CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Voinmu of Business Very Batisfactorj for This Beuon of the Year. MARKETS SHOW BUT LITTLE CHANGE Work of I'MIInK Advance Order fur Bjii-Iiik Xoiv In Progress und Will 11 r Pushed with All I'iionIIiIi Hneed t'ntll Cciiii ill c( cil. Considering the tlmo of year, local Job bers nay that the volumo of business now being transacted Is entirely sntlsfttctory. January Is seldom a very good month for Immedlatu business und thlH year, owing to this wnrm weather, there Is ulrnost nothing lit all doing In winter lines. At tention Is now directed to spring business and no eomplnlnls of nny character arc hoard regarding that part of the trade. ItotaCers aro buying quite frtely for spring und upparoutly arc" very conlldcnt that they aro going to havo an exceptionally heavy trade. Those who havo been In tho city the last week spoke very en couruglngly regarding future prospects, and, although they have not sold out tholr winter lines as well as they usually do, they aro not ut all discounted. Tho ma Jorlty of rotallers aro anxious to get In their spring lines, as an early spring Is anticipated, which means that trade will open up In good season. Jobbers are doing their best to comply with the wishes of their customers und are working their men' nights as well as days to get their lines In shape for shipping. A good many orders wero lllled this lust week, tut still tnoro goods will be shipped out this coming week und work will bo pushed until all tho advance orders have been shipped. Tho markets have llurtualed hut lltttn Incu last report, Practically all lines seem to bo In a good, healthy condition and there Is no fear but what ptescnt prices will hold goml for some time to rami'. Eastern manufacturer are confident that they are going to have all tho business they can handle and as a result tln-y are not at all anxious to sell their goods and uro olferlng no concessions of any char acter Ilnyers can either take tho goods at tho prices offereil or leave them alone. When such conditions as that exist there U not much prospect of a decline In values. I'cw I'liiot melon In tiroeerlei. Tho grncory trade continues to bo very satisfactory and Jobbers report tho volumo of business fully as good as It was u year ago, although tho weather Is some what unfavorable. The market has fluctu ated but very little during the week. Coffeo remains unchanged at last week's quota tlons and but comparatively little biiHlness Is being transacted In eastern markets. Locally trade Is not particularly heavy, though a fulr amount of business Is re ported, Tho feeling on the sugar market seems to bo a little firmer, but there has been no change In tho rellned grades as yet. Re ntiers claim business Is picking uti und as u result tho market Is In a good, strong position. There Is nothing new to be said about canned goods, all lines remaining practically tho samo us they havo been for noino little tlmo post. Dried fruits aro ulo tho same, with the exception of tho low rrades of California peuches. which are a rltlo easier. The fancy stock, however, Is being held ut good, strong prices, as It Is claimed that Mocks on the coast aro rather limited. Tho ropo market has oneo more started Upward and sisal Is quoted ,so per pound higher than It was a week ago. Manila, however, remains tho same. Iliirdvviire Steady ami Active, So far us tho market Is concerned thero Is very little to bo said regarding the situ ation In hnrdware. All Unci aro being held at good llrm prices, but no chang :i of enough Importance to bo worthy of men tion havo tuken place since last report. Trade also coutlnuet In good shape, and In fact Is exceptionally heavy for this sea Bon of tho year. When the kind of wcuthrr which has been experienced so far thU winter Is taken into consideration It Is quite surprising for Jobbers to bo rusliad with orders for nil classes of winter good Tho reason, perhaps, Is that slocks In the country are not very heavy, which iiinkes It ncccssury for retailors to buy frequently. They nre placing unite liberal orders now, tt they havo confidence In future value. The glass situation Is still attracting a good deal of attention. The advance, amounting to 20 per cent, which win an nounced a week ago, caused quite u llurrv, anil now another ndvnnce amounting to In per cent Is being talked of. It Is claimed that manufacturers advanced their prises I') per cent, whereas Jobbers only raised Ihelr quotations 20 per cent. Jobbers claim they cannot afford to stand the dlfToreuc" nf in per cent, and as a result th"y aro talking of another advance Turpentine also went up 1 cent this week, but llnwd oil remains the samo as It was a wek ago. Tho samo Is truo of mixed paints and whlto lead. Shlpiilnu Sprlim i.lnei. Dry goods Jobbers nre now giving nil their time and attention to shipping spring goals. Dealers are noxious to got In their tprnig noes, aim as a result go i is uro moving out at a rapid rate. Jobber i have tho heaviest lino of advance orders on hand that they ever had at this season nf tho year, and as a result the task of piling them Is greater than usual. Travel ing men are meeting with good success on tho road and predict a good trade thruiuh out tho tprlng mid summer. Hctnllcr.i out through tho country are feeling good. and aro confident that people will spend their money freely for spring lines. Thero have been no Important changes during the week In the market situation. All lines of cotton goods remain the um-. as they havo been nf lute, and apparently uro unaffected by the tluctiiutlnns In tho Rrico of raw cotton. Jobbers aro us con duit us over that present prices nre on a pood, suro foundation, and tint they will hold good for nn Indefinite period. This lipnlics not only to cot'on good?, but ti lllks und woolens us well. Spring Tinilc Niitlxfiictnry. Tho continued warm, pleasant weather makes It almost Impossible for boit and alum Jobbers to sell winter lines, but they are landing n good many orders for prlng Roods. Traveling men ate groa'lv en couraged over the nrospect for spring busi ness and think that before tho season romcs to a close some records' will be broken, Rubber goods are, of course, very slow talis except In some of th" mountain atat"i nf I ho west, wliero thev havo had inn'c now ami cold weather thin has been e perlenccd In this cominunltv. Unles the temperature goes Considerably lower dur ing Februurv than It has so far this white retailors will bo obliged to carry i wr a gooil deal of their winter stock. Jobbers, though, nre honing for enough cold vvuithnr to enable retailers to sell out, so thai thev will start out next fall with a new 'nipp'y. Traveling men nre now on the rend villi samples of spilng lines of and other kinds of rubber clothluir. Thev ire taking a few orders, but It Is still too e.trlv to tell much about what the outcome of tlw Spring trade will be. There has been n strong rumor ailo.i for tho Just M'veral days to the effect that thero In to bo another drop In the iMio nf rubber boots and shoes, to take , fleet February 1 The report cannot be veilfl"d, but Jobbers uro rather looking for a ohaugo to take effect In tho near future. Fruits mid Produce. Thero has been n fair amount of business tho past week In the produce districts rf this city. Dealers nre buying In snvdl nunntltles, which necessitates their making frequent purchases, so thru the lo'al vol umo of business Is unite natlsfaclorv. Thero have been very few changes ths past week In quotations ami none Unit ar wotthy of mention. Poultry, butter an I rggii uro nil In rather light receipt nnd prices consequently are tlrm at the quit i tlnns given In another column As will h tinted prices are very much the same nil along the line ns they were a week ago. new Yoittc (ii:i:itAi, market. Uuotnt Iiiiik of the Uuy on Viii-lou ('oiiiiiiiiilitlc, NEW YOWC, Jan. 2ii.