Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1901, Page 18, Image 26

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The Omailv Sitnday Bee.
U, nOSKWATKH, Kditor.
lally Iieo ('without Sunday), One Year.18.00 Its continuation In power depends, how
Jally Ileo nnd Sunday. Ono Year L.Vl,ri IK,n H ability to retain popular
Illustrated Hop. One Ycur.
Hundny Hee. One Year....
Hnturdny Hce, One Year.
(illliuiiy 4i:it, will" m c
I'eekly lice, One Year.
Omaha: Tim Hee Ilulldlng. ....
South Omaha: City Ilnll Hulldlng, Twen-
ly-flfth and N Streets.
Council liluffi: 10 Pcnrl Street.
Chicago: 1610 Unity Jiulldlng.
New York: Templo Court.
Washington; V) Fourteenth Street.
Bloux Cltys 611 Park Street.
. Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should bo addressed; Omana
Hce, Editorial Department.
Hnslness letter nnd remittances should
bo addressed: Tho JJee Publishing Com
pany, Omaha,
Hemlt by draft, express or postal order,
WHAT Tlia vuoVLti EXVt.LT. tho nriiiy to the liiaxlintun allowed by or ex pn ml! tig the scope of covcrnmentnl
Tho republican party lit Nebraska. Is the bill would he do l(, for undoubtedly activity, or ono or more In combination
on probation. It 1ms been restored to no ono Is more anxious than Mr. Me- with other proposed remedies Is to be
imvvt through tho tldnl wave of pros- Klnley to reduce the military establish developed by the actual conditions thai
perity nnd the popular disapproval of ment whenever It becomes practicable shall present.
exploded theories advocated by llrynn. to do so. The number of troops pro- In n current discussion of this subject
vlded for in the bill uro believed to bo It has been pointed out that Unit n ceil-
absolutely necessary to put down the tury uro, when tho first estimate of
conlldence. It cannot repeat the crim- rebellion hi the Philippines. If events our national wealth was made by the
liuil blunders and follies of the past shall show that this number Is not census bureau, the aKKrcate value or
without Incurring tho risk of being needed there can be no doubt that the private property, excluding slaves, wns
again dislodged. president will call for only the number little more than five billions of dollars,
It Is tin open secret that the disasters that shall be required in excess of the while our population. Is now but little
that have overtaken the republicans of minimum force provided for In the re- more than three times as great as then
this state within the last few years organization bill. and our wealth is more than llfteen
have beeii duo chlelly to iMiptilitr tils- The American people who can look times ns great. Xo one would contend
gust with the character of tho men who at this matter In a common sense, way that thu average member of society
hail found their wny to the fore nnd and without prejudice have no fear that Is not far better off, from an economical
particularly to the appointment of dls- nn army of 100,000 would endanger point of view, than the average of fifty
reputable, dishonest or Incompetent their liberty, nor have they any appro- years back, yet there is room for dls
men to federal ollice. The transfer of hoiision that President MeMnloy, in pute whether all have secured their
tho general attorney of tho 1'nlon l'n- whose Judgment and patriotism u lurge proportionate share. The Increase in
cltle from tho railroad's headquarters majority of ills countrymen have so re- the national wealth Is likely to be nt n
to the senate chamber nlso had a de- ccntly renewed the expression of their still greater rate tho coming century
,....i.i.. a M-kn i tni.iiiiinf company
only 2-ront stamps accented i In vw moralizing effect upon the rank and file conlldence, would abuse tho authority should tho progress promised in tho
Omaha or Eastern exchanges, not accepted. aiut especially unon the industrial which It Is proposed to confer upon hlra. sciences, arts ami industries lie
THE HEE PCHUSfttNC- COMIAN. ,, tint do not take klndlv io cor- achieved. From the material side the
porato domination. On the heels of this SKUnASKA'H limiaATWX law. nation need have no fears if only the
came thu hartley defalcation nnd other hi his report on tho subject of lrrlga- beuellts and opportunities arc kept
Chan- freely oneu to everv element of Its clti
Uln(n..r M.l..n.ln Tlllltrtna fTnlintV. Sff.
runlSfdnff' Comnnnv Tchig '..unsworn! scandals In state house and stnto instl- tlon In .Nebraska, State Kngineer CI
,.!. ,i,. (t, .tnl' n.imner nf full and HiMnna u-lilnh irnvn Out f itbliinlfi nt. Iiel eomtllnlllS of the illdlfferctlCO Of
Si'SLV? ' tho saddle, n tremendous lev people In tho eastern part of tho state
month of December, looo. was as follows: crage, to combat which successfully in townrd tho Importance of irrigation as rJW MOST smtloVS VMllLKM.
