.Iitnuiiry H7, 11)01. Till': ILLUSTltATIil) 151013. Where Iowa Troops Fought at Vicksburg After n long period of parley and pro llmlimry surveys the roal task lias now bo gun of restoring to the Vicksburg hills their martial adornments of butteries ami breast works, worn during tlie city's Investment. The commissioners liavo signed the Willi of tho 111 deeds necessary to convey the 1.231 ncres Intended for the great national park. Surveyors are now laying out the long scull-circular roadway marking the Inner lint! of the confederate works, and with Its completion the whole reserve will he easily accessible. At this time ninny of tho spots where deeds were done are fenced In and culti vated, or, on the union side, lie on isolated summits not to he reached liy ordinary en deavor. The confederates, having the llrst choice, placed their Hue along n continuous range of hills surrounding Vicksburg In a half circle. Por some distance of the nine miles an outer parallel range olfcrod a crest for the federal line, an Ideal position for opposing forces. l'"or tho rest, however, tho union men planted their guns on such elevations as happened to occur In tho south half of tho formation. It was tho government's purpose to sccur CEMKT12UY AT the i rests of tho hills and whatever locality In the great ravine between had wintered sorties or assaults. To do this the national commission, Lieutenant (ieneral Stephen I). Lee of Mississippi, Captain William T. Klgby of Iowa and Captain James (i. Everest of Illinois, were empowered to appraise nnd condemn property whenever ordinary nego tiations failed. The commissioners are much gratified with the outcome, as no ex treme measures were necessary. I I I ii - of Mce Opci-nt Iiiiin. When tho park is llnally complete, a mat ter of years, depending upon the liberality of congress, it will possess a unique dis tinctive feature not nsplied to by the other great reserves at (iettysburg, Chlckn inauga, Shlloh and Antletam. The park will give a picture of siege operations -urli as look place nowhere else during the war. Itichmoud was also a beleaguered city, but tho Investment was at no time complete, while at Vicksburg theio was no chance to withdraw. Kvery gun or Its like In mako and pattern will be restored to Its mooring in that bloody half-circle. Kvery earthwork and roadway will stand again as In May, 1803. It will be tho living panorama of one of the greatest sieges of modern warfare. Whether the large squad of men now at work clearing away brush and laying out the inner roadway will continue at their tr.sk during the winter depends upon the action of the present congress. Assistant I 'ark Knglneer (1. ('. Ilnyden has mado the complete surveys necessary for the manual labor, but will be unable to keep his men nt work more than a few weeks longer under the present appropriations. The original bill carried with It $t",noo, an additional $8.1,000 being sot aside by the last congress. These sums were adequate only for the preliminary work. While nn additional appropriation this winter is virtually assured the commissioners have some uneasiness icsi uie pans may uu ,,!.. I'll IIW'I' IILMI1IV 111 lll IIIII'I-V III II H HI I The commissioners nave been greatly as aifin in iiu.ir wiii-K nv ii ii i"i?n I I nils nil illl'eu iy nit) ii'Kisiui 111 e u .Mtiarmi-iiu- i 11... i i .. i . . .. ni. 1 1 r Ilhodo Island, Ohio. Iowa and Mis tlons held by their state troops. Theso co operative commissions have usually con tallied one member from each slat'' reglnu n' engaged who nre able to put thel'' fingers on the desired spots from a personal know I edgo of tho same. Tho Iowa commissioners have completed their Inspection of ihe Vicksburg surround lugs within tho Inst month. They have bei u ablo to locato the positions occupied by tho Twenty-eighth Iowa Infantry regiment tho two cavalry regiments and tho two bat teries of artillery engaged In tho slogo Although tho Iowa commission has not nnnouneed Its plans Its Informnl preference Is for ono monument for onch of tho thirty two regimenta onsaged located nt their re- speetlve posts and one more pretention memorial, whleh the state's generosity li.it. made possible, to sigiiult.c the achlee nients of all the Invvnns In the action. The larger monument will either he along the line of tjiilnliy's division of Hnotnorw brigade this point Is directly east of tlu' city, where Iowa regiments were central ized or In the position of C'arr's division of Luvvlor's brigade. io( Itleli In Historic lntci-ct. hauler's brigade was located In a less accessible spot, but one rich In historic In terest. Over tin' old east and west triuk up the "railroad redoubt," the union troops made the only assault of the siege whhh succeeded III Ineakllig the confederate lllii It Is a curious coincidence that the com mand of Captain Itlgby of the pail; com mission was engaged In this vicinity while directly opposed to him on the confederate lino was the force of Lieutenant (icncral Stephen 1). l.ee of Mississippi, who Is now co-operating witli hint on (lie samo board In the restoration of the site. Tho Massachusetts commissioners havo also visited Viiksliurg ami have ascertained MUM PHIS, Tcnn, the important hut In., loitnpkuuus posi tion of their troops Mu.is,u liuse its had no place in the investment line, as Us regi ments had been assembled elsewhere by Ciraut to prevent any Interruption from the outside. They faced away from Ihe city, the Hue extending from llnyncs' blult on the north to the railroad crossing on the llig Illack river on the south. This territory could not bo Included In the park, and after consideration the Massachusetts commis sioners decided to erect a single monument In honor of their three Infantry regiments In tho action, the site to bo at Grant's headquarter:, live miles northwest of tho city. 