TIIE ILIiTJSTRATED BEE. Jnnunry 13, 1001. ILEUS PURE MALT WHISKEY JIbbbbVWbbbbbI ainilHtono llroB., Agents, Oinuliu "Are You Alive" to tho fact tlmt rlKht Jioro In Omaha wo liavo one of tho lnn;t'Ht crcntlons of Amor lenn entoriirlso? a brewery wIioho beer Is lirowed from tho cliolcunt of Iiodh und malt anil tho purest of water, direct from their own artesian well. Hucli In tho construction HuV .bwwwbbslu A liBluSHPifiR T -gj r - 3 of tho famous Omaha Browing Assocla tlmi'H Illuo Itlbbon Ueor. tho first and foro most of all tablo beers. To those who have never hnd the ounortunttv to have theso facts proven to them, order a caso at onco nnd you will bo a llfo-long con sumer or this most rnmous uoverage. Omana Brewing Association. Tclfiliinu altOO. KEEP IT WELL IN MIND One Strong, Progressive Home Lifo Insur ance Co. Worth More Than a Factory. IT GROWS WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING The Bankers Reserve I.lfe Associa tion of Oruahn la Fast Font Is Its War to the Front. Readers of Tho Doo know how vigorously this Journal fight" for tho upbuilding of the west. Factories, Jobbing houses, packing houses, business enterprises with largo pay rolls arc always wolcomo. It must not bo forgotten In theso days of great commer cial growth that tho oldest financial Insti tutions In America and tho staunchest aro tho life insurance companies. Thoy are built for all tlmo. Their corporato powers aro granted, not for tho llfotlmo of an en ergetic business man, but for a futuro un limited In years. They nro moro perma nent than national banks becnuso not do pondont upon congressional legislation. Thoy aro moro rcllablo than any other form of business cntorprlso becnuso denth, firo and tho ordinary casualties of commer cial ventures aro discounted In ndvnuco ami ennnot entail upon them tho disasters which wreck every other form of undertaking. The llitnkvrs Itrsvrve of Omaha, Inunehcd thrco yenrs ago by H. H. Roblson, Its president, Is demonstrat ing hero In Omaha the fact that tho west will maintain a life liiBiiranca company If It Is conservatively managed, up to date In Its Insurnnco policies and fuifo as an In vestment proposition. Within the present year this compnny has More 'I'll nn liiiiIriiilel Its total business. Its new policies mndr possible under the stipulated premium law of Nebraska aro taken by tho best business and professional men of tho state. Presi dent Roblson has his heart and his head Hct Irrevocably for 10,000,000 Within Five Yenrs at tho outBlde. Ho Is rapidly pushing his company's business Into udjacont states, though naturally ho looks first to Ne braska. Every man In tho state has a per sonal, present solflsh Interest In tho suc cess of tho Dnnkers Rcscrvo Llfo associa tion and All Iioj-nl NehrnskiiiiN will personally resent unseemly, unwar ranted and malicious attacks upon tho credit of tho company by tho advocates of nllon Insurance They want this money In vested at homo, In securities thoy can per sonally Inspoct, under tho supervision of stato officers who aro selected from amongst their own pooplo. It goes without saying' natlvo drug store and domanded somo. that all things being equal n Nebrnsknn will profer his nolghbor to n stranger as tho custodian of his savings. Llfo Insur ance companies nro the grentest savings Institutions In tho world. 