Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1901, Page 16, Image 24

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division. All so near, and yet, under the olov.iy forward and extended a helping
circumstances, powerless to aid him. hand to tho young soldier, who thanked
There dawned a day In lato September him In low tone, hut vaulted easily over
when tho clouds hung low upon the sodden the tailboard and stood erect, unbound
earth, for the heavens had mercifully unshackled, nnd tool: his place by the
opened and poured out their torrents on tho chaplain's side. The guard loolted tin-
parchrd and thirsty hillsides, and drowned happily about them nnd tho provost
cut tho denso clouds of choking dust marshal, nfter n whisper with his ns-
through which had been tramping steadily sedates, rodo over nnd said In n low
northward tho long columns, gray or blue, (tonot "Oct thnf-that box cut, somo of
nil now ono unlfcrm of dirty whlto. you. nnd bring It over here." It took
Tho Hag hung limp and heavy on Cnpltol personal orders from tho sergeant to
Hill. The furrowed ridges to tho south j Induce three of tho guard to lay their
wcro crowned with low-lying mist. The rllles aside and sliding tho long box over
csal smoke from tho steamer funnels along tho crenklng, protesting tailboard, to bear
Sjiiopnln of I'reecillnjc riuiptiT.
(Copyright, lfwt, by d. W. Dillingham Co.)
Normun Holt, fnvorlto son of tin old Ken-
the muddy bankn Ilattcned out across tho
surface of tho nwollcn river. The skies
still wept nnd nil naturo seemed In sad
accord with tho strange, tolcmn ceremony
singed upon tho open, undulating fields be
tween tho southward stretching pikes. In
long bluo linos, forming throe sides of a
hollow square nnd fnelng Inward, n brlgado
ttieky tiinilly, Is reprimanded nt West Point i had taken station nnd Btood In sllenco and
winter or im N eolubriited by nit old-fusli- ' ,l10 ""e of ll" camps, the negroes nf tlu
loned Kentucky Christmas feathering, city streets, tho curious, tho morbid. In
Mutiny, both of Cincinnati. The hitter , mound of enrth lay along n yawnltnj, nnr-
brltiK lettcrn nf liitroduetlntt fttuii Lime' , row rectangle a new mado grave. Shrill
It over to tho grave where, after much rutit
terlng talk nnd Impatient gesticulation. It
wns placed close to tho edge of and parallel
with the cavity, the fifing party meanwhile
drcnrlly looking on. Then, over nt tho
right of tho regiment, forming tho cast
sldo of tho square, a buglo sounded aud n
llttlo cavalcade came riding Into view. A
general with four or Ilvo staff officers nnd
half n dozen orderlies entered the square,
but halted as noon as well within, nB
though unwilling to como closer to the
scene. Then tho marshal and his frlcnda
nitnln took counsel. "I suppose you'll hnvo
to road tho order," said ho to tho senior,
I'TilMli 'V.mi ?,,l),,nJro,'i.Il"i; ,,t11.urJrv;',Ly , nml walll"K nI"l to ho accompaniment of. "and-he ought to be nt the collln. oughtn
man Hoit by Ills' Httentloiis to Unlsy l.un" ! ,hc tllro,) nml ro" o tho mournful inutlled I he?" lie added. In a lower tone.
Mnlloy separates Miss Lane from thu main dtums tho notes of Plcyel's hymn nroao 1 "Yob, and afterward ho timet bo blind
fell on
tho field
jinrty djrlng u fox hunt and nt the Christ- ' nnd
. iniiH linn uio Hami- ivenin:t uireeiH an uir i B,mr0i wl(I,
obnoxious to bin rlwil, Nnrrnnn Unit. Hut
nil lll-fcullng N forottti when nt tnldnlKht
nil surrotiiul nr. Holt to rinK I 10 enrm
mas punch, which ceremony In interrupted
by n inldulght messenger, who nnuounces
the dnngoroUM Illness nf Judge Melntyre.
luventlgntiun rcven's his llnnnclnl affairs
In n hnpclcMi timgle nnd tln Molt Inrtuno
dissipated. Uonry mid Normnn enter
Lunu'n law otneo In Cincinnati. Norman
enlists us a private In the Ohio infantry
M.'illnv. throuuh imlltlcnl Inilw nces. In lieu
tenant In the mine compnuy, and Henry
Unit Jnlim the confederate forenH, Normiin
is ordered to conduct n sktrmNh litir tmrty
under Cnptiiln WIiik to Rtilovlew In search
of tirnmlnent rebels, Rcllcvlcw rnld fulls.
Wing Is captured nml Normnn Is ui,''Ued of
treachery. Iirnlii fever saves n:m irnm
trlnl nnd taken him tn thn hospital. Ch.ifges
ngnlnst Norman nre disproved by Riigurt.
Norman rejoins IiIh regiment nnd aid
Sheridan In cnptirlug Henry Molt. Nor
mini lin t drusRed by Mnlloy while on
picket duty Is found iinlrop nt hi"- punt.
