Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1901, Page 17, Image 25

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Volume of Euikesa Very Eatisfictoiy for
This Season of tho Year.
Surinic SiiioUn Nimt Complete mid I'trst
Shipment HoIiik Mnilc, nntl from
Thin Time on Unoils Will
Mine Out Rapidly.
Tho business situation In this city has
not changed materially during the past
week. Jobbers aro doing ft fair amount of
business In winter lines, but at the same
time they are not being rushed with orders
for that clnss of goods. The long-contlnjed
warm weather has materially cut down the
demand for winter goods nnd ns n result
retailers havo nit the stock they need on
hand ami aro buying on'y a few odd sizes
nnd a few lines which have sold particu
larly well. Jobbers arc now devoting the
most Of their nttentlon to spring business,
which' Is moving nlong nt n very satis
factory rate. They havo their spring stocks
on hand and nro now prepared to show
them to their customers and to make ship
ments nt most any 'lime. A few advance
orders nro now being lllled and from this
tlmo on an Immense nmout t of spring
goods will bo shipped from this ut. Ju
Hers In nearly all lines have in .better as-
' wirtment of advance orders than thc ever
had before at this season of the year
und the wny traveling men nro sen dm,
' in orders leadii to the conclusion that busi
ness Is going to contlnuo exccpllona Ij
heavy throi'ghout the year A obi rs
usk Is a normal spring nnd they will breuk
all previous records.
Tho markots are In good shape nnd com
paratively few llucttiutlons have taken
Jilnci) since last report. Tho feeling H
good and llrm on nil lines nnd It will be
noticed that nearly all the changes aro In
tho direction of higher quotations.
'olTr- n Little Slroner.
Thcro has been n Hllght Improvement In
tho coffee market during the week, mere
was no sharp advance or Hurry In tho
market, but simply a grndual Improvement
......I ... itin nf the wcok MUotatlons
wtro about He higher on the green stock
than they were at tho clone of the previous
week. Thorn has noon no cniuiKii hi uiu
rnnaiml entrees unit thn general on nlon now
Is that thro will bo none In tho Immediate
future. Tim present condition of the green
market does not lenvo much room lor n
decline In roasted stock.
There Is no chango In tho quotations on
sugar, but tho market Ih In a good, strong
position nntl prices nro neing neiu very
As reported it week ugo, the dried fruit
ultuntlon Ik not exactly satisfactory to those
most directly Interested. That class of
goods docs not sell well In warm weather
una as an extremely mild winter hum won
experienced an over mo country siocks are
lnrcn and ah a result (he market Is show
ing weakness, Severn! lines, are now quoted
n little easier than they wore a short time
ugo. It Is thought that a few weeks of
cold weather would Increase tho consump
tion and In tliut event better prices might
Canned goods, nnd particularly tomatoes
nro In n good, strong position nnd It Is
still being predicted that later In tho season
higher prices will rule.
In farinaceous goods beans are quoted
2tf3q per hii'hol lower than they were a
week ago. Hulk oatmeal Is also a little
easier, utner lines handled by local Job
bers remain practically unchanged.
Shnrp Ailvniicc In Cltis.
Hardware Jobbers report nn exceptionally
heavy oemancl for thl.i senium r iiw. venr
I hero Is no particular rush for nny one
lino, but simply n good general domnnd
for nil Classen of winter rjoods, Traveling
men report that retailors are doing a big
business nnd that their stocks are by no
means henvv. Tlmt i,,ii,- i, .... i
would seem us though Jobbers ought to
-'"""'" i u" a nice iijsiness. Prospects
i i 7 r excoimona iy nrigni,
ns It looks now ns though farmers would
jr.ako n good many Improvements on their
farms and buildings which will call for
innV; ,IJll1"'15,,1 .material for that rea
son ought to be In big demand.
u.MJi'.V4 11'00!1 n" change In the mnrket
on strictly hardware ties, though nrlces
nro being well maintained. There Is n
?! i 'i "".,.l,ly ""''"'one to tho market and
1 ni18 v."int ,0 nrcsont prices ruling
ro" seme time to come.
window glass took quite a Jumti (his lust
week nnd prices nro n!iw per cet.t 1.1k ?r
than they were a week ago. Local hmiw,
ISlM u.,1,lB ?mnnl the fist few weok" in
antlclrHitloii of the advance. Hot h Jobbers
nnd retailers wero well pre-mred for tho
thlW'wIi ,ih,!,h K' I'' not
think It would bo iiultu ns radical. Linseed
Ordering Freely fop finrliiir.
I,ocnl dry goods houses havo been busv
lh'i,lstv-w.c ol"g their spring I n. In
wtnK; in0t very,f"ch business Is doing
winter lines, as ilea ers In most eases hi. v.
Thv nr.1"" thmugh ',' S
hesitate to say tllI?t they I ,ve Hol mo"o
goods for spring than thev over haVe "e
ff,iJ!J,p.t0 ,hu ml,lllle January lJverv
tr.rtS ' T'"1 "0ln,H a good, lively
trade In tho country, and conee iiieiitlv
merchants arc huylng qulto freely Thev
thmAhcy oort.
ti.n ! "uvii over before, ns thev llguro
that the majority nf people aro hettVtlxr 1
financially and will spend more money than
usual on dress. Retailors aro anxious to
rot their stocks In earlv and fo" ibVt
reason Jobbers aro preimrfn,: o 4?,, r h
I tig as early as possible. Some orders havo
already been filled, but this week that
proeesn will begin in earnest. 1 "
I hero Is nothing new to ho itnhl nhout Kastern advice Indlcito n
rather ndlffercnt marltel. with both hiivors
SE? Sn !"o"""onI mood Ho in"
nra co indent that present prices will 01 s v
bo maintained, while buyers urn not slnw
lV'. ." Kf""t .anxljty' to oc m !,
fntlirn .r.; i- All - " .' -nlu1 P f'"
lints, etc.. aro In tho same posit ,n 11 ov
.Lroin. wrpk,"K' J'.T R,"e "nny be said of
WiHjIlcn goods nnd silks.
l.enlher nod lluhlier C.ooiU Quiet.
.0t.iin1 8,100 man nrn rather discouraged
over tho prospect of havinc mueh if
winter. The weather so fnrh S year has
IntMi Slt,rr ,ll!"'""-o'"i to tho r trade, as
nf"L'.' haiV0 ot ""I'l their nsua miunt
of stock. Footweur does not sell well In
'.'.Lrffi1! 't"". such ns has been ex"
perlenced tho greater part ot the time thli
winter. HetallcrH say however, tlitit t k.
lng everything Into consideration they 1 vo
done exceptionally well and thai if tliS
weather had been normal thev undoubte d'v
would have sold more coolls an evor
l'u 1 i tl,cJ- will have dliricul
to sell nut their present stocks unless the
hfa,,,,rtr.u,,s0rbr,ee,,,,OW " ' l,,Kcr".t
hnnd, Traveling men nro on the road n d
nro meeting with good suc.-ess ,in'l nVfai-
3 n-i M,.!ll,vo 110 t'Omplalnts to offer
The rubber goods business Is In nbout
the tame condition ns tl o i trn do In bnots
'in'i'.r.'Jnr" 0r'lcri, ro very small ,d "it
but Ittlo coiiHequunce. Traveling men l.nve
e Soft1.0"1 w.lllLa f"" ll"e ot sp?lng "ui,bo?
Vi,hlnK' ,n0'!,, wl"1 have been heard
proSpccir enco,,raBlB'y regarSfng "tho
'rults nnil Produce.
X at lues's ' Wno'tc?
n ' wr'. weather
Snrkot Is Vrac.lVali J'iho san ,e 'as0.','- was a"
week no as far ns finiia ...T.i .. 'I ...... 11
K1' " Important chan'iThavlnB
The poultry markot has been quite liber-
r."l,.1 ie1' n.m1' will be soon from
tho quotations given In another coliimn the
prices nro a trifle lower thnn they Verfi
Rf.. a5l rc,.'ort- T1, '.anw 18 "rue oV h"
J-it'J n,,a eBBS' 0W,,,B Increase I re-
CoihIUIoik of Trndc nnd (luntntlnns
on Miinir niui I', j- Prod 11 us
XffiSf n'f Hoi
OAMrc-Mnimf-,1 .nvL "i ...' ' .JVo
itii . v,rL , . . . . . .I..
rubh Is. II .o.Vf1 m. ,.. .,r.;n. iVit.
ivui. i.u.vii.,j' mixen. si.ddfl.i: inrk.
HUTTKH-Common fAlr "loillo,
choice. 13011c; separator, 23c.
FUKS11 OVftTlCIlS - First grade, solid
packed, New York counts, per can. 3'ct ox.
tra (elects, 32cj standards. 23c; medium, voo.
Second grade, slack filled. New York
counts, per can. SOc; extra selects, 2i;
stoniiardu, JOcf; bulk standards, per gnt
Pl'pi:ONS-Llvt, per doz., 93c.
lIAPrco quoted by Omnhn Wholraalo
Hay Dealr' association: Choice upland.
JS.50; No, 1 uplnnd, J7.N); medium, 17; course,
JA50. Ilye utruw, J0.50, Thcso prices are
LlL POULTIU -Hens, 5iiite: spring
chickens. 5Hc; roosters, Sfisc; ducks, W
tl'! geese. CUliTe: luilieva f.
for hay of good color and quality. Demand
fair Uereiiits. 11 cars.
OATS No. S wntte, Mc.
CORN-No. 3, 32c.
nnAN-13.B0. i .
