TTIE OMAHA DAILY 11E1Z: THCTiSPAY. "FEBBTATIY 21. 1001. n SUPREME COURT DECISIONS dl- Ordir EeiatUtiag Jndge Gordon it Made bj Judge Enlliria. ONE SECTION OF OMAHA CHARTER IS VOID Court Itnlr tlml the District Court Has HIkIM to llrmurt Police Mnstl'tratr for Mlcandnct In Office. j:r.nn seattist Ii.- ar, Tp'mn rnlss rter Warier ak-atK4 Frre. dismissed unies brVf are errd and filed In tfttMr. otherwise motion to dltls overrule. Armstmtis acalnst Mayer, all motions o rr-jl-d Huraphr asralnst Humphrey. ni"tton to rnjulre. partita to plad sustained. tntrt (lavs to answer Commercial S'ate Bank against Ketcnms. motion to quash denied, motion for order to produce and attach papers dented. The followlisr, laases were arc-ed and submitted: Dohson acalnst Stet error from Cherry county; Oleson against Lamb, appeal from Lancaater. State x rl Bullard aealn-t Nnnis. ortclnal. State against Nebraska Savings and Exchange bank, appeal from Douclas. SUPREME COURT PROCEEDINGS Many (a.e nlimltted on Motion to DlasnU llragiF o Cttot lloud Win Piled. LINCOLN. Feb 20 tSpeclal.i Follow ln are the proceediCEJ of the supreme roort yesterday Merrll aralnst Nebraska Savings and Ex chance flank. Appeal from Douglas. Dis missed by appellant. The follnwine p.w were submitted on motkn tn dlsmis rame ta no cost bond bad bn filed nor 11 deposit made: SUart astalnst Bank of Staplehurst. Stu- Norval loseurred In the opinion, asalnst rtloa Bank Stuart riatn'at Holt. that the section 18 question was ( Stuart a Kln t BUley. Stuart agatcst Holt LINCOLN. Feb. tSpeeial )-The j-rraae ceart this afternoon rendered a de clsloa. which will have the efieet of re taliating Samuel I. Gordon, at pollee frde of the eltr of Omaha. The opinion was wrtttta by Jtrdge Swlltvat and la brltf re verses and dismisses the dectsto of tae district ewrt. The syllabus says that tec tlan 1W ef the charter of metropolitan cltl. to the ettent that It ass-mes to con fer upon the district courts authority to remote police magistrate for misconduct In oSte. Is legislation prohibited by the coarUtntleo and therefore Is void- Chlff it: s tire holalns RHEA WANTS NEW TRIAL Atteraejs More in That Direction, Ol&laing Errors bj Ooart. JURY FOR GARDNER CASE COMES SLOW Special Panel EhnuleH ntid herlff l 4rderrl to Kill Ihr Ho with Tnlenin Prisoner Look Worried. FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. I. Special.) A motion for a new trial has It en filed by the attorneys far the defeadant in the ease asalnst William Rhea, convicted of the mur der ef Herman Zaha at Snyder. Mtacon duct of the Jury, county attorney and wit nesses for lb state are alleged. The rel inks f the court In saatalning challenge to Jurors on the part of tke state, who swore on examination that they had con conscientious scruples against lanietlnr. the death penalty. Is claimed to be error. Complaint Is alto made of some of the In structions rites by the court cf his own motion and of hU refusal to give certain Instruction asked for by the defense. In ad dition to the statutory grounds that the interests of 'he various branches of acr' cilture Specifically thia council of agr calture would take the place of the present State Beard of Agriculture, the Depart ment of Labor and fUatlstles. the director of farmers' Insulates-, petition now filled under the direction of the State university the pure food commissioner, the live stock sanitary commissioner and the committee on brands and marks Why Don't You Eat? ARM AND HIP BROKEN Mr. Darwin M. Htiarr Crippled Runana) Smuhnp at I're-mont. by nf v4aWlten nf nn-tlen 11 Of article tj i i v...."- wii I verUICt IS not sustained Dy toe CTiaenc-J the coaHltHtlca. CUt of Opinion. The ophitan of the court In the Gordcn tase Is based on the following reasoning: The power to reanove poUct Judge of metropolitan cltlea aa gien to the dis trict court by the act of 1&5T and Is con tinued In fcrce by section l of the present charter. If that action I constitutional and valid, all district courts have power within their territorial limits to remove for misconduct police Judges of metropol itan cities, but authority to remove police Jud-ts of cities of Inferior rank Is not tested in any such courts, if the legisla ture had given the district court In ccun ties under tonnshtp system of government power to remove Justices of the peace, vrblle permitting the power of removal to remain with the county commissioners In all other counties. It would hardly be con tended that the rule of uniformity had been violated When the legislature undertook by section 108 to give district courts In counties containing metropolitan cities au thority to remove police Judges, what it did was a violation of the principle of uni formity, for It was an attempt to enlarge Stuart against Bank of Btatlehurt. a'l b' lnc error proceeding" from Sward count). Buck against Stuben. appeal from Doug las, leave to appellee to file additional transcript Light agalrst Hasan. appel from Grant, submitted on motion to strike supercMleas. sugretd diminution and to aun.h bill of exceptions Cheney against Wajrgener. appeal frnm Johnson, order of revivor or me action or t neney appnam uwev Harlatid revival, i ee uarnen against njnon. istimi . . . .... . -.,.