THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1001. KELLEY, STICER & CO. Last Saturday of our Great Discount Clearance Sale Store open Saturday night until 0:30. er Cent On all our lllaclc and Colored v-f Discount Dress Goods. OO er e11 n n our women's, men's, misses, children' Discount and boys' Cashmere and Cotton Hosiery. )C Per Cent On our entire stock of women's, men's, misses Discount children's and boys' Underwear, Union Suits, l'ants and Vests. Per Cent On our entire stock of "V Discount JUbbons., 5 i syf Per Cent On our entire stock of Blankets and V Discount Flannels. Per Cent On our entire stock of women's, misses' and Discount children's Hoots and Shoes. A Per Cent On all our ladies' Silk and Flannel Discount Waists. cr Cent On our entire stock of ladies, misses' and Discount children's Jackets, Coif Capes and ladies' Man-tailored Suits. 1 1 Per Cent On our entire stock of Furs, Near Seat --3 Discount Capes, Astrakhan Capes, Collarettes and Muffs. KELLEY, STIGER & CO., Mf&! COMES TO AN INQUIRY (Continued from First Pbrc.) Crincey 1). r.. Tnompm, Melklejohn. Crnurme- Iliirlan, C nrrie. Currli1 Van lumen, Crounse. KdKiir 1, U. 'riioniimmi, Currlo. Kvitim-llnlmT, Mi'lkluiolin. Kowlcr I). :. ThompBon. Mcllclejohn. I' rk'ilrlcli -IIIiulinw. Ourrle. UnliuKiy Kinkfilil. Mciklujohn. Ciiiwiip -Klnkiild, MelklrJolin. Hull I). K. Tlioinn-"" llosnwnter. Hiir'iin L). 10. Tiionit.i,,'1 Ourrle. llutliorn Currlo, Mm ipsi. 1 tarrlH Thompson, IMirrlc. lllljlii'rt-Thompson, Milklcjollli. Morton Klnkuic, .MrlKleJohll. ..... Humphrey-1) K Thompson. Melklejohn. Johnson-O. U. Thompson, Hosownter. Jojvi'tiat-Illiisn.iw, Mulklejolin. l.MUn IJ. Ii. Tliomnwjn, Currlo. l.uiie I). H. ThonipMon, Currle. I.owe- H. U. Thompson. Melklejohn. MiirnhnU -IlliiMliiiw. Currle. Vnrtlti-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n w ('routine. McCn ntnr !. K. Thompson. Currlo. McCarthy lllnshnw, Melklejohn. McCoy- Mnrtln, Hosownter. Meiiil-I.. i2 Th'-'ituiso'i. UoBcwntcr. Mtmlenluill- lllnshnw, Currle. Mockelt I). U. fioinpsou, Melklejohn. Mullen- Currl", Itosewuter. Mlskell Tliompson, Koaowatcr. Newell- Miil lln, Ourrle. OYson of ("umltiK Melklejohn. Itosrwater. Olson of I'helpn--!). 13. Thompson, Mulkle- 0O'lNelll--r. K. Thompson. Ilnsc witter. Owcih Hose wii tor, I'urrl". Hohwer -lllnshnw Croiinse. Hsinilnll -Thompson, Melklejohn. Hcott D. B. Thompson, Currle. Hhe'lhom-D. K. '1 homnson. CrounJe. Smllhhercer-llaliier, Alelklejohn. Hpencor- l. 14 I'll jiiiiihoii, Melklejohn. Hleele-llliishaw, Melklejohn. Hteiiimoyiir P. K. Thompson. Melklejohn. Hunnson-lllnshnw, Melklejohn. Tffft-P. K. Thompson, Hosownter. Tronipcn-I) K Thompson. Currle. Tueecl -I rinslinw, Melklejohn. I'hl D. U. Thompson, Hosownter. VntiHoaklrk-U. U. Thompson, Mclkle- '"wiirner D. K. Tho'nnson, Melklejohn. Wrnal Mnrtln. fMrrle. Whltmore limner, Melklejohn. Wllrox lllliHhnw, Hosewater. Wilkinson -Melklejohn, Currlo. Youiik Hcscwnter, Martin, Mr. Hpenker D. H. Thompson, Hosewater. Absent, HnldrlBo, rcpuhllciin; ritney, M rlonlst. SENATE'S DAY PROVES SHORT One SonoIimi Only mill Tlint Drviileil I.nruely to Itnutliii Work mil Sperelicn. LINCOLN. Jnn. 2.'.. (Special.) Tho mem hers of both houses of thu loijlslnture scored n victory ovei tho faction which would ml Joairn from Krlday until Monday today by votltiK t adopt tho report of n Joint com mittee recommendltiK that a hcbhIoii of both houses bo held tomorrow. There wan con siderable opposition to a Saturday session by members who desired to ro to their homes, nnd In tho senate even nftcr the rocommcndatlon of tho committee hail been adopted, a motion was mndo to rocouslder, but It was voted down and both houses will meet tomorrow. The buslncsH of the senate this morning was principally of n routine nuturo, with Lieutenant Oovornor Savage, Acting Prcsl- ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature f 'ft 5m Pc-Slmllo Wrapper Bcmw. T7 small a4 n CM(f totalis Kiiafu, FOR KEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COMSTIPATIOI. FOB SALLOW SKIN. FORTrlCCOMPLEXIOR CURE SIC HSADACHR. "Worth Its Weislit in Gold." IIOXHAN. I. T. DR. HAD WAY & CO.. New Vork-Oen-tlomem 1 