Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Pro7iicns of tho Bill Ponding in the
Nebraska Legiilfttnre.
llrnwtirc IM.trn (lie Minimum llnte for
I'lillclen nt fl.WMI mill Millie
Itiwlpriit'lly Clmim- Mxiiiiln
lory I lion Auditor.
A new Inw rolntlne, to fraternal life In-
i ran co companies had been prepared ly
the Nclirnslm rrnlernal congress ami n bill
for Its paango hns been Introduced In tho
Tlio bill hns the endorsement of the lead
Inc KooletlcH doliiK Illumes In the Htate, bill
I bono organized here nnil those chartered
by Bomn other state uro authorized to do
business In Nebrnskn. Tho first section
of the proposed law dellncn fraternal bene
fit associations iih orKiinlzntlons whose ob
ject is I he benefit of Its members and not
prollt. Kach society so nrRiinlzcil must
havo ritualistic work, n representative form
of government. It must pay benefits nt
death and may pay sick and funeral bene
llis, but no association organized purely for
Kirk and funral bctu'llts may come under
the provisions of the law. Hcticflrlarlcs of
mombtini of societies opcratlriK under this
law ma) be relatives, heirs, aftlanecd hits
bunds nnd wIvcb or persons depetidcVit upon
tho member.
.iiiiunt Itcpiirli llciitili'i'il.
Outside associations applyltiK lor admls
tlon to do bilHlnem In the statu must tile
with tho auditor or public accounts a copy
of tholr charter, constitution nnd by-laws
nnd pay n tec of J2i). The auditor Is au
thorized to make elimination of tho con
dition of such socletloH before KratttltiK them
permission to etiwuse in business In tho
tato. Huch societies are not to bo author
ized until It Is shown that they havo nt
least 2,000 members In Rood standing, nnd
that nuo assessment will pay into the trena
il ry of tho ordi'r an amount sufficient to pay
the highest death benefit written by the as
toclntlon. Ilach company operating In the stato
shall bo required to make an annual state
ment to thu auditor on or beforo March 1
of each year showing tho business trans
acted for the preceding year, said state
ment to show tho number of certllleatcs Is
sued, tho number of losses incurred, tho
number paid, the number contested and
conipioinlscd, together with tho reason for
meh action, the amount of money received
by each assessment, tho amount paid to nnd such other questions as the
niidltor may deem decossary to a lull ex
planation of tho bUHlncss of tho society.
Accompanying each annual statement must
be a fen of $10, and failure to mako such
n statement will result In n revocation of
tho iiconse of tho company. Any person
who acts as ngent of a company whoso II
ecnsn Is revoked Is declared guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction may be
fined not more tbnu $200 or Imprisoned In
n county Jail from thirty days to ono year.
Kneli foreign association shall mako the
stato niidltor Its attorney In fact, upon
Thorn nil procesH of court may bo served
und suit may be Instituted ngalntrt nny com
pany In any county In which certificates nro
,Vv Soi'IpIIcn Slny Hi" Kormeil,
Tho formation of new associations is
provided for In u subsequent section.
Whenever ten or moro persons deslro to
form n new society they shall apply to tho
niidltor for permission to Bollclt members
for a now orngnizntlnn. When D00 applica
tions havo been received tho auditor is
authorized to license tho society to transact
business under tho provisions of tho Inw.
Ono of tho most important features of
tho act is ono which provides a minimum
rata. of assessment, tho lowest figure boing
st tho ago of 21, when a beneficiary mem
ber is required to pay not lc3s than OJ
cents por month for each $1,000 of lusurnnco
carried and (the highest at tho ngo of G5,
when the monthly rato shall bo $3.41 per
$1,000. Whero tho "step rato" syBtem la
UBod tho lowebt lato per $1,000 of Insurance
shall bo in cents and tho highest $1.7:1.
Tho "reciprocal" feature of tho new bill
on Its face scens to bo mandatory and not
directory, as il says that whoro any stato
refused to license Nebraska societies to
transact business within Its territory tho
auditor must refuso to license societies
chartered by such stato, and whero uny
stato ImposcH rondltlons upon Nebraska
Focletles more rigorous than thoso Imposed
bv this act tho auditor shall Impose like
conditions upon societies chartered by such
stato operating In Nebraska.
Nothing can exceed tho caro with which
Took'a Imperial Kxtra Dry Champagne Is
I'riNii;i'tH Aro V ! Mi-IkIiI for I'ro
liiiNeil 1 nil iih I rliil 13.v-
K. K. Andrews, who has chargo of the
propcHcd industrial exhibit to be bold In
Omahu next March to augment the niidl
torlum fund saya every mall Is bringing
lettcrB of ucceptnneo from exhibitors In nil
partB of the country. A largo and varied
exhibit of all kinds of products Is already
assured, ho says.
Mny be very old in suffering. She is
very apt to tienlcct the earlier symptoms
of disease. Olteu when she takes treat
ment it is the wrong treatment for
Her case. Very
tn any young
women write to
Ilr. Pierce and
consult him by
letter free. All
sit eh corre
spondence i s
strictly private,
a n d womanly
modesty is
spared the
shock of indeli
cate examina
tions, unpleas
ant question
ings nnd offen
sive local treat
ments, "I suffered with
female trouble,"
writeii Miss Agnes
Mctlowue, of I in
DauV St., Wash
ington, I), C. "I
tried various rem
edies hut none
seemed to do tiv
permanent good,
The doctors said it
was the worse cae
ofiuternal trouble
they ever had. I
decided to write to
Doctor Tierce for
help. I received
a very encouraging reply and commenced treat
, iiient at once, I had not used the "favorite
l'rescrintiou"a week before I began to feel bet.
ter, auil, as I continued, my health gradually
Improved. It is improving every day and I stilt
continue to take the medicine.
Favorite Prescription
Makes Weak Written Strong
and Sick Women Well.
iiosto.v .stoiu: (i.n.wuxn Ji.if.n.
Ill trnordlnar)- lniliipcni-iil Tliroimh
nilt till (I re IIhIiiIiIImIiiiumiI Toil nr.
1,000 largo size all wool fascinators, black
and colors, Worth 35c, go at 16c each.
Infants' silk caps, white and all colors,
medium and heavy weight, worth up to f0c,
go nt 10c each.
All wool berngo veiling In all colors,
worth 2Sc, go at f,c yd.
Ladies' and children's nil wool mittens go
nt Go pair.
Ladles' outing flannel gowns, great vari
ety of colors, worth 7(ic. go at 39c each.
Ladles', men's and children's nit wool
cashmcro hose, full seamless, all sizes,
worth up to 33e, go at 16c pair.
$1.2.r. DHKSS (lOOt)S, tOO YD.
Clearing snlc of $1.25 storm serge suit
ings, cheviots, all H4 'ls. wide, at 60c yd.
60c and "Ce dress goods nt 16c and 23c yd.
$1 00 silks at 39c nnd 49c yd.
25c quality of corded dimity, embroidered
dot dimities, light and dark grounds, floral
designs, on sale, clearing sale price 10c.
Clearing sale of medium dark prints nnd
calicos, all standard brands, at I'.ic yd.
40-Inch India linen, lnce stripe, fancy
white goods, all 25c quality, clearing sale
price 10c yd.
Odd lots of Jewelry, Including back combs,
hair brushes, in shell nnd plated, lace pins,
hat pins, cuff buttons in all styles, silk
watch guards, etc., etc., 26c nnd 35c articles,
choice fie.
I-nce pins, beautiful settings, handsomely
enameled, various designs, 23c and 5Qc
valuta nt 10c.
J. L. Ilrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
ViMlxtiiiit tity Attorney Him mi Avu-linii'lii-
of Work He In I'mililnK
tlic ( II) '(H 'l av CIiiIiiin,
Tho desk of Assistant City Attorney
James II. Adams is piled high with tho
briefs In 200 suits brought to Invalidate
speclnl taxes. Within tho next few wceKS
Mr. Adatni will devote his time exclusively
to theso cases and hopes to savo at least
$100,000 worth of taxes which aro being
Acting upon tho agreement of the council
o grant him nn assistant, Mr. Adnms has
named Charles H. Morgan as tho uttorney
who will help him prepare thesu cases.
Tho council also promised tho attorney's
olllco an abstracter U assist In tho prepara
tion of cases, and J. A. Norton is tho man
who will probably bo selected to do this
In many of tho suits which havo been
brought to Invalidate special assessments
Mr. Adams expects to havo tho cases thrown
out of court on tho ground that tho plain
tiffs seek to defeat taxes by which they
havo profited. Hecent decisions on this
point show that where taxes have been de
ducted from tho purchase price of property
or tho price lit which property was taken
under foreclosure of n mortgage tho per
sons who acquired tl o property havo no
right to iirratlon the validity of the taxes.
Much abstract work Is necessary to dis
cover what property has been acquired
under theso conditions. Mr. Adnms Is of
tho opinion, however, that tho principle of
estoppel can be raised In many of tho cases
ivhlcli are now pending. A recent decision
of Judge Holcomb of tho Nebraska supremo
court has Olrecl bearing on nenrly all the
litigation over this class of taxes nnd will,
In Mr. Adnms' opinion, put a very different
color on all future cases.
lloleumti'H Di'i-InIoii.
Judgo Holcomb's decision was In nn ac
tion which tho Lincoln Street Hallway com
pany brought against tho city qt Lincoln
to prevent tho collection of taxes In cer
tain districts where It was maintained that
tho original petitions for the pnvlng were
Insufficient. The company sought to avoid
paying for tho paving between Its tracks,
but the only ground for tho action wns that
the proceedings under which the work was
dono were not regular. Tho case Is Identi
cal with a hundred or moro cases which
Individuals have brought in Omaha to de
feat paving taxes.
After announcing that his verdict was for
tho defendant, the Judgo supported his ac
tion by stating that tho petitions appeared
to bo majority petitions; that there Is no
evidence that thcto was any protest filed
with tho council nt tho time tho petitions
were under consideration; that there wns no
attempt then to prove thnt there wero for
geries upon tho petitions and that In his
opinion property holders should not bo al
lowed to set up such claims after many
years had elapsed, during which tlmn they
had tho benefit of tho Improvements.
This decision Is nlmost directly opposed
to other decisions which bnvo been handed
down by tho Nebraska courts and the as
sistant city attorney believes that Judgo
Holcomb's opinion is nn indication of n
change In tho nttltudo of tho courts toward
cities which aro wrestling with speclnl as
sessment litigation. v
Court An lint to ltrilllrc (ily .if
ltl-lltl'lic to Vny IfUOO.nlMI, font
of Wnlcr WiirUs,
In tho United States court at Lincoln yes
terday John W. Kdmlnsnn Hied suit against
tho city of Dcatileo, Neb., to collect tho
sum of $t00,000 of bonds Issued by tho city
for tho purposo of building and maintaining
tho city water works system.
Tho petition recites that the city Issued
bonds to tho amount of $115,000 to build and
extend tho water works system and that
until 1S9U Interest on tho Indebtedness was
mot; thnt tho latter year tho city defaulted
In Its payments and has slnco refused to
mako a levy for tho purpose of pnylng the
tlilloillit'i-tiirntN of tin- Til Oil IT.
Kulgorn's Stars, who aro at tho Orpheum
all this week, certainly deservo tho name
"stars," for they aro nil headllners of
uuiilovUlo nnd nro attracting tho largest
crowds over seen in an Omaha theater.
Kara, who Is billed as tho greatest Juggler
in tho world. Is said by nil who havo seen
him to live up to tho praises of his billing.
His net is unique, gr.icoful nnd at all times
entertaining, having n rhuh of humor
throughout his marvelous act. Tho Ilroth
era Herno In their startling thcosophlcal
problem, "Substitution," leaves tho audi
euco amazed at their quickness nnd com,
pleto transformation. They nre very anx
ious to tscruro a pair of handcuffs that they
cannot got out of and offer n largo roward
for such u pair. Tomorrow will bo given
tho regular family inntlnee.
Mr. Charles Kvans and the exceedingly
clover company presenting tho double hill,
"Naughty Anthony" and "Madamo Huttcr
lly," at Iloyil'r. will close their engagement
tonight, and thoso who fall to seo them will
miss ono of tho most delightful entertain
ments of tho year. Wednesday nftornoon
will witness tho opening of "My Friend
from India," which will run until Thursday
At tho Trocndcro "Fi(U and Follies" are
putting up the best 'show of the season
to large attendances. Tho burlesques aro a
great source of merriment. They nro out
of tho ordinary and played by capah'c peo
ple. In tho olio, tho musical number Dim
Horn U-r-r-r Is tho greatest hit. This Is
a genuine novelty. Two performances
dnlly, the engagement closing aftor Satur
day evening's performance, "Miss New
York, Jr. " will appear uext Sunday matl
nco for a week, with a largo company direct
from her eastern triumph.
Nw Turn in Statu of Propoud Elcotrio
Railway Line.
Coinnilttri" of tlir Whole Mnr MnUe
rntornlilr Itciuirt on I'mnelilsc
nt Sct Merlltin; f the
C'oniiiiUilo iters.
Tho Omaha ft Fremont Electric Hallway
company will In all probability secure the
franchise. It has been seeking from tho
county commlssloncis next Saturday. The
promoters of tho Interurban railway met the
county commissioners In rommltteo of tho
whole yesterdny and discussed tho pro
visions of tho proposed" frnnchlso ns drnwn
up by A. W. Jcfferlcs, ns special counsel
for the county.
Mr. Harto Insisted that tho com
pany should give an Indemnity bond
to secure the county against loss
by reason of any damages that might be re
covered for personal or other Injuries
caused by the construction of tho rood.
After some discussion tho representatives
of the company ngrced to glvo nn Indemnity
bond of $25,000, but this was not satisfactory
to Mr. Harto, although It seemed to meet
with tho approval of the other members of
tho board.
Tho proposition of tho company to re
munerate tho county for tho rights granted
by paying It 10 per cent of tho net earn
ings of tho road nftcr tho deduction of G
per cent on $750,000 of capitaliza
tion did not strike tho commis
sioners favorably and a strong
argument wns advanced by the public
servants -for n per centago of tho gross
curnlngs. Tho commissioners Intimated
that If the county were to recelvo a per
centage of tho net earnings tho managers
of tho railway would seo to It that net
earnings never nppcared.
Mr. Harto wanted to put In a provision
that tho company should pay tho county
n stipulated sum per annum for each car
operated, but this was not ngrccablo to the
Finally tho railway people consented to
provision being mado In tho franchise
for tho payment of 2b per cent
of the net earnings to the
county after tho road bad been In operation
for a period of twenty years. This propo
sition was accepted as satisfactory to Com
missioners Hnctor, Connolly nnd Ostrom,
but Harto still demurred.
Another provision of tho franchise settled
upon gives tho county the option to buy
tho road at tho expiration of twenty years,
the urlco to bo determined by n board of
thrco appraisers, ono to bo nppolntcd by
tho company, another by tho county nnd
theso two to select tho third.
It Is probablo tho commltteo of the whole
will report tho franchise favorably at tho
next regular meeting of tbo board, which
occurs on Saturday. It Is understood that
Commissioners Harto and Hofoldt will voto
against tho granting of tho franchise In Us
present form.
.ImlKi; I, earn In Police Court Stops n
: 1 1 It 1 - ItiinnliiK
"Write mo a letter and toll me tho rest of
that," was tho wny Judgo Learn of tho po
llco court dismissed Mrs. I". 1 Hose, who
had been fined $10 nnd costs on a chnrge of
drunk and disorderly yesterday morning.
She hod been occupying tbo tlmo of the
court for nearly an hour becnuso of n dis
pute In which she had mixed with Mrs.
Hanger, 1323 Leavenworth street.
Mrs. Hanger Is a comely widow, who has
been rooming In the house of Mrs. X. A.
l'nttlson at tho Leavenworth street nd
dress. Mrs. Hoso has been residing In the
samo vicinity and aho alleges that Mrs.
Hanger has won the affections of her hus
band to cuch an extent that tho man tn tho
enso has left her.
Sunday morning tho rngo of Madam Hose
had risen to such a Btato over tho loss of
tbo affections of her husband that she was
lying In wait for Mrs. Hanger, and when
sho appeared from her rooms Mrs. Hoso
followed her down town. In a busy part
of Fourteenth street n wordy encounter
took place. In which Madam Hose applied a
number of vllo names to tbo woman ngalnst
whom her hnto was directed. Tho police
later Intervened and placed the nggressor
In the troublo under nrrest.
finlil! tiolil! Colli!
Tho latest Kl Dorado Is roported to be
on tho Nomo City neach, Iaska. Thou
sands of peoplo nro hastening thcro, many
of whom return broken In health. Of what
nvall Is gold vhen health Is gone? Ouard
your health with tho best of all medicines,
Hnstettcr's Stomach flitters. It will regu
late tho bowels, stir up tbo liver, Invlgor
oto tho kidneys and nbsnlutcly euro Indi
gestion, cr.nstlpntinn, malaria, chills and
fever. It's a good mcdlclno to keep on
Tho Lovo and I'caco Missionary associa
tion haB been organized In tho city, start
ing with nearly ono hundred charter mem
bers, among whom aro many of tho most
prominent citizens of tho city. An outllno
of tho work will bo presented to tho pub
lic this evening nt S o'clock p. m. in tho
First Presbyterian church, corner Seven
teenth nnd Dodgo streets, beforo tho
founder delivers his fascinating lecture and
performances of tho "Mohammedan Hcllg
lous Ceremonies. '
Anniversary of birth of Robert nurns
Clan (Jordon No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clans, roncort and ball Friday evening In
Crelghton hall. Tickets f0c each.
Morliillty StntlNlIm,
The following births nnd deaths wero re
ported to tho city health commissioner for
the forty-eight hours ending at noon Mon-
d'lilrthH W. L. Jones, 1311! South Twenty-Twenty-nlnth,
bny; II. Wnhl, 1811 Daven
port, girl.
Deaths August Krlcson. 3102 Meredith
avenue, Hgeil CI; Anna Toben. JlOfl Jones,
aged 30; James Duncan. Forty-llfth and
Cass, Hgeil 27. Nettle K, Hale, 119 South
Twentieth, aged 27; Mrs. Louise Gctebel,
U5S Cass, aged 28,
Some- people can't drink codec ;
cveryhody can drink Gr.iin-O. It
looks and tastes like collce, but it
is made from pure grains. No
coffee in it.
Grain-O is cheaper than coffee;
costs about one-quarter sis much.
All srocrs : 15c. rm! ISc
- back from Kansas city
(Imnlin (inn Chili Member Will lip
llrnily to Mrcr Former Opponent
by (he Middle of Mnrcii.
Tho team of the Omaha Oun club, which
wns successful In tho contest with tho Kan
sas City team last week, returned homo
Sunday night covered with glory nnd sing
ing tho praises of tho Knnsas City sports
men In loud tones. Nothing was too good
for tho visitors nnd Omaha money would
buy nothing but birds and bets whllo they
wero In the city.
J. A. H. r.lllott nnd Clint Cockrcll were
not In tho Kansas City team, nnd ns both
of thepo men mado records of fifty at tho
shoot In Omahn, the Kansas City team feels
llko It can mako the score even nt tho next
contest If these men tnko part. Omaha
Is willing for another trial and nrrnnge
ments nro nlrcndy under wny for n team
shoot to tnko place nt tho Omnha grounds
In March.
In splto of the deslro of Kansas City tn
havo Klllott and Cockrcll shoot t tho last
contest, that club has suggested that at the
March meeting no ono take part but resi
dents of tho respectlvo cities. This would
result In dropping Davo Klllott, Clint Cock
rcll nnd J A. H. Klllott from tho Knnsas
City team nnd Dan Ilray, Dick Llnderman
nnd Frank ilalrd from the Omaha team.
The Omahn men nro willing to adopt the
new rule and whllo thrco of the best men .In
tho team would be dropped It Is figured that
compared with tho Kansas City team after
tho thrco non-residents nro let out tho
Omaha team would be tho stronger.
In. figuring up the avernges of tho work
of tho Individuals of tho two teams It Is
found thnt Jim Smend has the best record of
nil, he having missed but eleven birds out
of tbo 200 shot at In four contests, while
Dave Klllott comes second with twelve
birds missed.
Only Sl Men Xinv llin ilo nl liy clly
lfinriiiiMi mill They Are Doing
IJinerKiMiey Work.
For two weeks tho street cleaning fnrro
of tho city has been practically nt ease
and economy hns been tho order of tho
day. Hut six men have been employed and
they have been doing emergency work In
Isolated cases.
Tho present condition of tho streets Is
not as good as It was at tho same lime last
year for tho reason that It has been found
nlmost Impossible to do cffectlvo work. One
day the ground is frozen nnd tho next day
tho streets aro so sloppy that the dirt con
not bo bandied. Tho saving of money con
sequent upon the laying oft of tho force
will make It posslblo to do moro effective
work as soon ns tho condition of the
weather warrants a rencwnl of opcrotlons
by a full forco of men.
How 11 finen In St. I.onln.
During tho present cold and grip season
ono hundred nnd thlrty-threo thousand
seven hundred nnd twenty-eight boxes of
Lnxatlvo llromo-Qiilnlnc have been pur
chased by the following wholesale houses
of St. Louis: Meyer Ilros. Drug Co..
Moflltt-Wcst Drug Co. and J. S. Mcrrcll
Drug Co.
Member In Meet nt 'liirlr Annnni
! cunt nnil Devlte I'Iiiiik for
tin- Yeiii-'n Work.
The annual banouet of thn r'nmmirMni
club will bo held this evening nt tho
Club rooms. Thern Will tin rannrlii ...
tho oillcors, business talks by the members
nnu a general "taking of beurlngs" for the
work of the ncw.ycor. All members of thn
club nro Invited "to attend, and In many
respects tho occasion Is expected to bo the
most elaborate In, tho history of the club.
A Deep MyMi-ry.
It Is n mystery wbv women rnd urn linnb.
ache, headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
meinncnoiy, minting nnd dizzy spells when
thousands havo proved that Klectrlc Hitters
will quickly euro such troubles. "I suf
fered for years with kidney trouble." writes
Mrs. Phcbo Cherley of Peterson. In., "ami
n Inmo back pained mo so I could not dress
myscir, nut Klectrlc Hitters wholly cured
me. nnd. althoucb 73 venrs nlil r HAW n
ablo to do all my housework." It over
comes constipation, Improves nppetlte, gives
peneci neann. only &oc at Kuhn & CVs.
drug fitoro.
Wo sell tho kind of Water Hags that do
not leek. Wo warrant them.
When you havo a
toothache, car
iiche, backache,
stomach actio or
neuralgia, thcro Is
nothing that gives
quicker relief than
a bag tilled with
and applied to tho
parts, Wo sell a
good 2-quart Hot
Water Hag for 50c.
1IKST ron
7ftV. . . .
The larger
aro Just a
Wrlto for Hub
tier tioods
Southwest Cor. llltli nnd lloiluc.
I aTriple Alliance
11 Cause world-wide favclers like Frank
i G. Carpenter, the famous enrrctpond-
m ent. to exclaim "The Unmon- Pacifh !
A As nn American 1 am proud of it
.Shcrmnn gravel, the finest ballast tn the
world. Is used on the mnln lino of tho
Union Pacific, muting a perfect roadbed
Only O.U rilGIIT to UTA g
New City Ticket Ofnco. 1
13i( Fninam, Phono 316. tt
L'nlon Passenger Station. i
lOIti und Murcy, Phone 623. &
(J. . ,y
They Offer the Aitilllloiuil lleunril of
).-., !()( nml llrnr Tmii ,ev
I'l'eliirei of 1 1 1 nt.
Another batch of circulars, detailing tbo
rewnrds to bo offered for tho kidnapers of
Kddlc Cuilnhy, will ho sent out from the
ofllco of Chief of Pollen Donahue about
Wednesday. Seven thousand of theso cir
culars nro now In course of preparation
and they will be mailed to tho principal
police nnd detective otllces In tho country
Tho principal chnngos In these circulars
from those originally Issued nro tho Inscr
tlon of two new pictures of Pat Crowe nnd
tho notice of the reward offered by the city
for Ills arrest. Tho two pictures of Crowe
which were In tho center of the previous
clrciilnr, showing n sldo nml a front view,
will bo displaced by two others, one show
ing a picture of tho much-wanted man
wearing a hat nnd tho other giving n front
view. Tho former plcttiro wns taken In
l!no nnd the latter In 1S!M.
Tho only change In tho rending matter Is
to be a clause stating that a resolution ha3
been passed by the city council of Omaha
offering a reward of $5,000 for tho capture
of Pat Crowo by any officer In the I'ntted
States or Canada. Tho description of Crowe
will rollow, ns will also that of the two
other suspects nnd of "the woman In the
case." The envelopes havo been addressed
and Htnmpod, so thnt the circulars can bo
dispatched as soon ns they nro received
from tho printers, which is promised by
Why. Its strango If you lmvn't ll
t'loso who havo used It once uro It mialt'
because It nets mi nice for all kinds of
ebnpM, fnee, Hps, etc. and tho price l wit'i
III the reach of nil The nnine of this pi op
motion Is Kgyptlnn Lotus Cream -Wo a
! eh in ter'w Coiiuti .si"l
t'l'iimer'n Kidney Cure . .,
llroiiiii llnlnlne
1 ilo, --urn I ii liiltilnc Cnpniitri
1 iloz. :t-urnln ttiilnlne Cnpiiile
I do, r.-ci-nlti Itnlnliie Ciitiaiilcn
DiilTy'M .Unit WliWUey
t.olim ("renin , ...
I'nlne'M Celery I'miiiiniinil
Wine of Cnrilul .........
I'lereeS I'reneiiiitlmi
.Sootl'N MiiiiiInIoii 7,t.
Oriiiiiiilnliui 7,-,,.
('iillxroot l'irctormit Trie
I'lilinii Tnlilets fido
While milium Ut'ltirily ....... 1.0(1
S. S. S 7.1e
.Mnlleil Milk ()e, T.-.o, f.'l.l.-,
i-niMiiniii h t iiiiiiniinii 7.,i
8. W. Cor. llltli nnd Chlcnun M
All Competition Distanced.
The fast trains of the Union Pacific
rcncli San Francisco fifteen hours nlicnd of
all competitors. If you ntc in no hurry
lake a slow train liy one of tlio detour
routes, but if you want, to get there with
out suffering any of tlio inconveniences of
winter travel, tnko thu only direct route,
tho Union Pacific.
An Kxtract I'roni Hit Letter.
"If you could only be lure thin winter morning
and ee for yonrtrlf you would no longer doubt me.
Itiwcs nre blooming In our front jnnl nnd nil nnture
I ns far advanced In this louOy American ifummrr
land us It will bo hi your cold ciftrru homo by .lime.
"We mado the Journey from Omahn to the fioldcn
Oate on tlio Union I'acltlc to avoid the clrcultoua
routed an Imjiortaiit Item In tho w Inter. A trip to
California is made delightful by the perfect perrlcc
nnd luxurious accommodation of 'Tbo Overland
Limited,' which Is perhaps the most finely equipped
train In tho world."
Now City Ticket Ofllco. 1324 Knrnam St.,
T le phone 316.
nloti PasFcnBcr Stntlon, 10th nnd Maroy,
Tolcpliono C20.
The last shipment of the Chicago stock is now on our counters. Hundreds
of fiarnionts means hundreds of bargains. We are sorry thai we cannoi mention the linn's name
thai we boiiht these jarnientN from. The reputation is well known to yon all, bill for the reason
that they are selling three row cms in this eity we promised not. to use the name.
Join the erowds and take advantage of a good thing if you have to keep it until next year.
You will save HO per rent in doing so.
The prices below are aboutone-third of the real value ami this sale will continue from day to
day until every garment is sold.
Jackets . . .
HOI) Jackets of second shipment Chicago .man's
price, up to $13.50 our
price ;
300 Hox Coals second shipment Chicago man's
price up to $15.00 our
85 Automobile Coats second shipment. they are
made of the finest kersey Chicago man's
price up to $30.00 our price
100 ladies' Io.v Coats made from the best imported kersey lined with
Skinner's satin strap seams
collar their price $18.50 our
price each ,
lafl'eta Chicago man's price, $10.00 and
J'-.- $50.00 our
200 Silk Waists new spring styles Hishop sleeves second shipment- Chicago (31 QQ
man's price $(5.50 our price ljpO. J O
Png,r About 100 sample garments no two alike will be sold at one-third the price.
- LI I w These are line Collarettes, Capes and .Jackets.
J00 ladies' Collarettes Chicago man's
price $3.00, our prire Q8c
JOxlra special value from the Chicago stork
IMush Capes thibet trimmed sold
at $5.00 our price $1.50
Ladies' Jlourle Capes worth
Ladies' Dress Skirls--worth $3
Servsible SKoe
ncavy soies,
save !?1 of your
shoe regular
Men's Box Calf Shoes
Hlaek vici, goodyear welts,
comfortableregular $:$.f0
Men's Enamel Shoes
Extra good value, medium heavy soles, popular style .lasts,
you can decide as to value when you tpf fT fl
see llieni our price only JU
Women's Welt Shoes
We are oliermg to the public a women's kid or box calf
shoe, welt, well made, good
any too, AA to 10 -regular
Our dentnl work Is done to
glvo you comfort Wo
keep Rood teeth Rood nnd
Improve tho bad ones.
Painless extracting.
Vitalized Air
Set Teeth $5.00 up
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 DotiKlitsSt.
an CTJIO.j all Ktdno)
I)inf3's. nacii
nche.ctc. AtlruS'
'IH!. or by wall,
I Treo tiook, ad
Vice, etc., ol Dr. 13. J. Kay, Sura'cea, N. Y.
Cloaks . .
high slorm
Second shipment 205 ladies' Tailor Made Suits
some silk lined throughout Chicago man's
price up to $25.00 our price
50 Suits high class imported modelsChicago
man's price up to $50.00 our price
Second shipment 250 ladies' Kainy Day Skirts
Chicago man's price up to $8.00
our price
250 Sample Dress Skirts made of the finest, imported
price each
$5.00at.$1.5O Children's Jackets worth $7.00- 300 of
t hem at, each
Tlu price of an article is not nlwa.vs a crite
rion of its value, licit tier is pa(vinj; SfUJO u
pair for ,vour shoes, any indication that the
value is in (hem. It miht he the same class
of jjoods that we sell for less money. We
say might, because such things have hap
pened before in this town. We know all of
the brands of shoes of note and what tliev
are worth at factory prices. We might con
vince you of a saving of from 1.00. to $12.00
of your shoe money, unless you're one of the
class of people who have money to throw
Men's Box Calf Shoes
Leather lined, all and widths, medium
uie ciiances are mat. ou can
shoe money in tltis Jj
; value, for
neat, durable, dressy, $1
value, for
stock, good styles, i
$.'l.fiU value, for . . . .
linn IIIrU fnr titulHtural
trrilalloux r ulcorntlmi,
tif m il on il inrnilimnf.
l'alnli-M. nml nut ailrln-
ITHtEvfWSCHtMiCUCo. ' ur polnoiioiis.
.Vllcl i.t IlrntrzttU,
or sent In fluln wrappor,
by rrMi, pn-pald, fur
Sl.oi, or 3 I'littloH, 12.7.1.
Circular trnt ru rcijtitit.
, " M
jnpw (lutroil S
RS not to airtoiur.
L . rrrvtDta PDtarlnn
lAci'iCiNNiTi. o. BBr2
. ,lmu
$10.50 jn
500 .Jackets, worth up to $25 for $4.50
Rallies' Wrappers at, each 10c
Ladies' Petticoats at, each 19c
Children's .Jackets, froin' l to 12 years at. .50c