-, v, from Cas. order of revivor. Granger Bros. r 03f P1 for cause by acnlnst Flrt National flank of Sutton, er 1 mr from lav; ninety-day ordr on ilaln and Is contrary to law The motion has not been aet for hearing. Work of procuring a Jury In the Gardner case Is progressing slowly. At noon Ha lit 3 Hacker had seven prospect Ire Jurymen In his charge. At o'clock this afternoon the special panel was exhausted and the sherlS wat ordered to fill the Jury with aealnst Bradford, anneal from i talesmen. There were then In the box submitted on motion for order of i . irar ho had been nassed for cause tiff for l.rlef Shumm against Smith Brothers Loan and Trut fompanv, dismissed bv plaintiff Knuckolls against McKnlcht. tror from Sarpy, order on plaintiff to file briefs in thirty clays dismissed nisi. Matson acalnt Kmerson appeal from I.ancater: eubm'.ttM on motion to dismiss. Fish aralnst Mullford. error from Mer rick; dismissed bv plaintiff Kirk against Triad Real Kstate Company. Tror from Douglas, hearlnc on motion to dismiss for wart of rost bond and Jio de- Whltcorob. error from Thurston: dismissed , .Hls mouth FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. (Special Tele- ' gram.) Mrs. Darwin M. Ruger of this city. In a runaway necilent about 6 o'clotk this evening, was thrown from her carriage to ' the pavement Her left arm was broken at the elbow, her left hip broken, face cut ( and possibly Internal Injuries received. Her horses became frightened at an Incoming train. In Fremont t Yenr. LINCOLN. Feb. !. (Special Telegram.) The county commissioners and super visors held two sessions today and admit ted a number of new members to the asso ciation. The association was admitted In a body to tbo floor of the bouse during the vote on senator today. Considerable at tention Is given to legislation affecting county boards. At today's meeting It was decided to bold th next annual meeting In Fremont. Tonight the members of the association attended a theater as guests of the bridge companies" representatives The meeting adjourned tonight. In this busy world one has no time to experiment, nor can they wait for weeks or months for the effect of a medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin gives immediate proof of its effectiveness in stomach trouble Then too, it is a perfect laxative at 50c. or $U 00 a bottle u All Druggists, Wholesale and Retail. the state. It will probably take all tomor row to finish getting a Jury. The appearance of Gardner In the court room contrasts strondy with that of Rhea. He Is fully six feet In height, broad shouldered and of strong, athletic build. ; His hair Is bla'-k. sllgb'lr streaked with gray, rut close and brushed back from his , forehead. His face Is pale and drawn. He sits In his chair eagerly listening to every word said by the attorneys and Jurors I with a look of mingled ftar and anxiety. Human llnnil xVltlinnt Dnnrr. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb . (Spe cial.) An amputated hand, foucd In a pi ef rubbish, caused a little excitement yes terday afternoon, after the flt&t few ph)- sirlana were called to Inspect 'he member and had testified unequivocally that the ruttlnc off of the hand was not th work of a surgeon. Finally another surgeon wns called, who stated that he bad amputated . the hand some three years aco and that it 1 was lost wbtle he waa moving his office to another building. At tbe time of removal some bottles were broken and relegated to the refuse barrel, among them this bottle. usually open and with his by plaintiff Edwards against Burke, ap- ; hand trembling he frequently wipes his lips Telegram.) Encouraging ne pal from Douglas, dismissed on motion of wth his handkerchief. celved here in regard to the ' appellee rau. appeal niea too iaie. urn- , weon acamst earner appeal irom -rn- ....... ster. subrn'tted on motions for leave to file