Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1901, Page 22, Image 30

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Advertisement for these cnlnnin
ttIII lie taken until i'i in. for (h
CTenlnB edition and until HMi p. in
ror morning ntiil miliar edition.
Itatea, 1 1-iic n i-rord fir lit Insertion
lc a. rrord therrnfler. Nothing tnkrn
for lets tliitn 2rio for the first Inarr
tlon. These advertisements moat be
-ran conaecntively.
ArlTertlaera, br rrnnestlnar n nn
tiered clicok. enn have nnawera nd
drcaaed to a numbered letter In enre
or The Her. Anatrera ao nddreaaed "111
tie delivered on presentation of tha
eneou onlr.
EXPERT accountant. Holbrook, Brown blk
POSITION wanted In clothing store by
young man: uvo years' experience, nrst
class references. L., Box CIS, Blair. Neb,
A 1'
WANTED, we have steady work for a tew
geod hustlers of pood babltH and appear
ance. j. i; AUams co iwj iiownrn ci.
BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short
time! catalogue & particulars freo. West-
u uuiuuia IIIBMIUM.', VIIIU 111,, . ...
MEN or women to sell goods to clly
Good pay and steady employment. 1 Ilx-
enbaugh & Co., Waro block, omuhn.
B-M'12 Maris
WANTED, cnnvasiers. 1620 Douglas St.
WANTED, first-class short order cook for
restaurant, t. j. Evans, Box 2Mi. f air-
miry, ei), ji iujii ii
TEN harness makers. Apply Harries Sad
tilery Co., Bloux City, la. B-M303 LI
'THREE actlvo men for local position (sev
eral weeks): salary 13 per day. Aridresn
ra. J. i in, .Manager, ra i-iicBinui at.,
i-niiaucipmn. H-.MJiJ lir
HARNESS MAKERB-Wnnted Immediately
ion goou narnrss makers on uuggy imr
Iiess ut Tliu Konnntz Haddlerv Co.. St.
Paul. Minn. To good men can assure
stonily wont, u 379 10
SADDLE MAKERS Wanted nt onre. live
(rood stock saddle makers at The Knnnntz
wauwery co.. hi. Paul, Minn. One! "ien
unsurcu mcnuy worn, ii iisi iu
SOLICITORS wanted, familiar with build
In anil loan work; ladles, or men; refer
ence; good pay for workers. Adriroot J 8,
Hop. B-M397 12
WE WANT men to learn barber trade. We
tencn tno iork thoroughly and practically
In two month by giving tho students con
stant nractlco and exnort Instruction
Diplomas uro awarded by our boarJ after
a thorough examination tnat nilows grad
uates to work In any stato In the union,
We guarantee to make you a llr-U-cliM
barber and furnish positions for each
graduate. Our catalnguo will be malted
frrw by writing to Moler Harber Collrge,
163 Farnam St., Omaha. B-M391 It
BLACKSMITH wanted: Rood plowman and
good shoer; Rood wiiRes. Cl.irinda Cnr
rlaRo Works, Clarlndn, la. B M388 11
SHOE salesman wanted: nn exnerlnnrnl
salesman for retail store: state references
nnu salary wantca; n steady position to
tho right man. Address I'. (). box 154,
Crete, Neb, H-M3S.' 10
HOME employment, either sex, $9 to IIS
weekly, working- part time, duy or even
ing, no canvassing, easy, pcrmnhout;
Inclonn two lo st'unps. ICxeelslor Mfg.
Co., 310-3115 K. 18th St., New York.
U-133 10
A RELTARLH Seller; Vest Pocket Electric
Lighter; takes tho place ot matches, ituj's
lighted In a pale, lasts for years, Into
patent. Addrem with stamp, OIoIm Sim
ply Co.. San Francisco, Cat. H 132 10
SALESMAN wanted to call on octnrs only
on belinlf of tlio leading Arm In the bml
tiess; nl tn one for outside city; estab
lished trade, position permanent; appli
cant must bo Intelligent and indefatiga
ble; stato experience. Address P. O. box
m, Philadelphia. U-131 Id-
WAITED, an experienced medical
specialist about V) years old to nsslst In
the oMlco of nn advcrtlslnc specialist.
State oro. experience nnd school. Ad
dress Box "firt, Omaha, Neb. H-rUiMO
PALE8MEN to sell Imported and domestic
Honors, principally fine Kentucky
whiskies and blends; cm no and barrel
goods, to Jobbers and saloon trade; good
clianco to tho right man; salary or com-
, mission. H. 8, Strader & Son, C9 nnd "1 E.
Water St., Lexington. Ky. II li'.-lO
WANTED, salespeople, men nnd women;
business pleasnnt. profits handsomo;
write for particulars. Ideal Oeneratir &
Moiitlio-Korniolliio Co., Gadsden. Ala.
U I9G 10
WOItKEns, either sex, to do ofHen work at
homo; no canvassing, no peddling, good
wages made; particulars, etc., In stamp.
J A. McKltrlck, Uutler, Ind. 11131 10
WANTED, a man clerk In general store;
Herman preferred. Address Lock Uox
20. Panama, Iowa. P. 103 10
TO TPvAVKLEUS, good line offered;
protected ground: fair commlslson ex
tending over duration ot account;
amounts Inrgn; samples neat and free.
Tactory," P. O. 1371, New York.
WANTED, for the trade, first clans sales,
men. alio four good men for side line;
cigar nnd liquor men preforred. Feb, 18
for Interview. Address J 13, Pee.
H 176-10
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Ad
vertising Bureau, Chicago, B 173-10
WAMTED, salesman fanilllnr with the mill
business, to handle exclusive territory
for our lino of belt hooks, Sawyer Hard
waro' ami Supply Co., Pawtucket, It. I.
MANAGER wanted In every lnrgo county;
strictly lawful nickel slot mnchlncs for
drinks nnd cigars; rented or bold on easy
payments. Securo territory quick. Val
entino Morgan & Co,, Chicago. I'I.
WANTED, first-class collector, road man.
Address Legal Adjustment Co., Atlantic,
Ta. B-130 !U
POSITIONS under the government; thou
sands of appointments will bo made from
civil service examination to bo h"ld
everywhero In March anil April. Cata
logue of Information free. Colum'
Correspondent College, Washington, n C
B-420 10
WANTED, general agents In all NebrnUa
towns having water works for tho Kills
Charcoal litter: a great seller; retails
for $1.00; sumple nnd Instructions, 75c.
Addivss W. R. Truesdell. 610 nnd Ml N
Y. Ltfo Bldg., Omaha, Neb, B-127 10
HPRI1 winner for MOO per month. AVrlte
Golden Rule Mfg, Co., St. Louis, Mo.
B I30-1C
RELIABLE men to sell our line of hleh
grndft lubricating oils, greases, paints and
varnishes. Salary or commission. Ad
dress, Mutual Retinitis Co., Cleveland,
Ohio, B 13510
ENERGETIC man to travel and collect.
Salary $0." monthly and all expenses, Per
manent position If references bo satis
factory. Travelers' Dept., Star Bldg..
Chicago. B 131 -10
WANTED, two good newspaper solicitors.
