13 TTIE OMATIA DATLT 15ETJ: TITTJT?PT)AV, .7AM'ATY 2 1. 1001. RAILWAY MEN DISAPPOINTED Ehtre Fteling of Weitern Grand Armj Mtmben in DonTer'i Defeat. LOSS OF REVENUE WILL BE CONSIDERABLE I.oit lltlrii ARrrod t'pott "Would llne Produced Mnoli I'riilll Ileoiumr of iMrnr .Number '(if IVuplr llnn dlpil Ilnlm o Clrvrlniul. Ixca1 passenger officials arc much dlsap pointed In the (allure of Denver to secure the nest nnnunl encampment of tho Grand Army of thn Rppuhllc. This disappoint ment Is accompanied by some spirited feel Inn, too, because of tho pccullnr tactics tn ployed by the executive committee of the (Jrand Army. At too tl.v.ft th? matter of location of tho encampment was first taken up thn claims of Denver wero viewed with seeming favor, and tho Impression wan given that thn only condition precedent to Its designation as thn place for tho assem bly would be tho securing uf satisfactory railroad rates. All of the western rnllroads ngroed upon a. rato of 1 cent per mile and tho announce ment of thla agreement "'"is considered tho only thing necessary in clinch tho encamp ment for Denver. Tho action of tho com mlttne, therefore. In Ignoring Denver's claims and designating Cleveland as tho city where the next encampment will bo held was entirely unexpected. l.ocnl Itnnili Concerned. The roads having direct routes to Den Tcr tho Union Pacific, Ilurltngton, Hock Island, Missouri Pacific and Santa Fc are thn ones which will be most affected In tho loss of business owing to tho removal of thn encampment entirely out of western territory They would havo been certain of getting a long haul on a largo sharo of tho business, and tho higher rnto they will pet on tho business carried on tho way to Cleveland will not nearly make up the loss in revenue. "This notion of tho Grand Army executive commltteo Is certainly very peculiar," said a prominent passenger nlllclal. "Tho rates offered by tho western roads were Identical with tho request made by tho com mittee, nnd It was presumed that the adop tion of tbeso rates was tho only thing ncc tmary to Insuro tho encampment for Den ver. What In especially Hlgnlflrant In tho matter Is that Cleveland was selected with absolutely no nssurnncca being given by tho. railroads of reduced rates. Of course, It was a' certainly that thn precedent of grant ing some reductions for a big meeting of this kind would bo followed out, but It la doubtful If the eastern roads nro aa liberal ns tho western lines proposed to be. Tho lowest rato that will now bo mado for tho encampment from western territory will bo ono faro for tho round trip. Some will nd ocato tho adoption of n rate of ono faro plus $2 for tho round trip, nnd others will contend that tho proper rato for tho occa sion would be a faro nnd a third for the round trip. Tho probabilities are, however, that tho one-fnr'j rato will bo adopted." .Ml I en hp Itntp Ilciluoeil. After February 1 travelers on the Hurling ton'a lino from Udgcmout, S. D.. through Wyoming and Montana ns far ns Hillings will savo 1 cent per mile for tho entire dls tanco covered. This will be posalhlu by reason of n reduction In tho mileage rato from 5 cents to 4 cents In Wyoming anil Montana. At the present tlmo tho Hurling ton'a Wyoming lines, with tho exception of thn main linn to Hillings, enrry a tnllcago tnrlff of 4 cents, and thn reduction on the Hillings lino Is In order to avoid discrimina tion. Former justlllcntlon has been given thn Increased mllciigo rnto on tho Hllllnga linn by renson of tho limited trafllc and the largo operating expenses, but with tho con stantly Increasing business that Ib now be ing enjoyed, oltlclals of tho rond have de termined that tho reduction In tho mileage rate enn bo accomplished without crippling thn effectiveness of tho service nnd at the same tlmo provn of great financial benefit tq tho