on TTIE OMAIIA "DAILY "BEE: STTNUAV, JANUARY 27, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES AilvrrtUenicnt for these cnliiram Trill lip (nkpii until VJL in. for Itic evening Ptlltlon nml until 8.110 p, ui. tor morning nml Siindnr edition. llntra, 1 1-Sc n mini first Iturrllniti Jo n wont thereafter. Xnthlnu tnlen for less (linn !ifin for the first Inser tion, Them ml vrrtlnciiirn t ninst lie run coimeontlvcl y. Advertiser, li)- requesting n 11 ti m -Iicrcil cheek, cnn linve answer nil" drraaril til n ntiiulir rod letter In rare of The Hit. Anmrri no addressed trill lie delivered on presentation of tlie heck onlj-. WA XTU H-S I T 1,'AT II) X. POSITION' n bookkeeper evening. Best references. Address U C3, J''. .... A Mil J' J WANTED, by a competent dressmaker, dressmaking In families; charges, (.2j per dny. Address JI 6, Heo. A (wl EXPERT-nccountnnt. C3eo. W. Holbrook, Brown Blk. flVANTKD, position by nn experienced Indy stenographer nnd bookkeeper; references. II II, Bee. A-16I 2i LADY typo setter would llko work on remit try paper. II 15, Bee. A 7o9 .1 LaPV stenographer, best reference, de sires position. Address II 13, lien. A id -1 TAIIM HAND-Rcspcctnblo young man willing tn 1I0 plenty of llsht work In the country for board and small salary. Ad dress II 21. nee. A-.9S EMPLOYMENT by nll-nround handy man In city, country or dairy. Address L. Heo Ofllce, Council muffs. A-MS07 2S U'AXTEl) tALIl lim.P. A FEW MOKE POINTERS ABOUT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, XOCATED OVER THE BOSTON STORE, 1CTH AND DOUGLAS. ROHRnOUClH HROS., PROPS. I0 INTER No. 1 Tho charges which wcro mado against F. W. Mosher In last Sun day's paper by Mr. A. t Vun Snnt nro fullv answered on another page In today's paper. This now ends tho controversy ns far as wu uro concerned. POINTER No. 2-Sovernl new students havo made arrangements to enter tho col lege tomorrow In the vnrlous departments. Classes will also bo organized In tho Night School All departments now havo tho largest attendance of tho year. POINTER No. 3-Within tho last three months our correspondence nnd Inquiries about Gregg Shorthand have been Increas ing. At no time within the Inst ten years haH thero been such universal Interest In 11 system of shorthand as thero la at pres ent In Gregg. At tho recent convention In Detroit thero deemed to be a stronger tlilo Mowing In tho Interest of this system than any other now used In this country. The majority of thoso who attended were either Groggltea or prospective converts. Tho opposition and antagonism to this system lias prnctlrally ceased. No stenog rnpher who pretends to keep up with tho times would assume to speak despairingly of this system, for If ho did It would be nt tbo cxpenso of good Judgment und com mon sensu. POINTER No. 4-Tho public Is aware that wo nro mnklng a great specialty of Gregg Shorthand ami that our teachers aro en dorsed by Its author, they having re ceived personal Instruction under him. It will pay thosn who Intend to tako Up shorthand to mako nn investigation. POINTER No. 5 Tho students of tho col lego havo arranged for a social and n banquet to bo given nt tho Commercial club rooms Friday nvonlng, Feb. 15. A grand tlmo Is anticipated, The college band nnd orchestra will furnish music for tho occasion. 11712 27 NIOUT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. fiOYLES' SCHOOL. HOYLES' SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES' SCHOOL. HOY'LES' SCHOOL. Many young men nnd women who found It Imposslblo to attend tho dny sesslnnu of this college Inst winter took advantage of tho superior facilities nfforded by the night classes and as a result aro today holding responfllblo nnd prolltablo positions. A larco number of earnest nnd ambitious young people nrn attending tho night classes tills winter and nro receiving tho training that will enablo them to doublo their earning capacity, juiss xiiu.-u. NIGHT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. HOYI.ES' SCHOOL. HOYLES' SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. HOYLES' SCHOOL. HOYLES' SCHOOL. HEE HUILDINU. H-39-27 WANTED, wo hnvo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear anco. C. F. Adams Co., 1003 Howard St. 11-737 nAnnER trndo taught thoroughly In short time. cntnloiriiH nnd onrticulnrs freo Address Western Harbcro' Institute. Omaha, Neb. H-73S WANTED, good man to do cnnvnsslng In me country; good puy ior ngni man. ah dress E 4, leo. U-M1S9 MEN or women to soil goods to city trndo. uoou pay una steady employment, iiiv cnbaugh & Co., Ware blk. 1J-MI12 Maris WANTED, active workers everywhere to tlilm nrdiTM for "I.lfn nf Oupell Victor a." COrt pages. 200 Illustrations; lowest retail price; nig commissions; creuu ki-", frnli-hl tin lil. niitflt nnqtnntil fren Oil nil" plication. Address Globe Hlble Publish" lug Co., 723 Chestnut St., Phlladclpnin, i-a H-M700J7 CANVASSERS wanted for "Life nnd Reign of Queen Victoria," by the eminent hls tnrtniis. I'rnf. I'lins. Xtorris and Mlirnt Halstcad: nenrlv CiOO pages; size 7x10; 10O richest Illustrations; greatest and best; trommiilnnu anllnrt nnlv J I Till! Illl.' book. btg commissions; credit given; frelglit paid; outllts free. Address Tho Dominion Co., Dept. V, 331 Dearborn at., L'tucago. H-M70S 31 "WANTED, man, upright clinracter. to man ago business nf old established house; salary $18 per week and expenses, payable each week direct lrom headquarters; ox Dense money advanced; position perma nent; rofnrence. Standard House, 304 Cax ton bldg., Chicago. H-M722 27 WANTED, men to lenrn barber trndo; pre pnro now for spring rush, only two months requwed; J12 to $15 weekly paid graduates, or can start business on our cnnltal: mnnv uood loentlons on lile: wo have tho best proposition ever made young men; class begins February 1; our diplomas recognized everywhere; write at once for catalogue and particulars. Moler Harber College. He.1 Fnrmun St.. Omaha Caution: Our success has caused somo 5c shops to call their places colleges. Do not bo deceived. Wo aro a branch of tho original Moler system. H M721 31 WANTED, traveling salesman to cany cigars at snio una. Address 11 3, nee. H-7.13 27 MECHANICS, engineers, electricians, tiro men, etc.; a freo schnldrshlp In engineer lnc will be awarded to 11 few well roconi mended applicants. American School of correspondence, iiosiou, .muss. 11 HELIAHLE men