Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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l'utils Attempt to Wreck Union Picifio
Train nt Xearnej.
VnnliNllr Wrrpkfm Omrlirnrd Din.
ctmxItiK llii" Ni'liviiic Krnl CnllNnn
IIoiimiI iiml (JiiKurd liy tin- nut
lmr MiiPiiicct Arrentnl.
rteports of an unsuccessful attempt made
at Kearney Sunday nlsht to wreck a west-
baunil Union t'acinc passenger train were
received at local headquarter! yesterday
and detectrves employed In the secret
aervlce department of the company left for
Kearney for tho purpoxe of Investigating
tho matter. Fred Colllson, a resident of
Kearney, was hound, Rugged and beaten by
three men whllo walking along an unfrc
quented street of that city early Sunday
evening, and after being maltreated was
thrown Into a wagon and carried some dls
tanm, He heard his captors discussing a
plan to wreck tho westbound train and cs
taped from them In tlmo to reach tho au
thorities and Inform them of the plot.
NtuiiPH mi flip Tmk.
They made Investigations and discovered
two hugo stones, each weighing at least
200 pounds, In the center of tho track about
a mile from Kearney. These were rolled
away before the train arrived and no dam
age resulted. Sheriff Trlnrtlo of Iluffalo
county rodo on the pilot of tho engine
from Kenrncy to Lexington, but found no
other evidences of an attempt to wreck the
Colllson was unable to.glvo any definite
description of tho men who waylaid him
and who were undoubtedly Intending to
wreck tho train, but several suspicious
characters have been arrested and officers
at Kearney expect to bo abln to locate
tb guilty men.
Of the (inspects arrested tho ones viewed
with the most suspicion nro two white men
and n negro, 'One of tho whlto 'men, C. II,
Jeffcry, protests Ignorance of tho nflalr
and says his home has been In Columbus,
He Is badly brulned on tho forehead and
leg, but explains this by saying that ho
fell from tho train nt Grand Island, Tho
rn-Kro under arrest Is n tough charoctcr
and has boon arrested several times for
CiiIIIkiiii Vlrtunll)' n I'rlsnnrr,
A dispatch to Tho I)co from
Kearney last night says: Tho two men who
Rro In chargo of tho offlcera. on the charge
of attempting to wreck tho train last night
are still confined In tho city Jail and noth
ing has developed In tho case since this
morning. Colllson Is In tho city hospital,
but Is virtually n prisoner. lie hns re
covered from his fright and will be ex
amined tomorrow by Union Pacific detec
tives Canada and Vlzzard, who arrived
here this afternoon. Mrs. Rosa Scoles,
who runs the boarding house at which Col
llson stays, was Interviewed this after
noon, but did not glvo any clue. Alexander,
tho negro who Is In the tolls, has a white
wife. Tho buggy used In tho deal has been
Identified os his property.
Aliened Mttrrtercr Kiiirrlnlua Ileapect-
nlitc Appearing (irntlemnn Who la
Until n lie II In Fntlit-r.
FREMONT, Nob., Jan. 21. (Special.)
William Rhea, tho, alleged leader of tho
Znhn murderers, Is rapidly Improving and
able to walk about his cell without the aid
of crutches. This morning ho received a
call from an elderly, well dressed, flno ap
pearing gontlcmitn, whoslgned bis name on
tho J&ll reglBtor as William Klein, and
registered elsuwliero at from Cleveland,
O. After the man had gone, Rhea Informed
the wntchman that tho man was his father.
Rhea appeored as unconcerned as over
during tho Interview, but tho elderly gentle
man was visibly affected. After talking
with tho boy ho'cmployod another attorney
to nsKlst tho firm nlrendy employed by Rhea
ii ml Gardner. Klein Is evidently u man of
ability and good standing, and In no way
docs his son resemble him in personal ap
pearance. Rhea says that his mother Is
dead. Ho refuses to talk nbout how long
ho has been west or say anything In regard
to his past life.
Mayor .IncWuoii Hct'lltira Itr-clrptlon.
I113ATRICE, Nob., Jan. 21. (Special Tel
egram.) Quito u good deal of Interest has
been manifested hero tho last fow days In
tho coming mayoralty contest. Mayor
Henry W. Ii. Jackson will not again bo a
randldatc, although ho has been urged to
nccopt tho nomination. When Been by a
correspondent for Tho nco this afternoon
ho, said: -'I havo never at any time con
templated being n candidate for re-election
to tho oftlco of mayor of this city. The
fecblo condition of my nged mother, who
is visiting In tho east, may coll mo from
tho city nt any moment to bo absent for
aorno time ondI would not accept the nom
ination for mayor It It were tendered me
by tho unanimous voto of tho republican
convention nnd endorsed by tho Inde
pendent convention."
Stent tlie llorftr Tliojr Dminndrd.
