24 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUE DAT, FICIVRVAUT 21, 1001. BURNAM APPOINTMENT VOID Court Denlei Anthoritj of Oonnty Board to Appoint Dipntj Attornij. EXCEPT UPON PETITION OF TAXPAYERS Judge nirUliiKiin I f 1 n Hint County Attnrnrr HIilHiln In nndtlril in the Amtlnlnnrr of Only Tlirrr llriititlm. Judge Dickinson holds that County At torney (Icorgo W. HbtotilH wont outside the provisions of the law when he secured the appointment of n fourth assistant county attorney by the Hoard of County Commis sioners. In nn opinion In the caao of Joseph It. Camplieli against tho Board of County Commissioners, to restrain tho de fendants from paying salaries to Ilurnam and Special Mesengcr Ounsolus, tho court holds that tho board had no authority what ever to mako the appointment of Uurnatn, hut docs not apply tho ruling to tho ap pointment of Uunsolus, which was mado at tho same time. No decreo In the case will ho entered until tho court determines upon tho po sition of .Mr. Ounsolus, although tho tem porary order restraining tho payment of salaries to both men remains In forco. Opinion of (he Court. The court's opinion In substance. Is as follows. It appears from tho petition and from tho evidence Introduced In this caso that Qcorgo W. Shields was duly elected as the county attorney for Douglas county, and that there utter Shields duly qualified and gave the bond required by law and entered upon tho discharge of his duties as county attorney, iind that thereafter, and In pursuance to faction 20, chapter vll, of tho Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, tho said Shields ap pointed ns deputy attorneys Ignatius Dunn, J,yslo I. Abbott and Klmer K. Thomas, and that said parties accepted said appoint ments nnd olllccs and gavo till bonds re quired by law nud entered upon tho dis charge of their duties. It further appears that thereafter the said Shields, as such rounty attorney, submitted to the Hoard of County Commissioners, In a communication to said board, tho namo of Harry E. nur nam, and nsked said board to appoint said Harry K. Ilurnam ns an assistant county nttorney at n salary of $75 per month, and also submitted to said board the name of V. II. Ounsolus and requested that he bo appointed ns special messenger for said county attorney nt a salary of $76 per month; that on January 26. 1901, said board appointed nnd employed the said nurnam nnd Ounsolus as usslstant county attorney nnd messenger for said county attorney. What the I.nw Provide. It Is contended by tho plaintiff that the county board was without authority or power to make said appointments and that tho samo nro null nnd void. Tho only question for consideration In this caso is that of the power of tho Hoard of County Commissioners to make tho appointments alleged In said petition. Section 20 of chapter vll of tho Complied Statutes, 1899, provides for the appointment of deputies for county nttorneys. That port which refers to Douglas county provides thnt In counties whoso population exceed 120,000 Inhabitants "thoro nro hereby created tho ofJlces of three deputy county nttorneys, to be ap pointed by tho county attornoy of such county, nt salaries not to exceed the sum of J1.G00 each por annum, to be fixed by tho Judges of tho district court and to bo paid by order on tho rounty treasurer upon presenting to suld board the certificate of tho Judges of the district court certifying to the amount of such Balary," and also provides for tbolr giving bond. Section 21 provides for tho appointment, by the court, of an attorney to take the place of the county nttornoy In caso of abaenco, sickness or disability of the county attorney and his deputies. Cnniiiilitilniif rn Have Jio Power. It will bo seen by tho provision of the statute that tho legislature, nt the tlmo It passed this act, provided tho way and manner In which tho county attorney might procure his usslstunts, and gavo him tho right to appoint threo deputy county at torneys. Nowhere In this chapter on county attornoys do we And any power lodged lu the Hoard of County Commission ers to make un appointment of a deputy county nttornoy or an assistant county