to sell our lino of high grade lubricating oils, greases, paints and varnishes. Salary or commission. Mutual Helming Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 11 7." ? SALESMEN for cigars; now plan, quick sales, good nusiness, uig money, uon ' Burners' Cigar Co., C31 S. 7th 8t St, Louis, WANTED Good business man In each principal city 10 conduct cucn uusiness Guaranteed by local banks. HIc returns Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish good retcrenees and jew cash. Address, u. it. li., 1: u. iiox .ij, Cincinnati, u. 11 WANTED, dry goods salesman, must b llrst class man. AddrebS W. D. Humor. Alliancu, Neli,, stating age, experience nnd roierences, u-iius ; WANTED, LOiW onco: cood pay snmplo distributor' at steady employment; ex perlenco unueees.sary ivns mi .miu. in South Head, lnd. H-M7 27 WANTKn-nruirulHt. "rettlstered In Ne bniska, town 2i); statu wages. Address, lock Hox 100, Huwo. Neb. H-)73 27 WANTED, crocerv specialty salesman itIvm vnnr pxnrtenro fullv. wo oner ox eoptlonal opportunity and good alary WAXTKIX MALI! HELP, BUSINESS EDUCATldN. STENOGRAPHIC TRAININO. WHAT CAN YOU DO? That's tbo first thing your prospective em ployer wants to know about you. He will wnnt to know about your character, habits, etc., but ho will bo Interested first In knowing what jou can do "what you are good for." You must bo ablo to do something and don't expect a busy em ployer to tench you that something. If you would bo successful In the battlo of life, you must know business. You must havo a practical education an education that must bo turned Into dollars nnd cents. If you enter any kind of business without proper equipment that -business will bo your enemy, and n hard enemy to competo with. It's your own fault If you'ro not able to hold your own or to push your way up ward to something better. You can learn how. We'd llko to help you. Will you let us? Send for some of our literature, its rrco BOYLES' COMMERCIAL. AND SHOUT- HAND COLLEGE. Day nnd Evening Sessions. Uco llulldlng. omnna. WANTED, Industrious men nnd women In ...:... . ft. na nt tnnlr homes! no canvassing. Wo will send work any distance. Wo have several lines of work to give out, somo 01 which ,."1, experience. If you can't devoto tho 1 whelo day to our work, you can earn J.; or W u week by working nn hour or two oven- ngs. Address Mtunuara .inn. -". rid St.. New York. MANAGER, energetic man to manngo branch; old estnui sued no iu, 1 fil ing; olllco duties wholly; salary $Li month and extra commissions; yearly engage ment; chnnco rapid uuvniicemcui nu mmi of ability; experience 1101 hto'i ' furnish good references and $800 cash. Mnnagcr, Drawer 71. New Haven, Conn. that's cured i...;....i. At Minima it's snfe. sure and easy as nn old stocking. No elastic or . ' ...'. . 1 ii.n l.nili' nr lietween sieei iiiiiiii iiniuu.i ...v --:',-- rnst a. brook, Maine H- WANTED Men to advertise nnd Introduco WANTED-Two traveling salesmen by es tablished House; Hpcciuiiy mni i Liberal guarantee nnd commission. Ad dress, Room 1015, 315 Dearborn St. CM cngo. U-CiO-2.' HOME employment, either . W weekly wonting part mm-, u " no canvassing, easy, in-i . "y,vn-,, i.n 1.. Minimis. Excelsior Mfg. Co., 31u-.il.: E. 19tll St., New ioni. n-oB-Si GOVERNMENT positions, where they nic. how obtained, sauries iwiu. r,ii reniilred. etc.; circular 151, giving full particulars, sent free. V rltn today. Nil- tlonal uorresponiieneo ',"i," Ington, D. ,5Z:!L- CATHOLIC MEN, wo are hcadnuarti'M for tho miesi ami nisi buihuk shrines, passion nnd mission crosses, stat uary, etc.; nctlvo men wanted. Catholic Kimnlv Company 19 Harcluy St., New York. 11 -- POSITIONS under the government; thou sands of nppoinimenis win no nimiv .'""! the civil service examinations to be .leld ....,..,.i.n- in Mnrrli nnd Aiirll: cataloguo of information free. Columbian Cqrrc- spondenco i-oncge, v '"""'K'""-, WANTED Man over 21 to travel In Ne- Iirnslm, nuveriiso anu coueuii ium-i salary and all expenses to start; advance ment: references. Addressed envelopo for particulars. E. Wimmor. 358 Dearborn, Chicago. IJ C. -i WANTED, energetic salesmen by largo manufacturer; steady ompui) inuu-.. no, remuneration; wo trnln nnd equip for suc cess. Address Clerk 8, box 890, Chicago WANTED First-class solicitor to call on wholesale nrms; permanuni. uiih-mo, O a, Heo. H-C71-2! SALESMEN with rond experience .may a.-..Mtrn nnrmnnfnr niivinn oosiiiun. iiiniy nt once, giving nge, references nnd stntc experience, coiumnia joweiry i.u mwu City. Iowa. H-G71-2.' WANTED, canvassers. 1620 Douglas St. H-M760 SALESMEN, for hlgh-grado book proposi tion, new; no privnie uouso worn; som 10 best people only; salesman must be of good edueaiion, anuresH 111m iiiiMMiiini.u, references required. Address II 19. Hee. 11 113 il" WANTED, city snlesmen for tailoring. Ap ply The Hee Tailor, 1607 Farnam st.r WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, dlstrmuio circulars, saiiiinei, i-iu no canvassing, goon pay. cuii mi; - u I up Hureau, Chicago II u OJi ffWANTED, circular distributors. SI per i.umj; inclose siamp. i-arisi.in 1 ii"iiu .n Co.. Newport. Ky. H-7S2 27 vAN'ARKlt wanted In every lnrca county; strictly lawrill nickel Fiot maenine ior drinks nnd cigars; rented or fold 'Mi easv payments; secure territory quiCK. vai entlno Morgan & Co., Chicago, III. H 7SI 27' WANTED, an experienced vinegar and cider sa:esmnn Having iracio in rveuraFKa; good opening ror n rename man; reier ences required. Address H 22, Hee. H-78S 27 WANTED, experienced harness mnkcra on llgnt nnd neavy worn. ppiy in 1110 Waterloo Saddlery Co., Waterloo. ia. H-M7ffi F2 SALESMEN'. SALESMEN to sell Imported nnd domestic liquors, principally. 11110 ueniucKy wnisn les nnd blends; caso and barrel goods, to jobbers and saloon trndo; good ehanea to llio riglll man; sunny ur iuiunn-"ii'in. It. H. Htrauer i non, una 11 in. M.