Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Nebruka HeUileni Gathering in Omiha fof
Tilr Annual ConTention.
lumhrr Mrrchnnti from All Part of
the Halr Report Trnite In tin
In lletter Condition
Tliun for Ycnm.
The board of directors of the Nebraska
Retail Lumber Dealers' association was In
session yesterday at the Dellono hotel, pre
liminary to tho meeting of the association
thin afternoon at Crclghton hall.
Tho directors present at this meeting were
K. L. Myers of Newport, president; J. C.
Cleland of Fremont, secretary; M. I.. 1'rles
of Arcadia, vice president; C, II. Iddlng
of North I'latto and A. l'owcll of St. Ed
ward. Tho other members of the commit
tee, O. 0. Snyder of O'Neill, h. V. Wlilffcn
of DoWItt, IJ. I). Sherwood of North Ilcnd
nnd U. T. Cornell of Holdrcge, had not ar
rived when the meeting was called to order.
Tho work of tho directors was confined to
passing upon complaints made by members
land routine matters, which will bo referred
to tho convention today.
Hrrnril-llrrnklnnr Year.
Tho past year has been a prosperous ono
for tho association. The secretary reports
that over 100 names havo been added to
the roll of membership slnco the convention
of 1S00, and that tho work has given general
en t Ufactlon to tlio members.
l'or tho last ten days tho secretary and
board of directors havo been trying to ar
range for an excursion to tako placo at the
close of tho convention, but after taking
the consonsus of the opinions of tho mem
bers It was decided to postpono tho excur
sion for one year.
Tho convention will bo cnllcd to order at
Crelghton hall at 2 o'clock this after
noon, when tho reports of tho olllccrs will
bo read and committees will bo appointed.
Thn real vork of tho convention will begin
Thursday morning. Tho principal subject
for discussion will bo ''poaching" tho prac
tice of somo wholesale merchants In selling
to contractors and others ns well as to re
tail dealers. This prnctlco was almost uni
versal beforo tho association was formed,
but tho secrctnry states that through the
efforts of tho organization It has been prac
tically discontinued In muny parts of the
state nnd Is falling Into dlsuso In all parts.
With tlir lletnllers.
Ilctall dcnlors Interviewed by The Bee
talk as follows:
M. L, Frits, Arcadia From out of dls
tuter riches havo comn to tho Nebraska
lumberman. Last year we expected to sell
moro lumber than wo had ever sold, nnd
loaded up our yards accordingly. For some
reason or other tho lumber did not move ns
wo had anticipated nnd this year wo found
ourselves stocked heavier than would havo
been advisable under ordinary circum
stances, Now comes n marked advanco In
tho prlco of lumber and every man who
considered .himself overstocked, and who, n
month or moro ago was figuratively kicking
himself, is now offering himself private, con
Kratulatlons over his business sagacity.
C. II. Iddtngs, North I'latte Business has
been remarkably good with us and "poach
ing" Is becoming almost unknown. Thoro
nro still occasional rnses, but we have a
record of them nnd think that the practice
will bo completely suppressed in a short
time. Everything Is movclng smoothly with
the lumber men In ray section of tho coun
13. Ii. Myers, Newport Tho development
of Keyn I'aha county has brought prosper
ity to the lumbormen of thin section of the
state. Tho first settlors of tho county built
nod, but thoso who nro coming In
now nro erecting frame, houses nnd It will
be but n short time, until tho sod house In
Kcya I'nha county Is nB much of a novelty
ns It Is todny in Holt nnd nock counties.
Tho condition of tho farmer of tho north
west was nuver better nnd ho has taken ad
vantage of the low price of land, so that
now, when tho boom has apparently re
turned to Nebraska land, ho nnd not the
eastern money lender Is making the prollt.
In many rases I havo known tho farmers to
lenso land, cut tho hay and from tho pro
ceeds buy the. land upon which tho hay was
grown. With this condition prevailing It Is
easy to understand tho condition of tho gen
eral trado of tho community.
I'lii-mei-H In Ilettrr Condition.
Charles It. Israeli, Cook nuslncss Is re
markably good with us. During tho month of
January I sold moro lumber than during tho
nanio month In tho Inst flvo years. Trices
aro high, but tho farmers und builders
seem better able to pay the high prlco to
day than they woro to pay the low prlco
several years ago. Tho "poachers" give us
n llttlo trouble, but get little trade In my
section, for I fight them with their own
wenpons. If they undersell mo It Is be
causo tho buyer does not seo mo last.
