12 TTTE OMATIA DATLY UEE: SATT"RT)AY, JAXI'AIIT IP, HI01. CHECK ON T11E PERSECUTION Jndgo Tawratt Beitroina County Attorney mid His Political Allies. (BLOCKS CONSPIRACY AGAINST ROSEWATER llllnc tit Coinptfitntu In tlm Sonth Onuiliu I'olleo Court Trumpcil L'ji ChnrnM in SluypeU lr Tcmiiornrr Injunction. Trc district court haa called a halt to tho pallUcal persecution of Kdward Koso vatex. editor of Tho Omaha Uce. Judgo Kacett of tho equity division of tho court yojte.nUir lusncd an order rcatrulning County Attorney Shields nnd his allies from taking any further steps toward tho prosecution of Mr. Hosowatcr on tho trumped-up charge of tho fraudulent use of money for cnrapolgn purpoaca. In addition to tho tounly attorney, whooo namo ap pears at tho head of tho llBt, Judge Kaw colt's order Is directed ugnlnat lsnattoiK J. Dunn, deputy county attorney; 1'. J. King, pollco Judgo of South Omaha, and Miles Mitchell, chief of pollco of South Omaha. Tho hearing for permanent Injunction will bo called In Judge Kawcett'a court on Sat urday, January 28, at 10 o'clock a. m. Aloiinwhllc, by vlrtuo of the restraining or der, tho persona named In tho proceeding are enjoined from making or filing any further complulnta ngalnat Mr. llosowator charging him with violation of tho election lawa of this Bliito or from lsaulng or serv ing any wnrrantB. Tho petition In tho taso nets forth that Kdwnrd Koaawater has been a resilient of , Douglas county for over thirty years, that bo Is now a candidate for tho olllco of United Stales ttcnator und that ho has no Intention of rollmiulHliIng his citizenship In tho county nnd state. rireoutloii, Tint I'rofteriitltm. r.-isslng from these legal formalities tho petitioner delvo down to bed rock solution of the persecution ngalnst him, and asserts that tho primary object of the persecutors Is to harass him and to prevent him from remaining In Lincoln, whero tho legislature Is In session and whero tho Interests of his senatorial candidacy requires his constnnt ' prrsenco nt this time. It Is further charged that tho county attorney nnd 111 h associates In the persecution havo entered Into n con spiracy under the gulso of otllclal action, for the boIo purposo of Interfering with Mr. Kosowatcr'H personal movements nnd that the proceeding la not in good faith, One section of tho petition refers to tho , farcical proceedings In the South Omaha pollco court on or about January 2, when 1 Mr. ltoscwater was arraigned before Judge ' King and when that tribunal refused, nt tho inBtarco of tho county attorney, to al low him to waive examination and pass tho ensu up to the district court. This un precedented proceeding Is reviewed at length and It Is also asserted that the court even refused to accept a plea of guilty when such plea v.as offered by the dsfond nnt not that tho defendant considered him self guilty, but simply as a mentis of ter minating tho bulldozing action nnd per mitting tho raso to reach tho higher courts, where such unhenrd-ot methods do not re vnll. ICIiik l.nekn Jurlxdlrlloii. Another part of tho petition sets forth that Pollco Judgo King is without Jurlsdlc tlon In such action nnd that tho district court Is tho only authorized trial tribunal, tho power of the pollco Judgo being llm lted simply to binding a defendant over to tho district court. . As a reason why Injunction should Issue tho petitioner nssorts that ns a part of tho I program of persecution tho county nttorncy and his tildes will, unless restrained, con- tlnuo to manufacture additional charges, thus making an endless chain of their nn- I jioylng wnrfaro. Mr. Itnsowater emphatically reaffirms Ills Innocence of tho charge of political cor ruptlon nnd declares that while ho has no nnxlety as to tho llnnl