Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1901, Page 24, Image 32

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TrinecontinenUl Paiwngor Auoci&tion at
New Orleans.
Chlff Itntr Clerk Hentt Oiipii for tlifc
Union Pncllle nml (Jrncrnl I'lin
ncnurr AHrnl I'rnncU
for the llurlliiKtnn.
The next rcsular mcctlnB of tho Trans
continental I'aancnKer association will ho
held In New OrlcanH next week, beginning
Tuesday. Omaha railroads will bo rep
resented by Chief Kate Clerk Scott of tho
Union Pacific and General Passenger Agent
l-'rancls of tho Burlington.
Consideration of various rato matters will
bo tho principal business of tho meeting,
although other matters will bo taken up
for discussion and disposition. Tho dockot
us already ruado up Includes thlrty-nlno
subjects, although nono of them aro of mo
mentous Importance.
Among tho rato questions that will bo con
kldored tho following are of tho most gen
oral Interest.- Hpworth league meeting at
Ban Francisco In July, colonist rates to
California, general conference of tho Epis
copal church at San Francisco In October,
biennial meeting of tho Knights of Pythias
at Ban KrancUeo In 1002, rates to Washing
ton and return on account of tho inaugural
of President McKlnley March 4, meeting of
grand lodgo of Klks at Milwaukee In July,
Pan-American exposition at lluffnlo from
May to November and tho Orand Army en
campment nt Denver In Septembor.
Mull CIitU Kni-niim Ilullrt.
Low llelndorft, traveling passenger ngont
of tbo Union Pacific, who camu In on the
Elkhorn from Superior yesterday, relates
of a narrow escape that tho mall clerk on
tho train had from being shot. Near Wal
ters tho mall man stopped aside from his
usual position before tho letter caso In or
der to toss some papers In a pouch nt tho
other end of tho car. This action undoubt
edly savo his life, for ho had no sooner
left tho caso than the window crashed In
and a rifle bullet Imbedded Itself in tho
Hldo of the car. Tho courso it took would
liavo proved disastrous to lie mall clcrl;
had ho not moved Just when ho did.
Whether tho shot was a stray ono or ln
tontlonally placed through tho mall car
window Is not known and no traco of tho
culprit who fired it was possible.
Qnonn loivn Hxtrnslnn.
Tho Northwestern line opens up now
extension In Iowa today .ntfa horoatter
regular train servlco wllf bo In operation
between Stark and I.nkonta and lluxton.
Tbo new lino extends south from Stark a
distance g(tl22.5 miles and tho now stations
otvLa1roV' and lluxtnn are Intermediate.
Tht"llnnTs one that has as Its ultimate
terinlnjis.tjju southern tier of counties In
Jo"wa nnfliJaps a splendid territory In which
si tne Northwestern has not heretofore been n
I.nnr ioo to fnlt l.nkr.
Charles J". Lane, assistant gcnernl freight
agent of tho Union Pacific, leaves today
for Salt l.ako City to attend tho nnnual
meeting of tho National Live Stock associa
tion. Mr. Lane will occupy a prlvnto car
nnd will ho nccompanlcd by J. A. Kuhn,
general agent of tho Northwestern; J. E.
Utt, secrctaiy of tho Commercial club, and
F. K. Sanborn, president of tho Omaha
Auditorium company.
John lljmi Mftn n Ilrcf
from n lliitetier
A pathetic sccno was enacted In a butcher
shop on Sixteenth street, near Capitol ave
nue, Friday evening. The shop was crowded
with customers, when a man, poorly clad,
entered nnd asked tho clerk to glvo him a
beef heart that was hanging on a hook.
"I haven't got tho money to pay for It
now," said the man, "because I'm out of
work, but Just as soon as I can find some
thing to do I'll pay you. I have n sick wife
at homo and flvo small children."
Thero was an honest ring In tho man's
tones and his story at once commanded the
respect ond pity of all. savo perhaps tho
"No, we can't give away our goods," said
tho latter. "Wo can't transact business
that way."
"But my children are hungry," Insisted
tho man.
"I can't help that."
"Then I'll take It'anyway." Stepping to
tho rack tho man unhooked the heort,
wrapped It In an old newspaper nnd started
Tho clerk sprang from behind tho counter
and seized tho man, then ordered thg
butcher's boy, who had sauntered In, Jo
call a policeman.
