Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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a Boon to Women!
i3 teijjL' -
Thousands of men and -women can have the best of health df they will but
take tlic greatest Kidney nnd Liver Kemedy known to the medical profes
sion. Doctors prcrib It In their practice. Watch the urine. It should
liave the amber hue of health. If It's of a reddhm color or contains a brick
durrt-llke deposit, if the discharge la un frequent or excesstve, the Kidneys aro
rick and need assistance. Neglect means Diabetes, Height's Disease and
Bead these strong, unsolicited testimonials:
Am Well Aurnln.
, AIBANY, N. Y Jan. 8, lOOO.-Cra-ner
Chemical Co.: I had been aflllotcd
(for a long time with a severe kidney
(trouble. I was bo toad I was unable
to -work more than 'three months In a
year. Had used a Kod many modi
ilnos, but failed to get any relief. At
laist, about two yearn ago, I com
menced using Cramer's Kidney Cure.
id'Vmm 'the first It commenced helping
me, and wHh the use of three bottles
I was cured nnd am now well and able
to do the heaviest kind of work. To
anyone suffering TVlth kidney troubles
J say 1)y all means to try Cramer's
Kidney Cure.
incitArcij srAuiFi'.
Manager Hammon'a Wholesale Mar
lket, Aflbany, M. Y.
rflln Cue XVm.m Ilnrd One
OCtfAlIiA. June 10. aWO. Cramer's
Ohfimlral Co., Albany, N. Y. Gentle
men: Your remedy tor Kidney trouble,
with which I euffered for several
years, gave me nuch relief that I felt
In duty bound to address you this let
ter to any that I do not tninK tnore is
a. medicine today that equals It for
complaints of the kidneys. My case was
a "bad one, with severe pains at times.
IWOS ofte n compelled to lay awoke
nlgms. Seeing your remedy advertised
extensively I waa Induced to try It.
lAfter the use of a few bottles I am
5ond for Froo
Snmplo to
Memorable Happening! at Coliseum in Iti
Earlier Dnyi.
UullilliiK l'ut I'll for Athletic. Oilmen
TuriiN to Art anil Politic, in
Its Clirokcred mill 1'roUt
lcitn Career.
Wreckers aro going to work on tho Coll
bouiu within a week or so, and when they
iniu)i ilmlr (nti ilm lil it framo structuro
which has been tho rendezvous of many
r A I ...III
pcopio on many important occasions win
bo no nioro. Tho Coliseum Is not an old
building, although It appears to havo
lmi'liil Ihn storm and Btress of n nuartor
of a century. Tho bis building Is only
about thirteen years old, nut u ims nau
iih lnv fmnlv Intcrmlncled with hardships
nnd as It pauses into wrcckngo It carries
with It many uneven lines and Innumorablo
ugly patches.
in infini vnnra Hm litiUillnir linn linen
used but llttlo outsido of tho activities of
tho Ak-Snr-Ilen, but as tho reception place
I r n . 1 lilu n 1 1 ! H n PQ (I find tinnTl
Ul llil! lUUh Ilia lr..fc.wr .w.ri.u rw.
tho sreno of heraldry nnd pomp nnd has
theroforo occupied a conspicuous pinco in
Mm niililln nvn. In thn rarlv days of tho
last ilecado, howovcr, nothing unusually
ulK and grand could Happen m uiunua whu-
out going to tho coliseum.
l.iiiiilulr Ancient Home.
John S. I'rlnco, tho champion bicyclo
rider. 1h nrobablv responsible for tho build
ing of tho Collsoum. In 1SS8, when nthlotto
sports wore In Mgh favor locally, an Idea
frnm ilm fnrllln brain of Mr. Prince.
Omaha should emulate ancient Homo nnd
havo its Collsoum, where tho populace
Bhould cather in uroat numbers nnd wltneaa
tho nrowess of Its trained nthlctcs. After
I'rlnco succeeded In Interesting a number
of local capitalists in his idea tho building
.no nut in. iinil tmiiln romlv for thn dimes.
For a tlmo It served its purpose ns tho resort
of athletes and their admirers, nud somo
successful turnaments In bicyclo racing,
foot racing nnd kindred nthlotlo diversions
wero held there, it was a common signi in
ihn wlntur nf IRS.SI to urn tho croat build
ing Jammed full, whllo hundreds of people
crowded tho street In front, all waiting
lircnth'cHRlv for a word from tho riders
who wero chasing each other around the
track Insldo. Somo of tho greatest bIx
dav races on record wero held on tho
Collsoum track. Somo of tho greatest
riders tho world has known competed thcro
Toililv Hale. "Senator" Morgan. Tom Kelt,
ABhlnger. Wilbur, Knapp, "Soldier" Ned
l.eddlng, "Plugger" Hill Martin and many
iiMinrrt wlman tinmen wcrn rlosolv identified
with tho sport a ilecado ago, wero of tho
Coliseum force.
