T4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: STJXDAT, FEIVRT" ATIV 10, 10W. EXHIBITS COMING RAPIDLY Ifmial Additional Minnfwturtn , Bend Goods fw Indurtrial Exhibition, lONE REAL NOVELTY IS ARTIFICIAL EGGS .Volnntaer TTorktn Will Tmke I.onoh on Trlth Committee Monday lland Bmstern Lleslre to I'nrtlolpate In Auditorium Openln. Twontr-flTa manufacturers signified their Intention Saturday of making displays at the Industrial exposition In March. These men cams from all over tho country. California 0ntrlbute8 cannod. goods, Massachusetts clothing. From New Jersey comes Kaster oggs and Missouri contributes starch. Local dealers and manufacturers aro now beginning to Indicate their intention of making displays. Tho novelty of tho day's offerings was from a specialty company which desires to present an egg substitute This substitute has strong recommendations from chefs and housewives nil over tho country and ipects to rccolvo the hearty Indorsement of the hams of the theatrical profession, who grently prefer tho manufactured prod uct to the natural fruit of tho hen, espe cially In tho summer months. Tho men who volunteered at tho Thurs day mass meeting to assist tho auditorium commltteo In tho solicitation of subscrip tions will moot nt luncheon with tho com mittee. Monday afternoon, at which tlmo the town will bo laid off In districts for Ihe work of tho canvassers. llRiiilinnHtcrn Aro Interested. There Is n contest between two well Known bandmasters who have visited Omaha in tho last fow months rclatlvo to the for mal opening of tho auditorium. Borao tlmo ago Innes wroto that ho would endeavor to arrange his dates so as to bo In Omaha at tho dedicatory services It the company would lndlcato Its Intention of employing him for that occasion. Today he writes that ho will formnlly open tho Kansas City auditorium In thn fall and will bo plenscd to perform tho snmo ofllco for Omaha. On the same mall was received a letter from Manager liallenburg of llollstedt's band, raying that ho supposed the com mittee would glvo his organization the prefcrenco In tho matter of tho opening of thp auditorium nnd referring pleasantly to tho last engagement of tho company In this city. Tho matter of tho formal opening will bo referred to tho stockholders of tho msoctatlon as soon as the building nears completion close enough to make tho fixing of tho date of the formal opening possible. free Home. If you desire full Information In regard to tho Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Wichita and Caddo reservations In the Indian Terri tory, which are soon to bo opened for set tlement, send BO cents for book with quarter-sectional Illustrated map and full de scription of the lands to D. P. nilOWN, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. St. I'nnl nnd lleturn 1J 10.03. On February 18 and 19 the Illinois Central railroad will sell tickets to St. Taul at rate of J10.65 for the round trip. The short lino and only lino from Omaha with buffet-library smoking car. Particu lars at City Tlokot Omce, 1402 Furnam street, or address W. II. Drill, D. P. A., Omaha. A grand prlzo masquerade ball will be given by the Swedish Oymnastlo and Social club at Oermanla ball Saturday evening, February 16, 1901. One hundred dollars worth of prizes given away. Tickets 25c. Everybody welcome. Deed at DnrliiR. Series of articles by Frank Leonard, Oen. ral Crook's chief of scouts, now running In Omaha Mercury. Subscription U a year. MONDAY Carpenters commence Monday morning to build tho ANNRX In tho Tear end of the building; entire stock crowded into