'JITK OMAHA DAILY HK13: .SI X DAY, TAXTJA'RY 27. 1001. 1lT OFFERINGS OUT OF THE ORDINARY but they'll mako a good baent every perfection of modern makers' aj why they'ro offered, Standard. ..reliable makes., .goods that represent every perfection of morcdn maker's Brt...Cost prlco on somo less than cost on others., but they are given to move tho Roods quirk. . .as we need the room. ...Many of those pieces wo havo only ono of a kind... Wo Invite you to como early ns the goods put In this sale must be closed out this week... Note a few of tho values... Sco our east window. C m'-ii r i . ' !t ,wl,n 8W0" ends... colonial deslnti... large slue... 43 Inches wldc.fi feet high . viuai;i,.w in aw rnnR. . .pn nn n I ripniirti.. lurirn . inntina ti. .in r. rnni made of select ciunrtersawer onk. .hlehlv rwilUhoM Ima ,mi.lti..i t,,,, t.111, ninr 't.t .... 1 "' i s tT this w(ek...nt .. v. ......7....... ...?.'.'.'. b.m Oak Dining Table. ..S feet... extension... hns heavy turned nnd carved leu. . .Ilanlster braced cen. V. T7... ....... Li " nvi.,.i-.u.-n.-mii.,.uiii' imivy lurneu nnu curved ,cg. . . iinnistnr urnceit cen- 4 a f r . Tto cloBi finis wcclwit n' 'S t0t Inches... spuarc... select qunrtersttwed oak. ..hand polished S ' . i msnognny mine... round top... m Indies In diameter... 10-foot cxton'ion...mndo of best solid miihogaiiy...liand pollsheil. . .special to closo thin week 3.50 Hox Frame Mining Chair. . .made oi best ngurcd quarlcrsawcd oak. . .richly hand polished J line rnnn seat. ..very pretty shaped back. .special this ffei'B, ni, earn 10.00 Hervltii: Table ..made of best llU.irtorajiU'nil nrilf (pedal this week to rloso... S10J 2? .hand polished... plain rich design. 9 mas MmiO Sideboard ..has very heavy canopy top. . .handsomely nnd richly carved jjrrrncn nevei mirror wxis inches... sideboard top Is Zi Inches deep by 51 Inches long... made of best tlgiired tiuartersawed oak. ..hand polished. . special to close this week S'VI.Ot) solid mnTiognny terpentine ends nnd front, rlehly und neatly hand carved and hand polished ..French design. ..Has largo French bevel mirror .To close this week nt Just hair prlco S 21.00 China Closet .swell front., made of solid select (iiinrtersawcd oak... ornamented carved top ..solid oak shelves and back. . .special this week lit very pretty design 31.50 ,ms 2,00 575 rved ..largo 29,75 30,00 16,85 has two drawers, one lined for sllvcrwnro. . .two largo 17,85 27 60 liuffrt TScnblnetH for dishes... ulso a wlno drawer with Ynlo lock. ..largo French novel mirror... Mntle of select ijuurtersaweil gulden oak.. .highly io)l9hed. Special this week to close at COUCHES During this special sale. . .continuing through this week... wo have priced our entire stock of Couches at a special reduction. . .It Is the season of the year when wo mako selections of tho styles of frames which wo ex pect to run for tha next six months... We, therefore, wish to closo out this week our entire stock of Couches. Stwsft Thrce-Pleee Silk, Overstuffed Parlor KuUp.... very heavy, rich, masslvo sult....the Itnest kind of upholstering una fringe. ..very attractive ill.sln...Thts suit Is slightly soiled, but goes In tlllu Mil!.. fur ttw. (tirnn "-, inivvn 125 00 Davenport Hofu ...full Turkish framo upholstered In Imported velour. . .seven feet long. S10O.I pie, nt 50,00 82,00 69,00 12,85 17,85 i thirty-six Inches deep. ..special ui 1 100.00 Parlor Suite. .French ifi-slun . solid imilliuaiiv frame lltiely upholstered. . .consisting of three ileces.. .divan, nrrn chair nnl small chair ..very line design nnd a big bargain it sale prlco S1S.00 solid mnhngany I'arlor Chair very lino ly upholstered seat und back hand carved... Inlaid wjth satin wood lino... special at r 13.00 .Mahogany. 