LYurt-miirtlul convict Normntt, i.ti do
mauds Hint Mutiny. whon testimony con
victed him, rlinlt head the llrlng party on
tho day nf his dentil.
September, nnd all tho north was In wild
alarm! I.eo, outfighting Popo nnd outstrip
ping Mct'lellan, hail leaped tho Potomac, and
vas swinging northward through the henrt
of Maryland, his Jlnnkers riding within hall
of Washington. Rragg, dodging Hucll, was
bursting Into Kentucky, whero Klrby Smith
was already at work, his foremost troopers
slinking their lists and Haunting their
guidons In tho very f.ico of Cincinnati. At
tho national capital there was umnzo nnd
despond. Throughout tho southland was
mud exultation'. Through Nnhvlllc, day
iftcr day, poured the divisions of tho old
rmy cf tho Uhlo, hanging on tho left flank
of tho foe, yet never checking his stride.
Tho peril of tho union oppressed every loynl
henrt. Tho fute of tho old flag hung In tho
balance. "I,ot tho dead bury their dend."
moaned tho ovcr-wolghtcd president,
"livery man must be at the front. I can
not grant n leave." It was In answer to tho
plea of a convalescent colonel, begging only
for two days in which to carry homo tho
bedy of his beloved wife, who had nursed
him nnd his men through thn Chlcknhomlny
fever, only to fall nt Inst herself n victim.
Those wcro days in which Individual cases
could hardly look for presidential action
or Interference, for days and nights were
Riven up U public business. In tho
magnitude of tho cares of tho roinmnnder-In-ehlef,
tho peril of tho nntlnn, small
no ml or wan It that there seemed llttlo hope
of bringing to tho presidential ear thu lono
:nso of an himiblo private, over whom tho
lenth wntch had been set, for whom thero
would bo no week to como unlcaa ho
slgnnlcd "Hold."
Knynrt, shot In florco cavalry encounter
near McMlnnvllle, hnd been borno to
hospital, fiaffney, still Invalided, had been
transferred to a camp for convalescents.
Norman Holt was utterly ulone. Olio week
only ono week nnd tho stum soldier ut tho
head ot tho department hnd said he must
face tho llrlng squad, that tho army might
learn Its fearful lesson that sleeping on
post inCnnt death.
Ho hnd written to tho Uays, who had
tnken refuge. In I.nulAvlllo while Lexington
wns Invaded, but until tho fourth dny no
answer reached him. Then It enmo In the
form of n letter from Captain Knynrt'.i
mother, saying that Mr. and MIbs Hay hnd
gone, to Washington two days before his
letter reached tho houso and, knowing their
tho heavy nlr, as Into tho f folded," answered tho other, tlmnklm; Ood
slow, funereal step, enmo i he didn't have to carry out his own bub
n llttlo column. Fcrcmost gestlou
musicians of the provest "Chaplain, will you nnd and tho prls
4 !
y ' I
guard. Then n lieutenant with a
dozen Infantry, their arms reversed, their
eyes downcast. Following enmo two staff
ofllcera In snddle, and then n two-horso
team, with a long, open wagon, surrounded
by guards with ilfles loaded and on thu
shoulder. Within tho wagon, from which
nil but tho driver's scat had been remocd,
upon n long, rectangular box of unpaintcd
pine, nnt n young soldier In the union bluo.
Tho box nearly filled tho longth of tho
wagon, nnd bomcbody In nuthorlty, noticing
tlih, aud being possibly a doputy master
of ceremonies for the occnslon, had told
tho lono occupant to sit faced to tho rear.
Obediently, passively, ho had submitted,
and, with dark, mournful eyes, from which
all light of earthly hopo or lira of soldier
protest had lied, hu sat looking sndly over
tho crowded road and uver the dripping
fields over tho heads of tho guards who
followed oloao nt tho tailboards guardd
whoso very glances wcro furtlvo nnd
nshnmed when they glanced nt all. In that
solemn funeral procession thero enmo but
one moro vehlclo. a buggy, In which, sentcd
bcBldc tho hired driver, wns a gray-hatred
chaplain, whoso Hps socmed moving eon-.
Btnntly, ns though In prnycr; whoso eyes
worn often uplifted, as tlioush Imploring
dlvluo Intercession; often cloned, ns though
to shut out from sight tho unutterable sad
ness of tho young fnco beforo him; yet when
they oponcd again wcro fixed upon It in
tenderness and sympathy unspeakable. Six
thousand strong, coldlers in rank, specta
tors In nudging, shouldering, neck-stretch-
lug, gaping swarms, tho onlookers wntched
tho coming of that mournful little cortege,
nnd never drcnmeil Hint that very morning,
nnxlety on his uecoiint, she had opened It, tor over half an hour, that gentlo uoldler
nnd telegraphed. It seems Major Lano, too, ot 'o cress nnu earnestly, eloquently,
wns 111 of a fever, and his wlfo nnd dnugh
ter had been sent for. Mrs. Enynrt wns In
deep distress about her son, who, with other
wounded, wns being slowly trundled out cf
Tennessee. Rut sho dreaded lest Forrest
or Morgan should swoop down upon tho
train. All tho world looked black to hur,
vehemently pleaded with tho general at
whoso order1 death was tO' bo dealt, desplto
tho recommendation of tho court for mercy,
nnd hnd pleaded all In vnln. "Cruel?