A. Powell, St. Edward Business Is good,
but tho "poachers" nro worse this year than
they havo ever been before. I think that
Wn w.lll oettlo them, though, shortly.
J. K. McBlrnoy, Bnssett I sold out my
business tho other day and am down here on
what may be my farewell visit to tho con
vontlon. Business was good, but I found
n man who would rather buy In a lump and so
I am out. Prospects aro bright In my sec
tion and cvorybody Is busy.
, Met L. Saley of tho American Lumberman,
n man who travels over tho country in the
Interests of his publication, visiting all of
the lumber centors, will read a paper be
fore thn convention this afternoon. In
speaking of the prospects of tho lumber
trade ho said: "I believe that lumber
prices will be maintained this year as thoy
have never' been, beforo. The white pine
ram havo perfected their organization so
that a broak in prices Is practically lmpoa
Bible. The men In this trade aro now In n
position to bold' their utock until thoy can
get the prlco fixed, and as a result It will
not drop lower than It Is todny. With the
neaiers or yollow pino tho market has al
ways been a 'gamble.' There are so many
firms In tho business with small cupltul
that they are forced to sell their product
In order to pay expenses, and when they
aave to sen prices are generally deraora-
Plenty Of Omaha readers have
this experience,
You tax the kidneys overwork them
They can't keep up tho continual strain;
The bnck gives out It aches and pains;
Urinary troubles ret In;
Don t wait longer take Doan's Kidney
Omaha people tell you how they act.
Mr. John C. Hooller, stock keeper of tho
third floor In McCord-Brndy Co, 'a wholesale
grocery, living at 2627 Charles street, says:
"I had a weak back for nearly three years
Sometimes It ached contlnunlly, particular
ly so if I stooped or lifted. I used medl
rlnes said to bo good for tho kidneys, but
the trouble still continued. An announce
ment about Doan's Kidney Pills in our dally
papers led me to procuro a box nt Kuhn
& Co.'s drug store, corner 15th and Doug'
las street, Tho treatment cured me."
Sold for CO c.cnts per box by all dealers,
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. solo
agents for thoUnited States.
Hemember tho nnuio Doan's and toko
bo aubitltut. i .
llzcd. The condition of the white pine trade
In a tncaiuro will affect the yellow pine
business, so that there Is little probability
of a break In prices from that quarter."
fltinerlntriiilent I'enrsc's Anmtcr o
lIUIioii Si'Mtwirll's Letter of
( rlllclnm.
When asked concerning the criticism made
by Bishop Scannell last Sunday upon a text
book used In the High school, Superintend
ent Pcarse said: "Tho school authorities
do not by any means consider the work on
mddlaeval history a model text book. Un
fortunately there appears ti be no model
text book upon this subject published. Wo
do not, however, think the objection to tho
book is that It Is unfair toward the Catholic
church or Its teachings. We think that
the printing of all that was said upon thn
ubjects referred to by tho bishop would
convince nlmost any ono that there was a
rather full statement of both sides of tho
ense, and would not give the Impression
cither that the doctrines referred to were
then heard of for tho first time or that
tho Institution of raonsstlclsm was wholly
or chiefly bad.
"Ono of the things which the High school
does not havo Is a theological department,
nnd the teachings of theology or of the
dogmas of various Churches or religious
sects Is prohibited. In the study of history
tho formulation and adoption nnd changu
occurring from time to tlmo In religious
beliefs Is discussed as n part of tho subject
matter of history. Tho changes In theory
nd now discoveries In science, ns well ns
tho rlso and decline of theories and changes
t form In government are also studied and
"If the text book contains any misstate
ments of fart the school authorities will be
glad to bo shown tho errors. There seems,
however, no occasion to object to tho cor
rect statement of proper facts."
"Falling to find rollef from thu grlp with
old methods, I took Dr. Allies' Pain Pills,
Nervine nnd Nerve and Liver Pills and was
permanently cured." Oust. Egan, Jackson,
Alleged Itnllrontl DrfnnUrr Formerly
Rmnlojeri In Union I'ncllla
The dispatch In The Boo yesterday morn
ing telling of tho alleged shortago In the ac
counts of Arthur J, Van Kuran, fo.-merly
ocnl treasurer of the Oregon Short Line at
Salt Lako City, but now under susponslon,
was tho chief themo among tho staff at tho
Union Pacific headquarters, for Van Kuran
s known to every employe who has been
thero for moro than three years. All were
loth to believe the report.