I l .jTTiin the bnttle Just waged strained every an adjunct to agriculture In the west- rndotibtcdly the most serious problem
Z ......7, . JS.... l,ril .... I .1.... i 41.1 I. f.. ... .i. ,.i 4 ...111,
19 U7,:no uono nnu sinew, it goes wuuout saying -." uuuw, m mm muuuiiiun .'. in conueciiou wnn a semcmcm.
20 88,aio that repetition of these damaging ex- Channel Is probably hasty. It is true China Is commercial. There may be
21 'j?'!, Pcrlmouts must bo avoided. perhaps that tho residents of eastern great dliliculty in coming, to terms
t!o".o At the very outset of their period of .Nebraska do not take tho deep interest Us to an Indemnity and In securing
...27,:uo probation tho republicans of Xebraskn i" mo question ion y tnose oi tne sec- from tho Chinese government satisiae-
':!! nl.e confronted Witli ti responsibility tlon most concerned, but tills may be tory assurances for tho future protec
"iarliro that cannot bo evaded or shirked. Dur- easily explained by the fact that the tlon of foreign Interests in that cm-
,.,a7,:uii lug thu recent campaign the senatorial personal contact is inciting. pife. nut the rearratigemeni or com
...a7,:Mn Mshho was kept in tho background as hen the ht. uayner bin, .eirnsuirs mcrelul treaties is likely to prove n
much as possible, although It concerns original Irrigation law, was pending In delicate and troublesome matter.
the people more vitally than tho dec- tll legislature, tho representatives from This Is shown In nn article on China
- tlon of governors and congressmen who eastern Xobrnskn aided very materially and her foreign trade by Sir Kobort
11 27,270
12 27,110
13 27.2SO
! 27,72.-.
15 27,(1.11)
U 20,00.1
Less unsold and returned copies
1 I... ... .. .. a .... . . I l,i I I u miuumrii 1 i..lini urnirl. I I . i .. a nl.ti.i.,... I...
io,tio.i I euii iju ciiiicti hi iiccouiit every iwo yems i jn.-b.-. ....u.., mu -i"--- iinru, insjieeiui' generui ui vuiui-nu mi
Net total sales,...
.lull v nvnrni-n....
Hubscrlbed In my presence and sworn to
Iieforo me tnis aisi uuy or ueeemoer, .. u.
Notary I'ubllc.
Just at present the legislative bill
flies aro subject to the policy of ex
pansion. Contraction comes later.
XH:. at tho expiration of their terms. Tho once and Investigation had pointed out porlnl customs, In the Xorth American
. ' - - 1 . ... . I 41.,. I ......... I .... ,. f Lti. II.. I . ... .. . 4 .
2(1,11 ii people nro uwnKctuug to the tact that " imiienecuoiiH ui uiu .-u iuijuu m, ueviow. Alter a tiiorougn statement
the regeneration of the party Is Impos- mm the Akers 1)111 was presented to take f existing conditions, ho says that
slide unless the men who are to rep- ltH Phice, again tho members from east- negotiations concerning commercial
resent them In tho senate at Washing Xebraskn took an active part in matters ought not to be in any degree
ton are in position to discharge their securing Its enactment into a well dl 0f tho nature of dictation, and it ought
duties fearlessly and faithfully In the fe'0Htl'(1 Tllut ter Is how some to proceed slowly and continuously and
public Interest. To load down the party further legislation needed will serve to ot only with a perfect knowledge of
in its highest places with men dictated how again that the dwellers In the facts nnd circumstances, but with a
by corporate power would prove as sul- eastern section ot tho state are keenly fUu and friendly consideration for the
The cards aro pretty nearly shuflled eldai lor the future as it has in the past, "live to the welfare and material inter- utlior parties' views and necessities. He
enough to commenco tho gamo of sona- The demand of the hour is for higher ,st" ot their brethren living in the less HUVH that In no country is this more
torlal draw scheduled for Lincoln this levels, for far-sighted and experienced naturally blessed portion comprised in necessary than In Clilnn, mi empire
the "subarld region." composed of a score of grand lirov
Until the recent decision of the su-' inces, each n kingdom In Itself, with
preme court In the Dawes county case tH own sys'tem of titxntlon. "What is
rudely awakened the people, it was UOod and suitable elsewhere Is not
thought Xebraskn had n fairly good ir- necessarily so in China and n negotla
brnskn is sure to turn largely upon tho "gallon law. hven now it is uncer tor there, to do any matter Justice and
character and records of the two men tain Just to what extent It is alleeted formulate a workable and useful rule,
chosen by the pending legislature to be h' the reinsertion of the common law ,Uust put himself In the other's place
our United States senators. doctrine as to riparian rights. On the ulld see with the other's eyes." Such a
Xebraskn statute books Is an archaic m-oecduro Is demanded by Justice and
TUHATV VXDKH cuxsiDKHATlux, statute referring to mills and mill common sense nnd would have the ad
llie Department of State lias been dams, which was passed by the legls- vantage of whining the native negotla
hiture In 1870, when irrigation as Is ,ol.'s sympathy and enlisting tho Chi
practiced now wns not considered in Uese government's support.
under consideration, with a view to re- .ebnisKa. This law is devised to so
turning n final answer to this govern- cure public and mill owner alike their
ment. It Is stutcd to bo n growing be rights, affording protection to each. It
lendershlp that commands the coull
deuce of tho nonnle for IcimIithIiIh that
i no ineniricni trust is again coming (,mw3 ,0 c,080r 18tcml of .
war would have followed whether the
i i. i i rm.m t
tiouK nun iM-cu pronucci. or mu. i. ..r.v of ,ho c,mrch mftchll0 Rrc not
made "rnclo Tom s cabin" tne note- ftwayB for ns wea.
worthy factor it lins been wns Its time- Tho man who , but n flgUr.'heail will
llness. An untimely book, no matter not cut much flRiirc,
how high Mt ranks from a literary The love of man dies ns tho love of money
standpoint, could never have carried the grows in tho church.
