TTTTC OMATTA DATLT BEE: STX DAT, JAyrAHY 27, 1001. IDNEY TROUBLES mm OF all seasons of the year tins is the worst for the kidneys. It is from now on for three or four months that those with weak kidneys are sufferers from these complaints. It is at this time, after a cold, the grip, or changes in the system as the spring approaches, that kidney troubles manifest themselves. It is now that the old time victims realize more than ever from their sufferings what it is to be afflicted with this dangerous and painful trouble. Words cannot picture the distressing appeals of the man or woman to receive relief from the pangs of any kidney trouble. Those who have this disease, or who have an intuition that they are threatened, should take immediate action to stop its ravages before too late in the one case, and to cure up and make the kidneys well in the other, thereby preventing it. Kill the Severe Attack of Kidney Trouble. germ and vou wiI1 navc no more kidney troubles. Kidney troubles are curable, and kidney troubles can be stopped. Forewarned is forearmed. There are thousands of persons today who have had kidney disorders and who are just as well as any one who has never had kidney trouble. Do not despair. Cramer's Kidney Remedy has cured thousands as completely as if they had never had it, Whether you are threatened or whether you now are sick, get this harmless vegetable compound. Under its wonderful influence you will not only ward off an attack, but obtain a cure. If your urine is high colored, if you have sediment in it after standing; any pains in the back or across the loins, feverish, indigestion, sleeplessness, the chances are you have or soon will be added to kidney victims. The quickest and best thing to do is to get Cramer's speedy and safe cure. It will act upon the whole system, upon the mucous lining of the kidneys, destroy the germ, build you up and restore your vitality. At this time care should be taken to keep up the tone of the system. Those who lead a natural, wholesome life, shunning all indulgences and excesses that disturb the functions, will more readily obtain a cure, Oh My Bactl A Few Indorsements from Former Great Sufferers of Kidney Troubles : READ WHAT An Old Soldier .Sn About CriimiT'N Kidney mill l.lvrr Cure .Not a MiikIi I'iiIii Mncr Omtthu, July 1(5, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO.. Albany, N. Y. Gentlemen: I have been iitlllcteil for tho past live yenrs with kidney trouble and tried every remeily that could lie found, with no per manent relief. My ease wuh gutting Kcrlmi" I could get no sleep, wus tcstlcss and nervous. My strength wan leaving mc and I had no desire to work I felt bad all the time In fact wan ho discouraged to think there waH no relief for mo" what ever I did and I had not faith In medicines; seeing many good testimonials from Omaha pooplo about Cramer's Kidney Cure, I called on one and naked what ho tl.ougut . lie told mo that It wan tho bent medicine in the world, nud advised inn to try It. I bought a bottle, and after taking about onc liulf of It I begun to feci better ami stronger and after taking four bot tles I am today a well man, and I cannot say too strnns words for this wonderful medicine, and should I over again bo a sufferer from kidney trouble, I wouldn't bo with out It If I had to pay $d0 n hottlo for It. J. C. OI1KKN. G. P. BROWN, .Milk ninn, -Kill nml Fowler .Streets Mr. Ilroun Unit De livered .Milk to Mnny Omnliii People for the l'lmt 10 Yenrn mid Wn Cured lly Critmer'a Kidney Cure. Omli. Dec. 9, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO.. Albany. N. Y. "I received your sample bottle of Cramer's Kidney Cure, which you kindly sent mc. It helped me very much and I have taken two bottles since. Ilelng out In nil kinds of weather I contracted a cold which Fettled In my back. It was Impos sible for mo to properly attend to my work, and I had to employ a man to do my work. I was told by ono of my customers what Cra mer's Kidney Curo had dono for him, and wrote for tho sample. Today I can attend to my duties and feel ten years younger. I cer tainly can't praiso your remedy enough. C. P. BROWN. MOSES STURMAN SERGEANT BEBOUT Kz-Uepnty Sheriff of DoukIiik County for -ft Yenra u Itenl dent of Oiiinliit. Omaha, Oct. 16, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. I have been a great sufferer for over tlftecn years, from lame back. I have tried various remedies for relief, but got none. My doctor told me I nail rheumatism of the bowels, unci could give me no relief. When I would wake mornings I would be obliged to sit up In bed to get my breath. In stooping I would have to get support to get up. Seeing your Cramer Kidney Cure advertised I made up my mind It was Just what 1 needed, and I bought a bottle. I com menced to feel stronger and Im proved every way. 1 took five bot tles In all, and nm now cured of kldneynffectlon of long standing. I cheerfully recommend It to those who are thus mulcted. MOSES STURMAN. TellH of the (ireat llesultn Given by Crniner'a Kidney Cure. Omaha, Dec. 18. 