THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: KliIDAY, J A N tAi'Y 11, 1001. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES IdreriliFraanli lr Iheae colnnni ttIU b mUr nntll IS m- lor the retting edition id nntll H.HO p. an, for ni4,rin nd ady edition. Katci, 1 - word Brat InaeMlon, la a rrord tfaarenf ter. Nothing taken for leas than SAo tor the flrat Inarr lon. Theat; aOertUeaaenU aaaat be van nonaeeUIr Adverllarra, r reqnaatlaic a nani tiered chrok, can baa aaarrera a J dreaaed to a annabered letter In care n( Tbe llee. Anavrara aa addreaaed will be delivered Breaeatntion af tbe cheek only. SITUATIONS WA.VIT'.D. WANTED, position by experienced hook- Keeper ami stenogiupuer. Aiiuress v t-. He. A-M172H' YOl'Nt miin deslrcu piacn ti work for board while attending; school, Hnyh; College. Tel. mi. A 1-S') 1 1 wanted mam: help. WANTED, wo novo tdondy work for n few good liuntlf rn of Rood habltH and uppeur anoe. O. F. Adnnm Co., HM5 Howard SL IiAHHKR trade taught thoroughly In short time. calaloKuo and particulars free. Address Western Harbcrn' li'V.'ii Omaha, Neb. H ia WANTED. R00dmun to do canvassing In the country: Rood pny for right man. All dress K I, lice. n-UK!. WANTED. rliblo and competent sates men to sell completo line of lilbrtcntlng oils, erenat-H, paints, colors, varnishes, specialties, otc; exclusively or us side line, liberal commission or salary; ex perience unnecessary; old reliable house. Address Mui'jfncturcr, Commercial hilt.. Cleveland, Q. , H-MWMlc WANTED, collector mid Bulcsman. 1511 Doi'Rlns st.. before 9 a m. II M2"i 17 THE AMERICAN HARHKR COLLEGE of Omaha, U S. 14th si., between DourIus and Dorfgo st. ONI.V SCHOOL ORAD FATING PROFESSIONAL HAHHERH. Only school recognised by the Slate Har bor board. Wrlto for freo catalogue. WAXTKIJ I'KMAI.H HUM. WANTBD, 200 Rirls. 1521 DodRC. Tel. STfi. C 739 To girls wanted. Canadian olllce, 1522 Douglas C 7W WANTHIJ, youiiB lady nttendant. 221 Ilcq Iildg, Call at C-t9 A lmiflHT ynuntr man or woman to tako nhorthand scholarship niul pay for It when courso Is Mulshed and position secured. Address 1' 15. lice. P-!7 I'Ol'It energetic ladles; home employment, work anyone can execute; no canvassing; no moiiev to deposit ; Inclose stamp. Lock llox ITfi. l'ueblo. Colo. C-.V2J1 11 I'Olt HIl.NT 1IODSHH. 11' you want your houses well rented placo them with Hcnawa & Co. D 741 ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. IManos. Olllce, 151U4 t'arnam St. Tel. 1559 or m. D-712 HOHfilCS for rent In nil parts of tho city. llrciman-Love Co.. 320 So. 13lh St. D-743 llOUSliS, stores. Hcmls, I'axton block. D-741 SUB HBNHY 11. l'AYNB, 0)1 N. Y. I-H'B. IIOUBBS. etc. P. D. Word, 1521 Douglas D-7li HOUSlCrTand ifats. lUntwaftntnTker hk. D-747 HOU8B8 wanted. Wallace. llrowil lllk. D-71? HAItN. 2d24 St. Mary's Ave. D-719 VOn HUNT, bnkery In first-class condition largo store room, continuous oven, etc.; also 8-room hotmc, with barn for K horses and large wagon shed; all for $30.00 ,)Cr month. V. H. Husucll, 12U IlaniRo HldR. S31t SBWAHD ST., new live-room cottage lor rent; Rood barn and city water; rem. $12.50. OMAHA LOAN & TUUST CO., lClh nlid Douglas Sts. D 751 NKW 7-room brick, strictly modern, east front, 27th and St. Mary's ave., $35. Hei'nls I'axton block. D M717 2009 CALIFORNIA St., call afternoons. furnished . central; D-72U 10 Kn. lfttt South 31st street, lust north nr rrmi scorn park, u nle. comfortable, 8-room ... . wl n k n linllfan Will Virt I.. .a jialr for right party. .1 liv.inv. i. ... ,vj imi ill IjlJOll re. M. J Kennard & son, 3iu urowu uiock. u MSI3 TWO small live-room rottiigcs In tUo same yard; city water In kitchen; In good con dition; rent, S per month. Omaha Loan & TruBt Co., lfith und Douglas Sts. D-9C&- ?lt)i. near l'arnam: ten-ronni mnilnrn completo in every respect; ten minute1 walk of center of city, reasonable rent. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., lGth and Doug- inn nip. yti. FOR RUNT House and ten acres; brown Leghorn chickens and Jersey cow for sale. W. J I. Stephens, SS01 IJovd St., Omaha. ii u i;i C-ROOM house, all modern. K30 So. SStli. D-20' 15 FOUR-ROOM cottage, SIO S. lSth St. D-19S-H I'OH U11NT FDHMSIIHII ROOMS. STKAM-hentcd rooms nt Tho Thurston. B-753 DBWEY Kuropcan hotel, 13th and Farnam, FOR RBNT, n nicely furnluhed front room south und east exposure, within tlvo diockh or posionicc; pain and litre or teio pnone. uurcss i- i, tiee. i; .Mtiu. llOUSKIvUKI'INO rooms, $0 up. 2C23 St. .narys. U-M701 J29 210 N. 17TH ST., steam heuted looms, 1-.M1IG F5 S43 SOUTH 22D street, private family. B-1J7 It WKLL furnished front room; all modern conveniences; private family. Address. I' ii. nee. igiyH I'L'ltMSIII'.l) ROOMS AM) HOARD. OLBNCAlRN,translentB,$1.23day. 1G09 Doug The Mcrrlam, Rood winter home. 2i &DmU F-731 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-755 TUB PRATT, heat. desirable rooms. Hot wator 11151 MMB. A MICH. 1M5 Howard, 2d floor, room 1 inermui natns. f Jim 12 HKAUTIFFL front parlor; suitable for two; heated; with board. 521 N. 23d. F-19J-13 Fl It.MSIII.I) ROOMS AMI HOARD. KLKOANT large steain-heatod front rooms wiin noaru, itwa t'apiiol ave. ai im ia MODKRN furnished rooms and board. MS Hluff st , Council Bluffs. F-Mlfll 13 DKSIRARLB room; llrsl-class board. 25SI Harney. F 2w '3 for iti.vr-i .rriiMsiu:i rooms. FIRST floor, light and heat. Harney si. lnnulre C1-M125 12' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT, store In. Ilif t-class location rriu reasonable. Apply H. c t'cters , Co., ground floor, Uco Uldg. 1266 FOR RENT, tho building formerly occuphJ by Hie Hce at 91s Farnam street It Han our siorivs und u basenient which was formerly usod u Tho Hce prs room. I his w( be rented very reasonably. If lutereatud apply at once to C. C. Hnaj water secretary, room 10), Hee Hulldlii";. I-Jfil LAROE double room Continental block; ran bo made ,nto very deniable olllce and reception room for physician. Will nr- iuil(;ii 111 pull. OMAIIA LOAN &-TRFST CO., lCtb & Pouglua Sts. I-7J rem'-ToHi:s ami offices. HALL, 103 So, HLi. cor Dodge st. I-MKR IT Atin.vrs WA.vrun. AGENTS, with Hayes' metallic rubber tires for rocking chairs you can make JHO per month. JXC Hayes, US B. Locust st., Des Moines, In. J-M151 12 STOIl.V (S I', PACIFIC Storage and Varchoil!"e Co.. 512 911 Jones, general storage mid forwarding. 57 OM. Van Stor Co , 1311H Farn. Tels. 1569-SC3. -75S WANTED TO III'V. WIT.!, purrhnre a limited number of Omaha Savings hank nccounls. Hrrtmun Loo ,Co., 99 So. 13th. N 759 HOUSES to move. Wallace, Jlrown lllk. N-7U0 WANTED to buy. 11,000 of Omnha Saving bank accounts for cash. Address A lii, Heo olllce. N M54S HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and stoves. J. LcVInc, 301 N. lClh. Tel. 771. N-3T3 2ND-HAND brick. 