Influence exerted by Mrs. Stowe's pro- Thero is a great difference) between a suit
iluetloti TVI" nnu " "nr" ncar
As faith without works Is dona faltu, so
Senator Chandler, who will retire works without faith aro dead works,
from his sent lu the upper house of A boiling lndlRiintlon nKalnst slu is no
congress to make way for his recently
elected successor, began the work of
rebuilding tho navy when lie was sec
retary of the navy under President Ar
thur, nnd this work has been continued
by ills successors, Irrespective of politi
cal complexion of the administration.
Were It not for tho efforts made by
Senator Chandler to strengthen the
Rood If it stops short of making steam to
do good work.
lunt.soNAi, AM oTiir.mvisn.
Uoston's heaviest Individual tnxnaycr Is
Joshua M. Sears and his contribution this
year foots up $61,071.93
Thomas DablnRton McAulcy Is fabricating
Judicial history on tho Kansas City boncu
As a winking tmpressarlo ho leads tho lato
naval force of the United States the Jm'Ko Gordon by 'stcen laps
brilliant victories of Dewey and Schley A Chicago mnu who wcIrIib 4..0 pounds has
might not have been possible. Senator conciuaeu o invoKo nero c renie.ues ior
. ... ... 1 purpose of checking his expansion. He
,'nnmiier s exit rrom pumic me is to rop0BCa tending midwinter bargain sales
uo nscriDeii to tne opposition ot tne Tho moV(J ,or a corp9 of corn lloclor8 for
railroads of his state, which he has tho l'hlllpplno nrmy should command tho
nntaironlzed in season and out. lint ho hearty support of corn belt representatives.
.,.m .. ,.,ml. ........ i,.. .,,..u nr Achcrs of tropical luxuriance await tno
.. ... . ' . . . V. ........ ... X.(.n.F .
our national history ns one of the most
prominent figures contributed by
Granite state.
It took a South Carolina man twenty-
seven years to bring his conscience up to
thtr point of parting with $200 out of which
ho defrauded the government. Ilctter lato
thnn never.
As tho dayB of Governor Tanner draw
Fear is expressed that the abolish
ment of the canteen will operate ns a
damper on enlistment nt tho recruiting to a close tho Chicago Tlmes-IIcrald poet
ollice. The absence of tho canteen,
unhangs ills one-string lyre with Increased
vlcni nml nnt hnaln Rfll. Itlfl tfiv In not BO
however, will uot prevent the soldlei-s much nt Tnnncr's going ns It Is nt the
from getting liquor, although tltey may approaching end of tho grind lie under
lie forced to pay more for It nnd take took.
!t poorer grade. It would be more Tho domestic Instincts of Mrs. Lease lmvo
natural for the recruit to demand more overcome ner nmmuon o .ock v.u,
, , . woman and sho has decided to return to
pay to make up the difference lu prices ,ho ,)09om of hpr ,iusbam,. ,,or tno saU
between the canteen and the outside 0- tho young buds of tho family public sym
resort. pathy for tho Wichita druggist should be
The present year should not close As soon ns Oovcrnor I.lnd of Minnesota
without building a railroad which will lnll ''own the cares of ofllce ho proceeded
give Omalui more direct access to the
nt onco to scttlo some old scores with n
nit Tim illfllllv
southern portion of South Dakota, of' U)0 offlco prevent0l, rnrcr settle
which In the matter of time and con- ment. itcsocct for his standing In private
i " . ...
vcnlcnce is more distant from this city llfo Bcems of little conBcaucncc,
than other sections several times as far Having cleaned up $ 17-1.178 during the last
removed geographically. The territory 'cnr- 0,0 '"rectors of tho South Carolina
i.. -I.-I.. ... - i...... .i i ...hi. minor (iisncnBnncH report inu stuciuu u
ii Innn l'riifrfir'-i Nnr Depnrlurp
mi lllil I.ttir.i.
Now York Press-.
Prof. Herrou's new Apostolic Sect,
founded to "do wjiat Jesus would do," has
not even tho charm of novelty. It is only
another ono of tho multitude of lesser
sects, such, for example, ns tho "Kreo"
Methodists nnd tho numerous Isolated con
gregations or religious communities which
exist In such profusion of originality lu
tho sparser sections of tho country.
It Is notlceaulo that a largo proportion
ot theso evolving following draw adhor-
nts from tho Methodist denomination. This
Is only natural. Wesloylstn, In Us bo-
ginning, was nn attempted return to tho
methods ot tho apostles. Frco Methodism
was a later protest, Implying n preforenco
for tho organization ot tho earlier church
of Christ's founding. This Idea has al
ways been present In tho church which
employed the Itinerancy as Pauline. The
great sect of tho Western, however, has
grown with tho times. tts body politic
has shitted in conformance to national
needs; Its methods havo altered with tho
developed forms of city nnd country llfo.
In Its progress It nt last eliminated tho
Itineracy, and such a protest as existed
gainst this action materializes lu efforts
to retain tho Idea In n new form. Prof.
Iterron's "Apostolic" is only tho old con
ference of tho circuit riders In now shape.
It Is n retrogression In methods, and
methods do not retrogress, Inasmuch as
they nro n reflection of civilization, which
Tho literal nppllcatloa of the theories of
Jesus can bo better mado from tho Insldo
f Christian organization. Tho contention
that tho churches of today do uot enter
tain moro than a nominal belief in such
ppllcatlon is clearly a wrong one. No
uast coutury has over seen such nn honest
ud concerted attempt to practlco straight
forward and prnctlcal Christianity ns has
tho present one. Tho Young Men's Chris
Man association and tho Salvation Army
lono demonstrate thin. Thero Is not lack
ing sympathy nnd help to ono who follows
ncnmpromlslngly tho law of love. Hut
thero Is a dlffercnco between theory and
method, between prlnclplo nnd procedure.
