FOR. BALK-KRAI, ESTATE. IP TOU WANT TO buy, bell on trade houses, lixyrn, farms, lands on RANCHES -Colt Upon , u oEonaBTCuEMifl. Telephone KSC. Paxton Block. HOUSES AND LOTS, We have Just listed with us somo very nice homes on J9th st. near Han-com park, 13,200 and 13,600 each. Near 20th st.. on Pacific lit., S-room houe, cistern, rents for $11 per month. Jl.400. 6-room cottage on Franklin St., city water, apple, cherry and plum tree, good barn, lawn, soo walks, terrace, shade trees nnrt fence. $2,00). On IHondo st., near 25th t., lot 60x127, fi rnom dwelling 21x20, addition 12x16, with porches; also ham, carriage houso and coal house. $1,300. One-story frnnio houso. 2-1x22, 4 room, pantry ohd clonots, lot 110x160 on Web ster st. $1,700. We. have other (Inn homes In the best ports of tho city, ranging from 1.1,500 to tVO and upward. GOOD INVESTMENTS. TOR TWENTV DAS ONLY we offer for $23,000 one of the finest brick blocks In the I'lty, which rents for $2,376 per year. Here Is n. chunco for some wlde-awhke lnvetor ' GREAT nAUOAINTwo brick blocks. In side property, Mb rentals. Only 111,000. TRACKAGE PHOPEnTT-Best In city of Omaha and In any locality desired. One. of (ho finest 20,000-rtcri; ranches In the country, well equipped with tenant house windmills, water, etc.! will fcd 7,000 head of cattle; strictly tlrst-clss. Another 10tt-ncro ranch, all feneed, plenty of crock and spring water; thli I a. nwil one und adjoins ono of the best alfalfa farms In. the country. 15 acres Rood heavy s'econd growth timber tract, within 11 miles of Omaha. A annp at $1,200. 62V4-acro fruit form within 4 miles of Flor ence; good house, barn, cow sheds. imoke house and wolls. 200 fruit trees all bear ing, grapes, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries; 25 acres under plow. Only $3,740. 80 acres In Douglas county, $10 per acre. (0 acres 2(4 miles from Omaha, $70 per acre, 10 acre near Dcnnlngton, $50 per acre. 640-acro farm, Douglas county, 20 miles from Omaha, good Improvements, $16 per ncre. joo-acro farm In Washington county, only $75 per' ncre, ' RESIDENCE. LOTS. In every part of city nnd at any and all price Few of those $!W lots left, near car line. Only $IB0; only IS down and $5 per month. Other at $300 to $500 each. Only $10 down and $10 per month. 5 PER CENT MONEY TO T.OAN ON GOOD REAL I58TATE SECUltlTY. WHITE GOOD, SOUND FinB INBUR ANCE. COME IN AND SEE UH. GEORGE P. HEM1S. (Established in W.) Telephone, 6Sj. Faxton Block. RB-46 10 W. FAnNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 FAnNAM 8TIIBET. DON'T WAIT FOn IltGII PRICES. BUY NOW; MST TOUR PROPERTY WITH us. WE HAVE THE CUSTOMER. Desirable modern residence In West Ff.r nam district, excellent locations, prices ranging from $4,600 up. . Fine pressed brick residence In Dundee Place, entirely modem, 11 rooms, Injortor In dlfforent hard woods, largo barn, beau tiful grounds, permanont wnlks. This property can be bought at a. bargain. BARGAINS IN "RESIDENCE LOTS. H. W. corner 35th St. and Dewey Ave., 70x168 ft., one of the most desirable resi dence corners In the West Farnnm dis trict. Price for a few days only, $4,30). A beautiful building site. N. B. cor. 40th and Harney, 48x70 ft., with IS ft. nddl tlonal from each street, making -6x78 ft., paving and all special taxes paid In full. Price, $1,800. Two nice lots on 3th Bt., only $1,260 sach. SOME CHEAP HOMES. , Several nice coUages ranging In price train j COO to $1,200 each; desirable locations. Theee nro snaps. We have a. number of customers for morn small .cottages. If you. have one to sell list It Willi i us. A oum. - on . Telephone 10C4. c swt "tr"in .A SHIMER A CHASE. l-r. cottage. M lot, 23d, near Leavenworth .r.trhou'se. 'full lot. 20th street, north of Vin- 6-r? cottage'. Wot , 10th street, near Seward treet, $1,700. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. Hth and Chicago, 6-room cottage, full lot, i-'odern house, full eaBt front lot on 41st. near nurt street, monthly payments. $2,600. And many others. We will build to suit you and sell on easy payments. MAKE AN OFFER. West of Hanscom park, nice C-room cot tago. full east front lot, city water, gas, bath, cistern nnd barn; prlco, $2,200. 17th and Ilurdette, 6-room cottage. A SNAP. 1M strictly modern house. Just north of Hanscom park, $4,000. WEST FAHNAM DISTttlCT. We have several at a barguln, one of which la a 10-room. all modern, pressed brick mansion, with 9S feet of ground, going at $7,000. Also a number of east front lots. BUBUnUAN ACHES, 6 acres In Bonfleld addition Is offered for Immediate sale at $500, 10 acres lit AVcst Albright, $1,000. Many other tract at low prices. VACANT LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Lot on Farnam St., near 42d, $C00. Two lots, 30th and Ohio st., $400. FARMS, LARGE AND SMALL. 160 acres In enstern Nebraska, near county seat; 140 acres in cultlvntlou, 20 acrt-R pas ture; for sale nt a bargain, or will ex change for rental Drooerty In Omaha. 00-acre ranch In central Nebraska; 160 ture; largo 7-room house, Btablcs, wind mill, chool on land; 300 ucres tine valley land and 600 ncrra In hills; all U a dark loam, soil, no sand. 15, wo, on easy terms. FIRE INSURANCE, HOUSES FOR RENT. SHIMER & CHASE. 601 BEE BLDO, Telephone 1412. HE-SIO 10 SPECIAL BARGAIN In vacant lot. 8. 28th, near Woolwurth, alto 50150 .east front, pavca street, ciear tine, si,vw. Beveral vacant lot near Hanscom park very encap. 9-room modern house, good barn, lot 60x132. paved street, south front, close In, clear Northwest comer 37th and I sts.. South Omaha, 3 lots, each 00x150, east front, price ror coin, ti.sfo, A few cottages on payment. 4. H. BHERWOOD.W? N. T. LIFE. ItlS-MDJl U koii bale real estate. BWHCT Jb ltWAnt.ttV Phone 1472. 