THE OMAHA DAILY It EE: SATUItDAT, JAXV AT? V 19, 1001. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements f he column vrlll b tnUru nntll . for the TcnltiK edition "nd "" 8'aa for im.rnlns n"d Sandar edition. Hates, 1 t'lo word first Insertion, lo word HirnMer. NolhlnK tnWen for leu tbuu 33o for the flrkt Inurr (Inn. Thest ndrrrllieimH Moat be van coneculTelr. Adrrllirri by reqncatl a num bered ehreUi can he n'arrem ad dressed to A numbered letter In care nt The Her. Anavrera a addreaaed will lie delivered presentation mt tka rheok only. SITt ATI ON WANTED. WANTED, position ts stenographer; ex perience, rcfetenccs. Address, Box 81, Fontitnclle, Noli .A.M3M 20 POSITION In stnrn or office; four years' college education, Gorman and KijkIIhIi i can furnish references. (J 15, Bee. A-MI20 SMALL not of hooka to kepp evening. References. Address O 30, Hee. A M43I 20 WANTED MALE HUM. WANTED, wo have Uendy work for n few Kood hustlers of Rood hiiblts and appear Btice. C. F. Adams Co., 1600 Howard St. II ,37 II A AT1HI-It Irn.ln nilchl Ihnroliclll V In short time. cntnloLMin and tmrtlcularH free, Address Western Omuha, Neb. Barbers' Institute, B 7M WANTED, good mnn to do canvassing In the ronntry, good pay for right .man. Ad dress k i, ncc. "rlL YOt'NO man nttendlng, school desires plnce to cam board. Uoyles' college. Tel. 1681. H-M3S.) 21 MKN or women to sell goods to city trade, (lood pay and steady employment. Hlx rnbaugh & Co., Wuro blk. H-M412 Murir. WANTED, experienced packers; references required. Apply M. 13. Smith & ( n. H 1-0-13 WANTKD, an experienced salesman to sell overalls, shirts, Jackets, etc., on thn road for the states of Nebraska and South Da kota. Address (I 26, tlllH office. 11 M421 23 FIHHT-CLAHH butcher to take chnrgo of market; references required. Addre A. M. Mlllrr, Olenwooif. In. H-II3 18 WANTED, salesmen of Rood nddrcss to represent ui In sehnolH and colleges; no canvassing. O 32, Omnlia llco. 11139 111 DRUGGIST wnutod, mnrrlrd mnn. Gcrmnn or ono who speaks Oprman preferred. Address J. 1'. Rurress, Elk Creek. Neb. B-M450 20 WANTED, man upright elmriielrr to maii nRO 1)ihIhhh of old established 'lions'?; salary $1S per week nnd expenses, pay able each week direct from headquarters! expense money advanced: position perma nent; references. Standard House, :l Caxtpn IhilldliiR. ChloaKo. U-MIIS 3i WANTED, nfllcCboy at C22 Ilee Hick. Il-MIC!) m WANTED, sulesmnn truvollni: In NeliriNkn lo haiidle our good.s tn n side Hup. Kick Islnnd Ilroom Co., Rock Island. Ill U-M IW 21 WANTED, men to learn barber trade: only elKht weeks required by our advantage; special offer for thirty dnyoj class )pens February 1: Join now ami complete for sprlnK rush; pohUIoiih Riven Kradii.ites; tnnkn hnnlleiittnn nt once: rataloclie rud partlnularH mailed free. Moler Harder CoIIprc, Pi23 Faruniii St., Omaha. rn WANTED, travelltiR man for Nedrnska to nilvertlso and collect; jut, montniy to start nml nil oyiieiises: uooil route, nermaneut I'lnnloyinenl: advnnccnieiit. Adilresa Hoad MnnaRcr, 300 Caxton HldR., CIiIcoro. y n-Mir.7 19 WANTUlT" men with rlu to Introduco Mon nrch PQUUryVflurf : .?:jK,H,.i"'l,ry. ."5 weekly arm expenses, duress, wim stamp. Monarch Mftf. Co., Hox 182 Snrlnt? neld. Illinois. Il-Mt51 20 WANTED, fenlcnmnn to hnndle tho -whole sale nnd inanufncturlnR trade. Address F. M. M.. Corner llershcll nnd South SIM., Cleveland, O. n-JHM vi sam:smi:.v avanthd. MEN to travel for St. Louis Mfff, fJo.; nlsq advertisers, strnlrht salary. Trlumtih Co., Dallas. Texas. H-MSHO IS' WA XT 15 n F KM A M3 II U 1,1. WANTED, 200 clrls. ir,2l Dodge. Tel. n. C-739 10 girls wanted. Cnnadlan olllce, 1522 DouRlas C-710 WANTED, young lady nttcndnnt 220 Ilec HldR. Call nt C COO A IMMnilT vonnir mnn or woman to take shorthand scholarship and pay for It whan course is unlsncii una position tiecureu Address F in, Hee. C-K7 COMPETENT clrl for Renernl housework 2215 Sherman Ave. C 3X1 WANTKD. Indies to lenrn. dalrdreyslni;. mnnlPtirliiK nnd facial massage: I werkH completes; constant practice; expert In structions: positions guaranteed; tools furnished: call or write for particulars Motor s llairurcssuiR college. car' cam. Omaha. C-MPj 21 VANTED-Oood girl for general house work. Apply 39i5 l.euvcinvorth. UI3(19 WANTED, girl for. oMlco work. Adilrosst ft 34, Ilec. C--MI71 WANTED, compplent dressninker. capable of managing uressmiiKiug iipparimoiu 11 11 flrst-clasH storo nt Carson. Iowa. Ad dress Cater A. (lallowny. Carson, Iowa giving experience, and salary desired. C M4ii2 : FOK HUNT HOUSES. I F you want your houses well rented placo mem witn uennwn, " v.o. u 741 ALWAYS moving II. H. Roods. Plnnos, Olllce, 1511 Fnrnnm Ht. Tel. ltw or nil. D-743 HOUSES for rent In all Paris of tho city, Hrennnn-Lovo Co.. 320 So. 13th St. D-743 HOUSES, storm. Ltcmls, I'axton block. D-741 SEE HE.NHY 11. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE, HOUSES, etc. F.' D, Wyad, 1524 Douglas! D-710 HOUSES and flats. HinEWnit. Barker nik - f D-717 HOUSES wanted. .Wnllncc nrown nlk. D-7IS HARN. 2021 fit. Mory's Ave. D-7J3 FOIV RENT, bakery In first-class condition In run tttoro roam, contlnuousi nvn nlxo S-rooin house, with 1mm fnr v nnd large wagon shed;-all for IOO) ncr month. W, Jl. Hut.cll, 420 Itamgo mak. D-K3 nwii1' tin1 CT nAni - . . du nrHiH' uv 11 u'liiuni COttMffO n't ivii.t jvv i'him 7 nuT, roni OMAHA IA1A.N (JO., lfitl tin'l JSIin (-room nricK, niriciiy modern, eni front, Z7tn una mi. .Mary b live,, J3S. nemla i-nxion uioch. 1J J1717 No. 1S31 South 3lBt street, lust north nf lim srain park, n nlc. conifortablo, 8-roim modern housn. Will be put In unn.t r... pair Tor light party; M. J Konnrtrd .t Don, mv uiunii uihkw,( v .MS 13 TWO sinnll 'five-room cottages In U10 same yard: city water In kitchen: In enmi ran. dltlon; renl. jwr month. 4 Omaha Loan u irum 1. o.i iDtn nun wpugias ntH. D-9i1 Hth. near Farnam: ton-room modern hou, compieici in every respect: ten inlnuto- wnia 111 center 01 city; reasqnablo rent pmAha Loan .t Trust Co., liith and Doug 3407 Dccntur st., 7r U. 3S10 Decatur. 