send Inclosed M. O, for which you will I'leuae send me one dozen Rail way's Readv Relief nnd one dozen Had way's Fl'ls, Your Ready Rellof Is uonslrt ered horcubouts to, bo worth Its weight In r;old. This Is why I am Induced to handU t. I havo handled - Oil for some tlmo but I consider the R. R. R. far uuperlor ti this, ns It gives beter satisfaction J M Al.KXAN'DKR Railway's Readv Relief cuils Hcadach Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lum bago, pultm and wenknesi In thu buck, sulne or kidneys, pains around the liver pleurisy, swelling of tho Jolnu nnd pain of all Kinds, Tim application ot Railway s Ready Relief will afford Immediate cai und Its continued use for a few days of tects a permanent cure. Sold by druggists t BE SURE TO QET RADWAY'Q CARJEKS E PILLS. dent Stcclo and Senators Martin and Arcnds In tho chair at Intervals, All tho members answered at roll call except Senators' Daldrlgo and I'ltnoy, both of whom are absent on account of sickness. Upon being apprised of tho fact that tho house had appointed a committee of three to confer with n llko committee from tho Bunato for tho purpose of agreeing upon an adjournment, the chnlr named Owens of Dawson, Hansom of Douglas and Crounso of Washington, who soon returned and re ported that It hnd been agreed to hold a session tomorrow. Tho disposition of tho reports of stand Ing committees wherein a bill was reported back to tho senate with tho rccommenda tlou that It puss, brought out another ar gument today similar to ono had last week, at which tlmo tho chair ruled on tho nucs tlon. Tho question under discussion was what effect tho adoption by tho sen nto of a committee report recommending a bill for pasBago would havo upon thu bill Senator Hansom maintained that after such action there was no other courso to pur sue but to pass tho bill, whllo others, among them Senator Martin, wcro of tno opinion that such action by the senate hail no effect on tho bill, as It simply went to tho general lllo with or without motion to adopt. Tho chair had mado n ruling to this effect last week ond was still of the opinion that this was the proper courso to pursue. Senator McCnigar reported that two hills hnd been referred to his commltteo which ho thought should go to some other com mlttoc, which brought out n protest from Senator Oleson, who said that out of cour tPBy of tho chairmen of the committees affected, ho thought that they should bo consulted) In regard to the re-refcrrlng of bills Instead of bringing tho matter up In tho senate without having consulted tho chairman of the commltteo to whom ho desires tho bill referred, Senator Vnn Hosklrk took exception to tho manner In which tho scnato (lies wero printed. Ho thought tho printing was in fcrlor, several qualities of paper are used nnd the holes wcro punched so Irregularly that they nro of no uso In filing tho bills. Ho also took occasion to statn that tho printing company Is unreasonably slow and ho would llko to havo tho matter looked after. A number of new bills wore Introduced and a number camo up for second read ing, nftcr which they wero ordered printed nnd referred to their respective conv lutttees. Tho senato then went Into Joint con yentlon to cost its voto for senator, and upon its return after voting down a mo tlon to adjourn until Monday, took nn ad journment until 10 o'clock tomorrow, lttlln mi Klrnt Itciiillim. Following are tho bills Introduced today: R. F. 173. by Lyman To amend section 20, c'luintor xxvlll. Compiled Stntutes of Ne braska for IVJfl. Hclntlng to fees allowed county treasurers. S. V. 171, by Cumpbell-Kor the relief of Aiexnnaer u. liinir. turn to nuinorizo me governor of the stnte of Nebraska to con vey to said Alexander H. Jtlnlr the north west quarter of section 3, township HI, north of range 11, west of the sixth p. m. In iioyil county. Nebraska. I'non the list of selec tion Including snld tract being conllrmed to tho state of Nebraska, under tho school grunt net of the congress of tho United Stntes under date of Murch 3, 1S9J. (27 Stat utes. K5.) S. V. 173, by Llddell-To provide for the admission of crippled and illscnncd children Into tho Home