Van Kuran's family lived In Omaha
mnny years and wns well known nnd highly
respected. For sixteen years ho was at
tached to the ofllco of the local treasurer
of the Union Pacific and was a trusted em
ploye. When ho left throe years ago ho
was chief clerk and was believed to bo a
perfectly straightforward, honest man.
Outside tho ofllco Van Kuran was equally
popular and hla singing won for him a high
plnco in tho social community. During his
residence In this city he sang for somo of
the leading churches. Ills friends hope that
tho Investigation which Is being made will
exonerato Van Kuran from any fault.
Will Tnke Content for Office of Connty
Attorney from County to
Illotrlct Court,
That John W. Parish has not given un
his contest for tho office of county nt
torney Is shown by tho fact that ho filed an
nppeal bond with the clerk of tho county
court yesterday morning. The bond Is
signed by tho Fidelity and Deposit company
or Maryland.
Parish will enrry the case to the district
court, whero ho promises to produco the
evidence to provo tho charges of fraud
upon which tho contest case is based. In
tho county court the contestant rested' his
case upon tho completion of tho recount
of tho official ballots, not bringing In any
evidence on the charges . of fraud, and
Judge VlnBonhnlcr ordered Judgment for
'I was In bed flvo weeks with the grin
nerves ahattered, stomach and liver badly
deranged. Was cured with Dr. Miles' Nerv-
Ino and Nerve and Liver Pills." D. C
Walker, HallBvllle, O.
Via Oninlin Jt St. It. II.
On salo Fobruary 19 to Port Arthur.
Beaumont, San Antonio, Lake Charles,
Houston nnd Oalveaton, Tex. Call at city
omce, ni5 Farnam street (Paxton hotel
block), or write Harry E. Moores, C. P,
and T. A., Omaha, Neb.
The First Time in ThU Century
A president will bo inaugurated March 4,
Low faro tickets for, that event will be sold
via Pennsylvania Short Lines from "Chicago
to Washington Mnrch 1, 2 and 3, offering
opportunities to witness tho imposing cere
monies at small cosU Further Information
about fares and through .trnln comforts
mny bo ascertained by applying to H. n.
Derlng, A. (!.. IV Agt., 218 South Clark
street, Chicago.
On to AVnuliiKon.
Half rates via Big, Four and C,. & O. tly.
Account McKlnley's Inauguration. Bound
trie, tickets on sale March 1, 2 and 3, good
for return March 8, For full particulars,
address any agent Big Fiur Route or War
ren J. Lynch, O. P. ft T. A., Cincinnati.
Half Fare to nt. I'nnl nnd Mlnneapolla
Via the "Northwestern Lino" Feby. 18 and
10th. The only line with double dally train
servlco and operating cate-observatlon
City offices 1401 and 1403 Farnam St.
EMvraril llnlrh Hues l'ullmnn Company
for Damagrn on Account of
Ilelnir Annulled.
Edward E. Balch, who says he was beaten
nnd robbed on a Pullman sleeper while on
his wny from Chicago to Omuha on the
night of August 22 laat, has sued the Pull
man company for $50,000 damages.
Tho suit has beh brought In tho district
court and In his petition, filed yesterday,
Mr. Balch assorts that he did not receive
tho protection from tho Pullman com
pnny tnat ne was entitled to as
one of Its paid guests. He says
tho employes of tho company Ip charge ut
the car In which he was aBlecp permitted
persons who were not passengers on the enr
to entor it and go from berth to berth to do
violence to the occupants.
Balch alleges that he was severely beaten
about tho head and face, causing htm great
physical pain and mental anguish. He as
serts that ho Is still suffering from the In
juries Jptllcted upon him.
Now Ntruvirle of Gndnrnncr,
SCBANTON, Pa Feb. 12, Tlio strike of
tne 4,wu sine workers in Hcranton lias re'
solved Itself Into a lockout. The mill own
ers and malingers today declured they will
not reopen their mills until the girls aro
willing to resume at tho figures which -were
offered nearly two weeks ago and in which
tlieer-wns a ronoesslon of 25 cents a week to
each employe. The strikers are determined
to stay out until their demands shall be
granted. They have asked nil silk workers
In the country for moral nnd material as
sistance, requesting them to strike if tho
mills nt which they nrp employed handle
material from tno Bcramon nuns.
