ft THE OMAHA DATLT SATt'TlT) AT, JAVATIT IP. 1001. mmx mil" .mkvm i.nn I'AM's rise. .mijvs 9:1.1x1 vAxrn, 151.no $ 1 50 Pair,for 4 HOYS' r.OC 1'ANTS, ittt. 1101 ' 91 o vnitc OATS, $1.11.1. HOYS' l2.M SUITS. Ifll.UA. hoys' gn.oo si its, 9a.n0. 75 pair for f men's pants w worth $1.50 19c pair for boys's knee panls,w'lli50c $125 for boys' cape overcoats worth $4.00 for boys' knee pants suits, w'th $2J $050 forbos IIIUI i )UIMS worth S3 pair WIIX HIIIIS. suits.w'th $5 Many suits in ihiB lot nro worth more than $3. They nre nil made of very choice materials, nicely finished and perfect IUHur pnrments spe chil sale prlco $2.ri0-slzcs up to 10 yenrs. The fabrics arc fine chovlotn every jmlr Is welt mndo nml Ills perfectly. You'll fin. I nil hIzph lu the lot. $1.."0 vii I lies for "oc. This lot consists of flue worsteds ttntl eassltneres, extra well tiintlc, perfect lit tliif.'. nil sizes. 5H.0O values nt $1.00 a pnlr. The materials are cas- shneres. cheviots, etc, nil sizes, every pnlr well ninilc they are extra piort wearing qualities COc vnlues, 10c. There are also a num ber of ulsters Included In tin lot. Kvery pirinpnt I worth more thnn doulno our snlo price up to ?1 values, for l.'Jo These suits aro all mndo of very Rood qunlltj cnsslmeres, cheviots, plnlds, etc., nil sizes well mndo pir ments ?i!.G0 vnlues for $1.23. $J25 HALF-PRICE CLOTHING SALE We've cut the prices on winter clothing again. Do you realize what that means? When we are determined to do a thing we do it. Just now we are determined to dispose of our enormous stocks of winter clothing nnd the reductions we have made would seem incredible to the majority of the people. Consider the number of very fortunate purchases we have made this season. Consider how great the values were that we offered. Now consider how great these values must be after such great reductions. We advertise this as a Half-Price Sale, but that's hardly doing the values justice. Come and see them, if economically inclined, you'll profit by them. Clearing sale of Cloaks & Furs All Winter Giirinctits Sacrificed SSfo. Ladies' hno fur Collarettes, ex tra well lined, Eomo tab fronts trimmed w i t h tails, worth up to $7.50, for $ 3 $KOO 2.98 $198 for Ladles' SIO Tailor Made Milts. Thld Is 11 sensational olTor and Illus trates how determined we. nro olenr out winter goodri. $150 cepl $350 l or $5.00 Golf Capes. Mndo w I t h roverslblo llouuco and hood--an cx- ccpllonul value. for Ladles' $15 Jack ets. Silk nnd stitin lined garments. C01110 and fcco them nnd you will marvel at their cheapness, YEL for Men's $7.50 Suits - In this lot you'll And black elay worsteds, gray tricots longs, lancy twills and cassi- mores. All perfect fitting garments, new styles. for Men's $10 SuitsIn cluding elegant striped and checked worsteds, fancy cas simores and cheviots very desirable patterns. These suits are strictly all wool and are cheap at 10 our special sale price is but half that figure. for Men's $15 Suits At this price wo are offering very lino cheviots, and fancy worsteds, all neat and nobbv pnttorns. Also French and German clay worsted suits, lined with line satin throughout, and lino oxford vicunas. Its a I splendid assortment and tho values aro phcnomonal. for Men's $20 Suits This lot includes csoino of the very finest ready-to-wear garments made. You'll find tho name of America's foremost makers on tho lahol. Thoy nt perfect and nro dccldcdlv modish. Como nnd chooso from thin superb lot und tmvu a $10 bill. We arc selling nil the men's finest suits, thnt sold for $22.50 and $25.00, for $12.50. $50 10 lined. for Ladles $25 Jackets of astrakhan and electric seal. Stylish and hand somo pnrments, extra well 98c for Children's $:.50 Jackets. Somo in tho lot aro worth 43.00 and others but, $!f0. They nro all hip values. no $00 Men's $5.00 Suits for Cf) There are small sizes only in P ' J -J w this lot sizes (33 to 30 Largo boys and small men will find here an unusual bargain. Manv suits aro worth considerably moro thnn $.1. 