1'aHor Chulr... antique de-- n r- tr . Solid Oak Hookcnse... double nihil )slgn... beautifully Inlaid back. . ,Oj Jjdoor front highly polished... deep sheleves spec'"' t ' adjustable... special at LIBRARY TABLES If you contcmplato buying a Library Tablo soon. ..now Is your opportunity. . .In this sale wo have reduced tho prices of every Library Tablo In the Iioubc. . .consisting of solid tnnhogany... antique... golden.. Flemish nnd Kngllsh oaks... all sizes nnd all shapes. S 13.00 beautiful shaped Library Tablo In tho new golden oak. ..ono large drawer.. .shaped legs with 44 fr nipped feet... richly carved sides... speclul UAH J this week nt lliJJ S'JS.OO solid mahOKnny Library Tnble. . .hand-- jHO.Oo solid oak T-ible. . .very heavy... massive r rr somely haml-curved und hand-polished. . . S SdcBlgn... rlehly und heavily hand-curved... Ar 11 1 VITV Hell llpNllMl il lirili-'iln lit W J'uti.wliil Ililu uvnV special this week urnss lieu. ..heavy posts.. .doublf rnll top and bottom. ..run now Tjoxicnued ir.oi..,nnnusomciy trimmed wun rings und - in snlndles nnd mountings... special 12 other patterns brass beds In this special rnlo Portieres. .made for double doors... they como In three colors Ropi p they I each, nt 29,50 while .lc per foot. Inst this week . only Curtain Poles In threo .four nnd live foot lengths. 1 rotonncH nt io cents per p.tru. Crepes nt 74 cents per pard. Wo havo a few odd lots' of lace curtains which wo will put In this salo Monday morning at specially re duced prices to close them out quick. Extension rods each, 15c. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 1414-16-18 Douglas Street. RETURNS A WEALTHY MAN Pormor Denison Storo Olerk is Now Almoit in Edinond Dantei. FINDS NATURE'S TREASURE IN THE WEST Cniiien Home to I'rutlilc Ills Axnl I'll re 11 In mMIi .Mieli I.tixiirliius Cmnforts ns Tin:)' llml XniT Dremiied Of, DKNISON. In., Jan. 2C (Special.) John Henry lloldeu of Chclun, Chelan county, Wash., has been In Dculsou tho last week after years of absence. Ho returns a prospective millionaire, the owner of ono of tho world's richest copper ledges, which ho hns leased for n princely sum. His aged parents, Mr. anil Mrs. John Holden, aro the happiest people In Dculson. For years they havo struggled with poverty, doing with out tho comforts and sometimes almost without tho necessities of life. Now their son hns returned, to provide abundantly for them. It wns In 1881 that young Holden left his employment In tho storo of It. H. Htllls In Dunlnp, la., to to west. Ho clerked for a tlmo In Lincoln, Neb., nnd then went to Colorado. Hero ho worked and became In torested In mining, later becoming an oro Inspector for u smelter. It was hero that fortune tlrst omileil upon him nnd that for an Investment of $1.G0 he. with two others, fouud n clulm which they sold for $61,000. Holden used his share for further prospect ing nnd In two years ho wns penniless. Agnln ho went went, this tlmo to Seattle where ho clerked In winter to get enough wm it Sawed ffly Litem Extreme coses of dis ease test the real value of a medicine, Many "tonic" and "stimulant" preparations, which have no real medicinal value, seem to brace up the users when they nrc feeling "played out." Any stimulant will do this whether bought at the liquor store or drug store. The true test of a med Iciue is when life itself is staked on its remedial power. In hundreds of such cases Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis covery has been the means of saving life .when even the "family doctor" had pronounced sentence of death. I had been a great sufferer for several years, nnd my family doctor said I would not be a liv ing man in tuoyc.irs, but, thank God, I am Milt living, writes Mr George W. Tnistow, of I.lp comb, Auciibtn Co., Va. "I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 1 what saved my life. I had bean trouble no bad that I could not (icon my left side without a great deal of paiu. I wns nearly past work when I commenced your med icine, but I can do nlmut at much work now ns any lunu. I cannot My too much for the benefit X have received." Many diseases, named for the organs affected, as "heart disease," "hmg dis ease," "liver complaint," etc., arc per fectly cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, which cures through the Btomach diseases which originate in the stomach. - money to prospect In the summer. Tho story of his trlrs over mountains, through forests, camping nlono, lu tho wilderness with his blanket and his rltlo would fill a volume. It wns July of 1898 that ho found his fortuno In perhaps tho wildest part ot tho