-iia St., Lexington. Ky. -019 2i $20.m PER TON for selling whlto lend; rnuv cuaranieed: nxiiHrii'nco uuni'cesiiiiy; save dealers $20.00 per ton. Merchants White Lead Co.. Sulto 1005 Fllllortnn bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. -1V1O 27' HIGH-PRICED scheme or speclnlty men to sell n very nttraetlve and salable lino on sperm: terms and witn exceptional in ducements to tho trade; permanent and with established llrm. Hox 251, Detroit Mich. -711 27 SALESMAN. wnnted bv February 1 traveler ror enrasiia; natural aoiiiiy am mtiioHH will count for more than exnerl once; high commission contract: strictly staplo line; references; entire tune am linml renuireil: hluh-nriccd men Invest! gnte. E. L. Rice, 33 Congress St., Detroit Mich. il-i salesmen Two specialty; drug exnerl euro prefers cu; our prnposuion is new ami 11 winner; ixtraorillnnv Inducements and guarantee; salesmen capable of handling lnrgo propositions apply; $1,000 per month to such men. u iv, nee. nu . WANTED, salesmen to carry n novelty r.s a nde lino to dry goons stores: noowot snmple. I'nlon Mfg. Co., 271 E. Mndi'on St.. Chicago. j-7S 27 WANTI'.n. live salesmen everv town: nat riited animal trail. 11. 00 nrenatd: special sizes for pralrlo dogs, rabbits, etc.: other specialties. Solo manufacturers, General Suiiiilv Co.. 151 Im-iko st.. Chicago. -730 27" SALESMEN, Al men: sell merchants only new lines: quick seller): $53 week: sam ides freo: both exclusivo and shin lines, led go wood Co., 1021 Market pit., I'liu.inei pliia. , 7ia . W A XT i: II F E M A 1,11 1 1 13 Id. WANTED, 200 Girls. 1S21 Dodao. Tel. 876. C-73J (0 girls wanted. Canadian olllce, 1522 Douglas YOUNO Indy to learn massaue: permanent position for right party. Apply 220 Hee tho legs. 1I01US any runiuiv. u " duce It, every sufferer who nnswers this ad at once can havo ono freo. It w t cent. Alex, apeirs, uox vio, our soaps unci spccinmc!!, "'C. tribute circulars, samples; steady work $12 weekly nnd expenses. Mnrvel Mfg. Co.. Chicago. H-672-Ji Uldg. C-022 "r- AVATED FEMALE 11151.1. A IiniatIT young man or womnn to toko enormnna scnoiarsmp unu pay ior 11 wncn course la finished nnd position secured. Address F 15, Bee. C-S57 WANTED, girl for general housework In rnmuy or two; mut ue goou cook, ana N. ISth t. C-075 2i OIRL wanted, general housework. 2222 .Miami at c i WANTED, 25 girls; nlso experienced shirt nnti pant operntors. Appiy at nyrna ee Hammer factory. 12th and Howard sts. C-MC8I 30 COMPETENT girl for small family: 2C30 l'arKcr street. c uit AGENTS wanted for Ilallcck's extracts; permanent, protltnoie, easy work: refer ences required. The Abilene Drug Co., Abilene, Kansas C NTELLIGENT ladles, homo work or traveling; nu to no weeKiy; experience nnneces'ary. Wrlta Immediately. Rejane Co., 303 Dearborn St., Chicago. C WANTED Ladles to copy letters at home evi-rywiicrc; pleasant worn; goou pay; nm particulars, terms, etc. Reply with stamp, Tho Cutler Co., Dept. 4, Chicago, 111. C-4J7S 27 WANTED Bright lady who writes a plain nanri to travel, auvertiso ami coneci in Nebraska territory; good salary and nil expenses to start. Addresed envelope for particulars. Manager Phillips, Pontine Hldg., Chicago. C-C7(27 COMPETENT woman can make $ month nnd expenses; permanent position; ex perience unnecessary. Clark Co 231 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. C-77ti 27' WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and racial massage; prepnio new for summer season and resort posi tions; splendid openings, good pay, easy work, positions guaranteed; special r.Uc and ndvnntnges this month: call or wrlto for particulars. Moler's Halrdrenslni; Col lege, 1623 Fnrnnm. Omaha. C-MS0J 2U" WANTED, experienced lady bookkeeper for jnrgo wnoiesaie nusiness write, giving references. Address II 2(5. Heo. C-S12 WANTED, threo experlencod hairdressers or ivioier grauuntes; new pnnors; aiaio experience or 'when grndunted. II 21, Hoe. C-MMt 29 COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. 2070 l'opplcton nve. C-MS10 WANTED, refined, Intelligent lady for spe cial worn introuucing systematic nomo in struction for tho young, to begin by giv ing with ono now introducing It; school teachers preferred; liberal terms to lady selected; call after 9 a. m. Monday. V. A. Canlleld, room 9, 1511 Dodge st. C-799 27' WANTED, nn exiierlcnced girl for gcnernl housework; good wages, airs, c w. Tvior ton, 2219 Dodge St. C M793 2S EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanted. 1020 Douglas St. C M79t 2S WANTED, woman for second cooking, also Clinuiliermnld for llrst-class hotel out of city; must bo rcspcctnu.o girls; good wages'. Address Hox 31, David City. Neb. c MG4:: 2J WANTED, experienced lady bookkeeper for inrgo wnoiesaio dushhss; writo and state references. Hox II 10, lice. C M7IU jADIES to do piecework for ns at nomo; wo furnish nil materials and pay 7 to $12 weekly; send stnmped envelopo to Roynl Co., 31 Monroo St., Chicago. C-732 27 WANTED, a stenographer nnd piano player; atato age, wages wonted ana ref erences. 1117, Hoc. C 7U3 2i' ADIES to work nt home; $8 per week; 110 canvassing; an material furnished, sent prepaid; send stnmped addressed envelope for particulars. Universal Co., 521 Wal nut St.. Philadelphia. 1'a. C 753 27 IIEI.P WAXTED. MAN nnd wlfo preferred to open up branch oiuco 10 pngHKU suiiuiiuis; koou -ippur- tunlty, exclusive territory. Address .elf stamped envelope. Johnson Insulllawr Co., 1G31 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III. 51 27 FUIl KENT HOUSES. F you want your houses well rented place tliom with Hcnnwn & Co. D 741 ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. Ofllce. 1511ft lairnnm hi. xci. 1553 or SG.1. D-742 HOUSES for rent in nil parts of tho city. Ill Villi... . " w uv. . u V 1 1 ai, D-743 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-744 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, COl N. Y. LIFE. HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas HOUSES and flats, ningwalt. Darker Illk. D-747 HOUSES wanted. Wallace , Brown Blk. D-7H BARN. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. D 749 FOR RENT, bakery In first-class condTtlon- nUn S-ronm house, with linrn for K nnl lart;e wagon phedj all for $30 0) tier 35U SEWARD ST., new five-room cottac"o $12.50. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th nnd Douglas Sts. D-751 NEV 7-room brick, strictly molwn7fr'it r ., Win, nn.l t Ilnrv'. n .... in,"!'. ' n.sl ...in., ..... w j " ".-., iiemis. Paxton bloclt D-M717 No. 1331 South 31st street, lust north of Han. modern house. Will bo nut In U .1 Kn,r HrFiJWi P?"' J Kennard .t nun, w iiii iiiwi.iv. U AISI3 TWO small five-room cottages In the same jam, v.iij ""- i"-in:iii in good con-,lltlSn.'.rcn.l;-?s,pVic.r 9'nnha Loan D-9C&- I4th, near Farnam; ten-room modern hous.i: rnmnleto In everv resnoct; ton .1 wnlk of center of city; reasonable rent. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 10th and Doug las Sts. D 905 3107 Decatur st., 7r $10. 3S10 Decatur. 7r. modern. $14. 1511 S. 2Sth at., 7r all modern, except fur- nilPIV am" 2215 nurt st., sr. modern, except furnace. $25 PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1ST FL. N. Y. LIFE; U 13.' 6-ROOM house, all modern. 1435 N. 20th St u I1J i'S" WHY pay rent when you can buy n homo on monthly payments of $5 and up? W, ll jiussen, i.u iiamgo JJiiig, U .MI75 MODERN six-room flat. 1016 Pacific st. unnrics iianiey. u JIC61 29' FOR RENT, large corner tint, modern, number boarders can bo retained. Address nariiv luriiisnun; easy wuiKinc iiistnnpA! li lice. JJ J1J02 27 162S EMMET St.. S rooms, modern, gool repair, nice neluhborhood. 10-room modern house, convenient to Union station. C-room Hat. bath, gas, city water. 2911 I'arnani, w. lft-room modern house In Hanscom Park district. H-room building In South Omnha, fine re- pair, goon mention. R32J Meredith Ave.. 7 rooms, $11. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnnm. D-C63 27 COTTAGE. 715 N. 23d, fi rooms. $20; or S rooms witn unsemeni, . inniiiro 717 n 23d. li ;su 27 SEVEN-ROOM cottage. 2611 N. 17th Ave C. G. Powell, -phono 11M. D-079 2113 N. ISTH ST.. S rooms. $15.00. 1S20 N. 27th, 7 rooms, modern, $1S.OO. 1921 8. 35th. 7 rooms, modern, $20.00. 22.17 N. 19th, 9 rooms, modern, barn, $25.00, 209 S. 21th, 9 rooms, modern, $27..rA 2960 Harney. 9 rooms, modern. $.T5. eo. GARV1N BROS., 1013 FARNAM. D-725 27 FOR RENT, a nicely furnished front room within walking dlstanco of postolllco gentleman only; uso of bnth nnd tele phono; no other roomers. Address 1110, Bee. D-M70. IT'S YOUR MOVE. "035.30.Hii S. ISth st.. 2 nlco 3-r. brick houses handy to S. O. car; city water, cemented cellars, lino repair, 2S23 Sprnguo st.. 6-r.. city water, only $12. no N. 31th st.. 0-r.. city water, barn. $12. 1204 N. 26th st.. 7-r., modern plumbing, $1S, llnve otners, unu nun seo my list sure. IILNRY H. PAYNE, 6)1-2 N. Y. LIFE. D-74 9 27 FOR RENT. 2921 Paclflc St., S rooms, all jniMH'i (l. UIIHVV-l- Ktin, Utllll, .U,,"f. . t!l,nUu 6. Ci Hfl M V T , ft rf7rv "1 FOH ltn.T-Ft'Il.M51IEl ltOUM9. BTEAM-heated rooms at Tho Thurston. Hi 1JJ DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $6 up. 2623 St. TT ,l,il tlMM ,11111 H, i .'Hill kl-J 210 N. 17TII ST.. steam heated rooms. ' E-M116 F5 FOR RENT, rooms, cnsulto nnd single, for iiacneiors or Ugni iiuuncHwpinKi nam, steam heat and elevator. Wlthticll bldg., Uth nnd Ilnrnej. E-M726 27 1709 CALIFORNIA ST., furnished rooms for light housekeeping; single or cnsultes. E M79I 29 111 S. 17TII ST., near postofllce, nicely fur nished rooms and board. e i&u l't'it.M.siinn rooms ami hoahd. GLENCAIRN,translonts,$1.25 day. 1609 Doug Tho Merrlam, good winter home. 25 & Dodss LARGE front parlors Vlth bonrd, nlso mniiiiiT room: reasunuuic iaiw, i"i 2020 Hnrnoy. F M591 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport Bt F-755 THE PRATT, dcslrablo rooms. Hot water heat. I' 181 ELEGANT largo steam-heated front rooms, wiin ooard. iw v-apuoi "VC'FMM(. jjj. DESIRABLE front room, heated, sultablo tor two, with board; &- . 2ju BJij 7 NICELY" furnished room nnd board; modern nrick nousc; private iamiiy; iu miuniL-n wnlk from postolllce; references. Address O 05, Hee. F-M72S 27 COMFORTABLE quarters, for men only; inuniTii. ii i, nee. i' ONE large front room with nlcovo; Jeep closets; exeeueni nimiu; initirn n-un-able. No. 207 S. 21th St. F-M7I0 29 for iu:vr uxFUiixisimn rooms. HOUSES, rooms, small family only. Ofllce 1022 N. 21st st. G-M652 VV UNFURNISHED roonn for light hou: keeping; strictly modern. 814 So. 2Sth St. G-M 27 FOIl IlEXT-STOHES AXI1 OFFICES. HALL, 102 So. 14th, cor Dodge st. 1 Ollltt V I FOR RENT, storo In flrst-clnis locatlan: rem rensonnblc. Apply K. u. i'oicrs m Co., ground lloor, Hee Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, tho building lormcrly occupied . nu ijuu in u I'iirnuin Hlllltl four stories nnd a basement which was formerly used ns Tho Heo press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. It Interested apply ut onco to C. C. Roa water, secretary, room 100. Beo Building. 1261 LARGE doublo room In Continental block; can no mado into very dcslrnblo omco nun reception room for physician. Will ar range to suit. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO,, 16th & Douglas Sts. I 7d HALL for rent, 102 S. 14th, cor Dndgo. 1 .lUlxl'f (. WHOLESALE nnd Retail Buildings. Wo havo several for rent In good locations. It. C. Peters .fc Co., 1702 Farnam St I-G62 27 ACEXTS AVAXTEI). AGENTS WANTED. Qjcen Victoria's Llfo aim tiiorious iieign; new hook, complete, thrilling nnd fully Illustrated; largest hook ana most nnerai terms; agents mna lug $30 a day. outllt mailed for six 2 cent stamps. Tho Blblo House, Como minding, L'hlcngo, iil j-jiw: ra THE book war "Llfo nnd Times of Queen vietorln,"only olllclal, complete book; big gest and best: prices cut: COncrcent prollt: 1,(K) ngents wnnted; 1.000,000 copies will bo sold In IV) days; valuable premiums freo with eacn hook; creuu given; rreignt pain; general agents wnnted on salary; book outllt nlono freo: both book and premium' outfits prepaid for 20c; order quick. Ad dress soio autnorizeu American puuusn- crs, Aionroo hook uo unicago. J-M723'27 AGENTS on salary or commission: tho greatest agents seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 20i) to doo per cent profit ; one agent s sales amounted to $620 In six days; another $32 In two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co., X 16, I.a Crosse, Wis, J M718 27 AGENTS, wo give every boy, girl or wo man ono roiled goiu tilled solitaire purnun rose diamond ring, solid gold pattern, for selling 20 pnekages Garfield Pure Pepiln Gum umong friends ut 5 cents a package. Send nnme, wo mnll gum. When anld send money; we will mall ring, few can tell from genulno diamond. Unsold gum tnken back. Beautiful catalogue froo. Garlleld Gum Co., Dept. W, Mcadvllle, Pa. WANTED, men nnd women to sell Dr. Newelis soap and pcriumes; one ngeni mado $155.00 last month: snmplo and plan free. Hnzel Co., 30S Benolst Bldg., St. I.ouls, Mo. J MEN and women of good nddress wanted to snow nu iaKo oruers ior our .ow Olllclal Census Atlas;" pleasant work, good pay. Illff & Co., 110 Wabash, Chi cago. J HOUSE to house canvassers wanted; household .necessity; quiCK scuer. in clusive territory to hustlers. Llnnlard Mfg. Co., 183 Norwood Ave., Clnclnnutl Ohio. J- $12 DAILY made by ngents selling our claim llio io mercnanis nnn puysiciaim. Sayers & Co., D. 42, 40S Ollvo St., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS wnnted for n new paying busl- T.frBl best scheme out to maKo mony; samples and full particulars sent fi'eis. Chaa.