THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SI'S PAW I'KJJItr AHY 21, 1001. If FOR .ALK REAL K STATU. Do you want to buy or do you want lo sell houses r.oTs, farms oh ranches? If so, .all upon GEORGE P. BEM1S, Of Telephone 5.. Paxton Block. GOOD INVESTMENTS. Lrg double brick flat; Intlde ami a bar galr Only $ll,&o. I hri k blocks, close. In, af 11 flats, at the way down price of 111.0m Another snap. Hrick blok of 1 fllt: chl -e; bringing In $l.Ko In rental. Only $!5,(0. Also close In. TRACKAGE property In bt locations In city. Downtown business block, suitable for wholesale, retail or manufacturing, at very reasonable figures. . HOUSES AND LOTS. W have this week four piece of city prop erly to offer that we consider bargains. A rice, house In the. north twirt of the city, T room and bathroom above, with 5 targ room In the basement, funiace, ens and everything fitted for bathtub, barn tor horw, cow and two buggies; also chlfken run. Jl,sr. A good 6-ronm house, modern, barn, 2 lo'.s, fruit and shade tree, fine lawn, one block from car line. $J,(o. A 6-room house, In fine condition, newly painted and papreil. city water In kitchen, lot 60x132. Il.t'W. In th west Farnam district, a fine S-room house NEW, strictly modern, evervthlnic that Is necessary for a beautiful home. i,-y. We also have for sale fine homer, on Park av . Georgia av . In fact. In every part of the city, at remarkably low figures. FOn THADE. We have for trade a good 6-room modern house, fmlt. lawn, large lot. all In Rood 'ondltl'n; will trade for 5 to 6 acre that has fruit and house on It. Only first- class property will bo considered. RESIDENCE LOTS. . We have a few fine residence lots that are snacst one fine lot In the west rarnam district. $1,550; one lot in Orchard Hill for !?) that is worth three times the money ed It and be convinced and one lot in Pre ehton HelEht for 1150. We have sev enil others, but these arc special snap and must be sold. ns the owners need the money. $150 residence lots only $3 down and 13 per montn. FARMS. 40-acre farm In one of the richest counties In the state, about 3 acres In fruit, con sisting of apples, plums, peaches, cherries and grapes, all nice young tr-es, Just be clnnlnc to bear, balance under cultiva tion and produces CO bushels of corn per acre; good 6-room house and barn and other outbuildings; fences in rood repair and land in lino conauion. umy 10 acres. Douglas county, well improved, Vt per acre. 80 acres, Douglas county, unimproved, very choice, iw per acre. 640 acres, Douglas county, well improved. HC per acre. YtM acres, Washington county, tlvatlon and pasture. 123 per under cul acre. Other choice grain and fruit farms, all sizes, ait prices, investigate. RANCHES. MCO-acre ranch in western Nebraska, good nouse. nam. cow rami siuwuj, -V.ln lint, a heil. stock RCaleS. 2 WlnU- ui. e,-la-a wnterwnrks 12 ml1e3 of fencing. 2u0 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and grass land, 10O head hlgh gTade shorthorn and Hereford cattle. If taken at once, oniy tw. aw-..ii imnrnvkt 13.00 ner acre 10.010 fair improvements 3.50 per aero ISO half under the ditch 10.00 per acre 4o very desirable 8.00 per aero 220 hayland, near abovo 8.00 per acre Others of all descriptions. See us before buying. i.r.T frvT rtnw.Y TO LOAN ON " nn .vw.K REAL ESTATE se curity. also write fire insurance. oeorge p. bemis. i r-..hlthA tn 1SG8.1 T.t.nhnne tm. " Paxton Block. " " UK 153 :i F-I-N-E H-O-M-E-S C-H-E-A-P. The wise homeseeker will not longer de lav making a purchase. Just as sure as sunshine. Omaha is not onty coming, but is even now at the front. Who lives in the past. Uvea In a graveyard. He who acts today Uvea in the history of tomorrow. See. secure, scttli on one of tne ioiiow ins bargains: 1547-A 9-room elegant new house, cornel ii. nrin Av.. electric light, gas i" i, v.minrd room. etc. The house is well built, very convenient. Just to the queen s taste ana is u. 1266-In north part of city, near car line a good 7-room house tn excellent repair, all modern except furnace. $2,2oO; 13"0 to 1500 cash, balance 6 per cent, possession can be given ai ontc. F-O-U-R B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L H-O-U-S-E-S, On 3rd and Cuming. Just completed, with every modern convenience, south front flno locality and good neighborhood paved street, prices from $3,500 to 13,250 1300 cash, balance can be arranged at per cent. These properties are cheap. $33 This is a 7-room house in the west part of the rltv. Two biocks irom car line . 50-foot lot, city water and In good repair. i:v, uvo cash, balance 110 per month. I This is a snap. B-E-M-I-S P-A-R-K L-O-T-S. A e have only a few left. Several sold last week. There are no cheaper lots In the city. The park Is beautiful for situation. A fine class of people are making pur chases. Pay for your Iqt and you can get money with which to build. P-A-Y-N-E K-N-O-X C-O-M-P-A-N-Y. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE . BUILDING. R E 99-24 A 2.200-ncro stock farm. ,weii located. 49 miles Irom Omaha on N. W. R. K. , 4 sU of buildings, choice farming land, tlmbr. pasture and hay, price 132 an nerd. cltv interest-bearing properties to about 13,5,0 ran be accepted as part payment. Nelson & Hoelck, S19 Rams Bldg. RE 1(0 24 SHIMER & CHASE. l,owe Ave, pear Joslyn's, 7-room all mod ern cottage, 13.500. 4lt and Farnam, S-room modern house, monthly payments. 13,750. PAYMENTS. 23ih Ave., near Cuming, 5-room cottage, monthly payments, !). I th and Corby. 5-room cottage, monthly payments, ll.OOO. 5-room cottage and one acre. 11.CO0. INVESTMENTS. large house, close in, will pay 10 per cent not 011 12.000. n.fioo. 5-roon cottage, will pay 10 per cent net on tvo. 1700. Can you beat It VACANT. Lot near 42d and Farnam, 16. Two lots near 30th and Ohio. !4iO. Fire Insurance, House to Rent. SHIMER A: CHASE, &l Bee Bids. Tel. 1412. RE 876-24 DO YOU want u farm? 1(0 acres 12 miles from C. B., Iowa, 1,200 bearlnz apples nnd other fruit. 