00 thoy nil fro for $2.50. Tho matorlnls nro fancy Scotch and choviot, mixtures and fino cassimoics. Men's $10 Overcoats for- Mado of choice coverts and union beavers all well lined elegantly tailored and trimmed. Thoro arc all sizes In tho lot also lino Irish I'riozo Ulntors ilO.OO ones for $5.00. Men's $15 Overcoats for Fine meltons, kerseys and oxford gray choviots all splendid lined perfect fitting and stylish looKlnc carmjnts. All slzo. You can't afford to overlook this exertional opportunity. Men's $20 Overcoats for These overcoats are made of lino imported cloths, such as kerseys, meltons, etc. They are very stylish and dressy, and fit perfect. The trimmings aro equal to those used for merchant tailored garments all on sale for $10.00. Come and choose from the finest overcoats ever produced by America's foremost mutters for $12.50. '1 hey are worth up to $25.00. no Clearing sale of Wool Hosiery 1 Kh, Ladies' all Wool Hose Plain and heavy ribbed, full soam- joss, v o r y nno quality, :i5o values clearing price 15c Misses', children's nnd boys' nil Hosiery, II hp and heavy rtlibcd, nil hups, 33o kind clrarlnK sale prlco , wool 15c 50c Leggings 19c pair. 19c 75c Night Gowns 39c 39c Ladles', misses nnd chlldren'H heavy knit Wool Leggings, nil sues, COc vnlues clcnrlng prlco Women's Outing Flannel Night Gowns a cholco variety of patterns, made full size, nil sizes, 73c vnlues, for $298 for Children's $0.50 J.ickcts. All tho finest mutorliilH, extra well mndo, choicest styles. Ladies' $5,00 Shoes at $1.98 a pair. Saturday we place on sale on main floor all the odd lots of women's finest shoes, in cluding tans, vici kid and patent leathers, in but ton and lace you'll find all sizes and all widths in the lot. Thoy are worth up to $5 a pair your choice of the .entire lot at Men's $5.00 Shoes at $1.98 a pair. The reason this offer is so extraor- ( . , . , - , 1 1 111 ..- . . -. rt w A rvf r CI uinary is oecauso you n iinu any aiyiv ui inou o $ 98 shoo that you desire in this lot, besides thoro aro all sizes. Como nnd choose from thefro patent Iratlicrs. (In 1'0 and liilttoti). box calf, enamrl. mid Irnthcr lined tnim, at J1.0S n pair. Thi'lr actual values nuiKO from $3.13 to $0 a pair. So you nro bound to Htrlko n big bargain no matter how you chooso. Those nre nn sale on main floor on bar gain square. $198 $1.50 Gloves for 59c Women's highest grade Kid Cloves, In b!ack nnd colors these uro alt llnest qual ity goods worth up to $I.K0 n pair all sizes clearing prlco 59c 50c Child'n's Toques 25c Children's all wool Toques, In nil colors, actual fiOc values nlso incn'n nnd boys' caps, worth Mr, go Saturday for 25c WILL NOT TACKLE CHICAGO American Asiociation Substitutes Dotroit for Windy Oity. TAIL TO LEAGUE CLUB IN PHILADELPHIA :n liiui(ic of I'lncr Mnilo 1' Wlilcli Mlraiitc. fiim-l mill inrvln J lu iv York In I'SipIiiiiihk ' .luck Dojlc. NUW YOHK, Jan. 18. The promoters ot tho new bnse ball association met the ar bitration board of the National league at. tho Fifth Avcnuo hotel today. As a result of tho advlco given to tho now magnates by the solons, they went back to the Hotel Harlborough tonight, mndo a fow Important changeH In their original plans us to tho circuit, effected a permanent organization nnd began work on a constitution. Tomor row tho promoters will onco moro appear before tho national board, sign tho na tional agreement, secure protection nnd then elect ofllcers. Two Important changes In the proposed circuit were mndo after today's session. An n result tho American association will not have a team In Chicago. Tho mag nates of the new organization decided to tnke In Detroit Instead. Tho other change will bo lu tho management of tho l'hlla dolphla team. II. K, Nllos will bo tho con trolling power In tho 1'hlladolphln party In stead of II. K. Koch, tho