-Marshall, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y. J-600 27 BIG RETURNS FOR SMALL CAPITAL Wo hnvo just succeeded in securing mo exclusive control nnd manufncturi of the celebrated Dornn Hydro-Cnrbon lighting hystem, which Is the best system light vet Invented for Interior nnd street light ing; ench lamp gives 1,200 candle-power light, can bo turned on or off Instantly, tho snmo ns electricity. Absolutely rnfo, simple nnd satisfactory. Correspondence solicited from nil Interested parties and municipal officers, and those who would like a good paying business In their own city or town. Acorn Brass Works, 15 to 21 3. Jefferaon St., Chicago, 111. J 659 27' Queen Victoria's Life, and Reign; everybody warns li ; oesi hook; ueii ifruis in iiKi'iim, freight pnid; credit given; retails $1.50. Flno outllt freo. Big money In this: bo quick. J. 8. Zlegler & Co., Chicago. III. J 638 27 QUEEN VICTORIA. Sell the complete, nu- tlieiuic nistorv oi ner long, eyeuiiui ca reer, ably told by highest authority. It Includes stirring events of the grateit eporh of thn grandest century of the world's progress nnd civilization; moit liberal commlsMons nnd premiums guir nntced; largest nnd best bonk nt reducd price: 66 2-3 per cent prollt; credit ijlwi. freight paid; cnmpleto outllt free: dell with manufacturer; general agents wuntcd. Chicago Bible House, ciucago J-657 17 iriPVTS ii'mitm! In Intro nnlorfl for I'nnv pletn nnd authentic biography of Her 1 t.ilnul Arl.lirtn Ai.nntu I rt nil jviijii. ..nijruij, .,.,..., ... .... who havo loved her. Wo furnish out'lt ireo unu extend creuu m i I'l-iion.-i'in agents. International Publlhslng Co , Chicago, 111. J-ffiO 27 QUEEN VICTORIA, her beautiful Ufa and glorious relcn; big book, over 500 pages, nrnfimnlv Illustrated, to acents $1.05: freight paid; your opportunity to mako n barrel nf money. Send six 2-cent stnmps for mailing free outfit. S. D. Knapp & Co., Kansas City, Mo J 617 2 1 . T.-.X'n.t I, l. 1'Mni.lr.. HflK n.nli f If. nnd Glorious Reign, only authentic and ccmpleto book, exquisitely Illustrated. nt'lllllll 111 Hill IIU I'lI'MWhl ..Mil lt" I'll each book; now rjady. selb- Itself, $.r0 per nu cuy; t'Auiunnu iiiiiiiij. i-na' ordinary terms. Extra premiums oln i.:.,i.. - . nnA..t r...n ..i...ii llllt-iv iiuit III riri) 'iiiviu. 1,.., n,. .,, freight paid. Outfit free. Aveld flctltinuu Ptm. Address National Publishing Com pnny festabllshed 1S57). Lakcsldo Build- ng, Chicago J-690 27' AGENTS, you can mnko $5 a day selling wonder waterproof snoo pousn, seu-snin-ing. no brush required; water nor mud ulll ii fleet Its lustre: demonstrative sam ple free. Wonder Shoo Polish Co., 10S Randolph St., Chicago. J 731 27 AGENTS. "I.lfn of Queen Victoria" now ready, 600 pageu; 25c for lnrgo canvassing outui; mis nmount returned wiin nrsi order. Eggert Bros., publishers, Racine, la, i.j .1 AdllXTS M'AXTIJIl. "LIFE and Reign of Queen Victoria;" story of tho roynl family tree and crown hends of Great Britain from the nntlon'n earliest history. Only olllclal memorial bcok. Price, $1.75 nnd up; too pages, 10) Illustrations; size "xlOH In.; COW ngents wnnted. Terms, lnrgest commlsslrns paid. Credit given, freight pnid. ou can average $15.t) per day; outllt iree. Send 11 vo 2-cent stnmps to pay postage. Act quick. Tho Publishers, 315 Denrbom St., Chicago, .1-06 2I AGENTS, sell our aluminum enrd cases nnd cards; big profits: circulars nnd sam ples free. Bunker Printing Co., Dept. O, Knnsna City, Mo. J-iMG ! PARTIES of good nddress nnd reference to present the snvlngs nnd Investment features of tho Northwestern Llfo and Snvlngs Co. Business ngreenble; cnmnil Mens liberal. Call or nddress E. C. Web ster, General Agent, Rooms 609-10, P.ixton Block, Omahn. J CSI 27' LADYclcnred" $920,matr $1.12, Inst six months. Introducing Hollnday'n Ul.i"k Marvel, sclf-shlnlug waterproof shoo polish; why not you? Free sample bottle nnd terms. Hollndny & Co., Room 133, liH Monroo St., Chicago. J CS3 27 $10 DAILY to I ve men. We want ngents everywhere! leather suspenders; cannot break, wenr out or pull off buttons; sells nt sight: samples furnished free. Cin cinnati Leather Suspender nnd Belt Co., B 131, Cincinnati, O. J-032-27 PORTRAIT ngents everywhere quit "cray ons." Try w.tshuble ennmellnes; no glass; don't rub; cheap. Family Portrait Co., Chicago. J 00127 AGENTS wnnted: greatest book of the n-w century. "Beautiful Life nnd Reign of Queen Victoria." Nearly WO pages, over ino Illustrations, only $1.50; greatest m thors, best terms; freight nnd outllt fri"; credit given; big money to early ngetiti. salary or commission; wrlto quick. H. .1 Smith Puli. Co., 331 Dearborn St . Chi cago J-5.1 27 AGENTS wanted for "Tho Life of Queen Mctorin," Dlrtlnciilshed authorship: over 100 magnificent Illustrations, nearly 'HO pages; prlco only $1.75. Greatest moii'v making opportunity ever otTered; $10.(0 per day made easily; big commission; wo pay freight; outllt free for 10c postage. Address the John C. Winston Co.. "IS Arch St.. Philadelphia, or 331 De'irbom St.. Chicago. J-M652 30 AGENTS, dome-shnped perforated frylntr pan covers; prevent grease splashing nn stoves: guaranteed tine seller: other spe cialties'. American Novelty Works Re t I Ing. Pa. j-fiB It' AGENTS, sell "Llfo and Reign of Que-i A letorln." Protlts big nnd quick. Our book nbsolutelv best value offered: neirlv 500 paces SxlO: 100 Illustrations; retail prlco $l.tv: credit given, freight p.ii.l; ngents under our special terms earn $.") per day; write nt onco for free outfit. Monarch Book Co., 46-50 Jackson St.. Chi cago, III. .1-651 ?7 AGENTS WANTED, "The LifvVnd Glory of Queen Victoria;" the complete story of her noblo llf. and remarkable relrn. otir Illustrious authors will soon ndJ ti'o finishing touches; every. pago new ami beautiful; a royal book nnd n stupendous nuceess: sold by ngents only; nenrlv W pages; 100 superb engravings; big book, but price only SI 75: n fortum- builder; ngenis making $10 to 20 per day: outllts now readv; send 20 cents for agent's com plete outllt and be llrst In the field: terms rrmnrkubly liberal; satisfaction guaran teed; no capital or experience required; anybody can sell this book- evervbmlv wants It. but bo quick. Address i' W. Stanton Co., .".21 Dearborn St.. Chicago. t J-71S 27 SOLICITOUS wanted for our Memorial Of tlcla Life and Reign of Queen Victoria. English-American nuthorshlp. authentic, complete, cm large pages text. SO) Illus trations, price only $1.75. One agent wanted at onco lu every township: salnrv or comtnlsslon; credit given; frelglit paid"; outllt absolutely free to those who mean business. Best terms nnd territory guar anteed; experlcnco unnecessary. Repre sent a reliable house nnd Increaso vour bank account. Act quickly. Address' ex clusively, W. S. Reeve Pub. Co.. Chlcngo, U- S. A. .1-716 27 AGENTS wnnted for "Llfo nfQucci7 Vle tprla nnd History of Enibnd and Hr Colonies;" large and splendidly Illustrated book: biggest terms to agents: credit and freight paid: first agent around will coin money: send quick for free outllt Ad dress Blblo House, 132 N. 12th St.. Phila delphia, Pa. J-709 27 AGENTS, do you wnnt money-mnklng side lino? Send name and address for full par ticulars; Illustrated catalogue free. Ad dress U. A., 503 Omaha bldg., Chicago. J -72S 27 AGENTS, Queen Vlctnrln Memorial Souve nlrs nnd Cabinet Photos, 20th Century, i iin-,nii'riran m. j'.nriCK s nay novel ties. Carnlvnl Goods, Musical Har.zle-Daz-zles. Confetti nnd Flag Canes. Sample 10c. Catalogue free. Miller, 131 Park Row, New York. J 717 27 WANTED, general and local ngents: name P'ntes, signs, numners. rendanlo darkest nights: samples free. Right Supplv Co., Englowood, III. J 772 27 LIFE AND REIGN OF QUEEN Vlf. TORIA ngents' profits from $10 to $25 ner dny: large, fullv Illustrated bonk over 600 pages, only $1 75: big commission: i'o capital required; frelcht paid: nn experi ence necessary; we furnlh the work and tench you free: great opportunity; act quick: send 10 cents to help nay pnit.ige on ngent'n free sample. World H'b'o House, 1020 Race St., Philadelphia Pa. J 777 27 QUEEN VICTORIA'S LIFE, biggest bool'. most illustrations lowest retnii pricei; outfit freo: freight paid, credit Hven Ferguson, 59 Fifth Street, Clnelnmtl. O. J 77 1 27 SIDE lines, advertising novelties for nny nusiness: send ioc ror nampie. u, it .M., 901 Mutual Life, Buffalo, N. V J-6S9 27 OUEEN VICTORIA: Her Grand Life nnd Glorious Helen:" over 1,000 lllustriH'ms; best nuthorshlp. best terms. Send 10c for freo outfit; act now, don't delav. 1 1 Iff & Co., 110 Wabash. Chicago. J OSS 27 WANTED, agents tn sell the (Oflleinl Biok) llfo nnd work. Queen victoria. &;n pages Illustrated; price $1 73; big commissions. Credit given, freight nnd outllt free. Wrlto American Publishing House rhl. cngfK J S7 27 WAXTEIJ-TO ItF.XT. WANTED, by responsible parties, May li lu-r. modern nousa in iiesiramo location; will lease for term of years. G 61, Bco. K-715 27 3 OR 4 furnlBhed rooms for light house keeping. II 4, Hee. K 7,13 27 WANTED, by gentlemnn and wife, homo In a private tamiiy; uest or references given and required. O 60, Hee. K-M686 29 HOTEL WANTED-To rent a furnished hotel In country town by an experienced hotel mini. Willing to buy linen nnd sliver; purchasing property considered later. 11 2, Hee. K-693-27 WANTED, furnished room, private fam ily, modern conveniences, centrally lo- cutcd. Address 11 12, Hee. K 71 1 27 TJ1ATM1 n.i,l t-rinm fur fi.nllr.m n ti mil O. fll-.Ull II") I l.l.l.Tfc ,.v ..u..t -,., j terms reasonable. II 8, Hee. K 721 27 ....... a! .1 1,.... inti.l tin li urn ol 1 1.. WANTED, 2 to 4 hented rooms furnlilieil for light housekeeping; young cnupio witn retcrenees. II 7. Hee. K 720 27 WANTED, to rent, 7 or 8-room house, mod ern Improvements, close In; references ex changed. I,. T. Yount, euro Avery bldg. K 761 27 stohaoi:. PACIFIC Storago and Wnrohouse Co.. 012 911 Jones, general storago and forwarding. -757 OM. Van Stor Co,, 1611'j Fnrn. Tels. 1559-S63. -75S waxti:d to nuv. WANTED to Buy. n King Chnrles, Blen heim or Japanese Spanlol; state lowest price. Address G 31 Bee. N-133 A HOUSE and lot from owner; good neigh borhood; something cheap for cash. Ad dress G 67. Bee. N-M655 WANTED, llrst-class piano salesman for city work. Address G 69, Bee. N-C7I WANTED, one horizontal boiler, 10 to 18 h p.; must bo In llrst-class shape. G 61, Hoc. N-M690 26 WANTED. Warner's Library of World's Best Literature. Address G 67. Bee. N-M717 2S WANTED To buy nn exclusive shoo store In somo good town or position as clerk In Bumc. Box 299, Ashland, Neb. N-693-27 SINGLE buggy nnd harness Telephnno 1137. J. A. P 1203 Farnam. N-C9I-27 WANTED TO lll'Y. WANT to purchase hot coffeo urn, penn.it roaster and soda rountiiin. Address lira 623, Norfolk. Neb. N-013 27 WE hnvo customer for flno two-story mod ern house built not moro tnnti tueive ytars ago, with nmplo ground nnd well located, If cheap for cnh; prlco not to exceed $7,500; owners only. Address 1.11 Omaha Bank Bldg, N-S05 i7 ANT tn buy n well located farm In Dono las county, with fair Improvements; not ever SO to 100 acres; owners only. Address 432, Omaha Bank Hldg. N-VW 27 I'O It sale FriixiTtmn. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., lltO Dodge. Tel. 2020. New .i 2dhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged. O 7SJ FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. YOUR wagon or buggy may need rcpnlrs; havo It done right, at Harry Frost's, ll'lt & Leavenworth. P 461 FOH SALE MISCi:i,l,AXIyOUS. HARD nnd soft foundation piling: hng fences nnd cribbing. Wl Douglas. Q 762 2DHAND safo cheap Derlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-763 8AFESJ buy, sell ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13. Q-761 HERTFORD & CO.. 16th & 11 worth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING. Q-377 TIMOTHY hny and all kinds feed nnd coal. Monroe Co. Q M116 FOR SALE, new and secondhand sod.i fountains; monthly payments S H. Rlcn mond, 436 So. 24th St. Q-MS32 Fl BARGAINS In 2d hand bicycles, $3 up; new wheels, $15 up Omaha Blcvcle Co., K.th and Chlcngo sts. Q-M791 MUST dispose of high grade piano; terms If desired. Inquiries answered. Address, O 2S, Bee. Q 131 INCUBATORS. Send to tho Sure Hatch Ircubntor Co., Clay Center, Neb., for a handsome free catalogue. Q 411 LEGAL blinks, hundreds of forms; mnll orders filled; lawyers briefs printed. Omnha Mercury Q JI447 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE, n fine Import 1 mnglc lantern worth $, only used a short time; sultnblo for lectures nnd other en tcrtnlnments Address F 63, Ben olllce. Q-MI70 FOR SALE-Rotnry Neostvle. good ns now. Room No. 2, N. Y. Life bldg. Q-M637 2 FOR SALE, cheap, thoroughbred St. Ber nard dogs. .H20 Boyd St. Q-.M730 27 A SMALL frame barn, to be moved. Chas. Andersen, 21st nnd Mnnderson. Q-M7I3 2S EIGHT pounds butter mnde from one gnl lnn milk: no chemicals: recipe 25c. H. E. Smith. 