-FLOl'R-Holnti. 14,259 hbls. : exports, 3.901 bbls.: ratlio.- quiet, hut held at an advance on th" strength H wheati Minnesota patents, $3.90 1.10; Alln liesota bakers, 1.00113.25: winter pntenH, M.65i74,00; winter straights. I3.40fi3.60: win ter extrns, $2.60If2.S5; winter low gr.ulei, l2.4Sff2.OJ. Uyn Hour, steady: fair to zoo J. 2 S(B3.15; choice to fancy. f3 Uiill.tV). Huck wheat Hour. 12.lMJ2.2rt. UUCKWHEAT-Dtlll. Gn&G2e, c. I. f.. Xi w York. ' COUKMKAL Quiet; yellow western, 99c; city. Wo; lirundywlno, .'., RYE No. 2 western. SSc, f. o. b. a'lout; Unto. 531f64o, c. I. f., New York eurlM-i. IiARLEY-Dull; feeding. -ISfctWo, c. I. i New York; malting, OStfiSo, c. I. f. Now Vork. HARLEY MALT-Dull; western, KSflT.'c WIlEAT-HrcolpK 47 700 bu.; exports, (2,17: bu. Spol. strong; No. 2 red, 821,e. f. n. b, utlont, S0io elevator; No. 2 northern. Duliith, Mn f. o. b. utlont; No. 1 hard, Duliith, IHhiO. f. o. b. .ill mi. Options opened steady und worked Into positive strength on u furthr curo of phorts Impelled by higher rubhi aim unfavorable cron rep Tts from Indir Ihey Himlly cased off u trlllo tinder rv.illz- inr. but still tl.iged firm nt - let advance January closed at MV, Mnreh, SlHi'lV. Itd at wy, May. 1 7-lflff B-16c, closteJ u' July. Sl'yl(Kl4c, closfd at SOV qll.N-Ilecelpts, 116,280 bu.. exports, S. w bn Snot, stesdy. No, 2, 4V- elevator nnd 4W: f. o. b allont. The option market was rather quiet, but In vl.-w of higher values unsettled weather wost anil strength of wheat, displayed rlrmneis all ia. Closed steady and HOHc net higher; January olored nt 47ic: March, 46Uc; May, IjTkWIBifcc, clostd at 45c, July, 4IM?tliC Closed at 44He. , OAT8-Hecelptf. 40.WJ bu.; exports, 4.1.V) l)ti. Spot, dull; No. 2, 30'ic; No 3. 30c; No. 3 white, 31Hc; track, white, 31fl3Sc; No. 2 white, 32(32Hc; track mixed western, .fit Sl'ic Options dull but rather llrm, with th other markets. HOl'8 Quiet; state, common to choh!. I&X) crop, lftrj2lc; 1KO crop, UBlDc; old, 2fiCc; l'uclflo const. 1W0 crop, 15B19c; 1SD9 crop. 10014c; old, SflCc. . FlIDKS-KIrm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., lMMNSc; Cnllfornln. 21 to 26 lbs., ISc; Texas dry 21 to 30 lbs., 16c. MiATI I lilt -Stesdy; Hemlock sole, l'uo nos Ayres. light tf heavyweights, ilC23c; arid, 23',fl21t4c. W001-btili; domestic tlccce, 24fj:Co; Texas, 15fil7c. IMIOVISIONS-Heef, dull; family. 11.00tf 12(0; mess, 00fl9.50; beef hams, ID.Vt 3050; packet. JlOOofllO.SO; city, extn India mess. Jll.nojMfino. Cut meats, qulot; pleklod btllles. J7 26n.7B; pickled shoulders, $5.Wif .). pickled hams, Jt.50ijo.6o l-ard, ntcaily; western steamed J7.75; rellned, llrm; ocn tlnent, t,M; Hoith America. J. 60, com "'""'X: L Wi.nS. l'ork. steady; family. J ofofl 6.75. short elenr, 113.75010.50; -neas. tl3 'Ma 11.60. 3U -men-Steady; creamery. 16ff22c; fac . 1 1JTHc-: Juno cronmery. 16t?20c. , (MlnijaK -Steady; fancy large, fall mnde, llliifillUe: fmicv Kmnll full ttiiulo llJ.niJi' hOOS IJasler; western, at murk, average packed, ltj2oo; western, loss off, 20'c. TAI.I.OW -Steady; city i$J per pkg ), 4 Tie; country Hikes, free). GfiStic. MKTAI.S- The general condition of the meini muricet remains without chnnge in prica or reature. Trading today was con lined chlelly to supplying Immediate ro riulretnents anil stHriiltit(riii whm nlniftHt en tlrely lacking. Tho absence of cables served to enecK nny variation In prices. Tin was dull and nominally quoted ut $26.S.Vi27.00; lead, dull at JI.37H; spelter, quiet nt Jl.Ooft 4.10; copper, nominally easier but un changed ut SI7 for l.nke Superior anil II 11.134 for casting nnd electrolytic. Do mestic markets were dull and heavy nt tin- rimiiKeii prices, i-m iron warrants, w.wi'u lo.ji): northern foundrv. siR.onniil.."iO: south. ern foundry. Jll.60f7.&0, nnd soft southern, IO."V'JJ tu. tu. Omaha wiioi,ns.i,r, MAiticr.T.s. CoiiiltllniiN of Trmle nnd (liiotntlons mi Mnple mid Kiiney I'rodliei-. KOOS-necelpts, light: good stock, lfft7c I.IVB I'OUIntY-Hens. 6VfiCe; spring cnicKcns, LVjjiCc; roosters ?Zf4c; ducks, 6U t-Hc; geere, Gtyfi7c: turkeys. 6Jl7c I'ltUSM DHUSSKD 1'Ori.THY-IIcu.i. 7u; roosters, DfiSc; ducks. 'iU$c; geese, SXiVic; spring chickens, per lb., 7u; turkeys, to OAMK-Mollord ducks, per dnz.. ?3 00ffl 3.60: teal. Jl.6efil.75: mixed, JI.EP4M.fu: Jaek- i ii ijdi . . h.ui.m; coitoniuns, ijciui. HfTTUH -t'ominon to fulr. UffUHo; choice, 13(llc. sep'irntor, 23c. ritKSI! OYSTiCHH - Tlrst grade, solid jiacaco. .-sew lorn counts, per can, 3fc; ex- tr't krtlnntd trt. u t n ...In .. . uav , r, ill i'.iiii nn, mid, iiivii 111 111, 2'o Second grade, slack lllled, New York I'l-ums, per ran, .wc; exun selects, .uo; rtnndards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal.. T'lORONS-I.lve. per doz., 00c VHAI.S Choice. 'JUMP. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Whnlesalj Hay Dealers- H.isnclntlon! Choice upland, Ji; No 1 upland. J7..W; medium, J7: conrso, Jo 60. Hye straw. $5.50. Thasn prices are for hay of good color nnd quality. Demand luir iieeeipiH, u enrff. 1ATS-No 3 whlto. 2Cc. COUN -No. 3, 32c. 1IHAN-J14. VKOr.TAHI.ES. l'AUSNlPS-l'cr bu.. 50c. TI'HNIPS-l'cr bu. basket, 40c. I4KHTS-Ier bu.. 40o. CAIlltOTS-I'er Int., 4c. l.UTTt.'CH-1'er doz.. 3517410. HAD IS I IKS -Per doz.. 20a35c. H13ANS-Wnx, per 1-3 bu. basket. Jl stilng. !Wc I'OTATOKS-I'cr bu.. KfcUCOc; Idaho, rcr HWHHT POTATORS-Per bbl., JJ, CAHHAGR-Holl.ind sc-.l, lc. TOM ATOliS - Culllornlu, per 4-bnskot crate. f2. ONIONS-Nntlve, per bu., Jl; Colorado yril". per in., .'C. ClCI.HItY-Cnllfornln. ns to size. 451175c. CAULII'I.OWKIt-Callfornla. por crate, J3. KUU1TS. OHAPKS-Malaga. per keg, Jfl.50(f?0.00. APPI.ICS Per bid.. S2.M: ensterti s IKVtr 3 501 California. Ilelltlowers. tier linr. Sl.r.n. i. iw.iu;iiltii;s-uell and uugle. J10 per uui., nuiauj's, jier uiu., jy.-.i; per crate, J3.:i. THOPICAU KIIU1TS.' OltANOES - Cnllfornln sredllngs. $2.50; navels, $2 75't3.2.1; Mexicans. $2.75; Klorldus. J3 50. I,i:MONS-Cullfornln, extra fancy, $3.50; choice. $3 ItANANAS Per bunch, according to slzo, $2 Oy2.60. K1C1S California, new cartons, Sue; layers, 75c; Imported, per lb., 13J15c. DATUS Persian, In 00-lb. boxes, Salrs, Ec per lb.; Halloween. 5Ho per lb. .misci:i.lani:ous. HIDRS-No. 1 green, fiuc; No. .2 green, 6t,c; No. 1 flatted, 7l,4o; No. 2 salted, C.Ac; X.. t ...... 1 . . ) , o . . I 1,... n . . . .. . ). a i--iii c-uii, j iu j ujH,, .ic; fso. veal If. 12 to 15 lbs.. f'Ac: drv hides. S-ril.le! sheep iielts. 25rt75u; liort-e hliles, $1.50ff2.25. NITTS Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., 13c; fil berts, por lb., 13c; almonds, per lb.. 18ft20c; raw peanuts, per lb., 6Gi5He: masted, iiMi "Vjc; Ilrnzlls, 13c, peenns. 10ffl2c. IIO.N'HV-Colo.-udo, 2t-sectlon caso. $3.75. CIDHlt-Per bid., $:,; per half-bbl.. $3. SAUIOHKHAUT-Per bbl., $4; per half- St. I. mil (irulu ii nd Provisions, ST I.OU1H, Jan. 2fl.-WlIRAT-Illgher; No. 2 rnsh. elevator, 74Uc; track, 744fl7.i?c; Jnnuary. 