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. " was unable to get nny relief from physicians who have contin ually been treating mo for kidney trouble. They gave me (ill kinds of nauseating medicines, that would not agree with my stomach. I be gan to get worse nervous, and my sleep was Impaired, In fact my wholo system was shattered. I tried many different remedies but found no permanent relief. One of my brother officers suggested to mo to try Cramer's Kidney Cure, which I did. After taking threo bottles, I nm today feeling better thnn I ever did, and am u cured man from kid ney disease. My stomach Is In bet ter condition and my sleep Is natur al. Thanks to that wonderful rem edy. 1 can recommend It to nil persons that are troubled the way 1 was. SERGEANT BEI10UT. DAVID O'BRIEN, .Manufacturer of Cnmly Adds n Few Word of l'rnlse. Omnha, Juno 10, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. Gentlemen: Your remedy for kidney trouble, with which I suf fered for several years, gave mo such relief that I felt In duty bound to address you this letter to say that I qo not think there Is n med lclno today that equals it for com plaints of tho kidneys. My caso was a bad one, with severe pains at times. In fact, I had so much dis tress that I was often compelled to lay awake nights. Seeing your rem edy advertised extensively I was Induced to try It. After the use of a few bottles I am again In per fect health and huve to thank your wonderful remedy for It. I shall recommend It to all my friends having this dire trouble. Respect fully yours, DAVID O' RRIEN. H. F. PETRIE, Tln Well ICnovrn House Mov er of Otiinlin Nnyn He would .Not Tnkc $7.00 n llottle for It, Omaha, Nov. 12, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. I believe that Cramer's Kidney Cure wilt never fall to effect a cure. If I could not get It for less I would willingly pay $7.00 a bottlo for It. Some tlmo ugo tho doctors told mo that my kidneys were In a very bad condition and gave mo medicine, but Instead of getting better I got worse. My Bleep wns Impaired. I wus told by a friend who hud used Cramer's Kidney Curo that It cured him. I bought a bottlo nml was delighted to no tlco tho effect. Hellcf enmo at once and I llrmly bcllevo thnt of nil tho medicine I have taken nono did bo much good as Crnmcr's Kidney Cure. II. T. I'ETRIE, Houso Mover. 2Sth nnd Webster Streets. MR. GEORGE HYDE, Another Old Veteran of he Lute War Ilny It Affected m. Permanent Cure for 111m. Omaha, Dec, II, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. During the war I contracted n. severo caso of kidney trouble and upon my return homo I employed some of tho best doctors In tho country, but failed to get anything but tempornry relief. Ono year ago, I began taking tho Cramer's Kid ney Remedy, nnd beforo taking ono bottlo I wns satlsllcd I was getting better. After taking six bottles I was cured and havo never had a return of my trouble. Am a well man, nnd feci nt least '.'0 years younger. You nro nt liberty to publish this statement, as I" am anxious to bring your medicine to tho attention of nil old soldiers whom I know are affected with kidney trouble. GEORGE HYDE. 181C Chicago St., Omaha. Convincing Proof Cramer's Kidney Curo Is endorsed by the Medlcnl Profession because the Cramer Chemical Co. nover refuses to give their formula to any physician. Read what theso doctors have to Bay nbout Cramer's Kidney Cure: ALUANY, N. Y., July 21, 1900. I tako pleasuro in testifying that I havo used Cramer's Kidney and Liver Curo in my practice. I find It gives most gratifying results. It Is safo nnd effects permanent cures. In bladder dimcultles it takes hold nnd brings about a speedy cure quickly. JAMES 13. KENNAH, M. D. Albany. N. Y., August 3, 1900. In all my practlco of medicine I never saw anything to equal Cramer's Kidney nnd Liver Curo in nil diseases of kidneys nnd bladder. I havo used It constantly for theso disorders nnd know of nothing that gives better results. Besides It docs not seem to disturb digestion, as most remedies given for theso diseases. WM. P. HRIERLEY, M. D. THE UNFORTUNATE VICTIM OF Q R I P TOLD OF HIS