THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FT? ID AY, .TA2sTA"RY 25, 1001. 5 DTSIDE COUNSEL REQUIRED Wnty Attorney and Hit Buff Neglect Publio Buiineia. COMMISSIONER HARTE'S PLAIN TALK Shields Too Iltisy ttHIi Ills Ottii Af fnlr to (tire Attention to the Interests of Hie Tin-pnjrern. REORGANIZATION IS SOUGHT Mm liiBnKPil lit HiiIIiIImk Trmlcs to Hold n .MrctlfiK Vnrlmift Plinsrs fO llo lIlKOIINIrili In retaining A. W. JefTorls to advlso them on legal points pcrtulnlug to tho pro posed franchise of tho Oranha & Fremont Klectrlo Hallway company tho county com missioners have again turned from their regular ami official source of legal Informa tion tho county attorney's office. Several monthit ngo tho commissioners. Instead of accepting tho scrvlco of County Attorney Shields and his three deputies, en gaged special counsel to defend tho hond cuso instituted against them by Farson Leach & Co. No explanation for that do parturn from official custom wns given and nono has been volunteered for retaining Mr. Jcfferls In tho railroad case. When tho two republican commissioners were asked yesterday why tho county funds wero being disbursed for extra serv ices whllo tho county has four lawyers uudcr salary who aro supposed to provldo such service, they throw tho responsibility upon the popocratlc majority of the board. Iliirte' I'lnlii TnlU. "There Is no reason why all of tho legal business of tho county should not bo con ducted by Mr. Shields and IiIb assistants," declared Commissioner llarto. "Mr. Shields gets a good salary and Is supposed to devoto all of his time, If necessary, to county business, but Just now ho Is giving his entire attention to litigation In which ho Is privately Interested, whllo tho county must retain special counsel to look nfter Its Interest. I will not sny that tho county attorney has refused to handlo such mat ters as tho Omaha and Fremont franchise and the Karson Leach suit, but these mat ters were given over to outsldo lawyers becauso thero has been an understanding among tho commissioners that tho county attorney and his deputies wero not dls nnar.t in plv, them nroncr nttentlon. It looks to mo as If tho deputy county attor neys regard their positions as sinecures. I ran't see what they do to earn tho $1,000 n year the county pays to each of them. I don't think tho county attorney nnd his three deputies have more than two eases a month to try. Four lawyer with only two eases a month to attend to have no right to complain of being overworked. Tho notion of tho popocratlc majority of our board In retaining special counsel In civil cases looks to mo llko an ndmlsslon that they aro un willing to trust Important legal work to tho county nttorncy and his deputies." Tuxiin'rn Petition. "Mr. Jcfferls wns retained," explained Mr. Ostrom. "becauso ten freeholders peti tioned for his employment In tho franchise case. Yes, tho board voted unanimously for his tngogemcnt, but tho votes of tho two republicans against It would not have been hiimclent to defeat tho proposition. "Why Is this work not turned over to the county attorney's olllco?" "I presume It Is becauso tho ten free holders who petitioned for tho employment of Mr. Jefforls nnd tho majority of tho board considered It wlso to get legal advlco nn this important mnttcr outsldo of the county attorney's office," answered tho com mlshloner. "Why?" he was asked. "Don't ask me," was the evasive reply. Chnlrman Connolly was asked why tho board had gono outsldo tho county nttor nev's oftlcn for legal scrvlco in connection with tho Fremont franchise. "Woll." said tho chairman, "this Is n very Importnnt rase and tho board thought It best to sreuro tho services of