74Hc; May. 75',sfj75'ie; July, 73',c: No. 2 hard. 71)572)40. COItN-lllgher; No. 2 cash, 374c; track, 374(i(377ic; January, 37c; May, 3lUc; July, OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 2Ce; track, 2ilc: Janunry, 2Gc; May, 20'4c; No. 2 white. 2bl rsHc. ItYH Hlirtier nt 67)tc. KJ.orit- Klrmer ami steady; patents, $.1.00 i.i.iu; exiru luucy unit straigui. $3.2USi3.35; clear. $2 70Ui2.!)i. HKKDS-Tlmothy. llrm ut $l.2.Vff4.75 for nveruge receipts; prime worth more. KIux, no market. COHNMICAIStendy at $2. ltHAN Firm; sucked, east track. 17700. HAY Timothy, weak nt $S.E0312.00; prairie, JO.WHitl.OO. WIIISKY-Steudy ut $1.27. 1 HON COTTONTIi:S-$1.25. llAaOtNn-7fi7ac. lir.MP TWINK-Dc. PUOVISIONS - Pork, steady; Jobbing, $11.50. Lnrd, better at $7.15. Dry salt meats (boxed), strong, extra shorts. S'.VM: clear ribs, $7.23; clear sides. $7.314. Huron thoxed) strong; extra shorts. $7.S7'.i; clear ribs ;s.12)c; clear sides, $S.23. MKTAI.S Lead: Cnchnnged ui JI.1714. Spelter: rnehanged at $1.S7)s. POl'l.THV-Steadv; chickens. u0j tur keys. 5ft He; voting, ic; ducks, 71f7!ic"; kcobo, fulfil ie HlVrTKH-Stendy; creamery dairy. 125tlGc. 17ff 2214c; HtlOS- lliBhor nt lOVic HKCKIPTS-Klnur, 0.000 bbls.: wheat, IS.. ("00 bu ; corn. 13.'.0() bu.; oats, 03,000. SIIlPldlJNTS-I'loiir. 0,000 bbls.; wheat lOs.linj bu ; corn, M.OoO bu.; oats. 0,000 bu. I.I verpiMil Cm in nml 1'rovlxliinn. MVHHPOOL. Jan. 20. - WIIKAT - Spot, steady; No. 1 California, lisld: No. 2 red western winter, Osld; No. 1 northern, spring, fls 3'td. Futures, llrm; Murch, tit l'id May. iW2'id. COHN-Spot, quiet: American mixed, new, 3s lid; American mixed, old, 4s. Futures quiet; January, SsloVl; Murch, 3s loiid: Mnv. 3s9d. Pi: VS Cnnndlan. steady nt Rs Sd. Hi )PS At London (Pacific coast), steady at JC2 rsu:3 5s. ' FI. Ol.' It St. Louts fancy winter, steady ut s fill. PHOVISIONS-Heef. dull; extrn Indian mens. CSsOd. Pork, dull; prlmo mess, west ern. IVsOd. Hums, short cut. II to 16 lbs., quiet at 45n Bd llitcou. Cumberland cut, 23 to 31) lbs. dull nt 41s Cd; short ribs, 18 to 24 lbs., siendy at 42s; long clear middles, light. 2S to 31 lbs., steady ut 42s; long clear middles, hei.vy 3i to 10 lbs., quiet at 33s 0d short clear backs, Hi to 20 lbs., quiet nt &Ss Cd; clear bellies, 14 to 1 Ins., steady at 45s Cd; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., titcndy nt 37s. Lord. American rellned. In pnlls, quiet at 30: prime western, In tierces, steady at SSs fid M'TTUIt - Dull; American llncst, 95s; good, r2s. ClinF.SI" Steady ; finest American mixed white. Pis 6d. IvmiMin City (iinlu nml Priivlslon. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 2tl WHISAT-Mny C9Mi;JI;c; cah. No. 2 hard. Gs'siifioiio: No' 3. fiJiftiiDr: Nj. 2 red. 70c; No. 3. Oc; No. 3 spring. CSc: No. 3. S7c. COHN May. 37(37)tc; ensh. No. 2 mixed. 35,4o; No. 2 white, rtiie: No. 3, 36'iitj3li"ie. OATS-No. 2 white, 2tHj:6V,c. HYL-No. 2. Wc IIAY-Cholco timothy, JlO.Cxvfi 10.50; choice prntrle, iS.004iS.50. lll'TTHIt-Cnumcry, JIS.OOCSO.OO; fancy, 17"' UfHlS Higher; fresh Missouri n'ul Kan aas stock, 16),c. loss off. cai-es returned; new whltewoed eases Included, Vic more., tll.UOO bu ; cum, 40, fcOO bu. ; oats. 12.Xi( hu. SHIPMKNTS Wheat. 64,400 ou.; corn, 17, COO bu.; oats, 4,000 bu. TflE OMATTA DAILY HEKs SVyDAY, J A LOiniERCIAL AND FINANCIAL May Wheat Oloies Higher with the Assist ance of Speculrtive Sentiment. LONGS HOLD DOWN THE OATS PRICES Corn Fairly Active nml Inclined to I'oIIimv Wheat Provisions tlnlct nml Mtendy, .Supported li Whent's MreiiKtli. CltlCArsn. Tin ?ii cnnuiii .,ii merit morn thrm nnvlhltiir ..Ian,.-,,! ihn wheat market today and May closed Wio oiKiier. uorn closed unctiangsd. o.its n Biiuuo lower and provisions Z'ilJSc "n proved. Slay wheat opened a rhndo to Vi8fe higher nt 773177lie. innlnlv ti..c.Tlin It lm.l not lost the upward Impetus given it yen- iviuiiy. ino mouerauon or norlDwest ic cclpts was nlso somewhat Inlluentlal. On thO Other llllllll rnli1nH f.flna,t tlin ...1i.nn,. here ycslenlay only In part, and longs .-icizru uio opiioriunity or taking profits on tho opening bulga. There wns ulso somo Selling bv hc.ir4 nnd Mnv An,1 tn tltt.n durlhg the llrst hour. Commission houses uiuuk up ineir offerings, however, and iieu uiey ceased to How cried for more. Muy accordingly rallied to 77Hc beforo tho deslro for prollts again asaerted Itself In tni' .,forc,t!- Thin caused n decline to 77c, buttho demand wns still sharp nnd a rally "'-jy "6iu. r ukih iters were reiiori"u as enlisted on the buying side, anil this I ho orop around llombuy was reported in bail Phupe. but In other parts of India tho fiiril'tl It nnu Ht.t.l ...... i i. . ii ArRcntltia shlpmrnts werg prophesied as 2m i 1 . oul nine 10 come, vnsn trudo was Mow. SeaVoard clearances tn wheat and Clour were equal to 2:0.0 tm. l'rlmirv Vnnni lit u r. .t mi iM.t 1... compared with 312,00!) bu. Inst year. Mln- tlnnnnlltt n nit Tnintti ..t,..i m- .... 1 ' ""hi n jii iiu iu ' ilia, agaltist 40i last week and 2y a vcar ago. Local receipts were 30 cars, one of contract irn mo f Vi"?) w,ns ,tarly nctlvc and Inclined to .. ......m, uui me prospcci or i.ivor nble weather and estlmnte of heavy to polntci Afnnrlf.v, ..m.I ...1., .... . ...... ......,,.. .nn., pi iiiii-itmiiiK uy pruvi- sbtis people Interested In corn prevolited ..... ...... ni. iiDiii KuiuiiK uiucn over yes- terdny s level. May sold between K)Ue nnd ...... timvu uiieiiuniscu. ai JU'AC. 1 c .?at .twcr?i ,iu)t.' The wheat strength fitiiiiciiiiiii, uui prepsure iroin local longs was against the price. May sold be tween 25V4c und 2GV and closed a shade lower at 2fi?i.e. Hecelpts were 15 cars. ported by the wheat HtretiRth and a Tair (.null .tnmoH.I n,l. .......II- . . ... ""isiiie iruue was snail, but Iocnl Interests were Inclined to siippirt prices. Mny pork sold between $13.95 and 14.0j and closed Be higher at 13.!i7'4; May lard between J7 42H and $7.47'4. closing 20 tij) nt Ji.43. and .May ribs between J7 nil -r'!i with the close 2'4c Improved at $7.'j2!4 it i Mo. Ustlmnted rocelptit Mondav: Wheat. TO irLZ! . .' " ' -"'Bi aia, ri cars; nogi, IC.Ooo head. The leading, futures ranged ns follows: Articles, I Open. High. Low. Closo. Yes'y. 74J4 7f.)', 74H T.'.)i 7)A Ul4 ii '4 iGV4 7744 7GTW77 37)4 37J 37VA 37Ai 3T)4 "Klfj, 37', 371 37Ti 37-M 33'.4fl 3'J)i S9!i CJ)i S3 21 21 21 ; "4 2J?iyi4 23!4 2.1U 2."i25)4 13 S7t. 13 &7U 13 95 14 W 13 X 13 97!i 13 92 4 7 33 7 33 7 33 7 35 7 3.' 7 37 7 35 " 7 42(4 7 47H 7 I2'.S 7 43 7 42V4 C 90 B 9214 9-1 6 92'4 0 S7t4 7 () 7 03 7 00 7 02Vi 7 W Whcnt Jan. Feb. May Coru Jan. Feb. May Oats Jan. Mny Pork Jan. May Lard Jnn. Mar. May Hlbs Jan. May No, 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: FLOCK I Mill- winter nntents, J3.C0573.S0: straights, J3.20W3 6S: clears, $2.7003.30; spring Stll.rl.'l Is iJjnffl&l.. n.,n t C. straights. U.io03. 10;' bakers. t2.'20fi2.00. ' ' .N!iIi':AT-No- 3 si'Hng, G3ti73ci No. 2 red, 73V4'Ti77c. COUN No. 2, 37V4T37ic: No. 2 yellow. 37'4 ?3ic. n.'rs Vn ? vsi.ntK.y- v o ,,1,1,.. -.. SSc; No. 3 white. 2C'.f27'!4c. ' " iti ore. HAHLHY Fair to cholco malting. WWiOc. 8R1CDS No. 1 llax, J1.7I; No. 1 northwest. ern SI 74TF1 7f- nrlmn fl,nifli l rt. contract grade. $11. PKOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bid., JlS.S.Vfr 13.93. Lord, per 100 lbs., $7.32Vi07 37. Short riuN siues uoosei, ii,.vm ,.i;. Dry salted nhmiMfiru flinv.ll H o-.rtV, r.A ..i sides (boxed). J7.231f7.33. WIMSIvY On Ii.-ikU nf, n.nnD .... gai.. tb27: " HUUAHK-cut icar. J0.2D; granulated, J3.G3; confectioners' A. J5.