Kt mini u Ituct'rx Ali'nr.
l.ouleo Armalmla and Omaha's own
1.11110 Williams mado tho linco for tho
oliirnnl fnmltilnn tlinrn nllil "Ilrailtv" Until
win then rodo her way far Into certain
Omaha hearts, which for a season, at least,
beat In unison In tho rhythm of her shapely
legs as 'they propelled a 4S-lnch racer
around tho track. Many amateur races
liurn linlil tlinrn ntlil If thn tiinilnlrl won nil
that track by Omaha boys wore paraded
tlioy would mai.o a wonuoriui collection,
'Pin. Inat men nf anv mnmont nt thn Coll-
ti.iim trunk uns. when Marry IMnhtll. tho
mcssonccr hoy. led tho chaso for six weary
night, winning much applauso and somo
monoy by finishing tlrst.
Olhcr sports havo had a chance under tho
ColUoum roof, about everything but a prlzo
light having been pulled oft thero. In tho
Bprlng of 1SS Jack I'rlnco and "Senator"
Morgan conceived tho Idea of having a
rrniiii wnlf nlinmi mi tho track. They
secured a couplo of coyotes and advertised j
tho ovent in true circus Biyie. ueu iuu
Saturday night arrived somo 1.G00 or 2,000
Builds up and Re
stores the Or
gans to a
Healthy Con-
again In perfeot health, and have to
thank your wonderful remedy for It.
I Bhall recommend It to all my friends
having the dlro trouble. Respectfully,
DAVID OiilUr.Pt.
One nottle Gare Itcllcf.
Adam Ilelntz, letter carrier, Albany,
N. Y., says: "Having found that tho
cause of my trouble was my kldneyn, I
Immediately bought a bottle of Cra
mer's Kidney nnd Llver Cure, as I had
heard It recommended so highly by
many prominent business men to whom
I was delivering mall. One bottle
gave me reat relief and the second
bottle cured mo entirely."
'fnvlgorAtea the Blood,
AJJRAY, N. Y March 12. 1800.
Cramer Chemical Co.: It has been on
my mind to testify to the bcnellts wo
have had from tho use of your un
equalled kidney remedy. My father
lhas suffered from kidney troublo for
some time. This winter he tried your
remedy and found It all and more to
him than It promised, lie will con
tinue to use It, and feels certain of an
entlro cure. I havo used it myself
with Inexpressible results. I feel my
whole system entirely renovated. I find
that besides curing kidney disease it
also nourishes and Invigorates the
blood. Wo are never without It dn our
family. JtOSE M.UEILL1CK.
persons had assembled nt tho nrcna. All
arrnngomcnts had been mado to condno tho
wolves and tho dogs to tho track and
protect tho spectators from an outbreak.
Kvorythlug was ready, nnd tho spectators
woro eager for tho carnago to begin. The
wolves wero in n cngo in mo miauio oi
tho arena, and tho docs wero held In
leash nt ono end of tho ring. At a signal
a bravo man hastily moved tho door oi tno
cngo and dashed for safety. Tho dogs woro
loosed on tho coyotes, and tho sport waB on.
Slowly tho dogs and tho wolves circled mo
trnnlr ntitll tlinv met. Then they cxchanccd
canlno courtcBlc3 nnd proceeded to frater-
nizo rather than to ugui.
When tho great structuro was compioieu
Its owners found thoniBclves about $3,000
In debt on Its account and tho nthlctlc
entertainments did not scorn to produco tho
mntorlnl with which to fill tho cavity. W.
I. Klcrstead, who was then a man of somo
wealth, and others wero appealed to and
thev camn forth with tho necessary cash to
keep tho Coliseum a-golng.
Klcrstead bought 2,000 pairs oi ronor
lrnlnn n tl rl llinltf.llt 111. WHtllll Tilit thn
Juvenllo population of Omaha on wheels and
keep them whirling around tho smooin-
flnfiroil nrnnn nf thn Coliseum to BOine
financial profit, hut tho Bchcmo failed to
pan out well. Then Bporty plans wero
hnnlBhcd from tho nianogcrial mind and In
placo camo thoughts of art.
Turncil to Art.
Ti.niiln nll.nnrn nml liln tnlnnlpd ln-
I Ul'Ull.l . . V......W.U .r. ..... . . ...
strumontnllsts wero brought to Omaha to
edify nnd entertain thoso with tno car lor
music, and their concerts drow audiences
that filled tho Coliseum. Tho Marino band,
then under tho leadership of John I'hlllp
G.,nun .ivulri n trln lr thn Pacific count. Hton-
ping at Omaha's big hall for a couplo of
concorts. 'ineouoro i nomas aim ins grc.ii.
orchestra, assisted by a local chorus of
p.nn iinilrr tho leadership of Ii. I), nnd
Mme. Mazacuto-Youiig, alBo appeared at
the Coliseum.
iiovi.i ulin nt (hat tlmo manaccd
Ollmoro's band and In later years organ?
i,,,,! tlm rmun i-knliln concert mini led uv
llli II In snnan hrniiL'ht Eduard Strauss and
his famous Imperial Court orchestra from
Vienna for a first American tour in isyu.