Wo noed not iissumo that It Is un-Chrlst-llkc
to rldo on tho railway becauso Christ
never did so, or unapoatoltc to carry n
ntch because Paul had pcrforco to trust
to a sun dial.
proper methods of communication this
city could practically monopolize Its
monoy-maklng wonder. Beats slot machines
to a Btaudutlll. As tho salaries ot tho
directors rango In four figures, they have
an abundance of sugar to sweeten their
Xew .lersey prollted lust year to the A son of United States Senator Nelson
extent of over ?1!,W)0,000 In taxes from ' member of tho Minnesota legislature.
A menu remnrKTii io me senator in vwibu
lngton: "You nro nt least nuro of ono
vote when tho legislature comes to elect
In for newspaper discussion. A thenter
goers' trust offers tho only effective
polling them from it, The future su
preniacy of the republican party In Xo
Kryau Is still Indulging himself lu
statements as to what ho would do it
elected president. , Tills is harmless
Imports of ' tho United States tin rhig- , ,
tho year 1000 ..creased ?11.000,000 emmunt hn(J th(J 1Iliy.PnHnc4lfote trety
over tho preceding year. Xo wonder
Kuropo Is becoming alarmed over the
trado expansion of tills country.
SInco tho powers have walked lu, it
Is not so much a questlou with Clilu'a
of keeping tho door open ns of keeping
tho visitors from carting away tho door,
hinges nnd door posts all together.
Sir Robert Hart points out that who
ever looks (jhluawarus must also re
member Hint the country has its own
lief among seuators at Washington that does not, even by Inference, cover the civilization nnd 1ms been perfectly set-
tlio amendments to tho treaty will be point brought up lu the Crawford case. ti0(i f0r tens of centuries, that It has
accepted by thu IJiitlsh government nnd Ah authorities differ widely concerning nn immense trade of its own by the side
that this will be done lu time to permit the practical application of the supremo 0f which foreign commerce Is so far a
action upon the canal bill, if desired, court s decision in this case, there Is iere bugatelle, that competition is
before the adjournment of congress. certain to be an equal diversity of Kreat ,( individual profits small and
Tills belief finds support In tho fact opinion as to the remedy necessary. that, "although with a population of
under the AKers law .Nebraska Is Uoo.000,000 thero would seem to he no
With n liberal simnlv of snowfall and
nini-Hiiv. vniinnut-n -ui .-ir.f u.,.if ,. thut already the amendments nro being
r,.... .v.j.. .. !... . .. I il., .,.. l. .1. ..... i. . . . . .. .... .
during tho winter for n century record considered, it navmg noon inougni '- iwit," .muumiuij bounds to the possible demand ot con-
proimmo unit tueir consideration wouni "". m u hiuuucmi snmers, tho Chinese are quite able to
bo deferred until after adjournment, or detail. it was modeled on the ( .-all- disnonso with forolirn commerce and
to it time so near the close of congress fornla law, modified to meet thu de- HU,,,,iy all they require for their own
that action on the canal bill could net cision ot the supremo court or the consumption." This last statement Is
be taken. It Is .not to bo assumed as a United States In the ease In 'which the especially Interesting, since It suggests
certainty, however, that this means the unurornin inw was tesieti. this law that the civilized world may be over
acceptance of tho amendments. Very has worked exceedingly well for lrrlga- estimating the possibilities of future
likely tho Hritlsh foreign ollice Is no- tlon in iseurasKii. under its provisions trade with L'liina.
tuated In tho matter by a desire to show many nines ot canai nave neon con- Xot only can China, as Sir Kobort
every courtesy to tills government and structed, hundreds of thousands of itu,.i I)0luts out. net on without either
I ir.a....l ---
Tho popocrnts certainly havo no reason not to embarrass tho situation by tin- ncies oi lauti nine neon Drought under import or export and do without for
to complain of tho partisanship of tho necessary delay. At nny rate, the cuiin ation ami vast sums or money uIgn intercourse, but it is u fact that
present legislature in the matter of prompt consideration of the amended "ne round proiuauio investment. .Mnny the snngulno expectations when treaties
contests. Comparison with tho lust treaty puts a favorable aspect on the piojecteu ennuis ate umier course oi AvHt regulated Intercourse, havo never
popoeratle body rellects no credit upon matter. construction ami sunace lnuicatious nil uot.a realized, that while trade has
thu triple parties of alleged reform. Should the British government accept point to tne successful operation oi the Krown it Is yet far from what was
the treaty nt any time within a week une legislature will do well to looked for and the reason for this is
Xew York's new governor, Mr. Odell, of the adjournment of congress the 1'toeeed with extreme care in Its effort not opposition to foreign commerce on
starter when tho harvest Invoice conies
to be taken after tho crops are all In.
Xebrnska's delegates to tho live stock
convention are expected to bring back
the next year's convention for Omaha.
This city mado a record as a convention
city lu 1S1KS and thero is no reason why
it should sleep on Its laurels.
corporations which received their char
ters lu that state. As long ns tho cor
porations pay practically all the revenue
which the stale requires for govern
mental purposes no likelihood exists
that It will abolish the law which offers
it premium for foreign corporations to
come to that tUate.
your successor." "Mnybo I am, said .Mr.