for tho Friendless in tho statu of Nebraska. S. F. 170, by LlddellTo amend section Mua of tho Code of Civil Procedure of No braskn, and to repeal snld section SOltt, ns now exlsllnu. S. F. 177. by Mnrtln To repeal un net en titled, "An net lo prevent corrupt proetiees at elections, to provide u penalty for viola tlon of this act. being chapter xxlx of tho Session Laws of tho Stuto of Nebraska for 1S99. S. F. 178, by MIIIcr-Helntlng to the vncn- tlon of hlKhwiiys. nnd to amend section chapter IxxvlII, Compiled Statutes of the Year 1803. S. F. ITS, by Hansom I o amend chapter xxxlx, Complied Statutes of Nebraska for 1VJ9, concerning "Innkeepers." by adding thereto a new section giving to Innkeepers, hotelkecpers and boarding housekeepers a lien upon tho goods, baggage, property and effects of any peron, whether guest, lodger or bonrder, brouglit therein or left therein and providing n means of enforcing and foreclosing the snme. HOUSE FILLING UP ITS FILE Committees Send Mull) Cuiiillllon for Ilea d I n k Hills AloiiK to Third LINCOLN, Jnu. 25. (Special.) At tho morning session ot tho house tho follow Ing bills wero recommended for passago nnd placed on the general lllo: H. R. Bl, by Mend Mnklng It a crime to threaten to accuse any person of a crim i or offense, or to do Injury to the person o property or unotner wun ino inieni to ox tort inoiiej for pecuniary purposes, or to compel tho person threatened to do nn no against his will, and to provide punishment tor violation or tno not. II. R. HI, by Llchty-rrcscrlblng duties o tho clerk of tho supteme court In rospec to tno priming or court opinions. 11. R. 53, ny Fowler Relating to land sold for taxes and tho deeds thereto. 11. H. 75, b Spencer For tin- icllcf of a person owning real property having nn insanu husband or wife and to empower Hueh person to soil, mortgngo oi convey such property under power ot tho district co.irt. II. R. 73. by Jou vomit rrovldlng for a landlord's llm upon crops planted or sown on demised premises, nnd for tho foro elosuru of such lion anil u penalty for sell ing, removing or disposing of such crops during lllo existence of such lien. II. R. i, by Lane Providing for tho elec tion at largo of three county commissioner:; In counties having over CO.OOO and less than liS.oiK) population, designed to reduce tho required population upon which tho Lancaster County Hoard of Commissioners Is b.iscd II. H. 3.S. by Fuller Requiring tho de struction of weeds on public highways nt cost of abutting property owners. II. R. 19. by Misko'.l-Requlrlng tho de struction of cockleburB nnd taxing the cost to property owner when ho fulls or refuses lo destroy them himself. II. H. to. by Mlskell-Relatlng to enre of public roads In counties undor township or ganization. II, h. 7, by Ollls, Jr. Relating to road alterations. II. R. 61, by Brodcrlck-Hclutlng to the payment of road tnxes In counties under township orgnnlintlon. HIIU fin I'liint 1'nssiiKe. Two bills wero taken up for third read ing nnd ono of them House roll 29, by McCarthy was passed. It provides for ex tending tho exemption of certain nrtl:lcs of personal property to the family of tho deceased owner. The other measure Houso roll 42, by Murray was referred back to the commlteo on Judiciary. House roll 16, by Crockett, providing for tho construction of n wagon bridge over tho Niobrara river between Iioyd and Holt counties, wns Indefinitely postponed on rec ommendation of tho commltteo on roads and bridges. At noon tho house went Into Joint ses sion with the senate and at Its conclusion adjourned to 2:30 p. m. Derides nil nn Invent lnnloii. When tho houso reconvened this after noon nepresenlntlvo Wilkinson renewed tho resolution he hnd Introduced In the Jolut session, authorizing tho appointment of a committee to Investigate the charges of attempted bribery that had been made against senatorial candidates nnd Taylor of Custer county moved to amend by requir ing tho commltteo to report tho names of all members found to havo UBcd free trans portation furnished by any candidate. The amendment carried nnd on tho dotnnnd of Tnylor tho roll was called on tho resolu tion ns amended. Ucfore