Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Ml.VOIt 3li:TIO..
Davis ficlls Klaus.
Davis soils drugs.
"Mr. Hlley," t-cent cigar,
l'liio MIsHourl oak. Gilbert Ilros.
Gas fixtures and globes at Hlxby's.
line A. U. C. beer, Neumayer's hotel.
Wollmnn, scientific optlclnn, 409 IVd'y.
Schmidt's photon guaranteed to please.
Mnorn's stock food kills worms, fattens.
V. J. Hosteller, dentist, Haldwln block.
I.cffert. Jeweler, optician, 2M Uroadway.
Drink Iludwotscr beer. L. lloscnfold, ot
Mrs. N I. Dodge Is convalescing from
.Mrs. K. '. hrown Is visiting lrletids in
licturo framing. C. M. Alc.mndor A Co,
!l DroHdwuy.
Mrs. H. it. Montgumcry Is kept to her
room with grip.
Tin city council will meet In adjourned
regular si'snlon tonight.
The prill Jury of llir district court has
been tuimmuncil to appear today.
W. I OralT, undertaker and dlalnfcctor,
1"! South Main street. 'I'honc COG.
Tim Newton Is reported to be seriously
111 at his home, 2Si Itcnloti street.
Oct your work done nt tho popular Kagte
laundry, "21 Uroadway. 'Phono 117.
Miss Helen Phelps. Carthage. Mo., Is
Burnt or her sister, Mrx. Waldo Mother'.
Miss lllillanl of Pirtit avenue lett yes
terday fin it visit to friends In Chicago.
Morgan Kliln, upholstering, furniture
repairing, mattress making. lit S. Main st.
MIsh Kthel Crisp entertained the White
JlmiMi club Haturdiiy afternoon at h'r litm
on North Hrst stteet.
Mrs. .1. T. Htowart and dmighter. Miss
Mi-ssip, are home from a two weeks' visit
Willi Minds In Chicago.
A want ad In Tho lleo will bring results,
ihe same attention given to a want nd In
Council muffs an at the Omnhit olilce.
Khirldnri e.nil. onco tried nlways used.
hmokelesH. no soot, clinkers nor sulphur.
1 rlco Jfi, r.60. Kenlon & Foley, solo agents.
Mrs. 1,. A. Gray or Chicago, who has been
IMHsIng tho winter with relatives In this
c ly has gone in Valley, Neb., for a short
Mslt with her sister, Mrs. Dlcko.
i.'1 ,."i!if""i.'.r"1 "f "''"Jamln Winchester will
hi' this afternnou nt l::io from the family
residence 120 i:,,t W'ashlngto a v e itue
llurlal will be In Walnut 11111 cemetery
J?"', rWullr '""'t'": f Uluffs company
W- IIV. "lMn" lt,"1'k K,''Bl" 'f 1'jtW.H,
v.L1 .' " H rVP"'"K t Milghes' hall
J-xcry member Is requested to be present
The annual nicetlng of the Ministerial as-
' .WV.'. 'V? , morning at the homo
ci!'rted 1'""lt'ra" tllurr'- Ollleers will ho
Miss .1. V.. Long, manager of the Postal
lelegraph company's local ollice. will leave
this evening lor Dwlght. III., on a visit
to re'iitlves. In her absonco Howard M.
oiincr will have charge of the ollice.
Tho new electric stump canceling ma-
nine has been Installed at the postoince It
iiim a capacity of fid) letters a minute ami
Is an automatic suction selr-feeder. It Is
opera cd by a three-quarter horse power
electric motor.
A meeting of the supervising committee
having In chnrge the church cennis will be
tomorrow morning In the ollice of Scott &
Hcott, when the work or tabulating the re
turns will be resumed. It Is expected the
work will take anolher week.
Harold, the ,'1-year-old son of Mr. nud Mrs.
,r NorK,r1' Washington avenue, died
... r..v. iiwiiii iriujj meuiDraucnus
croup. 'Ihe funeral, which will be private,
will bo held this arternoon. llurlal will be
In Falrvlew cemeteiy.
Tho Union Driving Park nsoelatlon has
e looted theso ollleers: President, William
Moore; secretary, (leorgo F. Wright, treas
urer, Charles T. Klewart: directum, tiny
llartou. Ii.u'Ich (Iregory. Charles i .
-rn,,r,t' kJ,i l,ro0.v. N- VV- Wells, ti. F.
Wright, William Moore.
Vincent It ittln has been awarded the con
tract ipr the repairs lo the woodwork nt
the federal building on his bid of Sl.VO,
H'.ti"!1-". ll'r' Ul !'lHng has been
awarded in l.emoti & Hon at Jl.31.1. The
whole building in to bo ovcihauled mil re
paired The case against Dan Williams, charged
with Mealing a horse belonging to A. H.
Woodworth hi Hazel Dell township, was
dbuilsscd In Justice Fcrrler's oiirt Satur
day on inotloi' of the assistant countv at
torney and costs taxed to the prosecuting
witness. Williams round the horse, half
wavV waml'r"IK "" ,l,c Ittlillt high-
Park Policeman Skill had an encounter
with wood ihleves Friday nlghe at lllg
Lake. He found three men carrying off a
luiiiitlty of wood ho had cut and stacked,
but they ran when they saw him. He llred
Ihree shots from his revolver after them,
but lulled to hit them. Ills third shot
lt ought lo earth a dog that was with the
Stephen A. Coldren. an attorney of lown
City. Is hero looking up the tacts In con
nection with Ihe death or .lesse Hell, the
colored porter who was crushed lo death In
mi accident at the transfer depot about a
week ago, wlun a runnway engine collided
with a Wabash passenger train. The In
vestigation Is being made In the Interest of
mi accident Insurance company which car
lied a policy on Hell's lire.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telepliono 250.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
Si-liiiniiiuii MkIiI at Ihe Clnli,
At tho musical of tho Dcrthlck dub to
night. In ltnyal Arcanum hall, Schumann
will bo the composer treated and heernl
helectlnns from IiIh compositions will ho
rendered. The following will bo tho pro
Kram: Sketch of Schumann
Mrs. Montgomery.
a. "Spring Flowers" flado
,(b) Gavotte, Nos. 1 and 2 J. S. Illicit
Miss Under.
