8 "Arc You Alive" to tho fact Unit rlKlit hero In Omaha wo tinvo olio of tho largest creations of Amor lean cntcrnrlHo? a brewery whoso beer Is browed from tho choicest of hops and malt and tho ntircst of water, direct from their own artuHian wen. hucii is tno construction of tho famous Omaha nrowlnir Assocln- tion's llltio Illhl)on Beer, tho first and fore most of all tahto beers. To those who bavt never hnd tho opportunity to have thcso racts proven to tnom, order a cast at onco and you will bo u llfo-long con sumer or mis most inmous Devcrngo. Omatia Brewing Association. Telephone 12MO. DOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER I OMAHA 4 i Jntntn ile Arnica. Suvon Itxntifrlce IV Arnica. Artiii: .iihn Svlfc. Tbc Only International Dentifrice. rtie Standard for jo years. I'nwrvi-H anil whitens the teelli, strenKtliiwi ll n' utiutK HMcutiiiia ttid bruutli. JSC at All Druggists. C ll.dlKONl&CO.,lrops.,Chlcago,U.5.A. ;nrc by mum mall, full clrrtnlln flCI. clrrular.ot Itlooily'w 1 lll provril Tiillor Hyiitiii ol ri'nn nml 'Jiiriiioni Vu,,'"' Km im u to Dai K. '1 ha foundatior iulnclp.il ol sclcntllic Karnirnt. cut il"K aro taught so clf.ul and pro grtsaitrly lli.it any lady olordlnar) llliriHKCIll-c i rtil dually anil tj uivk ly l urn lu cut and make any Kr m.nl In nnv atvle. toanv meat urs lor I, mile, Children, Mrn nml Hoy a. Oarmenii guaranteed to hi penecuy wnn inir mi. A knovtlediro of the Moody System U worth a fortune to an) la.li. 'l'hmiaandaof euiert dreaamakm owe thrlr aurress to the Moody System AKents wamrd. MOOIlY tfc CO.. P.O.Box aiOO, 'JlBelanatl.O ICT IIC CTABT Vnill SIOO.OO lab I UO OINni IUUI MONTHLY Mold, MWer, Nickel and Metal I'latlaar. At h m. or ir.trllni. laktni .il.ra, uiIdi ao I hIIIdi l'rof. Gray's Machluea. risu W aiea.t. J.wtlry. ITabl.warr, Ul.yal.i, all n.ial soodi. I. iipert.a.. itt.Ty piau. a.w pmooa., 1W. do Dlaltai. ru.Dnra.tDr. eutlll.. all Illte. OuarantMd. Oolrootaueoaipi.i.. all lool.. lath... maurlsl, tie., rauy for work. Wa teaah Tou. rurBlih ar. la rirmuti.frrOi Write today. P.m'hlri,mi.l .le.KHKK. 1. UU.1V A CO., lUtln Works, CINCINNATI. O. Mra. Wlnalow'a NnoltitnK Syrup has been used for over FIFTY YEAHS by MILLIONS of MOTHKH8 for their CHIL DIUCN WHILE TKKTHINO. with PEP. FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all IA1N, nmucfl WIND COLIC and la the beat rem edy for DIAIIKHOBA. Sold by DruKclsts In evory part of the world, lie sure and u tnr "Mra. Wlnalow'a Soothlnr Byrun" and take no other kind. Twenty-five oents KfilRemington UMKl Highest Form of Aard, "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT" printer (tnr trv THE I STANDING UP FOR NEBRASKA , M , id tt- i. rrominont Bankor of Nebraska Pays HiRh ri,m1imn TT,.. t.,, n BANKERS RESERVE LIFE HIGHLY COMMENDED Mound I'rlneliilc'N, Conxervut lv- .M1111- nKt'iiicut nml l'rotuut l'liymcnt of All UIiiIiiim CoiiiiiinmlH Hiiiiiort of Loyal NelirimkiiiiN, Headers of The Hco will doubtless recall a dispatch from Norfolk, Nub., under data ot January 1 announcing tho accidental donth of 1'. L. Uuhmann, who was killed by tho prcmnturo explosion of n mortar, with which n party of young men wcro celo hratlng tho advent of tho now century. Young Uuhmann, who was only 21 years ot ago, had only recently returned from tho Philippines, whero ho served as a voluntcor In tho Thirty-ninth Infantry. On Decem ber 14, 1000, only eighteen days prior to his death, young Huhmnnn had Insured his llfo In tho Hankers Iteservo Llfo association ot Omaha for $2,500.00, tho policy being made payublo to his futher, Mr. C. F. Huhmann, president of thu Cltlzons' Stnto bank of Creston, Neb. Tho policy was a twenty- pnyment option llfo, No. 2 tin, upon which tho nnnunl payments wero $C8.7f, tho llrst f which hod been paid when tho policy wns Issued. Proofs of death wero mailed to tho homo olllco of tho Honkers' Heservo Llfo association on January 9, and tho fol lowing lottor, under dato of January 10, shows that tho claim was paid at onco: C. F. HUHMANN, II. P. HUHMANN, President. Cashier. CITIZENS' STATE HANK. CHKSTON, Neb., Jnn. 10, 1001. Hankers Heservo Llfu Association, Omaha, Nob. Gentlemen: I deslro to ncknowledgo