outcome., ho objects In being torn away from his Interests nt JililColl). In conclusion tho petitioner prays tho court to permanently enjoin tho county nt torney nnd his agents and deputies from making any further charges until after tho district court shnll havo passed upon the cases already pending. K1I1KI.DH :oTi:.ST DllAtiS AI.O.VO 'IVllorn Appointed liy I ii duo Vinson- lllllcr (.'on tin n- Count. Tho tellers In tho election contest caso of rarlsh against Shields continued counting tho ballots from South Omaha precincts yesterday. In tho Klrst precinct of tho Becond ward Shields mado a gain of three votes, errors to that oxtent being found on tho tally sheets used by tho election ofll clnls when compared with tho count of tho oMolal ballots. During tho count of tho votes of tho Sec ond precinct of tho Second ward twenty-six ballots, tho legality of which Is quostlonod by ono nldo or tho oilier, woro picked out nnd it was decided to nrguo tho question of tho validity of these ballots at tho after noon session of tho court. Tho objections to tho bnllotB vary, somo bearing written remarks of tho voter and others bearing check marks claimed to bo outsldo tho limitations of tho law, At tho nftcrnoon session Judgo Vlnson- lmler throw out four ballots from tho Soc ond prrclnct of tho Second ward because tho voters had apparently marked them other wise than with tho cross, as provided by law. Threo of tho rejected ballots wero for Shields and ono was for Parish At tho closo of tho count yesterday the ballots of flvo South Omaha precincts had been counted, with tho result of a net gain of thrvo votes for Shields. HKW DKPO.SITIUX IS OS FILE. Kctin of I.lt lirutlDii IlruuKlit liy Ki- rolli'fini'ii Afcitlnitt City. In tho caso of Olcsako against Mayor Moorcs tho deposition of P. W. Illrkhausor, formerly a, member of tho Fire and Pollco board, has been tiled. Illrkhausor swears th.it ho a a member of tho board in Feb ruary, 1S99, at tho tlmo Oleseko and others wero discharged from tho pollco forco; that a list of men to bo discharged from tho forco wan prepared by Chief of Pollco White nnd before it reached tho board It was changed by Mayor Moorea and Commis sioner Collins. Alimony In Ordered. In tho dtvorco caso of TUllo llusch against Fred llusch tho court yesterday Issue nn ordor directing tho defendant to pay to tho plaintiff $100 at once nnd $25 a week whllo tho action is ponding, also to pay I plalntltt's attorney a feo of $50. Court ltonne Note. An lnvontory of tho estnto of John Tl MitiiHtlcld. ilej.-enHed. lias been tiled In tin county court. Tho property of tho deceased Is valued nt $21,tHM, Minnie, Stctnhruunor has heuun stilt for i fltvorco rroni nor uuhihiihi. John, ureglng non-support. Tho parties wero married at Council IUulTs In li'JI. Uutlo K. HalftMi wnnts n dlvorco from . jiriiesi it. inuieii. io wnom sno was mar rled In 1MW. In her petition, tiled In tho dls r inci couri, sno imickus liiuucuty and non support. , John T. '., llotli hnn sued the Magdeburg riru iiiHiiriiiicti ruuiimuy oi ueritiany t recover $l,0t for loss sustained by th burning of bis bouse In South Omaha wiiicii no ciuims wns validly iiisureu ly th ll-l-tMUUlt Aching In tho small of tho back Is an In (Mention of Ilrlght's disease. Tho proper rourso In such cases Is to tako a few doses of Prickly Ash Hitters. It is nn cffectlv fcldnoy remedy and bowel regulator. SCOI'IlJI.trS I.IJAIUNU SAMJ. Climkn nt Unit Price. Having Unlshcd Invoicing, wo havo dc- Idcd to closo out tho balance of our winter loaks iiulckly. Those acquainted with our stock know that wo only carry the better grades of loaks, nindo of tho most popular, best curing materials and tailored In the most pproved manner. TODAY. Uvcry clonk Just half price. 