'I hey havo 115.000 nt their disposal for tho purpose. In all similar cases to Massachusetts, where there were no troops actually In the investmen Hue, the commissioners will seek to induce tho states to erect their memorials at tho commanding general's quarters. Tho othor states which tho com missioners rely upon most confidently for co-operativ action are, first of all, Illinois, which led In point of numbers, with fifty two foot, ten horso regiments nnd fifteen artillery batteries engnged; Ohio, with twenty-six fcot,- ono horse regiment and eleven batteries; Indiana, with twenty four foot, two horso regiments and two lint- KAILUOMl MAY : ItKDOl HT 12 1M13. PHO.M NOItTII OP Liimimvrj LirTKi?i hoisp, NHAit vit Ksiii in; " ON JACKSON UOAD. AT lerles; Missouri, with fifteen foot, three horso regiments and seven batteries, and Wisconsin, with fifteen fool regiments, olio horso icgliueiit al'd three battel icb. Tho eastern states will also make a showirg, although It was the great uoiihwcsi which boiu the brunt before Vicksburg. Several of thu tlulcs named will havo icprcscnl ullvca at the ucM meeting ot the park com mission In April. The .Mississippi board will certainly be picsctil al thai time. According to the plans of tho park en gineering corps, the not ih entrance to tho park Is Iwo miles above Vicksburg, opposite tho great triumphal arch ol the national lemotery, probably the mosl striking and ptcltirctsquo ut national reserves. The ac companying view, showing the crests of the lulls purchased, opens as one rem lies the eeniciery gate. The gorge is worthy of a place among the Colorado i anions. Tho parallel ranges extend in an uiibiokeli lino for iwo and one-hull mllis wosiw.ud i he inner bell then turning directly boiub Ihe only Interruptions In all the nine unlet, are al Glass' ami Stout's Imjous, uhowiiii. tho Ideal position lor defense held by tlu southern forces. Old slilrlej lluiiNf. All of the historic upots will be given dm prominence, and the couimissloiicrs already havo several ot the none important in hand They are now awaiting ihe appiov.il of the War department before restoring to its lortner btiiuiichnoss the old Shirley house, belter known In federal ollleial reports an "the white house," bemuse Its color made of It a shilling mark. The dwelling was within the federal Hues for a time and again stood directly between the con tending forces, so that 11 was badly shal lot cil by solid shot and Is now m an ad vanced stage of decay. To reach other biich points ol Interest as this numerous brum lies will radiate fium the main avenue within tho confederate works. All the roads tised during tho siege will be lestured ami the total mileage within the park limits will aggregate twenty-six ami six-tenths. As a peaceful climax to the contentious scenes about the hills uuu comes upon the graves of lii,73ti union soldiers overlooking Lako Centennial. Mosl of llieiii mado their last light, around Vicksburg, ami the bodies of only 1,0 10, less than a fourth, wero identified. The small while tablets stud Hut steep hillside to the summit. The peak Is crowned by tho remnant of tho llraut I'embertou moiiiimeiii rescued from relic hunters al the scene of thu surrender and brought under tho eye of tho siiperlmeude it. Thu stone Is chipped and scarred until 11 hears the aipearanco of having gone through the siege. Krom Die monument the view extends for tulles along the heavily wooded shore of tho Mississippi, with Lake Centennial, a mammoth horseshoe, In the foreground. It Is the finest prospect in the valley. So precipitous Is thu hillside that of the sixty-live acres In the tract twenty-live have been lost in the terraces. The landscape gardening has been uf the best, and the hillslilti hem s semblance to an heroic am - iv. ,-XXZ -rx.. ItAILHOAIl SHOW IN(! THK SLOI'IC I I' W SlilKLPY IIOUSP, t ' 1 known to i'i:iu:it ls s Tin: wiiitp. 1'OINT OP UUNKKAL LOOAN'S ATTACK phltheater, the marble slabs act lug as sub stltutes fo living auditors. The superintendent of the eeineter.v liai recently lompleted n catalogue of Un known det d. Hitherto no slate has known Its repre.ieutallon, as through some error the hoilles were Interred as they arrived, promiscuously, with no regard for tegt- meut. The known dead nre from each state In LOOKINU NOUT11 AMI KAST KKO.M as follows Illinois, ST'i, Ohio, e.3.r, In diana, I IS, Iowa, :t'.i7, regular army, -'.'I. Missouri, 2F.2, Kentucky, 71, Michigan. CI. Mississippi Marine brigade, t;.; New York. ID; Minnesota, 31); Tennessee, 10; Virginia. 