tho result wns announced Arm strong moved a cnll of .the houso and this request having received five seconds tho call wns ordered by tho spenkcr. It was later discovered that several members wero confined to their rooms by sickness nnd that two members had left the city on aft ernoon trains, and on motion of Mead tho call was raised Tho roll call was finished and the amended resolution carried by n voto of 77 to 0. Thoso voting no wcro Oretl, Hall, Hlbbert, Lafltn, Lowe and Zlmmercr. Representative McCarthy offered nn nmendment authorizing tho committee to Investigate all "ugly rumors" concerning attempts by candidates to Influence tho voto of members. Lnne of Lancaster moved to tnblo, nml McCnrthy nt once nroso nnd vigorously protested against tho pnssago of tho motion These charges, I say, are a reflection against tho Integrity of tho members of tho houso," said he, "and wo nre cowards If wo don't demand a complcto Investigation. Tho amendment carried on a vlvc voce voto nnd wns lncorpornted In tho original resolution, 'IV vt of (lie Resolution Following Is the resolution Introduced by Representative Wilkinson: Wheii'tiH. It Iwim bnpii mihllshrtl In cer tain nowsimnors utid Is belnir Industriously circulated that some of the cunlldatej for I lilted States senator lire il t'PlnlHI.lK to Inlluenco the voto on I'lilted States non.itor by the use of free railroad transportation, nnd, inasmuch as snld charges lire clthe" true, or arc being made for tho purpose of innuuneing voles; tnererorc. no it Kesolvei . That il committee or live PC an pointed by tho speaker to net with a llko committee from the senate to luvcstlg'ito such charges and report to tho two hoiucs mid that said committee havo power to stud for persons and papers. the. nmendment offered by McCnrtuy lol lows: Wherens. Many other ucly rumors nro afloat and said to be well founded, that certain candidates for I'nllel States sena tor am nttemptlnir to lnlluencs the vote or inemiiers ny means or promises oi rawuni nnd position, In violation of the corrupt nrnct ces act. I move to amend nv nil thorlzlng nnd directing said committee to Investigate, these chnrccs nlso In ord;r to avoid u scandal. In Coninilttrr of Hip Whole Tho houso then resolved Into commltteo of tho wholo nnd devoted Its nttentlon to tho consideration of bills until nftcr I o'clock. Houbo roll 106, by Shcllhorn, pro vldlng for Iisulng teachers' certificates to graduates of colleges nnd universities, was indefinitely postponed. House roll 117, by Fowler, providing for tho adoption of, con stltutlonal amondtnents receiving a majority of tho votes cast thereon, nnd houso roll 49, petitioning congress to submit nn nmend ment providing for tho election of United Stntes senators by direct voto of tho people, wero recommended for pnssago, Tho Iioubo adjourned to meet nt 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. IIHIn on First IlcndliiK. Tho following bills wcro Introduced nnd rend tho first tlmo; ' H. It. 251. by Ham Hon Amending sec tions 75 to KTi nnd 85a, chnptcr lxltl. entitled "Insurnnco Compnnles," ol the Statutes for 1M9. Hequlrcs mutual benellt associations to furnish members with bvlaws una all amendments, when mndo; authorizes the collection of extra assessments, table rntrs, and reiiiilres stipulated llfo premium asso ciations to compute premiums on cither tho voinninea experience or American aciu nrles" tables. II. R. "32. Iiv Connoe To amend section 14 chapter xlv, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for imi'.i. nun lo repeal tno sum section n us It now exists, lioquiros pennons ior mier mil improvements to no signed ny not less than throe-fourths of Iho resident freehold ers In precincts whero tnero are loss man sixty freeholders, and by titty where thero urn more than slxtv freeholders. il. it. Zjo. iv Humphrey 10 nrniiiou mo solicitation, taking or accepting ilny order for the purchase, sale, shipment or delivery of any malt, spirltous or vinous liquors In tho stuto of Nebraska nnd providing as neniiltv a lino of from $100 to $.po0. Does not prohibit traveling ugonts of licensed dealers rrom soliciting or accepting orders. II. R. 