u THE OMAHA OAILT BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1901. 36 Members of Congress Send Letters of Endorsement to the Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pertina Hon, A. T. Ocodwyn. Congressman Goodwyn from Alabama Hon. A. T. Goodwyn, Congressman from Alabama, in u recent letter to Dr. Ilartman, I (11 li.il.n Tumi tfc.,.,1 ,.w Iw.iil.i C .... niiyrt, i uuu; nun ti.-jv.-u tm; uuiuv ui i u-iu mi and am a well man today. I could feel tlio good effects of your medicine before I had used it u week, after suffering with ca tarrh for over a year." Catarrh, in its various forms, is rapidly becoming a national curse. An undoubted remedy has been discovered by Dr. Ilartman. This remedy has been thoroughly tested dur ing the past forty years, l'e-ru-na cures ca tarrh in all phases and stages. There is no remedy that can be substituted. Hon. W. N. Roach. United States Senator Roach from North Dakota. Hon. W. N. Itonch, United States Senator from North Dakota, in a letter written from Larimore, North Dnkota, says: "Persuaded by u friend, I have used Pe-nrna as a tonic, and am glad to testify that it has greatly helped me in strength, vigor and appe tite. I have been advised by friends that it is remarkable elllcacious as a cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh." Senator Hunch's wife recommends Pe-ru-nii also. She says: "I can cheerfully recommend your excellent remedy, Pe-ru-na. Indeed, I know of no other remedy as good as yours. It is a grand tonic and many of my friends have used it for catarrh with good results." Hon. Romulus Z. Linney. Congressman Linney from North Carolina Congressman Komulus Z. Linney, from North Carolina, writes: "My private secretary has been using Pe-ru-na for several weeks and I wish to testify as to its great value and merits iu cases of catarrh. My secretary had as bod a case as 1 ever saw, and since he has taken one bottle he seems like a dif ferent man. Pefore he started on Pe-ru-na his system was very much run down, and at times he could not work at all, but ever since his first bottle he has been building up. I don't think any man who is under a nervous strain should be without it. I cannot express the good it has done him." Congressman Ogden from Louisiana Hon. II. W. Ogden, Congressman from Louisiana, in a letter written at Wash ington, D. C, says the following of Pe nrna, the national catarrh remedy: "J con .conscientiously recommend your L'e-ru-na as a line tonic and all round good medicine to those who are in need of a catarrh remedy. It has been coin mended to me by people who have used it as a remedy particularly effective in the cure of catarrh. For those who need a good catarrh medicine I know of nothing better." Hon. H. W. Ogden. Congressman Smith from Illinois. Hon George W. Smith, Member of Con gress, in a recent letter to the Pe-ru-na Med icine Co., says the following in regard to Pe-ru-na for catarrh: House of Representatives, U. S. Washington, D. C. The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: "Gentlemen I take pleasure in testifying to the merits of Pe-ru-na. I have taken one bottle for my catarrh and I feel very much benelltedT To those who are afflicted with catarrh and in need of a good tonic, I take pleasure in recommending Pe-ru-na. "Respectfully, GEO. W. SMITH." Congressman Smith's home address is Murphysboro, 111. Hon. George W. Smith. Congressman! Meekison from Ohio. Hon. David Meekison is well known not only in his own state, but throughout America. He began his political career by serving four con secutive terms as mayor of the town in which he lives, Napoleon, O. He was elected to the Fifty-fifth Congress by a very large majority, and is the acknowledged leader of his party in his section of the state. In a recent letter he says: f "I have used several bottles of Pe-ru-na and feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that if I use it a short time longer I will be able to fully eradicate the disease of thirty years' standing. Yours truly, "DAVID MEEKISON." Congressman Gummings from New York Congressman Cummlngs of New York, In a letter written from