GRAVEST DANGER. BUT few pooplo realize the weakening consequences of The Grip virus or its once they become its victim. Nothing is worse than its after effects today who are or who have boon afflicted with Grip, thousands are still suffering never get over some trouble it has loft them with. Heroin is where lies tho fear influenza, tho entire nervous system of tho individual is so reduced that, unless almost invariably occur in tho seat of the vital organs, even so far as to eventu monia too frequently follows an attack of tho Grip? Oftentimes it is the in attacks of Grip is the serious consequences so often entailed to the kidneys from Grip as tho delicato kidneys and urinary organs. Now that a great of kidney disorders, and perhaps ruined for life unless they look after their organs that tho Grip patient experiences such a depressed condition without ened feeling. At this timo tho nervous system is away below par on account of cause of all, however, can bo traced directly to tho blood being impure and filled or inactive kidneys. Grip never attacks anyone who keeps the kidneys, liver and p (Sr direful effects upon tho mucous membrane of tho wholo system, unti1 thoro is where tho danger lies. Of tho hundreds of thousands in this country from tho baneful influence, and again there are thousands of others who may and the physician's dread, The system once debilitated by tho poison of thiB careful nursing and proper treatment is taken, tho most damaging conditions ally entail life itself if not promptly checked. "Who docs not know tliat pnou digestive or some other organs that suffer. However, the gravest danger of all and liver. No organs in tho entire body are so susceptible to become diseased epidemic of Grip spreads over the country, thousands will be left with all kinds kidneys. It is mainly owing to its attacks upon tho mucuous linings of theso seemingly for months after apparent recovery being able to throw off this weak Grip germs traveling .through it, is another factor of this goneral dobility. Tho with acid, and the entire rtystem generally run down through tho already affected blood in good condition, and the stomach and digestive organs in good working ordor. Nothing can do this better than tho use of Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. It tones up the system. It drives the germ poison effectually out of the blood. It renovates tho wholo system. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and if you will take this scientifically tried remedy at this dangerous season you can prevent tho grip, or if you should happen to become its unfortunate victim it will bo the surest means of bringing about the quicker your ultimate recovery, warding off absolutely Grip's gravest danger, kidney troubles. Add to Cramer's Cure good hygienic rules in living, keep up your vitality as much as possible by care, and with Cramer's Remedy thoro is no reason why you should not at all times enjoy tho best of health. IJo careful of taking cold and exposure in unseasonable weather. Please observe these Jew simple rules when taking Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure, as it facilitates greatly putting you in proper condition. Besides being the greatest of all known cures for Grip and Kidney Troubles, nothing equals Cramer's in all Bladder and Urinary complaints, liver, indigestion and blood disorders. As a general restorer in all kinds of debility, it is wonderful in its action and results. Testimonials from Some Bad Cases of Grip that Cramer's Has Cured Banker Cured of Grip. Omaha, Nov. 11. 1X. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO.. Albany, N. Y. W O. Shane, paying teller of tho Omaha National Rank, says: "I had nu iittack of the lirlp; I was a very nick man; 1 was fearful of kidney complications. After trying many remedies I was persuaded to try Cramer's Kidney nml Liver Cure. Its effects wero very gratify ing; I am now nt work again and feel as strong und well ns over. I tako ureat pleasuro In giving It my personal endorsement nnd recom mend It to friends nnd others In danger of or having tho Grip. Acid in the Blood. Omaha, Juno 3, lJOO. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. .Mr. J. L. Elgin. S10 S. 30th street, says ho was nil out of order from diseased kidneys; could not work; suffered at times much pain; drend ed Ilrlght's disease; blood was bad, much acid In It; was advised to try Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. After two mouths was entirely cured Huve had no return of the symploms nnd that was four months ngo. Grip! Grip!! Grip!!! Omaha, Aug. 14, 1W. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO.. Albnnv. N. Y. In spenklng of Grip, Chas. Kessler of 1707 Leavenworth street, u well known resident "f Omaha used tho words "drip. Grin. Grip" thut tcr ?lhlo sickness. vns all run down; nched In all my limbs; feverish nnd '.ould not work; wns getting worse; nothing seemed to do mo good; when Hiimeonn recommended to mo Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. After the use of ono bottle great Improvement took plnce nnd after Ilvo bottles was strong and hearty again. 1 bellevo If It hnd not been for tins cure l would be still sick nnd perhnps havo moro dangerous complications. Kidney Trouble Eradicated Kidneys Affected by Grip. Indorses Cramer's for Grip. Omnha. Dec. 22, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany. N. Y. Kor mnny years I had a terrible time with my kldncvs and liver. No digestion; could not work and was miserable; was going to chnngo rllmnte: everything I tried seemed to do me no good. A friend mi ssed tno to try Cramer's Kidney Itemedy. Without mueh faith I bought a bottle; saw a little Im provement; continued to take It until 1 recovered completely. In Justice to you and In gratitude for what It has dono for me I glvo you this indorsement Respectfully yours, Al. Gordon, Expressman's Delivery Co. Omaha, Dec. 2, 19"). CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. After n bad Grip nttack last winter Mr Ed. Ileyden, tho leading blcyclo donler of Omaha, says his kidneys becamo affected; blood wns out of order; nervous system distressed; circulation bad; mnny tonics tried had no action; took Cramer's; kid neys soon began to work; no moro pain or weakness in the back: pick ed up rapidly; now In good bodily health. Any ono who would like to know moro nbout Cramer's Kidney and Liver Curo are referred to this Omaha man. Omaha, Jan. 2, 1901. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO.. i Albany, N. Y. Gentlemen I havo Just recovered from a bad attack of Grip through tho use of your wonderful remedy. My caso was serious; my tempera ture high; my kidneys failed to act; I was so sick ns to be routined to my bed for a week. Seeing your remedy advertised nnd learning of people who had used It saying It was good I Invested In a bottle. Its results wero wonderful. After a few bottles I nm as well us over. I glvo you this testimonial hoping It may bo tho means of others tak ing it nnd getting well Very truly yours. Henry Koewler, city talesman Omaha Packing Co. Free Snmples for All Kidney Sufferers. In order that those who wish can seo for themselves tho truth of tho ns tertlon that Cramer's Is the greatest kldnev remedv In Hie world todiiv If thev will send their nddress to the Cramer Chemical Co .Albany. N Y They will l.e sent absolutely free of cost a sample bottle. If you cannot get Cramer's Kidney Curo from your druggist, scud Jt.on to tho Western Agent Cramer chemical Company. "Omaha. ' who will send you a bottlo by express prepaid. Insist on having Cramer's Kidney Cure. Take no substitute CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N Y GREATEST OF ALL Relieved of His Grip. Omaha, Dec. 1, 1900. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. John O'Ncll. 2070 Hrlstol St., Oma ha, says about Crarturr'H Remedy: Helng exposed a good deal In all kinds of weather I took a very bad cold; neglect brought on the Grip; had to glvo up work and was a very sick man; I was very much worried about myself; nrfthlug I took did mo nny good. Seeing Cramer's Kid ney nnd Liver Curo ndvortlsed for Grip I tried n bottlo. It did me so much good that I continued with the remedy until I obtained a com plete curo. I endorso It as being tho llnest medicine. I ever used. -Ib- CRAMER'S KM Free Samples for All Grip Cases. Whether you now hnvo the Grin or urn trvlm in you have a cold and aro In danger of this disease get u bottlo of Cramers iro send send vou tho Crn- on having Cramer's Kidney Curo. Tako no substitute CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany, N. Y. "in yum -uuiKKiai 11 ne noes not nnvo iramcr a Kluney und Liver Ci ii io tno western Agent Cramer Chemical Co.. Omaha." who will i a tiouio ny express prepaid. For a samplo bottlo send your nddress to mer Chemical Co. Alhanv. N' V . nml it uiii hn mmi vnn rr.. nt ., a bottle If you cannot Ret Cramer's Kidney Cure from your druRRist, send $1.00 to the "Western Apent Cramer Chemical Company, Omaha," who will send vou tic by express, prepaid. Insist on haviitR Cramer's Kidney Cure. Take no substitute. Send for free sample. CRAMER CHEMICAL COMPANY, Albany, N. Y,