150.00 cloaks for J2G.O0. JIO.00 cloaks for $20.00. J3.'.00 cloaks for J17.50. (30.00 cloaks for )15.00. $25.00 eloaks for $12.60. $20.00 cloaks for $10.00. $15.00 cloaks for $7.50. $13.00 cloaks for J'J.00. $10.00 cloaks for $5.00. LADIES' SUITS. We havo about 50 ladles' fino tailored suits that will go at halt price today. rUHS of all kinds will bo sold at very ow prices. Wo havo one fine marten cape, ono linn beaver capo, one fine astrakhan cape, two 'near seal Jackets, at bargain rices today. KLANNKLETTK WKAI'l'EUS. Wo offer nil of our flannelletto and fleece- ncd wrappers today at half price. O. K. SCOI'lELD CLOAK AND SUIT CO., 1510 Douglas Street. DENTIST ROOD IS MISSING ournryn front Knliininriio to Omiiliii mill Myntrrlniiftl)' 1)1 nipriir. A case similar to that of Hay Illrum, who disappeared nt Omaha three months ago whllo on his way from his homo In Colorado o Lannon, Wis., to be married, Is reported from Kalamazoo, Mich. In this Instanco tho man who has dropped out of sight is Dr. Fletcher V. Hood, a dentist, who left his home in the Michigan city last August, iimo to Omaha and has not been seen since. HU friends wrlto that he met a brother- n-law hero J. T. llesch. After that ho was heard of In Chicago, but for tho lust four months no word has been received from htm. Tho only theory that sceraB to explain his silence, say his rclntives, Is that of a udden spell of insanity. Ho Is married," writes tho sheriff from Knlnmazoo, "his homo associations were happy nnd he was prosperous In ovcry wny. A dentist by profession, he wns 28 years of nge, flvo feet eight Inches In height, weight 175 pounds, eyes blue, light brown air, smooth face nnd In disposition was quiet and unassuming. Ho wore n gold Plato In ono front tooth nnd was slightly round-shouldered. When he left ho wore a rown suit of very small check tan shoes nd light brown fedora hat. May or may not wear glasses; had n gold hunting caso watch without a chain, nnd a pttrso with namo and pddress on tho Inside. A sult- blo rewnrd will bo given to anyone fur nishing Information that will lead to hla ocatlon." Tho Information from Kalamazoo does not stnto tho residence of Resell, tho brothcr- n-law. llurKniti Mntlupp nt IlnyilM Today. Charles II. Hunford In his great nlay. 'Private John Allen." Prices, any seat. 25c nnd 50c. OLD WEATHER DELAYS WORK With Opening f Surinsr. Larst? Force Will lie Km ployed on IHkIi School. Tho Iron work Is practically completed for tho Bocond-story floor of tho now High school building and tho stono work will bo resumed ns Boon ns tho weather permits. During tho freezing weather stonemasons havo prepared enough material to koop a largo forte of men busy for many weeks and much of tho ornamental stonework has been designed. John Lntenser, architect to tho board. and tho members of the board aro much perplexed over what disposition to make of tho present boiler house used nt tho High school. It Is not suitable, for tho heating apparatus which will bo necessary for tho now wing nnd It ia not thought advisable o put tho boilers under tho building. It Is probable that a now boiler house will be built to accommodate tho heating plant. Tho Reformed Enlsconal church hna n historic mlnlstrv. enisconal covornmont. liturgical worship nnd evangelical preach ing. Any person desiring to know raoro about It will recelvo without cost a packago of Its distinctive Ilteraturo upon applica tion. Address Iock Hox 1185. Chlcaco. Ill MnrriiiKC LIcrnneM. Tho following mnrrliico licenses wero is. sued yesterday by tho county Judgo: Henjiimln O. Cary. Omaha 39 Ina Heath. Omaha Vmnn nml A, t rnnu A lllnpreh l- Itmlln rionrrl flu pnntilv na Anna L. Oltmann, Douglas county.!!!'.'!! 