at torney, or to procure tho advlco and nsslstunco of nn attorney In criminal cases, hut wo do find. In section 18, that in civil matters tho rounty board, whon so re quested by petition of ten freeholders of said county, not members ot their body, may employ additional counsel, such coun sel to bo paid such sum for their services ns tho counsel and the board may ngreo upon. This Is the only express provision of tho Htntuto conferring upon tho Hoard ot County Commissioners the right to em ploy counsel or assistance for the county attornoy, nnd this can only be done upon tho petition ot ten freeholders ot the county. Tho county attorney contonds that under nrtlclo 1, section 23, chapter 18, which pro vides nnd gives to tho county board power to maungo tho county tuuds and county offlcea, oxcopt ns otherwise specifically pro vided for, gives to tho county board the right to muko these appointments. Tho exception In said clause Includes the power ot tho county board to appoint deputy or usslstant county attorneys, for the reason that tho way and method of their appoint ment, and the power to appoint them, Is othorwiso specifically provided for. Tho court then proceeds to cite numerous nuthorltles nnd concludes thnt the board had no authority to appoint Mr. nurnam, and tho appointment Is therefore void. "Nrrr Orlrniin ror the Tourlat" is the title ot an illustrated booklet, li mited by the Illinois Central railroad, de scribing tho points ot lntorest in New Or leans, La. For copy, address W. H, Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Wnnted, n trained nurse to take charge of a sanitarium; must havo experience, a good education ana good business ability. Ad dress J 59, care Deo odlce. If ChlcnBO lnundrv iumtnmar ifa nn colvlng attention will 'phone 205 or 691 nnd give uuureoa uiey win do attended promptly. to Mrs. Phil Aarons of tho North Side Mil Unary Parlor leaves Monday to visit .the eastern markets. Dance programs and wedddlng stationery j, i. uuui, primer, nn-iiu oouiu inn St. Why not get tho best? Tribune bicycles cannot be excelled. 1622 Capitol avenue II. K. Burket, tho undertaker, has removed to 412 N. 16th St., opposite Jefferson square, Repairing & supplies, Omaha Bicycle Co, $3.00 hats. Frederick, 120 So. 15th at. Have Hoot print It. 1)1 HI). M'Al'BLANn-Mrs. Acnes. Fiilierul from residence of A. Q. McAus Innd, 1C06 Kyner uvenue, Monday nt o'clock. 1IAK!UB-Mm Mary K beloved wife of I'nionei uiiurien i. Harris, i'eoruury , 1901. nctxl til vttiirs. Funeral Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m. from rosldmire. 2221 Hurt street. Interment at Ifoicat Lawn cemetery, l'rieiiaa mviuu. WILL MAKE INVESTIGATION Sennte Cotnulttcr n Inspect the Drat nnd llnmli Infill-utr. Lieutenant Governor Savage came up from Lincoln yesterday morning nnd will re main In the city until Tuesday. Monday morning ho will be Joined by tho senate committee on public lands ond buildings and probably by tho corresponding com mittee of the house ot representatives. At 11 o'clock Monday morning a meeting will bo held at the Merchants hotel and the committee will then go to tho Deaf and Dumb Institute, where nn Inspection of the buildings and the work ot tho Institu tion will be held. The report of the committee will bo sub mitted to the senato Wednesday nnd upon this report will depend in a great measuro the character of tho appropriation for this Institution. "OHA.NtJKl.VU." It Sponmirn nnd lliininn Vnef ultirin. No remedy was ever given to tho public with such prominent sponsors nnd such a great record of usefulness ns "Orangclne." Tho dellcato balance of this hnrmless pow der was ovolved by the patient skill of a famous physician Its results radiated through such Illustrious Individuals as Wil liam Gillette, tho distinguished actor, and Lady Stanley, wife of tho great explorer, until It attracted tho nttcntlon of Its In troducer, Mr. Chnrlcs L. Hartlctt of Chi cago, of tho famous "Yalo" class, which has given Yale college Its president. Tho Orangclne company Is now composed ot such Individuals as Mr. Charles L. Bart lott, president; Mr. Ambroso L. Thomas of Lord & Thomas, Chicago, vice president; Mr. Fred