the main floor, ny consent of contractors we havo a short tlmo longer to close the re mainder of the stock. MONDAY The gTcat rebuilding sale will offer lines of Ladles' Storm Boots, $2.38, 11.98 and down to 98c. MONDAY Men's shoes, best makes, box calf, vlcl kid, pat. leathers of all kinds, 12.93. $2.69, $2.18, $1.98, and down to $1.18. MONDAY Men's and Women's AlaBkos Erst qu&tlty, 39c. MONDAY Sale dny for Boys', Misses' nd Children's shoes best makes repre sented, $1.48, $1.29, 98c and down to 49c. THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., Successors to "THE HOWE," 1515 DOUGLAS STREET. You Can Buy Brains at a meat market, or you can hire other people to think for you, or a nimble fingered girl to write your letters, but do you know a good dictionary is a great help in writing or speak ing correctly? Probably you hava a decrepit old dictionary in your office. It la so tattered and dirty that you Mldom nse It, Throw It In the vast basket and get a Standard Dictionary It Is tho latest out and scholars everywhere pronounce It the best Containing over 300,000 I words and having a corps of 240 editors, specialists and educated men, costing nearly a million i ( dollars before placed before the public, It ought to be a valuable book. It la a valuable book by far thn btst dictionary before the Enrflih-speaklns people. CALL ON Olt WRITE TIM MEQEATH STATIONERY CKX I0 FARNAM BTHBIT, IN RKOAJID TO IT. iMYnn nnos. Great Manufacturer' Shoe 5nle Jinn dny A 9ule That Will Kellpe All. Closing out five big fine shoo manufac turers' stocks at 40c on the dollar. The most astonishing bargains ever of fer! In new flno shoea. Ladies' fine $3.50 and 14.60 vlcl kid lace shoes for $1.96. LadlcV flno $3.B0 and $4.00 patent leather dtoss shoos for $1.96. Ladles' flno J5.00 and $6.00 hand welt sample shoca, made by French, Shrlner & Urnor, for $2.48. Ladles' flno 50c overgalters for 19c. Ladles' storm rubbers, all slzas, for 23c. Misses' fine kid 11.50 laco shoes for 98c. Misses' flno $1.00 jersey leggings for 48c. Men's fine $3.60 and 34.00 kangaroo laco shoes for $1.96. Men's flno $4.00 patont leather lace shoes for $1.96. Men's fine $5.00 Hussla calf hand welt sample shoes, mado by French, Shrlner & Urncr and J. P. Smith Shoo Co., for $2.48. Boys' calf laco $2.00 shoes for $1.23. Youths' calf laco $1.50 shoes for 98c. Boys' 85a canvas leggings for 39c. HAYDEN BROS. Hold Hayden Bros.'s bargains on this pago. To Oinnltii Tenelier. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way company has published, In t. neat and complete form, the address on tho enrcer and character of Abraham Lincoln deliv ered at tho Philosophical Institute of Bdln- burg by Joseph II, Choatc, ambassador to Great tlrltnln. This book will be given gratis to the teachers of tho Omaha schools who will, between now nnd Lincoln's birthday, call at tho city ofllco of the C, M. & St. P. Ily., 1504 Farnam street. Onialin I.oiIkc 1H, A. tl. V. W., Attention Tho funeral of Brother Jeremiah O'Qrndy will occur on Sunday, February 10, nt 2 o'clock. Degrco teams nnd membors of sister lodges Invited. Degree tenms will meet at tho hall of No. 18, 1 o'clock p. m.; members nt tho family residence, north wost corner Twelfth nnd Dorcas streets. By order. M. J. CURRAN, M. W. 1. H. COLLIER, Recorder. I'nlrliunk Quits the llonrd. rniCAOO. Feb. fl! A morning naper states that N. K. Pnlrbnnk. who Ims been ono of tho most active, nnd prominent mem bers of the Hoard of Trnde for over forty years nnd who was among the best known of its presidents, sold his membership yes tordny for $2,000. In 