&9; oft A, J3.4I. I'ollowlng uro tho receipts und shipments for today: Articles. Hecelpts. Shipments. 25,000 21,000 Sl.OOi) 29.(00 334,000 117.W0 320.000 222,000 0.000 Flour, bbls Wheat. Du Corn, hil t Oats, bu Hye. bu Uarlov. bu 23.000 On the Produce exchange todny tho but- llr mnplfltt 1lia tlp.T nvnn ..... Ina llCfOii dairies lli4GI.Sc. Cheese, dull nt lOUGHc; Kggs, dull; fresh, 18c. MOVKMIIXTS OP STOCKS AMI HO.VOH. Willi .Street Interested In Test of Cur rency'n Xeiv l'eutiire. NEW YOHK. Jan. 2C The stock market manifested only 11 languid disposition to re. spnnd to the very aetlvo nnd bold manipula tion to which It wns subjected today, until tho uppeurunco of tho bunk statement. Im mediately upon the appearance of the state ment upon the tape the market became ani mated and the dealings broadened out con siderably, nevrtrtholoss, the market re mained spotty to the closo and, nlthnugh thero were a large number of stocks which show advances of from 1 to 2 points, many parts of the list failed to respond to the ad vance at ull. St. Paul was t ha feuturo all day. The stock was exceedinciv feverish nnd unsteady at times, but It was advanced with determination nnd made tho last price nt the top 0 points above last night. Tho dealings were on n very inrge iicalo. Tho preferred stock gained 2. The Kun sas & Texas stocks continued to hold a conspicuous place in the market nnd the preferred 2& In the early dealings, but suf fered later from prollt-tnklng. Hock Islnnd roso 2 nnd the grungers and Northern Pn. cllle were all strong. Tho hank statement disclosed a fairly plethoric condition of tho monev mnrlim nnd the very liberal expansion of loans by tne nanus or over umkio,uoo nas not sultlced to keep pace with tho input congestion of reserves. A notnble feature of the cash in. crease Is tho overwhelming preponderance of sperlo In the receipts. The week's In crense of J7.057.4CO bring the speclo holdings of the New York banks up to J191, 710,2m) which compares with tho maximum record of $2nfi' on May 27. U99 The iiubtreas- ury payments ure now tieing mudo almost wholly In gold, Including the In rire current redemptions of national bunk notes nnd the man una express receipts irom the Interior by the banks Include a larco numher nf gold certificates of large denomination. Th banks nlfo have received payment from the subtreasurv on account of the Jl onaum celpt of gold In San Francisco. Yesterday's mruiiiui tiuiu Auniiuuu itruugm another JftS.OuO In gold to San Francisco, which will figure In New York bank reserves event unllv. It Is worthy of notice that nil nt iim Jl.000,000 gold exported this week nlso came from the government assay nfllce. The speculative contingent in tho stock market evidently looks to this redundancy of loan. ablo resources to stimulate speculative buy- It Is a so certn'n to stimulate the cold n. port movement. With n further rise tndnv In tho quoted rates for sterling exchange In the nominal Saturday market, with tin ndvance In the cull money rule In London und with sterling hardening nt Paris, t Is not unlikely thnt tho coming week will see the remittances abroad In pnyment of re turning securities continue on a Inrz annin and keep up the exchange rate. t ho action or ino siock market this week has been strictly In nccord with what might bo exDected from the ndlustmcnt nf nr. counts nfter a prolonged period of nctlvo spec uuiuotl. llrowlng Importance la attached to the cnmluir test of the now fcatnm nf iim bnnk currency lnw. Tho treasury Is called upon to reueem more national hank notes from ilny to day than nt any time Mnce the new law went Into effect lust year. This tvlll ROnn tovt the iilillltv nt tlw. I,f..,b-u n keep their notes in circulation. As they do not tiguro in me money reserves required by lnw of national banks the tendency will bo to-jedcem nnd retire them unless they can be kept In circulation The legal limi tation upon the retirement to J3.G0O.O0O per month still remains In force. Tho current redemption nf bank notes nt the subtrens ury Is an Important Item In the largo gains made each week by th New Yo-k banks on subtrensury cm-rations and in the current use of tho New York money marliuU Tho export of celd Is thus fm-1'ltnted. eirn whit the constant disbursements vn government account keep itie London money market easy, in suite of the maneuvers of the Hunk of Kngland to keep up the open market rato ior money. The Imnrt imrkot has been ri lutlv, tv mora than that for stocks and prices have been better maintained. Hpnds of tho principal southwestern railroads huve been It: large demand nnd show striking gains. United States new 4s und regular udvanccd 'i and I'nlted States 4, coupon, H per cent over tho call prlco of a week U0. The following are the closing prices on ino .ew lorK HtocK excuange: Atchison do pfd Ilultlmoro ft O. Cnniiiltiin 1'iir . 4i', Wabash . (i do Pfd . WW, Wheel. i L. V... . M 4 do 2d pfd . 67 Wis. Central .... . 1314 V4 11 2-'l4 15V4 120 tK Canada So Clies. & Ulilo.. ou'fc mini avenue ... Ii, 11. O. prd .. . lUVa National Tube ., 24 I do pfd 69 'Adams Ex 9214 American Ex.. . 172 4 C. 8. Ex 1214 Wells-Fnrgo Ex, "5(1 AiniT. Cot. OH.., . Clhl do Pfd JliAmer. Mnltlng , Chicago U. W.. C, 11. & q Chi. Itul. & I.... do pfd Chi. & E. III.... C. & N. W C It. 1. & P.... C. C. C. & St. 1. Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson. Del. 1.. & W.... Denver ti H. a. do pfd Erlu do 1st pfd. .. (It. Nor. pfd ... Hocking Coal .. Hocking Valley Illinois Central. Iovvu Central ... do pfd Lake Erlo & W. do pfd Lnko Shoro I.. & N Manhattan L... Mot. St. Hy Mex. Central ... Minn. & St.. L... do pfd Mo. Puclllo Mobile & Ohio.. M.. K. T do pfd N. J. Centrul ... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W..., do pfd No. Pnclllc do pfd Ontario & w.... r-4 91 151 173 E.4 130 8i-i hi do pfd.. lul',3 12 Amer. S. & It..., do pfd Amer. SnlritH.... vji. .hi nfil I , 17 , 2fcVAmer. S. Hoop.., . 3lji do pfd .19lfc, Amer. S. & W... . 1U do pfd , 424'Amer. Tin Plate, .132 1 do pfd , 2IVjAmer. Tobacco.. , 43 1 do pfrt , II Anne. Mln. Co.., lONWj llrooklyn H. T.., .:104 Colo. Fuel ,t I.., . !-9-i Con. Tobacco . . , 116)4 do pfd ,102i, Federal Steel ... . ?t do pfd , Cfl Gen. Electric .., .MS Glucose Sugar.., , i'j',4 do pfd . 48 Inter. Paper , 1S4 do pfd , 53 Lurledo Oas IIS National Biscuit, 111';, do prd 4M National Lead ., , W do pfd . Mi National Steel .. , S7H do pfd ."1 N. Y. Air Hrake. 12 No. American ... 7fi Pacific Coast .... 143'4 do 1st pfd K-?, do 2il pfd 71Vs Paclflu Mull 42, j Peoplo'H (las 5 IProssed S. Car.. 92 do nfil 20V4 73 41Ji it' 4 6't! 1144 140 4 4 It4 )i 49fi iV 41l4 l' 72 3S14 J 074 40 91 1W Ore. Hy. & Nav. do pfd Pennsylvania ... Heading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hlo a. W do pfd St. L. . S. F. . . . do 1st pfd do 2d nfil 2tl',4 01 l?7 CI 4.P4 V. 2VlPullmun P. Car. iXVt ts. Jl. it i t74iiSiigttr .... 23ti do nfd.. St. L. Southw... do pfd St Paul do pfd St. P. A (lmili,, 1J1U 11S4 KliMTenn. Coal & I.. 1V.W. S. Lenthcr ... 100-t do pfd 120 U. S. Hubber .... 4I, do pfd 20j. Western I'nlon.. TlliiAinnl. Copper ... 