n lawyer who could clvo it his cxcluslvo attention for tho tlmo boliK." "Don't you think Mr. Shields or one his three deputies could give tho caso the proper attention?" "Not nt present," said Mr. Connolly, "You see, Judge Shields Is very busy Just now with his election contest case." "Is that considered county business?" "No. but It's something that Shields has to look after anyway." "Are tho deputy county attorneys so busy at this tlmo that thoy could not llnd tlmo to devoto to tho Fremont franchise?" "I don't know," admitted tho chairman of tho county board as ho escaped through tho door ami ended tho Interview nbruptly, Thero will bo a meeting nt Labor Temple tonight for tho purpose of reorganizing tho Mulldlng Trades council and represent atives of tho building trades will bo present to discuss ways and means of perpetuating tho organization, Tho Nnttonnt tlulldlng Trades council Is ft recent creation. It was formed by tho carpenters, bricklayers and painters a few years ago and later tho plumbers and ono or two other organizations were ndmlttcd. Thcso organizations attempted to so unite themselves that members of one building trades union would not work on Jobs where workmen not members of tho allied unions wero employed. This agreement precipi tated tho Chicago building trades strike which created much trouble in tho Windy City last year and which Is still declared effective by the council of that city. This strlko resulted n a call for funds from .all of the councils in tho country nnd Omaha was not behind In its contributions as long as Its funds held out. As a result of an agreement with the contractors of Chicago tho llrlcklaycrs union drew out of tho natlonnl council, car rying nil local unions out of tho local coun cil. An nttempt on tho part of the Omnhn council last year to forco tho carpenters to work on no woodwork not bearing tho label of tho Woodworkers' union caused tho local Carpenters' union to draw out of tho coun cil for a time. Th" contractors both In Omaha nnd all other cities havo opposed tho Building Trades council from Its Inception. Thu combined forco of tho employers and tho vain attempt to enforce rules which tho nmilated unions would not respect re sulted In tho prnr.tlcal annihilation of the local council. Tho attempt at reorganiza tion Is being mado by the officers chosen by the old council nt the beginning of tho year. There are ninny building trndes unions in the city numerically weak which depend upon tho four or five strong building trndes unions to carry their demand for Improved conditions, nnd Inst year tho coun cil, succeeded In securing ndvnnced wages for mnny of the trades which could have done nothing without Its assistance. Tho strikes nnd threats of strikes neces sary to securo theso results became tiro snmo to the members of tho stronger unions, who finally refused to stnnd for such policy. saying that they would no longer Imperil tho situations of 100 or more men that fifty or less could bo benefited. For this reason the prospect of a reorganization of the conn- It upon tho former lines Is not bright. Chapped hands, cracked Hps and rough ness of tho skin cured quickly by llanncr Salve, tho most healing ointment In tho wcrld. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's dmc store. South Omaha. Mrs. C. J. Mackus, 2575 Cuming street, Is minus her pocketbook containing, when she last saw It, $3.t.", as a result of the kindness sho wns attempting to bestow upon negro bootblack who called at her door about C o'clock Wednesday night. Tho boy asked for n woman whoso name was strango o Mrs. Mackus. . Ho Insisted that sho lived in that house. Not being nblo to recall such n person In tho neighborhood, Mrs. Maekua stepped across tho hnllwny to inquire of another resident of tho bouso If sho knew the per son nsked for. Whllo Mrs. Mackus' attcn Hon was thus withdrawn from tho lad at the door, she assorts that he picked up her pockotbook, which sho had left on tho hnll roe, and disappeared. Tho purso contained about $3.45 In cash. J. A. Lambert of Itachcl, N. C, writes "I heartily endorso Foloy's Kidney Cure, It does what you claim It will do, and thoro Is nothing equal to It, nnd I thank you for the good It has dono me. Accept no sub tltute. For salo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha: Dillon's drug storo. South Omaha. MAY BE0NE0FTHE KIDNAPERS TrlrKram Sn t'hiirlcy O'Connor Under Arrent In Huston. A dispatch from Huston says that Charles O'Connot, a noted crook, bus been urrestr thero on suspicion of being ono of tho Cud nhy kidnaper. A I'lnkorton detectlv picked him up In a dlvo nnd had him locked tip on a charge of vagrancy. It Is said that tho detective has applied for requisition papers and Is preparing to bring O'Connor back to Omaha. O'Connor Is well known to the Omnha po lice, having been mixed up In several shady transactions here. Chief Donahue, how over, denies that tho mnn Is "wanted" for tho Cm! ahy abduction. Ho says ho did not cause tho arrest nor hns he applied for a requisition. Are Yon (ioliiK I'nHtf It you aro looking for a comfortable trip aurrounded by most delightful scenery, In going to Now York, l'hlladolphln or sea shore points, you cannot do bettor than to take tho Lehigh Valloy railroad. BOSTON STORE REMNANT SALE ,,0,TOV nJln r,'OT,n"' only a house across track Dnntual Monej Saving Opportunities Await i the Shopper Today. 85C NEW CHALLIS AT 39C A YARD rw Ureas I'nbrles mill Slllt In Short l.cncthn I'rli'nl Plicnonicnnlly Loir Immense lliirKitlni In Itcnt nnnls on Snip In Ilnsonicnt. WOMAN LOSES POCKETBOOK Mrs. C. .1. MnoUns AriMincn Hoy of tile Theft. Colored "My heart was badly affected by an at tnck of grip and I suffered intciibo ngony until 1 begnn tnklng Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It made mo n well man." S. D. Holman Irasburg, Vt. He Sun to lleiiienilier that tho popular I'an-Amerlcnn Exposition Houto this summer will bo the Nickel Plato itoad. the shortest lino between Chlcngo and Intermediate points nnd lluffalo. No excess fare Is charged on any of Us Peer less Trio of fast express trains and Amcrl can club meals, ranging In prlco from 3'" cents to $1.00 aro served In all Its dining cars. Palatini through vcstluulcil sleeping cars, nnd modern day coaches with uni formed colored porters In nttendanco on tho wnnts of passengers. The nemo of comfort equipment found on the Nickel Plato Koad. Write, wire, 'phono or call on John Y. Calnhan, (leneral Agent, 111 Adams, street, Chicago, 111. AT IIOSTON STOKE, OMAHA. ItEMNANTS OF SILKS. Greatest bargains ever offered In rem nants of silks, all now, clean, desirable goods, $1.00 silks at 40c yard, Including taffetas, plain, checks and brocades, in lengths from 3 to 8 yards, TAc silks at 39c yard, exceptional values, long remnants. $l.r0 silks it COc yard, including peatt de sole, wldo black satin duchesse, heavy bro cades, 27-ln. wldo tnffeta, all colors, fancy trimming silks waist silks, etc. A new lot of remnants of silk, all Im ported novelties, go according to length of remnant nt 25c, 10c, 5c nnd 2c each. S5C CHALLIS, 39C YAHD. An Immense assortment of new, this sea son's challls, nil of them strictly all wool, Including many satln-strlped challls, light nnd dark grounds, polka dots, Hour de Us, Moral design, etc., go on ono bargain square nt 39c ynrd. In this lot wo Include til of our French