Mr. niakoly. always venturesomo with his
mat muslcnl attractions, lumpen tho
Strauss orchestra from Chicago to umana
nnd iravo a niatlneo nnd two ovening con
...i. r. thn rnlisnnm. Tim Strauss con
tLI 111 .. I. ...w ww..
certs succeeded In packing tho big building
nnd Mr. Illakeiy pockoicu a uuo prom on
tho engagement.
I'ntli nml Other firi-sl .slum-.
Twhnna thn creatcBt art triumph of tho
Collsoum, howovcr, waB tho nppearanco of
Adollno Pattl and her company, oi winea
Tf Inrutlinfl RllVS!
"It was In tho winter of isvj tnat tnrougn
II... ..vloli.nn,. nf HUH HIE HUH IIIO UUUrKy
t III' r ..--" " --.
.....1 niithimiimm nf lMwnrd Hosewatcr nnd
my own easy circumstances nt that tlmo
Omaha enjoyea prouauty mo greatest musi
cal entertainment inai over caiuu una uy.
iinuini'ntni- .-ii nm in mo nml presented
tho fact that It would bo poaslblo to get
tho Pattl operatic aggregation In Omaha
tun rnlnrtnlnmcntS nt tho CollBCUIU.
It was then in Mexico nnd was coming
nnrlll lit VH V t t nnllfnrnln. In the com-
pnny at that tlmo, In addition to Pattl, woro
Nordlcn, Alblul nnd Tamagno, mo greuicav
tenor In tho world. Wo communicated with
thn f-nmnnnv. and tho manager. Marcus
Mayer, camo to Omaha to nrrnngo for tho
event. Wo found that tho only way to
annum nn fl Till OM Til 11 I'll llOTQ WHS tO Pllt UP
a guaranty of $13,500 for a niatlneo and a
night performance I weni 10 mo mum
.n,i imvn Mnrpiis Mnvnr mv noto for $13,500
and backed It up with a certified chuck for
that nmount, to ho delivered upon cmnine
tlon of tho contract.
Ticket Siili "Went Nicely.
"Wo opened tho Balo of tickets In tho old
llnv.l thnntuF linv IllllCU (Hill it PrOgrC83Cd
nicely, ro that when tho company reached
Omaha tho salo nmouniud to about $0,000
for tho niatlneo and a somewhat smaller
amount for tho evening concert. Two of
thn iTpnt sinrn worn to iiPDcar In tho after
noon and two In the evenlns and special
An Absolute Necessity in Many
A Decrease in Weight Frequently Indicates a Decline
Our Modern Rebuilder, Cramer's Kidney Cure, Will Help You Do It.
Arc you getting thin?. If you are you had better watch yourself. Take Cramer's Kidney
Cure. It will build you up quickly and surely.
A healthy man does not vary much from year to year in his weight. This is as it should bo.
Cramer's Kidney Cure enables the organs of the body to renew flesh', muscle, tissue, bone structure
and attends to purifying the great vital current of the humnn system, the blood, and is the most
wonderful tonic that we have ever had anything to do with.
Cramer's Kidney Cure ads upon the stomach in a benellcial way, enabling it to obtain for it
self the necessary ingredients from the food that is taken into it to build up the pure healthy body
and increase the weight.
J. 0. Terry, who Is a well known fireman
In Omaha, and who resides at 2124 Chicago
street, says: "My kldnoys troubled mo a
great deal, my bowels wero very Irregular
I had great distress In my stomach, suffered
with bilious headaches, had no appotlto,
could not sleep nights and was losing flesh
raddlr. I began to tako Cramer's. I am
now on my third bottle and It Is doing won
ders for me. My kidneys aro better, my
bowels are again regular, my stomach no
longer troubles me, and no more headaches,
and as for appctlto, don't speak of It; I
slcop llko a top and havo gained thirteen
pounds. You can count on mo nlways to
recommend Cramer's as tho king of medi
cines." Why Is It that Cramer's Kidney and
Llvor Curo cures women when all othor
means fall; when doctors say curo Is Im
possible? Dccauso, "Cramer's Kidney
Curo" Is a preparation which Is the out
come of thouKht and cxpcrlonco and has
proven so In thousands of caBcs.
If you cannot get Cramer's Kidney Cure from your druggist, send 1.00to the "Western
Agent Cramer's Chemical Company, Omaha" who will send you a bottle by express, prepaid. In
sist on having Cramer's Kidney Cure. Take no substitute.
Send for free sample.
trains woro run In from all surrounding
cities. On tho morning of tho great event
tho manager sent for me. Senator Thurston
nnd others and advised us that two of ho
fmir ereat slngoro wero suffering with tho
,i nn,i nnalilo to appear. Tho managor
wanted to subatltuto omcrs. u umu..
