Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1901, Page 14, Image 22

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sosin si'imtj .-triiriiisns.
It I tlio I'linhloii .Ninr ( Itiiuli the
Sriimciii I'nr Abend f Time,
NEW YOHK, Feb. 20. In tho dear,
old slow-going nineteenth century we
took the seasons na they came and
duly woro our fresh bonnets nt Easter,
but with tho arrival of this Impetuous
116 era It In hard to guets by tho garments
wo wear whether May or December pre
vail. Of cotirto It Is exciting to stand ankle
deep In tho snow and decldo which printed
barego or rose-wreathed musllu, draped
In tho show window, will look Bwcctest In
Juno and how tho charmer should bo made
up. Not only Is It exciting, hut n very
easy pastime, for the ncm-rous merchants
hrewdly show besldo every muslin plero
n fetching suggestion for Its translation
Into a rompletc and artistic costume. It Is
curprlrlng how often women purely on thu
strength of a tempting pictured
model will buy a silk or lawn
of which their wardrobes really
have no need, ond two of the most
persuasive little arguments In favor of mus
lin Investments are given In Illustration
of tho point Just made. A cream colored
barege, Btrlpod In black and further deco
rated with ornatti ron of azure-eyed
forget-me-nots was the goods utilized for
the first sketch. It was becomingly
founded uoon a silk slip of a shade to
match tho Itoral design and simply, but
nomt tho Ices artfully adorned with six
lateral Insertions of deep cream fantasy
lace. A broad girdle of black loulslno silk,
fringed nt tho bottoms of tho long nud
broad ends, was n happy touch, for else
whero tho decorations wore hluo; that Is
to nay, tho collar1 and tho full nccordlnu
pleated flounce.
With tho wisdom of serpents and tho ap
parent harmlcHsness of doves the proprie
tors of show windows do not fall to lay, In
seeming carelessness, atop each draped
Ihow window's dress pnttern n hat. without
tilth the Infcreuco Is, tho gown's purchnsir
will bo apt to feel her Investment rather In
complete. Tho hat that allured nlmost Ir
rcalstlbly from tho top of tho fetching
barege was u deep yellow crln ns to brim,
nnd onto tho loose mesh of tho crln n flue
black cord of straw wns sowed In Irregular
lines. Tho crown was hut u double handful
Bf soft stcmlces pink roses, and whore thu
srln folds lifted nt the left side of the head
two of tho blossoms found n resting pluec
icnlnst tho hair.
An liiKrntliitliiK Muslin,
In dangerous Juxtaposition for tho peace
of mind of any woman, confronted with Ihc
necessity of making a prompt and clover de
cision, stood a striped muslin with no small
prclcnso to loveliness. It was of a most
Ingratiating tint of tnn barred In groups of
clear cochineal crimson. Tucked crimson
Bilk muslin supplied tho wldo pointed yola
nnd tho sleeves ns far ns tho elbow; around
the wnlst went a ribbon of tnn colored lib
erty silk embroidered In cheerful crimson
spots, nnd tho hat thnt clinched the bat
tain for many u covetous feminine beholder
Thero Is a green furah glrdlo at tho waist,
also picked out In yellow dots, nnd the
remainder of tho decoration Is done In
stltchlngs of (ho same color. Gray foulard,
dotted cell blue, modulated with n brood
yoko of black nud further brightened with
tailored strorjs of hluo silk, Is what the
original of the central blouse was wrought
from; and the third, more adapted by
reason of Its sleeves for afternoon wear, Is
an exemplification of what can bo done
with plain and figured loulslnu silk, sup
plemented by n front of pearl pink chiffon
and minute moonstpno buttons.
Comfort for I'mii In Spirit.
At thu counters frequented by the poor
In spirit one can find wonderful reductions
In those of last year's stock of flannel
nud silk blouses that were made with flat,
this custom tho Jackets of tho coffco lovers
hnvo grown In stylo and splendor.