1203 Kama in st. N-MI7I 12 'on sAi.i:-rt:iiMTi:iu: CHICAIIO t't IlNITt'UB CO., 1110 Dodse. Tel. .ft.'O. Now ,t Sdhand t urnlturu boimht, sold, exchanRcd. O Ki 1'oit, vr.iuci.HH, inc. IF YOl'Il waRon breaks down lake II to Harry Krost, 11 &. llwortb. Ho llxes 'em. r Ifil ONK heavy draft horse, 6 years old. In- iiuiro mo I'urnam. r.M.m i; FOR SAI.i: 3II.SL'BI,l,A.BOI(S. All!) und soft foundation tilllnn: hog leneea nun cnuDiiiR, vn uougins. y 7oi D1IAND safe cheap Dcrlght, 1116 I'artiain. y-7U3 AI'BS; buy, sell ex'ge. Scliwarti, 111 So. 13. HBRTFORD & CO.. lfith & llwortb. FURNITURB & UPHOLSTKR1NO. 0-377 I MOTH Y hay and all kinds feed and coal. .Monroe v i;o. g Al lie IIAVB n sum permanent euro for watts: no pain or scar; send $1 and u 2-ccnt stamn for medicine ami full directions. ueo. ivucira, wcsieru, icu. IJ-M437-21' DHAND holler nnd engine, about 20 H-P.. rnr sine cnenp at unuina isaro anil iron wonts, iiiu ho. i mi si., nmutiii. q 593 'OR SALB. new nnd secondhand -win fountalnM; monthly payments. S 11. Itlcii- mond, Ki ho. zitn at. q Mxa vi 'OR SALB. 11 line $S.ri,00 Imnorteil mania iiiiiioru, us goon as now, nuiy used n snort time: suitable for lectures, churches nr ioiIro entertainmenlH: rnr sale cheap. Ad dress F G3, Heo olllce. Q 179 'ITRN1TURB and business for sale, (""heat! 11 iiikcu ai once. Am leaving me oily. .Mrs. u. u. uiivis, ou i.nrnacn iiiock. Q-191-13' WHISI1ACH mantles put on. 2So. Drop a puniui. u. j. a. v.o., i;ummg. Q-20T. 1(1 CI,AIIlVOYATS. MHB. PltlTZ, medium. 819 North Ifith. S -703 MMI3.0 1.YM Kit genuine palmist. 1C05 Dodge H-7CB lii.BCTitu; tih;at.mi:.t. MAHBL QUAY, 3174 N. 15th St., Mat U. T M37-J17 MISS MAR LKSLIK, 619 S. lGth. 2d floor. 1 flllW 12- JLITB parlors. 015 South 16th, second floor, T-197-F-8 I'KHSO.VAI.. DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns & superfluous pair removea uy eiecincity. H, 12, Fren lor lllk. U 707 TURKISH bnths, mnssaRo baths, electric baths, for ionics only; skilled women ninssaKu; iiiiuhi eiiipped oath In thu city. Rcnstrom Hath Company Rooms 1:10 to3.'0Uco llldg. U-7C8 .1BUBN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. luis I'urnuiu. - u ,C9 RIVATB homo beforo nnd during conllno meni; nauien nuuiueu. hits, uurget, 2C20 lliirucue. u 770 WIDOWBR having no uso for a nearly new uprigni piano win sen cneap; cas or tlmo. Address, V 41, Rco Olllce. U-M921-F-3 FRBNCH accordion pleatliiR; Ivory rim but tonn; man oruers. unuina i-ieating Co, 1524 DoilKlns, U-773 t COSTUMBS for rent. 3318 S. 20th. Mrs. a Sack. U M-JU UADIBB and children cared for. 813 N. 23d U M57G J2G SUPPLIBS for all machines: machines for rent. White Hewing Machine, 1G20 Doug las. Tel. sxii. u wo PRIVATB hosnltnt for ladles before and during nonunctneni; uauics auopted. -r-iw Grant Si. U-177 81CATBS shiiriioucd, 15c. Louis Flescher, 1G22 cupuo: avi. IJ-M973 JKIMIV TO I.OA.M-IUIAI, liSTATB. I'RIVATB money. 5, 6W, 6 per cent; no de lay. uarvin tiros., juw farnam. w-ni LOANS on eastern Nebraska mid western Iowa farms at 0 per cent; borrowers can nnv $100 or nnv mliltlnlc: anv Interest date; no delay. Hrennau-Lovo Co.. 300 So. 13th St.. Omaha,, Neb. w MONBV to loan on Improved Omaha loal estate, lirenuan-i.ovo lo,, no. inn. V 776 $1,000 and upwnrd to loan on Improved city property aim rarms. w. vnrnam nuniii Co,, 1320 Farnam. w m PR I VAT r. money. F. D. Wend. 1521 Dquclas, I 1 t WANTBD. city lonns, bonds and warrants ucorgo m company, iwi i-nrnam sireri, i7j WANTBD. city and faint loans; also bonds nun warrants. 