23 TTLE OMAITA DAILY JVEE: srNDAY, .TANTAHY 13, 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES AflvrrlUemenle for IhUB colomm lll lie Ukrn until 12 m. for the veiling edition itnd until HiIlO p. m. for nibi-nlnc nil Snnilur edition. Rate. 1 l-2o word llrt IneerUon. Jo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for le thhii 2fio for the flret Inser tion. The' ndTertlnement moil lie rnn oonncctit Irelr. Advertiser, by reonetl nom fiereil chreU, can hie anwer nil ttrrsaril to n numbered letter In cnre of The llee. Actrer o addressed will lie delivered Ob preaentntloB U rheok only. SIT! ATIONS WANTED. WANTED, position by experienced book keeper unil stenographer. Audreys I' t-, JJce. A Ml- 11 YOI'N.j man deslrts place to work for lioiird while attending tcliool. Rn e College. Tel. 1M. WANTED, position M stenographer; ex perience: references. Address, Box M. Fnntunofle, Noli. A M3-' m WANTED-! A MS lll'.M. A FEW MOKE POINTERS ABOUT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL UOLLLGL. LOCATED OVj:U THH BOSTON STORK. ICTII AND DOUGLAS STS HOIiRltOUGH 1IUOS.. PROPS. POINTKK NO. l-Neurly 100 new ktudonts have cul'-red tho college since Jnn. 1. There will bo a large number t new cliiHie8 tomorrow In nil department. It. order to iifcommodiito Uioko wlio will enter tlm coming week new clashes will be organized. .... rolNTKR NO. 2 New clause will Blurt to morrow night In the evening school. Any branches taught In tlio day school may bo had. Tuition very low. POINTKK NO. 3 -Students arc enrolling rapidly ror onr course in uregg roraum"" bv mall. Write for particular. POINTKK NO. 4-Tiin public will remember that Ian October F. W. Monitor, principal of our shorthand ilepartmont. sued A. C. Ong for libel In the mim of $3.r A few days ngo tho matter was Eettletl In the dlntrlct court by A. C. Ong confe-slng that alt of the allegation In Mosher s petition were true and by conftsdng Judgment In tho sum of $1.00 and paying costs nccrued. . , . . Tho allegations made by Moshcr nnd which urn ndmlttcd to b- truo by Ong nro as Tho plaintiff complains of the defendant and ullcgcH that for purposes of Injuring tho plaintiff In his budncss published In our city papers tho following defamatory nnd libelous matter of and concerning the plaintiff, to-wlt: , , . , . 1. "The olllclal court records do not show that Mr. Mosher was ever appointed re porter for one day. llo attempted to re port two only, anil was never called ugnln, anil why?" . . ... J. "Mr. Monitor knew nothing of tho Gregg system a year ago." I. "At tho end of two months Miss on DtiFon left tho Omaha Commercial col lego with tltreo others by reason of Mr. Moshcr'w Incompetency In tho Gross )' Tim'snltl libelous and defamatory matter ho published was false and untrue, and as published with mallco against tho plaintiff and for tho purpose of Injuring him In bis profession, lie therefore claims damages In tho sum of $.".000. In settlement of till suit tho following has been signed nail placed on record by Mr. Ong In tho district court: In tho District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, ss.: . . Fred W. Moshcr. Plaintiff. vs. I Stipulations'. Anderson C. Ong. Defendant. I Tho parties ngreo as follows: Tho defen dant nilmlts that tho allegations of tho plnlntllT'H petition nro true, and now con fesses Judgment In favor of the plaintiff for the matter complained of In said plaintiff's petition In tlio sum of $1.00, and now agrees that tho court may render Judgment In favor of tho plaintiff and ngninst tho said defendant In tho sum of Jl.oo and all tho costs of this action. (Signed) A. O. ONG. ln Kl ' 11-370 13 .WANTED, wo havo uteady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear iincc. C. F. Adams Co., 1005 Ilowurd ht. IJ (37 BAUIIEIt trado taught thoroughly In short time, calnloguo und particulars freo. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omnhn. Neb. B ia VANTED, good man to do canvassing in tho country; good pay for right man. Ad dress K 4, Hee U-M1&9 Tx a v'ri:n niini.irt nml rnmnelent snles- men to sell complete lino of lubricating oils, grenscn, paints, colors, varnishes, specialties, etc.; exclusively or as slilo line; liberal commission or salary; cx perlenco unnecessary; old reliable noiise. Address Manufacturer, Commercial but.. Cleveland, O. u-juai m- WANTED. collector nnd Bnlesman. 1514 uouglau St., neioro a a. in. i ..i.vi .i BTENOOltAPHEH and typewriter for rall- tll..n. n tn "r. vnnru nld mUHt lie J Ullll .11,11 u. -' ...... - - well educated and of good uppcarnnoo and uaoiis; glum niiiiiiy in iif.iv .i.i.... dress, stating age, experience, and ex pectatlons. G B Boo. H-liL WANTED, n city snlesman for Omnhn and nuucu iiiuna; kuu u-h .V. ' m II .it rtZ 1 .1 WANTED. 3 collnrmakers; best of wages. BucKstali uros. irg. no., i.iiicoui. U M220 1 1 WANTED, men to ndvertlso nnd Introduce our soaps and specialties, hick signs, uis Ivllinto elrmilnrn. Hnmilles; BteadV work: $12 weekly and oxpenses. Mnrvel Mfg. Co., Chicago. 11-217-13' SALESMEN, controlling trado of llrst class druggists, send references. Al men only. Bender, "0tj Ccntro Hi., isow lorn. B-237-13' DAUI'.n.liV WHIliru uy i-cinmnj mil travelet for Nebraska; natural ability ami aptness will count for moro limn expen lihrli eninintsHlon contract: strictly staple Minn; references, bond and entire tlmo required: high-priced men Investi gate. K. L. Ilicc, 33 Congress St.. Detroit. Mlcll. il li'AX'i'nn nt onco. nn Intelligent gentleman for business In Council Bluffs; experience not necessary; engagement by tho month on fair terms; statu previous occupation If any. Address u t, uee. ii .jj-ij- WANTED, men to ndvertlso and Introduce our soaps aim specialties, iuuk hkii'. iiluirllmix I'lreubirs. sainnles: stemlv work: J12 weekly and oxpenses. Murvrl Mfg. Co.. Chicago. n-'-'til 13' WANTKD, reliable, parties (all localltle) fnr i.i eeHveu nnd eorresnoiiilentt.: self- addressed envelopo for particulars. North Ainerlcim Detective Bureau, ciuc.igo. B 2511 13' SALESMEN for clgnrs; new plan, quick sales, goon uusiness. Dig money, con sumers' Cignr Co., 634 S. "th St., St. Loula, li WANTED Good business man In ench principal city tn conuuci casn