Yes!" was ho final nnswer. "Uut uiiIcsm
this army Icarus that death nlono can bo
the punishment of tho sentry who sleeps
but sho could find I Into to write words of ! ron his post, somothlng far muro cruel will
hope nnd cheer to tho lonely and (jondemncd happon any night. I would not remit It
prisoner. Womanlike. bIio could iftt believe woro he my only con."
It possible that so atrocious n sentencoj Tho head of tho column had reached tho
sould ever bo carried out. Long yeurs ot j grave, and there, Irresolute, marked time,
poaco had dulled our peoplo to tho fearful i Tho provost tnnrbhal, charged with tho ox
posslbllltlcs of war. . locution of tho sentence, sat In taddlu, facing
Five of tho seven days wero gone. Nnsh-1 them, but know not what to do. Every
rlllo wns In wild commotion, llrngg's tii- j ceremony laid down n tho regulations,
imphnnt hosts hnd crossed tho Cumberland, guard mount, review or drcua parudo, these
jounced on tho Loulsvlllo railway and wero 'fellowB of tho army of tho Ohio could bo
Sending for that city hard us they could go. counted on to do without appreciable Haw.
Ducll had hastened through, lenvlng ! Without ceremony, too, had they done to
Thomns to command n day or two, then bid- death many n man along their blazing front,
ding him follow. Thomas had turned tho .but this ceremonious shooting of n fellow
sltuntlon over to Neglcy and hurried nway soldlor In cold blood, was another matter,
with Ms lino division, nnd still a great force Ono colonel, reining nbout, gave tho com
vns loft to hold this vitally Important state 'mand attention to his grnvo-faced Hue.
capital, and tho eyes of all men wcro turned Tho other two followed suit, and military
northward wntchlng for tho first sign of tho propriety, so far ns ,thcy woro concerned,
tremendous struggle that must ensue the I had been observed, it wns tho escort Itself
moment llrngg could bo brought to bay. 1 that seemed uncertain, uud tho column
And In thoso days thero drooped alone, np-j halted. Then tho staff officer and tho pro
parently deserted ot tho world and forgot- vost mnrshnl rodo together nnd compared
ten, save for his sentence, the young soldlor I notes und opinions, but nono of tho throo
whoso loyalty was costing him his lite,
Tho ono wish ho hnd expressed savored
too much of tho melo'drnmntlc to find favor
with the general In command, yet there
hnd over seen tho like beforo, and tho modo
of procedure wns not prescribed In tho tac
tics. Just ono thing the provost marshal
knew, and that was, In case tho firing party
vas method In It, for Holt hnd reasoned , initeu, through nervousness or dollbernto
that, whllo Mnlloy might not Hln61i at false design to kill the condemned man, It would
iiwearlng, now that he had either to swear .bcecmo his duty to finish him with the
fnlsoly or admit that his ruport of tho nf- Pistol, and tho provost marshal wns won
fair In the first place wns largely untrue; derlng what his wifo nnd children nnd fel
till, ho might, probably would, lack tho Jlow-cltlzeus ot Chicago would think of hliq
rorvo to glvo tho word that Bhould stretch ns n" amateur caicrait, and prayed to Ood
his rival dead nt his fret. Holt did not
know that only to nn officer of tho provost
mnrshnl was such unwolcmno duty assigned,
nnd that under no circumstances would It
bo saddled on a material witness, Notified
that his request could not bo granted, lo
naked that at least Lieutenant Mnlloy
nbould bo required to the execution.
Even that ordeal might be too much for him
nnd pronjpt him nt tho Inst moment to eon.
the volley might sparo him and not the
Then tho senior staff officer bado the
drums nnd llfes strike up ngaln and follow
him, Ho led them twenty yards hoyond
the gaping pinutli In tho faco of tho field,
(lied them to tho left, tho escort followed,
nnd presontly hp hnd them In lino again,
their backs to 'tho center regiment, tho
grave In their front, nnd beyond thorn, COO
fess tho truth, but Mnlloy had been cent yards nwny, tho upward slopo of tho Over
with tho other witnesses In haste to Join ton rldgu to stop such bullsts na might
their regiment, mnrchltiK with McCdok to.oludo tho living target. The wagon, too,
tho resruo of Louisville, Sheridan, too, 'reined to ono sldo, tho huggy followed, tho
they told him, wns now nt tho head of ajchaplalu, with brimming eyes, stepped
oner plMsoEtop this way?" raid tho provost
marshal. "Right hero yes, that's right,"
for the condemned soldier, cnlmly removing
ui3 cap, nad taken tho position of nttcn
ucn t rend Just yet," whispered tho
mnjor to tho nsalstnnt adjutant general,
who, sitting very high on his horse, nnd
clearing his throat, was glancing nbout nt
ino tnreo reglmentul lines, ns though won
dering If ho wns expected to make them nil
hear, and yet sit facing tho prisoner. In
tho cuff of his gnuntlet wns tucked a cony
of tho fateful order, and ho wanted to got
wirougn witli Ills part of tho business as
quickly as possible. Then ho could rtdo off
baclt of tho brigadier anywhero out of
sight or seeing. Rut the provost had be
thought himself of another thing. Ono of
tho twelvo rifles told off for tho execution
would bo charged with only a blnnk enr
trldgo, cloven with ball. Ono man wai
destined to flro a harmless shot. No man
was to know which. Any man might, but
for tho kick, perhaps bollovo that bin was
tho blank, and that, therefore, he hnd no
part In tho sad work. Rut how woo this
loading to bo accomplished without their
knowing? This was something tho major
realized ho should hnvo thought of beforo
Here, silent and somber, In lino, stood tho
firing squad. There, huddled about the
wagon, wcro tho guards with their sergeant.