"Tho New Kingdom" Tours
Mr. Hlgdon.
Novclctto In F, Op. 21 Schumann
Miss Hluford.
"I'll Not Complain" Schumann
Mrs. Mullls.
in) "Why?" Srhuinnnn
(b) "Whims" Schumann
Miss Heach.
"Tho Two Grenadiers" Schumann
Mr. Altchlnon.
"Trnumcrel" Schumann
Mr. Charles Tulleys.
Mr. Uindsberg.
1'iiiiernl of Mrs. Aeliter.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Fannin K. Achter,
wifn of J. J. Achter, who died In Sioux City
Friday, will bo this nf lei noon at :t o'clock
from tho homo of Mm. K. V. Stoeckert, her
sister-in-law, 52i Kast Plerco street, llurlal
will bo In Fnlrvtew cemetery.
Mrs. Achter lived In Council llluffB for
many yrars preceding her removal to Sioux
City, three years ago. Sho married Julius
J. Achter Ir this city In 1SS2. nnd ho, with
their daughter, Kdlth. sunlves. Mm
Achler's amiable nnd charitable disposition
endeared her to a large circle of friends
EASY Footwear
Our Shoes
Our bhocs arc mailo to fit
neatly and woar long. That's
how you get full valuo for
your money. If you want sat
isfaction lu footwear the placo
to go Is
Look for the Bear.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
nnd lowa. James N, casady, jr..
Aldermen Want Smoother PaTement lor
Fourth Ward Street!.
Secl Information of Lending Clllei
W here the Problem tins lleen
'liickled Practical l ((lies tin us
for llnulnccr to Answer,
The aldermen who ore In favor of paving
sccral streets In the Fourth ward with
n3pliallum havo not given up tho fight by
any means, although they arc letting the
matter rest nulct for tho present, In view
of the fact that It will be two or three
mouths before any paving can be doue. As
tho council fctnnds at prtEcnt four of the
aldermen are firmly opposed to nsphaltum
and favor brick.
Tho nlderineu who are desirous that the
streets In tho Fourth ward should he paved
will nsphaltum arc In the mcantlmo se
curing statistics regarding the wearing
qualities of this material, etc., from the
cltv engineers of a number of the leading
cities throughout tho country.
The following circular letter has been
nihil essed to tho city engineers:
Dear Sir It Is the Intention of the city
oune'l of this city to pavo certain streets
In the Fourth wnrd In this city this year
with elihcr brick or nsphaltum. Although
the aldermen are n unit for tho pnvlng they
Hie evenly divided as regards the kind.
We have at present about eight miles of
brick pnvlng, nomo of whlrh was put down
twelve yenrs ago, but having no asphalt
pavli.g up to the present time Its durability
under local conditions Is questioned.
ir you would kindly answer the ques
tions below we would consider It a favor:
What effect on asphalt has the ordinary
street lllth ir allowed to remain :
What effect on asphalt has standing pools
ot water? ... I
What effect or difference is noticed on ovpr ,,P nrnnn,r,i rurnl fron dellvorv rnnin
qdialt streets well shaded with trees nml""" tnc proposed rural freo dclhery route
lliose not suaiieii :
What Is the lightest street gradient paved
with asphalt?
Does the gradient nppenr to have nny ap
preciable effect on the condition of the as
phalt? If so, what Is It?
What effect has the subsoil on the dura
bility of asphalt ?
These circular letters of Inquiry are now
being i-ent out under the direction of City
Engineer Ktnyrc nnd when tho answers
are received the Information so obtained
will be summarized in a report to be llled
by him with tho city council.
Whon the proper time comes n lively
fight between the nlderrnen who favor ns
phaltum and those who favor brick Is
looked for In tho city council.
Fresh Vaccine Points received every day
at Dell (J. Morgan's drug store.
nnwAiins ami i'iiayi',11 iimiK,
Itev. lieurKe Hilvwiril Wnlfc Siieukn of
KIuk'm Accession lis MnrLcil Crisis,
"Tho Kdwnrdlan Kings nnd tho Hook of
Common Prayer" was tho topic of Hev.
George Kdward Wnlk's sermon yesterday
morning at St. Paul's Kplscopal church.
He suld:
"The denth of the great and good O.ucon
Victoria and the accession to tho Ihrono
of tho prince of Wales ns Edward VII Is
a marked crisis In the. history of tho Anglo
Saxon world. The fact that tho new mon
arch assumes tho name of Edward lends an
Interest to the churchman, whose mind Is
at once directed over the chasm of 3.c
years to that othor Edward whole reign
wns at a period fraught with tho gravest
moment to tho Church of Christ. It wns
then that was given to the people In tho
common vernaculnr tho Hook of Common
Prnver, which has become the blessed
herltago of nil English-speaking church
men 'Three parties existed In England: a
small but growing Evangelical party. In
full sympathy with the continental reform
ers ot tho Lutheran school; a small ltoman
party, that desired the continuance of the
papal authority, and a majority of tho na
tion, of which tho king was fairly repre
sentative, wished little doctrinal
change, but was ready to do away with
obedience to the papacy nnd abolish thos'j
features of English clerical llfo which, llko
mounstlclsm, had como widely to bo con
sidered ns nbuses. With the accession of
Edwnrd VI, who was king from 1517 to
155:1, tho still eomparatlNely small party
In sympathy with continental Protestant
ism cumo Into power, nnd there followed
the publication of a Hook of Common Prayer
In 1511), by which nil the ordinary parish
services were transferred from the I.atln
to the English tongue nnd Its character
istic Roman features abolished.