man originally selected by tho magnates. Mr. Koch Is to have tho Detroit franchise. In the change ot arrangements In Phila delphia tho big magnates Issued their llrst rebuko to tho new association nnd for a time It looked ns though them would bo erlous trouble over tho matter. Whllo tho magnates refused tu discuss the trouble tonight. It Is said thoy went Into Cures Asthma Do you know what it is to have the asthma? Or have you ever seen one suffer with it ? The hard struggle for air, the spasmodic breathing, the nights spent in the chair, all tell a story of terrible suffering. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainly cures asthma; also bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Three sizes: ZSc, 50c, SI.CO. If your driipglit cannot (uppljr you, tend ut nno dolUr anil will cxprrit large bottle to you, ill charuM prilt, Po ittro and Five ui your Learcit rxprrtt offlc. Addrctl, J, C. AYIR CO. of -11, Man. the meeting with the national board with tho firm Intention of Insisting that Mr. Koch should have tho Philadelphia fran chise. At tho very stnrt they wero told thnt Colonel Hodgers would not hnvo a team In his bailiwick unless It would ngrec to play on his grounds and with II. K. N'lles at Its head. H was long after noon when tho asso ciation's committee met tho members of tho national board. Two members of tho national board, Messrs. Hart and Sodcn. were present. Colonel Rogers did not put In an appearance. Itouri-M AVIum III" Point. Kor n long tlmo tho two committees locked horns. Most of tho tlmo wuh taken up, It was said, In tnlklng over tho Phila delphia matter. The promoters of tho new concern wanted Koch and their own grounds nt Philadelphia. Shortly before 111 o'clock tho following Information wns given out by tho promoters of tho new association: The American usHOclatlon met ut tho Hotel Marlborough tonight and effected ft permanent organization. Permission to ur.o the name American association was granted by the National league. The fol'nwliik- circuit was decided upon: Washington, Haltlmore. Philadelphia and HoHton In the cast; Detroit, Milwaukee, Louisville mid Indianapolis In the west. After effecting permanent organization the members got to work on a constitution. They will then elect olllcers, Tomorrow the association will go before the national board and sign tho agreement und usk for protection Mr. Havener, who was to have bail the Chicago franchise, will go to Milwaukee and run tin- club there with II. I). Qulnn. Harry Pulllam wl'l have the Louisville franchise, WatkliiH will have tho Indian apolis team, while W. C. Hryan and Charles White will be ut the head of the Washing ton club. Arthur Irwin will be the man In KoHton. Hill Clarke, the lloston catcher, will be head man of the Haltlmore club. Clarke Is an o'd-tlme Haltlmore player, lie says ho lian ample backing. Clilcimo mill Sen York IHclinniie Men, While the magnates were doing buslneHN today a very Important deal was being con stimulated between the New' Vork und Chi cago clubs for u transfer of players. It was announced tonight as u 'deaf that Jack Doyle goes to tho Windy City lu exchange for Third Hasemau .Strang, I'lrst Hnsemau Cnnze) and Pitcher Cinrvln. The ileal was tlrst talked of nt the recent league meeting, but was not consummated until today. JOHNSON CONFIDENT AS EVER I'rcxlilcnt of (lie American I, comic .ol Crlirlitcncil hy ,rnly-nr-UllllUflt Oiionltloii, WASHINGTON. Jan. IS. President Pan Johnson of the American Haso Hall league. Judgo (loldmaii and John Mcfiraw ot Haltlmore ami Manager Manning of tho local club Itelil a meeting hero tonight, at which tho details relating to tho INItl more and Washington clubs wero satl fnctorily disposed of and the situation In Philadelphia and Iirmton illsoussed. "Everything Is now In tine shape In our eastern circuit." said President Johnson later. "The lease of grounds liy the American league In Dor ton assures us of an excellent circuit In the east. Tho orig inal plan of American league expansion l!'