110 No. 14th St. B-otO 10
WANTED, manager for smnll lumber ylird
In southwestern part of Nebruka; man
experienced In retnlt lumber trrnju of this
stato preferred: salary J50 per month - per
manent position. J 23, Bee. P r,3 jn
CANVASSERS for "Life and Reign of
Queen Victoria. Including lives of King
Edward VII and Queen Alexandra," by
Murat Halstead and A. J. Munsnu, Only
U.H), 10 years In preparation. Our offer
$5.00 premium with each book to advertise
us for future HiBlness. Is sweeping the
country. Canvassers now clearing $5 to
$30 daily. Profound Interest; enormous
riumand, snles nmazlng, Good territory
still open. Outfits free. Th Dominion
Co.. Dept. X, Chicago. B-M503 12
WANTED Men to advertise and Introduce
our soaps nnd specialties, tuck signs, dls-
tribute circulars, samples; sieiuiy work;
$12 weekly and expenses,
Marvel Mfg,
Co., unicagii.
i pi"
inrcPUTIES waJited. Men and women to
write health and accident Insurance.
Liberal contracts given. Apply nt RU Beo
bai.ESMEN for clrars; new plan, quick
Vales kooA business, big monev. Con
;2meV.' ajtr Co.V63l'B. 7th St.. Bt. Loulf.
WAM'1211 MAI.n III2I.I'.
That's the first thing your prospective em
player wants to know about' you. Hi
wl'l want to know about vour rlnirHder
habits, etc., but he will be Interested first
In knowing what you con do "what you
urn boou ior. mil must ne nine to uo
sometiimg-nnil don't expect a busy em
IHuj'er io lencn you mat somctning. I
you would be successful In the battle o
llfo you must know business. You mils
have a practical education an education
Hint must be turned Into dollars nnd
cents, If you enter any kind of business
without proper equipment thnt business
will be your enemy, and a hard cnemyto
compete with.
It's your own fault It you're not able to
iiuiu your own or io pusn your way up
ward to something better. You can learn
how. Wo'd llko to help you. Will you
ll'l lit i
A large number will enter tomorrow,
jui.n i n km.
Send for some of our literature. It's free,
ll..NII UUI.IiKUli
pay and Evening Sessions.
Bee Building. Omahu
B 4S0 10
AIsTI.D, Industrious men nnd women In
every town to work for ub nt their homes;
no canvassing. Wo will send work any
distance. We hnvo several lines of work
to give out, some of which requires no
experience, If you enn't devote the whcie
lay to our work, you can earn $3 or $C u
"J wormng an nour or two even-
iiiKii. iunress nianuaru Mlg. Co., 142 Wes
23d St., New York, u
PREl'2 TRl'SS-I have a truss that's cured
iiiiiiureiis ot riinii res. it's safe, sure nui
easy as nn old stocking. No elastic or
Birei imnu around tne nody or between
wiu irgs, Minus nny rupture. To Intro
duce It, every sufferer who answers this
nd nt once can have one free. It won't
rosi n rent. Alex. Hpelrs, Box 013, West
brook, Maine, n
MECHANICS, ennlneers. llr
iii-ii, to, ii iree scnoiarsnip in engineer
ing will be nwnrded to n few well recom
mended applicants. American School of
iurrt'Biuniiencp. lioston, .MllfS. II
WANTED, energetic snlestnen by larg?
uiiiiiiiiuuiui ci , Hieuuy employment; Dig
romuncrntlon; wo train nnd equip for suc-
", nuuii'sn -icrK a, uox jw, onicagn.
CATHOLIC MEN, we are headquartfrj fcr
i io micai linn uisi selling designs In
shrines, passion and mission crosses,
unry. etc.; actlvo men wanted. Catholic
Supply Company, ID Barclay St., Now
lork. u
SALESMEN wnnted tn aelt i,.,
n,""i"- " "iiuifBiuo unu reian iraao. We
hi u uiu iukcbi unu oniy manufacturers
In qur line in the world. Liberal salary
paid. Address Can-Dex Mfg. Co., Bavan-
Ari i i'.u-ooofl business man In each
principal city io conduct cash business.
Guaranteed by local banks. Big returns.
Honorable nnd legitimate. Must furnish
L.J Jna ensn. Address,
i. R. H.. P. O. Box 715, Cincinnati, O.
IIIV tnm, . . .
""""", energetic man to mnnnre
i. '. V. V""""i"ii,7i iiuuse; no solicit
ing; ofllco duties wholly; salary $125 month
hrnnnli, nl.l mo n i . -. . . .. P
mu .-.iiii .uiiiiiiinsions; yearly engage
""l5,f-""vo niiiui uuvnncement for mnn
of ability; experience not necessary; must
i'""'1 kmi reierences anu jsoo cash.
Manager, Drawer 71, New Haven, Conn.
THtT.STWOHTlIY person to travel for old
csuimiMiicd, reunuio House, Positively no
cnnviiKsIng required. Salary J7S9 and ex
penses. Enclose self-addressed stamped
envelope. Manager, 3S3 Caxton nulldlng,
Chlcnco. It
"milium, suinries pain, exnm
nat ons required, otc. Ilegulnr exam
inations soon In everj1 stato. Circular 161,
giving full particulars, sent free. Write
today. National Correspondence Institute.
Washington, D. C. )
SALESMEN wanted: experienced travellnc
noirniiian nmi general muse, trade;
must be able to show a record and glvo
bond; no has-beens need apply. Box C08.
St. Louis, Mo. (99
ALES. MEN. automatic copying book. Just
yiii, iiiTiira iij every niiHiness man, a
bonanza for agents, exclusive territory.
Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind.
133 10
ALESMAN wanted by March 1st, traveler
uir -HuiirnsKn; nniurai anility nnd aptness
will count for more than experience; high
commission contract; strictly staple lino;
references; bond and entlro time, required.
High priced men Investigate. E. L. Illce,
33 CongresMi St., Detroit, Mich,
SALESMEN; two specialty: drug, experl-
vin;vu iiirieni-u; imp proposition IH new
and n winner; extraordinary Inducements
nnd guarantee; salesmen capable of bund
ling large propositions apply; $1,000 per
month to hucIi men. J 7, nee. 162 10
WANTED, by established house, nchemo
or specialty men to sou attractlvo nnd
salable line; liberal and unique Induce
ments to the trade; hustlers nnd hlgh
lirlci'd men Investigate. C. R. Cook. :5
W. At water Bt., Detroit, Mich.
460 10
WANTED, one responsible, hustling, ex-
Iiltu-uucii ruaii miie.sniuu; urst-ciass line,; permanent position for a good
man. Columbia Jewelry Co., Iowa City,
Iowa. 460 10
WANTED, by established house, scheme
or specialty men in se:i attractive nnd
salable line; liberal nnd unique Induce,
menls to the trade; hustlers and high
priced men Investigate. C. R, Cook. 21 W.
Atwntrr St.. Detroit. Mich. 161 10
WA NT 1-3 II I- K M A I.K 11121,1'.
WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76.