I'AIISNIPS-I'er bu.f toe. f,
TURNIl'S-Per bu. basket. 10c.
UEETS-rer bu.. 40c
CAHIIOTH-Per bu.. 40c.
IETTt'CK Per doi., 3517t'',
HAIJ18HES Per dor, 3W35c.
IIKANH-U'nx. nor 1.3 mi. basket, tl!
string, poo.
I'O . ATOES Per bu.. BOSCOci Idaho, per
bu., tOc.
CAUUAaE-Holliind setd, lc.
TOMATOES Callfornln. ner 4-basket
crate. J2.
ONIONS N'ntlvo. nor bu.. 11: Colorado
yellow, per lb., 2c.
CEl.EHV-Californln. to tlte. 5g;3o.
UAUiiin-oiVEtt-cailiornia, per crate.
PEATIS--Por box. ;r.oon2.r..
OnAPES-Stnlagn. nor keg. JS.Mfl!.00.
AI'Pf.ES Nntlva. Tfcrffmmi nor hil.t ner
bbl., 12.50; eastern, J3.0ofr3.50; California
Ilelino "rs. per box. Sl.tOfil.K
CItANlli:nittr.r. Hell nrwl Ttuclo. J10.01
per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., 13.25; per crate,
OltANnES-Cnllfornla seedllno. 1J.50:
navels, J2.7503.23; Mexicans, J2.75; Florirtas,
I.minN'S-Cnllfnrnln. extr.i fnnov. tl.M!
choice, f.t.
IlANANAB Per bunch, according to size,
J2 0MJ2M.
Fins-ntlfornln. new rartnns. SOc; lay
er". 73o. Imported, per lb.. 13f?15c.
IJATES-Perslan. In 60-ll. boxes, snirs.
6c per lb.; Halloween, 8I40 per lb.
mrES-No. 1 green. 6c; No. 3 creon.
GHc: No. 1 salted, "He: No. I salted. 6Ho;
No. 1 vcnl calf. 8 to 12 lb.i.. 3',4e: No, 2 veal
calf. 12 to 15 b.. Cic; drv hides. RJipe;
sheep pelts, 25ff7ci horse hide. J1.50Jf2.25.
NlfTS-Er.glls walnuts, per lb., 13c: fil
berts, pc? lb.. 13c; nlmnndi, per lb,, IStfiOc;
raw pennute, per lb., Bif&Ho: roasted, GVSW
7Hc; Hrnxlls, 13e; pecans, 10SJ12c
llONEV t'olnrndo. 21-secllon case, $3.75.
CIDEU-Per bbl.. ."; per half bbl.. J3.
BAUEUKUAUT-Per bbl.. Jl; per half
bbl., $2.50.
(liioliillons of the liny on Various
NEW YOUK, Jan. 19.-FI,Ot'n-!lcelpH.
I.&t3 hbls, ; exports, 13.S62 bblp. ; nominal
and weak, closing dull at former prleet;
Minnesota patents, U.Wit.K: Mlmiesotu
bakers, J.1.00ll3.Xfj winter pntents, tl.OirM.O);
wlr.ler straights. W.ICWJ.fir; winter extris,
t2.Wtl2.M-, winter low grades. J2.l5fi:.W. ttye
Hour, steady; fair to gotd. M.Wn?,i.l3; clmlco
to fancy, 13.1513.00. Buckwheat Hour, dull,
HUCKWllEAT-Qulct, (riC2c, c. I. t..
New York
COUNMEAL-Dilll: vellow wcBtern. Xc:
city. 01c; Drnndywlne, J2.30f?2.45.
ItYE-Qtllel; No. 2 western. 6S?Jc. f. n. b.,
aflout; state, 63fl5lc, c. I. f., New York, clir
lots , M
HAHI.EY-Qulot; feeding. 4S450c, c. I. f..
New York; malting, C56Sc, c. I. f.. New
Yr rk.
HAULEY MAI.T-Dull; western. (UViic
WIIEAT-nocelnl", M(300 bu.; etporti.
ISS.rAO bu. Spot dull; No, 2 red, 70Vtc. f. o.
b., nllont: No, 3 red, 77c, elevator; No. I
northern Duluth. S5Hc. f. 0, b nllont: No. 1
luird Duluth, S.Se, f. o. b nllont, Options
opened llrm on covering, but yielded to sub
sequent unloading nnd ruled somewhat
wenk ull tho forenoon under big northwcri
rm receipts. Closed weak at n pnrtl'il Mc
net ndvnnce; Jnnunry. 7smfi71 3-Ke; closed,
7SHe; March, 7Ki7n l-ifie; closed, "S'jie: May,
7bf79'te; closed, 79'4e: July closed, 7Sc.
CORN rtecclnts, Ili.Oro bu.; exports. 3.r.
bu Snot stead v; No. 2, 47c, elevator, nnd
4CTi,c. f. o, b., afloat. Options were steady,
but quiet on unsntlf factory condition of ar
rivals wert and sennt offerings. Clool
sternly and unchanged: Jnnunry ccd,
47c- Mnreh closed. 43V: May, 4niflll D-'fio:
clined. 4lle; July eloped, 6IVc.
OAT8 Hecelpls, 2.700 bu. Hpot. qulel: No.
2, 0i4c; No. .'I, 30c; No. 2 white. 32',ie: No 1
while, 32e: track mixed western, Wf:il"to:
truck white. ni,fi35e. Options, Inactive, but
1 1 A Y Steady ; shipping, 75fi7ii!ic; gool to
choice. S2U,(f?9?o.
HOPS Stonily; state, common to rholo",
KXiO rrnn. 1Rn2lo! 1KM eron. llifliKe: old o'dq.
Sfitic; I'nrlllc coast, inurt crop, ISOltfc: lS'J
crop. 10-iJHe: old olds. 2(Tifie.
HIDES Klrm! Onlvestnti. 20 to 2i lbs,
lS.OI3c: Callfornln. 21 to 23 lbs., l!"c; Toxart
drv. 21 tn 30 llif.. lSo.
I.KATHEIt-Sleady; hemlock sole, Huenos
Ayros. ngnt to neavywcigius, :vc; ncm,
"AVo"oi.-OuIet; domestic fleece, 24B20:;
Texas. 15Til7c.
coa null.
PnoVlSIONS-Heef. firm: family, I1I.0W
I2.i : mess, J3ixn.r.n: Deer hams, jri.oni
5or,n- tineltel Jin OOfiin.r): rltv extra India
mess, tl4.0fXfJlfi.0O. Cut moats, steady; pick
led bellies. $7.D0flS.6O; nlekled Hhouldcrs, V5.73
J?S.O0; pickled P.nms. JS.50frn.23, Lard, dull;
wrntern sicHinou, it m; ronneu, sioiuiy. '.'nn
tlnent. J7.!3: South America, JS.ra: eem-
pouml. J". 505.024. Pork, stendv: family
JIS.ftM715.7R; short clenr, $11.60017.00; mess
m'TTEll-KIrm: creamery. 10f7?3c; fie-
torv. HOllVic: Juno creamery. lafjiOc; 1ml
tr.tlnn erenmerV. 13Uff717Ue.
CHEESE Firm; fancy Inriro. full made,
m.rrMUe! fnnev sin.lll "K1i2Kc.
EOOS Klrm;slnto nnd Pennsylvania. 22J
2"e: weslorn. average Hacked at mnrKet,
(HSSUe: weMlern. loss off. 24e.
TALI.OW-Steady; city J2 ner pkg,), 5Vi
S'o; eounlry (pkgs, free), VAtioV-c
METALS Tn the absence of nd vices from
nl road the local market for metnls was for
ths mot-t p'irt a nominal and featureless af
fair. Trading was cnnllned to sales of
small lots, and this In n hand-to-mou'n
wiiv ThrntiL'lintit the ceneral list nf inst ils
quotations were practically ns quoted yes
terdnv. Tin was dull at J2i!.37H, with refers
nt thin llgnre. l.enil and spelter wer.i mnc
tlen mill fitinleil nnmlnnllv lit SI.37U nn.l
Sl.05fft.10, respectively. Cnnper was quiet
nno quoled nominally nt 17 tor iikc r-.U'
nerior nnd sisr.jn tor casting nnu .eoin
lvtlc. The Iron mnrkets ruled dull anl m
rimnired nt Jn.50iffin.50 for nior Inn warrntii
lHirthern foundry J15 OOfflfi.50: southern
fiin-.dry. Jl4.50ifio.7i; eort aoutnern, ?wjom
15. y J.
St. I.oiiIk (irilCn nnd Provisions.
RT I nl'IS Inn 10 IK .TI,.l',r!
No. 2 red, cash, olpv.ilor. 7t'4o: irnek, V.ft
" Jit m; n ry, 71'ie- May, i24v T2Hc; JUiy
:ilte' Tfn. 1 Intnl. (Wflffle.
I'tUIN K.ibIpi" No 2 cosh. .1i; -nek.
SiliS7Wp; Mav. 37f.73."e: July. 37!,c.
n.TS Knsler: Nn 2 rash. 2H'.c: tr'Ck
Jo'.fCCe- January, 23Uc; May, 23c; No. 2
1,YK Klrm nt flc.
Fr.OUll Onlel: natents. J3.50iJ.1.CO; extra
fancy and Htralght, J3.10ii3.13; clear. J2.70
HEEDF Timothy, llrm. SI.23W4.70 for aver
nci recelptH, prime worth more; flax, no
rnilNMEAIy-Stondv nt J2.
ltnAN Firm: sacked, oust truck, OMfTOc.