These garments arc ordinarily well open
In tho throat, but long-sleeved nnd easy of
fit. Upon these general llne3 the tnste of tho
Individual Jacket wearer plays Inflnlto varia
tions. Thref! Instructive examples are
given. Tho first Is a pretty belted Jacket
of pnle yellow sntln surfaced foulard,
ndorncd with n shoulder band nnd cincture
of golden brown pnnne ribbon, which In
turn is held In place by big buttons of
pasto topaz. Mechlin Inco and yellow chif
fon aro tho other materials uted. A worthy
companion to this Is tho Mowing Jacket of
pastel pint: Liberty satin, gam luhed with
yoko nnd sleeves nnd broad rcvers of Im
itation ten tinted Irish lace. A broad sntln
ribbon of tint that exactly matches the lace
bits of stale bread. Whatever remains of
the marks after that treatment may need
n gentlo touching up with n bit of cloth
dampened In the oxalic acid and water so
lution. It by any mlschanco n largo and
obnoxious grease spot should fall upon a
page or some pnges of a hook, It may be
removed. I'ut a piece of blotting paper
tinder the spot nnd another piece of blot
ting paper over It nnd then odd the weight
of n wnrra Iron. Much of tho grease will
come out nnd bo nbsorbed by the paper,
llcnt a very little essential oil of turpen
tine till It Is very riot, then apply It to th
still warm und greasy leaf of tho hook,
spreading It on both sides with a clean
brush. More clean blotting paper and a
warm Iron will complete tho cure.
S AVIMi A IIOOIC'S i.ii'i:.
Society for tlio Prevention of l)etruo
tloii of Hunks.
A bibliophile, who speaks ex lcbrls,
stys thnt tho lives of fine books are short
ened by tho habit their possessors have
of criss-crossing them In tho approved cen
ter table fashion on convenient deskB nnd
stands. Tills authority wants to start
fitted fronts, riles of these counter-worn,
but otherwise excellent garments, nttcst
to n mistaken Impression of tho manufac
turers nncnt thu passing of the full front.
It Is rerfoctly truo thnt n good many women
do weur flat or dart-flttcd fronts, hut the
great mnjorlty have not the smallest In
tention of resigning thnt felicitous pouch
or blouso yet awhile. On another mooted
point tho spring woman, so to speak, Is
about to declare herself; she Is going to
wear tdlvcr In preference to gold except
when sho needs a bullion roso for her hat
or n belt for her musllu gowns. Acaln It
la plain to sco that hluo will lead all the
colors, and by this Is meant blue rnngtng
from tho deepest powder tono to tho very
palest tint thnt can be produced In pas
tel coloring. Thero Is n very deplorable
monotony In this reiteration of blue, but
tho dressmakers nro not to blame; Idack
nnd hluo gowns, they say, they alwayB find
was a golden brown satin straw boasting
one big bow of crimson liberty ribbon and
smooth gold buckle.
(.'Iiiiriuliitf Moriilim AVnlnts,
As one woman remarked, no sho poured
lovlDgly over tho contents of tho window
where theso muslins wero displayed, "Tho
rharm of hat hunting this season Is that
you can Belect nnd buy with abaoluto free
dom of conscience." FInttlsh ha(s nro, It
U true, n trlllo In tho lead, but they don't
rnjoy any special prlvjlcges; Indeed, so
tolerant have tho milliners become that a
Woman can wear n pith helmet with o senrf
arpuml It and suffer no fashionable ostra
cism provided that outrp headgear becomes
With Just ns niinMt ladnpf ndenco can sho
cut her spring silk or cotton blouse, nnd
n visible proof of tho dlvcrgonco In stylo
Is olTered In tho cljstcr of thno ensy morn
Ine waists. KouUrd, printed loulflno silk
and embroidered henlvotta cloth nro tho
icspectlvo materials of tha inBratlatlm;
ubjects of our sketch. Herrletta, whethur
lit especially embroidered tdilrtwutst pat
terns or cut from tl-.a plain goods, has n
fair chance of nlmost superseding flan
nels, nt least In this Held, therefore, tho
reader's attention Is particularly nnd
respectfully called to tho golden-green walil
of this material nt the right in tho group,
It has an embroidered yoko of green goods,
like tho rest of tho wnlst, well dlvcrslllel
by dots done In clear yollow silk twist.