At this Juncture twi customers took n
hand In tho proceedings. Iloth offered the
cleric money to pay for tho heart and
begged not to have an olllcer called, but
tho clerk wouldn't have It that way. The
blucuoat camo and the n.nn wai taken to
tho station.
Saturday In pollco court tho prisoner,
who gavo the nanio of John llyaii, was dis
charged for want of prc3ecutlon. Tho
butcher's clerk had failed to appear against
him. Police Judgo Learn says ho has no
doubt that Kyau In n hard-working man,
and that tho story ho told of his family be
ing In want Is true.
I'lilntiTM, Attention!
Members of local union No, 100 of Omaha,,
03 of South Omaha nnd 107 of Council Muffs
aro requested to meet at Labor temple
Monday evening, January 14, to receive
First Vice President Dalnbrldge.
Secretary L. IT.
KieurMon to OUInliort'A'
Tuesday, January 15, ihyrf$5ly
Ilouto will sell tickets .tetairWtfffl
lahoma at ono fareplus J2. for HnwlWral
trip. Tho Hock Island Itonto Is tmPihort
est and quickest line ti Oklahoma nnd no
change of cars enroute. Ticket office, 1323
Farnara street, Omaha.
llnrlltiKloii AiuioiiiKTi hnvr llntex to
Mnnj- Plnrrn for TucniIm)-.
Ono faro plus J2 for tho round trip.
To all points In Texas, Indian Territory
and Oklahoma.
To many points In Arkansas, Arizona,
Louisiana, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho,
Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, Oregon, Utah,
Washington nnd Wyoming.
Tuesday, January 15.
Tickets, 1502 Fnrnam street.
IlnnirNi-ukfrn' nxciimlnns.
Next excursion vln Missouri Plcaflc Hy.
to points in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc.,
leaves Omaha Tuosday, January 15th. For
further Information write or call on com
pany's agents, S. K. corner Hth nnd Doug
las streets. THOS. F. OODFUEV,
J. V. PHILLIPPI, i. & T. A
A. a. F. & 1. A.
Wanted, two first-class tea, cigar and
splco salesmen with nn established trade
In theso goods in the northwest. II. C.
Fisher, Chicago.
And First to Arrive.
Tho St. Louis CANNON HALL TRAIN, via
Omaha Union Station at G 15 p. m. dally, ar
rives St. Louis, 7:00 a. m. All Information
at city ticket offlce, 1415 Farnam St., (Pax
ton Hotel bldg), or nrlto Harry I'. Moores,
C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
Como In and look at out 1501 bicycles.
Omaha Illcyclo Co., 16th nnd Chicago.
Lathrop's Cold Cure, sure, 24 & Hamilton.
The American llrrt SUKnr I'onipnnr
Inniif Contrnct for ltMlt.
Under tbo provisions of this contract tho
grower Is assured of a satisfactory prlco for
his crop. All beets testing 14 per cent or
less will bo paid for nt tho rata of $1. per
ton, 25 cents being paid for each per cent
ot sugar above 14, fractions In proportion.
That Is, beets testing 11.1 per cent being
M.02',4; 14.2, per cent $1.05; 1G per cent,
S4.25; 15.1 per cent, J4.27ij. An additional
20 cents will be paid for all beets siloed.
Tho factory will pay frlcght charges on
beots delivered by rail, thus placing the
grower at a dlstanco on a satisfactory
Parties having desirable land to rent for
tho growing ot beets, send full Information.
Further Information or blank contracts
can be obtained by applying to tho offlco ot
tho American Deet Sucnr Co., Norfolk,
HELLVILLE. III., Jan. 12. A double-
header freight train on tho Illinois Central
railway ran Into a through freight here to
day, resulting In the death of Conductor
W. A. Wing of Coultervlllo and Ilrakeman
E. King ot Duquoln.
Four other trainmen were injured, as fol
lows: E. H. Pope, engineer, bruised In
Jumping; Fred Schwartz, fireman, slight in
juries In Jumping; W. P. Oocbicln, engineer,
tnyed on engine, badly shaken up; J. F.
McNIchols, fireman, stayed on engine,
Six cars nnd tho caboose ot the first train
woro reduced to klndllngwood, a mogul on-
glno was completely wrecked and tho sec
ond englno badly damaged.
Itnllwnr Not; mill I'ernoimlR.
Oenerul Passenger Agent T. 13. Fisher of
tho Colorado & Southern Is n visitor lrom
O. O. Viindcnbcrg, traveling freight ngent
of tho Louisville Nashville, Is u visitor
in the olty from Kunsas City.