stuto of Washington, near tho head of Lake Chelan. After many days of pros pecting ho had stopped on tho mountain sido to preparo his noonday meal. Ho went up tho slopo In the hopo of shooting soma grouse and while thero his experienced eyo caught sight of tho outcropping of tho ore which wns to mukc of him a millionaire, Tho Und was richer than he had anticipated, for It was a forty-six-foot ledgo of solid copper and gold-bearing ore, reaching far up the mountain. Ho had millions In ore, but no money with which to develop his clulm, and his Ilrst step was to organize a stock com pany with a friend named Slaloncy and his brother-in-law, Mr. Lord. Tho thrco were soon abln to bring the worth of tho claim to tho attention of capitalists and last No vember they effected a lease covering a perld of soven years. By tho terms ot the lease Mr. Holden receives $100,000 cash; for tho first six mouths he Is to receive a bonus of $100 per month, for tho second six months 11 bonus of $200 per month, for the second year 300 per month, for tho third year (400 per month nnd for tho fourth and tltth years $500 per ti'cntb. Aside from all this he Is to havo n royalty of 10 per cent of tho gross output of the mines for tho first flvo yenrs and for thejast two years of tho lease ho receives n royalty of 30 per cent of tho gross outputs, and at tho end of the lease tho capitalists who havo leased the initio ir.ny purchaao It for a cash considera tion of $1,000,000. Asldo from this, Mr. Hol den hns other nearby claims, for ono ot which tho company hnB offered him $100,000. Shortly nfter tho discovery of tho claim Mr. Holden wns suddenly surprised by n supposed friend, who, at tho point ot a ro- olvcr, demanded that ho deed him a half Interest in his claim. Mr. Holden's answer wns to spring nt tho follow with an Iron drill, and a free-for-all fight followed In which tho would-bo brigand wiib budly worsted nnd almost killed. Mr. Holden was married somo threo years ago, and now has a happy homo at Cbclan, Wash. Lako Chelan Ib a body ot water some seveuty-flvo miles long, nnd from two to live miles wide. It empties Into tho Columbia river. The company which has leased tho ml no hns built llvo steam barges on tho lake, and nro now busily engaged putting In n railroad which shall reach from tho nearest point on tho lako shore to tho mine, which Is on tho mountain sldo twelve miles In tho Interior. Tho ore Is rich In copper nnd contains gold to tho amount ot from $S to $12 a ton. Mr. HoMon hns been In Denlson for tho past week, attending to the desires of his parents They will remain In Denlson this winter, but In the spring they expect to go to Washington to llvo with their son. On .Monday Mr. Holden visited In How City with his brother, Mr. Joseph Holden, ami to him. too, his coming means good fortune. Utter Mr. Holden left for St. Paul, accom panied by his lifelong friend nnd early schoolmate, Mr. W. W. Cushman of Denl son. MAYOR HEARS THEIR WOES Daily Avilancbo of Trouble Pours Into His Ears. ALL DAYS ALIKE TO CHIEF EXECUTIV t'lioii the Ilrmiil Shoulder of Kriuilf I, MooreN Full (he Trlhiilnt lmi f the IliiiiKr, the Unem ployed mill (lie Latcslck, evidence of prophecies ms.de a lew years ago Ono afternoon a young widow was among Ihe tonstltucnts who crowded Into the mayor's office. Sho cnrrled n young baby In her arms. Her eyes were Inilamed nnd she sobbed bitterly ns she took a front seat In the mayor's kindergarten. Her story of sorrow moved tho mayor. Hut s, few days beforo her husband had died. "And I haven't any way to support my self," she exclaimed In grief. "If 1 Just ad a dollar to buy ft tub nnd n washboard could make a living for myself nnd my baby." Sho left tho office with tho prlco of sov ral tubs and washboards. Tho next day found tho young widow nnd her baby In tho mayor's waiting list. She ns ns tearful as ever. I find that I can't do anything without wnshboller." she explained. "It I Just had enough money to buy a boiler I could got long nil right." Tho price of n holler was advanced nnd tho widow's tears were dried for tho time clng. Tho third day found tho weeping widow n lino ngnln. Sho had forgotten that she ould