"Tho principles on which tho service book
was drawn up were those which underlay
the whole movement of tho English refor
mation. Thero was no Iconoclastic fury,
thcro was no Intention of unnecessary
change but thcro was n fixed purpose to
bring back tho services to the spirit and
tone of tho earlier centuries tho centuries
of the first four ecumenical councils and
to make them moro nvnllablo for general
"Tho first prayerbook of Edward VI wns
so excellent that It haH remained In null
stnnco tho office book of all branches of
the Anglican communion nud is likely so
to remain. Our own American prayer
book Is patterned after It, with only
locnl changes necessary to adapt It to our
national and independent condition."
Davis sells paint.
Token Hack to Oinnliii,
A mini claiming to be Henry Hrown, but
whoso right nnmo wns Inter found to bo
Geoigo Anson, wns arrested In this city yes
tcrday afternoon whllo trying to dispose of
a set of harness. Tho police suspected that
tho harness had been stolen nnd communi
cated with tho authorities across tho river.
From them It was learned that tho harness
hnd been taken from tho premises of B. T.
Anson, at Twenty-first nnd Cuming streets.
E. T. Anson Is a brother of tho man under
airesi. George Anson was taken back to
Omaha yesterday afternoon, having con
sented to return without requisition papers.
Howell's Antl-Kawf cures coughs, colds.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Heed, 5tt Ilroad'y.
Another Lodger linn Sinnllii.
John liclnhold. another Inmate of the
quarantined Atlantic house, on South Main
street , was found to havo smallpox yester
day and wns removed to the city pesthouso.
Ho makes the third smallpox patient being
cared for at tho peHthouse, nnd other in
mates of tho hotel nro sick. In tho enso of
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
TJsod by pooplo of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
one man It Is expected that the disease will
be sufficiently broken out today to warrant
his removal to tho pestbouse.
Owing to the number of Inmates nt tho
Atlantic house the city authorities deem U
advisable to kebp an extra close watch on
the premises and two guards are constantly
on duty during the nay and the same num
ber at night.
Itctnhold is a shoemaker and was board
ing nt the Atlantic house at the time James
Carroll was found to be suffering from
smallpox and the house was firs', placed
under quarantine.
Mlnlonnry Service,
Preceding the regular service last even
ing nt tho Christian tabernacle, the mem
bors of the Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor rendered the following spe
cial missionary program:
BeHsle Connoyer.
"Our Mission to America's Chrlstless
Maud Willi num.
ttecitntlnn "America for Christ"
Illnlle Hrown,
"Paper on Missions"
Dow '."re wdson.
lteeltntlon "The Master Is Coming to
Kssle Crewdson.
"Chinese Mlsnlons"
Kdith Joseph.
"Our Opportunities"
Alva lloal.
Henry Moore fur Kiuisiis Offense.
Henrv Moore, 22 years of age, wanted by
tho authorltlcr of Sednu, Kan., was arrested
yesterday afternoon on tho Martin farm,
near Lovelund, by Deputy Sheriff linker, at
the request of Eherilt J. W. Taylor of Sednn.
conveyed In a telegram to Sheriff Cousins,
which was received here yesterday morning.
Tho telegram did not state for what of
fense Mooro was wanted, and tho latter was
unwilling to give any Information. He con
sented to return to Kansas without requisi
tion papers and Sheriff Taylor was notified
to that effect.
Iti-eoininrnils Free Delivery.
ON AW A, la.. Jnn. 27 (Special.) John
T. Iloyln.u of hldora, special Inspector of
rural free delivery, with P. M. Ulllott. went
Nt-Dt ui iuv,n uu'i ui recuiuiiiciiii iiiai u
bo established. It Is twcnty-flvo miles In
length and will furnish about 1G0 families
with a dally mall. It covers part of thrco
townships nnd will take In llluo Lnko and
l.llirnry for Snc City.
SAC CITY, la., Jan. 27. (Special.)
A city library Is being considered
by tho citizens of Sac City. Mr.
Asa Piatt has offered to the town n lln;
corner lot nnd besides will give dollnr for
dollar raised by the town for a city library.
Mr. Piatt Is one of tho richest and moat
liberal men and will give $5,000, beside hln
lot, If tho citizens will glvo as much. j
Settle luurrel Out of Court,
CUESTON. Ia., Jan. 27. (Special.)
Henry MeGrnw. a Spnuldlug township
farmer, charged with assault on Jasper
McPherson, his neighbor, wn3 today din
missed. McPherson Is recovering. The
two men wore Induced to sottlo the matter
out of court. McGrnw pays all the costs
and the expense of McPhcrson's doctor ;nd
hospital service. Tho men quarreled over
some hogs. ,
.Solillcr In Homo Asiilu.
ONAWA. Ia.. Jan. 27. (Special.) Eugene
Myers, an Onawa soldier boy who served.
In Company L, Fifty-first Iowa regiment,
and re-cnllsted In troop K, Eleventh United
Slntes covnlry, serving over two years nnd
a half, returned home last night.
Horse Stolen (Iff the Street.
CUESTON, In.. Jan. 27. (Special.)