HAY Finn- timothy, J'J.CKNff 13.00; prnliie.
Btonrtv nt J8..wno.&.
WHISKY-Stondy nt J1.27.
HAOOlNn- 7f(7ie.
prtOVlRlONS Pork, steady: lobhln.T
Jll.50. Lnrd. lower at J7.15. Drv salt meats
(boxed), weak: extra shorts. J7.121&; clear
ribs. J7.2.': clear sides. S7..'",A. Ilncnn
(boxed), firm: exlrn shorts, J7.SiVj; clear
rlb S.12U: clear sides. J8.23.
METALS Load, nominal. Jt.nii. Spelter,
nominal nt J3 f).
POPLTHY-Oulot; ihlcken. r.r- turkeyji,
C: voinio' 7i" dnoks, 7e; geef.. 5Ur.
WTTEli-Dull; creamery, 13021VSe; dilry,
rirno Hlehor nt 17He
ItECEU'TS-Flour. S.OOt bills. : wheat. EC
000 bu.; corn. ni,0"0 bu.; oat''. 41.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 10.000 hbls.' whent,
3l,i)00 bu.; corn, 70.000 bu.; oats, 60,000 bu.
Liverpool (irnlu nnd l'rovUlous.
LIVERPOOL Jim. 19.-VIIEAT-Sleiidv;
No. 1 California, Ps4d: No. 2 red western,
winter. Csld; No. 1 northern, snrlng. 3W.d.
Fnturert. nnlet; March. (WVid; May. C Td,
COTtN Spot, quiet; American mlxd. now,
3s Ud; American mixed, old 4n. Futures,
stendv; January. SslOHd; March. SsOTid:
Mnv. 3s Od.
PRAP-Cnimdlnn. 6s Sd.
HOPS At London (Pacific const), stendy
M2 Rh.
i iiwneiuirixKHAnr evirn innin mncfl
dull nt 00s. Pork, dull; prime western, Cds
1X1. llllllir, illlll. PIIUI l l ift, .1 v.j tu tun,, un,
Uacon, Cumberland cut, 20 to 30 lbs., steady
at 41s; short ribs. 10 to 24 lbs., firm nt 43s;
long clear middles, Hint. 2S to 31 lbs., firm
at 43s: long clenr middles, heavy, 33 to 40
lbs., steady nt JOsOd; clear backs, 10 to 20
lbs., steady nl HO 3d; clear bellies, 11 to 10
lbs., steady nt 4Cs: shoulders, square. 11 to
13 lbs., steady at 33s 9d, Lnrd, steady;
prime western. In tierces, 39a 3d; American
refined. In palls. S9s fid.
HI'TTKH-Diill; llpost United States. 9:s;
good United Stales. Sis.
ClilSKSIC Steady; American finest white,
MKL-91?a; prime, c.ty. 23s 9,1
Australian, in i.onuon, 2,syu
i . ,
l .. . .. . .
iiiiiuin urnin unruei.
DULUTH. Minn,. Jan. 19:-VHKAT-No.
Peorln Mnrlcel,
PKOlllA, Jan, 19,-ConN-Flrm; No, 2,
OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 20'4e, billed
wirtsiCY-On the bnsle of J1.27 for
finished eoodo.
l hard, cash Tasc; to arrive, 7H?c: May,
771.0; No. 1 northern, cah. 7H5c; to arrive.
rJWc: May, 75Uc; July, "fie: No. 2 northern,
GlUHr(37t'e: No. 3 spring. 3fJtr?c.
Chicago's Eoardof Trade Experience a Daj
of Snndaj DullnoJt.
Corn 'orU llelf fp n Frncllonnl
.Notch, lint Onli llennilii I iielinnueil
ProvlsloiM Quiet, but Deellne
on Hogs' IVcnUenliiK.
CHICAQO, Jan. 10,-Heard nf Trade
markets were dull today. Whent was n
trifle steadier nn the belief thut lliuitdn
Hon Is ubout over, but closed with n net
decline of ',o on slnck outside support.
Com closed a shade higher nnd oats un
changed. Provisions closed 601214c do
pressed. t'nder close scrutiny n stcndler tone could
bo detected In the market for wheat today,
Not that demand has Improved, but the
liquidation of long stuff during tho day had
tho nppenranco of tnllend holdings being
thrown overboard to clear tho docks. May
whent opened Ufi',4c higher nt 74i?7nic
nnd touched 74!ic, the trade being Impressed
by tho llrmness of cables compared with
weakness on this jlde yestcrdny. The bulge
met slack support nnd u decline to 73c
ensued. Henvv recelnts. too. nlded In de
pressing prices, but a very moderate
amount of buying nt tho bottom near the
end of the session cnused n rally to "4V'sW
74Uc nnd tho closo was stendy, too lower,
nt 7114c Seaboard clenrnnces In whent nnd
Hour were equal to 292.000 bushels. Primary
receipts nggregnteu iis,w nusncis, coin
nnred with 400.000 bu. last year. Minne
apolis nnd Duluth reported 407 cars, against
331 Inst week nnd 371 a year ago. Local re
ceipts were K( cars, z oi conirnci grnae.
New York reported 20 loads taken for ex
port. White corn wns n narrow mnrket, mostly
within loenl rnnMnea nnd somewhat Inclined
to hearken to. the voice of the ueclininz
wheat market. The tone wns nrni. coun
try offerings wero light, the highest bid
sent out last night reporting only bu.
tnlten from enllntrv rrllm I.OllC SIUII WHS.
us usunl, tlrmly held. Shippers had their
usunl trouble nnd disappointment over tho
enr scarcity. May sold between 3!Tic nnd
3.So and closed a simile higher nt 3Si5t
T4C. llecelpis were n. enrs, i oi conirnci
Business In the oats mnrket wns very
quiet, but when ravored Willi encourage
monl from the nolihhnrlnc markets otltB In
c lned to Hie bull side, ueccipis were .i.t
cars. Mnv sold between 23UC and 23Vic and
closed unchanged at 25toc
Provisions wero quiet, i no opening was
firm on light hog receipts and llrm prices
n ihn m.iek vnrds. Hozs were weaker later
and this had un effect on provisions. A
r.hieker ensb demand also honied to went
nwny the opening strength. May pork sold
between Jli.20 and J1I.00 and closed 12V4o
lower at Jll.ffi; May lnrd, between J7.42V6 nnd
J7.37'.4. closing 5o aowu at i.t.. unu .ny
ribs between J7.17V41fJ-20 nnd $7.07',3, with
the close 7V5c depressed nt J7.10.
Estimated receipts .Monuay: ncai, id
cars; corn, 46U curs; ouis, as enrs; nogs,
33.000 head.
Tho leading futures rnngcu ns rouows:
Articles.) Open. High. I Low. t Close.l Yes'y.
7Ui 71T4
- v7,v
On Is
13 774
11 00
7 33
13 77U
11 03
7 33
7 37'.4
7 45
fi 7',4
7 10
1 1 03
11 20
7 40
U 03
14 20
7 10
14 03
H lTVfe
7 40
7 43
7 50
7 03
7 17V6
7 I2W
7 42
7 37V4
7 h-lVi
7 20
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows
vmun-null: winter natents. J3.fi0(fl3.80:
straights, JXSOHS.&S; clears, J2.70fl3.30; spring
specials, Jl.40ni.5O; patents. J3.O1Jf3.K0j
strauuis. i3.wvt.vr, nnKcrs, s.ams.w.
w His AT no. 3 spring, wtiiic; iso, 2 rcu,
COUN No. 2, 37(ff37Jc; No. 2 yellow, 37(ff
oath iso. 2. .isi.'iHic; no. - wniic, arj
27o: No. 3 white. 2C41i27c.
IIYK-No. 2. CniJSlc.
HAHLKY Fair to choice mnltlng. SOfiOOc.
SKEDS-Flax. No. 1. $1.(13; No. 1 north
western. $l.Cfi. Prime timothy, $1.03. Clover,
contract grade. $11.
PHOVLSIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., J13.R5W
13.90. Lard, per 100 lbs.. J7.33Q7.37V4. Short
ribs sides (loose), J7.00Tf7.20. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). Ji5.12!tQC.M. Short clear
Sides (boxed). J7.23ffi7.33.
WHISKY-Ou basis of high wines, per
gal.. J1.27.
Following nro the receipts nnd ohlpments
for today:
Articles. Itecelnts. Shlnments.
Flour, bbls 23,000 2S.0O0
Whent. bu 43,000 1C.0OO
Corn, bu 41S.000 131,000
Oats, bu 2S9,ono
rtyo. bu COOO 2.000
Hurley', bu 03,000 23,000
On tho Produce exchungo today tho but
ter market was nulet; creameries. 14J2i)c;
dairies, llftl&o. Cheese, dull at lO'.iQll'ic.
Eggs, quiet; fresh, 19c.
Hulls mid Honrs AViiKe Spceuln 1 1 ve
AVnr vi Ith 'iirj lnr Fortunes.
NEW YOItK, Jan. 19. The stock market
was excited arid nervous throughout the
short session today, under tho varying for
tunes of tho speculative contest waged be
tween tho bulls nnd the boars. The bulls
made a determined rtund In the early
dealings, boldly supportlnc tho weak spots
by liberal buying orders nnd causing sharp
advances in special stocks, which had a
sustaining Influence on the gonoral market.