DEATRICB, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special Tel
egrom.) Word was received hero yester
day that W. Shottcnklrk, who received a
threatening lottcr a woek ogo telling him
to leavo one of his valuable horses at a
certain school house at 11:45 o'clock last
Monday night, has Hlnco had this same
horse Btoleii. Sheriff Waddlngton today
sent out cards giving a description of the
horso and offering a reward of $7f for tho
return of tho horso and the conviction of
tho thieves. It Is the general opinion hero
that tho horso was taken by two formpr
residents of Dent rice and who now are not
far from hero.i They aro being closely
watched and nn nrroat may occur at any
W'nnt to Voir on I, lemur Qiimtlnii,
FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.)
Petitions are being circulated praying for
tho submission to tho voters of this city
at tho coming spring election of tho ques
tion whether or no saloons shall be licensed.
It Is receiving a good many signatures
and last ovcnln a meeting of all tho con
gregations In tho city was held nt tho Con
gregational church and was addressed by
A. CJ. Wolfonherger of Lincoln. There was
standing room only In tho largo audlenco
Painful Periods
Aro unnecessary to those
who know
which Rives prompt relief and needed
strength thus insuring normal func
tional action. Full directions in
every package.
"For ejuren jnnn I barn offered with rlnful
roentriMiin. Krary inmitli I uptnl it dr or
to In best In PTpr pln. Thin prlnr TOT at
tention na railed lo "OrnnKMne" u lire
Tontatire, anil I nt nnre nrocurwl cm". Illed
rtllnt rnmn Ii mn In twnhimrr. nt nnlr th
who liars auifervd oa I hare wlllunilerttanO how
SUil I am lo know nt your pn'n detrnjlni po
r. I would not hn without tliin It they rnat
14.00 oa'li." lulwllo Kllto llmcaa, Llfn Got.
ernor l'reu Miwina Grand Uxigo of England,
Holtfprtniia, Ark.
room of the church, which seats over 1,200
DCOnle Meetfre In hn ntArmmti fw Hia
uirrorent pastors will be held at the Chris
tian cnurrn on Monday, Tuesday, Wcdncs
day and Thursday evenings.
(Continued from First Page.)
member. Tho members were unable tc
agree to any proposition presented nnd an
adjournment was taken with very little nc
compllshed to show for the two hours of
.No C'linnur In the llelnltri- Pnalllnna
of the CanttlilntcN Shown
Iy Vote.
LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.)
me uaiioi tor united states senators
today was principally notable for the
number of members who did not voto.
Many were paired and several were absent
without pairs. There were no changes of
significance. Following is the vote in do
Allen 41 Klnkatd
Uerge 3 Martin
Crounse s Melklejohn
Currle 19 Morlatt
Ilalner t; Hosewatcr
Ilarlnn 2 Sutherland
Harrington Ill), 13. Thompson..
ltlnshnw 15 Van Duscn
Hitchcock 411
Paired: Senator Olcson with Schlnstock,
McCarthy with Murray, Hclsncr with llrown
of Furnas, Sandnll with DIcrs, Real with
Hrodcrick, Hlbbcrt with Householder, Mis
kell with Calkins, Hanks with Smlthberger,
Harris with Jordan.
Others absent or not voting: Raldrlge,
Woolstenholm, Zlcgler, Edmondson, Pel
slger, Tanner, Zimmerman.
Voli In n.-fnll.
The republican voto was:
Allen I). E. Thompson, Currle.
Andrews I). E. Thompson, Crounse.
Arends-HltiHhuw, Currle. , , ,
Armstrong IJ, 15 Thompson, Melklejohn.
Helslicr lllnshaw, Melklejohn.
lteek'y--I). K. Thompson, Currle.
Heothe-H. K. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Herlrt-1). E. Thompson. Melklejohn.
llrown of Olix Hairier, Crounse.
Hurrah HltiMinw, Itosnwater.
Cain -Martin, Melklejohn.
Corneor Mnrtln. Honewatcr.
Crlssey I). E. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Crounse--Hnrlnn, Currle.
Currle Van Dusen, Crounse.
Edgnr I), E, Thomnmn, Currle.
Kvans Halnor, MrlkloJohn.
Fowler Hii'ncr, Melklejohn.
Frledrlch Hnlner, Currle.
Callogly Klnkald. Melklejohn.
C!iiwno Klnkitld, Melkteiohn.
Hall -D. E. Thompson, Crounse. i
Har'nn D. E. Thompson, Currle. '
I luthorn Currle. Mnrlan.
llortnn Klnkald. Melklejohn.
Humphrey D. E. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Johnson of Phelps D. E. Thompson,
Jojvenat Hlnshaw, Melklejohn.
Laltln D. E. Thompson, Currle.
I.nne D. E. Thompson, Currle.
Lowe D. E. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Marshall Hlnshaw, Currle.
Vartln Hlnshnw, Crounse.
McCargar D. E. Thompson, Currln.
McCoy Klnkald. Rose water.