W. Spraguc, B. A., Yale, secre- nry and treasurer; Mr. Louis E. Lnfltn, Chicago; Mr. J. T. Bowcn, Chlcngo; Mr. William Cooper Proctor, head of tho groat Proctor & Gamble Co.; Mr. Clarence M. Woolley, secretary of tho American Ra diator company; Mr. Frederick II. Smith, vlco president of tho A. C. McClurg com pany; Mr. John M. Crouse, president of tho Mohawk Valley Cotton Mills, Utlca, N.Y., and others equally promlnont, who hnvo become Interested with the purpose of extending to tho public tho evcry-day bcncfltB which they hnvo personally ex perienced from this useful prescription. Ah a result of wldo public test physicians now uso and openly prescrlbo "Ornngolno" trnlncd nurses sing Its praises, business nnd socloty mon nnd women carry It and nil classes enjoy Its power to prevent and cure common ailments, regulate the systom and relievo pain. KVKnV TUESDAY In Febrtinrjr. Mari-li nnd April the UNION PACIFIC 'will sell tickets nt the following QHEATLY REDUCED RATES: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego $25.00 Ogden, Bait Lake, IJtitto, Holonn.... 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle. 28.00 Now city tlckot office, 1324 Farnam street. Tel. 31C. Union station, 10th and Marcy. Tol. C29. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnetic physician, office at the Central hotol, cor. N. 16th and Dodge streets, till a suttablo location can bo found. Special at- entton to all long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases o! women and children We dress our chickens fresh every day. Jos. Bath & Co., 605 N. 16th. Tel. 129. Gone into a trust. We cot n tin yesterday that the doe's nro organizing a trust their objoct Is to Keop mo percentage pnee up ana not to patronize a pet who won't give up nt least onco a month we'll wait till further de velopments before we oxuosn their scheme. The trust tried to work us onco upon a, tlmo, nut uia we huock -em out (7) wen, I guess so. Cramer' Kidney Care 73a Ilroiuu (Inlnlne Ifle 1 lor. --Kruln Quinine Capetilcn .. 7o 1 dm. ;i-Rrnln (Inlnlne Cnpanlca.. 10c, I dog. 5-urnln Quinine, Capiiiln,, IBe Hurry's Malt Whiskey src otnn Croniu 1l Milne's Celery Compound 7fiu Wine of Cardiff 7Bo lercc'a Prescription .... 7(Io Scott' Kmulnlon Trio Onomulxlon 73o Coltsfoot Expectorant 7Be 'nlinn Tntileta ROe White Itlubon Remedy 3.00 H. 75.1 Multed Milk 40c, 70c, 3.15 Mnkluim a Compound 7rio CmiLCCED CLT price Gunner en druggist a. W. Oar. ltk Cktlaaa si a. Price $2.98. widths, Carpenters at work on tho annex America. I.ates reception rooms, Iallos toilet rooniH and resting parlorH, Until iwil'cii uui ui oiuic wrr wilt tiller UlU Kri'ai- est shoo bargain ever offered In Omaha. Come Monday, THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., Great Rebuilding Sale, IRKS DOUGLAS ST., Huccranora to The Howe. PULLMAN ORDINARY SLEEPERS DAILY DINING CARS, MEALS A LA CARTE J irpyjUNION PACIFIC LOS l 0ENVERTo- mm mm -yj 3-. ANGELES. 4 j$PP2&WP& SN DIEGO .WlBtM c FV J MEETS IN SPECIAL SESSION Oltj Oonnoil Considers Ordinance for Pay mint of DeSoiti. FINANCE COMMITTEE MAKES A REPORT It la llecoinntended thnt Sevcrnl Illlla lie Stricken from the Orill imnce Objection to l.ennl llciinrtinciit Clnlnia. A special meeting of the city council was called for 10:30 yesterday morning. Long nftcr that hour only three council men had arrived nnd a call of tho house was made. Officers rounded up tho miss ing members and shortly before noon tho meeting was called to order. The meeting was for consideration of tho ordinance) Introduced at tho last council meeting for tho payment of nil bills and deficits, amounting to $152,000. Chairman Mount ot tho committee on flnanco and claims mado a report. In which ho recommended that soveral bills bo stricken from tho ordinance. Tho two most Important Items advised against wcro tho salaries ot Charles 13. Morgan, Jack Norton nnd Miss Anna Nesladek, who wcro recently employed to assist tho legal de partment In tho collection of delinquent special taxes, and n balanco of $1,250 due on tho pneumatic street cleaner purchased last ycur. No Itecord of Iiniilo inen t . It was contended In tho committee