25-1, by Knveny To prevent gaming bv means of what Is commonly called a gamo of policy, nnd to provide u penalty for the violation inereor. i- ixes uuo ni irom to $100. II. n. 247. Iiv Harris To nmend section chapter xxn, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1K'J9, entitled "Dairymen s Association. Provides tlint board of managers may deter inlnn tlmo and place lor nnnual meeting oi Stato Dairymen's ussoelatlon. nnd repeals law Jlxlng such annual meeting for tuiru iiiosony in ueccmocr. II. It. 2III. bv Dnblstcn To locate ond es tabllsli thteo slate normal schools, ono each for the Third. Fifth and Sixth congresslonn districts, tho location to bo determined by tho Hoard or public i.nnds una milium total cost not to exceed $75.0f'J. H. H. 2VJ. by McCoy To nmend section 4 ehnnlor I. Statutes for lS'J'J. Requires bom for $l,i) to bo lllcd when appeal Is taken In saloon license eases. II. II. LW. bv ICavenv To prevent dlscrlml nation by llfo Insurnnco compnnles und mutual benel t nssoe utlons on account color and to prevent special contracts nm! discriminations between Individuals. Does not apply to secret fruternnl soclotlcs. Mm, I'nrtrr l'rnys for Divorce, COLUMRUS. Neb., Jan. 25. (Spcclnl.) Anna M. Carter has filed n petition in tin district court praying for a divorce from her husband. George M. Carter. She al leges gross neglect and cruelty as tho grounds for tho action. There Is one child a girl 2 years old, and this wns taken charge by the mother. Last Saturday she was In town with tho child, when It was spirited away by tho father. She filed n nllldnvlt In tho court atntlng that "by stealth nnd deceit" tho defendant hnd oh mined possession of tho child nnd sho fur thcr charged that ho was an unfit perso to bo entrusted with Its caro nnd ciibtody Judge (irimlson this morning made nn orde for tho defendant to produce the child court February 11. when tho mattor would bo heard nnd n person nnmpd as guardla for tho minor child until tho action for di vorco was disposed of. TciiiiikIci'n Ai-iii C'i llnlu-d DAKOTA CITY. Neb.. Jan. 25. (Spoclnl Frank Ilnlloy, n tenmstor employed by Hundley & Jewett In hauling building mate rlnl from this place to Wlnuebngo ngency for tho new school building In courso erection, while enroiito to the agency todn fell oft his load nnd tho wagon, with 5.S0O pounds of freight, pasted over his arm, breaking It In two places. liallcy's homo Is In Sloux City. I.lflt .St. I'iiiiPn lliiiirantlnc. ST. PAUL. Neb.. Jan. 2&. (Special.) The quarantine hcru has been lifted after two monihV exlitencr. Thore wcro twenty trdlJ cases but no deaths. For 11 Coin in "lie llcnd. LAXATJVE UUOMO QUININE TABLETS. COUNTY TREASURERS' FEES Bill to Restore Them Offered in the Nebraska Senate. LYMAN OF ADAMS IS ITS SPONSOR Object of the Proposed Legislation to OrTset u ItiillnK of the Court Tlint Is Snlil lo Work llnrd Milp I pon Olllclnts. LINCOLN. Jan. 23. (Spoclal.) Among tho new bills Introduced today was ono by Lyman of Adams, which fixes tho fees of county treasurers as follows: Moneys col lected for each year under JG.000, 10 per cent; over $6,000 nnd under $10,000, A per cnt; over $10,000, 2 per cont, Tho above pcrccntngo shall bo allowed on all moneys collected, provided, however, that on all township collections tho treasurer shall rccolvo his regular fees. In computing pcrccntngo nil sums from whatever fund derived, shnll bo Included together, except the school fund. A traveling fee ot 10 cents per mllo shall bo paid the trensuror for going to the sent of government for tho purpose of settling with the. Btato treas urer and returning therefrom, this amount to bo paid out of tho state treasury. The object of the bill Is to Increase, the salary, or fees, of those treasurers who hold office in counties where the fees do not amount to ns much as tho salnry allowed by law, which Is tho case In many of tho western nnd central counties of tho state, A rul Ing within the last few years deprived every county treasurer in Nebraska of tho sum of $280 in fees which was a hardship on some of tno smaller counties and this bill is to restore tho allowance of this sum to them by law. Tho