.1'.1.1"'.'''! ."."'" Washlncton, 4taltlmore and Phlladeliihla Tho hostile attitude of tlui .National league la responsible for our now adding HoMon." Mr. Johnson said tho organization of the American ussoclatlou true the last at tempt of tho National league to break up the lines of tho American league, but It would never succeed. He asserted that the National league had attempted during the lint three mouths to cause strife e.nd dlFsenslon In tho American league, but had failed. McClraw und Hobluson of Bal timore, he said, had been the special tar gets. McOraw especially had been ap proached with alluring promises, but In nil dealings with the American league Mc Oraw had been straightforward and con sistent. When asked where the American league expected to secure players for Its new clubn Mr Johnson snld that when the National Icagua drooped Its surplus mayors they would be considered ns In open market by the American. According to President Johnson tho next meeting of the American league will take place lu Chicago on Monday, January "S. at which time the details regarding the Hoston and Philadelphia clubs will be an nounced, Hefore returning to Chlcngo Mr Johnson' will visit Haltlmore, Philadelphia and How. ton. Itegardlng the failure to secure Ath letic park in Philadelphia. Mr. Johnson said he was moro pleased than otherwise, a his elnh there woulii now tako a loca tion on which a straight ten-year lease could bo secured. SEEMS TO BE OMAHA'S SHOOT linn Kourfli Inti-r-t'lty Mitlcli vrltli Kit It ill City Well III Hand. KANSAS CITV, Jan. lS.-(Spcclal Tele gram.) The Omaha shooters have the fo.irth Intercity match with Kansas City well In hand, ami unless there la an unex pected fail down tomorrow they wll" win by tho biggest margin they have ever had. Six pairs were shot today, and Omaha Is sixteen birds to the good. Tho best men on both teams are to shoot tomorrow. If there Is any advantage ns to skill It Is with the Omniums, ami they are moro likely to Increase their lead than to lose part of It. The birds today wero' a fast lot and the scores were not high, Omaha getting but pthl out of n possible m, and Kansas City but .Mi. A great many birds fell dead out of bounds. Tho scores today were: KANSAS CITV. OMAHA. V;. nrter 48 Frank Italtil " " Merman aic.eorge 11. Watson. 40 A. r. Klchmers tr,J. ( Head " 'tr"? -a W. I). Townsend. iVIonvv. 41 Flank Crablll ... J. W. Hramhail ....I'll). Dray Total ..'JI7 Total It ..17 ..i:t ..t'i .Ml AFTER SOME BIG FIGHTERS linn Slnnrt Aiiiioiiiic cat imv Ciirnlvnl of Puulllxtle Spurt for nr fttm City. NUW YORK, Jan. IS.-Dan A. Stuart, who arrived la this city tonight from Nevada, said that Carson City will have another pugilistic carnival next spring. Stuart Is satlstleil that tho law permitting finish Ights In Nevada will mil be repealed and It Is the only place In the country where llstle contests can be fought to a llnlsh. He said that while In Carson ho examined plans for a new athletic club house, ap proved them and that work on the build ing will begin next week. "I have two tights In my mtud for the carnival. he said. "They are a heavy weight battle between the winner of the JctTrles-Huhllu contest at Cincinnati In l'ebrtiary and Hob Fltzslmmons and a bout between Terry MeCJovent and a leading Kngllsh or Australian featherweight. 