a ready sale, and If this Is not a proof
of what the women prefer, wo wonder how
a moro faithful census of their prejudlco
In tho caso could bo conclusively estab
lished. MARY DEAN.
rmit'KTTINH C(IM'i;ii .1 A t.'K KTS.
JirrUy Vi-kIIrccs to Wear Wlirn 'Inli
luir Mi.i iiIiikt .Ileal In Ilctlrorfni.
No woman who has been n guest at any
one of tho great country houses slorlfylng
the face of our nobto land will fall to np
prcclato tho chnrms nnd usefulness of tho
coffeo Jacket. It bus no relation to tho
historic and debatnblo tea cown, because
It Is worn nt n wholly different function
from that at which tho tea robo properly
makes It nppearnnce.
In the morning at country houses It Is
tho coumendablo custom to send to the
rooms of vim guests sliver trays set with
Binnll. Individual stiver coffee equlpagjs.
A silo or two of toast, a dry biscuit and
nu orange accompanies, ns n rule, each tray,
and ns the maid brings In tho little sproad
tho guest nrrnys hcrsolf In n very fetching
and fanciful silk petticoat, n pair of quilted
sntln lounglns shoes and a coffeo Jacket of
gay mnterlal nnd gracious pattern. It Is tho
soelablo rtistom, moreover. In country
housea for tho smartly Jacketed colfeo
drinkers to catlror. with their trays aud gos
sip, In seme coy boudoir, and becnuso of
W f ( i a-t .n r.
Keuer ior me ueimer sex
"Mother's Friend" h n special friend
during the nine trying months before childbirth. It
is asimple liniment of marvelous power, nnd, by its
relaxation of the muscles, allays nil nervousness, re
lieves distressing headaches, cramps nnd nausea.
It Is a Messina In a bottle, robbing
conuncmcnt ui uu lis pain.
" Mothtr'i Frltml " It told t y tit mpoMlbla dnif giiti ti 8 1 ,o per
Itle. If It cannot ba found. will tend ll by eiprcsi prepaid am.
ia In tSa Uahr. States upon rac-fpt of prlra. ' '
TIII5 llll.tirilil.l IIF.iit'LAT4llt CO.. Atlanta. .
DuM fcti a hook on Mothcihooil" Lhit mirvoju.un. ,!.. ...
2 ' in km upon rmuMii uOh,fr ttlUfl" S
passca under tho revers and knots In front.
Of very pliant silk warp French flannel,
lichen grey In color, tho third garment Is
costructed. Inside n lining of baby blue
Florentine silk Is used, nnd undcrslveves
nnd a Jabot of coarso gray Malta luce form
Its simple and effective decoration. For
next summer tho originators of dcllcato
confections nre making soft cream batiste
coltco Jackets, frilled elaborately with Vnl
enelcnnos edging, nnd cooler still will he
the negligees of glnco china r.llk, button
holed In scallops nlung tho edgcu and com
pleted with undcrsluuves of tucked white
silk muslin.
NOT A Hl'TTnuri.V !'
12x-Kniiiri's I'iikciiIi- Incorrectly
IuiIkimI liy (.'onti'iiinorurlfN.
Eugenie, tho ex-empress of tho French,
Is receiving a good deal of attention nt
present In the English Journals. Although
In tho days of the omplro she was looked
unon .is tho lender of tho world of fashion,
sho wns not Immersed In frlvollt:. A
writer who had been wcllln the swim at
tho setting up of tho third empire, said
that, though It wns well known that tho
new sovereign greatly admired tho fair
SDautard, yet nobody supposed that ho
would marry her; that tho general Idea
provnlled that ho would endeavor to ob
tain a princess from sumo reigning house.