Nelson, "but I don't know tho boy writes
mo that ho is not Instructed and ho thinks
ho will vote for whoever ho blank plea-ies."
Advice 1b uot as cheap as Is commonly
supposed. Kdltor Harmsworth, tho tabloid
Journalist from Ixintlon, paid $500 to tho
writer of a letter picked from a pllo of
John Clilnamnn may have his bauds written opinions on his experiment with tho
up while the powers are holding a gun
to his head, but n broad suspicion lurks
that concealed somewhere in ids flowing
raiment Is n trick which lie will spring
ut the opportune time.
Think of the PrcoiMlriit.
Iloston Transcript.
If the sultan can. make coatly presents crats," ho exclaimed, with tl
to tho Germnn emperor, ho ought to bo Pecullnr to his race, "havo Uttlo
able to pay debts In this country.
AVIiul riiiclt nml llniTRy C'uii Do.
Cleveland I.euder.
The success of the late I'hlllp D. Armour
as a business man proves onco moro what
nn American boy with pluck and energy
may do. Tho man who succeeds Is tho ono
who goes after success nnd does not wait
for It to como to him.
One Souri'o of Siillxfnct Ion.
Hrooklyn Kngle.
It Is the best of satisfaction to- know
that our troops in China are taking no part
In tho disgraceful robbery of tho people
of thnt unfortunate empire Wo can leave
that sort ot warfare to bo waged by Euro
pean ngent3 of Cliristlunlty and enlighten
New York World. Tho man who got tho
prlzo Informed tho tabloid editor thnt his
experiment was n humbug and fake. Henrt
to heart talks aro frequently worth tho
Ho Is a Mlssourlan nnd they havo to show
him. Also, his name is Murphy. For some
mysterious reason he does not favor a halo
for Andy Jacknon. ''Present-day demo
tho fervor
reason to
bo proud of Andy Jackson. And If Andy
Jnckson was olive today," Mr. Murphy con
eluded earnestly, "he would bo glnd ho was
Tho heavy man of tho Kansas City Star
unfolds n pathetic Inle on the cares nnd
responsibilities of wealth, nnd how tho
burden of millions overwhelm nnd crush
strong men. Tho ehnnces nro a million to
one tho writer would Joyfully shoulder tho
load in a mlnuto If ho hail a chance, not
for tho emoluments, of course, but merely
to get tho "feel" of being smothered In
,o i.n;i:ii nr citowniM;.
A M'niilnit Anlliillon.
Sprlnglleld Republican.
Railroad agitation In favor of a congres
sional enactment permitting pooling 13 not
ns active as it was. And no wonder; con-
l'lirerimt of (In- IIi-iihKj of I'lipu
IiiIIiiii IOO Yearn lleiu'f.
Uoaton Transcript.
For ,n statistician ot such conceded Bklll
and cleverness, Mr. Itobort P. Porter
ventures upon predictions of whnt the
population of this country will be ino years
hence very guardedly and modestly. Wo
aro prepared to admit almost nny figures
that ho might fix ns tho national stint, hut
is referred to us "a practical politician." Xlcaragua canal bill will undoubtedly to remedy any defects that may be sug-
A man has to be practical and more or be passed lu the senate, it being clear gostcd In connection with the Irrigation
less of n politician .to bo successful in that the Panama route has no chance laws of Nebraska.
u campaign for high ollice In ono of of receiving serious consideration. It
tho great commonwealths of the United Is possible, though not probable, thnt AKH' CENTUiiY'S economic vnoni.KM.
The legislature should examine thor
oughly ever' bill which provides for
tho creation of any new otllclals. Un
less thero Is an Imperative demand for
them there Is no excuse for tho crea
tion of olllces only to consume the sub
stance of the taxpayer.
Kidnaping bills huvo already made
their appearance lu tho legislatures of
Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Xow York and
Xebraskn. They will bob up their
heads lu every legislature that meets
for several years to como and will be
moro numerous even than Pat Crowe.
French ideas are peculiar lu nuiny
respects, but In none moro so than ap
pears lu tho Interview with Couut Cas
tellane. His theory that tho law Is In
tended only for tho.common herd while
aristocratic deadbeats are exompL will
Dot llnd much sympathy in this country.
the part of the Chinese government, but
because the Chinese people did not. re
quire It. Aro those peoplu likely to re
quire very much more of 'the products
of other countries In the future than in
the canal bill will bo passed even If the The horoscopes cast for tho twentieth the past? Sir Hubert Hart says that
British government does not accept tho century have outlined problems whose trade will continue to grow, but he
amended treaty. solution Is to be sought In nearly every evidently does nut think there will bo
branch of science, art and Industry. Uny such expansion In tho near future
UHSTUUCTlxa Tin: AHMYHIl.h, The chemist has told In what dlrec- as (s commonly expected to follow set-
Hut for democratic obstruction tho Hons his researches are to lie made; the tiement between China and the powers,
army reorganization bill would now bo electrician has indicated the marvels yet it is possible that tho civilized nations
it law and enlistments to replace the to lie wrought by the electric fluid; the ftre overestimating tho future of trade
soldiers whose term of service in the shipbuilder lias pictured tho ocean grey- with the Chinese empire.