..... .i ,,.,, wnv nut of It. nnd bo wo
worked tho llnanclal end of tho negotiations
to our bonollt.
nnniiv npreed to tako tho proceeds
of tho afternoon concert and glvo them the
evening's receipts. I romcmucr mat. uio
rnxnintn fnr thn afternoon wero about $8,500,
Just about enough to cover our expenses,
whllo their end netted about, to.uuu.
Several big political demonstrations havo
been mado at tho Coliseum, Including tho
immoiiBO antl-prohlbltlon tnaBs meeting held
during tho campaign of 1891i nnd addressed
by Kdward Itosowator and ouicrs.
Ulrtlinliici! if Omnlia Platform.
it u illstlneulshed. also, as tho birth
place of tho much-mooted Omaha platform,
which was promulgated tnero in mj. ou
tho occasion of tho national popiium-con
vention. On tho several days of this con
vention tho hall was packed with popu
lists from far and near and tho enthusiasm
was pitched high by tho wild oratory of
such speakers ns Ignatius Donnelly, Jnmes
II. Weaver, II. L. I.oucks, "Cyclono" Davis
and others, who havo won high rank In the
populist movement.
Tho convention nominated Walter Q.
n..iiinm fnr thn nrealdency. but ho do-
cllned the doubtful honor and It wos given
to Jnmes B. Weaver of Iowa,
witiinm Mi-Klnlev. when he was governor
of Ohio, camo to tho transralsalBsIppl coun
try In 1892 to help out tho rcpuoucan can
.ll.lnlno fnr rnncress. and Bpoko at tho
Coliseum to a crowd that had to almost
flcht Its way Into tho building, so great
was tho rush for entrance
Ilrjuii nnd Tliumton lli-lintc.
willlnm Jnnnlncs Hryan and John M.
Thnrninn mnt. thorn In iolnt debato and a
prottler forenBlc battlo was never waged
anywhere. In ISM tho nntl-A. I. A. specen
nf iinnrv n. Hfltnhrook drew nn lmmenso
nn.i inrhiiinnt rroivil to tho old building.
During tho presidential campaign or
cnvnrnl lili? muctlnKS gathered nt tho
hut tho crcatoat excitement oc
curred when uourko cocKran delivered nis
sound money speech thero nnd a gang of
Hrvanltes undertook to break up tho meet
ing, a riot being narrowly nverteu.
Rnvnrnl Iniluntrlal expositions woro given
In tho building In tho enrly '00s, when It
was under tho control of Hocdcr Ac lien
Tn icni thn nlriiftnrn nnsscd Into tho DOS
session of Mrs. Campbell of Council llluffs
for ground rent, tho location having ocen
innami frnm her. nnd a counlo ot months
nni nhn nnhl tho nroporty to Graham &
tiro who nronoso to tear down tno nuim
Ing and erect a numuor or cotingcs on
tho site.
CoiiKreuM Will Xot l'Muil Time tn TnUe
It Up Ilurlnir the 1'renent
At thn War ilenartmcnt and federal build
Ines tho clerks nro ovlnclug much Interest
In tho civil Bervlco retirement mil penn
ing in congress. Word has been recolved
it thn Wnr ilenartmcnt that tho bill can
not bo passed nt this session of congress,
hut that Its promoters, who havo con
sented to Its postponement on account ot
tho military reorganization aim snip suu
sidy bills, will tnovo for Its speedy con
udinrnilnn nt thn "online session.
This bill la ono ot great interest to nil
persons in tho civil service of tno govern
ment. n3 it provides for a pension to bo
paid to persons retiring from that servlco
on account of ago or Infirmity. Tho pro
visions of tho ponding measuro placo tho
expense of maintaining tho pensions upon
Its bcncllciarles, - por cent of the employe's
salary bolng retained by tho government
each month and turned Into a fund from
which the pensions are to bo paid.
Mr. Louis Mctz of Meti Bros. nrowlng
company, Omaha, says: "For tho last threo
yoars In particular I havo been bad with
nervous spells and pains In my back; theso
would get so bad at times It was lmposslblo
for mo to attend properly to my business.
I tried all k'lnds of remedies without getting
any benefit. I havo seen Cramer's Kidney
Curo advertised. I concluded I would try
a bottle. After taking It n few days my
nervousness seemed to pass away. I took
threo bottles in all. Today I am a well
man. My pains havo left mo and my sleep
Is natural and my appotlto has also re
turned, and I must glvo all tho credit to
Cramer's Kidney Cure.
SOUTH OMAHA, April 9, 1000.
I shall bo only too glad to havo you
uho my nnmo If It will bring a slnglo suf
ferer under your treatment, as I nm sure
ho will bo a thankful and happy man.
1 wuh alTllctrit with a bad attack of kid
ney trouble for a number of years. I
should say froom 1896 to 19C"). I was told
by un old friend that Cramer's Kidney
Curo cured ! r upon his earnest solicita
tion I bought a bottlo, took about threo
boottles In all. I nover had an attack slnco
nnd I tnko great pleasuro In recommend
ing Cramer's Kidney Curo too nil persons
suffering with that dreadful trouble
kidney disease 13D MUADIMU15IL
Remarkable Transformation of Erstwhile
Peanut Vendor,
Jxperlenoe of Ilr. Ilrrnmn Anderson,
Formerly of This City, Aptly Illn
trntcn the I'linsllillltlrn Open
to Amerlcun Yontb.