1S78. Mr. Fnlrhnnk was Its president. He Is one of tho oldest living cx-presldents of the board, there being only nnb man. Wiley M, Kgnn, who Is alive today wiiii served as president or mo nnitru prior to 1SS0. Mr. Egan held tho position In 1S67. Mr. Falrlmnk was ono of tho largest operators from 1S(V) to 1880. Ills specialty wa lord nnd he was considered tho lard king. Since 1S93 Mr. Fnlrbank ha confined his operations to stocks. Bargains In bicycles. Omaha Blcyclo Co. Handsome Pair of shoes Is somothlng that every lady and gentleman wants, and it Is what wo can supply better than anyone else because we carry only high grade goods. This don't mean oly high priced goods, for we have them at all prices, but they are the best of thn kind best there are at the price, whatover tho price may bo-t-the most fashlonnble, the most comfortable, tho best wear ing and the best flttlnn shoes made. Let us show you what a really satisfactory shoo is and how reasonable In price. CP. Cartwrigbt N, E. Cor. 16th and Douglas To Odgen, Bait I.ako City, Butte, Anaconda and Missoula To Ban Francisco, Ixs Angeles, to, San Jose, and many other points F0" 0 .- 'y 1 mr p" Tickets at 1502 Farnam St., and at Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason 8ts. J, PKANCII, Grnernl I'saaengrr Agent, Onia.li, Neb, w. ti, nnxxnrr ro.'.i ' Pencil ('nrnlrnl. A big quantity of nice evaporated peaches to be placed on salo Monday, Per pound, Sc. CORN CARNIVAL. A special purchase of corn, nice and sweet. 2-pound con, Cc. VALENTINE BARGAINS. Comic valentines, 30 for 6c. Valentine cards, each, lc. Valentino novelties, IGc, 9c, B6. FANCY VALENTINES. Regular price, 40c; go nt 24c. Regular price, t0c; go nt 28c. Regular price, 65c; go ot 3Sc. Wo have valentines up to $1.98, nil at bargain prices. W. R. BENNETT CO., 16th and Capitol Ave, Omaha, Neb. I.USS Til AN HAi.F HATF.S Via Onmliit A Ht. I.nnts II. It, On snlo February 19 to Port Arthur, Beaumont, San Antonio, Lake Charles, Houston and Galveston, Tex. Call at city office, 1416 Farnnm street (Poxton hotel block), or wrlto Harry E. Moores, C. P. and T. A., Omaha, Neb. Half I'nre In St. I'nul nnd Minneapolis. Via tho "Northwestern Line" Feby. 18 and 19th. Tho only lino with doublo dally train scrvlco nnd operating cafe-observation cars. City offices 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam St. Hamilton Warren, St. O., ectectlo and magnetic physician, omce at the Central hotel, corner North Fifteenth and Dodge streets, till a suitable location can be found. Special attention to nil long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases of women and children Dance programs and wedding stationery. A. I. Root, printer 414-416 South 12th. hayden; China Dept. Gas or gasoline muuiies we carry every style nnd kind nn A No, 1 mantle for 6o. Enameled glass lamps complete with burner and chimney, 9c. Decorated cups and saucers, dinner, tea nnd plo plntes, 6c. Decorated oyster and soup bowls, 6c. Decorated snlt nnd pepper shakes, 6c. Fine crystal 6-plece cream Bets, 19c. Complete bracket lamp, with reflector, 19c. Wash bowl arid pitcher, 24c each. Slop Jars, 69c. Butter Fancy separator creamery butter, 20c. Cholco country roll butter, 14c. Good cooking butter, 11c Some Prices that will Interest You in Cheese. Fancy Badger state cheeso, 12Hc. Canadian Red Cloud, 16c. Full cream Umberger, 10c. , McLaren's Imperial (Jar), 16a. American club house, 10c. Great Monday Bargains in Fish. No. 1 very fat Spanish maokeral, lb,14c. Extra largo Irish mackerel, lb, 15c. KKKK Norsk Herring. 