travelers who frequently tiso that part of tho Bystcm affected by tho decreased nllcagn rate. To Kvmli' n. t'nr Finn I in-. In anticipation of Incrensed business dur Ing tho coming spring nnd summer Omaha railroads nro rushing work In tho linn of now equipment, nnd It Is tho expectation of nil tbo traffic officials to do nway with any car famlno or Iobh of business on account of Inadequate facilities during tho coming year. Tho Hurllngton Is constructing forty new locomotives In ltn own shops and nearly 1,000 cars, principally freight, and a largo number of passenger coaches uro being built, both by tho company nnd on outsldo contractu. Tho Wabash hns placed an order for fifty freight locomotives, and tho Hock Island Is now having nn order filled for llfty-threo heavy freight engines. Tho Mll watikeo Is building 2.10 refrigerator cars In Its own shops. I.otv California llnte, Ii harmony with an agreement reached at the meeting of tho Transcontinental Pas serger association hold Inst week In New Orleans announcement has been mado of lov rates for settlers' excursions to Cali fornia during Fobrunry, March and April. A rnto of $25 will bo effective from tho Missouri rlvor to California points, which will be JIG lower than thn usual tariff. The rates will apply over, all routes from tho .Missouri river to California nnd tickets will bo on nlo each Tuesday during tho three months that tho rates arn effective. Will Mori I'iilIIIp .Mill! Halo. I SAN FHANCISCO, Jan. 23. Tho Call i says: F. F. Connor, representative of tho : Panama Hallroad company in this city, on being asked what courso his people would take to offset tho reduced rates on coffee, rubber, etc., lately mado by tho Pacific Mall Steamship company, Htnted that nil competition would bo met. Tho Pacific Mall enmrany's agents In Guatemala nnd Salvador aro offering to forward coffeo shipments for Hamburg, by way of this city, i for 112.60 per ton, which is practically ono half tho former rnto. Ilnllirny Xiitcn uuil I'crxonnln. Onornl Passenger Agent F.. L. l.nmax of tlio I'nlon Pacific has gono to Chicago. Coko Alexander, genernl manager of I ho Producn Shippers Despatch, Is u visitor 1 from Louisville. General Manager H. Dickinson of tho i. iiioii j'ncillo is routined to ins Homo with ' a slight attack nf tho grip. W. J. Htono-Hurner, superintendent of transportation of tno umnlin & Hi. Louis, Is In thu city from Stnnberry. II, J. Hurgee, general western freight ngent of tho I'lovolnml. Cincinnati, Chicago A St. Louis, is ft visitor lii tho city lrom , Knusns City. J liUHluess on tho Northwestern wns better during thn month of December tlmu It wit for tho corresponding month u year ngo. Orcss eai'nlngH for last December were W.:n3,ai4. nn litcrcuso over tho month of uccemuer, ism, of ji.us. TIip Popular llnrfnlo lloutr I this summer on account of tho 1901 Pan i American Kxpositlon will bo tho Nickel Plato Road. Countless thousands will visit this ono of tho greatest expositions of modern times. Tho Nickel Plato Road will bo tho popular line. Tho excellence of Its sorvlco Is well recognized by the travoltngtpubllc, nnd tho reputation of Its train employes In tholr uniform courtesy lo passengers Is well known. When you , go Kast see that yoir tickets read via tho Nickel Plato Road. Write, wire, 'phono or call on John V. Calalmn, General Agent, 111 Auntnas street, Chicago, III, Anniversary of birth ot Robert Hums Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish Clans, concert nnd ball Friday evening in 1 Creigbton ball, Tickets COc each. LOOKING TO BLACK HILLS () in nil a ltn Opportunity to Secure l.nrge Xlinrr of Trade of Mining DUIrlct. OMAHA, Jan. 22 -To the IMItor of Tho lire Among tho many questions of greater or less Import, which, at the beginning of thu new century, present themselves to the busi ness men of Omaha, tho