recolpt of your check for twenty-flvo hun dred ($2.li00.C0) dollars, In full settlement of my claim as beneficiary under policy No. 244R, In tho Hnnkcrs Heservo Llfo Associa tion of Oninhn, Issued .to my only son, I'otor L. Uuhnianu. Ho received this policy December 14, 1000, wnB nccldontlly killed by tho prcmnturo ex plosion of gunpowder In n mortar whllo colebratlng tho dawn of tho nuw century, wns Insured for only eighteen dnyB' time. Proofs of this claim wero ninlled you Janu- ary 9. Your cheek of sniuu ditto for amount of policy Just received In settlement shows tho claim was approved Immediately on recolpt of proofs, payment being nrndo by return mall. I hnvo no hesitancy In recommending my friends to Insure In your most worthy company, slnco your nctlon In tho lmmo dlnto settlement of this nml other claims Is tho best poBBlblo evidence of tho vnluo of patronizing homo companies, to which I nm pleased to lend my support. 1 hopo your compnny will receive tho liberal patronngo and support to which It Is enntllled from tho citizens of this stato who bollovo In standing up for NobrnBka. Yours vory truly, C. F. HUHMANN. Tho abovo story carries moro than ono leBson to tho thoughtful render. For one thing It serves to lllustrnto tho mutnblllty of human llfo. This young mnn wns but 24 yenrs of ago, his physical examination wns satisfactory nnd thoro wns ovory ren- son to bollovo that mnny yenrs of usefulness wero heforo him. And yet denth camo to him without wnrnlng, stcnllng upon him llko an assassin of tho night. There wns no tlmo to settle tho nffnlrs of llfo, no time to nuiko provision for loved ones loft behind, nnd still ho wns In a mensuro pro pared. His policy for $2,ti00,00, In n sound homo compnny, for which ho paid tho small sum of (i8.7fi, wns worth 100 cents on tho dollnr and equnl to coin gold. Thoro wns no delay, no quibbling over Insufficient proofs of denth, no attempt to escapo pay ment upon a technicality. Tho promlum wns pnld to a homo compnny, nnd, with ether premiums received nt tho snmo tlmo, It wns Invested In Ncbrnsko securities, and tho loss wns pnld out of Nebraska funds to n Nebrnsknn. And this Is tho whole history of n great and growing homo conv pnny, tho Hankers Heservo Llfo Assncln tlon of Omnhn. President Hoblson believes Hint truo pros perity begins nt homo, that tho resources of tho stnto must bo conserved nnd tlint tho enormous amount of llfo Insurnncn premiums nnnunlly sent to nllen compnnles should remain nt homo nnd seok Investment In tho stnto. Upon this prnctlcnl theorv, tho nnnkers Hesorvo has been a iihrnrm,niil success. Its business under tho ngpresslve nnd yet eonservntlve mnnngo mrnt of President Hoblson lins nundrupled within tho Inst year. Nearly $3,000,000 In surance Is now In force, evory loss hns boon promptly pnld nnd tho company does not owe n slnglo dollar of Indebtedness. Loynl Nobrnsknns ovorywhoro nro proud of this record. They npprovo of a sound nnd con sorvntlvely managed homo compnny, and renllzo that Its success menns their pros prrlty and tho continued growth nnd do volopment of Nchrnskn and the west. ILLUSTRATED BEE. World's Oldest Novels Whero may tho oldest written literature of tho world bo found 7 Tho philosophers of tho eighteenth contury answered, "In China." In tho throo first quarters ot our contury, says tho Literary Digest, tho honor wns snatched from tho "Mlddlo Kingdom" nnd India wns proclaimed tho crndlo of literature. Then enmo tho Egyp tologists with rent texts, and not merely with hypotheses, nnd, as was shown by an Interesting lecturo recently dollvercd by Prof. Ettoro Pnls beforo tho Philological club ot Naples and published In Flcgrca, tho claim for Egypt Is now Incontestable. As tho subject of his lecture, Prof. Pals choso tho romances which nro found on many nn Egyptlnn papyrus and which nro considered to bo thirty centuries old nt lenst. Tho Pharaohs kept story tellers In pormancnt employ, whoso duty It was to Invont now stories, fairy talcs and talcs of ndvonturo ns Improbnblo as possible Wo possess twenty such stories, found In tho courBo of excavation mada during tho last ton yenrs. There will bo ero long, for mod orn rendors, a voluminous