Laura Jean I.lbbey and Dertha M. Clay
make "ladles" out of kitchen raalds nnd
turn cash glrlB into duchesses with nmaz-
Ing caso, but it remained lor tno nero oi
this talo to bring about his own wonderful
Iroi.Qfnrnvillmi hv thn nvnrcISO Of a fair
nllowanco of natlvo talent, economy, hard
work and n disposition to keep everlastingly
at It.
..'mm nennut vendor on a railroad train
to eminent rank In tho surgical world, and
flint Inn within n VprV fflW VCUrS. IS thO
remarkablo ovolutlon ot Dr. Herman An
derson, professor of surgery in ono oi mo
lending medical colleges oi i.uicngo.
Tho 3tory of this young Dano Is a forco
ful demonstration of tho possibilities frco
A ninrlrn nffnrn tn thnsn who aro Willing to
work and enduro personal sacrlflco whilo
perched upon tno stepping sionu.
Ilr. Anrlnrnnn In nn Omaha nrodllct. Tills
city wa3 tho scene of his early struggles,
it win hern that ho landed a few years ago,
fresh from his natlvo Denmark. Ho was not
anhnnlml In thn U'llVR of tho new world: ho
had no money, ho had no acquaintances
hut ho was not afraid or worK. ins urst
nninlnvmnnt In Omaha was In tho lunch
counter at tho old transfer dopot, whero ho
served as waiter. Just prior to mat no nan
fnr n short tlmo been employed ns errand
hov In a crocery storo at Nollgh. Herman
Anderson was rated as a "good waiter,
hnrnimn hn Tlimln hnnlnCSS of tho lob anil In
Jcctcd as much enorgy Into It ns though
niipiivurv fnr the Cure nf Vile
"Which .Mii- Ho Tried nt Small
A olio euro which Is painless and harmless
but which affords immediate relief and In
most cases n complete curo In a very short
tlmo, is sold by druggists under tbo name
of Pyramid Pllo Cure.
It is In suppository form, to bo applied at
night and Its regular uso has cured thou
sands of obstinate, long-standing cases, and
It socms to bo equally offecttvo In all tho
various forms of pllos, whether Itching,
bloedlng or protruding.
Tho Pyramid Pllo Curo allays the In
flammation and Intolerable Itching, reduces
the llttlo tumors, and Its astringent prop
erties causo tho enlarged blood vessels to
contract to a normal, healthy condition.
A Haltlmoro gentloman relates his ex
perience In theso words:
"It uffords mo unusual pleasuro to add
my endorsement to thoso ot others relatlvo
to tho really remarkable cures mado by tho
"I was a sufferer for years until told by
a follow salesman of tho Pyramid Pllo Curo.
"It has entirely cured tno and I cheerfully
sond this for publication If you wish to uso
It In that direction. I wish you would send
mo ono ot your llttlo books on causo nnd
curo of piles; I deslro to show It to Bomo
Auy sufferer from plies may uso the
I Pyramid with certainty that It will glvo
instant rollof and its regular uso a ponna
nont curo and tho further assuranco that it
contains no cocaine, niorphlno or other mo
tallc or mineral poison.
All druggists toll tho Pyramid Pllo Cure
nt 60 cents per package.
A llttlo hook on cuuso and euro of piles
will bo mailed froo by addressing tho Pyra
mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.
T. F. Johnson, 2G06 Seward Street. Mr.
Johnson Is a well known real estate man,
having lived In Omaha for years. Ho
opcaks a word of pralso for Cramer's Kid
ney Curo:
OMAHA, Neb., Aug. 10, 1SS9.
Gentlemen: I havo been affected with
weakness of tho kidneys and Irritation of
tho bladder for many years. Had obtained
but temporary rollcf from tho usual reme
dies. Last winter a friend sent mo a bottlo
of Cramer's Kidney Curo, with tho request
that I should try It. I took It as directed
and with ouch good results that I procured
a second bottlo. I havo been greatly ben
efitted by Its uho and advlso all who aro
afflicted with dlseaso of tho kidneys or
bladder to glvo It a fair trial.
Wo wish you to notlco tho hearty sin
cerity and tho gcnulno ring of truth which
all our testimonials havo. It is a self
evident fact that they como from the heart.
Ono Is Indeed grateful when they have
suffered for years nnd been cured by na
ture's remedy.
ho were directing tho details ot a largo
corporation Instead of serving stnlo mlnco
pics, tough bccfBtcnks nnd railroad dough
nuts. Srekn Iletter l'tmltlnn.