uusmcss Ounninteed bv local banks. Big returns Honorable and legitimate Must furnish good rorerences and wu casn. .mircf L. 11. H P. O. Box 715, Cincinnati, O. WANTED, nt onco. experienced organizers In the stntes of Nebraika and Iowa for tho Mutual Protective league, a frateriu.l benellcliiry society Incorporated under tho laws of Illinois April u, iwi, now opening fnr hiislnoss 111 lown nml Nebraska: iil.tn jiopulnr; growth In member.ihlp .md Ilnances unexcelled; membership 13,000; a growing reserve fund; low expense of management; paying contract to pro ducers of business, Address Mutual Pro. tcctlvo League, Lltchllel.1, 111. B SAT.KSMAN WANTED BY LEADING NEW YOHIC LADIES' Ml'SLlN CNDEttWEAB MAN nifACTPlM.M! U'MO MAS KSTAIILIHII ED CONNECTION WITH DItY GOODS RTOUES IN ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN. IOWA AND NEBRASKA. WILL EN- TEHTA1N GOOD LIV.E MAN NOW ti.Mii)i..ai.'viMvn riein..i Arenrvi wiui liwaiiMis! to Aim i.MrtKT.ni.ASS LINK. APPLICATIONS (CONFIDEN TIAL. APPLY TO M AN I ' I- AC TUI' EH, 154 CTIl AVE.. NEW YORK. B- GOVEItNMENT positions, wliero they nro, how antaineii, salaries pant, exnminatiaui required, etc. : circular 151. giving full par' ticuiars, sent ireo. write touay. rs.i tlnnul Correspondcnco Institute, Wash liigton, u. WANTED, two successful Fnlesmen for staple line: to such wu will pay J150 per monin nnu traveling expenses, .uure F tw, llee, , J i vus l J wanted, everywhere, hustlers to tac MirrnM. dlstrlbuto circulars, samnles. etc. no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertls ing Bureau, Chicago. B-2S.I 13' (imiii u'nnin.V Knlnrv srlllmr foot eve'es i,,'irr.wi inir nwnirH halls, cvmnaslums nrjnorles, rinks, blevclo iicadendes, cycle sltatlng: booklet, "How Conduct." freo. W. 0. Cleveland, 1009 Champluln. ChleaBo. W.WTKD-MAI.Il HELP. AN EVIDENCE of tho value of tho courses given by BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHOUT HAND COLLEGE, BEK BUILDING. is tho generous pntronngo that has been continuously accorded It by tho success ful business men of Omaha. Tho follow ing arc tho names of some of tho leading commercial establishments that have within recent months patronized this school by employing its graduates ns bookkeepers and stenographers. When young people can attend Jtero nnd after n few months' drill nnd training step Into tho olllccs of such large concerns and inako their service. useful, It certnlnly Indicates that the training which they re ceived must have been In the right direc tion: I. '. 1'. It. It. Co. II. Ai M. It. It. Co. R K. & M. V. It. 11. Co. C. A N. V. It. It. Co. Cudahy Tacking Co. Swift Parkins Co. Omaha Parking Co. llamtnoud l'ucklug Co. I'lilon Stock Yards Co. l'arlln, Orindorff & Martin. Kingman Implement Co. Milwaukee Harvester Co. McCord-Hrady Co. It. (1. Dunn Ac Co. Midland Glass Ai Paint Co. Western lluyern Co. Mercer Chemical Co. Carter Whlto Lead Works. Aloe, I'enfold & Co. American Hand Hewed Shoo Co. Orchard & Wllhelm Co. liecbu & Ktiuynn Co, Adams & Kclley Lumber Co. I'omy d SDjeilke. Iianey Saddlery Co. Her At Co. Omaha Paper Hox Factory. Omaha Tea & Coffee Co. Omaha Uec, woodmen or tho World. Hex Ilemedy Co. Otnnha News Co. l'ldellty Ins. Co. Automatic Lighting Co. l'ayne-Knox Co. Prudential Mfo Ins. Co. Pnclllo Mutual Life Ins. Co. Kennard Ileal Estate. Kxchanire. Merchants' Flro Ins. Co. Hunkers Ins. Co. llradstreet'a Commercial Agency. Scores of other Institutions liavo employed graduates of this college, nils list Is given simply to demonstrnto that tho drill given IUh students for tho most difficult business work. Young people who nro not already In school cannot bo too strongly urged to mnko arrangements at once to enter a business training institution. Catalogues on application. 11-338-13 WANTKD, 1.000 untnplo distributors at onco; good pay; sternly employment: ex perlenco unnecessary. Haska Mfg. Co., ooiitii jjonu, inu. ji .'is 13' WANTED, two bright young hustlers for mo roan, .-ionuay. call on A. A. camp bell, Midland Hotel. U 203-13' YOUNG man which vocation do vou wish to learn ny man, illustrating, an writing or bookkeeping? You pay tuition CO days utter position is Bccurcu. u. i. or a., ncranton, i-u. ji wu 13 $10 DAILY to live men; wo want agents overywnero; leatner suspenucrs; cannot break, wear out or pull off buttons, sells at signt; samples itirnisneu rree. cinelu natl Leather Suspender & Belt Co . B 70, Cincinnati, unio. u is- 8IDK LINK, nockct ffree) samnles: for warn anting wun uncrni creuits; several earn J weeKiy casn; communication con Ildentlul. "Side," P. O. 1371. New York. U-332 13' MANAGER wanted In everv lartre rnuntv strictly lawrui nicKei slot machine ror drinks and cigars; rented or sold on ensy payments; secure territory quick. Valen tino .Morgan & Co,. Chicago, ill. B-330 13' WANTED, middle-aged married man for iruit farm; linest rrult rami or 20 acres near Council Bluffs In Iowa: cood houso stable, etc. j splendid chanco for good fruit man. write at onco ror particulars. Ad dress O 14, Bco. B 344 13' WANTED, nt Florence Monday morning, 12 teams nun wngons to naui ice. u. j Kolrly, Manager, Florence B 313 13 TDK Van Bant School of flhorthnnd nnd Typewriting. 710, 717 and 71S N. Y. Llfo building. A strictly up-to-dnto school. Touch typewriting by tho most popular and modern system. Stiidonts can enter at nny tlmo nnd ho Ktiro in iniiivniuai .mention, ir nny student is not satlstled hu can get money hack for unexpired tlmo without delay. The pro prietor of this school holds to the theory that any school that will resort to trick ery and falsehood Is unworthy to bo tho Instructor if thnso entering ocmmorclnl inc. xriai ween ireo. In last Sundnv's Beo anncarcd nn advertise meat or tho umiina commercial coiiego stating that a typewriting contest liti been held at Detroit In which students o this school were worsted. The statemon Is absolutely false. No typewriting con test In which my students took a part was ne a in ucirim. Particulars next Sunday. j. VI. VAIN HAN I. TI-33!) 