11. II. Roblson, Omnha, wants tho best corps of llfo under writers In tho United States and Invites I'orrosnondonco. He can put n hundred good men In tho field profitably. bbbpI W 4 mm Swansdown Prepared Cake Flour Makes Delicious Angel Food and other Cakes. If you like delicious cake, write us the NAME OF A LEADING GROCER and we will send you, FREE, our book, "CAKE SECRETS," new re cipes and Ideas In cake making; will enable you to serve some very attrac tive and delicious dnlntles In your home. Address IGLEHEART BROS. HVANSVIL.I.B - - INDIANA. Department C. Send for free Cata- f logue profusely Illustrated showing nil thi styles nnd leathers tho famous REGENT SHOES aro made up In. Wo guarantee the lit, styles and the quality of leathor to be tho equal of tho shoes you have always nald 15.00 nnd $6.00 for. Our prices $2.60 nnd 13.60 shoes for men only. REGENT SHOE CO. 200 South 15th. OMAHA. Write for Illustrated CutaloKiie Fre 1 Tho whiskey without a headache. GREEN RIVER M. WOLLSTEIN & CO. Gold Medal at Paris Exposition. Green River Whiskey M. WOLLSTEIN ft CO. 4H CDCC by return mall, full drarrlpllra rnXr. rtrrularnl ItlnilllvM 1111 Droved Tailor Hysleiii of tvhh nnd tJurmeiil juiiimr. Kt nn to Datk. 1 ho foundation rincipal ol acicnunc garment cup hi . Aitpht io clearl and Dro- renlvrly that any lady ot ordinary ' Intelligence can eaily and quick ly learn In cut and make any gar ment In any ft) le, to any meat ure lor I.mlli-a. Children. Men nnd Hoys. Garment! guaranteed to ht perfectly with- our trying on. A Unowieaga 01 ine lady. Thouaanda ot eapert dreismaVrrs .1 i UAiwIuRv.l.m owe ineir imim iun Afienta wanted. MOIIIIV fc CO., 1 .O.Bex BlOO, ClaelaMtl.O. aai bbbbv BBBBl asjBjUoyitliluiiuiii'aul't'rtuiiie CDbT ll ''Prld mt Toklo." BmsBBBBBBBBi 10TAL MICXIIO COatrAlfT. bbBBBBBBbBBbbbbbbbbI l St 04407, Maw York City. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Sixth Pago.) Shanghai. It has perhaps moro vlco than any other In tho Celestial empire. It has all tho wickedness of tho Chlncso married to the depravity of tho foreigners, making up a combination of bestiality which you will And nowhere clso In tho empire There are boats of bonded opium In Its harbor and many opium dens everywhere Shanghai has ono street which Is notod for Its wickedness and upon this street la the biggest opium den In tho world. It haa porhaps an acre ot floor spaco In Its throe storlea and Its Interior Is furnished In the most extravagant fashion. Its furniture Is of costly teakwood, Its walls aro Inlaid with marble and its rooms aro divided by carved screens inlaid with stained glass. It has many rooms all given up to the smoking of opium. Theso rooms aro of different grades and In them you may see all classes of Chinese. There were perhaps a thousand smokers in the den when I entered It and I went through hall after hall, breathing tho fumes of sickly smolllng vapor, through which tho rays of the elec tric lights struggling found tholr way. I stopped at tho cashier's at tho entrance and was offered a plpo. Tho cheapest, I was told, would cost mo 10 cents a smoko nnd tho dearest could bo rented for 20 centa or a quarter. As I went through I saw that many men hnd their own pipes. Two mandarins dressed in satin lay nnd dozed with pipes of Ivory besido them. In nn othor room coolies were smoking with pipes of common wood and in a third I saw two girls lying on cushions of volvet, upon couches of teakwood Inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Each girl hnd a long pipe in her mouth and ono as I looked filled her lungs with tho opium and blew the smoke out through her nostrils. Tho girls wero lying facing each other. Thoy rested themselves on their elbows as they cooked the opium over the lamp and then laid tholr heads down on llttlo red pillows and dozed off to sleep. In another section ot the opium palace I was shown the rooms for private parties and in one saw a dozen men lvlne on six couches in pairs. They looked up and ono said "Chin Chin" as I stood there. I wns ovorywhero treated politely and thero was no disorder. Tho receipts of this den are, I am told, about $1,000 a day from ono year's end to tho other. An American Morphine Fiend. I heard hero of an American who has boen ruined by the ovll effects ot opium. Ho la a son of an emlnont Daltlmore phy sician, and was educated at Heldolbcrg, Germany. Whllo