Herb Howell, traveling passengor ngent
of the MilwuuKrc, Is In from u trip through
tho Htnto to spend Sunday in town.
W. Massey, Now Knglamt freight ngent
of tho Union Pnelllc, with headquarters at
lloston, Is u visitor ut gcnerul headquurtels
In this city.
CSeorgo M. Kntrlkln. assistant freight
ngent of tho Omaha & St. LouIh, has re
turned from ii several duya' business visit
In Kansas City.
Edmund Junoway of Philadelphia nnd
Oeorgo L. Williams of New York aro east
ern traveling passenger agents of tho Mil
waukee H.VHtetn who uro In tho city.
Colonel A. 1C. McClure, tho veteran editor
of the Philadelphia Times, will pass
through Omaha in u prlvnto car on tho
Hurllngtou today. Ho will bo accompanied
hy a party of friends and will spend soma
tlmo in California.
II. F. Fisher, traveling freight ngent ot
tho Missouri Pnclllc, and W. C llarncs.
who represents tho passenger department
of tho nanio road In a traveling cnpacltv,
have returned from a trip through South
Dakota and will spend a few days at
1'ronnei't II til Crnietery Ananclntlnn.
Tho annual mooting of lot owners will
to held nt tho secretary's office, room 38,
Marker block, Monday evening, January 14,
at 7:45.
l'lnnlly Hncurrtln In Srcnrlni? a I'nr
iloti for Iter Convict
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 12. Governor
Mount, who retires from office next Monday,
today purdoned William W. Konnedy, whb
was sentenced to prison for Ufa In 1885
for tho murder of David Halter at Orccns
burg, Ind. Kennedy was paroled In 1897
nnd has for soveral months been attached
to tho sanitary, service In Havana.
Tho caso attracted national attention be-
causo of tho efforts of Kato Kennedy, tho
convicted mane sister, to secure his par
don. Sho has appealed to every Indiana
governor since her brother's conviction,
hut without success until today. Firm In
tho belief of her brother's innocence, for
several years Miss Kennedy, In man's garb
nnd concealing nor Identity, traveled ovor
tho country, In nn endeavor to locate the
real murderer. Sho tramped her way and
never missed nn opportunity to Interview
tramps nnd criminals with the vlow to
ascertaining tho whereabouts of tho man
for whoso crlrao sho claimed her brother
was suffering.
Uniform hive, Ladles of tho Maccabees,
glvo a prizo masquorado ball on January
24 nt Labor temple.
Mnll Steamer Abandoned.
HAN FHANC18CO, Jan. 12.-Word was re
reived today at tlm Merchants' exclimii
that tho overdue United States mail steamer
TlllamooK nan ueun ciiugni in tno tco nt
Kodluk und uhundoncd hy Its crew. Tho
captain nnd crow aro reported to bo on
mvir way to ocuuie.
Can bo given In Olnss ot Water, Ten or
Coffee Without Patient's KnawledKa.
Whltu Ribbon Remedy will euro or de
stroy tho diseased uppctlto for alcoh'jlla
KlmtiluntB. whether tho patient Is n con
firmed inebriate, "u tippler," social drinker
or drunkard
Impossible for any one to havo nn au
potlto for alcoholic liquors after using
While Itlbbon llemedy. Ily mnll II. Trial
packago free hv writing Mrs. T. C. Moore,
Preu't W. O. T. U. Ventura, California.
Bold in Omaha, Nob., by Chas, H. Bchaefer,
KrrlKlit Collision on llllnoln Cen
tral ItesnltN In Death of Con
ductor nnd Ilriikeman.
For Doltcles that nrn nlclit ilrnft nt
maturity npply to II. n. Ncely, manager
uquuuuic i.iip, -m aim vs iieo Duuainc.
Watch work, Skilled workmen. A. H. Hti-
bcrmnnn, 13th and Douglas, No come-backs.
Danco programs nnd wedding stationery.
A. I. Hoot, printer 414-416 South 12th.
Going into Thousands,
Coming into Driplets.