only officials who would benefit by tho passago ot this act are those whose fees do not amount to ns much ns tho salary allowed. Itcpriili Corrupt I'rnetleen Act. Senator Martin Introduced a bill today which has for Its object the rcpoal of tho corrupt practices act. Tho senator main tnlns that this act Is so generally violated that In his opinion It should bo repealed, and for tho purpose of getting tho law off tho statute books ns quickly lis possible, an emergency clause is attached to tho bill. Vacation of II IkIi n u , A bill to nmend the rond law wns Intro duced by Miller of Iluffalo today, which provides that no highway in general uso by tho public may be vacated, whero ob jections against vacating tho same, signed by nt least twenty residents nnd property owners of tho county shall bo filed In tho olllcc of tho county clerk whero a petition to vacato such highway has been filed. MOPE STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS Lincoln I to Have Our and Two Other Will Hp In Western Aelirnskn. LINCOLN, Jan. 25. (Spcclnl Tclcgrnm.)- Tho houso commltteo on normal schools to night decided to recommend tho passage of n bill providing for tho construction of thrco stato normal schools, one to be In Lincoln nnd the two others In tho western part of tho state. Tho total cost Is estl mated nt $100,000. Tho bill contomplntes the purchnso of the old Western Normal college building for tho school that is to no established In this city. Tho location of tho other schools Is to be determined by tho Hoard of Public Lauds nnd Rulldlngs, Sti'Yvnrt-Colf llrror Cnsp. TRENTON, Neb., Jan. 25. (Special Tele gram.) Word has reached, hero that the supremo court has afllrmed the decision of the district court In tho Stownrt-Colo error case. Stewart was county clerk of thl county and hnd served nbout n month, when ho was impeached by tho commissioners upon a chorgo of neglect In office. Tho case was carried up nnd tho district Judgo decided tho commissioners wero Just in their decision, This mndo It necessary to nominate two clerks for tho raco this last election. It Is alleged that J. W, Cole, postmaster of Culbcrtson, removed tho ballots from tho vault, as ho wns Interested ns an nttorney In two quo warranto enses. Cole's caso is still in court, AVI 1 1 Hold Mini Airlillo. PLATTSMOUTII. Neb., Jnn. 25. (Spcclnl.) In Justice Archer's court this afternoon Oeorge Thomas, colored, was given n hear ing and bound over to tho district court In the sum of $500. Detective Mitchell o Omaha was present nnd testified against tho prisoner, who wns arrested in Omaha whllo attempting to dispose of an overcoat allege J to hnvo been stolen from a way car on the Missouri track in Weeping Water. McNciiKcr llnrloii Maria, TKCUMSKH. Neb., Jnn. 25. (Special.) Armed with the voto of tho Nebraska electoral collego Hon. W. It. Harton Inst evening left Tccumsh for Washington, D C., to prctent Ncurnska'u voto on prcsl dent nnd vlco president of the United State to the acting vlco president. Professor's Suit It l)linlscil. PONCA, Neb., Jan. 25. (Special.) Th suit instituted by Prof. Money ngalnst th cchool board ot Allen ror breach or con tract In discharging him has been dls missed In tho county court. An Excellent Combination. Thu pleasant mutlioil nnd bcnollcial effects of the well known remedy, Sviiur op Fiofl, manufuetured by tho California Fio Svr.ui Co., illustrnto the valuoof obtaining the liquid lnxa tivo principles of plants known to bo mcdieinnlly laxative and presenting them in tins form most refreshing to the tiisto and aecopttiblo to the system. It is tho one porleet litrengthonlng laxa tive, cleniisiiif,' tlio hystom eirectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling ono to overeouio habitual coiibtipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every olijeotionalilo quality nnd sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating tlicm, makes it the ideal laxative. InHlio process of manufacturing figs nro used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obttitncd from henna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Oai.ikoii.nia Fio Svhup Co. only. In order to fret