trade of the newly opening northwest, more, especially that of thn mining fields ot the Black Hills, Is one which means more nnd cnrrlcs with It grenter weight thnn Is ordinarily given credit for. Tho recent opening of tho new lino of rnllway from South Dakota to Denver Is a menace to Omaha In favor of the Colorado tity which ought not be over looked, ami tho recent wonderful develop ments In mining processes nnd methods nnd discoveries during tho last year of ast ore deposits In tho Illack Hills, together with the fact that Colorado capital Is going from Denver and Cripple Creek to theso com paratively now Holds, Is a matter to which Omaha business men ought lo glvo Im mediate and careful nttentlon. Whllo tho Hlnck Hills mines now stnnd third on thn Americnn continent ns gold producers, It Is only a question of two cr threo years morn when they will bo In tho lend nnd stnnd first on the list. Tho perfecting nf tho cynnlde process of treat ing low-grndo ores Is rapidly bringing about this condition oi things, nnd nlrendy new plants are going up In every direction. Ores which until qulto recently were considered of no vnliH! arc now being worked by the new method at splendid profit. The fact Is that tho north Hlnck Hills aro literally stuffed with low-grndo ores, nnd, nt n very conservative estimate, n half of tho new century will hardly sulllco to ex tract tho precious mclnls from these mines with mining facilities ten times us great ns thoje nt work nnd In process of completion Bt tho beginning of this, Its llrst year, nnd this applies only to the ores now in sight. This wonderful field Is only partially prospected and practically undeveloped. Most of tho mlno owners have been nnd nro still poor men, who, with no money to de velop their properties, havo been content to do their iiKsessmcnt work from year to year by dimply "gopher-holing" nn the surfnro of their claims, uncovering every- wncro low-grade ores of not sufllclent vnluo to 'hlp by rail or pay the expense of treat ing by tho smelters of Omaha, Denver or Kansas City. Hut now. since tho discovery nnd perfecting of tho cynnlde process, theso men are finding means to not only work their surface ores, but making them pay tho expense of sinking to the richer ores on, thu qunrtzlto beneath. This rich field ran bo brought Into touch and syinpnthy with Omaha as n market and source of supply only by tho energetic nctlon of Omaha business men, nnd our merchants should not bo satisfied with merely sending their traveling men to Dead- wood and Lead City; they should go in per son nnd familiarize themselves with con ditions thero nnd show to tho Hlnck Hills people that Omaha Is anxious for tho closest relationship and warmest friendship. XX. THIS MAN IS A SURE WINNER lllll II David I 'I ml i Out llotv lleat a .Slot Mn lilne. to John Dnvls, better known in his circle of friends nnd enemies as "Apple Jack," Is under nrrcst on tho charge of tapping tho slot machine In the liquor house where he was porter, Tom Hart's saloon, Thirtieth street nnd Ames avenue. Tho report nf the pilfering was mado to the police Tuesday and that night Detcctlvrs Druinmy and Mitchell decided that Davis waH untitled to arrest nnd more particular Investigation. During Monday night someono broke tho glass from tho front window of the saloon, thus securing nn entrance. Tho Intruder picked out n popular 5-cent machine, forced open tho drnwer and extracted therefrom nickels, having a vnluo of nboiit $1G. The thief nlso replenished his personal stock of cigars by picking up seventy-five loose ones from the bar. When Davis was ar rested many nickels wero found In his pockets. Colli! tlolit! Uolil! The latest l'.l Dorado Is reported to be on tho Nonin City Hcaeh, laska. Thou sands of people are hastening there, many of whom return broken In health. Of what nvall Is gold vhen health Is gono? Guard your health with the best of all medicines, Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. It will regu lato tho bowels, stir up tho liver, Invigor ate tho kidneys nnd absolutely euro Indi gestion, cr.nstlpntlou, malaria, chills nnd fever. It's n good medlclno to keep on hand. Hp Sure to Ill-lli.