THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: STXDAY. FEBITCAHY 24. 1901. 21 I C0D1TI0X OF OMAHA'S TRADE Volume of Business Very EatuJictory for This Besson of the iter. MARKETS REMAIN FIRM IN ALL LINES Jobber Looking; for l.ntcc Attend micf if Ilujer Thin Ciimliic WrtU mid Purtlcularl j of Milliner. Considering that thin Ik one of th quietest , , i , I i u In tin. tin n liuini utiiiuH liatm ilatik ... mil ,wi jwtim d j u very satisfactory amount of business dur- j lnp the lost week Sales In mort depart-' merit are considerably heavier than last j year and an a result there If vary MtUe to ' complain of regarding the way buBln-w 1b going. The outlook for the future 1 also , more encouraging than ever before und both Jobbers und retailer feci that this in to be the most sjcceesful year they have : ever experienced unless something unex pected should happen to change the attua- ... at... . .... .....I.......!., r .... , -l.t i JllV ui uiu muni IlllllUVttWHJ In present conditions Is the difficulty being experienced by Jobbers to cot supplies from manufacturers. According to i' reports factories are behind with their orders end new business Is cotnltic In so rapidly that there does not seem to be much prospect of their catchltic up for some time to pome, in most cases local Jobbers are well supplied. ho that they are not experiencing uny great inconvenience, but whether or not they will be able to eel the roods fast enough a little later on Is rather uncertain. Implement deaJer Just at present nrr In the worm position, as they are being forced to chip Incomplete carloads, because borne of their lines have not arrived. In view of the immense consuming de mand all over the country there doe no! seem to be much prospect of lower prices for some time to come Those best posted on the situation are n-' tifrurlnR on i ny very radical advances, but st the same lime 'hey are counting on present prices being held pood and firm. A Few Advance. In Groceries, The grocery market as a wh -le is vrrv much the same us It was a week ngo, lut at the same time a few fluctuations hnve taken place which are worthy of mention. There Is nothing new In coffee, as prlcus re main practically the same. Receipts con tinue heavy at all ports and as a result lilghor prices ore not looked for Locail.v there Is a good consuming demand. Sugar Is also in the same position It was a week aco, as retards both raws and refined. The demand Is a little light, ns Is very upt to be the case at this season of the year. In canned goods there Is little if any chancy, with tho exception or the antici pated advance in oysters, ns a result of the storms In Chesapeake liny The dredging season will soon come tn n close, which may leave some puckers short on their sup piles and for that reason higher prices would cause no surprise. In farinaceous poods the most Important change is the sharp advance in oatmeal, amounting to 40 cents und DO cents u barrel. C use poods are also higher, quotations now being from SO cent to 50 cents per case higher than they were ut Inst report The advance Is explained by saying that .the mills have been losing money at the former prices und they put forth the claim that even at the udvanced prices there Is only a small margin or profit over the nctual cost lT fltu wniir a. All ..,1 a . V" e-"v,n. - uiiit-j linen ox lurinacoou , goods remain the same, with the exception 1 of beans, which are being held at good. I firm prices und higher quotations are being! talked of In the dried fruit line cvuporatod peaches have been going into consumption quite rapidly of late and as u result certain I grades ore being held from 4 cent to cent turner mi thi nimut ,.,.. . ... ago. Raisins, on the other hand, are a trifle easier and the sumo mny be said of some sizes of prunes. Regarding tho condition of trade Jobbers su they are selling more goods now than they were a yur ago and not onlv nre the number of orders increasing ut a rupld rate each day. but that the slr.e is ulso showing Improvement The prospects for future trade are thought to be exceptionally flot- I.Tm.".',? Bay thut truo wlth them . .x ery acve Just at Uie present time, ,B-.a Bort of etween-Heason period. rfl.'i1'. tl,nB of ypar- however, there is r .!? "'ovcmnt and sole nre running ?.atl corresponding month of Jast Jrr;.- "he demand for tools Is quite a f.tur the trade and for that reason imnUn,nrfer,?.VVU,,F " Immense amount of builders' muterlals a little later l-,:!1- fi'1"?" . 'h.ttre ulso expecting to S?e I in '.,,ftlX2a, 1 clttK!,p of'harJwarS vfioiin .lLu,laln.c; a,lfl ,n fact "'ere is no lino which they think will not move freely Lumbermen say that they never saw a swing when the outlook for tfade with lnrtm.waa'' c''o"l'P as It Is this spring that theVe-niT"" ,0. W ,,ut "'' ''""'t vV'i-i erewl11 be an Immense amount or this' m'&ke" VCr thM C0Untrj" tr'"K o Orders Tor spring lines ure beglnnlnir to . arrive but It Is still too early t expect traveling men1 reports, though there will m.. ''P' tn' n thai t la or go ods a 1J.tii.I'it,'r ,m' J','- are beglnn ng to get worried over the prosi.oct of a shortage of goods. Monuructuren; ure not fllhng ther orders prompUy and if they do no do t e I "r '".U " '"ture there will probably he tlot. that there is no ortu., ty for'Towe j prices to rule for some time to come Job 1 irVJ'tt"''! u HtronB- '"alt)?v act? vo market wltiiout itaiy very radical cliuilges Store Iluyer Arriving. .I?Jf.M!?g ,Bay that nmre buyers have nersnorKSa1 S.lSTl.h'X t!h?arrlvlHrfl(oS settled weather there'wIU be a'ru-shr bSy! ,J .0erx,red"0mbrgkf "S SpSio lhfsCe0oUnK,,t ,0 ,,e fU" of '"msCCrrmr There is nothing new to be said reirnrrtin J'.'Tv. rhlch considered " good Tlnd ca tion that present values nre on a good firm ind?iU'.n-...Minufu""'r" a?e ven- ;-ontm Rood Trode in l,entl,er Roods. hunissnt5,0'' Jl,ll,,ers are doing quite a ve-v , Si lhe J,r,!f,ent Ume and seem to t nsunerSSH2? ruCgrorxom;Virdna.sqomre " "w f The belief seems & i ! . , for nixt that rubber goods Tale cf?'? water mark and that Yii. t,lf' 1(IW e in the dlrcf.ol ' or tt,Vr nouses are'UtVn feworuer's ,0Cal Trults und l'roduee. Frtllt and produce men report trude as moving ulnng ut a good, steady gait There have not lxen inuny radical e,ange In prices, but still a few nuctuat ion, hai? taken place during the week. App'es for Bit,''r,l, h'P"" CTanberVles' ire lower Oranges are also quoted a little lower than they hove ln and oSlv the seedlings and nuvels are being offered Ktrawlierrle from Florida are now on the n,T1",t K,ld hM at 4,1 cents per quart There have been no changes In vegetanles Importance Hotliouse cucumberi are on : mvu ui i.iK"4f-uu ier uozen according tn size ' tTHe f.BS martat a trifle lilgher. owlnK ..,lf,l,?.r r,cel!?t8 and a fairly good de mand. Poultry has also firmed up jor the same reason, as the quotations will fciiow. .e nB '.T''","0 cttB in the prices on Ash, though the demand has Improved sin4 M',f. .clnnlnp. ,Lt The supply Is i urtl UA nVVt ""aiuls "i tUe present ?, .,t,J'tl,BrH are ulso quoted the same as i ..ia,t .r,,,'ST.U al,'"UR Uiey are hlch-r in hn . almost put a stop to dri-dclng " ano i S u r.ruit the supply is rather short .... """""Lee liralu Market, MIIAVAl'KEIi. Feb 2! WH1SAT -'WJV 1 ,,,,rU,"r"' "6-: -v r noT?hern. it VIC Higher. No 1. miG3Vr 4tLl!V-S,"Uy; - c; sample. Mlnneapoll. lient. Flour nnd llrnu. MINNLAIHil.lB Feb 2S W IILAT-. 