An Idea occurred to tho officer: Tho rllles
could bo loaded by tho guard whllo tho con
demned innn wns facing tho adjutant gen
cral nnd listening to tho long order that
presently was to end his rarthly enrccr.
Then gunrds and firing party could tempo
rarily exchange. "Go ahead, captain,"
whlsporcd ho, "rend tho order." And,
glancing nbout him at tho dull bluo ranks
of thu slcnt square, tho stalt officer again
cleared his throat nnd nervously began.
With tho first fnlterlug words tho clouds
thnt hnd for n tlmo retained their tenrs,
began again slowly, but heavily, to weep.
iwo or tnrco Dig drops pattered on tho
paper already shuklng In tho bfficer'H hand.
Holt, unbound, unfettorcd still, but bare
htnded, stood calmly, sudly nt attention, his
dark uyes fixed upon tho render's face.
Tho gray-halrcd chaplain had stepped for
ward nnd placed himself ollcntly by tho
sldo of tho condemned man. A young
officer, tho aide-de-camp who hid borno
tho gonernl's mcsaago to him, had an
nounced his Intention ot standing by his
comrndo of cadet days, but unaccountably
ho had failed to appear. "'I don't blamo
him," thought tho chaplain, an ho looked
upon tho solemn preparations. Off to ono
Bldo, beyond tho wngon, tho provost marshal
hnd moved tho firing squad, nnd they wero
stacking nrms. With palo. uwe-strlckon
faces, tho drummer boys stood gazing nt tho
prisoner nnd listening In bowllderment to
tho long technicalities of chargo and speci
fication as tho reader proceeded. Two offi
cers with green sashes under their walnt
boltn had como forward from tho cast sldo
cf tho square, saluted tho provost marshal
and Joined tho group nbout tho wagon,
which had been moved n dozen yards back
of tho grave, so that the entlrn brigade,
drawn up to witness tho last ceremony nnd
profit by the sntne, could to tho last man
have unobstructed view. All oyes scomod
fastened on Jhe llttlo group In front of that
freshly turned henp of earth nnd tho bare
plno box beside It tho mounted reader, tho
two silent llstenors. Rehlnd the adjutant
genornl. n few paces retired, sat In saddles
his comrades of tho staff. Rehlnd him fifty
yards away, nil Its mounted ofllcerB on tho
Hanks or In rear of tho fllo closers, stood
the center regiment. In tho gap botweon
its left Hank nnd tho band of tho eastward
battalton the brigade commander nnd his
otnfT and orderlloa wero grouped, and as ono
of tho lnttor rodo forward nnd tendered n
poncho to his chief and held his broad
brimmed black hat whllo tho general poked
his head through tho silt and settled the
rubber on his starred shoulders, nnot'hcr
horseman, a young staff offlcor, rode swiftly
In from the Franklin Plko tiiul sat In saddle
ut n salute as tho brigadier ngaln straight
ened up. Not n word was exchanged. Sig
nificantly the aide pointed to an official en
velope protruding from be.wecu tho second
nnd fifth button of his uniform cont. Sig
nificantly the general raised his gauntletcd
right hand and motioned toward tho somber
little group out m tho center of tho square.
Tho firing party had onco moro resumed
their nrms and stood at tho wagon nwaltlng
orders. The surceon. with long, folded
handkerchief In his haiul, had stepped up In
rear of the prisoner. It was tho bandage
prepared to blindfold his eyes, shutting out
for tho last tlmo tho blessed light of dny.
mu surgeons both, the provost marshal, the
associate staff ofllccrs, the chaplain, whose
arm began to tremble violently, guards, llr
lng party all save Norman Holt nnd tho
reader, now found themselves stnrlug nt n
new nrrlvnl, tho nlde-de-cnmp who enme
riding slowly forward and reined In Just a
little to tno left rear of his senior's stlrrtm
Solemnly tho ndjutnnt general rend the
Closing words: "The nroctcdlnns. find
Ings nnd sentence In tho foregoing caso of
rrivato Normnn Holt nro approved and the
sentonco will bo duly executed." Solemnly
he rend tho fateful order requiring that the
sentence bo carried out In the presence of
ns manj of tho garrison as could bo apartd
from their station, nnd when he dictated
tho general thought to havo no less than
a full division on tho spot. Solemnly
tho date nnd tlmo were announced nnd tho
provost mnrshal charged with the execu
tion of tho order, nnd with the Inst words,
tunuuuiiii in .injor uenorai ninnK, ii.
i'. .Nemo, assistant ndjutnnt general," tho
reader Blowiy folded his tinner, turned nn-1
bowed to tho provost marshal.