A horse nnd buggy belonging to a farmer
wns stolen from tho principal streets ot
Creston Saturday. The authorities arc In
search of the thief.
"Grip rohbed mo of my sreep and I wns
nearly crnz with neuralgia and headache.
Dr. Miles' Pnln Pills nnd Nervlno cured
me." Mrs. Pearl Hush, Holland, Mich.
M otnl n y nml Tuesday 'Will lie Fnlr,
Northwesterly AVInils lleeoin
IliK Southerly.
WASHINGTON, Jon. 27. Forecast for
Monday aud Tuesday:
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Monday;
winds generally northwesterly; Tuesday;
generally fnlr.
For North Dakota Fair Mondny; wnrm
erly winds becoming southerly; Tuesday;
probably fair.
For South Dakota and Wyoming Fnlr
Mondny; winds becoming southerly; Tues
day fair.
For Nebraska and KansaB Fair Monday;
northwesterly winds, becoming southerly;
Tuesday; fair.
For Colorado Fair Monday; lower tem
perature In oEstcrn portion; vnrlablo winds;
Tuesday; jirouably fair.
For Montana Fair Monday; southerly
winds; Tucsdny; probably fair.
For Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Ar
kansasFair Mondny; northwesterly winds;
Tuesday fair.
For Indiana nnd Illinois Fair Mondny;
fair lo trlsk winds, generally northwesterly;
Tuesday probably fair.
For New Mexico Fnlr Monday and Tues
day; northerly winds, becoming variable.
For Western Texas Fair Monday; cooler
In northern portion; west wlnda; Tuesday
I' or Eastern Texas Fair Monday: colder
In eastern portion: winds generally fresh
to brisk north to northwest; possibly high
on the const; Tuesday fair.
l.oenl Iteeoril,
OMAHA, Jan. 27 Official record of lemper
uturo and precipitation compared with the
corresponding uny or mo last three years:
1901. 19'). 1KI!. 1893
.Maximum temperature -Hi 25 25 fl2
funuiuiim temperature i, ;i j
mean temperature ;n ii 11
I'recipitation uo .10 .00 .00
Hecord of temperature and preclpltntlon
in unmim jnr wns uay nnu sinco -Murcn 1,
Normal temperature
Kxcess for tho day l
Total excess since March 1 1371
Normal precipitation 02 inch
Deficiency for tho day 02 Inch
Total rainfall since Mnrch 1.... 30. 55 Inches
Excess since March 1 11 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 10-X). . . 1.71 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S99... 4.35 lnchcn
ItepnrtH fioin StiitloiiN ut 7 P M.
Hi K h
v 3 S 2
a 3r 2.
a2 "3 "
a 3 cc -
el3 E
: 3 : S 2
Hi? "
44 461 .00
40 Ml .00
40 4G .00
30 42 .00
4i 52 .UO
34 42 T
SS 36 .(!
26 32 T
40 42 .00
91 21' .ft)
26 301 .00
46 ISI .(V
4! 4S .00
40 461 .00
2ii asl .00
CI 1 601 T
Omnha. partly cloudy.
North Platto. clear.
nn ue. cie
Cheyinne. c ear.
Salt Lake, clear
llapld City, clear
Huron, cloudy
Willlston, cloudy
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, cloudy
Ht. Pnul, clenr
Davenport, clenr
Kansas City, clear
Helena, partly cloudy.
Havre, cloudy
Bismarck, cb udy
Galveston, cloudy.. ..
Local Forecast Olllclal.
T Indicates trace of precipitation. Zero,
Argued That Appointment ofTrutteei by
Judges it Uncoattitutioail.
Point III I'liuir ' Control Uy City
Councils Inspection of MIHtln
lloiinlloiis for Jeliool l.llirn rleo
tiiiiillilute for ( oiniiiiunlcr.
PES MOINES, Jan. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) An appeal case submitted to the
Iowa supremo court on oral nud printed
arguments yesterday Involves the validity
of the law under which water works owned
by titles and towns lire operated In town.
It Is tho culmination of a hard light against
the nonpartisan principle in the control
of munlrlpnl water works by those who
favor the old system of having tho
water works controlled by the wnrd poli
ticians nnd used as an opportunity for
politicians to feed upon. Some years ngo
those who desired reform In the method
ot managing water works procured the
passage of ti law. placing their control In
tho hands of a commission to be nppolnted
by tho district court and to be of non
partisan character. The claim was imme
dlntcly set up that this violates the prin
ciple of locnl control of affairs, for tho
Judges of tho district court may he elected
from other parts of a district. It Is also
nrgued that the constitution Is violated In
thnt tho court Is thus given a duty to per
form which properly belongs to tho execu
tive branch of tho government. This ques
tion was argued before the supremo court
yesterday on nn appeal case from Wood
bury county. Involving the control of the
water works In Sioux City. It Is not con
tended thai there has been any mismanage
ment of the water works by the commis
sion nppolnted by the Judges under the
Inw: In fact, tho watet works have been
mndu to yield n handsome profit to tho
city. The questions Involved nro purely
constitutional and nrfcet the method of
mnnngement of munl'lpal affairs In all
pnrts of tho sinte.
.tlllltln liiNpeetlon.
Colonel J. G. Olmsted of tho governor's
stnff starts out todny on tho annual In
spection tour of tho statu to visit' nil the
companies of the Iowa National guard nnd
report ihcreon. His first visit will bo nt
Sac City, where ho will Inspect Company
M nf tho Fifty-second regiment, tomorrow
evening. This company has Just finished
tho erection of a handsome nrmnry build
ing, which will bo opened at the samo time
and n ball will be given nt tho time of
tho Inspection. Colonel Olmsted's Inspec
tion dates for this week nro as follows:
Perry, Tuesday evening; Sioux City,
Wednesday: Hull, Thursday: Eminetsburg,
Friday, and Algona, Saturday. The three
new companies at Wlntcrset, Albla nnd
Atlantic will not bo orgnnUed In tlmo for
regular inspection this year.
