22 TJTE OMAITA DATTjY TVEE: SUNDAY, JETVRUAKV 21, 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES Adrerlliemcnlii for these columm frill tie Inkrn until 12 tn. for the evening; edition ami until SiflO p. m. tor morning nnit Ntindnr edition. Rates, 1 l-IIn n imrd drill Insertion, 3c a Trord thereafter. Knthlnic tnkfn for lean tlmn litlo for the first Inaer ton. These nU vertlsemenU mast l)t ran consecutively. ilvrrllnrri, liy reqnestlncj u. nim Tbered check, can Imve nmncri nil tressed to n numbered letter In enre af The Iter. Ansvrera no addressed. Trill lie delivered on preaentatlon of keck only. WAXTBI1-SITUATIONS. EXrERT accountant. Holbrook, Brown i blk A 64 WANTED, poslllon as manager of grocery, married, 30 years old; twelve years ex perience; excellent buyer; reference as to competency and nblllty; security Riven. Btate salary. Address 2033 W. l'lco st.. I. ps Angeles. Cnl. A-W6 24 WANTED MALE HELP. .WANTED, wo have stendy work for n if e gcod hustlers of Rood habits and appear ance. G. P. Adams Co., 1Kb Howard St I H Sjj ' BARBER trade taught thoroughly in hoTt time: catalogue & pitrtlcuinrs free.. West ern Barbers Institute, Omaha, N. MEN or women to soil goods to city Irajle. Good pay and steady employment, nix cnbaugh & Co., Waro block, Omaha. 1 B M41Z Atari? .WANTED, canvassers. 1620 D0"8', WANTED, young man as bookkeeper In large retail nouse. mini on rapid and experienced; references re quired; permanent position. jjgVji J.IKN to learn barber trade. Wo can offer better Inducements now than any othor nenson. It will pay you to prepare at once fnr anrtnrr mull nnlv fllht WeeKS rC- quired. Our courso consists of everything required of a llrst-class barber, Including lectures on hair und skin diseases. OJr collrgo Is newly equipped with modern furniture of special design, nnd every facility for successful training. Students nro allowed Saturday nnd Sunday work In shops while learning, and cun earn from $10 to $15 boforo graduating. Complete outflt of tools presented to each one. Steady positions guaranteed graduates, fall or wrlto for beautifully lllustratod catalogue, giving all particulars; mailed free, Moier Barber College, 1623 Farnam st . Omaha. B-MRM) Mfl MECHANICS, engineers, electricians, flre men, etc.; a free scholarship In engineer ing will be awarded to n few well recom mended nppllcants. American School of Correspondence, Boston, Muss. n .WANTED, energetic salesmen by large manufacturer; steady employment; big remuneration; wo train and equip for suc cess. Address Clerk 8, box S90, Chicago. -n SALESMEN for cigars; new plan, quick sales, good business, big money. Con sumers' Cigar Co., 634 8. 7th St., St. Louis. U SALESMEN wanted to sell our goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade. Wo nro the largest and only manufacturers lr. our lino In the world. Liberal salary paid, Address Can-Dcx Mfg. Co., Savan nah, On, B WANTED Good business man In each principal city to conduct cash business. Guaranteed by local banks. Hie returns. Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish ood references nnd $000 cash. Address. .. It. H V. O. Box 716, Cincinnati, O. B- ' "TRUSTWORTHY person to travol for old established, reliable house. Positively no canvassing required. Salary $780 and ex- i penses. Enclose self-addressed Htamped Hiivclope. Manager, SS5 Caxton Building, 0OVEHNMENT POSITIONS-Where they are, how obtained, salaries raid, exam- i lnatlons required, oto. Itegular exam inations soon in every state. Circular 1D1, , giving full particulars, sent free. Write ' today. National Correspondence Institute I Washington, D. C. B WANTED, Industrious men and women In every town to work for us at their homes; no canvassing. We will send work any distance. Wo have several lines of work to give out, somo of which requires no experience. If you can't devote the whelo day to our work, you can earn 13 or )C a wook by working an hour or two even ings. Address Standard Mfg. Co., 142 West 2Sd St., Now York. 13 FREE TRUSS I have s. truss that's cured hundreds of ruptures. It's safe, Bure and easy as an old stocking. No elastlo or steel band around the body or between the logs. Holds any rupture. To intro duce It, every sufforer who answers this ad at once can have ono free It won't cost a cent. Alox. Spelrs, Box 913, West brook, Maine. B SALESMEN; two specialty, drug experi ence preferred i our proposition Is new and a winner; extraordinary Inducements itnd fiuarantee; salesmen oapablo of handling argo propositions apply, $1,000 per month to such men. Address J G2, Bee. B-913 24 REPORTER or agent In each county who can reach public men. 429 LaSalln Avo,, Chicago. B-9U 24 SALESMEN ; two capable grocery sales men for Nebraska; responsible manufac turer and Jobber will pay liberal salary to right men; .mail particulars nnd refer ences. Address J 63, Beo. B 010 24 WANTED, high class man for special work with tho retail trade; must com" well recommended and bo ablo to furnish bond; give past exporlenco. Wo must havo a good man and aro willing to pay well for his services. Address .1 f7. Boo. B-903 21 POSITIONS under the government; thou sands of appointments will be made from civil service examinations to bo held everywhere In March and April; cuta loguo of Information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C II MS 24 ,J30YS and girls to sell hat plr.s at 10 cents each; cash commission or premium. Send no money. Wo send goods by pend ing your name and address to Attlcboro Watch Co., Dept C, Attleboro, Mass. D-907 21 , TRAVELING salesmen and local repre sentatives to ell the largest and lluest lino of advertising fans, Easter enrds, col- ..uumu, ....fw. .... w,i.aiiv, lin ing novelties, etc.. In America. Low, prices. i;osy to sen. iarge commissions, Quick roturns. Good treatment. Exclu sive or sldo line. 'Write now. Bcnnott , Thomas Mfg. Co., importers, Publishers nd Jobbers, 303 Dearborn St., Chicago. is WO-Z4' ANTED Man to represent responsible manufacturing house: salary of $M paid " .,vwi.