But nil tho whllo Hcrmnn Anderson was
not satisfied with his station. Ho felt that
tho world held something better In atoro
for him. With tho persistence which has
marked his Inter career ho sought work
that would Irlng him a Inrger Income and
dreamed of tho tlmo when ho would havo
money enough to tako a courso In medi
cine. Finally tho boy persuaded tho nows
company which had control of tho overland
trains to glvo him a trial us u news ngent.
Ono trip wns enough to satisfy tho boy's
employers that ho was mado of tho right
kind of stuff.
Kor several yenrs ho offered ' Moody's
sermons nnd tho llfo of Buffalo 1)111 to
patrons ot all degrees, Ho was no ordinary
tralnhoy. His employers recognized that
fact from tho first ami know thnt ho was
selling hokcy-pokoy pop corn and Samuel
Smiles' "Self Help" only as a means to
on end. A fow years of servlco with tho
nows company rubbed tho Copenhagen from
young Anderson's tonguo and polished him
into nn Intelligent, line-appearing young
He I. liter School.
In tho early '90's his savings bud grown to
proportions which enabled him to quit tho
railroad nnd outer tho John A. Crelghton
Medical college. Years of study nnd priva
tion won a degrco for tho young doctor,
and, with tho class of 1S96, ho went forth
Into tho world to earn n reputation for
himself. HIh classmates recognized in him
n man who would mnko a mark for himself.
Ho had opinions ot his own and was not
afraid to express them even If they did
conflict with tho vlows of a celebrated
profeseor or lecturer.
TblB young man, without reputation and
money, but with unbounded contldenco In
himself, went to Chicago and secured a
position In tho otllco of Dr. Ferguson, a well
known surgeon. When tho Spanish war
broko out Dr. Anderson was selected as
assistant surgeon to a regiment which
served In tho Philippines. At tho end of
his servlco ho mado n tour of tho world
and returned to Chicago, whero ho opened
an ofllco and resumed tho prnctlco of hi
Tho perBlstenco nnd energy which
prompted tho tralnboy to study medlclno
enabled tho young surgeon to rlso nbovo
mediocrity and secured for him nn cnvla-
bio reputation.
Dr. Anderson's conquests wero not con
fined to tho world of Bcienco alone. About
a year ago ho won tho daughter ot Ocnoral
Daniel I". Sickles, associating hlmsolf with
ono of tho best-known families In tho
Unltod States.
Last fall tho efforts ot tho self-made
surgeon wero rewarded with a professor
ship In tho Post Graduate Medical school,
ut tho corner of Twenty-fourth and Dear
born streets. Shortly after their marrlago
Dr. Anderson and his wife visited Denmark
and since that tlmo they havo resided con
tinuously In Chicago, whero they enjoy a
wldo acquaintance nnd aro prominent In
social circles.
Iliiiiilrurr, Which U ii (Jerm IHneime
Kill (lie (ierin.
Falling hair is catiRcd by dandruff, which
Is a germ disease. Tho germ In burrowing
into tho root of tho hair, whero It destroys
tho vitality of tho hair, causing tho hair to
full out, digs up tho eutlclo in llttlo scaled
called dandruff or scurf. You can't stop
tho falling hair without curing tho dandruff
nnd you can't curo tho dandruff without
kllln tho dandruff gorm. "Destroy tho
cauBo, you reraovo tho effect." Nowbro's
Hcrplcldo Is tbo only hair preparation that
kills tho dandruff germ. Horplcldo U nlso
a delightful hair dressing.
Kllln Her linn Dniiulitcr.
MINN'UAl'OI.lH, Minn., Jan. IS.-Mr
ii.) i.n. in linlktrnni trnluv slrui'K her hi'
yenr-old daughter with a bottlo, kilHng her
Instantly. It Is claimed that Mr.. HelHtrom
hud mado tw.i previous nttempts on thn
llfo of her duughtcr. It Is belluved thut
the mother Is Insane.
Does Your
diseases vnd have Informed us that they commenced with a backache. This
I'mphaslzea the old proverb, "a stitch In time saves nine." You have tried
liniments, plasters and other remedies and found tlircn useless.
Cramer's Kidney and Liver Oure.
Indeed Crntrful,
OMAHA, June 20, 1900. I take pleas
ure In writing this letter to you, telling
you the benefits I have received from
taMng Craimer'H Kidney Cure. From
the continual change of food nnd water
my stomach refused to perform Us
work and the severe pain In my back
convinced me that my kidneys were
n1so affected. My doctor prescribed
for me, but failed to give me any re
lief. I asked htm what he thought of
me trying Cramer's Kidney Cure. He
said he knew of several patients who
had spoken 'highly of It, so I took sev
eral 'bottles and was benefited Immedi
ately. I am, Indeed, grateful to you
for placing such a valuable remedy
within the means of the poor and
Police Ofllccr.
Mr Took Kotir Mottle.