1 ant convinced that Fltzslmmons will light again. I think that the public by next spring will demand a meeting between Jeffries and the former champion. Of course, If Hnhlln should beat Jeffries. I would have to glvo tho preference to the Akron man. ' M'COY WANTS MORE TIME ChMcr MlddliMiflKlit yrciircia I'onl lioiicnic nt Till l.ute lu March of I'lKht Mlth Sharkey. M'.W OltK. Jan. 15. In conscouence of n reiiuest by Kid McCoy that Ills proposed liKht with 'loin Sharkey be postponed fn m l'ohruury 2 to March 21, no articles for tho match were signed by the principles tonight. McCoy mndo known his desire for u change of date to James Kennedy, manager of tho Twentieth Century club of San Francisco, under whoso auspices the battle will bo held. Kennedy told McCoy that tho police commissioners of San Fran cisco had granted a license, for tho bout on February IS and he would have to communicate with the San Francisco part ners In tho club In regard to tho license for the new dnte. Kennedy expects to re ceive n favorable reply In u day or two. McCoy says ho wants to havo a clause Inserted nbout tho stylo of gloves to bo worn by the, contestants and another clause permitting tho use of bandages. He will also havo something to say In regard to a division of tho purso money. Stnjs Four IIiiiiiiiIm nltli Terry. PITTSHmCl. Jan. 18.-At the Hllotl theater tonight, after the regular perfotm nnee, Terry Mcllovern. world's cnampion, tried to Mop Louden Campbell, Pittsburg's lightweight, In four rounds. Fach round was a slugging match, Campbell folng down three times, but without Injury. Ilo gave Terry somo hard Jolts and made such a. good showing that his friends want to match tho two huls for a ten-round go,' Vim nur Curbed llent HeriiNleln, DF.NVF.H. Jan. IS. Young Corbett of Denver won from Joe Herusteln of New York lu the seventh round of what wns to have been a ten-round bout before tho Colorado Athletic association, with a left hook to BrnsUln'i Jaw, which broke II I'ernstelu threw up hl hands and the referee separated the men giving the de cision to fnrbett While the honors were about even. Corbett was the aggressor In most nf the rounds and Ids blows seemed to carry more steam than Joe's. lllclilmtii Wools uiicli IohI, CIIICAtio. Jan. IK. A special from Sen Francisco says that Coach F II. Yost, last year's successful foot ball mentor of l.eland Stanford university, will probably be chosen head coach for the I'nlversllv of Mlehlgin foot ball squad for the coining season. Ne giitlatlons with this end In view are now being conducted. .Mr. Yost was formerly coach for Kansas and Nebraska universi ties, both Instltiilti ns shewing great foot ball form under his tutelage. M'aiitM .lockcy it to Hot. LONDON. Jan. IS. The Jockey club has Issued a warning agtlust jockeys betting or accepting presents from non-owners. The club announces that Jockeys- who nre proved to hive any Interest In n racehorse or to ne engaged In betting transactions would be deprived of their llrenscs. Itoot Wlnx In Mne Itotmilx, SAN FltANCISCO, Jan. is -Jack Itoot knocked out ileorge Dyers lu tho ninth round before the National Athletic club tonight. MANAGE THIS YEAR'S FAIR Smith Dakota Stale llonril of AKrlcnl turc ChooNfM .imv OHIeerN nml AinioiiiicfN I'laiiN. YANKTON, S. D.. Jan. IS. (Special.) At tho annual meeting of tho State Hoard of Agrlculturo at Yankton, the following per sona wero elected filacers, for the year liiOl: John Armstrong of Desmct, S. D., president; J. K. Piatt of Clark, treasurer; Walter H. Dean of Yankton, secretary; N. Hcnnott of Clnrk, chief marshal; superintendent of grounds, tleorgo II. Whiting of Yankton; superintendent of tickets, II. S. I'Motcher of Wntertown; su perintendent of speed, (leorgo H. Colo of Wheeler; superintendent of cattle, C. R. Twninley nf Alexandria; superintendent of swlno nnd sheep, O. 13. Twamlcy of Alex andria; Biipiudntendent of poultry and ma chinery, II. S. Fletcher of Wntertown; su perintendent of grains, vegetables and seeds, II. C. Warner of Forcstburg; super intendent of apiary nnd dairy, C. P. Sher wood of Desmct; superintendent of educa tional and miscellaneous, C. W. fJurncy of Yankton; superintendent of horticulture, C. W. (Jiirney of Ynnkton. Tho stnto fair dates nro not nnnounccd. but It Is qulto. probable tho fair will bo In the latter part of Septcmbor. Tho South Dakota state fair has been hold In Yankton for the last flvo years. All payments and bills nre paid up to date, n record unsurpassed In tho history ot tho commonwealth of South Dakota. .Illlltin WANTS TO KNOW AIIOUT IT. Inniico Tcmiiorary Order Ilest ra IiiIuk Sale of KIMIO Dakota .ci-oh. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Jan. IS. (Special Telegram.) Judgo Carlnnd of tho Pnltcd States court. In tho case of Until It. Wight of Connecticut against tho Pcnu Heal Kstate company and Isaac Forsythe, trus tee, of Philadelphia, Involving about 8,000 acres of South Daltota farm land valued nt JfiO.OOO, today Issued an order restrain ing tho corporation or any of tho parties to tho suit from disposing of the property or creating any Hons against It until Febru ary 1, to which date tho Judgo continued tho hearing upon tho application for tho appointment of a receiver for tho corpora tion, as prayed for In a complaint filed in behalf of tho plaintiff by S. II. Wright, her local attorney. Tho plaintiff Is a stock holder In tho incorporation and alleged that tho trustee, nnd ofllcers, who nro promi nent cnpltallsts of Philadelphia nnd Moores ton, N. J., nro striving to defraud herself und other stockholders out ot tho property. der. committed in Wyoming. In 1S7.", his friends in this city and In Dendwood havo been busy getting all tho ovldence posslblo in his favor. Very encouraging nown has been received from Calllornla, from tho Btiperint'endcnt of tho transportation com pany of which Harry Tier was an employe before coming to tho Hills. Tho news Is to tho effect that It ran bo proven that Tier was In the constant employ of that company from August 1, 1S7.", to January, IR70. Tho crime for which ho Is charged was committed In August. 1875. I.imiiI Ncum for Tlcr'x Friend. l.B.U), S, I),, Jan. 18. (Special. )-Slnco tho arrest In this city several weeks ago of Harry Tier, who Is charged with mur- Doesn't I, Ike I lie Trnnavnnl. MUD, S. D., Jan. IS. (Special.) Frank W. Swank, an old-timer of the Hlnck Hills, who Is now in Johannesburg. South Africa, has written to Walter McKay of this city. Ilo states that owing to tho very strict censoring of all mall matter received In tho Trnnsvnnl, no nows or mall has been received from the Hlnck Hills since last summer. All business In that city Is at a perfect standstill nnd nono of tho mines aro working and from present appearances It will bo somo tlmo before things nro In running order ngaln. Ilo would advise anyone who Is thinking of going thoro to stay awny. I'lrml I'liiiernl la Wyoming Capitol. CHKYKNNi:, Wyo Jan. 18. (Special Telegram.) Tho llrst funeral over hold In tho state capltol building wns that of n. S. Whlto of Natrona county, member of tho lower house of tho state legislature, this afternoon. Tho services wero conducted by tho Freo Masons and wero witnessed by hundreds of friends In the gnllerlcs of tho house. Tho legislature attended In n body. Tho body will be tnken to Casper tomor row morning, whom burial will bo on Sun day. White was ono of tho best known Bheopmen In central Wyoming. Ilnek Driver ai HIkIimii) Itoblier. SIOUX FALLS. S. I).. Jan. 18. (Special.) Peter Joslln, n hackdrlver who recently eamo to Sioux Falls from Sioux City, was nrrestcd today for the alleged theft of a sum of money nnd a vnluahln gold wnlch from an Intoxicated patron. As tho result of his preliminary examination ho was bound over to tho next term nf circuit court on tho charge of highway robbery. Accidental SIiooIIiik nt Itnplil City. RAPID CITY, S D., Jan. 18. (Special.) Clarence I.ockwood, n well known young man of Keystone, will possibly dlo from tho wound of a bullet fired accidentally hy Jack Mooro of Hermosa In a friendly scumo nt a resort here. Tho bullet lodged In Lock wood's spine. Mooro gavo himself up. Leonard Will Have lo lie SIiimvii, AIir.RDUUN, S. D.. Jan. IS. (Special.) Leonard, tho alleged chcck-ralscr and