S3 girls wanted. Canadian otflce, 1522 Douglas
c S5S
YOITNG lady to learn massnge; permanent
iiuMuou ior rigni party. Apply 220 nee
Bldg. C C2J
WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng.
manicuring and racial massage; prepare
for Dummor season and resort positions;
splendid openings; good pay; positions
guaranteed; 4 to 0 weeks completes; best
tlmo to begin. Call or wrlto for partlcu
lars, Moler's Halrdresslng College, 1G23
t arnam, Omaha, C 304 11
COMPETENT girl for small family. 2630
Purker St. C 69U
WANTED. lit once, girls and women to sort
h, 'v rrrcr, nit uougias, C 3U78
WANTED, housekeeper for a widower, 3
J-I...MI.-H in .uuuiry. juiiii I'HCIl, Have
ock, Neb C-iJ76 13
WANTED, a housekeeper of mlddlo ago to
mnu ciiiuu jniiii;i; in a noma ami tencn a
young girl to do housework; the right indy
will hnvo a homo as long us the wishes It.
Wrlto to D. C. Ryder, Dixon, Neb.
C-MSM :o
GOOD girl for general homework; family
ui ifinti, fcuuu nuKi'a. ilol ao. nai at.
AGENTS wanted for Hnlleck's extracts;
ici iimiiciii. in uiunuiu, t'usy wotk; reter
ences required, Tha Ablleno Drug Co,,
Abllnno. Kansas C
.AD1ES WANTED-To do crochet, Bat-
iruutTB nun einuroiuery ior us at tneir
homes. Steady work. Chicago Crochet
Co., Chicago, c
.ADIES WANTED, to do crochet, batten-
"erg nnu omnroiuery worK ror us at their
homes. Steady work, good pay, I'arlMan
Needlework Co,, S5 Dearborn St., Chicago,
III. C 424-10
COMPETENT woman enn make $60 a
mouth and expenses; permanent posi
tion; experience unnecessary, Clark &
Co., 234 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. C
LADIES In every town to sell skirt sup-
imriiTs; miiiiry i..w; senu ao tor sample,
Warlleld Mfg. Co., 619 Main St., Clncln
liatl, O. C
WANTED, experienced operators on shirts,
pa ins ana overalls, iiyrno tv liauiuvr
Dry Goods Co. Pactory, 12th nnd Howard
sts. C-.M537 11
.ADY to travel In Nebraska: $30 monthly
ann o:i expenses to start; oesi rererences
required; position permanent. Belf-ad-dressed
envelope, for reply. Address,
Treasurer Macllradv. 356 Dearborn. Chi
cbo, C-141-10
THE OarAHA DAILY BEE: SU 2s D AT,FEBT? IfA "R Y 10, 1001.
W.lXTni)-ri2l 11.13 III2I.P.
WANTED Ixid Its to copy letters at home,
everywhere: pleasant work: good nav;
full particulars, terms .etc. Reply with
stamp, tho cutler Co., Dept. t, Chicago.
i wo experienced dining room girls at
SV.1.00, ,"aKC", $. Hotel Columbia. Lake
City, In. c 112 10
WANTED Women and girls to do fane
work for us at home; ts to $8 per week
a .'. cnce. ""necessary. No canvassing,
"""; wun stamp, ineai uomo wor;
-.. uiuuiigo, u tin io
CANVASSERS wnnted for Tho Designer,
wi-ai iiiniiiiiii iiiHgiizine. io capital ncces
ii . '"'iire sianuani I'atlern Dept
..un.un omre, C 4X1 10
aL,.lL JCT M?nf!rnl housework. 1C16 Chlcngo
""i C Ki3 10
WANTED, at once, a bright and Intelligent
lady for business In So. Omnhn; experi
ence not necessary: engagement bv tin
month on fair terms: lady of middle age
preferred; stnto previous occupation If
iij'. 'iiiurcss j ii, uee, c 6.7 10
COMPETENT .girl for general housework,
.urn. . m. itogors, Farnnm.
IP you want your houses well rented place
. t. ... I , V. 1 ) n ...... . . n .
biii:iii .villi .JL-uunn o. V.U. U ooy
ALWAYS moving H. II. goods. Pianos
uince. loii-'j x'arnnm at. TCI 1653 fir. '63,
HOUSES for rent In all parts of thu city,
J .llliuit-AJVi -wV UM UUl IO), II Ola
HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block.'
D 863
HOUSES, eta 5 D. Wend, 1524 Douglas.
HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk
HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Blk.
D 856
NEW 7-room brick, strictly modern, east
frcnt. 27th and St. Mary s nvc., $35. Bemls
24th. nenr Parnnm: ten-rnnm,, i, .,
..uiii.i.-in in every respect; ten minutes'
um ui timer i city, reasonable rent
Omaha Loan & Trust Co.. 16th anil Doug,
lus StS. D 872
BT URGES, MARTIN CO.. 617 N. Y. Life.
. 1J-9S1 F28
3511 SEWARD ST.. new five-room cottage:
...... ...u v,vnu,u( .cm. i..uU.
Omaha Lonn & Trust Co., 16th & Douglas,
J.1 G9
ELEGANT C-room apartment In the Wl-
iiutm. ayiie-ivnox vo, D M351
t. i . inuuern nouse: large grounds.
.io net-., uiirn, tnorougniy desirable in
..a s vi" u" vacunt pen. zt; rent.
?i?f A?t a"' terinjit with references
and Douglas St.
D-M370 10
BX5AtM"H,3ATEP evcn-room flat; rent.
?5v .1r.cJutln,B Aleat: references required.
i A in1: AND "pust co.. i6th
...... uh.j oi, u JI371 10
FOR RENT, now 6-room mode rn rntlnirn
U'AQt I. n Priflin rtn mm ll. rrl n - '" .
Jackson St, 5 rooms, city water in
J?arrS AW." 5 r00m,, ,areo bnrn
M$10DeCatUr at" 6 '""i"3' wel1, K00d rePnf.
024 North 42d St.. 7 rooms. ALL MODERN.
film Illnl Tfnm ,1A
".v w.w.. t,ll 1111,1111,
-X. Etnraot St, 7 rooms, city water, fine
lot. $13.
10? or,Vi 1501 st, 9 roo'"9, city water in
N2r.t.hwc,s.t.r,c.0,r-ne.L.??h -ind Leavenworth
353). Hurt St.. 10 rooms, all modern s?s.
tllD,. Cllilll'li I ! I A I'' &.ti
iwiiv uiio IJIUg. L 170 10
IS.H 8. 35TII ST.. 7-room. modern. nnt
juiiii. nuuse, .v. J. ii, anerwood, 037 N. Y,
D-M530 11
SOS! S. 18th Ave., good brick house. 3 Irjr
rooms, city water, only $6; two others
close by, $8; near 8. O. cnr.
.si apraguo at., cliolco 0-r. cottage In fine
reiialr. city water, cistern, only $12.
line -r. nn modern house .furnished, for
10-r. strictly modern house In fine repair.
close In, $25; worth $33. '
Two brand new latest style modern houses.
lOr. each, only four blocks from citv hall
V 1 1 1 J aruj. I. lUctl III I U I .
now ready for choice tenants at $37.50
and $35, These are tutnnii
Splendid 12-r. strictly modern homo nnd
"ui ii uiu, oil car line, only two
blocks from Hanseom park, will go to se
lect tennnt for 14S. rnm n,iini.