-llllier that thn popular Pan-American Kxpositlon Route this summer will bo the Nickel Pinto Road, tho shortest lino between Chicago nnd Intermediate points nnd Uuffalo. No excess fare Is charged on nny of its l'cor less Trio of fast express trains and Ameri can club meals, ranging In prlco from 35 cents to $1,00 aro served In nil Its dining cars. Palatial through vestlbulod sleeping enrs, nnd modern dny coaches with uni formed colored porters In attendance on tho wants of passengers. Tho nemo of comfort equipment found on tho Nickel Plate Itond. Write, wire, 'phone or call on John V. Cnlahan, General Agent, lit Adams, street, Chicago, III. Attention, Itt'il Men! llrother Martin McKenna of Ynhnundnhsis trlbo No. 2 tiled January 23. 1001. at St. Joseph's hospital. Romains to bo fcont to Fort Dodge. la., Januury 24, IDOL All Red Mon requested to meet at Dodder's, Twonty. mini ami winning, nt i p. m January 21. K. C. WOLCOTT. C. of It. TIip Mont Complete lliillmiy Train Is tho farr.cus Pennsylvania Limited, which leaves Chicago dally nt 5:30 p. m. over Pennsylvania Short Lines for Pittsburg, Philadelphia And New York. If you nro Interested wrlto II. R. Dorlng. A. 0. P. Agt., 24S South Clark street, Chicago. Ill Kit. CONNKLLV-MIchnel. Monday. Jnnunry 21. 1901, nt St. Joseph's lionpltal. age "4 yours. Funeral from residence- of his daughter, Mrs. Kdwurd McGmtli, S14 North Thirty second street. South Omaha. Thursday morning nt N:30 from St. Hrldget's church. Interment. Holy Sepulchre cemetery. HOISICN-Phlllp. Jnnunry 21. at Port Ar thur, Tex. 1 uucrul Friday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from family residence, 1012 South Twelfth street. Interment ut Sprlngwcll cemetery. Fi lends Invited. Notice to Druggists Wo beg to Inform tho drug trade, (both retail and wholesale), of Iowa, Nebraska nnd other westorn Httites that wo nro now In position to supply Mulford's Smallpox Vncclne on Ivory points, or In glass tubes nt tlto lowest market price. WR1TM or TRLKORAl'H uur orders to I'S nnd OUR DISCOUNT TO YOC will bo satis factory Vaccine not Hold may bo ILNCIIANGKD or RKTL'RNED FOR CRKDIT nny time within 30 days nftcr date of purchase. Our store Is located Just oppposltn tho new poHtolllee, and wo Can guarantee that Vac clno ordered of us will bo mulled or ex pressed within twenty (20) minuted utter receiving order. Order from PHYSICIANS, HOSPITALS or Pl'HLlC INSTITt'TlONS will be given V'Tucil'S ul,e,ltl0ll-"ml SATISFACTORY Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Cor, HI th unit DoiIkc Mi., Uinnlui, Ncli BARRED FROM THE CHURCHES Polico Iiiua Uniquo Ultimatum to "Stutter ing Jim" Smith. PECUL'AR GRAFT OF A COLORED MAN "Stnttrrlnir .lint" In Aecnneu nf .Mtim HiiK Theft nnil Worship In a Most Resourceful 31 a n ii pr. "Now, Jim, stay away from church," wns tho admonition with which Sergeant Whalen sent Jim Smith, otherwlso known ns "Stut tering Jim," nwny from tho city Jail yes terday. Tho officer's familiarity with Jim's prone ncss to pick up a fellow worshiper's pock etbook or other portables put asldo by some woman In the samo scat prompted this bit of advice. Jim Is frequently nt church, but his thoughts do not follow tho sermon. Jim has an Inimitable manner of speech. Ho Is u negro, using tho dlnlect of tho south, while, added to this, be stutters nnd In forming his words makes so many falso motions with Hps that one has to guess at about half he vays. He Is welt known to tho police, however, and his name has been nddod to that growing list of men who aro forbidden to "light" In Omaha. Ho answered Sergeant Whalen promptly and with all of tho cffuslvo honesty his black face could assume. Ho promised faithfully never to go to church ngaln, In serting n dlsertatlon on ministers nnd church tU'ople In general. Ho maintained that they tnndo promises to glvo him money to help him o'er life's rugged road, but when he cnlkd nt their rroldcnees for the cash they would cut tho amount down one half. Ono mnn had touched n soft spot In his heart, probably ns black ns his face, for he had contributed "n round dollar." Wurln the Cliurt'lipn. Jim has u pccullnr trick, which the polico say ho turns within n few hours nfter ho arrives In tho city. Ho hunts up n church wherrt thcro Is service In progress, Bpota a woman who has laid asldo her fur collar ette, or ono who hns placed a fat-looking purse on tho se.it by her side. Jim then drops Into n pew within reach of tho woman who ho anticipates as a victim nnd assumes n most devout nnd worshipful nttltude. Ho lingers until a moment nrrlvcs In which tho woman's mind nppcars to bo abstracted from her Immediate surroundings. In that samo moment Jim's fingers contract about tho coveted purse nnd ho glides out tho door. Whenever complaint of such n theft reaches tho police n search Is made for "Stuttering Jim." Ho hns served ono term In tho penitentiary for Just such a Job and many others havo been traced to him. Threo days Jim had been residing In the city's detention houso for crlmlnnls. He wns picked up on the street with an unusual nmount of cash In his pockets for a mnn with no vlslhlo means of support, the total being nbout $3. Yesterday, ns no complaint of n theft In Jim's lino hail been reported, ho was sent on his wny rejoicing, MALADY STRIKES THE CATTLE Clny County llpriln Snffpr from the Corn StnlU 1)1. vnnv. P. A. Nelson, one of the solid stockralscrs of Clay county, Is In the city from tho neighborhood of Hnrvard. Mr. Nelson said that for the first tlmn In twelve years the cattlo raisers of his neighborhood nro losing stock from the "corn stalk disease." Ac cording to his statement, this dlscnse has not yet been classified by tho veterinarians and no remedy so'fnr tried has proved ef fective. It has been traced by tho formers to the corn stalks, tho cattle feeding In the corn fields of last year being tho only ones nffected. Hut nil fields do not affect tho stock. Whllo Mr. Nelson has lost sov eral head of steers nnd somo of his neigh bors hnvo hud tholr herds completely wiped out, other herds have been frco from disease, although feeding upon the stalks In adjoining fields. When the disease first mado Its appear ance In Mr. Nelson's herd ho thought diver sified feed would stop Its ravages, so ho put bis cattle upon n diet which Included al falfa hay, prairie hay and threo varieties of grain, still permitting them to run In tho stalks nnd to straw piles. Tho chango In the feed produced no apparent results and tho farmers have given up hope of discover ing n remedy for tho disease. Asldo from tho corn stalk disease, Mr. Nelson says that Clay county farmers were nover in so prosperous condition. Farm mortgages havo been released In a degreo nover before known nnd In plnco ot being borrowers, tho men who ralso grain havo money In tho banks. Tho crops of last year wero excellent, wheat yielding from twenty to twenty-flvo bushels per aero and corn from twenty-flvo to forty bushels. We sell as we advertise strictly for ensh nnd nt the prices wn quote. Hut thcro onu thing wo don't do credit anyone. Don't havo to, so when you buy goods of us, bring tho cash with you. Selinefer'n Co null .Syrup ()c Cr inner' Kliluey Cure 75u Ilrouio Uulnlne j,t0 1 loz, --urnln (tnlnliie Cnpnnlpii Tu 1 lion.. .i-Kriiln (luliiluu Ciiimulen lllo I iloz. .'.-if rain UtilnliiL- Cnpnulea l.'