10-lb. pall, $1.10. New Imp. Holland Milch Herring, 10-lb. pall, $1.10. Finnan Haddles (Ncal brand), lb, 10c. 3 lbs. saucr kraut for 10c. Crackers. Fresh crisp soda crackers, Bo. Pearl oyster crackers, 6c. Ginger snaps, 6c. Lemon and vanilla cookies, 8o. Oatmeal crackers, 8c. Animal crackers, 8c. Butter crackers, 6c. Milk blsqult, 6c. Shredded wheat biscuit, lie. Wo sell the sodas, oyster and butter Crackers at $1.00 per box. HAYDEN BROS, "Not the pain, but the cause makes the martyr" You will not be a martyr to smoke and soot If you USE SHERIDAN COAL Best coal mined in Wyoming. We sell hard coal if you want that. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127. Low Rates West and February 12, 19 and 26, March 5, 12, 19 and Helena, !23 To all notnta Denver ana To all points Bacramen Cullfornl it. It ON TO WASIIINOTOX. Itnlf Ilntea Via HIjc Four nnil V. A O. It. It, Account Inauguration. Round trip tickets to Washington and re turn will be on sate from all points on the 'Big Four" and I). A U. R. R., on MARCH 1, 2 AND 3, 1901, good for return passage leaving Washing ton not later than MARCH 8, 1901. Special rates for parties of fifty or more can be secured on application to agents of the "Big Four," or by addressing tho undersigned. For full Information and particulars as to schedules, rates, tickets, etc., call on agents "Big Four" Route, or address the undersigned. W. P. DEPPE, Asst. O. P. A T. A. WARREN J. LYNCH, Gen. Pass, & Tkt, Agt., Cincinnati, O. Illaolt, Hatter. That's what he will bo March 1, as Char ley Black has rented the store room next to Ryan, tho Jeweler, 107 South 16th street, and will open up with a complete stock of hats and furnishing goods. He will make a specialty of hats to retail for $2.50 no I more no less. There are shoe houses who handlo only one-price shoes, nnd Mr. Black Is confident tho snmo enn bo dono with hats. Ho has Just returned from tho east, where he purchased his new stocks, and will be ready for business March 1. With Charley's lnrgo acquaintance In this city there Is no question about his business venture being n success from tho start. "Nevr Orlenna for the Tnnrlnl" is the tltlo of an Illustrated booklet, Is sued by the Illinois Central railroad, de scribing the points of Interest in New Or leans, La. For copy, address W. It. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha. Neb. Watch work, Skilled workmen. A. n. IIu bermann, 13th an7 Douglas. No come-backs hayden s 30 Valentines for 5c Tho largest and most varied stock of comlo and fancy valentines evor shown In Omaha, will go on sale at "The Big Store" Monday. llayden's are headquarters for valen tines at wholesale and retail. Valentines at 6 for lc, 2 for lo, lc apiece, 60 apiece, 6c apiece and up. Finest fancy valentines, worth $3.00, on sale at $1.00. Valentines of all kinds, nt all prices. Dealers supplied. Make your se lections early. Cut Price Book Sale. "Elizabeth and Her German Garden" 25o (Tho now book.) 20 now $1.60 copyright books, 79c each. 2Ec paper books, 6c. One-fourth ream finest linen bond pa per, worth 25c, for 10c. The Lupton 12-mos. elegant cloth bound books, recularly sold at 25c, at onl 7c. This edition comprises tho works of' tho world's best authorB. New Fancy Ribbons. Just received, the latest novelties In fancy ribbons, on sale Monday nt 15c to $1. Sheet Music. Tomorrow we will place on sale 360 an them books,, ranging In price from 76c to $2.00 per copy. All go tomorrow at only 25c per copy. Now Is your chance to get a set of anthem books cheap. Also over 200 collections of very flno piano music, by our most celebrated