Tins OMAHA DAILY TVRH: TT" T'S 1" A V, TA?TTT A H Y 22, 1001. 8 I . 1. J I 1 I hi j it COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Kaj Wheat Makes an Asccniion of a Cent and More. LIVERPOOL INFLUENCES GIVEN THE CREDIT 9nt Itrtnnlii finhinn;ril, Corn Cl lmtn n IViiotlon IIIhIiit nnd Pro Ulonn TnUv n I'nll f Twrlvr nnil Onr-lliilf Crnta. ClllCUIO. Jnn. 2I.-Hmall world' "hip incut, higher cuhlcK anil 11 strong curdi "It uatlon were potent factor In nti iidviinro In wheat today, Muy ctoalmr Iffl'nf M"' Corn cIimoiI up (mil out unchanged, l'mvlrtona nt the clone with 2',4fll2'.4c lower. Mhv whenf opened 4ir to a HhaiJo higher at 7I4C to T4ic Liverpool wns the Inllucncc, i-howlng an mlviinco In the fnro of the dcc'lnn horn Kiiturdny, but io much long wheat wax for nalo that the flrnt miles worn nt widely varying IlKurrp. nnil ft mo ment later the market tourhoil 74'.e. The idtimtlon. however, wiih bullish The worlds: nhlpmenl.i were only 6.32K.W) hu., compared with 8.361.II"" lm. the week pruvloun. Ant werp repirteil tlm brenklng oJt of Ihc bu bonic plnguo In Argenlltm anil was mild to Lave bought heavily of wheat at Hon I; clHeo. There wiik a t)etter ilemanil for Hour nnil thlM Imparteil ntrcngtli to thn eiinli wheat Heforo the opening It was alerter fifteen IohiIm Iniil heeii taken for export at tirircH better than Haturtlay'H figure. Ilu Ing hy Holil-oilt bullM anil covering li.v nhortij begun at th" tap of the gong anil continued In a moileralely nctivo way to the end of the reunion, the market ndvnnclng with only fraetlnnal check neciinloned by profit Ink ing A derreuso of fU!),m bu. helieil tuWtaln the mlvtince. tint the main mipport enme from the ntrength of iimIi wheat. The amount taken by exporters was conftnntly added to. till at the rinse the bonrd wan rlnlrnlrur 141 IomiIh. Kxport sales from western nnd nortbwestorn points (iggre irateil nearly l.Ori.lnjO bit. .May wheat during tho forenoon rallied to 75V- A reaction to 7Vif76',r then took place, but this vafj fill Inweil by n further rally to nVH.c nnil the close, was stronR, May 15iUe higher nt 75c Primary rceclntH aggregated .93.ono bi Minneapolis anil Diiluth reported MO ears, against sixty-four last wee-k nnd 437 a year ngo. Local receipts wern sixty-six cars, two of contract grade. The amount on ocean p.'issitKo Hliowcd lilt incrcaso of 41tJ"X bll. Corn was moderately active, but thn range was narrow The market early followed wheat r'osely, but tlm pare Inter rame loo fast and tho market settled back almost Millrelj cn .in Independent basis. The news was hiirdly as favoruble for the coarser Ktaln as wheal, fables were easy, receipts Kriulcd better and tho visible increased 1 ll5.lv) bu Hhorts were thn best buyers early, and the trade, excepting a few out side deals, was In local no mln all day. Klcwitors did most of the selling- HeoelpU were MS cars, May sold between 3VV and BH'u.Wne and closed firm, "do higher at 38'i, Xc Oats were moderately active. The market felt the wheat strength, but during tho afternoon eased off on cc'llnir credited to mi Inllueutlal operator. Itecelpts were 2!) cars. Ma. sold bntweon 'K'-idl-'I'V' ntul closed un changed at 2.V. The tendency In tlm provisions market w.m easier. I log receipts wero under tlm riitiuiate, but prices at tho yards, never the'ess, wero weak and this was relleetcd li a decline In provisions at the opening. lliitng by 'i prominent speculator caused u rnll Inter, but It was not s.ipnorted and tli.i cli se was easy. May pork sold between 14 10TMI 12't and ll.'Um and closed 12M-C lower at Jia.M'j: May lard between 7.fi0 and J7 42', closlt.g 2ie down at $i.42't, and May ribs between J7.li' and $7.0214, with tho close Ic depressed at $7.T. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Whent. A3 cars corn, "ft) cars; oats, 3u0 cars; hogs, iW.i head. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Articles. Qpon, lllgh.l Low. I Close.l Safy. 1 71W72 72'1 "lTw 72'i 71-S 72! 7o4 "2ti"lWi4 755, 71',, "5U 74lt.il U 37 37 (', 37 37 SB'; :i7ii 37'iTl-', 37ii, 37U 3" 3.STij3i sail, ss4 asvosussvu'i 23'. 24', 237J 24 23fc 2iVaii 2Jiflt?ii 23 25U IJ'.i 13 77V4 13 77'4 13 M II 12,2 13 SO 13 024 14 Oj 7 32141 7 33 7 32 7 32',4 7 ST. 7 X. 7 37 7 35 7 35 7 37 7 42W ! bO 7 12 ; 42 7 -15 ! !'2 fi 97 7 Uf I 7 10 7 02 7 05 7 10 Wheat I .Inn IVb. May Corn Ian. I'ob. May Oats .Inn. May I'ork- .liiu. I May ! Lard- I Jan I Mar. .1 May Hlhs-- .Inn. I May I No. 2. Cash quotations wero as follows: l'LOI'H-Dull; winter natents. $3.fiO03.RO; straights, $3.2Ufi3 .Vi; clears, J2.70Q3.30; spring specials. JMO'nl.M); iiatents, J3.Cfltf3.80; straights. $3,101(3.10: bakers. S2.20tf2.G0. VJ I KAT No. 3 spring, G54i72r; No. 2 red, 76e COHN No. 2, 37'4'Q37ci No. 2 yellow, 37 437e OATS -No. 2. 2I'4T2.V; No. 2 white, 27f 27c. No. 3 white, 2iiH 27c. UYH- No. 2. WiifiHir, ItAHLlJV -Kalr to choice malting. DOflfine. KKi:nS-nnx, No. 1. $1.70; No. 1 north western, 71.71. iTlme timothy. Jl.uo. Clover, contract grade, $11. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbt., $13.!o nm.i.i, 1, aril, per 1110 ion., jt.otwii 7.10. Ha con. shott ribs sides (Ioofc). 7.O0fl'7.O2. Drv salted shoulders (boxed). $iS.25U.&0; short clear sides tboxed). $7,2587.35. WlllSICy-Ou baHia of high wines, per gal . $1.27. Hi'tiAii cut 10:1 r. $i..3a: grunuiiiteii, $0.75 confectloner.4' A. $.M7J; off A. S5.M. I'ollowlng aro tho receipts and shipments for today: ArtlcleH Itecelpts. Shipments. Klour, bids 2S.0CO 20,(H) Wheat, bll 70,000 25.000 Corn, bu .:ei7,o) iDt.oix) Oats, hu...'. 330,000 2tS,(HK) Hyr, bu... 2.000 iiy.000 j tar cy. d i io.ihm On the Produce exchange todav the but ter market ivvi unlet; creameries, ll(ft20r; oairies, n-i(ino. i iieeso, null at iui9117ic Mggs, uulet; fresh, 10c. torv llTlHr, .ftine rrenmcry. IMJWc. Imita tion creamery, 13'4'tfl7c, stRto da.lry, 14W 2le . .. CIIKtWFIrni; fancy, large, fall made, UV,ffIlc, fancy, small, fall made, IIMM-? KU8llrly steady, state and Pennsyl Vsnln, 22230 western, averngo pneked nt tnnrk. 2ltf22c; western, loss off, 23c. POTATOES Qumt; Jerseys, $1.2S1?l.i5; New Vnrk. $1.6ogi.S7; Long Island, $i.75y 2.O. Jersey sweets, $1 7ntffS.no. TALLOW'- Kasy; city (I2.() per packngc). fie. country (packages free), RUfiSVe POfLTUV Alive, steady, fowls. 3c; chickens, Xr, turkeys, SOc. Dressed, steady; turkeys, MfloV; chickens, SU10c; fowls, RfllOc MKTAl.8 ConBlderabln llrmness wns de veloped In tlm locil market for tin, fol lowing nn advance of 10 15c for spot and 10 for futures In London, but trading who very narrow lrlces openeit up 40 to 50 points and closed tinner at $:.."& i2S.7f, utid tending upward Aside from the above sta bility then- was llttlo of interest mani fested In metal circles today. Copper ruled exceptionally dull nnd nominally iiuotcil nt $17 for Lako Superior and $lilfi2 for cast ing nnd electrode, but on large lots con cessions were offered freely. At Ixindon prices went off about 15s to 70 13c, but was unlet. Lead and spelter continue to rule Mesdy nt umhtngeu p 'lccs $4.27 nnd $4.(0 fi4.IO, respectively. Yhe local Iron situa tion remains practically nominal and prices uucliniiged. Lngllsh markets were Is lower, closing ut Olflsgow at C2s lod nnd nt Mid dlesboro at 17s. omaiia wiini.rcvi.n Jt aiikkt.i. Cotitlltlnns of Trnde nnd tlnotntlons 111 5liii!e nml I'nney l'roilmr. KOGS-Hecelpts light: good -took. 16fitSe. LIVH POULTll-llens, 5QCc; spring chickens, fi1(i',c, roosters, 3tflr; ducks, 6 tlie; geese. 