HnIiiIiIImIiIhk Small Libraries.
Northwest Iowa has n philanthropist who.
in a small way, is doing a vast amount of
good In his pnrtlculnr field. This is George
W. Schce of Prlinghnr, formerly a member
of tho town house, who has donated money
for the starting of school libraries In every
school district of O'Urlen county and In
many districts In other counties, nnd for
ULtnrics In several towns'. He always
gives In compnratlvcly small amounts nnd
requires that the people shall contribute
similar sums. He also bought anil pre
sented lo Ihe schools In his county Amer
ican flags to be lloalcd over tho rural school
houses. Now he has mndo an offer to tho
towns In Snc county nnd will glvo sums ns
follows for establishing school libraries:
Auburn nnd Grant City, $100 each; Early
nnd Lake View, $150 each; Wall Lake and
Schaller, $200 each, and Sue City, $600.
This la conditional nn each of these towns
raising nn equal nmount, cNcopt In tho
case of Sac City, which must donate $1,500.
Odcholt, tho only other town In the county,
has a good school library. Tho tenders will
bo ncccptcd nnd tho conditions be met,
I 'or Dcpnrtiuent Coiiiiiiniiiler.
Candidates for department commander of
the Iowa Grand Army of the Hcpuhllc nre
ap earing now that the date for the de
partment encampment has been set. Georgo
II. Metzgcr of Davenport, formerly custo
dian of the cnpltol In Dcs Moines nnd a
prominent Second district politician, is a
candidate nnd Is being Indorsed by n num
ber of posts.
Itnllroiiil Projects.
D Is rumored In eastern Iowa that the
Milwaukee railroad contemplates a now
line from Ottumwa to Davenport, thus
shortening the southwestern branch to Knn
sas City materially. If tho lino Is built
tho Chicago-Kansas City trains would go
by wny of Davenport Instead of to Marlon.
A survey mndo by tho Northwestern in
1891) ran from Algona to Sac City, by way
of Fonda, Pocahontas and Holfe, nnd It Is
believed In that part of tho state that tho
company Is about to build this extension
and make n new short line from Omnha to
tho Twin cities.
An electric Intcrurbnn lino is projected
to run from lown City to Williamsburg.
ItiiiieiiilieiiiiBT tliieen Victoria.
A memorial service In honor of the Into
Queen Victoria wns held this evening by
Des Moines Englishmen nnd thoso nf Eng
lish descent In St. Paul's Episcopal church.
It was a beautiful rervlco presided over by
the rector, Hov. J. E. Cothell, and devoted
entirely to tho Into queen nnd her reign. A
splendid portrait ot (ho queen in colors
was placed over the pulpit and draped In
mourning. Tho plrturo was brought from
England by the local branch of the Sons
of St. George some years ngo. Governor
Les'.lo M. Srhaw was present nnd participate I
In tho sen Ices, delivering a short addiesa
of appreciation of tho late queen,
I'nrniers Hejeet Otters,
The farmers of Washington and Mahaska
counties, who have constructed about 100
miles of rural telepliono lines at a cost of
$6,000 and connect moro than 200 farm
houses, havo unceremoniously rejected an
offer from tho People's Telepliono company
to tako over their lines and ronncrt them
with the exchanges in Kcnta and other
towns. Theso farmers now havo seven
lines centering at South English and nro
given freo communication with Webster,
Keswick. Whlto Pigeon, North English.
Green Valley. Kinross, Nlra, Wcllman nnd
Harper, and they proposo extending their
rurnl lines on to Iowa City, Slgourney and
What Cheer. Theso groups of rural tele
phono lines nro now quite common In Iowa
and efforts aro being made In nil parts
of tho stato to bring them under control
of tho organized companies In towns and
Her Mind In Troubled,
IIOONE, Ia., Jan. 27 (Special.) A mid-dlo-aged
woman, who refused to glvo her
name, was taken from tho Northwestern
train to tho hospital hero, being unable to
continue her Journey to some point on the
Iowa Central railroad. Hho is suffering
from some dangerous malady and seems to
bo In n penitent framo of mind, being Im
patient to reach her destination, and In her
delirium assorts thai sho has Important
revelations to make which will rollovo her
mind. The conductor Informed tho au
thorltlcs that her ticket was purchased at
lluffalo Gap, S. 1).
ni,i,u: Mini: tiuai, is i:m)i:d,
WnrrliiK 1'notloin of mlleiite uree
to llury All
CRESTON, la.. Jan. 27. (Special. )-At
tho closo of the third day of tho 01 lie
lode trial an agreement wns renched
whereby the raso was settled out of court.
The action was one that charged certain
parties with fraud and conspiracy, re
sulting from tho purchase of the Olllo
lodo mining claim In Cripple Creek, Colo.
Two years ngo tho mine wns bought by 1
Creston syndicate for $50,000 nnd it wns
but n few days nfter tho purchase was
made that reports were circulated to the
effect that tho syndicate had been swindled;
thnt tho mine had been salted for tho oc
casion. Suspicion among the syndicate
grow and finally crystallized Into n law
suit. Hon. J. 11. Harsh, W. C. Henry,
George Ilelbo and George Willis Emerson
wore named ns defendants. During Ihe
second day of tho trial tho attorneys for
Mr. Harsh llled a motion to dismiss him
from tho case, as tho plaintiffs had failed
to show him in nnywlso connected with
a conspiracy or fraud, If nny hnd been com
mitted, and tho court sustained the mo
tion. At tho closo of the third day, after a
number of conferences had becii held, the
plaintiffs agreed to accept an offer from
Mr Harsh to take 51 cents on the dollar
for their stock and drop nil litigation.