forger, refuses to accompany tho ofllcers to Montevideo, Minn., and la being held await ing papers of extradition. Have No Pear of llrli." Tako an "Orangolno" powder every four houra to tono up tho system and head It off. I'ollcciuaii IvIIIn CIIIcii, KANSAS CITY, Jan. IS Frank Kester. aged 10 yenrs, was shot and killed tonight at his home. 3017 Fast Flghteeuth street, by Policeman Silas Shumate, whom he at tempted to assault. Kester, who has been a notorious character, was lu a liquor crazed condition nnd wns taken homo by the otllcer, when he rushed In the house and secured u weapon, declaring that he was going to kill Shumate. The otllcer, thinking Ills llfo wns In danger, shot Kes ter. For Theft of (.iinoIIiic. Jack Lyons, alias Charles Itoblnson, who Is wanted on tho chnrge of stealing a five gallon can of gasollno from a North Six teenth street grocer a few nights ago, was arrested Friday evening by Patrolman Huh sell, Itt-iliit'i- llir I'rlen of 'iiuar. NF.W YOHK, Jan IS-The American Sugar Heflnlng company reduced today all crudes of rellnt taigar tea points. CIVIL RULE IN PHILIPPINES Pnblio Diictniions' of Proposed Measures Held in Manila. NATIVES RE TAKING PART IN THEM Taxation lie Flrnt Subject I.anil Hear Its Share of Harden In nteail of Anne nmiiciita on Industry. MANILA, Jan. 18. The public discussion of tho general codo of government for municipalities began today. Commissioner Dean C. Worcester outlined tho bill nnd compared tho conditions from tho general ordcra of tho military governor, under which many local governments wero oper ating. Commissioner Worcester offered two nmendnients, disqualifying from voting and holding ofllco men who vlolatn their oath of Araorlcan allegiance or who remain lu armed opposition after February. Tho commissioner elucidated tho taxation features, roforrlng to tho benefits of taxing Innds and buildings ns against tho present special taxes on occupations nnd Industries, One-fourth of tho proceeds of real estate assessments will bo devoted to public schools. Municipal councils nro authorized to license theaters, places for liquor selling, public conveyances, hotels and cock fighting, or to prohibit cockflghtlng. for tho hrst year, until tho tax collections aro availa ble. Half of tho Internnl revonuo of each municipality will bo paid Into tho municipal treasuries. Commissioner Worcestor did not enlarge on tho section confining tho exemption of church property to properties used exclu sively for religious, charltablo or educa tional purposes. This much discussed fea ture recolved the approval of tho adminis tration nt Washington previous to tho mnk lng public; of the bill. Tho bill centralizes considerable respon sibility In tho provincial governments, for tho establishment of which another bill In being prepared. Tho public discussion, which is taking plnco In tho municipal hall, Is proceeding by sections, tho natives participating. It Is rumored that Agulnaldo visited his mother In Cavlto provlnco nnd narrowly escaped enpturo during tho recent roundup of one of tho villages In Cavlto. STHItll,r.i:il HAIlKttll SHOP, A FanioiiN Shop In (He Cnrrollloii Hotel llallliuorc, .Mary Intnl. Tho barber shop In tho Carrollton hotel, naltlmore, sterilizes everything it uses In tho shop. Tho sterilizing Is done by heat. The towels, tho razors, the strops, tho soap, tho rombs nnd brushes nro nil sterilized bo fore being used on a customer. Whero there Is no sterilization, havo tho barber ubo Nowbro's Herpicldq. It kills tho dandruff germ, nnd It Is nn nnttspctlo for tho sculp, and for the faco after shaving, All lending harbors everywhero npprcclato these potent facts about Herplclde und they uso It. "Do stroy tho cause, you remove the effect." Preacher Slirlutw for 1 1 In Life. ST. LOI'IS, Jan. IS. A special to tho Post-Dispatch from Ilnnnlbal, Mo., nys. Hev J. A. Hrnwn, a missionary .if tho Newllgltt church, residing