22; Kansas, Hi, l'ennsyl vnala, Hi; New llaiupshiie, II; Massachusetts, 8; Louisiana, ; Khodo Island, Ii; Now Jersey, 3; Maine, 2; Vermont, 1. ,tl -in ili Ih Itiirlnl I'liice l) 'i'liiitl.'il, Tho great burial place of I lie rank ami file near Memphis, Tcnn., has been rather over looked In the lev I veil interest taken by Craud Army posts in tin- national cemetery tttcrves. Theie 11,012 light lug men lie burled, scarcely a commissioned olllcer among them all, the name of only a major heading the list. II Is, perhap.i, on Ihlsac ccunl thai while funds have been set aside lor state monuments at Vieksburg, Chlcku mauga and elsewhere no nioie pretentious memorial than tho small tablets set by the government Is found at Memphis. The re servo appears exactly ;ih II was laid out b oritur of congress Ihlrty-threo years ago. Hut the sht'do of no man resting there Hffl Mlf'll Till: IOW A TIlOOI'S ( II MtliKu 1 would feel shame I t ihe .pot whlih hold Its substance The gioutids seem In con slant readiness tor u du of Inspection. iIioukIi even unotlh-tnl guests are rare, aa tho reserve lien ten tulles from tho ;!; Tho ceinetery's ioh adornments are n scor. of captured ronfenlcrnto cannon, east In Iron In tho old fashion. Superintendent Mitchell Ih conscious thai the gtouuds have n bare appearance In spite of their fitting Idea l Ion In a brake of cv press, mourning symbol of the older Itoiuans. "Tlieto are t.ltm men of Illinois littitc.i heie," he said, "and l.onn from forty seven Iowa tegtmelils Their bodies were gathered nil along ihe east bank of the MIsMh-slppI fiom I'ailuctih. K'v., to Helena, Ark. Then 'In re are rani from New York, Ohl.i and Mis sour!, with other sections i epresetil lug everv statu in the union. Pvcli'thc spaisely set tled (ertltory of Nebraska was given a plot with eight giaves. In the Vicksburg teserve the H'., (Mm bodies were burled ItidlKcilinl nalely as they came, but heie euro was taken to give each stale Its own space Ii would lie easy, therefore, for any stale to slKualt.e the service of Its sous, nnd, while Hi) position picvctits mo fiom taking the initiative, I would go to any length to assist In such a movement." Superintendent Mitchell was himself one of tho sluidlest and mosl untiring of those who iilisweieil Lincoln's 111 Ht cull. Piom tho 11 1 Ht shot of the war Mr. Mitchell solved the Plisl and Third New .lot soy until o.i I'oItT HILL. NKU irKKlll ltd IMiO, when Hie need u.e. nvir lie miiis.d none of the gicat Sbeiialidoah valley ell gagelueiils and was wound, d at (icttyHhtlig and Williamsburg. i'or a iiunilier of years Mr. Mitchell was in chuigc of the battleground cemetery al Washington and was transferied to Mem phis tour years ago. Ills lodge at the come tery is sei iii a rich foliage of oleander, evergreens and lOnglisli Ivy. Iliirdy roses and astois ale blooming in piolusion about the place al Chrlsimas lime. Theie Is a I'luinlilleld crew of grandchildren, even to the twins. In add human Interest, but In spite of tills lively presence the lodge loses none of Us picturesque charm. IIIHi'I'lii'MN til' Old IIii.vn I.iihIiiu Stlim. Tint cemetery, while still a lonely spot, lias come Into more distinction with the countryside as a point of interest since a common enemy confronted tho north nnd south. While Memphis' still bears no llow ers to the cemetery on Decoration day, directing Its elfoils rather to the erection of a monument to (Ieneral Forrest, tho oily feids a hi 1 1-1 1 more kindly Interest in the federal dead. One seldom hears now, In tho common manner before tho Spanish war, the contemptuous reference to the cemetery as "a graveyard for niggers and mules." The term was unco applied ho cnuso of the presence of the negro victims of tho Port Pillow massacre. Tho bitter ness of tho old days Is losing Its sting, and now when the lodgekeeper ami Ills "crew" run down tho colors at sunset It Is to usher out an almost Invariable company of guests Little attention has been drawn to the Memphis cemetery ami It Is not appreciated that only four outrank It In number of dead of nil the eighty three government re serves. There are moie graves tit Arling ton, Prederlcksbtirg, Vli ksburg ami Nash ville, though the inherence is not Important. At Arlington, with Its hundreds of famous names Inscribed on splendid tnoinorlals, there tiro only l,.'ll!i unknown bodies among the dead, and the headpieces over 11.011 graves bear tho names of the bodies there Interred. The dead at Memphis, gathered as they lay on a score of battlefields along tho river, were Identified hut one in three. Only fi, l.'.ii tabids hear the soldiers' names above the regimental numbers, tho Hat iuIhs having reference simply to tho bat tleground being far In the majority. SU'c th metery's establishment In 1M17 bodies of federal soldiers havo been auiiiii n il ami a few laken awav. Hnmnvnls il'i' Infrequent however, for I ho families Hid friends concerned feel that every sorv- be and distinction Will be pa hi their lean wniio the government stands, and that i hey muv well rest where they be in good '""'Paliy WILL II. WKLSIIANS,