Hut tho funniest nart of It all Is wo
expected that und nro propured. Our limit
ih i,o,iw. iiien it comes into inoiisanus
and goes Into driplets. Can you see the
Cramer's Kidney Cure T.'o
W lno or t anlill ..:
Carter's, Liver Pills l5o
Ozomulslon 75c
Palno h Celery Compound 75c
Htuurt's Inzenges 40c
Pyramid Pllo euro 40e
Mnlted Milk 40c. 7oc, $3.15
Duffy's Mult Whisky Mc
Packer's Tar Boap irc
8. S. S 7.1c
Schaefer'H Cough Curo 20c
Lotus Crenm lOo
Shrader'H Fig Powder "Oc
Dnan's Pills 40c
Warner's Safe Curo 90c
Miles Nervine 75c
White Hlbbon llemedy
Palmo Tablets 50o
Ayers' Hair Vigor 75c
Cutlcura Soap 20a
11. W. Car. Kith and Cliluauo St.
lAholesale 1-Fottieopathic
and retail remedies
As Is well known wo are tho only houso In Nebraska who carry any consld.rnblo
lino of HOMEOPATHIC medicines, nnd our stock which occupies tho lie t floor of
our new warehouse at 1514 Dodgo street, Is In chargo of a trained '''-meopathlst, and
comprises not only tho popular semi-patent preparations, Ilka tuilcntlno'a, Munyon's,
Humphrey's nnd Hilton's but n complete lino of tha.M ATlwA MEDICA IN USE
HY HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS, In variety U'a to Z, and In potency from tinc
tures to 200th centesimal dilution, numberlc' in all nearly .2000 remedies.
Parties ordering Homeopathic McdNMne of us can rely upon getting Just what they
want nnd obtnlnlng It fresh and at as low a-price as at any Pharmacy In tho United
whether medicine Js preferred in Liquid, Trluration (Powder.) Olobulo (Pill,) Disk
(shapo llko split ;ea,) or tablet form. Medicines of Vegetablo orgln, B. O. Aconite,
etc , nro best employed In liquid or pill form, while Mineral Substnnces E. a. Cnl
carea aro vreferably used in powder or tablet form.
lemedlcs nro never sold In nnv farm In less tlinn ir.n vlnl tmMlm- " iimm
C-ur regular 25c vial holds G drams. ,
1 dozen 2 dram Vials Medicine, postpaid $1,50
1 dozen G drum Vinls Medicine, post paid 2.25
Mullein Oil for Dcaftiess, etc., 2 dram Vial 25
Pills ((llobulcs) unmedlcnted, of Cnno Sugar, nny size, nor nound box 33
Stout black cloth covered caso containing 12 principal remedies In 4 Dram Vials
Squaro nrn
Same stylo caso and Vials with 20 principal remedies and 4 empty spaces for nd-
uuions, per enso 4,00
Small black cloth covered coso 12 Bmall Vials of principal remedies, per enso 1.00
Same stylo caso with 24 small Vials filled with principal remedies, and 4 empty
Vials for additions, per caso 2.00
Homeopathic Cerates of Calendula, Haraamells Aesculus, etc., 1 ounco Jnr 25c by
mnll 30
NOTE: When not otherwise specified cases will lm furnuiinii with mn,iipin in pii.i.
The following1 books on Homeopathic Family Practice always in stock:
Johnson's Family Guide, prlco $2,00, by mall $2.33
iiancuetfs Domestic Practice 1.75, by mall 1.S0
Ruddock's Stepping Stones to Homeopathy 1,00, by mall 1.10
Practical Family Ouldo 7c, by mall .85
Morgan's Text Dook of Domestic Practice, a small but rtllablo book. .50, by mall .60
laijuiuibb concerning Homeopathic Remedies chiertully and promptly answered.
PHYSICIANS can savo express or freight by nlaclne their order with us. ns wn will
dupllcato tho prlco of any Eastern or Southern Pharmacy.
Wo aro agents for tho following Homeopathic firms, and THEIR SPECIALTIES can
bo obtained of us at as low a flguro as If bought direct:
Luytles Homeopathic Pharmacy Company, St. Louis.
Gross & Delbrldgo, Chicago.
Taylor & Myers, St. Paul.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Company,
.New Location Corner ltlth nnd Dodur,
Corner Opposite (South) of New Post Office.
mil DnilKe . (.Middle of llloek.)
Ice Tools on Every Train
Which we'vo been shipping tho past
two weeks going to Iown, Missouri,
Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Idaho,
Wyoming, Oregon, Montana and
South Dakota and they aro all
If Wood's Tools wcro not tho best
and cheapest to tho user, would wo
bo doing this big business?
lfill Dodge St.
New Prices,
New Cameras,
for New Year
We only curry photographic material
and havo tho largest assortment of
Kodaks and Cameras in the west.