613 N. Y. Lite. We consider the following properties Ilnr- Bun. tllVt'nilKUItl UIVIU UIIU it'll " 1 1 m v you think they are worth. We will do our best to have your prlco accepted. Hotr.o Of them hav Just been taken under tnortgHgc foreclosure and are priced at cost. 2 D-room cottages on lot KxlJO, at 92d and -ai., wiey are in good repair, cnnrr cm tago well worth rlce asked for both, viz.: $1,375. 5-room cottage, near 31st and nurt,. city water, fine repair, lot 35xl), only 2 K-room cottage?, full lot, 32d and Charles, 11,11". 6-r. cottage, lot 60x140, one block from Park ave. nnu iuv., 6 rooms and basement, lot 37x11.. rents for $20, 8 blocks west of P. O., $1.W). 9 rooms, modern, ex. heat, lot WxlUJ, nt 31st and JIarcy. in goon repair, u.wj. New 6-room cottage, modern except heat, corner, 8. 10th st., Juit right and price right. $1,700. $100 cash nnd $3.33 per mo., buyr. a 6-room block from Bu. Omaha car, rents for $10; prlco Is only $730, nnd our office will be open at 8 sharp Monday morning. 8-room house, east front, nice looking place, rents $1. 3 blocks rrom rarn Ave. nnd Lav $1,050. Near 26th and Harney we have a 9-room modern nouso ana goon Darn, ioi mm. This Is a fine home and the price Is less than the value of the ground alone, $l,iu0. FINE nESIDENCB LOTS. 60x150 (U 2Sth and Woolworth. big bargain, 60x160, 28th and Hickory, only $S00. 33x140 facing 20th, near Grace, paving paid, In Marysvllle add., $300 to $500. Near 21th nnd Amew, nice lots, 60x13?, $275. Seo us nt once If you want an Improved . ... . . ,.. . r l.nrfrtiln. write Fire Insurance. List your property with us. We have the customers. SWEET & HEADLEY. Phone 1472. 613 N. Y. L. Bldg. nE-502 I0 ' D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 310 N, Y. Life. Tel. 829. w ma.a n M-HE lintlin 14V1 ' ' O MIV .1X11U, ohimi, ... 126-2009 Pierce, GOxlCS, 2 houses, rent $15 .JP10.'1; or-l-ft K ,nm 11 .300. 244-2927 Franklin, 60x127, 5 rooms, bam, SNAP, $1,7W. . . 246-2611 No. 17th, 33 feet ground, rooms, 2Tlk Wo. 24th Ave.. 74x142, feet. 3 modern o-room nouse. rem mi i-, year, for both $4,W0, or for half of ground and 1 house, $2,000. You cannot beat this, iei mo icii jijh. , 444-623 So. 20th. 40x163, 7-room house, line large nam. rents ior yvi , "v about $2,060; will take Nebraska land and you assume debt, or will consider cash 0ttCt- RANCHES. vfc v 1.6R0-acro farm Madison county. Nebraska; 800 acrea under cultivation. 320 acres In mendow. 400 acres In pasture, 10 miles fence, 16 acres trees, orchard, etc.; 4 , sets of residence buildings .large barn, numerous small barns, granerles. cribs, corrals, toll house, etc.; underground water pipes and one of the best n l-round farming and stock farms n the state for tho price. Land Is gently rolling, not hilly, and Is adapted to corn or small grain. Price $20 per ncre; U ensh. bal ance to eult. RE 421-10 FOR SALB-Stock and hay ranch. 1,665 t r. . . . 1 .. ... 1 . t ri m inpntlnn acres, ow uuiiuui iumi, v. : ,: best In northern Idaho; sheltered valley, railroad station nnd steamboat facilities on ranch; many thousand feet of mill timber on uplands; range for thousands m cnttle: cah market nt door; orchard. Im plements. Improvements; hay, lip heart tock, $12,000. W. M. Humphreys, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. RE A FEW GOOD INVESTMENTS. We after the following properties cheap. The owners are anxious to sell. If you want a small home or safo Investment NOW IS THE TIME. 394 In north part of the city, l'.i blocks from Dodgo car line, good 6-room cottage, cellar, city water, 60-foot let, east front, possession can bo given at once; only $1,100; $200 cash, balance monthly. 399 On Emmot. nenr 34th St. car line, 7 room house city water, fine large lot, In f ood neighborhood and Is offered for $1.60. 3 On Lafayetto Ave., Just .ONE block from motor, a first class 6-room house with nice bath room, HOT and COLD water, PLUMBING, cistern, cemented cellar, sewer connection, etc. .comer lot, 60x160, In a most excellent neighborhood; property nil In fine repair and CHEAP at $2,250; $700 cash, balance 6 per cent. 24 In west pari of the city, ONE block from car line, a good 6-room a'.l modern houso In fair condition, corner lot. barn, etc., for $2,250; $300 cash. JUST THINK OF IT. Be quick If you want It. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. RE 471-10 EIGHTY acres. 2 miles north of depot at Orand Island, fine land and perfectly level. Taken under foreclosure and can now be sold for $2,080. 70 acres, 6 mile west of South Omaha, noVer been broke, but all good laud: Price $65 an acre. 40 acres north of Florence, fine Improve ments, 35 acres under cultivation, bal ance can be broke, Just tho place for a man to make money at gardening or raising chickens. 17V4 acres near Florence, nearly half In young fruit, which consists of apps, cherries and plums; $70 an acre, 10 acres. 6 mile from postofflce. perfectly level, In good neighborhood, $75 an acre. This Is a apleudld piece of garden land. 6 acres. 15 mlnuteu' drive from postofflce, owner will sell for $875. This Is Just like stealing It, 1 acre, nt 47th and Seward streets, 2 blocks from Walnut Hill car line, owner Is ask ing $600, but wants offer. THE BYRON RUED CO., 312 South 14th St. RE (6010 BENT LEY ft HOUCHIN, 901 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 796. RE M489 11 HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS They were derived from foreclosures und owners ure willing to take amount of original mort gage or less: $4,200 2V4-tory stone and frame house, 11 rooms, Kountxo Place, half block from car, fine. $1.700 7-room house, full corner lot, good location, one block from 24th St. car. $1.350 7-room. house, 3 blocks from Farnam car. $560 7-room house and full lot. $3506-room cottage and full lot, on paved street. Other bargains alto for sale by G, E. TURKINGTON. 