j UrlAnbt the Jurisdiction of courts In one class o: , FUpercedeaj and for order of sal. Gannon t counties by classifying magistrates, who t against Phelan, error from Box Butte; sub-1 Jonn Ln' are all of one grade and Incapable of legal I g 1&t881 ! classification. Company, original: submlttedon motion to Kltclien Will Caae. jfiVLrLt i,?L.i i.utnnara investment company against Garsky. appeal from Sherman, dismissed by appelant. President and Directors In surance Company of No--h America against , Parker, appeal fron. Lancaster; leave to file additional transcript Hale acalnst Lutz jor.r? , appeal irom cnenaan. aismi"a on I motion cf appellee because appeal filed too In the case of YVbalen against Kitchen th court held that it bad no right to re view on appeal the decision of a county court In the settlement of an estate, and that such decision could be reviewed by error proceeding only. The motion to dls mlBi was accordingly sustained. This case was contested In the courts of Douglas county. It arose over the will of Richard Kitchen, who stipulated that Herbert and Wallace Whalen be given 110,000 each, with the proviso that his executor pay such legacies In stock of tbo Kitchen Bros'. Hotel company. The executor failed to comply with the terms in the time allowed and fill a report In the county court asking ( pellants continued to March S. I OF BARN BURNING' Acrned of lllrlnc Another Start the Blaze for Ilevr ncr. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. (Special Telegram.) The case of the State of Ne braska against John Lutz occupied all day in district court. From the evidence given on behalf of the state ft was shown that i and a party named West had par- , tlclpated in a horse race for 18 a side Want Their Band to (In. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb iO (Special news was re- i gard to the Second regl- ment band being selected to accompany i Governor Dietrich to tbe Inauguration ceremonies at Washington. The citizens of Beatrice are proud of tbe Second regiment band and are doing all in their power to see that they get the appointment. late Conver acalnst A'tiEht. error from in US and West won. Later, upon meet- Webster, plaintiff ti file lirlefs In thirty jnK West. Lutz accused West of treating v-JL ?iirnIr;.,MYa7irKmif,lnfn blra unfairly, whereupon West said he had Feree. appeal from Douglas: submitted on . . . , . . ,. . . motion to dismiss. Frar acalnst Fray, an- done nothing of the kind. Lutz told Vtst peal from Lancaster: hearing on motions i that for each dollar West had won he Smallpox at Colnmbni, COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 20 (Special) Four core cases of smallpox were reported yesterday. After an examination the physi cians pronouneed it a mild form of varioloid and the premises were quarantined. The new cases are- Mary Wonzy. Mary Borowlak, both living In tbe same family also Miss , Jessie Scbram and her sister Miss Louise Schram. leate to deposit stock In payment of the legacies. Tbe Whalen children objected, de manding payment in cash. The legatees appealed from an adverse decision to the district court, where Judgment was ren dered for tbe full amount appealed to the suprsme cost. In the case of Crawford company against Hathaway, the court held to its former opinion relative to ;be law of riparian rights and motion for rehearing was denied. The following declslons-'were rendered: Keeley Institution of Virginia against Wade, affirmed. Jerabek against Kennedy; affirmed. Insurance Company of North America against Ackermac. affirmed. Alexander against Culbertson Irrigation and Water Power Co.: reversed. Burns acalnst School District IS. Rock county, affirnud. Crawford Company against Hathaway; rehearing denied. Whalen against Kitchen; motion to dis miss appeal sustained. Armstrong against Mayer; dismissed. Bank of Stockbam against Alter; affirmed. Dryden against Parotte; affirmed. Holt against Schneider; affirmed. Stover against Stark, affirmed. Coonev against State; reversed. Acorn against Dodge county. Judgment of district court re"rsed and vacated and or der of county board reinstated. Howell against State, reversed. Garneau against Kendall; affirmed. Gordon against Moores; reversed and dis missed. Plnkham acalnst Plnkham. Judgment heretofore rendered affirmed. Orders on motions were as follows: llayden against Huff: motion to strike case from docket: unstained. Stuart against Bank of Staplehurst; d!