2h Hepuhllo I. & S.. i;:il do pfd 1'. C. C. & St. L. m 2l(d So. Pnclllc ho. Hallway do nfil S3 9 i:ii r.5 Tex. & Pnclllc... union Puciflo ... uo prd Tho Commercial Advertiser's London lltinnclul cablegram says: Tho stock market hub iisucus louay uui llrm. inero wns Ilt- 110 trading in ino general list. The Amerl can department wns nn exception Amur) can shares recovered sharply from the de pression here yesterday on the lead given by Now York's close and opening, Chicago, Milwaukee Ac St. Paul helne the mnul nrnm. Inent stock, nnd with the rise appeared a leviv.u ui ine reports 01 ino 11111 ileal, with many circumstantial details. It Is notable thut although heavy options In Americans are maturing ino market at tile end or the month shows no sign of disturbance. Monev rates were unaltered. Tho rise In Paris cheques suggests that France will not be nble nny longer to Intercept gold from India, which will probably now go to tho uumt. New Yorlc Minir)- Mnrhrt. NEW YOHK. Jan. 20.-M()NEY-On call, easy nt lq per cent; prlmo mercantile paner. 3M1f4i ner cent. STEHLl.NM EXCJIANnE-Strotur. with actual business In bankers' bills nt S4.K7V.W iui uciiiaiiii 111m iti t.oi lur m.i uas; iiosieu rates, ji.hiwuvi.m und $i.m4; com merclnl bills, J4.83ii4.s:H4. SILVEH-Cerllllcutes, Cli4tlC3c; bar, C2c; Mexican dollars, 4S)2c. HONDS-Stato, Inactive: railroad, firm; government, weak; refunding 2s, reg. and coupon. 105; 3s, reg., 1W1. ;. coupon, HOVj; new 4s, reg., 13GH;. coupon, 137-U; old 4s, reg. nnd coupon. 11314: fis. reir.. HOW: coupon, 11151. 'ilia closing prices on bonus today are as follows: U. S, ref. 2s, reg, 1051iN. Y. C. Is .10LilN. J. C. gen. Cs. .1001. 127H . 71 '4 110 coupon do 3s, reg , da coupon do now 4s, reg, do coupon do old 4s, reg.. do coupon do Is, reg do coupon P.'9?4 No. 1'aclllc 3S... H014I do Is IW41N Y. C & S U 4s 137'J, N. ft W. con. 4s. li:l'iOre. Nuv. Is 113),5I do Is II014 'Oregon S. L. fis, 111? do consol 5s..., 125 Heading gen. 4s. 103H Hlo O. W. Is St L & I M c. ns, ,105i .vis) ,ioov .100 103U ,129 .UC.4 311', , 9S ,1151,4 12S ISo US 12014 , S3 ,U31i , CO no',4 9S iofi); .mill ,109)4 ni'.i , S7 , SG!4 D. of C. 3 60s Atch. gen. 4s do ndl. 4s Canada So. 2s... nu Nt l, Ac n l g. Gs 1 103 St. Paul cons Chos. & O. 4s.. do bs C & N W c. 7s do H. F. d. Bs.. 12U-", St P, C & V Is., 13914 121 do 5s. So. Pncltlc 4s.... So. Hallway 6s.. S. It. T. Cs.... Chicago Ter. 4s.. 95 S3 Colo. so. is O. & H. O. 4s. Erie gen. 4s.... 100'i Tex. & Puc. Is.. do 2s I'nlon Pnc. 4s.. F W & D C Is... 79' 5(1 Gen. Electric os. Ia. Central Is..., Wabash Is 110 Wl',4 SO 93 do 2s West Shore 4s.. Wis. Central Is. Vn. Centuries .. L. & N. mil. 4s.. M.. K. & T. 2s., do 4s Hid. Ilostnn Stnelt ((point lou. TtOSTON. Jun. 2C Call lonnw. :nrt ,i. cent; tlmo loans, 314ii4 jier cent, ortlclal closing: ... T. & S. F... do nfil . 15 lnion Lnnd . S5 West End .13)4iWesthigh. Elec. .US AtchlMm .1ftl ,N. E. O. ,t C. Bs r4 W.4 5I',4 10Ji co,4 9'4 ir- f9 315 77 SI5 2H4 IC MV4 4i i&; c 330 43 Amor. Sugar .. do pin Amnr Tel Iloston & Alb'y. Hoston Elevated Hoston & Mo .-I 'Aiiventuro ,1C1 lllnghiim Mln..., lOPA'Amal. Conner .. 1 1 11 X- I J .H'H 1 Ho.ston ,t Mont. . 3j'$ llutto & Hoston .lOS'iCul. Ileelu.... . 49 Centennial , . Ctffj Franklin , .111 Osceola Dominion Coal . ilrt nfd Federal Steel .. do pfd T.-Hnhhiirir nfd.. Con. Electric ... ixiMii rarrot do pfd Ed. Elcc. 111.... 159 Oulucv !50 .ft SO Hi Santa Fo Cop".'.'. exlcun central r v. n. R- ('.... itiiuaiacK , I'tnh Mlnlnn- Did Dominion .. Wl n. 11111 Hubber 'Wolverines t'n on racuic .. 'otv York VI 1 11 1 11 tr. Stool.-, NEW YOHK. Jan. 2fi.-The following nr. quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 23 Alico 43 Little Chief ... Ontario Onhlr .. 1(1 ,.. .. 00 .. 10 ,.. s .. 15 .. 15 .. 03 ..420 Hreeco 200 Hrunswlck Con.. 23 CotiiHtock Tun... I Phoenix Potosl I Suva go ISIerra Nevada Small Hopes ., IStnndurd Con. Cnl. S- Vn..rfl Deadwood Teril. 52 Horn Silver 110 Iron Silver 04 l.eudvlllo Con.... 6 Loudon stock (Imitations, LONDON, Jan. 20.-2 p. m.-CIosJng; Consols, money. . Wf, . wv, . 4(1 . mi .1551; Erlo do 1st pfd Pennsylvania .. Heading No. Puellle nfd. do necount ... Atchison Canudlan Pac... St. Paul Illinois Centrnl. .1x1 Orand Trunk ... Louisville O'SilAnacondu I'nlon Pac. pfd. N. Y. Central . R5V4Hand .Mines .115 HAH SILVEH-Stendy. 2S 9-10d per ounce. MONEY 3 tier cent. Tho rain nf ,11 In the opon market for short bills Is 3'!4'I(4 per cent; for three months' bills, 40I1-1C per cent. I'orelKii I'lmi lielul. LONDON. Jan. 2C Monev wns In fnlr supply today, but wns harder, thero being uiuuu uiiceriiiiiiiy regaruiiig me immediatu futuro. Discounts were sympathetically llrm. the Joint bank stocks not helm- .Um. posed to tnke three-months' MIIh nt nny- 11111m uriuiv 1 per ceni iiusiness on ino Stock exchungo wns restricted, hut nrlrex were firm, except In the cuse of West Aus tralians nnd West Africans. At tho open ing Americans were at purity and after- wuru neenme easier, nosing llrm. The feature wus the strength of the belt er fliiHM of dividend payers, such us New York Cen trul nnd Illinois Central. The chief specula- 111111 eeiuers 111 m. i-aui. i lie market is lin nettled and a cnntlniiais'e of tho seo-saw movement Is looked for Th" Statist says It considers that with the continuance of very cheap money In New York and the maintenance of 4 ner cent Intei-Hut I don there may be additional gold shlpmeii's from New York ami Paris and possibly Lon don may exchange. The Hank nf England in iupniiy ginning strength, owing to tho ease of money In New York. Paris and Ber lin und the high rales here. Tho French Imnks now hold nearly half tho Hrltlsh treasury bills outstanding nnd nlm millions In atcrllng bills It Is e-sentlal that wiesu uius ue reneweu at maturity, conse XT A RT 27, 1001. quently tho value of the money must be maintained to the government ns uu In ducement to renew. The wenkness of silver U attributed, to ti'o after effect of the troubles In China nnd India. The banks of bhnnghnl are full, Instead of being hard pressed as usual on the eve of Chinese now year. Consequently not an ounco has been bought on Chinese account In weeks, while tho bar demand In India Is non-existent. I ho silver mnrket therefore Is entirely de pendent on the purchnscs of tho Indian government, about weekly. Tho arrivals aro considerably exceeding this und aro glutting tho stock, liar gold Is quoted In the open mnrket at 77a lod; gold premium at Madrid, 35.60. I'AHIS, Jan. 20. Huslucss 011 tho bourso todny was Inactive, but nlmost contlncd to realizations In view of tho forthcoming set tlement. Industrials nnd bnnks wero ensler und KnillrH were freely offered on nccouut of the numerous oases of sickness reported among tht Uritlsh troops In South Africa. In this were maintained. HEHLIN. Jan. 20. Homo 3s wero firm on tho bourso today on an announcement of tho Issue of a large new loan. Industrials Wero llrm. Americans wero harder. Cnnn dlan Pucltlcs were unlet and mines were weak on tho unsatisfactory position of the 11011 maruci. lianas uuciuaieii. ine weeKty statement of the Hank of Oermany shows ine louowing rmingc: ensn in hand, in creased 62.520.() marks: treasury notes, in creused 2.IS0.X) marks: other securities. decreased 57,220.01") murks; notes In circula tion, decreased 77,220,00a marks. ('mid It Ion nf Ihe Trrnturr, WASHINGTON. Jan. 2C.-Todnv's state- meat of the treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avnllnbla cash baluuce, J13S,feC9,t52; gold. J71.C27.154. Hunk Clearing nml Exelinnges. CH1CAOO, Jan. 2G.-CIcnrlngs, JIJ.C2C257; balances, J2.fll9.153; posted exchange. $l.SI'4 tfl.SS; New York exchange. lOffSOr premium. ST. LOt' 18. Jnn. 2C-Clearings. SI.S6S.Su7: balances, JG49,S23; money, f.iio per cent; New York exchange, par bid, lie premium asked. CINCINNATI. Jnn. 2G.