6't(i7c. turkeys. Vtitc. KltKSII DUKSSKO POt'LTHY -Hens. 7c; riKters, 6ii6c: ducks, 75J.c; geese, Sffio; spring chickens, pel lb., ic; turkeys, Do. OAMK-Mnltard ducks, per dor.. $3.'j0ft 3.5o: teal, $,D'I.70.' mixed, $1.50'O1.75; Jack rabbits. $1.2081.50; cottontails, 75cJ$l. m'TTMH-Common to fair, 10flllc; choice, V.VUIU'; sepnrAtor, 23c. FUKS1I OY8TKKS - First grade, solid packed, Now York counts, per can, sse; ox tra selects, 32c; standards, 25c; medium, too. Second grade, slack tilted. New York counts, per can, 30c; extra selects, Zoo; standards, 20c; bulk standards, por gal-. $1.25 WoKONfl-Mve, per dor., 50c. VKALR-Chotce. Pflldc. . . , HAY Price quoted by Omnlia WholesaU Hay Dealers' Association: Choice upland, $s.W; No. 1 upland, $7.50; medium, $7: coarse. $fl.D0. Ttyo straw, $6.50. Thesn prices are for liny of good color mvJ Quality. Demand fair, Receipts, 11 cars. oats-No. 3 wmte, zsc. COUN-No. 3, 32c HUAN-$13.C0. VEGHTAnLES. PAItSNlPS-Per bu,. f.oc. TITHNIPS-Pcr bu. basket, 40o. 1IKKTR Per bu,, 40c, CAIUtOTS-Pcr bu.. 40c. I.UTTI'C1-Per doz 85f40c. JIADISHKS-Por dox., 3CKB2SC. HKANS Wax, per 1-3 oil. basket. II; string, !)c. PO . ATOES-Pcr bu.. EOgMc: Idaho, tr bu., 40c. SUMiKT POTATOKH-Por bbl.. $2. CAHIIAC.K-Holle.nd seed. lc. TOMATOES California. ,isr i-bnsket crate. $2. ONIONS-Nntlve, per bu.. $1; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. CELKllY-Cnllfornln. M to sire, 43075c. CAL'LIFi.OWEn-Onlhornla. per crate, $3. PEA IIR-Per box. IT.wr2.25. OIIAPES-Malaca. re.r Keg. i.WS9.V. APPLES-Nntlvu. 7ocw$l.oo per bu.: per bbl., $2.50; enstorn, $3.oO'f73.riO; California Helltlo. ers. ier box. $1.1031.50 CltANUKimiFB-noll and Hugle. $10.0) rMrbbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $9.25; per crate, THOPlCAIi Fllt'ITS. OltANOES-Callfornln seedlings, $2.50; navels, $2.7503.25; Moxlcans, $2.75; Flonrus, 13.50 LEMONS-Cnllfornln, extra fancy. $3.so; choice, $3. BANANAS Per bunch, nccordlng to sire, $2 005(2 m. FlClS-Cnllfornin. new cartons. 80c; lay "rr .. T . it. :... it,u. i .ii.u. ICII, .lu, nATRSl'rlnn. In M.fh boxes. Salrs. 5c per lb.; Halloween. 5c per lbi MISCELLANEOUS. IIIDES-No. i creen. KHc: No. 2 green, r.c: No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted, 6c: ro. l veni cair. s to Vi los.. avc: rso. i veai calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 0c; dry hides, 813n; Bhep pelts, 25f75c: horso hides. $1.50Q2.25. iM v i o ringiis wninuis. per in., uc; ni berts, per lb., 13c; nlmonds, per Ib 1820c; raw peanuts, por lb.. 5fl5c; ronatcd, 0(f? im: lirnziis, yjc; pecans, luiciic HONEY Colorado. 21-sectlon cns, $3.75. CIDER Per blil., $5; per. Halt DDI., W. SAUERKRAUT Per bbl.. $4: per half bbl.. $2.50. m:v yiiiiic tinMcuAi. .i.hici;t 41 ll 4 1 1 1 i tlx on Viirlous of the I il - nli.niiiilitli". NEW YORK. Jan. 21.-FL(H'RRccclpts, e,uiu iiuis. ; exports, h.u.'u duis. ai tholiuh a Irllle steadier In tone tlm market was no higher and ruled dull. second patents. $3 KVfJ.I.OS. first clears, $1 iO J1, second clears, $2 00fl2lo, jika.n in bum, Jll.TfiKli uo. 1'olrilo Urnlii nnil Seril. ToniJIMl. O. .Inn "t. -WHEAT Active. strong; ensh and Jnnunry, 78c, May, SO-Sc; July, 73'tc. CUKN--Firm; rosli nnil January, Ji-ic; May, tor. OATH- Dull, firm: cash nnd January, 25e; May. 26e. ItYE-Mc ( LOVERSEED W prime, J6.70! cash and January. $7.2S; March, $7.30. tllMiiiik'p Oral 11 Jlnrkrt, MILWA1KEE. Wis.. Jan. 31.-WH11AT-Dull; No. 1 northern, 741f75c; No. 2 north ern. 72il73i RYB-Dull; No. 1, Rr. M A RLE Y Quiet; No. 2, 59c: sample, 453 56c. MOVUMUXTS IF HTtlt'Kh ASII ntMH. St. I.onls firnln nnil Provlnlons. ST l.OITIS. Jan. 21 WHEAT Hiclier: No 2 red, cash, elevator, 72c; track, 72iff 7;,',jc; jiiiio, iso; May. uvinn'c; juiy. 72c: No. 2 hard, f.Sr,(CDV4r. CORN No. 2 hard. Jfi'ic: track. 37'icl Jnnunry. ,Wr; Mnv. 37-ii37?4c: July, 3Sc. OATrf-Hlgher; No. 2 cash. 25Jc; track. 25J45(2iic: Jnnuary, 25c; May, 25c; No. 2 white, mviti'ic. 11 Y 1-3 tjlllet, !0',s4liic. FLOI'R Steady; patents. $3.503.60; extra fancy nnd straight, $3.1503,23; clear, $2.70 .no. SEEDS-Tlmothy, firm nt $4.2Se4.7.1 for average recolpts, prlmo worth mure; flax, 110 market. CORNMEAL-Stcady nt $2.00. HRAN -Firm: sacked, east track. (KSOc, llAY-TImothy, steady nt $3.5013.00; prairie, steady at 57.KKjfio.50. WIIISKY-Stendv at $1.27. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.25. ItAOC.lNn-7j7c. IIKMP TWINE-Oc. PROVISIONS - Pork, steady: Jobbing. $14.50. Lard, nominal nt $7.15. Dry salt meats (boxed), steadv: extra shorts. $7,121 clear ribs. $7.25: clenr sides. $7.37. Dnron (boxed). Ilrm; extra shorts, $7.8i; clear litis, w.12: clear sines, j.yi. METALS Lend, steady; sales, soft Mis souri. $4.17. Spelter, lower, $3,87, sellers. I'Ol'll liv aieany: cnicKens, ic; luraeys, r.fifiUr: vouiiL'. litic: ducks. 7r: Reese. De. PI TTER Dull; creamery, 15y21c; dairy, 12il&r ICOtlS Lower nt 17c. RECEIPTS Flour. 9.000 bbls.; wheat, 105, mo bu.: corn. 117.000 bu. : oats. 80.000 bu. . SHIPMENTS Flour, 8,000 bbls.j wheat, t,U!."J HU.; CUril. ldJ,lVA IIU. UHie. uu. l.lvei'iHKil drat 11 nml I'rov laloiiH. t.IVEUPOOIi. Jnn. 21. WHEAT Snot steady: No. 1 California, 6s 4d; No. 2 red western, winter, fis Id; No. 1 northern spring, is 3d. Futures wuro quiet; March, 0s Id; May. lis ld. CORN Spot, unlet; American mixed, new. 3s lid: American mixed, old. 4s. Fu tures, quiet: Jnnunry, 3s 10d; March, 3s "J7il; May, ;is yn. PEAS-Canndlnn. 5s 8d. HOPS At London (Pacific const), steady nt S is. I'ROYlsiONH-lieer. extrn inula mess, Storks (lirn n Trllle Wrnk, lint Ilnllj AstiMilnlilimly. NEW YORK. Jnn. 21. -The rompleto re covery of the stork market from tlm rather nlnrmlng weakness shown during tho early hours of the trading this morning was nn nstoundlng demonstration of recuperative force. The speculative liquidation at the opening wns so violent as to glvo nn ap pearance, of seinl-demorallzatloii In tho market nnd the selling was evidently forced by tho wiping out of margins nnd thn un covering of slop loss orders, Yet beforo tho dny closed the general level of prices had risen above Saturday ntul tho Inst hour showed an urgent and confident buying movement on the floor. The early weak ness was the logical sequenro of the rourso of the market Inst week and tlm general npprehenslon Hint a further reaction was Inevitable. In n mnrket In which oxtfnslvo long accounts exist this menus that brokers in order to protect themselves rail for ad ditional security from their rustoiners for tlm extension of margins, This discloses trany persons who are unwilling or unable to supply further margins and who order tho sale of their holdings either to toko what profits ire left or to savo losses. Thn professional bear operators' lire, nblo to Judge pretty shrewdly of the prouau'" volunm of such orders, This purely techni cal Influence wns reinforced this morning by tho feeling of depression common to nil the securities markets of the world, over tlm approaching death of Queen Victoria. Tho uenth of thn queen is not likely to have n direct lutltiencu on values of se curities either hern or abroad, but capital, always npprehenslvo over 11 change In tho order of things, expressed Itself by selling securities. in tlm opening break In prlcos such declines wero witnessed us 3 In Ht. Pnul, 3 In Pennsylvania, 3 In North ern Paclllc. 