Mend 1). .K. Thompson, ltosewater.
Mendenhall Hlnshaw, Itosewnter.
Mockctt D. E. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Mullen Currle, Hoscwater.
Newell Martin, Currle.
Olson of I'hclps D. 15. Thompson, Melkle
john. O'Neill D. E. Thompson. Rnsewater.
Owens Rosewater, Currle,
llohwer Hlnshaw, Crounse.
Scott Hlnshaw, Currle,
Hhellhorn D. E. Thompson, Crounse.
Spencer D. E. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Steele Hlnshaw. Melklejohn.
Stelnmeyer D. E. Thompson. Hlnshaw.
8 wanson Hlnshaw, Melklejohn.
Tefft D. E. Thompson, ltosewater,
Trompen D. E. Thompson. Currle.
Tweed Hlnshaw, Melklejohn.
Vhl D. E. Thompson. Rosewater.
Vnnllosklrk D. E. Thomnson. Melkle.
warner u. is. 'i nompson, .Mcimejolin.
Wenzl Hlnshaw, Currle.
Whltmoro Holner, Melklejohn.
Wilcox Hlnshaw, ltosewater.
Wilkinson Hnlner, Currle.
Young Harlan, Rosewater.
Scars D. E. Thompspn, Crounse.,
Ilur Spent In the Itotitlne Orlttcl on
IIIIU imt llefore the
LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (Special.) In the
Semite today tho greater portion of the
morning hour was devoted to tho first
nnd second reading of bills. Under the
business, of reports from standing com
mittees, Owens of Dawson, reported thnt
tho Judiciary committee had considered
scnato bill 18, a bill relating to tramps and
vagrants, and with a few amendments, rec
ommended tho bill for passage. Tho report
was received and placed on general fllo.
Upon motion of Currle of Custer, who is
chairman of tho commlttco on employes,
tho following named persons were placed
on the senate payrolls:
Stenographer Laura R. Taylor.
Janitor Milton Erwln.
Page Charles Smlthton.
Leavltt Ashenfeltcr was transferred from
the position of page to that of messenger.
House roll 88, being an net to provide
for a system of drawing Jurymen, which Is
being pushed to completion for tho relief
of a condition which oxUts In Lancaster
county on account of It having fallen below
a certain mark according to the last census,
was read for the second time.
Rills on second reading wore then taken
up, but before tho completion of this work
a motion prevailed that tho senate pro
ceed to the hntiso to participate In tho vote
for senator. Upon their return tho senate
took a recess until 3 o'clock.
At tho afternoon session, Campbell of
Holt, who had Just received a message from
Hon. Thomas Kcarns of Utah, conveying
Information I hat be had Just been elected
to tho United States senate from Utah, of
fered tho following resolution, which was
unanimously adopted by the senate:
Wherens, Hon. Thomas Kearns, a former
honored citizen of Nebraska, hns Just been
elected to tho United States senate from
Utah; and
Whereas, Nebraska is alwayns rejoiced In
tho honorable success of her stalwart anil
Intellectual sons In any part of tho world;
therefore, be It
Resolved, That the Nebraska stato sena
tors now In session, representing nil tho
people of this great state, send greetings
nnd congratulations to Hon. Thomas
Kenrns of Utah.
Hlilewitlka In Mnwill Towns.
Among tho bills Introduced today was one
by Martin of Richardson, relating to tho
construction of sidewalks In cities having
a population of less than 5,000. The bill
provides for tho laying of sidewalks upon
tho natural surface of the ground, without
regard to grade, on streets not permanently
Improved, at a cost not exceeding SO cents
per linear foot, and to provide for the as
sessment of tho cost thereof against the
property In front of which such sidewalk
may bo constructed.
Another hill Introduced today was one
to provide for the appointment, duties and
salaries of commissioners of the supreme
court and stenographers therefor. The hill
was Introduced by Raldrtgo of Douglas and
authorizes the supreme court to appoint by
a unanimous vote and order of the Judges
of the court nine commissioners of said
fourt and such stenographers as tho court
may from time to tlmo deem necessary for
tho aid of such commissioners. The com
missioners and stenographers shall hold
their positions for a period of two years,
unless removed; the .commissioners to re
ceive a salary of $2,400 per year, and tho
stenographers $1,000 per year. The supremo
court Is to prescribe, by general rule, t'ae
mode of hearing and procedure before said
commissioners, as well as tho duties of
such commissioners and stenographers.
A bill was also Introduced today by Sena
tor Martin which has for its object the pro
tection of ballots cast at elections as well
as the poll books and ballot boxes. It Is an
amendment to a like law now In existence,
but is broader In Its provisions, Inasmuch
as It provides for the protection of the
ballots, poll bonks nnd ballot boxes from
the tlmo the bnltota are cast until the time
has expired for using the same In evl
dence In any contest of nn election. The
bill provides for a penalty of Imprisonment
for a term of not moro than five nor less
than one year for a violation of the provl
slons of this act.