13.500. t acres near BlaJr, Neb., 11,200. 160 acres Holt county. Neb., 1500. 4-J acres & miles north of city. 11.W0. 4 acres 5 blocks from car. 1200 per acre. w VJ, v. vj.iiw.,, 16i O Farnam. RE-9S2-24 BARGAINS' 640-acre ranch, free range on west, south and east. Joins large lake. lo acres In crop, fine hay meadow frame nouse. siauie. cno. granarv. cattle shetls, wind mills and tanks. 13.G0U (0 Nebraska Land and Loan Co.. Columbus. Neb. RE - 90-21 rem ;.i,e real estate. D V. SHOLE3 COMPANY. 31 N. V. Life Bide Tel. 8. 45 Mil N. Kth. we. offer 7-room house large bath, sewer, gas, hot and com water, good cellar, two boy windows: the best bargain In the north part uf the city. Price, 11,600. 1-3-716 P. 20th St.. or.e block from Park av. and Leavenworth, east front, lot uOtho. with C-roorn cottage Price. 11,500. Con sidering location, tif of the lot, etc . this property ! a bargain. We offer In north nart of cltv a corner lot on alley, south front, with -room house, modern except furnace, in fine re pair, with fine brlel: barn, room for two horses and two carriages, stone sidewalk, lrv-n fence, etc. A beautiful home for small family. Reasons for selling, owner desires larger house. See us for particu lars. Price. ttCO. 23-204 N. 19th st., fcralH ft., large w-room nouse anu narn. moaern except turnace, tins location, along Boulevard. Price. 11,400. Consider an offer. 441-S12 N. th St.. 37x111. 7-room. strictly moiiern, oaK nnisn, one-half diock trom car line, $1,200. 444-623 S. 20th st . WsltK. 7-room. large barn, mortgage t2.K. Will consider land for equity. 13 CCth and Harney, south front, lot 6Cx ic it.. -room nouse. strictly moaern, witn barn. Price. 11.7CO. i522 On Georgia av., near Hanscom park. inn comer lot. new s-room. strictly mod ern, nickel plumbing, porcelain bath, oak finish, pollhed floors; a modern home. Price, ,5"0. VACANT. In WEST FARNAM DISTRICT we have tho best bargain on the market, and this property Is coming to the front more than any property in Omaha. We offer on 31d av . 70x138 ft., a most beautiful building site, surrounded by houses costing from llO.CCo to &f, for the small sum of only IJ.jno. with all pa . Ing paid, stono walk, trees, etc. This Is a bargain seldom offered In choice vacant property In such jl locality. We also ofler on the same street south of Davenport 54x13. ft . lylnc One, built up on both sides, for 11.600. This Is no price at all. INVESTMENT. We offer within two blocks of the city hall a tine nroDertv. renting for J2.4i.o per an num, and which will never be vuount for scarcely a day, at n figure which will net 6 nor cent, and on this price we can take part of It In good, clear property or good farming lands close to Omaha. It Is worth considering. RE 12 24 SWEET & HEADLEY. Phone, 1472. 613 New York Life 4-room cottage near 24th & Ames Ave.. 190. 6-room. 1 block from S. O. car. fine repair. iuu 101. easy terms, 3-rooni, 31st & Burt, good repair, water, 1J550. 1 C-room and 1 4-room cottage, close In, lot wxira. vie want anu oner quick. A SNAP. 5-room. full lot. city water, gas, close to car anu scnooi, nne repair. -i locaiion, 11,273. 2 6-room cottages, on large lot. cltv water. near ra and Caldwell, rent for 117. B1U BARGAIN. S1.S73. 7-room, city water, bath, closet, sewer, shade trees, etc.; an Ideal home, 12,200. 9-room. city water, electric light, barn for o norses, run lot, on s. I7tn St., near Vinton, !2,0y0. S-room, modern except furnace, comer and rjii ioi, just soum or Kountze Place, i,aw. 6-room. modern except furnace, good barn, run lots, soutn rront, near 30th and Emmett. A BARGAIN at 12,000. We have several modem homes In the West rarnara district mat must be sold at ONCE. See what we have and make us an offer. CHOICE LOTS. Eastern owner says- "Sell all or part of lot 8. block 4, Imp, Assn. Add. AT ONCE." This is tine property, facing 20th between Dorcas and Center. Paving paid. Don't fail to make an offer on this at onr- 50-foot frontage. 2Sth and Hickory. 1400. i acre junincion mil, A HAllUAl.N. loo. On 24th, north of Ames, 53x127. larco maple trees, 1350. On Cuming, near 23th. 22x127 feet. 1513. On 2Sth. between Douglas and Dodge. 40x 115, ItyJO, TO OWNERS-We have cosh customers for all kinds of properties. List with us for quick results. ,?VEET & HEADLEY. Phone, 1472. az New York Life. RE &S7 21 1(0 FARMS. 1100 cash. bal. crop payment". ' L , ' , ... c. .ure arc choice selected lands. Nelson 4: Hoelck, 313 Ramge Bldg. RE-95S 24 FOR SALE. 4.000 Acres In farms In Wilson rnnntv l.'nn sas which all lays together. This body of land can be divided into two farms of 2,ono acres eacn or rour larms of 1,000 acres each. There are 6 sets of Improvementx: the farms are all well watered, all well fenced; all have good, large orchards and stock bams, cribs, and the main farm has good wells, stock yards, stock Hcale. ami It all Is In first-class condition. There are about 3.010 acres of this land In grass. This has never been pastured closely. All can be moved. All good limestone s-'1 Half of this land lavs In the valley aneTls right In the oil and gas belt. There are now S producing oil wells on this land being pumped every day and paying- a . j .... j . .awv, ,t..uu i;i at;i t l.ROO-ftrre rnnrh tn r"n-rlv m.-. -- at Hooser, on Missouri Pacific railroad. 25 mnes east or wmneia: 1,300 acres in grass land, 160 acres in cultivation. 40 acres In alfalfa, SO acres In meadow, S sets of farm buildings. 4 large tionds. 4 welli,. ? wind. mills, creek runs through It; never falling waier. excellent grass. lenceu 4 or 5 wires Into 3 pastures, with cultivated land fenced out. Land Is smooth slope and Is nearly all fit for cultivation. This is used for a cattle rancfi 50 head 3-vear.nliis fattened on It last season, and rultlvitert land produced sufficient feed to winter tnem. Pinnate is just right for successful cattle business. Cattle can be unlnHri..,! and loaded onto cars from pasture. Price 110.00 per acre. Terms to suit. 750-acre farm In Miami county. Kansas, 30 miles from Kansas City, 2 miles from rail road town. Good 12-room house, large barn 40x00. with shed i)iM: well fenr-rt and crossed; 150 acres now In wheat, 20- acres in corn last year. acres timothy and clover. 100 acres woods; pasture well set to blue crass: large orchard. This 1m an ideal home and farm. Price. 133.00 per acre. l.SXO-acre ranch In Elk county, Kansas. 3 miles trom gooo. town: cu acres m culti vation, balance meadow pasture; fine water; large house, barn. 54x30, with base ment under entire barn. Can sell for per acre Bargain. If you want good SO or 160-acre farm write me. describing you want. W. O. CRAIG. 403 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. RE 690-21 5-room house, lot 35x160, right for grade on Burt st.. A line 5-room house, city water, gas, a cor ner lot 60xi2S. on Burt st. price $l.HO.( 2-story house In a nice location, close In, city water, bath, gat. mantel, lot 50x130, right for grade, $2,200.00. Lot Cflxisy l-story house, rents for $7.00 per month. 1725.CO Lot 66x122, 1-story frame dwelling with brick basement, rents for 110.00 per month, price tl,mo. this property Is located on 34th st. south of Farnam. Corner of SSth and Decatur sts.. 60x127. 2 houses, this Is a bargain at 1S0100. PJL?:room house In Benson, good bam. lot 1(0x130, south front, only 2 blocks from street car, price $750.00. I also have 6 half-acre lota In Benson, south front i blocks from car 'Jne. only $5o.U0 tor a"- J A. LOVOREN. 4S4 Paxton Block. Ri:15S 21 FOR SALE Choice farm of so acres, five miles ot West Plains; good improvements. 69 acres In cultivation. 20 In timber, fine 10-acre app!e orchard and other fruit. In bearing; 25 acres In wheat, good terms. 116 per acre: no trade. Address. Box lis West Plains. Howell County. Mo. RE-M-2S I WILL take trOO for one of my 50-foot lots on Manderson and 27th sts. If sold this week as I need money: sold one last week f..r $250. Stringer, 634 Paxton blk. RE 131 !4 SNAP $5.703 fine business lot 2 block zouth depot, 10th St Inquire lU Vinton RE-B3-MU von sale nn.! kjtate.. OEORGE AND COMPANY, 1601 Farnim St. Miscellaneous Properties Desirable for In ..vestment or Business Purposts llj.OOW for large corner lot near High school, with four detached rc'ldences. rentln? for 11,740 ro per year tis.son.00 for 41x132 feet at S. W corner Uth nd Howard St. This lot ! In center of wholesale district . t?.2E0.C0 for S-room house, with lot fCxlil feet, fronting south on Cspltol avenue and east and west on both 23d and 24th Sts. Thl Is one of the roost deferable corners In the city for aji apartment house, or for building ten brick houses for rental pur poses, as the lot fronts three good streets and Is cne block from car line, me blocK rrom High school and within waiKins ui? tance of business dlstrlc.. , 13.500.0 for good building In deslrab'e loca. tion, renting for 57S.fO per year. 123.090.00 for one of the best, thoroughly modern brick residences In et i-arnam street district . . ,, 115OXOO for 14-room modern brick residence with lCOfoot lot on Farnam St . car line. original cost about ISO.ojfl.O). . tis.omoo for Ktroom modern house, large barn, lot 112x123 feet, corner, only few blocks from High school. .... . 13.(00.00 for S-room modern house. 3-th ae- nuc, near Tarnam . . . 14.300.00 for 7-room modern house, Dodge. near 33d . 14.100.(0 for !-room house. Marcy St , near 30th St recently built and all modern. 12.KO.00 for a property In north part clt. renting for HS.OO rer month, Imple ments cost over 15,oj0.fA . 12.(to.(0 fcr S-room modern . house, except furnace. Walnut Hill, desirable locitlon. house In flMt-class condition, large lot. south front. alo bam. Improvements cort more than price asked. 1600.00 for of an acre m. Omaha, with house, barn, etc. Also small frUUSOFTH OMAHA PROPERTY. 118,000.00 for brick business block In busi ness center South Omaha. Iwed. 3.t per year; will consider fw thousand dol lars worth clear property In exchange. ll.fioo.oo for 21 acres on Ollmore road, near South Omaha. ,.vi-- 173000 for 10 acres two miles S. W. packing 17D0roS?or 5 acres, with house, barn. etc. 1773.0" for 4-room house, barn, etc., d. 147s!" forlarge lot on R. near 2h t. 1325.W for lot on Q. near 21th. 1150 w to ."'.l) for residence and acre lots on monthly payments, near the packing GEORGE AND COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St . Omaha, or 417 North :3th PU. South Omaha. RE-9.9 .4 R. C. PETERS ec CO., 1702 Farnam St., BeTnjdg. DWELLING HOUSE:?. jfo. S"vS 4143 Isard street, one and one-half blocks west of Lowe avenue, 6 rooms, bath, closet, washstand, ho' and cold water, iiood cellar, house almost new, lot 50x130. Price. Jl,7 Xo. r,,vi 51 South 27th St.. 7 room, all mod ern, inciuuins turnace, noure in nuriw repair, paved street, special taxea all paid t3.500. Within walking distance. No. 11S4 1210 South 21st St.. 7-room house. city. lot roxiau; must oe soiu in unit. 1'rlce. 11,750. VACANT. 40 feet, south front on Patrick ave.. near 26th at., for no per 1001. Good building lot. 25th and Dodge sts., 11.300, South front on Harney St., Just west of 23d St., 11,3)0. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam St. RE-144 24 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1321) FARNAM ST. Tt Sic Vour mnr1rn houses. 530 and 5.i2 ! " -' ' "T ' . . . r. I uih n rfwms enen. anil ui ana a. 7th St.. 8 rooms each. Very best con- t-,tt1nn anil In crnnd renalr. This de tirable property can be bought for less thtin tho original cost of the houses alone, will .011 one or more. D 901 Eight-room house, modern except furnace, near iianscom p-m anu enr nn-. paved street, born. We sold one near this last week and this Is Just as big a hr-ln -Prlrs nnlv 13.O0. B 235 A barpnln In a new S-room modern house on juanaerson si., near .iui i. line: well built; large barn; large coroner lot: east front. If taken this week can v.. kAn-ht fnr 11 Mit nart rash. B 233 Nice 5-room cottage on S. ISth, near Vinton; good as new; city water and food cellar. Price, $1,200. D suo Good cottage and nice lot In alnut Hill, uniy i.-w. A fine bulldins- lot on Harney st.. close in. Only Jo. If you wish to buy or sell call on W. FARNAM SMITH DO YOU want a bargain, if so call on me Monday morning at, 9 o clock a. m. I have It. 79x132. cor., a house renting for $30 00 per month, room to build 4 flats that will rent quick at $30.00. . ... 6 rooms. 37x140 and barn, modern., minutes walk from 16Ui & Farnam. $2,000 7 rooms nnd large barn, paved street, two blocks from park. $2,000. This is cheap; contains water closet, bath and wash basin, hot and cold water. A few south front Bemis park lots, will build from your plans: easy payments. UEU. U. UltibU., 1609 Farnam. RE-9V1-: HOMESEEKERS, remember that we have choice lands on the crop payment plan. only $10C cash required to buy 160 acrs. Go with us on March 5, tickets, $10.50 for round trip. Nelson & Hoelck, 319 Ramge Bldg 2S6 SPAULDING ST., m stories, 6 rooms on ground floor: can finish 3 or 4 more on second floor at very small cost; city water, sewer, gas, large barn, lot 40x133 feet; paved street; 2 blocks from car. 11.2(0, Stringer. 634 Paxton blk.. "40 acres rich, black bottom land 10 miles from South Omaha. 60 acres timber, flno blue grass past. re, 160 acres In corn: yielded last year 65 bushels per acre; good house, S rooms, bam 4Crxl'0 feet, brick milk house, other outbuildings, wind mill, running- water, all kinds small fruit, rail--r,o,i station i mile away This Is a bar gain and will be sold soon. For further particulars write or call upon R. C. Peters A Co.. 1702 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. RE 1S4 .6 2u0.acre choice farm, 12 miles out, $3") an acre. 160-acre bottom farm. 12 miles out. $35 an acre. 120 acr?s fine prairie farm. $50. See us for small places from 6 to 7 mile out Nelson & Hoelck, 319 Ramge Bide. RE 101 24 TV OTOF. CO.. Neb., open your eyes and hear. 240-acre farm. Improvements. 11. room brick house, bam 2Sx32, cribs -for 3,(0 bushels., hoff sheds, cattle sheds, work shop, water piped from windmill into house and feed lot, 50 acres bottom, bal. upland, 175 dcres cultivated; price. 137.W an acre. Nelson A- Hoelck, 319 Ramie Bide. RE 993 24 FOR SALE, cottage. Ohio St., between 15th nn.t 17th i tiartv buvlnr to assume ground lease at $4 per month. W. Farnam Smith & Co. RE-l.S 21 rv ArnFfs 6U miles south of Ewlnc. roll Ing but not hilly, good improvements, 120 acres Drone; can an u urui.r, i a erove. some fruit. Price. $2,4(0. The Byron Reed Co., 212 B. 14th tt. RE-M149 26 rtiRAP business lot on 16th street, 22 feet between Jones and Leavenworth, for sale Monday at $:,7u. hick s, uoarn -i rane. RE-111 24 FIVE acres Just west of city, $723. Hick's, ;Eo noara i raae. n&-iu HERE IS A SNAP! Eastern man owns 22 lots in umana, i oi w hich cu-i mm tiv.wi. He now Instructs us to offer ths bunch at $2.3CO. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. Hth st, , , ..... . I HAVE Just bought and offer for sale next week the following S-room houses, with large lot, 100-feet front in connection with each, as followr: At 2526 Emmett st., price $1,450; 2C0C Emmett st, price $1,350, 2609 Emmett st, price $1,300. Only S min utes' walk from the 24th st. car line. These are very cheap and If vou want one look at them at once A P. Tukey. Board of Trade RE M146 2 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans, also fire insuran-c. uemis, 1'axtoa uik. L-ra roil fill W IIVTATE. PHILIP POTTER & SON CO. 311 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING PHILIP POTTER. Pr-sldent. AUBREY POTTER. , Secre'arj WEST FARNAM IDTS. We have sold three of the finest lots thl month that are In above district. One was tmught for a home reslonre. the other two as a speculation. All are choice ' - Investment. Buy Iwfore It is too late. ; A bn.rSa" K feet by 133 on 34th strict. -2.150. This Is as choice a ot as oj can find. A line corner lot on 53rd street.- only! 12,5to.(i, paved street 011 both shies. I An elegant lot on 33th street, with a fine ' Vie nt nnH i't 11 ri I On 32nrt street. 34x133. a snap at 1UWU0. A choice corner facing sojth. all sodded and read) for building, on Jlth street, only 12.2CO.IO IMPROVED PROPERTY. A ery desirable nrniwrtv. nil mmlum uuianeu in oak. witn goon iarn, walks and eVfrvthinc rnmnlet. ST.ntkL I A very pleasant home on 22nd and Locust streets, corner lot. all modern but fur nacp. ti.Mi. Two houses at 20th and Pierce, owned by easiern party who wislies to cwse out. tl.f'J for both: m.ike n nttrr. A pleasant home, all modem. ?-rooms, con venient to i-arnam street car line, 11,000. NEBRASKA LANDS. A fine sctlon In Dawson county, Nebraska, only 13,61.0. A fine section In Custer county, half cash. t2,W0. 160 acres In Dundv pnimtv. nnlv titfl acres In Sherman county. WO. " in tiuiiaio county, lojj acres In Knox county, one-third cash. Now Is the time to buy and get benefit of rise that Is coming every day. PHILIP POTTER & SON COMPANY. 'PHONE 470. RE 101 21 W. II. GATES. 61S New York Life. 9-room modern house, furnace and hot water heat; onk. beach and cherry wood finish; a tine, well built home, at 1911 W Irt, for 13,5(0. S rooms, fully modern, at US S. 35th street new and an honest, well built house for a home; has a !30 hot water heating plant; nice barn. 15.C30. 7 rooms, fully modern, new, on 3flth, south of Pacific; paving and all special Improve ments In and paid for: a nice home; close to park; rent. 136. 13.S0O. 6- room modern, most new. lot S."x!20, south front, near 24th and Maple. 12.400. 7- room modem house, barn and outbuild ings, all new and ? acre ground, close In. 13.(00. 50x1(0, 33th and Harney. n,300 54 reet on Harney, west of Park av ... 1,000 40x120, on Patrick av.. bet. 26th and 27th 4'o RE -131 24 11.500 ACRES for $11,500: fenced: 4 m'los ir. rlgatlon ditch; 1,00 tons hay; 4 miles river; will feed 1,000 head. CampbU Chnstlan, York, Neb RE ISO 24 DON'T YOU want to buy that acre at 47th and Seward 2 blocks from car line, onlv $3(0: easy terms. The Byron Reed Co.". 212 S. Hth st. RE M150 26 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203arnam St RE 923 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 921 WILL take long lease on brick stable If built centrally located, and pay good rent Address J 60, Bee. Y S3 1 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; 62lj-foot eaet front In Nelson's addition. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-921 ----- FOR SALE On easy terms, 70-acre farm under high state of cultivation, adioln. Ing town of Shelton, Neb. For full par ticulars address Loci: Box 23. Shelton, Neb. No trades. RE-ST7 2S STUROES, MARTIN CO., E17 N. T. Life. ill. 3S1 F2J SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. T. LIFE. KB 923 6 IOWA farms, well improved, about CO mues irom umana; price jj to an ncre: eosv terms: to to 160 tracts. Nelson & Hoelck, 319 Ramse Bidp. it r. y.rj .1 FIVE acres grapes, 3.("0 vines. Just coming in ocanng; adjoining uiair, iseti., uoo. i. W. Woodmansee, Webster St. Depot, Omaha. RE 145 24 FOR SALE, 20 acres adjoining Seymour park, 3 miles west boutn umana: 3 acres grapes and other fruits: good gar den land: tell on ea3y terms. S. Saunders, Council Bluffs. RE 172 24 15 acres, 4i miles north of Omaha P. O . unlmnroved. 160.00 oer ncre. 107 acres, 11 miles N. W.. good improve- ments. price $5o tier acre; eaay payments. 312 acres. 12 miles west of Omaha P. O.. near Millard, price $35.00 per acre. $450 full lot on Grant st.. neir 26th. $;m) for 60x126 feet on Decatur, between 25th and 26th sts,, near car !ln. $1,200 for 7-room house 422D Franklin, lot wjxIjO, near car line. $1.9(0 for 6-room house SOS South 20th st; rental $15.(0 per month. $2,500 for 1143-15 North Kth st, lot 60x140; navlnc nald: bargain $3.3u0 for N. E. corner 26th and Cuming sts.; two nouses; suomit oner. $3,500. West Farnam street, 9-room house, barn; very cheap. $22,0u0, Farnam street. 3-story brick build ing, xis; ieet, near mn. JOHN N. FRENZER. Opp. old P. O RE 111 24 $S50 WILL buy ranch that feeds 2X1 head. tamppeil-unnstian. iork, .eD. RE-1S1 24 YORK county farmer, quite old. unable to work, tarm mortgaged, oners at saennee. Box 2S, York, Neb. RE 1S3 21 PA II SIS FOR RENT. LM ACRES, well Improved. 34 miles north of Bloomtleld. Nebraska, must be rented at once; $2.23 per acre. Address F. J. Fitzgerald, South Omaha. Neb. RE-143 24 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential -927 LADIES, $3(0 reward for an obstinate, long standing, abnormal case suppression, any cause, old, Dr Jackson's Vegetable Fe male Medicine falls to relieve In 24 hours without pain or los of work. Express 13 C. O. D. Dr. Jackson Remedy Co., 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. Dept. Bee. SI 73 "T DR. LE DUE'S Femaie Regulator, posl tlvelv warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, lrrecu- 1 laritles, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; 32 a package or 3 lor $3; sent anywhere pre- paid on receipt cf price. The Ktdd Drug i Co.. Elgin. III. American Olllce. retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug t"o., Omaha, M. A. Dlliio, South Omaha; D-vls Drug' uo., council uiuns. i-un line or ruoDer goods. LAD1ES1 Chichester's Ensltsn rnnyroyat Pills are the best; safe, reliable' take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchtster Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. CANCER cjred at home by Internal treat ment, no knife, plaster or pain. Book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer In stitute. 121 W. 42d St.. N. Y. . LADIES, I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female regulator, will relieve most obstinate cases of delayed periods in five hours. Sent secure from observation. $1.(0. Dr. Annie Fowler, 2711 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. BED Wetting Cured. Not a temporary re. lief: positive, permanent cure guaranteed. enuorsea uy pnysicians; miuions cure $1 box, cures most stubborn cases in your and old. Box 316, Aurora. III. 96 21 WALL PAPER CLELNCR. C MIDDLEMIST. experienced cleaner phi-ne 1258 leave orders w 1th Lewis Hen- derson, florist, lil! Tarnam street lie Aiax.- lli:i.(ilAN HAIU1H. BEIX5IAN HARES Some in- does bred !o a W-pont Fashoda buck I jr Mil Royal Mabbltry. Holdrege, Neb. BEIXHAN HARES Buy from flrM hands. Irest breeders In the orld; fnc stock, low prices Rocky Mountain Hel Klan Hare Co. 2nR yuln y Bldg . Denver, Colo. Agents wanted. !7 H FOR SALK. B fine Urlgtan hares, out nt Im ported stock, prlie winners, nt reasonable figures. hae a few at 11 each Com early ami have vour Dick. Inquire upstairs. 1443 South 16th St. one block south of , WHliatn st. -lm Mr I PATll.Vr.s. IN'. 1 NToHH c;o N tnE.V W handle patents, coovrlehts ami trfld" mark-. v..u rive u the tar; Idea and w Mill 'o th lest: modern atiu-it'ii m.i hin nml 1 foundry In connecti'-n. oni'lm Gazette u 1 rue; guiue dook iree. .uason. i-enwick ft I.awretice. patetii lawyers. Hi How.irl St.; Tel. 144S. Omahu. J P cronln, rep:-. - INVENTORY, we ask no fee until the tintcnt is procured. If we fall, wo ft no fee: advice free. Sues A- Co.. Patent Law. vers. Bee Bldg . Omaha, Neb Long -lis- I tance triepnonc ita. OSTEOI'ATiM. JOHNSON Institute. 513 N. Y. L. B!dg. Tel. 1C64; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept.; Old K. Johnson, Osteopathist. Mgr. -933 M. K. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrksvllle. Mo., 804 Paxton Blk. Tel. U67. -Mt LOST. BAY yearllny colt, white star on forehead Return to Thos. Peterson, Sl2 Cuming. Reward. lAet 71-34 LOST. Ir Boston Store Friday. lady's purse, containing- check and morey. Return to Bee oflice aud receive reward. Lost-lJO 21 m-YEAR-OLD Llewellyn setter, white with black Stot!; reward. 423 N. 39th st. Lost 1'19 24 SllOHTH.V.M) AM) rvruuiiiriMi. A C. VAN SANTS "School 717 N. Y. l ife. -923 BOYLES" College, court reporter, principal. Bee Bldg. -330 NEB. B'islncss & Shorthand college. Boyd'j Theater 911 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col.. 16 &. Doug. -9X." EXPERT ACCOl'TAVr. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.. day or evening. R. 13, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Rathbun 734 IIICYCLF.!'. WHY not get your wheel enameled be fore the rush" Ti S14 and we will call for yoiT wheel iVSi Capitol Ave. (35 lACL'HATOHS .D BROODERS. INCUBATORS and brooders; cntalosus free. Write Burr ln";.bator Co.. li 2. Omaha, Neb, Factory at 2Sth & Davecp-irt -473 IlL'UUEIl STAJIP5. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Bee Bldg. Tel 2535. -937 BIRDS AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenvorth. -93i PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all bustiess confidential. 1301 Douc'.as. 936 MCKEL I'LATIXfi. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 23 -933 rURXlTlHU HCPAIRING. TEL. 1231. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St 910 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bin. 15C5 Farnam Telerhone 7R4. 941 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steim Laundry, shirts. 7c; collars, :c; cuns. c. 170 ieavenwonn. Tel. oji. ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick est Mrs a. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 34. CARPENTERS) AND .lOBIinitS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptl attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 2.1th and Lake Sts. 370 LEGAL NOTICC OLD BUILDINGS FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Omaha Auditorium company up to Frlda. Mar n 1st, 1901. at 12 o'clock noon, for the old build! the no teenth side of upon whole, as the bidders ma prefer. This property wjn be numbered as toiiows: temnnilHi ui llin iiuiuii vurn-r ui 1'ir !ock, No. 110j, having only a tight board b fence. No. 1407 Is vacant, with the exception of a large billboard. Nos. 1411. 1415. 1417. 1419. 1421 and 1423, each having a house and outbuildings. I Purchasers will be required to remove 'he property sold to them from the abve loca tion within ten dajs after nal Each bid must be aciumpanled bj a 'i-tl fled check for 23 per cent of the amount of I the bid; must be sealed and deliiere) to George . Hoobler. secretan of the Omaha Amllinrliim rnmnanv. nt thp nm.ihn 1 li. torlum headquarters. Board of Trade bolll- By order of the Omaha AuJItorinm am- pany. u. v Hoouler Sei-retar- NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING 1 Notice Is hereby given that the regular I annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the oltlce ot said comnanv m l.m, ,.i r, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. tn., on the 6th day of March, A. D. 1901. By order of the Board of Directors. Lincoln, Neb.. February 4, 1901. C. 11. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary F3d30t STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meeting of stockholders In Th. (l- U t i i 1 1 V. I r. rrn.. ...Ill l. 1 .. ... v. . .u,,a..., V.U., ,' i. j iii ttr: nriu t at their otlict-. corner 17th and Farnam streets lit the city of Omaha on Monday, .-uarcn nn. iv. i uy oraer or tne president Omaha, Neb.. February ISth. 1901. Geo. II Tzschack. Secretary Feb. 10-t-m-i-e. RAILWAY TIM 13 TABLE. -THICAGO. ROCK ISL and Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Is. and Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Far. nam Street Telephone. 42S. Depot Ttnth and Marcy Sts. Tele nlione. C29. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Davcn uort Local a 7:23 am hll-.l-, nm Chicago Express blhlS am a -0 am ties Moines Local r f "i pm , 4:45 pm hlpac Fast ExDreos .a tjO Dm a irs nm Des Moines, Rock In and nii Chicago.... a 7:40 pm a 9:33 pm : WEST, Lincoln, Colorado Spsi-. I Denver. Pueol. und ' West a L33 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9:50 am I a Daily li Dallv except Sunday CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Cl St Paul Railway City D-lT? iMlLWAUh r Mil-jr. Ticket Office, I5w Farnam Street Telephone. 2SI, Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Cyfmrn T.lmlt Pv n (II nm n K Q. m Chlragc Omaha Ex b " ." am U 3.49 pm rth hajf of bloTk Its bVtwen FouV: M."?, and 4;W pm am ' "cYaYS.'::.n.,.CaC0 ft"" r'lrr"" 8 I Lincoln....... ...... .....o S:49 am bU:55am ctilcago Passe . " . . v . .. ... w. . v. . - ,...- -Tnioruno. Ulan cjiiein CTDT these buildings senaratelv or as a le;ir.r, ' " u . Mm-i. ijt. ing. not later man k oclOfK noon Friday .nicago vrsiiDiuea t,x.a i.vj pm a ,; am u'-iwi f-rnara i. teiepnone tel. Le March 1. 1901. Chicago Local Expiess a 90 am a 4:05 pm VOt. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Teltpnon- 62. The Omaha Auditorium company reserves Chicago Limited a7 rO;m a 7:45 am , lave Arrive, the right to reject any or all bids pub. F"'."11 a. 2:t pm Tw n City Express pjiotm al0:25 pm .! a Datlv 1 Win Cltv Ltmlteil a. 7..V; nm n li l . ... j t w . - .A.t .- .- . . i a uiuu. b lo.lly except Sunday. i Ante Kooin jccuocs. The second week in Marih lll be a memorable one la the history of Scottish Rite Masonry In Nebraska. Tuesday, March 12. the tenth annual reunion of all ot the bodies of that rite la the Valley ot Ne braska will take place and the degrees ot the rite from the fourth to the thirty-sec nj w -, ,i Tk.n,ii .tomnki --- baa made extensive preparattous for the annual event and a clast of approximately fifty ratchumens will be taken through the degrees. At H.S0 a. m. March 12 Mount Morlah Lodge ot Perfection will open for , K,,., "orx ana ousm ess. The fourth and fifth degrees will be conferred by a special corps of ofJcers and In the afternoon tho degrees from the sixth to the thirteenth inclusive will be conferred or communicated In form. At 7.30 the fourteenth degree will be con ferred by the regular officers of the lodge, Wednesday will be devoted to work In the chapter of Rose Croix. At 9 30 a. tn the chapter will be opened by the regular officers and at 10 o'clock the fifteenth and sixteenth decrees will be communicated In form. At 2 o'clock the seventeenth degree will be conferred and at 7:J0 the eighteenth will be conferred by a special corps of offi cers. The Ft. Andrews preeeptory will have sway on Thursday and the meeting hour will be S a. m. The nineteenth degree will be conferred at 9 o clock b a special corp.. the twentieth will be conferred at 9 30. and j the twenty-first at 10:30. Th afternoon ' dws romthe enuJecod "o the ; twenty-sixth will be communicated In form. At 3-30 the twenty-seventh degree will bo conferred by a special corps of officers, following which the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth degrees will be communicated. At 7 30 the degree of Knight ot Kadosh. the thirtieth degree, will be conferred by the regular officers. Friday will be devoted to the consistory degrees and 9 o'clock will be the opening hour. Half an hour later the thirty-first degree wilt be conferred by a special corps of officers, and at 2 p. m. tho thirty-second degree will be conferred In full torra by the regular officers of the consistory Ex cellent musical programs have been ar ranged for all of the degrees and special effort Is being made to put the work on In the best possible form. At S o'clock Friday evening the annual banquet will take place, and tho committee having this matter in charge has spared no effort to make the tenth annual ban quet the test one yet given by tho Orient. Monday night the regular monthly meet ing of the Scottish rite bodies ot the Free Macons will be held at the hall. Now that the Ancient Order of Uulted Workmen has purchased permanent head quarters the Temple association expects the lodges of tho city to movo to the central location. J. W. Barnett. E. F. Bralley. T. P. Thorn ton and Barney Harris ot Omaha were I elected as delegates from the state of Ne- braska. Second district, to the bead camp of the Modern Woodmen of America. Dr ! E. S. Blair of Wayne has been endorsvl I by the state camp for head physician. The I next meeting of the state camp will be held In South Omaha. Members and friends ot Omaha lodge No. 76, Star of Jupiter, held a social meeting at the home of William Moyer, C24 South Twentieth street, Wednesday evening. Mr3. Maude Butler won the title of the most popular woman of this society at a meet ing held at Labor temple Friday evening. The lodges of the Fraternal Union of America of western Iowa and eastern No bratka have perfected a picnic association, and at a meeting held In Omaha Wednesday afternoon the following officers were elected: R. O. Bailey, president: J. B Brooks of Fremont, first vice president Frank Beard of Herman, second vice presi dent; J W. Doran. secretary, and Mrs Marlon Crosby of Blair, treasurer The Marlon Crosby of Blair, treasurer The , officers constitute the board which will de- 1 nuai picnic to be held this summer RAILWAY TIMU TAHLHS. Hi-ni ist.tov Xe urt -orroiK, erdlgre and .nV.ri River - Fremont D 7:30 am bl0:25 am fSH, tt, , .. . Rf'lroJ- i Lincoln. Wahoo and "The Burlington Route Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am General Omces. North, i Kre.mont Local o 7:M am west Comer Tenth anJ a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun hlrnamobi.reeta' J.,cket I day on"!' d Jally except Saturday, e Office 1502 Farnam Street Dally except Monaai. nn Mi.nn streets. Telephone. 12S. DUl mil. mil .lauuii, ivillll l Leave. Arrivt. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 5:40 am a 7:33 pm Mnrnin rienver. Colo rado, Utah, Callfornla.a 4.25 pm a 3:00 pm i Lincoln j jiiacK num..-. :v pm a e;u am Montana ruget Sjund..a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am South Bend. nu'isvllle. Piattsrooa'.n b 3:35 om bll:05am j.-t. orooK. flattsmoiltn , and pacific Junction a 7:00 pm a 3:20 am Bellevue. PJattsmouth and Pacific Junction.. al2:10 am a Dally, b Dallv .eer-. -'unday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & uuincy nai roaa "Th Burllnnton Ro.ite' Ticket Office 1502 Farnam Street, 3S4-- HIOUX CITT PACIFIC Telephone, 230. Depot. . AQsE&!ft Raliroad - "The North Tenth and Mason streets. , J5a7r7yl!LJ western Line" General .CICpXJUIlC, i.eave, Arrive. Daylight Chicago Sne ' cla . . . ..... .a 7:90 am al0:l5 pra ' KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- seph & Council Bluffs Rel'road-'Th Burltnir ton P.oute" Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street Tele pnone. .'50. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele, phone. IX leare. Arrlv Kansas City Pay Ex. .a 9.20 am a 6.23 pm rwBnu- i iiy .-Mgjii ;x .a'":.TO pm a 6.15 am Et. Louis Flyer for t Joseph and St Louts..a 6:10 pra allils am t Dully OMAHA & ST LOUIS RAIL. I road -Omaha, Kansas Cltv tc Eastern .Jlallroad 'The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of. i lice, 1415 Farnam St Tele. I jhone. 322. Depot, Tenth ami I .uui.y aiiccis. .cieonor. 28. Leave. Arrive, Cannon Ball tit. Louis ExnresM .a pm a l:l-o am Kansas City and Qulncy .a 7:00 am a 9:00pm a Dally MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- -General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Comer Hth and DougUi Sts Telephone, 191, Depot, Lnlon Station. Leavs. Arrive. St Louis and i-ansas City Express . Pm K. C, St. L. Express.. .alt:50 pm a 6:15 am Leave from 15'n and Webstar Streets; NebrasKl Loral, Via Weeping Water b 1:10 pm alOiiS am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, DO YOU WANT TO BREED EXHIBITION STOC K ? I have two pens of C H LATHAMS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS from LANCASTER. MASS. DIRECT from his breeding pens, tho bent that money could buy. Eggs, $2.50 for 15. also hnve two pens of S. P Brown Leg horns, one pen from WM. BRACE. VICTOR N T . one pen from JUDD JOHNSON. ELM IRA. N. Y Es. $1 50 per IB. I also have one pen of Golden Sebright Bantams and Pekln Duk Eggs, $1.00 per 13. A'l stock and eggs guaranteed. When stock Is matured and results are not satisfactory I will icf'.mi money paid for all Eggs, r xeept Inc. bator Eggs. Incubator Eggs, $3.00 ter hundred, from good stock Send cash with orders. Tel. L2744. "I Am Sincere" sn Dr. Ilennett, "Ulirn I Mr ''Ir iiuulriiilr I'uwcr Dlrctrlo Itett "111 I'erfrctly Cure ll the WeivUiiesseii f Men n nd Women I Knoir What It Will llo nnd ( the Curo Head liont .My llnnrnntrr llelotr -lu (nu AU othltii; I'nlrer Write Tor .M Espu.e of 'Free (f) Trlnl' nnd Vr When an Are Ctircd' Cmrern." Life li .-eratntv a Joy with gjod healt i. but wlthnji health it Is a burden If )oj t . m. w nere per fect men at.d wmeti are str.i- B.d healthy, and wish to again take vour place In the bright world, all that ;s necessary Is the proper applk-atii.t, of electricity. M Electric Belt Is . f Quadruple Power and Its Intention and the kind of Electricity It produces cost tne years of stJdy, re search and experi ment My reward ha-s been the cure of lO.OuO weak men and women, and the exclusive ue of mv method of up plying Electricity, granted me by the i nneu tstcs govern ment My Electric Belt will haplly retjrn you to a condition where work, menta'iy and physically, will become a pleasure ai I will fully equip ynu with the strengt'i energy and ambition to enjoy all the pleas ures of life. Electricity makes firm mus cles. vIu C0Urs9 through your vein mantling the checks and lips, making ll.- tu Klow with health flD RffJMFT F'S fl f f!UDIf! Rf I T U. ULI1IUI I U LLLU MUUULLI Has soft, silken, chamois-covered spongo elrctmdea that cannot burn and blister as do the bare metal elctrodcs usej on all other makes of belts. I absolutely guaran tee my Belt to CJre Lost Manhood. Vuxl. cele. lnijiotency. Pex.ial Weakness In either sex: restore Shrunken or Undeveloped Organs; cure Rhejmatlsm In every fortr. Kidney. Liver ana madder rroub:es Chronic Constipation. Nervous and Oon eral Di-blllty. Dyspepsia, all Female Com plaints, etc. My Electrical Suspensory for the perfect cure of Men's waknesss free to each male patient. My I5-U can ! renewed when b'irned out for only 75c; no other boh can be renew td for any prlco and whtn burred out is worthless. All elec'rtc belts will burn out In time If they generate a current jn r.t AitAvrKii. I lime mnUe nn uflldnvlt (nmllrU to you on nppltcntliin) Hint I Imvc in in fle niitliiniU linnks, vli.i Denver .VutlonnI llnnk of Denver, ev Iluslnnd .iitlonnl llnnU of Knu sns tit;-, Merchants' ntliinnl Itnnk nf Omnlin, Third utlounl II nn It of Jit. Louis, Hint the Diamond .VutlonnI llnnk of I'llt linrsr, utllrlent funiU nt nil times to cover nnj- itunrnntee I may muke. I tlit yon n legal, written irunrnntee to refund every cent you pny for my licit If It full to cure you. This l ccrtHlnly plnln nnd fair. Write to me today about P or mil I lm' written a book, The Finding of the Fojn tain of Et' Yq-th.' sent free, postpaid, for the nsklng. Book explains all Advice without cost. Sold only by Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co. llnutiu IS to XI UouElna Block. Dodue nnd lOth Stn., Omnba, JSeli, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. UNION PACinC'THE OVER lan1 toute General Offices. N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnar.t btrtets. City Ticket Office. 1.124 Faraj'm Street. Telephone, Sid. ' Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, 629. -.eave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a b.20 am a 7:30 pta The Chicago Portland Special a V0 am a 7:30 prn The Fast Mall a s:50 am a 3:23 pm The Mail and Express .oll:33 pm a 4:15 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express.. b 4:05 pm bl2:30 pm The Pacific Express a 4:23 pm The Atlantic Express... a r.:30 am Grand Island Lttcai . . .b 5.33 pm b 3:33 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. FREMONT, ELKHORN . Ulcfoun Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern United States National Bank Bldg.. S. W Cirn-r Tu-.ifh .ml fc'fifnam &t. ic c. nui t arnani bt. Tt 1.11. uo- " 'riivt. Hot Surlnirs a nm a. E:00 Om Wyoming, Casper -.r.d Duucla . .1 3:00 nm e 5:00 nm I i Hastings. Tor. David I City, Superior. Genrvu. ( . F'eter ana Sew-,rd ...b 3:90 pm b 6:00 pm CHICAGO Xe NORTH, western Railway "Ths Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St Telephone, Ml Depot, Tenth and liarcy Sts, Telephone 629, i.cavc Arrive. Spe- a 7.00 am all:30 Dts. nger a 4:15 pm a iM am ess, ues hnlttn-srr, Ced.r KnMdi n r,rf Chicaso . ...alO:5Cam a 4.03 pm Eastern S,eclal, Chi- , caeo and i":st a 4:55 pm a 4:06 pm I Fast Stall. Chlcaso to n,aha a 2:43 pm ,.ivu j i u, i: pm a s:w am Fait Mall H i:3j um Crd"r RP'Q I'assenger L:SJ pm uijj-. Offlcei, United States National Bank Bulldins, S W Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Bloux City Local a 1:00 am u 2:50 nn Dally. CHICAao. ST PAUL.. Minneapolis & Omaha Rallway-"The North, western Line" General Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, 1-th and Webster Kt Piiv rirti. -. 3451 Tarnam St. Telephone. ML " j anvb V....L r. t isln nQ eoster ais. I Twln c,,y Par-r...a (i.'uu am a 9.10 p'm Omaha Parsenw uli:'io am oi'jji. W117 cs i.orin- eaat Nebraska a 3:45 pm a Dally. 'I'MHOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street Telephone. 145. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express Chicago Limited .. Mlnnt upolis and P.ul Express ... ...a 7:00 am all:.. pa ...a , .1. pm u t:vi ajn ...b 7:00 am b 3:40 nn. Mlnne.pollj and St . a 7:45 cm a -n; Pan UI ti imlled . rAn.. , , . ' . V,. fc WUUfcr 1.ULHI 1IUU1 Council Bluffs b 4:39 pm a 5:15 am Tort Dodi-e Local 'rm Council muffs a 6 00 am a pally, b Dally xcct Sunday. W A RASH RAILROAD Ticket Oflice, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. De. not, Tenth and Marcy sts Telephone, 629. Leave. Arriv St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:15 pm a l:zo am a Dally. ilflfir 1 hLUJ-5rrri- fry .... r. NSlROS J. S. IMAN, 1901 So. 29th Ave., Omaha, Neb. T