-Clenrlngs. J2,I41. 300; money, 3JIC per cent; New York ex change, 20J2Cc premium. Cotton .Market, NEW YOHK, Jan. 2C Tho cotton markot opened steady, with prices 6 points higher on January and 2roY. points lower on the rest of tho list. All the short session Janu nry position held n relatively firmer station than tho rest of the list, due to a merciless round-up of luckless belnted shorts who hnd depended on tho Increasing New York stock to force liquidation und thereby help incm out or ineir precarious position. Last night the current month closed ut lO.Ofle. It opened this morning ut 10.11c and Immedi ately shot up to 10.25c 011 a desperate rush 10 cover, ucspiio very disappointing Eng lish cables and heavy receipts at the ports, tho later months slowly worked up ward nfter the call In sympathy with the strength In January. The market closed barely steady, with prices 14 net points higher on January, but 3ft7 points lower on other months. Spot closed dull nnd 'c higher; middling uplands, 10c; middling gulf, 10,c; sales, none. Futures closed barely steady; January, 10.2nc; February. 9.43c; March. 9.31c; April, 9.29c; May, 9 29o, June, 9.20c; July, 9.2Cc; August, i.'Mc; Octo ber, S.24c; November, 8.15c. NEW OHLEANS, Jnn. 2H.-COTTON-Steody; sales, 5,050 bales; ordinary. 7c; good ordlnnry, S'.c; low middlings, 9c; mid dlings, 9.ic; good middlings, 9c; middling fair. 10 3-lCc. nominal, receipts. 0.(373 bales; stock, 300,091 bales. Futures quiet; Janunry, 9.4lli9.49c; February. D.2Stf9.30e; March, 9.27 t9.2!e: April, 9 251i9,20c; May, 9.23r9.21c; June. 9.21(fi9.23c; July, 9.19ti9.20c; Augjut, fc.SGfi8.S9c: September. 8.2if(S.32c. ST. LOriS, Jnn. 20-COTTON-Qitlet; middling, 9)40; sales, 200 bales; recelpta, 2,4.V1 bales; stock, 70,141 bales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 2G.-COTTON-Spot. limited demand, barely steady; American middling. 51-3d; the sules of the day were 4,0i) bales, of which 2i) wero for specula tion und export, und Included 3,900 Amcr Icnn; receipts, 4G,0i") hales, Including 3G.OO0 American Futures opened quiet but steudy and closed easy; American middling I. m. a. Jnnuary. B 2l-fi!jr5 25-Gld, value; Janunry nnd February, 5 23-Gld, buyers; Februury und March. 5 20-Gtd. value; March .and April. 5 lS-Old. buyers; April and Mny, 5 IG-Cld. buyers; Muy and June, 5 14-illd, buyers, Juno and July, 6 Il-Glfc5 12-Gld, buyers; July nnd August. 5 9-6ld, buyers; August and September, 4 f,9-G45H GO-Gld. sellers; Septem ber, 4 Ui-Gldfl CO-GId, sellers; October g. o. c, 4 3S-Gld. nomlnn'; October and November g. o. c, I 3l-Gld, nominal. Wool Snlen. LONDON. Jnn. 2C WOOr At todnv's oesslon of tho wool auction sales 12.5S0 bales were offered. Continentals wero less spirited nnd tho sules were Irregular. Host grades of wool wero In fair demand uhd wero purchased for Immediate wants. Sev eral wero withdrawn. The offerings next week number C3.5i) bnles. No sules will be held on February 2. tho day of tho queen's faneral. The following Is the sale In de lull: New South Wnles. 5.00 bnles; scoured, 4id?ilM Gl4d: crensy. IlWiOlyl. Queensland. 3.500 bales; scoured, Is lVfed'uls 34il; greasy, BMit'd. Victoria, 000 bales; scoured, Blid'u istiu; greasy, uVdJii souin Australia, 1.100 bales; scoured, Sdffls; greasy, SMfr1! West Australia, 200 bales; greasy, BHftCUd. New 'Zealand, 900 bales; scoured, GVlO'td; greasy, 3s45SHd Capo of Cood Hope nml Nntal. 000 hales: scoured. lOd: greasy. 3St 5)411. For tho next series snles amount to 57.GS3 bales, Including 20,000 forwarded direct. The Imports during tho week fol low; Now South Wnles, GG3 bnles; Mel bourne. 5.393; Hrlsbano. 0,470; Wost Aus tralla, 230; New Zealand, 9.171; Cape of Good Hopo and Natal, 37S; elsewhere, 1,117. Coffee .Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. COFFEE Tho market for coffeo futures opened steady, with prices unchanged, und ruled stunldlv dull throughout tho session, with Uuctuu- Hons confined to a runge of 5 points. The foreign markot reports wero destitute of stlmulutlnc features. The statistical changes were insignificant nnd the situation generally was unchanged. Investment for foreign trading was totally lacking. The market closed nulet. with nrlces net un changed to 5 points lower. Totnl sales were 0.750 bags, Including: January, 5.45c; May, 5.55c; July, 5.03c; August, B.70c; Octo ber, a. 10c. hpot, Hlo. Purely steady: No. 7 Invoice, 7c. Mild, dull; Cordova, &Q12jc. Siium- 11ml 3loIusses. NEW OHLEANS. Jnn. 2fi.-Sl,OAP.-Mnr. ket nulet: nnen kMtle. SUf.TCe: mien km tie. cit.trlfugul, 4fil),ic; centrifugal yellow, 4 ffi'lc; seconds, !l'iic. Molasses, qulm; open kettle, 20&30c; centrlfugnl, Jii21-, syrup. 20J?30c. NEW YOHK, Jan. 20 -SIJOAR-rtaw. qulot; fair rellnlng, Sc; centrifugal, 90 test 4Hc; molasses sugar. 34c; rellno I. quiet; No. G, 4 93c: No. 7. 4 '5c; No S,; No. 9, 4.70c; No. 10, 4.C5e; No. 11, 4.00 ; No 12, 4.55c; No. 13, 4.55c; No. 11. 4.50e; staud,.rl A. B.30c; confectioners' A, 5 30c; mould A. B. Mc: cut loaf. Cc: crushed. Cc: powdered. S.COc; granuluted, 5.50c; cubes, G.7uc. I'.viiporuled nml Dried I'rult. NEW YOHK. Jan. 2G.-EVAPOHATF.D APPLES The market for evaporate 1 ap ples ruled rather quiet, but about uleniiv at unchanged prices: statu common. Hvtft 4sic; prime, 5f5e; choice, BVj'aCc; fancy. Gf(7o. CALii' UJi.MA Di(ii:iJ I' ltiil i s .Market lunetivo. Prunes were nominally quniid at 3'45rki'4e per lb., ns to size und quality. Apricots, Royal. 1ra: Moor Park. SVM 15e. Peaches, peeled, HfJISc; unpeeled, tiiji i&lOc. Xevv Ynrl Dry (iiinds Mnrket, NEW YORK. Jan. 20 DRY OOODS-TI10 week closes without any change of moment In tho cotton goods division of the dry goods market, so fur as the home trade Is concerned, lut there hnve been purchases of several thousand bales of heavy brown cottons for China during tho n t few days. American cotton yarns In medium nnd low counts continue Inactive und wenk. Flno counts uro steudy In combed Egyptians. Woolen and worsted yurns dull and easy. Minneapolis Wheal, Flour nml llruti. MINNEAPOLIS. Jnn 20. WHEAT Cash. 7(!4c: May. 7Tc; July. 77c. On trneic No 1 hard. 7S'Kc: No i northern. 70c; No 2 northern, 72Tft73TaC. FLOI H-Il g her llrst nntents. Jl.l.vii 1..5: second patents J.1 95& 1. 10; first clears, J2.90 (3.00; second clears. J2.oiM(2.10. iiitAfi-in duik, i..o'un.w. Duliith (J rill 11 Vllirl.-et. DITH'TH. Jan. 2G.-WHEAT-Muv. MKc: No. 1 northern, ensh, 71T4c; Muy, 781l,c; July. 9',ic: No. 2 northern. G4Tfi70'ic: .0. 3 spring, KHQatic tUllN-SC. OATS-2C4i2G!ic. MlliTiinhee (irulu .Mnrket, MILWACKEE. Jnn. 20.-WHEAT-Mir- ket firmer: No 1 northern, 774J77)4c, No. 2 liortnern, iinc. HYE I Uglier; NO. 1, 6214c. HARLEY Quiet: No. 2. 59fG0c; suinnle. 45!iDGc. Till) REALTY .MARKET, INHTRI'.MENTS placed on record Suturduy, j u nuury -u. Wiirriuily Ilccds, M. II Kllbourn und wife lo James nnd Catherine Wentzy, e4 lotB 9 and 10, block IS. Central nark t 10 Tluimns Hnuch and wife to Peter I rlck, lots 13 and It, block 3, Vnllny drove nilil 600 Henry Dettsch und wire 10 Thomas Larson, into, l-ulrmount Place ... 9x0 . A. Sweet nnd wire to Lucllo Hur mun. lot G, block 2, Kountze ,t s add 2.201) Total uir.ojiit of transfers I 3,W OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Cattle Strong for the Weik nnd Cows a Dime Higher. HOGS AVERAGE A NICKEL HIGHER Mieep Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower Thnu 11 Week Ago mill l.iiinlin Fifteen to 11 ((nnrter nnd Feeders About Stead). , SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 20. Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Olllclal Monday 1,615 6.4t5 a,t0 Ultictnl Tuesday s,JtB U.VIi 2,M7 Olllclal Wednehdny 3,176 S,9i'i 6,733 Olllclal Thursday 'l,ss 5.9M l.tXl? Olllclal Friday 1,920 9.SU1 3S9 Olllclul Saturday 122 4,721 203 Total this week ll,D7tf 4M02 eek ending Jan. 19.... 12,99 1 40.190 veek ending Jan. 12.... 10.913 4U.OJ7 veek ending Jun. 10.073 3,.9jI VVl'ek .nilliii, li... "o r. -,:w 'm .xl 13,913 12,147 15,048 11,41!) 3.S14 Averugo price paid for liogs for tho puJt t.U't'ul days, with comparisons: Mwi. iisoo.iiiiW.iissSMisaLliWi-Ji 1.. Jlh. 2.., J,u- 3.., Jun. 4., Jll. 6.. Jan. c, J"". 7.., Jl"l. 8.., Jan. 9., Jan. jo.' J""' 11. i Jan, 12 Jnn. 13.! Jan. 14. Jan. 15, J,u"' 10. ! Jan- 17.. J"", is., Jo"- 19.. Jun. 20. Jun. ii Jan. 22.! Jan. 23.! Jan. 24.. Jnn. 23.. Jun. 20.. 4 95 1 5 02!4 I 6 C6i C 05 6 11 4 21 3 4: 3 3 401 4 4 :u 4 29 3 57 3 57 3 44 3 li 3 23 3 27 3 I 18 3 43 3 46 4 16 4 16 4 11 4 16 4 10 4 09 4 11 4 l 4 to 4 07 4 n 4 11 3 4SI 4 27 3 44 3 51 4 4 37 3 47 3 3S 3 K). 3 40 3 43 4 3 43 3 291 4 35i 3 43 3 53 3 4S 3 40 3 50 3 42 4 3b 3 121 4 :mi 3 45 3 14 5U I S5 3 50i 3 54 3 61 3 47 4 41 4 49 4 53 4 5S 4 52 4 43 4 55 3 55 3 ) 3 3 501 3 07i t- 17ii 6 1G) 5 25H 6 20S fi "nu 3 4 3 111 3 49 3 C9 3 19 3 26 3 -3 3 49 3.47i 3 53 3 59 3 12 3 49 3 51 3 54 3 50 391 3 561 3 Gil 3 GO 3 57 3 lit! I 3 U 3 47 3 51 3 54 3 721 3 86 3 23 3 ! - S S3 4 54 3 20 1 3 26 3 20, 3 23, 3 25 3 SS 4 51 3 50 1 m 3 Ul 3 95 3 (ill 3 57 I 3 02' 3 r.5i 3 72 4 03 3 9ll 3 S3 3 '.-! 3 S4 3 92 1 3 M 4 59i 4 55 4 4S 4 55 3 33 4 (0, i 3 35 I 3 S5 Indlcntes Sunday. Tho olllclul numher of cars of brought lu today bv each roud was: Cuttle. I liurs. Sh'ti. stock H'r's. v;., ,ii. m. i'. ny O. & St. L. Hy Missouri Pacific Hy I'nlon Pnclllc system. .. C. K- N. W. Hy F., E. & M. V. R. R . .. C, St. P.. M. ti O. Hy. .. H. At M. R. H H 2 C, H. A. Q. Hy K. C. .V St. J 2 C, It. I. At P., east.... 1 C, 11. I. Ai P., west 3 n 1 9 1 12 0 12 13. 9 Tolal receipts 5 GS 1 4 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing thu 1111m- i)ur 01 ncau indicated Cattlo. Hogs. Sh'p. 8.VS Kill Omaha Packing Co... (3. II. Hammond Co.. Swlrt and Company.. Cudnhy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Omnha Pack. Co., K. L. F. IIusz A. K. Muwlilnuey Other bjycis 1 40 MH :,oic 99 2ii 28 26 C Totals 123 4,791 291 CATTLE As Is generally tho cam on Saturday, there wero almost .10 cuttle at all offered on tho mnrket. Tho receipts the past week have not been henvv, n decrease of 1,015 luud being noted ns compared with last week, and as compnred with the samo week last year thero Is a falling off of 1,192 heud. Tho demand from all sources has been In good shape, and as a result the market has been fairly nctlvo ull the vvcel' und each day's receipts havo been clcuned up In good seascn. Uio market on beef steers has not shown much of nny change ull tho week. Tho situation could best be described by calllns it n good strong markot. In homo cases sales wero made that looked 11 llttlo higher. Tho choice grades were In good dctnnnd nnd tho light receipts gnvo seileri a llttlo ad vantage. Tho less deilrable kinds nlso sold u trlllo higher In some cases for tho tmmo reunon. Taking It us a wholo tho market was In satisfactory condb and Mollcr.1 had llttlo dllllcully It. dlt. of their holdings, If nt nil drslrnble. The cow market bus ulso been strong and nctlvo all tho week. As compared with tho close of lust week It is sufe to oall prices u dlmo higher, and In sotno caa'H ter haps n trifle more. It is the medium kinds of cows thut uro selling ull tho way ftom J3.00 to J3.60 thut huve Improved tho most. The best crudes huvo ulso strength ened up to some extent, but tho c.ninor4 hnve shown very unio cnunge. Hulls, calves und Hlntis have followed the course of tho steer and cow markets, nnd muv be quoted n little stronger for the wtok. Tho Inst end of the week till but tin. best bulls wero Mow, nnd In sonu enscs tho commoner kinds sold a llttlo lower. fltcckers and feeders hnve been lu good , demand all the week ut strong nrlces, whrrn tho qunllty was satisfactory. Heuvyvv .tuht cuttle sell the best, but tho lighter weights nls-j command good prices where the qual- , Ity is sulisruciory. common kiiiu.h nt any 1 weight are slow sale. Cholco M10 stuff m.iy I also 1)0 quoieu monger mr 1110 wen, uii'i the Mime Is truo of stock bulls und calvca. Heprescntutivo sales: No. Av. Pr. No. SCO ! -3 HULLS. 1170 3 05 1.... CALVES. 2go r. 00 1.... V.V .1 .7. Av. Tr. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. .1100 3 40 . 220 0 CO ISO 0 50 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 910 2 15 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 763 3 60 1 1093 4 20 1245 4 20 4 1210 4 30 1020 4 20 IIOQS Theru wns a light run of hogs 13 hero today nml tho market opened a big nickel higher. The bulk of tho early sales went from 5.lVs t" J".20 nnd ns high a,s $5.22i4 was paid. About hnlf or tho hogs changed hands at those prices' and then tho market eased off a little. Huyers did not like to glvo over 15.15 und for u tlmo but llttlo wii3 done. Thoy finally bought them up However, mostly ut, with the lighter weights ut J5.15. Pigs sold from J5.15 down, depending; upon their weight. Although the mnrket was not par ticularly active, everything wus sold In good Benson. Tho tendency of prices on hogs hns been downwnrd the past week. Monday wns the high day. when tho average cost wan 1-. and Tuesday and Friday wero tho low days, when the uverugo cost wnu J).124. The week closed with values about n dime lower than at thu closo of tho preceding week. Representative snles: No. AV. Sh, Pr. Wo. AV. Sh. Pr. 86... Hi... .172 40 6 .147 40 6 (.5 .147 80 5 (.5 .19.1 120 6 10 .107 ... 6 10 .201 ... 5 13 ,ffl 120 5 13 03.. .265 40 5 1714 f.9 27G .. 6 74 .. 6 17(4 102.. B( 223 C9 230 9. .. Rl... 92... 61... HI... 62 221 63 319 80 5 17V5 ti n4 6 IV (4 5 233 12i) 5 13 ... 5 15 ... 5 15 ... 5 15 ... 5 15 ... 6 15 40 5 15 . 40 5 15 80 6 )7W ... 5 17(4 ... 5'7H ... 5 17W ... 5 1714 ... 6 17'4 . . . 6 17X 40 6 17U 1, t :M? SO 5 13K. 1... ...241 ..180 ..109 . 210 ...210 ,..211 ..215 ..2o3 . .22S ,. 211 ..219 . .283 , . .254 ..275 ..24S OS.... 69. . . . 69.... .213 ... 5 1711 80... 89... 271 120 5 1714 57 40 5 1714 8") 6 '74 80 5 1714 40 6 1714 SO 5 1715 ... 6 '.'0 ... 5 ro 40 5 20 ... 5 20 40 5 20 120 5 20 80 f, 20 G7... 7(3. . . 71... 91... 65... G7... 133... fit... 92... 4S... 49... Gl... CI... 4S... ...249 ...253 212 .'.'.'SIC ...211 ...211 10 .. GH... 77. . . 85... 73... ..272 ..211 ..35S ..213 65... 64 . . . 60... CI... .237 40 5 20 71... ..219 I7V4 .322 120 6 20 G2... .210 210 5 171,5 " .220 80 5 17' C .245 80 f 174 7i 67... CO... CO... 82... SHEEP Thro were no sheep on sale to day nnd consequently nothing with which to make a test of the market. The supply or sheep the past week has not been particularly heavy, but at tho t-ame tlmo a gain or 1 .700 head was mndo over the preceding week. As compared with tho sumo week last year there Is a ,i,,.r,.i, nmnunt ill? to 3.267 head. Tho tendency or prices has been downward all j tho WieK. owing largely 111" inei 111111 tho mutton mnrket has not been in good shape, which limited tho demand nt tho hands of puckers. Thu break wus greutest I Hit ... U .U f 2C1 ... 