His courtiers, most of them fresh to
office" Illio himself, first gained somo Idea
of tho trutli one evening when a woman
who dotoated Mile. MontlJo, managed
clevcrlv to tear tho letter's gauzy dress
bv trending on It Just when tho emperor
nud his company were about to proceed to
dinner. Tho rent was so cxtenslvo that
Euc nle had to stay behind and procure ns
sIsImUco nnd pins from goodness knows
whero before sho could follow. On her
timidly appearing anions the diners as a
into comer tho omperor roso nnd led her
to a reserved chair next his own with an
nlr of greatest deference and Bympatl.-.
Respecting his definite proposal various
versions wont tho round nnd n correct ouo
mav never bo known unless the empress
should condescend to glvo "Leaves from
Her Journals" to the world, ns other o.
nlted women hnvo done. It wns said that
he nsked her approval of a Eplendld dlndom
ho had caused to be made, requested her
to try It on nnd then declared that no
other woman should wear It ns empress.
Tho opinion of nil people who really saw
much of hor was that her tastes wero tho
very opposite of "fast" nnd that her dis
position was rather cold, calculating und
very prudish nud reserved on somo points.
Her acquaintance with tho many flighty
women who frequented tho lmporlal court
was but a formal ono nud sho had very fow
Intmato friends. Tho birth of tho prlneo
Imperial tried hor iiovorely, because of tho
largo official attendance about her apart
ments, for sho could not feel so Indifferent
to publicity as would an old-tlmo royal
personage. As n woman she certainly
could command respect, nnd nobody really
credited ono of tho nbsurd slanders her
husband's enemies niannged to circulate out
of spite nt her elevation. No portraits
ever did Justtco to her very pocullnr typo
of boautv. They all glvo her an expres
sionless fnce, completely devoid of anima
tion or variety, wheruas bIih could appear
very fasclnntlng when talklnc or smiling.
In a small woy a society for the prevention
of destruction to books, and ho proposes to
prolong the existence of good volumes of
reference, poetry, etc., by pcrBtindlng read
ers to keep them In rack's, on hanging
shelves. In revolving stands especially built
for libraries.
It will not apparently requlro any very
parslonnto proselyting on his part to per
suado tho averngo readers to take the
chnmlng boakracks seriously, for with
few exceptions the new volumo cases are
delightfully ornamental. A truly thought
ful maker of line furnlturo has, for In
stance, brought out a new library tablo
constructed after the shape of thoso that
wero used In Roman llbrnrles. It Is a
v Id od with shelves benenth shelves so ar
ranged that when n book Is put tem
porarily aside It need not bo laid flat
on Its side, but stands upon Its feet, so
to speak, which Is the only proper posi
tion for n book to bo placed In. On top
of this table thero Is another recoptnele
for books, n small revolving stand, which
Is designed to hold the small dictionaries
of foreign languages and other reference
books. This Is n caso of fine, simply c -Ishcd
hardwood and la especially adapted
to the man's library. For reading dess
of busy authors tho moroccb-bound book
blocks nre nt once useful nnd orna
mentnl, though thero Is something nower
nnd rnther moro decoratlvo In tho shnpe
of a pnlntcd or engraved leather revolving
stnnd which, by Its brass handle, can bo
moved nbotit tho room nt tho convenience
of tho reader nnd screwed into tho arm of
tho now morocco lending chair, or it can
bo unhinged nnd folded perfectly flat for
Nowadays, when every prosperous library
owner Is moro or less of a book collector,
tho complete library must have a show
bookcase, which Is either n round, glass
topped, four-legged affair like n brlc-n-brnc
or n big square crystnl casket with a velvet
bottom occupying tho post of honor
on tho center rending table. The tun
of tho squnro box Is made of mag
nifying glahs nnd within on tho velvet baso
reposes tho open nutograph album, reveal
ing a bit of verse in Kipling's handwriting,
n specimen of tho first edition of Ptevenson
nnd other literary treasures that must ho
seen, but not exposed or handled.