A bill, Introduced by Senator Martin, by
request, Is one which, If passed, will make
a chango In the city officials in towns hav
lng less than fi.000 population, inasmuch as
It provides for tho consolidation of tho of
fices of water commissioner and city tlerk,
or rather provides that the city clerk shall,
In addition to his own duties as clerk, per
form the duties of water commissioner, for
wnich ho shall receive the salary of tho
two offices. Tho object of the bill Is to give
ono person a salary that will Justify him
In devoting more tlmo to the work.
In ('miitnlttri- of the Wlinle,
Upon the completion of the bills up for
Becond rending the senate, upon motion of
Miller ot Iluffalo, went Into a committee
of tho whole, with Senator Crounse In the
chair, for tho purpose of a further consld
eratlon of senate file 44, a measure which
has for Its object the protection of cattle
growers from cattlo thieves who are In
the habit of stealing and killing branded
cattle and destroying the hides. Tho bill
wns Introduced by Senator VanRosklrk, It
being the Issue upon which the senator was
elected nnd provides that butchers shall
keep a record of nil brands nnd marks
upon tho hides of carcases purchased by
thorn, ns well the names and nddrcsses of
tho parties of whom the nnlmals are pur.
chased, Tho bill also provides that per
sons who occasionally slaughter cattle, ns
farmers sometimes do, nnd shall offer a
part thereof for sale, shall keep tho hide
threo days nnd exhibit It nt tho tlmo tho
beef Is offered for sale, nnd for this ren
son the bill was objected to by a number
of the members from the eastern section
of tho state, who claimed that the bill
would work n hardship on those farmers
wno occasionally kill n beef and offer
n part thereof for siilo to a butcher or
his neighbor, becnuso It compelled him to
carry the hldo around with him when offer
lng tho beef for sale.
Tho bill Is one which the cattle men have
endeavored to havo passed for several
years, but havo always been unsuccessful.
Tho senators representing tho cnttle coun
try, however, nro making n hard fight for
1(8 passage this year. Those who objected
to certain sections of tbo measure this aft
ernoon were Senators Arcnds, Young, Ly
man nnd O'Neill, while thoBO who defended
tho bill were Senators Owens, Currle, Al
len, VanRosklrk, Ransom nnd Harlan. Thu
bill wbb taken up section by section and
after being thoroughly discussed was re
ported back to tho scnato with tho recom
mendation that It be passed.
The Benato then adjourned until 10
o'clock tomorrow.
Committee of Safety.
At a caucus of tho republican members
of the senate after adjournment n commit
tee was named to look aftor the republican
absentees each morning before tlmo for
voting for senator and a like committee
will be named by the house. The action Is
taken to prevent tho possibility of enough
republicans being absent to give the fu
sjonlstfl an opportunity to tnke snap Judg
ment In tho matter of selecting a United
States senator.
Piialonlal Are Unenay.
Tho fusion members will hold a Joint
caucus at the Grand hotel this evening for
the purposo of determining what tbelr fu
ture action shall be In regard to the mi
nority vote for United States senator. It
being understood thnt a number of tho
members who nro not Hitchcock men havo
a deslro to bo relloved from the agreement
at the last caucus.
IIIIIn on I'lrat ItemlliiK.
Tho following senate (lies were Intro
duced today: ., . -
S. V. 131. by Mnrtln An act to nmend'
subdivision C of section GO of chapter xl of
article 1 of the lbO'J Compiled Statutes of
Nebraska, relating to tho construction of
sidewalks In cttleH and villages having less
man n.uuu population.
S. K. 132. liv Martin An act to nmend
sections il nuil 47 and HUbdlvlslon 15 of sec
tion 69 of chapter xlv, article 1, of the Com
nlled Statutes of Nebraska of the vear lfi'JO.
and to repeal said original sections U and
una miudivlslon 15 of Hectlon 0'J of snlu
chapter xlv, article 1.
S, F. 133, by Haldrlge An net to provldo
for the appointment, tenure. uunlincatlouH.
duties and salaries of commissioners of tho
supremo court, and Htenogruphem therefor.
S. V. 134. by Martin An net to amend
section llis of chapter xlx of the Criminal
uocie or tne Htntu or .NeiirasKii, entitled
unenses against election laws."
I'naaen n Hill DenlKiteil to Do Avrny
with the Cheap "I'nper
LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (Special.) The house
of representatives today passed a bill which
requires tho payment of an annual license
fco ot $300 for the sale of cigarettes. The
measure was Introduced by Representative
Murray, who said In tho committee of
tho whole that It was patterned nftcr
n law now In force In Iowa, tho object of
which Is to prevent as far as possible
tho sale ot tobacco In tho form of cigar
ettes, or for the purposo of being made
Into cigarettes. Tho bill provides as pen
alty for violation of the requirement a fine
of not less than (50 nor moro than $100, or
imprisonment for threo months. Crim
inal action undar the law may be com
menced beforo any Justice of tho pcaco or
police Judgo,
A measuro rrovldlrg for discontinuing
the oftlco of county attorney In counties
having a population of less than 3,000 was
considered In commlttco of the whole today,
but so numerous wcro tho amendments of
fered that It wns decided to refor the bill
back to tho Judiciary committee. Ono change
suggested raised the population required
for the olllco up to 11,000.