Tho case was becoming interesting when
the ngrccment to adjust tho matter out of
court as reached.
Mr. Harsh said to The lice reporter that
he made the offer to buy so that ho rould
get what money he had originally placed
In tho mine, $7,000. out. He could do
nothing whllo an endless string of lawsuits
existed. The plaintiffs In ncccptlng Mr.
Harsh's proposition agree to discontinue nil
unfriendly conduct townrd tho mine.
La Orlppo coughs often contlnuo for
months and sometimes lead to fatal ro
suits after the patient Is supposed to havo
passed tho danger point. Foley's Honey
and Tar nffords posltlvo protection nnd
security from these coughs. Mycrs-Dlllon
Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Storo,
South Omaha.
South Dakota Incorporations.
PIERRE, S. D.. Jnn. 27 (Special )
Articles of Incorporation hnvo becii filed
for tho Gold Standard Consolidated Gold
Mining company at Hapld City, with a capi
tal of $500,000; incorporators. D. W. Flick,
A. E. Flick, W. E. Smith, M. A. Smith and
C. W. Gnrrlsh. For tho Cox Multl-Mnller
company, nt Sioux Falls, with a capital of
$24,000; Incorporators, J. Tomllnson, Jr.,
Georgo Schlosser and Mark D. Scott. For
tho Nelson Mining company of P'crrc, with
a capital of $1,000,000; Incorporators, C. Q.
Nelson, Salllo F. Nelson and G. V. Pnttlson.
For tho Pacific Oil company, at Pierre, with
a capital of $1,600,000; Incorporatora, J. II.
Nogucs, W. A. Debrough, O. V. Pnttlson.
For tho Ollroy Oil company, nt Pierre, with
a capital of $300,000; lncorporntors, William
Phelps, Henry Decker nnd It. W. Stewart.
For tho Bancroft Creamery company nt
Bancroft. Kingsbury county, with a capital
of $5,000; Incorporators, I). Thompson, W.
A. Jcnks, A. Mears and W. A. I-nmont.
Full Force on nt lloincMiiUc.
DEADWOOD, S. D., Jan. 27. (Special.)
Tho Homestakn company now hns nil tho
force turned 11 at tho mammoth pumping
station at tho headwaters' of Spenrflth river.
Thero aro two pumps, ench with n capacity
or elevating over n high mountain 2.500 gal
lons of wntct per minute. The Increased
quantity of wnter makes It possible to In
creaso the output of bullion from tho mines
moro than one-third.
The Cnledanin mill nt Tcrravlllo hns been
started up nnd ns soon as tho new hoisting
plant for tho DcPmct mine nt Central City
enn be Installed that old mine nnd mill will
bo started up nfter nn idleness of a dozen
yenrs. At the big 1,200-ton cynnldn plnnt
all the mnchln-ry hns been Installed and a
few days more will see the plnnt In opera
tlon. This plant Is calculated to save $10
000 per month to the company by extract
Ing the gold from tho tnlllngs. which havo
been going down the creek for a good many
years ns waste.
County AxyluniN independent.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Jon. 27. (Special.)
At the first opportunity a number nt
counties In tho Mnto will follow tho lend
of Grant county, which at the last elec
tion decided to build nn asylum for Its
Incurable Insane rnther than pay tho stale
the sum of $10 per month for tho care of
inch patient from tho county In tho state
licipltal for the insane nt Ynnkton. It
cobts Grunt county $3,000 per year for the
caro ot Its Insano and It Is figured that It
enn caro for Its own insane nt n less cost
and thus keep the money nt home. Ficd
H. Paeon of C.witon has been Investigating
the cost to the counties for the maintenance
of their Insane nt the Yankton asylum
Ho finds that tho counties hnvo contributed
a considerably larger sum than tho total
coat of maintaining the asylum.
South lliil.otn Poultry Slum-.
MITCHELL, S. D., Jun. 27. (Special.)
Tho second nnnunl poultry show of tho
Stnto Poultry and Fnt Stock association
wil: open Tuesday night. Secretary Ilras
says he hus received entries from lown
Nebraska nnd Minnesota, many of which
comprise tho beht fnnclcrs In tho three
htntcs, whllo tho entries from South Da
kota aro larger than over before. Tho ex
hibition will last three days and will bo
held In n largo storeroom on Main street.
W. S. Ilussell of Ottumwa, In., has been
engaged to Judgo the birds. Several firms
In Minneapolis and Chicago havo written
that they will send a number of Ilclglan
hares and Angora cats.
Order of II Gtiurillnun,
PI EH HE, S D Jnn. 27.-(Spcclnl.)-Tho
state Insttrnnre department hns granted nu-
thorlly to do business nnd granted n charier
to tho Order of Homo Guardians, a now
company organized at Canton, which Is an
assessment company for llfo nnd accident
insurance. Tho llfo Insurnnco Is Issued on a
basis of average nsscsments ns shown by
boneflt association experlenco nnd on a
further basis as shown by tho experlenco of
American moitnllty tables. Tho stt
piemo council is O. S. Glfl'ord, A. A. Itodg
ers, W. J. Hyrnrs. F. II. Hacon, John Ham-
merson, S. T. Winstend nnd A. A. Itandnll
nil ot Canton.
Modern Woodmen ut Huron.