All amateur supplies fresh, reliable
and nt lowest market prices.
Developing mid printing done by
first class workmen,
The Robert Dempster Co.,
12 1 5 FariiiiinStrect.
An opportunity to purchase it suit or overcoat
at manufacturer's prices.
Our overcoat department is the most complete
in Omaha. We can suit the-hard-to-suit and lit
every man from our immense stock.
Our $5.00 overcoat is tho best value in Omaha.
t Made of heavy all wool materials, double stitched
throughout, in either style ulster or overcoat
fully worth 10.00 clearing sale price $5.00.
AT $7.50 your can buy an overcoat that is made
of 30-ouiiee Irish Frieze ,lined with heavy Ttalian
body lining, mohair sleeve lining in all shades a
coat that regularly retails at $15.00 Clearing sale
price ,$7.50.
The $10.00 and $15.00 overcoats in this sale are
equal to tailor-made. They are gotten up in all
styles, some have double cull's and seamless should
ers in the late Kaglan style. They are made from
the famous patent beaver, vicuna, chinchilla and
kersey, in all shades. These include the celebrated
11 .8. and M. garments.
ing the greatest values ever offered. Trices are ac
tually cut in two $10.00 suits for $5.00.
AT $7.50 we are showing an auborn melton in the gray or
the brown shades in cither round or double-breasted sack stvles
they were formerly sold at $15.00 to $18.00 clearing sale price
All other suits in proportion. Great sale on caps.
Head His l'ogc of ISnrKtilns on I'agc ltf.
:. Hamilton Warren, M. H., eclectic and
, - . magnetic physician, ofllce nt tho Central
"fici; r 'incrti,;
With street. Funeral from resldece Sun- Knot. "1 n sultablo location enn be found,
day afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Interment Special attention to all long standing ot
l orest uiwii cemetery. lingering diseases and to diseases ot woraeu
Hnvo Itoot print It,
and children.
Third week of our Great
Clenring Snle of High Grade
Prices Cut
Deeper Than Brer
6S pianos sold during tho last tro weeks tho climax to come.
CIIASI', PACKARD and cloven other standard makes, Jt&O.OO less than reg
ular prices.
New upright pianos, latest stvlc. i:C and up.
Ileautlful llelllnR upright, only J68.00.
Voso &. Sons' rosewood case, only D8.00.
. Flno Chlekerlng 7 1-3 octnes, only $127.00.
New Mahogany upright, .only S1G6.00. v
Squaro Pianos nnd organs, JIG. 00 nnd up.
Terms $10.00 cash, $5.00 per month.
Now' plants for rent. Flno tuning nnd repairing promptly done. Tele
phono 1' Catalogues and prices furnished frco on application.
I Schmoller & Mueller,
I The old reliable piano house.
I I3I3 Farnam St. OMHAA. 337 Broadway, CO. BLUFFS.
HAVRFN Giai,(l Glearing Sale
nil I ULI1& On All Winter Garments,
Now is tho time to buy. Everything must go. You
that havo waited will save money.
Every suit in our house must be sold.
500 on sale 'Monday morning (just like those
in our window last week), suits that sold in
this market as high as $U5; some silk lined
'throughout (hey come in blouse, double
breasted and tight fitting styles on sale at
200 ladies' jackets, automobiles, box and
newniarkets, worth up to $25 clearing sale
price, $S.50.
Ladies' new kersey box. coats, satin lin
ed throughout, $1-1 values clearing sale
price, $7.4S.
Ladies' $0.00 rainy-day skirts in the all wool plaid backs,
Ladies' wool skirls OSc.
Ladies' silk dress skirts, worth up to $12.00 on sale for,
each, $5.00.
Ladies' silk dress skirts, worth $50.00, for $21.00.
Extra Specials for Monday
Ladies' fur collarettes, worth $:5.00, now $1.50.
Ladies' flannel waists, $2.00 quality, for (ii)c.
Ladies' doniet petticoats 10c.
Ladies' jackets, worth up to $20.00 on sale at $1.50.
Ladies' astrakhan capes, $17.00 quality, now $22.50.
Ladies'llannelette wrappers. $2 quality, for OSc.
Ladies' calico wrappers, 20c.
Great Sale Monday on Stylish Millinery.
Kcail Ilaydcn Itros'. Announcement on Page l.'S.
"They that won't be counselled can't be helped."
Follow tho advice of the thousands of people who
Because it's the cheapest and best coal mined
in Wyoming. We sell hard coal also.