Have others. See ma for fire Insurance
D-515 10
R., 1037 So. 29th St.
r.. new. 1520 Canlnn S
r., w4 double home. 2614 Blnney.
,r'trT,vat';r. 3SM L St.
r.. 3S1U L Ft.
r., 2413 M St.
r., rear 628 No. 27th St.
Inquire 1203 Fnrnam St.
D-623 10
"Ta16 J" Hanseom Place.
.... w. ct oun, oiu-iiii urown block
'SIo .rl-IP.PIP Konprn house.
Nb: 7: S6th and J-ackson 'engine House
P YOU wnnt vonr t,,,D. , I
them with Behtley & H;Uchln7'90riy,nve
OR RENT. 1628 Emmet. rooms, modern"
good rennir. cond innn v;i mouern,
"frc''ltli ive 7 rooms, JloT '
1S00 Charles. 4 rooms. elv W-nii.
3th and Dunont. 4 rooms m ' "
R. C. PETERS & CO.,' 1702 PARNAM.
. D-612 10
BT15AM heated rooms at The Thurston.
DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam.
FOI RENT, a nicely furnished front room
within walking distance of po.itofllco
gentleman only; uss of, bath nnd tele-
Phone; no other ruomer. Address II 16,
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $6 up
2023 st
i' muoo Marl
FURNISHED rooms for ,n,,ti. i
man and wife. 319 North 17th St.
ROOMS for rent, furnished and unfur-
nisuea; rererences. 623 Is, 19th st.
E-M334 10
RONT room with alcove, rn
gentlemen; deslrnble location. 609 S 0th
8'ej E-300 12
TWO young men, or man and wife, can find
! iiiauiu muni, wun or witnout unaril, on
Hanseom park cnr line. Address J U. Bee.
M 10
UIT of front rooms, furnished, all modern
conveniences, jid a. .Utn Bt. E 101 15
1CELY furnished rooms fnr rent. Iliv.
Jackson St., 2d Iloor. E 102 11
ARGE front room, also smaller room, gas,
bath, furnace heat, private family. J 20,
Bco. E 646 12
IOU8EK EEPING, 2 or 3 pleasant, warm
rooms. 616 North 19th St. KM7 in
E-517 10
GLENCAIRN, transients, $1.25 day. 1609 Doug
V 419
The Merrlam, good winter home. 25 & Dodge
LARGE front parlors with board; atoo
smaller room; reasonable rates. The Rose,
2020 Harney. F M591
UTOPIA, 1721Davenport St, F-S77
FOR RENT, furnished room, well heated,
mcdern house; tine locution, 413 N. 25th st.
F-M316 10
ELEGANT large steam-heated front rooms,
with board. 1009 Cupitol Ave.
524 N. 23D St., new management, new fur
niture, good board. F M618 11
OUR rooms, board and prices will suit you;
come and be convinced. 2217 Howard St,
F-516 10
O LET. 1lnfllpnlah.1 Ninml atnrln nnrt
Insulte. with bath, stenm heated, suitable
iur ngni Housekeeping; also large store
mum. witnnell Bldg., 15tn & Harney
U 3H.1-1U
ton housekeeping, also barn. 2024 St,
.Mary ave. O M375
FPU.. . 'corns, modern, unfurnished, for
mint iiuuseaeeping. Zill uougina.
THREE unfurnished rooms, steam heat
iQtn at., flat Ij. u 6s iw
FOR RENT-The building formerly occti
pled by The Bee at 916 Farnam Bt. It has
four stories nnd a basement which was
"""-- ix uscu as Tno uee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. If
imvirniru apply at once to C C. Host
wutcr, secretary, room 100. Uee Building,
1 XBl
FOR RENT-Store, In first-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters A
-" mmiu noor, ueo uiag. 1206
.,. i WE ARK FULL,
(that Is, every office In this building)
anl bLR.cIftM of tenants than which
1 ,h'B,lest business standlnr and
credit no other ofllco building In
Omaha can show a better list.
Applications will be filed.
Apply 1203 Farnam Ht..
1-524 10
AOr??iTS. on saIiry or commission: the
ESP?, -.."W ',.:. J?"' ..Produc'ed:
na, rji . iiik duj-b it on signt;
amnSn?,iP Pro?t! Pne nuent's sales"
! """"'f'1 to '62 "It days; another $32
Crosse; Is. J-M3S9 10
MEN and women of good address wanted
iu i niiuw i-nu ihko oraers ior our "Now
Offlclal Census Atlas;" pleasant work,
good pay. lllft & Co., 110 Wabash, Chi.
H.OUSD' to house canvassers wanted:
household necessity; quick seller. Ex
clusive territory to hustlers. Llnnln'rd
Mfg. Co., 183 Norwood Ave., Clnclnnntl
Ohio. j
$12 DAILY made by agents selling our
claim lllo to merchants and physlclnna.
.j.i... v.u., u. ii, a uuve' Bt., Bt.
Louis, Mo. 'j
AGENTS, we give every boy. irl or wo.
man one rolled gold filled solitaire puritan
roso diamond ring, solid cold pattern, for
selling 20 packages Garfield Pure Pepiln
Gum among friend at C cents u packac.
Send name, wo mall gum. Whtn sold
send money; we will mall rlnir. few can
tell from genuine diamond. Unsold gum
taken back. Beautiful cataloaue fre.
Garfield Gum Co,, Dept. W, Meadvllle, Pa
WANTED, general and local amenta; name.
ii iijes, signs, numDera, readatiie darkest
nights; samples free. Right Supply Co.,
Englewood, III. J 150 10
AGENTS, our plan sure winner. $lu0 per
iiiuiiui, i rue uoiuen iiuie .Mig. Co.. Ht.
Louis, Mo. Jt-149 10
PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit Cray-
nn, ii y wnsnnoie enameunes ana twen
tieth century frco premiums. Fimlly
Portrait Co.. Chicago. J 443 10
MAN cleared $1,182. lady $920 last tlx
moninrt introducing Holladay's Blank
Marvel self-shlnlng waterproof ghoe
polish. Why not you7 Free sample fcottlo
nnd terms. Hotladny & Co., room t33. 1SS
Monroe St., Chicago. J H7 10
THE BOOK. War Life and Times of
Queen Victoria, only official, complete
book, biggest and best, prices cut, 7 per
cent prollt: l.ono agents wanted; a million
copies will bo sold In 60 davs; valuable
premiums free with each book, credit
given, ireigm pain; general agents wanted
on salary; book outfit alone free: both
book and premium outfits prepaid for
20c; order quick, Address sole autliorlrcil
American pubilsners, Monroe Book Co.,
unicago. .1-
AGENTS mako $100.00 per month and ex
penses selling tne r.ngie Tailoring com
pany's medium nrlced. nctually cut and
made-to-order clothing. Outfit free; no
capital required; write immediately for
exclusive territory: give references. The
Eagle Tailoring Co.. Dept. A. 31, 212-218
Franklin St., Chicago. j-422-10'
AGENTS coining monoy on our new Arc
l'ressuro and Gravity uasoiino lamps,
generate with match. Union, Gaslam))
. o,, unicago. J 1113 IV
MINING In Colorndo, $3 perMay, year work
given it you sen ji.wu worm or stock nt
12VS cents per share. D. C. Patterson,
i reas., I'attorson hik., umana, wen.