Tho houso at 11 o'clock this morning
one hour later than usual nnd until noon
gave Its almost undivided attention to tho
first rending of hills.
After reconvening this afternoon the
house went Into committee of tho whole,
nnd recommended tho passago of tho fol
lowing bills, which report was afterwards
Houso roll No. 42, by Murray, requiring
payment of n llcenso foe of $300 for sale of
cigarettes or clgarctto popers, and provid
ing as penalty n fine ot from $50 to $100 or
Imprisonment for threo months.
Houso roll No. 40, by Rouller, giving con
tractors for lasting or permanent Improve
ments n first lien on work done.
On motion, houso roll No. C2, by Dnhlstcn,
providing for discontinuing the ofllco of
county attorney in counties of less then
3,000 population, was rcforrcd back to com
mittee for amendments.
Illlla on First Itenillnir.
Tho following bills were introduced and
rend tho first time:
II. R. 190, by Murray An net to nmeml
section 67. chapter Ixxvlll of the Compiled
Statutes of Nebraska of 1899 and to repeal
snld section G7, ns It now exists, Ex
cluding bicycles anil tricycles from term
carriages uscit in ampler on public
II. It, 101. bv Anderson An net in rnuii.
late the hand lux nr selllne of llvo Htnek
or farm products In carload lots on com
mission, itcquiring commission men to fur
nish $25,000 bond to guarantee faithful per
formance of duty and to report to con
signor within twenty-four hours what has
been done 'with consignment,
II. It 1)T III- I tmi-vl.v A .. n
assessment!! for political purposes by pub-
iiu wim-t-m twin eiiiiuoyeH aim to provide
penalties for the violation thereof. Viola
tion to be punishable by line of from $25 up
In $,ri0O and If appointive officer, removed
from office, elective officers subject to im
penchmcnt and removal,
II. R 193. by Heothe An net to repeal
chanter r.hi of the session InwH nt U'Ki
entitled, "An act to authorize the organlza-
uuu iuiu couuuet or mutual
Insurance companies tt Insure against loss
ot noKH oy tieatit rausei ny disease '
II it 191, by Cain An n t to provide
police Judges for village!! nnd to amend
sections 47 nnd fi2 of nrtleto 1 of chapter
xlv of tho Compiled Statutes of Nenrnakh.
or hot ami to repeal snui original sections.
II. R. 195. by Loomls An art to provldo
inr ine conviction ami I'miianmeiii m cer
tain enses of parties charged upon Indict
mem or iniormntion wun tne crime o
H. It. 1;, by Warner An net to amend
section 179 of chapter clxxlx article I of the
complied stnutltes or tne Htnto of Ne
braska of ISM, with amendments of 1SR2 to
1K'9, styled the Compiled Statutes of Ne
braska for lW, and to repeal said section
cixxix n it now exists, i ouniy having pur
chased tax certificates may foreclose on
property to highest bidder without no.
pralsal, Irrespective of amounts of decree
or vniuc or property, upon twenty days
11. R. 197, by Warner An not to provide
for the appointment bv county boards of
precinct statisticians, neiining tneir duties
nnd powers nnd providing compensations
and penalties for violation thereof and re
pealing section i cnaptcr xxxixd or Hie
Compiled Statutes of liSW.
H, H. 19, by Loomls An net relating to
the qualifications of county Judges. No
person not regularly admitted attorney
ellgnble to be county Judge In counties of
more man Mu population.
H. R. 199. by Loomls An act to nmend
section 3 of chapter xx of the Compiled
Statutes of Nebrnsku of 193 and to repeal
said original section na now existing. Hives
county courts and county Judges charge of
pronato wins nnu not prounte courts anil
protinto judges.
H. It. 2nn, by Vnndegrlft-An act for the
relief of Sherman county. Nebraska and
to npropriate $610.14 to said county.
H. R. 201. bv Andrews (by Itemiestt An
act relating to life Insurnnce. to prevent
discrimination and rebates and to provide
iM'imiiirn ior me voiatioii inereor.
H. II. 202. 1V I.nfllll An net to nmend
Hons 140. 159 nnd lfV) of chapter xxvl of the
v ompiieu statutes or .NeornsKa for 1J.99 and
to repeal said sections lio. 169 and 160 ni
they now exist. Provides new form of elec
tlon ballot and ennbleH straight ticket vot
lng by nmklnir one cross.