11. c rciers Farnnm St., Hce Hidg. wtwi MONBY to loan on farm and city property. lowest rntCH, U. f. uavisco,, iwj pnrninn W-7fl PRIVATE money to loan, J. H. Sherwood, 9.T9 N. Y. Life. W-7S5 MONEY to loan nt 5 nnd 5H per cent on Omaha property. W. H. Melklo. 101 8. j5th FIVE per cent money. Demls, Pnxton block. W 783 $1,500 TO LOAN on real estate; call at once, M. J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 Hrown block. W-7MI. FIVE and one-half per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National bank building. Tel. 10IS. V-MSI9 G AND 6s per cent loans. W. H. Thomis, First Nat Hunk building. Tel. IMS, W-M5IG .MONEY TO LO W-CHATTELS. MONBY to Loan on Furniture, Pianos, Diamonds,' etc., on easy payments. You keep security. No chniko for papers. No uuesllnns usked your neighbors. Tel. 1G3I, HERDERS' LOAN CO., 15ol Farnam St. X-621- LOANS on furniture, pianos, diamonds, jewelry and salhrles; cheap rates. HOB T. . LOAN CO,, H. 21, Frenzcr Hlk.. 15th und DodRC, opp, old P. O, Open evening J X-M176 J12 MONBY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X 790 MONBY loaned on pianos, furniture, hordes, cows, Jewelry, Duff Urtt-n, ,R 8, Harker blk X-793 CHATTEL and salary loans, Joe II Pleas, antr, SI Darker block. X-M1C7 J13 .MO.M'.V TO I.O V-ltnl, IJSTATI'.. MONBY TODAY 7.on luaiie ii, nmoiints f n m 10 to $260 on hnureholil furnl ure, planes. horss, car llncw. etc. without remrvnl ot on you S-A-L-A-R-Y without seiurltv All or 11 part of the money may be paid back tiv f lTftf ttinlltll. nr tit. hurl nf II I1nil tin tinlll bnck for severnl months Baeh payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Dm- 1 movers and tirielihnr Itnow absolutely I nothlnr of our business relations, l'eoplu w-ho need money are Invited to call an.l Kei inv terms and compare them with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may be transfcried to me. No charco for papers. All bunlntas strictly confidential. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOH. IS First. Nat. Dank bldK . soulhest corner Join and Furnnm Sts. lei. d.. . ,,c. X M83j DO YOH NBBD MONBY? We loan $10.W and up on fiirnlliirc, pianos, horses nnd other chattels. SALARY LOANS Without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions, You can set the money in n few iours uf ler making ap plication, and toko 1, 2, 3, 4. 3. months or mor In which to pny It hack, nnd you need not pay for ft one day longer limn you keep It. Wc charge nothing for puptrs and we give you the full amount In cash. There nre no lower rates than ours, our terms are the easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Hoard of Trade llldg. Tel.. 229j. (Bstabllshed U32), 30G So. 16th St. X-193 SALARY LOANS. MONBY I.OANBD SALARIBD PBOPLB AT CHBAPBST RATB8 IN CtTY AN OPPORTI'NITY to tako nd.rantago of. Wo make no startling, sciibatluual an nouncements of rato "cut In two," We don't do business that way; neither does anybody else. OUR RBDUCBD RATB8 ARB THB LOWBST. You can borrow on your personal Note, without Mortgage, Indorser, or Publicity. Our 8pecl.1l Pay ment Plan surprises them all and soon gets you out of debt. Very (pilot olllco, easily found. Come nnd sen us. AMBR1CAN LOAN CO.. Room 001, lieu llldg. X MS20 MONBY MONBY LOANED SALARIED riSUPUli. No eiidorser of mortcanc reuulred. LOWBST RATBS. BABY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.. mmaiia r'lii.'