And then rodo two yotds farther to tho
front the ypung nlde-do-cnmp, touched his
enp nnd handed to his senior tho envclopo
thnt nestled In tho breast of his trim uni
form cont. Eagerly It wns grnspod.
Quickly It wns tern open. With eyes that
lighted with sudden Joy nnd relief ttnuttor.
able, the soldier read, nnd then tho vole
so choked nnd henrsc tho moment before,
mug out on tho misty nlr llko tho clnrlon
tone of tho stirring call he loved, nnd over
I ho sodden fields and away to the fog
wreathed ridges to tho south, tho thrilling
voice proslnlmed su thnt all men might hear
and know nnd thank Cod with hlra:
"Ami now tho commanding general di
rects mo to declare that tho prisoner stnnJa
pardoned and restored to duty by order of
tho president of tho United States."
"Oh. may (led Moss Abraham Lincoln!"
went up the cry from tho chnplnln's lips, rs
he clasped u reeling, swaying form In his
strong nnd teudcr nrms.
Tho long-expected campaign on Kentucky
soil had enmo nnd gone, much to tho dctrl
tnent of Kentucky uml tho betterment of
nobody. Many u. bravo life went out In the
crash of bntfe along tho Chaplin hills nnd
both commanding generals, Rragg and
Huell, wero thn losera by the Mi'-kless light.
Ertvig. who 1 1 : i 1 nci'il vrhni"itlv irerl to
inviido the state und promised that thm.
wmdM or ciitlmsiaaiic yoi,n htm jc.aiid
v-ould nock to IiIh standard, fell back Into
niieKsec, disgusted. Unreasoning hot mining: jhh adviser, prominent
umong them Dr. Holt. Iiu.l Insisted that
tile Mliflit ,.r ,!, u ..... ...
- ... ,. iinun'w a cross wnvlng
. ,..,um, uio uitio grass country was nil
.in wan needed to turn tho tide-. The In
vuders brought with them to Frankfort n
now governor and stute officers, there to bo
Installed In pomn nml , ,
- - - . ,. , nut IliU
"..unco Bi,s or siii-b division answered the
roar or their saluting cannon und shelled
ho nsplrnnts out of the stato house beforo
their KoutH hn,i ,ImQ ... ...,
thousand new rllles brought Rragg with
which to nrm thn young Kentucklims nnd
was In big luck to lm ni,i ..
i JF bad nerve conditions.
I SI nervousness weakness vk R
I Bl headaches dizziness M
I M sleeplessness loss of appetite W H
Hf . emaciation paleness II n
id SHI CQ&fivenAcc main in ha!t ! N
1 dfisnonrifinau ttfllnitaiinn 111 N
... . Ml
a Hudyan cures M I
k all druggists m I
1 1
IIia... I I- r
....... ,or uio KentuckiuiiH fnlte.l t,.
como to claim them, barring several Htnl
wnrt regimen tn In union bluo. Ilruve. brll
limit nnd admirably mipportcd by his corps
nnd dlvWon commanders, thn Rn,ni,nr.,
general hail been grievously misled by over-
. ............. nciuncKinns Wlthln IiIh runks
und In bitterness of spirit ho nbused the
ptute. declared It not worth lighting for
unil found that ho had not only left' the
"dark nnd bloody ground" more loyu' tlmn
when ho entered It. but had lost l.. ,nn,.i
(legreo tho confidence uud loyalty of ninny
of his gallant men. So far UH tho south
was concerned thn campaign was u failure
Ho fur us Kentucky wna concerned n i.n,i
cost her dear, for many an old homestead
in tho track of the battling armies lay In
ruins. And no fur as the union nrms wern
concerned they, too, hud Battered through
dissensions In high quarters uud no sooner
wero tho southern IcglotiH safuly back
In Tenncsseo than tho army of
tho Ohio. llttlo lamenting. either.
nnui JI4IU IK'UIl I11S mntlindtt uv,u
taken from tho man who made It
and given to nnothor. It la ono thing to
mold and make, to drill nnd dlsclpllno n
great command; It is another' to lead nnd
light It, as a long-suffering president and
commander-in-chief of tho land nnd sen
forceo of tho union hnd abundant reason to
know. Roth east nnd west and almnut nt
thu samo tlmo the nrmy of iho Potomac and
that of tho Ohio lost their old leaders and
wero launched Into bnttlo with a now.