flannel remnants, short and long lengths, that wo have been selling up to "Sc yard, on salu nt 39c ynrd. $1 AND $1X0 DIIESS (lOODS, 5C AND COC. The greatest bargain In dress goods rem nants thnt we have over offered. In order to elenr out every ynrd of remnnnts that have nccumulitcd during the past weeks, In black goods, plain brocades, brllllanttncs, extra wide storm serge, 14-yard wldo chev iots, black and bluo worsteds, for sklrtB, fancy novelty dress goods In black and col ors, many designs In Bilk and wool mix tures, your choice on bargain square at 25c and r.Oc yard DIIKSS GOODS ItEMNANTS, CC. IOC, 15C. Now lot of remnants of dress goods in lengths from H to ; ynrd, but many pieces to match, go at Be, 10c and lCc for entire piece. 25C DIMITIUS AT IOC YAItD. Flvo enpes of new dimities, Including em broidered dot dimities nnd other new wash fabrics, In all the light tints, with floral de signs, polka dots and other now patterns, In lengths from 2 to 0 yards, but many pieces to match, go on front bargain square at 10c yard. ItEMNANTS IN HASKMENT. 2,000 yards prlntE, sllkollncs, etc., In short remnants, lc ynrd. fi.000 sarr.plo pieces of blankets, worth 10c, nt 2c each. Drapery scrim, worth 23c, at 214c yard 10 case3 standard prints, In black nnd white, bluo nnd whit and fancy colors, worth 7',4c, at 3Vio ynrd. 714o unbleached muslin nt 114c ynrd. Dig lot of art denims, ticking and art sateen, worth up to 25c yard, go nt Co yard. 40-incn dotted drapery swlss, worth up to 2Sc, at 10c yard. 35-Inch French percalo, worth 18c, In long remnants, 10c ynrd. B.OOO yards new spring corded ginghams, worth 25c, nt 84c. Immcnso lo. India llnon, worth up to 25c, nt 10c yard. B.000 yards white goods, laco striped and open-work effect, worth 23c, nt 10c yard. Everett Classic and chambray gingham, worth 15c, at Glic. 5,000 yards mercerized sateen, worth 40c, at 15c yard. Illg lot dress ducks, worth 15c, at 64c yard. Itcmnnnts of all grades of table damask, In lengths from 14 to 3 yards, all go at a mere fraction of their real value. N. II. Our great January salo of linens nnd white goods now going on. IIOSTON STOKE. OMAHA, J. L. Ilrandels & Sons, Prop. .. I,. ItrniuleU A. Mini I'urehnae the IliitiUrnpt Mloek of I H. HEINHAKOT'S SONS & CO. AT 40C ON THE DOLLAR. CON3IST1NO OF BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND MEN'S AND HOYS' HATS. This entire stock will go on salo SATl'DAY. JANUARY" 26TH. Hern Is another instance where the Bos ton Store's reodv cash serves you to good ndvantngo. This splendid stock of boys' Ono suits, reefers and overcoats nnd men'3 and boys' hnts, will bo offered to tho public of Omaha for less than one-half of what theso same ccod were sold for In New York. H. Relnhnrdt's Sons & Co. (86th street nnd 3rd avenue) were noted for the excellency of the merchandise they sold. In securing this stock for the little money wo did we scored another triumph, the re sult of which will bo scon Saturday, the day of the salo. Wo earnestly ndvlso you not to miss this great opportunity. You know if wo buy goods nt this time of the year, when we aro clearing out winter goods, that they must havo been offered to tin very cheap, and when we buy cheap you buy cheap. Uy all means DON'T MISS THIS SALE. Watch tomorrow's pnpers for full par ticulars. ON SALE SATURDAY. JANUARY 26TH. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. J. L. Ilrandels & Sons, Prop. TO DISCUSS THAT FRANCHISE L'onimerrlnl Clnh Metnliern to Confer ivltli Count) Comnils-nlnner. Members of the Commercial club who arc Interested In ibe ngltatlon for suburban railway connections will havo an oppor tunity to express their views In regnrd to tho proposed Omnha & Fremont electric road franchise to tho counti commissioners. Tho commissioners havo decided to In vito tho members of tho Commercial club to meet with them In tho near future nnd discuss the terms of tho proposed fran chise. Tho special points upon which tho commissioners desire to get nn expression of sentiment from the club members per tain to the life of tho franchise nnd the remuneration that should be exacted by the county for tho rights granted. lint It HloeUed the Street Vnrn nnd Stnmpeileil the Pns weimern. There wns a house across the trnck. It was ono of those story-and-a-half cottages, modern except furnace, that rent for $20 a month, nnd wns In courso of transit from a point on Dodgo street to another slto out nenr Twenty-sixth nnd Harney streets, Drawn along nt spasmodic Jerks by means of a ropo twisted about a capstan, It reached the street car tracks on Farnnm at tho Intersection of Twenty-fourth street about 0 o'clock yesterday morning and there It stuck. Ono ensthound car drew up to the piazza nnd stopped. A fow minutes later n second arrived upon the scene, nnd finally a third. Thoy wore full of passengers In a hurry to get down town. There wns tho clerk, al ready late, and made still later by tho Queen Anne obstruction. A fat man Bcolded tho conductor nnd a nervous woman with n vnllso beside, her beenmo nlmost hyster ical ns she counted tho seconds that would clanso before her train left the depot. Thero wns another strnlft at the cable nnd tho pile of pengreen ugliness lunged forward so that tho motormnn of tho front enr could study the design of tho wall paper In tho kitchen. Then the rollers Jolted down Into tho rut made by n rail and tho obstruction seemed permanent. It was tho fat mnn who started tho stam pede. Followed by the clerk, the nervous woman nnd several score of others, ho left tho blockaded car nnd set out on foot for town, lending a inarching column nearly n block long. When they reached Twentieth street they had tho pleasure of seeing tho thrco cars pass them. Jvist Such Weather As this "Grip robbed mo or my sVeep and I was nearly craz with neuralgia and hcadnch. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills nnd Nervlno cured me." Mrs. Pearl Bush, Holland, Mich. Lotus Cream 10 Cents a Bottle It's for chapped hands, fnco, etc. It keeps them In line condition nnd you will be pleased after using It. Hu-Can Corn Cure 20o ltu-Can Ilulr Tonic 73c I'cruna 73c crnmer 8 Kidney cure 7fo Schnefer s Cough Cure 20c Lotus Crenin nc Puttie's Celery Compound 73o 1 dozen 2-graIn Quinine Capsules o 1 dozen 3-gruln Quinine Capsules VJc 1 dozen C-graln Quinine Capsules 15c rtromo Qulnlnn 5o Wine of Cnrdul 75c Ajax Tablets , 40o Palmo Tablets 40c Duffy's Matt Whiskey i-Zc Pierce's Prescription T.lo Ozomulslon 75c Coltsfoot Expectorant 73c Gem Catarrh Cure ,13c Blrncy's Crtarrh Cure 33c QPUICCCD CUTIRIGE ounweren druggist . W. Cor. Kith and Chicago St. Kl If e IniiiniiK'f iimmi t ii f Ilie Thriller. "Fads and Follies" Is turning nway people nt tho Trocadero at every performance. The performances are excellent, with Just enough spice to make them enjoyable. Tho last pcrformanco taken placo Saturday even ing, followed Sunday matlnco by "Miss Now York, Jr.," a dollghttul progeny of Greater. Now York. "A Poor Relation" will bo presented to Boyd theater patrons tonight and tomorrow afternoon nnd night by tho host company that ever essayed Its production, tho lead ing rolo of Noah Vale, onco so. attractive in tho linuils of Sol Smith Rustell, being borne by Mr. Frank Keennn, who has been por traying with gratifying success. Sunday night "Tho Girl from Mnxlm's" opens nt tho Boyd. 