7r. modern. III. 1514 S. 2Slh 8t., 7r., all modern, except fur' 1215 Ilurt hLjR-. iipijgrn. except furnace, t N. Y. LI1. D-432 S-nooM flit, modern Improvements. 25CI ixiiikiiis, liJSz-sO' (ROOM house, all mudcru. 1135 N. 20th St roit HH.vr hoises. WELL furnished 0-room house, centrally located, 8 minutes fiom postofllce. all modern conveniences, most llbernl term to rlRht party, references required Ad dress (133, Bee. D-111 FOR HUNT-FURNISHED BOOMS. BTEAM-heatcd rooms at The Thurston. E-732 DEWEY European hotel, 13th nnd I'nrnam, . E-3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, Mary's, 't Up. 2623 St. E-M711 J 2D FOR KENT, a nicely furnished front room, south and east exposure, u I thin flvo blocks of postornccs bath and Use of tflo. phone. Address V , lice. E M685 210 N. liTII ST., steam heated rooms. K-M1IC Ff 2201 DOl'OLAS street, choice rooms. K-M383 10 I LHMSIIIMI IIOOMS AMI IIOAUII. OLENCAIIlN,tranBlonts,r.23(3ay. 1C-30 Doug F-T53 Tho Mcrrlam, nood winter home. 25 A Unria P 75 1 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. THE PKATT. desirable roorn. Hot water heat. P-1SI EI.EOANT lurirn Bteuin-hented front rniJnn', with board. lr Capitol u v: 1' M41C 13 DESIItAllI.E front room, heated, sultnto for two, with board: wulklim dlst.inco. f.2l N. 23d St. 1' 112 rO NICE front room with board for tv o- I'ui empioycit iiurintr uay. mi iiowuni street. K-MIM20 (III lli:.NT STOItEM AXI) OFFICES. I ALL, 102 80. 14th, cor Dodge St. t .mioj r 1 ''OK RENT, storo In flrtt-class locatlD.f. rent reasonable. Applv 11. u. I'eiers at Co., Rround lloor, Ilec IlldB. I ICO Fpn IlENT. tho bulldliiK lormerty occuplM mo nee at sis fr nrnam siieei . i lour stories nnd n bascmunt wiiicn was fortnerlv ikoiI n Tin. Hi.o nrewt room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. K93; watcr, secretary, room 1M, Uco Uulldlns. 1 ui A HOB double room In Continental block: can be made ,nto very doMrnblo olllcc and luvrpuon. room lor pnyaicuiii, nm " ranRo to suit. OMAHA LOAN & TUPST CO., 16th & Douglas Sts. I -toft IALL for rent, 102 8. 14th, cor Dodge. I auivi-r i. ANH.vr.H WA.VTEI). IVERYIIODY Is making money: are you? wo navo something exceptional and sale. nine; worKers guaranteed . weekly, am- ureos icpi. i', ii .Murray at,, isow iorK. j ahi;i ii AflENTS. with Hayes' metallic rubber tlrcg tor rocKiiiK cnnirs you can maKe fw a month. Address J, C. llnyco, 41fi K. lo cust St., Dps Moines, la. J M4K 19 AOKNTS on salary or commission; th Kreutcst nan'its.' seller ever produced every user or pen and Ink buys It on slKlit; 2 to WH) per cent prollt; one iiRelit'n sales amounted to S62Q In six days; a not tier in two nours, Aiouroe Miff. vo., a p., i.a frosso wis, J M4M 20 POirritAIT agents everywhere quit "cray ons, rry wiisnauie enamclinps; no Riass; don't rule ehnp. Family I'ortralt Co., ClilcaRo. J-.MI51 19 stouac.i:. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912- uii joncs, general storage aim lorwnrdiiig. 757 OM. Van Stor Co., 1G11". Fnrn. Tels. 1559-SC3. 75S WANTim TO IIIIY, IOUSES to move. AVallace, Brown Blk.', N-760' HIGHEST prices pnld for furniture nnd stoves. J. Levlne, 301 N. ICtli. Tel. 771. N-373 WANTED to Buy. n King Chnrles, Blen- neim or japnncrc spaniel; state lowest price. Address G 31 Bee. N-433 AVISII to buy small drug store and prac tice In town of 400 to D01) or opening lor dmg storo and doctor In eastern Ned. O 30, Bee. N M ICS 21 2D-HAND coupe, modern, good an new cash transaction. Address O as. Bee. N-M43G 2.-, FOR SALE FUHXITUHE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1110 Dodge. iei. ivsu. jncw ac i-unnnu lurnituro bought, sold, exchanged. Q 782 Oil SAI.E-ll'HtSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IF YOUR wagon breaks down take It to Jlnrry Frost, 11 & 11 worth. Ho llxes 'em. P-liil FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and soft, foundation piling: hog 2DIIAND, safe chenp Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. tj-763 SAFES; buy, sell ex'go. Schwnrtz, 114 So. 13. Q-764 HERTFORD A CO.. 16th &. llworth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING. Q-37 TIMOTHY hny nnd all kinds feed nnd coal. .Monroo At 1.0. (J M41G HAVE a sure permanent cure for warts no pnin or seal : semi ji and a 2-cent sinmp tor medicuus and full directions. Geo. KucOra, Western, Neb, Q-M437-21 2DIIAND boiler nnd engine, about ;o H-P.. inr snie cjienp ni umana Hare and iron wonts, uiu so. nin at., umana. Q 593 FOR SALE, new nnd secondhand wia. fountains; monthly payments. 8 B. Rich mond, (i so. Zttn St. Q AU32 Fl BARGAINS In 2d hand bicycles, t: up now wheels, J15 up Omaha Blcvclo Co. 16th nnd Chicago sts. Q M794 MUST dlsposo of high crude piano; terms 11 uesireu, inquiries iiuswcreu, Address, vi uee. ( i;n INCUBATORS. Send to tho Suro Hatch Iruubntor Co., Clay Center, Neb., for a iinniisomo ireo cuiniogue. ( 441 Ll.OAL blanks, hundreds of forms; mnll oruers linen; mwyers nnors prlntPd Omahn Mercury. Q All 17 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE, n fine Importol magic lantern worth Jk5, only used n short tlmo; HUltndlo for lectures and other eli- tcrtainmeiiis. .ddrcss v Ki, Bee olllce. 1-M70 FOR SALE, cheap, 3 Musical Puck nickel in-tlie-Klot machines, also 3 Musical De- itolis nml 3 .Musical Ulack Cuts. Owl rsoveity uo., Hyracuse, iv. y. Q-M 163 20 COAL buslnecs for sale. Includlne tenmH iniiiviiuK, iixmrun, rie. ; spit'iiuiu cnance 10 step Into a well establisheil nud protltnhlp business; Invidco JO.IKKJ. W. Grtittnn. 720 N. Y. Life Blilg. Q-MI59 21 FOR SALE, nine milch cows, some fresh; one spun driving uorsos, a mid 0 years old C. Carstensen, Crescent, lu. Q AI I73 21 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. 8-763 MME.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1005 Dodge, M ,66 HLECTItlO TREATMENT. ELITE parlors, 615 South 16th, second floor, T-197 F-8 MISS MAE LESLIE, 019 S. 10th. 2d floor. T-M347 22 MME. AMES. 