.o Duny'a .Mnlt Wlilnkpy HRa I.otUN ('renin , , oj I'nliip'n Celery Compound 7,-,0 WIiip of Cnrilul 7flo I'lcroe'H ' PresiM'Iptloti ync Scotl'M l'.iiiiillnn 7j$0 Orniuuliilon , 7fl0 Coltsront I'lpectiiriiiit 7Bo I'alnio TalilPta B0o Whllo million Itpinpiljr i.oo s- s S 7Bc .Malted Milk 10c-, 7Be, fa.lB I'liiUlinin'N Conipouiiil 7,,, SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGGIST V. W. Cor. luth nnd Chlcnun t. T I It is n Pleasure to Wash when your vanhlni? Ih mado e.my by tho lino of iip.to.dnto appliances. A kitchen or laundry lined up with por celaln roll rim wash tubH, with tho latest Improved connections for hot nnd cold water, Ih ono of tho triumphs of modern Banltnry plumbing, We will lit up your laundry nt u reasona ble cost, nnd will jtlvo crtlmntcH to builders nt prices beyond competition- Free & Black, rnoiiu icm. i turn I'uriiain. gJL! Dr. Ksy h TJticure cures all UlIc:11i S female dlscaKce. At drug, w w Uts ( lllU8trated book nd advice free. Ur.U. J, K4, Saratoga, X, X, iiostox wont: .irnciAt. jai.ii. .Xpvt Chnlll. .Htlk. llrem 1'nlirlc. I.ncen, litis, on Snip i oniorron , AT CLKARINO SALE PRICKS 85C NEW IMPORTED CHALL1S AT .IOC. 100 full pieces of new Imported challls, bought from the customs house. These nro all clean, fresh goods, light nnd dnrk grounds, floral designs, many of them satin striped, all of them strictly all wool, guar anteed 85c quality, on sale on front bargain squaro 39c ynrd. New French flannel, tho 75c nuatlty. I plain colors, polka dots and other now de signs, on sale at 39c ynrd. $1.25 DRESS nOODS. COC. Fifty pieces qf new dress goods C, Inches wide, in changeable velours nnd poplins, nlso plain tans, modes nnd drabs, These are nil the latest spring fabrics, Including llj-yard wldn cheviots, storm serges, blues nnd black, all on bargain square at COc yd. $1.00 SILKS AT 40C YARD. In order to clear out nil of our $1 nnd $1.25, taffeta silks, In plains, plaids, checks, broendes nnd fancies, In lengths from 3 to 10 ynrds, wnlst patterns, trimmings nnd linings, on tmrgnln squnro at 40c ynrd. $125 KID OLOVES, 25C PAIR. 1.000 pairs of ladles' kid gloves, In black nnd nil colors, broken sizes, worth up to $1.25, go at 25c pnlr. 1,000 bolts of torchon laco nnd Insertion, In extra fine quality, nil widths, worth up to 20c, go nt 2Vsc, 3ic nnd uc yard. Ladles' fast black, full tcamless, fine gaugo hose, go nt Cc pnlr. Dig lots of nil kinds of handkerchiefs In plnln white nnd fancy colored border, laco nnd embroidery edged, worth up to 20c each, on galo in lots nt lc, 2Vc and Co each. Many styles of pure linen hnndkcrchlefs, all widths of hems, hemstitched, nleo laco nnd embroidery trimmed, worth 25c, go nt 10c and 12Uc each. N. II. Our great January linen sain now going on. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. J L. Ilrandels & Sons, Proprietors, HIk I'tirehnip of Conl I.iiuil. PITTSHI'IKl, Jan. 23.-J. P Morgan & t o, uf New York hnvo purchased 7fl.i ncres of coal land In Orcetio county. It Is 150 JVIUco along the Columbia River by daylight . . . vix Qnion pacific "Cbc OvcrUnd Route." on "Cbc Cbicagorportland Special" for Orcffon and pTortb pacific Coast points. Only Cwo JS8fro fro pTlBoouri River to Portland. Cbc Ikot Craclt. Cbc Beat equipment. Cbc Bc3t Service. Cbc Bcot Cratno. Ordinary (Couriot)Caro Run 6vcry Day. New Cttv TlrUnt Office. 1HB4 Knrimm. Phono 1110 Union l'ansenfH'r Station. 10t)i anil Murey. Phono l!2 HAYDEKs Silk Business Always showing something, new, always something special to interest you that is ' why the big silk department is always crowded, We are already showing more new spring silk than you will see in all other stores in Omaha during the entire season, Big Bargains Bring Big Crowds. 