The unwleldly short Interest wns m ide un
easy by this show of strength nnd nought
urptntly to cover. When tho brink stnie
mtnt nnpenred there were mixed opinions
us to tho bearing of the large conditions
disclosed, but the bears detected selling to
realize by tho Interests which had ben op
posing them, and they fell upon the market
with determination. Prices broko violently
under a Hood of selling orders for both ac
counts and the market closed active end
sdlnl-demornllzed, with prices for tho nion
pntt nt tho lowest, The admittedly ferlous
ill-health of Queen Victoria caused uneasi
ness ns to tho posalblo bad effects on for
eign Evcurlty markets, which might be
n Heeled here. The bears nlso received re
nerts (afterwnrd shown to be irroundloss)
that President McKlnlcy hnd had a relunnc
with the grip and tho professional manipu
lative tactics were manifest In other
canards which were put ufloat.
At the opening of tho market there wns
an urgent domnnd for tomo nf the steel
stocks on tho report Hint the Federal Steel
company would absorb tho Steel nnd Wire
company. Steel and Wlro wns odvanca'l an
cxtremo 2 nnd Federal Steel Ha. Mis
souri Pacific. Wabash preferred and di
benturo bonds and Texas Pacific wore
nlso strong nt advances of 3'd for Missouri
Pncllle. Wabash preferred 2 and Texas Pa
cific IH. The violent brenk In Annennd.t
and AmolKiimated Corper had the ilrst .in
sottllng Influence on the mnrket. Tho weak,
ness was attributed to London selling on
nccnunt of the dull conditions In thu cmper
market Anaconda broko 3H and Amp'.
gamntfd Copner 4(4. Hnth stocks rnll'ed In
8ymnnthy with the general strength of the
mnrket. In tho flnnl brenk In prices de
clines reached In llrnoklyn Transit to 5
nclnts Metropolitan Street Hallway 4. Man
hattan 314. St, Paul 3y. Missouri P.ieil'o
3H, Steel and Wlro 2, Federal Steel. K-io
nrsis nnu nugnr -',5, ronuern j-acnic
Rock Island 2W and n large numbor of ac
tive stocks from 1 to 2 points.
In the face of tho stock market liquida
tion, tho enormous Increase In the lonn ac
count of tho bnnks of J22.Ml.noo was n ills.
iigroenblo shock to cpcrulatlve sentiment
and served to offset the effect of tho cash
gain of neary Jl4.000.ou0. Thero has bron
Inrgo nlaclng of loins abroad during ill"
W(ek. but special operations must ba looked
to to explain tho loan Item. Tho payment
on nccounf of tho Pennsvlvnnla Coni eim
Piiy purchaso and large borrowings by niu
of the great rnllroad companies to carry
nurchnses of other rallrcad stocks made
lust yeai urn supposed to account for s')r.o
part of the Incin.ise.
The stock market during the week his
shown n stato of nervous npprehnrdnn
among speculators lonir of stocks on n mar
gin, nnd n marked falling off In the general
domnnd for stocks which afforded n sure
market for an prolonged n period of o
trnenllimry netlvlty In trading. The con.
vletlon hnd steadily gained forro that tin
nrlcrs toached bv many stocks were In
flated and that the demand which lifted
thptn to that point wns purely speculative
nnd war- not buttressed by genuine require,
ments that would hold them at tho high
level attained,
Ponds have moved 111 sympathy with
stocks nn a lessoned volume of business,
United States rcfundtns -i declined ? old
4s i and 5s U on tho last call, compare,!
with the quotations n week -igo.
The lonowmg nre mo closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
do pfd
Daltlmore & O
Canadian Fnc.
. 43'4 Wabash
. M do pfd
. r4 Wheel, it L. E
. MV do 2,1 pfd. ...
. J 'Wis. Central .
. ?7-,4 Third Avenue
. lo' II. .Vt (). pfd . . .
,UF Nntionul Tube
. 11
. 2
. 14's
. H4
. 51
Canada So
Ches. A O...
Chlcngo O. V
C, 11. & Q... .
Chi. lnd. A: L.
a i do tifd..
do li fU
pj lAdsms Ex..
Chi. & E. 111...
C. & N. "W
C.. It. I. .fc P..
C. C. C. & St,
Colorado So...
!tt Anierlenn l.'.x 17.1
1 V. S. Ex U,
ll'i ', Wells-FnrKO Kx.143
iD'lAtner. Cot. Oil... 2I',i
t i no urn
do 1st pfd...,
do 2d tifd
11 Amor. Mnltlng
do llfd
Del, & Hudson .1W
Hol. 1.. W 153
Amer. S. & It
do ifd
Amer. Spirits
Denver & It. O...
do pfd
do 1st pfd
fi -no nru
17 'Amer. S. llooo... 2Hi
US do ifd PIm,
l'w'iAiner. S. .fc W... 3t-
li5 do tifd sl'i
Ot. Nor, pfd...
Hocking Com
llnlilnv VnlUv 4SI, Amer Tin Plate, ia
Illinois Central.. 10' do pfd Ki
lowu Central ...?.'' Amor. Tobacco. ..Ill's
do pfd MM do pfd 1.10
Lnko Eric & W. 41 Anne. Mln. Co... 4.'
do pfd 10S 'llrooklyn It. T... 73U
Luke Shore 2101i!Colo. Fuel I... '4',4
I., a N s Con. Tobacco ... 4b
Manhattan L....1I2 I do pfd PJVii
Mot. St. Hy iWt l ideliil Steel ... 'C't
Mexican Central. 1;'M do pfd i
Minn. & St. L...7V40en. Electric
in nf.1 Pf .Olticoso Suuar ... 47
Mo. Paclllc
Moblto & Ohio.
M.. K. .v T
nn lie .SAU. Ull llfll l'.l
. 41 'Inter. Paper 22'4
. l&UI do pfd 70
. 43i l.ntlode (las 72
.151 Nnilonal lllseult. 3.',4
,110 I tio pld VI
. 4:i'i National Loud .. l'i
. 8J I do prd SI
. smi National Steel .. 3.4
do pfd
N. J. Central..
N. Y. Central...
Norfolk & W...
do pfd
No. Paclllc
do pfd
Ontario & W..
Ore. ity. & Nnv
do pfd
Pennsylvania ..
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
mo a. w
do pfd
St. L. S. F. .
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. L. Southw..
do pfd
St. Paul
do tifd
uo pm iw
N. Y. Air Urnke.UU
No. American
, 70
Par Ilk' Coast
do 1st pfd..
. soto'
uo 2d pin.
1 n
fill A Piellle Mull
104 People's Oas .
03 iPressed S. Car
02 do nfd
r,'i Pullmnn P. Car .195
7 S, It. & T..
f fi'i Sugar
n4i uo pru
renu. . oai i.
I . S, Lenther ..
do pfd
IJ. S. Itubber ...
do pfd
Western I'nlon.
St. P. & Omnlm.i::
So. Paclilo
So. Hallway ...
do pfd
Tex. & Paclllc.
Union Paclllc .
do pfd
Amnl. Copper ..
J. v .
M" do nfd...
WtV. C. C. .t St. I
Tho Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram toys: The m.irk.'ts
hero opened wenk today, but wero lumer
later on the holler news about the niron.
Consols were to down. There were small
purchases of Americans at the lower io"ei,
I nlon Pnclllcs nnu I'.rie ueing Hotter, i ip-
per shares were Irregular Airicondas chip
wcaK. iioncy was raiuer naruer.
Voir YorU Jloney .Mnrl.ct.
NHW YOlllC. Jim. 19,-Ml'NHY-On cnll.
easier nt 1H per cent; prlmu " merc.intlle
paper. SW4 per ceni.
film, with actunl business In bankers' bills
nt JI.S7U'if-I.S"'!s for demand nnd nt JIN'IV.
for sixty days: posted rates. JI.SITf I.SIij and
JI.S8; commercial blllr, JI2H4.MU.
SILVKH-CertlMcatcs, C4'uC3'.4c; bar, C3c;
Mexican dollnrs. 49c.
HONDS State bonds. Inactive; railroad
bonds, strong, government bonds, stealy;
United SUtcs ret. 2s reg. nnd coupon, lOiVn
3s reg.. 109'4; coupon, 110; new 4s reg., 13Pj;
eoupon, I37tt; old 4r reg. nnd coupon, 113;,s;
5h reg., HO',4; coupon, lll'i
Tho Closins piieen on uouns loony nro na
U. 8. ref. 2s, reg.l0Vi
N. Y. C. Is ICO.
do coupon um'-s
do 3s, reg JWlr
do coupon 110
.... J. rmf l!AU.
N. J . C. g. 6S lS
No. Paclllc 3s 7u
do Is 10 in
N Y C & S L 4s.. I'M.
do coupon 1J7'1i
do old 4s, reg..U3'y
N. .i W. con. 4n. 93'i
ure. .av. is us
do coupon ...
do 5s. reg....
do coupon ...
D. of C. 3 6jb..
Atoll, gen. 4s..
do udl. 4s....
do 4s 103'
HUM, Oregon S. L. Ch..129',4
do consul B.s....Jioy
Heading gen. 4s.. 93
It. (1. W. Is !U
SVU St L & I M c. 5.S.UI11
Canada So. 2s.
110 St I. & S F it. 0S.12S
dies. & O. 4l4.B...iOIHt. Pulll consols. IS.1',4
do 5s 1201J St. P., C. & P. lB.ilS
C. & N. W. c. 7.1394 do 5s 11914
In H F deb. 5S.123 So Pacific 4s.... K'A
Chicago Tor. Is.. 9J'i So. Hallway 5m..112!