605 Bee Bldg. List genuine bargain with me. RE-112-10 BALL & BROAD WELL. 601 N. Y. LIFE. 3 modern, except furnace, north 18th St., will pay 10 per cent net. Southwest corner 26th and Blondo, 6 rooms. lot G5xl20. ' A fow deslrublo houses to be sold on monthly payments. 2 houses and full lot on S. 16th at a bargain. 100 red-hot bargnlns to be sold In the next fow days. Sold ten houses loft week. B. & B., 001 New York Life. 'Phone. 500. HE-IS7-10 WE HAVE south and eaat front lot, city water, and sewer, vhadp trees, $200 to $150 each. Will build you a home on monthly payments. 7-room house, full lot, north, $750. o-room house, full lot, west, $650. 6-room house, Crelghton Heights, $750. 6-room house, Walnut Hill, $350. S-room house. 19th and Miami, $1,000. Termn eaay. Monthly payments. GEO. E. GIBSON, 1603 rVn urn Street. RE-M407-11 W. H. GATES. 618 New York Life. " rooms, fully modern, up to date, best of plumbing and a good heating plant. An Ideal home, been built about u year; lot 36x140; paving and permanent walk fu'.ly paid up; on 30th neur Pacific; a splendid location, within view und convenient to Hanscom park, only $4,000. 8 rooms, fully modern. $500 hot water heat ing plant, hard wood finish, barn, 118 South 35th St., a nice new home, $5,650, 64-ft. lot on Harney near Park ave., $950. 60x123 8. E. cor. 24th and Miami. $1,000. RE-MI 10 TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUyPAT, FEBKUAKY 10, I MM. FOIl SAI.n-llRAL KSTATE. PHILIP POTTER & SON COMPANY. Philip Potter, President; Aubrey Potter, Secretary. 311 N Y. LIFE BUILDING. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Now Is tho tlmo to buy In Omaha'n bet rosldence district. Get In beforo 'til the choice properties arc sold. Tho rise In .value on lots In this district will innke ' you money. It is at the door, Sure. Take your choice now. , , A fine lot, fifty-four feet frontage, onl three blocks from Farnam street, asphalt paved street, delightful nclghbortiood, only $1.0io. Can you do better? . An elegnnt corner lot, fifty-seven ml frontage, high nnd sightly, paved street on both sides, $.',600. Two block from Farnam street. A nice south front lot, 48 feet by 13o, on paved street, graded, walks, side cumUii. sodded, fifteen 7-year-old trees on this lot. two blocks from Farnnm stree., $2,200.00, reasonable terms. A most desirable slxty-slx foot frontage lot, with n fine Inrge property Just south of It. giving all the advantages ;f a south front, $2,150. One block from 1 ar nam street. . . , Two choice lots, OS feet each, surrounded by eligant homes, tho best In tho city, only $2,300 each. Secure one and you will never regret It, either ns a home or an Investment. lMPROVEDPHOPERTY. A nice, well built nine-room residence, south.front, with all the modern Improvements'-and nuarter-eawcd oak finish, two blocks from Farnam street, $7,5'0, It 1 a beauty und a bargain. . A nice houso on West Farnam street, nine rooms, all modern conveniences, ple.txiint homo and nice yard. Owner hns mood from city and offers this placet at a Very low llgure. $1,000. It will pay 10 per cent on tho money or make you a delightful A seven-room house, lot 60x174, South tji Bt.. plumbing, water, gat, right in rlty, A'small 3-room house, lot 60x150, low riouth 49th St.. with small barn, only $-, Buy It and start n chicken farm. It will pa. A CHOICE ACRE. On North 24th St.. paved, a fine one, 163x232 feet, submit offer. NEBRASKA LANDS. We hove sold this month four farms In Antelope county, one In Knox county nnd two In C'uiter county; seven In all. c have more left. 320 acres In Holt county for $l.Wpo. 1vt r,nm In rnatr rnlllitv for 11.600.00. 160 acres In Buffalo county for oaOft. 4 640 ncrss in cusier county tor -,wu.w, nj $500.00 cash, balance on time to n. good Don"t5forget we write Fire Insurance and reprwent tho American Surety company of New York for surety bondj. PHILIP POTTER & SON CO., PHONE 470. RE-415 .10 40 3S0-:icre, Clay Co. farm, on Uttle Bthe, It. R. 8ta 1H miles- choicest location, extra good land; price $35 un "nro. . 49-120-ucro farm, no better land in 'tho state, Hamilton Co., Improvement wo't.i at least $l,tvx, outside, lino bearing or chard and grove; $1,500.00. . 63One or the finest stock, hay and train forms, near Fremont. Neb., 6W acre?, cm divide, 320 and 240; 45.00 an ncre. Investments that pay 20 per cent frcm stnrt; necurlties, best farm land. See us for farm bargains. Nelson & Hoelek. 31D Ramgc llldK. IHu 416 10 rnOPEHTY bought & sold; money loaned; rents collected, L. L. Johnson Co.. 314 So. 15th St. IIE-102-F19 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-9K HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Blk. RE 923 FARMS, large and small. Let me know what you want. William Nelson, 601 3. 10th. RE M943 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-923 RANCH AND FAHM Innds for sale bv the Union Pacific nallroad company. B. A. McAllastcr land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarter, Omaha, Neb. nE-02t HOUBE to move. Wallace, Brown blk. , nE-026 FOn speculators or those who contemplate building your chance now In northeast corner 31st and Pacific Sts., for which owner will accept a very low price. F. D. Wead, 1324 Douglas. nE-355-12 STUIIGES. MARTIN CO., 617 N. Y. Life. RE-9S1 F3S TIIACKAOE PROPERTY. HALF BLOCK NORTH SIDE IZARD. BETWEEN 21ST AND 22D STS.. AT A GREAT BARGAIN IF SOLD THIS WEEK. BE8T TRACK AGE PROPERTY IN THE CITY. WILL SELL PART OF IT. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE M32J CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; 62H-foot east front In Nelson's addition. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-924 I AM authorized by the owner to offer for sale for tho next five days at $2,600 tho 60-foot lot and 8-room modern dwelling, oak finish down stairs, at No. 4038 Seward St. This Is a bargain, house cost to build $3,600. If not sold will expend $100 In re pnlrs nnd raise prlco to $3,000. G. M. Nut tlnger. Bee Bldg. RE 35311 AUCTION SALE OF LOTS AT REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. . WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAHY 13th. 190. Lots 11 nnd 12, .block 13. Orchard IIIII, .oh Decatur. 