II. R. 203. by Ilnthorn An net defining the
crime oi tram roonerv nnu proviaing pun
Ishment therefore. Punishable bv linnrls
onmetit for not less than ten yeats up to
life sentenre, nnd by death penalty If death
is cnuseu oy or ensues irom ine roooery.
Cltili Vote AKitliiftt Croon ne.
LINCOLN, Jnn. 21. (Special Telegram.)
Tho Union Veterans' Republican club, one
of tho oldest nnd largest republican or
ganizations in the city, tonight rejected by
n voto of 17 to 10 n proposition to indorse
Lorenzo Crounse for United States sen
ntor. Tho mectlni; was Impromptu In na
turc, nnd only about 10 por cent of the
members attended. Those who voted against
tho proposition explained that they did
so not bcrausc of nny objection to the
man, but because tho club had nlicady
Indorsed Mr. Thompson, It being tho gen
cral Impression that it would bo unwlso
to Indorse two candidates.
Porter Mliitns Invcxttuatlon
Former Secretary of Stnto Porter tonight
attempted to ward off an Investigation ot
ativernl o: his last official acts by explaining
his poil.'.lon to Bovcrnl members of the
house. This protest wns In regard to the
proposed Investigation of his own conduct
In ordering the work of recarpctlng the
legislative halls without asking for bids
therefor. Ho Insisted thnt he exerted every
effort to heve tho work dono ns cheaply
as possible and that there was no negligence
on his part
Leaves District llnrepresenteel.
LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.)
The senate committee on privileges and
elections met tonight for tho purpose of
reaching an agreement in the Ronckcmper
Routing contest case, the evidence ot which
was heard last week. There was much
evldenco of a violation of tho corrupt prac
tices act nnd the majority report will
recommend that Senator Routing's scat
be declared vacant, the conclusion being
reached that Mr. Ronekempcr, tbo contest
ant; wns also guilty of violating this act
and coutd not bo seated. The adoption ot
this report, which is most likely, will leave
the Twenty-fifth district, composed of Ham
ilton nnd Clay counties, without representa
tion In the senate The minority members,
whllo admitting that Rbhtlpg, the fusion
member, was guilty ns etiafged, claim thnt
ho should not bo unscate'd and will prepnre
a report Betting forth their clnlmB. This
Is tho last of tho contest cases to como
before tho scnato committee.
.Nebraskn fc Gulf llonil Electa.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.)
Tbo stockholders of tho Nebraska & Gulf
Railway company held a meeting In this
city Saturday evening, at which ofllcern for
tho ensuing year wero elected. Tho now
officers aro: John R. Keedec, president; J.
R. Cessna, vlco president; II. S. Dungan,
attorney; J. I). Mines, tieasurer, and T.
J. Creotli, secrotary. Plans are being per
fected to begin tho work of building the
road during tho coming summer.
(room mill llrlile Unit Never Met,
REATRICE, Neb., Jnn. 21. (Special Tel
egram.) Franklin P. Savngo of Rerneston,
Neb., and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Miller or Con
necticut wcro married here this morning
In county court by Judge Hourne. They
had never seen each other until less than
ono hour before they were married, hav
ing arranged all the details by correspond
ence through a matrimonial bureau. Tboy
will reside, at Rarneston.
Another Protent AKlt Hunter.
TRENTON, Neb.. Jan. 21. (Spoclal.)
The farmers of this county are In hope the
present legislature pass a bill prohibiting
tho killing of quails and chicken for a few
years, by fixing a fine or other punishment.
IIimt It Corn In Dnllna.
rtlirlnir Ihn rtmuttnt rnlH nnri uHn mmaann
thirty-two thousand seven hundred and
lxty noxes or laxative urorao-Qulnlne
iave been purchased by tho following
vholeRAln rime hmmpn nf DnHna- T W
Crowdus & Co.. Texas Drug Co. and Patton-
Worshom Drug Co.
Deputy Oil Inspector.
PLATTS.MOUTH, Neb., Jan. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Oovernor Dietrich has ap
pointed A. R. Todd of this city a state dep
uty oil inspector.
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Bear Signature of
Am Facsimile Wrapper Be raw.
Try Basalt am4 aa mmtf
o taka as rafar
Fill TBRfll LIVER'.
IFOR THE COMPLEXION i oauwvnrn wvtiwmiiAMt.
Pf a nrrrrtn
JAXrAKY 22, 1001.
- i Peruna for rnnafis
Use Pe-ru-nu for La Grippe and
Winter Catarrh.
In crery country of tho clrlllred
world tho Sisters of tho Good Shep
herd are known. Not only do they min
ister to tho spiritual and Intellectual needs
of the chnrges committed to their care,
but they nlso minister to their bodily
Whenever coughs or colds, la grlppo or
pneumonia make their appearanco among
tho children these Slstors nro not discon
certed, but know exnetly tho remedies to
Columbus, O., July 10th, 1000.
J he Pcrunn Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, O.