Contributor! to Auditorium Fund Will
Mftkt Bnggoitiont, '
Vnrlnnn I'lnna Have Ilren Mentlonrit
From Time to Time anil Now the
Committee Scekn n Con
sensu tif Opinion,
The auditorium committee Is now consid
ering meeting of stockholders to be held In
n week or two for tho purpose of deciding
upon tho general plans of the proposed
structure. It Is tho expectation of the
ommlttco to hnve at least 100,000 shares of
lock represented nt tho meeting, and It Is
announced that If persons who expect to
tako stock In tho enterprise deslro to have
volco In tho mnttcr of the form and stylo
f the building they should send In their
ubRcrlptlons nt once, so they may be repro
entcd In tho stockholders' meeting.
Several plans nro under consideration by
stockholders. Tho plan nt first In the minds
of tho majority of tho coramltteo was for
tho construction of an auditorium simply,
ho seating capacity to be as large as tho
Izc of tho stto would permit.
L'hnnircN Arc Siifficeiitrri,
Many changes In this plan hnve been
suggested, prominent among which aro tho
construction of a music or concert room nt
ono end of the lot, tho building of assembly
rooms In n story to be added, and tho con
struction of rooms which could bo used as
rmorlea for tho Thurston Itlflcs and Omaha
A new suggestion, nnd ono which meets,
with nlmost unlvcrsnl favor, Is to comblno
the auditorium and tho den of Ak-Snr-Ben.
Under this plnn a basement would bo con
structed capablo of being used as a work
room fqr tho construction of floats. The
auditorium proper would bo used for the
banquet, tho Initiations and the annual ball
of tho festival nocloty and the question of
a permanent homo for Ak-Sar-Bon would
be settled for all time.
All of these suggestions will be consid
ered nt tho stockholders' meeting to bo hold
soon, and while final plans will probably
not bo determined upon, It is possible that
such Impetus will be given to ono Idea by
tho first meeting that alt of tho others will
be out of the running.
Mm. Adeline IteKlnln, Who Myster
iously DlMnpiitfcircil In January,
Can Not He Traced.
Mrs. Adeline Reclnln. minlnveri n a
seamstress In tho factory of M. E. Smith &
Co., dropped out of sight mysteriously Jan
uary 28 and has not been seen nor heard
from since. Mrs. Roglnln, a widow, lived
with her brother, Paul Cattln. at 4518 North
Thirty-sixth street, and Is described as a
Woman Of nrcnosscsslne nnnenrnnri. nf
light complexion, blue eyes and brown hnlr.
ur medium stature, her weight Is about 123
Mrs. Reglnln had recently rehifnnil frnm
Paris, whero she had attended tho exposi
tion. So far as known her relations with
her brothor had always been pleasant.
Hoard of Health Order Sterilization
of All Ilnrliern Vn on Customer.
A sneclal dlsnatrh from Mnqtrm Mir r.
1900. to tho New York Run Hvru an nn.
regulations to tho Boston Board of Health
ns to barber shops: "Mugs, shaving brushes
and razors shall bn atnriii7nii nftr ,.t.
soparato uso thereof. A separate, clean
towoi snail uo usea for each person. Ma
terial to atop tho flow of blood shall bo
used only In powdored form, nnd applied
on a towel. Powder niiffH urn nrnhlhltiwl
Wherever Nowbro's "Horplcldb" Is used on
faco or Renin after shavinir or hair cuttlnir
thero is no dnngor as It is antiatptlc, and
Kins tne danilrull germ.
Wanted Mini for 2,.100 Position.
An established and rennnnnUiln ImalrtAaa
cencorn of Omnha wants to employ a first
class man 30 to 40 years old to take tho
Kenoral acencv for Its htislnons In n rnnH
territory. This position requires tho best
business ability nnd experience and absolute
integrity. It nlso requires tact and oxf
cutlvn ability nnd tronrl Imlcmonf In em
ploying men. Only applications from suc
cessful men who are In earnest will be con
sidered. This position will pay about $2,500
per .year and expenses, If filled satisfac
torily. GIvo age, past experience, present
uusiness, rerorenccs, Income desired and nd
dress J 25 Beo office.
Announcement of the Theater.
