L I March 2, 1001. Queer Domestic Feature In (Copyright, 1901, by Frank G. Curpcntcr.) WELLINGTON, Now Zealand, Jan. 19. (Special Correspondence, of Tho lice.) WANTED Lady 'help. Address, Private Family, Herald ofllce. WANTED-Sltuatltn ns Lady Help or Nurse In small family. Apply to Miss Mary , street, Wellington. WANTED Dy Domesticated Young Lady; position ns Companion or Help; town or country. Apply X. O. I, Herald olllcc. Theso three advertisements I clip from the "situations wanted" column of tho !, H ' 1 1 C 3 3 3 PERSPECTIVE OK THE NEW Morning Herald. Thoy glvo you somo Idea of ono of tho distinct professions open to women In New Zealand. This Is known as lady helping. The term "Indy help" Is as common here ns "cook" or "cham- k bermnld" is In tho United Slates. It Is used as to a certain clnss of servants and It menns that tho srivant Is to bo treated ns a member of the family. Thcro nro two classes of hired girls In New Zealand. Ono Is tho lady help, tho other Is tho general house servnnt. The lady help does tho same work ns "tho gen erals." She cooks, makes tho beds, sweeps tho floors, washes nnd Irons nnd sometimes helps her mistress dress. She is sup posed to sit down at tho table with tho family nt meals and to bo treated as nn assistant of her mistress. She Is not classed as n servant, although she Is expected to do servant's work nnd often moro than would be demanded of tho gen oral house servant. When I first henrd tho expression Indy nhelp 1 thought it was ono merely cxprcss Ivo of tho reign of tho Bervant girl, which now prevails In Australasia. I soon found thnt It had a distinct meaning. To get nt tho exact difference between n lady help nnd n "general" servnnt I inquired of the lady clerk of ono of tho chief hotels in Now Zealand. She replied: "Tho chief difference Is In tho manner of address. You call a 'general' by her first name, such as Polly, Mary or Salllo, but tho lady holp la nlways addressed ns miss. Tho mistress Is supposed to nsslst tho lady holp In doing tho housework, but In somo families tho Indy help Is treated worso than a scullion. She does all tho work of tho general servant nnd receives only half ns much wages. I bcllcvo some women ndvortlso for Indy helps Just be cause they can get thorn moro cheaply." "nut will they work for less wages?" I asked. "I should think they would want moro?" "Thoy usually got one-third less thnn tho general house servants," wns tho reply. "I know somo who work for 5 shillings ($1.2.") per week, whtlo 'generals' get 10, 12 nnd 15 shillings nnd upwnrd. You sco, the lady help pretends thnt she has a little bolter blood and breeding thnn tho 'general.' Sho wants to rank higher In tho soclnl scale, nnd sho pays for It." I. inly Ilcliin nt Dinner. I havo boon much amused nt tho airs of tho Now Zealand hired girls. Tho Indy helps In somo families are greater sticklers ror their dignity thnn nny queen upon a throne. They seem to think themselves guests of thoir mistresses nnd express tholr lndlgnntlon when naked to do what thoy consldor menlnl things. "Ono of my helps," Bald a dear old New Zealand lady to mo, "camo down to dinner tho first night after her engagement In n decollete evening dress. Sho wore low slippers nnd had ear rings nnd brooch of pnsto diamonds. Sho paid no attention to wnltlng on the tablo, and when hor master asked hor to got up and hand something from tho sideboard sho grow very Indignant." "How nbout tho ordinary servants," I asked. "Do thoy like tho lady helps?" "You mean tho genornls?" said tho old Indy. "Tho ordinary hired girl Is known ns tho general house servant and ls called tho gcnornl for short. Tho gen erals rainor acspiso tho Indy helps, They rooi, ana rightly, that thoy nro mnsquorad Ing under fnlso pretenses. Thev fcnl thomsolvos fully tho equals of tho Indy helps, nnd rather better, ns they aro not ashamr.l of bolng known as doing thnt for which they are paid. Tho ordinary genornl will .not allow a lady holp to order hor nbout. Sho will take her directions only from tho mistress of tho houso. I hnppened to be away from homo on ono day of last week when some of my men friends called. Tho New Zealand lady help received them and played tho Lady Hountlful. She entertained them, serving enkes nnd tea. She rang the boll for tho cook, who was a general, nnd told her to bring In the tea. The cook did so, but when I camo homo I found her rag ing. She gave me notice nnd told me slio did not propose to bo ordered nbout by nny Indy help. I had to almost get down on my knees to keep her. 1 hnvo her still, but my lady help has been told that she must transmit nil orders through mo." I find Hint the servant girl rules here 3 J J III 113 iWP, i Mm SOUTH OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL. oven more omnipotently than In the United Stntcs. Tho mistresses are nt tho mercy of their servants, who to somo extent dic tate their own wnges and their own hours olT. Every now and then you sco an nrtlclo in the paper which