M. n.
a sroT iii.i: vt iinii oisctn kukii.
It "Will (Irnii tin- Uiiiio K' niul
Tali i- Out Inlc StaliiH,
To keep piano keys clean and provent tho
discoloration of tho Ivory, dampen a plcco
of muslin with nlcohol ami with It rub the
keys. Tho nlcohol can do no bort of damage
to tho Ivory, nnd It it Is frequently applied
tho keys will stand In want of no other
trcatmout. Hut If they have nlrcndy begun
to turn yellow then try rubbing them with
a pleco of totton flannel wot In cologne
water. Even old and discolored Ivory may
ho rejuvenated, no matter what .tho causo
of thu discoloration now or how long stnnrt
Ing. An acid, applied repeatedly, will us
ually restoro tho keys to their original
whiteness. Cotton flannel .doths, wet with
n saturated solution of oxalic nc'.d and wntor
and laid upon tho koys will remove all
Btalni. Caro Bhould nlways bo taken In
the ubo of such n bleacher as thts that
It does uot touch anything from which tho
color Is not to be removed, for It docs Its
work with moro certainty than discretion,
Tho samo solution of o.xallo ticld nnd
water la eometlmus used In removing luk
spots, especially wheu tho inlc spot Is ou
paper, ns on the margin of a good book.
Ono trnspoonful of the oxnllc acid nnd
wator to mnke a snturatcd solution nre tho
only needfuls. Dip n finger in tho solution
and press It gently Into tho Ink spot, It
this Is done repeatedly and without rubbing
tho pnpo; thu objectionable blot will even
tually fndo from vlow, Another method or
removing Ink marks from paper Is to mix
a tcaspoonfu! of chloride of lime with wator
Just BUfllclont to cover It. Apply this with
a soft cloth, merely putting tho spot, Ai
either Intcntlonnl writing or mero blots
will yield before this sort of treatment,
caro must be exercised In Its uso. Printing
Ink Is, hoWovrr, qulto safe from tho as
saults of elthor llmo or tho arid. Thumb
marks on tho pages of books may be re
moved by Uit rubbing the spots with soft
DltlC-A-Illt ( I'Oll TUB HAUL
CoiiiIim tt llli To ft or I'VnlliorN null
llrlKlit with .IimtHh.
Combs nnd pearl, rarely carved, studded
with Jowels and bound with gold nre what
tho dealers In costly ornaments nro show
ing with the greatest pride. It Is remark
able that tho Jewelers never realized tho
bl " " " " J
Kal.. r.l II I U I I I If 'tl'-jl
w .'A
artistic utility of Bhlnlng opalescent sea
shell lining ns n hair decoration before, for
hlrthorte fans nnd opera glasses nnd but
tons have monopolized nil the pink, white
nnd smoked pearl used In tho feminine
Combs of the new departure nro mado of
only tho most richly colored pearl and
studded nnd crowned with Btonpa that echo
the opalescent tints of tho ahull. Tho nd
vniiclug popularity of pearl has not In tho
least Injured the voguo of tortolso hell,
nnd has generally Increased the popularity
of tho three, seven and Mftucn-pronged
comb ns a hair ornament. At Intervals
soma native returned from Paris spreads a
rumor to the effect that combs and aigrettes
have had tholi day, and a few followers
nro found for this gospel. After brief ad
herenco to this faihlon tho limpid glory of
gems Bjjlno out again from well combed
tresses' nnd the aigrettes, crescents, etc.,
flash out cheerfully.
Among the pretty spring surprises In hair
bric-a-brao are combs with tufts of tiny
Juweled feathers quivering at their tops
and combs surmounted with an exquisite
white algrotto nnd n few dellcato diamond
flowen. A very recent pattern, In combs
For any Omaha woman to attend to houatmold duties
with the aches and pains of a bad back.