18 .lonaiiian uoitreii. uoiurlilgc Mary Skelton, C'oldrldgo 11112 1), ItOSS D. J. N.. aged "0 years, at St. Jo ,'i(tm,, uuiu pi, ixuimuiin cnurcn ctun day ut 2 o'clock p. m. Interment nt Forest 1 .nwii (nmf p 1,' .i 1 tl . r n . . i . , . . KDWAUDS Oraco Francis, Friday morn rnn iTCoitn llniml nlio.nl. 0 ...! a 4 m., Dr, II, C. HerrinK presiaiiiR. Interment Dr. CARL CRAMER'S ) Pennyroyal Pills Regular Price $2.00, Our Price $1 Sent xropaid on receipt of price. QPIIIECCD cut price ObllJICTCIl DRUGGIST 8. W. Cur. 10th and CIiIcbkq 3t. All Competition Distanced. Tho fust trains of tho Union Tnclflc reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead of nil competitors. If you aro in no hurry take a slow train bj one of the detour routes, but If you want to get there with out suffering any of tho inconveniences of winter travel, tuke the only direct route, tho Union Pacific. An Kxtrnct From Her Latter. "If you coulil only bo here thU winter morning anil for yourself you would no longer doubt me. Ho08 ore blooming in our front yard nnd all naturn l h fir advunciil In this lovrly American summer land an It will bo In your cold rastcro homo by June. "We made tho Journey from Omaha to tho OoUlcn Oato on the Union Pacific to avoid tho clrctiltoui rotitoi an Imiwrtant Item In thowlnter. Atrlpto California U mado delightful by tho perfect nerflce and luxurious arcomnuxlatlon of 'The Overland Limited, which U perhapa tho most finely equipped train In tho world," DETAILED JNKOKMATION ON AITI.ICATION. Now- City Ticket Olllcc, 1KI Turnum St., Tfletd'0110 31C 1'iilon Passenger Station, 10th and Marcy, xeicpuono wy. Ui:i,l.i:V, STKt Hit A CO. ao IV r CVntt 2(1 IVr Out! 20 IVr Cent! Illncoiinlt Dlxrountl Dlsroniitt LADIES' AND CHILDHEN'S UNDERWEAIt CASILMEltE, SILK &. COTTON HOSIERY. One-fifth off all ladles' and children's Union sutts. SEPARATE GARMENTS, Including tho celebrated "Munslng" and "Ypsllantl" brands. 20 PER CENT OFF MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Cashmere socks, flannel night robes, un derwear, union suits and scparato gar ments. (Low prices and reduced prices stand, and In addition 20 per cent discount will be allowed). KELLEY, STIQER & CO., Corner Fa mam and 15th Sts. .Shot To ti run ill cut. Tho next Skat tournament of tho Omnha Skat club will tako place at the Schlltz Roof garden Saturday, January 19, 8 p. m. and Sunday, January 20, nt 3 p. ni. Every skat player Is cordially Invited to be pres ent. AiiiionnceiiU'iitH of the 'rhenter. "1'rlvato John Allen," which will bo pre sented nt Doyd's theater this afternoon and tonight, presents n charming com mingling of politics, pntrlotlsm and ro mance, nnd, although tho play hinges on n political contest In Louisiana, there arc no embarrassing references to partlsnnlsm In It. Muy full for Their .Money. Omco of the Omaha Realty company In Omnha Savings bank building, 13th and Oouglns streets, will remain open for busi ness until y o'clock Snturday evening. Mm. Xntlnn (Iocs I'riT. WICHITA. Kan.. Jan. 18. Thn rnnnlv attorney has dismissed tho charge ngatnst .Mrs. i nrrio .Pinion, lie Buys: Willie III temperuiicc Is no oxcuse for crime, the mind of the defendant Is much Impaired and alio labors under a delusion to such nn extent ns to bo irresponsible. Further con finement In Jail would not Improve her con dition of mind." Constipation leads to liver trouble, nnd torpid liver to Ilrlght's disease, l'rlckly Ash Hitters Is a certain euro nt any stngo of tho disorder. Ladles' Kid Sllp pern, fleeced 'lined, worth up to $3.00 salo price 69c SATURDAY AT 8:30 A. M. Forcing out hlgh-grado footwear regardless of valuo prior to rebuilding. SATURDAY men's shoes, patent calf, patent Ideal kid, patent coltskln kid top, all styles and sizes, values up to 17.00 sale