need soap and washing lluld and her upnly of fuel was so low that sho could not begin work until she bad a little more money. Acting on tho ndago that tho third tlmo tho charm, the mayor again gnvo tlio omnn money, llut she coumn't stand pros perity. Tho fourth dny brought her back to her benefactor. I'm out of provisions," sho explained, and thought perhnps you could buy mo groceries to last until I can get pay for my washing." "Dut the county will furnish you with provisions," the mayor Interposed. "Yes, I know," wns tho reply. "Hut I on't llko the kind of provisions they give away, and then my houso rent nnd piano rent nro due today, and I must havo somo money anyway. Tho mayor Is not fostering musical talent nnd allowed tho woman to leavo empty-handed. Tnnnleil Nkcln of I.ove. i sllort tlmo ngo a woman nicknamed Zenobln paid tho mayor many calls to havo him smooth out rough places in her love affairs. Sho wore a variety of necklaces nd bracelets and every tlmo sho entered tho offlco It sounded ns though tho chain gang had deserted tho stone pile. She was Id and faded and not even a trnco 01 former good looks could bo detected through a heavy coating of rougo and white. Officers wcro standing between her nnd her loved ono and persisted lu keeping them apart, so Zenobla said. 'Just becauso we'vo lost our marriage llccnso they nro trying to teparato us, ho explained to tho mayor. "I know why they bother us. They ro In lovo with mo and they aro trying to get mo away from my darling, but I'll balllo them. .No copper can ever win mo away from him." During tho past few weeks nearly ono half ot tho mayor's callers havo been dls cinles of Sherlock Holmes who come to consult tho mnyor. In private concerning Pat Crowe. These ferrets approach tho prlvato olllco of tho mayor with cat-llko step nnd exact secrecy before they unbosom somo new lead they navo struck In tho Cudaby kidnaping cuse. Snake-cyo rings which nro guaranteed to locate a criminal anywhero In tho world rabbits' feet which have uever failed their owners nnd buckeyes which wero gathered In tho dark "f tho moon In September of 01 have been exhibited to tho mayor, Wizards ot all shades have sought n com mission to trnce Crowo Into tho uttermost parts of tho earth. Ono sago had n dream which told him that tho cluslvo Pat Is on a steamer bound for Madagascar. Another has located him in old Jersusnlem und n thlnl man was told by a moving tnblo that tho Cudahy kidnaper will bo standing at a certain spot In London when Queen lc torla's funeral cortego passes through tho streets. BILL CODY AND THE OUEEN Nebraiki Scout Reveali Wild Wt Phiu of American Life. BUFFALO BILL'S TREASURED SOUVENIR I.nte Itnler of HiikIiiiiiI lliirlimitril viltli DiinIiIiik IWiuhIi Itldem and Tjplenl Aim r In I nen 111 Ut lillilted by Colonel Coilj. (ll'At.Vr FIlATL'ltr.S OF I.IFH. Fred A. Carey of Cleveland had been long n martyr to rheumatism. Ho was limping homo tho other evening when two men sud denly ordered him to stand nnd deliver. On the spur of the moment Carey ran llko scared rabbit, and hns not since felt twlugo ot his old enemy. ALWAYS HELPS. ALMOST ALWA5 HEUS. J. A. Lnmbert of Hnchcl, N. C, writes: "I heartily endorse Foley's Kidney Curo. It does what you claim It wlll do, and there Is nothing ciunl to It, and I thank you for the good It has done me. Accept no sub stitute. For salo by Mycrs-Dlllou Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. Store Ito'itierli'n nt Vatican. NEW YOUK. Jan. W.-A special to the Herald from Vienna says: News has reached Vienna from the vntlcan Hint fresh robberies havo been discovered thero which havo caused tho pope very much jialn. very much so nt. this time .1 number df nrt treasures of grout vulua havo been nude nwny with Tho papal police carries mi Its fnvestlgatlons without uny help from tho Italian pullce nud U keeping the iiui dent secret. MimoUK llleet Ciulililu. MIIAVAl'KKi:. Jan. M.