A woman's back wasn't made to ache, and it won't if
the kidneys are well,
Most backache pains, moBt nervous headaches and
other bodily troubles of womankind come from
Bick Kidnoye,
cure every form of Kidney Ills; cure all urinary
troubles, Diabetes, down to the first stages of
Bright'n Disease. They aro endorsed by
Omaha poople.
Mrs. II. D. Dodendorr, Oil N. 2tth flt., says
"Khoumatlsm In the shouldern so that my
left arm was almost helpless, so that I
rnuld not raise It to my head, swelling of
the frrt and uukles so pronounced that thn
skin wns drawn tight and shiny, so that I
could not lace my sliocs all of these symp
toms pointed dlrnctly to disordered kidneys,
J hlle vising In my old home, Wllkesbnrre,
tJi-; UY rthor advised mo to use Doan't
Kidney Pills nnd stuted thnt they were a
remedy extensively recommended In nnd
around Vi llkesbarre. and I got a box. after
wards prucurlng two more nt Knhn & Co.'s
drug storo, cor lath and Douniss sts, The
swelling disappeared, the rheumatism left
my shoulder and I stopped the treatment,
for thero was no tis of a oonttnusnce "
Dokii'h ICIdni-r Plll nre for lr nt
nil druir torpa COo a box tin nut no
rrpt n anbstltntr.
I'oatrr-Mllburn Co., HulTnlo, N. Y.
for tho back hair, shows tiny golden roses,
each with a bright white diamond heart,
blossoming In nn orderly row nt tho top of
a bowcil band of blonde shell. If tho heads
of very well dressed women and tho con
tents of tho show cuecs of very prosperous
Jewelers aro significant we nre going to wear
very tall and broad ccmbs of modified
Spanish shape. In the near future. How
ever, splendid the glitter and workmanship
of thaso may bo their commercial valuo Is
not nlwnys abovo tho reach of a moderately
supplied purse. Combs curved by I.allquo
and sot with tho whitest stones from Klm
borley oro so cleverly copied and sot with
The most
woman in
the world
For thirty
years a
handsome pralso gems that no woman need
Indulge tho sin of covetousncss, but hon
estly nnd happily buy furnlturo for her
head that Is to all Intents and purposes ns
fine ns that Mrs. Astor or Mrs. Vanderbllt
With Its forty years' record Cook's Im
perial Extra Dry Champagne Is first In the
list. No sparkling wine In use Is Its
F. L. Reed, one of the founders of Olivet
college, celebrated his golden wedding at
Olivet, Mich., the other day. Tho occasion
wns observed by thu entire college and tho
faculty gavo a dinner In tho evening In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Heed.
The Investigations of Carroll V. Wright
show n romarkuble falling oft In the mar
rlago records. He shows that of 17.417 rep
resentative working women living In twenty-two
cities, 75 per cent of wliom were
under 23 years of nge, 15,337 were unmarried.
These fltrures ho declares to be simply
Lord Roberts Is kept busy denying the
recent reports that his marriage was most
romantic. "I was u young man," ho says,
"Just returned from India, where I had won
tho Victoria Cross. 1 met Miss Hews, the
daughter of a prominent army oftlcer, at a
garrison dance, nnd wns not married to her
until three mouths later."
Ninety-seven young girls In Trenton, N.
J have Hlgned the following pledge: "I
hereby promise, not to keep company with
or to marry nny man who Is not n total
nbstulner from tho uso of all Intoxicating
liquors. Including wine, beer nnd elder, and
I promise to ubstiilirMrorn the same my.
self. I won't murry a man to Have lilm.'
An claborute wedding In social life booked
In Munclc, Ind., has been declared off
Miss Mnyme Dolnu, who wns to hnvo been
united in marriage to John Cunningham of
Lima, O.. eloped and wedded Frnnk Mertln.
a former lover. When the Information
of the elopement wns received all of tho
severul hundred Invitations were recalled.