J-4K) 10
AGENTS, responsible, energetic, for tiew
practical ofllco specialty: excluslvo terri
tory given. Universal Specialty Co.. 63
Dearborn St., Chicago. J 49Z io
AGENTS WANTED, for tho fast selling
nnd ornamental pnemx ury powder l'lre
Extinguisher. J. B, Miller & Co., Rich
mond, Ind. J-481-10
AGENTS everywhere, send your address
quick for greatest mcney-maicing proposi
tion ever offered. B. O. Keenbell Co.,
Philadelphia, j vz-itr
$1,600.00 PER annum to reliable salesmen
handling our advertising novelty tans,
etc.; 75 different styles: commissions
enormous: we pay promptly on accept
ance of all orders; for a side line our ad
vertlslnir novelties far outrank any other
article; wrltu with rererences ror our run
and complete advice. American Novelty
Co,, Cincinnati, o.
J-476-10 "
AGENTS WANTED, adjustable sign outfit.
Any sign in the English, language can De
made from It. Big money. Economy Co.,
681 Lako St.. Chlcngo. J
WANTED, agents and organizers to rep
resent largest sick, accinent ana aeatn
enmnanv In Amprlcn. Big renewal con
tract; cholco territory to producers; policy
sells at sight. American Benevolent
Ass n., St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS wanted for the Pan-American
tower puzzle. Bend 250 ror sampio ana
full Instructions, Only puzzle recognized
by Pan-American Exposition Co. Wo
want bright representatives In every
town, Very liberal terms. Aiiaress ran
Amerlcan Puzzle Co., 716 Mutual Life
Bldg., Buffald, N. V. J-
AGENT8 WANTED, big profits to agents
selling tho Diamond vapor lamps, ror
use everywhere. Send for catalogue
B". Address the Diamond Light Co.,
Canton, O. J
AGENTS wanted, nlso wagon men, to sell
ur. Hwilt s tamotis remeoies. uiggesi
tirotlts; exclusive territory. Address Swift
Pharmacy Co,, 154 East 23rd St, New
York. J
WANTED, agents for the Ellis Filter. The
only charcoal Faucet f iner in tno mar
ket. A great seller. Retails for Jl.liO.
Call or address W. R. Truesdell, 510 and
611 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. J 123 10
AGENTS "Queen Victoria" life and reign;
only complete uook; Denuimu lire-size
photograph with book: extraordinary pay;
credit given; outfit free. National Pub-
nsning uouso (estaousnea jiuii, i-iKemue
Bldg., Chicago. J 14010
BIG money selling our 700 candlo power arc
pressure nnu improvea jiw canine power
gravity lamps. Adjustable name, All
brass. Endorsed by nil Insurance Co'a.
Wrlto Studebaker Gas Lighting Co.. Knn
saa City, Mo 552 Main St. J 14510
FOR RENT Desk. room, third floor First
National Bank Bldg. Inquire Boom 318,
Monday. ' J-444-10
HOUSE of 10 rooms wanted by May 1.
win laxe tease ior term or years, j o,
Bee. K 37810
WANTED To rent modern 7 or 8 room
detached house, cioso in, witn nam, room
for horso and carriage: references ex
changed. Address, L. T. Yount, Care
Ruclne Wagon nnd Carriage Ce.
WANTED. 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light
housekeeping In good neighborhood. J
21. Bee. K-MKO 12
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co., 912
911 Jones, reuoral storage and forwarding.
OM. Van Sor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tels. 1559-SG3.
RAW FPRS-I pny highest Prices; write
for tirlee list.
J. I.
uiceu, wast Aurora,
N, Y.
N-M3JJ 10
WANTED to Buy, Improved farm of ICO
to reiu acres, in soutnenstern rsenrnsKii,
near good town. Wrlto description iml
price to Box 41, Anita, la. N 432 10'
WANTED to Buy for carh, smalt farm
I. , 1 , .1 . . . t l. ...., .,
LllllUlll lltllil )ll f IVIItU, IIIIILI. '' ' IIVl'.
stato full particulars. J. J. King, 102
4th Ave., Mollne, III. N-131 10
WANTED to buy for carJi few diamonds
carat and z carats, j it, lice, w mi iir
WANTED, to rent, a suitable store, or will
buy out established bakery in goon loca
tion. Lrfjw wentwortn, 6i .n. iist.
N-647 10
We have a customer who will Invest $6,000
In residence property for relitnl purposes
nrefera 11.600 to M.fioO r.nttiices.
Tel. 1412. 604 Bee Bldg.
-' N-620 10
FORTY to alxtv-acre farm. Improved
within ten miles of South omahu; cash
deal. Call or address W. I. Hoopes, No
129 Exchango Bldg., S. Omaha.
Oil) iu
WANT to buv a fi or 7-rnnm hnimn rrii.
sonablv nenr to school nnd car line; north
part oi town preferred. Address j is, nee,
iS Ml2o 11
WANTED, to buy lot nnd house about ten
rooms; must ue low price, for cash; some
where bet, Farnam nnd Maron nnd 16th
nnd 30th; stnto location nnd price. Ad
nress J 19, uee. N M522 12
CHICAOO FtTltVITttnis nn mn twi.
ici. v.v. new .unnnu lurnuure uougnt.
J Mil
FOR SALE, cheap, two ofllce bookcases
miu une punor oooKcase. aoiG Pacific st
0-JI382 10'
COMPLETE for housekeeping, five, nice
luuniB, gooa location: everytning cheap
.v. ua-311 iu icuuiiL uiuy. j ii, uee.
O 1.M 10
IT HAS been a good old wagon. Let Harry
iTOst repair It at 14th and Leavenworth,
HARD and soft foundation piling; hog
fences nnd cribbtntr, 901 Douglns.
2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 111C Farnam.
BAFESi buy, sell exo'ge. Schwartz, IH S. 13,
VI 581
HERTFORD & CO., 16th and llworth.
TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed and coal,
fnnrn. A t . . ,
INCUBATORS. Bend to the Sure Hatch
uiuumui yu., v-iaj- center, iseti., for a
FOR SALE. S6 secondhand wooden chairs.
In Rood condition, 25 cents each. Afn.y
125.000 FEET good whlto pine lumber, rnn.
s Bting. of 2x4, 2x0.' 2x8, 2x10 nnd 2x12
BiieaininK. snipiap ana stock boards; nlso
;""'f'r "uii unu tin roor. i&tn and
Izard sts. Q-M3I0 10
FOR SALE. Tuft's 12.syrup. C draught arm
j-w.. iiuiuiiin, gaiiou sieei, 2-10 gnl
lon Conner fountains? Mnfih
washer, counter, marble slab. Bradley lei
nr.ntn noh nni .