report that the three new employes In the legal department wcro hired without any record being mado of their employment. The ob jection to tho balanco on tho street cleaner was that tho company was to keop tho ma chine in repair for a year and hao failed to do so. Mr. Mount was tho only member of tho flnanco and claims commltteo who signed tho report. Uy unanimous vote tho report was adopted, but when tho ordlnanco was put on Us paBsago it was defeated by a voto of C to 4. Councllmen llurklcy, Has call, Hoye, Whltcborn and Zlmman op posed the measuro and tho affirmative votes were cast by Councllmen Lobeck, Mount, Trostler nnd Karr. Vnrlous reasons wcro given for tho do feat of tho ordinance Objections to cer tain items In tho ordlnanco led some of the opponents of tho measure to vote in the negative. Soveral of tho members stated thnt they want tho ordinance to bo re drafted and nro willing to support It after all tho' Items havo been gone over care fully. Kaater Time Itorih. The Northwestern line, "Twin City Lim ited," now leaves the Union station, Omaha, at 7:55 p. m. dally, Instead ot 7:35 p. m., as formerly. The arrival tlmo at St. Paul Minneapolis REMAIN'S UNCHANGED. Through connections from tho west nro thus assured and a MOItB CONVENIENT time ot departuro 1b afforded Omaha and Coun cil Uluffs patrons. Tho same magnlflquc equipment is retained In service. City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam street. HAYDENs Soda crackers, fresh nnd crisp, Sc. Pearl oyster, Cc. Qlngor snnps, Be. " Michigan butter crackers, 5c Milk biscuit, Cc. Animal crnckers, 8tfc. Shredded wheat biscuit, 11c. Grape Nut food, 11c. Prelzollets, 10c. Cheese straws, 12c. Cheese sandwich, 12V4c Uneoda biscuit, 3V&c. TEAS AND COFFEES SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. A good broken Java and Mocha, 10c. Whole Santos coffeo, only 15c. Java Peabcrry coffee, only 17'c. Special family Java and Mocha, 35c. New season sittings, only 20c. flasket fired Japan, only 2oc. Sun Dried Japan Ton, 40c. New scasou 1900 basket fired Japan, 48c. Vi lb. can cocoa, ouly 10c. Half-pound can breakfast Cocoa, 35c. CHEESE SPECIALS Robert Norton's prime apple cheese, only 40c. Fancy full cream yellow, 12c. New York Herkimer Co. white, 16c. McLaren's Impel lal club size, 13o. Fancy Ohio Swiss, 10c. Chandler & Rudd's Am. club house, 18c. BARGAINS IN CANNED GOODS 2 pound can corn, 6c. 2 pound can string beans, Cc. 2 pound can Lima beans, 7Hc. 3 pound can tomatos, 7c. 3 pound can California pears, (only two cans to each customer), 71,&c. 11 bars White Spanish soap, 25c. A 25c can baking powder, 10c. 3 pound can sweet potatoes, 10c. 3 pound enn apple butter, 10c. Can Fern brand milk, 7Wc. GREAT LEN EN FISH SALE Fat Herring niouter Mackerel, 10-lb pall $1.75; pound, 20c. No. 2 Norway Mackerel, 10-lb palls, $1.25; per pound, ICc. Good family Mackerel, 10-lb palls, $1,25, per pound, 12l,4e. K. K. K. K. Norway Herring, 10-lb palls, $1.05, Labrador Herring, 10-lb pails, 80c, 65c nnd 65c, Day City white fish, 10-lb palls, 60e; pound, 6c. No. 1 white fish, 10-lb palls, 90c, lb. lOo. Colorado River red salmon, lb. 10c. MYDEN BR0 Personally Conducted Excursions to California and Oregon Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars These Excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday and every Friday at 4:25 p. m. for San Francisco and Los Angeles, and every Friday at 8:20 a. m. for Portland, Ore. Detailed Information ehorrf ully furnished. M5W CITY TU'ICHT OKKICH. JBtfl KariiHiu St., Tel. rtlO. I'NION STATION, iOth nnd .Maro, Tel, 02O, w. n. nnx.vuTT ro. (iennlnr Silrprlaca. A largo lot of American porcelain chln.i, S Inches round, scallop open vcgcUblc dishes; would be a bargain at 15c; as long ns supply lasts, Sc each. Tho Old Relloblo Hunters' Flour Sifter, regular value, 15c; Monday, 7c each. Fountain pen, splendid value for 30c: Monday, 19c. A nlco lot of fresh, bright California prunes, 7c pound; Monday price, 4c pound. W. It. UBNNETT CO. SAVED) A Y Aud 599.75 LIFE ) Tho figures below tell how It can bo done: Cost of a modest funeral J100.CO Cost of a bottle of LA OHUM'U COUGH 8YIIUI' Saved a life and iv Iml. of t 03.. o Noto Uso La Grippe Cough Syrup In time. (Sample free.) "la oiiliTi: corcm syhup" clears tho voice and bronclul pusHnges, It stops tho "hacking" chronic cough ns en-lly nnd (illicitly its It docs tho iiiwiu ii'rrill line ciiuk"" "'wi ...wit- n chltls, whee-'ng of the breath, "tight- U liens auulit tim clicsi, Hoarseness mm soro throat all ylold nulckly to a few doses . of this romcdy. 