90 feet eaat of 28th street, lvlng fine, each lot Kxl3T. ... alley, 3 blocks from Franklin school. Tho hlgn bid gets thorn. See us or any reil. estate agent. D. V. SHOLES CO.. Agents, 310 N. Y. Life, Tel., 829. ItE 120-10 "SNAPS" for Real Estate DealerB. "Snaps'" Ih a now and novel little booklet of 1,00 catch phrases nnd Ideas for live real estato dealers to use In making their advertising "snappy." The only booklet of Its kind ever published. Sent postpaid on receipt of price ($1.00). Address Dept. H, Burnhnm's Lists Co,, Pub., Kansas City. Mo., U. S. A. HE 480-10 A GOOD, active, all around real estate man wants a partner. J 9, nee. RB-4W 10 A RARE BARGAIN IN A FINE HOME. This Is a beautiful home located near 35th jn Burt st. The lot Is especially fine, being 115x150 feet on n corner, one block from Bemta park, one-half block from motor. The house has, besides tho hall, five large well-lighted rooms and con servatory on tho first floor. There are five rooms on second floor, be sides the bathroom and large storage closet. Also attic, floored; basement, sub. divided by brick partitions, with furnace room, storage rooms, etc. The barn Is one of the best In OmahaT box stalls, man's room, etc. The owner, Mr. W. C. Orr, Is leaving the city for the City of Mexico and has In structed us to sell this benutlful, de sirable property for $6,500; $2,000 cash, bul aucc at 6 per cent. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG, RE-M374 10 REAL BARGAINS IN REALTY. 12-room house, lot 62x132. on Charles, be tween 22d and 23d, modern except furnace A ral snap. Beautiful home, 26th and Brown ts.'; 5 $I3003' Wx,J"! Botl born, well, etc. Twp 6-room houses, lot 60x124, on 24th, north of Bpauldlng. $2,600. ' , ' -oom house, lot 30x127, on Seward, west of S-room house, lot 40x112, on 29tn St., between Farnam and Douglas. $1,500. 4-room house, lot 50x104, on 30th av,. between Arbor and Castellar sts, $1,000. A one-story brick stove building, lot 20x132, 2107 Cuming st. A genuine bargain. lot 7. block 343, city, with one 6-roorn nnd one 3room house. $6,000. Will sell one or both. 80-acre farm In eastern Kansas, under cul tivation. $20 per acre, or will exchange for Omaha property, 100 acres of land, well Improved, In Van Bure.i county, Iowa. $25 per acre. Must be sold In a few days. I have also several other farms and sorne additional bargains In city property. See me before thw prices advance, CHRIS BOYER, 32d and Cuming. Tst 2049. RB-Mltf FOIl BAI.13 HKAli KSTATH. n. C. PETERS CO., 17W Farnam Street, Bee Bldg. DWELLING HOUSES. No. 140 7-room home, porcelain bathtub, marblo wushstnnd, 2 water closets, large refrigerator built In house, furnace, birds eye maple In 2 bedrooms, mnntel nnd K.r"P In parlor, all hardwood flnt'li, In side hlltidt, storm windows and screens complete, large porch, permanent side walk, gravel drlvcwuy, large barn, tree und shrubbery. Price, $3,600. No, 156j-9 .rooms nnd attic and ttoreroom, all modru except furnace: owner burns only 3 tons of hard coal with doublo heater, Price, Including carpets, Jtovos and curtain, only $3,500. Owner going to California. No. 95S 6 rooms, bath, closet, woshataml, gas, hot and cold water upstairx and down, good brick nnd contented, cellar, paved Etrcet and permanent walk nil paid In full, onc-h.itt block from 21th street cur line; there Is a morlgace of $Si) ut 6 per cent to run about 4 years; the Mouse Is brand new nnd we want an offer for the equity. Here Is a snap, you bet. No. 6077 rooms, all modern, south and east front on corner, 2 blocks from car; nlco shade trees, largo porch on south nnd enst side; owner will sell for $!.000 cash, balance easy terms. Price, $.',6U. VACANT PROPERTY. No. 216-40-foot lot on Patrick av. and Mth st. for $350. A snap. No. 192-35th nnd Dodge at., full lot. $1,300, South front on Harney St., west of 33d St., 60-foot lot for $1,300. FARMS AND RANCHES. No. 1667800 ncres In Lincoln county, Ne braska, 320 acres valley land, balance up land; all rich, black soli; i-room house, bam, corn crib, granary, windmill und tank; 160 acres cultivated, Price, $5,C0. No. 651319 ncres In York county. Nebraska, well Improved. Price, $35 per acre. No. 1021-2120 acres In Dawes coiinty, 200 acres under cultivation, balance In pas ture, 12 miles of fencing, good hoime. bam. windmills, stock, scales, corrals and ion head of cattle; near Hay Springs. Price, -16,i0 for ranch, Including the Oattlo. A big bargain. It. C. PETERS & Co., '102 Farnam Street. ' .- i -1 -HE RIC 506 10 ''REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY J. A. IXJVQREN. A fine two-story seven-room house, with nil modern' 4mprovenieiitn. Including man-teV- and" fumuce;- lot 60x150, right- for grade.' fine shado trees. In n, good neigh borhood, only one block from street car und paved streets, Price. $2.2irt. An elegant live-room cottage, with t'lty water, lot 60x128. close-to car, good scl-ool, In a flrit-cUiHS neighborhood. Price, $1,150. An all modem eight-mom houso In Hnns com Place, In tlrst-cl.tss location, between two street car tracks, rents for $36 per month. Price, $3,8u0. Ono five-room brick house and one five room frame cottage, south front, right for .grade, within walking distance of the business part of the city; rents for 116 per month, but will easily bring $18. Price, $1,375. Also a nice four-room cottage and bnrn on Ninth and Hickory streets, nice neigh borhood and right for prude. Prlco, JlVi(. A two-room houso and kitchen, lot 33x116 ft, right for grade. Just three blocks west of the High school, for the low price of $450. A four or five-room house, with barn, south front, right for grade, ground 100x12!, for the low piico of $750. This properly Is lo cated In Benson's addition only two blocks from Street car and school. I also havo 80 acres of land threo miles und a half north of-Florenre, half of it under cultivation nnd part of It covered with timber; no other Improvements. Will sell this week for $25 per acre. There is a snup for anybody. ' Twenty-two acres In Benson with 600 now bearing fruit trees,- an elegant live-room house, good bnrn, grunnrlc-H and two wells, for tllo low price of $1,000. I also havo some very fine acreage prop erty In Benson and other places, a very fine 360-acro farm In Lancaster county, Ne braska, with good Improvements, 12 acres In pasture, balunco in cultivated land, only eight mlle.s east of Llnco!n. Party will tnko some Omaha proporty In part payment. J.