Meanwhile thero hnd been opportunity tav
nany a cavaner son nf Kentucky to revisit
n confederate gray tho homo of his youth
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nnd love, and for ono brief fortnight Relle,
vlcw and Asholt. lying woll within tho
broad pathway of Hragg's invasion and to
tho cast of Ruoll's raclns column, nwoke
from tho lethargy of tho year and onco
moro rang with martial voices and soldier
rovolry. Onco more tho rejoicing host,
hastening bomownrd with tho nrmy, throw
open tho door and welcomed tho gallant
comrndes of his first-born son. 'yith eager
enthusiasm tho doctor had followed the
movements of Hragg'3 marching hosts,
novor for an Instant dpubtlng tho result,
nnd rallying nbout hltn tho old retain
ers, faithful oven In his exllo, ho
filled mnnor nnd stables with man nnd beast
from each successive division on Its north
ward way and lavished on oflleer nnd sol
dler, on mount nnd mule, tho best thnt
Ilellovlew atforded. Ho waited with mad
impntlonco tho announcement that Louls
vlllo had fallen beforo tho ndvnneo guard
nnd wus amazed to hear that Sill hnd whip
ped tho now governor, "tho only rightful
governor, suh." out of Frankfort, nnd,
worst! still, that Rragg wns falling bnck.
Ho listened to tho thunder of tho guns at
I'erryville, nt flrflt with wild elation, then
with hnrrowing doubt, for when nightfall
mmo tho dull booming died away and tho
roads began to choke with ambulances seek
ing shelter for wounded oflleers nnd men.
At midnight thero had como tn him a Una
enylng that already tho trains wero moving
away southeastward and It wns high time
for him to follow. What, Rragg beaten!
Kentucky abandoned! Ilellovlew again to
bo left to tho scant mercy of invndlng Ynn
kco hordes! "Ry heaven, It Is horrible!"
ho said. "1 will not go! I'll stay nnd
light! Where Is my son. my Henry?"
ho ucmnnded. "Send him to ino Instantly!
Say his father bids him como nnd fight for
urllcviow. Rragg Is n coward! Rtagg Is
u traitor! Rragg has betrayed us!" ho
raged. And tho young staff ofllccr who boro
from Oenernl Polk tho brief words of nd
ylro besought old Hnrklcsa to send at onco
for Dr. Woodrow ho dreaded an apoplectic
seizure and Woodrow camo and sought to
sooth nnd counsel, only nddlng to tho fury
of tho broken old squire. Not until tho
night wns nearly spent and tho cavalry de
tachment was rcsaddllng on tho lawn, was
ho induced to outer his cnrrlugo and bo
driven eastward. Kvon then It look strata
gem to bring It nbout. "You must got him
nway." said Woodrow. "If captured ho
will be dent to somo northorn prison, and
that will kill him." Tho mnttcr was set
tled by tho entry of ono of tho troopers
with a letter only Juat written on tho
kitchen tabln whllo tho host was raging in
tho library, but it was dated at Stanford, 7
p. m., and all it said was: "Major H. C.
Holt seriously wounded. Just brought In.
Come to hlni as toon ns possible" And was
signed "Polk, surgeon, (!. S. A." Reforo tho
dawn tho brokcn-splrltcd father was Jolted
away In tho old family carriage, behind n
pnlr of mules, Rollovlew's Inst remulnlng
horses hnvlng dUnppearcd when tho Holt.i
lied to Nashville and onco they had him
well within tho encircling forco of Rrngg'a
nlowly retreating column thero wns no turn
ing bnck, even when It was ascertained that
Henry hnd escaped without n scratch, and
that "Polk, Burgeon," was a myth. Then
tho doctor would gladly havo shot thn vllo
forper. but In his ngitntlon ho had left the
forgery on tho llbrury table, whoro Hark
Icss found It on tho following day, and
v. hero, two weeks later, ho laid It In tho
bends of a sorrowing young soldlor In union
blue Normnn Holt returned nt last to look
upon what was left of tho onco beautiful
and ovcr-belovcd homo.
Ills father iiguln gono! Illn brother ngaln
wounded, this tlmo seriously! His homo
dismantled, fences burned, lawn and shrub
bery dlsllgurrd by reckless bands nnd
trampling hoofs, outbuildings stripped, sta
bles, kennels and conch houso partially do
slroyed, whllo within doors desolation, If
not desecration, reigned everywhere! Wood
row and other old friends had packed up
books and pictures, silver, china nnd glnss
waro nnd for love of the Ilolta und In hopos
V of better days utored It a!l away In loyal
lofts nnd cellnrs. Rut tho noblo old furni
ture, tho carpets, tho curtnlns and hang
ings had nlreudy been sadly defneed, nnd
who could say what might happen noxt?
Sheridan's division, sorely hnmmored nt
Pcrryvllle, wns camping nil about It, rest
lug for a day on tho slow, westward march
to Howling (Irecn, whither Ruell directed
his column nfter escorting Rragg to Cum
lierland Gap, and Sheridan himself had
sept within Hellevlcw's walls nnd stntloned
sentries to see that no hnrm befoll It whllo
bin lighters tilled tho neighboring fields.