Philippines expires within the next six hound of the future, and the railroad
months would be In progress. The de- manager the lightning express of the
lay lu passing this measure has made coming decades
It necessary to postpone the return of While tho general public will share
troops from Manila, a circumstance to a greater or less extent in the prog-
very likely to create n good deal of ills- ress and advancement made lu every
satisfaction in the army there.
Of course this obstruction Is purely
political. In the senate mi l'rld
Hacon of ticorgla opposed the provision
of the bill conferring uixm the president
discretionary authority to increase the
army. He made a demagogic speech
Holldatlon Is much better nnd far moro cf
fcrtlve to tho same end. At tho present he docs not tuko advuntngo of this weakness.
rate of morging tho railroad properties of Judging tho future by tho past ho thinks
tho country Into a common control there that tho close of tho century ought to show
will bo no call whatever for a pooling act a population ot nt least 300,000,000, "but no
before many months havo passed.
Ill which ho declared that "the passing
of a bill by which the president shall
control tho size of tho army Is a march
toward empire," and said that the evi
dent purpose of the bill Is "to eliminate
for all time the volunteer system from
Tho striking difference lu the treat
ment of the old soldiers in this coun
try and (lermany is brought out by
recent debate lu the tierman ltclchstag.
The measure under discussion was one
department of human activity, viewed to grant a pension the equivalent of
purely j from the broad standpoint of economics 27, per year in our money to all tho
ay Mr. the questions of greatest moment are veterans of the (Senium wars unable to
those affecting the distribution and con- support themselves. There never was
sumption of wealth. Up to within the U time lu this country when any dls
very recent past economists have de- aided veteran received so small a sum
voted most of their attention and laid ns the one proposed. Foreign nations
Kcpuhllcuu members of tho Illinois
legislature nro going through the con-
tntiHiiti fni mi mum nr siwri't ballot in
ti.i i...t, n. nnon lmlint. bns tho military establishment of the conn
tho call. Tho people of this country, try and to create for all time a greet
everywhere, want to. know where to Ktandlug nrmy." Senator Piatt of Con-
placo responsibility for acts of public m'c"1-"1 ' ..... ......j
servants to 100,000 could do no harm to the coun
try aim count not do considered a
President McKlnley forgot to ex- menace, while Senator Hoar, who an-
patliito on the beauties of Washington nounced that he will vote against tho
as a winter resort, when he Invited the bill becauso of the use to be mado of
powers to transfer their Chlneso In- the troops It provides for, also stated
demnlty negotiations to the Amerienu thut he did uot regard an army of
capital. The advertising agent of tho 100,000 as n menace, a, that thunber,
city of Washington lins missed n great in ids Judgment, was far within the
opportunity here. limit of domestic safety to liberty.
Xo man who can take a rational view
Xow Orleans preseuts a startling ex of tho mutter can regard tho military
niuplo of the restriction of suffrage in forco provided for In tills measure as
the south. The city of Xew Orleans a meuace to our liberty, nor can any
formerly cast over (10.000 votes. Tho fair-minded man doubt that President
educational and tax quallllcatlons hnvo McKlnley would exercise tho authority
reduced thu number to L'0,000, yet which it is proposed to give him wisely
Louisiana expects to have theso 10,000 and conservatively. Only In the event
disfranchised voters couuted In making of clrcumstnnces making It absolutely
up Its congressional representation. i neccBsury for tho president to lucrcusc
special stress on the study of prodqc- havo often wondered at the number of
tlon. The great question was to create men who responded to the call for vol
wealth ami to Increase tho rcservojr miteors in this country when they wero
fund from which the necessities and needed. Here they might find one of
comforts of life are to be drawn. The the reasons. Tim ueonlo of the United
bugbear of political economists was the states are always ready to light for
Malthuslnn theory which was to popu- their country If lighting men are needed
late the earth with more people than because they believe they have a gov
Its abuudance could provide for, eminent worth lighting for and because
checked only by the operation of they know that It cares for Its soldiers
famine, pestilence, vice and calamity, better than any country In the world
The fear of over-population no louger
enters into economic studies, and the
speculations upon society in tho sta
tionary stage have been discarded as
Idle dreams never to be realized.
The problem of the, future lu ecq-
nomlcs is to Insure a more equal enjoy-
A present-day novelist by the name
of Smith, who distinguishes himself
from the other Smiths by calling him
self F. HopkliiKon Smith, has declared
that Harriet Heechcr Htowe's "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" is tho most vicious book
ment by every person of the fruits of that ever appeared, ami characterizes
Ids own tpll to place ut his command it ftnther us "an appalling, awful and
an ever widening choice or the com
'forts and conveniences of life In ex
change for the output of his own labor.
The centralization of great wealth for
productive punoses is to be counter
balanced by sune effective system for
Us distribution. Whether this shall
take the form of llxed limitations upon
the acquisition of colossal fortunes, pro
gressive taxation, enforced benevolence
criminal i: Istake" that precipitated the
war Ik-twecn the north and the south
Tho new Mr. Smith would do veil to
read history Instead of novels and
familiarize himself with tho causes of
the conflict that freed the negro, if
he llrst made sure of what ho was talk
lug he would know that slavery pro
duced both the book by Mrs. Stowe
and tho war thut followed, und thut thu
ono can prophesy this with any hope that It
will bo approximately correct." Unfore-
ficeu conditions bearing upon the ratio of
tucronso nroso in tho last century, und
theso conditions tuny becomo Intensified, or
others now unsuspected tuny urlso that
Smniit uii'-.n of John Cliliiuninii
!.!. I..n im PHrnlilcln
For ways that aro dark and trlcki that
aro vain the heathen Chlnoo continues to
be peculiar. The expedient of paying out WOuld queer any hard and fast mathematical
raised" bank notes ar, indemnity to tno calculations that could bo mado ot tho
foreign dovllH will exclto thn envious ad- prcHi-nt time.