.niT cn.. Room C26. Fifth Fluor, New York Life llldR. KAt.AttV t.OANS. If you nrn employed by a responsible. Arm wo will loan you sums ironi iw i" iw your nolo nt much cheaper and cnsler rates than elsewhere. Ot this wo aro positive. Absolutely no charges for pnpers. Nothing deducted from amount dcslrod. Easiest partial payments. Jlctlablo Credit Co.. room 30.1 Pnxton blk. X MS5I MONBY lonned salaried peoplo holding per manent position witn reEponsioie concern upon their own names without security: easv payments. Tolmun. Room 440, Hoard of Trado llldg., lGth und Farnam Sts. X 791 iiusim:ss chances. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful OilCaeil enn inacninen mr nriiiKs, cigars or ensh; will earn $2 and upward weekly each. Earl. Clark & Co.. Furnl- turo Manurnciurers, cnicago, 111. Y-S13 WANTBD, good man to do canvassing- In the country: good pay tor rigni man. au dress B 4. Hoc. Y-M190 WANTBD A good business man lo take tin where wo icavo on. ian aim sec Muller, thu Confectioner. 2S0G Leaven worth St. Y-10S-1.T FOR SALB, a $3,000 stock of shoea cheap for cash. Y4, i. rsoyes, jnissouri vauoy, in. y aiiBii is il' voir want to make money buy Lend vl o mining stocas. write l-owen .v Smith, brokers, Leadvllle, Colo. FOR SALB. bakery, rcstaurnnt nnd gro cery; will invoice uuoui 10 .-,wu; in n good country town, county seat, au dress 1! Gl. HcoJ V-1I212 FOR SALB, 1.000 to 5,000 shares Lord Hyroa mllllllg HIOCK l OIK UUlKlllll II luwii i.y Friday noon; make cash offe.r. Addre FG7. Hee ''' ' FOR EXCHANGE-. win iMcnier.n slock drv coods. furnish lllgS, lO UXCIIUIIKt: l ,w...jr, fi,iiu i.n reuulred to clear Indebtedness; parties will accept balance desirable property. Address L. J. Wilde, trustee, 743 Wabasha street. St. Paul, Minn. Z-M1G5 13 $3,000 CASH, balance desirable properly, general country merchandlHO without llx mrpa. eonslstlnc dry goods, furnishing. domestics, notions, clothing; well selected; bought right, parties involved; mako pioposttlou llrst letter, subject your ex umlnatlnn of stock. Address L. .1. Wilde, trustee, 7 1:1 waoasna sireei, ai. I'aui, St. Minn. X.-M1GI 13 FOR S.VI.I-HE.L ESTATE. DBSIRAHLB east front lot, residence or business, 3d block so, depot on 10th. 1111 Vinton. HE MSGS F3 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by tho Union Paclim Itauroad company. H. A McAllaster land commissioner, Union Pacific Headqunrtcrs, umahii, Neli. ni'-si; PROPERTY bought and sold; money loaned; rents collected. L. L. Johnson Co., 311 So. lDtll St. HE 102 C. F. HARRISON, HARQAINS. 913 N. Y. L, HE 1Z3-JU' HOUSES, lots, farms, lauds, loans; ulso lira Insurance. Hemls, i'axton blk. he sit CHA3. B. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St HE 7 JJ 8BB HENRY 11, l'AYNB. COl N. Y. LIFE RE 796 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha: G2!S,.foot east iroiit in poison s iidiuiion, .m. j Kennard & Son, 310 Uruwn block. RB-MW3 FOR SALB or rent, a brick, two-story building 40x77. with stenm plant; also cold storage nuiiuing -juxvi, nil in goou coiun. tlon, corner Henton street nnd Hrondwiiy Cnuiiell Hlufrs. Well situated for eOminls. slon or mniiufncturlnir business. Apply to J. P. Dodge .V: co council minis. RB-MS'S II u). no. no, lmnrnveil farms within 50 miles of Omaha 40 acres to any sire. Jacob Vanpolt, 609 Heo building. he no u FOR SALB An entire block with large trees. In HEMIB PARK, right In town; 20 lots now 011 sale fronting east on 31th St, and Bonth on Lafayette avenue, and west on 33th St. On grade, beautiful location. Prices