'Die Pojmlnr lliiffnlo Itonte this summer on account of tho 1901 Tan- Amcrlran Exposition will bo tho Nickel Plato Road. Countless thousands will visit this ono of tho greatest expositions of modern times. The Nickel Plato Rond will bo tho popular line. Tho excellcnco of Its service Is well recognized by tho traveling public, nnd tho reputation of its train employes in their uniform courtesy to passengers Is well known. Whon you go East soe that your tickets read via tho Nickel Plato Road. Write, wire, 'phono or call on John Y. Calnhan, Gcnoral Agent, 111 Adamas street, Chicago, III. LATEST THING IN Kodaks Have you seen the new model of Eastman's No. 4 Cartridge Kodak? This is the best iinished and most compact instrument on the market. List Price $25.00. Our Price $20.00. All other makes of kodaks and cameras nt specially reduced prices. The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 FnrimmStrcct. Exclusive dealers In photo supplies. Mrs. J. Benson NEXW Muslin Underwear Sale R50 uur now -Muslin underwear lor sprinir, is in. Wo do not believe the prices we quote throughout, this stock can he dup licated anywhere in Omaha for the thor oughly satisfactory garments we display. Our New Spring Embroideries are on Bale. Dainty Edges and Insertions for infants' wear- wide Judges and insertions tor wnue sums an at lower prices than any year before. Big Cut in Price of Fur Collarettes mid Scarfs. A real Marten Collarette, extra fine quality, with long tabs, M-orth $a0.00f for $17.80. Fiue quality of Electric Seal and Marten Collarettes, worth jWUco along the Columbia Kivcr by daylight . . . via Gnion pacific " Cbc Overland Route" on "Cbe Cbtcago-portland Special" for Oregon and JSortb pacific Coaorointo. Only Cwo JSCgbta from jvitooouri River to Portland. Che Beat Crach. Cbc Beat equipment. Cbc lkot Service. Cbe Beat Craina. Ordinary (ouriot) Caro un Grcry Day. Save doctors' hills hy giving Foley's Honey nnd Tar to Infanta nnd children In tlmo to provent pneumonia or croup, which aro fatal to so many thousands of babies. For salo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon a drug store, South Omaha. Mnrlnllty Stnllntlen. The following deathx and births were re ported lo the city honltli rommlsFlonrr for tho twenty-four hours ending nt noon JhurHdny : Deaths Hlehard Anderson. St. Joseph's hoHiiltal. aged t!7; Maurice Ollngcr. 419 South rwentietn. aged 1..; .Martin 11. .McKrnnii, Tenth unit Onstellar. nged .IS; Mlnnlo O. Oooch. ;i0.T0 Ktnmett. need 8 months. nirths John Larson, 1C1 South Twenty- fourth, girl; I'urs AIot, 14W1 South Thir teenth, girl: II, A. C'omiock. IfiflO North Twenty-ninth, boy: O. A. Sunderlnnd. l.",22 Boutii Twenty-iilnin. girl; raul Murray, 915 rsortii Twcmy-cigmij nvenue, gin. Is what we have been expecting for some time. We told you that it was sure to come. You expected it, but neglected it. A Good Warm Ulster is about the best thing you can slip into this kind of weather, nnd, you can slip in here and buy n good $4.00 Vermont gray ulster for Irish Frieze Ulsters Extra high storm collar, fancy plaid lining, warm, wooly ami wearable, ext remely satisfactory, at $5.75 Another Irish Frieze Ulster that, wo venture to say, will please the most particular ulster-wanting man. It is a very neat, and us dressy as an ulster could be.Thoro's twelve dollar'sworth of good, warm service in it for $8.00 If it should snow or turn extremely cold all at once, we've MI.7VW IUll WAI?I'PirT.MI.I.ViVI.Ml l.'I.U.'n SHOES just the thing for motormen or teamsters for $1,75 illfchMflini ll'l ITU Notice to Druggists Wo beg to Inform tho drug trade, (both retail and wholesale), of lown, Nebraska and other western states that wo nre now In position to supply