.v.i o ii 11 7. u i av 'e f.a
D. & It. O. 4s lOO'i.Tex. cS: l'aclllc 18.115.;
Rrlo ucneral 4s... S3
do 2s 90
F. W. & D. C. Is. kO
Gen. Kleotrlo Gs 1M
tn. Central Is.... 113
Union Pacific 4s. 105
U'abash Is HSV,
on ..1 lev,..
I.. & N. unl. 4s.. 9??iWeflt Shoro 4
M.. K. & T. 2s.. 7fi'iWlH. Central Is
do 4s W.i Vu. Centuries .
Ilnston StocU luolntlotis.
HOSTON, Jan. 19.-Cull loans. per
cent; tlmo loans, 3',fcy4 per cent. Olllclal
A.. T. & S. F II Atchison 4s VlV.i
do pfd S3 IN. K. O. & t. 5s. 6".U
Amer. Sugar ....l:i2Vi A(heiiluro OVj
do pfd US .llrng. Mln. Co.... r?f,
Amor. Tel 1S7 lAmal. Copper ... KT's
Hoston & Alb'y.ilVj Atlnntlc 27'4
Hoston i:ievnted.ll2 Hoston & Mont. .807
C. H. & Q ltl Hutto & Hoston.. 7H
Dominion Coal... 33 Cal. .1 llcola ....S.35
do pfd 10S Centennial 2114
Federal Steel ... 40'4 Franklin l".-i
do pfd 09',-! Humboldt 50
Fltchniirg pfd;'.i'4 Osceola M14
Gen. Ulec. pfd... 13S4 Parrot 13
Ud. Elec. Ill 215 Qulncy 173
Old Colony 207 Santa Fo Cop.... r,
Old Dominion ... f",4 Tumuruek KM
21 i;tan .Mining .... 52
Union Paclllc
Union Land .,
YVest End .....
HI "fa WlllOllll
'. Vl'.,l..r,rl
2,4 Wolverines
New York Minion; Sloehs.
NEW YOHIC. Jnn. 19. Tho following nrc
quotations on mining stocks:
Adams Con 21
Alien 43
llreeco 2")
Brunswick Con..-1
Comstock Tun... 4
Con. Cnl. & VH..150
Mtlle Chief II!
Ontario 623
opnif r.o
Phoenix 10
Polosl 1
Snvago '.5
Sierra Nevada .. 13
Small Honoi 70
Deudwood To?.... 53
Horn Silver no
Iron Sliver ...
Leadvlllo Con
. C3 iStnndnrd 413
. 0
London Stock tluntiitlnns,
LONDON, Jan. 19.-2 p. m.-Closlng:
Consols, money.. W'Ai
do 1st pfd
No. Pac. pfd..
Grand Trunk
I.M 4
: as
37' i
ilo account i"i
Pac... 9H:
St. Paul
HI. I'lllll Jti
Illinois Central. .1H3V4
l.oulsvllln !)
Union Paclllc ... S5 lltand Minos
N. Y. central.... hp.s
HAH SILVEH-Stoady, 29 11-lCd per n'inco.
MONEY 2j)2i4 per cent; tho rate of (lis
count In tho open mnrket for short bills U
4 per cent; for three months' bills, 40l',
pr cent.
AVeehly llimk Mtn t eineiit.
NEW YOItK. Jan. 19 Tho weeklv state,
ment of averages of the Associated nanks
shows. Loans 30.b73. HKt. Incivavo $2J.4I1.1'0;
doiicslts J921,7s7,20O. Increase JI.5I,(KM; e(r
cvlatlon J30.973.20O, Inerenso $.'.30); legal
tenders J73.050.633, IncronSo J2.l7fi.0O); speiio
J1M.0.'2,(:00 Inerenso J11.49V?01: totnl reserve
J237.703.40O, Increase Jl3.971.3ort: reserve io
(liiired $230,4IO.son, increase t).M2."M; surilu3
reserve $27,2s0,000, incroaso $I,S5S,550.
liiiTKirls iiiiil llxiiortN,
NEW YOItK. Jan. 19,-E.tports of gold
nnd silver fioin this port lo nil countrl.'s
for this week aggregate $1,115,900 slher bars
and coin and $1,661,072 gold.
Tho ImportH of specie this week wero
$11420 gold and $11. till sl'vor. The Imports
of drv goods find merchandise lo the port
of New York for the week weru valued nt
Condition of llio Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 19. Today's state
ment of the treasury bu'nncea In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of tho $1.V),QOO,000 nold
reserve In tho division of redemption.
shows: Available cash balances. $137,1S1,555;
gold, $77.03,331.
II 11 u U Cleiirln nnd IHcIiiiiiko.
CHICAGO. Jan. 19 -Clearings. $19.013,."Sfi
balances. $2,519,071. Posted exchango. $I.Stif
4.SS. Now York exchange. 2uc promium.
ST. LOUIS. Jnn M.-ClenrlngH. $5,H3,51S;
hiilimeeii. Jiai.:il0. Monnv. 5fid nor cent.
Now York exchange. 23c premium bid, 33c
premium asked
NEW YORK. Jnn 19.-Clearlngs, $270,913,
532: liBlnnces. $12,079,841.
HOSTON, Jnn. 19.--Clenrlns, J23,79I,08S
balances. Jl.77s.157.
CINCINNATI. Jnn. 19.-CIearlngs. J2.720.
900. Money, SiUO per cent. New York e.v
change. 2i)e premium.
PHILADELPHIA. Jnn 19. - Clearings
lin.3Ta.SRl: balances, Jl.833.315.
HALTIMOHE Jan. 19,-Clonrlngs, $3,29.',.
173, ImlnnccH, JOT.S5S.
I'orelun I'lniuieluli
PAHIS. Jan. 19,-Hunlneiis oiiened dull nnd
undecided on the bourse tndny Trnnsnc-
tlone were checked by somw uucaelnoaa ro
tvnrdlnp the Internal political situation and
tho state of the English markets where tPe
reported Hlhis of yueen Victoria has lo
llueiice. Spanish 4s were nffeclcd oy the
rise !n the rate ot exi'LutiS'1. Later there
wns a brisker tone, Influenced by rn'ire
favorable London advices and Spanish Is
and Knllln tallied Three per rent rente,
loir !?' for the account; exchange on Lon
don. IRf 12e for checks; flpnnirh 4s, 41 7J. .
PEHL1N. Jan. 19. -On the bourse l.iday
the teiulcnc of internntlouals was toward
dullness Si'.inlfh Is were lower. M'nes
declined In consequence of unfavorab.o
manufacturing reports. Americans roacica
In response to N-w York. Canadian Pii
cities were depressed on the decreatv In the
trnlllc returns. Exchango on Iindon, 2 in
40pfgs. for cheeks. Dltcount rates: Short
bill. 2i per cent, three months' bills, 3(4
per cent.
Cotton Mnrket.
mnrket opened llrm. with prices 31(10 points
hlgner nnd exhibited many evidences of
underlying strength nretty much through
out tho session. Spocjlntlon later was slug
gish nnd of an evenlng-up tye. Tho
Interests were slow to buy. In view
of the manipulation In current month con
tracts. The MMith, Europe and room bins,
however, support the market with great
rcnfldence on every sign of n reaction. The
Inlluenco which brought nbout the lnltlnl
nrfvnncc wns bullish, nubile nnd private
rubles frohi Liverpool nnd small port Mini
Interior receipts. Itelterallons ot reports
that speculation routh was haideulng on
Incrensed export demand and predictions
of the verv light port nrrlvuls noxt week
helped to create u dewnwurd tendency with
western parties. Week-end statements
from England and American cotton mills
wero cheerful beyond anticipation. Con
servative parties estimated "In sight this
week nt 2VM to 2P.W bales, as compared
with 223,371 last week. 212.011 last year, 220.
Slo In 1M and 2s3,8W In W. The market
tor fjtures closed quiet, with prices net un
changed lo 7 points higher. Spot closed
d:il'; middling uplands, 10c; middling suit,
lOVtc; no sales. Futures closed quiet; Jan
uary, 9.7fic; February. 9.44c; March, 9.42c;
April, 9.10c; Slav, 9.41c; June, 9.39c; July,
9.37c; August, 9.10c; September. 8.53c; Oc-
'"neWOHLEANS. Jan. ID. - COTTON -Firm;
sulos, 3,7n0 bales, ordinary. 7'fcc; good
ordinary, Sia low middling. 9toc; mldillltig,
9 9-lGc; good middling, 9 13-lCc. middling
fair, lUUc; receipts, G.3I0 bales; stock. 33i.SiS
bales. I'tlllires. quiet; January,
February. 9.37a9.S'c; March. 9.35U9.3i;c;
April, V.XK(9.33p: Mnv, 9.3319.3lc; June, 9.31JJ
9.32c; July. 9.2Sfl9.30c; August, 8.92fl8.9oc;
September. S.3i'5iM.33c.
ST. LOl'IS. Jan. 19.-COTTON-Qiilot nnd
unchnnged; sales, none; middling, 9V4c; re
celpts, 1,491 bales; shipments, 1,285 bales;
slock.".i bales. .....
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 19. - COTTON - Spat,
quiet and 1 1-lCd higher; American m Id
illliu fair. 64d; middling. 51S-32d; low mid
dling. 5.d; good ordinary, 6d; ordinary.