raiigo from $175 to $100, Terms, $121 cash; balance to milt. Wt aro going to hcII them. A. P. TUKBY Hoard ot Trade. RB-199- BtGHT-HOOM, city water, hath, furnace full lot. West Farnam district. $700 cash $1,500. Geo. M. Cooper, Attorney, 407 lieu Hulldlug. RB-19C-IP HAHOAINH IN VACANT PROPERTY. $250 Cholcn residence lot, Dundee. $.100 Iletter Dundee lot, rus and water, jnno Fine lot. Spauldlng st., pavement paid. $400 Cheap corner, Plnlnvlew. $5003:1 fed, Capitol ave., N. 27th. $750 Fine residence lots. 20th and Miami. $95033 feet, Dodge, N. 26th, paving paid. $l,0i-Lot on Park ave., fronting park. $1,000-110 feet, 5 blocks west High school, GEORGE G. WALLACE, 313 Hrown Mock. RB-M203 12 HAHOAINH IN IMPROVED PROPERTY. $.7)0-2922 arntil, 4-r., lot 25x118. $700 Good cottage and lot, Monmouth iiark. 41,0003014 Lindsay nvo In line condition. $1.100 Corner, 3 cottageH. rental $16. $1,200716 S, 40th, mnts tli.U). $1,200-S.i'. house, 2 lots, 3336 Larlmore. $.'.0001009 S, "1st, good rottat;e. $2,50033x142, B-r. cottage, modern, barn, near High school, paving paid. $3,250 Modem, new. 7-r. houso, rental $13.u0, 4 blocks west High school, paved street. $3.750 S. W, cor, 24th and Davenport, 2 houses. . . . GEORGE (J. WALLACE, 313 Hrown Mock. HE-M202 12 WHO wants It? Omaha property In cx chatiRo for that of Denver. Apply to owner, aa S. 29th st. RB-il20S 17 LOST. LOST, Tuoiday morning, ladles's nlllgator skin purse, between ( Boston store nnd Omaha lire; hail some change, souvenir rolnH, owner's cards, efj purse valued as Christians sift. Kindly return tn Miss Kungatv, Hce olllce, and receive rowan Lust-iO .MHlllt'AI.. LADIBS out of 'health find prompt relief. Rot 282. Uniaha, Neb. Confidential. -7M Operations for uterine troubles unneces sary. Address SIS lice llldg . Omaha. Neb. M'il V1HTUAMA cures Impolency resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives l tallty. vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, titling for success, happiness In business; profes sional, social, married life,: $2, or 3 for $J, Sent anywhere prepaid on lecelpt of price. The Kldd Drug , Co.. Blgln, 111. American Olllce, retail, wholesale. Myers Dillon Drur; Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug .Co , Council Hluff m. Full lino rubber goods. SIIORTIIAM) AMI TVPB Wit ITI.Vtl A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y Life. -il IIOYLBS' College, court reporter, principal. Heo Illllg. 303 NBR. Uuslncss & Shorthand college, lloyd's Theater. -w.5 ORBOO Shorthand. Om. C. Col. IS .t Doiu. SOI OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 51S N. Y. L. IIMr. Tel. lil; Alice Johnson D. u.. ladies uept ; Old B. Johnson. Ostcopathlst, Mgr. . . -sofi M. B. DONOHl'E. D. O., of 81111 school. Klrksvllie, Mo., o) iMxton nut. Tel. i.".n,. -S07 PATENTS. INVENTORS, (JOT AN I DBA? Wo Imiullo patents, copyriglUB nun irauo maras, yon glvo us Ihn bare. Idea and we will do the rest, modern equipped machine shop und foundry in connection; Oitlclal Onxette on tile; guide book free. Mason, I'cnwlck Ijiwrence. patent lawyers, IIW Howard St.; tel. 1419, Oniuha, J. P. Crotiln, ropr. -M170 DHBSSMAKINtl. MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP. 401 Pnxton Hlk. Telephone 2420. M-W4-J27 ACCORDION IM.BATINC. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick- est. Airs. a. u. Atarg, a. n .or. inn ana Farnam. 523 IIIHDS AND TAXlDEIt.MV. STOCK'S Hlrd Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -797 TICKET IIHOKEH. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil- bin, IMS Farnam, Telepuono iM, -S09 STAM.MIllllN't! AND STIITTHHINO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Itamga Hldg. S12 MCICEI, Pl.ATlNrL OMAHA PLATINO CO.. Heo Hldg. Tel. 253J. .MU1S LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; tdilrta. 7c; collars, 2c; cures, lc. 1750 r,eavenworiu. Tel. M7. 7!'S FtlltNITlIHE ltl'.PAIIIIN'C. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. sax IUIIIHER STAMPS. HA DGES. medals. Om. PI't. Co., Heo Hldg. xci. J.. ai ui7 PAWNIIIIOKERS. 1CAQLB Loan Olllce. reliable ncconitnodnt lug; all uuslncss connucutlal. I30l Dougln. Kll CAHPENTEHS AM) .IOII1IEHS. ALIi kinds' of carpenter woVk nnd repairing promptly Hiicnaeu 10. a. , ucuuiroe, inin anil i.nKoms. 370 I'OSTOF Fl C B A MT'l C E Should bo read DAILY by all Intcrcslcd, as cnauges may occur at any 111110. Foreign malls for tho week ending Janu ary 12, 1901. will close (PROMPTLY In all eases) nt thn (Jeneral Postoftlco as follows: parcels i'umt fliAii.a close one hour EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below. linrri.l PnRt Al'illu for llAPinnliv nlimn nt 5 p. m. Junuary Uth'per , s. Prfnz Regent i.uuponi. Regular and Sunplementary malls close at Foreign Hrnitc.h half hour later than closing tlmo shown below. TriiiiM-Atluntio MiiIIh. S A T V R DA Y A t 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. . nervia, via wueensiowu; III n u 111. for NETHERLANDS direct, per u, h, I'otHdam (mall must bo directed "per n. 3, Potsdam"); at 8 a. m. for ITAl.Y, per h. s. JC. M. Theresla, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. , K. .I. ThcreHla"); at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per. s. s. I'urnessla (mall must bo directed "per a. h. Furnesslii"). PRINTED MATTER, BTC.-Thls steamer iiikch lTiuieii .Miuter, cnnimeiciai nnd Samples for Germany only. The same elans of mall mutter for other parts of Europe will not bo Bent by this ship unless speclully directed by her. After tho closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atlnntlc Malls named abovn addi tional supplementary mulls aro opened on tho plei'H of tho American, English, French and Oerman steamers and romiilu open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of stcumer. Slnlla for South mill t'enlrnl Ainerleii, West Iiiilles. Etc. rRIDA Y At 12 m. for (JI'ANTANAMO nnd SANTIAtJO, per s. s. Clei.fucgos; at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s, s. Senecu, via Tain iilco (mall must bo directed "ptr u. a. Seneca") SATURDAY At 9 a. in. (supplementary 9:30 a, m.) fur PORTO RICO (via San Junn). VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO, per a. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savapllla and Carthagcna must bo directed "per n. r. Philadelphia"): at 9 n. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUHLIC, URUGUAY and I'ARAOUAY. per h. s. Atlblstan, at 10 -i in. (supplemenlarv 10:30 a in.) for FOR TUNE island. Jamaica, savanilla nnd CARTIIAGENA, per it. . AthOB (mall for Costa Rica must bu directed' "nor s. s, Athos"): at 10 a. m. (r.ui)nlonicntarv 10:30 11. m.) for HAITI, per s. 8. Andes; nt 10 11. m. for ciniA, per s. s, Atexicn v Havana; at 10:30 n. 111 lor YUCATAN, per h. s. Mercatnr. via Prngresn; at 12 30 P. in. for MATANZAS, CAIHARIBN, NEU VITAS. HARACOA and GIIIARA. ner s. s Curltyha (ordinary mail only, which must bo directed "ner a 11. CLritvb.i 'i. at 11 t). 