5i In Amnlgamnted Copper, from 1 to 3 polntfi In tho steel stocks nnd 1 to 2 points In tho principal active, stocks nil through the list. Tho tlrst clement In the rally wns the unwieldy ohort Interest which stood eagerly walling to take prolttu by buying stocks at the decline. There whs ail inlluentlal sec tion of tho market nlso which refused to yield to tlm depression. Missouri Paclllc gnve way only , and wns Immediately marked up to n level substantially ubove Saturday and held I here throughout the day. In tlm late dealings it rose buoyantly to 904, which was 6 nbove thn early low point. Tho trnders followed tho move ment In the belief that the largest buying of the stock camo from sources which have been credited for some time past with plans for taking over and consolidating tho southwestern railroad systems. The whole group was firm throughout the day and tho Wnbnsh Issues shared quite fully In the strength of Missouri Paclllc. Wabash com mon roio 24, the preferred 4 and the de bentures 4. Tho chnracter of tlm buying In other parts of thu list gnvo tho traders ground for tho supposition that a renewed absorption of stocks was going on .by the powerful banking nnd llnancinl lntcrosts which wero buyers of Important stocks be fore the many recent rumors of vnHt con solidation ualned currency. This caused a fright amongst tho shorts and in attempting to get buck stocks soul earner tney cnuseit prices to advance very generally above Saturday's level. In St. Paul the rally was 4U points, in Amalgamated Cooper. tM. in tho local tractions from 2A4 to 34, In Peoples uas. In Sugar nnd Tobacco, from -'.t to -u eacu nun in n large manner or tliu active stocks from I to 2 points. The steel slocks wero not as prominent In tho rnlly ns tho rest of the mnrket nnd Pressed Steel Car extended Its loss to 5 points after the general market had turned tip- warn, run closing was urm uuu in nnoui tho best nrices of the uny. The recunera tlve power manifested hy tho mnrket has upset many preconceives mens or mo rur tlicr extent or tlm uecjino m nrices. Further oxnorts of gold aro Konerallv ex pected this week, out the nvnllnbln ruiuls are so nbunilnnt ns to glvo confidence In ciinllniioil ease, or money. Rallrouu nouns wero easier uiiiu tno largo demand developed for Wabash de bentures, when they became Irrenular, Total stiles, par value, $5,405,000. U. S, refunding 2 advanced per cent on the last cull. The following are tho closing nrices on the jni.'W lorn iocii oxemoga: balances $:R.r;r) nvre 6ifi prr ''nt, New York exilMPg. , 25c premium bid, 10c pt mluin nsked NEW YORK. Jnn t -Clearings. $!H.- 3:5 342, balances, $H,:ivi.W5. CINCINNATI, Jan. il.-''learlngs, H..V4.- ,(; Now York exchange, 2ei53,c premium money, 3ii per cent. .... HAfTIMORE. Jnn. .il.-Clc.iriligil, ,ilS.- 6fi0; balances, $461, 3. cit York Mn lie j' Market. NEW YORK. .Inn 51 - MONEY On call, steady nt 21(2 per rent; prime mercantile paiier, even's per cent. , . STERLING EXC11ANOE - Firm, with actual business In bnnkers' bills at $I.Si for ilemanil nnd at $1 83fl-l.f3Ti fr sixty days; iwisted rates. $I.Stjll?4 and $4.83; commercial bills, $4.8244.83'i. SILVER-Certlllrates, i-.t?iiVc; bar sli ver. fi3r; Mexican dollars. 49c. HONDS-Oovernment, tinner; railroad. Irregular; state, steady. Tho closing prices on bonus touay are n follows: t. S. ref. Is. reg..K3.N. Y. ". Is 1 do coupon 105 N, J. C. g. 6s... .127 do 3s, reg loOVj Ni). Pacific 3s.... Osl do coupon llo do new 4s, rcg.lLr. c o coupon 137W do old 4s, rog.,113 Ore, (10 coupon im", do Da, reg Hu do coupon 111 D. of C. 3 65s 125 Atcli. gen. Is 1025i!n. (1. W. Is UJ no noj. 4S ,vt, Ht I. v J M c. i.s.111 Can. So. 2s 110 Ht 1, S F g. lis.lKS C. & O. 4s 0I Ht. Paul coll ISO do 5s 120-v. Ht l C. 1'. IS. I IS . .t N. W. C. ?s.l3a ilo 6s 119 do S, F. d. 5s... 121 So. Paeltle 4s .tU hlcago Ter. 4s.. 9' Ho Rnllwny 5s... 112 olo. So. Is 84 H. U. & T. 6s 7i 1). & R. 0. 4s 100 Erlo Oeu. 4s k W. & D. C. Is. 71)'.. Gen. Electric 6s. 155 In. Central ls....,15i; L. & N. mil. 4s. ..100t.. West Shorn 4s. ...113 M., K. & T. 2s.... IT'.IWls Central 4s... (,i! ilo 49 iD-kiva. Centuries ... w lloston Stncli luntn(lnns. HOSTON. Jan. 21.- Call loans. 3if4 per cent; tlmo limns, 3w 1 per cent, oniclal closing: A., V.. ., A. (K. Ui do nfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel.... Hoston it Al Roston Hoston t Me. 11. & Q Dominion Coal do nfd Vderal Steel . do nfd Fltchburg pfd Oen. Electric . Oen. Elec. nfd id. E ec. I ... Mcx. Central . N. E. O. & C. Old Colony ... Old Dominion N-tv York MIiiIiik SturUs. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. The following aro quotations 011 mining stocks: Adams Allen Rreoco Brunswick Con. onistock 'run.. on. Cal. A- Va. Dcadwood Ter... Horn Silver 110 Iron Silver C3 Lcadvlllo Con.... 6 ill 'il null. 1 . .. - -- ---- -- .- .1. ----- - ... xi.,vu. , 1 ,.,!;. 1 .,r. V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 at C(is. Pork, ou t: nrlme western. (Via bakers. $3.00'3 wtnt r iiatents. $3.C54.00; l- ' B,?ni',y : H,nor' c".1'. UAiu lbB." winter stralghtH. $,1.4'(ff3.W ; winter exti is. Hacon, Cuniberlnnil lout, 2h to 30 lbs., sternly $2.60'i2.!i), winter low grades. .45fi2.. Ryo t " : short r is. Ifi o 21 lbs., firm at 43s; flour, steady; fair to gncd, $201(3.15; cholco 10 lanry. .i.ij(uj.uo. iiucKwiiuat Hour, stcaily nt $2,101(2.20. IU'CKWIIEAT-DiiII at fiOli&'o, c. I. f., New Yorlt CORNMKAI Steady; yellow western, loc; city 9tr; Urandywlne, $2.I5C2.50. RYE--Easy, No. 2 western, (hSe, f, o. b. iillnat. stato rye, 53lf.'tc, r. I. f., New York, enr lots IIARLEY-Dull; feeding, $1.50. c. I. f, New York HA RLE Y MAI.T-Hull; western. tVii7ic. HEAT Receipts. 175,800 bu. ; exports. 120.317 Int.; spot, ilrm; No. 2 red, S0c, f. o. b alloat; No. .' rod. 77r, idevator; No. 1 northern, Duluth. St;c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth, 895,,,., f, ,,, , ,,n,m. o,,. tlons opened firm and were generally well sustained all day on a fair trading, Includ ing demands from local shorts Tho latter UI1H line 111 llm.vv houlwmril i1m;i rt. ,n,nu port b.islness ami a lltieral reduction lii tho visible supply, contrary to expectations; i iobcii nrni uuu !i,Mo not uigiier; .Miirrn, 794ii9V, cloHCd 79r; May, 79 S-lfiflSO 3.16c, closed 80e; Jul.v. 791?SlrV closed ,9c. C()RN- lteceliils. 212.775 bu.: nvnorts. M.. 417 bu.: snot, steady; No. 2, I7r rlovator and 47c f o. b. nllnut. Tho option market wns Steady to Ilrm diirlnc the sexKlmi mi fnlr rlenrnlices. Incut covering, tho rise In wheat and buying for country account; closed steady and unchanged: January closed at 47c; March closed at I5e; May. 4)1iin,r. closed llc; July. lfl4tic c'osed 14r OATS -Re 'elpts, 103,m) bu.; exports. lO.OOfl lm. . spot, dull; No. 2. 30c: No. 3, 30c; No. 2 white, 32c, No. :l white. 32r; track, mixed western. Hi3ir; track, white, 31.W ."' Options were dull but steady. HAY--Ktis.j shipping. 75T(774c; good to choice. 92S95e llOPS-Steiidy : state, common to cholc", 1900 iTiin, liVu21c; ISW crop. mn5o: old old. IfliV. Pacltlo const. 1900 crop. 151il:v: crop, livrille; old olds. 2ffir. HIDES Firm; (Inlvestnn, 20 to 2i lbs.. 1SI..11Hi: Ciillfornlii. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Tex.M dry. 24 to 30 It., 15c. LEATHER -Steady; hemlock sole, Rnenns Ayres, light to heavyweights. 245f25c; acid, 23Wi24e. WOOL - Stead) ; domestic lleere, 24j20c; Texas. .15ll7r. , C(AL-Dlill. ' PROVISIONS- Reef. Meadv; family. $11.00 (1(12.00, mess, $9.U!t.50. beof hams, $9.50ir 20.50, packet. $10 (OiJlO.M; city extra IntU mess. $ll.004(lil.