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Tel. 127.
nrirrlCT "
Is suffered by many rntlicr than geek
relief at a Dentists. They believe
that old tlmo methods, with their tor
ture and pain, still prevail.
Modern Dentistry
as employed hero rendera all opera
tlona freo from unnecessary pain
Failure to bring relief Is unknown.
Success Is assured, Our work stands
pre-eminent. Quality Is perfect,
BAILEY, the Dentist
:U' l'nxton 11 1 nc i.-,
lUth Jt KnniHiii St. I'Iiiiiiu IOH.1
l,nU- Attuitilmit,
. . THE GREAT . .
CIFIC RAILROAD aro assured
that nil human Ingenuity lias
been adopted to protect them
against accident. Millions of
dollars havo been opent hy tho
Union I'nclllc Itnllrond Company
In improvement of I1h track and
equipment. This lino Is renowned
for Us fnst trains and their ar
rival on time, nnd tho general
superiority of Its service.
All tlckota for California and OrcRon aro good via Salt
Lake City aad Denver without oxtra charge.
Ordinary (Tourist) Excursions run eye y ilny In tho yea i.
cd aro personally conducted every Wednesday and evory Friday.
Detailed information cheerfully furnhhod upjn application.
New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316.
Union Station 10th and Marcy. Tel. 629.
will keop your spectacles
i!5o box, DrustflNts and
Vcrpoll Co., Minneapolis.
for Women.
Tho present popular styles in
woiiii'n'tf footwear aro extremely
sensible. Tho nemo of swell shoo
style today Is n combination of
eomfort nml style.nnil this com
bination Is hard to make, success
fully, henco the. largo number of
awkward-looking shoes to bo seen.
Wo should bo plensed to show you
the shoes that carry this combina
tion In the highest degree stylish,
comfortable, durable shoos of high
grade inanufacture, and sold nt
prices that make them popular
with all classes.
M. E. Cor. Hth
mmA Itouglu Sts.
i:pkii in.xcn is i:xim:.sivk.
It 'Ih only tho wise mnn that profits
w tho o.xporionco of others, und has
Ills old worn out plumlilni; overhauled
lmforo rold weather sots In bv hnvlnu;
113 lit up IiIh liomn wllli new pipes ami
suiilturv pluinlilniT. If you havo neg
lected It, and you want to delay, wo
will do nil necessary repairing In
pliimliliur, strum or BUS llttlllR in nn
expert manner, till you rIvo us your
Free & Black,
I'honc 100. 180(5 Farnam.
IW.UAuaii nn. j"'""" uy. y nine
i- n. Hire si. c. co.. atANUFACTUiiuiiH, T. lows, mo. UniUN IB HUE
Cramer's Sidney Cure
costs hut very little, anil will savo you much
trouble It has honolltted thoiuuuuls who
havo testified to lta ciinitlvn powors. It
will not only help you, but I'ffoet a perma
nent cure.
Our Gut Price 75c.
reruna 75o
S. H. H 75n
Carter's Liver 1'llls 155
Dr. Miles' Itcmedles 750
Klectric! Hitters fan
rierco'a Kavorlto Prescription "So
(larllnld Ten Mo
Jayiics' Kxficrtorimt ;.",o
Kilmer's Hwnmp-Itoot 7B0
Indian S.ikwh 75o
IllK Hur Cdhllln Koap ;,)
Hontelters Hitters 7.'u
l'nliio's '.'eler" Oonipound "5q
Wlno of Curuut "So
aro a blessing to n pur
son, nnd with proporcaro
will last a llfotirao. Our
work is all warranted.
Cold Crowns 3.00
Hunt tit Teoth $8.00
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 Douglas St.
If you want to buy sotno horns cheap
I Imvo them. They aro no uso to mo
1 In my business, ns I want to uho tho
spaeo for my new iiispmy ot iuioiii
uranliH. Ono Hiiffiilo horn hut rnok,
lieHlKlied by Prof. Uloom. worth IIOT.OO,
will ell for S (); ono pair Kile horns,
handsomely mounted, welfrlit 40 lln ,
t'Zi.V). 0110 pair Texas Htecr, mounted,
very eliibornte, J10.IJ; two pair Moun
tain Ham, K.OO; ono pair Antelope,
shot ami prexontcd to 1110 by Itattlo
Hniiko Pete, JS.01).
213 North
Kith St.
V 11 IT
ism nnu viu su strum.