. I hnvo be
foro mo cases of merchants who wcro fined
for not providing such seats, and this la
so both In tho stores nnd tho snloonn.
Tho snloons hero nro called public houses
or hotels, nnd In ninety-nine casts out of i
hundred tho liquors aro served out by
women. Tho prottler tho faco tho bigger
tho wages, and tho moro chnrmlng tho bnr-
mald tho grentcr tho custom. In many of
tho hotels tho bnrmnlds do not work moro
than olght or nlno hours. Tho government
gives them their halt holiday, and tho
hotel keepers nro fined If they do not see
that thoy take It. This matter of the half
holiday Is rigidly kept, nnd I have Instnncca
of fines for tho delivering of goods or bread
on n half holiday.
A curious flno wns thnt of n baker who
kept his own dnughtcrs working nil night
nt ono time. The government Inspectors
heard of It. They nrrested him nnd thoy
charged him $5 for each girl nnd warned
him that on tho next offense the fine would
bo raised to $S0.
Tho government regulates nil sorts of
things ns to woman's work. It objects to
females being worked In gangs nt such
hours na will necessitate tholr going home
late at night. The head of tho labor bureau
recently reported thnt he found n factory
In which ono set of girls wns put on from
8 to 11 n. in., nnd then taken off until 1.
They woro worked from 1 until 5 nnd again
from 7 to 9, making altogether nlno full
hours. Another gnng of girls wns worked
from 10 until 1, from 3 until 7, nnd from
9 until 11. "This arrangement," said Mr.
Tregonr, "does not requlro moro than the
legal time, but wo believe thnt It Is bad
for tho glrlo to go homo so Into at night
nnd that they do not hnvo their regular time
for rest, and It should bo remedied."
Women hnvo tho right to vote In Now
Zonlnnd, although thoy cannot bo mcmbors
of Parliament. They enn bo mayors, mem
bers of tho town councils, school board di
rectors, and enn hold n number of other
offices. I find that tho women go to tho
polls, especially thoso of the lower classes.
Indeed, tho capitalists say that it wns
woman's suffrage thnt made tho worklng
mnn tho balance of power In Now Zealand.
When tho law was first put In force mnny
of tho richer women stnyed nwny from tho
polls, while the wives of tho laboring men
voted for whnt they considered their rights
nnd thoso of their husbands. Today fnther
nnd mother go to tho polls togethor nnd
voto and when lnbor questions nro beforo
tho country tho women of tho working
clnsscs nro out In forco. Tho woman's
rights ndvocnto goes nbout, with her tracts
nnd speeches, nnd tho typo Is the samo aa
In tho United Stntes.
Wo in ii mill AVIilHky.
"What has woman's suffrage done for
New Zealand?" I asked a New Zealand
"It has closed 25 per cent of nil tho
snloons for good nnd It hns closed nil ot
them nftor 10 o'clock p. m. Wo have parts
of New Zealand whero thero Is absolute
prohibition. There aro no public houses
or snloons as you call them. I have ono
town especially In mind. This was noted
for Its drunkenness nnd disorder. It Is
now ono of tho quietest nnd most respect-
nblo of communities. It hns diminished Its
police forco, nnd Its Jail for wnnt of use
has been mndo tho headquarters of tho
Salvation Army."
"Are tho saloons open here on Sun
day?" I nsked.
"They nro open for ono hour In tin morn
Ing nnd ono hour In tho afternoon."
"Ilut what elso hns woman's suffrage
"It hns fixed the hours ot woman's labor
In nil the fnctories. It has stopped sweat
ing nnd It hns given the laboring women
somo of tho rights thnt nro nccorded labor
ing mon."
"Then you think It Is n good thing for
New Zenland?"
"I assuredly do, and I think It will bo u
hotter thing ns tlmo goes on."
In closing, I wnnt to say a word about tho
protty girls of Now Zealand. The lslnnds
nro full of them. Tho cllmnto gives them
tho rosiest of cheeks, nnd thoy look moro
llko tho women of Rnglnnd, Scotland nnd
Ireland than tho tnll, gangly, "cornstnlk
maldons" of Australia. Tho nvorngo of
Intelligence Is very high, nnd In mnnnors
nnd dress they will compnro favorably
with tho girls of tho United Stntes or
Europe. They aro thoroughly up to dnto
ns to public matters. Thoy discuss the
political Issues with each othor and with
tho mon, and thoy nro qulto ns beclubb"d
ns tho women of tho United Stntes. Every
town hns Its Shakospearo club, Its Dcoth
ovon club, Its travel club nnd Its
Woman's Tomporanco society. There are
golf clubs nnd croquot clubs, nnd, In fact,
all tho organizations to which tho twentieth
contury woman Is bo glad to belong.
pCoeNT shoe Co
I t
The Latest
In styles tho best of leathers
tho nemo of tho shoo builders' nrt. That
describes the famous REGENT SHOES
and the price Is tho first or fnctory cost
$1'.50 nnd tX.aO. Others nsk $5.00 and $0.00
for their equal. No mlddleinnn's profit
tlmt h tlio reason.
Regent Shoe Co.
205 South 15th Street.
Km-IukI vi'ly Men'n SlioeN.
In beer drinking consists In quaffing
that grateful bevcrngo only when ns
surcd of Its purity, pnlatablllty, wholo
eomencss. It's tho part ot wisdom,
thcreforo, to drink Mctz beer, which
Is renowned for Its many excellent,
healthful, nourishing, pleasure-giving
qualities clears tho brnln Instead of
dulling it, rests nnd feeds tho body.