(i. Cut meats, steady: pick, led bellies. $7,60! S. 50; pickled shoulders. $i.75 trc.00; pickled hams. J.s.BoiiO.25. Lard, dull; western steameii, $7.70! rclliied, steady ; con tinent, $7 ss. South Amorlcn, $S.ti5, com pound, $5 50cfi.ii2, Pork, stendy. fnuilly, Jl5.Wiifi.75' short clear, $14.5017,lV); mess, $1.1.75'.14.75 I1LTTER Steady , cre.imcry, 16113cj fac- Atchtson 43 Wnbash ilo pfd m: no pru Raltlmoro & O... K. W. & L. E Can. Pacldo 81 do 2d pfd... Can. Southern ..50 Wis. Central . ics. Sc. Ohio 3i'i 1 turn Avenue Chicago .O. W.... 17 11. & O, pfd... .. 13 .. 28 .. n .. .. H ..izo .. 84?i ! 0l C!blcairo 1. & L.. 23 do nfd ilo ptil i Jiuninn express. .11s Chicago & E. I.. 1)2 Am. Express ....172 Chicago N. V..1G8U. S, Express.... 54 r. 1. a i" iih:4 riis-i-nrgo Jix..i30 C. C. C. A- St. L. 77 Colo. Southern .. 7 ilo 1st pra 11 do 2d pru Del. & Hudson. Del. L. H W.... Den. k R. O... do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd.... nocking i- oai Am. Cot. Oil. do pfd Amer. Mulling do nfd ..150i Amer. 8. & R.. ..192 1 do pfd. A H.A.. CJ..II. 1 .wiiui. iiniiin RRi' "do pfd 2'iAmer. S. II ... 61 do nfd 191 Amer. S. & W. ): no pru.. Hocking Valley.. 42 Am. Tin Plate. Illinois Central. .130 do pfti Iowa Central 22 Amer. Tobacco do pfd 4S do pfd L. E. & W 4) Ana. Mln. Co.. do pfd 10S Rrk. Rap. Tr.. t-aUo Shorn 210iColo. F. & 1.... Louis. & Nash... "7 Con. Tobacco .. ao pro Federal Steel .. do nfil Oon. Electric .. (llucose Sugar . no pru Int'n'l Paper .. do nfd Laclede Has ... Nat. Rlscult ... do pfd National Lead do pfd National Steel do pfd lone clear middles, light. 2S to 31 lbs., steadv at 43s; long near miuuies, nenvy, 33 to 40 Mm . xtenilv at 41s: clenr backs. 16 to 20 lbs., stendy nt 39s 3d; clear bellies. II to 16 lbs., steady at 46s; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., stendy nt 35s 3d. .Lard, steady; prime western, In palls, 30s 3d; American rctlned. In palls, 39s 6d. HUTTER--D11II; finest United States, 90s; good I'nited States, Sin. CHEESE-Stemly; American finest white, 51s TALLOW Stonily: prime city, 25s Pd; Australian. In London, 27s 9d. The imports of wheat Inst week wern 48,000 quarters from Atlantic ports and 30,000 from other ports. Tho ImjMirts of American corn last week wero 71.1W) quarters. KmiKiis City (Jinlii nml Provision. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 21,-WltEAT-Mav, 66Tc; cash, No. 2 hard. 66iT7c; No. 3, 65c; No. 2 red. 69c; No. 3, 66fitf7e. CORN May, 36c; casn. No. 2 mixed. 3i(!i34c; No. 2 white, S5364C; No. 3. 3Ge. OATS No. 2 white, 26Q26c. RYE No. 2, 4Rc. HAY-Cbolco timothy, $10.001110.50; :nolco prnlrle. f 60519.00. m'TTER-Crfninery, 17820c; dairy, fancy, 17c. EllOS-'FIrm: fresh Missouri nml Kansas stock, 16e doien case returned; new whltnwood rases included, c more. RECEIPTS-Whent. 156.000 bu.; corn, 62, 800 bu; oats. 21,000 bll. SHIPMENTS Whent, 07.0X1 hu.; corn, 20, 800 bu.; oats, 6,C) bu. I'lilliidrliililn Produce Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 2I.-RUTTER-Flrtn and Ic higher; fancy western cream ery, 23c; fancy western creamery, prints, 23c, KCflS -Stendy, fair demand; fresh near by, 23c; fresh, western, 23e; fresh, south western, 23c; fresh, southern, 22c. CHEESE-Steady; New York full cream, fancy, small. UMil2c; New York, full creams, fair to choice, 10$fllc. Duluth (irnln Miirkrt, DDLl'TH. Jan. 21. -WHKAT-No. 1 hard. 74c; to arrive, 72Rc; May, 78o; No. 1 northern cash, 75c: to arrive, 73n; May, 76o; July. 77o; No. 2 northern, 62 CSSe; No 3 spring, fiSSftWir, CORN-353e OATS-2(254C. Manhattan L ....11.1 Met. St. Hv 160 Mex. Central .... 13 Minn. & St. L.... 66 do pfd 105 Mo. Paclllc 90 Mobllo & Ohio... 4t M.. K. & T l.V do pfd 4lttS N. .1. Contral....l52 N. Y. Central.... 141V4 p. i,nn, .nu du pfd No. Paclllc ., do pfd Ontario & W O. R. & N.. Mn pfd..., Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd.. ilo 2U pru 80 85 29 42 76 41 30i 27 ,. 1'4 . 21 . 61 . 9f .. 2?. ,. ill ,. 39 1. 81 ,. Pf4 .112, ,.136 .. 42 ..i .. 4? .. 12!' .. 91 .. 4f .. IIS ..15,5 .. 95 .. VI MliinenpolU Wlirnt, Flour ami limn. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 21.WIIEAT-Caih. "3Uc May, 74Ji75c, July, 75,;76ic. On track: No. 1 hard, 75J4C, No. I northern, 73c: No. 2 northern. TWlljc, Ft.OUR Lower; first patents, $4.0004.15; Rio O. W... do pru St. L. A- S. F. ilo ist pru. 37 92 84 37, 89 N. V. Air Hrake.,149 No. American Pnclllr Const . do 1st pfd... do 2d nfd... 6"1i Parlllc Mall ... 10 People's Uas . IV, iPressed S, C... 92 do pfd 26IPiillman 1. C. s:stand. It. & T 41 lH 6M4 27 82 Sugar 20 ... 61 ...88 ... 64 ... 40 ... 917 ... 26 ... 7:i, ...id; ... 3 ...133. ...1IS f,6 do nfd Tonn. C. A I 1J. S. Leather.... Ill do pfd 73'.: 17. H. Rubber.... 21', do pfd 60 Western Union .. 8.1 Amal. Copper ... 8T4 uepumir j. c a.. ia( no pru r,ri 8i P. C. C. & St. L. 53 do 2d pfd 57 St. L. S. W 21 do prd -W'4 St. Paul HB do nfd IRS St. P. H Oinnha..'.30 So. Paclllc .... So. Railway .. do pfd Tex. H PiLctllc. Union Pacific do pfd Ex-dlvldend. Nominal Tho Commercial Advei User's London financial cablegram: Tho markets here wero gloomy tinner the gloomy news irom os borne, although the latest dispatch main tains that the rally In the queen's condl tlon has been maintained. The city, how over, Is Jiopeless of ultimate recovery. Tho business iransacteii was meager. L'onbol dinned to 95 on thn queen's condition, but mainly on account nt thn fears that a largo war loan is penning, i.onnon soui on Dal mice. New York bought and tho continent took Northern Pacltlcs nnd Union Pnclllcs Mnnev rates wero unciianeeu. ilea nir being restricted by the belief that tho bank must tako steps to secure control of tho market during the next fortnight. Silver was wek despite tlm tender of 25,250 kilos tomorrow. The tork nxrhaugn arranged to closo Immediately on receipts of nowB of tho ucain 01 me queen London Stork luoln (Ioiih, LONDON, Jan. 21. I p. m.-Closln.!! . 96Erlo . 96 do 1st pfd . II Pennsylvonla ... . 9')lReadlng .HS'ilNn. Paclllc 11M. Illinois i-eiurni...jT; urnim thihk ... Louisville 8SlAnacondn ....... U. P. pfd 84 lUnnd Mines N. Y. Central.... 143 Cons., monoy do ncct.... Atchison Can. Paclllc Ht. Paul 26' C2 71' If! 87 7 81 rcr HAR SILVER-Steady. 29 l-16d per ounce MONEY -2f3 per cent. Tho ratn of ills, count In thn oneu market for short hlllx 4 per cent; discount for three months' bills. 4fi4U ner cent. HnuU ( Imr'iiKK, CHICAOO. Jnn. 2I.-C learlnirs. $23,199 ISO balnnccs, 11,73.219; posted exchange, $1.81 J , ' . - 1 . - ' - - " - r. - f Vf avu !' mlum. HOSTON. Jan. 21 -Clearings, $17.0II,11S uniances, i.tiu,wr.i. BT. J-OUIB. Jan. :i.-C'tarint;s, tl,m,V)l do 4s 104 N Y C & S L Is.. 107 N. & w. con. is. w?4 NOV. is uu to 4s 103 O. S. L. c. 6s 130 do con. 6s 116 Rend lig Ken. 4H.. 9.1 fox. A: Parlllc ls.115 ilo 2S Union Pacific 4s..PC."4 Wabash Is 11S llO 2S 108i,, .. 4:iRubber- 21 .. 83 Union J'acltlc .... 82 ..133 Union Land 2i ..HS,West End W ..157 .Atchison 4s 191 ..2.51 N. E. Cl. & C. 6s.. t. Elnviited.16l'Amal. Copper ... 89 101 Atlantic -tjVS 111 Hoston & Mont. .330 .'-Cnl, & Hecla S63 loo Ontennlal 2t' 16 Franklin 15 t Humboldt 60 140 Osceola 70 183 Parrot 13 l'8Qiilney 166 ill Santa Fn Cop.... 6 lWi Tamiirark 22 11 Utah Mining .... 31 20S Winona 1 -1 Ring. Mln. Co.... lf4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Demand or 0ttl and Trade Ruled AotWe and Steadj to Strong. HOGS ABOUT THE SAME AS ON SATURDAY .Not llrnvr Hun of hecp 11 ml the l)e lii 11 ltd on (lie I'nrt of I'lirker JIcIiik I.llirrnl, (lie Mnrket AVns Actltr nnd ftcrvd). SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 21. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oltlclal Monday 1.615 5,i6T 3,0(0 Samo day last week.... 3,693 4.89J 4,0j3 Sumo day week betore.. l,4l 4,-6 4,019 Samo thrco weeks ago.. 1,112 4,42. 2,lii Same four necks ago... 7o4 6.3IS 17 Sumo day last year.... 2,0vl 3.186 6. Average irice paid for hogs for tlm past several days, with comparisons; I 1901." 1900li3J.lSJS. 11897. 1S9).1896. Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jun. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jun. Jan. Jnn. Jnn. Jan. Jan. I. ... 3.'.'.'., 4.... 6.... 6.... 7.... 8.... 9.... 10... II. .. 12... 13... 14... 15... 10... 17... IS... 19... 20... 21... 4 95 4 21 3 42 4 1-6 4 33 3 57 4 954 4 29 3 57 3 4S 5 02 4 27 3 44 3 44 C 04 4 3 3 47 3 38 4 35 3 48 n Si 5 U5 3 42 3 40 6 05?4 4 34 3 43 6 It 4 3S 3 45 6 25 4 35 3 60 S 43 5 23 4 41 3 65 3 29 5 17 4 49 3 60 3 47 4 63 3 65 3 49 5 16 3 60 3 49 6 25; 4 68 3 47 5 204 4 62 3 62 6 2o 4 43 .1 49 3 47 5 29 4 65 3 51 3 51 6 27 4 64 3 54 3 64 4 61 3 66 M 60 6 25 3 69 3 M 3 181 3 401 n 17 3 43 I 3 46 3 251 3 51 3 27 3 3 IS 3 H 3 11 3 07 3 14 3 09 3 19 3 26 3 23 3 23 3 26 3 26i 3 26 3 63 3 48 3 46 3 56 3 54 3 61 3 47 3 53 3 69 3 66 3 72i 3 s: 3 90 3 961 4 22 4 16 4 m 4 11 4 16 4 10 4 W 4 11 4 09 4 OS 4.07 4 11 4 11 3 SS 3 86 3 85 3 88 3 95 Indicates Sunday. . . , Tha oniclal number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H ses. C, M. & St. 1'. lly... 2 O. & St. L. R.v Missouri Pacific Hy.. .. Union Pacific System. 10 C. & N. W. Hy 3 V., E. & M V. It. II. 11 8. c. & 1'. Ry I c, st. p.. M. & 0. ny 17 II. r M. 11. R. It 10 C, II, & Q. Ry 1 ('., It. 1. ei P., east.. 10 C, R. I. & P., west.. .. Illinois Central Total receipts 65 80 14 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, ench buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Hiivers. Cattle. Hogs, aneep. 3 .1 12 9 8 .1 7 7 13 12 1 1 80 Con. 20 45 200 27 4 115 63 Little Chlof ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Havago Sierra Nevada Small Hoped .. Standard ... 16 ...650 ... 5s ... 10 ... 1" ... IS .. 15 ... 70 ...415 I'lirelmi Fliiiincliil. LONDON. Jan. 21. Money was in rair demand today. Oloom and depression over- iiting tno mnrket 111 connection wuu mo ontlnunliv nrrivim: to CKrunis rcgur.im; tho queen. Consols started al 95, tho low- si 111 seven years, reenvereu 10 ,i mm I ended to 95 and readvanced. Tho war loan likewise receded on nn iinfavor.inio Inlluence of tho coming loan. The decll'io In Americans progressed to well below par ity, notably St. Paul. (Sold premiums nro quoted at Huenos Ayres. 131.70; MaJrld. 10.87: Lisbon. 41. so; jpnnisii is, ,o',. PARIS. Jan. 21. Rus nss was 1I1111 on tno bourse today because Of Jindon tidvlcs re garding the queen. Renter were harder, In (TiiH trials wero.lrreguhir nnd Rio tlntoa ic- inpscit on tno ueriino 111 copper, ivuurs vcre mnlntiilneil and quiet. Three per cent rentes, lOlt 92c for tho account; exchange 011 London, 251" llo for checks. lil'illi.i.N, Jan. ii.- i'rices were whk nn tlm bourse today, owing to the il-cllne in ;ng isn consols. 11 unit iiiniis ivr eimifr, Americans and Canadian Pacifies w?ro weak on New York advices. Locals lluc tnnted, closing quiet. ' MADRID. Jnn. 21. Spanish is ciosen to day at 71.45. Gold w'as quoted at 33.C2. Coiidltlon of. Ibe Treasury. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Today's stnte- ment of tho treasury lialancn In tlm general fund, cxciusivo or jitiO.ooo.oi.io goiu reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avallnblo cash bnlance, $129,425,319; gold, $75,057,005. AYool .MlirUel. LONDON. Jan. 21. Tho offerings nt tho wool miction sales today amounted to 14, 244 holes. Thn selection was varied. Com uetltlon for Hnn grades was brisk, but low scoureds were slow, heavy ntul iliflleult to sell; some lots were withdrawn. New clip wan active and in demand at Ilrm prices nnil lmi.lv l cut ureasv 111 nroKen graues, Only n few lots of cross-breed wero offered. Greasv comblni; wns esnecially brisk and was taken ny tno nomo iraue aim me con tinent. America purcnaseu soverni ue- slrabln lots. Fo lowlnc aro the sa es In detlill: New South Wales. 6.600 bales: scoured 6d5ils Sd: greasy. 3lld. Oueeusland. 2.300 bales; fecourod. 10'U15il; greasy.6(9il; Victoria, 1.1W bales; scoured. 6dfils 6d; greasy. vnilWi. Houin AUMiriiim. -u bales; greasy. 7(!Sd; Tasmania. ,00 bales irreasv. 44il0d. Now Zealanil, S.ioo bales scoured, 0dffls 3d: greasy. Wt!lt. Capo of Good Hope nnd Natnl, r) bales; scoured, is 2tlils tin; greusy. 4)4if , 4. nil nml UonIii. ntr. CITY T'n. Jnn. 21. OI LCredlt bal nnces. $1.17; certlllcates, no urn; Hiupmenrs, 17S.6S9 no s.. nvernge ioi.us nuis.; runs, j... bhls.. nvernee. 87.Slfi bbls. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. oi i.a-i oiionseeii, tunilnr.ili'ly active nnil n wluule stendler: il mu ml lielni? nrlnelnnllv for February oil. of which 400 bbls. sold today at 3le; prlmo crude, bbls., 27c; prime summer yeimw, an frr Hummer vellnw. Mil 30c : nrlme TXte. I ift25o; prlmo "winter yellow, 354t3Sc, prime meal, Sir. . .. . 1,1 V I'.IVI UVJ.I, U'tll, 1 uiit,, ,. Hull rctlned. spot, steady, 20s 6d. Linseed nil. 3ls nil. LONDON. Jan. 21. Ol l.s i.inseeu, cvs. Turpcntlno spirits, 20s ld. Cofi'ee lurket. NEW YORK. Jnn. 21 -COFFEE-Spnt nin. ilnll: No. 7. Invoice. 7Lc. Mild, illlel Cordova. 8if12c Tho coffee market opened sltndy nnd r. points lower under weait lii rmi.'iin ninrKet reooris. iimivoiiiue. ui tlstlcnl reports from Rra7.ll. light local llq- lililatlou aim mini nnsenee oi Huiriini nun iinrt Tlm mnilfet wns unlet nil day with out sign of recuperation: i-eiitlinent of local traile wan nearisn. nut rew wern suui.'ieiiiiy er.iiraeeous to onerale The market closed dull, with prlres 5 points lower: total s ites were 6,500 bags. Including Mnv at G 8Mi5.de ; September, &.:c; October, b.voc; uoeemoer. fi.05c. Snicnr Inrkrt. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 21 -SI'GAR-Mnr. knl firm', ntlell kellln. 3l'.lW4lr: Otieil kettle rentrlfiigal. Iif4c: centrifugal yellow. 4 6T lt-lRe: seronds. "Jji.c. Molasses, open kettle. 201130c; centrifugal. Sf(21c; syrup, 20 30c NEW YORK. Jnn. 'Jt. -SUGAR -Raw steady; fair rellnlng. 3 l3-!0c: centrifugal 96 test. I5-I6e: molasses sugar, 3 9-lbr: re- lined steady: crushed, Or; powdered, 5.61c frriiimlnteil 6e. LONDON, Jan. 21.-REET SUGAR- On ld. Vlxllilc firiilii SiiimiI.v. 'RV YORK. .Inn "I The vlslhl" SlllinlV of lrraln Saturday. .Innuurv 9. ns compiled bv the New York Produce exchang-", Is no follows: Wheat. 61,l!W.ooo bu ileennn, 64U hu .: com. 11.731 000 bu.. licrease. 113 000 bll.; oats. 19.6)1,00.) bll. llicren. 129,iX bn.: rye. 1.217.ooo bu., decrease, ai.ooo bu barley, 2,011,(i0 bu., deiTcase, 219.K) bu. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21. - WOOL-- Quiet nnd nomlnHllv uiichanirod: meilliiiu grades. 