Cunningham and Mertln wero both con
ductors of the Lake Erlo fc Western rail
way und Mertln und tho eloping bride of
Cunningham wero passengers on Cunning
horn's train out of Tipton.
Miss Katlo Hoblusuu, eldest daughter of
.lohn Robinson, the rlrcus proprietor, was
married to John T. Crone of Newton
Inst Thursday, her birthday anniversary.
The event wus uulqmt In tho history of
tho Robinson family In that MInh Robinson
Is the first child of severnl generations of
Robinsons to marry at home. All tho
others run nwuy to wed. The original John
Robinson started this upparently heredltnry
habit. Ills con, John, present proprietor of
tho show, ran away unci married Miss
Caroline. Hnywood of Charleston. S. '., and
has lived to see IiIh son, John, murry Miss
Leonora Smith of Cincinnati In thu snmo
manner. OH Robinson run away with Miss
Emma Lnkn of Cincinnati, while Frank
Robinson ruptured Miss b'ranklo Halley
nnd Charles Robinson .Miss Minnie Marks
in similar fashion.
IttOI.KilOt N.
liy the will of Elthu K. Chase, of Methuen,
Mass.. JM.uiO Ih bequeathed to the Free
Will nuptial church of Lawrence, Mass.,
of which tho deceased wiib a member.
"I wns never In debt," said the nte
bishop of London, "1111111 I came to be tho
head of thts eeo." Then ho had to keep up
two houses nnd the net of 1819 forbids tho
letting of cither of these.
Of the G,(V Trinitarian Congregational
churches In America, no less than 4.K) owo
their being to tho Cougregatlonul Homo
Mlistonary society, which Is about to cele
brate Its seventy-nrth nnnlvsraarv.
Tho Third C'huTch of Christ. Scientist, in
Philadelphia, hns outgrown its obi quar
ters and Is now worshiping In n lUptUt
chi.rch. This society Is only one yo-ir oil
and It will soon own Its own church edliluu.
The Methodist I.plscopal church of Ore
ton. In., claims the unique distinction of
belnp the only church In tho country that
owns a bass drum. Tho Instrument was
nrebcnted to tho Hunduy school oiebesti.i
bv John Gibson, a prominent member of thy
Queen Victoria once conducted 11 blblo
class. Long ago, whon sho was staying In
London, she would call together the chil
dren of her married servants In one of tho
Thk Discoverer of Face Blhacii
Removes Permanently
Does not cover up but removes the blemish. '
It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders vilh a Bad One.
cAbsoMely Harmless and clways Successful.
Drop In ind iik to hive Mmc. Rupptn't Face Bleach thos-n to you,
nd htve In mcrlti, minner of mlnganJ wonderful results explained,
10 you will be ntltfied It It wbit you need for your complexion.
We always carry a full line of Mmc. A. Rtippcrt's dray Knlr Reatoratlvo,
Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic.
Call and have their merits explained to you.
Ask for Mine. Ruppert's book, HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL." FREE.
The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists,
prlvato rooms of Sucklnghnm palaco and
read tho bible to them. At tho close of thu
reading shn would explain thu chapter, nnd
children's hymns were aung.
Kt, Iter. James Schwebach of I.a Crosse,
Wis., has beon appointed by tho pope as
ono of the nsslstahts at thn papal throne,
Itov. J, A. Ilauchey of Mason City, III.,
has durlnrr bin life married 1.857 couples
nnd has conducted over 1.500 funerals. So
fnr ns known, this record has not been ex
ceeded by nny minister In the country.
Archbishop ''orri( of New York oro
older ovrr the largest Catholic archdiocese
In tho country and ono of the largest In
the world. The population subject to htf
direction Is l.'JOO.OOO. Under him nro cno
auxiliary bishop, 478 secular priests, 02
members of religious ordors, 234 churchcH,
137 chapels, one university, ono .omlnnrv.
eleven colleges, forty-ono acudemion for
girls, 190 parochial schools, six orphan asy
lums and sixty-four charitable Institution'
Carlstndt, V. V., a town of 3,000 Inhabi
tants, npneanf to bo In a bad way relig
iously. Tho doirs of St. John's Germnn
Lutheran church wero closed permannntlv
las-. Hunday nnd tlto pastor, Hnv. Henry
I'chlman, has retired from active mlnlstr
becnuso of physical weakness Ho far .is
tlio German l.uthornn denomination Is con
cerned the church will not be reopened.