price, $2.69. SATURDAY men's shoes, box calf, vlcl kid valuo up to $4 snlo price $1.98. SATURDAY men's shoes, congress only, bordeaux calf, nil sizes, worth $3 sale prlco 98c. SATURDAY ladles' shoes, welts and turns, showing tho Cuban, Military nnd Louis heel, values up to $5 salo prlco $2.59. LADIES' SHOES patent Ideal kid, patent calf, kid and cloth top rebuild ing salo prlco $1.98. Ladlos shoes remainder of Queen Quality, to close, In ono day, $1.09. SATURDAY Extra arranged salo of misses' and children's shoes. Satur day, boys' shoes nt one-third value. THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., REBUILDING SALE, 1515 Douglas. Successors to the HOWE. Ladles Shoes pluah trimmed, all felt, worth $2.00 sale price 59c Greatest Ribbon Sale Ever Held in Omaha All colors, all widths, all " J kVini c UUm1 Do not miss this. You cannot nffortl to lot this groat chance escape you. Satin Ribbons, Taffeta Itibbons, double faced .Ribbons, Fancy Kibbous, riain and Baby Ribbons Here are the prices: He Ribbons lc 5c Ribbons 20 Sc Ribbons ..... 10c Ribbons 2Ac ale You $1.50 Copyright Books 79c Including over 50 of the best titles. ?L25 Copyrighted Books 25c and 50c. Shirt and Furnishing Sale Men'a Coloroil Ijuindered Shirts, with oeparato rollars and curttf, made to sell ut Il.on, In all the new colors, at H9c. Jlen'H $1.00 Colored Laundered Bhlrtfl, with separato cuffs, to wear white collars, at 49c onn .'i...,n mon'u Ann Rhtrts that were made to sell at $UA In all tho new styles, with collars and cuffs scpnrate, all at '5c. JlfliH nuo .NPCKwear unu muuicia un closed out at 15e. ,. Ono lot of men's flno all wool Underwear tr. I... .lnnrwl nut at fiOc. Men's $1.00 und $5.00 Hath Itobes at $L9S. ' Chicago Cloaks 150 automobiles, ChlcaRO man's prlco $35, our prlco $10.60. 250 box coats, silk and satin lined throughout. Chicago man's prlco up to $15.00, our prlco $b.5u. 325 Ladles flno tailor mado suits, satin lined throughout. Chicago man's prlco up to $20.00, our prlco $7.95. 300 ladles' rainy-day skirts und golf skirts, Chicago man's prlco up to $7.00, our prlco $3.85. All tho children's and misses' Jackets from the Chicago stock at one-third regular value. Ono table of children's Jack ets, Chicago man's prlco up to $7.50, our prlco 60c. COO children's Jackets In houclcs, kersoys, friezes, etc., worth up to $7.00, for $2.48. 300 ladles' silk waists with now nishop sleeves, for $3.05. Ladles' Wrappers, 29c. Ladles' extra heavy flannelette wrappers, the $2.00 quality, for 90c. Letting Down the Prices on Groceries 2- pounil enn Com Kc 3- pouud can Tomntoes iVjC 2 pounds String lleans 5u 2 pounds l.unii Henna i ,..7Hc 3-pound can I'umpkln 6c 10 pounds l-uro N. V Htuto Buckwheat.. 50c 10 pounds Nebraska Huckwhent 35c 2 pounds Superior Hreiikfust Food mado from l'aclllc Coast Ilnrd Wheat package .... 12',5a HAYDEN BROS AFFECTS ALL ME SCHOOLS ; Health Commissioner's Vaccination Order is Broadened, PAROCHIAL INSTITUTIONS ARE INCLUDED Knnhlonnlilp 1'rlvnte Kilncntlonnl r.fltnlillnliiurnU Also Come Within the 1,1st Where Arum Slimt He Touched by the Tolnt. Vaccination will be enforced In private and parochial schools of Omaha, ns well as In the public schools. Health Commissioner Victor II. Coffman Issued an order yesterday to every edu cational Institution in tho city requesting that all persons who havo not been vacci nated bo prevented from nttendlng classes. Tho order rend ns follows: Whereas, tho city of Omaha has n number of smallpox cases and Infection therefrom Is possible, tho health commissioner re iiuosts that sjperlors Instruct nil persons who can show no evidence of viicclnutloii to bo vaccinated nt once or ordered to dis continue their school attendance. VICTOR II. COWMAN. Health Commissioner. nclow