-imfst-d unless cost bond or cash deposit Is gl en or deposited In twenty days. StJHrt against Jones National bank; dls. missed unless cost bond or cash deposit Is given or deposited in twenty days. Stuart against I'Uca bank, dismissed ur leS cost bond or cash deposit is given or deposited In twenty days. Stuart against Holt, dismissed unless cost bond or cash deposit Is given or deposited In twenty days. Stuart against Bailey: dismissed unless coit bond or cash deposit Is given or de posited In twenty days. Suart against Holt, dismissed unless cost nond or cash deposit Is gtven or deposited In twenty days, Stuart asatnst Bailey; dismissed unless cost bond or cash deposit Is given or de tailed in twenty days. Htuart against Jones National bank: dis missed unless cost bond or cash deposit Is gHen or deposited In twenty days. Stuart against I'tlca bank; dismissed un less cost bond or cash deposit Is given or deooslted In twenty days. Stuart against Bank of Staplehurst; dls rrlsscd unless cost bond or cash deposit Is given or deposited In twenty days. Matson aga'nst Kmeron, motion to dis muk appeal overruled, Dennlson against Warner, motion for va cation of supersedeas sustained, as per mo tion, leave to file supplemental transcript. Fined for Contempt. nriTDirr v-v. c-t, r ? 1 . i cosXlS conffid T J?f Telegram.)-jWes Helvey of Cortland, one against Miles, appeal fr. ti Rlchaidsn, hearing on motion to quash bill of excep tions and on dismissal ry one o: me up- while Judge A. Hardy 'appeared for the defendant- The state attempted to show that Lutz had procured Dick Oltman, who 1 flnt- Is supposed to be weak mmaea, to set l West's barn oa fire for a consideration of J JlcCoiik'i First Postmaster. J10. The defense tried to convince the M'COOK. Neb., Feb. . iSperlal.) Tom Jury that Oltman did tbe crime himself Scott, McCook's first postmaster, an old and that Lutz knew nothing of the af- J veteran and a citizen widely known over fair whatever. After the examination of a . this section, was burled In Rlvervlew Armstrong against Mayer, error from Lancaster: sub mitted on motions to dismiss, to affirm, to ad-ance or to require plaintiffs to elect Humphrey against Humphrey, appeal from Lancaster; submitted on motion for ordr on parties to plead to petition of Interven tion. Commercial State Bank of Crawford The executor against Ketchnro. appeal from Dawes: sub mitted on motion to qu&sn Mil of excep tions and on motion of appellant for criir on appellee to file certain original raprs. t t.-w ..mis uatu iuu iwuirui "t i n the w!tr.e!i in the Lots arson case. aumed by fire. County Attorney Sackett. was flaed 1S aad CMts iaT contempt of assisted by Harry Spafford. prosecuted, Helvee Imhlbeo too freele nn when called to testify bad to be brought into court by tbe bailiff. He paid the Women's Jerror Hazlthunt, Mill., Jan. II. 1900. I have always luiltrtd with terrible monthly pains, low down, bat sine I have been mint .HeElree's Vir.e of Cardul t have no pain at all. ELLA CAISON. Do you live in (error of ihe monthly appearance of the menstrual period ? Does it mean to you dcys and wecXs of languishing on a bed of sickness or laboriously drain yourself about ? Do sharp pains frequently catch you "low down"? Headaches, backaches, and pains in the abdomen, arms and !tgs all over the body in fact make your existence a burden, do the)' not? It 'is remarkable that you will continue to suffer these terrible ills day after day, when other women with exactly the same symptoms are being cured by WNE'CARDUI Nature never intended you to suffer, and there 'is no necessity for it when there is such a remedy as Wine of Cardui near at hand. The record of this great medicine shows that it has brought relief from those trying aches and pains, to over one million suffering women. The menstrual period has no terror for a healthy woman. If you suffer you are in ill health. Wine of Cardui Is a natural remedy which makes menstruation painless. Try the remedy which cured Ella Caison and Mary Steveiwort. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui Conclave, N. C. Mar. 21. 1900. I luffcred untold miiery with womb trouble and suppressed mensei for several yean. I uicd doctors' mtdlriiw which cave me only temporary relief. Two years ago I btjin taking Wine ol Cardui and Thcdfortf s Black-Draught. I am now perfectly curtd and have a fine baby five months old. I heartily recommend Wine of Cardui and Thed lord's Black-Drsujht to a!) suffering vomen. Mm. MARY J. STEVENSON. For advice la cases requiring (pedal directions, address, glvlcg symptom. "Tb Ladles' Advisory Department ', The Chattanooga MJleia Company, Chattanooga, Teart State against Nebraska Savings and Lx- number of witnesses on both sides the at- cemetery change Bank, appeal from DoucU; lene ' their nleas and the lurr re- relative to appellee to file additional transcript, no-1 -orneys made their pleas ana tne Jury re- relatives. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine C arter s Little Liver Pills. Must lear Slgnatur of 5c Fac-SlssiU Wrapper Batow. Hon to quash bill of exceptions s-ur'ained. narker acalnst wneeier. error n-nm ioug las; hearing of cause on reheaiine hereto fore allowed continued to flrt sitting In June. Royal Tribe of Joseph acalnst Neff. error from Johnson- leave to file amended petition In error Farmland Securltr Com pany against Nelson, appeal from Dawes: advanced. State ex rel Butler County A.Tlcultural Society against Coufal. error Irom Butlrr: advanced. Harden against Huff, appeal from Lancater. submitted on motion to strike appeal because of failure to have caue revived. The following causes were nreud and submitted: Chamberlain against Butltr er ror from Johnson: Trompen against Ham mond, error from Lancaster; Douglas Countv against Bennett, error from Doug las; Green against Helman. appeal from Douglas: Omaha Loan and Trust Company against Douglas County, error from Doug las: Eddy acalnst Klmmerr appeal from Lancaster, National Life Insurance Com pany acalnst Butler, appeal frnrr La"- as ter; Sofleld acalnst State, error Iron Cus ter: Commonwealth Mutual Fire tnjrance Company agalns Harden. rro from Douglas, State egalnst Ileldenbrsid nor from Dawson; Etate ex rel School District of Lincoln acalnst City of Lincoln, appeal from Lancaster. On motion of George L, Tvjmls. Ewv. for the appointment of a "ommlttee on ienlit. tlons of respect for th late Hon. rUTUel Maxwell the following were aprinted: Hon. M D. Reese. Hon. J-orgf L. Loortls, Hon. Samuel Chapman. Hon George B. Lake and Hon. A. M post, said comm'ttee to report at the first sitting of the cotrt In April. Houghton against Smith, appeal ficm Lancaster, affirmed. State aceirst Stand ard Oil Cpmpany. original; time in which referees are required to "eror" extended to June 1. Stenger acalnst Carrlg. continued to March 5. State ex rel Attorney General against Argo Manufacturing Compans-. continued to March 19. Smith against Neu feld. appeal from Hamilton; continued to March 5. Bush against Stat, error from Dundy, continued thirty days. Harden against Hurp. appeal from Lancaster; con-tlnu-d to March S. Holt against State, er ror from Boyd, continued sixty days. FRAMPTON BREAKS DOWN Sueda Tears In Court When Asked to I'lead to Charter of Murderlusr Mrida.UKhter. NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 2$. (Special Telegram.) Hall Frampton was arraigned la Justice p. G. Leigh's court today to anawer to the charge of tbe murder of his stepdaughter. Ella Clark. Sunday evening. The prisoner broke down when the com plaint was read to him. He waived pre liminary bearing and was held to tbe dis trict court without ball. His case will not be heard until the September term of the district court. Frampton appears to still have a lurking fear that summary punishment will be dealt out to htm, although It appears there Is 1 little likelihood of anything of that sort ocurrinj now. The funeral of the murdered girl was thia afternoon and was largely attended. The body was buried In Wyuka cemetery. celved their Instructions from Judge Let' ton and retired to the Jury room at 5;C0 p. m. JURY HAS GENTLEMAN'S CASE Day of Final . rcumeii t Dram Great Croud to the Court Itoom. COLUMBUS. Neb. Feb. W. (Special Tele gram.) This, the eighth day of the Gentle man murder trial, had tbe largest attend ance of any. The court room, which has before been considered packed, was a wedged-ln mass of humanity. During the afternoon a bridal party came to the county Judge's office. The only entrance la through the court room. It took tome time for them to r&ss In through the crowd. Even the transoms over the doors were filled with faces today, looking in and listening. this morning. He tad no living The local Grand Army of the Republic attended thefuaeral la a body. To Relocate "cjuntj- Sent, NIOBRARA. Neb.. Feb. 20 ISpeclal Tel egram.) A petition Is being circulated ask ing for a relocation of the county seat of Boyd county. MINISTERS REMAIN FIRM Deelina to Yield to Bequest for Modification of the Pesalties. SEXUAL DEBILITY. Farmer Are Or.innlflnc. M'COOK, Neb.. Feb. 20 (Special.) The farmers of southern Frontier county are orgaalzlag a cattle-shipping association. DA.XDIllFr CAl.xKD II V GCRM. A New DUcotery that Kill the Germ and I'm en t lialdne. Pretty nearly all the hair preparations for dandruff have some merit In allaying itching of thes calp and In being a fairly 1 good dressing for tbe hair, but there is , only one that recognizes what causes dand ruff, falling hair and baldness, and that de I stroys that cause, a little germ and that EXPECT COMPLETE SURRENDER OF CHINA German I'ald Demand that Indemnity Be In Cash Ttioagbl to lie Impossible of Compliance. 