advocates tho establishment of an eight-hour law for houso servants, nnd at present every hired girl In New Zcnlnud lifts one half holiday n week, in addition to Sunday afternoons, nnd ns n usunl thing every other Sunday off. In tho country It Is almost Impossible to get servants, nnd In the towns tho servants are leaving to work in the factories, nnd this notwithstanding the wages In tho fnc- ICE BOAT ON CUT torlcs are often less than thoso of house servants, especially when tho matter of board Is taken Into consideration. Hero nro tho wages. In tho towns gen eral houso servnnts got on tho nvorago f 2.50 por week, many receiving ns much ns $3.75. Nursemaids aro pnld from $1.25 to $2.G0 per week, whllo laundresses receive up to $4. Cooks nre pnld from $3 to $6 n week nnd sowing women In Wellington who llvj nt tho houso got as high ns ?G. In other places their wnges nro lower. It scorns funny to think of a government opening olllccs to glvo servant girls em ployment, but this Is ono of tho wnys of New Zealand. The premier stnrtod It somo years ago when ho found tho employment agencies woro Imposing upon tho servnnt girls. Ho told mo how it hnpponcd. Said ho: "I was connected with tho department of works nt tho tlmo. I found that tho serv nnt girls were bolng charged exorbitantly by tho employment ngcnclcs nnd that thoy wero often sent by the agonts to Improper plnccB. I started a bureau and fixed tho rules for nil ouch offices. I charged tho girls 1 shilling, or 25 conts, for registra tion, and that gave thorn a place. That Is tho rate that the employment agencies now charge throughout the colony. Wo havo n branch of the labor department which fur nishes employment for the unemployed. Wo find It works fairly well." How to Trnln Your Servant GlrU. Bluco my talk with the premier I have looked over the reports of the department m .&u&stiMi!nt 1 BYM V T-a THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. of lnbor, as mndo by tho woman Inspector of factories and tho woman who Is Iti charge of tho woman's branch here nt Wel lington. Tho latter states that 316 girls havo bocu given plnccs during the past year. It also gives tho following points ns to how servants should bo treated In ordor to mnko them clllclrnt. It suggests that mothers should mnko domestic work moro nttrnctlvo to their dnughtars, and thnt thoy should work with them. it ad vises mistresses to work with tholr serv ants somewhat ns follows: "A mistress who has but one servant should work with her during tho morning hours. Under such circumstances a girl will become very proficient nnd by this means domestic mnttcrs will move nlong on oiled wheels. Tho mistress who docs nothing to help her servnnt nnd Is nlwnys hurrying her wears tho girl out. It Is sho who brings domestic service Into bad re puto, sho who Is driving the girls Into tho factories. "I find thnt servnnts nro becoming moro senrco every year. Even tho old women who used to bo a troublo to tho ouleo hnvo found employment, nearly nil of them In tho country. I find thnt somo girls cngngu places nnd then do not go to them. They perhaps find something better In tho mean whllo nnd brenk tholr engagements. 1 would suggest that tho government provide fines for such offenses, ns thoy causo great Inconvcnlcnco to employers. As It Is now If nn employer fnlls to tnke n girl after ho has engaged her ho hns to glvo hor a week's ray." This Is tho statement of Helen Stnvcly, officer In chnrgo of tho woman's branch of tho lnbor department nt Wellington. Hour Factory C!lrln Arc Trenteil. Tho Now Zenlnnd government hns n woman Inspector of factories connected with. Its labor bureau. This Is Margaret Scott Hnwthorno. It Is hor business to visit tho shops, factories nnd work rooms where women nro employed nnd to sco thnt tho laws concerning them nro carried out The head of tho department of labor has given mo her Inst report, from which I condense n fow statements. Sho says: "Tho question of forty-eight hours per week Is still n matter of bitter complaint. In many foctorles half nn hour only Is given for lunch, nnd If tho women tnke n half hour off In the middle of tho dny thoy havo to work a half hour In tho evening to mnko up their forty-eight hours per week. "I find that women nnd girls employed In Iho shops (stores) work harder than many people Imagine. A regular hour for closing should be ndoptcd. Many of tho girls aro qulto dono up nt 4 p. m. when tea tlmo comes nnd nro not fit for nnothcr hour nnd OFF LAKE, OMAHA a halt's work. Somo clerks nro nffectcd by tho draughts from the doors opening. I would suggest that In winter swinging doors bo fitted to all shops. I think eight hours a day is qulto long enough for work In such places." Tho factory girls are better protected In Now Zealand thnn In tho United Stntcs, Tako tho southern cotton fnctorles, for In stance. Many of tho employes thoro work cloven hours n dny. In New Zcnlnud women nnd children nro forbidden by law to put In moro than fifty-two