In this city, at tempted to hold a meeting last night at n small school Iioufc In Illinois a m.lo from the Hannibal bridge. A mob of about thirty young men broko up tho meeting and the preacher and his little son, who accom panied him, were compelled to fleo for their lives. Tho mob followed him to the brldgo with tho avowed Intention of throwing him Into tho river, but ho succeeded in making hit escape For a Colu In llir llrml, LAXATIVE BIIOMO-QUININE TAD LETS. WILL SEND $2.50 l'RIX Frnnkllii .11 1 lex, M I,, 1,1,. II. , (he Cele brated SiccIiiIIm(, Will Senil n Course or II In Nciv Special Treatment Free. When an extierleneeil nlivalclim nlYnra in give awny $10,000 worth of a Now Treat ment for diseases of tho heart, nerves, stomach or dropsy, It Is conclusive evi dence that ho has great faith In It. And when hundreds of prominent men nnd women freely testify to his unusunl skill and tho nupcrlorlty of his New Speclnl Treatment his liberality Is certainly worthy of serious consideration. Thnt Dr. Miles Is ono of tho world's most successful physicians is proven hy hun dreds of testimonials from well-known people. Ono patient cured after failure cf cloven Orand Rapids physicians, two after being given up by nix nnd seven ChlcnRo physicians, another after nine of tho lead ing doctors In Now York City, Philadel phia nnd Chicago failed. V. Vy". Anderson, Pleasant Hill, Nob., writes: "I was entirely cured uftor I had tried everything without benellt, Tim Hiieclnl Treatment worked like magic." Sirs. C. W. l'helps, Stratton. Nob., says: "When I commenced taking Special Treat ment I was In an almost helpless condi tion from nervous prostration, Dr. Miles did so much for mo that I um now nblo to attend to business," .J,1n.,lnc',t ""Y; Ucl1' n- nf ny ton, Ohio, General Secretary of Foreign Missions writes edltorlnlly In Tho Statu Sunday School Union: "Wo deslro to statu li"11.'."" I'ersonal acquulntuneo wo know Dr. Miles to be a most skillful specialist, a man who has spared neither labor nor money to kcop himself abreast of tho great advancement of medical science." ' A thousand references to, and testimon ials from, Illshops, Clergymen, Hankers, Fnrmers and their wives, will bo sent freo on request. This now system of special treatment Is thoroughly scientific and Immensely Bupor lor to tho ordlnnry methods. Ah all ntrtlcted readers may havo J2.K0 worth of treatment especially prepared for their case, free, with full directions, wo would advlso thorn to send for It nt onco. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, 201 to 20D Stnto St., Chicago. Mention this paper. $5.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omaha. VARICOCELE n HYDROCELE cured. Method new, narer falls, without cuttlnc, palu or 43 11 LI II O pn r,.it f n r 1 1 f i, n d f h nttn rr,,I",0tboroughly cleansif from tnosystnin, Soon every ilim and symptom Si?li.P??J?,JPP,,t''1' an1 forever. No "HKKAKING Olh- of thodlaease on tho skin or face, Treatment cnutatna no dangerous drugs or Injurious medlclnns. WEAK MEN r'OHti ov Manhood from Rcvim i v .ce,"""or Victims to Nkkvous . ,,, DKUIMTV Or UXIIAUBTION, W.taT!"' WlAKNESS INVOMINTAIIY I.OSSBN with KMtr.v ijkcav In Voiino and Minni.B Aoiu. tack of Tim. vigor and strength, with sexual organs lmnalrtd and weak. stricture 'lUl'i,,c,'r,!J,Iw nH ri fft and Infallible Homo Treat ? ? . .. . merit. Nnlmitruments.nopaln. no detention front basineaa. Gonorrhoea. Kidney and Hlailrter Trouble s. uu"u"". CUHICS (HMKANTKKD. CoMtlUtltn Free. TrtJtmfnt by Mill. Call on or address 9 S. 4th St. Dr. Searles&Searles. omaha. Nob. MEN NO CURE, NO PAY If you hro i mail, wank ortran. lost power or weakening drtltm, our vacuum Ortran rerlopr will restore you without drug ot eltdricltTi sfi.OOi) In ui riot on falluTfi not onoreturnrdi no C o I fraud) writ for imrttruUnt. M-nt In pUIn rnrtlni. LOCAL APPLIANCE. CO., 414 Cfairlfi Bldr, Ota.tr, CiU.