316 South Boulevard, Oak Park. HI. Q-752 27 SEND us $1, for which we will send you pi ftpald, securely sealed, a beautiful Imnk of good things; every yport should havo cue; It Is the most wonderful book ever written: French and English trunslatlon prohibited In some countries; send nt enco to W. It. Gray & Ci.. 617 Stock holm St.. Clinton, Iown. Q-M7.3 2S $175 BUYS a soda fountain In good condi tion. Address II 25. Bee. Q 811 29 MISt'EIiI.AXEOUS. FOR RENT, 28 acres j mile east of Green's packing house. Council Bluffs. W. 11. Thomas, 503 First Nat. Bank Bldg. R-779 ?7 CI. A I It VOY A. NTS. KENO, CLAIRVOYANT HEALER AND OCCULT SCIENTIST. Thero nre mysteries concerning every per son ns to his future that ho n!ono ennnot solve. There uro questions arising every day which havo a tendency to convince the thinking man that ho has u very limited knowledgo of himself. However, It Is absolutely Impossible to cross the bridge before you come to It, yet the successful person Is one who Is prepared to remove theobstaclesand go forward triumphantly. Tho man who achieves success is the one who realizes that he can do nothing within himself. The man who Is happy Is the ono who Is willing to be Instructed by his superiors. X.ENO, THE FAMOUS OCCULT SCIENTIST AND CLAIRVOY ANT, who stands today nbove all In the profession, Is endowed with a gift that Is slmplv marvelous. lie can read your PAST as though It were a printed page. He actually tel's the true condition-of your PRESENT and as to the future his Instructions arc truly Invaluable. If you desire to bo happy. If you want to be suc cessful. If you nro Inclined to avoid the dltlleultles which may arise In jour l'le, don't delaj, but consult this ren.ivned clairvoyant nml healer. If you are willing to learn he can tench yoj : nnv Informa tion you desire he can give. Ills ndvlco regarding love, marriage, divorce or busi ness aflalts Is positively beneficial. The many Omaha people who hnn been the recipients ol this remarkab'e man's advice show an appreciative disposition and hlgll'y commend h's extraordinary powers. Parlors, 1915 Furnnm st. S 726 27 PROF. CHARLES. ARE YOU ANXIOUS ABOUT YOUR FIT ture, love, marriage, money, business, employment, lucky day. etc.? If so con sult Prf. chnrles. the famous llfn reader. h will point out and show you how to oercomo obstneles that keep you from linpplneis and success. Can be consulted daily. 1321 Farnam St. S-i33 27 ioCTS., lOCTS.. lOCTS.-Your entire llfo ic curutcty portrayed, your tments pros pects In business, love, law, travels, mar riage and other valuable information; send birth dnte nnd 10c. Prof. Mvers, Lin coln Park Station, Chicago. S 735 :v CONCERNING tho government "the signs of the times" indicate what tho future will bo nnd concerning "llfo" tho signs lire equally as perceptible. They nnl it Into tho future with even moro nccuni"y It Is a well known fact that per"ons versed In tho philosophy of govcrnmcd depend wholly upon tho signs of the times In forming their conclusion when making a prediction. The prediction depends, ti course, upon tho nbllltv nnd Judgment of the procnostlcator. Tho accuracy of a llfo rending depends entirely on the enpa bllltlci) of the llfo reuder or palmist. If the palmist can Interpret the Index, which Is tho lines In tho palm, tha read ing cannot bo otherwlco than absolutely necurnto. Every lino tho palm contains hns Its slgnlllcnnce, nnd when Interpreted properly points to somo future event. Consult MME. GYLMER. THE WORLD'S GREATEST PALMIST, and know your future. Parlors tf Palmistry, lWi Dodge, sruth side of postolllco .over Sherman & McConnell's drug store. Ilourn; 9 to 7:30; Sunday. 10 to 4. S-76S 27 MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S-763 MME.GLTMER genulno palmist. 1603 Dodge. S-7C6 ELECTRIC THE ATM EXT. ELITE parlors. 615 South 16th, second floor. T-197-F-8 MABEL GRAY", 317H N. 15th St., flat E. T-MI58 F1S MISS MAE LESLIE, 019 S. 16th, 2.1 floor. T M06.1 29 MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room 1; thermal baths. T M700 31 I'ERSOXAI.. PHIVATE homo before and during confine ment; babies adoptrj. Mrs, Burnet, 2620 Burdetto. U 770 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. U 773 BABIES and children cared for. K13 N. 23d, U-M570 J 26 SUPPI ICS for all machines; machines for rent. White Sowing Machine, 10J0 Doug las, l'cl 2331. U-Mt' Rl PTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no dnnger; send for circulars Emplro Hup turo Cure, 'Mi N. Y. Llfo Building. Omiina. LI411 I IS nntviTR lmariiinl for Tnillpn lieforo nnd during eonllnement; babies adopted. 2J0 urant hi. VIA VI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 318 Beo Hldg. U"oJ"" ni'Y from the manufacturer. Burkloy En velope Co., Omuha. U-M106 Fl MME. PALMER, celebrated clairvoyant nml occult scientist: renillniM dally on till nffnlrs of life; nstroloclcnl charts written: senil date of birth. 1623 Dodge S-7S0 27 pnitso.vAi,, DR. ROY, chiropodist: cprni A superfluous hnlr removed, by electricity. H. Jj, i.-ron. 7.er Blk. ii-767 CHILDREN'S clothing mnde to order infants wear, and Tadlcs' underwear .i specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919 Hurl st. U ?3' IF your feet bother you do not put off until tomorrow buying a box of Re-no-may powder. Sold b nil druggists. U-M295 ATTENTION YOUNO MEN. itn, .V'.l.ULM i,Af.my He" Home nt 150.-. I.1!. HJ 1' nollcltij your plain washing and I'LI'mi"?' lln! !,r;Ipll's. socks and hand kerchiefs; will do work reasonably; will call for t and deliver; please send us n card or telephone 2110. Matron. U-M701 27 'bentrlcal, mnsquerndo costumer. 