miration oi occiucniai imancicrs who nave mit taking 300.000.000 ns a hypothetical
never dono anything moro brilliant than bards, what new benellts, responsibilities
rolling an occasional gold brick to tho rural 0r dnngors uro likely to bo tho result of
population or starting u "get-rlch-qulck" this increase? Tho figures nro vnst. Wo
Hchemo In Wall street. Tho subtlo oriental havo to turn to China to llnd such another
Is deficient In some things, hut ho Is abreast host In a slnglo nation nnd under n slngln
of tho proccsHlon when it comes to getting government. Will tho coniparatlvo enn-
tho best end of a monetary transaction. gcstlon reduce us to tho social nnd In
dustrial condition of that rountry? Thn
number will bo about four times tho
present population. Will our resources bo
equal to this Increased demand? Is perhapi
the nnxloua question that arises In thn
thoughts of many. That Is ono of tho least
of our apprehensions for tho future. A
tho present tlmn tho population of this
country, Including Alaska, Is a little over
twenty to tho square mile. A hundred
years henco on tho basis assumed It would
bo a trlllo over eighty to Iho square mile
Hut already In sorao of tho moro prosper
ous countries of Uuropo tho proportion Is
Boveral tlmoB that and yet Iho peoplo, If
not as prosperous as In this country, aro
much moro prosporoun than when the
ratio was much smaller.
Wo havo vast uncultivated and umlovel
oocd areas. Somo ot tho moro rnthiiHlaHtio
YhiiUi-o I'linh In Spnln.
New York Tribune.
Uvcn sleepy Spain Is shaking off her age
long slumbers and Is opening electric Hucb
for local traffic. It is Blgnificent that
Americans nro supplylug rolling slock and
materials for tho now roads. As Alfred
Harmsworth says, Americans aro far In ad'
vanco of all other peoples In tho mastery
of that miraculous force, electricity, and
lu tho practical development of electrical
Inventions and appliances of almost every
kind Imaginable, nut what would Hon
Qulxato nnd Sancho Panza or Cervantes
himself have said could they havo seen a
Ynnkco trolley car rolling over tho plains of
I.a Manehn?
Wiirknhop-i nml Workmen.
I'nirlnpprliii? M ni-iizltif..
la I, ,nnr In Ihn Tirnlll nf Mm nmnlnvnr ChnmplOllH of tllO elltCrprlHO Of rCPlallllln
to have dirty. Ignorant, unhealthy and dls- our arid lands make tl.o claim that thereby
. ....i ...., ,.i i.,...iii..... i,i i a lerrnory wouiu no hiil-iil-u misu uu.
lUllirilli:.! viiui. ..tut.,, uiiuiiiftviii, uu,u- 1 - . ,
,..ii.i ,i ni.,t..,i nnrb.r.i i ii m,r. fruitful enough to support as largo a popu
to his interest to erect shops in which lat'on l'"t now Inhabiting tho United
nrv.!,lm. Ih IrnorPd mleht h .in. States. Tnis would go a long way lawaru
.i.-i .nin,,n. nrnnrr.iv mn than taking euro of tho largor responsibility
to havo shops so planned and fitted thnt '- -hat does not account for nil thu now
they will bo attractive to only tho best tl' !'" -''at ouM bo made available in
... omr.r..a- Thn .nn. nin.ii tho states themselves nnd In tho torrltor-
and skillful workers will seek shops which les. Tho best thing about tho discovery
nro clean, warm, ventilated nnd well of gold lu tho north Is tho demonstrntiou
llRhted, which have tho best Bunttnry ar- of unsuspected agricultural posslbll ties ri
rnngements and frtcllltles-whlch nro con- that region. Just as wo found In California
.i..piv tn -nmfort and clennllneHs-whcro that Its fruits and grains wero worth moro
Ii lu . ti mif-ht wnrlh uhlln in inKtrnnt in hn than Its gold mines
i,p. ,Pti,ods of manufacturing and de- Hut after all our real ark of safety rests
slcnlnx. where machines and tools aro pro. In tho prospective development of our ag
vlded which assist In dolnii tho best grudo rlcultural possibilities. With tho endln
nt wnrlt ultl. ihn least manual exertion, of tho last ronlury wo hnd mado n very
..,i .w ,. mn.iai-pmpni nrnvnll whleh hopeful beginning along Hint lino, but I
.ni p.t.ppiu men ip. tm intprpnte.i in wns only a beginning. Wo bollevn theso
,minn. nr..i rk nnd In rrduclnir costs, but. possibilities extoud far beyond our present
In return, bhows somo Interest In culllvut- conceptions, so much so that v. hen this
lug n spirit of nuggestlon nnd criticism, and counlry shall havo tl.ey will bo
In giving rewards for Improvements. Works as well fed, ns woll houHed, as well clothed
planned In which Iho abovo Items were nnd havo ns much surplus to dispose of as
in,,Wfi unnn ns worthy of n nlttco in the wo havo today. Civilization provides fn
orcanlzntlon. would have little to do with lUolf as It advances. The limit mny bo
the factory acts or tradti uulou retrlc- reached some day, but not for many, mnny
tioni. I centuries to come.