100 bolls black I'cau Do Sole, nil silk, on ftnlo at COc 100 bolts best corded WaBh Silks, new sprint; styles, at only 3So $1.00 Illack Taffeta, 27-lnchcs wide, at Fine grado Taffeta Silks, 27-lnches wide, all colors and black, tho biggest taffeta bargain on record, at only fi9c TIIKSK LIVELY SILK SPECIALS MAKE THINGS HUM. , 60e Illack Taffeta. 19-lnches wide, on sale 39c 75c Illack Gro Grain, 19-lnches wide, on sale at 9c 69c colored Poplin Silks, on sale nt.... 2.1c 75c fancy strlpo Waist Silk, on sale.... 23c All colors In China Silk at only 2.ric 73c black China, 24-lnchcs wide. only.. 39c 51.00 black Chlnn, 3C-lnches wide, only Wc. $l.!i0 and J2 black Hemstitch Wnlst Silk, at "ic $2.00 Skinner's Satins, 3fl. Inches wide, col HAYDEN "Choose that which is best and custom will make it most agreeable." Choose SHERIDAN COAL and you will wonder how you ever got along without it. It's the best coal mined in "Wyoming. We hae hnrd conl. also. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Fartiaiu St. Tel. 127. THE SMOKERS PREFER BECAUSE THE JOBBERS' PROFIT F. II. IUCE M. C. CO., MANLKACTIHUIIS, said that the Morgan svndlcnto paid V0 nn I nTc, that tho liindi wi'l bo worked for the benefit of tho steel concerns In which Morgan nnd Rockefeller nre Interested I WE BOUGHT Pianos Cheap SO SHALL YOU. Two plnno manufacturers In town nt tho same time, both called on Schmollcr & Mueller, nnxlous to fell nnd get tho cash both of them nccepted Schmollcr & Mueller's proposition on 15 carloads ot pl nnos for spot cash, nt COc on the dollar. Wc will not quote any prices on this lot, but guarantee to save you from $100 to $150 on every piano. Our line consists of the world renowned STEINWAY, STE0ER, EMERSON, STECK, V0SE,B. A. CHASE. IVERS&P0ND, PACKARD and The Beautiful Singer Pianos. Correjpondcncn In regard to th's grcnt money-saving sale will recelvo lmmcdlato atltcntlon. Schmoiler & Mueller The Old Reliable Piano House, t.'tllt Fiirtiiuii Street, Oiniihn. :W7 Hi-oiiihvny, Council Mull's, leleplione 1(125. Dentistry Our dentnl work la done to Klve you comfort. Wn keep Rood teeth Rood nnd Improvo tho bad ones, I'nlnlcns extracting. , r.oc j ..$5.00 up i Vllnllzed Air Set Teeth ... Tad's Philadelphia Dental Rooms : 1517 I)oii(lnsSt. We do the ors only $1.00 $2.00 ynrd wide black Taffeta, on snlo $1.00 $2.25 Panno Velvets, nil colors and black,, at $1.25 $2.50 black Peau Do Sole, 27-lnches wide, at only $1.50 $3.00 black Grenadines, 41-lnchcs wide. at $1.93 SILKS l. ECONOMY DA KG A IX DOOM. Thousands of remnants of all kinds of Silks and Velvets, nil colors for every purpose, silks worth, $1.00, $1.23, $1.30 and $2.00, all go nt 39r NEW FOULARD DRESS SILKS-hundrcds of different styles, mado by Cheney Dros, on snlo nt B9c, C9c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. NEW WAIST SILKS, all kinds, go on snle at once. uSe and $1,25 NEW DRFSS SILKS, Now Skirt Silks, New Crenadlpes ot special opening prices. Lead tho great kuIcs on groceries, and In tho Eronimy Ilargnln Room. A-k to sco Plenter on snle, only 23e IS ADDED TO THE juALJTY ST. I,tltli, MO. UHlCH HflOE jig BROS fm n5v: -.1 j Made of best quality of kid or box calf we guarantee the wearing quality of this shoe to give perfect satisfaction any style toe, A A to 10. $Q Pft regular $.'.() values, for ZiJU Men's Box Calf Shoes leather lined, medium and heavy soles, all sizes regular .?.'.()() values, for Men's Box Calf or Vici Shoes Goodvear welt, neat, durable, dressy see win- $1 (low on loth street- regular Men's Enamel Shoes- See ease at Fnrnuni street regular values, for IT'S A WISE OWL THAT LOOKS A FT UK ITSELF AD ITS LITTLE ONES. HMIiWilHlllUIHMlimW HAYDEKs Great Sale in Bargain Room Sc flno wide Dometts 'He 10c flno wide Domcttfl c'4c 9c fancy Outing Flannels nt 5'Ac 1214c light nnd dark Outing Flannels nt V.ic $1 00 ladles' Skirts c $1.