its beneficial effe dsand to avoid imitations, pleaso remember the full name of thu Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCIECO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KT, NEW YOIIU, If. Y. For sale by till Druggists. Price Wo. per boUlO. CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. STOP AND THINK! Over 100,000 Grip Patients Cured by I'eruna Lust Winter. The Cultured and the Ignorant. Aristocrat and the Pauper, The Masses and the Classed are Alike Subject to La Grippe, None are Exempt All are Liable, Havo you pot tho grip 7 Or, rather, has thu grip got you7 Grip Is well named. Tho original French term, la grippe, has been shortened by the busy American to read "grip." Without Intending to do bo a now word has been coined that exnetly de scribes tho case. As It somo hideous giant witli awful Orlp has clutched us In Its fatal grasp. Men, women, children, wholo towns nnd cities uro caught In tho baneful grip ot a terrlblo monster. I'rriiou for firlp. MrB. Dr. C. D. Powell, President of Ep worth League, nlso President of Loyal Tom pcrnnco Legion, writes from Chchalls, Wash.: "I havo used several remedies in cases of Hovero colds nnd la grippe, but nono I consider of more valuo than Pcruna. I havo found It to give satisfaction In ensos of Indigestion, rompllcatons of liver nnd kidney troubles, and it Is ono of the llncst tonics I know of for .1 worn-out system. I nm clad to recommend Pcruna to my friends ns a reliable, snfo and successful specific." Mrs. IJr. C. I). Powell. After-HITeoU ot I,n (irlppe. Miss Umma Jourls, President fioldon Hod Sewing Circle, writes from 40 Hurling street, Chicago, 111., ns follows: "This spring I suffered severely from tho aftor-eltects of la grippe. As tho doctors did not Hcem to help 1110 I bought n bottlo of Pcruna. I had certainly no Idea that any medlclno could help nny ono ns that did. Uny by day I felt hotter, and In a llt tlo over two weeks I was ns strong nnd well ns ever. Wo keep It In tho homo con stantly, and If any ot tho family feels bndly a fow doses strengthens them." Miss Knimn Jourls, On the lit nml aril TiiOHilnyn of Feb ruary, Mnrch, April tlio .Mlimiurl l'n elllo ulll Hell Home-Seckcrx' tli'Uetx lit very low rule to Oklahoma, Kali ans, TriiiH, ele. TICICHT OI'1'M.'IJl H, IL Corner Fourteenth 11 nil IIoiikIiik, CURE YOURSELF ! I'm IHg il ti r unnatural dUrharnrtglnriiimiiiiitlnua, IrrlliitloiK or ulcerations i( mucniia nirmliriiiiFi, 1'anilrm. u ii' I nut aitrln- EvinSCHlUituCo. I'1'"' "r lirioiu. r'ill Uy urusglMi, or mit In plain vrnrror, ly rxirma, prnf.. Ior l op, ur S liiitllrt, t.'.7S. C'IrciiIrtr i nt . ,1 lo junt. Pennyroyal pslls ".V"''! II. -" I.,lr.. . Pvyji l" CniLIU VIKK-, r.Mil.lSU (f,tvivc "I - 1'.l.' L I,, 7T- v .. .v ,.w w, ........ UuUaUU?tfr AU41i bumrt. I'll I LA., IAl -It Spares no Class or Nationality ijpip m-Si? Pfh ff. II UP ft. imj t 'ir 1jiiXI" IQ Jf trsi. for Iart1f ulr. Trl.mi.1iii V V A &4 "IU!lr far I..1U,Mm Uirir hj r turn Mull. Hi.OHO TmiueuUn. tol4b; V tit LTD! (Ul . rillebtlterl lirulfol lln.. RELEASED BY PERUNA. : isfiiK 111 A tiin J!!u;hu i iwRNs '.MX m CoiiKrrNnmnii Ilownrd'a Letter. Fort Pnync. Aln. The Pcrnmi Medicine Co., Colum bus Ohio: Gentlemen "I hnvc taken Par nna now for two weeks and find I am very much relieved. I feel tlint my cure will be permanent. 1 have also taken it for la grippe and I take pleasure in recommending Per una ns an excellent remedy to all fellow sufferers." M. V. Howard, Member of Congress. I,n Grlppr l.rnvm tlir System In Ilrplorulilt' Com!!! Ion. D. L. Wallace, a charter member of tho International Harbor's Union, writes from 15 Western avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.: "Following n sever ntlack of la grlppo I flceinod to bo nffected badly nil over. I Buffered with a sovcro headache, Indigestion, numerous Ills, so that I could neither eat nor sleep, and 1 thought I would glvo up my work, which I could not afford to do. "Ono of my customers who was greatly helped by Pcruna advised mo to try It, and I procured n bottlo tho samo day. I UBCd it faithfully nnd felt n marked Improvement. During tho next two months I took