Is a list of tho schools to which this order vxns sent: Ilrownell hall, Kroe bol school, Convent of Mercy, Sacred Heart convent, Omaha Theological seminary, Ne braska School for tho Deaf, Holy Family school, Hoyle's Commercial school, Ong'n Commercial hcIiooI, Omnlm Commercial col lege, Van Snnt's Commercial school, St. Peter's school, fit. Wenceslnlts' school, St. rhllomcnn's school, St. Patrick's school, St. Mary Magdalene's school, St. Joseph Her man Catholic school, Holy Family school. At the regular meeting of the principals, yesterday nftcrnoon nt 1:30, Superintendent I'enrso ordered tho enforcement of tho In structions of tho health commissioner and when children enter the public schools Mon day morning they will be required to furn ish ovldenro of successful vncclnatlon. When asked If there Is any doubt ns to the power of tho health department to en force vncclnatlon orders, Dr. ('off man said; "Tho health department has absolute con trol over everything that concerns the health of tho city. Streets nnd nlleys, bak eries, hotels, schools nnd public buildings may bo rcgulntcd at will bv tho commis sioner. Tho health of tho city demands Indies' Slippers velvet, satin bro cades, fur trimmed, Values up to $2.60 Saturday 79c Ladles' Shoes, cloth top. fleeced lined, totn too, values up via $3.U0 rebuilding sale price 98c silk. No. 1, U, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, worth 3c to $1.00 per yard on sale Saturday l-2c to per yard, 1 12c Ribbons in' 15c Ribbons 7c 20c Ribbons . . . ! ...12k' Ribbons will regret it if you miss this sale. 0L ot' 25 pounds Ityo Graham 25c Corn Starch, pr.ckugo SVic Pearl Tuplocn, regular prlco 15c, tomorrow, pound 7H Sago, regular price 15c, tomorrow lb....7,4e Mustard, per bottlo io Ilrlght now Santa Slaru Prunes, lb .... So lirlght new California Prunes, lb 7Vo Largo now Sugar Prunes, lb li'o N. Y. State Apples, per pound 10c Hutto County now Peaches, pound lOo San Jose County Large Peaches, lb ..12lc Imported French Plums, lb 12!io Illackbcrrles, pound 10c that all persons attending school bo vac cinated and there is no doubt ns to the commissioner's authority to enforco such nn order. "In tho schools which arc nttended by adults there arc few persons who nro not vaccinated. This order will hnvo prac tically no effort on such Institutions. Adults usually excrclso caro In protecting themselves from tho dlscnse. Tho great danger at Infection Is among children whoso parents fall to tako proper caro of their little folks, 1 propose to have these chil dren rendered Immune. Tho public should not suffer because of the negligence of a few parents," WON'T LEAK Wo sell tho kind of Water Dags that do not leak. Wo warrant them. When you have a toothache, ear ache, bnekache, stomach actio or neuralgia, there Is nothing that gives quicker relief than n bag filled with nor w.vrnu and applied to the lir.ST FOIl Tot .... The larger are Just n higher Wrlto for her Goods loguc. sizes trifle Hub-cata- SHERMAN & McGONNELL DRUG GO, Nontlim-M Cor. Kith mill Dollar. I aTriple Alliance! $ BEST ROADBED fl ctmoTFCT i iivitr w ( oiivsrxii-.oi I'lii l. & o m m '0 ') ft) FASTEST TIME Cause wnrld.wlde travelers like Prank s travelers like l rank o s famous correspond- ih 'The Union Pacific' d) 1 nm proud of It " $ (1 Carpenter, the cm. io exciami As an American Sherman gravel, the finest ballast In the world, is used nn the main lino of the Union Pacific, making a perfect roadbed. NO DUST : : NO JARRING SMOOTH and EASY RIDING via UNION PACIFIC fft Only ONE NIGHT to UTAH Only TWO NIGHTS to CALIFORNIA Only TWO NIGHTS to OREGON New City Ticket Office. .1 1321 Knrnam. Phono 318. Union Passenger Station. I 10th and Marcy, Phono C23. . i i GOOD TEETH aro a