13 .nam:h.mi: wanted. SALESMEN, to sell Imported nnd domestl (it ors. nr uc pai y una wnisiues nnu blends, case and barrel goods, to Jobbers and saloon trndo; good chanco to tho right man; salary or commission. it. H, Strader Ai Ron, K and 71 E. Wnter St. Lexington, uy. .u jj SALESMEN for line Kentucky whiskies and wines, narrei nnu case goons, salary or commission, it. M. tiyc Co., i.exing ton, ivy. i'to-ia SALESMEN wnnted to sell up-lo-dnto advertising novelties, iineral commissions iiurrain u. a. m., wi Aiutuui Lire niiig. llllITalO. iS.V 13T WANTED, exiK'rlenred traveling salesmen to piece n nign grime specialty lino wun general mercnaniuso iruue; yearly cmii tract, references nnd bond required. Bo COS, St. Louts, Mo. H-illO 13 POSITIONS under tho Government: thou sands of annolntments will be made from civil rervlce examinations to bo hold everywhere m starcn and April; cata loLMie of Information free. Crdumblai Correspondence College, Washington, D, WANTED, several exnerlenced trnvelln salesmen for I'M bv old establUhed house, fi iriinrnnteo of f50 tier week above ex penses to right parties: stnto experience. Address Room 1613-315 Denrborn 8t., Chi cago. 1J-31U 13 WANTED, man to travel, ndvcrtlo and collect; moderate .Rnlnry and nil 'ixpensep to start; advancement: rmerences n' (mired: Eolf-addrcssed envolone for nar' ticuiars. Address Manager Gillls, S5S Deorborn. CIUcoro. B-31S 13' MEN to travel for St. Louis Mfg, Co.; also advertisers, straleht salary. Triumph Co., Dallas, Toxas. B-M33U IS SOLICITORS, n nromlnent eastern liouso will nrrnuno with two high-class men for the vear 1301: must bo canablo of hand ling llrst-class work and have good refer ences. Address u ja, uee umce. B-331 13' WANTED, voting men to know tho Molers will open n complete nnd elegant Barber College in iimann i-enrunry i. ah cousin erliur learning the trade will nroflt b corresponding nt onco with Moler Barber College Representative, 1G23 Farnnm, Omaha. nau i;. THE AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE of Omnhn, lOti FI. Hth St.. between Douglai nml notice sts. ONLY SCHOOL ORAD FATING PROFESSIONAL BARBERS Only school recognized ny me. hiiiio na ber boord Write for freo catalogue. B-362 13 WANTHD-FKMALE HKI.F. WANTED, 200 girls. 1S24 Dodge. Tel. ST. 60 girls wanted. Canadian office, 1522 Douglas WANTKD. young Indy attendant. Call nt C-tt 220 neo lililg. ItninilT vniinu man or woman to take shorthand scholarship and pny for It when coutso ! Address coutso I. finished nnd position secured F 15, Pee. C-j7 "Ol'H energetic ladles: homo employment; work anyone can execute; no canvassing; no money to deposit: Inclose stamp. Lock Hox 47i3. Pueblo. Colo. C-M2U 14' GOOD girl for general housework, family or three; gcoil wages, liu . aisi si. U iil WANTED, ladle to learn halrdrcsslng, mnnlcuring anil facial massage; 4 wcoks complete; tools furnished; constnnt prac tice; expirt Instructions; positions guar anteed. Call or write for particulars. Molcr's Halrdrcsslng College, bra Knrnam, Omaha. C-M231 II Ginti for general hojso work, 1539 Cali fornia. C I3I-1I. WANTKD. ladles to do plain needlework tor us nt mime; we turnisii material nnu pay f7 to $10 per week. Bend stamped envelope to Standard Co., 42IH Indiana live., Chicago. C-20) 13 INTELLIGENT ladles, homo work or traveling; J10 to jio weekly; experience unnecessary. Wrltn Immediately. Itejnuc Co., ;:ij3 Dearborn St., Chicago. C AGKNTS wanted for Hnlleck's extracts: permanent, prolltaiiic, easy worn; rorer ences required. Tho Ablleno Drug Co., Abilene, Kansas. C WANTKD, good writers for addressing in otnce. Reply in own handwriting, u i, Bee. C-i7 13 WANTKD, lady to travel or work nt home; modernto sninry and all expenses 10 start, advancement: send self-addressed envel opo for particulars. Address Field Mana ger, 202 Pontine Bldg., Chicago. C 317 13 LADY to trnvel in Nebraska; J30 monthly and nil oxpenses to start; permanent po sition If satisfactory: self-addressed en velopo for reply. Address Treasurer MncBrudy, 33G Dearborn, Chicago. C-310 13- .ADIKS tn do piecework for u nt homo; wc furnish nil materlnls ond pay 7 to 12 weeKo. send stamped envelope to itoyni Co., 31 Monroe St., Chicago. C-3 fl 12' WANTKD. llrst-clnss girl, generul liouse- work. 1113 Georgia ave., raniliy four; no children. C-M301 15' WOMEN to do plain sewing at home, Jt.50 im, I villi iiiuiiiiin wimp, f, in i t i n ii work sent tropu!(l; pond tiimpcil ml- Hutton & Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. C-331 13 WANTED, exnerlenced operators on uhlrts and pants: niso experienced snirt. ironers. Apply nt Byrne At Hammer Factory. 12th nnd Howard sts. t,-ui jj HEM WANTED. WANTKD. good rellnble men and women in each locality to worn ror investment company; $100 per mouth guaranteed. C. At O. Investment Co., Ncwurk, N. J. M-228 13' J1.410.OO INCOME easily earned by distribu ting soaps, extracts, etc., tor nn old es tablished and responsible comjiany. Wrltn for free outllt. M. C. S. Co., 2S3 MadU.ui St., Chicago. an n FOR IIUXT HOUSES. F you want your houses well rented plnro tnem wun uenawn .o. uin ALWAYS moving H. II. goods. Pianos. Otllce, 15ll',4 farnam at. m el. ik3 or sra. D-742 IOUES for rent in all parts of tho city, Brennan-Lovo Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-743 HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Paxton block. U-744 SEE HENRY 11. TAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1524 Doughs'! LI (Hi HOUSES and flats. Rtngwalt. Barker Rlk, U-747 HOUSES wanted. Wallace , Brown Blk. D-7I5 BARN. 2021 St. Mnry's Ave. D-713 FOR RENT, bakery In first-class entwiifinn uirue siore room, coiuiiiiious oven also S-room house, with barn for s horses nnd largo wagon shed; all for J30.no per month. W. H. Russell. 420 Iiamge Bldg. u l 3511 SEWARD ST.. new llvcroom cottage i" "" nruiur; rent, OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ifith nnd uuuiiiun i". IJ 751 K kw i-room linen, siric.iy modern enit ..., ..... ...... ...... j a ., w, iietnis, I'axton block. D M717 Kn. 1331 South .Hat street, lust nrn-ih i PUU1U ,uift, a llti:v, i:illlli)riuolc, S-roOm modern house, Will bo put In good re pair for right party. M. j Kennard & nun, uv uiuwn uiuuk, jj ISI3 TWO smnll live-room cottages In tho same juru; ciiy wiuer in Kiicncn; in good con ,,,lS".0?., WtI.,.T.r mSnh' Qmuha Loan liuai .u, 1.11.. UUIIglUJj ntS. D-OfiG- 2ltb. nenr Fnrnnm: ten-room mmir., 1,,,... iiinipn-'iij 111 iivvry ri-siicci: ten mlnutnj walk of contor of cltv: rrnHnnnM.. ..i Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th und Dntlg- un u yto FOR RENT Houso nnd ten acres; brown V. If .qinnhnno ISni Tl...l o. VL..."' ... - Hv,...h..w, uuv UVjU Ol,, UlllilllU IJ 1M-IJ' C-ROOJI house, nil modern, 830 So. 28th. D-200 15 1921 S. 35TH ST., 7 rooms, fumaco and bath east iroiu; just vacated, l'rlce, J20. J. II nuerwooii, ja x. i.ire. v Sis 13 112 N. 26tll St.. furnished or unfurnished. 