And with that snappy young division com
mander thoro rodo now as Inspector general
on his staff tho youthful nldo-de-camp who
had so befriended .Normun In the bitter
days of his trial and Incarceration at Nash
villo, who, next to tho old chnplaln, wus
thn first to wring bin hand and weleomo
him to life, to freedom, to new opportunity.
Hvcn In tho busy days of tho pursuit and
tho recuperation nfter Pcrryvllle, Bhcrldan
had found tlmo to listen to f'nptnln Ran
som's vivid account of that dramatic sceno
and of tho trial and tribulations thnt pre
ceded It, nnd now tho little Konernl'H sym
pathies wero fully aroused and his efforts
In Norman's behalf woro redoubled. An
order had earlier been obtulued granting
tho young soldier a month's furlojgh, for
by this tlmo his history, his high connec
tions and Ills Bufferings wero matters that
wero tho talk of half tho nrmy. Tho Kn
ynrts had opened tluir honpltiible doors to
him ut Ioulsvllle, despite the fnct. that al
ready they had threo wounded olllrera bo
netith their roof. Captain Rob, recovering
slowly, hud eagerly questioned their soldier
guest ns to nny IcnnwlPilgo h" might havo
concerning the Influence brought to bear
upon tho president. On this point Hnyart
sctmcd oddly Inquisitive A stern war sec
retary hnd declared such sentence must bo
c.citcd or a! I dlsclpllno fall. Hast nnd
west such sentences had been carried out
yet hero In tho eaao of Norman Holt, whero
tho evidence seemed conclusive, nt the lust
moment, tho great, the merciful, tho nor
rowing, r:i (Terlng, overweighted head of the
nation hud Interposed nnd pardoned. Who
could havo gained his ear?
It was something Norman himself grently
longed to Know Tho Lanes wero ngaln In
Cincinnati, so Mrs. Knyart had learned, and
thero tho major and Judge ndvocnto was
convalescing. Tho ItnyB had returned to
Lexington ns noon ns Hragg's forces foil
back and thoy heard of Knto Ray nobly,
assiduously laboring In tho hospitals, nurs
Ing our sick nnd wounded ours whether
bluo or gray. Knyart begged his mother to
wrlto and urgo their coming ngnln to Louis
ville and tho mother promised, but could
sho not minister to her only son without
nnother'B help? And, It thnt other enmo,
might not tho mother's hand, dear an It
was, bo no, no, not spurned, but set asldo
for tho soko of another? With unerring
oyes suo Hail seen signs nnd symptoms
In hor bravo boy that told their talo
almost beforo ho himself knew what thoy
meant. Kate was a fine girl, n noblo
girl, sho ndmltted, hut Rob was hor
all and how ninny n mothor thinks her
only son almost too good for almost
npy woman, when It la npt to be
Just the other way! Now, If Henry Holt
woro only loft wounded nt Lexington or
Hnrrodaburg, or somewhere how sultnblc
that might bo! Rob wns for having Norman
go to fetch them. They could be so much
moro comfortable than In Lexington, over
crowded ns It must bo with sick and
wounded. Rut Norman had been only twenty-four
hours within their gates when ho
Fet forth ogaln on matters of his own.
Reporting nt tho commanding general's ho
had received the necesenry pass nnd papers
to permit his visiting Rellevlow nnd had
gono forthwith. It woa hut a sorrowful re
minder of thu old homo iu which "young
tnarse" now modestly strovo lo do tho hon
ors to tho fiery, rentlcss, nattleHotiio divi
sion commander who had espoused his
cause. It was Htrango Indeed thnt ho, tho
younger son, anu still n private soldier
upon tho rolls, should welcome to Rolle
vlow, and then, seated in his father's ploce,
become tho host of n union general and his
staff. Tho civilian garb old Harkless
had carefully preserved for him needed
longer sleeves, yet hung loosely
about tho thinned flank, for suffering and
privation hnd sorely reduced him. Rut
hopo was again kindling his bravo young
oyes, for tho long withheld opportunity wns
coming. Sheridan had not nppealcd In vnln.
And then tho division went on Its west
wnrd way and only stragglers appeared for
soveral days at Rollevlew. Norman had
written at onco to tho Rays, apprising them
of his father's recent movements nnd of
Henry's serious wound, nnd begged them to
ascertain through friends nt Hnrrodsburg
whothor tho latter bad been left with other
woundod or carried along with Rrngg's re
treat. Woodrow, accused now of bolng
a southern sympathizer, with certain of
Asholt's citizens, had lied Tennesscownrd
until the union troops wcro onco moro
groupod nbjut Olasgow and along tho rail- !
way. And so It happened that thero wns
no ono to uhdccelvo Normnn during tho
few days ho remained at Rollevlew, packing
and storing such property ns might still bo
roscuod. The overseer know not how to
tront him. It wns understood nmong tho
townsfolk and tho nolghbors that Norman
stood disinherited, yet, with tho father and
eldor brother both nway, who to question
his nuthorlty? Among thu darkles, still
hovering nbout tho old homo, thero was
universal lovo for young Marso Norman,
and thoy woro eager to do his bidding,
Rut tho month would soon expire. There
was still n most Important matter to be
settled. Ho had written to Major Lane,
most courteously, yet pointedly, nsklng for
nn ncrnuiillng Ho felt that thero should bo
money coming to him from thu fow thoii
sands still left of his father's modest for
tune, but not for n year had Lano remitted a
dollar. Now money was needed for Hello
view and himself. Ho much disliked to lm
portuno, but It hnd to bo done.