11' rir; light tine. 131lie; heaw line, lOftl'o tub washed, 1829r. CoilKiillillltli.il In l.i'Knl JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Jan. 21. -Tlm simreum rourt. en banc, today sustained a motion to qunsh the nlternatlvo writ of ouster In the St. Louis Consolidated Strei railroad rase. Instituted bv the attorney general, on 1110 groumi or iiiegiu coinoiua, Hon In violation of tho anti-trust laws Tills disposes of the rase and makes the recently enacted law. allowing the con solldatlon of street car companies, legal Slrlko Out Pay liny. NEWCOMH, Tenn., Jan. St. About 2) miners employed In tho Woolridge, Oswego and Indian mountain con I mines struck today In sympathy with the striking coal miners In tho Itnllnn lllue Hem enrnnanv i mine The Italian miners are out. thuniinil Ing that the contract pay day lie the llrst Saturday after tho lot It or each month The comnanv contends for the second H.it unlay after thu 10th and Is willing to pay men. 217 76 i',363 913 Omalia Packing Co 1?2 998 (!. II. Hammond Co U 890 Swift and Company 276 1,1 S Ciulnhy Packing Co 289 ? Armour & Co 2iS i,3jo R. Rerker ,t Degnu - Vansant & Co 8 Lobmnn Sc Co 61 Hill .t Huntidngcr llenton & Underwood... 1W Llvlngstono ."t Srhaller.. 29 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 86 L. F. II iisz I II. L. Dennis & Co 49 Other buyers 116 209 Totals TifiSO 6.018 2.77S CATTLE-Thcro was Just nn nvernge Mnmtiiv'H run nf nil lie hero today and packers being nil llbernl buyers the market wns active unu steaoy to sirong on any thing at all desirable Ruyers went after tho beef steers In good shnpo and It wns not long before tho better grades had changed I mmls ut good steady to strong prices, uven me less ucmnium kinds moved quite readily nt good stendy prices. Puckers eemed to wunt the cattle, and, ns there were not many good ones on snle, they had to tnko tho commoner kinds. Tho cow innrKei was uiso in gouu biuuh nnd tho twenty-tlvo cars on salo wero sold In good season at steady to stronger prices, Tho better grades in particular wero in actlvo demand, and, us the buyers nil wnnted them, they had to pay good strong nr res. The medium kinds or cows aiso Bold In good shupc, but not so much clinngo was notlccauio in the less uesirnuia kiiius of winners. , . Runs, calves nnd stags also cominaniieu fully Inst week's prices nnd sellers had llttlo dllllculty In disposing of their holdings. mere wero not very many leeucrs uu sale today and anything nt all good sold nt stronger prices. A bunch sold ns high as $4.55 and other cattle brought cor respondingly good prices. The ilemanu irom the country for cholco cattio Is fairly good, ami, an the supply Is light, prices aro held very urm. ine common graues, now- over, uro "ot ns reauy sellers ami prices are not Impiovlng on that class of cattle. Ilepresentiitivo sales: HEEF STEERS. No. l... 1... 3... 16... 1.... 16.... 17.... :o.... i.... 3.... 24.... u'.'.'. 5.... ,i,i 9S0 913 1060 1046 914 117 10s 912 930 1145 Av. Pr. , 720 2 50 , 760 $3 75 3 4 00 4 16 4 17 4 20 I -'5 t 25 4 :5 4 35 4 10 4 40 No. 2... 19... 10... 84... 16... ;..., 20... 5... 18... 17... 8 Av. 1175 1083 112.S 1114 1122 1171 1228 1220 1267 1326 1253 10 1111 M 1237 STEERS AND HEIFERS. SO.'."., II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n Y. '.'.'.'. 4 ... 3... ....1097 .... 993 .... 89.1 ....1025 .... 870 .... 950 ....1010 ....1000 .... 9S0 .... 855 .... 670 .... 783 .... 895 .... 920 ....1060 .... W2 ....loiio .... 930 ....1125 ....1080 .... 970 .... 870 .... 950 .... 970 .... 970 .... 840 ....looo ....1016 .... 979 ....1021) .... 880 .... 9X0 ....1033 ....1220 ....1115 .... 935 ....1240 .... 890 ....1070 ....1035 .... 780 ..... 900 1070 .....100U ....1223 .....1085 .....1040 1110 1103 1200 .... 800 .....1OS0 .....1130 .... 860 .....1040 850 977 925 890 730 1335 1110 620 nun 1350 liO'i 1230 1IKH) 1110 i;ni iSTTi !)90 1330 1315 1100 1330 3 30 18..., I 15 6... COWS. .1216 .1233 1 50 1 73 2 l) 2 (0 2 V) 2 30 2 35 2 35 2 ;:5 2 23 2 ') 2 50 2 ,0 2 .VI 2 ry) 2 V) 2 50 2 fO .. r,fj 2 55 2 CO 2 t'O 2 63 2 (-3 2 70 2 iO 2 75 2 75 J to 2 75 3... 6... 1... 1... 1... 2 a) 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 85 2 !5 2 90 2 90 2 90 C 2 90 HEIFERS. ....1070 ....1071 .... 910 .... 9U0 ....1190 ....1126 .... 995 ....1010 ....1133 ....1180 ....1120 ....120,-. .... 97S ....1215 ....1170 .... 879 ....1O30 ....1186 .... 9S3 ....1145 ....1005 .....10W ....1190 .....1031 .....1107 ..... 9S7 .1000 .10(0 .11S0 ...1110 ...1070 ...1120 960 991 II4S 1195 966 1010 1113 126.'! ll.Mi 1220 1201 1060 1075 100-3 1186 10 1191 7 1265 24 12. 7. I ?.'. 1 l 13.'.'.'.'.'.'. 19 14 1 1 6 1 1 15 19 10 4 0 1 IS 3 3 1 17.. I.. 4.. 16.. 6 ...1473 Pr. 4 10 4 40 4 60 4 50 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 75 4 90 5 00 5 00 5 10 5 15 1 91 4 90 2 90 2 95 3 l) 3 ID 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 03 3 05 3 1 5 3 10 :: 15 3 15 .1 15 3 20 3 I'D 3 111 3 20 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 2 3 SO 3 30 3 ) 3 30 3 35 3 nr. 3 .'5 3 33 ,'t 35 3 40 3 10 3 40 3 10 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 :o 3 55 3 55 3 ;$ 3 55 3 55 3 h5 3 fO 4 10 2 90 3 23 3 I'D 3 JO 3 45 3 60 3 50 U... 1... 16... 3... 1... 9... 39... HULLS. 5 1 . . . , 769 800 90S 620 910 911 1061 ... 1, 1., ...KM ...1340 ...1229 ...1370 ... 950 ...11130 ...1370 ...1510 ... 550 .. .11X11 ..1510 2 80 2 85 a i) 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 10 3 10 1 1040 3 10 1 I860 3 10 1 Ulrtil 310 i nn 3 15 1... C A L V I JH. 183 6 ll 2.... , 230 5 OO 2.... , 110 0 tO 1. .. STAGS. 790 3 3" 1 . . . . 1080 3 50 1.... STOCK COWS AND Ml 3 SU - 511 3 .5 16 490 3 ::o STOCK CALVES. 390 .1 ,l 7 400 t 25 STOCK ERH AND FEEDERS. 1510 130 130 3 55 3 CO 3 it) 3 ;:, 3 75 3 80 3 Ml 3 13 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 -J) 3 25 3 35 3 3 ?.i 3 10 ? 50 .1 55 3 07 3 73 4 00 4 00 6 25 6 60 6 50 3 SO 4 (0 1190 1260 HEIFERS. .... 680 3 20 UTS 3 40 63.... 5 .. 1 1 1 . . 790 . 475 .liTTO . 1X1 . 804 . 732 . 790 . !Ml . 612 . 4SO 680 680 2 t'5 2 75 2 7,i :t ro 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 "0 3 ; :: 'A 3 W 3.. 1. o 3." 1. 4. 42 . 23.. 3. 23. .1113 . 8 . 815 . 686 , 630 . 755 . 860 . 480 . 8M 926 950 682 60 ! i it 3 75 3 K0 3 S3 3 90 3 4 00 t 00 4 (5 I iO 4 15 I 1 JH 5M 19 . . ,13 . R83 3 0 COLORADO. Nn. Av. Pr. 8 cows 1H0S $3 05 1 row..., 2 cows. 2 steers. 1 Stucr.. $97 4 25 No. 2 htlfers,. 4 heifers.. 4 hMfers.. 2 feeders. 1 bull 1260 1 W ,V. Pr. 7M $2 75 672 3 10 757 3 10 POT 3 40 860 2 10 . 850 2 40 . 860 2 10 . .820 2 4'i R. F. Johnson Co'o. t6 feeders 1067 4 55 28 feeders. . 07" 4 63 63 feeders. .1032 ISA 72 feeders. . 996 4 55 6 feeders . 996 .163 1 feeder. .. 1020 3 25 1 feeder... 1030 3 (v 1 bull 1000 3 30 HOGS--Tlicrn wns a llbernl run of hogs here today for a Monday, but the market started out close to steady with Saturday's oiienlng market. A few of tho packers started out and paid $5.27 and $o.30 for tho best grades of butcher and heavy weights, Asldo from those, however, pack ers did not wnnt to pay nuch over $5.25. Later advices from ChlrnKo were not ns fuvornble nnd us n result the market hero was very slow nnd druggy. As tha morn ing advanced the mnrket kept getting worse nml on the close good hogs sold ns low us $5.22, As will be seen from thn table of nvenigo prices, today's general mnrket Is n stuido lower thnn on Saturday. It was a slow mnrket from start to tlnlsh ntul the morning was well ndvnnced be for thn yatds wero cleared. Ilepresentii tivo sales; No. Av. Bh.- Pr. 14 110 ... 4 23 36 104 ... $1 1,5 47 1S3 40 5 15 M 232 ... b 20 32 287 12i) f. 20 100 169 ... 6 20 90 180 ... 6 J) 67 220 16) 5 70 32. 15. 70. 66 10. 70 25S M 211 71 2.a 5 20 ... r, 12 ... r, 22 J ... D 22 ... 5 22 80 6 22 ... 6 22, 20i) 5 22 , 64 215 40 6 22 67 240 ... 5 22 95 ...160 . . . 2 23 :::r?5 43 391 68 231 06 2W1 63 236 65 ISC) 77 195 10 330 14 21S 59 274 81 214 63 2S1 69 277 85 179 64 233 66 229 63 260 70. 78 205 71 217 60 278 62 2J1 77 224 84 210 44 307 62 ... 