- A. LOVOREN. 424 Paxton Block. RE-307 10 FINE 200-ncre form, highly Improved: 22 miles of Omaha. Jacob Vanpelt. 600 Beo bldg. n;j-M393 10 WELL IMPROVED FARM. 31" acres In Sarpy county, Nebraska, only 14 miles from Omaha, 10 miles from South Omaha . market; lino blue grass pasturo and bottom land; 2 sets of bulldlngx. lino bearing orchard of young trees, plenty of ?:ood timber; In fact, an up-to-dato stock arm in every souse of tho word. For further Information call on or wnto Peter? Fitzgerald & Co., South Omana, Nob. ' RE-501 10 i ' GARVIN BROS.' BAnGAINB. South' Omnhn. 34th st. business property. 120 ft. frontage by 150 ft. In depth. 7 stores rented to permanent tonunts; price, . $1,000; nets 13 por, cent per annum on the Investment. 100 ft. frontngo on Hanscom park by 160 ft. in depth, vacant; price, $3,000. Seven-room house, neurly now, near AVest Farnam; house built for a home; combltia. tlon gas nnd electric lights, enamel bath, nickeled plumbing, good furnace; lot 60x 136 ft.; price, $4,760, Cholco building lot, OJxHO ft., 34th St.. near Farnam, $2,150. - . . . Choice building lot, 20th and Miami sts., $650, FARM. 240 acres, Otoe county, close to station, brick house, good burn, comcrlb. cattle shed, hog sheds, etc.; water piped to house and feed lot; smnll orchard; all fenced; price, $36 per acre; half cash, CALL AT OFFICE FOR DESCRIPTION AND PARTICULARS. GARVIN BROS., 1013 FARNAM. RE-509 10 20 ACRES. West Dodge street, house, bam, grapes, etc,; a cheap place for $2,400, 120 acres, 11 mllcs'nbrthweHt, fair Improve ments; u bargain at $45 per acre. 122 ucres. Big Pupplo bottom. $7,800. 215 acres fine smooth upland, none better anywhere $51 per acre. Lots In Morse & Brunncr's addition, north part of city. $1,200 each, 70x112 feet, corner 37th and Marry streets, south front; prime, $1,000. Submit offer. 99x164 feet, west front on 30th street, be tween Center anil Dorcas streets, $1,600. ti-room house, nenr 34th nnd St. Mary's ave nue; rental. $20; price. $2,000. southeast corner 28th and Farnam streets, two-story brick building; rentnl, $720 yearly; price, $7,000. Southwest corner 15th and Canltol avenue, three-story brick building. $19,000. JOHN N. FRENZEn, OPP. OLD. P. O. HE-513 10 GEORGE AND COMPANY. 1C01 Farnam Street. $4,200 Modern house, near Hanscom park: recently built and strictly modem, and a very atfaclVo place: $1,600 Near 33th nnd Manderson sts., 5-room cottngo. new. and full lot. $1.200-ti45 N. 19tb-t., on Boulevard; 30x110 ft.; 6-room house;. city water. " , Wo have 'a number of deslrohlo collages within easy walking distance of city, ranging from $S50 to $?0, that aro bar. PROPERTY WHOLESALE DISTRICT. $1X500-8. W. cornen 12th .and , Harney sts., 44x132 ft. . 160 acres, IS miles N. W. of Omaha, In ljet farmlngcountry In Nebraska, nt $37 per acre. RE 542 10 WE HAVE, for safe. farmsand catfhT ranches, Improved nnd unimproved, In Butler county, Kansas; tracts, quality and terms to suit purchaser. Write full description of what you want, wo have It Davis Realty Co., Augusta, Kansa?. nE 464 10" HOUSES, lots, farms, loans; also fire In surance. Bentley & Houchln, 001 N. Y. Life. RE-M4W-11 Toil .!.U.!:-UliAI, K STATU. 3H1MER &CHA8E. We havo a customer who will Invest $8,000 In residence proierty for rental purposes; prefers $1 too to $2,0(0 cottages. FIRE INSURANCE, HOUSES FOR RENT. SHIMER & CHASE. OX Bee Bldg. Tel. 1442, HE-MI 10 $11.6(0 BUYS 11,600 acres, fenced, private irrigation ditch, river front, cuts over l,lj tons hay, Central Nebraska, $l,0u0 buys Improved ranch that feeds 2(0 cattle. Campbell-Christian, York, Nebraska. i HE 650 10 OET farm land and ranch list of Campbell Christian, York, Nebraska. HE Go7 10 MEDICAL. LADIL8 out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Conildcntlal r27 VIRTUAMA cures Impotency resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, fitting for success, happiness In business; profes sional, social, married life;; $2, or 3 for $3. Sent anywhere prepnld on receipt of prlco. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American Office, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full line rubber good. LADIES I Chichester's EngltsTi "Pennyroyal Pills arc the best: safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4e stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester v.nemicai 1.0., pmiaueipma, I'a. r- CANCER cared nt home by Internal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain. Book nnd testimonials mailed free. Cancer In atitute, 121 W. 42d St.. N. Y. LADIES, I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female regulator; will relieve most obstinate cases of delnycd periods In five hours; sent secure from observation, $1.00. Dr. Annie Fowler, 2741 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. THE best Inhaler ever made; a sure cure for headache, nervousness and wejk lungs: price 2fc, postpaid. L. B. Brewor, Box 744, Lincoln, Neb. ICG 10 JACOBS' Tetter Wash wilt euro Tetter or Eczema. A freo sumple for 10c to pay postage. Jacobs Medicine Co., Hamilton, Ohio. 463 10 PATENTS. IN. F.NTOHS GOT AN IDEA ' We handle patents, copyrights and trade mark; y give us the bari Idea and wo will -1o the rest: modern equipped mnchlne shop nnd foundry In connection; Oltli-lal Gazette on Die; guide book free. Mason, Fcnwlck A Lawrence, patent lawyers. Ht6 Howard St.; Tel, 1419, Omahu. J. P. Cronln, repr. INVENTORS, wo ask no fee until the patent Is procured; If we fall, wo get no fee: advice free. Sues & Co., Patent Law yers, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Ixing ills tance telephone 1623. 