HP HON, S. D.. Jan. 27.-(Speclnl.)'-Ar
rangenicnts nre being mado by local mem
bers for tho nnnunl stnto camp of the Mod
cm Woodmen ot America to be held hero
on February 13, nt which time the stato
tamp of Royal Neighbors will nlso bo held.
Tho attendance will bo large.
PiiiIiIiik I nlvcrnlty lliillillnur,
MITOHKLD, S. D., Jnn. 27. ISpecial.)
New building operations of Dakota univer
sity will bo pushed with 'Ugor. President
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question nnses in tho family
svery day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious nnil healthful ileesert Pro.
pared in two minutes. No boiling' no
baking ' add boiling water and set to
tool. Flavors Lemon, OratiKi". Knnp.
berry and Strawberry. Oct a packaKo
it your grocers to-day. io cts.
Graham has arrnnged with ltev. W. J
Calfeo of Huron to act ns corresponding
setretnry of the building fund and his du
ties will bo to travel lu tho Dakota con
ference to raise tho $25,00(1, tho balance,
$10,000, to bo raised In this city nnd county.
Dr. Graham stntcs thai fS.OOO has been
raised hero nnd that tho ground hns been
well laid out for tho raising of tho funds
nrcund the slntc.
Mute I. nml Deport nt I.ootn.
PtEHKE, S. 1)., Jan. 27. (Special.) -Cnlls
on tho state land department for loans con
tinue nud $3,775 has been Rent mil tin tnai
few days. The largest amount taken by any
0110 county wns $1.S00, by Walworth, nnd
lltttto took f 1.355. Hughes. Gregory nnd Fall
mver nil toon smaller buiiis. Tho calls'
havo taken up practically nil the last ap
portionment except $6,000, but other funds
have come In since that tlmn whti-h t.,
tho ollice supplied with cash to meet all do-
1111m In WiiniltiK LeRlslntut'C.
CHEYENNE. Wsu. Jon. ;?. iSn.vtnl
Tho week has been a busy ono In tho sixth
ate legislature. Among tho bills passed
tho houso wns the dlvnren bill m,,m,.li.
Ing a resldeuco of two years In tho stato bo
foro a decree of divorce can bo granted;
also the bounty bill. The intter appro
prlates $40,000 for bounty on predatory wild
animals, sntno to bo paid nt the rate of $3
per bend 011 wolves nnd $1 011 coyotes. In
tho senate this week tho bounty bill and
divorce bill will he taken up.
I'ntlier nml Children .MIluR,
LEAD. S. D.. Jan. 27. (Special.) A
drayman, Dick Preston, has suddenly ills
appeared from his home In this city, inking
with mm his two smnll children. Mrs.
Preston went to church Sunday evening
nnd took one of her llttlo daughters with
her. When she returned her husband nml
two other children were not to bo found.
The grlef-strlcken mother is n daughter of
a lawyer of this city and will mnko her
homo with him until somo news ot her
husband enn be obtained.
Crenniery tov lUtolienok,
HtritON, S. I)., Jnn. 27. (Special.) nttsl-
ncse men of Hitchcock, together with
fnrmers In that vicinity, nro preparing to
establish a creamery nt that placo early
In tho spring. Much stock In the enter
prise hns been taken nnd a building for th
plnnt has been secured. Milch cows nre
numerous In that pnrt of tho county. Milk
from 200 hns already been pledged.
Addition to Amuy Ollice.
LEAD, S. D., Jnn. 27. (Special )-A largo
addition Is being built to tho Homestako
nssny ofllco. U Is ot brick aud will bo
fitted with boiler and furnnces. H Is to
be In the nature of n refinery nnd will make
n valttablo addition to the Homestuko plant
In this city, giving employment to many
Clinilrnn Mnn'n Dentil.
LOST CAULS'. Wyo.. Jnn. 27. (Special )
Daniel Cockrcl of Chadron, Neb., died here
of typhoid pneumonia- Tho body has been
serit to Chadron.
to critn Tin: en ir.
Advice of it Finn on p. IMiynlelnn.
First and foremost, REST.
Take caro nf yourself. Your nlrendy
weakened nerves want reBt and must havo
It. If tho attnek Is severe, go to bed nnd
remain there. More fatalities result from
neglect of this precaution than from nny
other cnueo
Eat si arlngly. Your digestive orgnns aro
In no condition to tako curq of largo quan
tities ot food.
Drink plenty of pure, cold wnter. It al
lays tho fever, stimulates tho kidneys to
Action and opena up tho pores of tho skin.
Keep the bowels open with Dr. Miles' Ncrvo
nnd Liver Pills.
Tnko threo doses of Dr. Miles' Nervine
per day, and If you ennnot sleep tnko an
extra doso nt bedtime. To further control
tho fever and to ovcrcomo tho peculiar
aches and pains nf grip, uso Dr. Miles' Pain
Pills. They net quickly nnd effectually
and no bad effects result from their use.
Theso remedies havo been thoroughly tested
moro than n million times nnd their elll
dency Id thoroughly estnblished. They
novcr fall to glvo relief.
Dr. Miles' Remedies enn bo found nt any
drug store, nnd they are sold on n positive
guarantee that lirst bottle or package bene
fits or money refunded.
Of the Sun throws a djtk shadow on
the eitlh. So it Is with the human body
when disease shuts out the Jight of health
and happiness,
Is an antidote for all diseases which attack
the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach or Bowels.
It drives out constipated conditions, restores
functional activity and regulaiity,
Pure Clood,
Strong Nerves and
CooJ Digestion.
People who have used It say tt Is their
main reliance for keeping the body healthy.