4?d. The snles of the day were il.WU bales,
of which 300 weio for speculation and ex
port and Included 1,900 American. Hccelpts,
10,000 bales, Including 5.9W American. Fu
tures nnened and closed steady; American
middling, January, 5 20-tild, sellers; January
and February. 5 2l-GI(if5 25-tlld, sellers; Feb-
riinry nnd March, 5 21-CiyS 22-Cld, sellers;
March and April, 19-0lf5 20-6UI. sellers:
April and May. G17-64d, buyers; May nnd
June. 5 15-0ld, buyers; June nnd July.
5 12-6U75 13-fild, buyers; July nnd August,
5 O-filfjfi lO-fild, buyers; August nnd Septem
ber, I VHiltf I 01-Cld. sellers; September,
4 fiO.filfl fil-fild, sellers; October, 4 44-Uld,
nominal: October und November, g. o. c,
4 33-Cld, nominal.
Wool Snles.
LONDON, Jan. 19, WOOI-Offorlngs nt
tho wool auction sales today numbered 13,
169 Jmles. Sellers In some cases asked an
advance without result. As 11 consequence
2,310 bales were withdrawn. Competition
for lino seoureds was good, but common
grpdes. which worn In large supply, wero
slow. Me: Inns sold freely nt full rates.
Crossbrcds, which totalled over one-third
of tho offerings, sold largely to Yorkshire.
Suitable blood greasy was taken by Amer
ican purchasers. Tho offerings next wool:
nre nnnnimcrd ns M.O00 bales. Todav'B sales
In detail follow: New South Wufes, 4,500
bales; scoured, C'4djils n4d; greasy. 4W
10J. (Juoenslaml, f,UO bales; scoured, llillf
la Mi erensv. 5-iidiSil. Victoria. 1.901) bales:
scoured, fivftil "'.4d; grcauy, WitM. South
Australia, 200 bales; scoured. llHdftls 24d;
greasv, Nd. Tasmania, Mji) bales; sco.ircd,
(.,df(is fid. New Zealand. 1.700 bales;
scoured, 7'idfilB Id; greasy. C4fia.l. Capo
of Good H0110 and Natal. 0w bales; iicourcd,
7Vi(K(ls 2',t(l, greasy. 5i7d.
The nrrlvals for tho next series of Bales
amount to 22.318 bales, including 2.50o tor
wnrrted direct to spinners. The Imports of
wool during the week follows: South Aus
tralia, 003 bales: Port Augusta, i.u mies;
Capo of Good Hopo and Natal, 991 bales;
Singapore, :i,1CS bales; JJremen, 707 bales;
China, 119 bales.
OH nnd Ilonlil.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Jun. 19.-OIL3-Credlt
bnlnnces, $1.17; oertlllcalos closed, $1.19 bid
for cash: shipments, 132.1S1 bbls.; average,
102.CIS bbls.; runs, 90,343 bbls.; uvewje. 90,
739 bbls.
NEW YOHK. Jan. 19 -OILS-Cottoiiseod,
dull; prime crude. 2H4"i27---; prime onide,
vellow, 30',ic. Petro'eum, dull; rellnod New
York, J5 45: Phllnde'phla and Hultlmo-o,
$7.40; Philadelphia und Hnltlmore. In bulk,
Jl.fsj. Hosln. dull: strained, commo'i to
gecd. $1.70. Turpentine, dull. I0ifl0l4c.
L1VEHPOOL. Jan 19,-OILS-Cottnnsecil.
H ill rellned. upot, dull, 20s 9d. Turpentine
spirits, steady. 29s. Hosln, common, stonily.
4s Petroleum, rellned, quiet, 7'.d. Lln.sccd,
iitendy. 31s 3d. . .
LONDON, Jan. 19.-OILS-Petral -im.
American rellned, 3-10d. Turpsntlnc
spirits, 2Ps 13d.
Sue;nr und Mnlnsses.
oneii kettle, u'ic; open kettle, centrifugal.
3 13-16111 E-lCc: centrifugal yellow, 4tST
111-lis'; iieconus, z-)i34w:.
NEW YOHK, .inn. 19. hi uah uaw,
easy; rcllning, ;;ii-ue; ceniriiugiu,
4 u-llic; molasses sutiiir, ., u-im , ifuncu,
quiet; No. 0, 4.93c: No.7. 4,Sjc; No. 8, 4....C;
No. 9. I.iUc; .vo. 10. s.oic; o. 11. wwc; io.
12. 4.55c; No. 13, 4.53c; No. 14, 4.50c; stand
ard A. 5.30c; confectlonfin A, 5.30e; mould
A, 5,S3c; cut loar. oe; crusneu. i.c; iiowocieu,
S.OOu: cranulalod. n.50e: cubes, 5.500. Mo-
lnnses, steady; New Orleuns open kettle,
good to cnoice, rcnivc.
LONDON, Jan. 19. - HEET SUGAR - 9s
Kunsiis Cits- ISrnln und Provisions,
lI.'D6uVi(-: cash, No. 2 red, GGiiCUc; No. J
red, fiG'G7c, No. 2 spring. Oo.
1 OHN m'iv. ;;tii4c; casn. ino. . mi;cj, uiu-,
No. 2 while. SfiVic; No. 3. M'ie.
OTb-N0. 2 wniic, .jwo-ii'.ic.
HYl" No ft 47c
HAY-chblco timothy. $10.5011.00.
lil'TTPnCrpiiinerv. ISc.
l-ftfISI-llrin "fiesh Missouri nnd Knnsns
stock. 16',4c dozen, loss off. ensos returned;
now wliltownno ensrs lliciuiioo. tttc niuie.
HECEIP I S Wheal. J2.',iuu nu.; corn, iamw
bu.; oats, lo.iioj bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat, WJ'Jo nu.; corn, .J,
00 bu.; oats, li.Owu.
Coffee .llnrket.
NEW YOHK. Jnn. 19.-C'OFFEE-Spot.
dull; Nn. 7. Invoice, 7','iC. ailiu. (iuei; enr
dovu. MISV4C uoneo inures npeneu quiai,
with prices unchangoil to 5 points lower,
ruling exceptionally Inactive, with n weak
undertone. Unsatisfactory culilcn. contlii
mil liLiivv receipts, disappointing export du
ll- mil and an enure nusenio 01 imuuc in
terest, was accountable for tho dullness of
affairs. AM the trading wna done wit iln
tho last miliuio 01 1110 HfHsinn. inn miiriici
..inslnir limellvo. will) nrlces net uncliantod
to 5 points lower, including January nt o.fOJj
March. 5ic; May, 5.9iV; July, 6.93c; Octo
ber, Oc; uccemuer, u iuc.
Xeff York llry UoiiiIfi Market.
NEW YOHK. Jan. 19. DltY GOODS The
vr.ofc in the ' cnods mnrket closed with
an average v mount of bu.lness pnsfinif In
the cntlnn goods uivisi ins. isrown co:nas
till Irreuular for snot goods: forward
contracts steady. 'In bleached cottonr. order 1
continue stnm ai previous prices, l oairo
colored goods dull nnd unchanged. rtnvT
Icnn cotton yarns still In slack demand nnd
verv irregular In price. Spinners ropirtod
curtailing prnduct on. Woolen and wi r.ited
yarns quiet at previous prices.
KvniMll'llled 11ml Dried I'l'lllts.
AI'PLES Tho usual Saturday dullness pre
vailed 111 me mantel ior evanoraicii appios
and prices romaln unchanged. Stato, com
mon are quoted at IKi'd l-e; prime, Me;
choice. fiH-CiCo: fancy. ii'7c.
Innctlce. Prunea were quoted nt u'ilc per
II,,. ns to sl7o nnd qualty. Apricots, Hoyal,
74iiil2c; Aloor rum. a'l'uioc. reacucs,
peeled, ll?ltc; unpeclod,
Toledo liriilu 11 ml Seed.
TOLEDO, O.. Jan. 19,-WHEAT-Dull and
llrm; cash nnil January. 77c; May, 79)c;
July, 78'4i
('i)RN Fairly activo and firm; cash nnd
January. 37c; May, 3IV-. , , .
oATS-Dull und steady; cash nnd Jnnu
urv, 27i ; May. 24c.
CI.OVEHHEED ISTiO prime. $6.15; cash and
Jnnuan . $7.'.'2'a: March. $7.27'.4-
Mllvinuker i; ill 1 11 Mnrket.
MILWAUKEE, Jnn. 19-WllEAT-Dul';
No. 1 northarn. 71W74',ic; No. 2 northern,
ItYK-Dull: No. 1 f.lHS2r.
HAHLI5Y Quiet; No. 2. 59c; sample, 4151
llei-iiiiNo of (inren's Illness,
IIBHLIN. Jnn. 19. It U olllclnlly nn
nouueed that owing to tho serious lllnim
of Queen Victoria and consequent departur?
of tho emperor for England the grand
court receptions fixed for Monday and
Wednesday next will not take place.
Eecf Steers Stendy for tho Week and Oowi
Ten to Fifteen Ceni Lower.
.No I'rrsb Arrhnlt of Slipep n Snle
Todny nnd Mnrket for tbp AVrelt
Aellte mill .lust About n Dime
llluher All Aroiiuit.
Itecelnts were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
. 3,C9a 4,M 4.1WJ
Olllclal Monday
Olllclul Tuesday ....
Olllclal Wednesday
Olllclal Thursday ..
Official Friday ....
Olllclal Sotunlay ..