Egyptian lltora turo of romance Of tho twenty novels al ready published, most belong to tho Inter val 2000 to 1000 B. C. (twelfth to eighteenth dynnsty). Ono of tho lntest of tho novels treats of tho chaste lovo between Nlnus nnd Semlrn mls. In nnothor novel, Slrcno Pnrthonope nd young Metlochos speak of lovo, and oth deny thnt they have over been Its vic tim. Motlochos departs, as cold as ho camo; Pnrthcnopo observes thnt she Is on tho point of loving him passionately, and ns sho does not wish to expose herself to tho dnngcr of being obliged to rcnounco her vestnl condition," sho cuts off her hnlr nnd disfigures herself fnco, breast nnd arms In a frightful manner, In order to mnko It Impnsslblo for her to yield ngnln to the temptntlon of trying to plenso. Tho Egyptlnn novels nro written "demotl- nlly," In n handwriting tho, secrets of which nro ncccsslblo only nftor yenrs of tudy, nnd which, nftor tho Tlbetnn hand writing, Is certainly tho most difficult to eclphor. Only nftor five yenrs of persist ant work did Mnsporo succeed In trans lating nn Egyptlnn text that In nny Euro pean lniiRtingo would fill twenty ordinary pages. Tho learned gentlemen who dlscov- red thcso tnlcs for n long tlmo refused to consider thorn ns mere fiction. It wns tholr pinion thnt In tho lnnd of tho Pharaohs ovorythlng must hnve boon hierarchic. In tho year 18 10 an Egyptologist found In Thebes n pillar on which was related that In tho tlmo of King Hnmcscs II (Sesostrls) tho princess of Unkhtan wns molested by nn ovll spirit, from whom sho could bo re leased only when tho stntuo of tho god Kohnson wns bnnlshed temporarily. Tho savant dcclnred that all that could bo based only on historical fact, and Hlrch nnd Hougo shnred his vlow. Not till tho yenr 1883 did Ermnn provo elenrly that tho story was a mero romance. He Had to Sing It Ill the old dnyB when ocean voyages wore long nnd tedious, relates tho Cleveland Plain Denier, nn Incident occurred on board a ship hailing from Boston nnd bound to Calcutta which caused overy old "web- foot" between Enstport, Mo and Capo Sable to hold his sides to keep himself on an "ovtn keel." Tho otory concerns two of tho crow named "Joo" nnd "Hnrnabas." Ono dny, aftor the ship had been nt sea some weeks nnd wnB rolling lazily along, Harunbns, who was aloft on tho foreynrd, found It necessary to lay out on the leo yardarm, whero he lost his hold nnd tumbled overbonrd, Joe. tho only witness of tho nccldent, rushed nft to tho quarterdeck to report It to tho "old man" ns they nlwnys call tho captain when ho don't henr 'cm nnd found that worthy leisurely pacing fnro nnd nft, with tho trumpet resting In tho hollow ot his nrrn. To cimpllcntn tho situation Joo wns an nwful stutterer nnd with terror depleted nn his countenance commenced to tell or rather to try to tell what had happened. "Ha bo ha ba f f f ," but do all ho could tho end (if his tongue would not part compnny with his lower Jaw. Tho cuptnln, knowing by Joe's look of consternation thnt "something was In the wind," or In tho wator, and nlso knowing thnt tho generality of stammering pcoplo enn sing without stuttering nnd that Jon. was no exception to the rule, yelled out nt him: "Sing It, you dnrncd fooll fling It!" Joo Immediately tuned up Improvising both wordB nnd music: Overbonrd wont Harnnbns Half a mile astern of nut Thnt settled It; tho ship wns "hnvo to," u beat In rhnrgo of the unite wns lowered nwny nnd after a long pull, a strong pull nnd n pull all together lliirniilms was picked up none tho worse for lih Involuntary both. Doing His Best Ho wus a poor but honest worklngmnn an his way home In a Hrimdwny ear, rotates tho Louisville Commercial. As tho car proceeded dawn town It was filled with passengers and soon thu alslo wus crowded, somu swinging on tho strnps. Tho laborer got up from his sent, touched his hnt and motioned to a well dressed lady to take It. "Don't lot mo doprlvo you of your sent, my poor man," sho sold. Ho touched his tint and again replied: "Oh, take It; that's all right. No depravity at all, woman, no dopravlty at all," and ho wondered why everybody smiled. DON'T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. Many