Mulford's Hmnllpox Vncclno 011 Ivory points, or In glass tubes nt tho lowest market price. WltlTK or TKI.KOltAI'II your orders to VS nnd Ot'H DISCOl'NT TO YOU will bo satis factory. Vaccine not sold mny ne KXCIIANGHD or HlSTimNRD KOK CUKDIT nny tlmo within SO days nfter date of purchase. Our storo Is located Just oppposlto tho new pcstotllce, and we can gunranteo that Vac cine oidered of tis will bo mailed or ex pressed within twenty (M minutes niter receiving order. Orders from PHYSICIANS, HOSPITALS or PITHMC INSTITI'TIONS will be given prompt nttentlon nnd SATISFACTORY PUICES. Cor. Kith nnd UoiIkc St., Omnlin, .1 lliillillnu IVnnlt. The following Dermlts wero issued bv the building Inspector: Hamilton Urns., Thlr- ly-rourtli and uougias, wire.' rrnme dwell ings. 32.000 eaclu t'luirieH u llson. 1409 011 o. frntno addition. JJW; (!. Snyder, .Wl South Twenty-cigiitn nvenue, aciuition, siw. If II11 11 11 rr Suivr doesn't euro your plies, your money will bo returned. It Is tho most hcnllng medicine. For salo hy Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Dillon's drug store, South Omaha, Interested in California? If so, you should read the Burlington's new book about. California. It contains 7(5 illustrations and 72 pages of interesting reading about the Golden State. It will tempt you to visit there. If you arc going lo California, call at the city ticket office and secure on of these books. Burlington excursions, Omaha lo California, three times a weeU Forty dollars buys a ticket. Five dollars buys a berth. Ticket Office, Burlington Station, 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. s JJnW City Ticket Office, I as I Karnam, Phono I8 Union Passenger Station, 101U and Marty, Phouo 629 HAYDEN Bargain Room. Tho most astonishing bargains ever put on sale In Omaha. Thousands ot Dnrgains and remnants of finest wash goods, silks, drcsa goods, etc., etc., from lc up. Cc Standard Calicos, 2c. 35c Eiderdown remnnnts at 20c. 16c quality 35-Inch percales, remnants, Be. Flno 16c to 25c Flannelettes, Friday, 10c. 6c yard-wide Sheeting, at 3c. Cc all linen Crash, Friday 2J4c Dc Huck Towels at 2'.c. 12V4o Ilath Towels, Friday, 4c. Ladles' $1.00 Skirts at 40c. Ladles' $1.50 all wool Skirts at 75c. Sc fine wldo Dometts nt 4V4c. 10c fine wldo Dometts nt 6 ifcc. 12V4c light and dark Outing Flannels, ilic. 25c Curtain Scrim, Friday, 10c. COc Laundry Hags, (sco window), 19c. 25c Tablo Oil Cloth, lSc. Orcat Friday salo on New York mills wldo sheeting. Tho 6-4 wide, worth lGc, at 12c; tho 6-4 wide, worth 18c, nt 14c; tho 7-4 wldo, worth 20c, at 16c; tho 0-4 wide. w.orth 30c, at 20c; tho 10-4 wide, worth 35c, at 22&C Ono dozen elegant hair pins In horn at 2Vic. Hcst quality embroidery silk, 2',4c dozen, worth 10c. Flno Curling Irons, 2ic. 10c Flno Combs, 2,4c. 400 best Pins, 2V4c. lOo Dress Stays, per set, 2V4c. Thousands of yards of romnants all kinds -black, plain and novelty Bilks, worth $1.00, J1.25 and $1.50, at one price, 39c. Thousands of big bargains from all de partments Friday In bargain room. MEAT HFRCIAI.S Fancy Lean Ilacon, 12Hc 10 pound palls II est Brand Lard, 90c. Bologna and Liver Sausage, 5c, No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, 10c. Poncless Corned Beef, 7Hc UAvnmi $35,000 nAT UCnS Clothing Purchase. Schlestein, Colin & Co.. one of the largest clothing manufac turers in America, obliged to move to larger quartern, accepted our eastern buyer's spot cash offer for their entire heavy weight stock of clothing, at -J0c on the dollar. The Goods go on Sale Be ginning Friday Morning. A IPttW HP 'IM I 10 Al A W 11 A Ul'i A 1 ' Sherman & McGonneil Drug Go Boys' double breast etl knee pants suits, worth 2.50 to 