. 4,111 7,6tUi
.. 2,243 9.H5
.. 1,713 9,131
.. 920 7.5.1.S
.. 287 7.487
Total this week 12.9SI 46,190
Week ending Jan, 12 19.915 411.037
Weok ending Jan. 5 10,075 3s, ft
Week ending Dec. 29 6.7tW 29,5V)
Week ending Dec. 22 10.W) 07.51J
Average price paid for hogs for the past
suveral days, with comparisons:
I 1901. II900.I1S99 11S9S. lS97.lS3.1.tS96.
4 95 1
4 S6V
5 021,
6 04i
6 U
6 034
5 23U
3 40!
4 2?
4 16
4 OS
4 11
4 16
4 10
4 u9
4 11
4 09
4 03
4 07
4 11
4 11
3 M
3 86
3 K
3 8S
3 43
Jan. 3..,,
Jnn. 4.,..
Jan. 5..,.
Jan, 0....
Jun, 7....
Jnn, s....
Jnn, 9....
Jan, 10...
Jan. 11...
Jan. 12...
Jan. 13...
Jun. 14, .
Jan. 15...
Jan. ...
Jan. 17...
Jan. IK...
Jan. 19. .
3 46
3 51
3 53
3 4b
3 46
3 56
3 54
3 51
6 23V4I
5 17t4
3 47
3 63
3 69
G 161.
5 25H
5 21W4
5 29(k
3 60
3 72
3 82
Indicates Sunday.
The olllclal number of enrs of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. U'ses.
C, M. .t St. P. Ity..
U. AC Ml. Ij, IIV
Missouri Paclllc Ity..
U. P. system
C N. W. Hy
F., K. A- M. V. It. It..
C. St. P., M. & O....
II. & M. It. It. 11
c, it. g, ity
C. It. I. ft P., cast...
C. H. I. & P., west..
Illinois Central Hy...
Total receipts .... 9
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of heud Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co
G. II. Hammond Co....
Swift and Company...,
Cudnhy Packing Co....
Armour & Co
Vnnsant a Co
Kenton & Underwood..
H. F. Hobblck
Other buyers
Cnttlo. Hogs. Sh'p
57 1.519
ass 752
..113 7.4S5 752
CATTLE There wero onlv a few ears of
cattle on sale today nnd not enough lo
make n test of the market.
Tho receipts of cattle the Inst week nave
been fairly liberal, a gain of 2,066 head hav
lng been mndo over the previous week and
nn compared with rame week last year ihero
Is a i'nln of l.SbS head. The mnrket was not
In very good shape tho llrst two lays of
tho week, but since that tlmo the tendency
of prices has been upward nnd tho weok
closes In fairly good shape. Hecf atecra
have regained practically all thoy lost on
Monday nnd Tuesdny. unless It bo on some
of tho most undesirable grades, so that the
weeK closes nuout sienuy wmi last ween.
Cow stuff broko badly on Monday and
Tutsdny, but since that time receipts have
been light nnd by Friday values ero
within as high ns they wero before
the brenk. Huvors had to have some cattlo
nnd ns theie were hardly enough to go
nround they hnd to pay good strong pilcis
in order 10 get mem.
Hulls, calves and stags alio cased oft tho
llrst of tho week, but have Joined In the Im
provement nnd are now selling Just about
tno snmo ns tney were n wcck ngu.
The supply of stockers und feeders has
been very light all tho week. There Is a
good demand from the country for choice
cnttlo weighing upwards of 700 pounds that
nro ready to go Into tho feed lot, nnd such
kinds muy bo quoted nil of n dime higher
than they wero n week ngo. Lightweight
cnttlo of good quality nre nlso helling a
lltllo better than they were a short time
ago, Tho common itinos, nowever. ore very
slow snlo nnd holders have difficulty In sell
ing them nt nu. J'or me weeit tney may ne
quoted steady lo n little lower. At tho closo
of tho weok tho yards nro nenrly empty of
nil classes of stock cattle, the demand be
ing fully ns good ns the supply, bo that
the new week will start out with n com
plete now stock of cattle Represenatlvo
sales: ...
No. Av. Pf. No. Av. Pr.
1 1230 4 83 1242 4 S3
,.1520 2 50 1 1470 3 10
J130 2 90 1 1280 3 23
..1270 3 00 1 1680 3 75
. .1200 3 03
7 990 C 00
1 830 2 50 2 1000 2 CO
17 263 3 00
S 663 3 75
HOGS There was Just nbout nn nverago
Saturday's supply of hogs hero today and
us other markets were reported dull nnd
lower tho feeling hero was none too good.
Tin market opened up all tho way from
ntendy to 5c luwer, with sales going from
sr. 2.1 to 15.33. but mostly nt S3.25 nnd $5.27V4.
Tho choice heavyweight hogs worn at a
picmlum this morning nnd the top prlco
wnt paid for a load weighing 418 pounds.
Tim iienvv Iiol-s wero nicked 1111 In fairly
good season at prices ranging steady to a
iihiide lower and mostly nt $J.27!4 and $5.30,
uui niior uiui uicn ivciw luiuuiy 111 ?o,
and I5.27U. Atom; toward the last end
packers wero not willing to pay much over
ior even me nesi nnu mr nun icunnii
sellers wero a little h:ow in cutting looso
It was lato before anything llko a clear
unco was made.
Tho supply of hogs thin week wns Just
(ii)oiii mo snmo ns ior mc previous weei,
but us compared with tho corresponding
week last year there Is a train of 518 head.
Tho market han been In good shape all tho
week and prices nro higher than they wero
a weok ngo. The highest point reached
was on Friday, when tho average cost was
$5.29'4, which Is the highest point reached April ju last year, vuiuos eased orr
on naturuny, nut sun tno week closed 10c
nignc man me closo or the previous week
jiupii-nuiiiuuvu riaics
4 21 i 42 3 18
4 3J 3 57 3 17
4 29 3 57 3 4S
4 27 3 41 3 44 3 2..
4 37 3 47 3 3 S 27
4 35 3 4 $ 3 39 3 29
3 42 3 40 3 18
4 31 3 43 3 12
4 3S 3 45 3 14
4 35 3 50 3 43
4 41 3 53 3 29 3 07
4 49 3 0) 3 47 3 14
4 53 3 55 3 49 3 09
3 50 3 49 3 19
4 5S 3 47 3 26
4 52 3 f.2 3 23
4 41 3 49 3 47
4 55 3 51 3 51 3 23
4 54 3 54 3 51 3 20
No, Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. fill. Pr.
21 105 ... 4 50 70 261 ... 5 274
12 97 ... 4 50 74 207 ... 5 i7,$
63 129 ... 5 10 49 276 ... 6 274
110 154 80 6 20 71 251 ... 5 27U
75 196 120 5 224 78 215 120 G 27',?
51 266 80 5 22V4 68 20.1 80 5 27W
83 201 SO 5 ?2', 63 2G3 80 5 27(5
18 237 ... 5 25 68 288 120 G 274
W 261 200 5 25 53 302 ... 6 27 (1
614.... 201 .., G 25 76 270 80 G 2714
80 190 40 6 23 75 218 240 D 17'4
93 191 40 6 23 76 274 160 5 37(-
67 255 120 G 23 63 231 ... 5 27(5
62 273 240 G 23 42 227 40 5 27'?
74 225 80 G 23 55 287 120 5 27(?
66 278 210 5 23 70 263 40 6 W,fc
CO 27S ... 5 23 60 237 40 6 27(5
102 173 ... 5 23 63 237 41) G 27'4
60 250 160 G 23 03 230 S00 G 275
66 208 SO 6 ?5 67 241 40 5 27U
70 232 120 5 23 07 231 100 G VM
f,2 215 ... 5 25 82 227 ... 6 T7vJ
76 203 120 G 27 CI 271 120 G ?7U
75 200 100 5 23 66 274 ... G 27U
82 246 100 G 25 67 2iN ... G 27 K
72 233 240 G 25 U2 27.1 240 G L7V4
01 260 160 5 25 06 2S7 120 5 27'4
51 323 40 5 23 80 227 ... 5 27$
61 251 10) 6 25 70 216 ... 5 2W,
K, 222 40 G 15 51 265 80 G 27U
73 22!) 40 G 25 76 2.1! 40 G l-7',?
82 225 ... G "!5 OS 223 40 6 2714
71 229 ... 5 25 67 257 40 5 2714
43 271 40 5 25 81 19S GO 5 '71,
19 242 40 G 25 57 247 ... 6 30
',) 199 10) 5 25 66 3D" 100 6 ?0
78 213 120 5 25 (12 220 80 5 30
61 225 200 5 25 57 287 ... R M
85 209 ... 6 25 76 232 80 f, 30
75 182 ... 6 'J 76 201 80 5 30
09 217 ... 5 27',4 80 22s ... 6 30
07 251 ... 5 27'4 ! 245 ... 6 30
74 211 ... 6 27'4 77 229 ... 14 Ml
55 251 ... 5 X7'J 53 258 40 ft 1
(52 241 120 5 27'5 GO 279 ... 6 ."0
61 28(1 ... 5 27',4 67 236 .,. 6 30
55 257 ... 6 27'4 81 266 80 6 30
70 261 ... 5 274 00 2S9 40 5 33
SiX) 2S0 5 ?7U
69 .
fVS .
... 5 SO
. . . 5
40 6 39
... 5 30
... ,6?Ji4
,.. 5!3!4
. .227
. .321
. . .248
. . .237
SO b 27J4
... 5?7
. . 5 27H
. . 6 27
j .
52...... '.'42
42. .....418
O Vi4
SHEEP The nntv hn nt Die vnrds In.
day were sold to arrive, so thero wns noth
ing on sale to test tho mnrket.