OMAHA. .Neb., Nov. 15, 1900. It Is
nearly ten years when I had trouble
with my back nnd went to some of the
best physicians In town. In spite of
following their advice faithfully, I got
no relief whatever. When I was ad
vised to try Cnamer'a Kidney Cure
taking only a part of a bottle I felt
Its effect, but took In all four bottles,
nnd my back has not troubled me to
this day. C. MICHAELS,
832 South Sixteenth Street.
Don't too misled by smooth talk of taking something else "Just as jjood.'
You want Cramer's don't tako anything else.
Insist on Having Cramor's Kidney Curo. Tako No Substitute
Manufactured by
Enables Some Oity Employee to Got
Their Money.
Several Dopnrlinents Do Xot Mnjoy
Ilenelltn of the Nevr Menmire
Council Trlt'n to Keep AVItliln
1.1 in Itn of Churter.
After a session lnstlng soveral hours the
city council passed another salary ordinance
Saturday morning which permits various
additional departments to havo their De
cember allowances, but still leaves tho city
hall nialntcnanco department, tho comp
troller, treasurer, street department and
police court in tho lurch.
Councilman HaBcall Introduced n resolu
tion which provided that money bo taken
from the funds of tho city building inspector
to mako up tho deficit in tho legal depart
ment, tho city engineer's ofllci., tho ofllco
of tho city Inspector of weights and meas
ures and tho fund set apart for tho coun
cil. Before voting on tho measuro tho
councllmen insisted on having all members
present, nnd when tho nlno uldermon had
been corralled tho measuro was unani
mously passed.
This resolution mado It possible for tho
departments named to bo Included In thu
salary ordlnanco without violating a char
ter provision nnd insured thnt they would
recolvo their money. Only $365 was neces
sary to patch un thoso small deficits. Tho
city coi ncll was overdrawn $130.50, tho city
engineer's overdraft was $20. i0, tho legal
department had exceeded Its appropriation
by $173.L'5 and tho Inspector of weights and
measures had expended $2(1.09 more than IiIb
I.euvc Comptroller Out.
An ordlnanco Including nil departments
savo that of tho city comptroller waB
passed without opposition. This notion Is
supposed to ontltlo all city empjoyes, with
tho exception of thoso In tho comptroller's
ofllco. to thoir snlary. Comptroller West-
borg Bays, howevor, that ho will not lssuo
warrants In favor of any dopnrtmont which
has n deficit. Under tho provisions of tho
ordlnanco tho money is to bo paid from
that portion of tho general fund which was
set nsldo In tho appropriation ordlnanco
nnd tho comptroller Insists that ho will not
draw warrants for departments which havo
spent nioro monoy than was allowed them
Thu deficits In tho five departments which
aro still waiting for their monoy aro as
follows: Maintenance of city hall, $1,
018.10; city comptroller, $259.1.!.; treasurer,
$772.35; street department, $21.93; pollco
court. S167.34.
Tho ludlclary commlttco recommended
that tho ordlnanco recently Introduced for
tho nurpuso of amending tho garnago orni
nnco bo placed on file and tho report was
adopted. Tho proposed amendments would
havo granted many additional privileges to
tenmsters hauling garbago and In the
opinion of tho Judiciary commlttco would
havo Impaired tbo health and cleanliness
of tho city.
A couplo In Ohio who secured a marrlago
license forty years ugo havo Just been
An Illinois man who Ih 82 years ot age
married u girl ) years old to pay a cam
paign bet. In vlow of tho fact that this
is bin eighth matrimonial venture, ho
doubtless felt that It was better and easier
to got married than to welsh.
A Kentucky brldo was not to bo bluffed
by such a trlllo as smallpox. Ilruvo Burhon
Sanford married her, umallpox and all, tho
minister olllelatlng at a wifo i Ictanco out
side tho window. Sanford would havo gono
to her nldo had admission not been denied
him. Only Kentucky produccH such hrou.
Tim wedding dri'HH of thu queen of Hol
land Ih being mado at thu hehnol of Art
Kinbroldery In Amsterdam, when; her c ro
nation robe wuh embroidered Tim silk Is
stretched over a. frame, and halt of the
Back Ache?
Do you have an aching, stiff or sore
feeling In your back when you get up
In the morning, which makes you feel
ns if the labor of the day will be too
much for you, ami that life Is hardly
worth living? Does every cold you
catch sctrtle In It? Is It sore after a
hard day'e work? Do the pains some
times ro Into the hips and thighs?
And are there other signs of breaking
down In your nervous and muscular
These pains are symptoms of morfl
serious troubles, viz.: Kidney, I.lvor,
Uladder, Lumbago, Rheumatism,
Ilrlght's Disease, Nervous Debility,
Iocomotor Ataxia, limlysls, etc.
They arc ithe danger signals to worn
you to "look out." Many persons
have come to us to be cured of these
It Snvcil Her I, lip.