five bot tles nnd then felt spleudld. Now my hend Is clear, my nerve are steady, I oujny food, und roit well. Pcruna has been worth n dollar ft doso to mo." 1). L. Wallace, (rip ('allien Dcuf iiokh. Mrs. M. A. Sharlck, chaplain 0. A. II. Woman's Itcllcf Corps, writes from Pro mont, Wash.: "When la grippo wan tho prevailing Ill ness In this western country I was not ono of tho few who escaped its terrlblo results, but after being laid up tho wholo winter 1 partially lost my hearing and had a very bad caso of catarrh ot ths head und throat. "I thought tlmo would restore my usual good health, but found I was wrong. I read somo testimonials of Perunn, tried It and wnH well prepuld, for not only was my hearing restored, but thcro Is no trace of catarrh. I cannot speak too well of Po runa.." Mrs. M. A. Sharlck, You spend half your lifetime In your office. Why stand the aggravation of dirt and cold of miserable elevator service bad light nud ventilation? There is no office building in the town kept like The Bee Building The beKt is none too good for you, and you will And it n good buHiness investment to take a half hour and look nt the three or four vacant rooms. We keep them filled. Why? C. Peters & Co., Bee Buildhi&f Rental Agents, Ground Fluor. Stricture CRANSOlVENT" jjiuarKoq ivithUkM. &na ST JAMliS ASSN, 62 now, only n llttlo coiiKh, Anti-Raw.! iiumi a iiiuo coiiiii lioii:i! or Anti- Kawf nml nn moru cougliln. j Congressman M. W, Howard J of Alabama Used 1'crtmu I fur l.a Grippe. Congressman Geo. of North Caroline l'liuls l'cruna an Excellent Hcincdy for La Grippe. Lit Grippe Cured In Un Klrnt StHnr. Lieutenant Clarlco Hunt of the Salt Lako City Ilarracks ot tho Salvation Army, writes from Ogden, Utah: "I nm very pleased with tho experience I had with Pcruna. Two months ago I was suffering with so severe a cold that I could hardly speak. My wholo body was nffectnl with what seemed llko catarrh of tho wholo system. "Our captain advised mo to Iry reruna, nnd procured a bottlo for me, and truly It worked wondors. Within two weeks I wa entirely well nnd had not used quite two bottles. I would not bo without Pcruna In enso of emergency, and I consider It a splendid, reliable remedy." Lieut. Clarlcu Hunt. CongrfMrann 'While's Letter. Tarboro, N, C, The Pcruna Medicine Co., Colum bus Ohio: (ientlemen "I am more than sat isfied with Pcruna and find it to be an excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh I have used it in my family and they all join me in recommend ing it as an excellent remedy." (Joe. II. White, Member of Congress. He ninlneil In l'eclile Henlth After Cured of I.n Grippe, Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasurer Indepen dent Ordor of Good Templars, ot Uvcrctt, Wash., writes: "After liming n severo attack of la grippe I continued In a feeblo condition even nftcr tho doctor cnlled mo cured. My blood seemed poisoned "I also suffered with dyspepsia, and hail either to stnrvo or suffer from what I was cnting. A ntlghbor who was using Pcruna praised it so highly that she Induced mo to try it, and I soon found this was whit I really needed, "I could noon cat my regular meals with relish, my system wns built up, my health returned, nnd I have remlned In excellent strength and vigor now for over a yoar." Mrs. T. W. Collins. Address Tho Poruna Medicine Co., of Co lumbus, O., for n freo book on cntarrh. Cured While Yoa Sleep, in 15 Days. J'twilTCAiitr.rturcj like noou benrntli it ton, nm.. ilotwlntf DnUnatuAl Uuiltalui.i in yirtt'CM Dtijt No rtri'iit to mill ibe tUAuxcM, but 1 i!lrwt unit iioMiiru niplii'Hlloti to Oil- entire Inwu. "finr. tj'jinuf It rot ai l"iuld. Il l HrriwrtHl In the form of Crnyoni or rcurlli, .mootl. nil t M's'.rtn." Every Alan Should Know Himself. T(ltr J oti: Ah.v, Kim HI I) ImpwuireUt pm -n Crr.llriiri'ini! u-, eitiuuMlte n.uitriiltM Tci'ttlUi un tu imxym U' I" ! (jkltui, til.h ill - nm tcwl Ui aur male applicant, prritil mml " - tirviijcinna? urn nnminxt liLAl ST. CINCINNATI, OHIO Dr. Kay's Lung Balm euros nvrry hind of couuli, la 1,'rippc, brnni'hUK t.oro throat, croup, whonplnit couuh etc. Never derank'estUoBtrjioucli. At DruiirlnU, 10 Lib.