-Oeorgo IV Oub blno of Chicago was today elected president of the llricklayers' uud Mucous' Interna tional tnilon of America at the session of that body, Tor flvo hours each day Mayor Moorcs listens to the woes of humanity. Ho keeps open houso every day. Ho Is un officer of tho Associated Charities, a policeman and a commissioner ot tho poor nil In one per sou. And In addition to hearing the physical ailments of mankind, tho mayor patiently listens to budding political as plratlous. "Tho man with tho hoc" is not In It with tho man who would hnndjq a city shovel becauso of his largo personal following In a certain precinct. "Work" Is tho watch word 01 a motley crowd which gathers dally In tho mayor's reception room. Ono must think tho city nn easy taskmaster nfter seeing tho hordes that spurn any labo which Is not paid for out of tho city treasury. Loyalty to tho city Is tho ono character Istlc of tho laborers who haunt tho city hnll. They will not work on anything but tho street gang. They nto nnxlous to hav tho city kept m tlrBt clnss condition and will not hlro to tho railroad oven nt hlghe wuges than the city pays. Theso men nro budding Colonel Warlngs and long for the whltu wings made so popular by the great sanitarian. A man who had tho earmarks of tho crowd which Is always looking for work and is uneasy lest It be found npproached tho mayor a fow days ago with a generous assortment of stock complaints. "My wife's been sick for threo weeks and ain't ablo to bo out of bed yet," ho began. "I'm very sorry to hear that, but the levy for this year has not been made nnd wo can't employ men ami reorganize the street gangs until wo know how much money we aro to haw," the mnyor explained. "And then ono of my little boys Is sick and Jennie Just got vaccinated and I'm afraid Bhe's goln' to bo sick," continued the man. "They've got smallpox In my part of town nnd 1 wouldn't bo surprised If wo all got It." "Tho situation Is grave, but I can't offer you uny work until tho council takes somo nctlon." Tho mayor moved toward tho door of his prlvato office In tho hopo that the fellow would tako tho hint and move out. Hut ho had not exhausted all his ammunition. Ho had a bomb which he had ressrved for an emergency. "Hut I'm from the Sixth ward!" ho added In a very dramatic tone. "From the Sixth ward and out of work!" tho mayor exclaimed. "Well you're a curiosity. Shake hands, oM man. I didn't suppose there was n man In tho Sixth ward who hadn t somo sort of n city Job." Then tho mayor begun to ennumerate the city's employes who hall from the Sixth ward, but the task was too arduous and he gave It up. .Viiiiiexnl.en Are Numerous, Dewey and Sampson havo no rnoro namo sal;es than Mnyor Moorcs. Children of nil ages and colors are coached so they answer to tho namo of Frankle nnd brought to tho city hull for exhibition. It Ib a strnngo coincidence that Franklo Is almost Invaria bly In need of now shoes or Is wearing trousers which nro unlit for the uso of a unmesako of tho city's 'chief executive. Somo of theso precocious children v oro born on the very day when tho mayor was Ilrst elected to his present office. Others, who ure too large to muster In this class, wero named whllo tho mayor was district court clerk. Their parents realized that Frank K. Moores hnd a great political fu ture and the names ot their children art Ocorge Seymour of Depcrc, Wis., hns a somewhat curious Idea of what a good Joke Is. Not long ago ho put a buggy on the Northwestern rnllrond track "Just for fun' he said. A freight train mado toothpicks out of tho buggy, nnd then George was ar rested. Ho Is now doing sixty days In tho workhouse, nnd Is understood to ho ro modeling his conception of humor. Japanese business methods aro In the les Important places of a very go-as-you-please description. At Nagasaki the other day a foreigner, oalllng nt tho branch of ono of tho chief shipping companies, found tho whole plnco deserted. It appeared that, th day being fine, tho manager nnd staff hail gono out on n mushroom hunting cxpedl tlon. Mushroom hunting Is a pursuit that appeals to every true Japanese. John J. Munro of Wllkesbarre, Pa., Is I tho county Jail there, u hopeless prisoner. sentenced to pay his wifo $22.00 n month nnd not having n cent In tho work Ho has been thero six months, Muuro, who Is an old man, married a young woman but soon left her becauso of fnmly trouble Sho sued him and was awarded $22.30 month. Ho could not pay, having spent nil his money lu defending tho suit, and now he seems doomed to die In J nil. A curious Idea has Just been put In op erntlon In Berlin. Arrangements havo bee mado whereby parents of tho poorer classes In tho city nnd country may tern porarlly exchango tholr children, In orde that tho city children may learn something of country 11 fo and profit physically by tholr outings, whllo tho country children may securo tho liberal education whlc town life affords. Thus far tho scheme has worked smoothly. An nctor and his wifo had a funny expe rler.ee recently in Toronto. They were playing n pleco In which tho wifo enacted the part of n woman dentist, nnd ono even ing tho husband received a note nsklng him to call nt n certain house. He did so the next day, and was greeted by tho old man and his wife, tho latter of whom snld to him: "Mo nnd my mato fell In love with your missus Inst night, Sho was so gentlo with you when you was a slttln' In the dentist chair. I'm gettln' on, now, and nil my teeth Is n gettln' loose, nnd my mato wants mo to go to tho dentist shop nnd 'nve 'era pulled, hut I knows ns 'ow they 'urts. and I want to know If you nnd your missus will como around 'ere nnd 'nvo tea with us. 'nvn n llttlo slngln' and enloy ourselves, and your mlpsus beforo sho leaves klndlv pull out n few of these old stumps, ns I know she'll bo as kind and gentle as she was to you?" I,n (irlppe luleUly Cured. "In the winter of 1633 and IRflD I wns taken down with n severe attack of what Is cnlled La Grippe" says F. L. Ilewctt. n prcmlrcnt druggist of Wlnfleld, III. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Cbamlcl Iain's Cough Ilcmedy. It broko up tho cold nnd stopped tho roughing like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grlpne " Chamberlain's Cough nem rdy can always bo depended upon to break up n sovere cold nnd ward off any threat ened nttack of pneumonia, it 3 pleasant to lake, too, which makes It tho most dcslrabb and one of tho most popular preparations In uso for these aliments, For sale by all druggists, A. Nebraskan It was who gavo to Queen Victoria tho only glimpse sho over had of that phase ot American life which existed In such nhuudanco during much ot her rclgu nnd marked the transformation ot primeval wastes Into n domain excelling her own That sho enjoyed tho revelation Is nttestcd by tho presenco In that No brnskan's homo of n dainty medallion show ing the sovereign's venerated face lu a sot ting of brilliant Jewels n gift from her own band. It wns on a Juno day In 1SST. less thnn a week prior to" tho celebration of her golden Jubilee, that Knglnnd's foremost woman wns handed from her carrlngq to a umptuously furnished box In a great nm- hltheater nt Earl's Court, London, nnd there, for twe hours, was tho guest of Colonel William F. Cody Nebraska's Huffalo 11111" and tho Wild West show. Outside tho gates thousands of her devoted subjects hnd gathered upon henrlug of her approach, and thero wero stalwart soldiers nd Btlll moro stalwart policemen keeping tho thoroughfares open and turning dent car to tho Importuning of a dozen eager reporters. 11111" MeOine 11 1 Ml the Queen. On guard nt the entrance was 1)111 Mc- Cuno of Omnha, master of grounds for tho bow, and within wcro Mnjor John M. Hurko nd Frank Richmond. Tho latter, ns offl lal announcer, was accustomed to shouting so lustily that ho might bo heard over tho entire premises, but on this particular oftcrnoou ho used tho 10ft pedal In his vocal Izlng, ns the queen and the womnn In nt tendnnco upon her' constituted tho entire audience, occupying alono a building that would havo accommodated 20,000 people. Mr. Richmond stood nt tho sldo ot tho roynl box with uncovered head Hnd, never falling to prenx "your mnjesty," formnlly Introduced each number ns hu signaled for Its release Into tho nrenn. Tho performance wan almost Identical with thoso given In this country beforo nnd since, but it wns all new and n revelation to tho nuecn, who attempted no concenl incut of her Interest nnd plcnsure. When tho American nud llrltlsh Hags wero dipped beforo tho box, with Colonel Cody stnndlng with