1'rlces, 25 and 60c. If you have SOnUNlCSS of the chest AI'l'LY A JIMSONWI2ED PLA8TKH nnd tnke Internally La drlppo Cough Syrup. For sale by SHFRMAN&.MnHnNNFI I nrncrHn 15th anil Dodgo St.. Oniuliit j Eastman Kodaks still lead. See the latest model of the No. 1 Cartridge Kodak takes pictures 4x5, and can be used for either plates or films. List price ?'J.".00 OUR PRICE $20.00 All other Rood makes of Kodak nnd Cameras. THE ROBERT DEMSTER COMPANY, 1215 Farimin Street. Developlnp; and finishing by first class workmen. HAYDENs EXTRAORDINARY SHOE HARGANIS, MONDAY. Extraordinary shoe bargains Monday. Closing out shoo manufacturer's stocks. The greatest bargains ever offered in new, up-to-date foot wear. Every pair properly fitted. Every pair warranted. LADIEb' SHOES $1.00 Ladles' flno $3.50 nnd $3 vlcl kid lace shoe, from Thnro, McOulro & Co., for $1.06. Ladles' flno $3 patent leather laco shoes, vlcl kid tops, made by Nnylor ot Rochester, all sizes for $1.96. MEN'S SHOES $1.98 Men's flno $4 and $5 vlcl kid welt sole, laco sample shoes, from J. P. Smith Co., for $1.08. ' Men's flno $3.50 nnd $4 patent leather (ace shoes, from Preston n. Keith Co., for $1.98. IN OUR BARGAIN ROOM. Ladles' fine $2.50 kid laco shoes for $1.23. Men's flno $2.75 satin calf lace shoes for $1.48. ' Hoys' $1.50 satin calf lace shoes for !i8c. Men's rubbers, 49c. Ladles rubbers, 23c. OUR SPECIAL MONDAY DRIVES IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Tho best rotary washer made, $5.1)3,- No. 2 Squaro western washer, $2.G'J. Wood wash tubs, 33c. 6-foot step ladders, 45c. 3 tlo brooms, 8c. 6 tipped tea spoons, 6c. 2 boxes cobbler's nails, Cc. Folding lunch boxes, 9c. 75c wood saws, 39c. No. 8 galvanized boiler, 60c. Gasollno stoves, $2.49. A good claw hammer, 8c. CO-pound Japanned flour can, 59c. Corn poppers, 7c. A good coffeo mill, 17e. Largo slzo foot bath, 33c. 2 largo boxes toothpicks, Co. Durnlshlne, regular 23c, at 15c. 1) & II oil heater, best on earth, $3.19. 3 10c coat hangers for 10c. 8-quart granite dlsbpans, 29c. lfic can openers, Gr. Steel spado or shovel, C9c. Rim lock nnd knob, 19c. Special cut on heating stoves, sleds, skates, etc. Read big bargains on page 13. CHEAP EXCURSION RATES EVERY TUESDAY IN STEAM HEAT PINTCH LIGHT, ETC. Si UiVnCil' 13 Sample nAT UCIfS Lines 13 Men's and Boys' Clothing The greatest .sale ever known in the history of the great clothing business. Over ,000 garments bought at 25c on dollar. The liig gale is on Monday. Everything marked at prices that will sell. WE'LL HELP YOU SAVE MONEY YOU'LL HELP US OA IX SPACE FOR OUH SPKIXO STOCK, AKHIV JXO DAILY. 7.50 to io men's sample coats and vests, for $2.1)5. The coats are made in round and square sack styles, also frocks, sizes to 40, mostly 34, 35, ), 31), 40, 42, and 44 sizes,, made from iluest worsteds, cassimeres und cheviots. Men's !) black worsted suits, all reg '1 ular sizes, for 3.75. Men's $S.50 line all wool cassimerc suits, early spring weights, at .?3.75. Men's 15 stout and slim suits, serges, worsteds and cassimeres, sizes 80 to 40, at 5.00. Men's SI 2.50 suits of worsteds and cheviots, all regular sizes, 34 to 42, at $5.00. Hoys' S2.00 and $3.50 flue sample AM pants, sizes 28 to Due and SI. 50. if p Men's 3 and 5 extra fine sample pants, mostly small and large sizes such as 31, 32,33, 8, 40, 42, 44, 40, 48, and 50 waist sizes, sale price, 1.50. Boys' 2.50 to 5 double breasted and vestee knee pants suits, sizes 3 to 10 years, on sale at )5c, $1.45 and 2.45. JJead big bargains on page LOVERS of really good clean honest fuel who have not made the ac quaintance of SHERIDAN COAL should give this unrivaled brand an early trial. Beat coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Tel. 127 Arc You Satisfied With Is It