1 Is Nebro's Herpicide. This germ eats Its j way Into the scalp, down to the hair root, where It saps that vitality, causing dandruff The case has been argued and was given to tbe Jury at 6 10 this evening. It took all day to make the arguments, four lawyers on each side taking part, The Instructions given by the court to the Jury were ex haustive, covering several pages of type written matter, ine jury is auenaoo. oy 1 of dandruff and baldness. Newbro'a Hern- two bailiffs, sworn la by the court, who ,CJ(Je klljs lhe gerra, "Destroy the cause, will attend them day and night until they 1 you rern0ve the effect " are aiscnargea. Jarre is no apparent change in the demeanor of Gentleman, though It Is easy to see that the long trial has had an effect upon him. The case of the etate against John Bur rell will be called In the morning. He Is charged with statutor assault. PEKIN, Feb. 20. The foreign envoys this morning received an unofficial communica tion from the Chinese plenipotentiaries offering to agree to all the terms of the powers. The Chinese desired, however, to save the Uvea of Chao Shu Chiao and Ylng Nlen. but they were Informed that the ' ministers insisted upon the former demands. a complete surrender Is expected tomor ' row. i Meanwhile extensive preparations are 1 being made for the expedition planned by Count von Waldersee. The Germans have j 1 purchased 1.SO0 camels for transport pur 1 poses. 1 A representative of the Associated Press I Do Not Treat All Diseases, but Cure All I Treat. I Treat Men Only and Cure Them to Stay Cured. For an Aurlrult urni Secretary. LINCOLN. Feb. 20. (Special.) At the re quest of H. F. Mcintosh of Omaha, editor of the Nebraska Farmer, a bill will be In troduced in the senate tomorrow to pro vide for the consolidation and combina tion of the public service of the state and for the creation of a council of agriculture. 20. Forecast for The measure will provide that the council winds, becoming variable. WASHINGTON. Feb Thursday and Friday For Nebraska, North and South Dakota Partly cloudy with rising temperature Thursday. Friday. fair, northerly winds looming souineasteny. iaoaid be (n every household. It is For Iowa and MInnesota-Panly cloudy ; fectJy pure ana naturally fermented. Thursday and probably -Friday; northerly 1 DOCTOR TOLSON, Specialist in Diseases of .MEN, and Consulting Physician of the State Electro-.Mcdical Instiutc, 130S Farnam St,. Omnha, Neb. Men. many of yrru are reaping the result of yoar former folly. Tour manhood I falling and will soon Ns lost unless you do something for yourself. There is no tima to lose. Impotency. like all sexual diseases. Is never on the standstill. With it you can make no compromise. Either yoj must master It or It will master you and fill your whole future, with misery and Indescribable woe. We have treated so many cases of this kind that wa are as familiar with them as you are with the very day light. Once cured by us you will never again ba bothered with emissions, drain, prematurecess. small or weak organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of am bition or similar symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unnt you for study, business, pleasure or marriage. Our combined Electro-Medical treat meat for weak men. which comblnas all of the curative powers of both medicine and electricity, will correct all these evils and restore you to what nature In tended a hale, healthy, happy man. with chrslcal. mental and sexual now,-, Mm. icuiariy j iiere uuriuiuceo ; nlt regaramg the attitude of Germany that t also cure to stay cured by our combined Electro-Medical treatment .Its claims must be paid la cash before the' ., . c. . . - ...... ni j r ? 'evacuation takes dace. The other minis- arlCOCele, StnCtUXe, SVOhllltlC BlOOfJ PoiSOU ters resent this, saying It will be lmpossl ! ble for China to par. as China has not a large reterve and the custome receipts go to pay dividends upon former loans: and It is Improbable that It could borrow a sum of any magnitude. United States Minister Conger estimates the total demands upon China at HOO.000.600. as It digs up the scalp Into little white 1 w" miormea Dy tne loreign ministers tocay scales. Unless it Is destroyed there's no ' cat they think tbe gravity of the sltua permanent stopping of falling hair and cure 1 t,oa 0Ter- btJt !t ' thought new difficulties win arise among tnemseives. waen some 01 ; the governments send their Indemnity claims, and particularly Is there uneasiness regardli CLOUDS, WINDSAND WARMER Veh'rnaka and the Dakota May Ex pert Mixed Weather Title xt Tvro Day. Nervo-Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, i Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne ; per- of agriculture shall consist of the governor. commissioner of public lands and buildings and secretary of state. The executive offi cer of the council would be the secretary of agriculture, who would be given prac tically unlimited powers to promote tbe NOTHING EQUALS IT. Tory scmall susal aa aasy to tsAg aa safis FM IUIACIL m ItZZINESS. FOI IIUIHSMEM. FIR TDIPIB LIVE. FOI CONSTIPATIOa. FOI UUOW SUI. FBITMCCIMPUXIII la asi.a main 'URE SICK HEADACHE. rintomouth Woman Want Divorce. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feb. 20. (Spe cial.) The wife of C. B. Hadley has com menced proceedings to secure a divorce from him and the custody of the two chil dren and In the petition also asks for alimony. Mr Hadley has lived In this county, near Nehawka, many years and has a large fruit farm and Is reported to be worth J20.000, He Is 6 years old and hla wife Is JS. Attorney H. D. Travis drew up and filed the petition In district court. Sale or David City Telephone. DAVID CITY. Neb.. Feb. 20. (Special.) The David City Independent telephone exchange has been sold to the Nebraska Telephone company. The nw company will put In Jong-distance telephones and a new switchboard. They now have ninety subscribers. F. C Scott, who was man ager for the local exchange, continues as manager for the Nebraska compiny Adopted Boy Run Anas. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Fe'b. s. tspe clat. 1 Sheriff W. D. Wheeler, has received word from Henry Hirr. a farmer living five miles west of town, that his adopted boy, IS years old. bad run away from home and to b on the lookout for tic For the Cure of Catarrh. A physician now retired frara practice, but who still keeps abreast of tbe times, In speaking of the advance made In medicine I In the last ten years says "One of the J most obstinate and baffliag diseases Is tbe ' very common trouble, catarrh. j Nasal catarrh Is only one of Its many I forms: catarrh of the throat, catarrh of the j stomach, bowels, liver and bladder are very common, but the .sufferer usually thinks 't ts something else than catarrh and is treat ed for the wrong disease. The best and most successful treatment for any form of catarrh Is now admitted to be by Internal remedies through tbe stom ach and the safest and probably tbe most efficient Is In the tsblet form, sold by druggists as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. 1 cave seen many remarkable cures of catarrh resulting from regu'ar dally use of these tablets, which seem to act on the blood and liver, driving the catarrhal pol son out of the system through the natural channels. I once had occasion to analyze these tableta and found them to contain no cq calne nor opiates, but simply a combina tion of harmless antiseptics like Eucalyp ti, Gualacol. blood root etc. At any rate I have known of severe cat arrhal headaches which were cured by Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and catarrhal deafness, hay fever, asthma and catarrh of the thtoat and stomach speedily show great benefit after a few days use of the remdy and when It is remembered haw much more convenient a tablet Is than inhalers, douches, salves and powders It is not sur prising that this new preparation should 1 so rap'dly supplant all other remedies for I catarrh. Vcir MIstmiH riA Illinois Fair Thtirtar - " - - j and probably rlsln; temperature Friday; ! northerly winds, becoming variable. ' For Kansas Fair Thursday, with rising temperature In western portion; Friday, fair: variable winds. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair, ex cept snow In mountain districts, Thursday; I Friday, fair and probably colder; north ! easterly winds. 