composers, such as MondeUohn, Chapln, Handel, Scharwenkn. Schumann, Schubert, Mozart, Haydn, Bach, Rubcnsteln nnd many others. Tho abovo albums aro all very line editions, some ranging in price from 76c, $1.00, $1.23, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.60 each all go tomorrow at only 2Eo each. Wo also hnvo a lot of piano and organ methods, vocal albums, volco studies, piano studies, etc, at only 25c. Call and soe the nice sheet music we can offer you In vocal and Instrumental piano duets, violin and piano, cornet and piano, mandolin and gultnr, banjo and many other arrangements at only lo per copy. Tho above muslo wo will havo on sale, Is not cata logued, It being odd selections ot different kinds. Remember, Haydens' are headquar ters for all the very latest and most popular sheet muslo of tho day, which Is sold at tho lowest prices possible. Call or Bend for catalogue, which la free. Northwest 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, on the Northern raclflo Ry. west of Missoula, Including Spokane, Be- (AQ nttle, Tacomo, Portland, as well ns Van- Victoria, 11. u on the O. R. & N. Co.'s lines on thn Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. and (. AOO the Washington and Columbia Itlver f wfiO For policies that nro sight draffs nt ' maturity apply to H D. Neely, manager Hqultnble Life, ftfi nnd 10$ Dee building. New wheels, $16. Omaha Dtcycle Co. Prices lower than ever- 9 quality better than ever all amateur photo supplies, fresh, reliable and up-to-date THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. 1215 Fnrnani Street, Whoolsalo nnd retail denlers. HAYDENs S These, si Iks at lliese. prices are 35c Hlaclc China Silks, 10 bolls, s5c Hlaek I'ean Do Soie, 2i bolls, fair 1ST 9l..r)0 Wack French Poplin, extra special 7J)c 2.r0 Mark La Meteor Taffeta, llnest pure l.ve 1.30 -Nonewider Illaek Taffeta, the widest taffeta made, ill-inch wide, regular ?:i.00 Monda.v S2.r0 100 bolts of line IMnek Taffeta, good rustling quality an ex tra heavy, actually worth 1.25 to J ,B0, on sale only for Monday, at Ofle Colored Silk for petticoats and linings HO bolts of tine grade taffeta, 27-inch wide, in all the leading spring colors, regular .$1.00 silk, for (i)c Big Sale Monday on the Famous bilk Flannels, the new shirt waist material, pieces, in both plain and dots we show all the very latest shades, also cream nnd black, some on selvidge, sold regularly at. 1, Monday 7fic We show the largest and tinest stock of new Foulard Silk ever seen in the city, pretty foulards at HOc, GOe, 7uc, 1, $1.25, $1.50. New Black Grenadine, 4-1-inch wide, sold at $1.50 and $2, about 25 designs on sale flSc The popular "NVinslow Taffeta Silks, today in greater demand than ever before, it is now a settled fact that Winslow taffeta does wenr and many people will have no other but the Wins-low. The Leading Dress Goods House of the West. Wo nrn now kIiowIhr nil thn latest new pprliiK dress Roods. Prlentleyn Illnck takes tho lead for early HprltiK wear. It Is worn by nil tho royalty of Kurope on account of the Into Queen's death, nnd Is one ot tho scarcest cloths In Kuropo today, Black Dress Goods. Priestley's lnck Voiles, 42 to 41-ln.. Prunellas. $1, $1.25. $1.50 to.. Wool Satin Duchusse, $1.2 $1.23 $1.50 to S3.M $1.55 M.W $1.25 fl.'M 51.75 J ncHiiey H Priestley's yarn Priestley's and Priestley's nnd Priestley's and Priestley's Priestley's Priestley's Courtnldt's Courtnldt's to A lari? cloths and Nuii'h Veilings, yurd, $1, 'Wool " 'Chnil'l's, ' 'yard,' ' '$i,' ' Ktnmlnos, yard, $1, $1.23 Wool Hunting, yard, $1 to Silk Wnrp Mnrcullltu, yd., lllnck Venetian, yd, iM $1.50 $1.75 and $.'