uncovered head between them, tho queen quickly threw back tho heavy veil she was wearing and acknowledged tho salute with a bow that was as graceful as It was gracious, and when tho bronchos wero Jolting their riders tho liveliest, her mnj esty smiled somowhnt apprehensively, but with evident amusement, nnd remarked Such mounts would senrccly do for tho rhaso: tho hounds would bo quite forgot ten, I fear." Interview h n l'miinic. After tho performance, nt her own ro quest, a llttlo pappooso that hnd figured In ono of tho Indian scenes was brought to her box und sho entertained htm In a way that tho benighted little beggar did not seem nt nil to npprcclate, albeit sho was gentle. Hut tltcro wns n gcncrnl Hushing and deliberate effort at evasion when sho asked tho youngster's name, for neither of tho gcutlcmen present had ever heard any other appellation applied to him than "Seven-Up" which they surmised might grate a llttlo harshly on her mnj esty s ears nnd perhaps mystify her. Richmond afterward remarked: "Wo could 'n-told tho prluco eaBy enough, but not tho queen." On leaving the box tho queen had her carriago driven directly to Colonel Cody's tent, nnd thero thanked him personally. I had bton n pleasure to her, sho said, an ono that sho would not soon forget. Nor did she. In 1W1, upou tho show's second visit to England, sho had tho wholo per formanco repeated on tho Windsor lawn for tho entertainment of a largo party, ami It was on this occasion that sho presented to tho colonel tho diumond brooch thn Is, with tho shell bridle given him by tho prince, still among the Cody family treas urcs. HtifTill-i II 1 1 I'd Trlliute. II. H. Hake, who was with Colonel Cody last, wecK when they received tho first now of tho queen'B fulling condition, reports unit mo om scout was quite moved nn said: "No man could over see that woman without Instinctively feeling that she wns moro than queen nf England." Tlio venerable sovereign was, howovor, no moro friendly to tho Americans nn their unique enterprise than wns ho wh has slnco become King Kdtvnrd VII, un was n mucn less frequent visitor. Fo King IMwaril nnd a hundred of tho nobility 11 specini periormance was given tho dav lie foro tho show's advertised HPrisnn mum rwl and they entered Into tho American "spirit ho uiorougniy tuac 0110 ufternoon a few weens inter nnother such performance Kix-n, mm wns time tho gentry "swapped" habiliments wlih tho plnlnsmcn nnu, wniio tho latter sat In the amnhithra tcr applauding, rodo desperately after tho elusive uiiiiaus that mndo tho mock nttne on tho slngo coach, firing blank rnrtrl,li.o with royalty's true prodigality nnd poor nlm. The ptlnco did not participate, but uiu iirinccss rouo on thn scat of tho stago, wuu itch ,iainews, mo driver, nnd l.itn spent 11 half hour In Annie Oakley's ten imiwiiK iui uio itecn llttlo crack shot nuoui mo ruio nnu how Mm imagined th woum icci in n real atttack. Ileforo sho ion sua gnvo .miss Oakley a small photo fcimm uu'i iiuiugrapu. It was after theso merry occasions, stultl ui-u jr no iuuo iormaiity, that Colone viiuy emeriaineu mem nil in tho show reguinr cook tent nt a typical American dinner of tho plnjnsmen's dny. aud brought about thoso other unique events that created such general comment nt the tlmo nnd which are still remembered with bih h plensuro by tho participants, there and hero. Savo doctors' tills by giving Foley's Hcnoy and Tnr to Infants nnd children In tlmo to prevent pneumonia ar croup, which nro fatal to so many thouuands of babies For salo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co . Omaha Dillon's drug store, South Omnha. Three Children Cremated. KANSAS CITY. Jan 2fi -The threo elid drei, of S. U. MeC'aity. Janitor at ,1 down town office building, were -remated e irlv tedny In n flro that detrove, their lirn.. In an eastern cuburb of the eitv Th-v were Edith, nir.'d is year.; Melius,,, 1 1, .,,i Kenneth. 