.1. ll . ' " K" Clllirglllg Out
fit, all Iu good condition, cheap. For
pa rtclu lars call on or nddrcss nt once,
Ed J. Steldl. Crete, Neb. Q-418-10
SELF-THREADING needles for weak
mg'l; Urena "Pflnifs Into eye: packet
mailed 10 cents, 4 for 25 cents. Agents
catalogue free Chas. Marshall. Mfr.,
Lockport, N, Y. Q 123-10
FOR SALE, thoroughbred Golden SenbrlgtU
Bantam. Buff Leghorn and Whlto Wyan
dotto Cockrclls. also Barred Plymouth
Rock cock. Inquire nt 2731 Caldwell.
Q-M483 IB
FOR SALE, cheap, shelving and counters",
w2reho,u.1e Ern;le. light wagon. 60 pairs In
sldo folding blinds. Inquire 1318 Farnnm.
Q-CU 10
PIANO BROKER Any piano you wnnt:
old Instruments In exchange; must rlose
out at once; cash or time payments ac
cepted. J 16, Bee. Q M533 11
Many clairvoyants and mediums possessed
of more or less power have visited
Omaha, but never In tho history of occult
science has there appeared In tho profes
sional firmament a star so rndlnut and
sparkling with the superior Intelligence
borrowed from the liner forces of nature
n tins L'uiiurcii nnu girted num. Ho Is
the peer of nil clairvoyants. Zeno Is not
a fanatic nnd he does nnt ninn riiiiu.
lous contortions nor mnke himself hideous
in orucr io give you uie inrormiitlon you
are looking for. Zeno talks to you In a
plain straightforward manner, Just tho
nitino ui ii ynu were Having a conversa
tion with a friend In your own narlor.
His work Is not surrounded with nnv
mystery nnd he gives you tho'informatlon
you are looking for. Your futuro and
present Is correctly foretold bv this re.
marknhte man. His business Integrity Is
iiiiirui;nuuiu huh uuHiness men no not
have nny hesitancy tn taking his advice.
ReaiMhis testimonial and come sco Zeno,
jtfi.i i ni iii.iu.
Testimonial Friday mornlnir. Feh i Mr
W. J. Voss and his room ma to had their
ciuiiien Binirn. onturuay morning Air.
Voss Interviewed Zeno. He told him that
uieir ciuinc.i were, in certain pawnshops,
one In Omaha and one In Council Bluffs.
even nescrlhlng tho appearance of tho
stores and the proprietors of them; that
iney wouiu get mcir cintnes ncrore. even
ing. Btrongo aa It mny seem Zeno's
prophecy was fulfilled. Those wishing to
verify this statement can do so by calling
on Mr. Voss, 1523 Leavenworth st. Zeno.
IQir. rumnm (3 p.Mi .a.
MRS. FRITZ, medium.
819 North 16th.
MME.GYLMER, genuine palmist. 1C05 Dodge
ZENO, clairvoyant and henler, 1915 Farnam,
S-M317 10
WONDERFUL, your life revealed, talenls,
imi!irui, MiiHi!ies, travels, inw, love,
marriage (how to control), overvthln IT. Ill
plain envelope. Send 2c stamp, birth dato
anu juc. iror. j. jnycrs, Lincoln -I'nrk
Station, Chicago, 8197 10
Patterson Hall, this evening. Mr. Mason
lectures, Subject; "Thought Transfer
ence," Mental dunionstnitloiis conclude
exercises, Splendid music. Everybody
(.-iuuimo. siuiumaiuu, iv i;uilin,
MME, PALMER, celebrated ctnlrvoyant
and occult scientist: readings dally on all
affairs of llfo; astrological charts wrlttnn:
send dnto of birth. 1023 Dodge. S 538 10
niTti r?n.
love, marriage, money, buslnofc-s.
employment, lucky day, etc.? If so con
suit Prof. Charles, the famous llfo render
He will point out and show you how to
overcome obstncles that keep you from
hnnplntss and success, Can bo consulted
dally, letters answered. 1321 Fnrnnm st,
S-C36 10
The greatest exponent In tho art of palm
istry today is u.MAHA'H FAVORITE,
MME. GYLMER. She bus had few equals
and no superiors, nnd today stands recog.
nixed uh the lender of her nrofesslon, If
you are In trouble consult this celebrated
lady. Her advice Is sure tn benefit you,
As a prognostlcator she Is a Phenomenon.
Her predictions are ulways absolutely ac
curate. She tells Just what tho lines In
tho palm Indicate and they don't lie. She
Is a genuine palmist and claims nothing
more. Through palmistry she reads the
past, present nnd future as tliouuli It
were a printed code. Parlors, 10Ai Dodge,
south side postofllce. S 543 10
BI.ECTJt 1 V Til I0AT.1I I! NT.
MABEL GRAY, 317W N. 15th St., flat E.
i .m i r -o-
MI8S MAE LESLIE. C19 8. 16th. 2d floor.
j 6Ji r -.5
ELITE parlors, 615 South ICth, second floor,
MME. AMES. 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room I;
thermal Dait'i. xjio iu
PRIVATE home before and iliirlntr rnnflne
mclit; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, '.'620
iiuraeite. tr su'j
FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but
tons; man oraers. umana I'leating co,
1&24 uougias. U Ml
SUPPLIES for nil machines: machines for
rent, wmie Bowing Machine, 1620 Doug
ins. loi, ijji.
RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no
danger; send for circulars, Empire Run
...... ... k ft.O XT T lM II. t t'.
IUIV U.V, CO. ..I.U J.IIII.IIIIK, Winillllt
U Mill F-1S'
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd
during confinement; babies adopted, 2.H-J
urani at. u S93
VIAVI Woman s way to health: rational
wholesome home treatment. 348 Bco Bldg.
u si
BUY from the manufacturer. Burkley En
velope CO., umanit. umiUv r -15
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfljous
hair removed by electricity. R. 12 Frenzer
block. U S95
TURKISH baths, massago baths' elcctrl
hams, ior mines oniy; skilled women
ninssugt) openiiura; iiiicbi equipped bnth
In tho city. Rcnstrom Bath Company
Rooms 216 to 220. Beo Bldu. U-S96
L1I2BEN, theatrical, masquerndo costumor.
101S Fnrnnm. U W7
cordeon pleating plnnt In rhe west. Mnll
orders solicited. Suite 200 Douglas Block
opposite liny den's. U 797 '
WE RENT sewing mnchlncs for 75e nor
iuaaIti t.'n .) I ...t ..ll ...
tnchments for any machlno mndc. Neb
Cycle Co., Cor 15th & Harney. Phone If.)
U .M123 ,M2
A BOX of Ro-No-Mav Powder In nnV"
Itivnrv when It nffnrrln vni ,...
secures the comfort and happiness of
yum i uitiii-iiii&i:. U 21212
in yuur irieniiK nave oecn cured or helped
by the use of Dr. Greene's Ncrvura Blood
mm ixcrvu rteincuy ainuiy nuuress, J 4
ee u .M37I 10
CAI'TION! Beware of fnkn piano nils; for
i.liluum; imiKunis in nijinuani instniments
seo Schmollcr & Mueller. I ho old reliable
piunu nouse, uij furnam hi. I'hone ic25,
U .M51 1 16
SCHOOLS, the largest nnd best In Amer-
icu. vo teacn ClJTTIJfO. FITTING,
making and finishing of shirtwaists, plain
dresses, street, evening mid tnllor-mudn
dresses. Speclnl lessons In cutting nnd
llttlng gored nnd circular skirts. Call or
wrlto for circulars nnd Paris letters. Thin
eyaiem uscu in John wanainnkcr's nnd
other large Now York establishments.