5 20 D 217 ... 5 20 2SI 80 5 1714 r,li -01 80 5 20 ,201 40 6 til4 GO 225 ... 5 20 ,221 80 6 1714 tU 237 ... 5 20 .232 120 6 1714 71 232 ... 6 SO ,220 ... 6 17U tn 232 ... 5 -M ,220 ... 6 1714 77 251 ... 6 2214 .257 ICO 6 17U 54 SCO 100 6 22i 187 ... 6 1714 DO 00 SPEGULATEP '21 on lambs and ameuniid to front i.v to 25c. The decline if -beep nnd , cartings was j.ot quite us inueh und would -bo covenM In the majority of cases by liifllik!. Kwes held up In good shape, and, j.idgttig from sales made the latter part of the week, they could be called about steady. Thero have been very few feeder arriving on tho mnrket of late Nearly all the re ceipts are tood enough for packers nnd ronseqtietitlv there has hardly been enough doing to make a feeder market. The few bunches that have sold for feeders h.ive brought good, steady prices. Quotations- Choice red wethers. J4.3J 4.50! fulr to good wethers, Jl OOiit 23; cholco lightweight yearlings, JI.5o'flS0; fair to good yearlings, tl !Mri.50; choice ewes, J3.33 SfS.SO; ralr to good ewes, J3.oxy3.30: choice spring lamb. J!.23f3.35; ralr to good spring lambs, J5.00Hf6 .28; tccilcr ewes, J3.2SC3.50! feeder wethers, J.1.504I3.T8: feeder lambs, JI.W T4 40. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 2 1 yearling wethers 74 ICS Mexican yearling SI CHIC.VCO UV11 M'lM'K .MVHKI'.r. Cuttle Hteiidy llous I'lvi Cents Higher Sheep Steml, CHICAOO. Jan. 2G.-CATTL10P.ecelpts, 300 head; nomlnnlly steady; goiMl to prlmo steers, J5..v0.un; poor to medium, JS.8Jf5.10: Blockers and feeders, 3.00(ri.iW; cows, Ji.75 471.15; heifers, J2.75df 1.50: cunncrs J2.00fl2.70; bulls, J2.75cl.40, calves, JI.(Xir.7r.; Texas fed steers, JI.(Hrl.75; Texas grass steers, 3.354W; Texas bulls, J2.fiiv,3.75. 11UC.S- Receipts, today. 15,000 head; Man day, 33,000 head, estimated; left over, 1,500 head; opened strong to 6c higher; closed weak; top, J5 32't; mixed and butchers, SS.05 (J5.S0; good to choice heavy. JJ.IJC6.3Jt4! rough heavy, J5.nHfG.10; light. J5.ltffl5.25i bulk tr sales, $5.17t(fi.2R. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1,000 head, steudy; good to choice Wethers, J.I.S0 4(4. 60: fulr to chol-'e mixed, JJ.5043..SR; west ern sheep. JS..S54I l.5u Teviis sheep, J2.603.&0; nntlve luinlis, $1 2(HlC.4o, western lambs, J5.iVilO 40. Olllclal receipts for two weeks compared: This week Cuttle, 62.6oO head; hogs, 170.4W heud; shei p, (il.i'no hi ud. Lust week Cattle, 60.200 heud; hogs, m.iW heud; sheep 70,300 heud. St. I.imls I.I V e Stock ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 2i).-CATTLE-Hecelpls, COO heud, Including 5eo heud Texuns; mar ket steudy; native shipping and export steers, JI.25iJf5.S0; dressed beef and butcher steers, J3.9oiifi.Oi; steers, under l.(XNI lbs., JJ.OO'.fOi). stoekers und feeders. J2.504l'l.i! cows and heifers, t2.ooyl.73: dinners, J1.2Stf 2.76; bulls, J2.2fi'4( I.eO, Tcxiih and Indian steers, J3.ri-I.GJ; cows and heirors, J2.35ij' 3.33. HOGS Receipts. 3,600 head; market ac tive, strong und a shade higher; pigs aim Ights, 6.:iir..25; packers, J5.2oWti.25, butchers, t5.S5frt.27i4. SHEEP AND LAM US- Receipts, none, tnnrket nominal, native muttons. tl.CvHM.SO: lambs, f 4.2.4i 3.60; cuIIh und bucks, Jl.ooir 4. 2d, stoekers, J2.0O4i3.25. K 11 11 mm City I.lvr Stock .Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 25.-CATTLE-Ro. eelpts, 200 head; nominal prices; native beef steers, Jt.604i5.U0; stoekers and feeders. J3.50 4r4.i5; western fed steers. JI.00H5.iW; Toxns und Indlun steers, t3.uu4r4.50; cows, t3.001f 4.25; dinners. t2.6043.Wi bulls, J3.004T 1.60: cnlves, J5.ri04i7.00. IIOOS- Heceltils. C.00O head; market Ce higher: top, J3.30; bulk of sales, J5.204? 5.2i: heavy J5 20416.3O: mixed packers, J5.15 4j5.2.i; light, J3.15'i6.20; pls, Jl Mf 1.90. SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipts, 400 head; market strong; western lambs. J5.25sr6.6o I western wethers, JI.254I I.COj ewes, J3.76fl4.25: culls, J2.5'43.25. Xmv York Mir Muck Mnrket. NEW YORK". Jnn. 20. - REEVES - Re eelpts. 2 head; nothing doing und feeling llrm; cables steady; shipments, 77c bead cattle, 2j head sheep und i.'M) quarters of bceL CALVES Receipts, 107 head: llrm; bnrn yard calves. J3.60; veals, nominal. SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 3,212 head, sheep, higher; lambs held for an ud yunco; sales limited: sheep. J3.254H.60: lumhs. to.inijfi; 10; no cunndu lutnbs. ..''SL'l'i- lb'i'elpts. 2.001 heud; quoted llrm Ut Jo.5oflK.70; stuto jilgs, J5.75. St. .loieph l.lvi- Stock Mnrket. Spl'TH ST. JOSEPH. Mo Jan. 20.-(Spo-clal.) -Tho Jnurnul quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 100 hend; mnrket, steudy; demand strong. HOGS - Receipts. tl,700 bend; market steady to 2i4c higher; nil grndes. J5.16Jru.50: bj.J.1..,.,.f,,,ll!,'H' f"'17''i'i5.2,3; pigs, strong. SHEEP AND LAM I1S-? Receipts, none; demand strong for killers. Stock In Sluht. Following ure tho reielptH ut tho four principal western markets for January 2G: . v.. inn-. iiiiKM. oiieeti. .1,1,111 wiiiuii 1 , 1.' 4.7ZI Chicago 3110 5.fi0i) Kansas City y S.O0 St. Louis GOi) 3.C0O 2i'k) 1,000 400 Totals 1.222 29,221 0,600 Tnledi) (Sruln nnd Seed, TOLEDO, Jan. 2G.-WIIEAT-Faltly nc tlvo und higher; eush und January, Ma; May, S24c; July. Me. COltN-Qulet und llrm; cash and Jununry, 3Se; May, 40ijc. OATS-Dull and steady; cash mid Jnntl ury. 2uc; Muy. 2Ge. RYE Nominal ut 62c. B, L. Baldwin & Co GENERAL I.'AIIXAJI . HTHEI5T. I,o 11 k Dlstiuieu Phone, 171)1). Huy FKYEU HILL OF LEADVILLE nt Cc n enure; Compauy controls 17 claims In tho heart of tho District; property being operated with a steam hoist; hns a record of production of 1 160,000.00. Huy PRIDE MINING COMPANY STOCK at 20c a fihuro; the company owns 45 clulms and n largo mill; Is .1 steady shipper nnd employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay divi dend1! this year. Wrlto for Information concerning divi dend paying stock showing nn Investment of better than 3314 per cent, to Herbert S. Shaw, ofllccs 14 nnd 15, Drown Pulnco Ho tol, Denver, Colorado. Approved stocks Bold on lnstnPr.ent plan. Direct prlvuto wlro to ull Colorado exchanges. w. mm smith & 00. Investment Securities, Wo offor: 50 Union Stock Yards Stock, South Oma ha, at 9114c 5,000 Fred Krug Brewing Co'fl. Donds, nt 6 per cent. J4.000 Mortgago, flvo years, C por cent. $050 mortgage, C per cent, Stocks and bonds bought and gold. i:i'.:o l'ltriiuni Street. Telephone 10(11, INVi:S I IN Oil, OreatiHt - - - opportunity to make n grout amount of money from small Investment in OU since tho days of Pennsylvania Ull excitement. Wo havo l,9o0 acres of Oil Lands near tho great 7.000 bar rel gushors In tho wonderful Sand Fork OH Fields, lu Lewis County, W. Va. Portion of our stock offered at 6c mi tho dollar. Money to bo used In drilling wells. Prop erly all paid for und 11011-nssetsuble. For further particulars address SAND FORK OIL .i OAS CO. Pcnbndy HulUtng, Wheeling, W. Vn. JAMES E. BOYD & CO., Telephone l(l.'ll), (I11111I111, A eh. COMAUSSION, CHAIN, PROVISIONS nml STOCKS, lloiii-il nf Trade. Correspondence: John A. Wnrren & Co. Direct wires to Chicago and Now York. If so, spcculnto succejsfully. Send your , orders to a rollnblo house, wliero they will ho placed on tho open market. Wo cau moko for you in one month moro Interest on your monov than uny bank will pay you In a yenr. Send for our book on speculation It is free. J. K. Comstock & Co., j Room -.'! Trudei'ii llldg, Cliieiiuu,