Ther- Is but ono church left In tho town,
lb.' I'resbvterlnn. and thorp aro tv.vnty
saloons, Tho Presbyterian church Is with
out a pastor af present
The enterprlslrtg members 01 thn Itro.idu
Memorial church of Hlchinond, yn hnvo
oegun to build what Is destined to bo ono
of tho most unique nnd Interesting; church
edifices In Amerlcn. it will be emphntlcnlly
n memorial church, but It will honor tho
living an well as the dead, In addition to
memorlnl windows which will bo erected
to commemorate tho lierole deeds of Amur
lean Boldlers and sailors, It will contain 0.
window In honor of thn Christian hankers
of America, another tn honor of tho rail
road men of America and still another In
honor of tho Iron, workors of America.
These windows will he erected by coutrlhu
lions from representatives of tho sevnrul
classes whlah they will honor and nil who
contribute will be provided with cards
which will admit them when visiting tho
church to pews opposite the memorials in
which they ore Interested. It Is said that
this beautiful Idea In attracting wide atten
tion ami Is receiving tho enrdlnl Indorse
ment of many persons of Influence, ami it
Is believed that thero will be many gener
ous responses to the appeal of the congre
gation for aid In carrying It out
Ilrmovtt Tan, I'lmplr.
Freckln. Moth Futctif,
Hash nJ Fkln 111-
runt, Ana vtr
'Ait blfinlth on beauty.
tlon. It lias itool
the teat of CI
yean, and It to
harmlfM wn tail
It to be aura 't
I properly rnao.
Accept no cQtintrr-
celt or ainilMr
nam. Dr. I.. A.
Sayre tald to a la
dy t,t the liaut-too
(a Datlentlt
"As you ladles will use them, 1 recom
mend 'OOURAUD'B CREAM' as th least
harmful of all the Hltln preparations." For
sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods
Dealers In the U. 8. and Kuiopo
J'ICItn. T, IIOIMCIXS. 1'ioii'r,
37 Great Jones St.. N. Y.
, lemur
Fifty years of success prove theso
troches the simplest and best remedy
for Coughs. Uosricness, iirouchlal
and Lung Troubles,
In hmxem nmwmr moM In bulk.
When Prof, Munyon uy hli lllieamnilam
fture will cure rheumatism there im't any eueii
work about It there ian't any falie tatemnt about
It. U cures wilhout leaving any ill ellecti. It l a
splendid itoraarh and nerve tonic, a well a a poll
live cum for theumatlim.
All the Munyon re medlea r' Jnt at reliable, 1 je.
vial. The Guide to Health li free, Munyon, New
York and Philadelphia.
P-fvHWV ; nlutlt l.aitlr. rnlil
rt if ni.l ... .... (illl .rL-T, ll,,,u H.r, a.Ta
ivr .... ll... ri 1 c.l. r ...rilK
la III)!) .1)1 Uald luillllla Um t4
"III U.ribUo. Taho (ilker. luruia
lanceroM Muliatllutlan and Imtta.
tlaa. buy tt your Dmnui. r . le. la
mvM fr rarlleulara. TeatlmaaiaU
M "llallrT for l.adlra,"!!. lemr, by re
turn Mall. l.IIUOTi!llfl..l.l. S-Mly
Drmtlm. I'aWtarfttar I Ln.lal fU..
ami' uu t.rM aiaauas naaart. 1-iiii.a.. r.
niPANTAnUL.Ktf ts'nn effectual curi
for the Ills which originate In a bad rtonj.
aca. 10 tor 6c. At all druggtata.