1 l.oenl Record. OFFICE OF 1 UK WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. Feb. 2. Official record of temper ature and precipitation compared with tbs I corresponding day of the last three years I JW. LW. ISPS. lSJ 1 Maximum temperature IT M rT ' Minimum temperature .Si? i I Mn temperature H xt a Precipitation W ,W T .0; Record of temirature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1. Normal temperature 25 Deficiency for the day Jr Total excess since March 1 W Normal precipitation A3 Inch Deficiency for the day Total since March 1 Jl IS inches Excess since Mareh 1 11 inrh Deficiency for 00 r. period, JMft... . 6J Inches De&clenxy for cor. period. 1S... i.ti inches Report from station at 7 I'. M. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS and all associate diseases and weaknesses of men. Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially Invited to consult us. We charge nothing for private counsel and give to each patient a legal contract to hold for our promises. Is It not worth your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to multitudes of raea. If you cannot call at our ofSie, write us your symptoms fully Our homo treat ment by correspondence is always successful. Reference! Ueat Bank and Leading Dmlnrn Men In thia City. Consultation Free. CWUc Hours: t-rom S A. M. to 8 V. M. Sundays, 10 A. .M. to 1 P. M, Operation Are on a Liberal Senle and Week' Record Sliom Rlir flaln. CINCINNATI. Feb. 20. (Special Tele gram.) Tbe Price Current says: Paeklng operations were on a liberal scale, the num-e-er of bogs handled amounting to 625,000. compared with 52S.090 the preceding week and last year. From November 1 tbe total Is S.Mt.tW. against S.Ut.OOd a year I ago. Prominent plaees compare as follows i in 7W,0j STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Fermantly Located at 1308 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. MANHOOD RESTORED 1515. b.e .tsWser. thrrrrtDiionof sftunonaFrhTibrffdHavn.w1!l aula lYcnrm ran nt &!l nrrou or Ciwt- ot the eroravuv orffavns, noch a foti Mnbot4, iHoomitlaaw I.tlnt In (be Back, hmlual KmUtlont. 5rrioui lbllltr. Ilnplt L 11 1H t stsl (n XirrT. 1 Y fri avn allnsr Ilratlna. Trlfilla (atrial Car ma 1 1 a aa 1 1 aa ' ltitopSaCl lnesesbjrCftr or night. lrtTa:qjc:niMo( iacfi-vrT, which. f Dotchck9 I evli La Srw-rm s.Lfirr. ;cr X vad vil th horror r,f imtiofrrvT. CITaPI nKVr.rlMnaaa tv Ilrrr. th r"n avnd the nrtrvr-r nmr.i if ;1 !r-rrrrlrl 4T1T nr W art sain twi4 rawi c iMiui "-savav vitau Chicago Kansas City . Omaha St. Louts St. Joseph ., Indianapolis Milwaukee Cincinnati Otturawa Cedar Rapids Sioux City St Paul 2.7M.'0 LMMO) . ck o K1.0M) 231 .0' 175.J 241 "0 23 C) 915.JT0 (ri u .10 1 3SI") J.-J. Address 1A VOL SiEJJICIM: co 1. O. Uax. 3ZTS. Baa Fraaciaco, Oai. run sales ax Mvcnj-uiLLos ciuc co. istu iad ra&SAK STATIONS AND 8TATE OF WEATHER. t "5 : 1-3 ? ' Omaha, partly cloudy North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, partly cloudy Salt Lake City, cloudy Rapid City, cloudy Huron, parti) cloudy WlUlston. snowing Chleago. clear bi. ixHiic, wear s ei. j-aut. ciear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear Helena, clear Havre, clear Blsmack. snowing Galveston, partly cloudy .. . T Indicates trace of precipitation 7.ero. L, A WELSH. . Local Forecast Oraclai. & 22' .( 22 24 T i 40 4S ft) t M ,ttt S 14 .02 12 1 t) 4, S .01 14 1 Wi 2 ?" T n v ' ' 1? 1 CO I 24 X T 1 r W I 4 - III 4 T I M Z (3 OUNTERACTS Excess, Exposure, Fatigue, Pain. Cvrrybody dissipates by over eating, over arlnhlog.oTrr working, over playing cr expos ure. Then Suffers Frosa Hcadach. CU, Grip, lo)getin. Mar vsustUts, Debility ar ssrsc. Quickly Revives, Regulates, Restores and by its delicately balanced ager cics aispcia uic uuc ui uutmuiuui A MOST IMPORTANT FACT. "An 'Orangeinc' powder takes wbea aeedvd not only Insures quick actlMi but permaacnt phy sical benefit." "Orangelne" U-erves and will repay your taorougn a raumunre ar.a teet. reetinn booklet in every pckae Treastire of Belief and Cure," THE OiUNGEINE CHEMICAL CC Our dl ts Ctlcai. arciifiiiiifViViVtVu Cleanliness is Next to Godliness & We do not refer to the city hall as "godllneV bat The Bee Building retains Its reputation for "cleanliness." It costs money to keep clean, but here the work ts done systematically and no expense is spared to make The Bee Building1 the best kept building in the city. 'o extra charge is made for janitor service. The building Is always kept in repair and it is to be noticed that tenants rarely move out of the Bee Building. The army headquarters mov ing into their own building gives n chance for a number of people to secure desirable ottlces. THE BEE BUILDING, R. C. PETERS & C0 I7lb and Fa ream St. Rental A.aU. . . .