Metz Bros. Brewing Go,
Tel. 110.
If you want tho
Adopted and used
exclusively in all
U. S. Marine
Awarded Gold
Medal nt Pnrls
, 522-521 So. 13th St.. OMAHA.
At All First Clnss Bars nnd Hotels.
W 1 feMeBlR
All the I.ntllen Kni
Gel. Meiil
Chocolate Bon Bons
II jr Giprii,
1, 2, .'I find R pnnnd boiei, (Klc n pound.
W. S. Bnlduff,
iniN-UO Fnriinni St., Omnlin, Neb.
Tlie Bvor CSrotvliiK'
I) cm a ml for
Is Its best recommen
dation. Recognized as
the best stimulant for
the brain and nerves,
It Imparts energy
ana sircngm 10 me
fnrmcr, tho Inbor
er nna the me
chanic, It Is the
only euro for Lu
Grippe. It hns
saved tho lives of
hundreds who have
been threatened
with consumption
nnd other wasting
dlsonses. Properly
matured In bond;
carefully freed
from nil Impurl
1 1 c s; par-excel-lence
a medicinal
whiskey. Wo defy
the world to pro
duce n purer, more
wholosomo or mote
pnlatable whiskey
Killer's Pure Rye
Put up in Jug or In I
I' our fu 1 1
Quart llottlfH.
Prlco tfcQ25 Per Chnrges for shipment
00 Gallon prepaid. N. B. Or
ders for states west of Nebraska must cnll
for 3 gallons to bo prepaid. Address nl!
orders to
Henry Illllcr. RS2 N. lfltli. Omnlin. Nell.
A clear, white skin may pos
itively bo obtained by using
Guaranteed harmless; en
dorsed by thousands of wom
en; prlco 25c n box; mention
Tho Illustrated Bee; send
three 2-cent stamps for sam
ples nna dook.
Mine Joneplilne I.eFevro,
ClicKtniit St., Plilln., Pn.
CDTC by return mall, lull iitvriinier
intC circular ol i11ll(nl llll
nnivoil 'I'n I Inr M v h I ill of
Jjri'NH nnd (iiiriiient Cuitlim.
Ki.msh) to Datb. 1 he foundation
nrlnritml nf ftcltntine P.irment CUt
tint; nro taught so clearly and pro
lKreUly that any lady of ordinary
ly learn to cut and make any gar
ment In any Btyle, to any meai
uro (or I.ikIIch. Children.
OMen nnd Hoy. Garment.
rTii.irnntfrit In tit DerfeCtlV With
trying on. A knowledge of the
Kv.t.m l.wnrlh a fortune to anv ThniiftamU f exnert dressmakers
owe their .ucces. to the Moody System.
Agents wanted. MOODY k CO.,
P.O.IIox aioo.ciuclniiatl, O.
ClUC 1 Packet Mammoth Butterfly... TtTTTtTccntg A'iHlH
rlfC 1 1 Packet (liatit Fancy Cents MjM
nPlllfirill I 1 Packet lllnck Prince -1 (Ti'titH J 2fCHH
UtAUTIrUL PncketSnow Queen 1 Cents "S-BW
Jfrl" ''J I 1 Packet Ited mid Scarlot Ii Cents
VAKICTlCOi . Totnl Yuluo lift Cents
Ml I CAD Ifl fDCUTC in cunli or Mnmpa, iiroTlilnd )oimenil Ilin mlilrniwtM nt two , j. m
II iIJIi lU llCH I w frlKuil" w'i" iirow lloBr. mul return tliU mlrt., or tnnno tliN2fcB
w m w M.r wt, j,nlr or,,.r. It in tlmlicut vnluu for tlm iiioiip)' emrwaH
olturi'il Vour monoy returned and the need, an n proent, If not fully satlrlli'd. Bb
S. Y. HAINES Sl CO., 105 Boston Block, - Minnoapolls, Minn. v
Hlii ltlcUl Itazom known world orrr n Inut niaito. To
IntriMluio our Kltvtrlo rtiilm Hlmvlnir Himn unnfTni
hundfiomo limwrlcil Klirllli'ld plei'l rnlrt)nl)Boluti'lv FltRKtn
pveryinHii.''liiu' thlsrutveitii-t'infiit. Only one tu it in'rvon. Ad.
drona PREMIUM SOAP CO, SS 3d Ave. New York City
I'tlMMTIOX With your application you rnu.t rln thl.
numbered counon to your nnme & Hdilren.. & send with It 10 ( 1 1.
Ilrt r or rtiimni. to lielti Day rtostaee. malllntr. nacklne. etc.. & yon
wlllrinlielree aiiuokHreoI Lleetrio Dalni Bliavlnir A Comnleilon Soap
v hlch Ik .utiili tho .kin. urt ii nta tlmnle.hlotche & all facialeniptlont . to-
cret hi r with our extra offer of n hamliiomp Rhetlleld steel razorexaetlvaallluBtrated.
ent niimn day thl.cnupon Ii rerelveil.HH churu'e. prepaid. ' Vliy wc do thU. Somo firm, .innil
lli'iiiM',ilHilvi'rllKlni.- In inuiraslne. i when make an olfer wnnii an It, knowlnir you will up-pn-i'lntothepnMienti'C
rliowourt.'ioi!.. If you w lid line hhetlleld Heelrnrorlrei', don't i elay.
10th atroet, St. Louii, Mo.