New York City regarding the merits of Peruna, says tho following. "Peruna Is good for catarrh. I havo tried It und know It. It rclloved mo Im mensely on my trip to Cuba, and I al ways havo a bottlo In reserve. Since my return I havo not suffered from catnrrh, but If I do shall use 'Peruna again. "AMOS CUMMINGS." Congressman Snover of Michigan House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, May 9, 1503. Dr. S. B. Hnrtmnn, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Slr-l havo found Pe-ru-na a very efficient nnd speedy remedy for a per sistent and annoying cough resulting from catarrhal trouble. Very truly yours, HORACE (J. SNOVER, Port Austin, Mich. Congressman Doviner of West Virginia Congressman B. B. Doviner, from Wheeling, West Virginia, in a letter written from Washington, D. C, says: "I Join with my colleagues In the Houso of Representatives In recommending your excellent remedy, Pe-ru-nn, as n good tonlo and nlso an effective cure for catarrh." Hon. Amos J. Cummlngs of Now York. A Friend of Labor. Congressman Barfram from California Congressman J. A. Durham of Santa Rosa, California, writes: "At the solicitation of n friend I used your Peruna and can cheerfully recom mend It as an excellent remedy for all catarrhal troubles. It is Indeed a won derful medicine." II, S. Senator Call of Florida Hon. William Call, United Stntes Sena tor from Florida, writing from Washing ton, D. C, says: "Tho Pc-m-na has been recommended by Oen- Wheeler nnd other rellablo per sons, and has been used by some moni tors of my family, and I concur In tho statements of Oen. Wheeler." Congressman Broderick of Kansas. Hon. Cnso Broderick of Holton, Kunsas, Congressman from ICnnsas, says: "I havo taken two bottles of Pe-ru-n.a ' nnd nnd It to be an excellent remedy for colds and throat trouble." Congressman Brewer of " Alabama. Hon Willis Rrewer, Representative In Congress from Alabama, writes the fol lowing letter to Dr. Hartman: Houso of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Tho Pe-ru-na Medicine Co,. Columbus, O.: "Gentlemen I havo used one bottle of Pe-ru-na for lassitude, and I tnko pleas ure In recommending It to thoso who need n. good remedy. As a tonic It Is excellent. In the short time I have used It It has dono me a great deal of good. Very re spectfully. . "WILLIS BREWER." Congressman Howard from Alabama WASHINGTON, Feb, 4, 1S03. The Po-ru-na Medicine, Co., Columbus, O: Gentlemen I have taken Pe-ru-na now for two weeks and I find I am very much relieved. I feci that my euro wilt bo per manent. I luivg also taken It for la grippe, and I take pleasure In recom mending Pe-ru-na as nn excellent remedy to nil follow sufferers. Very respectfully, M. W. HOWARD. Congrehsman Howard's homo address Is Fort Payne, Ala. Gangreestnan Crowley from Illinois Jon. H. Crowley, Congressman from Illinois, writes from Robinson, III.: "Mr. Crowley has taken a number of bottles of Po-rti-na on account of nervous troubles. It has proven a strong tonlo nnd lasting cure. I can cheerfully rec ommend It." Senator McEnery of Louisiana Hon. S. D. McEnery, United Stntes Sen ator from Louisiana, says the following In regard to Pe-ru-na: "The Po-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O. "Gentlemen Pe-ru-na Is nn excellent tonic. I have used It sufficiently to say that I believe It to bo nil that you claim for It Very respectfully, "S. D. McENKRY." Congressman Yoder from Ohio, Gen. S. S. Yoder, ex-Member of Con gress from Ohio, in n recent letter to Dr. Ilartman, speaks of Pe-ru-na as follows: Washington, D. C. Tho Pe-ru-na Medlclno Vo.. Columbus, O. "Gentlemen I desire to sny that I havo found Pe-ru-na to be n wonderful rem edy. I only used It for a short time and nm thoroughly satlned as to Its merits. I cannot tlnd words to express my grati fication for tho results obtained. Ah a catnrrh euro I shall gladly recommend It to all stirfcrcrs. Yours, "S. S, YODER." Congressman De Graffenreld of Texas. Congressman R. C. DcGraffcnrlcd, from Longvlow, Tex., writes: "After the use of Pe-ru-na for a short time 1 am convinced that It Is all you claim for It. It Is a grand tonic