5 22 II") 5 22 ... 6 22 80 5 12 ::: gg ... 5 25 ... 6 16 ... 6 25 6 2o 6 25 .. 5 25 .. 5 25 .. 6 15 40 6 25 b 25 40 .197 100 6 2J .. 5 25 80 5 25 . . 6 25 .. 6 25 .. 5 T . . 6 25 .. 6 25 .309 200 5 '.6 120 6 26 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 65 323 120 5 25 86 20.1 ... 6 26 80 221 5 26 61 250 ... 5 25 67 207 ... 6 25 81 213 80 6 25 32 257 12") 5 25 67 229 ... 5 25 71 241 ... r.y. 75 233 ... 6 25 41 i'69 40 5 25 71 23S 80 5 25 61 332 120 5 23 69 23 i 83 6 25 70 221 ... 5 27 0) 28S 80 5 27 69 mil 160 6 27 90 203 ... 6 rt fc9 302 240 5 27 71 221 ... 6 274 113 27S 80 6 27 75 227 ... 6 S7 , 52 271 80 6 27(, CO 211 ... 6 27 6: 236 20 6 27 b.1 234 ... 6 27 66 1VS ... 6 27 64 273 ... 6 27 6S 230 ... 6 27 62 243 ... 5 ?7 68 269 ... 6 27 65 215 ... 6 30 65 245 ... 6 30 70 259 80 5 30 78 234 ... 5 TO 45 334 ... 5 30 57 2S.1 160 6 30 46 35'J ... 6 30 67 245 ... 6 3D 65 241 ... 5 30 61 292 120 5 ?,0 55 272 ... 6 52 69 284 50 6 32 ti9-U, April ,1 Jiol V. Mnv P.-Vn'i .'6( . .lime. 9 JS'iIO :8, .!.,!, o :"fK ile. Aiijiio. ;V,,,f?,'',',,frl,'embrr ' S.JMiS.Jie. .1 VI. Ill'finl i.,. . ,T"rrvu,..ii mmlornl., K, ,ut ' . i i.l ' ....-,.1, - Pie.uiv, tllll'lliiiii ii'i'i- dllng. 5l,-.(.'d. ales of ilm day were J.ool nines, or wiih h vi Wrr,, f,. .uerulatlon ami evtinrf mill li,..i. - .... . .' i, 7 . i,i ii-ii ,,m.i .tuiurii'iill. i' - tpts, 19.0k) i.,,.a In, -in, n,,., liliao Aniei I- Cllll. Futures litleneil nn.l Ktoae.t lllltel Amerlcii low middling c.his', February- Mnfrli T. nfl..! 1,1 I....... . . i. e,0 .......... ...,.-,., .inriMl-April, ni." 64d, June-July, 3 12.6UI sillers. .Illlv. fuXI-'ild nuyers: August-Septimiier, 160-64,1 bitvers; September. 4 Ol-f.ld buvers; September, if. n . , . ' Y "iij'tk. lemoer. g il. r , 1 H'MU nominal; October-November. I3.6lil. Kvniiiirnlcil iu.,1 Dried Until. NEW YORK. Jan. l'1 I'v M'nn t'rif.ti APPLES-rim market for evnpnrted ap ples started the week In a dull listless wnv. The undertone, however, whs weak, fol lowing unfavorable colintrv itvlcoa, but prices wero nominally imehnnnii tni common wero nominal at 3V,f-5i,e; fancy. II t'lllirorilla rrtllts ruled nulel nmt nli, ml steady ut unchanged prices Prunes. 3ff 8r per pound ns to size and qunlltv. Ap ricots, royal, 7451120; Moor park. 8L1?l5e. Peaches, peeled, Hlflv; impeded, 6nsc. mv York Dry (iiiniN Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Jan. 2t. DRY (inniw -Al. though there ban not been miy percepllbln increase in tho volume of business doing In cotton goods today there have been con siderable) Inquiries nnd an increasing hual. nrss Is looked for soon In staple lines nf ?riuis nnu giugiiams, which nre unennnged. rlnt cloths are strmly both al Full River and outside markets. Illulit Hotter lnrl.r(. ELGIN. 111. Jan. 2I.--RUTTER Firm nt 22c; no offerings and no sales; output of the week. 10.610 tubs. Till! REALTY MARKET. SHEEP Them was not it heavy run of sheep hero today, nnd, thn demand being In good shape, tho market ruleti actlvo nnd steady. Packers nil seemed anxious tor tho good stuff and as a. result everything at all desirable was sold uud weighed up early in the morning. Native lambs sold as high at $5.30 and western lambs brought $3.25 and yearlings weighing 92 pounds sold ut $4.60. 1 here were not enough feeders on sale today to make a test of tho market, but those, that wero offered sold nt Just about lust week's prices. Quotations: Cholco fed wethers, $l.25ft 4.50; t Ir to good wethers. $1.00111.26: choice lightweight yearlings, $4.604.90: fair to good yearlings, $4.25tf4.50: cholcn owes, $3.35 4(3.75; fair to good ewes. $3,0043.30: choice spring lumbs, $o.26''nj.50; fair to good spring lambs, $i.OOt(5.25; feeder ewes, $3.2y3.60; feeder wethers, $3.50M3.76; feeder lambs, $1.00 4(4.10. Representative Bales: No. Av. Pr. 145 feeder ewes 74 $2 10 182 ewes Id) 3 60 393 western ewes 99 3 62 in native ewes li: 57 native wethers 118 488 western venrllnirs 100 2oi) western yearlings 126 yeaning wetners L"62 lambs 38 lambs 1 lamb 26 western lambs 217 western lambs 9 goats , , 63 gouts 1 buck 25 yearlings 7 native yearlings 49 lambs 76 nattvo lambs ..Ill 3 65 4 43 4 60 4 60 4 60 6 10 6 10 5 10 6 15 5 25 3 25 3 0) 4 00 4 60 4 75 4 75 6 30 92 71 (SI 80 80 80 81 100 130 83 118 63 9J CHICAGO I.IVi: STOCK .MARKET. Cnltlc Stronir to II Inner Hobs Slow to Lower .Jiliren .Steady to l.owrr. CHICAGO. Jan. 2I.-CATTLE-Rccelnts. lO.Ono head. Incliiillnir 70) Texans: irood to choice, strong to shade higher; common and rough, slow; butchors' stock, strong and nctivo; Texans steady; good to prime steers. ,pu.w W. ,V. I IIJ IIU'UIU 111, J . wvi J , ..v, stoekers and feeders. $2.75f 4.6"): cows. $2.75 hh.zj; Doners. w.iivlM.oo; ennners. ju.uuti 2.70: bulls. $2.8O?i4.40: calves. $3.76H6.i: Texas fed steers, j4.00ffl.N0; Texas grass sieers. j3..Kiir4.oo; nuns, w.vrqj.sa. i ii i iiir.i.,int indjv ihhi iinnii. in. morrow. 33.000 haad: left over. 3.500: slow to shade lower: mixed and butchers. $6.15 415. 4.1; good to cholco neavy. .oOjf.i.iirt. rough heavy. $5.15fi5.25; light, $5.15 5 40; imiK or nnies. x:,. ft..!,!. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 21.000 head; steady to 10o lower; good to choice wethers. $3.75157:4.55: fair to .'hoire mixed. $3,407(3.80: western sheep, $3.757f4.60; TVxns slurp, $2.503.50: native lambs. $4.23fJ5.50; western lamus, a.wiu.J. KnnsiiM City Live Stock .Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Jon. 21. CATTLE--Recelnts. 7.00") nntlves. 2.300 Texans. 350 calves; mnrket stendy to strong on best grades; common grades slow; natlvn beef stfers, $4.60fiti.30; stockers nnd feeders, $1 75 474.65; cows and heifers, $3,254(4-50: -anni;ri, $2,254(3.15; western fed steers. $3,9044.75; Texas nnd Indian steers. $1. 405(4. 30; btilU $3.10f(4.25; calves, $4.&mifi.7o. HOliH Receipts, ms m neaii; marat-i steadv; top, $5.37; bulk of sales. $"..30ft 5.35: heavy. $5,304(5.37: mixed pnekors, S ''M,r. 3Si lie-lit. S.l.lOf5.23: nlcs. U.tMII 9). SHEEP AND LAMRS- Recelnts. 2.J0O bend: mnrket strone: western lumbs. 5 30 45.40; western wethers, $3.80 for epoed Texans to $1.50 for Arizona fed; ewes, $3.50 4J3.90; culls, $2.fi0Tl3.0O. York Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. BEEVES Re celpts, 1.147 head: good steers, steady to firm; medium and common, 10c higher; bulls, stroni; at $2,7044.70: steers. $t.70'n 5.35; rows. $3.00ff3.75. iTnuies quote live came sienny; surei, lower nnd stendy; no exports. CALVES-Recelpts. 1.370 head; firm; venls. $4,7048.50; westerns. $4.00. SHEEP AND LAMUS Receipts, 20.315 head; sheep, weak for the under grades; prlmo stock, stendy; sheep, $3,004(4.00; choice. $(,654f4.75: cu'ls, $2.00472.50; lambs, $5,004)6.25; culls, $4.0O4JI.50; Canada lambs, $6.12. HOGS-Ilccclpts, 10,822 head; higher t J6.654J5.85. SI, Louis Live Stock Mnrkel, ST LOUIS. Jan 21.- CATTLE Receipts. 2.700 head. Including 2,50 Tevnrs; market steady for natives, strong and active ior Tovans; nntlve shipping and export steers. $1.704i5.SO; dressed beef nnd butcher Ktetir'i, $4,101(5.10; steers under l.OnO lbs. $3 754(1.75: stockers nnd feeders, $3.00Jft f cows and heifers, $2.0O4f4.i; canners. $1.2o4J2.75; mills, $2.00y3.9f); Texas and Indian steers, $1 3i'rr 4.65; cows nnd heifers. $2.304i3.45. SHEEP AND LAMRS -Receipts, 800 head; mnrket strong and nctivo; native mutt m.t $1.75ft4.23; Inmbs, $1,254(5.60: culls and bucks, $2.50ff4.OO; stackers. $2.25t(3.25. Stock In MIkIiI. Following nre the receipts nt Hie four principal western markets for .Innunrv 21 Cattle. Hogs. Sherp Smith Omaha 1.615 5.4CT rrto rhlrngo 19.i 27,V) 21.