155(1 Sherman nve.. 4r. modern. J12. 3107 Decatur St., 7r., 110. 3S10 Decatur, 7r. modern, J14. ion roiiin si., vr.. an modern, jl'5. 2215 Burt St., Sr. modern, except furnace. $25 PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1ST FL. N. Y. LIFE, IJ .Ml'L'7 20 1003 NORTH 231113 STREET 0 rooms, newly iiui'citMi unu imiiueu, cuy water, sewer and closet In house. J16 a month. Tho iiyroii iiceu to., -'i. a, mn si. u U30-14 1IENRY R PAYNE'S BARGAIN LIST. nnu hi), istn St., ; nice 3-room nricK nouFcs, nnnuy to h. o. car, city water, cementrd cellars, lino repair and only JR. See them. A nice 5-room house, partly furnfJhed, on Goorgla ave.. will bo vacant soon, only !10 2S23 Spraguo St., C-rooms, city water, only 1201 N. 20th St., a tine 7-rotm new house, modern except furnnce. onlv 120. 214 So. 30th, St.. a lino S-room all modern house, will make special price to right U 1 Ol'H IIIC. "fir ll mill Mnnil Ala Mm llnnal 1A.MAm strictly all modern house In Omaha for wi nen u uuro. 2513 G ST.. Smith Omaha, nlco C-room nouse wun natn, oniy sis. Havo other good ones. Seo me. IIKNRY P. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. LIFE. D-270 13 A DESIRABLE 6-room lint, without Binnll cniiurcn, rs. .utii st. D-M2S9-15' FOR RENT. 3323 Meredith Av 7 rooms, $11. wu no. .mil 11 rooms, city wnter, js. in n.iuiii wiiiiuui, 11-iuuiii iiiiuuiiig, line re pair, recently remodeled and overhauled Wo havo somo bargain lit houses rangln in price from J20 to J35. Seo our list. R. C. Peters Ai Co., 1702 Fnrnani. D-203 13 COTTAGE. 715 N. 23d. 6 rooms. S20: or rooms, witli basement, J25. Inquire 717 N su. v 311 13' FOR RUNT, all or nart of n lariro wnrn house located nt fdli tiiul Howard sts.; ono 01 tue imest wareiiouses in umiina; I stories nign nnu nasement; on trackage rent reasonable; possession given Immedl aieiy. w. u. .iieiKie, loin and linruev. D-355 13 FOR RENT FiniMSllF.il ROOMS. STEAM-hcntcd rooms nt Tlio Thurston. K-75: DKWEY Kuropcau Hotel, 15th and Fnrnam WKLL furnished front room; nil modern conveniences; private family. Address, i 53, Bee. E 10. 1 1 HOUSKKEEPING rooms, J6 up. 2C23 St, Biarv s. n aiiui j-j Oil ItlJ.NT FURNISHED ROOMS. OR RENT. 11 nicely furnished front room, south and cast exposure, within live uiocK. 01 postoiuce; untn and use or tele phone. Address F 4, Bee, K .MC65 210 N. 17TH ST,, steam hented rooms. It .11110 I'U- 812 SOUTH 22p street, prlvato family. SU 1,1 If IANDSOMK alcove room, furnished, nt tho Fnrnam, 1621 Fnrn.im st, e -j:i3-13' FOR RKNT, two furnished rooms for hnuscKecpiug, ground noor. or win room and board two persons. 837 S. 21th St. I'RNISHKD dining room, kitchen and bedroom, modern conveniences, bath! close In; for married couple only, SIC per month. O 12, Bee. K-324 13' 2201 DOUGLAS street, cholco rooms. li .M3'1 l'J 'URNISIIKD nnd unfurnished rooms; housekeeping allowed. 2110 uougias st. K 374 13 FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. GLENCAIRN,trnnslonts,J1.25 day. 1600 tioug X" Tho Mcrrlam, good winter homo. 25 & Dodge F-754 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-755 THK P1LVTT, deslrablo rooms. Hot water neat. isi BKAUTIFUL front pnrlor; suitable for two; heated; with board. 521 N. 23d. F-19J-13 ELEGANT largo steam-heated front rooms, wun uoaru. 1303 capltoi nve. ai ibi u- MODKRN furnished rooms and board. COS Blurt st., Council Bluffs. F mioi 13 DKSIRABLE room; first-class bonnl. ?551 iiarney. vivo 14 111 S. 17TII, near postofflcc; good room nnd uiiuru, 1 j, j ii FOR RENT-STORKS AND OFFICES. OR RKNT, store In flrst-clnss location: rent reasonable. Applv R. C. Peters & Co., ground lloor, Beo Bldg. 1268 FOR RENT, tlio building formerly occupied ny ino neo nt t'13 l'nrnam street, u nns four stories nnd a basement which was formerly used ns The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply nt once to C. C. Ross water, secretary, room 100, Bee Building, HALL, 102 So. Hth, cor Dodgo st. 1 .MlUJ I' I LARGE double room In Continental block: can be mndo ,nto very deslrablo olllco and reception room for physician. Will ar rango to suit. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth & Douglas Sts. I-75C HALL for rent, 102 S. Hth, cor Dodge. i anoa-n. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUILDINGS w o have several buildings well located for wnoiesaio and retail purposes; also build ing with trnckace. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnnm. 1-237 IS FOR LEASE, warehouse, well located, good trncKiige. jonn union, 0 and 7 narKer lllk. 1322 13' AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS on sninry or commission; tho greatest agents' seller ever tirodticed; every user of pen und Ink buys it on sight: 200 to 500 per cent prollt; ono ugent'.H nales aninuntcd to JC20 !n six dnvs; another J32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X Hi, LaCrosse, Wis. J M22I 13 J12 DAILY mndo by agents Felling our i'ihiiu inu in inerciiiinis nnu pnysicinns. Mayors & Co., D. 42, 40S Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. J MEN and women of good address wanted 10 snow and mite orders ror our ""Jew Olllclal Census Atlas;" pleasant work, good pay. lllft & Co., 110 Wnbush, Chl- cage. j AGENTS, we give every boy, girl or wo man one rniieu coiu 1 cii solitaire nuriinn rose diamond ring, solid gold pattern, for selling 20 packages Garfield Pure Pepsin mim among irienus ni 0 cents a pacKagi. Send name, wo mall cum. When sold send money: wo will mall ring, few can tell from genuine diamond. Unsold gum taken bnck. Beautiful catalogue frna. Garllcld Gum Co., Dept. W, Mcadvllle, Pa. J- niO money selling our "GO candlo-pover . nro vapor lamp; snmpie jio. And Im proved itw cnnnie-power gas vapor lamps; ml Instable, flame, no torch, nil brns's. Write Studcbaker Gas Lighting ''o., Kansas City, Jio. J 202 13' WANTED, general and local agents; name- pinics, signs, numhers, rendatilo darkest nights; sample free. Right Supply Co., Knglowood, Ill's. J 219-13' FOUR good ngents. gllt-edgfd proposition to good men. -unii on .nr. unio Monday morning at room 201 McCngue Building. J-2-14-13' YOU CAN make big money nt homo felling our iinpiess tea nun couce strainer; sens at sight nt every house; no capital re quired; send 25o deposit for handsomo sample outllt: money returned If not sat lsfnctorv. Dewey. Young Co., Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, III. J-313 13' WANTKD. agents to sell the new process winnow wasner: water tanit. sponge unu rubber dryer combined. Klefer Bros., Cleveland, Ohio. J-312 13 HOUSE to house canvnsserH wanted; household necessity; quick teller. Ex clusive territory to hustlers. Linnlnrd Mfg. Co., 1S3 Norwood Ave., Cincinnati Ohio. J- WANTED, men and women to sell Dr. isoweiis soap nnd perrumes; ono ngent made J153.00 last month: sample and plan free. Hazel Co., 30S Benolst Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS WANTKD for tho Turner Vnpor i.nmp; perrect. eusy. saro nnu nriiuaut as nro light; burns 15 hours for 7 cents; this Is the new and going business; largo prullts and eusv selling: secure territory now. AV'rito Turner Brass Works, 122 Klnzlo St., Chicago. J 277-13 J3.00 WEEKLY selling medicated soap with rree rampie. liraurorn .wg. w, h a, Cincinnati, O. J 291-13 J100 MONTHLY, now patent Metalle Bread boards; sample free. D. C. Forsh Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J-323 13 J240 MONTHLY' soiling Improved Brilliant Gaslight burner, llts kerosene lamps, beautiful gaslight without chimney: sample free, Eenterpriso Mfg. Co., A 5SI, Cincinnati, Ohio. J-328 13 WANTED, energetic ngents everywhere to lntroduco new nrtlclo; ready seller; big profits: special territory nnd terms. Ad dress Pcrslana Medical Co., 15 E. Hth St., New Y'ork. J-282 1 3 AGENTS to sell oil stook: lellablo com panics; ngents making from JlOi to J'01 a monin. Aiiures 11. a. unite, .11111 ning., San Francisco, Cal. J-2S1 13' AGENTS to sell Malacca nllver tea and tablespoons; profits over 150 per cent; samnlo nnd particulars for 3 cents ptnmps. waitnaii At co., cincinnnti, u. j svi 1:1 TUG tblnor for exnerlenced casollne Iamn accnls: secure quick. Chlcngo Are Lamp CO., iii ivinzie fit., uiucngo. j fiu ii- AOENT wnnted In everv town to sell clgnrs to consumers: exnerlenco unneces sary: snmples free i:onsumers' cicar Co., 90 LnSallo st., Chlcugo. J-275 13 AGENTS, dnme-fhaped perforated fry pan covern prevent grease spiasiung on stoves; guaranteed best seller; other specialties. American novelty w orgs, itcauing. i'a. J-274 13 PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cryons." Try washable ennmellnes; 110 glass: don't rub; cheap. Family Portrait co., Chicago. j aou v&- WAXTED TO RENT. GENTLEMAN nnd wlfo wish large, well furniEiieii room with oonrn. w 4, uee, ls-2 15-13 J. TWO rooinH and board for two; walking1 tiiHtanco rrom city, inquire iuh rarnnm w ntoraih: PACIFIC Storago and Warehouse Co.. 912 911 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 757 OM. Vntl Stor Co., 1511H Farn. Tele. 1559.&G3. iwa WANTED TO BUY. WILL purchase a limited number of umnna savings unnx accounts. Bretinnn Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N-759 HOUSES to move. Wallace. Brown Blk. N-7C0 WANTKD to buy. J1.000 of Omaha Savings bank accounts for cash. Address A 10, Beo office, N M5IS HIGHEST prices paid for furniture nnd stoves. J. Levine, 301 N. ICth. Tel. 771. N-373 FOR SAI,i: FURNITURE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & 2dhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged. O 782 FOR SALE-HORSES, VEHICLES, l'.TC. IF YOUR wagon breaks down take it to Harry Frost, 11 At llworth. Ho tlxe 'em. P Iti I ONE henvy draft horse, G years old. In quire 1110 Farnnm. P-M20I 12 COACH stallion, 1 yrs.. 1350 lbs.; nephew of Croeseiis, 2:01. Address 17IC llarwood Ave, Lincoln, Neb. P-M.I37 13 FOR SALE, team wagon, good shape, J33. 5707 Florence Boulevard. P-317 13' FOR SALE, light wagon. 131S Fnrnam. P 381 13 FOR S A I.E-M ISCKtiLAN HO US. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fences nnd cribbing. 901 Douglas, g 762 2DHAND safo chenp Deright, 1110 Farnnm, Q-7G3 SAFES; buy, sell ex'ge. Schwnrtz, 114 So. 13. Q-7GI HKRTFORD A CO.. 16th & llworth. FURNITURE At UPHOLSTKRING. Q-377 TIMOTHY" hay and all kinds feed nnd conl, Monroe At Co. Q MUG I HAVK n Hiiro permanent euro for wnrts; no pain or scar: send Jl nnd a 2-cent stamp for mcdlclno nnd full directions. Geo. Kuecrn, Western, Neb. Q-M437-2U 2DHAND boiler nnd engine, nbout 20 H-P., for solo cheap at Omaha Safo and Iron Works, C10 80. Hth St., Omaha, Q-593 FOR SALE, new nnd secondhand soda fountains; monthly payments. S B. Rich mond, 430 So. 2lt)l St. Q-MS32 Fl FOR SALK, a lino 85.00 Imported magic lantern, us good as new, only used n Bhort tlmo; sultnblo for lectures, churches or lodge entertainments; for sale cheap. Ad dress F C3, Beo ofllcc. Q 179 WKLSBACH mnntles put on, 25c. ""brop a postul. O. G. S. Co., 1721 Cuming. Q-205 1G K1GIIT pounds butter mndo from one gul lon milk: no chemicals; reclpo 25c. II. E. Smith, 3IG South Boulevard, Oak Park, III. Q-23S 13' PLAY'S, wigs, whiskers, paints, etc., for masquerades and stngo mnkc-ups. trick nnd agents lntest novelties; Illustrated eataloguo free. Chas. Marshall. Mfr., Lockport, N. X. Q 251 13' BARGAINS In 2d hand bicycles, J5 up; new wheels. J15 up. Omaha Blevclo Co., lfltli and Chicago sts. Q M79I FURNITURK nnd dress making business for snlo cheap If taken nt onco; am leav ing tho city. Mrs. L. D. Davis. 513 Kur bach block. Q 191 13 FOR SALB, lot shelving nnd counters. 1318 Fnrnam. Q 35s 13 FOR SALE, fireproof safe. 1318 Farnnm. Q-359 13 FOR SALE, wnrehouso ecnlo (Fairbanks). 