Aud ho had waited ten days for tho roplj.
Nono came. Nono had been received ut
Loulsvlllo. nnd no tlmo was to bo lost. Nor
man decided on returning nt onco to de
partment headquarters and obtaining per
mission to go to Cincinnati. That night
canio a banging nt Hellovlow's door that
would havo waked sounder slenpcra than
Norman Holt. In tho moonlight without,
with pnntlng horses, stood a brnco of troop
ers. Old Harklcas shiifllod down and nd
mltted tho bearer of on olllclal looking let
ter, nnd Norman mot him at tho stairs.
"Thin wob forwarded to camp from
Rowling (Jreen, sir," snld tho orderly, with
n touch of his enp, "and tho colonel sent in
over with It, ns It was marked Immediate
and Important."
The blood (lew to Norman's face oven be
foro ho saw tho superscription. That "sir"
and the accompanying snluto told their
atory. Thu packet was addressed to Lieu
tenant Not man Holt, th Koutucky Volun
teer Infantry, caro commanding general
Rleventh division, and It was hard to re
press tho gasp of dollght with which ho
read it. An olllcer at laBt! and, best of nil,
with a regiment from his own beloved
stnto! Who but Sheridan could hnvo done
this? How could ho stilllclcntly thank him-'
Ho toro open tho pnenet, and thero wns tho
prized commission a first lieutenant's, too
all duly signed und sealed, nnd with It
wero other missives: Ono from Ransom,
whoso handwriting ho know nt onco, and
therefore opened It first. "Tho general bldn
mo send this, with his henrty congratula
tions, to which I beg leave to add mine,"
wroto tho young captain. "Ho hud a chaneo
to speak to tho governor. McCook bneked
him up In his blg-lioarted way, and ttiu
thing was done.' It's n bully regiment, too,
and most of Its oflleers nro gentlemen to
whom your mirao Is well known. Seo tho
mustorlng oflleer In Loulsvlllo quick ns you
can, and ut tho expiration of your thirty
days' Icavo report at or enrouto for Nash
ville. Oddly enough you will bo brigaded
with your old comrades of tho th Ohio,"
In tho samo brigade was tho old regi
ment! To meet day nfter dny, ns oquula
nnd associates now, the ofilcors whom
h had been wont to greet with such
doforonco nnd soldlorly show of respect'
Above all, to meet Malloy, no longer his
superior to moot him on tho snmo plnno'
Norman's eyes blazed, his hands clinched
nt tho thought. Rut first, ho wns mas
ter ut Ilellovlew. and standing In his
father's stead. "Harkloss, seo tn It that
a hot supper Is got ready for threo at
onco and show tho ordorllus whero they
can stable their horses. You shall have
tho best we'vo got, but tho war ban played
havoc with Rallovlcw."
Ho wns nlono when he opened tho noxt
letter a queer looking affair at best,
but filed to tho brim with loyal and
nffi'cllounto greeting. It wus from old
Oaffnoy, who had been irmong tho first to
get tho news nnd shout nloud In his Joy.
"Just wa'nt tho boys bo proud when I
tell them!" wroto ho. "Aud I'm going on
tho mliuitn I finish this. Sure wnnn't It
blessed luck that brought mo to Sheridan's
hoadquarterH when tho mall got In! Wo II
havo you closo by ub, Norman, my lr.d, and
bodnd I'll seo to It Malloy doern't get
away till you como to pull the noso of Win.
What d'yo think, Norman, will ho try to
quit? 0, that reminds me. You know
thoy'vo sont young Lano back to tho com
pany nt Loulsvlllo when wo went through
boforo Pcrryvllle (that wo only honrd from
boyunt Harrodsburg bad scran to If)
ond when Mnlloy would havo coddled him
and kept him out of tho ranks, I sot him
to drilling ngaln. Ho wnB novor cut out
for n soldier, that boy. Ho was nothing
but a ne'er-do-well anyhow. They put him
on wagan guard on tho march over from
Crab Orchnrd and bcdml, when ho answered
to his namo at Cnvo City ho wasn't thero
at all nt all, Rrennun, who was too oleic
and left back nt Oroensburg. said ho enmo
tn nnd got $5 off of him nfter tho wagons
went through, and now ho's dropped as a
deserter, with his own fnthor ordored for
duty us Judgo advocuto of the Department
of tho Cumberland. I'm thlnklu' that boy
makes nothing but troulilo for everybody "
(To bo Continued.)
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