Detroit Journal: A man need bo shrewd
beforo marrying, lest ho be "shrowed" after
Judue: "I hnvo eomnclled mv wife to
eenso strummlmr on the piano." until Mr.
UoliMmrnugh tn Mr. Hunting.
"now uiu you manage hv
VI lnsl.'leil unon hIiikIiiu every time sho
began to play.'
Itrnnklvti t.lfni Klip TllPM latl't nil mnll
In a million who would be so mean to bin
wife nnd children us you nro!
lie now (liars wrini i niuniro in you,
car; you hno such u head for llguresl
IndlnniiiinllH Press: "The nucstlon as to
whether u man marries his llrst love,"
said tho Cornfed Philosopher, "ain't so
Important In the long run ns whether be
lias married hi lust one."
Pittsburg Chronlrle: "Agutnnldo Is tald
to bo really dead," icmnrkcd tho Observant
I don't believe n word of It," replied inn
rroKB-lCvod Hoarder. "If Auelc wero dead
Bonator Pcttlgrew would Introdiirn u motion
to ndjotirn tho sennte nnu appoint u com
mltteo to draft resolutions of condolence."
Phllndelnhla Press' McJIiTEcr Old I.usb-
ley's daughter has Inherited ono of his bad
habits. . . . .
Tlilngumhoii urncious! ou uon i menu
to say sho drinks?
MpJIccor Oh. no! not ns bad ns that.
Hut when younir (lomlmnn, her llnnoe, pro
posed to her she said, "Don't euro ff I do.
Hnltlmoro American: IlenrlcUaof rnloiis
llln nvM Atv nnn.i nblerts to my ndmirers
Ittlng nn tho steps und talking with mo
until a Into hour nt night. IIo claims that
bo ranuot sleep on nccouiil oi our noie.
What would you advlso?
Advise papn to sleep in tno unyumo.
Tim nvHxixr. wixi).
William Cullen Hry.ant.
Spirit that brentbcHt through my lattice;
That oool'st tho twilight of tho suttry
Gratefully flows thy freshness round my
nniw; . . ,
Ttimi luiMt hepti mil unon the deen ut nlnv.
Hiding all day the wild blue waves till now.
iloUKIienillg llieir ercsiu, mm nuaiiumm
lifi-li iltplr Ktir.'iv.
And swelling the white sail. I welcome thro
To tho scorched itiliu, tuou wnnuercr m mo
Nor I alone n thousand bosoms round
liilml.. thee tn thn fullness nf dollcllt:
And languid forms rise up, and pulses
bound . . ...
Livelier nt miiilncr of the wind nf nlcht:
And languishing to henr thy welcome
sound, ...
l.les tho vast Inlnnd, stretched beyond
tin. uli.hl
Co forth Into tho gathering shade; go
Ood's blessing breathed upon the fainting
On, rock the little wood bird lu bis ;
r'url the still waters, nrigni wmi siara;
tin.l t'fillKn
Tho wide old wood from bis malehtlc rest.
Summoning, rrom mo iiunimernuic
Tho strungo deep harmonica that haunt hU
lireust. . . , ,
Pleasant shall bo thy wny whero meekly
Tho shutting llower, anil darkling waters
And '"where the o'ershinlowlng branches
sweep tno grass.
Stoop o'er tho place of graves and softly
Tho sUhlng herbage by thn gleaming
..I, .tin
That they who near tho churchyard wlllow.i
Am? niii'm In thn ileetieulni: clonm, iiIoiip,
May think of gentln souls that passed
I.lkn thy pure breath, until the vast tin
v. ...... ..
Sent forth from heaven n lining tho sons of
And gone' Into the bouiidlcsi: benven again.
Tho faint old mini shall lean bis silver
To'feel1 Ihee; thou shall kiss tho child
And "dryCIthe moistened curls that over-
Ulst'emples. whllo Ills breathing grows
moro deep; ... .
And they who stand about tho sick man h
Shall i"V tn listen to thy distant swoop,
unftlv nun bin riirtalus to allow
Thy lstt. grateful to Ills burning brow.
(Jo-but the circles of denial change,
WHICH IH llio Hie oi nature, mum . VfiV" '
With sounds nnd scents from nil till'
mighty range ....
Then to til' birthplace nf tho deep nlice
Sweet odors In the sea nlr, sweet nnd
strange. . . . , ...
Shall telt the homesick mariner nf tho
nhoro; . . ,,
And. listening to thy murmur, Im shall
Ho bears the rustling leaf nnd running
Hire nn.
I'l uiluccr of I'iipI (III In Cullfiirnln.
IIimin -',OtH Ai'i-ph of (III I. unit".
Well Nn. 1 now down In oil In tho Kern
Hlver District with !2S feet In dopth of oil
sand saturated with crudn petroleum. Thh
well Is now bolus cleaned out mid propurcd
for pumping.
Well No. 'i bus derrick .up. Our drilling
rig Is there. Contract will, drillers Is mado
mid the work Is now under way.
Thn rallnr.ul tnurhcM this bind nnd wo
havo ii prlvnln switch for loading direct
from our lauks, Tim directors offer a email
block nf treasury stuck nt u very attract
Ivn llgurn In meet tho expense of this woll.
Kor Illustrated Prospectus, Alnps mid full
Information M'lid postal to
1011 Davenport St., OmnliK..