Price, 31.00.
rn.HL HOTirnair nt Bnun u .LtiM.'
U U. II.M lh.l II ... . wl M . .nth. 11 14 Utatl
M Uk., fcjfllf a.4IUU4 M U Ut U.M.
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen lots In a body for sain at a very rnanonabln prlea, Thaaa
lota aro located In Omaha addition and II hlih and dry. They
will inakn a aplendld location for seme factory. Several other lota
suitable for building purposes one ot them especially will make
a fine loeatlon for a home, being within nno block ot the rnatcr
line and within two blocka of a school houso and church located
In the woatern part ot the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
Duffy's Pesr
Mali Whiskey
The World" r'amou Medicinal Whiskey
CourIib, Colds, HroiicliltK Asth
ma, Consumption, iMnlarln, Pcvcr,
Chills anil Dyspepsia of wh.itever form,
quickly cured by uking Duffy's Malt
Whiskey. A teupoonful in x rUss ol
water three times a div.
MenlUiiita I lutr Iml fiftr0" 'ltP'Pl for
orlf yriti I 01 in link I imiM linidlr wik,
ml nliihl fir Elsiit oeiiM not I ill.
roiirmnt. nml I Ixuk Inj III hit own timl,
tTluc tiallitnf l' hot one, ami tf s&n uUit ltiHT)'
or Mnlt WliUkr.i. t Iiik MVi-n tlir Hi nl
built nt It. I btf nut tiMn to nr.l in Mt
lanmtttia wfnt tlmr, ni hit sfpflit liwa
ilM. I ffl t rn iifr y ruouili In I'tal.e of
UiiITj' rilrf Mull Vthl.Vr). I taki H In hot
waif r tir tl ruri iiioriilnf ! lute titf nk'Mt. W lie 11
1 iUilnl uklnctt I only weltlieit tree lr ate poiiiuU,
nd at vt lit I nelali "n bundled m.a Ave (ioiin!t.
Very irult joiif.
it a rtti u r. mn: r ii f. n nr it r, Yonk f ti . s, r.
CAPTION Iiufly's Pure Holt WhlsVev isaold
In sesleil liottln only It ottered in hulk: It
1 n fraud. Mc turo ou set the tenulue. All
dniKlti nd grocer, or direct, 1 00 a bottle.
Mcmrnl hookle t ent freo
Dull) Mil. bikr U Rochester, N. V.
If 1 had Grip I would
uso Dr. lUiloa' Pain Pills
and Dr. Miles' Norvino.
Sold at all DruHBltits.
Kun via the
Leave Omaha
tla Scenic Route through Colorado and
Por Information and "Tourist Dictionary"
addre. City Ticket Office, ijj., Parnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
We, the underslisned ilniKkiHlB, offer a
townrd of 0 eonts to nny person who pur
chaeca of us two 25-eent boxen ot Baxter's
Mandrako Illttera Tablets, If It falls to
euro constipation, hllllousnesH, nlelc head
ache, jaundice, loss of nppetlte, sour
stomach, dyspepsia, liver eomplatut nr nny
of tho discuses for whlrh It In recom
mended. Prleo 2(1 cents for either tablets
or liquid. Wo will also refund tho money
on ono package ot either If It falls lo
Mn n. Y NERVE REANS rotor
b KTkH vinik parta, makn nirn
tn. 1161 Mrnnir. vlRuruua, ruliuat;
C JR vi iiiirrlril mm, mm Intend'
iiurry, Rhnuiil tike u box; AfllnnMiInc re
tiltm nlRht losses ntuppcili power rodomli II
hi hlliTiiuu A Mi'Cnnili'lln. Killill At ( Hh.l olhiT
ilruirelnta ur liuilluil iy Nerv lluiuilu. Iluftalu N V
!' r l,ii flrlppi
take tblH tip Anil
Kawf i iiri H 1 , a
Grippe i'ie a bottlo
ut tho drug mop
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures every kind of rnuh, la irrlppe, hrnni-hltK
t-ore throat, croup, whooplnir eouiih. etc. Never
dcrancrsthoHtomuch. AtDrmrKinta, 10.t:c.
lUPAN'S TADULKS la nn effectual euro
for tho IIIh which orlclnato In n bad rtom
nch. 10 for Co. At all druKfilnts.
Genterville Goal
And coal from tho boot mines in tho
country. Also hard coal nnd wood.
Prompt delivery in our motto.
Transfer Line Between Council Bluffs
and Omaha
councii Muffs Office, No. 211 North Main
St. Tolophono 128.
Omaha Oflico. HH South 12th Stroot.
Telephono l.tOS.
Connection mndo with South Omnha
wTlliam welch,
IOO llroiulu II J , I iilllliiiil IIIiiIIn,
ArloMi, per lb
D llrand
Jtbi, beat
2-lb can Mo, ha and Jivn.
11. &. M. Ulead
1 .o
Sun-Dried Japan, tier lb...
Hplder Lei,', per lb
Gunpowder, per lb
Youni: Ilvmiti, per lb
KiiKllhh llr akfuf t, per lb.
Tan Hed t'rosa Ithi'iiuiutlHin Cure, n
prompt nnd mini euro for rhoiiinutlsiii in
any form. Cures tclatlra, luiubai;o, nnu
ralKla, (tout, pulim in tho buck, himciieMs.
HtllT nnd Hwollen JnlnlH. Tho host bluml
purifier made. A wonderful remedy h.m
cured thoiiHandu will cjre yim -try ft. ,t
dniK mores or hem by expreH.i, prepnil,
Price $1.00 lted CroKS Drm; i'o., C'oun, ,1
llluffH, Iowa-