.50 to W Crepo do Cliones, yd, $!.! upen .Mesn voiics, yu ji.w lino of French nnd ('Jet black novelties on hiitul, $1.50 mill a I ho unnut Mhnn Registered A. Mayer Co. DEC BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. HAYDEN atff-Pf 1' Amos MISS A. MAYER: In reply to your noto I am pleased to say that the tender nnd persplrlnu feet are tilings of tha pact. About two or three applications of your powder relieved them entirely. I am more than clad to recommend the uso of your powder to my friends. Very respectfully, DR. K. C. HENRY. RE-NO-MA WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If proporly used no dress shields ore required. PRICE 50 CENTS .So hi Kverywlirre. A. MAYER CO., 3J6 Bee Building? Omaha, Neb. CONSULTATION FHKH I'llOMS 4. When ordering by mall add C cents DO YOU WANT TO BREED EXHIBITION STOCK? I havo two jons 4 ni U. II. J, I . , r . i from LANC'ASTliH. MA88. DIRIil'T horns, ono pen from WM, HI' APE, VICTOR N JOHNSON, Kl.MIBA, N. Y. HK. $1.W I" J5. 8r bright Uantnms nun I'i'Kin jjuck gUi'iranteoa. wnen siock is uinuiou per iiundred, from good stock V OUUl IIU Ull I.Hbl wav 1 .......Is Phone L 2744. THE SMOKERS PREFER BECAUSE THE JOI1HEKS' PROFIT IS ADDED TO '"'PUTY V. tl. IllCtJ M. C.gO., aiAAtrAC'llJlUJUi, wv. louih, mo. UNlufl HAUL I. WhentheWindlilowsCoKl mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm nnd the snow fulls fust you'll be Rure to ' linvo clmpM-(l facn, hands nnd Hps nnd voir 'I tlj the right thltiit by getting u iMitllo of our Ksyptlnn Lotus Crrnm for Ihcro Is no preparation mado that s any better 10 cents n bottle. Sclinrfor's Cotmfi ?t"ii 2(r Ci'iinior'n Kidney Cure 7.1u llriinio )nltt!n: , tflu 1 itor., U-Krnln lnlnlnr CnpKtilrn To 1 tlois. :t-Krnlii t ill ill lie Cnpntilr 1 dor. n-ctrnln Uiilnliic Cnpsulm DiifTy'n Mnlt WhlaWcy l.otttN Ornm lf.0 10c I'll I up Colrry Coiupoiinil T.o Wlup ii f until I ................ 7rm l'lrrrr'n I'rrnt'rtiitliin Tfie Scott' HiiimImIoii TCc droitnilnlull , , , , ;r,t) Cnltn'OHt i:io'tiirnnt 7 Ha I'll I in n Tnlilrfn ., rillo AVIiltr million llrinrily 1,00 n. s. h 7r,, MnMril MUU lOp, Trip, 9!l.1." riiiUlintn'n t'niiipiiiiiiil 7b0 SCHAEFEll CUT PRICK DRUGGIST a. W. Cor. tOth ami Clilcnuo St.. Bin Silk Department for .MONDAY. on sale a 1. 20c on sale at fiOe Enterprise. Colored Dress Goods Tho now roverslbln Suitings, In nil tho spring shinies, to bo made up without lin ings, lit $2.50 to $1.50 a yard. 1 New line of golf cloth, In new wenves nnd new shades, at from 75o to $4.50 vnrd. I Freti'sll Prunellcs. 4S-lnch, high finish extra, weight, sold up to $1.50 n yard; !ic. Now Hrllllnntlncs, In nil tho new paatal ' shndes. nnd also ovenlng Bhadcfl, nt 50c, 1 75c and $1,23 n yard. v Challis. All tho new and latest Challis, In Per sian nnd silk stripes, nt 43c, 50c nnd C5c a yard, . . A largo lino of last yenr's patterns. In nil shndes and silk stripes, at 39c and 43c n yard. Study the matter A llttlo and tho Important relation ot teeth to benuty will bo realized. Our Teeth Without Plates aro perfect In form, color and lit. Im passible, to tell them from natural tcoth, Perform nil tho functions of mastication with comfort to tho wearer. Wo mako a specialty of this work and guarautce satisfaction. BAILEV, the Dentist :tlU l'uxtnu lllncU, 10th & I'll run in Hi. Phone 1085. Lndy Attendant. DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER ? RE-NO-MAY PINK POWDER not only relieves, but potltively cures all diseases of the feet and hands. Stops odorous perspiration cures ton dcr nnd swollen feet. Endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians. for postage. mil . , L 1, ,rt,l-I" 111 'irilTMM I IHW..'LJ ll,.MO imtmi.i' ti i,yi from li s lirecllng pens, ttioi nest that BROS fifK. J..IHI lOr iJi HiHO IHIVU ivvu iiciio J. . itifvti n-,H- ' V . . - . ,.iy-ri iriHKAt, KT V .nn nnil fhum 1 I 'I kl t , uini j'v ii iimu hi I also havo ono pen of Goltlon vkk. .' ' per in, i Him'K nun rHK nu "i . j . ... - I'V ... 