Tho best of tho Into Charles Hoyt's satiri
cal comedies, "A Holo in tho Ground,"
comes to Boyd's theater' next Sunday with
a better caBt than has over appeared hero
in n Hoyt play, Including Charles P. Mor
rison, Nettle DeCoursey, Barry Maxwell.
Frank Young, tho Transatlantic Comedy
Four, India Palmer, Young and DeVolo,
Anna Clay, Dorothy Aldcn and twenty
St. raul and Iteturn lO.on.
On February 18 and 19 tim Tiiinnt.
Central railroad will sell tickets to St
I'aui at rato of S10.65 for the rntinri trlr,
Tho short .line and onlv linn fmm nmntin
with buffet-library smoklne car. Pnrtlmi.
lars at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam
street, or address W. II. Brill, D. r. A
ii ii:d.
niLKY-John, at
p. m., February II
ncrnii 7.i vnnru
to St. John'H church, Interment Holy Sep
not tho oldest, Hottlcrn in Omaha, having
uuiw in i j its vHriy nines,
DAUTLETT Mrs, R. w Monday, Feb
rllnfif 11 1fVI1 n. l AO . '
w-eei, iiiurBiiay, rcuruary h, nt 2 p. m
interment sorest uwn, Frienda Invited
For Chapped Hands, Face, Lips, Etc.
Only 10c Bottle,
CrillCCCD cut price
. W. Oar. lata aaa Catoaao ata.
If I had GriD I would
use Dr. Miles' Pain Pills
and Dr. MileB' Nervine.
Sold at all Druggist.
In Connection with Onr Clrrnt Snlc of
thcW. I,. Stroll Slock We Offer
The bargains from the W. L. Strong stock
nro tho strongest wo ever offered. Como
today and convince yourself.
EMBROIDKUIES V.ic, 3c. 60 AND 100 YD.
Today we place on sale 3.000 bolts or
embroidery and Insertion at half the manu
facturer's cost. All kinds, all widths, fine
and showy patterns In great variety, worth
up to 36c yard, at lHc, 3c, 5c and 10c yard.
Samnlo Diem of all-over lace nnd em- 1
broidery effects. In lengths from H to ?i 1
yards, very rare patterns, worth up to $1.00
each, choice 19c.
LACES AT lc, 2Hc,.3V4c AND Dc YD.
Flnesti French valenclenncs nnd torchon
Inccs nnd ''Inserting,: extra fine quality,
worth up to 25c yard, at le, 2Hc, 3,c nnd
5c yard.
5c and '10c finishing braids lc bolt.
Potter's embroidery silk 2',&c dozen.
"Tho Best" sewing silk lc spool.
Remnants drapery curtain scrim VAc yd.
40-lnch white lawn, lc yard-.
Remnants of all kinds, standard prints
2 He yard.
Remnants of 25c ginghams 8V4c yard.
Remnants of 25c India linens 10c.
Big lot-of lOo TurklBh towels 6c.
25c and 4Qc blenched Turkish towels 15c
each. a
Cotton twilled toweling lV4c yard.
Drummer's sample laco curtain corners 9c
Full size lace curtains, special salo nt
25c and 39c each; and the $2.60 kind at 98c
In the basement tomorrow wo will plnco
on salo an Immense lot of casstmercs, 50-
Inch dress suitings, and 36-lnch sackings,
at 16c yard.
75c F.rc.nch flannels 25c, and 35c yard.
76c all wool, challls 39c yard.
75c dress goods and homespuns 25c yard.
J 1.25 Mrcss Roods nnd bomcsnuns. 48-tnch
wide, at 39c yard.
$1-50 broadcloths, cloaklngs, skirtings, etc,
at 60c a yard.
J. Ij. Brandcls & Sons, Props.
Velvet Candy
Our window Id full of HILUItETH'S VEL
VET MOLASSES CANDY. Tho finest mndo
one-qunrter pound, 10c; half pound, llic;
one pound, 25c.
50o Blrncy Catarrh Curo 30c
i.w i.iHtcrino n.ambert'pi) tide
EOc Morrow's Kln-nt-nlda 40c
KOo Donn'H Kidney Plll 40c
Ma AJax Tablets -too
AIICKrottl H Htlbel'H Cliocolntes We
60c Hny'H Ilnlr Heulth 40o
Mo Hloeum'H Ozojoll 40c
60c Pnscurots 41)0
60c -Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient 40c
60o Cutlcura Siilvo 4."c
Jl.00 iiovinlno (Iargo Size) T.lo
50o Tlronio Seltzor 4(Ip
C0o llobbs' SparngUB Pills 40o
$2.00 Chichester's English Pennyroyal
"Write for Cntnloeuo.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
In New Store'at 16th and Dodge.
Prices lower than everi
quality better than ever
all amateur photo supplies,
fresh, reliable and up-to-date
1215 Farnam Street,
Whoolsalo nnd retail dealers.
and put on' Bale Wednosday at
your time to, lay iu your supply
oe aupucutcu.
2 qrt, Site.
Regular 39c.
jo qri, anp,
Regular 63c,
4 1-3 qrt., ir.c.
Regular 29c.
It qrl., U!l'.
Regular S9c.
Regular 25c.
II qrl., lite.
Regular 17c.
1 qt., 12c.
Regular 23c.
Regular inc.
Only- one of each sold to each person. None to peddlers or
VALENTINES Closed out at any price tomorrow. None car
ried over. Buy all you want at any price you want to pay.
.Hin,M.i k 1:1,1,1: v .iTionii's iioi:.i.
At Nrnrlr Half I'rlpr, About Half or
liPss Thn 11 Unit Prlee,
IC, S. & Co.'s ladles' (2.75 satin slippers,
Your choice of Kclley, Stlgcr & Co.'s en
tiro stock of Indies' fine shoes that were
marked J4, !5 and $S for J2.K0.
Your choice of all the other Indies' shoes
from tho Kelley-StlBcr slock nt S9c, U.&3
nnd Jl.'JS,
All tho children's, Infants', misses', boys'
and youths' shoes go nt 2!)c, 39c, 69c, 5c,
S'JC, USc, J1.2i) and J1.69; theso sold for up
to $3 a pair.
All Kellcy-StlRcr's ladles' slippers and
oxfords ko nt Just about half price.
NOT from Kcllcy-SllRcr's stocki
Men's nlco ennmel shoes, $1.69, In base
ment. .
Men's good horded calf shoes, $1.59, In
Your cholco of 2,000 pairs men's $4 and $3
shoes on bargain nquarc nt U.9S on main
J, L. Urandels & Sons, Props.
We Are Building Now
Carpenters, plumbers, etc., now nt work In
the rear end of tho store building the annex.
You won't mind tho noise wo nro In tho
main store room. Orders now nro force
them out nt nny price. As usual, tho high
est grades left. Wednesday and Thursday
vu will sell:
SOROS1S SHOES shall not carry this lino
when we open tho new store - QQ
to close lVO
LADIES' SHOES Turns and welts 13.50
and $4.00 alues to $2 ft
closo 100
LADIES' SHOES entlro lines of patent
leathcr3-$3.50 nnd $4,00 -4 QO'
values to closo -JO
MEN'S SHOES Don't miss this chance
forcing them regardless of value noyden's,
Ilnnnlstcr's, Stacy-Adams finest shoes
values from $1 to $7 $2.03, A Q
$2.38, $1.93 nnd down to ItlO
MEN'S SHOES Balance of Regent Shoes
tans only black ull -4 ! r
sold 1DV
swell styles tho best footwear Ofl
$1.38, $1.18, 79c nnd down to OVC
Successors to "THE HOWE."
To Ogden, Salt Lake, Ut 523.00
To Bulte and Helena, Mont 23,00
To Portland, Oxejron 28-00
To Spokane, Wash 28.00
ToTacoma and Seattle, Wash.... 28.00
February 12, 19. 26, March 5, 12,19, 24
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. 1901,
City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street.
Telcphtne 316.
Union Station 101 Ii and Marcy. Tel 629
The Greatest Granite
ware Sale on Record 300
Gases Just Received.
regular jobbers' price. Now in
for the season, this price will not
art., 10c.
Regular 23c.
No. H, BOp.
Regular ?5a
S qrl.. 2Tn
Regular 49c.
Regular 12c.
n-incii, (ii-.
Regular 10c.
Regular 39c.
Draw Backs
Come Backs
"Even the very best of things have their drawbacks
says the clerk at the Shorman-MeConnell Drug Co. tcb
terday as he handed the customer a porous plaster."