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room 1 thermal baths, T 446.23 MABEL Q RAY, 317( N. 15th st. flat E. M458 F1S PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -811 I'EIISO.NAI DR. ROY. chiropodist- corns tc superDuous nair removed ay eiecinciiy. it. is, ! ren ter Rlk. U 767 TURKISH bnlhi mas'sgo baths, electric bains, ror lames oniy; skilled women massage nperntors: finest equipped baths In the c ty. Renstrom Rath Company, Rooms US lo 220 IJM flldg. U-76S IIEnEN, thrntrlcal, masquerade costumer. 1U13 rarnsm. U 769 PRIVATE homo beforo and during confine ment; naoicH auoiurj. .Mrs. JJurRPt, 2620 Burdeltc. U 770 FRENCH accordion plentlngi Ivory rim but tons; man uracu, urnann i leating Co., 1&24 Douglas. U 773 BARIES nnd children cared for. SI3 N. 23d. U .M876 J26 8UPPI IES for nil machines: machines for rent, wnite pcwing Aincninc, Doug las. Tel, 2331. U-540 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd during eonflr.omcnt; babies adopted. 2.1' Grant 81. U 177 SKATES sharpened, 15e. Louis Fpcher, U-M973 10.J tnpuoi Avr, r'lltl.nilEN'H elothln g mndo to order ladles' underwear 11 lufauts wenr, ami inuies Rpeclnltj. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1919 Hurt st. U 232. IF your feet bother you do not put off until tomorrow buying n box of He-no-may powder. Sold by all druggists. I U-M293 VIAA'I Woman's wny lo health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 318 Bee Ml die, U-891- IU'Y from the manufacturer. Rurkloy En-U-M 400 F15 veiopo Co., umniia. HI PTt'RH cured; no knife, no pain, no dnnger; send for circulars. Empire Hup ttiro Cure, 932 N. Y. I.lfo Building. Oinuna. U-M4II F1S MUTUAL MAGNETS gives lists nnd per sonal descriptions nt hundreds who want to marry; best matrimonial paper pub lished; sample free; 3 months. 10c. Mu tual Magnets, Rox 919Y, Chicago. Ill U-M4S7 :o " SECOND!! A NIV SKTnoM AC II INKS. bnlurday we will sell machines for so llttlo that they will emtio within the reach of everybody. You will be surprised nt ' we offer you. 3 Singers ; 1.01 1 Now Home 4.(0 1 New Homo fi.CO 1 Domestic 1.0) 1 Domestic s. 5 Household 10.00 2 Singers, high arm. each 7. no 1 Singer, Rood iim new 12.50 1 Wheeler & Wilson, No. 9..u H.W Singer Shoemnkcr I5.0O 4 modern ilronhend machines. STANDARD. SINGER nnd DAVIS. In perfect con lltlon, at nnir the regular price. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor. lGth and Harney Sts. r 111 is MOXIJY TO I.OA.VUEAI, ESTATE. LOANS on eastevn Nebraska and western InuiL furl in nt 5 tier cent: borrnw&r can tmv J100 or any multiple: any Interest date; 11 1 clay. Breiinnn-Lovo Co., 300 So. 13tl Omahn. Ned. . W 77ii MO.M'jY TO I.OA.V IlEAI. ESTATE. PRIVATI moacy. 5. W.. R per cent: no d" lay. (iarvin iiros., l-arnnm. W- MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha leal cstutu. iircnuan-i.ovo uo jvj o. urn. W-770 J1.000 and upward to loan on Improved city properly nun arms. v. enrnnm tnniin ac Co., 1320 Fnmnm. W 77S WANTED, city lonns, bonds nnd warrants, ueorge i-ompany, iwi r arnam sircoi. W-779 WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants, u u. I'etcrs at i n,, icu Farnam St., Bee Blde W-7S0 MONEY to loan on form and olty property. lowest rates. O. F. Davis co Karnam W-7M PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, W 785 939 K. v. Lire. MONEY to loan at 5 and per cent on Omaha property., W. B. Ajmic. luwyatii FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block. W-78S $1.G00 TO LOAN on real estate: call nt once. M. J. Kcnnara & Hon, 310-311 urown oiock. W-7S0 FIVE and one-half per cent loans. W. H. rnomas. i-irsi national nanu duuuioe. Tel. 1613. W-MSli 5 AND fi'i per cent loans. AY. II. Thomn. l irst iN'at. isatiK nu id'.ngr. xci. iw. W-MSI6 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. -MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TODAY. Lonns made In amounts from i0 to $25C on Household ruriinure, planes, norns, car ltnges, etc., without remc.vnl or on your 8-A-L-A-R-Y without security. All or, a part of tho money may be paid back tlrst month, or no part of It need bo paid back for several months Each pnymuit made reduces tho cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. Peoplo who need money are Invited to cnll and get my terms nnd compare them with what others offer. Lonns of other com panies may bo transferied to inc. .No charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Quick scrvlco and lowost rates guaranteed, .r w. TAvr.nrc. 218 Flrt. Not. Bank bldg.. southest utn nnd Farnam Sts. 'lei. 7Ij. . ,, X M831 DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan $10.00 nnd up on furniture, P'anos, horses nnd other chattels. SALARY LOANS, Without inortgnge. to people holding permanent positions. You can get tho mone lu a few hours nftcr making ap plication, and take 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 0 months or inoro In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It ono day longer than you Uepp It. Wo chargo nothing for papers and we give yon the full amount In cnslt. There aro no lower rates thnn ours, our terms are the easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please, ' Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel., 229 . iKstablUhcd 1S9J), 300 So. 10th gt. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN C1T. AN OPPORTUNITY to tnko udvantago of, We mnkn nn Htiirtlinz. sensational an nouncements of rate "cut In two." We don't do business that way; neither does anybody else. OUR REDUCED RATES ARE THE LOWEST. You can borrow on your porsoual Note, without Mortgage, Indorsee, or Publicity. Our Hneciai 1'ny mont Plan surprises them all and Boon gets you out or ueut. very quiei uiucc, easily found. Come and see ns. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Boom 001, Bee Bldg. X M.820 MONEY MjtlNEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No odorser of mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and OMAHA fMH.'nlT I'fl.. Room 626, Fifth Floor, New York Life Bid is. SAT.AT1V T.OANH. If rnn nrftmnlnvp,! bv n resnonstble Arm wo will loan you sums from $10 to $100 on your nolo at much cheaper and cosier rates than elsewhere. Of this wo are positive. Absolutely no charges for nnpers rCnthlni? ,lf.ilnrto,t frntrt nrnnunt desltea Easiest partial payments. Rcllablo Credit Co., room 2C3 Paxton blk. x-Msai MONEY to Loan on Furniture. Pianos. Diamonds, etc., on ensy puymcnts. You keep security No chargo for papers. No questions nsked your neighbors. Tel, 1634, BURGERS' LOAN CO., 1504 Farnam St. X-021- MONEY loaned salaried neonlo holding per manent petition with responsible concern upon tlirlr own nnmes without security; ensv pnyments. Tolmnn. Room 440, Board of Trade Bldg,, ietn and i-arnam ais. X-791 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Ji uw- elry, homes, cows, etc. 0. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. MONEY loaned nn p'anos, furniture, homes, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R 8, Barker blk X-?J3 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash; will earn 12 and upward weekly each. Earl. Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. i X-i 13 III SIESS ( H AM'ES. WANTED, good man to do canvosslng In the country; gooa pay ior rigui mnn Ad dress E 4, lite. Y-M1W FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant and grocery cneop it tngen ni once, uurrss it w, nee, Y-M366 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement nnd carriago business in soutn crntrai .e brnskn. For further particulars addrif9 Box 103, West Liberty, la. Y-M401 22 FOR SALE, eood barn's business I i tarming (lisirici; goon rrawns ior selling. Write nt onco If you wont n snap. Wal ter Davis. North Loup. Neb. .MI37 19 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange Chicago vacant for Omaha vacant or Imptoved nnd pay difference, If necessary. Address G 1), Bee. Z-M2M 19 A FINE JS5.C0 Imported magic lantern, ns good as now, only used a short time; sult nbln for lpctures, churches or lodge enter tainments; a bargain. Address F ffl, lire ofllce. 179 604' ON THE DOLLAR: good clean cloth ing, mostlv new; invoice w,wm: no nx turcs. Address O 37, Omaha lice. Y-AI449 20 FOR SALE, millinery stock nnd biHlii 'SS In one of the brst cities In Iowa; Involc s $700! will sell Immediately for jrtnii Ad dress O 35, Bee. Y-MWII2- FOR SALE, tho stock of Implements nnd harncsn of F. W. Rerggrcii, bankrupt, will be sold nt Stromsburg, Neb., Jan, 25, 1!1. olther publicly or on prlvatu sealed bids for tho whole or In lines. J. L, Johnson, Trustpp, Stromsburg. Ned. Y-M455 23 FOR SAI.I&-HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. RE-790 DESIRABLE cast front lot, residence or business. 3d block so. depot on 10th. 1 til Vinton. RE-MS63 F3 RANCH AND FARM lands for s.ilo bv the Union Pacific Railroad company. 11. a. McAllaster land commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb, HE-S13 PROPERTY bought nnd sold; money loaned; rnts collected. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 So. 15th St. RE-102 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Brmls, Pnxton blk. RE SI 4 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-79.-. CHEAPEST lot In city of Omnhn; 62H-foot enst front In Nelson a addition, M, J. Kcnnard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-M893 SCRIP 16,000 acres; C. B. Burrows, owner, Norfolk, Neb. RE-M422 30 A llrnl Ilnrmiln In it I'nrni. fl ACRES of choice land only 6 miles wen of Omahn P. O., near paved roil, for only $75 per ucre. This Is just what you bnve been looking for so long. For par ticulars call on or nddres PA Y N E-KNOX COM PA N Y. Main floor N. Y. l ife Mid-RE-JU.T6 29 A HKAl'TIFl'L lot In north part of city on Miindcrsnn st.. 3 blocks went of 24th st. motor: must be sold this week; $250 takes It; 3 lots on npxt strpet sold this week for $3uo each. Half cash, balance $10 a mouth. Stringer, 631 Pnxton Block. RE M 4 60 A BEAUTIFUL enst front lot. 50x121, 011 8, 35th avenue, 2 blocks south of Leaven worth st. car nnd only 4 blocks from Hnuscom park. Will tako $300 If sold this week, it Is worth $1,000. Stringer. 634 Pnxton block. RE-M460 MINNESOTA FARMS Red River Valley "The Bread Basket of tho world.'" This Is tho Red River vnlley In Minnesota nnd Eastern North Dakota. Its equal ns n grnln growing country does not exist. Lnnd has advanced lu price In the Inst two years loo to 200 per cent In some partH or it. yet 1 nnvc some of these great lauds with good fair Improvements nt less than $20. A fcv .tracts of unim proved at $10 to $15; CI9301 to growing rail road towns und creameries. Other lands fair In quality, $6 and $S. Plats furnished where party states what tllPy want. O, B Harris, 405 S. 15th St.,- Omnhu. 1 BE M172 19 MEDICAL, LADIES out of health II ml prompt relief. jiox Zoz, umana, :seu. uonnucntiai. -799 VIRTUAMA cures Impotency resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, nsplratlons of youth, health, fitting for success, happiness lu business; profes sional, social, married life;; $2, or 3 for $5. Sent nnywhero prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. III. American Ofllce, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omahn; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluff m. Full lino rubber goods. I'ATI'.XTS. INVENTORS, GOT AN IDEA 7 We hnndle pater.ts, copyrights and trade marks; you give tM the liaru idea mid we will do tho rest; modern equipped machine shop and foundry 111 connection; Ofllclnl Gazette on t'.ie; guldo book free. Musou, Fenwlck & Lawrence, patnt lawyers. 1106 Howard st.; tel. 1449, Omaha. J. P. Cronln. repr -M170 INVENTORS, wo ask no fee until the puteul is procured; lr we tan. wo (ret no lee; advlco free. Sups & Co., Patpnt Law yers, Ben Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Long dis tance tplpphono 1623. UK Maris ACCORDION I'LEATIXt!. ACCORDION pleating, choapest, best quick- esi. airs. j, v. .Man;, ii, m. tor. 1111 anu Farnam. 