,liy servo six months ns nn apprentice
when wo can tench you more lu six
weeks by our method. Call and Investi
gate. Tho McDowell School, 616-10 Kar- iiiuck. U 520 10
MORPHINE, onlnm.
pablt: myself cured, will Inform you of
harmlesi, permanent home cura. Ura.
uuiunui, uox unicago, u
WEALTHY young widow, affectionate dis
position wisnes to correspond with mar
riageable gentleman. B. C13, Denver, Colo.
U 150 10
ANYONE defl ring unitarian literature can
iio Hupniieu y corresponding with Mrs.
Hnrr' E. Lewis, 205 So. 27th St.. Lincoln,
Neb. U 153 10
SELF-RAISING umbrella free; press the
uuutiii unu up ii goes; win not mow in
side out. Address Abuc Supplv Co., 2011
n. -uursnan at., I'niladelphla, Pa.
U-I5I 10
YOUNG Encllshman. hlirhlv edueated. rn)
lege oreu, inorougn gentleman, em ncnt
connections, moving In best society of
r.uropu nnu America, wouiu marry
wealthy American lady: must be wealthy,
unincuinDcreu, cuiiurcu, I'roiesiant, un
blemished chnractcr, spotless reputation.
Addres. J 12, Bee. U 41:1 10
'ERSONAL: fnt folks, am a trained nurse.
u years ago reoucen 4a pounds ay nnrm
less remedy, no regain, nothing to sell.
Send stamp. I will tell how It was dono.
Miss Topping, 138 Francisco Ave., Chl
cngo. U 501 10
2VERY woman should have this Secret's
of Cher sent to married women only, for
$1.10. Beldon McConn, Station M. Chi
cago. U-C0O 10
'AMOUS Femallne. positively, permanently
cures an rcmnio trounies; live specialties.
Mrx. J. B. Webster, State Agent, 1713 N.
24th St. U 4S4 10
WANTED, by widower of CO, a wife of 50
or more; run particulars hy mnll. Ad
dress E. L,, Box 336, Lincoln, Neb.
YOUR bust enlarged six Inches: failure 1m-
posnioic; lo.ouo testimonials. Full par
ticulars sent sealed. Aurum Medicine Co.,
Dept. 152. Chicago. U
A GENTLEMAN holding prominent posi
tion, worth j.',ixj, ji.tiw yearly, desires
nffectlonnte, homo loving wife. J. 8.,
Box S3, St. Louis, Mo. U
You ought to seo before buying a machine
what wo enn sen you. The following
prices uro for MONDAY only:
! ormer
$ 6.00
3 Singers, high arm.
1 Domestln
1 Domestic
I Whlto
1 Whlto
.... 8.00
.... 12.00
.... 20,00
.... 16.00
I Wheeler & Wilson No. 20.00
I Wilcox & Glbbs 2.-..00
Slncer. good as now 30.00
Three modern drop-hend machines, perfect
rendition, guaranteed, at half regular
Wo rent machines for 75 couIh ner week
We pell needles nnd parts for and repair
ivi'iy n.-wnn iiiHciiuic inauuiaciiircil.
Corner Fifteenth anil Harney Sts.
i: 4;-io
FINE H2-carnt diamond, without flaw, cost
iau; win sen ror iw; win permit exnml
nation tn show you It Is nil right. J 15,
nee. I'ol'J l'l
PREVENT dlicnse; vnlu.ibln receipt for
iiir-iuiccung iinii ueounrizing your home,
simple Ingredients: send 10o (sllveri ami
stamp. Star Novelty Co,, Council Btuff,
III. U O..J 10
CORRESPOND for amusement or matri
mony; semen particulars, 2c. Chnmnlnn,
Council Bluffs, la. IJ 531 10
BUSINESS man will Introduce suitable
genCoinnn to unincumbered widow with
$00.oii0 for consideration of mnrriago re-
Butis. uox . io, iiuiucriorti, jv. j.
V 402-10
DR. AGNES V, SWETLAND. specialist In
uisenses ot women, im iieo lung., 2d lloor.
All letters nnswered If stamp enclosed.
U-514 10
BLUE-EYED brunetto, young, nice look
ing, hiiH $7,000, ts fond of home und chil
dren, would marry affectionate, honest
genttpmnn. Address Miss Laurii, Drawer
11, Chicago, in. c-czsio"
MONEY to loan bn Improved Omaha real
estute. Bientinn-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th.
W 893
PRIVATE money, 6, 6V4, 6 per cent; no de
lay Garvin Bros , 1613 Farnam. W 899
$1,000 nnd upwnrd to loan on Improved city
property nnd farms. W. Farnum Smith &
Co., 13.0 Farnum. W-900
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can
nay $10 or any multiple; any Interest
date; no deluy. Brennnn-Love Co., 300
S. 13tll St., Omnha, Neb, W-HOl
WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants.
Georgo & Company, lwil Farnam street.
WANTED-Clty and farm loans; also bonds
nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co,, 1702
Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W-903
MONEY to loan on farm and city property:
lowest rates, O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Fnrnam
MONEY to loan nt 5 nnd 6'4 per cent on
Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 401 8. 15th.
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood,
939 N Y. Life. W-905
FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton blockl
PRIVATE monoy. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas,
W 910
6 AND 5H per cent loans. W. H. Thomas,
nmi rsuiionai iiuiik minding. Tel, lilts.
W twj
LESSONS In hnnUlf cnnl nc lr ,liu r,r
ovenlng. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bunk, O. R.
iiatnuun. 734
Loans mndo In .unounts from $10 tn $250 on
household furniture, pianos, horses, car
riages, etc., without removal, or on your
HA'I-ARY without security. All cr a,
part of ths money mny be paid back the
lrst month or no part of it need be paid
Jnck for several months. Each tin)inrnt
mndo reduces the cost accordingly. Em.
plovers nnd neighbors know absolutely
nothing of our business relations. Pooplo
who need money nre Invited to call and
! .lny. .ter.its nnd cnmpnro them with
wnnt others offer. Loans of other com
patties mny bo transferred to me. No
charge for papers. All business slrlclly
confidential Quick service and lowest
rates guaranteed,
,- ., . J- w TAYLOR,
..... ,x,on Blk., top lloor, northeast corner
-r I Ti" 1'ur"a" Enirnnr.o on Ifith St.
. Entriuir.a on Ifith St. v
- ' ' . ; , 1 1
H.A.t-A.II.V t..n. a.v.u
... ew,p '.,,n,,, '0 I" l"" upon notes.
NO SECURITY or MiiinVi ami.
Rclmto when loan Is paid beforn iliie.
n..irfV,f!V. .ei'ml-tnonthly or monthl
All'NTEH lowest rules.
n i. ui in,.N i I'.k ns easy payments.
x m--
MONEY lonneil salaried people holding perT
.,!!,a,'!.elli, 'ioslt,on with responsible concern
upon their names without security; easy
payments. Tolman, 410 Board Trade bldg.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew
eiry. horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 S. 13.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses,
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R S, Barker blk.