blessing to a pur son, and with proper caro vill lust a lifetime. Our work is all warranted. Gold Crown.i $5.00 Host Set Teeth $8.00 Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. HAYDENs 9, 12, 16, 40, 60, 80, 5 in. 3fc Ribbons 15c l.rc Ribbons ISc (JOc Ribbons 20c 1.00 Ribbons 25c Mk'tfMft Wp Bt'" 11 KteWwfiffiw K,(1 2-,,,mrl ,,ot 25c earing S ale Fine . . Kid Gloves $1.50 Kid Gloves at 49c. Closing out all small or broken lots In highest grade kid gloves, worth $ 1.25 and $1.50. Saturday only These urn principally In tho smaller sizes nnd Ineludo tho very finest makes. They nro sold at this ridiculously low flguru to mako room for complete lino of big new glove pur chases. They nro perfect In every way, stylish, and worth fully three times tho price uskeu !n this sale. Kxtra salespeople to wait on all Tho gloves will be urranKed to mako selection cnBy and In sure your getting Just what jou want. This will do positively me greuiesi giove saio ever neiu in Omuha. Big Cap Sale. 600 caps whllo they last at 10c and 25c; worth from 50c to $1. 100 hats, odds and onds, nil shapes and colors, latest styles, at 75c; positively worth from $1.60 to $2.00. Just arrived latest blocks In stiff hats; regular $2.50 value, on sale Saturday at only $1.50. Special Bargains in Jewelry. Ladles' 0 bIzo watches, 5-year caso , fitted with Araorlcan movements, $0.95. ladles' C slzo, 20 year case, fitted with Waltham or Elgin movement, $10.93, Ladles' silver chatolalno watches, $2.95. Cent's watches, 5 year cases, fitted with good American movement, $5.60. Gent's 20-year cases, fitted with Elgin or Waltham move ments, $11.95. Wo aro closing out all our odds and ends of sllverwaro which havo been left over from tho holiday goods at prices below cost. Napkin rings, 10c. Spoon trays, 26c. Child's cup, 15c. Salvo boxes with strllng silver tops, 16c. Cheese and Butter Nice Country Hutter 12VaO WIhcounIh Full Crenm Cheese 12Ho Full Cream Ilrlck Chenso Hie Canadian lted Cloud Cheese ICo American Club Houso 10c Teas atid Coffees Broken Mocha and Javn ICo Wholo Hio l2Ho Golden Hlo 15e Ten SlftlngH l'c KngllHh Breakfast S5c Shirts Saturday. The special ones we cull $1.00 they brill"' $1.25 and .?1.30 street window. MRiH: lWJ, SKoes for constructed ns per our order mado to represent special sboo service good weight soles vlcl kid tops-5 to 8, $1.00: 8V4 to H'-i, $1.25; 12 to 2, $1.60. BABIES' SHOES 1 to 6, 45c; 6 to S, button or lace, 70c; ted shoes, 1 to C, 60c; OA to I, 75c. ThU Is a safo store to buy children's shoes. SUrae-ktfonq6 We will loan you a Carpet Sweeper two weeks to see how you like it. The Bissell Carpet Sweeper Conv pany have instructed us to ask the ladies of Omaha to try these sweeps ers Please call and make selects ions They save your carpets as well as your back Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co 1414-1416-1418 A. Mayer Co. BEE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. 17 A UK il odorous pcnrplraUon enrrn tender nnd itwollca feet Endorsed by lend taJT physician. RE-NO-MAY WHITE POWDER remoTe all bodily odors. If properly nscd no dreeH dhields an re quired. PRICE 50 CENTS Sold by nil drnBRiRti", A. MAYER CO., Bee Building Omaha, Neb. co..stri,T.Tio i-itni: ritosi a to 4. When ordering hy mall ndd C rents for pcBtagc, FOR. Showing the most complete Hue of men's Fancy Shirts in Omaha. your attention to are the ones everywhere see Fifteenth .AiNIPil.lMJ.IIU I Little Folks There's danger in damp feet good dry feet is tho most im portant thing to look after this time of the year. Kangaroo Calf School Shoes M Douglas Street. DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? j RE-NO-MAY PINK POWDEK not only relieves, but poaltivelj enrea nil diseases of the feet Stopi