&0 nil wool Skirts "c Cc ynrd wide Sheeting 3c Cc nil linen Crash "Vii 10c Linen Crash f'C Sc Glass Doylies 2V2c (lc Huck Towels 2'c Hath Towels nt 4c, 7!c and 16c Regular prices 124c 18c nnd 35c. 23c Curtain Scrim at l"c 23c Tnblo Oil Cloth l"c 23c Turkey Red Tablo Damask 14',c "5c Eiderdown Remnants 20c 10c CO-lnch Percales &c 13c 30-Inch Percale Remnants Cc 13c to 23c flno Flannelettes 10c Cc Standard Calncos "c New York Mills Wldo Sheeting on sale. Tho 5-4 wide, worth lCc, nt 12c; tho C-l wide, worth ISc, nt lie; tho 7-1 wide, worth 20c, nt lCc; the 0-4 wdde, worth 30c, nt 20c; tho 10-4 wide, worth 35c, nt 22',c. Great 2xac Sale in Bargain Room 5c spools Holding Ilros.' Silk 2Hc Elegant Hnlr Pins, In horn, dozen 2'Ac Rest quality Embroidery Silk, dozen.. 2ic 400 best Pins 2!fcc Flno Curling Irons 2; 1 dozen Kid Curlers 2c Rest Crochet Cord 24c 1 dozen Hat Pins 2 Vic 10c Embroidery Hoops 2Vjc 10c flno Combs 2&c Heat quality Nursery Pins 2Vio 10c Dress Stnys, per set 2Vfce Hundreds of 5c, 10c nnd IRe goods on sale Thursday at ... ... 2Vc HAYDENs MARK Co. BUILDING, HA, Ntl). V4 A. May VaSF omj Stops odorous perspiration cures tender nnd swollen feet. Endorsed and pre scribed by lending physicians. RE-NO-MAY WHITE POWDER rrmoNCB all bodily odors If properly mud no dress shields nru required. PRICE 50 CENTS tiolJ by all linguists. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. CONSULTATION 1'HUH I'llOM lo 1. When ordering by mall ndd C cents for postage. A Trie Philosopher , Is loo philosophical to bother about, philoso phy. The host thing for one to do just n'ow is: to look after the proper dressing for the damp, cold and wintery weather before tie). Good Substantial Footwear Is the most important item just now. Nebraska shoes nre shaped for satisfac tion sold for service, guaranteed for good ness. You can bring ?2.r0 to this store and buy a pair of Women's Welt Shoes 2.00 2.50 !?.'.r0 values, for . . entrance $ 2.50 HAYDEN: Tea and Coffee Specials Special fresh roasted Coffeo only 12Hc Hoyden's Golden Rl" Coffee only 10c Choice Family Mocha nnd Java, worth 35c, only Tfic 50 Sun Dried Japan Tea, Thursday only 35o 50c Daskct Fired Jnpan Ten, Thursday only 38c COc English Ilrenkfast Tea, Thursday only 40c Grocery Specials 1 quart cans Golden Englo Syrup fc 3 packages Self Rising Pnncnko Flour 25c r packages Washing Crystal 10c. 1-pound can Raking Powder He .1 cakes Friend's Soap 5o Whole Carolina Rice, per pound tc Rest Japan Rice, per pound S l-3c 1-poimd parkngo Perfection, Magnetic, or Celluloid Starch 7 ',4c Meat Specials No. I California Hams 7 'jo ir Tins Rest Lard MOO U , an Snusago c XX.X Cured Dacon '"e "Fancy Pickled Pork , lloneless Pickled Pigs' Feet ' o 5-pound palls best Lard 47u l:islt Specials Now Christiana Anchovies, pound .. S l-3c Now Imported Fish Salads, "something good" 1214c Now Rerllncr Roll Mops, pound 12l,4o New KKKK Norway Herring, very fat, per pound 10c Finnan Hnddlcs, "Celebrated Nenl Ilrand," pound 11 Vic Butter, Cheese and Cracker Specials Cholco Separator Creamery 22c Country Roll Ruttcr .12c to lCc Strictly Fresh Eggs 1Sc Full Crcnm Ilrlck Cheese ' 10c Fancy Wisconsin Full Cream ..12t4o Young America Full Cream 10c Canadian Red Cloud lGir Soaa Crnrkers, fresh and crisp 5c Ginger Si.nps 5a Graham nnd Oatmeal Crackers 7c Frosted Creams 7c Lemon Creams , 7c HAYDENs DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? RE-NO-MAY IMMv I'OWDER net only relieves, but positively cures all diseases ot tho feet nnd hands. Teeth Troubles arc generally caused through neglect in early life. Teeth relief comes through tho application ot our modern DENTISTRY. Our teeth without plates nre tho nio.u natural, perfect nnd lusting. Hnve stood tho tfHt of years nnd proved their high tpiallty. Our prices tin based upon that high tunllty, but mo not high. BAILEV, the Dentist Ilia I'iixIiiii lllunk, llltli .V. Kiirunin Xtn, Pliitue 10h(l. I.uily Atteiidntil.