Gcntleiuou "A number of years ugo our nttentlon was called
to Dr. Ilurtimtn's l'crunii, and since then we have used it with
wonderful results for grip, coughs, colds, and catarrhal diseases of
the head and stomach.
"For grip and winter catarrh especially it has been of great ser
vice to the Inmates of tills Institution." Sisters of the Good Shepherd
With so many chlldron to tako caro of
and to protect from climate nnd dlscnso
these wise and prudent Sisters hnvo found
Peruna a never-falling safeguard.
There is no other dlscaso so many-sided
In its ill effects, so insidious In Its ap
proach, so tenacious In Its hold upon the
Bystem, ns la grippe. Once thero, it
stays until It is cured. La grippe la one
of tho Ills that time will not cure.
The after-effects of la grippe do not lo
cate In any particular organ. It amounts
to a general Irritability of the mucous
membranes of the whole body a flabblness
and paleness of tho mucous membrane.
Sometimes thero is an over-amount of thin.
watery mucous secreted, and at other times
there is a dryness of the mucous surfaces,
Thero is no remedy in the world that
meets the conditions produced by la grippe
better than the remedy Peruna. Peruna
strengthens as it renovates, soothes whllo
it stimulates, bculs as it expurgates.
Peruna is not a purgative, or cathartic,
or sedative, or stimulant, nor a vegetable
or mineral poison. It reaches the source
of all diseases of the mucous membranes
by Its action on the vaso-motor system ot
The following are BampleB of tho letters
received by Dr. Hartman concerning ' tho
cures Peruna Is making.
Hon. F. Simmons, United States Marshal,
Mobile, AUbama, speaks in high praise of
tho merits of Peru
na. He says: "Af
ter having used Pe
runa for n short
time I find that it
is tho most excel
lent remedy for
tho grip nnd ca
tarrh e v o r pre
pared. I can heart
i y
ily recommend it
nny ono." P.
V Simmons.
Mr. Frank Hauer,
of Mlnnelska, Min
nesota, In a recent
letter, says;
"I cannot say anything elso but good of
"our medicines. For seven winters I had
mm m. ...
r r ,
J lion. P. Simmons.
aaaaaaaaaaav di vi wiser. lotprrncnpuoa Biiiwuii,rioui.u M' . 1 Mt.i
W fll B al ltanMk,lemlniil KmlHlon. Nroi. JkllUy, .f,f,,B"
l)IUe.aoJfrry.,r.l.aii.llK lrln, "ySn -oFSTi
WrVTB !! to BnernialorrbcM and all tn borrorj of imnoMocr. """NEStTSKtaaiia
V m nr, the kidneys and U minry on u o? Ml UapurlUes. euriBKNBstreafiaaaa
BBKaBBBBBBBF . . ... - k. H . .'M . n wMl nil rklVCUrl TOU 1IW
CtJriDENIC in. only knowii reroedr to cure wlliout n opt
ranlMKIv n ana moner reiornra ii f:?airBuoeauvfe cun. m v
For Instance
You may know something of the "grip" may have
felt all its miseries, experienced the weakness and had
a mouth full of bad taste, yet you know nothing of the
history of the disease. Now
The Standard Dictionary
gives some interesting facts concerning the grip and
it's about the only book that does.
Fact is
there are mighty few things that havo escaped the
editors of that work. If interested, call and see a
copy. Take one home for $7.00.
Megeath Stationery Co.
1308 Farnam Street.
Oreat inonthlr
regulator for wo-
uret moiniuirorncirrei!eTeiinfew(ir,i I
t Bhrrmtn A McConnrlla, Rutin A Co. tnd olhrr
druxKlne or milled by Lisa Drug Co. UuBilo, N T
I Buffered with la grippe, and by each attack
' wns confined to tho bed. In tbo winter of
j 1SH8, I was attacked with la grippe. I had
a torrlblo cough. I asked my wlfo to got
a bottle of Peruna, but as the druggist did
not have It bIio got me something elso that
was highly recommended for la grippe,
costing tlm sumo as Peruna. I took that,
but wns not able to leave tho bed.
"I told my wife that If I did not got
Peruna soon that I would surely bo a grlppo
j jw.,j j,tl .victim, as my lungs
i ;,ieu as u Knives
, wcro
sticking in
A, "My wife went
I to town nnd got
'fmo a bottlo of Pe
,!,runa, and I took It
J four days accord
ing to the direc
tions on the bottle.
TtIio fifth day I took
'ran ax on my shoul
.l.der nnd went out
Mr. Frank Hauer. ( intn ,hn nn,i
"I had ar other slight attack, but as I had
Perunn In tho houso It caused mo but one
trying night. My wife wanted to Bend for
tho doctor, but I took small doses ot Pe
runa overy half hour and Improved right
along." Frnnk Hauer.