badly In need of point: Is It dark nnd cheerless? It It dusted? Aro the win. dows washed? Do they over wash the pas globes? Docs a fresh youngster run the elevator to suit himself and spoil your breakfast? Do you havo to walk up If you want to i;o to your office nt night or on Sunday? When you are thorouRhly dls Busted, move Into tho Dee Building and bo happy. R. C. PETERS & CO. RENTAL AGENTS GROUND FLOOR DEI: BUILDING i nnut MttnK Registered Mayer Co. DIE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. MIES A. MAYER: In reply to your note I am pleaded to say that the tender tnd perspiring feet nre things of tho past. About two or threo applications of our powder rellfcved them entirely. I an more than glad to recommend tho ue of your powder to my friends. Very respectfully, DR. E. C. HEMiY. RE-NO-MA WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields are required. PRICE 50 CENTS .Mold V.y cr m-re. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. CONSULTATION KHUH I'HUM a to 4. When ordering by mall add 5 cents THE SMOKERS PREFER UFCAUSE THE JOBBERS' PROFIT IS ADDED TO THE Q"AUT . It. IUCI3 M. C. CO,, M.I.N tFACTUUUIUi, ST. MR'Ifc, MO. UHlWll OIIIBi to $10.50 tine sample (ft 32, waist sizes, for (C3t-i 13. Artificial Crowns Though It may bo folly to neglect your teeth when artificial crowns aro called for, yet wo should be thankful that whon they are nocossary they can bo mado so aa to bo useful, beau tlful and durable, that Is to any It you patronize. BAILEY, the Dentist ai'J Paxton Mock, JOtu & Farnam Sa. Phone 1085. Lad? Attendant. Your Office? J DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? RE-NO - MAY PINK POWDIJR not only relieves, but poiltlvely cures all dlst-oHos of the feet und nnnd. Stops odorous persplrntlon-cureij ten der and iwollen feet, bndorsid and prescribed by leadlnt; physicians. lor P"ig. i iff OS CURSE or DRINK CURED HY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can bo Riven In Cllns.i of Wutcr. Tea or Coffee Without 1'iitleiit'a Knowledge!. Whlto Klbbon Ilemedy will cure or do sttoy tho dUcuseil niipetllo for nlcohollo UimiUnts, whether tho pnttont Is a con llrmvu inebriate, "a tippler," social drinker 01 ii'unk.'trd Itnpo.sKlhlo for any one to have an ap octltu for alcoholic liquors after using Whlto Hlbbon Remedy. Ily mnll tl. Trial pnrkago frco by writing Mrs. T. C. Mooro, l'ros't W. C. T. U. Ventura, California. Bold in Omaha, Nob., by Chas. II. Schuofer, ICth and Chicago streets. ALKI HOE FOR MEN AND WOMEN They are not made for the ball room. They are for out-door use, and are made especially to resist hard usage and aland off all kinds of weather. A comfortable, sensible shoe for those who do a grcnt deal of walking, and yet a fashionable shoo ot strong stylo and handBome appear ance. They are mado In foot-flttlng shapes, und we carefully fit them to your feet. Thoy nro Just tho shoo needed nt thla season ot tho year, and the best shoes made for tho money $3.50 and $5. eamvriglu . N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas A Bursted Pipe Is an accident that housowtves have to contend with often, especially the hot water pipe from rango to bollor. Rango work and the repairing of worn nnd broken plpos, plumbing nnd steam heating Is a line that wo give special attention to, Wo send none but expert workmen when called and our work la scientific and satisfactory. Free & Black, 1800 Furncun. Phone 1040. The J. A, Fuller Drug Stock EtUI being nacrlficod at ruinously low prices, .MOMl.tV WIS W'llA. ARLb Hot Water Ilottles MlO Fountain Byrlngs R0o Hulb Syringes 2Do Stomach Tubes f 1.0ft Ivsr Trumpets ,. $1.00 Nipples for nursing bottles, ten dif ferent styles, two for fc Needles far Hypodermic Syringes .... 16o Hypodermic Syringes half price. Fever Thermometers, halt price. All Surgical Instruments at greatly re duced prices. BOSTON CTORE l DRUG M DEPT. I Do You Need Teeth Our best sots of teeth are so natural In color, form and translucency that they drive away all suspi cion of art. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Sots of teeth, VM up. Taft's Philadelphia Dontal Rooms 1517 Douuliifi St. mmmwAm t II .s3 e