thero ho got neuralgia and at the advlco of his physician took momhlnn Inlnrtlnnn. Thn rnanlr wna Yin hn. camo a morphine (lend. His family, to euro him, sent him on a sailing vessel out to Japan. Ho had no opium during tho voy age, but as soon as ho landed ho went to a Tho Japaneso druggist refused to give It to him without a prescription. Thereupon the American drew a knifo nnd went for tho druggist. Tho druggist lied from tho store and the Amcrlcnn helped himself out of tho morphine bottle. Shortly after this tho man left Japan and camo to Shanghai. Here ho forged an order on Consul Genornl Qoodnow and cashed It. Ho 'Was for this arrested and put in tho corsulnr Jail. At this time ho looked llko a skeleton, his eyes were hollow, his face was drawn and ho was a nervous wreck. The Jail physician said ho should have no opium. Tho American said ho would die If ho could not get it, whereupon tho phy sician rather brutally replied: "Well, suppose you die, who will care?" The man replied: "Nobody," and the physician went away. Tho physician's orders wero carried out and the criminal was given neither opium nor morphine Ho became desporato and tried to burn down tho Jail. He had delirium tremens and his reason would havo gono had It not been that a murderer who was In on a life soutonco In tho next cell took pity on him. The murderor reached through the bars and let tho opium fiend hold his hnnd for hours night after night In order that ho might feel that ho had human companionship. After a time tho delirium tremens passed nway and tho man began to get oettor. Ills appetite becamo enormous. Hi ato five full meals n day nnd took a bowl ot rice tn bed with him ovory night. Ho began to fatten and at tho end ot his sentence was a new roan, no appeared to nave a norror of momhlno nnd swore ho would never touch It ngatn. Consul General Goodnow 1 shipped him on a sailing vessel to America, j Ho desorted at Hong Kong and about two months later was back at Shanghai looking as bad as whon ho was arrested. He Is still an opium drunkard, and nt the presoni writing Is bollovcd to bo cnrouslng in Japan. FRANK G. CARPENTER. Ascents of Mount Blanc The table of ascents of Mount Blanc for 1900 hits Just been published. It sbows that tho Swiss lead, with thlrty-olght as cents, followed by the French, tho Ger mnns and tho Americans, England bolng quite low down on tho list, with only flvo ascents. A good many-of our climbers were on other kopjes at the time, and wo may consolo ourselves for our loss of plaoe by the reflection that English ascents wero most; numerous In tho days when Mount niano wbb more dilncuit than It Is now. The pioneers, In 17S6, wero Savoyards, The first Swiss and the first English ascents followed In 1787. Then camo the first Ger man ascent In 1802, tho first Polish ascent In 1818, the first American ascent In 1819, tho first French ascent in 1834, and the first Italian asceat in 1840. DON'T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. Many ladles and gontlemon who cannot complain of any kind of sickness are ab normally thin and cannot find any medical treatment which will correct this condition. Dr. Whitney's Norvo and Flesh Bulldor Is not alono Intended for those who are sick, but also for tboso who appear well and hearty, but cannot acquire sufficient flesh to round out the form. In dyspepsia, Indiges tion, all stomoch troubles, debility and nervous diseases no remedy Is so prompt and powerful. In order to demonstrate the wonderful morltB of Dr. Whltnoy's Nervo and Flesh Builder every person who will address tho C O. Jones Co., Elmlra, N. Y., will rccelvo a largo trial packago In plain sealed wrapper absolutely free. For snle by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. RED GROSS uniaiE. i 4Kts tOOO ZZZZ for BB' Direct to consumer. Express charges prepaid. "" Recommended by leading