Tho supply of sheep this week has not
been large, and, as the domnnd has been
quite liberal, tho market has rilted ncttvn
nnd strong nil tho week, At the close it
Is snfo to quote prices n good dime higher
than they wero at tho close nf thn
pros lous week. The top on lambs for tho
week Is $5.45 nnd choice lightweight Moxlcmi
yearlings sold ns high ns $1.90, but tho ton
on ordinary western vearllnss wns Jl.ivi.
I Sheen sold ns high ns $1.50. nnd choice light
weight ewes brought $3.75.
Feeders were srarce nil the weok nnd
tin! demand wns sutllrtent to take nil that
wan offered nt coo.l stronc- nrlces.
Quotations: Cholro fed wethers, $l.25
4.5uj fair to good wethers. $4.ivu4.25; choice
llghtweUht yearlings, $4.50f4.90; fair to
good yearlings. $l.231f4.50; choice ewes, $3.33
(U3.T5; fnlr to good ewes. $3,0wff3.30 ; choice
spring lambs. $5.2.VU5.50, fair to good spring
Inmbs, $3.00ifu.23; feeder ewes, $3.2543.M,
feeder wethers, $3.5fm3.75; feeder Inmbs, $1.00
4.40. Jtcprcscntiitlvo sales:
No. Av. Pr.
54S Mexican yearlings SI JIM
Co 1 1 ! .Noiiilnnll v .sti-nily Hoks llluher
Sheep mill t.iimh Strong.
CHICAGO. Jan. 19.-CATTLi:-Hccelpts,
200 head; nominally sternly: good to piimo
steors, $5.101(6. 10; poor to medium, J3.50W
5,10: stockers and feeders, $2,701fl.60! cows,
$2,7JH4.73; heifers. 2.751f l.C0; runners, $2.00
ir.'.7o, bulls. $2 t;'tii.25: calves, $;
Tcxn.s fed steers, 1.0if4.i3; Texiis grass
steors, $3.80iy'4,W; Texan bulls, j2.3UJf3.S0.
IIOGS-Herelpts. today, 16.0W) head; Mon
thly, S7,0i, estimated; left over, 2,000; mar
ket 214UGC higher: closing weak: mixed and
butchers, $5,M(5.42i4; good to choice heavy,
$3.304fi,45; rough henvy, $5.1MfV.25; light.
$3.1.'.y1.40; bulk of su'es, $3,:i(llf5.37W.
, SHEEP AND LAMUS-Hccelpts, 1,000
head; sheep and lambs strong: yearlings,
up to $5.30; good to choice wethers, $3.7o4f
4.65; fnlr to choice mixed, $3.3OT.S3; west
cm sheep. $3.73irl.fiO; Texns sheep. $2.MW
3.50: native lambs, $1. 2315. 0); western
lambs, Js'i.ootiG.M).
Hccelpts this week: Cattle, 59.200 head;
hogs, 169,800 head; sheep, 70,300 head. Last
week: Cattle. 57.000 head; hogs, 217,900 head;
Bhcop, C5.0W head,
Knnsns Cltv Live Slock Mnrket.
celpts, 530 head, 23 calves; nominal quota
tions; nntlve beef steers, $L50If3.fi5; stock
ers nnd feeders, $.1,5((1,75; cows and heif
ers, $3,255(4.75; canners, $2.r,Ojr3.1S; western
fed steers. $4.(XJfri.l0; Texas and Indian
Moors, $.1.6041 1.50; Texas nnd Indlnn cows.
$2.50'tf3.75; bulls, $.1.intj I.25; calves, $l.60ir
HOG8-llecelpts, 7,200 head; market
steady; top, $5.37'4; bulk, $3.30fr3.33; heavy,
$5.3uu-5.37i4; mixed packers, J3.2uiffi.35; light,
$3.1Mi5.25; plus. $4.WWf4.S3.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Hocelpts.lOOheifd;
market strong; western lambs, $5.2.Vitvi.6i:
western wethers, $l.fvjf l.50; yearlings, $1.00
(5. 00; ewes, J3.50fl3.90; culls, $2.75f3.23.
.Si. I.o 11 Is Lite Stock .llnrket.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 19.- CAiTLE Hecelpls,
300 hend, Including 200 Texnns; market
stendy; native shipping nnd export steers,
$1,6315.75; drfssed beef nnd butcher steers,
$l.irniC40; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.73Jj4.75:
stockers nnd feeders, $2,G0Sf I.55; cows ami
l,t(..a tl (VKfJ &IV -,.i(,u 1 n'.r.iO ?-. I. till
$2,00i03!9ol" TexnH nnd Indian' steers,' $3. 40
4.75: cows nnd heifers, J2.331fl.33.
iiiiiis ucceipis. ;i,wi nenu; mnrKci weau
to 5c lower; nigs and lights. J5.23H5.30;
packers. $5.30!fiti.33; butchers, $5,3543.411.
SHEEP AND LAM US No receipts; mar
ket nominal; native muttons, $3.S55f 1.23;
lambs. $1,501(5.50; culls uud bucks, K.Wit
4.25, stockers, $2,0043.00,
Xcw York I.lvr Mloek Mnrket.
NEW YOItK, Jan. 19.-HEEVES-lte-cclpts,
67 head; 110 trading; stonily; exports,
600 cattle, 20 sheep uud 5,763 quarters of
CALVES Hccelpts, IS head; steady; good
veals, $S: barnyard calves, nominal.
Hiifcisi' ainU l.A.Ains iteceipts. ;i.;(r,j
head; sheen steady, choice lambs higher;
sheep. $1.00514.50: lambs, $3.75ijti.374; Can
ada lambs. J.i.H'lj.
HOOS-ltecelpts. 3,311 head: rno deck on
sale; quoted steady nt $5.504f3.75.
.St. .losenli I.lvr Slnck Mnrket.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Jan. 19.-lSpe-!al.)
Tho Jnurnnl quotes :
CATTLE Hecelnts. 2U0 bond: mnrket
steady: demand good.
HOGS Receipts, 5,700 bend; morket
strong: nil grades, $5.22',4ti5.37',4; bulk of
sales. S.Y25tj5.32l4: pigs, steady.
riiiKi-.i' anu ua.ihs Hcc;ipts, none;
demand strong.
Stock In Slulit.
Following nro tho recelnts nt the four
principal western markets for Jnnunry 19:
came, jiors. Hiieop.
South Omaha 287 7.417 MS
Chicago 200 16,001) i,(m
Knnsns ctiy km 7.21N 100
St. IOUls 3U) 3,690
..1,337 31,297 1,618
MlnnenpotiH 'Wheat, I'limr nnil limn,
nwvp.innMti r.i. n ii-iipat r-,i
7l',ic; July. 74&Jc. ' On ' track: No. 1 linrd!
T,m't 'VI llWt tllVIII, lV H JlWt n,
FLOUH-Lowcr: first r.utcnts. $I.O0fJI15:
second pntents', 3.t-5f(3.95: first clears, S2.S0
4?:l.(fl; second clears, $2.(
JIItAN 111 UU1K, ?II.lWai2.W.
B, L. Baldwin & Co.
lii'M l'llAM STREET,
l.o nil niHlnnee Phono, 171)1).
W. Farnam Smith
& Co.
inSO Fnriinm Street. Telephone 1IIUI.
Telephone lUill). Oinnlin, .eh.
Iloiiril of Tiiule.
Correspondence: John A. Wnrron & Co,
Direct wires to Chicago und Now York.
of minim? Investment urn nnturiilly uttrac
tlve to Investors, yet every nilnn Is not a
"Honnnza." and all minim; Investments nro
not successful. We ndvlso combination In
vestments, divided nmnnt' prdinlsliiB first
Issues of treasury dock for development
nnd regular dividend payers und ,
eiiHtoniera luive seenreil from in lo ill)
per cent. Interest nnd from ,11) lo -Oil
per cent. iroll( ilnrlnu. Illlll), tvllliout
11 sliiKle lliMlnnee of Ions tn 11 list of over
20fi Investors hy uctlni: on this ndvlco.
booklet ilescrllilnK our successful plan
nnd protlinblo inlnlnK lilvestmcnts, Prot
ptctuses of protnUliiK mints and dlvldcn 1
payors, reports, subscription Plunks, etc.,
mulled tree lo liny inn Inleiested In
lilH'li intes of Interest, liire 11 10 II Is
nnil sreurlly of iirliioliinl.
i Hoston; Int'n'l Trust Co Illd'K.
Philadelphia; Ilnlz Hulldlnit.
Cleveland; Cuyahoga Hull Jlnar
L'hlcaKO. Fisher Building.
to make n great nmount of money from
small Investment In Oil slnco the ilays nf
Pennsylvania Oil excitement. We havo 1,90)
acres of Oil Lands near tho great 7.0sj har
icl gushers In the wonderful Hand Fork Oil
Fields, In Lewis County, W. Vn. Portion
of our stock offered tit Ge on tho dollur.
Money to ho used In drilling wells. Prop
erty all paid for and nun-assessahlc. For
further particulars address
Peubody Hulldlng, Wheollns. W. Vu.
If so, speculate Hiircoisfully. Send your
ordors to a rellablo house, whero thoy will
ho placed on tho open mnrket. Wo can
mnko for you In nno month moro Intcrrit
on your money lhan any bank will pay you
In a year. Send for our hook on speculation
It is free.
J. K. Comstock & Co.,
Room -I! Trader's Hide, CIiIcobo,