322 LOST. LOST Ladles' handbag, between Kllpat rlck's storo in Omaha and Council Blurt's Howard if returned to Beo olllce, Council Bluffs. Lost 427-19 STRAYED or stolen, lemon-colored pointer ouch, a ipouins old; wuiic on nose, IMCURi, Iront tors nnd tip of trill. TelcDlioni! 1162. w. 1.. .inggar. Reward. Lost M4-n IS OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, Slu N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1604; Alice Johnson. D. O.. Indies' dep. ; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. SOC M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Kirksvillo, Mo., 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -S07 DRESSMAKING. MRS. JEFFRIES Telephone 2420. KEMP, 401 Pnxton Blk, M-6S4-J27 BIRDS AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -797 TICKET nilOKEII. CUT rnte tickets everywhere. P. bin. 1505 Farnam, Telephone 7SI, II, Phil- $09 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmgo Bldg. -S12 NICKEL I'LATINO. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bed Bldg. Tel. 23S3, M618 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Lnundry; shlrtn, 7c: collars, 2c; cuffs, 4o. 1750 Leavenworth. Tol, 517. -79S FirilNITlinE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M, S. Wnlklln, :iU Cuming St. SOS RUBBER bTAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Beo Bldg, Tel. 253b M-4il7 WATCH REPAIRING. V. O. SANDERS, room 24, Barker Block. 42.V-F-16 DANCING SCHOOL, THE winter term nt Slorand's Dancing school begins this week. Adults, Tuesday and Friday, 8 p, in.; 12 lessons, gentlemen, IS. ladles, )6. Private lessons day and evening. M 222 FU SHOIITHAMl ANI TYPEWIUTINH. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 71" N. Y. Life. S01 BOYLKS' College, court reporter, principal. Jlec BIdg. -V2 NEB. Business Shorthand college. Boyd's Theater. -S0J GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 ft Doug. -S04 CRPENTEItS AND .lOIHIEItS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake 81s, 370 PORTO Popular Tours RICO l ed. 2 nnd 10, March '.'. HUn trntcd proeranii U4 days, nil expenses. HO1. Raymond & U hltcomb, 103 Adams St., CIiIcjoo It ULWAV TIME TABLES. FREMONT, ELKHORN MIsouri Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern Line" - General 'tlllces. 1'nltod Slates National Bank Bldg, S. W irner Ticket Olllcc. 1401 Fnriium St. Tel. Ml. De pot, loth mid Wcbatcr Sts. Tel. 1I5S. . Leave. Arrive. Black lllls, Dcadwood, Hot HllHluvt. ,1 T.AA n T.-OO nitl Wyoming, Cnsper "nnd uougi.iM d 3:00 pm c r.:oo pm Hnstlnas, York, David t Ity, superior, Genevn, Lxelpr ami Seward. . . .b 3:00 pm b 0:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro nnd " ! rcmont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Lincoln. Wnhoo and I-remont b 7:30 nm bl0:23 am I-remont Locnl c 7:30 nm ft Dally d Dnllv oxrept Sunday, r Sun day only d imlly except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO S,: NORTH western Railway "Tin Northwestern Line" -City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm u 3:10 am Eastern Express. Des Moines. Mursbnlltown, Ccdur Rapids and Chicago nl0:55 am a 4:03 pm Eastern Sneclal. C'dl. cago nud a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha 11 2:1." t)tn Omahn-Chlcago Llmlt'd.n 7:43 pm a 8:0) pm Fast Mnll 11 8::ii nm Cedar Rapids Passenger u 5:3J pm Enstern Express d 9:00 pm ft Dally, b Dally exeppt iturdny. SIOUX CITY St PACIFIC Railroad "TI10 North western Line" GPtienl Oltlces, United States National Bank ButldliM, 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Fnrnain Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone 501, De pot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. Leave Arrive. Twin City Express... Twin City Limited... Sioux (.'Ity Local a Dally. ..a i55 am 1110:23 pm . .a 7:35 pm n Sill nm ..nS:00am a 3:30 pm CHICAGO, ST PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" General Offices, Ncbraskn Divi sion, lfith nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, cel. Depot, lfith and Webster Sts. Leave. Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 am Omaha Passenger Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 3:43 pm a Dally. Arrive, a 9:10 pm nll:10 am BURLINGTON & MIS tourl River Rnllroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Olllccs, North v.cst Corner Tenth und Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofllce 1S02 Farnam Street. Telephone," 2iu. Burlington Station, Tenth and Motion Streets. Telephone, 123. Leave, Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings nnd McCook a 8:40 am a 7:33 pm Lincoln. Denver, Colo rndo, Utah. California. a 4:25 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills. .11 9:00 pm a 6:13 am Montana. Paget Sjund..n 9:00 pm a 6:43 nm Lincoln Fnst Mail b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Wymore, Beatrice und Lincoln 11 8:40 am hHiKnm Denver, Colorado, Utnh and California n 6:43 nm South Benl, Louisville, Plntlsmotith b 3:33 nm bll:03 am Ft, Crook, Plnttsmnuth nnd Pacific Junction.. a 7:00 pm n S:20 am Bellevue. Plattsmouth and Pacific Junction. .ol2:10 am n Dally b Daily except riiinua. KANSA8 CITY. ST. JO scph & Council Blurts .Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce, 1302 Farnam Street. Tele phone, 2:0. Depot, Tenth and Mason Strcts. Tele phone. 128 ,. LenTe. Knnsns City Day Ex. .a 9:20 am Arrive, a 6:2." pm a 61IS am Kansas City Night Ex..aio;30 im St. Louis Flyer for f Joseph nnd St Louis.. u C:10 pm all:13 nm a uany. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Oulncy Rallroad-"Tho Burlington Route" Ticket plllco 1C02 Farnam Street, 'telephone, 2,7). Depot, .;. !"". """un sireets, Telephone, 12S, l.envi Arrive. Daylight clal Chicago Spe- Chlcngo Vestldulpd Ex. a 4:00 prn Chicago Local Espress.a 9:20 um Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm Fnst Mall a Dally. . .11 1 ,trt Hill alO:!.