physicians. A pure and nutri tious stimulant for family use. Such whiskey aa we of' fer for $3.00 cannoi be purchased else, where for $5.00. We ship in plali packages no marks to ladlcate contents and if not per fectly satlsfactorj return at our ex penie and we will refund money a once. References: First Nationa Bank of Omaha or an Express Company. Mm DISTILLING CO - - Omaha I WESTERN Sole Owners (Remington Typewriter Record AT Paris Expositions 1878 Gold Medal 1889 Gold Medal 1900 A Grand Prix Highest Form of Award, Outranking All Medili. A Mellow Kentucky, Bourbon. GREEN RIVER M. WOLLSTEIN & CO. aHVatMaSaWBLC .tn K bbbbbBbHBsbPSII' Lbbb! BrBflLvBk.aw!4BBBBBBBBBBBBl A GRAND INVENTION IN COMPOUNDING, an incomplete mixture was accidentally simicu on iiiu u.iunuiuiu hnnd, and on washltiK afterward It was (lis covered thnt Uio linlr was completely ru mored. Wo named tlio new discovery MO Ti www if in niiunlnii.lv hnrmluHN. out workn sura results. Apply for a few mlnuto4i and tho linlr dlKappoars as If by mrurle. It can tint Full. If thn irrawth bo llEllt. ono aDUll cation will remove It; the heavy growth, Huch as tli board or rrowm on moics, may ronulrn twnnr mom annllcatloiis. and with out sllKhtent Injury or unpleasant feollni? when applied or over anerwuni. muimiiu hu tutruiwiiiu ,tinirn1vHlM. tinea dv neoDlo of ro ttnemont, and recommended by all who havo tested its merits. ... Mniii.ru. mm t tiv mall. In Biifety mailing-' Anium (annum lv Kn:ilrd). on recellit of S1.00 per bottle. Send money by letter, with your full addresB written . plainly. Postage Htampa taken. Local anil gon i airiintH wantua MOUKNE MANUFACTURING CO., Dept. 36, Cincinnati. O. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Wo offer $1,000 for failure or sllirhtost Injury, Bil All (he Ladles Knt Gold Mtlll Chocolate Bon Bons Djr Express, 1, 2, II nnd R pound boxes, title a pound. W. S. Balduff, 1K1H-2I) Fnriiftiii St., Omiilut, Null. BBBBBBB djjH A Sense of Pleasure com tn the mouth thnt'ri made BVTPot nnd whole some bj the uoof aeiicioi.it Arhica Tooth Soap rrenenree nnd whiten the teeth, trenifthnfl the ituniH, Hwpeteim the hreath, jm nwlHeilc, cool inn, ruirettumu. me Mammm tieiiiiiriee ror au leant, a."o ut nil druiricM. or by mull r, it. stuomj .v to., iiic.w.o, ir. n. a. Tho best Is nono too good, TRY GREEN RIVER M. WOLLSTEIN & CO. r "HAVE root PRINT IT' 1 I 300.000 hill it LA NT y:ah. or tuklut! Turkiuli, Hot Air and Vuvr llnllm Ht nome, iceacn. uprm too milium of parrs, drawn nut polsona which I cuUMi ilUi'imi, Million enjoy Our I NrwNtylr "Ouitaivr" llnlli Cub ; Inct weekly, lleuutlnea complexion. , I'reventadlaeaao. UureaColda, revere, lllioumatltm, Urlppe. Female Ilia, all lllood. Skin. Kidney. Nerve dlneaaea ltiuiirant-ed. Beat marie, 30rtnjV Itrlul. l'rlco complete SS.OO. Face t Attachment .1 flOextra. Order today. 9.00 Hook to l'nlrona Fltr.K. Wrltr iih. AGENTS WANTED-$100.00 MONTHLY & EXPENSES. World .nig-. Co., IS World U'ld'g.C'liirlnDall. U. IVe ttcommtnd above Jftm at reliable Editor.) Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooinlnu; Syrup has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN CURES WIND COLIC and la the baat rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. t. m oot rimer rBfisaBsl I bbT1 IB BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER OMAHA SEEDS. PLANTS, ROSES. Hull,, Vhif Shrub. Fruit unit Ornamental Trv-. '1 he hunt l 17 year tent. llJUUncrea, 40 In llanly Hom, 41 Green houitea of Plunta and Ever bloommu toen. Mall alro poalpuld. aafe arrival Kiiurun. teed. Try ua, our Kooda will pleaae you and direct deal will nave you money. Writs for raliitthlH catalogue, free, The Storn A Harmon Co., Il.n 410 1'ulpeavllle, Ohio. At all first class bars. Green River Whiskey M. WOLLSTEIN & CO. A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES , SAPOLIO i