Hour. Dlstlu, the Inventor and maker of
all the band Instruments for the Henry
Dlstln Manufacturing Co., at Wllllnmsport,
Pa., is probably tho most nctivo old man In
Philadelphia today. He and his wlfo re
cently celebrated tho fiftieth anniversary
of their marriage, nt their home, on South
Ninth street, Mr. Dlstln comes from ono
of tho most famous musical famlllos of tbo
old world, his father .and grandfather be
foro him, as well as himself, having played
nt almost all tho royal courts of England
and the continent.
Mr. Dlstln writes concerning Peruna, tho
world-famous catarrh euro, ns follows;
1441 South Ninth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.. May 6, 1893.
Dr. S. R. Hartman:
Dear Sir: "I wrlto to inform you that I
had a bad attack of la grlppo last December"CUPIDBNr
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
curri erery kind of counh, lanrlppc, bronchitis,
jore tbroftt. croup, wbooplny couh, eto. Never
deranges the atomacb. At Cmg-glita, 10 A SS
which lasted moro
than threo months,
and which loft me
with catarrh, and
several of my friends
ndvlBed roe to try
your wonderful med
icine, Perunn. I began with a bot
tlo the first week In Mnrrh nnd It
certainly did me a great deal ot
good. I wns so well satisfied that
1 purchased another bottle and fol
lowed your directions, which you
furnish with every bottle, rind I nm
glad .to say that It has cured me. I shall
certainly recommend tho Perunn lo all my
friends." Henry Dlstln.
Mrs. Jano (lift, of Hubbnrdsvllle, Ohio,
writes tho following: "1 think I would
havo been dead long ago If It had not boon
for Perunn. Six yearn ago I bad la grlppo
very bad. Tho doctor came to boo mo
every day, but I gradually grow worse. I
told my husband I thought I would surely
dlo If I did not get relief soon.
"Ono day I picked up the newspaper nnd
nccldently found n testimonial of n woman
who had boon curd of la Grippe by Pom
na. I told my husband I wanted to try It.
Ho went directly to tho drug Btoro and got
a bottlo of Peruna. I could seo tho Im
provement in n very short tlmo and was
soon able to do my work. I continued
using It until I was entirely cured.
"I havo Induced n great many to try tho
medicine nnd all hnvo had tho same result.
I havo used It In my family for my hus
band and children for colds nnd la grippe.
I would not bo without It In tho houso. I
really think It hns added years to my life,
and I feel I have no ono to thank but (iod
nnd Dr. Hnrtmon. If other BUffererB nro
Induced to try this wonderful medicine
they will Join me In Binglng Its prnlscs."
Mrs. Jano Olft.
Mrs. Thoophllo Schmltt, wlfo of tho ex
Secretary of the German consulate, writes
tho following letter to Dr. Hartman In re
gard to Peruna:
3117 Waboah Ave., Chicago, 111.
Tho Perunn Medlclno Co., Columbus, O.:
Oentlcmen "I suffered this winter 'with
a severe nttack ot lu grlppo, nnd having
repeatedly heard ot tho value of Peruna
In such cases, r
thought I would
ry It. I used It
i. faithfully, end bo-
can to fl
T change for thu hot
ter the second
lay, and in tho
course of a went
f 1 wns very much
1 imnrovmi
i "HIT
using throe bottles
xioi only foui,,!
1 tho la grlppo had
oisappcnrod, mt
my general health
was much bettor.
I nm satisfied that Peruna Is a wonderful
family remedy, nnd giadly oudorso It."
Mrs. Theophllo Schmltt.
Address tho Peruna Medlclno Co., of
Columbus, Ohio, for a book treating on
THU OCT it nn
Run via the
Leave Omaha m Wm
via Scenic Route through Colorado and
For Information and "Tourist Dictionary"
H" Dr. Kay nUticure cures all
U l I ft U TB female diseases. At drug-
(jigts, f Illustrated book
andadvloofreo. Er.U. J. Ka,, Saratoga, N. Y.
Cnnninl Tours to Florida.
Llllndlill Wcst Cu,,n- normuda,
Mfuw,u' Moxlco, the Jlcdlterrar
nnd Orient,
Itatcti for the round trip to
many points touth on Halo
fimt nnd third Tuesday
each month.
To Hot SprlnRs. Ark., the
famous Winter Itcsort of
America, on sale every day
In tho year.
Tickets now on sale to all the winter re.
sorts of the south, good returning until
June 1st, 1001. For rates, descriptive, mat
ter and pamphlets and all other Information
call at O. & St, Lou I a Ticket Ofllce, HIS
Karnam St., (I'aiton Hotel Uulldlng.) or
Harry E. Moores,
O P. 4 x. A., Omaha, Neb.
blackheads, enlarged pores nnd
all uflVotlona of the skin speedily
and permanently cured nt your
homo. Full Information and Book
mailed free, joh ii.wooDiu-nv
Li. . TlA-faW
I T 7 aTaTaTHT
$ Mrs. Theo Schmltt. I