- uiu.1. Aiiiiirui-iu. ixjr- manent position If satisfactory. Address. C. M. Co., Box 1412, Philadelphia. Pa. B U59 21 WANTED, a first class soda water dis penser. From May 1st to October 1st. Good wBges. Address Druehl & Pranken. Tlfll lflu 4 a Unit I nlr SH 1 1 . . tti.t. -m.v Ulijf UIUJ1. B-931-21 WANTED, a travolInK salesman by a well known Now York elothlmr hnnm ntnot have roud exporlenco in clothing or I kindred lines. Good oniinrtimiii- t, ambitious man. Address, giving ago, ro- icicutcn uiiu l-aici iuul c. IV U, IJCe B-972-24 WANTED, practical miller with capital to work on salary or take an Interest In a now 76-barrol planslfter mill In Nebraska Also want good engineer, Germans nre- .1 , .1,1 . tt , i . . ' ' V irucu, jiuuil'nn IV n, i Jl'Jtiy-UO i)RUO clerk, one sneaklnc'oerman nr nn' i hemlan preferred. Address, with refer- ences, Eel J. Bteldl, Crete, Neb. H-3J3 21 K CHANCE for young men to get a fine farm of 1C0 acres In tho fcrtl e Kiown. Comancho country In Oklnhomn. soon tn I bo opened to settlement. Tho plnco for i young men. i"nr men nnu neopio wno wnni io uoncr ineir cnnuition. Tlion nml wbo camo to Olclnlinmn wltl. tint 1j illir hilt strong hands and hmvn honrta 1 are today happy and prosperous. For 23 1 cents (silver) n tlno man and book of vnlunnio uuormniiun aim instruction con cerning theso rich lands will b sent by Chas. II. Btshop. Mungum, Oklahoma, who is locnted right on tho twrder line and writes from personal knowlMgo nnd observation. vjs -4 ' strictly lawful nickel Blot machine for drinks and cigars; rented or sold on easy payments. Beoure territory quick. Vnlen- una Morsun ...v-.-, j,a.j4. WASTED MA 1,13 III3I.P. BOYLES COLLEGE, BEE BUILDINO. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE of the HIGHEST STANDARD. Recognized by business men as being tho most thorough nnd most practical, BEST EQUIPMENT! DELIGHTFUL ROOMS, MODERN COURSE OP STUDY, EXPERIENCED TEACHERS, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, "strict DISCIPLINE, PRACTICAL METHODS, GRADUATES ASSISTED TO POSITIONS. SELECTION OP A SCHOOL In securing a business or shorthand education ono should look to a school's record for thorough, efllclent Instruc tion nnd to tho success of Its graduates In securing and holding positions. Tho school having tho best teachers, best reputntlon nnd tho best equipment pro duces tho best results. Tho graduates of BOYLES' COLLEGE havo no dlfll culty In securing and holding positions. B-975-24 EXPERIENCED point salesman tn tako excluslvo control of home Held on commis sion; liberal contract- 1015 Williamson, Cleveland. B-924-21 WANTED, active and reliable correspond ents to handle detectlvo work on llboral commission. Inter-State Socrot Scrvlco Bureau, 629 Kansas Ave., Topeka. Kan. B-022-24 PHOTO PRINTER wanted, experienced man for all year round position; salary $12. Address W. R. Miller, 427-429 Nicollet Avo., Minneapolis, Minn, B-921-24 MAN cleared $1,182, lady $620 last six months' introducing Holladay's Black Marvel solf-shlulng waterproof shoo polish. Why not you7 Free samplo bottle nnd terms. Holladay & Co., Room 433, 188 Monroo St., Chicago. B-919-21 WANTED, collectors and solicitors for an Incorporated collecting llrm. Address Tho Legal Adjustment Co., Atlantic, Iowa. B-918-24 WANTED, first class sewlns machine sales man. Thomas Brndley & Co.. Atlantic, Iowa. B-917-24 WANTED, active person with rig to de liver and collect in towns nnd rural districts; no canvassing; salary $80.00 per month. Extra commissions. References and security required. Address Bcatrlco Book Company. Room 7, First National Bank Building, Beatrice, Neb. B-910-24 WANTED, energetto hustlers for large corporation; every business house a pros pective customer; no competition; largo remuneration. A. E. Cogwln, Room 12, U. 8. National Bank Bldg. B-914-24 EXPERIENCED salesmen, local and traveling: mcrs. for state: new practical olllco specialty; positive monoply. Unl-J versai npcciuuy v-u., u- jjcuxuurn ni., Chicago. B-923-24 WANTED, men to advertise and Introduce our soaps and specialties, tack signs, dis tribute circulars, samples, steady work; $12 weekly and expenses. Mnrvcl Mfg. Co., Chlcugo. B-920-21 RESIDENT manager for branch ofnee of established manufacturing house; salary $125 per month and extra commissions; must furnish $S0O cash and satisfactory references. District Manager, 300 Johns ton Building. Cincinnati, O. B-915-24 WE WANT a live, honest, Intelligent mid dle nged man who can put up $50.00 us a guarantoo and devote entire time for good pay with woll-rated corporation. Refer ences exchanged. No postals answerod. T. N. Company, 627-629-631 W. North Ave., Chlcngo. B-913-21 WANTED, a young man to run elevator ana do generni januor worK auout iv sioro. Address K 13, Bee. B-134 24 WANTED, an experienced city salesman m Clin im Ilia loiail linuo. lib oiv N. Y. Life, B-170 21 WANTED, canvassers. 610 N. Y. Life. IS 1U At SALESMEN wanted everywhere outsldo of Omaha to handle fast selling nrtlcle. Ad dress W. R. Truesdell & Co., 610 N. Y. Life bldg. B-167 24 MURPHY A MCARTHY. 86 Walker street, Now York, has a position open for an honest, energotlc man to take orders and collect for "AtlaB & Cyclopedia of Ire- 1 1 , ' n vw. ii nAni,nln,Ml with thn THah IILI.U, lb ,,,CM. HU4II-,II.U ...... ..... people preferred; tho work ho Is asked to do will not Interfere with his dally em ployment; write for particulars. v B-112 W SALESMAN wanted to carry line of garden hose and ruooer; several earn largo sums during spring months; somo with us for over 20 years. Mineralized Rubber Co., New York B-105 24 GENTLEMEN of energy to represent us In prominent towns ana cities: j:u weexiy; must bo a hustler; no canvassing; position parmanent; this Is no fako ad; stamp for particulars. Hutton & Co., Dept. O, Phlla., Pa. B-101 21 BAL.I3S.MKtf WANTED. WANTED By established house, echemo or specially men to sen nttractlvo nnu salablo line. Liberal nnd unique Induce ments to the trade, llustloru and high priced men, Investigate. Box 432, Detroit, Mich. 936-21' SALESMAN Wanted by March 15. Trav eler for tno west. Natural ability nnd aptness will count for more than experi ence. High commission contract; staplo line; references, bond and en tiro tlmq required. First class men only need tip ply. E. L. Rice, 33 Congress St., Detroit, Mich. 935 21 WANTED, experienced, wlde-awnko travel ing salesmen or gooa appearance nnd ad dress, to handle a hlgh-grado specialty line: no has-beens need apply. Box 00s, St. Louis, Mo. 117 2l SALESMEN Automatic copying book, Jut out; neeaea oy every nusiness man; n bonanza for agonts; exclusive territory. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. -121 24 WANTED PEMAI, ID HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1624 Dodge. Tel. 878. u &3J SO girls wanted. Canadian oftlce, 1522 Douglas YOUNO lady to learn massage; permanent iiurii.uii iui 4iin iiaity. -tl'iy v net) Bldg. C cXi COMPETENT girl for general housework; nin. in luiiiiiy. titiv xiiiiuu ni, u .m.vu WANTED, cook and a nurse; references re quired. 3G20 Farnam. C M8G3 21 WANTED, 10 bright, Intelligent ladles to demonstrate and take orders, house to hojBo work; this Is a genteel, sternly posi tion, with straight salary paid every Saturday; don't call unless you aro quail tied nnd can bring good reference, ns this Is no fako. Cull at Midland Hotel, Ask ior air. w empie. w MS94 21 COOK and housemaid. 2704 Pnrnam. C-MS90 21 WANTED, a cook and housomald at 2003 Burt St, C 901 21 AGENTS wanted for Hallrck's extracts permanent, profitable, cosy work; refer ences required. The Abilene Drug Co., Abilene, Kansas c tenberg and embroidery for ub nt their homes. Steudy work, Chicago Crochet vu., V 1I1VUKU, (J WANTF.D. l.llliOS tO tnrn l,nlrJr,,ul.. manicuring und facial niassago; 4 week canipletra, positions guaranteeil; groat demuiid for our Rradimtes for resorts, city und country towns, Cnll or wrlto for .ni iiuuuiin. .iiuict h iiairareHElng college, 102:1 Farnam, Omaha. C MJ31 Ml WANTED, ludles to copy letters nt home nvery niivie, iMr.isiuu worK, good 'my, full nil iii'umi n, ivim. iiu. itepiy Willi stamp, The Cutler Co., Dept. 4, Chicago. 111. ' C-5M 24 WANTED, a woraun to clean mirrors, woodwork and tloor by tho week In a store. Addrens K 11, Bee olllce. C ISA 21 WANTED, apprentice millinery girls. Ap ply Peoplo's Bloraw C-167 24 u'AM'iiDiroiiAM! m:i,p. LADIES, Dr. Strickland's Regulator re lieves In tlvo hours; box free. Htntnp for "articular. Crown Chemlcnl Co.. II SO, Mllwuuket', Wis. C-U27 2P LADIES wanted to do plnln needlework for us nt home; we furnish materials nnd pay $7 to $10 per week; hciu! addrested, stamped envelopo to Standard Co., In diana Ave., Chicago. C-921 21 HOUSEKEEPER with", llttlo girl, woman i.,i, ior runcn, ininiiv rniiiv, ipmi: girls, $3.00. Canadian Otllcc, l.22 Douglas. C-M930 24' WANTED, women and girls to work for us ai nomc, . to m per ween; cxpcririicu unntifcessnry. Adilress with stamp, Ideal Homo Work Co., Chicago. C-J29 21' WANTED, a young lady stenographer nnd typewriter, who will also be required to wrap package. Address K 12, Beo olllco. c-ir.-, 21 LADIES to do piecework for us nt home; wo furnish nil mnterlnls and pay 7 to $12 weekly; send stamped envelope to lioy.il Co., 34 Monroo St., Chicago. C 122 2l WANTED, coat, pants nnd overall ope rators; nlso 10 girls wanted. Apply to Byrne & llnmmer Dry Goods Co,, fac tory 12th and Howard sts. , C M1I7 25 WOMEN to do plain sewing nt homo; $1.60 per uay; tour montns- worK gunraniccu; work sent prepniu; send stntnpcd ad dressed envelopo for particulars. R. W. Hutton & Co,, Philadelphia, Pa. C-100 21 WANTED, ludy having had experience In appointing ngents 10 oci ns general ageru for nice light lino paying salary nnd com mission. Address K 10, liee. C M102 26 WANTED, experienced dressmaker. Apply ai itr.v jjougian si. it. wineocrg. C-175 25 GIRL for general housework. Apoly 718 iist st. u ll VOll RENT HOUSES. IF .you want your houses well rented place IIICIII Willi UCIlUVVIft Ot U. JJ ftJ ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos, ntnpe. 1B11W. Fnrnnm St. Tel. ikm tci D-S50 ' HOUSES for rent In allparts of tho city. D-?61 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-SGJ SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. u sra HOUSES, etc. 5 D. Wad, 1524 Douglas. u-toi HOUSES and flats. Hlnrwalt, Barker Blk B SOi HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Blk. D-833 NEW 7-room brick, strictly modern, east frcnt, 27th and St. Marys ave., $35. Bemls BTURGES. MARTIN CO.. 617 N. Y. Life. JJ SSI F2S 24th, near Farnam; ten-room modern house compiem in every respcci; ten minutes' walk of center of city: reasonable rent. Omaha Loan 4c Trust Co.. 16th and Doug loo Sts. D-872 FOA.,REI2T'. ivf00.1" house, nice yard and Btuui?. uid wiiurics 01. 1J oS3 NINE-ROOM modern house, large grounds, urcn, tin, 11, niuiuutiiiiy aeHirniuo. m every way; rent. $40 to nn AI tenant with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-S20 FIVE unfurnished rooms, nrst-class, all .iwuci, vviiiiJicio iwi Jiuuacneeping. 2124 Miami St. D MS62 24 "SROA1, 2-story, corner house, with barn. 2059 North 18th St D-76-2l " EIGHT-ROOM modern house and btirn, iicui o.u unu r urnam, Beven-room house and barn, 2439 Emmet, $13. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker block. D M893 24 IiKIJT Cheap 7-room modern house, w ? m.i " TV ,J",u'ro engine iiouso No. 7, 36th and Jackson. d WMiS.lfe." room9' cUy wter and Burdetto SL, 6 rooms, city water In- 3407 r)Afntt? at . A - . m . nrLM T ' " , v .vuiuo, iino repair, ill1. Si8t' 7 rooms rnodern except fur- 92jaiS'0rth 42d St" 7 rooms' ALL MODERN, 23oaoEmmott St, 7-rooms, city water inside, aSS? .7 S?2- "e.w'Z.5a'ntl and jiio n,..r o. KU.1E1- lnaiae, only jis. "a1 rt Bt- 7 I001"1- c'ty water, $12. P'', 5?ANT, FlrstFlopr - 1J USS COTTAGE for rent, 8 rooms. $23. 2217 r"y i. a Jivf" nquiro c. D. Trusse I. cr M. E. Bmlth & Co. D 933 21 ELEGANT 6-room cottage, city water. $12 Jos, Goldsmith, Murray Hotel . D-S97 24 Hnur is a BWAn "St0.!?. WJK! eai ?"' n nqor, -v.m r,.,. 11. nuur anace, elevator, centrally located, only $30 per month. R. C. PETERS St CO.. 1702 Fnrnam St. D-140 24 6-ROOM flat. 18th and Chicago, $20. 0-room cottage, 2511 Bristol. $11. J. H. Johnson. E41 N. Y. Life. D-156 24 "ltniTHt.'