1.00, on sale at Doc and 1.50. Meq's stylish 15 raglan overcoats, salo price, 7.50. Men's 10 and 12 overcoats, sale price, 1.75. Men's very line 12 vicuna overcoats, sale price, 5.00. Men's best 10 heavy weight worsted suits, sale price 5.00. Men's very tine 15 and 1S Irish frieze ulsters, high storm collars, at 7.50. Men's very fine black, frieze ulsters, made with high storm collars, satin yoke, cassimere body lined, regular 12 values, sale price, 5.75. MEN'S TUOUSERS- This great purchase includes over 0,000 pairs men's line cassimere and worsted trousers, in all sizes, from :0 to 50 waist and from 20 to :?( lengths, all the very finest grades, worth from 2.50 to 7.50 per pair, sale prices, 1.25, 1.75, 2.50 and .'5.75. 2700 pairs bovs' and youths' long pants, in all f sizes, fine cassimere and worsted fabrics, pants that , regularly retail from 2.50 to 1.50, on sale at 75c, , 1.25, 1.75 and 2.50. )' KNEE PANTS- 500 dozen knee pants, from cassimeres, woratecw nnd corduroys, pants bought regularly to sell at 75c, to 1.50, sale prices, 25c, 50c and 75c. greatest clothing sale ever held in Omaha. (Bead Friday's great Bemnant Sales.) HAYDEN BROS. 10th and Mason Sts Telephone 128. Friday's Grand Remnant Sales In Bargain Room, China Dnpartment A few bargains from our 10c tablo there Is not nn article on this table worth less than 25c up to $1.00. Crystal Silver I'latcd Sugar and Creams. Flno decorated stippled gold edgo II. & H. IMntes, Fruit Hates, Jelly Trays, lro- orvo Dishes, Soup or Oat Meal Ilowls. Heal Tepelltz Figures. Decorated Cups and Saucers. Heal llonn Creams and Egg Cups. Crystal Jelly Stands. Imported cut Vinegar Crewets, Spoon Trays and Vases. Flno crystal 8-lnch Uerry Dishes. Cold Handled Chalna M. & M. Jugs. Crystnl and plated tops condiments sets. Flno Easter I'latcs, Spongo Tea nnd Coffco Cups and Saucers Crystal Celory Trays. All the above items at, each The 10c cokfhh sai.i: Broken Java and Mochn, only 10c. Fresh Hoasted Santo Coffco, 15c. Try our Family Java and Mocha, only 25c. FHHSH COUNTRY HOLL BUTTEH, 120 A ton of roll butter Just ns we received It from tho country, your choice 12'4c. FISH SPECIALS FOIt FHIII.VY A nice family mackerel, Cc each. Now Irish Mackerel, lb., 1214c. New gcnulno Spanish Bluo Back mackerel very fat, 15c pound. Now Norway Bloater Herring, extra fat, 17',4c pound. Finnan Huddles, "Neal Brand," 10c. sai.i: Virginia Swiss, lCc. Chandler & Hudd's American Club House, 10c. Fancy Western Reserve, full cream, 12Hc McLaren's Imperial, 15c per Jar. SPECIAL imilJO FHUT SALE San Joso Prunes, per pound, 8 l-flc. Sanla Clara i'runes, per pound, 6c. t pounds California Prunes, 70 to 80 for 25c. I Imported French Plums, 12Vbc Evaporated Blackberries, S l-3c. 3 doicn !5ecdllng Oranges, 25c. '(3 WWtMJWf A. Mayer Co. BEE BUILDING. OMAHA, NEB. DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER ? RE-NO-MAY PINK POWDER not only relieves, but positively cures all diseases of tho feet and hands. Rtons odorous nersnlratlon -cures tender and swollen feet. Endorsed nnd pre- scribed by lending physicians. RE-NO-MAY WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. It properly used no dress shields are required. PRICE 50 CENTS Sold hy nil dniKKists. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. CONSULTATION Fit HE I'ltOSt !4 to 4. When ordering by mall add 5 cents for pestage. HAYDEN BROS We want to please you, Tell us when we fail to do so, SHERIDAN COAL . . . .. n .....i ... will please you. It's the Dost coin uiuim m junuiifc. mm um service is not. approached by any other dealer. We sell Pennsyl vania hard coal also. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127. f 10.00, for ifD.50. i