hours a wcok, and every week must hnvo Its half holiday exclusive of Sundny. Nearly all tho fnctorles aro closed at 1 p. in. Saturday A fixed tlmo for dinner Is provided by law. Ono factory that cut short tho dinner hour was recently fined. Such enses nro common, nnd wherever discovered are pun ished by tho government. KiiliiMt tin Sivrnt Shop. Tho Now Zealand government has laws ngalnst tho swent shops. It defines a fac tory as any placo where moro than two hands nro employed, nnd this brings all kinds of llttlo shops under tho factory laws. It provides that girls shall not work In tho factories without wnges, It was discov ered that somo of the factories or stores would tako on girls for tho first three months for nothing, telling them thnt they woro worth nothing nt tho start, but they would bo paid as soon as they became ox porloncod. At the end of tho throe months thoy would likely say to tho girls thnt they wore worth nothing and could give them no further employment. They would then take on n fresh lot on tho same terms. Uy tho laws It Is now provided that no employe must bo pnld less thnn n certain sum nnd that girls under 18 can not work In nny kind of nn establishment for less than $1 per week. If girls are taken Into tho factories nt nn earlier ago than this they must show that thoy havo some education. No girl under Hi will be admitted to u factory without sho has passed through the fourth grado of the public schools. Tho li.w provides that all factories shall hnvo proper sanitary arrangements. The buildings must bo well ventilated, bo pro vided with flro escapes nnd so arranged thnt tho women enn have tho necessary privacy ns to ninny things. Theso labor laws aro by no menus dead letters. Employers are lined when they transgress thcin. I hnvo Just been looking over a list of eases which Illustrate this. Ono man who cut short tho dinner hour of his girls pnld $10 and costs nnd another, n restaurant keeper, who kept his wait resses nt work for cloven and ono-hnlf hours ono dny, hnd to pay a line of $36, nlthough olio of the girls had hnd threo afternoons off thnt week. Another res- (Continued on Eighth Pago ) The $eal of $atisfaction VU"1IEN wo deliver nn order of " printing: wo render full vnluo for our charRcs, nnd also "satis faction." The "sntlsf nctlon" In thrown In, ns It were. Just to nrn tlf y you and rctnln your palronnRe. Wc hnve only one way of dolnR business, nnd that Is why every customer nets "sntlsf nctlon.' 'a a A. I. Root, Printer 414416 South 12th, Omaha I Hi Photographic Art Studies These are the works of tho Tonneson Sisters of Chicago, and there Is probably no more capable photographic artists In tho world than theso enthuslnstlo young women There are twelve subjects from which to chooso, of which wo reproduce Ight. Theso pictures are handsome enough for anyono's drnwlng room and mny bo used effectively unfrntneil, or will look splendidly with simple dark frnmo. How to Get Them Theso pictures nro mounted on hnndsomo black raw silk stock mounts, 12x10 Inched, tho photographs aro 7x9 Inches. Those havo novor been sold at tho art stores for less than one dollar. I)y securing an Immonsn quantity of them wu aro able to offer them With a Coupon for 10 Cents. When ordering stnto the name of the subject, and If thoy are to bo mailed oiiulos four cents additional for postnge and pncklng. AHT DKPAHTM10NT, THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th and Fnriiam Sts. 55r" r-- WJ3" it B ' .Hi fit REFLECTION. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Dee Office or mall this coupon with 10c and get your choice of Photo graphic Art Studies. When ordering by mall add 4c for postage. ART DBI'AUTMKNT, HEK PUIIMBHING CO., OMAHA. DON'T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. Many Indies and gentlemen who cannot complain of nny kind of sickness aro nb iiormnlly thin nnd cannot find nny nicdlcnl treatment which will correct this condition Dr. Whitney's Nervo nnd Flesh Ilulldor Is not nlouo Intended for thoso who nro sick, but nlso for thoso who appear well nnd hearty, but cannot ncqulro sufficient flesh to round out tho form. In dyspepsia, Indigos tlon, nil stomach troubles, debility and nervous dlsonBco uo remedy Is so prompt nnd powerful. In order to demonstrate tho wonderful merits of Dr. Whltnoy's Nervo and Flesh llullder every person who will address tho C O. Jones Co., Elmlrn, N. Y., will rccolvo n lnrgo trial package In plain eonled wrapper absolutely free. For snle by Sherman A McConnelt Drug Co,, Omnhn. 1 Jnlxui tie Arnicn. Savon Oi'titlfrtco li'Arnlca. Arntcii '.aim Hrlfe. The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for jo years. PriworvcM nnd uhltenn ttm twtli, otrmwtlnMm tlu KiiiiiH-Mni'cti'linlliu liroatli. JSC at All Druggists. C. 11.51 KONO 5cCO.,l'rops.,ChlcnKo,U.S.A. Itrldnl Chamber Itovealcd W0 pages, ;tui Illustrations, For every man mill woman who eoiiteinplatoH iiiurrlago Write for pur tloulnrx Mux V.W, Dubuque, Iowa. GRANDMA'S TEA. r