Draw backs and comebacks arc very essential in all
kinds of business. Clothing that has all the good points
that you expect in good clothing will draw back a cus
tomer. We have customers who come back to this store
every time there is any clothing to buy, -why! because
good values will draw back.''. If you know of anyone
who has purchased clothing at this store that didn't
come back again we'd like to know it. If the garment
wasn't satisfactory and he failed to let us know, it's his
own fault, not ours, we make all wrongs right we want
Nebraska clothing to draw you bnck. Yesterday we told
you about two suits one at' $4.25, the other at ?5.00, not
much difference in the price but ono is of the herring
bone pattern, the other plain black both excellent val
uesboth worth more than we ask you for them. They
are regular comebackers, they draw you closer to us
they assure you that Nebraska clothing is good clothing.
J. A, Fuller Drug Co.(omaha
On Sale at a Great Sacrifice.
Never have you had an opportunity to huy drills so cheap. We ad
vise you to mako tho most of It. Tho following prioca illustrate how
cheap wo aro Belllnpr tho entiro stock.
Howell's Anti Kawfl 13c
Pinaud't Hair Tonic 65c
Pinaud's Lilac Water 55c
8-oi. Bottle Witch Hazel 12c
Bromo Laxative Quinine 12c
25c Hu-Can Coufh Syrup He
Menen's Boratcd Talcum Powder., lie
Tooth Brushes
Your chglco of a fino lot of pure
brlstlo tooth brushes, all styles of
handles, worth
from 20o to 75o
each on salo
9c & 15c
Feather Dusters
Long handles good full stock 4Qr
-OSpkind for ,..
Off Our Former Low Prices
That is How We Have Marked
Our Entire Stock of
Men's & Boys
We make this bold move for quick action. Wo
want to make a clean sweep of all our winter cloth
ing and know of no better nor more powerful force
than a wonderful REDUCTION. Stop a moment and
think what 35 to 50 per cent off our former low prices
means to you.
Men's $5.00 to $7.50 Suits
Men's JS.E0 to S10.00 Suits
Men's 12.D0 to $15.00 Suits
Men's S16.B0 to S19.S0 Suits
Men's i22.50 to STO.00 Suits J 5.00
Men's J7.&0 nnd 110.00 C fC
Overcoats at
Men's J12.W nnd J15.00 J CQ
Overcoats nt " ' "
Men's $18.00 Overcoats and fj Cf
Ulsters at
Men's $20.00 to $35.00 15.00
Overcoats nt iu.vvr
Men's $3.60 fine Trousers Cf
Men's $1.50 very line 2.50
Trousers for
Men's $6.50 extra fine 3.75
Trousers for
Hoys' $3.50 Ueefors and 1.25
Ton Coats nt 1 Tii.
Hoys' $5.00 und $6.60 Reefere 2.95
nnd Top Conts nt
Hoy's $5.00 nnd $0.60 Long 3.75
. Vtints Suits tar )-
Hoys' $7 50 to $9.75 Long 5.00
uWM"iin 7,50
I'nnts Suits for
Tlovs' $3.00 Vestro nnd 4 Cfk
Double Hre..ted Suits at .... W
Boys' $4.50 Vestee nnd 2.50
Uoubln Hreasted Suits at
unvH' Jo nnd $6.50 Vcsteo nnd ft 7K
"ftoublo liwaHWrt Suits nt
Hoys' (Ac. Odd Knee 2&C
I'nnts nt
Hoys' 75o Corduroy 35C
"The great charm of the American girl"
is her ability to recognize a good thing the moment she sees it.
Sheridan Coal
owes its phenomenal success to Hie Indies guile u nnicli asto the
fact that it's the best coal mined in Wyoming.
Cramer's Kidney Cure 59C
$2.00 box Dr. Carl Cramer's Penny
royal Pills for tfe
Tar Soap, Cake jc
Pear's Unscenfed Soap ,. ioc
Cutlcura Soap, Bar '.. ac
Chamois Skin at Half.
Wo are selling nil chamois skins at
one-half prlco. Tho Fuller Drus; Co's
mark In Ink can be plainly seed and
our prices are just half.
The 10c ones.. 5c The 15c ones.. 8c
The 25c ones. .12c The 50c ones. .25c
and 50c for the $1 kind.
Colgate's and Lutuborg's 50c per
fiitrcs, ounco ...m 2Bo
Woodworth'n nnd EaBlman'a per
fumes, ounco , SSo
Parisian Hoses and Violets, or 40c
fine Clothing
OUR . . .
Tel. 127