10. The pn-eiits coupled n 1 n on tho lowrr tlnor nnd were v.viluned tn find the entire building In il im ll escape for tho children, who sleut ibo'v WHS rut, off They were sulfnetiti d lii their beds and their bodies burned almost beyond recognition. AImIiiiiiiii IlimU (ioNen, MONTUoMmtY. Ala ,In. ! -Tho Jo. slnh Murrls bank, or of the ..'dent nrlv i'o b , killf lllHtitntln.iH 1,1 thr Pt.ile ( .,., ,ig d. .i this iimming 'flu ats. tg n j. hllh.i are not :ikh i CHAP UliUUUKii) FAO-fiLMUJl. To Preserve, Purify, and Beautify the Skin, Hands, and Hair Clothing Equals YSOAN TI MILLIONS of WOMEN Use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted 1V1 by Coticura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving;, purifying-, and beautifying- the skin, for cleansing- the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and healing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, for too free or offen sive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No-amount of persuasion can in duce those who have once used these great skin curatives to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserv ing, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, vi:., TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Comploto External and Intornal Troatmont for Evory Humor. . ConnUtlng of OuTicuiu Boap (Mc.i, to clcuino tho ekln of cruiU nnd sif'SinillMft nr.ili'a nnd aoftcn thn thickened cuticlo; CUTlcUUA Ointmfnt (Mc). 1 1 1 1 iietl 1 S 1 10 lii'lunlly nll.iy Itchini;, InllnmniHtton.nml Irritation, nnd iiotli and t I BLhJ M A heal, mid (Juticmu llsioi.vr.ST (Wo ), to cool and cleanm the blood. HisotB HiT lanftrn rulllcleot tocure the most torturing, dlaflinirltitf, TUC CCT tl Oh nnd liiimlllntlnKxkln, icalp.auil hlood humors, with lots of halr,when Ink Okli 4IJ nil cUo fulls. Hold throughout tho world. MUNYON'S KIDNEY E When Prof. Munyon Bays his Klilnry Cnre Is n specific for nearly every form of Kidney dlbeaso ho does not overstate the cans In tho least. It has won for Itself a placo among tho nlmost Infallible remedies It will not cure Brlght's Disease In the nrt vanced stages. It will not do the Imtinssl ble, but It will curo overy phase of Kidney complaint, oven thu Incipient stages ot Urlght'R Disease. Fifty-six other cures. All druggists, loo Vial. Guido to Health Is free. Medical ad vlca frco write to Broadway and 6th St., Now York, OUR BROWN'S Bronchial Troches alvo mol salutary rcllof In Dronchltla, Sold in Boxes cr.iij. Aioiit Imitation. 3iC eiZ.SJ.u ?" 'TefT htk'natureof WINTER TOURIST RATES Onmini Tours to Florida, Key nllniilnl Uc8'- Cuba- Hwrautln, Old wruuml Mexico, tho Mediterranean iind Orient. Urjlf Hates f 01 tlio round trio to lid.il many rolnts touth on sals A"'SX first and third Tuesday each month. Dolno To 1101 SnrlDR' Arl'. tb XaCLLVJU fulnou,, Winter Hesort of America, on salo every day lu tho year. Ticket now on salo to nil tho wintor re torts of tho south, Rood returning until Juno 1st, Viol. Kor rates, drsrrlntlvo mat ter and pnmphlots and all other In'ormmlon call at O. i St. Louis Ticket oillce, 1115 1 'a main Ht , (I'axtau Hotel Uulldlnc ) or wrlto Harry E. Moores, C V. d T. A., Omaha, Neb. Gladstone Uros., Agents, Omnha. Beauty for Yon "MY PACK la my lortune. sir,'' she said. Wo know, you know, till know, tho Impor tance of lie.iulv The wiudf world bows to a lovely wuiniin, while it turn: iiwny from homely on.. a clear skin ran be cultl . -"Vj ntid nnil the prettiest GtfZf&l fare ortiiiilly crnws moro Jm- rhnrniliiH when Its owner ?-&Sr-ytl follows tin- directions liven mi every pacitaco 01 rintln-Hkln ('renin. Tho lnstrucllor.H nro plain, common sense; tho rrenm Is rreamy, milky vi'Ke tublu essences Knthered from sweet llowers, heal Iiik herbs and beautifying lmlHiuns. Hellof from rriult (eilltPK. toll, frppk- plmples. rhnliiiK, every skin Hure. t)iillnir rintln-Hkln Crfutn. The twin companion of Cream Is Hiilln-hkln Powder. etrn tine, very adhe sive, whollv lumnlchH The i-ho of those two nt tied a will do more to make life pleasant for fie nvn age woman than any- 1- ., ........ ci, ,.. nr.. ItllOK I 'lie , 10 .Mlillf-fmill ' I' Miii. lei, windbtirn, affection Ib trli.le Tl.i li. tin Bntin Hkln l'"W tcr, S re Uruft iJepnrtment Mc Superior to Aplnl, Tansy, I'ctinrroyai r..r fctctl, Suro Relief of Pain and Irrogulurl- ties Peculiar to tho Sox. Aplollne Cipiulci for threo months coat $1, Dmeclit or P. O. Pnr jv-v Yor!:.