1318 Fnrnnm. Q 3G0 13 CLAIRVOYANTS. CONCERNING the government "tho signs of the times" Indicate whnt tho futuro will bo and concerning "llfo" the signs nro equally as perceptible. They point Into tho future with even moro accuracy. It Is a well known fact that persons versed in tho philosophy of government depend wholly upon tho signs of the times In forming their conclusion when making a prediction depends, of course, upon the ability and Judgment of the prognostl cntor. Tne accuracy of a life rending depends entirely on the capabilities of the llfo reader or nalmlst. If the pnlmlst can Interpret tho Index. which Is tho lines In tho pnltn, tho rend ing cannot bo otherwise thun absolutely nccurate. Every lino the pnlm contuins lias its Hlgnltlcanco nnd when Interpreted lironerlv lioltltn tn some future nvnnt Consult 51 M 13, OYLMKR, THE WORLD'S liiiisAiiisi' palmist, and know your future. Parlors of Palmistry, 1603 Dodge, south sldo of postofllco, over Sliermnn At McConnell's ding store. Hours: 9 to 7:3o: Sunday, 10 to 4. S-318 13 PROF. CHARLES, palmist nnd llfo reader; iiiiiniui 111 ins predictions, reuauie in nis advice; ho will point out nnd show you how to overcome obstacles that keep you from happiness nnd success; ndvlco on low. marriage, dlvorc-;, business. Invest mcnts, wills, deeds, changes, etc.; no matter what your trouble, consult him; satisfaction guaranteed, SPECIAL NO TICE Any person bringing this ud und 50 cents within three days will recelvo complete reading; without ad fee for read ing Is Jl; tills offer Is not good nftcr Wednesday. Olllco hours, 10 to 9 dnlly. Located over U. P. ticket ofllce, 1324 Far nnm St., cor. llth. S 209 13 IOC, 10C. IOC; your entire llfo accurately portrayed, your tnlents, prospects In busi ness, love, law. travels, niarrlago nnd other valuable Information. Send birth dnte nnd 10c. Prof. .Myers, Lincoln Park Station, Chicago. S 314 13 MME. PALSIER. celebrated clairvoyant and occult scientist: readings dnlly on all nffalrs of llfo: astrological charts written: send date of birth. 162a Dodgo. 8 3C9 13 MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North ICth. 8-763 MME.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1G03 Dodgo. S 7Gii ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MABEL GRAY, 317W N, 15th St., Flat K. X Altftii-Jli' ELITE parlors. 616 South ICth, second floor. T-197-F-8 MISS MAI3 LESLIE, 619 S. 16th, 2d floor. T M3I7 22 MME. AMES. 1C15 Howard, 2d floor, room 1; thormal baths. F M31G 17 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous 111111 nnt.w.. i i' reu zer Blk. U 767 TURKISH bath, masrngo baths, electric IHLlIll, I'Ji ,...i: , rniui'ii WOnien massnBO operators; finest equipped baths In the city. Renstrom Bath Company, Rooms tlC to 220 BCO jlldg. U-7CS LIEUEN, theatrical, masquerado costumor 1018 Furnam. U 7C9 PRIVATE homo before and during conflno. ment; babies adoptrt. Jlrs. Burget. 2620 Burdotte, U 770 WIDOWER Having no use for n nearly now upright piano wl 1 sell cheap; cash or time. AJdress, F 44, Buo Ofllce. U-JI924-F-5 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglas U 773 BAIIIKS nnd children cared for. S13 N. 23d, U-M57C J2G SUPPI IKS for all machines: machines for rent. Whlto Sewing Machine, 1C20 Doug las. Tel. 2331. U-510 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during ennllnemcnt; babies adopted. 23m6 Grant St. U 177 SKATES sharpened, 15e, Louis Flescher, 1C22 Cupltol Ave. U-M975 CHILDREN'S clothing made to order. Infants wear, and ladles' underwear a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919 Burt st. 11-232. LARGEST exclusivo mnrrlago paper pub liuhed, 16 pages, sealed, 10c; no J3 fee; many worth J100 to J100.000. R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. U-2IG-13 HANDSOMK, refined Indy. Independently weulthy, sweet disposition, fond of home, will devote life to kind husband. "Mar guerite," I960 North Clark St.. Chicago, III. U-25-l:i' MARRY lovely women and honorable mon: mnny rich. Sond 2c for big list. Mutuil Exchange, Kansas Cltv. Mo. " PERSONAL. ELDERLY gentleman. $150,000, bentltlful home, but lonely, will mnko home hap piest place on earth to kind wife. "Bonn llile," 771 North Park Ave,, Chicago. 111. U 251-13 THOUSANDS anxious to marry, many rich, send nnine, description and be placed In correspondence. Inclose stamp. Tho Guide, Box 1S3 Tcrmlnnl Station, St. Louis, Mo. U-2I8-I3 YOUNG Indy 27, good looking nnd has small fortune would be pleased to henr front somo honornblo gentleman, object matrimony. Address Room 211-69 Dear born St., Chicago. U-23S-13 WANTKD. Will concli a good tenor In re turn for services In clioll'! must read well. Addrcs G 1, Bee. U-255 13 8UPKRFLUOUS HAIR, wnrts nnd moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation freo nnd confidential; nil work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas. MORPHINE, opium, htudiinum, cocaine habit: myself cured, will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U SECRETS that win. Knowledgo Hint pays; selenco that brings business nnd social success cures disease nnd bad habits; wins love nnd friendship; gratifies am bitions; gives wonderful power nnd control over others. You enn learn nt home. Write today for our elegantly illustrated book, which fully explains all the hidden mysteries of personal magnetism, hypno tism, magnetic healing, etc. It Is free. Address, New York Institute of Science, Dept. 223 B, Rochester, N. U SKCONDHAND SEWING MACHINICsT" Monday wo will sell machines for so little Hint they will come within the reach of everybody. You will bo surprised nt what we offer you. 3 Singer. J 1.00 1 New Home 4.00 1 New Home 6. nil 1 Domestic 4.00 1 Domestic 8.00 1 Household 10.00 2 Singers, high nrm, ench 7.00 1 Singer, good ns new 12.50 1 Wheeler At Wilson, No. 9 X.00 Singer Shoemaker 25.00 4 modern drop-head machines, STANDARD, SINGKR nnd DAVIS, in perfect condition, at half tho regular price. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor. 15lh and Ilnrney Sts. U-266 13 MARRY, western matrimonial club, prlvato list 2c; mnny worth J50,noO. Box Wl, Denver, Colo, V 321 13 SPIRITUALISM. Patterson Hall, this evening; Mr. Mnson: lino discourse; excellent tests, hplendld music. Admission, 10 cents. V 323 13 ORPHAN 23, good musician, accustomed to lellnemeiit; J30.f1i) in own right, peeks suitable husband. Miss Fuller, cr Khrlloh, 975 Park Ave., New York. U-323 13 LADIES or gentlemen In nil stntlons of llfo matrimonially Inclined enn lcnrn of oppor tunities by writing particulars concerning themselves. Address nnd enclose stamp, Tho Companion Advocate, 225 Denrborn St., Chicago. 