-, pm n 7:43 am a :06 pm a 7:45 am a 2:43 pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL llallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice. 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited .. Minneapolis and Paul Express .... Minneapolis and Paul Limited .... ...a ,:00 am alltis nm a S:uj urn St. ...b 7:00 am St. b 9:10 pm a 8:05 am a S:15 am .a ;:45 pm Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4:30 put I-ort uoago i.ocni irjm Council Bluffs s, 6 00 nm a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday, MISSOURI TACIFIC RAIL road General Ofllces and Tlckot Olllccs, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot. Union Station. Leave. Arrive. si. i.nnix und Kansas City Express al9:99 am n 6:23 pm K. C St. L. Express.. .al0:u0 pm a 0:15 um Leave from 15' n and Webster Streets: Nedraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL rond -Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern Railroad "The Qtllncy Route" Ticket Of flee, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tclephono. 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Knnsns City and Qulncy Locnl a Dallj. .a 7:00 am n 9:00pm W ABASH RAILROAD Ticket omco, 1115 Farnam u wiintti Hi reel, iniepuuue, so. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Hts, Leave. Arrive. ci l.m.ln "rnnnotl UOI1 Exnress a Phi " S:20 am a Dally. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER l.inl Ilotito" General Ofllces, N E. Cor, Ninth nnd Farnam HI reels City Ticket Olllce, 1324 Unrnam Street. Telerhon. am Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Teicpnone, u-. i.t-uvr, jvrr ve. The Overland Limited . a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm The Chicago-Portland Special a 8:20 nm a 7:30 pm Tho Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:2j pm Tho Mnll and Express.. allMS pm a 4:25 pm Lincoln. Beatrlco and Htromsburg Express..!) 4:u, pm bl2:30 pm Tht Paclllo Express. .. ,n 4:2o pm The Atlantic Express... a 6:50 am Grand Island Local., .d 5:30 pm b 9:35 am u Daily, u Dally except Sunday. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO. ROCK isl and A Pacific. Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route" City Ticket Ofllce. 1323 Fitr nam Street. Telephone, 428. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tele phone. 629. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Drs Moines nnd Davcn- ' port Loral ..n 725 nm bit:?, nm Chlcngo Express bll:l," nm n 3:10 nm Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm a 4s43 pm Chkngo Fast Express. ,n 6:00 pm (1 1:23 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and end Chicago a 7:40 pm a. 9:33 pm WEST. Lincoln, ColoraCo Spgs., Denver, Pueblo und West n 1:30 pm n 4:13 pm Colorndo,. Oklahoma & Texna Flyer n 6:20 pm n 9:50 am a D.illy d Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St St Paul Raliway-Clty IMlLWAUh Ticket Olllce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone, 2S4. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets, Telephone, C29, l.rnvn At-rli'A Chicago Limited Ex ..n 6:00 pm n 8:03 nm Chlcngo Ai Omnlia Ex b 7:15 am b 3.10 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MOW 1 j. iiLrt lunrui 1 1 v. v; MOBILE iini-aigsniLT nbmsv tvrrsiv S nst Hies iNCosstctioM wrm SltSDIO SIRV1CC TKt MOltl014IO. ALONO THE NORTH SHORE SvVS mta?zs, carpenas. saoua, can BAOE.1, NUEVITAS, OIDARA, i BARACOA. olt(r Mrtt. MtWON 8TKAMS1IIP f,IN1527 WICUmnt. ew York City RAYMOND A WHITCOMB, Union Squur. New York. For Tlcketn, Stateroom Reservation lid General Information of the MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobile & Ohio R. 11. and South trn Ky. POSTOFFICIJ NOTICE. Should bo rend DAILY by all Inlprcsted, as changes may occur at any time Foreign uuiIIm for tho week ending Janu ary 19, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY lu all cases) at the General Postotllcp ns follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER thnn closing time shown be'ow. Parcels. Post Malls for Gormniiy close :it b p. m. cm January It per h. s. Tntve, Jan uary ;6 per m. :,. Koeln and on January IS tier s. s. Phoenicia. Regular and Supplementary malls close nt Foreign Branch half hour later than closing time shown below. Trnns-Atlniit lo .Mulls, SATURDAY- At S a. in. for NETHER LANDS, pe- s. h. Spaarndnm (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Spniirudnm '); nt 8 a. in. for iTALl, per s. s. Werrn, Via Naples (mail must be directed "ncr s. . Werrn"): at 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 12 in.) ior 1,1'iiuri'., per h. n. 1 nii'iia. via CJiiecnstown; at 12 in. for DENMARK ill reel, irer s. s. Norge. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls slcnmpr taKPS lTinteu .Matter, Couiiiictrlal and Samnlps for Gprmany only. The same elans of mall ma.tcr lor other parts of Europe will not bo sent by IhK t lit ii unless specially ditectpd ny her. After tho closing of the Sunnlpiiientiirv Trons-Allantlo Malls named n'.iniv nddl tional Hiipiilcmcntiiry mulls ore opened on tho piers of the American, Eng'lsli. French nnd Gorman stpamcrs and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing or slcnmpr. MiiIIm (hi South mill Cent nil America, West Indies. Etc. SATURDAY At fi'SO n. tn. for BRA'.IL, ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. h. llevcllus (mall for Northern Brazil must be directed "per s. s. iti'veiius ); ni a. in. isuppiuiueuiary !:.H) a. m.) for. VENEZUELA and CUBA- CAO, per s. ' s. Maracnlbo (hinll for 8avaul la nud ( atthageua must bo ill reefed "per s, s. Maracalbo); at 9 a. 111. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce, via San Juan; at n. 111, (HUiipiemeiiiary 10 i. m.) for ST, THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEE WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA. per H. s. Folitnbelle; nt 10 n. tn. (supplementary 10:30 a. 111.) fcr FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVA NILLA, CARTIIAGENA and GREY TOWN, per ft. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must (10 directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per h. 3. Jeannu (mall for Curacao. Trinidad, Venezuela, British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per s. s. Jeanne"); at 10 1. m. for CUBA, per s. h. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 11 p. in. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fin. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, anil thence by steamer, close at this olllce dally at 0:30 p. m. (connecting close hero overy Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mhiuvlon, by rail to Boston, nnd thenco by steamor, close at this ofllco dally at 6:30 p, m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., nnd thenco by steamer, close at this olllce dally at 0 a. m. (the crnnectlng closes aro nn Sunday. Wednesday and Friday). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially aildiessed for dispatch by steamer, clone at tld ifllce dally nt 1:9) p. 111. and 11 p, m. Malls for Costa Rlr.a, Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by mil to New Orleans, nnd thenco by . stenmer, close at this ofllce dally at 1.30 11. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Rica). "Registered mull closed ul 6 p. 111. previous day. TiniiH-I'm-lilo Mulls. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine lulands, via 'inconia, closo hero dally nt (1:30 p. n. up lo January 13. Inclusive, for dlsnatch ncr !;. h. GIciinKlc. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via Tncomn. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 15th, Inclusive, for disimten oer s. s. Olvinnln. Malls for Australia (except West Australia). icv -.eninnu, iinwnu, j-1 1 1 nnd Mnniouu Islnnds, via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. Januniv 0lh and up to January 19th, Inclusive, 01 on day of nrrivnl or s. s. Campania, duo nt Now York January 19th, for dispatch per s. r. Sonoma. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip pine islands, via Man Francisco, close nnre dully at 6:30 p. m. up to January ltlth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Horn? Kong Muni. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, closo here dnlly nt oizo p. m. up to Janu ary "22. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of Japan (registered mail must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for Hawaii, Japan, Chin? and Phlllp- .111110 JFinnos, via nan rraiiciHtn, rinsu hero dally at 0:30 p. ni. up to January '27. Inclusive, for dlsnatch nor s. H, China. Malls forAustralla (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and .;mv .cuiauc:. which goes via San Francisco), and Fill Islands, via Vancouver, close hern dully at :) p. m. after Jnnunry "19 nnd up to February "2, Inclusive, for disputed, per s. s. Aoraugl (hupplenipnlnry malls, via Spattle, c'oso at 6:30 p. m. February 3j. Trans-Pacific mnlls are Inrwardod to port of sailing uany ami 1110 schedule, nt closing Is nrrangod on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. m prevloim dny. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. FINED FOR FAST DRIVING Policeman Save Tito Men fro 111 HnNliluir Over 11 Forty Foot IlInlT. J. S. Barber and Robert Htird, who were arrcHtcd by Officer Shields luto Thursday afternoon for fast and enrolrss driving, wero lined $3 and costs each yesterday by Police Judgo Learn. Tho ofllcer testified that both men woro drunk and that thoy were driving their team at a furious rato cast on Capitol nvenuc. "It I hadn't Jumped In ahead of them lust when I did," ho said, "tho horbes, buggy, men and all would hnvo gono over tho bluff opposite tho Dcerliig wnrohouse, near Eighth street and Capitol avenue That would havo meant a fall of about forty feet. There Is a railing along tho brow of tho bluff, hut It Isn't strong enough to bear a man's wolght and at the rato they wpro going it wouldn't hnvo been any inoro protection thnn a twlno string. They wero headed straight for this bluff, going at a kcon run, nnd weren't mora than thirty yards from It. Tho mon wero whip ping tho horses nt every Jump nnd couldn't have seen a mountain If It had been ahead of thoni." As thn men listened to tho testimony of tho ofllcer they turned pale. The Judge snld ho thought thero was no danger of tho defendants repeating tho offense, so ho would make tho flno light. For n Cold In the llrm!, LAXATIVE BHOMO-QN1NINB TADLliTS GIFTS FOR FAVORED AGENTS Bailroadi Prefer Charges of Violation of Commieilon Agreement. BURLINGTON ONE OF ALLEGED OFFENDERS rrnirlliisr Auentu Are Snld in llnie Distributed Prevents In I, leu at fit nIi ('iiiiiiiiNkIuiin to In lloencc lliislni-ss. At a meeting of tho Western Passenger association to be held In the near future, ono of tho matters that will come up for consideration will bo the nllcged violation of the nntl-rummlsslon agreement entered Into by nil of tho railroads nbont n year ngo. The railroads which nro nceused of violating the spirit If not tho letter of tho nntl-roiiiiulsloii agreement aro the Chi cago, Burlington & Qtilncy, tho Colorndo Midland and the St. Louis & Snn Francisco. General passenger ugents of western sys tems complain that these three lines linvo been using undtio Influence In enstern ter ritory for the purpose of securing business over thclt lines, nnd while thry do not al lege tho downright payment of cash com missions, they nsscrt that a practice well nigh aa effective bus been Indulged In. The specific chnrgo brought against tho Burlington is that n traveling pnssengcr agent from the Chicago ofllco of tho "O." system, who operates lu the cast, distrib uted thirty handsome $3 silk umbrellos Jo as many ngents of eastern lines located nt points from which eousldcrnblo western business originates nnd v.hero competition Is decidedly brisk. This action could and probnbly would havu lictn construed ns voluntary