'ukP .41., Muy, 74m4 , JulJ, 70hjt:-;,v ir trak No 1 hard. T(k , No. 1 northern T4 . Nn 1 northern C8Vtr7v FLoCR-Acme. nrKt pa'.ent HIKMV. second patents, tt.aatrtOO, firm learn. ft-Mfe S ', second clear. tl.9002 (' BRAN-In bulk. $12.2412.50 OMAHA Wll OLIISALD HARKCTS. Conditions of Trnde and limitations on Staple nod Tuner Produce. EOGS Receipts increasing; good stock UVE J'OULTRY - Hens. Ic. roung, ftaggy and old rooster. MTCr. dueks, CH flTc; geese. 0S7c. turkeys. TJfTVsa FRESH DftEBSfcD I'Ol'LTItV-Hens, 8cj roosters, 4Cc, ducks, gHrc, geese. $itpc; turkeys. ScSlOc OAMD Mallard ducks, per doz.. 0t9 8.50: teal. ILSOtrl 75; mixed. U.Kxan.Tu; lack rubtiit. cottontails. WI ft Bl.'TTER Common to fair, 15c; choice. lyuHi, separator. FRESH OYSTERS First grade, solid packed. New Tork ""tints, per can, jSc. ex tra selects, tec, standards. 3c, medium, Sc Second grade slack filled. New York counts, per can, 3(ic. extra selects, 2Cc; standards, 26c, bulk etensards, iier gal., TROZEN FRESH FISH-Bl.ick bttfs. 10c; while bass, 10c. hluellsK 11c; bullheads, 10c; lue fins, ,c, catllsh. lie; coc. ! . croptile, 10c, cisooes. 8c, halibut, 11c. herring. 4tf fie, haddock. e: mackerel. Stic, perch, mf It; pickerel, 7e. pike, he; reo snapper. lOr, salmon. 14c; sunflsh, tc, smelts, inc. trout. Ittc, whltetlsh. kc. I'lOBONS Live. pr doz., n. VITALS "Choice, SfllOc. HAV I'rlce quoted by Omaha Wholesale illi Jealers' association: Choice upland, XS.B6: No. 1 upland. J8; medium, :.: ooarne. 7 Rye mraw. $5.60. These prices are for hay of good color and auailt). IVmiJid fair No choice hny on the market Re ceipts. 2 cars. OATS NO. S white, I7c CORN No. 3, S2c BRAN $74.50. VEGETABLES SPINACH I'er bu. box, a0c8.O0 CUCUMBERS Hot house, per doz., $1,603 2.00. us to size. PARSNIPS-I'er bu., 60e. TURNIPS Par bu basket. 40c. BEETS-Pcr bu.. 40c CARROTS Per bu.. 41. LETTUCE Per hit. 40SA-.C RADISHIi-I'cr doz.. :. I'ARSLEY Per doz., 3Sc POTATOES Per bu., 5oeTiC. Idaho, per bu., S'ic SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl., $:. CABBAOE Holland seed, lV.2c. TOMATOES California, ir C-basket crute, J4.hf ONIONS Native, per liu.. $1; Colorado jotlow, per lb.. ZUc. CELERY-Callforiila. us to size, DOtfTTSc; Kulainuzoo, 'JtitZ: CAULIFLOWER-Cullfornla, per crate, $3 BEANS Wax, per bu., $3.50; string, per bu.. $3.2.'. EGO PLANTS Per bu. box. $3. rEFPERR Per bu box. $2.50. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per qt.. 40c. GRAPES Malaga, per iteg, JC5O0S.OO. Ai'PLES Per bbl.. H; Wnshlngton, per bu box, tl.fin CRANBERRIES Bell anil Ruz'-e. $ per bill ; Jerseys, per bbl.. JS.Ni. per crate, $3.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Calllornla seedlings, XZ.yQ $2.2f; navels, $2 7.VrfS.2.'i. LEMONS California, extra fancy, $3.26; choice, K 75 BANANAS Per bunch, according to ulze, $2.0U2.50 FIGS California new cartons, 75c; luy ers. ITc, Imported, per lb.. 132T1&C. DATES Persian, in Co-lb. boxes, Sulrs, f per lb., Halloween. DVsc :or lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES No 1 preen, Cc, No. 2 grein, ?c; No. 1 suited, 7c; No. 2 salted, tic; No. 1 veal calf. & to 12 lbs., he. No. 2 tul calf, l: to IK lbB., Go; dry hides. Sfo'lUc; aheep pelts, 250 7ik , horse hides. $l.hOjf2.25. NUTS English walnuts, per lb.. 13c: fil berts, per lb. 13c, almonds, per lb.. 18ff2Uc; ruw peanuts, per lb., ilft'jc; roasted, UH-tT 7Vsc; Brazils, 13c. pecans, Ju12c ; cocoanuts. ucn 4"-t' SWEET CIDER Per bbl.. $4.50; per , bbl.. $2 75. HONEY Colorado, per 24-section case, $4. St. Lotil nil n nnd Provision. ST. LOUIS. Feb. a.-WnnAT-IIIghcr; No. 2 red cosh, elevutor. 73bC. track. 7&S TUdc, May, 74MfT4isC . July, 73c, No. 2 hard, 71kfr72c, receipts, 7O.M0 bushels. CORN Higher, No. 2 cusli, 30c; truck, anjKc, Muy. 3.iu.c; July. SUbc OATS Higher, No. 2 cush, Hsc; truck, 2f.Jia27c, Muy, 2Cijc; July, 25tjc; No. 2 white. 2Si,c. RYE Steady at 52c. FLOUR Firm hut quiet; patents, $3.n53 2.75. extra fancy und strulght. $3.2c8'2.40; clear, $2.7Mi2.90: low grades, $2.205. SEEDS Timothy, in fair demund, and steady, average receipts, S4.2TH4.4U, prime worth $4.55. Flux, higher ut J1.C2. CORNMEAL Steady ut $2.05. BRAN Scarce; sacked, east track. 7.W75o. HAY Timothy, strong ut 8.r& 12.00; prutrle. dull ut $7.5010.O0. WHISKY-Kteady nt $1.27. IRON COTTONTIES $1.20. HEMP TW1NE9C. RAOOIN 07574. C PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing. $14.50. Lard, lower at $7.22.. Dry rait meats, firmer; boxed lots, extra shorts, S7.12H, clear ribs. $7.25; clear sides, $7.S7is. Bacon, firmer; boxed lots, extra shorts, $7.K7V; clear ribs. $8,124; clear sides. $i.25. METALS Lend, steady ut $4.22H. Siielter, I'OULTRY Steady, chickens. 74r7Hc; tur-kej-s. OWjniic; ducks, He; geese, G$fie. BUTTER Steady; creamery. lGS22'c; dairj. 13S"17c. EGGS Higher at 16e. steady ut $3.K.'ts RECEIPTS Flour. K.0O0 bbls. : wheat, 72. 000 bu ; corn. 1D3.000 bu.; oats, 73.IKIO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 9.000 bbls.; wheat, 53,000 bu. ; corn. 100,000 bu. ; oats, 31.(100 bu. Liverpool Grain mid Provlslonn. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 23 WHEAT-Spot. dull. No. 1 California. Cs2d; No. 2 rd western winter, Sslld; No. 1 northern spring. n.2Hid Futures, firm; March, Dsliud. Muy. CBd, CORN Spot Amerlran mixed, new. stendy. SsHB.d. American mixed, old, quiet, SslHud. Futures, steady; March, Usl'd; May. 3s!)S.d; July. 3sl0d. PEAS Canndiun, quiet. 3s 41id. HOPS At London (Pnciflc coast), 4 15s. FLOUR Steady; St Louis fancy winter. Bs r.d. PROVISIONS Beef, extra India mess, easy. 01s. Pork, prime mess western, easy, 03s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 1C lbK.. steady, 44s, Lard, prime western, In tierces, quiet, 2&sba; American rennen in jiiuib, steuav. 89s 3d. Bucon, steady; Cumberland out, 2C to .id lot,.. ijtia; snort rius. ji, to z Ins., 41s 9d; long clear middles, light, 2d to 34 lbs,. 41s Gd; long clear middles, heavy, 40s; short cleur backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 38s 3d: clear bellies, 14 to 1G lbs., 43s Gd Shoulders, nqnare. 11 to IS lbs., mendy, 3Gs 9d. BUTTER Finest United States, dull. )s; good United States, easy TiK CHEESE Uulet ; American finest white. 50k; Amerlran iinest colored, fils. TALLOW Prime city, quiet, 2fis3d: Aus tralian, in London, easy, 27h. ICminaB City Rrnlu und Provision. KANSAS' CITY. Feb. 23. WH E AT M n y . irrtvc. cush. No. 2 hard. CSft70c, No 3. G7VC CKr, No. 2 red. 7173c; No. S, fifitrtOc. CORN No. 2 mixed. 