418-Mitr.l5 SHORTHAND AND TYPIlWKITINO. A C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 929 BOYLE8' College, court reporter, principal. Beo Bldg. -930 NJC11. Business & Shorthnttd college, Boyd's Theater. -911 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 1 fc Doug. 9.C! Ill'.I.C.IAN IIAUES. BELGIAN HARES Some line does bred to n P-polnt Ffiehoda buck for salo. Hoy J I Habbltry, Holdrege, Neb. BELGIAN HARES, 1.000 choice, young, standard bred does und bucks, pedlgrce.l, fancv; get our prices. Hocky Mountain Belgian Hare Co., 20S Qtilncy Bldg.. Den ver, Colo. Agent wanted. 453 10 MATRIMONIAL. BLUE-EYED blonde lady of 19; sweet, re lined nature; good looking; with means of $S,000, and Inheritance ut $12,000, wants to murry an honest, respectuble man. Address J. H. Harris, 89 Garfield Pari; Station, Chicago, III. MARRIAGE PAPER, 10c; Feb. Issue con tains 500 descriptions, Indies and gentle men; rate for short time. Drake's 153 Washington St., Chicago. 426-10 DANCING SCHOOL. THE winter tern, of Morand's Dancing school begins this week. Adults, Tuesday nnd Friday, 8 p. m.; 12 lessons, gentlemen, $3; ladles, $6. Private lessons dny and evening. M-222 FU INCUBATORS AND IHlOODl-'ltS. INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co., B 2, Omaha, Neb. Factory at 23th & Davenport -479 IIICYCI.KS. START buying your bicycles now; $1 down, $1 per week. L. Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. M-635 nillDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. 638 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office reliable, accommodat ing; nit business confidential, 1301 Douglas. 936 WATCH IlEPAIItlNC. W. O. SANDERS, room 24, Barker Block. 428 F-16 STAMMlSllINCi AND HTIITTI'IMNU. CURED Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 939 FURNITURE REPAIRING, TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. 940 TICKET nitOKKIt. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin. 15(6 Farnam. Telephone 784. 941 LAUNDRY, OMAHA 8tcm Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffn, 4C. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. -912 CARPENTERS AND JOIII1I0IIS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts, 370 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating. cheapest. best, qu Ick est. Mrs A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 943 LOST. LOST. $140 In bills In buBlncs district east of 16th street. $40 rewurd for return to Beo ofllce, Lost 103 IS LO8T. lH-ycnr-old Llewellcn setter, white with black spots. Return to 423 N. 39th ut. and receive reward. Lost 533 10' RUHIIF.R STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Bee Bldg. Tel 251. 937 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Beo Bldg. Tel. 2635. -935 PORTO Popular Tour RICO Feb.. 10. March '-. Illui- trated program; 24 dsyi, all expenses, 1103, Raymond 4 Whltcomb, 103 Adims St..Chlcioo CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. To market gardeners and venders of fruits and vegetables: Commencing at 10 o'clock a, m. Friday, March 1, 1901. public bids will 1m received at the ofllce of tho Board of Publlo Works, room 403 rlty hall building, for choice of locution of spaces or stulls for market pur poses In tho market place, us per plans to be seen In thli office. Omaha, Neb.. February 6. 1901. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. ANDREW HOSEWATER, Chairman. WILLIAM COBURN. Secretary. F 6-d-12t-m& LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notlco Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platto Land company will be held nt the ofllce of said company In Lincoln. Neb., nt 11 o'clock a, tn on tho 6th day of March, A. D. 1901. By order of the Board of Directors, Lincoln, Neb., Februnry 4, 1901. C. II. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR, Secrotnry. F5d30t RAILWAY TUin TABLE. UNION PACtFIC-"THE OVEn Ian1 .loute " General Offices, N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Hireets City Ticket Olllce, 1324 l'arnem Street. Tolephone, 316. Depot. Tenth and Murcy Sts. Telephone, 629. t.eave. Arrive. The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm The Chicago-Portland Spcclnl a f -0 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mall e s:50 am a 3:23 pm The Mall and Express. .all:35 pm a 4:25 pra l.tnrnln. Tlpntrlee and Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:0u pm Tho Puclflc Express, ...a 4:23 pm Tho Atlantic Express... Grand Island Local. ...b 6:30 pm bl2:30 pm a 6-50 am u 9: am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday FHEMONT. ELKHORN A Missouri Valley Railroad - "Tho Northwe-tern Line" -General Olllce. United States National Bank Bldg., S. W. Corner Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St. Tel. GflL De pot, 16th and Webier Sts. Tel. 14J8. r .. . Black Hills, Dcadwood. Hot Springs a 3;00 pm uyomlng, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm Hastinf.. ior. David t.lty, Superior. Geneva, Exeter ana Meward ,,b 3:00 pm Al 1 ivv. a 5:00 pm e 5:00 pm b S:00 pra ionoiK, vcraigro ana Fremont 0 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln, Wuhoo and Fremont b 7:30 am blO: am Fremont Local o 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally excopt Sunday, c Sun day only, d Jay except Saturday, e Dally except Munany. CHICAGO A NORTH western nnllway "Th Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 661 Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy sts. Telephone 629. r Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spo- cfal n 7;0O am Chicago Passenger a 4il5 pm Eastern Express, Des Moines, Marshalltown. CeiUr Capias und Chicago ,.al0:55am Lastern Speclnl, Chi cago end a 4:55 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha Omahn. Chicago Llmlt'd.a 7:43 pm Fast Mall Cedar Rapids Passenger a Dally. all .30 pm a J HO am a 4:03 pm a 4:06 pm n 2; 13 nra a 8:01nn a 8:30 um a 5:3') pm BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth und Farnam Sts. Ticket m! Ofllce. 