CHATTEL & Salary loans. .Toe II. Pleis-
wiio, u-i iiaraer lllk. A M50I-F19
We loan $10.00 and tip on furnlUre.
pianos, horses and other chnttcls.
without mortgago to people holding
permanent positions. You can get the
money In a few hours nfter making ap
plication and tnko 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, B months
?L.m.oro. 1,1 which to pay It back, and
J?Ji1lr",rt '!ot "ay for 't onu day longer
I?.W.r" ""'L wp lvo i'ou tho full
?.moun.uln cnsh- There nre no lower
iV .!han .our!,l our t"""" are tho
. ,!..our. ou"lness Is conlldentlal and
our motto Is "Try to Please."
110 n0"1""11 Mortgage Loan Co.,
J? ,B,,';r,l of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229..
(LBtabllshed 1892.) 3W South 16th St.
RAT. A 1A- l n a va
If jou are employed by a responsible firm
IV n tt'lll lnnt. .n. ..... .... .in .t.,
.... .w.... OlllUIt . UIU fll, (I,
your note at much cheaper and easier
m tha". elsewhere. Of this we are
iiiiniuvo. osoiuiciy no charges for tinners.
Nothing deducted from amount desired.
Lnslest partial payments. Reliable Credit
Co., room 303, Paxton Block,
SALARY loans nt reduced rates. Omaha
wicuii wo,, o.u iew xork Llfo Bldg.
$160 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly
ii.vy.ui uui'nvi; moi inucninrs ior arinits,
cigars or cash; will earn $2 and upwnrd
weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furnl
turo Manufacturers, Chicago, 111.
FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and
.iiiiiiKu iiuBiiirss in south central .Ne
braska. For further particulars address
Box C03. West Liberty, la. Y M731
FOR SALE, a 14-room bonrdlng house:
nest location In tho city, full of tlrst-rlnss
roomers; will pay to Investigate. Address
II 63, Bee ofllce. Y 327 11
FOR SALE, brick yard.
Inquire N, W.
Y-M312 11
aervoss, iieemer,
FOR SALE, bakery and Ice crentn busi
ness; must uc soiu. Atuiler, 2X(G Leaven
worth. Y M339 12
NVESTIGATE our plan for Investing In
oil stocks; failure Impossible under our
system; one mnn Invested $12.60 per month
for 8 months nnd cleared $1,400.00; Lima
elds tho greatest In the world; best refer
ences. Union Oil Co., Limn. O. -Y
'OR SALE at sacrifice, democratic news
paper and Job olllee; earning $(5,000 per
year. Have to movo on account of wife's
health, Must huvo $1,500 casli or over.
Address J 3. Bee. V 417'lrt
50.00 TO $100.00 per week to a good man.
wo want n capanie and energello mnn lo
reprenent us In every stnto of the union;
you mny bo Just the man wo nre looking
for. Write at onco for full partlculurs
Tho International Savings Association,
Suite 1406, Majestic Building, Detroit,
Mich. Y
GROCERY" stock and fixtures, clean stock.
nest location in city, invoices 51, :. to
$2,000.00 Address Box 302, Norfolk. Neb.
YM 479-12
"OR SALE, good ntook general merchan
dise and llxtures. Jl,&oo, very clieap. Ad
dress 1110 Pino St., Lincoln, Nob.
Y I6S-12
100 SHARES Kettlo Curlew and Boundry
Camn Gold Mining Stock. $1: 2o tier cent
dividend guaranteed May 1; sacrificing 60,
ooo shnres; references. Otto Miiiihoii,
Minneapolis, Minn. Y
IOW to win In Wall street; booklet "Secret
or Hucccssrui speculation" free. Accounts
$100, upward, stock options Jin, upwnrd,
A. C. Ridley, 6 Wall St.. New York City.
WANTED. Independent telephone for every
city nnd town In Nebraska. The Platts
mouth Telephone Co. will give all In
formation ns to cost of construction of
telephone exchanges nnd toll lines. Wl'l
furnish plans nnd specifications nnd best
mako apparatus, or will build and equip
exchanges and toll lines by contrnct. Ad
dress all Inquiries to The Pluttsmouth
Telephone Co., Pluttsmouth, Neb.
A SAFE Investment. A recently Incorpor
ated company controlling ki acres valu
able gold-sllvor property In Loiulvlllo
offers 25,000 shares treasury stock tor ad
ditional capital; JSO.OOt) already spent on
equipment; hint two new stenm plants,
tlirro dLep shnfts and n 2ii-fnnt blanket
vein. Ore assnyH $320 per ton In gold
alone. Dividends In ii mouth.. Adjoining
property has produced lifleen million dol
lars to dnte. Full Information on request.
L. E. Kimball Brokerage Co , Denver,
Colo. Y 109-10
FOR SALE A new, clean stock of goods
In tho best stnnd In Battle Creek, Noli.,
consisting of groceries, dry goods, boots,
shoes nnd lints; will Invoice about $1,600.
Bad health cause of selling. Address at
onco or call on J. A. Hoover. Ilattlo
Crook, Neb. Y-M4U-11
WANTL'D, by mnrrled man, employment
lu retnll Implement houro by March 1;
somo money to loan employer on good
secu'lty. Box OS, Mnrne, Iowa;
WANTED to Buy, an exclusive shoe stock
In good town, or position as clerk In
same. Address Box 299, Ashland, Neb,
Y-438 10
FOR SALE Furniture, queenswnre and
china stock, locnted In n central Nebraska
town of I,"); good location; good trade;
good reason for selling. Address. J 10,
Boo. Y-M657-13
IF YOU have Idle money see C, R. Glover,
RETAIL wholesale fancy bakery, ice cream
anu ennny mfg. oHinnusnmcnt, noing nig
cash business, will sell at Invoice about
$1,500; reason, III health. William Mndvett,
Real Estato Ofllce, HimtliiKB, Neb. Y
RACKET store for salo In a llvn Nebraska
town; nlco clean stock; host 'ocatlon;
good reason for selling. For nnrtlculnrs
nddress .1 22, Beo, Y M555 Id
A FINE $R5,00 Imparted magic lantern, as
good as new, oniy useu n snurt time; suit
ab;c for lectures, churches or lodgo enter
talnments; a bargain. Address F 63, Bee
ofllco. Z-179
WILL trade stoves and furniture for
horses, 801-80.1 N. 16th St. Z-3"l-14
property In tho east for Los Angeles or
southern California property? If you do
list with us. No charge unless a sale nr
trado la made. Send full description, with
price and whnt you want to
N. P, Nelson & Co,, 123 W. 3d M., 1.1.1
Angeles, cniiiornia. iteierenco:
A. F. Conuott, SOD N. Y. Llfo bldg.. Om.ilm,
v. n ir,
JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg, Tol.
1661 j Alien jonnson, u. u., laiuos- dept.;
GUI E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr.
M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school.
ivirksviiie, .mo,, tot i-axton line, tci, vmi.