.a "iTnTtoti-ci 1, t,An.,., 3040 S. 18th st.. good brick house, 3' largo ,.rotm;s' cltJ' water, $3; near S. O. car. ? Vleco .8t".R-' jy' clstorn. barn. $6. nntv tiit 1 y WQlcr largo barn, Flno 10-R. strictly modern house, close In, line repair, nice location, only $23 604 S. 19th St.. 10-R., strictly all modern, $35; F!.n" 12"onv.,,BtrIStIj' a" modern house nnd until, - umo. irora iinnscom park. $43 HENRY B. PAYNE 601-2 N. Y. Llfo. D-107 24 FO" "FV?,"0' c,ose 23: furniture FOJr,RnN?', 8 r..oms modern, fine re pair, good location In Kountze IIace. $23 7 rooms, city water, will paper and put In 7i?,v,it,i,.sr..Wtt.,frr' Ba"' "werace. barn, Minr,?i?m.BJ mJl?'Jran-scom Vark district, 7 rnoma !lf7 n.. ,1 1 . ... 4 rooms, 29th and Dupont sts.. cltv wninr t .. .... cu.iiu uinnr uurgains; pee our list. . u. furi-ims & CO.. 1702 Fnrnum St. D-129 21 a pod opening. See mo Mot dnv. J 11 Johnson, 811 N. Y. IJfe. D-MIC2 FOn KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. E-K73 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Fnrnnm. IS-S7I HOUSEKEEPING rooms, up. 2r.l t Mary's. E-M990 Alarl' 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. man and wife. 319 North 17th St. E-303 TWO nicely furnished rooms l mlnrn house, 9 blocks from P. o. $6 and $10 references exchanged. K 9, Beo. E M933 23 1703 CALIFORNIA, nicely furnished room, trni, -iguiiu Uv. Z FOR RENT, nicely furnlBhed front room; prlvnto fnmlly. U07 Cubs st. 'E 121 21 SINGLE room for a gentleman. 1909 c'nn Hal ny. E-171 Mar3 NICELY furnished room, steam heat and bntli; also room for light houskpnnlnir. 313'i N. 15th, flat L. E-163 24 111 8. 17T1I, nlcoly furnished roonn; also board by day or week, E 179 H Fl'lt.MSIIEI) ROOMS AND IKIAIII). GLENCAIRN, transients, $1.25 day7 ieraljoiig l''-S75 LARGE front parlors with board: also smuller room; reasonable rates. Tho Rose, 2020 Harney. F M591 The Merrlam, good winter home. 25 & Dodge F-87i5 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-877 MABEL GRAY, 317',i N. 15thiT7nnt E" pM 83i M.:ul8 Ft RM.OtlKIl ROOMS AND HO MID. 521 N. 23D ST., new management, new fur niture, good board. F MS5S 27 ROOM nnd bonrd, 1812 Chicago. F-MS64 24 ONE large front room, one southeast room; excellent board; prices reasonable J17 So. 2lth St, F-P0 f ONE to live people can secure rooms nnd board; prices reasonable; satisfaction sure. 22I7 Howard street. F 1.17 24 FOR RENT irFl'RNISII13H ROOMS. FOR housekeeping, also barn. 2021 St. Mary's ave. G M373 'OR REM' STORES AMI OFFICES. FOR "RENT Tho building formerly occu pied by Tho Bee at 916 Fnrnnm St. It hoi four stories anil a basemwit which was formerly used as Tho Beo press room. This will be rented very reasonably, If Interested npply at onco to C. C. Rose vater, secretary, room 100, Beo Building. 1261 FOR RENT Store, In flrst-clnss location: rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Beo Bldg. 1265 STORE room for rent; first-class location for gents' furnishing goods or shoo ntorc. 2721 Q St., S. Omaha. I-M13S 2 ACJENTS WANTED. AGENTS, dealers to soil Chrrlo Nation souvenir hatchets; something new; big profits; price, 60c dozen; sample 10c. Jones Kecnnn Mfg, Co., JJavenport, Iowa. ' J M8S1 26 AGLNTS on sa!nry or commission; the greatest ngents' seller ever produced; every user of pen nnd Ink buys It on night: 21") to 600 per cent profit; ono agent's sales ntnountnd to $620 In six days: another $32 in two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co., X 16. 1-a Crosso, Wis, J M8S8 24 AGENTS, we give every boy. girl or wo mnn ono rolled gold filled solitaire puritan roso diamond ring, solid gold pattern, for selling 20 packages Gnrfleld Pure Pepsin Gum among friends nt 6 cents n p.ickngi. Send name, wo mall gum." When sold send money; we will mall ring, few can tell from genulno diamond. Unsold gum taken back. Beautiful catalogue froo. Garfield Gum Co.. Dept. W, Meadvllle, P.a. J MEN and women ot good address wanted to show und tnle orders for our "N'nw Olllclal Census At!as;" pleasant work, good pay inn: iv io., uu waDasn, cm- cogo J- HOUSE to house canvassers wanted; household necessity; quick seller. Ex clusive territory to hustlers. Llnnlard Mfg. Co., 183 Norwood Ave., Cincinnati Ohio. j AGENTS, big money selling latest article nut. Wonderful doublo-faced mirror, with transparent picture revealed held to light. Hnmplo mirror (pocket slzo) with catn loguo 10c. Out-of-Slght Mirror Co,, 1132 Unity Bldg., Chicago. J- $12 DAILY mado by agents selling our clnlm Illo to merchants and physicians. Hnyers & Co., D. 42, 408 OUvo St., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS wanted, also wagon men, to sell Dr. Swift's famous remedies. Biggest profits; excluslvo territory. Address Swift Pharmacy Co., 151 East 23rd St., New York. j GENERAL ngents wanted everywhere, $20 in tov vi-eKiy; exclusive contract given: stnmp for reply. Chas. Shlroy, 420 Charles Bldg,, Denver, Colo. J-931 21 AGENTS, rell steel pens nnd build up a "uninras 01 your own; iw per cent pronr.; every Inducement given to hustlers. Nlckelold Pen Co., Box 302, .New Haven, Conn. J 936 21 WANTED, general and local agents; nnmo- piaies, signs, numbers, readablo darkest nights; samples free Right Supply Co., Englewood, III. J 935 21 MAKE money; 8 pounds butter from ono gallon milk; no chemicals, recipe 25c. H. E. Smith, 316 South Bl.. Oak Park. 111. J-937 21 AGENTS everywhere, send address quick ior greniesi money-malting proposition over offered. O. B. Kccnbell Co., Phila delphia, Pa. J 93S 21 AGENTS Wnnted to sell mining stocks! nign cinss proposition; $1 snares zrc, tor short tlmo; liberal compensation to good man. Queen Copper Co., 247 South Broad way, Los Angeles, Cal. J 933 24 $1,500.00 PER annum to reliable salesmen Handling our advertising novelty fans, etc.: 16 different styles, commissions enormous; wo pay promptly on accept ance of all orders; for a side lino our ad vertising novelties far outrnnk any other article. Wrlto with references for our full nnd complete ndvloe. American Nov elty Co,, Cincinnati, Ohio. J-9W 24 OENERAL merchandise mall order men make money by our now 400 page cata logue plan: also buying patent and sell ing Meredith's train order holder, John son's spraying rpparntus, Carrlck's flro proof hithlr , Upp's rug machine, Ron dell's prop we-. Smith's halter, Bowen's vine strijipcr. lielron's ndv. dovlce, Holly's window sash, Irvlng's chain fastener, Hnmmnn'H wagon box fastener, Robert's bottlo stopper, Tripp's gato latch, Fer roll's folding box, Anderson's fencing tool, Alexander's smoko consumer, Muenlch's envelopo fastener, Woodworth's shutter protector, Gooding's cultivator, Sottlo meyer's baby walker, Davis' curling Iron heater, Baker'n sliding gate, Mleseo's guto lutch, McWhartnn'H pipe wrench, Thomp son's wlro stretcher, Hickman's windmill, Mlddleknuff's curtain fixture, McMurdy's crndle, Merrltt's cuspidor, Quackcnbush's pall cover. Eaton's music turner, Francis faucet, Record's dishwasher, Barnes' necktie fastener, Chrlstlo's gnmo appara tus, Duke's puzzle, Alexander's thlmhlu, Frolmeat's sheave, Baxter's engine. Morse's cutting tool, Bnrlnger's cuff holder, Bateman's fuel saver, Vondor pltuit'H tobacco cutter, Whipple's blcyclo gear, Denis' llrc-escnpe, Barton's llfo pre server, Elliott's bath cabinet, Cadman's laprobo holder, Long's nddlng mnchlnc, McFnrland's cotton planter, Ashcrnft's hnrrow, Stoup's nutlock, Mosser's glass presser nnd mnnv others. Rnnlii intrn. 1 ductlon Co., Chicago, III. J 115 24 AGENTS, either sex, to handle a fani sell lng article; sold on Its merits; no fako. Call 510 N. Y. Life bldg. J-163 31 WANTED, men of character and flnanclnl responsibility to act as state representa tive on commission basis; an entirely new Idea In ensh registers. Chicago Cash Reg ister Co., Generni Offices, Marquette build lng, Chlcugo. J 103 21 WANTED, portrait ngents who hnndle tholr own orders; crayons, 45c; water colors, "5c. Hansen, 63 Dearborn, room 225, Chicago. J 120 21 AGENTS, energetto ngentsi can establish themselves In splendid paying business selling latest Improved gasoline gas lomps. No mantle or chimney; gonernto and light with single match. Also gravity and 1.0U) candle-power aro lamps. Positively lowest prices: $1,000.00 In premiums to best agents for 1001. American Lighting Co., Chicago, , J 904 21 TO SELL to dealers or canvass for a little hardwiiro specialty that Is taking Chicago by storm. J. R. Page & Co., 3253 Cottage Orovo Ave. Chicago. J 901 21 AGENTS wanted for entirely new nrtlclo. Quick sales, big pay, satisfied customers; $. to $150 per month easily mado. Partic ulars for 2c stamp. Thymo Chemical Co., Columbus, O. J 963 2I AGENTS Wo guarnnteo $2 to $3 a ilny""!! troduclng our genuine "Super-Asbestos" wicks; Jjst out; light equal to Ino. olec trlclty; InsL about eight years. Address, l'lroproof Safety Wick WorkH. 743 Lnko St., Chlcugo, 111. J 902 21 AN TLD, every user of a telephone to invest gato tho merits of our "non col liipslblo telephono receiver cushion, tho only absolutely perfect cushion made, Prlco 60c, silver or stamps, post paid to any address. An ngent wanted tn every '!'.A1,lres', Tne Louisville Rubber Co., 624, 626 Fourth Ave., Louisville, Kv. J 973-24 DON T accopt an agency until you get my samples and particulars, dayman, St. Louis, Mo. j WANTED, agents of ability to sell our new 20th Century Combined Llfo nnd Accident Policy. Very popular, easy to wrlto dnuhlo tho ordinary amount of business; old lino company; capital $200, !. Address Conservative Life Insurance Company, -Masonic Temple, Denver, Colo. W ANTED, a reliable agent In overy town und village in Nebraska. Address 2206 Lake, Omaha. J 111 21 AGENTS wanted to sell dlvldend-paylng California oil stocks. Address John Slinrp, 511 S. Flower St., Los Angelos, Cat. J-IM 2I ADJUSTABLE sTgn outfit, makes nny sign! also aluminum card cases and cords, Economy Co,, 6S5 Lake st, Chicago. J-1U at AOIONTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted; big profits to agents polling n new household nrtlcle; ft quick seller; send for catnlogue B. Address Tho Diamond Light Co., Canton, Ohio. J-963 21 WANTED TO RENT. TWO furnlrhed rooms wanted, with whole somo tnblo board (or. mnn, wife nnd s-year-old boy; soik permnnent homo In de sirable locality. Address Walter 1. Clarke, caro Hoc. K- 2 BOARD and room In prlvnto family, man and wife; references. Address K 8. Bee. K-9 13 23' DID IT EVERY OCCUR TO YOU that you might obtnln better results by listing your rontnl property with us? We havo 11 num ber of llrst clns3 nppllcants for houses and will glvo your property the best of atten tion. Sweet & Hcndley, C13 N. V Life. 'Phono 1472. K-3MI-24' STORAGE OM. Von Stor. Co., 151U4Farn. Tcls. 1553-863. SJ9 PACIFIC Storage and Wnrehouse Co., 912 914 Jones, renerol storage and forwarding. S7S STORAGE, lower Farnam St., 3 floors nnd basement; elevator, Water, etc.: very cheap; Immediate possession. Address J 67, Bee. 1 M-879 21 WANTED TO niiY. WANTED, good farm, close to church, schools, etc.; want fruit and water. Don t wrlto unless you navo a gooa larm. j. W. McCoy, Sink's Grove, Monroo Co., W. Va. N-911-24 LARGE oftlce safe, standing desk, roll top desks, choirs, tables, etc. Address J, u, Beo. N-M9S1-25 WE HAVE cash customers for the follow ing: 6-room cottage, near 22d and Miami, $1,200 10 l.IW. 9-room modern house In north part of city, as high ns $2,500. 10 ncrrs, Improved. f acres, Improved, A 40-orro farm within 10 miles of South Omnha. SHIMER & CHASE, 601 Beo Bldg. Tel. 1442. N-977-24 FOR HALE FURNITURES. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Now & 2dhand furniture bought, Bold, exchanged. O iSO FURNITURE and fixtures of 60 rooms In a brick block centrally located and full of roomers. A chanco to mako big money. Don't let this slip. J, II. Johnson. 841 N. Y. Llfo. O M153 FURNITURE nnd stoves for salo; house for ront. 1814 Webster st. O-U0 24 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. UP-TO-DATE rellablo buggies, runabouts nnd vehicles. H. Frosts, 14th & Leavcn'th P-401 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing, 901 Douglas. Q S82 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-8S3 SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartz, 111 8. 13. Q-8S4 HERTFORD & CO;, 16th and llworth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERINO. Q-SS3 TIMOTHY hay and all ilnds feed nnd coal. Monroe & Co. Q 886 INCUBATORS. Send to the Cure Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb., for a handsome free catalogue. Q 141 THE J. A. Puller & Co. soda fountain charging apparatus and eleven copper founts for sale at a bargain If taken nt once. Apply Boston Store Drug Dept. Q-S76-24 HOUSE moving outflt for sale. Apply 1245 S. 16th, Mrs. Kment. Q 870-24 FOR SALE, 9,000 to 12,000 feet second-hand lumber, as good as new. Inquire of W. M. Gloss, care Lce-Olass-Andreeson Hnrd waro Co. Telephone 121. Q M877 23 I' OR SALE, double soda fountain, with 16 syrup enns, coffeo urn and a National cash register. Address 404 Nuckolls st.. Red Oak, la. Q M890 24 FOR SALE, a pair of beautiful domesti cated young antelopes 9 months old. Ap ply to Mrs. J. C. Donohoe, 1620 N. 21st St.. Omaha. Q M344-26 NEW Oxygenor King nnd Medical Bat tory for sale cheap or exchange. 1015 N. 24tjt. . Q 013-21" FOR SALE, one 3-horse power gasollno en gine, $100.00. K 7, Bee. Q 942-21 TYPEWRITERS; great slaughter in prices; ....... t..Hi,.,,.H- . . . . . , UCMV 1!1I!I1UII(LII, Ul 1CH9 U1UI 11 III I UUiUll' facturer's price: No. 2 Callgrnphs, second hand, In first class condition, $15, $20 and $25 each. F. S. Wobstcr Co., 141 Madison St., Chlcngo. Q-966 21 FOR SALE or trade, dog thread power for light machinery; good as. new. W. Vogt, 1210 S. 13th st. Q-128 24 FOR SALE, Tuft's soda water apparatus, comploje outfit: no trades. For particu lars address Ed J. Steldl, Crete, Neb. Q-991 ?t HARDMAN piano, slightly used; prlvato party, leaving city; cash or time. Address K 11, Bee. Q-174 24 PINE bay horse and Simpson hand-mads phaeton, cheap for cash. K 16, Bee. Q-170 26 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. E. C. HENRY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST MEDIUM. Tells your name and object of cull without asking a single question. Thorn aro no mistakes In tho predictions mado by MRS. HENRY. Do you wish to know If It Is ad vlsablo to mnko a chaugo In business, love, marriage, divorce, health, changos, travels, speculations, Investments, prop erty, patonts, wills, deeds, mortgages, lost or absent frlonds, missing property, stocks, law, eto. She will tell you what you aro adapted for; tells you when and whom you will mnrry. Are you In trouble of any kind? Aro you dissatisfied or perplexed ns to what to do? You can bo nldcd and all can be mnde right by a visit to MRS. HENRY. Diagnoses diseases of nil de scriptions while In a clairvoyant state. Hours, 9 to 8 dally, Sunday 12 to 8. FEB IN REACH OP ALL. OFFICE, 1707 CASS. (Bring this ad.) S-177 21 PALMISTRY. Tho greatest exponent In tho art of palm istry today 1 OMAHA'S FAVORITE. MME. GYLMER. She has hnd few equals and no superiors, and today stands recog nized as tho leotler of her profession. If you nro In trouble consult this celebrated lady. Her advlco Is suro to bunellt you. As a proguostlcntor she Is u phenomenon. Her predictions are always absolutely ac curate. Sho tells Just what tho lines in tho palm Indicate, and they don't lie. Sho Is u genulno palmist and claims nothing more. This wonderful woman Is well known to Umaha people, having been 4 years In tho city. Her reputation for honesty and fair doallngs Is thoroughly established. Par lors of Palmistry, 10u& Dodge, S, aide now I'. O. S-1S5 21 HE NoTclXi RV (S Y A N T A N DT I E A L E n. STRANGE AND WONDERFUL MAN. 1915 FARNAM. Ordained by nnturo to do what he does, 'ono, the natural clairvoyant nnd llfo render, whoso fame as a mystic nnd occult scientist has mado him famous. Teuclios nil branches of occultism. Tells you nt a glance what you nro adapted for and guarantees satisfaction In all his teach ings or readings, Having a thorough knowledgo of the sciences peculiar to tho men of tho Orient, enables him to do many things. Restores inst nffectloin, cnuses marriage with tho one of your cholVe, wins affection of tho ono you lovo, keep and retnln the affection of the one that loves you, removes mental Influences, tt'iichi's you how to use tho laws of na ture by which It Is accomplished. 1915 Farnam j3-161 24 FREE! PRE El FREE! Three free tests this week. Every caller at PROF. CHARLES' ofllro this week receives THREW TESTS FREE. Advlco on all affairs, such as love, courtship, marriage, divorce, busl neB, changes, eto SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Readings, 60 cents. U2i t'arnua it ti-lti 24 CLAIR VOVANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium, 819 North 16th. n-ssi MME.OYLMER.Benulnepalml.it. 1605 Dodge S SX) WONDERFUL! Your llfo rovenle-1; snlls faction guaranteed; send birth date and 10c. Prof. John Myers, Lincoln I'uik Sta tlon. Chlcugo. S -11-J 21 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MISS MAE LESLIE, 613 S. 16th. 2d floor. T-MS54-F.2S ELITE rarlors, 615 South 16th, second floor. T-I0I MS MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d floor, ronm l; thermal baths. T MS18 21 PERSONAL. PRIVATE homo Dcforo nnd dtirlnc routine. tnent; babies adopted. Mrs. Burgct, 2620 liuroeiie. u sb FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but. tons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co,, 1521 DoUglis U-S31 SUPPLIES for nil machines: mnchtnes for rent, wiuio sewing aincnine, irco Doug las, Tel. 23.il. U-S9J PRIVATE hospital for ladles Worn mwl during confinement; babies adopted. 2,ic6 urani bi. u S9J VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34S Bee Rldg, U-S34 M. GOLDMAN & CO. Only perfect ncT cordcon pleating plant In the west. Mall orders solicited. Sulto 200 Douglas Rlock. opposite 1 lay den 's. U 797 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women massago operators; finest equipped baths in tno city, iicnstrom tiain company. Rooms 216 to 220, Bee Bldg. U- KU LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. 1018 Farnam. U-7 hair removcu by electricity. R. 12 Frenzer l. 1. I i n- uiuun. u -JJ WE RENT sewing machines for 76c per wceK; we icimir nnu boii uecuies nuu m tnchmcnts for any machine made. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor 15th & Harney. Pnono 1M3. U-MU'3 M3 A BOX of Rc-No-May Powder Is not luxury when It affords you a euro und secures tho comfort and happiness ot your room-mate. U M212 RUPTURE ourod; no knife, no pain, no danger; senci ior circulars, r.mpire imp turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omnha. U-S5I M19 INFORMATION WANTED -Tho under- signea uesires io notnin tno present post- nfllnn nrtrira nf T.t.ra l IWnvBnn ...l.n w.i.. U ....... vui. ... .m.. .. . v ncil, W landed at Portland, Mo., on tho 23d day of nmcmuiT, jwv, iruni 1110 iiruisu stentn ship "Numldlan." Any Information as to ins present wncreaoouis win Do appre ciated by Benjamin Thompson. S3 Ex change St., Portland, Me. U MSGS 28' MANUSCRIPTS wnnted, not for specula tion, but publication: merit rather than reputation, considered. Poems, short nnd serial stories, articles descriptive, argu mentative or scientific. What havo you to sell? Address K 2, Bee ofllce. U-902 24 SPIRITUALISM. Patterson Hall this evening. Mr. Mason lectures. Subject: "Applied Christianity." Questions answered. Grnud sennco con cludes exercises. Admission 10 cents. U-94S-24 LARGEST exclusive marriage paper pub lished; 16 pages, sealed 10c; No. $5 fee: Many worth $100 to $100,000. R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. U 947-21 PRESIDENT of soveral concerns, ac cumulated large fortuno, Is now ready to tnurry amtablo womnn. Mr. Mavnnrd, caro Ehrllch, 975 Park Ave, N. Y. U-9I6-2I ALTHA Dancing club at Gormonla Hall Saturday ovenlng, March 2nd. U M945-M2 MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocalnt habit: myielf cured, wilt Inform you of harmless, permanent home cur. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U DEAFNESS oured or no pay. C. Rowan, Mllwnukee, Wis. U SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES. You ought to seo before buying a machine what wo can sell you. Tho following prices are for Monday only: Former price. Monday 1 Singer $ 5.00 $ 1.00 1 Singer, high arm 10.00 5. 00 1 Domestic S.OO l.til 1 Whlto 13.00 0.00 1 Whlto 20.00 10.00 1 Davis 10.00 5.0,1 1 Wheeler & Wilron, No. 9 20.00 10.00 1 Wilcox & Glbbs 25.00 12 fO 1 Singer, good ns new 30.00 15.00 1 New Homo 20.00 10.00 Wo ront mnchtnes for 75 cents per week. Wo sell needles nnd parts for, and repair every sewing machine manufactured. Threo modern drophead machines, slightly used, at one-half regular price. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Phone 1CG5. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. II 030 21 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts nnd moles'pur- manontly removed by electricity; consul tation froo and confidential; n!l tvbrk guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas. CHICKERING upright piano, $168; In excel lent condition; cash or easy payments, Hchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Fnrnnm St. Telephono 1623. U M97S M-2 ELDERLY gontleman. $150,000, beautiful home, but lonely, will mnko homo hap piest plnco on earth to kind wifo, !Bonaflde," 771 North Park Avo.. Chicago, 111. U-931-21 HANDSOME, refined lady, Independently wealthy, sweet disposition, fond of homo, will devoto life to kind husband. "Marguerite," 1337 Sheflleld Ave.. Chlcngo, HI. U-030-21 OLD leg ulcers, chronic sores, wo guarantee to draw out corruption, heal up perman ently by slmplo painless method. Write American Antiseptic Remedy Co.. Min neapolis, Minn. U-919-21 FAT FOLKS, nm a trained nurse: 12 years ago reduced 45 pounds by hnrmlesg rem edy; no regain; nothing to soil; send stamp; I will tell you how It was done. Miss Topping, 13S Francisco ave.. Chicago. U-110 24 CORRESPOND for amusement or matrl mony; sealed particulars, 2c. Champion, Council Bluffs, In. U-173 21 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female diseases, consumption, glnndulnr swell ings, obesity, stomach and kldnoy troubles nnd all cronlc diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph remedies. Consultation nnd book let freo. Thyroid Lymph Co,, main olllce 101 Beo bldg., Omaha; 94-5-6 Burr blk, Lincoln, Neb, U-181 M24 A WEALTHY, honest, middle-aged widow, no Incumbrances, wishes to correspond with a gentlemnti of temperate habits. Address K 17. Bee. IT ISO 21 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. MONEY to lqan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., JU9 South mh, LOANS on enstern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or nny multiple; any Interest hate; no Unlay. Brenimn-Love Co. 300 H. 13th St.. Omaha, Neb. U-'Ol i . ! ' II I I I - ! PRIVATE monoy. 6, 6V4, p per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros., 1013 Farnam. W-399 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnamstreet. 11 000 and upward to loan on Improved city ivrooerty nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Faninm. W-900 WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 I'tllliaii, ' , ' ' .vu MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co,, lSVi Fn'rniun! MONEY to loan at 5 and 6'4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 101 S. 15th. V WH PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 939 N Y. Llfe W-903 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block, W 907 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. 6 AND 6V4 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas. First National Uank building. Tel. 1618. W 9U3 ST.AMAIIlltlMi A.M HT.'TTEItlNO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 439 Rams Bldg. .MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TODAY. Loans made In amounts from $10 to $250 on household furniture, pianos, horses, ear rioKei, etc , without removal, or on your H-a-L-A-r-y without security. All cr n ' part of the money may bo paid back tho nrst month or no part of It need bo pai.i Park for several months. Each paym nt mado reduces the cost accordingly Em. plovers nn.l neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations, People who need money are Invited to cnll and S.i .n.. t,,ri and compnre them with jjhnt others offer Loans of other com p.nL- " inny bo iransfcrred to me. No !nRilViri,,n,,,er, A" business strlctl confidential Quick scrvlco and low..-t rates guiiriuiteed. C3?c.IT.nt.0 ? U"" t('" ""ornortheast coiner Tel "r niranc.0 on lstn at. B "A L L O A N S R TpvVtVu !,,Air,,iSI cn v wb post- IlAH'iin'tM'..NST ",3 UNDERRATED. RAILROAD MEN RECEIVE SPECIAL REBATE GIVEN '7floaN 13 PAID witSLM?.'V CI I ATT HI, MORTGAGE W HEN YOU CAN GET MONEY ON HTMtfri i9.l'li..,,'A'N NOTE? SI RIC CIA CONFI 1 lENTI At,. EM PLOY- if ! . J ' NT KNOW. oA,.'V.,A.NI) K CONVINCED. ..AMERICAN LOAN t-O.. ROOM 601, BEE BUILDINO. X-lA' Y tv i D0 XOU NKKD MONEY? We loan $10.00 und up on furniture, pianos, horses and other chattels. ...i... . SALARY LOANS witnout mortgage to people holding -permanent positions. You can got tho money In a few hours after making ap plication nnd tako 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6 months or moro In which to pay It back, nnd you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep it. Wo charge nothing for papers nnd wo glvo you the full amount In cash. There arc no lower rates than ours; our ternn are th easiest; our business is confidential unit our motto Is "Try to Please." ... ..Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. ;L?..n,,nr5.1 Pl Trn1 Hide. Tel. 229V (Lstabllshed 1S92.) zk South lflth St. X-912 SALARY LOANS. If you are employed by n responsible Arm wo win lonn you sums from $10 to $100 on your note nt much rhrapei ami easier rates than elsewhere, of this we aro positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing deducted from amount desired Easiest partlnl payments. Rellablo Credit Co., room 303. Paxton Block. X-OH MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon tholr names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 410 Board Traue bldg. X-7II4 MONL loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-91S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horse, cows, Jewelry. Dult Green, R 8, Barker blk, X-fl9 SALARY loans at reduced rotcn. Omaha Credit Co., 526 New York Llfo Bldg. X-320 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 2S strictly lawful (nickel) slot muchlnes for drinks, cigars or cash: will earn $2 nnd upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y-920 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement nnd carriage business la south central Ne braska. For further particulars address Box 603, West Liberty, lu. Y -M731 PLACE your COLLKCTIONSnnd LEGAL matters with New Snow-Church Co., 401 405 N. Y. L Omaha. Associate attorneys everywhere. Y S10 24 MILK DAIRY for salo or trade for farm. Joseph Bulanck, South 61st and Bancroft. Y-S21-2I FOR SALE, my entire line of dry goods and groceries nmountlng to about Jo.000 In a good, lively town, doing a good bustnes""; reason for selling, don't like Indoor work, Address J 64, Beo. Y M8'!9 2S WANTED, lady of highest respectability will pay $100 tor assistance In organizing company In Omaha; ordinary women please do not answer. K I, Bee ofllce. Y MSSI 20 WANTED, phyalclan of ability to locate In iiui.iiiK iumii ouu wnu ih good hnblts and had cxjer! J. F. Green, Osmond, Neb. inriviug lown; ono wno is congenial, oi liericnce. Address Y-M8S8 21 BAKERY for snlo; only bakeryin city of 2.000'lnhabltants: rent. $23 per month, For particulars address T. K. Allen, Qdeboll, lown. Y MRUS 21' EXPERIENCED young nttorney desires to form connection with older Inwyer or real estato man; will bring some huxlneps, work and bo useful; dellnltn compensa tion not expected. Address J cti. lli-p Y 900 21 $30.00 TO $100.00 per week to a good man. wo want a capanie ana energetic man to repreromt us In evnry state of the union; you mny bo Just thr. man wo aro lookltu for. Wrlto at onco for full particulars. Tho International Savings Association, Sulto HOO, Majestic Building, Dofult, Mich. Y- WANTED, Independent telephone for every city ana town in jseorasKa. ino 1'iaiis mouth Telephone Co. will glvo nil In formation ns to cost of construction of telephono exchanges and toll lines. Will furnish plnus nnd specifications anil best mako apparatus, or will build and ooulp excunnges and toll lines oy contract. Ad dress all Inquiries to The Plattsmoutli Telephone Co., Plattsmoutli, Neb. Y- INVESTIOATE our plan for Investing in oil Btocks; failures impossible under our system. Ono man Invested $12.60 per month for eight months nnd cleared $1,4"). Lima flolds tho greatest In the world, Best references. Union Oil Co,, Limn, o. Y FOR SALE Clean, general merchandise stock, town of 800, southwestern Iowa, Involco $7,600, turn stock threo to four times yearly, best location In town, chenp rent, only ono competitor nnd no com petition. Can reduco to $5,000 If nerts. sary. Cash deal, Reason for selling, sickness. Address, K 5, Omaha Beo, Y-9JI 24 COMPANIES financed and organized, stocks and bonds of nny meritorious com pany can bo guaranteed through us liv deposit of collateral security of strong financial Institutions, thus facilitating prompt sales nt par. All dono on commls. slon basis; no charge unless successful; charters secured from any state. General Commercial A Trading Co., 16 Brood 8t . New York. Y 93321 W'ANTED Responsible, wholesale firm wants ofllce manager at Omaha; si.r.no salary and largo percentage; $900 casli required; well secured. Position perma nent. Address, Manufacturers, 1333 Cherry, Philadelphia, Pa, Y 932 21 BOOK store and news stand, good location In Ida Grove. Ia.; $t,200 stock; must sell soon, account sickness; chenp for cash. Address Box 70, Ida Grove, Iowa. Y-.M974-26 INVEST In Oil; $60 will buy $600 dividend paying oil stock that will pay you $3 every month profit; send for particulars, Petroleum Producing Company, Akron, O, Y-907 24 FOR SALE, shoo storo nnd building In good location, cheap, Vt cash, $6,000. Address Box 655, Odebolt, Iowa. Y 9SS-24 FURNITURE of 7-room flat, flno location, completely equipped, full best class room ers: extra opportunity to mako money. J. if. Johnson, 841 N. Y. Life. Y-M155 FURNITURE of 42 rooms, elegantly and completely equipped, full of flrst-cas roomers nnd boarders; nn better location In city If you want a paying buslnesi Invostlgnto this Immediately. J. If. John son, 841 N. Y. Llfo. Y-MI54 JUST like paying rent; $500 down, $100 each month thereafter until paid, buys 3. story brick modern hotel, 45 rooms; 5,200 In habitants, Campbell-Christian. York, Neb. Y -182 21 I .'Oft EXCHANGE. A FINE $83.00 Imported magic lantern, ns good as new, only used a ahort time; suit able for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; a barguln. Address F 63, Hee ofllce. H 173 WILL trade stoves and furniture for norse. 601 N. 16th st. 7.-M7S2 Marl.) WANTED, Nebraska fnrm for stocks and Htocks for farms, Nebraska Land and Loan Co., Columbus, Nob. Z-971-24 WANTED, stock of shoes for Chicago prop. erty ana fxenrasKa lana. uan pay tnitin cash If necessary. Address A. Goodrich. Si 13 24 Houut umauB, i