nnd I can recommend it as a safo and permanent euro-for catnrrh." Hon. David Meekison. Congressman Bankhead from Alabama. Congressman J. H. Bankhead of Ala bama, one of the most Influential mem bers of tho House of Representatives, In n letter written from Washington. I). C. gives his Indorsement to tho great ca tarrh remedy, Pe-ru-na, In tho following words. "Your Po-ru-na Is one of the best med icines I ever tried nnd no family should bo without your remnrkable remedy. As a tonic nnd a catnrrh cure I know of nothing better." Hon. J. H, Bankhead. Congressman Powers from Vermont. Congressman H. Henry Powers of Ver mont writes from Morrlsvllle, Vt.s "Pe-ru-na 1 hnvo used In my family with success. I can recommend It as .in excellent family remedy, nnd very good for coughs, colds and catarrhal affections." U. S. Senator Gear of Iowa. Hon. John H. Genr, United States Sena tor from Iowa, writes: "Peruna I can recommend to all as n very good tonic, and particularly good nfl a remedy for catarrh." Senator Gear's homo nddrcss Is Burling ton, Iowa. Hon. M. W. Howard. Hon. H. G, Worthlngtou. Congressman Worthlngton from Nevada Congressman H, G. Worthlngton, from Nevada, cx-mlnlster to Argentine Repub lic, also at on tlmo collector of port at Charleston, was an Intimate frjend of Gen. Grant nnd Is one of tho two living pall bearers of President Lincoln. Con gressman Worthlngton writes tho follow ing letter: "Allow mo to express my gratltudo for tho benefit derived from your remedies. I have taken one bottle of Pe-ru-nu nnd It has benefited Immensely a cnso of ca tarrh of some months', standing, und I cordially commend Its uso to nil similarly mulcted." Congressman Brownlow of Tennessee Congressman Brownlow writes from Washington, D. C, tho following: "I hnvo suffered from catnrrh of tho stomach for several years and for tho past twelve months was In an exceed ingly critical condition. My attention was called to your Pe-ru-na and l began to uso It, nnd my Improvement was notlco ablo after tho llrst threo days. 1 havo taken threo bottles of tho medicine and I feel satisfied that I nm now almost, If not permanently cured. In connection with tho Pe-ru-na I have used your Mnn-n-lln for biliousness and torpid liver. I regard it as tho best medlclno for this purpose that I havo over used. Having been benellted so much myself 1 give you this statement that others rnny bo like wlso benellted. "W. P. HROWNLOW, SI. C." Senator Mallory of Florida United States Senator Stephen R. Mnl lory from Florida, In a recent letter written from Pcnsacola, Fin., says the following: "I havo used your excellent remedy, Pe-ru-nn, and hnvo recommended It, both ns n tonic and a safe cntorrh remedy." Congressman Culberson of Texas. Hon. D. B. Culberson, ex-Congressman from Texas, writes: "I can recommend Pe-ru-na ns one of tho very best of tonics nnd I take pleasure In testifying to tho merits of your great medicine. It Is also recommended as a euro for catarrhal troubles." Congressman White from North Carolina. George Henry White of Tarboro, North Carollnn, was elected to tho Houso of Representatives In 1SS0, and to tho State Scnato In 'SR4. Ho wns elected to tho Fifty-fifth Congress In 1S96. Congress man Whlto writes tho following letter to Dr. Hartman In regard to tho merits of the great catarrh cure, Pe-ru-na: House of Representative, Washington, Feb. 4. 18S9. Tho Pe-ru-na Medlclno Co., Columbus, O.: "Gentlemen I nm more than satisfied with rc-ru-na, nnd find It to be nn ex cellent remedy for tho grip nnd catarrh. I havo used It In my family and they all Join mo In recommending It ns nn excel lent remedy. Very respectfully, "GEORGE H. WHITE." Congressman Thompson of Kentucky. Ex-Congressman Phil. B. Thompson from Kentucky, writes: "My friends have used your remedy, Pe-ni-na, and I take pleasure In testify ing to tho merits of your medicine. Be sides belngiono of tho very best tonics. It Is a good, substantial catarrh femedy." Hon. Georgo 11. White. Congressman Livingston from Georgia Col. L. I. Livingston, member of tho Industrial Commission nnd tho leading democratic member of the Committee on . Appropriations