1018 Farnam. U 7C9 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts nnd motei permanently removed bv elecirlc tv- con- V, nr1,!!,0,", A'e,ra ,?,'"'! "tlsl; niVw-o k guaranteed. Miss Allcnder, 1613 Douglas. U- ulti HV3 i.ot,l,lmi liJnum. cocaine w.1.1, LmyseIf curr'' WM Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure-. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago. u M--niH!';PB ir0- n' 16-pngo pa tier! merclnl roferences. H. l. i.0ve. Denver. Col: U-701-27 0!;?'JI','V,i:N''S'c,0,I,lR kpPl InlieTre: pair. Address or npply 2022 S. l.ltli St U-700-27 AM 30, culturod. tired of society dudes. rZtCi..l,'nl nusbjnls nnvo $ioooo ami IlhriiiVi, i,.?"V'' . a,.lHS rpenter. euro bhrllch, 9,5 Park Ave., New York. U-iyO-27- ELDERLY gentleinnn. $150.(Xrt. beautiful home, but lonely, will mnko homo Imp. llde, ,,1 North Park Ave., Chicago, 111. U tin 27 L1TLRAH talent assisted. Liberal pav ment. Send self-iiddressed stamped eii velopo to Magazine Editor, CI Liberty St , New ork. U IS)7 27 , fil'lUITUALIHMT Patterson hall, this evening, eight o'clock. Mr. Mason lectures. Questions nnswered. Discourse received from audience. Test seanco concludes exercises. Admission. 10 cents. i'fi;ir,.27 secondhand sewuTgmachine " Monday wo will sell niachlnes for so llttlo that they will romo within the rench of evitybndy. ou will bo surprised at what we offer von. 3 Singers 1 New Homo 1 New Home 1 Domestic 1 Domestic 1 Household 2 Singers, high nrm, each. 1 Singer, good as new 1 White, perfect condition. $1.00 4.,m n.fo I. Ill $.00 10. nil 70 12.V) I2.5D 1 ,,ml'.,0.r.". 'Irophead in'ichiiVe's.'sTANbAilD, SING KR and DAVIS. In perfect condltljn at half the regular price. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor. 15th and Hnrncy Sis. IT Hit "7 HANDSOME, refined, young wldoiv! wealthy, uffectlonnte disposition, domcstlo tnstes, would llko to correspond with worthy gentleman desiring marriage. H 613. Denver, Colo. U 702 27 NICE bnbv girl for adoption nt 1160 So. l.tli street, Omaha. u M715 2 FOR RENT, pl.tn-j to rcl!ahlolinrtv7Adr dress H 11, Bee. 1 M71f: 27 PERSONAL Fat folks, om n trnlned nursc; 12 years ago reduced 43 pounds by harm less remedy; no regnln: nothing to sell; send stamp, I will te'l how It wns done. Miss Topping, 13S Francisco live.. Chi cago. U 731 27 DEAFNESS cured or no pay. C. Rownn, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. U 750 27 nniger nnoemaKer . 25.(0 CORRESPOND for nmiiscment or matri mony; sealed particulars, 2c. Champion, Council Bluffs, la. U 781 27 SPLENDID young wnmnn hns $23,000 and goou income, wouni correspond with manly man with view to mnrrli.TC. Ad dress Miss Everett, Box 675,, Ch'catrn. III. U-77.1 27 M. GOLDMAN ft CO.-Onlv perfect nc rordeon plentlng plnnt In the west. Mnll orders solicited. Suite, 200 Douglns blk., opp. Hayden's. U 797 YOUNO business man, stranger In cltv, desires noquntntanco of voting ladv who Is similarly situated; full description In first letter requested; object matrimony. Address II 23, Bee. U 809 27 MO.VEV TO I.OAX-H.EAI. ESTATE. MONEY' to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co,. 309 So. l.lth W-770 PHIVATE money, 5, t'y, 6 per cent; no do lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 771 $1,000 n-d upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Fnrnum Smith & Co., 1220 Fnrnnm. W-778 LOANS on easlevn Nebraska nnd western Iowa fan s at 5 per cent; borrowers can pity $100 or nny multiple; uny Interest dnte: n ' elay. Hreiinan-Love Co., 300 So. 13tb ? Omaha, Net- W-775 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. Goorgu & Company, 1601 Farnnm street. w-na WANTED, city nnd farm loans; nlso 'jonds nnd warrants. It C. Peters & Co., 7o2 Farnam St., Bee Bide. W-780 MONEY to loan on farm and city property, lowest rates. O. F Davis Co,, 1505 Farnam W-71 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life. W-7S5 MONEY to lonn at R nnd BH per cent on Omahu property. W. U. Melkle, 401 H. i5th W-7S2 FIVE per cent money. Ucmls, Paxton block. W 741 $1,50() TO LOAN on real estato: call nt oran. M, J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 Brown block. W-786 5 AND VA per cent lonns.. W. II. Thomas, First Nat. Bank building. Tel. 1648. W MSI8 PRIVATE monoy. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Dnums. MOXEY TO I.OAX CIIATTISI.9. MONEY TODAY. Loans made In umounts from $10 to $250 on household fund uro, pianos, horses, car riages, etc., without rcuu.vul or on your S-A-L-A-R-Y without security All or a part of the money may be paid back thn llrst mouth, or no part of It need bo paid back for siveral months Each paymunt made reduces the cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. People, who need money nro Invited to call ana get my terms nnd comparu them witn what others offer Loana of other com panies mny bo transforied to mo. No chnrgo for papers. All business strictly confidential. Quick tervlco and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. . 218 First. Nnt. Bink bldg . southest corner 13th and Farnam Sts. 'let. 715. X MS3j DO YOU NEED MONEY7 Wo loan $10.(0 and up on furniture, pianos, borsts and other chattels. SALARY LOANS Without mortgage, to peopln "0,.al.n,s permanent positions. You can gel me money tn a few hours after making ap plication, and tako 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months or moro In whlrh to pny It back, and you need not pay for It ono day longer than you keep It. We chargo nothing for pnpirs and we glvo you the. tun nmount In cash. There uro no lower rates than ours, our terms nro tho easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please. Omaha Mortgage Loun Co., 119 Ilnnrd of Trade Hldg. Tel.. 5f95. (EstubllBhtd lk93), SuO So. 10th St. ,k 193 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PLOPLQ AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITY AN OPPORTUNITY to tako advantage of. Wo mako no startling, sensational nn nouncements of rate "cut In two. Wo don't do business that way; neither does anybody else. OUR REDUCED RATES ARE THE LOWEST. You enn borrow on your personal Note, without Mortgage, lndorser, or Publicity. Our Special Pay ment Plan surprises them till nnd soon gets you nut of debt. Very qulot office, easily xonru. come anil seo us. AMERICAN LOAN CO,, Room 601, Bee Bldg. .. X SISM TURKISH bnthi tnns'ngo Lnthn. plcctrlf baths, for lad es only; skilled women mast-ago operators; finest equipped tinthi In the city. Rcnstrom Bath Com mnv Booms lt to 220 Ufa iiidg. tjil" I ti X m II 9, Heo, u-.u i" D