1401 pot, Tenth Twin rlty Twin City Bloux City a Dally. Farnam St. Telephone 661 Do and Marcy Sts. Telephone 03. Leave Arrive. Express. .....n ":55 am alo:33 pm Limited a 7:35 pm 11 S.l'i am Local.. ...u t:uo 1 am a 3:50 pm CHICAGO. ST PAUL., Ml 11 lira polls & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" Oen't-nl Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Bts. City Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone, 661. Depot. 16th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pavaejger...a C:oo um u 9:10 pm Omaha P3seu.&r all:10 um BIoui. City & North east Nebraska a 3:45 om a Dally. lU'P.LINOTON ft Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Offices, North west Corner Tenth und Farnam Streets. Ticket Office 1602 Farnam Street. Telephone, 250. Burlington Station, Tenth nd Manon Streets. Telephone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and , McCook a 8:40 am a 7:33 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo rado. Utah, Caiifornln.a 4:2 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills. .a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Montana ruget Sjund..a 9:00 pm a 6:45 um Lincoln Fast Mnll b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am b)l:53am Denver, Colorado, Utah und California a 6:45 am South Beid, Louisville, Pluttsmnuth b 3:35 om bll:05 am Ft. tsrooH, 1'iaitsmouth and Pacific Junction.. a 7:00 pm 8:20 am Bellevue. PJattsmouth and Pacific Junction. ,al3:10 am a Dally, b Dally execor Sunday. KANSA8 CITY. ST. JO seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 128 Leate. Arrive. a 6:25 pm a 6:15 am all:15 am Kansas City Day Ex. .a 9:20 am Kansas City Night Ex..lO:30 um Bt Louis Flyer for mi Joseph and St Loul.,a 6:10 pm a Dally. ' CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A Qulncy Hnilroad-"Th" Burlington Route" Ticket Omce l502 Farnam Street. Telephone. 250. Depot lenth nnd Mason streets! Al'ICJJIlUUU, 1.3 Daylight Chlcaen H ueave. Arrive. al0:is pm a 7:45 am a 4:05 pm n :45 um a 2:45 pm cla, a 7:00 am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.u 4:00 pm Chicago Locul Express, a 9:30 am Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm Fast Mall a Daily. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL nd A Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Jul and Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Far. ?,a.m ."'J- Xel'I'hone. Marcy St 0. wuuui, iimm nnrt 1 ele- nnane. r.?n Leave. . EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local ,..a 7:23 nm Chicago Lxpress bll:15 am Des Moines Local t ir-n pm Chlcagc Fait Express., a ;tio did Des Moines, Rock Is!. p Arrive. bll:33 am "0 am :5 Pm a 1:25 pm and nd Chlcago..a 1M pra a 9:3J pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. ' Denver. Piin1.-i nnA West a i-3o do Colorado,. Oklahoma A TPYfll ITIVAr n K.4A a 4:15 pra a 9:50 am s. Dally b Dally except Sunday ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of flee 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone. 245. Depot Tenth and Marcy Streets! TjBlfn . Chlpovn K-Tnrui ...S. 7:00 Am nil. or Chicago Limited ...a 7:45 pm u 8:ui ,S Mlnntapohs and St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 nm Minneapolis und St. 1 " pra Paul I Limited ..........a 7:45 pm a 8:05 nm Fort Dodge Local from " Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a -15 Fort Dodge fical 'rim V ,,S Bm Council Bluffs a 6 00 am a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday. "feff. I-Syis RAIL- ....... u.Mniin, tjity & Lastern Rnllroad-"The Qulnci- noute"-Tlcket Or. 'i:L. J!' "u"' t. e o. Phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone Jt. Louis Cannon Ball LeaVe- Arr,ve Ka.ltyund Qulhcya 6!,S Pm a 8:10 am a' Daily a 7:00 om 90Pm RAILROAD Phone. 322. De- Marcy sts. Arrive. pm a 8:20 am CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE Cl Ht Paul Rallwuy City Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone, hi Depot. Tenth and Mason Btiteta. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrlv IMiLWAum Chicago Limited Ex.,, .a 6:U) pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex,.b 7:15 am b 3:40 Dm . Dally, b Dalv except Sunday, WABASH IffSrSI Ticket Omen. yfZlXZ, Telephone. 629. V Leave, Express ...a 6:15 a Dally. 