3GH4f3CJc; No. ? white. STViC; No 3. 27c May. 3Sc. OATS-No. 2 white. 27VifiSSc. RYE No 2. 4ftc HAY Choice timothy, $10.60: choice prulrle Ih.509 00. BUTTER Creamery, 17r20e-. dairy, fancy. JGc. EGGS Hlghor: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock. 16c dozen, loss oft. cases re turned, new while wood cusos lncludad, VjC more. RECEIPTS Wheat. 113,G'K) bu : corn. Bi 400 bu ; nats. 12.0W bu SHII'MENTS Whent. 5I..400 Int.: corn. ll, 40o bu., ontB, liu Wool Mnrket. ST LOl'IS. Feb. 3 -WOOI-Dul' and easy; medium grades. 12i91e; light fine, 124T 15c. heavy tine, 10812c; tub wushed, ISS "7Wc " NEW YORK, Feb, 23-WOOL Dull . do mestic fleece. 24ifi2tic, Texas, lS17c LONDON. Feb, 23.-WOOL Business in wool during the week wns steudv with a fair quantity tuken. HolderB were firm. Tho urrlvals to date for the third series amount to 6.259 balnu The imports during the week were- New South Wnles. 3,111! bales; Melbourne 7.G07 bales: South Austruliu 179 bales, Fremantl'.e. 342 bnles; Cnpe of Gooa 31oie und Natul. 2.189 bales; Singapore. 1S5 bales, elsewhere, 7S1 bulek. IMillndetrhin llntler. Fuc anil Clnee, PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 23. BUTTER Flrm .co"d "eraund. fancy western cream ery. 2Sc fancv western prints, 24c, fancy nearbv prints. 25c. EGGS Steudy. fresh nearby. 19c; fresh western, 19r, fresh southwestern, 19c, fresh southern 17c CHEESE-Steady; New- York full creams, Juiicy. smull. lW,c. New York full creams, lair to choice, lOWfniV Toledo ; nil 11 uml Seed. TOLEDri Feb. 2S.-WHEAT-Dull and higher, ciu.h 79ue, May, BVjc: July. TUVs-c CORN - MiHlerutely nctlve and higher oush. 41V Muy. 42e; Jul. 41V OATS Little doing nnd steudy. cush 2Sc RYE Wac CLOVER SEK1 IJ jll and steady 1K prime., $0.35, March. 3G.D5, t Teorlu Market. PBOIUA, Feb 21. CORK-Steadr, No. 2. 3Sc OATS-Firm. No 2 white. 27.e truck, rw bl'ler' through wniPKY-On tile busts of $1.27 for tlllUllvU gu'jjs, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Euainiu in Wheit Not Cocipioucns, but Toce of Market is Firm. CORN RULES STRONG ON COVERING Ont Hull ISnrl). but strong l.nter mid Some l.cfnc" Come Out on Ailt uner -ProvlsloiiN (iulrt, but Setitltuent CHICAGO, Fob. 22 Wheat and corn were moderately active -today and closed strong, the former rrc higher an the latter S r Improved, oats closed WVWc up and provisions were unchanged to lot lilgher Business In wheat was not of a conspicu ous character, but the tone of the market was llrm. A prominent elevator concern formed the chief BUptiort. taking In ab'iut 500.000 bu of May May opened h9$v lilgher at 7Gt to 70c. influenced mostly by the steadiness of the lJvenol market. Sympathy with corn helped the market later and Muy touched 7CHc and closed -ktf He higher at TOWlfWuc With the rank and file sentiment uveraged bearish, but there was little dune in the way of backing LP their ideas, portly because they had ' evened up" and did not care to ussume u decided attitude, whlrh. of course, could not be defended tomorrow. There was little BUtlBfuctlou In calculating the value of the receipts, un In mosU coses they were tor two days. The export nltuatlon apparently was as bearish us ever, for with ocean freight ulmost nothing, compured with u few months ago, exporters hud but one load to report taken for foreign shipment. Seaboard clearances in wheat und flour were equal to 317,ouo bu. Primary receipts were 8il.Uk by , compared with n07.0oo tm. lust year. Minneapolis und Duluth reported CM cars, against 411 :ust week and 037 a voar ago. Local receipts were fort -two ears, two of contract grade. Argentine shipments, according to Board of Trade figures, were 1.032.0O0 bu. last week It was announced that some of the Minneapolis mills will re sume work Mondav Corn ruled strong on covering. The le celpts, 470 cars, furnished eleven cars or cotitruct grade, which was quite an Im provement on the showing thut lias been made for some months. What Influence this hud, however, was expended ut the opening, which was a shade lower to Ktc higher for May at 40c to 41c. A fair commission house demand met with light o..orlngs, under which the market held steady for some time Townrd the end of the session buying by shorts caused a sharp bulge to 41Sc, and the close was strong, 6c higher ut 41VjC Outs were dull early, but nctlve and llrm later in symjiatby with corn. Some long pats came on the advance, but the market had good support. May sold between 254U T'S-a"a 5,f-',;c atld ""'"fed flc higher H."'1?. lhe receipts were SIT curr Provisions w-i re extremely dull. Mav pork opened at H4.0.U, and went to $l4.i;u on just Jw-o trades Sentiment, however, wa bull ish because or the light hog receipts and In sympathy witn corn. May pork closed iOc higher at $14.10, May lord unrhangd ut $.X2it and Muy ribs be up at $7.12ts,. Estimated receipts Mondav. Whent 75 4UUono head' CUr"' atS' 410 CnrF; hoB"' The leading futurrs ranged as follows' Articles ; Open. High ' Low. Close. 'Thurs Wheat Feb. Mar. May I'nrn Feb. Mar. Maj Oats Feb. May Pork Feb. May July Rlbf Feb. May Sept. ' j4N 74Vi'74W8-Uj 73'?:i 74-U TOCWil 39J""mT. 39 4lC4l! 41 491 411 lOSTTi I 2jii,!23V4 1i ftfl 1 in on 14 071 J4 17hl 14 07H! 14 16 14 tC ' -VAi-f' -Vi-I " 4TlS 'H 7 521,1 7 5r, I 7 niu 7 7 I- i 1 1 7 071,: 7 C24 1 7 OTi-il 7 J2W 7 07U 7 12U 7 17U , T 20 I 7 23 7 20 1 7 25 " 7 20 No. 2. Cash otiotatlonB were us follows: FLOUR Quiet; winter putents. K.fiO32.R0; straights, $3.2iVffS BO; clears, $2.2.30; spring specials. $4.2llTi4.30; patentB. $3.5033.70; strulghts $3.Ki(3.30; bakers. S2 204r2.50. WHEAT No. 3 Bpring. CTtsi-c; No. .2 red. 75iic. CORN No. 2, 40c; No. 2 yellow, 40c OATS-No. 2, 25j'x(2GV.c. No. 2 white, 2SVi Jf2!ic: No. S white, 27'4'i2Suc RYE No 2. 62c BARLEY Good feeding, 4Sfi49c; fair to choice malting. &04I5GC SEEDS No. 1 flax. S1.C2; No. 1 northwest, eru, $1.05: prime timothy, $4.40; clover, con tract grude, $11. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $14.0Off 14.05. Lard, per lou lbs.. $7 477.50. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.00fn.25. Dry salted shoulders (boxed 1. SG23r&.50. Short cleur sides (boxed). $7.4OIf7.G0. WHISKY-BobIs of high wines, $1.27. The following were the reeclpts and ship ments: Flour Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, bbls M.OOO 02.000 Wheat, bu iir,.nwi nnT, hn irr." out "is nm ! OatB. bu C79.0im 252.000 Rye. bu 10.000 G.OOO Barley, bu 7S,0"0 19,000 On' the Produce exchange today the but ter market wub nctlve; creameries, 14r22?c. dulrles. lOiTlSc Cheese quiet, lOVeilc Eggs, strong; fresh, 17L-'&1&c XEW YORK GCNEHAL MARKET Quotation of the Pay on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Feb. 23.-FLOUR-Recelpts, 27,839 bblB. ; exports, 7.205 bbls.. quiet but steady, winter straights, $3.4iV&S.60; Minnesota putents, $4 103N.3?- Minnesota bakers, $3.00Jf3.35; wlntor patents, M.fZQ 4.00; winter .extras. $2.502.85; winter low grndeB. $2.43a2.fi0. Rye flour, quiet, (air to good, $2.803.16; choice to fancy. $3.253.r0 Buckwheat flour, quiet at $2.lu2.15. Bl CKWHISAI-UUU Ut 0USJ02C, C i r New York CORNMEAL Dul! : yellow western, 90c clly. lc. Brand ywine. $2.402.45. RYE Quiet, No. 2 western, Glc, f. o b afloat, state. 5GU67c, c i i. cnrlnts BARLEY Quiet : feeding. 4W&G1C, c 1 f New York molting, 603e5c BARLEY MALT Dull . westrrn. G5f72c WHEAT Receipts, 94,100 bu. ; exports. 24.071 bu Spot, dull but llrm; No. 2 red, Kl OSHwC f. n. b.. aflont. No. 2, 79c. elcx-ator. No. northern Duluth. f?ic. t. o. b. afloat No. 1 hard Duluth. fll'S.c, f. o. b , ufloat Options oiK'tied firm but quiet and ruled Blow, with only local trading In the ab sence of new features beyond the smaller Arcentlne shipments and the llciit rim r.r northwest receipts. Price rallied slightly I on locul covering, with the close steady ut a net advance of .iffc Murch. 70Vtt Vc; closed. 79V. May. SOfe'sOc. closed. h0c; July closed. "9s.c CORN Receipts, lfif.,725 liu ; exports. ivT -793 bu. Spot, quiet and steady . No 2. 49c. elevator, and 4SWc. f o. h.. afloat. Options ! dull. Hhudo Btcodler on continued rinnrrrnrt. I lng of receipts and covering notwithstand ing poor cobles. Closed steady, VBhc net higher. March closed. 4S4c: Muy, 4G-8 4Cc; rioted. 4fftc. July closed. (iVnC. OATS Receipts. Ul.lsK) bu , exports, 6 ISCi bu. Spot. dull. No 2. 31r. No. 3, 30r; No. 2 white, 33c; No 3 white. 32Uc, truck mixed western, 30fi'31Vjc, tiuck white, 'SlWa. Options, dull und nominal. HAY Steady , shipping. TTt-ftsoc; good to choice. 9J-.95c. HOI'S Quiet; state, common to choice 19U0 crop, 172c; lR9ft, lhjnfir. old olds. 2a f,c, 1'i.clflc coast. 1900 crop. 17att9e; 1K)9 lift 16c. old olds 2ifrGc " HIDES-Firm. Galveston. 20 to 25 lbi lKH4fl9c. Cuili .rnla. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texai dry 24 to :i'l 1 ir . J5r LEATHER Steady, hemlock sole, Buenos Ajres. light to huakywelghts. 2442oc; ucii! TALLOW Quiet , citv (C per pkg 4ic; country (pkgs frvei 4?i5V,c '-. PROVISIONS Beer, rteaoy; family. $11. IX) 11.50, mers. $S.5aD0i beef hums fls Eoff 10.00, parM't. $9,50010 60, extra IndU mers SU.UOlG.0U. Cut meuts. steudv: pickled bel lies, ST e2feflfl.6l); pickled siioulders. $G.ri4f G. 25, pickled hams. $9.0OS9.26 Lard, steady western steamed, $7.S0, refined, quiet; con tinent, $T.95; South Americu, ST.T5. com pound. $.1.6006.021-, Pork, e'endv; family tl5.tKvffl5.60, Bhnrt clear, S14.T5STC.i0: mesi" $14.00jri4.T5. RICE Steadj , domestic, fair to extra, ST (SOt .iHtiutt 4.dlr BUTTER Receipt 6,211 pkgs.; firm, fresh creumery, ItifrSSr, June creamery 15 Sue; fnctory. lisnr.r. Receipts fo' the week uggregate 31,S2D pkg.. und Kliipmintt, H. 300 likgs. CHEESE RecelptR, 2 7K2 pkgs; r,ul-t. fancy large, ctilorert and white. liMfflHtc. fancy small, colorod. 12Vc. white, 12c. Re ceipts for the week amounted to IIJCI boxes and shipment 11.2S0 boxes. DGGS-Reeeiptk 10J3! pkgs.. steady; western, at mark. lS"-r, southern, nt murk, lhe. POTATOES Stead v. Jersey. $1.2&1 75, New York. SI &oSn Tl. Lone Isiand. $l.WO I. K-U ,lerey rweets $) T.ifK 5C PEANUTS- Stead funcv hand-picked 4ufi' other donu u-1'OL'LTRY-AlHe, uteaU , fowls, 19V Dresfed. dull and weak ttirkrs "SllSC ' roosting f'hlekens OiflOr fowls K4"-c METALS The local metal market nsMe from continued fair ncttvln and stabintv in tin, was a small affair If the ubsei-e I of information rrom abroRd traders were lnelined to do business at preiioue prices rather than to anticipate the advices to be 1 received on Monday Prices throughout I l. - . , . . . ..1 rnl.. Ktiai.v, spelter. $3.D74fc4.!ts . copper $17 for Lake Superior and $16 G24 for cast ing and electrolytic, pig iron warrants. $9.50010.50, northern foundry. Slu.n0rrric.S0. southern foundr. $14.R0g16 soft south em, $l.lMfn6.76. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Teb. 2J Considerably higher prices were reached in cotton today. The market opened firm and 3rf7 jmlnts higher on active buying for both accounts W'ork was strong In favor of bull specula tion. The most potent factor was n better rrom nearl all quarters The influence st ruling or tlie Enpltsh market urter the holi day than expected At the time of our opening Liverpool was fully 2 points higher than was figured to be a fair response to Thursday's rise here The bullish cables were accompanied bv generous sized buying orders, chiefly Mny and July Malms that southern markets were nS-lGr higher on Improved demand for export and domestic account, together with more cheerful cloth trude news, swept away props of bear conh dence and led to a hasty further recoil. The wave or buying curried Muy to 9 lhe and July to 0.17c uhereurter mure or less ir regularity was noted due to tight flurries of profit taking. For a Saturday trading was active und speculation as a whole wo healthy Sentiment in local circles was somewhat mixed after the first hour, the pit recognlzttiK the fact that the market hud a 25-polnt reaction from the recent break und thut the weak shorts were well weeded out Yet conditions were bulllBh beyond question, serving to nrrest selling from de cline The market closed barely steady at 9 points higher to 4 points lower, having eased off in the lust minutes under rea lizing. Spot closed steady and 1-lGc higher, middling uplands. 9Hc. middling gulf, i'Sc, sales. 2.120 bales. Futures closed barely i steady. February. 9.01c. Marrh. 9.03c, April. I 9 05c. May., June 9.0Ht July. 9.11r; , August, S.Tftc. September. 8.30c, Ortober. t.Citr , November. 7 imc , December. T 95c , LIVERPOOL, I eb. 23 - COTTON - Spot. I quiet und -id higher, American middling fulr, D2i-32d. good middling, ivd. middling. 611-32d. low middling. 6 5-32d, good ordinary, 4 2S-32d; ordinary. 42 13-22d, sales. COW littles, of which 5i0 were for speculation and ex port und included t.Too American, receipts. 2.000 bales, lnrludlng J.iW American Fu ture opened and closed dull American middling 1 m c . February. 5 ls-filtji HMVid. I sellers, February and Murch. 6 lR-rrifi 16 lB-Wd, sellers. March und April. 614-04p r,15-G4d. sellers. Anrll and Mav. 613-04(1. vulue. Msy and June. 612-Cid. sellers. June and July, tlo-GId, buyers; July und Au gust, 6 (-64d, buyers ; August und Septem ber, 4 6f-G4d, sellars; September. 4 60-B4d, sell ers, Octoler, g. o c. 4 3)-G44 39-Md. nom inal; October und November, g o. c . 4 21-64 $4 32-f-id. tiomlnn.. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 3 -COTTON-Steady : middling. !-nC. receipts. 630 boles, ship ments, I.1SS bales, stock, 73.3C2 bales. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Feb. 23.-COFrEE Futures started steady In tone, with prices un changed to 15 points higher, and after the cull showed marked animation, with the feeling for covering foreign buying. The eesslon was very llvelj Spot showed fur ther Improvement. Sentiment at the close was very bullish, when "copper' Interests were strong buyers. The market was finally steadied, with prices net unchanged to 15 points higher Total sales were 42.250 bugs. Including March at G.15fi.2fir April. G.2oc, May. G.20C. June, G.20fl0.2.ic, Ju'y. C.20SG.2.'.c, August. Cllc, -September. C.2llC.2.'iC ; Octo ber. G.205rG.2Tc, November, G.25c, December. G.35c, January, G 4iciiC.4rK. Spot. Rio. steudy, No. 7. Invoice, 7c. Mild, quiet, ijordovu, fcrhc. Oil Murket. NEW YORK. Feb 23. OILS-Llnseed, steady; prime crude, 27c, prime yellow, 24c. retroleum, steady; refined. New York. $7.95. Philadelphia und Baltimore, S7.9, refined In bulk. $5.95. Rusln. quiet: strultiRd, common to good, $l.G.i. Turpentine, steudy nt 41b &12c LONDON. Feb. 23. OILS Linseed. 23s Pd; turpentine spirits. 2Ss lDfed. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 23. OILS-Rosln. com mon, steady at 4Vs 4d. petroleum.' refined, quiet at 7Vd; linseed, dull ut 2Gs Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 23 DRY GOODS The dry goods market closed the week quietly In all departments of both cotton und woolen goods, The orders coming forward are still for rmall quantities as u rule, with little disposition to go ahead of well ascertained requirements. Print cloths ore dull. Ameri can cotton yards ure lnuctlvc and still tending downwards. Woolen and worsted yarns are dull and irregular. Linen yarns are strong in tone. Evaporated and Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, Feb, 22. EVAPORATED APPLES Ruled rather quiet but ubout steudy ut unchunged prices, state, -common, 3i4rte; prime, 4c; choice, BMTGc: fancy. &Jr7c , CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Were Inactive. PruneH, nomlrmlly quoted at SWc per lb.,, us to 'size and quality. Apri cots, Royal. TSlSc, Moor Park. SVifrlSs. Peaches, peeled, 14JT1SC, unpeeled, Cgioc. Sugar Market. LONDON, Feb. 23. BEET SUGAR Feb ruary, 'is 2Vid. NEW YORK, Feb. 22. SUGAR Raw, steudy. refined, quiet, Zc: standard A, 6.30c, confectioners' A, &.3UC, mould A. 6.86c; cut loot, Gc, crushed, Gc; powdered. 6.60c; granulated. 6.50e. culves. 6.T5c Molasses, quiet. New Orleans, opsn kettle, good to choice, 2249c. Weekly Hank Statement. NEW YORK. Feb 23 The weekly state ment of averugeF or the associated banks shows. Loans. $911.B00.9oO; decrease, $2,S82. 10U. depoults. S1.0O9.18C, decrease. $:.142.109. circulation. $31,210,000. increase, SGG.400; legal tenders. $T3,890,100; Increase. S1.4U.S00, specie, $192,913,300; decrease, $260,100; reserve, in crease $1,694,275, suprlus bank reserve In excess or legal requirements or February 1C. $14,546,675. The Financier says The changes in tho New York bank state ment for the current week are not us strik ing us those which have been noted for a month or bo previous, although the exhibit is important In lu revelation of a possible consummation of the Important financial deals thut have distinguished the opening months or the current j'ear The state ment, In fact, covered only four dayB of the Stock exchange week, as Friday and Satur day were observed us holidays. The known movements of money compared rather closely with tth tallies or averages an nounced, specie having expanded $l,41B,8o0, while legals decreased $200,100. This, accom panied by n decrenie or over $2,000,000 In de posits, resulted In u guln of $1,094,225 in rurplus reserve, bringing that item up to $14,54G,G76. The falling off In deposits and In loans mark the first decreases that hnve been noted this year und are due probably tc liquidation that has been characteristic of stock market operations of late It can not be assumed, however, that the state ment will continue to show only unimpor tant fluctuations, lor pending deals of mnv. ultude may exert a decided Influence in the neur future. The position of the hnnks. in view or what has occurred lately, can only be described us strong The heavy remit tances rrom the Interior. If pust experience is a sufe guide, is over for the present. The early spring months ure usually murked by a decided decrease In the rush resources of the bunks. But for all that the immediate ruture, boxed nn normal conditions; does not Indicate higher money rates. Of course, if the banks are put to the strain of financing heavy trust plans, predictions as to money rutes must be re garded as the berth, but the successes of pending schemes will be assisted by a not ever firm market and to that extent, nt least, it Is safo to say no strimrenev is probable. The lonn and deposit Items of the cieunng nuuse institutions nave peon enor mously tnated since early in January, but despite the expenslon of liabilities the sur plus reserve Is wlthtn ST.OOO.OOO us high ns n year ago this, too, In the face of nn In crease of S1S2,000,0U0 of deposits and SIGG.OOO. WW of loans In tht same period Hunk Clearliicfc. OMAHA. Feb. 23. Clearings, $li71.07.l3; corresponding duy lust year. $1,220, Increase, $56,550.44 CHICAGO. Feb. 23. Clearings. $23,191,047. balances, $1.T20,91S; posted exchange, $4.S5f -4.(iK. New York exchange, 10c dltcount. ST LOUIS. Feb SI. Clearings. $7.2Ti,TT2; balances, $102,325; money, 6it; per rent; New York exchange, par bid. 10c premium CINCINNATI. Feb, 22 Clearing.. Si;. 798,G50; jnonry, StTi per cent. New York exchunire. nor. PHILADELPHIA, F h. 23,-Clearlngs, $ balances. $2,923.94!. BALTIMORE. Feb 23. Clearings, tl.326.. T30. balances. $5!C.25G. NEW YORK. Feb. 2T. -Clearings, S:,9.2fli, 084. balances, SlO.OK'.OfcG. BOSTON. Feb. a Clearings. $.1.5K.332: balances, Ji 965.S6S Forelgrn ritimioliil. LONDON Feb. 23 Cold premium are quoted us follow? lljriioc Ayres. 130; Mud rid. 37 lo. Rome irlf.. Spunlsh 4s. Tli,d. The amount of bullion taken tntn the Bunk of England on balance today was 13JKtj. PARIS. Feb. 23. Parquets weie firm on the bourst today. Spanish -ts Improved. Kaffirs were good. e.siK'cln'l Rands, on ru mors of tin fuvorHhir tone to the British regarding Gtneral Dewet's position At t)ie 1 lose some departments sllghtl reacted, but the market wus grnrru!? ptud Three per cent rentes, lOVjf, 40c lor the uccoant. 1 exchange on London. 25 f 22Vc for check. Spanish 4, 72.21'V , BERLIN Teh 2S -On the bourxe today Internationals were firm and there was a good investment in home . Locals flurtu- ated and r osed firm Amet leans were quiet , Ext liange on London. 4um 4RH pfgs London MoeU t notations. I LONDON. Feb. 3.-2 p. m.-C'.outug Cons., money do account 7u Erie 2ii 17 9-1G do 1st pfd m 67-i, Pennsylvania "C 1" Reading 1G Atchison Can. Puaflc St Paul Illinois Central Louisville U. 1'. preferred 1IWHNO. I'BClllC pfd R lS4i,Grand Trunk :M"'Annconda .. 1 on Rand Mines . 4flu MONEY 4 per cent Thu rnte .,f ill.. I tyuht In the open market for short trill I M. per cent, for three months' bill. SMr 3 1S-1G pe cent ew York Money Mnrket. I NEW YORK, Teb. 3 MONEY Prime I mercantile tmper. 3i.(JJ4S per cent , STERLING EXCHANGE Steudv . with actual luslnes In hankers' bills ut M.K7i for demand and U.Vt for sixty days: ; posted rotes, und J4.)S. cemmer 1 clal bills, 4.3i4'B4.!s3? I Coniiltloti of the Trensnrr. WASHINGTON. Feb 2X-Today s state- , ... uiurui,, uiimm-rp .11 mr fun eral fund, exclusive of the S160.on0.on0 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows. Available cash balunce. $145,879,431, cold, $T7.o(tt,8"t: St. Louis I. Me Stock Market. I ST LOUIS, Feb. 23. CATTLE Rerelpts, 1,000 head, including 100 head Texan, mar ket steady, with natives fully os good ns any day during the week. Texnns. ioj I lower than tho opening of the week, nn- 1 tlve shlppliz and export steers, $3.4J06.i. dressed beef and butcher steers. $J.7d5u.20. steers ilt.der I.00O lbs.. $3.5n64.5o. stockers nnd feeders. $2.50ti4.G0. cows and heifers. I $2.0O&4.75. canners. Sl.!5r2.76. bulls, $2.33J 4.10. Texas and Indian steers, $.'1.20t4.5; cows nnd heifers. $: ,'rfs.C5. HOGS-Receipts. 14,To,. head, murket n shnde lilgher. pigs nnd lights $6 4t , 6.47" . puckers, $5.40rC.50 butchers, 16 4Mr SHEEP AND lAMHP Receipts 2.000 ' head, murkekt steady, native muttunr. $1.01 04.411. lumb. $ culls and bU"k. $2.lKy4.25. storkers, I2.i4i3 10. wenerr vetr I lings. $4.60tf4.SS. western sheep, $4.2"fn.5i). I nr York Live Mork Mnrket. ' NEW YORK. Feb 23 ; celpts rt09 head, nearly all consignee! direct. no trudlnc of importance; exports. 9i0 head cattle nnd 7,450 quart irs of bef CALViiss iteceipts. si iieua . lower, veais, $5.4T7 75. tops. SS, bumyurds, $U.6oS4.'iO SHF.EP AND LAMRS-Receipts, "SSbend. sellers firm, trade slow, sheep. S3.bfl1M.5V. exjiorts. 4W heud. prime lambs, HOGS- Roceliits. 23ia head, none for sale alive, nominally steady t, Joseph Lle Stock Murket. SOUTH ST JOSEPH, Feb 23. (Special.) Tie Journal quotes- CATTLE Receipt. 100 head, market stendv: demand strong HOGS Receipts, 6,6110 hend: market 2Hc higher, u'l grades, $5.2?VZK'60, bulk of sales, KX'Mfi 40. pigs, stendy SHEEP Receipts, 200 head, market firm; lumlm. $5.0ii'6.1o; yenrllngs, $4.40Ji4.G.'.; weth ers, 4.00f4. ewes, $3.6O5M.00. FREE DELIVERY SEQUENCE Superintendent llrdjte Predict Pos tal Teleirrnph, Tureels Pot ntid Postal SuTlnt Hank. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 23 Charles Hedges of Washington, assistant superin tendent of rural free delivery, nddrcEseQ the annual convention of the Missouri Post masters' association today. Mr. Hodges, In the course of his remarks, gave assurances that rural free delivery as an adjunct to the postal service of the United States has come to stay. "It Is no longer an ex periment," said he. "The principal bene fits of the system have been so well demon strated that It will be extended and will become not only a permanent, but one uf the most Important fenturrs of the poc'.ol service." Mr. Hedges also predicted that in carry ing out the Idea of rural free delivery. It would open the way for the establishment of three other rreat project connected with the postal service. These are the postal telegraph, parcel's post and the postal savings bank. MURDERED MAN'S PAST LIFE Giovanni Suld to Have Served In Slnr Slue I uder a Different Name. CHICAGO, Feb. 23. United States secret service officials and the police depart ment, working together on the murder of Salvo Giovanni, who was killed on Thurs day night, have heoome convinced that Giovanni was the victim of a gang of coun terfeiters, and they ore now working on that theory. Captain Hotter of the secret service has known Giovanni many years by the name of Gamburdelll. Under this name, accord ing to Inspector Kolas, the murdered man served ten years In the penitentiary at Sing Slug, N. Y and tw-o years In Jollet tor rasslng counterfeit money. According to the Btory told by Police Inspector Kolas, Giovanni haB been in timately connected with various counter feiting gangs for many years. United Stated authorities wanted to use him In running down these criminals, it is sold, but he refused. HOLDS MURPHY RESPONSIBLE Street Car Conductor Sues Paving; Contractor for JVearlv Tlie Thousand Dollar. Julius S Nichols has sued Hugh Murphy for $4,330 damages. The plaintiff wob & conductor on the South Omaha car line and one day Inst August while rlrlinr rm the footboard of his car hl foot was caught by a pile of pnvlng stones along side the track and he wbb thrown violently to the ground. He sustained erl mm In juries and he holds Mr. Murphy responBlblc lor me ucriucnt because the contractor was the owner of the paving block which are said to have been In the way Golf Player Killed. DENVER, Feb 23. James Rupsell. a young Scotchman, goir Instructor ror the Overland Park club, was Instantly killed in a dance hall by Mrs Stella Stulllngs. a colorod womun, with whom he was dancing The two were playing with a revolver which wns not supposed to be loaded Russell was a well known goirer and won a gome from Vurdon, the English cham pion, when he wus here some months ago. Mrs. Stullinjrs mother, Mrs. Short, is one of the three women ussaulted on Capitol hill lost night and is in u critical condition Gordon Gets III PoeketliooLu CHICAGO. Feb. 23. The large pocketbook containing a number of railroad passes, checks and other valuable papers In Gen eral John B. Gordon's overcout, stolen from the Grand Pacific hotel last week, reached the hotel yesterday under cover of n 1-cent wrapper and with nineteen 1-cent postuge due stamps posted in the corner. Except for a small umount of paper monev and a few checks nothing apparently had been taken from the pocketbook. THE REALTY MAIIKCT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Eatur duy, February 23; Wnrraiity Deed, Frederick Hnxtung nnd wife to G F Stork, lot G, block 16, Pork Forest. .'$ C75 H attic Nlndel to Victoria Schmld. lot 6. block 3, Isnuc t S.'s add vooo Ellen Cruwrord and husband to D. E. McMurray, w: lot 20. block 2, Rush & S.'s ndd .. . bco Omaha Realty company to Edward Morrison, eU lot 3. block 5. Sweeev' ndd 700 Same to C R Kumpf, e'i lot 4, blocii , same xui H G Prltchard and husband to C. IS Malm, lot 6, Potter & C.'s subdlv.. 45.1 C. G. Pnvlson to E. J. Gate, lot 22. W. A. Redlrk's ndd AV L Selby et nl to Christina Thlelke. lot 6, block 1, Rush &. S.'s add... . 1 E. M Gnrnetx to Duvld Andrewr, lots 2 and 3. block K, Florence 75 Fraiitlsku Marr und bubband to V and Joseph Prusa. lot 9 block I Llnwood Mirk ... coi Total umount of tr mister 5,701 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET lotb Beef Btrcrs ud Butcher Stock Fifteen to Twenty Hiphir for the "Week HOGS AVERAGED A LITTLE BETTER TODAY Mieefi Pen Were l'.iuptj nod Result There AVns .Nothing mI III Which to Make 11 'lest of the .Mnrket. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 2S IteeeJnts rw. cuttle WOgs. Sheep. OlllClul MollUuy . . . UttlciHl 'J ueiiuuy . . omoiul H'oduesBa OliiBii.. Thursdh) . . Oflicikl Friday. . umcia. tiuturuay. Total this week.. Weei. ending Feu it, NVeeK ending Feb h. WeeK t nullig Feb i eek enuitit; Jan t, eek unuiug Fell. :.01c i.MV l.miji t.15 B.BUI k,X4 T.3G i.Hi. b.oJG m S.2U .10,799 . .14.9.XI . .12.Wi 1.!2 ll.klb S4, 4G.63 4,VHw. 30,809 10,1 1S.2I6 42.7S2 a,ii Ai(.rni;i nrley ild tur lius to' 'Of set era! day, with comparlstns. I 1901 jlWO 1W9. lt8 jW'JHi i9i. Feb. 1.., Feb. 2... Teb. S... Feb. 4.. Feb, 6.. Feb. 6.. Feb. 7.. Teb, ( ., Feb. 9 . j:h, 10. 1'eb. 11., Feb. 12. ieit 12. Jb. . . Feb. 15. l'eb. 1G. Feb. J: Feb lk Feb. 19 Feb. 20 . Feb 21 Fen. 12 Feb. : .1 t ne -uiiUiir 4 03 2 r.t I 22 I 6 23, 6 3H, . l 29S r, 331 Indicates Sunday. The ofllcliU number of curs of brought In today by each road wu. stock Roads. Cattle. Hogs. H'r's. C. M ti St. P. Ry 4 O. k St. L. Rv 2 Missouri Pacific Rv 2 Union Pacific system C. & N. W. Ry 1 F., E. 4 M. V. R. R C, St. P., M. k O. Ry.. 1 B. M. R. R. R C, B. & Q. Ry C, R. 1. & P. Ry.. E C R. 1. ir P. Ry.. W Illinois Central IX I 26 S 1G 9 21 1 Total receipts 2 108 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of heud ludlcated. Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha 1'ocklr.g company 1,310 G. H. Hammond company 1,021 Swift and Company C 1,679 Cuduhy Packing company 2,42b Armour At Co 1,310 Other buyers a Total receipts 27 T.64B CATTLE There wore practically no cat tle on sale today and consequently there was nothing with which to make a test of the market. The supply of cattle for the week has not been particularly heavy As the receipts ut the head or the column will show, there bus been u railing off, both as compare with last week and also with the cor responding week of last year The de mand, on the other hand, has been or quite liberal proportions nnd values have tended upward, particularly on good stuff. Choice beer steers have been scarce and ut the close or the week are 15Q2(c higher than they were a week ago The medium kinds have not been In as good demand, but owing to the light supply or good stuff buy er have been forcod to take It at an advance nearly as great us ov the choicest kinds, The warmed-up cattle have sold partly to feeder buyers and partly to packers and while prices have shown some improvement they have not advanced as much as the more desirable grades. The market on butcher stuff is also a good UtfJOc higher thun the close of last week und in some coses it is 26c higher on good stuff. The demand has been good all the week and thr market ruled active On Tuesday and Wednesday buyers put nn the most of the advance, but since that time prices have been good and strong. The advance has been general 0:1 all grades, but greatest on the choicer bunches, Btockcrs and feeders of good quality have been a little more active during the week than they were the week liefore and tn some cases huve sold u little higher The common kinds, however, and purtlculurlv the common light stockers. hnve been dull and sellers found them hard to move. The demand from the country Is for the better grades and yard traders are cuutlous about taking hold of the common stuff, Rep resentative nales; STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. No. 1. .. 1... 1... Av. Pr No. av. Pr . . . .1030 S 95 1 .1170 2 93 1120 3 16 1 . 9T0 3 60 . 070 S 50 1. . .1210 t 60 CALVES. 1 15G T 00 ... 200 r. 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . . 666 4 1 0 2 . 640 S 00 SO HOGS There was a pood average Satur day's supply of hogs here todaj-, and, ns the demand was In good shape, the market opened u strong ZMc higher. The hogs be gan to move toward the scales at price ranging mostly from S6.80 to $5.85, with the long raring at $5.8SV. At those prices It was not a particularly active murket, as puck ers did not like to pay the advance The feeling kept getting weaker ns the morn ing advanced and the close wbb very slow and mean, On the lust end bids weru mostly at $5.30, with lightweights going from that price -down, and occasionally a prime load would bring 35.32H, Early in the morning some choice butchcrwolghts Bold as high as S5.S7'i. The market for the week has beer. In very satisfactory condition, Monday started In with a decline of ubout a nickel, but the next three days prices Improved and cn Thursday the market reached the high point of the year, the average cost being $6.32Ti. The next highest duy wus Feb ruary Hi when the average cost was $5.12H. The week closed only a shade under the high point and about u dime higher than It opened and nearly a nickel higher than the close or the previous week, Rep resentative sales 4 C2 3 W, 3 "111 a X I 4 03, I 6 2iV.i , 3 69' 3 72 2 i 3 l - S , 6 2.C 4 GC 3 TS 3 21 3 3, 3 Ira? to sm; .VMS' w I b 2s V 4 GS 3 66 s r-i I S j S! 6 29 4 76) S 68, 3 71 S 2?l w J I S 2! 4 M 3 7oi 3 71 S S., ' K ( ' 4 80 3 71, I 7C, 3 2.1 J gi . M ' t I2V 3 6& S 77 it 21 JJl J J?' 6 30V 4 7 I i SI l 1 S' 1 it 1 6 4 82 3 GR 3 3'J, 3 Ml I 6 20ti 4 76 3 C) 8 S3 ' ? i" t an 4 75, a t.81 s mii s 3ui j j-. 'j i 27. 4 93 S 6S 3 SKI 3 34, ' V 1 '.r. !i ,j. 2 M. :; 2j 3 s1 . . I 37 3 Si, 3 1M 3, 4 S3' 3 91 3 SNi " - 4 781 S 60, I 3 36 ; M . , 4 V4i ;i 4, s 9:. 4 G9, 3 !' M, 3 1, .. ' 40!) S K IU 2 3G - i No. Av Hn. Pr No. Av. Sh. Pr 100 . .179 . . 6 274 KG . . . .1S2 . . 6 22'.i T9. . .222 . 5 ?Th 77 .216 40 6 37W Tl .239 40 6 30 GT. .241 40 f, 32tt G9 . . .241 120 r X0 69 .222 6 32 Vs 69. .22G 6 30 70 . 245 .. 6 32U 65. ..216 40 6 SO Gli. . .294 60 6 33C 1.8 .23S 240 6 30 6k . .22K 40 6 32 K0 . . . .197 6 SO 66 24S 40 6 22W 73 . .225 . 6 SO 09 248 5 R2Vv FO.. . .194 . . 6 30 76 . .21h 6 T2H 70 216 40 6 30 CD . .23G 6 324 G5. . .237 . 6 m 76 241 6 324 i9.. ..195 6 SO 79 246 . 6 32S K5 .1SS .6 30 Hi. ...220 f. 2k. 75 240 . 6 .10 n 249 5 fSVi K5 . . 210 . 6 30 73 . . .229 . . 6 32Vi C". . .225 40 6 30 Ml. ..2fH . 6 324 09 .232 UK) 6 30 GG .225 . 6 ."2W 7fi. .214 . 6 SO 74 . 245 . 6 22U 64 IBS . 6 30 74. .210 . 6 32V4 M 19ii 40 5 30 93 . .212 . . 6 STU SG . lil .6 30 G7 .225 6 32U GK ... .220 SO 5 30 72 .246 120 6 SC 74 186 . . 6 30 63. . . .203 . . 6 'C'C 69. . . .207 80 6 30 T2 . 201 6 324 T2 . . .179 80 6 30 6G . . . .21G 80 6 224 82 .ITT. 6 30 62 ,22B . 6 ."24 89 . . .19C 6 20 M . .20T 80 6 32U 44 257 120 6 30 31 . . .236 I, !C4 2 .205 h 324 GT .24T 6 S2Vi 25 . . . .254 . . I S24 IT1 .272 6 35 121 . .229 . . 6 24 T3 .254 f, 26 6C .. ,25fi . 6 324 62. .254 6 25 6T . . .233 . 6 224 G". .2GT . 6 35 83. . . .207 . 6 224 65. . .280 120 5 X. GT . ..252 80 6 324 G5 ..216 40 6 33 74. . .233 40 5 S24 69 . . .30G 1G0 f. XI 73. . .23T . . 6 '4 Gt. . . .222 . 5 35 GO. . ,2W, 6 32U TG .247 120 5 36 72. .. .220 . 6 324 62 .241 . 6 35 S5. ...233 80 6X24 04 ..297 . 6 15 GG . . . .19G 40 ' 224 68 . .250 4 0 6 35 G7 223 . . 6 324 70 .244 80 6 S5 04 . .252 SO 6 324 G. .229 6 3. 77 212 . . 6 124 73 .223 . . 6 V, 48 2C2 . 6 32'i 68 ...286 . 6 25 66 305 . . 6 22t 27. ...251 ... 6 X5 TS 257 60 6 22U 65. ..K2 . 6 35 74 245 . . 6 S2's CI. .274 . . 6 35 70. ..257 .. r. S2VJ 69. .310 .. t 3T, Gl.. .242 ... 6 324 66 ..280 . S 374 Kl. ...251 40 6 tT4 70 .1ST f, 3T4 G5. . "Tl . f. 32'i GO ,2fi 6 2T4 SHEEP There wns nothing on sale tndi DO YOU SPECULATE? and as a resu.t tiotliing f,uid be told ve gardliig the condition cf the market The reeelpt for the week have bee-n dout. what thej were the previous week 'ii a trifle slnr or the correipotidlng week 1 T .at year The flnmanfl has been In good shape hII the week, but in view of the liberal supply buyer were lnelined to dl. criminate against the heavywelrht sheep and lamb and kind are a little easier for the week The choice hand weight star, however ha not shown so much prices'' R h '""C"1 xrri' stlsfac;orv .2,y a 'pw note been offered and such as were on sale moved freclv at good steady prices 1 Quotation Choice fee WeUiers $4 15IT lightweight vra-erinV S4.WW&. fair" 1 SSfll 'S'JSf M W w- choice lightweight '.t ?rh.Jrc rl,r,nK lunbr, KTsfltso. fair 1 SfLlVnF M' "4 7i, ftdet ewe CHICAGO LIVi: SI'IOCK MAIIKKT. Cattle .omlnallr Steady Hog Stronc ' 10 Miaue HlKlier. CHICAGO. J'eb. 23 CATTLE Receipt .200 head, nominally iteudy. gosd to prime steers f 1 9oflG.OO. poor to m-dlutn VHt 1 4 SO. Blockers and feeders $2 T7fiH.Mi, .'ow $2.504.25. holfers. $:.50t4.&0. Conner. SI xta ! 1.60. Inillh, $2 K-tf-l.rO; colvrs. $4 0(nc5o 1 Tnxn-fed Herrs. S4.(JO4.90, Texas Rrans "'.T1 Texa. bulls. $S.6tHi.'i0 JHiHv 2v(.i0 head. Monday 4 000 head .tltm,f..,i ie ... 1 n, I.m,, strong tn rhnde hlghl-r. top. $5.60. mixed and butchers. S5.3fctf6.50. rood iu choice heavy. $5 4(tr6 60. rough heavy. $5.3504 0" bulk or sales 16 iHff. 46 SHEEP AND IVMBP-Receipt. l.O' head, stead v. good to choice wethers, $4 on 04. GO, fair to cholre mixed, a 004M 10. west ern sheep, $4 0nfl4 lie, Texas sheep. $2 6t 3 G... native lambs, j4.60iiC.21, wrrtorn iambs. $5.(XKpf..25 , RECEIPTS Thl week Cattle. 4P.7W bend. hogs. 194.30i hend, heen. . m hesd Lust week. Cattle r.T.u.O head, hogs 224.10' head . sheep, 72.200 beau K 11 11 tn tit) l.lic Stock .Market. KANSAS CITY. Teb 23 CATTLE Re ceipts, SMi head, best beef. K1T15c lower, common calves. 60c 'oter than last week other cattle nbout steudy. tiomlno. quota tions, native beef steer. $4 4:H6.Hi. stock ers and reeders $.1 7&JM SJ. western-fed Meort. $4.W!(J4.M TexoiiR nnd l .dianii, $3 70 T4.80. cows. $JI0Ot4.25 heifers $3 '3414.60. calmer. $2.25ff2 90. bulls SS I0-t o. calves, $4.50tfG.2T., tecelpts fol the wen. 34.000 head, ugulust Uf.ono heud lust week HOGS Receipts 6.6ik. heud. market steady lo 6c higher tup $5 50. bulk of sale. $5.30fJ6.42W . heuyy, J5.3J4J6.60. mixed puck er. SS.35V6.45: light, J6.15JfG.30, pig. 4.611l 6.10; receipts for the week, S3.OU0 head, ugntnst 70,000 bead lust week SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.100 head; market 10c lilgher than 11 week ago western lambs. J4 76iar6 10 western wethers, $4.1584.40, western yearling. $i.21H76. ewes, $3.5OjrS.90; rulls $2.60011.25. receipt for the week, lfi.000 heud agulnst 13 000 head last week Stock In Mcht. Following ure the receipts ut the four principal western murket for February 33 cattle, iiogs nneep South Omaha . . 394 Chicago 200 Kansas City 200 St. Louis 1.000 7.GG8 211.1.0 1 li.jlN) 1 1.TIK) 1. (00 Moo 2. WX) Total 1.T94 47.SG3 i.lOJ W. Farnam Smith & Co., STOCKS, BONDS, Investment Securities. 1820 Farnam St. Tele, 1064 Investors, Doe your money earn you a fair Inter est Are you sallslled to leave it in the bank at S or 4 per cent per annum whon we can earn for you that much per mouth Huve you speculated In the stock murket and found your broker honest, and bus he given you inforniutlun on which you have mado money? No? Then why don't you try u house that 1 willing to guarantee you D gal ni-1 loss and whu'li Is able to pay 60 or Go per cent per ywir This house Is Incorporated. Is responsible to the com monwealth oT Mnss. Tor Its every action, makes its reports to the commissioner of corporation at the state house, city of Boston. Could we afford to do anything thut is not ralr. honest and ubove board with you ir you were SURE wo could and would earn and pny at least 1 per cent per month, would you not Invest nt least a part or your monev with us" Wo can do this and will prove It to you If you will write to us Don't send your moncv until you have thoroughly investigated us But don . Invest elsewhere until you giv u c chance to prove our statements, Write nt once Cobb Everett lin rmnriil Co. (Incorporated j, K5 State Street, . P. . Hm JHM. Huston, Chicago Board of Trade Orders In grain and provisions Write us for dully market letter und booklet or statistical information relating to the productions, exports and fluctua tions of values in groin, provisions, seeds, cotton J S Simpson Ar Co., 14 and 1G Pacific uvetiuu. Chicago, members Chicago Board or Trade, es tablished lfl'1 B, L. Baldwin & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS lSI FA UN AM STREET, l.onu llltnuce Phone, 17HD, Buy rRVER HILL OF LEADVILLE nt 6c a share; Company controls IT claims In the heart of the District; property being operated with a ctuatu bolsi; has a record of production of $150,000.00. Buy PRIDE MINING COMPANY STOCK st 20c a share; the company owns 45 claims atid a lurge mill. Is a steady shtppet and employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay divi dends this year. Write for Information uuncernlug divi dend paying stock showing an Investment of bettor than 23 per ent. to Herbert S. Shaw, offices 14 and 16. Brown Palace Ho tel. Denver, Colorado. Ai.proted stock sold on Instalment plan. Direct prlvuu wire tn all Colorado exchanges Oil lNVKSr IN OIL Greatest Itm opportunity to make a great amount of monev from small Investment in Oil wince the lnys of Pennsylvania Ull excitement We hue l,sna acres of OH Land near the great : 01 bar rel pushers in the wonderful Sand Fork Oil Fields, In Lewis Count j. V Va Portion of our stock oflrrcd nt 5c on the dollur Money to be used in drilling well Prop erty ull paid for und noti-UHesablc For further particular uddress SAND FORK Oil. A GAS CO Peubody Building At heeling. W A'a JAKES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone lOitl). Olauliu, .Neb. COMMISSION, GHAI, PROVISIONS nnd STOCK, Hoard of Trade, Correspondence John A. Warren & Co Direct wire to Chicago and New Torr .It so rproulstn stieceiBfully Send your lorders to a reliable house, where they wl l be placed on the open murket AVc ran make for you In one month more interest on your monev than any bsnk will pay you Id a year. Send for our hook on speculation lt is tree J. K. Comstock & Co. 4j It on 111 SS 'J'rudrr's IIIUu. Cklcutfo,