In tho House of Repre sentatives, whose homo Is nt Atlanta, Ga writes tho following In regurd to Pe-ru-nn, tho catnrrh cure. Col. Living ston sayH: "I tako pleasure In Joining with General Wheeler, Congressman Brewer and others In recommending Pe-ru-n.i ns an excellent tonic and a catarrh cure." Pe-ru-na Is a specific In Its operation upon tho mucous membranes. It Is a tonlo that strikes at the root of all en tarrha! nfTectlons. it gives tono to the mlntito blood-vessels nnd tho terminal nerve-fibres. Senator Butler of South Carolina Senator M. C. Butler, ox-Governor of South Carolina, writes from Washington, D. a, the following: "I can recommend Pe-ru-na for dyspep sia and stomach trouble. I hnvo been using yo'ir medlclno for a short period and I feel very much relieved. It Is, In deed, a wonderful medicine, and, besides, a great tonic." Hon. S, S. Yoder. Few stop to renllro In how many ways catarrh can affect tho body. Every or gan, every duct, every passage, every opening of tho human body, Is liable to catarrh, Pe-ru-na Is an Internal, sys temic cntarrh remedy, and acts beno llclally on nil tho mucous membranes of tho human body. Consequently It Is eiiunlly effective to euro catarrh of any organ. Congressman Clark of Missouri. Ex-Congressmnn John B. Clark, from Missouri, In a recent letter from Wash ington, D. C, says: "I can recommend your Pe-ru-na ns n good, substantial tonic nnd one of tho best remedies for catarrhal troubles." Congressman Mahqn of Pennsylvania. Congressman Tliad. M. Million of Cham bersburg, Pa., wrlteB: "I tnko pleasure In commending your Pe-ru-na as u substantial tonic and a good catarrh remedy." Congressman Pelham ot Virginia. ExCongressmnn C. Pelham of Bancroft, Va., writes: "My sister-in-law has been suffering from catarrh of tho throat for a consid erable time. Sho has been using1' Pe-ru-na for about one week nnd Is manifestly Improved. I believe, it an excellent rem edy for catarrh." Hon. W. V. Sullivan. Senator Sullivan from Mississippi. Hon. W. V. Sullivan, United States Sen ator from Mississippi, lu a letter recently written to Dr Hartman from Oxford, Miss., says the following: "For some tlmo I havo been a surrercr from catarrh In Its most Incipient since, so much so that I became nlarmed as to my general health. But hearing of Pe-ru-na as a good remedy, I gavo It a fair trial and soon becan to Improve. Its effects wero distinctly beneficial, removing tho nnnoylng symptoms, nnrt was particularly good as a tonic. "I tnko pleasure. In recommending your great national catarrh cure, Po-ru-na, as tho best I havo over tried. "W. V. SULLIVAN." Congressman Botkln from Kansas. Hon L. I. Livingston. Congressman Brookshire of Indiana Congressman K. V. Brookshire, from Indiana, In n recent letter from Washing tpn, D. C, says: "From what my friends say, Pe-ru-na Is a good tonic and a safe catarrh curt." Congressman Sparkman of Florida. Congressman S. M. Sparkman, from Tampa, Florldu, writes: "I can endorse Pe-ru-na as a first-rate tonic nnd a very effective cure for ca tarrh." ' Congressman Burnett from Alabama. John V. Burnett, Member of Congress, Seventh Alabama Dlst., writes: "I take pleusure in testifying to tho merits of your Pe-ru-na. At the solici tation of a friend my wlfo used It nnd It Improved her condition generally. It Is a remarkable remedy. I can cheerfully recommend Pe-ru-na ns a good, substan tial tonic, and a very good catarrh remedy." In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman, Con gressman Botkln of Kansas, whose fame Is a national one, says of Pe-ru-na; "My Dear Doctor It gives mo pleasure to certify to the excellent curative quali ties of your medicines Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lln. I hnvo been afflicted more or less for a quarter of a century with ca tarrh ot the Htomnch nnd constipation. A resldenco In Washington has Increased these troubles, A few bottles of your medlclno havo given mo almost complete relief, and I am sure that a continuation of them will effect a permanent cure. Pe-ru-na Is surely a wonderful remedy for catarhbal affections. J, D. BOTKIN." lion, J. D. Dotkln.