2Ii REVIEWSIIAZING AND IIAZERS Special InTtBtlgating Committea Report! on Military Academy Practices. SUBMITS BILL PROVIDING PUNISHMENT ReTerely Arraigns llrtitnl Impositions ou Fourth Clous Men mill Advises Mint (lie Penalty lie Per mit unit Dlmnlainl. WASHINGTON, Fob. 9. The report of the special congressional commission which Investigated the hazing of Cadet Boor, and the general subject of hazing was today submitted to the houso ot representatives by the chairman, Representative Dick, to gether with u bill making stringent regu lations against hazing, fighting and all brutal practices. The report Is an exhaustive review ot tho practice ot hazing In all Its forms, and while moderate tu tone, Is nevertheless a stinging arraignment of the many alleged brutal practices enumerated, It specifics more than 100 distinct methods of annoying and hazing fourth-class men and describe then In detail. "Ono of tho funny forma tions" described Is that practiced on Philip Sheridan, Jr., who was compelled to ride a broomstick, "In mockery of his Illustrious father's achievement at Winchester." The report states that n system of fighting hns grown up which Is shocking In its character. Tho lights are described and the committee states that the West Paint code Is more vicious than the Queensbcrry code. Tho committee held that fighting Is the v,orst form ot hnzlng, Tho report a that such fighting as that nt West Point Is a felony, according to tho statutes In many Ot tho states, and tho tlmo has como when congress must decide whether fights, which are high crimes elsewhere, shall continue at West Point. Kininplcfi of Brutality. Tho committee finds that Cadets Mac Arthur, Hroth and Burton were hnzed Into convulsions, others were hazed until they fainted, whllo otbers wero hazed until they wero sick. The hazing of Cudcts Booz nnd llrcth are elaborately treated, but the committee does not attrllmto their deaths directly to haz ing. Tho report adds: But whllo wo cannot tlx upon hazing th responsibility for these two deaths, the pos sibility that It hastened them und tha blot It throws on the othcrwlso fair anil glorious famo of the ncmlemv: Its reindict with proix-r training nnd discipline, and unfitness in huh new century, urges tno adoption or reusonab!o, yet wo believe effective, meas ures for Its eradication and the promotion of discipline at tha academy. Tho bill submitted contains eleven sec tions against hazing and provides means for Its detection und punishment. Dis missal Is provided for taking part In a fight or n challenge, directly or Indirectly, or for any form of annoying, harassing or bracing of endcts. Cadets dismissed am made In eligible to appointment to the army, navy or murine corps. Provision Is made for courts of Inquiry, courta-mnrtlal, closer as sociation between officers and cadets nnd other means for effectually stopping tho practice ot hazing. NAVAL VICTORS GIVEN RANK President to Iti-iiiiniliuitr Full List, InelmlliiK fennipNtiu mill Sclile.v, rxt Momlny. WASHINGTON. Feb. O.-It Is expected that tho president will on Monday next re nominate nil tho ofllcerc connected with the navul victory off Santiago Juno 3. 1S9S, whoso nominations for advanced rank failed In tho scnato many months ago. The now nominations aro of tho character of those formerly sent to the senate, with this difference, that tho operation of the personnel law had already advanced mauy of tho officers whoso uumes wero on the list, and consequently tho department Is , obliged to make somo recommendations to carry out tho spirit of tho board's Instruc tions. Hear Admiral Sampson is advanced to rank after Rear Admiral Howell, tlm senior ofllccr tn his grade, nnd next below Admiral Dewey. Hear Admiral Schley H advanced to rank next below Hear Ad miral Sampson. Tho order ot, advancement In tho case of the other officers Js prac tically the same lis In the original nomina tion. WU EXPLAINS WHAT HE MEANT Minister from Clilnn. Dlsnvovrn Inten tion ii f Crlt Ii-IhIiik; Any; One lint (Ilia Himself. WASHINGTON, Feb !). Tho Incident growing out of Minister Wu's criticism of General Otis lu his letter to tho Society of tho Geneseo probably is closed satisfac torily. Minister Wu hns disavowed to the Stato deporttment nny intention of criticis ing tho government ot tho United States. It Is understood that Mr. Wu believed tho oxcluslon of tho Chlncso from tho Phil ippines to havo originated with General Otis and not with tho War department or nny other branch of tho government, and In speaking of his (General Otis') having been 111-advlsed, it Is understood thcro was In Mr. Wu's mind tho Idea that somo local representatives In tho Philippines had oper ated upon his mind to Induco him to ex clude tho Chinese. For Mimes llnnily'H Kervlras. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Frederick Van dyne, assistant solictor ot tho State de partment, acting as arbitrator for tho par ties, has mado a decision rewarding tn wit. Ham Handy, son of tho late Moses P. Hundy, tne sum or 15,000 for services rendered by his father In tho prosecution of tho famous Mc.Murdoo claim against tb government ot Portugal growing out of tho DeJagoa Bay railway construction case. Guatemala Iteiliiups Unties. WASHINGTON, Feb. D.-Unlted States Cousul General McNally nt Guatomala has transmitted to the State department a de cree of the Guatemalan government extend ing the benefit ot the rebate on the tariff until June 30 next. The rebate amounts to a discount of 30 per cent on the duties and other taxes on merchandise Introduced Into Guatemala through the port or frontier custom houses, For Hettcr Piiy In llnvrull. WASHINGTON, Feb. 0. Sonator Clafk, from tho committee on Judiciary, todc.y favorably reported tho bill Increasing the salaries of territorial officers of tho terri tory of Hawaii. AVurldiiK Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless, llttlo workers Dr. King's Now Life Pllln. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing indigestion, bilious ness, constipation, sick hendacho and nil stomach, liver and bowel complaints. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at Kuhn A Co.'s druc store. HAIIAVAY TIME TAIIL11S, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL - -General Ofllces and Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Bts. Telephone, 104. Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis and .Kansas City Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm (C C., St. L. Express.. .ato:50 pm a t,:is urn Leave from 15'n and Webster Streets: Nebraska Loral. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm nl0:45 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunday,