10 foh it am: hi;ai, i:.htth. I'll II XAMI ItEAI. ESTATE. I'Oll iAl.I Itl'.AI. ESTATE. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SI X DAY, JAXFAHY ?0, 10(M. IIISIMS CIIAM-HS. "WANTED office managers In every ulty Htul town; permanent Hint profitable busi ness, exclusive territory; small capital re uiilred. Huyers Byndlente, suite SI '61 Hluto st , filling", ill V-M9 JO AM) joii looking for h locution? I have, In u email town n-.ir Otnahii. u 15-1 (iopi lintel, 3 cltv lute, furniture. saloon, iivry. Stable, Imrsr-. C"W. bllgfcl'', etc., ,'or I hip in, cany terms, beet paying Investment In tlin state 'all or mid re Hroker, J0l Karbach blk., Omaha, Neb. Y 543 A COM PAN V owning new factory, which manufactures product that is In great tU rmnd anil sells nl IiIk iirollt iiooH morn working cupltnl to meet Increased trade ; business Is .i monopoly nnd success In as sured, position open to right man. For particulars address O 13, Hoc. V-M&93 20 BPACI3 for rent In mll'lncr store to h llrst rlniw hairdresser. Address 133 South I2th Ht., Uneolll, Net). Y C2S 20 'Oil UXCIIAXOn. A FINI3 JV..00 linportcil mnglc lantern, ns good us new, only mint n short time; suit able for lectureH, churches or lodge enter tnlnmcnts; u bargain. Address ! fa, t!(o oIIIcp. .-173 THflHH clear vncant lntn ami cash to o: chnngo for rental property; lV)-nero farm clear for renin' property. 1. N. Ham monil, 15th and Farnam St. 521 SO DO YOtT WANT TO KXCHANOK YoTtH PKOPHIITY In the east for l.os Angeles n riiuiiiui ii v u iiurnifi proiierij, it iu ilo list with us; no charge. unless i ealo or trnilo In made; send full description MKDICAI. OONOVA Is a Frotih treatment for male nntl female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Gleet, t'nnntural Discharges, In flammations, irritations and Ulcerations of tlin mucous mcmbruncs. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted tn cure worst cases In one. week; $.1 pet- package or two for tit. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. 111. American Office, retail, who:e5ale. Myors-Dillon Drun Co., Oinanu; M. A. Dillon, South omnhu, Davis Drug Co.. Council UlutTs. Full lino of rubber goOils. T.ADIK8 out of health find prompt relief. Uox 13.', Omului, Neb. Contldentlal. -TOT LADIES! Chlchestcr'H Englt'H rennyroynl I'llls are tho best; safp, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Hcllcf for Ladles" In letter by roturn mall. Ask your druggist. CnlchcBtor Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. CANCEU cured at homo by Internal treat mint; no knife, plaster or pain. Hook ani testimonials mailed fr'". Cancer In stj io, 121 V. lid St.. N. Y. LAT. tKB, I positively guarantee. Golden Senl, never falling fcmsilo reBiiliitor: will relieve, most obstinate cafes of demy-id periods In llvo hours; Fent secttro from observation, $1.W. Dr. Annie Kowlcr, 2711 Olive St., St. Louis. Mo. LADIES' Month' He,;ulator; ntilck relief; no moro uuxlety; our Infallible remedy will not disappoint you; It Is positive and harmless In Its action; price, J2.M. The Women's Specialty UrtlK Co., Suite GUI. 07 Clnrlc St.. Chlc.no. . FEMADINE cures all female troublen; live spccliiltleH. Mrs. J. Ii. Webster. Stalo Agent, 17i:i N. 21th St. Mr at I'ATl'J.NTS. INVENTORS. GOT AN IDEA? We handle patents, copyrights and trade marks; you Klvo im the bnro Idea and we will do tho rest; modern equipped machine shop nnd foundry in connection; Otllcla! Gazette, on tile; auldu book free. Mason, Pen wick & Lawrence, patent lawyers, llufi Howard nt.5 tel. 'Mi, Omaha. J. I'. Cronln, reiir. -M170 INV'ENTOUS, we ask no fee until the patent Is procutcd; If wo fall, wo ct no tie; advlco free, Sues ;t Co.. Patent Law yers. IJeo Hide, Omuha, Neb. Lonii 1M- tlinco telepboliri KJ3. IIS MarlS SltriHTIIA.M) AMI TYI'UWKITXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. SOI HOYLE.H' CollcEc, court reporter, principal. IJqo UldR. -302 NEU. inislncss & Shorthand college. Iloyd's Theater. 803 ailEOG Shorthand. Om, C. Col. 18 & Doug. S0-I WIIOI.KNAI.r. AMI III VI' A II, III H.DI.Mi.N 1311 LEAVICNWOUTll. V.'.WO feet floor npaco, elettrlc elevator, platforms In front itttrt rear, JMi per tronlh. 12uS Howard, (' stories and baaement, elec tric elevator, bitlldlnir In tine shane. llth and Douglas, tho Puller corner, 3 stories anil naeemont, lino location, Seo It. C. Peters : Co., 1702 Parniim St. CM 20 i.M i'ii.v roits ami nit i:i:ii:its. INCt'tlATOlt and Ilrceder catalnguo free, Wrlto Uurr Incubator Co,, Ouiahn, Nob. 17 OSTKtlPATIIY. JOHNSON Institute, D1A N. Y. L. Illdg. Tel. 1GC4; Alice Johnson D. O., ladles' dep.. ( Uld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -S01 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvillc, Mo.. tWI I'axtor. 1111:. Tel. 13S7, so: l'AAV.MIItOICr.ltS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable necommodnt. tug; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -811 lUtESSMAKIMi. MI1S. JEPFUIE3 KEMP. 401 Paxlon Illk, Tolephono 2120. M-5K4-.I27 HlllIlS AMI TA.VIUEHAI Y. BTOCIi'S Illrd Store. 1C03 Leavenworth. -707 TICKUT IIIIOKIIK. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bin, IMS Knrnnm. Telephone 7SI, SOS HTAMMEIUMi AM) STl. TTHHIXO. CUHED. Julia Vnushu, 430 llumiie Idg. ' -812 MrKEI, PliATIXn. OMAHA PLATINO CO., lieu llldg. Tel. XX. MGlS i.al vnitv. OAHA bteam Laundry; shlrt'i. 7c: collars, .c; cures, m., iiuu ueavcnworiu. Tin. m. -703 Kl'llMTt HE Hlll'AIHINti, TEL. 1331. M S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. vis WATCH IIEPAIlll.VC. W. O. SANDERS, room 21, Darker Hloek I3f.-ii.ii; IIA.VCIMI SCItOOI,. THE winter term at Morand's Dnncln? school begins this week. Adulis, Tuesday ii i hi eriuny, n j, in.; i. lessons, gvniiemen. JS; ladles, ii. Private lessons day nnd evening. M 222 Ell CARPENTERS AM) .UHUIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work-nnd repairing promptly attended (. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th anu i.nKo sis. 3,0 Ktiti sai,i:-ih: I, EST VTK, RANCH and cattle for ualu. Write C '"('"".), ncu,, euro 1 1111. Hcnnoi. RE M33 :u THE 111, IIS nnd 120 Red River valley farms ..v '"" ""iiug near vTi'OKsmn, .miii Will lit. U'lirfll ttvlf.., lllA ,,l,t.' I.. years; meanwhile they will imv u unnil Interest on three times my price. They iiw nin-j ittriiia iiitvuiK IHir IIUIKIlni flowing wells of the purest water a close to stations and creameries. C. Harris, lui S. 15th st., Omaha. . ..,..,., .. . .. .IV 621 20 ri,vr, '..r "T rein, lUsliltiKtoii 1 Hilt wmi price aim wnai you want. N. 1. Nelson & Co., 123 V. 3d St., IoM An geles. Cnl. Reference, Fidelity Trust Co., IC. C Mo. A. T. CONNETT, OMAHA, NF.lt. 55-5KI 10 nun. j, 11, niicrwoiHi. ma y,i i,ire, RE-yM5S2 2 FAItMS! rAUMa: 20 Hire mnr South Omaha, nil fenced aril tiltlvntpil; no buildings; gently rolling. Only 11.40). .Tift acres, nil tinder cultivation nnd Bool Improvements; near South Omuha. Only $11 per acre. Choice 320 ncre, nonr South Omaha, nil under cultivation and good Improvements. J&) per aero. Excellent suburban So acres, only 3'i miles wort of city. 170 per Here. Reveral fruit and garden farms near Omaha, from 2 to 10, 20 or more acres each. $1.0u0 to tf.OOO each; good Improve ments. 203-acro farm In the heart of the be.it agri cultural district of Nebraska nnd oti vcnlont to tho best markets we3t of Chi cago; 115 ncrcs under cultivation; 20 icres good hay land, 40-ncni pasture, 200 to Si bearing npples, cherry and plum tro's; 3) acres ling and feed lots; good 9-rnoin house, smoko house, wood linUH?, hut house, corne.rlb, granary, barn, blr.der H'ed, tool shed, good windmill, with p'pe Inld to tho pasture In every restct a llrst-clnss farm and a snap nt 10 per acre. BTAKT A HOME. Now Is your time to mnke n home. Iluv your lot nrst ror iiw, j: uown anu u t?r month; near car lino and lay nlcoly. They uro dlrl cheap. Can also give you choice lots In other eholco Incnltlcs near car lines for $300 nnd 50 each $10 down nnd 110 per month. ALSO I1EAPTITL LOTS IN THE HP- PEFt TEN DISTRICTS OK THE CITY, KKOM 50O UPWAItO. HOUSES AND LOTS. On Mth St.. near Prntt st., a go.i 1 C-ro'tm iiiiime, uu viiit;r in minion, Ki'(,'i oiiuih uikI (emented cellur; rents for JU.W per month. IWO.OO. A good t!-rnom house, closets, pnntrv, gas, nice snauu trees, lot fifxiij. just soutn oi llancroft st near 17th at. Jl.500.00. On Kr.mklln st.. C-ronm house, S yj'ir old, ii line condition, nil modern, nleo lawn, .n.1n .....1 t, rn.in M'l'.. I- si 1 lin.l,- tlllll lllliL 'HIT, llfl UV.MVt I JllO in . ovcly home for 12,000.00. Here Is n good Investment: 3 tJ-reom houses in potitn omnna. watfr, sewer nnd gn in street; rents for iin.OO per month each; lot 100.M50. Only I2.I50.00. On Chicago st.. n nice home. 1; rooms, in"d- ern excent rurnnce, good cellar, hum mrn, lawn and young trees; lot 33xlG0. J2.W.0) K.iclng Hanscom park, near to car line, a gron i-ronin nousc, until, etc.; ciisy pay ments. 13,21)0.00. ALSO HOUSES AND LOTS. THE KINSST t)K TDK KIM';, IN Til K HON TON RESIDENCE PORTIONS OK THE CITY : slrletly modern: nnd n number of now ones from J2,5i'O.00 upward. 5 PER CENT MONEY to loan on gllt-o-'g teiu punte security. Also write kihi; INSURANCE. GEORGE P. UEMIS, 1 i';sinuii8ueii in imivi Tele phono CW5. Pnxtou lllock. RE-B03 21 ONE acre 2 blocks from Walnut Hill car line, ir minutes ride down town, on grade, only lOOo.OO. Easy -terms. Klve ncres adjoining Shrlvcr Place, ono mile west of Hnnseom Park, IS73.0J. THE liYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14TH ST. Itli 50U-20 GENUINE HAROAINS. 10-room modern home. 26th & Douglas. JC.C00 8-room moncrn pressed nricit, new, strictly moi ern. o:ik 1 nisn. mnniie. un-io-iiaui 111 every respect, f-hude trees, lawn. etc.. JI.50J 8 rooms, new, aim ave,. near Kiirnatn, all modern, oak finish, enst front. 11.250. S Roomn, modern, east of Hanscom, 13,500. iu-room res., moucrn, aiijoining Kountzo Park. 13.000. R-room modern res., enst of Hanscom, 12.900 i rooms, inoa. ex. lurnace, wen located, corner. J2.300. 7-room cottage, new, lawn, shade, 11,900. I rooms, new. mod., ex. furnnco. Sl.ftX). G rooms, water, gns, near 24th & Ames, $1,273 0 ronmB near mil ft .mciioius, paving paid, $I,IW. rooms nenr 21th & Ames, water, full lot, 1975. , G-room cottnge near 21th & Ames. $350. bnvorai sn end d uaricalns in olio eo res uenco lots, t'orlinps l nave what you wain, jrucsi nweei, tcj r. v, i.ire. RE-SllO KOR SALE, my S-room residence, nil mod ern, soutn iront, lot ouxit.', closo to 2 ear lines inn scnooi. place 111 lino repair, and worm .t)W 10 w.uuu. Leaving city. Any reasonable offer accepted. C. II, lice. RE 511 20 . KOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. S. W. Cor. 26th and lilondo, llvo rooms, lot 1130 So. 30th ave., Beven-room cottnge, modern: laruo barn. X. E. Cor. 24th & Douglas, double houses nine rooms encli, modern except furnucoj int ivwir 109 Ohio St.. full lot, nice four-room cot ttieo. SS50.C0 3311 Kowler Ave,, full lot, seven roams, well, cistern und barn, $700. 2113 Grant St., eight roms, bath, city water, onrii, ji.ow. Eight houses on No, 19th St., from blx to nlno rooms, nt a iiurgain Three houses on Spauldlng St., seven rooms eacii. B. W. Cor. of 21st and Mandereon St.. now eight-room houso nnd good burn, city water, lot 57x121.. $1,800. Three good houses on No. 18th St., modern except furnace, bringing in 11 rputnl of $.'tl.no per mouth, You can buy this so It win ,iunKo you io por cent net. Kail is lirondweii, oui New York Lire lildg. Phone 500. RE-510 20 SEVEN ncres In city, duo pardon lnnd, ono uiock irom pnveu street. Ten ncres southwest of city. $7iX. I'lvo acres soutn or Houtii unmna, $!&o. Kiftv-tlvo acres with small bouse, ml iolnlng city limits, ulentv of smnll fruit. $75 per acre. Hall & Broadwell. 501 Now Torn Lite, -itoiio wo. rk uio-20 200-ACRE fnrm, 7 miles from Omaha. 1m iirovenieoif9 uuoti oeiiuiiiiii utnii. ii'. miio R, R. Btutlnn, i-mllo scliuol; price, 5) nn ucre. 80-ncro farm, Improved, with nrclmrd, 6 iiiitvin .i,,( vit.i.i,,. 4H ,11, ui'li., 610-ncro stock fnrm 0 miles from Stapleton, .Aionona in,, iowa, Jin acres in cuiiiva tlon. small house, well fenced: nrlio tlB.W an nero. If nflor n farm tell mo nil nunui ii. in -cison, u'i no. nun. RE-I9I 20 SHISIER ? CHARE BARGAINS. C-r- modern cottago near Hnnseom Park, $2,000. . 5-r. cottnge. 15 lot, 23rd near Leavenworth, street. $1,400. S-r. housn full lot, 20th street north of Vin ton. $1,200. B-r. cottnge. '4 lot, 19th street, near Seward street, $1,700. S-r. modern house, full oast front lot on list near nun street, mommy payments, $500. 5-r. cottage, full corner Int. near High school. $l,S0O. Wo nro notified by owners to close out the following properties: 10-r. strictly modern house, Just north of lAKMS! nnnscom pane, 10-r. brick house, modern. OS feet front. West Knrnnm district, $7.00o. C-r. cottnge. paying 7 per cent on $1,000, 27th and Hurdettn street. $700. , S-r. holme, 39th nnd Grand Avo. city water. cistern, inurblo mantle, barn, etc., $S00. SHSCELLANEOl S. Lot nenr llth und Juckson streets, JIM. 880-acro ranrh. mocked with cows, $.'i,500. Two vncant lots, clciir, to oxchauve for home, will pay difference. JG.tOO stock shoes nnd dry goods for Iowit laud. Klre In', Houses for rent. Shinier & Chase, 014 Bee Bldg. Tel., 1412. RE-I9S 20 210 OR 320 ACRES rich black land, 12nlies from Omuha; line Improvements, all kinds of fruits In ubiindiince: wells, streams, 50 ncres large timber, will make 3,000 cords wood or saw lumber, worth $2.00 per cord net: too rallons prune wlno on hnnd; rail road station. posioffiVr. church and school fnellltles right by. A great bargain. Only $15 per acre. Easv toruni. Richard C. Pat terson, Sole Ant. 810 New York Life. RE- 497 20 A BARGAIN In three lots on S. 24th St, two blocks south Leavenworth St.. 5flx 135 feet onch. Your eholco for $700,oo. Theso lots ure sure to double in value as soon as the viaduct Is completed. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14TH ST. RE-COO-20 A BEAUTIFUL lot In north part of cltv nn Stunderson St.. 3 blocks west of 24lii st. motor; must be sold this week; $250 takes it, 3 lots on next street sold this week for $500 onch. Half cash, bnlnucu $10 a month. Stringer, 631 Paxton Block. RE-SH60 j R. C. PETERS A CO., 1702 Knrnnm 81., lice lildg. DWELLING HOUSES. No. 1501 1012 South 28th, 9-room house, new lasi iau, overytning nrst-oiass. l'ricc, $4,400. No. 9S8 2111 Krnnklln st.. fi rooms, new, until, wun porcelain tun, gas; every thing new; paved street; nil paid for. Price, $2,200. No. 11811210 South 27th st., 7-room house, 101 ooxion. owner will sen 111s equity very cheap for cueh. VACA NT PROPERTY. No. 2lfi 10-foot lot near 26th nnd Patrick avcntie. Only 1350-SNAP. No. 70744 feet, south front on Harney, be tween 9th nntl 10th streets, with double track In rear No. 192 Cheap lot on Dod.io and 33th. Only ?i,.wo a uargain. 1 KARMS KOR SALE. No. SIO 10) ncrcs In Krnnklln county. 2V4 mues irom town, ntiout 100 acres 111 culti vation; small house. Price, $1,200. No. 9 160 acres In Saunders county, 70 ncres cultivated. Price, only $20, No. 1024 Kino cattle ranch of 2120 acres In unwes county, Nebraska, ) ncres tinder cultivation, bnlnncc In pnsturo and grass land; good house, barn, cow stable, water works. 2 windmills, stock scales, correls, etc.: also ino head of Shorthorn mid Here ford cattle. All for $6,000. lllg snap for someone to get a ranch. No, 11.11210 ncres In Snrpy county, good uuiiiiings, good orennru, all uottom land, $15 ;ier acre. Wo do n general real estato and loan busi ness, including rental or property; niso tiro lusuranco nt lowest rates. R. C. PETERS & CO., Telephone SOS. 1702 Kornnm St. RE-570 20 D. V. BHOLES COMPANY. D. V. Sholes, Pres. L. C. Sliole, Sec. 31(1 N. Y. Lite. Wo want nn offer on these three properties; 2102103 Miami. 7 rooms, slate roof: huo cannot no mint for near 1110 price wo psk, $1,600. Make nn offer 2132711 N. 26th, 7 rooms, very good .'Imps; iook nt It and mnke us nil oner, w o asu $1,000, but this need not scire you. Owner snjs get an offer, nnd this Is why wo ad vertise It this way. C4-2013 and 2015 Pierce St., 00x103, 2 hn-ises, both rented and nlways will rent. We nsk $1,500, but we will consider lew. It Ii up to you. strictly noon mrvs. 1213122 Cnss st., 42xl6), 5 rooms, good re pair. Jibuti. I2J-20.1I N. 19th, 50x112, 5 rooms, modern, Imrn. M. 100. C21 131S S. 29th st., 7 rooms, modern; tnfcc part land, $4,500. 611-1519 S. 29th st. fine corner, 8 rooms, strictly up-io-oaip, new. sj.onu. VACANT. 31!-50xl35, 32d live., near Davonport; bsbt linn iinest lot ror price in umniu, icr n.vi.v ii.ono. 210 -50x132 Sherman nvo., across from fcaunders- Home, h.nat. $i..ii. 63 Two very CHOICE lots, about 3 feet iinove grniie, ain nnd ueeatur, eacn wix 13.1 feet: ask J.100. Make cash effer. SNAP. Cl-Threo CHOICEST lots fnclng east, on Country club, r.enr car line, wliero von enn watch tho golfers' club. ONLY $150 for all. TOADES. Finest east front lot Hnnseom Place, with rfmh. for fnrm ne.ir Omnllil. Three-story brick block, 5 stores md 10 until, nn wear, cnpaiiic oi renting mr w,' per year, for good land. Don't find tl la every dny. D. V. 8HOLES COMPANY. RE-.-i72 20 HAROAINS for HOMESEEKERS. He suro nnd examine the following properties, which for PRICE nnd TERMS of PAY MENT will eiiual anything ever offered In tho city; 1287 In South Omaha near S2d and J Sts., n well-built ten-room house, city water, furnace, bath. etc.. Just the place for. n HOARDINO HOUSE. Cost $3,000. We nro authorized to orfer this lino property for $2,000. ON EASY TERMS. 21 In west' nart of tho cltv. 2 blocks from car line, corner lot. C-room nil modem house, for $2,230. $250 cash, balance $2U tier month. THIS 18 A GOOD OPPOR TUNITY. 1G13 On 27th Ave., nenr Cuming, house has 8 rooms, all modem und In good repair. This property Is CHEAP at $2,300.; $3M cash, balance monthly payments, 31 In south part of the city, convenient to South Omaha, n good li-room nil modern cottage. Tho house Is In good repair und tn u good neighborhood. Price $2,6tio; $6Uii cash, BALANCE CAN BE ARRANGED. On 33d nnd Prntt Bts., n good 3-room house. The lot Is 50x128, price $700; $100 cash, $10 per month. On 31th nnd Grant Sts., 0-room house, 2 full lots, property In fair repair, good neighborhood, Price, $S0O; $30 cash," bal ance $10 per month. PAYNE-KNOX COS! PAN Y. Main Floor, New York Lire Bldg. RE 1S0-20 8AYS to sell for $1,200.00. Non-resident owner has 33x132 ft. on Chicago nt be tween 13th nnd llth, two blocks from Illinois Central freight depot, permanent sldowalks. BYRON R. HASTINGS, 21 S. 1ITIJ ST., Omaha, Neb. RE-500-20 A BEAUTIFUL east front lot. V)xli, onS. 35th avenue, 2 blocks south of Leaven worth st. car and only I blocks from Hansrnm park. Will take $300 If sold this week, It Is worth $1,000. Stringer, Oil fay ion iiiock. nn AIIGO LIST your property for rent and sn'e with w. ll. uusseii, 420 uanigo UKlg. RE 176 PARTIES buying iotH"7nHemis"l(7rk Re servo llnd: First Thnt the lots fronting west and south are on grudo with the streets. Second That the lots are selling nt about 40 per cent less than other prop erty of like valuation. Third Parties paying cash for lots can moke 'onus Hulllclent to build houses. Fourth These lots are within three blocks of Cuming titrcpt car and when the Harney car Is extended to Prospect Hill this oprlng they will be within ono block of that line iilsn. !ot us show this property. A. P. TUKEY. BOARD OF TRADE. v UK 560 20 2419. 21 AND 23 HInney St.. three 6-roomfh tiuiiiil houses, newly papered und paltltoit. city water and sewer, finished In oak nnd pine. $l,Oiio.tx); will pay 12 per cent on in vestment. n ii.l Two houses on 60 font lot. mile from post otlleo. will rent for $20.(ni a month with n few repairs. Price, $t,300.CO. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14TH ST. RE-500-20 107 ACRES 11 miles N. W., (jood Improve ments, price $53 per acre. 215 acres ilnr lovel upland, none hotter any where, price $51 per acre. 122 acres, Big Pappto bottom. $7,800. 409) feet nenr 2oth and Harney streets, very i-htnp ut $1,200. 60x11') feet near 20th nnd St. .Mary's ave., SNAP at $2,X. Six-room house, W-foot east front lot, 11 blocks west of court house, $2,500. 8. E. cm nor ',-Sth .mil Furnnm. two-story brick building, rental $7 yearly. $7.0on. Brick buildings close In. rental $l,35o per year; HAHGAIN at lll.tiOO. JOHN N. KHENZER. OPP. OLD V. O. R E 51)0 20 GEORGE AND COSIPANY, 160! Knrnam St. $1,100.00 for S-room modern house, fuil lot, near 2li't and California sts. I'.toMO for 4321 Krnnklln st., s rooms, mod- ern except hent. In good repnlr :nlno barn. $l.nv.(i for 1043 8. 13th st., 6-ropni cottage, city water, lot 40140 ft. $1,100.00 for half lot, east front, on ISth ., near Slnson, with C-room c ittage. $ for 1113 N, 2oth ht., lot aixlM ft, 4 room cottage; all paving tu paid. VACANT LOTS. . IJ.lMUrt for one of tho best building lots on 35th st.. nenr Karirim, oast front. $1,100.00 for lino enst front lot on llth it., neir Dnrcns, 66x1.1 ft FARS! LAND, 321! ncrcs near Gretna, well Improved, has bcon used as stock farm, $17,50 per acre. 160 ncres near Bennington; one of the b"st bargains In UouuUs county. UJS-6fi ij GARVIN BROS., 1613 FAUNAS! ST. IMPROVED SOUTH OStAHA BUSINESS PROPERTY. ISO ft, frontage on 241 1 It St., grns rpnts I4"j per cent; price $l,K'i. A bargain an an investment. OMAHA PROPERTIES. 23W Oak St.. 4-rnotn hoiso, 50-ft. lot, $7,7). 209 8. .luth, 12-room house, lot 46x115, $1,200. 2.5th and Ersklnc, 7-room house, lot 40x120, $1,200. 3S1S N. 27th, S-room house, city water. f1,X"0. 2113 N. ISth, 8-room house, city water. $I,7W. 2211 Locust st., 7-room house, partially modern, $2,on). 20th and Parker sts., 7-room modern hovis'j, barn. $2,y. SJtli ave. and Knrnnm, 7-room modern house, onk llnlsh, $3.5no. Knrnam nnd 41st St., 7 rooms, modern, barn, $1,500. WANT OKKER. 2307 So. 20th st., 4-room house und summer kitchen, lot lixlll. Offer wanted. VACANT LOTS. 39th and Dodge, cast front, choice. Wpnt offer. 100-ft. frontage, facing Hnnseom park, $1,200. .it and Dodge, corner. $2,luo. 35th and Harney, $1,300. 18th und Spruce, corner 101x140 ft., $2,300. Sith und Knrnnm. $I.1(W. 20th and Miami, JtVA 42d nnd Knrnam, $5.V). 20th nnd Ontario, $100. 28th and Ohio, $100. ' Templeton nt., nenr Soth, $325. 25th nnd Sprngue sts., $). Choice vacant lots for sole In nil parts of tho city at low prices. Call at olllce for particulars. GARVIN BU08., 1613 FAUNAS!. UE-56S 20 WYSIAN-8HU1 VEH CO.. N.Y. LIKE BDG, 12- room modern house nnd large modern barn, 6.foot lot, west front on Park ave., nonr Mason st, $12,500. S-room modern house and bam, Kouutzo Place! must bo sold. $1,000. Kull lot, west front on 20th, nenr Comer: line location for small home; pa veil St., all paid up. $350. Large 6-rootn house, chicken houses, etc., 4th, nenr Dorcas st. $700. 7-reom house on 31th, nenr Davenport. barn, nnwly painted, full lot. $l.f). 3-room house und barn, nice rlmpu, North Omaha. $.100. Double two-story and basement dwelling on ISth, near Jones. $6,500. "room dwelling and barn, two full curner lots, 36th nnd Decatur; submit otter; must bo sold. Double two-story dwelling, 41-foot lot, 31th mid Cnpltal nvc. $.1,500. Wo hnve some of the llncst reldencei In tho city for sale, and a number of tmtll homes that wo can sell on small payment down; balance moutnly. Call and jj-j up. RE-C12 2) A FEW desirable farms In Snrpy, Douglas and Washington counties to bo sold nt a bargain by Hnll Urnadwcll, C01 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 500. RE-SI509-22 SEE HENRY II. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-79J DESIRABLE cast front Int, residence or business, 3d block so. depot on 10th. 1111 Vinton. RE SIS63 Vi RANCH AND FAR SI lands for sale bv tho Union Pnclllo Railroad company. R. A, McAUaster land commissioner, Union Paclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-S15 60 ACRES, forty minutes drive from P. O., good roads and good neighborhood, $65.00 per ncro. THE liYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. RE-500-20 PROPERTY bought and Bold; money jr,lticd; rints collected. L. L. Johnson Co., 311 So. 15th St. RE-102 HOUSES, lots, fnrms, lands, loans; also lire Insurance. Bctnls, Paxton blk, RE SI I CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Knrnnm St. RE-793 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; C2H-foot east front In Nelson s ndditlnn. SI. J. Kuinard & Son, 310 Urown block. RE-MS93 SCRIP 16,000 acres; C. B. Burrows, owner, Norfolk, Neb. RE-M422 30 A Itenl IIiii-kiiIii In n I'aciii. 60 ACRES of choice land only C mllcf west of Omnha P. O., near paved ro-i.1, for only $75 per acre. This Is Just what you hove been looking for so long. For par ticulars call on or address PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main floor N. Y. Life Uld. R E-M 136 2) LIST your property with Ball & Broadwell, 501 New York Life lildg., 'Phono &m. RE-SI5CS-22 SEVEN-room house, city water, sewer, closet, near street enr, $1,300.00. Six-room house, city water, bath, clsicru, barn, full 50-foot lot. $1,000.00. A well located piece of truckage property, 142x305 feet, $10,C(XJ,000. I. N. Hammond, 15th and Fiirnsm S'o. RK-323 20" FRASIE block on 8. 16th St., two stories nun pais auove. on car lino nnd paved tnrri'i, nuirtgam'o win iuae f....io. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14TH ST. RE-500-20 W. II. GATES, 018 N. Y. Life. ' Phono 1"fil 50x121, No, front on Howard, between 35th HUH -'J in hii, $i,uuo. TOxlOl on Hainey nenr Kith st., Ji.jon. 50x135 on 85th nve., bet. Furnnm nnd Dodge. Want nn offer. 19x1:15 on Dodge nenr 31th St., south front, $2,100. 70x165 cor. 38th and Dewey nvo.. Jl.'.oo. N. W. cor. 33th und Furnnm, 93x132. Want an offer. Sl.i24, S. ' E. front In Kountze Place on Wirt St., for $1,750. 50x127, so front on .Ohio st,. Jest cast of uiiin si., car line, sewer anu water, $.150. 45x119. on Ohio near 20th, sewer and water $600. RE-509 20 FOR SALE. 2101-2103 Douglas st , $ll.50o; rontlmr nt present $105 per month; begin ning March 1 will bo $l?o per moiuh: thli In a bnrnalu. W. H. Thomas 503 First National bank bldg. HE OH 20 210-ACRE stock farm In Polk CoTfor sale or trade. SIcKonzle, 1212 24th St.. lies Stolnes, Iowa. HE 602 20 FOR SALE, line 80-acro tract adjoining city limits of Lincoln; bonrlne orchard, nice shade tree und fair buildings, well, windmill, etc.: best unbind soli. Cosh or onsv terms. L. L. E. Stewart, Owner, r. S. National Bank Bldg. RE-5S8 20 i DON'T PAY RENT-Kor 83 monthly pnv- liii'inn ,,i f" i-iii-ii, wiiiiiiui- interest, I will sell nearly now 5-room house nud lot 33x 110 In north part of cltv: good title war ranty deed: no other payments, no Inter est, no tiixeq or Insurance. W. L. Hplby. Board. Trade Bldg. RE 3S6 20 PORTO Poptxlax Tours H.XCO Fob, 2 nnd 10. .March 2. IIIih Mated pro?inin: 24 dny. nil expenses ?10S, Raymond i WtiMcomb, 103 Adams St.. Chicago CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Of the Sitting of the city Council as a Board nf I..(unllzatlun of Assessments for General City Taxes for tho Yenr 1901. All perhous Interested are hereby notified that tb-- city council of tho city of Omnha will sit nr. u board of equalization nf ns nesHments for general t'lxes for the vnnr 1901. as provided by section 141 of the Charter of .Metropolitan Cities, on Tuesday, tho 22d day of January, 1901, between the hours of 10 o'clock n. in. and 5 o'clock n. nv. In the enure!! chamber. In the city hall, for tho purpose of henring und determining nil complaint of erroneous or unjust ns soisinents for f.ald year, and said hearlnx 111 tin rliilltltltlfxl hul ttlnnil t ll n i u mi, iiik. iiiAiiiiiii property within tho eltj are requested to examine their assessment:! sn ihnt If nny error nxlhts or any ln.lur.tlce bus heep iono In the nst-essment of iiropertv correction mav b made by said Hoard of 12limIlzntlon ft being the Intent of the law thnt no correc tion shall bo mndo nfter the Hoard of Kfiuiillzntion adjourns, except for rcnotis hot forth In the statutes. The assessment lionke nro now rendy for examination In the tax commissioner's of fice. All complaints must be In writing nnd Hied with the city clerk for tho con sideration und action of 'said board wh;n convened. Omaha. Nebraska. Jaiiuarv 15. iroi. W. H. ni.IlOl'RN. J.15-7-t-n.i9 Pity Clerk. I'nn-llnli nf ICntisnn, Assemblyman H. IV Mnlntr. of Kansas Is a person of most enviable versatility, ,is will be seen by tho following Information printed nn his letterheads: "Member of KunrnN Medical society, Central Hr.'inch Medical society and Southern Missouri Medical society! membnr nf t'nlted Btates pension hoard) prcaldent Hoard of Kduca tlon. owner of Happy Homo farm, owner of Admiral Dewey, No, ll.W), herd hog: breeder China swine, bronze turkeys unci lUymouth Rock chlckena." from day to day for a period of at least P.va days, Including the date of said first sitting. Ante Room Echoes, jj' The meeting of the Sons and Daughters nf Protection nt Lincoln Inst week took steps to maintain the supreme orgiinliatlon do spite the action of tho former officers In merging tho society with tho Hankers union. Tho otTUiul minutes nf tho meeting would till n column. Summarized they re cord that about forty lodges of the order were represented and that the following su preme officers were elected: Alexander Graham, supremo past president; Dr. J. J. Pickett, supremo president; W. S. Cleaver, supremo vice p'resldotit; A. W, Iluckclt, su premo treasurer; Dr. F. () Hurdlck, su premo' physician; F. J. Kcllcy, supreme counsellor; Rev. O. A. Slonroe, supreme lecturer; B. J. Harr, supreme marshal; Ed- wnrd Hcaley, supreme chaplain; Sirs. V. P. Kndletnnn, supremo Inner guard; E, I'. Ilotts, supremo outer guard. Tho executlvo cotntnltteo was Instructed to Institute legal proceedings to secure possession of the property formerly In the hands of the su premo officers and by them transferred to the Bankers' Union, Tho Slodcrn Woodmen of America of Douglas county have chosen delegates to tho state camp meeting, to bo hold at Kear ney the second Wednesday In February, as follows: J. W. Harnett. C. II. T. Rlepen nnd O. T. Zimmerman, Omnha camp 120; N. C. Pratt nnd Parke H. Cook, Beech camp 1454; Barney Harris and II. Colin, II. & M. camp 2722; Thomas SI. Standard, Staple camp !4o; T. P. Thornton, .Magnolia cntnp 1833; F. W, Boukal, Nebraska enmp 4771; David Prlcsman, Hebrew cntnp 4941; N, F, Harris, Hickory camp C12S; A. H. Slurdock. camp 1095, and J. J. Lire en, cntnp 4085, South Omnhn; J. W. Shoemaker, camp !6tS, Elk City; E. E. Hoffman, camp 3931, Benson, The benefit tendered the promotion com mittee of tho Slodern Woodmen by tho Or phcutn theater manngetnent ndded consid erable cash to the benefit fund of the united camps of the city, but the exact amount Is not made public nt this time. The Ancient Order of United Workmen Building association has Issued n call for the first assessment on capital stock. The calf will bring In nbotit $2,500. This In the first stop In the process of securing posses sion of tho hall now owned by the Odd Fel lows of tho city. Candidates for state head nlivstrlnn nf tlin Slodcrn Woodmen nf Anierlrn nro rennrlort as follows: Dr. Slnson, Otnnha; Dr. Cook, Plnttsmouth; Dr. Patterson, Nebraska City; Dr. Tapgcrt, Oretna; Dr. Iilnlr, Wayne; Dr. Bay, Fairfield. Seymour camp, Woodmen of the World, held nn Interesting meeting Wednesdny night nnd adopted n plan for Increasing Its membership. The matter of the prize won by the drill team last July was discussed and tho Log Rolling association camo In ror a roast, It being the opinion of u spceln! committee thut the prize would never be secured. John T. Yftten irrnvp. Wnnrlmnn flrln held a meeting Thursdny evening, at which twenty-ono members of a lodge of tho Sons nnd Daughters ot Protection were initiated In a body. Several new officers were elected by Omaha lodge. FratcrnnI Union of Amerlcn, Wednesday evening nnd Nebraska lodge filled vacancies In its olllclal staff Thursday. Sirs. Slaudo Butler, J. W. Kurtz and Louis Shonlaw constitute the entertainment committee of Omnha lodgo No. 76, Star of Jupiter. A mask ball will be given ut Labor Templo Friday evening. Members of the Stasonlc fraternity of Omnha, South Omnha nnd Council Bluffs, with their wives nnd friends, are Invited to nttend n dancing party to bo given by Vesta chapter, Order of the Eastern Stnr. at Stasonlc hall. Sixteenth and Cnpltol nvonue. on Tuesday evening. Jnnunry 22, ut 8 o clock. The Amateur Dramatic company of Hoi lister hlvo No. 21. Ladles of tho SInccnboes, will give an entertnlnment nnd dance nt Woodmen hn'.l, Sixteenth und Capitol nve- line, on Tuesday evening, January 29. Nebraska lodgo No. 1, Ancient, Free nnd Accepted Masons, will eclebrnte Its forty sixth anniversary on Tuesday evening, February 12, by tendering n reception to John A. Nye, now residing at Dendwood, 8. D., tho oldest living past mnster of tho lodgo. nnd II. T. Clarke, the first person initiated into tho order In this state. Shook's orchestra has been engaged for the occasion, which promises to bo the ovent nf tho season. Owing to tlm large mem bership tho invitations will bo confined to members of tho lodge. At Nebraska lodgo No. 1, Knights of Pythias, last Slonday night the new ofllcers assumed their stations, iih follows: Ed ward Walsh, C. C; Thomas McGovern, V. C; Arthur Heath, P.; C. W. Joy, SI. W.; John W. Fyfe, K. R. S.; Will C. Slatthcws, SI. F.; H. S. Slann. SI. E.; A. S. Kelly, I. G.; C. W. Hrltt. O. C; John W. Cady, T. During tho evening the rank of esquire was conferred on n page. The rank of knight will be conferred next Slonday evening. Last Thursday night Gate City tent No. 60, Knights of tho Slaecabccs, Initiated tho following officers for the ensuing' term: James R. Vesey, C; Dr. Robert Olsh, L. C; George A. Ostrom, R. K.j F. J. Ogee, SI. A.; Ray Loud, ilrst SI. G. ; Lnwrencu Sorensen, second SI. G.; If. Wormleks, S.; W. F. SIc Klnney, P. Tho lnltlntory services were conducted by Stalo Commander F. SI. Hop kins, After Installation refreshments wero served, followed by a dance. Clan Gordon. Order of Scottish Clans, has arrnnged Its program for tho Hums cele bration. Beginning with an overturn, "A Few Scottish Kilts," by tho band, nnd fol lowing an address by Chief W. R. Adams, tho artists, In tho order of their appearance, are Sirs. N. A. Campbell, John Wilson Stovensoir, Sirs. Henry G. Harto, SIlss Lena Ellsworth. Jules Lumbard, AIox SIcLarty, Sirs. S. D. Lecse. Innes brothers, Joo dray! A. Jnmleson nnd SIlss .Mary ,J. Wallace, with Miss Bowlo accompanist. Addresses will bo delivered by Rev. E. II. Jonks and Thomas Kllpatrlclc. Hie former speaking on "Tho .Memory of nurns," nnd tho latter on "Traits nf Scottish nnd American Charac ter." ot r oi 'run oitniNAitv. 'I he Dead sea. for thousands of yearn a forsaken solitude In the midst of the desert and whose wnves have been for centuries undisturbed, is now to bo crossed by n line nf motor boats, A shorter route will thus bo found between Jerusalem and Iferak. the ancient capital of Moab. In Philadelphia n charitable society that hns been In eperntlon elghty-threo Wrs has given awny every day for fourteen weeks during each cold season seventy. flvo znl Ions of soup nnd .101 loaves of brend The superintendent has been ronnected with the work sixty-four yenrs. London s famous fog, which causes so many young men In this country to turn tin their trousers, seems to be expensive as well ns unpleasant; It Is estimated that on n day when It Is very heavy. It costs the city between X2TAom and ISfio.nno extra the matter of lighting ami the embargo on railway trutiic nnd other expenses rnakcn a lingo bill, I'ltlsburg hna Just bought n horselosn (ire engine weighing li.wm pounds at u cost of JJ.lVrt, It Is ten feet high, sixteen feet six Inches long itm! seven fret three Iiu-km wide, with n throwing capacity nf j.ssn g. Ioiih per minute. Tho largest engine now In use In I'ltlsburrf hat n capacity of only l.liin gallons n minute, A test of u similar en gine threw through (1 fly feet of lending hose three and oun-half Innhes In dlumeter horizontal streams us followsi One' und MEN CU Our Vacuum Organ Oovolopor cum where tvurrtblng else fail nnd hope Isded. Itre More small, weak nrg.in, lot power, fnilin manhood, drains, errori of youth, etc. Stric ture and Varicocele p?rmauontiy cured in 1 to I weeks. No Drugs to ruin the stomnrh. No Electric Bettj to blister and burn. Our Vacuum De veloper Ii n local treatment applied directly to tho wenk and disordered parts. It gives strength nnd derolopment wherever upplled. Old men with lot or falling manhood, or tho routig nnd miildlo nued who nro reaping tho ro mlts of youthful errors, oieca or orer work nro illilclily restored tn h"iilth and streugth, Our marveloin npptlaiico has nstonMicil the entire world. Hundreds nf lending plivirlnns In the United Statos nro now recommending our nppll unco In tho ppvorofc ca.'o where ovory other Lnown device has failed. Vim will sen and feel Its honoflt from the first day for it Is implied directly nt tho senl of tho xlor. It inaKca no difference how soYpro thn WHEN IN DOUBT TtlY dlHOHG f? I i pcrieci, ana impaii a nesiuiy vlcor tn the whole belnc;. All drains and losses are checked ftriun'Htlf. Unlets patient! te properly cured, Iheir condition often worries them 1'ito Iminity, Coniumplionor Death. Mailed sealed. Price (i per boa; 6 boars, with lion-clad c aunter tii-ure or re fund t bo money, 5.00. Send lor Iren book, AiiJreu, PEAL MEfllC'-Nu CO,. Clctcland, 0. Sold by Kiihn & Co., 15th nnd Dotlglns, LATEST THING IN Kodaks Have you seen the new model of Eastman's No. 4 Cartridge Kodak? This is hi best iinished and most compact instrument on the market. List Price $25.00. Our Price $20.00. All other makes of kodaks and cameras at specially reduced prices. The Robert Dempster Co,, 1215 Furiin in Street. Exclusive dealers In photo supplies. All Competition Distamied. Tho fust trains of tho Union Pnclflc reach Snn Francisco llftccn hours nlicnil of nil competitors. If you tiro in no litirry tuko n slow train liy ono of tlio detour mutes, lint if you want to get tliero with out KtilTciing tiny of the inconveniences of winter travel, take llio only direct route, the Union Pacific. An Kxtrnet I'rom Her Letter. "If j-oa could only bo hero this winter morning and see for jonrsclf j nu would no longer doubt me. Hoses arc blooming la our front yard and nil nntiiro Is ns far advanced In this lovely American summer land us It m 111 Ihi In your cold eastern home by June. "Wo made the Journey from Omaha to the Golden Goto on the Union Puiifle to mold tho circuitous route. nn Important Item hi Hit' Inter. Atripto California Is made delightful by the (infect service and IukiiiIiius accommodation nf 'Tho Oviil.-iml l.Imlted, which ii perhaps the most flin-ly eqiilppnl train in the uoild." DUIAILKU INFORMATION ON APPLICATION. Now City Ticket Olllce, 1321 Furnnm St., Telephone 31(1. I nlon rnssongor Htatlnn, 10th and Slarny, Tolephono 0UJ. WIVVJO S4II.I1 AM, )l!ll IIOIl.VS AM NOW WANT TO SKl.ti Fotographs III5.ST CAM NUTS, Uoxrii . . . . ijl.'I.OO jJD Fotograplier one-half-lnoh nozzle, 318 feet; ono and three-iuarter-ineh nozzle, 1133 feet; two-Inch nozzle, mva ieei. Ocorgo II. Hanlels. gcnernl passenger agent of the New York Central railroad, ex pects compressed air to bo of great valuo In tiunsportatlou, but ho dnea not consider it likely that electricity will bo upplled to heavy trains, lie expects rather to sen u higher development nf tho steam engine, WHICH A 1)1 UO awny Willi inn piepeiu wuniu fill methods of burning fuel. A new bridge Is nbout to be built across the Hosporus, benrlng the name of the sultan. Abdul Ilnmld. It will be constructed nf grnullo una memi ny me iiimporus uiui wnv comnnnv. which designs a Junction be tween the rnllways of Kuropo nnd the trantiaslntic railway of Hugdad, now being built by the Germans. Tho narrowest divid ing lino of sea hns been chosen for tho point of construction. Antronomers nro discussing the theory that the moon Is In Itn gliiclul epoch. Ono , telescopic expert cnlls the "cratera" Ice cups nnd the strenms along their sides 1 glacial wenther Another Insists that tho , signs ot volcanic acuon are uninisiniiniiic. All agree that most of the moon's surface Is Intensely white. The dark regions ore termed seas, but there is no evidence that they contain water. Borne writers believe they are covered with tho earliest forms of vegetation. Not countlnK tho national capital there aro forty-four towns nnd cities bearing the nnmo of Washington, No doubt more com munities would have thus honored tho memory of tho father of his country but for tho prohibition nf the I'nstolllce depart ment of moro than one nnstolllcn of tho nnmo name In a state. There Is in nearly every ntnte a county called Washington. Hut tll must popular use of the nnme has come tn light In the pension bureau. In certain partti of the country a rushing busl tie," is being done by attorneys In applica tions for pensions on behalf of inlnreil soldlnra who served during tho civil wnr. Tho iiileutton of the bureau has been called In ono reninent In which, iircnrdlng to the roll. iweiiiy-elght colored (leorga Wash-ltiKto'.-.n nerved. A single company shows u membership of thirteen (leorgu Washing tniiH by iho uppllcatlnns filed. A(tr l.n Jrtpp What f t'mr.ily ti ranking cough and a general feeling of weakness, Foley's Honey and Tr la guaranteed to euro the "grlppa eoutjh" nnd make you strong nnd well. Myerc-Dlllon IJruij t'o., Omaha; Dlllon'i Drue Btoro, Bouth Omaha, ED Without Drugs or Electricity by Our Vacuum Organ developer No Cure No Ray 75,000 INlraSSS case or how long standing, It Is ns sure to yield to our treatment a the sun Is to rle. Tho blood Is Urn life, the fertilizer of tliohn man luxljr. Our Instrument forces tho blood Into circulation where most needtd, giving strength nn I development to weak nnd llfcles parts. Tim Vneuutn Organ Doveloiier was ilrst Introduced in the. standi g nrmle of Litroppn few years ago by tho French specialist. Do llou.et, and Its rem..r';nblo suceosa In theo countries, led tho !oei- Appliance Co. to socuto the exclusive control Its saloon the Western Continent! nnilBlnco Its introduction Into thi country its reinnrkablo euros have astounded tlioeutirn medical profession. H has rctorod tboiisiiiiiis of cajes pronounced Incurable by physlclati. It cutes ipilcUy, linrmlojly, nud without detention from ' uineis. llemember (hero is no exposure, no C.O.U. or nny other seheinn In our dealing with tho public. Yvrito for freo nnr:,"iilnrs seiitumled in plain onreloiio. LOCAL APPLIANCE COMPANY, 474 Charles Building, Donvor, Colorado. VSpt nive Mcoa rtc tr i ol yeirf, . anil luv cutcd thuiissnili of 'jdict of Nervous Docuics, such jl.. n.i..iii.. ti. ........ i -..'.-- Mt Jr9 C B 7Tay nautili V, a,niiiv, icri'iris cfifiyafnfn Yaricoele,Atrophy,&c. ftryi CstrSTtS J atft" They clear the lir.im, ilicntthen BiaWaJjffiSS- lha citculauon, male digestion arid SI A Dillon, South Omnhn. A BEAUTIFUL ME. A. RuTHiRT'S WORLD RE NWNEU FACE BLEACH AL MOST WITHOUT COST NO MATTER HOW BLEMISHED THE SKIN, FACE BLEACH WILL MAKE "IT PERFECT Madame A, Huppert eays; "Mylruco llleuch is not n new, untried reai"dy, but has been used by tho best people for years, nud for dissolving nud removing forover pimples, frccklen, moth pntuhes, tilackbendf, ecr.eiuu, tun, sunburn, aiillorness, nuidmos or leilnoxi of the skin, mid for briglitenlugi,nd beautifying tho ooinploxlnu It bus lineiunl. It Is absolutely Imrinlraa to the most delicate .ikln, Tho marvellous Improvement oftur n few applications is most uppnrcnt, lor tho skin liccomes ns imtuni Intended It should tie, smooth, clear find white, fico finm every Impurity and blemish. It cannot full, for Its action 14 such that it ilnnn tho Impurities out of tlio sklu.nnd does i.nt cover them up, nud ii Invisible during Uro. Till li tho only thorough und crmunent way. During this month, I will ofTer to s',1 n trial bottle of my world renown"!! 1'nco' Illeach, siiClelcnt to thow thut It Is nil thnt I claim for it, und any render of tblscnn solid mol'Sccnts In stamps or sliver, .nut I will semi the trial bottle, securely packed in plain wrapper, f.imlcd, all churgca prepaid. My book 'How to bo neautlful' trill to mailed freo to all who will wrltu for it." riADAHE A. RUPPERT, 6 Hast Hth Street, New York rime. Kuppert's (Irny Hair Hcstorntl netually restores gmy Iinlr to Its natural color. Can bo ufedon any shade of hulr, and Is not a dye. and dooi not. discolor tho fkln nor rub off I'etfectly horuilcsaand always gives satNf.ictlon. Mine. Knppert'a Depilatory n'innves Piii'orlluoin hulr In flvo minutes, without pnln; will not Injuro tho most delicate fcliin. flme. Runpert's Hgyptlan Halm for soft ening and healing tlio 'nee and hands, rime, Kuppert's Hulr Tonic positively removes il'iiidruir, all scalp dlHcnses, ntops falling hair, and in many cases restores hair. Mme. Ruppert'a Almond Oil Complexion 5oap, nindo of pure almond oil mid wax. Delightful for tho complexion nud war ranted not tn chitp tho mii't dollcuto skin. All of thoiibovo toilet preparations nro alwnys kept in stock nnd can bo Uul Irom ur local nttont. ICU1IN CO., nniwuliola. OJIAIIA. Mill. THE BUST I'HRSONALLY CONDUCTKl) TOURIST EXCURSIONS Run via the GEAT l.tiv nmnhn. In Scenic Koule through Coloicdo and Utah vniiNnsi)Avs, pmidavs anu SAIUKDAVS. Forlntnrniutloii nnd "Tourist Dictionary" addresa City Ilckct Olllce, i3t3 I'arnam St. Omaha, Neb. WINTER TOURIST RATES Special Half Rates 'Jours to Florida, Key West, Cuba, Hcruuida, Old Mexico, tho Mediterranean nnd Orient. Itates for tho round trio to many points south on snlo nrnt and third Tuesday ench month. To Hot Springs, Ark., tho famous Winter llcaort of Amerlcn, on salo every day In tho year. Tlckots now on snlo to nil tho winter ro rorts of tho south, good returning until Juno 1st, 1901. For rates, dcscrlptlvo rant, ter and pamphlet! and nil nthor Information call nt O, & St. lunula Ticket Office, HIS Fnrnam Ht . (J'nxton Hotel liulldliiK.) or WTltn Hurry E. Moores, C P, & T, A. i .Omuha, Neb. ROCK ISLAND WTr,mnui I, mi , i ii , 1 1 1 itetit ijwib ROUTE