11-305 IS MARRIAGE paper. 10c; Jnnunry Issue con tains 500 new descriptions, ladles and gen tlemen deslrlrg mnrrlage, low rates. Drake's, 155 Washington St., Chicago. 11301 13 IF your feet bother you do not put off until tomorrow buying a box of no-no-may powder. Sold by all druggists. U-M295 THE Omnhana B-cent cignr la Omaha made cigar, mndo by union clgarmnkers; It Is quality, not style. C. Butz, Manufacturer. U-2S6 13 LITERARY tnlent assisted: liberal pay ment; send solf-nddressed stamped en velope to Mngazlno Editor, 61 Liberty St., Now York. IJ 2S3 13 LADIES, all halrdrcsslng, mnnlcuring nnd facial treatments free nt Molcr'a Halr dresslng College, 1623 Fnrnnm. U-M3ID 11 Y'OUNO man, strnngor In city, dnnlrcs nc qunlntntico of refined young ladv under 25, who has good health, appearance und commonsense; object marriage. Address O 10. Bee. U-,177 13 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, S, 6), G per cent; no de lay, Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnnm. W 774 LOANS on e-astevn Nebraska nnd western Iowa fnitas nt 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 nr nny multiple; any Interest date; m elay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 300 So. 1,1th ?7 Omaha, Neb, W-775 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-77G $1,000 nnd upwnrd to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnnm Smith & Co., 1320 Fnrnam. W-778 PRI VATE money. F. D, Wend, 1524 Douglas. WANTKD, city lonns, bonds nnd warrants. Goorgo & Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-77D WANTKD. city and farm loans; nlso bonds and wnrrnnts. R. C. Peters At Co., 1702 Fnrnnm St., Bee Bldg. W "SO MONEY' tn loan on farm nnd city property, lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam W-7S1 PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Llfo. W 785 MONEY to lonn nt 6 and 5 por cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle. 401 8. 15th W-7h2 FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block. W-783 J1.500 TO LOAN on renl estate; call at once. M. J. Kennard At Son, 310-311 Brown block. W-7SG FIVE and ono-hnlf per cent lonns. W. If. Thomas, First National bank building. Tel. 1CI8. W M8M 5 AND 5V4 per cent lonns. W. H. Thomas, First Not. Bank building. Tel. 164S. W-M8I8 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TODAY. Loans made In amounts from 110 to J250 on household furnlturo, pianos, horses, enr ilnges, etc., without removal or on your S-A-L-A-R-Y" without security. All or a part of the money may bo paid back the first month, or no part of It need bo paid bnck for several months. Each payment made reduces tho cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. People who need money nro Invited to call nnd get my terms und compare them with what others offer. Loans of othor com panles may bo trnnsforied to me. No chnrgo for papers, All business strictly confidential. Quick servlco and lowest rates guarunteed. J, W. TAYLOR. . 218 First. Nnt. Bank bldg , southest corner 13th and Farnam Sts. tel. 715. DO YOU NEED MONEY7 Wo loan J10.00 and up on furniture, pianos, horses nnd other chattels. SALARY LOANS , , Without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions. Y'ou can get the money In a few hours after making ap plication, and tnko 1, 2, 3, 4, D, G months or moro In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. Wo charge nothing for papers und we glvo you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours, our terms nro the easiest, our business Is confidential nnd our motto Is "try to please. Omaha Mortgage. Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Uldg. Tel., 229j. (Established 1892), 300 So. ICth MONEY tn l.nnn nn I.-urnlturo. Pianos, Dlamuuds, etc., on ensy payments, You keep hecurltv. No charge for papers. No questions nsked yojr neighbors, 'lei. 1(131. IJUltUUKS' LOAN LU, IMl 1'urnum 01. X-C21 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew. clry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-790 MONEY lonncd on plnnos. furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R8, Barker blk ' - -V .701 CHATTEL and salary loans, ants, 51 Barker block. Joe H. Pleas. X-M157 J1S SALARY LOINS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITV AN OPPORTUNITY to take ndantage of. U'n miikn nn HtnrtlliiL'. sensHtlotial an nouncements of rnto "cut In two," Wo don't do business that wny; neither does anybody else. OUR REDUCED RATKH AlW'i THE I.uwi'.ttT. 1011 can narrow on your personal Note, without Mortgage, Indorser, or Publicity. Our Special Pay ment Plan surprises them all and soon gets you out of debt. Very quiet ofllce, easily loiinu. i;ome nnu see no. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Boom Ml, Bee Bldg. xM8:o SALARY LOANS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 626, Fifth Floor, New York Life Bldg, SALARY LOANS. If you nro emploved by a responsible firm wo will loan you sums from JIO to J100 on your note at much cheaper and enslcr rates than elsewhere. Of tills wo uro positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing deducted from nmnnnt dclred. EnMest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 303 Paxton blk. X MS5I MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent pnltion with responsible concern upon their own nnmes without security: ensy payments Tolmnn. Room 410, Board of Trado Bldg., 10th and Farnam Sts. X-791 BUSINESS CHANCES. JIM CASH or easy pnyments buys 2S strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, clgnrs or cash; will earn J2 nnd upward weekly each, I.arl. Clark At Co., Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y-S13 WANTED, good man to do canvnsslng In the country: good pay for right man. Ad dress E 4, Bee. Y M190 WANTKD A good business mntr7oTnk"n tin .where we leave off. Call and seo Milllcr, tlio Confcctlobcr. 