'nr.- ... w ...... ... --no", t Hnnfl nnMll with nrilfrM. Send cash with orders, J. 8. IMAN, 1901 South 20th Ave. mm NOTICE. Tax-Payers Owing Pinoml Taxes On 16th Between Far nam and Cuming Sts. On Cuming Between 16th and 24th Sts. On 24th Between Cum ing and Ames Avenue. Will have to settle be fore Feb. 18th, 1901. On said date DISTRESS WARRANTS will be serv ed on all delinquent tax payers along the men tioned route and vicinity thereof. A. H. HENNINGS, City Treasurer. THEY HAVE USED IT "Kxperlpnco H tin bi'st toucher" W tuko plciiHtirn In rofcrrlng thono who an- Interested to pcopln who IfAVK I'HH!) HllKHW.IN'-WlMJAMH CO. PAINTS, Theso pulnts havi boon mndn In tho city of t'li'Vi-lund for NKAHI.V U) VI3AHS. 'rhey nro belter known In most pnrts of the east THAN IS ANY UllANb QV W1IITH l.liAt). ASIC COIj. I'OTTKtt. tf T. P. Cnrtwrlght A Co. ASK 13. W. I.AMUIU3A1TX, t'ontruetor. ASK .1. K. ri.H.MlNO. Of tho l'rrsbytorlan llnspltnl. Or Jilt ltOIIT. WILSON, Ktiglneer of N. Y. I.lfc lllds. ASK A. DONAUl'lO, The Florist. Olt It. CAHI.UTON, Tho Prlnco ot Sign Makers nnd Paint ers. 1 112 N It V I.nilMANN. the 'Suprcnio Hf gont" of tho Oinnlin Decorating fraternity Or 1IAHHY I'OPNSMAN, tho Wntcii Dog of the iMty Trensury. ASK ANYHOtlY l'HOM CI.EVP.I.AND, OHIO That'H whero tho ShcrwIii.Wllllnms Paints uro tnude. AHK 8I3VKHAI, TIIOPSAND Omaha Indies who hnvo used the O.-W. Co. "Var nish Stains" nnd "KnameH." ASK PS And we will glvo you n color enrd show ing tho colors in ench ftpoclnl kind of pnlnt. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. In New Store at 16th and DoiIro. L DON'T LOSE YOUR GRIP whon you feci your heulth falling look to your plumbing-. Thcr Is nothing that will undermine, your health llkn living In a house wtioro tho plumbing Is dcfoctlve, and thn nlr vitiated by sewer gas. When you want your plumbing overhauled mid looked nfter, or your water plpos need repairing, ranges rind furnaccn or steam heating apparatus put In order for tho winter, call on us. Free 6c Black, Phone 101!). 180(1 Fa rim m. CURSE OF DRINK CURED BY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can bo given In Glass of Water, Tea or Coffco Without Patient's Knowledge Whlto Illhbon ltotncdy will euro or de stroy tho illinased uppotltu for nlcohollo stimulants, whether tho patlont Is a con firmed incbriato, "a tippler," social drinker or drunknrd Impobslblo for any ons to havo aa ap petlto for alcoholic liquors artcr using White Itlbbon Ilcmedy. By mall . Trial nackngo free by writing Mrs. T. C. Mooro, Pres't W. C. T. U. Ventura, California. Bold in Omaha, Neb., by Chas. II. Schaefer, 16th and Chicago streets. Monday the Sale Begins of the J. A. FULLER Drug Stock Every article In tho Btock must go. nvcry urtlclo sacrificed. Kent! our ad on jingo 12. ROSTON CTORE l DRUG V DEPT. See Our $1.00 Panels Piatino Finish. rotographer 213 North Kith St. Our Gold Crowns Am mads of 23-karnt gold, and nro shaped to assimilate, the nuturnl tooth, havo a Hun polish and will wear a II fu time. Gold Crowns, -$5.00 Kest Set Tcetli, $8.00 Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DotiKlnsSt. h& Sv -fa : 1