ladles and gentlemen who cannot complain of any kind of sickness aro ab normally thin and cannot And any medical trcntmont which will correct this condition. Dr. Whltnoy's Nervo nnd Flesh Builder Is not alono Intended for thoso who aro sick, but nlso for thoso who nppcar well and hearty, but cannot acqulro sufficient flesh to round out tho form. In dyspepsia, Indiges tion, all stomach troubles, debility and norvous dlsoaBco no remedy la so prompt and powerful. In order to demonstrate tho wonderful merits of Dr. Whltnoy's Nervo nnd Flesh Builder overy person who will address tho C O. Jones Co., Elmlra, N. Y., will rccelvo a large trial packago in plain sealed wrapper absolutely free. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. profusoly Illustrated showing nil tho styles nnd leathers tho famous REGENT SHOES aro mndo up In. Wo gunrnnteo tho fit, styles and tho quality of leather to be tho equal ot tho shoes you havo always paid $5.00 and $6.00 for. Our prices $2,50 and $3.50 shoes for men only. REGENT SHOE CO. 205 South 15th. OMAHA. Write for Illimtriiti'il CiiinliiKiie Frc Swansdown,.,. Prepared Cake Flour Makes Delicious Angel Food nnd other Cakes, If you 11'.: e dellclouB rake, write us the NAME OF A LEADING GROCER and wo will send you, KHEH, our book, "CAKE SECHETS," now re cIpeB nnd Ideas In cako making; will enable you to serve tame vory attrac tive nnd delicious dainties In your home. Address IGLEHEART BROS. K NVII,I,I2 - . IMM.l.W. Department C. maitlsfDo You Want a in a Piano? W hv hundrtdi of Urrlfht PUnoi rtlurnH from renting by rtoni moving which roust tx dUMt of tl oru Mwtrniiul tula room for them In our altiroui. Then lUiHf Includo hUln)i,KnaUi, Klichtri(Kttrlliiginlothtr tll known totlei. Many of Mi iu cannot diitliiiculitied Aotu itwr, tt all are ofltrrd at an normoui dUcount from I rc aihtin nw. UprlliU ai low 1 100, Vary ray lenui of paymant ta rllalI rtni. It would irottify roit aout I) fur f ralght to hav una of thtit jilanoi ihijid to you, Nw Urgt tlia mahogany piano, with mandolin atUchoitnt, $ ITS. Mnt anywhar on aaiy j-aymtnU. Writ at one for com let Hat and full particular!. You can tnaiaa great avlngby cur lug your clano (rou ui. Every (lano warranted tiartly at rep retfutad. LYON X MEALY, VI A da ma St . l'ulcao. The World' 9 Largest Xu$io outf. THE HAIR TELLS ALL If Sick send a lock of your lialr.immi'.nuc. ox nud 4 eta. In stamps and 1 will dlaicnnso your case FIlKK ami tell you what will cure your allmrnts. Adcire as Or. J. C. Batdorl, Dept. i Grand Rspldi. Mich. (t DON'T BORROW I Send w for H Free Et Cata V loguc SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END- .Tnmiary 20, 11)01. All the I.nillcM Ent Gold Medil Chocolate Bon Bons Ily Expreaa, 1,2, .'I nml 5 pound Iioxen, Mlc n pound. W. S. Balduff, l.-.IS-'-IO Ftiriittui St.. OiiiiiIiii, Nfl. Brewed and Bottled at Home, Metz Beer For the Home Trade. NEARLY every one nppreclntes n good beer for ono renson or an other. Mnny lead ing physlclnns pre scribe It regtilnrly whero a tonic or stimulant Is needed, and a good mnny people like It nnd uso It as n beverngo, without waiting for tho ndvlco or con sent of nnyono on enrth. And there nro ns mnny different brnnds of beer ns there nro ronsons for drinking It good, bnd, nnd Indifferent. Wo mnko only one brand of bottled beer tho best brnnd thnt time, expe rience, pure hops nnd selected bnrley enn produce. We would like to hnve your opinion of this home brew. Nenrlv nil denlers hnndlo It now. ARE YOU WITH US? Tol. 119. Metz Bros'. Brewing Go. OMAHA. ILERS PURE MAIT WHISKEY rForOenriefoIKJ Purity above Suspicion Sold by druggists and Deafcrj. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY, OMAUA.U.S.A. Ulndstono ttroa,, Agents, uniuna. SEEDS. PLANTS, ROSES, Hull,., Inra, Mii-uba, Fruit unit Ornuiiifiitul 'I rt-ra, '1 lis liejt bi t? ear tout, Kill acres, 40 In Hardy ltnea, O Ureen' liou.ua of Plum, and Ever bloaminii Koum, Mall alia poatiiuld, aafa arrival Kuuriin teed, try ua, our kooiI. uill plea.B you and dlrrct deal will avn ion money. Write for raluahle ratiilnKtie, free, Ths I'lorrs ft Harr inn Co., 1! x .110 PuIlK'.i Ilk-, Ohio. SasBO TROUBLE." BUY. t a bottle.