on tho part of tho traveling pnsspngcr ngent, merely betokening his high regard for tho ngeiits who were fnvorcd with tho Christ inas presents, hod It not been for subse quent circumstances indlcntlng that the dis tribution of presents was designed for tho purpose of Influencing trafllc in fnvor of tho Burlington. It wns recently discov ered Hint fnvorcd ticket ngents wero re ceiving from tho Burlington representatives baskets of nice red apples, and it is In timated that other methods, equally as ef fective, have been employed in the contest for biislucFA. A local passenger ofllclnl of the Burlington nssorted yesterday that ho had no knowl edge of any methods such nM theso being employed by traveling representatives of tho con.pnny. Tho chnrgo, howevor, Is directed against the "(J" system nnd the skirts of the local Burlington rond nro clear of the matter. Omaha ticket agents profess with some degree of sadness that they l:nvo seen noth ing floating about that oven bears the sem bhilico to a coiimilsslon slueo the agreement went into effect n year ago. Nono of tho eastern roads, they say, linvo been hip ping any nice, red npples out west and tho umbrella fail, if report bo true socms to bo confined exclusively lo the Burlington. Ill Itl.lU lt'l ENTERS NEW FIELD. Genoi-nl I'likscKuer Acrid of (IrcKou HiiIIm ny Vr Nn vlKdtliiu Heslutis. W. II. Iltirlbiirt, general passenger ngent of the Oregon Hallway nnd Navigation com pany, tho western branch of tho Union Pn cIUc. hns resigned his position to nnsume tho general managership of nn electric railway lino at Portland. Tho appointment of his succcsHor hnB not as yet been made, and thcro 1h considerable speculation in locnl railway circles as to who will bo tho fortu nate man to draw tho plum. Because of tho fact that tho Oregon Hallway and Naviga tion company Is closely allied to the Union Pacific It Is a certainty that President Burt of the lnttcr bystem will havo a deal of Jnfluenco lu tho selection of Mr. llurlburt's successor, and owing to this condition of affairs locnl Interest is considerably en hanced. Mr. iltirlbtirt, who has abandoned steam railroading for the purpose of taking up electric transportation, Is n veteran rail road man. lu the early '70s ho traveled for tho Burlington road nud In 1873 was gen eral traveling ogent of tho "Q" system. Ho tamo lo the Union Paclllo January 1, 1S90, ns nsslstunt general passenger ugent, with hendqiiarttra first at San Francisco and later at Portland. In July, U01, ha was appointed general passenger ngent of tho Oregon Hallway and Navigation company und occupied that position continuously until his resignation. Hitlc-H lo Kiilxcopnl Coin rnllon. NEW ORLEANS, Jun. 18. After junKet lug ami sightseeing as guests of tho South ern Pacific, tho Transcontinental Passenger association resumed Its cessions today. To tho convention of tho Episcopal church, to be held In San Francisco in October, tho snmo rates as thoso agreed upon for tho Epworth Icaguo will bo given, that Is 150 from Chicago, ?47.50 from St. Louis and Now Orleans nnd $15 from Missouri river common points. lt(illtv(i NoIi-n nnd I'erMoiinls. F W. VnnBusklrk. nsNtnnt ireneral nns. serger ngent. nnd B. A. Brnnch. ttnvellng passenger ngiiiit, wero representative .1 of tho Erlo In tho city from Chlcngo vestcrday, calling on tho local, passenger fraternity. J. B. Durham, chief rnte Merit for- ih Oregon Short Lino nt Salt Lnke, ,i In the city for n slinrt visit. Mr. Durham wns formerly chief rnte clerk In tho irciiPiHl passenger department of tho Union Paclllo In this city. In order to furnish additional convn lencpH for lt:i passenger conductors, tho Northwestern Is establishing special rooms for their use ut various) division points In Iowa. Rooms for this imrnoe nm imu- doing fitted up and furnished in the depots ut Council Bluffs, Bonno and (.'Union. Work Is rapidly progrosslng on tho North westerns bridge mitoms thn Des Mo'nc.t river nour Boono. It Is expected that it will bo completed and ready for si-rviro by Mny 1. Tho structure, which Is known as tho Moliigona bridge, will lie, when flu Ishfd, tho largest doublo-track railroad brldgo in thn world. Becauso of unexpected delays the new quarterH ut Burlington general head quarters. In this city will not lie ready for occupany for another week, Tho woik Ik being pushed to completion ns rapidly tn possible and by tho last of next uivk 11 is a curiiuuiy unit 1110 moving uf Ihi varlouu olllccs Into tho now apartments arranged for them will begin. The first olllccH to bo moved will bo tho general freight nnd passenger departments, which will bo transferied from tho second and third tloorM and occupy thu ontlrn ground floor. COUNTY AND CITY DISAGREE Co 111 10 Is I oners Tnlio Issue ttllli (oh inn 11, CHy Hen I Id Ollloci-. Dr. Tho county commissioners hnvn not taken kindly to Health Commissioner Coffinan'.i Btutemcnt that they nro required by law to provldo for tho Inmates of tho Child Saving Instltul'o during tho term of tho qunrantlno of that place. "I seo that Dr. Coffman has undertaken to lay down tho law as to tho duties of tho county commissioners," snid Commis sioner Ostrom yesterday. "Now, wa don't care anything about what ho says In regard to our duty toward providing for tho Inmates of tho Child Saving Institute. Wo know that tho law does not requlro ui to havo anything to do with tho case. Tho city has established n quarantine of tho Institute and It Is alonn responsible for tho malntenanco of tho quarantine and tho support of tho people confined by it. Tho Child Saving instltuto lu a private charity und not a public chargo that can ho thrown upon tho county at any t lino. However, I wllll sny that tho commissioners, If ap pealed to In tho proper sptrlt, may ho will lug tn glvn tho Inmates of tho luitltuto kjiiiq nsuslBtanco during thn torrn nt tho quarantine, but wo cannot bo forced to do anything of tho kind." Chairman Connolly nsacnted to the re marks of Mr. Ostrom.