ALBANY, June 19, 1SDD. For nearly
six years I suffered from kidney and
liver troubles ami lost all hopes of ever
being a well woman again. I was told
by my physlulan that I had Hrlght's
disease and he pronounced me Incur
able. My legs swelled up so with drop
sy that my husband sent me south for
two months, and not getting any hot
ter, came home to die. One of my
friends wrote me nnd asked me to try
the sample of Cramer's Kidney Cure
ahe sent me, Which I did on her solici
tation, I bought several bottles, and
many and many a time I havo thanked
her for her advice. Today my swelling
has left and I nm a well woman. I
can recommend Cramer's Kidney Cure
honestly nnd truthfully that It saved
my life. All IS. FUtHD CUPOLLO.
It Kntlreljr Cnred.
ALBANY, Juno 16, 1899. Cramer
Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. Gentle
man : "Three years ago I was taken
wiih kidney dlseaso bad, and at times
I was completely prostrated; In fact,
so bad that the day was set for the
doctors to perform an operation upon
me. Upon that day I commenced to
take Cmmer'a Kidney Cure, and began
to gain at once, nnd It was not long be.
fore I was entirely cured nnd have had
no more return of trouble since, I
have recommended Cramer's Kidney
Cure to many people, for It saved my
life." (Signed) W. J. OUENAUS.
Architect, 47 N. Pearl St., Albany,
N. Y.
number of workers on It bend over putting
tho needles through, whllo nn equal num
ber of girls llo on mnttresscH under tlm
frame, unci return the needles, so that both
tides of tho embroidery aro equully well
Charles Johnson, white, and Klcanor
jMooily, colored, worn married recently In
Atlanta, Gil. For a long time It bus hoen
tno custom mere to punisn mo principals
in such unions, but Johnson fought against
a line, nml It has. como to light that thcro
Is no legal penalty. Tho married coupln
stand In enjoyment ot all their connubial
rights, but tho pcion performing the mar
rlago ceremony in llablo to six months In
Jail, twelve mouths on tho county chain
gang or tinu line, or an moso penalties
nt once.
Mrs. William If. liranseliled of Taeiima.
Wash., has applied to tho court for separatii
maintenance. Her husband lllcs a cross-hill
alleging that his wlfo Ih completely dom
inated ny ner mother, hornelf a divorcee.
Tho latter Ih declared to havo "very
peculiar and extraordinary notions nf and
concerning marital relations, husbands,
wives, domestic economy, tho bearing of
children, tho uso nf IntoxIcantH, narcotics
nml ojher ilrugH, morals, religion, pecuniary
obligations and tho male sex In general."
That superintendent of instruction who
took chnrgo of Cuba's hcIiooIh and promptly
ten in iovo wim u pretty t;uimn school
teacher, is reported to havo proposed to
her in a telegram, worded nH follows: "I
Know that you nro untl-annexatlunlst, lint I
wish very much to annex a Hiimll part of
Cuba. What do you say?" Wasn't that
truly IloHtonlan .' And dldn t her reply show
that she had swiftly caught on to tho ap
proved Hostoii stylo: "1 cannot bo annexed,
hut shall bo happy to accept u protector
ate." AlpheiiH II. Hllckucy of St. Paul and Miss
May Crosby wero married on tho 7th Inst.
In Urookline, Muhs. MIhs Crosby Ih a
daughter of tho venerable Judgo Joslali
Crosby nnd with her parentH mot Mr.
Stlcknoy In Boston by appointment. Tito
marrlago Is the cllmnx of u roniancu which
began and cqded rather abruptly forty
years ugo. when Mr. Stlcknoy was u law
clerk In Judgo Crosby's ofllco In Dexter,
Me. Mr. Stlcknoy Ih now president of thn
Chicago & Oreat Western railroad and ono
of tho great railroad mugnalcH of tho
country. When ho mot MIbs Crosby ho wiih
a poor clerk of 19 years In his father's law
olllco. Sho was a mero child.
Dyspepsia Cure
Diciests what you eat.
Mnny porbons sutior frightfully from
Indigestion, anil nro In torturo when tlioy
cat anything; tho heart palpitates and
thoy can't slcop. Tlioy try pepsin, soda
tablets ami almost everything olso, nntl
lialf-starvo thomsolvos, and still get no
bettor. Isn't thoro anything to help thorn J
Many doctors know their patlonts suffer
this way anil don't know what to do. Hut
horo Is how somo doctors socuro tho gratl
tudo of their patients;
"I suffered torribly from Indigestion for
fifteen years till my family doctor rocom
motulod Konoi.DvBi'Ei'uiACunic. The first
tloso roliovcd mo, and I continued Its uso
till now I am sound and well." John II.
Kllonborgor, Holixville, Pa,
It can't help but
do you good
"My family physician rocommondod
mo to use Koiioi. DyBiT.i'HiA. Cuhk for
chronic Indigestion that had torturod mo
for years. Formerly I couldn't eat any
thing or drink ovon a glass of water with
out distress. Now I can eat and drink
whatovor I want." Mrs. H, R Huffing
ton, Xonlu, 111.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Treparcd only by K.cnr.trirr fi Oo..ChlCio,
Tho Jl. bottle conUlni'rrW times thuWc. sUo.