2M! Leaven worth St. Y IPS 13 FOR SALE, a J3.000 stock of shoes chenp for cash. '.. T. Noyes, Missouri Vnllev, la. Y-M1SG IS IF YOU want to make money buy Lead vlllo mining stocks. Wrlto Powell ,t Smith, brokers, Lendvlllc, Colo. Y--M209 15 A TRAVELING mnn wishing to quit tho roan would uko an oiuco position wun r.ome rellnble fuel firm or other honorable business, with view of putting in about J.l.ooo as Junior partner inter 011 If agree tible; best of references. Address O 7. Bee Y-M243.ll FOR EXCHANGE, well selected stock of dry goods, furnishing goods, etc.. all new nnd up-to-date; Invoice nbout J9,(io0; owner must have nbout one-fourth cash to pay bills; will trade off balance for land suitable for stock purposes; give full de tails of land llrst letter. Bonier & Brown, 607 Manhattan bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Y-212-13 WANTKD. man with $2,000.00 tn tnko half interest In cattle ranch 1,000 nrre.i; equipped nnd stocked. Address C, Koar ney. Neb., care Industrial School. Y-257 13 A PROFITABLE BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITY. The twentieth century starts out with tho perfected accomplishment of nn abo ltttely new mid marvelous Invention which will revolutionize tho cost of labor nnd rue for the steam engine. I would bo pleased to meet n few persons able nnd willing to mnko 11 small investment ufler thorough Investigation, and satisfying themselves of the magnitude of the en terprise nnd the certain enormous returns. In order that I will not lose nil tho fruits of my years of study and labor, ns has been the experience of other discoverer of great labor-saving Inventions. I desire to usssoclatn with people of smill capital Instead of with money sharks, who would soon absorb my birthright. Addrs O 13, Bee. Y-312 13 BUSINKSS chance. For snlo, nn important western mercantile concern. Well estab lished, successful, Increasing business. Al In nil respects. Capital required. $23,000. No premium. Address, C 30, Omaha Hoe. Y- WHY BK HARD UP or out of busInesT Wo have n sure road to wealth. Our coin-controlled machines aro the best mndo nnd nro quick sellers, 01 can be placed on tho percentage plan. Write for particulars. Tho best chanco ever offered to make big money on a small Investment. Address, Tho Cnlllo-Sehelmer Co.. 1429-1159 Woodward Ave, Detroit, Mich.' Y- AUCTIONKKR. 1 mnko mdse sales nt auc tion; get satisfactory prices for owners. Tho best method to close out or liean up stocks. Address for two wcokn, West Point, Neb. I'ermnnent luldress, Iowa City, la. S. W. Newell. - Y AN KNKROKT1C mnn with good liusliiejH qualifications to manage ofTloo In Omaha for lnrgo corporation lining business In 20 states; capitalized for $250,000 ($160 paid In Salary Jl.SOO nnd liberal percentage f profits, during term of engagement; must carry J2.000 to $3,0O0 stock to obviate giv ing bond; references exchanged. Address C. W. Walker, auditor, 521 Manhattan Bldg., Chlcngo. Y-- GROCERY business, big established trade. Knipilre of my agent, Lyman Waterman, C09 Bee Bldg. Y-M271 II FOR SALK cheap, first class shoo shop, good business. Address Box 3, Afton. la Y 261 13 FOR SALK, cigar factory, established trado; good county seat, northern Knns-is. Address F 65, Bee. Y 201 13' WANTED, stock of hardware for clear Neb. land and ensh. L. B. 7, Lnko Par'c, Iowa. Y MAKE money trading In grain, our boot tells how, sent free. Metz At Co., II Commerce bldg., Chicago, Y 311 13 PLACE7!! ground. 700 acres; machinery equipment J25.0M; producing $25,00i) net yearly; M Interest to the right mnn with $10.0110, Communicate Denn, New Era Bldg., Chicago. Y-309 1 3 PATENTS. Wrllo nt once fnr most liberal offer ever mndo for obtaining patents; best refs. Wm. N. Moore, Washington, D. C. Y-327 13 BIG RETURNS for small capltal-Wo havo Just succeeded In securing the ex clusive control nnd manufacture of tho celebrated Dorati Hydro-Carbon light ing system, which Is tho best system light yet Invented for Interior and street light ing. Ench lamp gives 1,200 candle power light can bo turned on or off Instantly, tho same as electricity. Absolutely safe, simple und satisfactory. Correspondence solicited from nil interested parties nnd municipal officers und those who would like a good paying business In Iholr own city or town. Acorn Brass Works, 15 to 21 8. Jefferson St,, Chicago, Y- FOR HALE, saloon and rooming house, fine location, good trado; must sell, owner leaving leuvlng city. Address O 10, Beo. Y'-292 13 ACTIVE pnrtnor wnnted In good located nnd profitable business, established 1892; $200 required. Address G 8, Beo. Y-287 13 FOR SALE, a good paying newspaper In southern Nebraska town of 1,500; lins been run Independent, hut would bo bettor re publican; VM, $400 cash, bnlanco onuy pay ments; sickness reason for selling. Ad dress O 9, Bee. Y-2SI 13 FOR SALE, bakery, rnstuurant nnd grocery cheap If taken nt once. Address B 64. Bee. Y-M35G WANTED, physician for best town In southeastern Nebrnpka. Address F. F. Rlloy, druggist, Dawson, Nob, Y'-37G 13 FOR K.YCIIA.Vtin. $1,200 INVOICED stock dry goods, furnish ings, to oxchango for property; $1,473 ensh will accept bal.inco 'desirable property. required 10 Clear iiiiieiiii.'ii(ii'n; puriii.-n Address i.. street, St. Address L. J. Wilde. Iribtce, 743 Wabasha I'uui, .Minn. . it ,mui i J3.000 CASH, balance desirable property, buyH $9,500 Invoiced stock, almost now; general country merchindlse without fix tures, consisting dry (roods, furnishings, domestics, notions, clothing; well selected; bought right; pnrtleH Involved; mnko proposition first letter, subjoct your ex amination of stork. Address L, J. Wlldn, trustee, 743 Wabasha atreot, St. Paul, Mlnm K-M1CI 13 ILLINOIS farms, merchandise, town prop erty, etc., to oxchnngu for western land nnd other property. What have you? Box 234, Peoria, III. Z-259 13 CONTROLLING Interest In manufacturing business; would tnko real estato In coun try for ut least part of It. For particulars nddrcr-s Lock Box 2375, Battle Crock, Mich. i VC-31513 WILL e'xehango Chicago vncalit for Omnhn vacant or unproved nnu nay iiiucrence, ir necessury. rtuuresH i. 11, jirn. '.-Mr&D 19 FA It. IIS FOR RENT. SCO.aero farm near Fort, Crook for rent for 1901; cash runt. W, L. Solby, Board Trudo. CM 13 4