(0) Kansas City 9.3M s.soo 2,401 St. Louis 2.700 10,200 8TO Totals 32,615 61.1C5 27,770 Cot ton .Mnrket. NEW YORK, Jnn 21. -Speculation on the Cotton exchange today wns of a desultory ibarncter nnd prices moved within narrow limits. Tho mnrket opened steady with prices 0110 point higher to live points lower, and after a brief moment of hesitation turned weak tinder room liquidation and light foreign selling, brnuirht out by n sharn break In Liverpool, which mnrknt wns af fected bv the alarming news regarding the queen. Receipts wero full nnd specilatluil failed to como to the aid of wavering bulls Rut later In the morning shorts bectunn npi.teheuslve of light estimates from New Orleans and Houston for tomorrow's re ceipts nnd In an effort to cover sent prices close to tho Until llgures of Saturday Early In the afternoon values again fell ti ilu low iMiint under fresh liquidation of a pro fessional sort brought out by Inrger re celnt estimates thnn looked for nml bv light selling pressure from abroad. For the rest of the session business dragged nlong wearllv ,vid lluctuntlntiK were Insignificant The market was finally quint and steady with prices nut one to nine points lower. Spot closed dull nt l-ISo lower: middling uploads, ni5-16c; middling gulf, 10 3-lfic; sales. 1,000 nnl n, Futures closed quint and slradv; Jnnunry 9 76c; Febrtinrv. 0.3Gc; March. 9.33c April. 9 3lr; Mnv. 9.32c: June. 9.?lc: July, 9.31r- August. 9.03e; September 8.4t: October. 8.2.V: November. S.Hc NEW ORLEANS. Jan 21 -COTTON-Spot quiet; sales. 3,300, ordinary. 7e, good ordlnnry. 8c, low middling 9c, middling, 9 9-16e, good middling, 9 IS-lde middling, fnlr 10o nominal, receipts, 12. IM bnles, stork 340,941 bales, Futures, Janunrv. C-.3liT9.36c, February, 9.S04J9.32C, March, 9.23 INSTRUMENTS tiled for record Monday, Jnnuary 21. 1901. Wnrrnnty Deeds. E. C. Price and wife to J. M. HemK s lots 7 and "'. block 175. Omahn.. . 2 St. Iawrence university to L. C. Gr.t hnm. lot 1. Archer Place C. H. Sheldon and wife to A. M Hen- dirson. II 22 feet lot 6. block 17.1, Omaha Fnrrlngtoii Savings bank to E. N. Howies. 44x132 feet III liw lie 9-I5-13.. C. K. Turner and husband to N. L. Guckert, lot 2, block 5. Summit Re servo G W. Smith to William Rorlicfonl. w n Inches of sub lot 11 of lot .1. Capitol add Ottauqiierhen Savings bank to C A. Sweet, lot 6, block 7, Kountze & R.'s add L. J. Rcrgqulst and wife to J. P. Carlson, lot I. block I, Hawthorne add Warren Slllesou to A T. Khnulbo'!, lot 8, blork 6 Deer park Helen F. Strlkler and husband to H. J Rrown, lot 21. block 12, West End mid (lull (Inltn lieeilN. Lois Gnlnes and htishand to J. ( wlir. lie nw 33-16-10 South Omahn to t'hlcn,o it North western Rnllwny compnliy, pnrts ,ir rertuin streets and alleys In South Omaha S. E. Austin to Crelghton university, lots 2, II to 2S. block 1, Shrlvcr PInce Deeds. Sheriff to C T. Nowrontb, nli lot 25, blork 15, llaiiscom l'laro , T II. McCague, receiver, In G. T. Morton, thn "Reserve" In Tlimiinsnti & O.'s mid Snme to J. II. Sherwood, lot 19, Lind say's add C. R. Nichols et al. referees, to T. P. NIchoN, i-o lie 17-15-10 I. CM 1.3M 1.0X) 3,2(0 2.0CO 1.90 1,00) 2,0-0 Ask- 1,200 203 irs Totnl nmoinit of transfots $r PERFECT MEN. liifctriclly. rmrerly nrpUcd. I rebullJcr ol uk nJ MkitKrei Ntrvous systems, m.ikrrif purtblooJ anil souixi muscits n re storer ot perfect vigor nnd vitality. Therearenoialiures l( the right current Is appli ed. I worked the best part of my Hie to perfect my I.lec tdc Uett snd know tl will cure every form ot Wl AK nt&s In men nnd women make them Strong and Vig orous, as Nature Intended they should be. You take no , chance. If my Dell falls to cure you I will refund every cent jou pay for It. DR. BENNETTS ELECTRIC BELT His saved many a Weak person It will not fall In tour case, My Belt Is en tlrey different from other belts and must not be com pared with them. It has soli, silken ctumols covered iponce electrodes which cannot burn and blister as do the bare met.il electrodes used on all other makes of bells. Alv l.lrclik Belt can be renewed when burned out for only 75c, when others burnout they areworth less. I guarantee my Belt to cure all Weaknesses In either se. Varicocele: revtore Nerve Vitality ar.d Vlcor, cure Rheunatlsm In any form, Kidney, Liver and Blalder Troubles. Constipation, Stomach Dis orders. General Debility, all lemale Complaints, etc. Write tu day for my booli. "The Finding o( lha fountain ol Cternal Youth." Sent bee, postpaid, for fit Hiking llwkttllltcllyjuallaboutlt. Solionlyby HF-MMFTT Flertrir P"lf Co. Room 18 to -1, Douglna lllocli, DoiIkc nnd lOtli Street. (Iinnlin, Nell. S6.00 MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omalia. VARICOCELE nn HYDROCELE cured. Method new. never fails, without cuttlnc. pain or lotsof time. YPHU IQcurcilforlKuaniHhenolson rl 1 ,thoroiiBhly clend from tbesyKtem. Soon erery iicn and symptom illaappoaM roraplstely anil forever. No "IlKEAKIN'O OUT" of the disease on the skin or face. Treatment contains co dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines, WEAK MEN r,OKS (,r MANiioonfrom Y.t- evil a 11 w cesses ur VlOTlNSTO NunvotJB VtXUALLT DEIIIMTV or KXItAUSTION, WiSTIflO WKAKNKSi INVOMINTAIIV I-OSSTH, with IlMii.r Diuav In Youno and Mumi.B Aoan, lack of vim, vigor and strength, with sexual orKans imnatri d and weak. 8TRISTUDE Hailically ciireit with 4 new -Iw rnl111 Infallible Home TreHt ana OLttT ment, Noinstruments.nopnln, no detention from tinsiness, Gonorrhoea, Kidney and Ulailrler Troubles. (MlltlCS UUAKANTICKil. Contultitlon Free. Treatment by Mall. Call on or address Q s, 4th St. Dr. Searles & Soarles, Omaha. Neb. NO CURE, NO PAY If you hum piuaII, rnVonfAni. Irmt rawer or wrkf nlntf drains, our vacuum Ontn PfTelopr Vfllt rentorn you v.llhout dnisr nr electricity, 3l00 In ufi not mm failure not nn' returned, nn( o IV fraud i wrttofur ttnrtfrulani, wen I nfnted In pImIii enrelnio. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO., 414 Chirtei Bldr, Oinver. Colo. MEN m2 .m. GO PILLS 50 CTS. Nervit a Tablets NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Corn Impotsncy. Night Emissions, Loss of Mem ory, nil wnttliiK iiieeRei . all effecU of nelf-abiifn or Inicemi mid liidltcretinn. A nerve) tonlo Jiia Iblood builder. Ilrlngs t thn pink glow to p alo mFOi? c'lioflka anil restores the 5rtKXVnr" youth, lly mull 1 H"B n60o nnrlioi, 0 boles for $2.00, with our bankable gauranteo to cur or refund thu money paid. Hend for circular and cfpyof our baukubln Kuiirnntee bood. RXTRA STRENflTH lmiiilil Da.itla ..,.. . . .IP. I .IIIIIIVUIUIW .W..i Positively guiirniitend cum for Loss of Powor, Varleocqln, Unilnvnlopod or rihriinVen OrKiins, ParmK Locomotor Atniln, N'orvom I'matwi tlon, Iljsterlii, I''ilH, IiiHiinlty, I'iirulynii mid tilA Itusults of KireailvB Un of Tobnrro, Opium or Liquor. By mall In plain pneknge, $1.00 n Ikii, 0 for $5.00 with our bankable guar antee! bond to cure In HO dayu or refund money paid. Addro.Hn NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton itJncKson Sts., CHICACO, ILt. For sain by Kulin & Co., IStli and Douglai St., Omafui, Nob.; Geo. ti. Uuvla, Council Uluffu, Iowa. JAMES E. BOYD & CO., Tclrpliinie lliat), III fl li n , .Neb, COMMISSION, (ill.l.. I'ltOVlSIOVS mid STOCK, tliiuril ii f Triulc. Correspoiidenci) John A, W'nrren & Co, Direct wires to Chlcugo and New York.