111, for NASSAU, per steamer irom .Miami, Ma, Malls for NewfoundlRnd, by rail to Noj-th Syilney, nnd thence by steamer, clnsn nt this olllco dallv nt G:?n i. m. (ennnectlm.' eloso hern cverv Klotidnv. Wcdnrcdav and Saturday). Mallo for Mtuuulnn, by rati tn jioston. nnu inenen ny sicumtr. oinse ai this olllco dally nt 0:30 p. in. Mnb for ciiuu, ny ran to rort Ti uipu, i'ia mid thence by steamer, eloie at this onic dally at "6 a. m. (the connectlu-.t closes nro on Sunday. Wednesday 11 ml Friday). MiiIIh for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, eloso at this olllce dally at 1:30 P. in. and II p, in, Malls for Costa Rica, llollze, Puerto Cortex und (Juatemula, by rail to New Orleans, and theiirn by steamer, eloso nt this olllco dally at !.;?) p. m. (ennnectlnc closes here Mondays for llollze, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala niul Tuesdays for Costa Rlrtii. MRoiili)tered mall cjosed ul C p. ni. previous day. Trniis-Pnolile Mitlln. Malls for Australia (except West Austrulli. which goes via Europe, and Now Zealand, which rocs via San Francisco), and Fill Islands, via Vancouver, close hro dully at ii:30 i, m. up to January 5th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. m. Warrlmoo (supple mentary malls, via Seattle, close at ii!W p. m. January 'fitli). Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Pliill.i pluo Islands, via San Francisco, cPm. hern daily at 6:30 p. m. up to Jnnuavy 11th, Inclusive, for dUpaleh pur h, s, Gaelic Malls for Hawaii, via San Franclo, rloo hern dally at 6:30 ji m up to January llth, Inclusive, fur dispatch per s. s, ealnndln. MaIN lor China, Japan und Philippine Islands, via Tnomu, cIom' hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to January 15th, InrlUklvo, for dlxpalen per s. s. Olyinpla Malls, for Hawaii, China. Japan nnd Philip plno Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6; p. m. up to January "l:it!i, inclusive, for dispatch per s. 11, I long Kong Alaru, Mails for Australia (except Weil Australia, Nsw Zealand, Hawaii, I'M and Katnoan Islands, vu Ban Francisco, c)o hfio I'OSTOFFIt I. Mi l It 1' dally at '6:30 p. m. Jauuaiy ,6th and tm In January "lMi. iih-iusivi-, or on dav of arrival of . Campania, due .u Ncv York 'Mriiii, fos dlpatili per -. Sonoma Malls for China And Jrihiii, via Vancouver, ciosc nrtc unity ni u..i 11. 111. up 10 jnuu ary -'".'2. Pu-bislve. for dlspulrli per s. Bmpriss of ,Inivnii treglsteii'd mull must be dliei teil "la Vnnoouver". Trnns-Paelrlc mails are lorwarded to port of sninn; nny nnu me si'iieniiie Ol 1 loiiug Is Hrrnnged on the presumption 01 their uninterrupted oierl.-iid lrault Regis tercd mall cloes at n p m previous day CORNBLIFS VAN COTT Fojlmaster I.I'.O VL NOTICES. "'STOCKHOLDERS' MBBT1NO Notice Is hereby ulven that tin. meeetliiR of the stockholders of The Hee Hulldlng romiiany will be held at 4 n'c'ool: p. ni.. Tuesday. January 15, 1901, nt the olllce of said company in The Hce luillillnu, Omahn, for the election of n board of di rectors for Hie ensuing year and the trans action of such other business ns may prop erly come before such meeting, liv or.ltr of uie prcsiucm v.. c Jiuav.T!5ll, Secrctarv, Dcc:3d23t PORTO Popnlar Tours RICO Feb, 2 ami 10, .March U llliKtrated program, '.'4 ilnys, Alli'xpene,(10S MaymomU VVhltcotnb,l03A(lams St., CIiIcjoo RAILWAY TIMI1 TAIILF.S, UNION PACIFIC."TI1E OVER. I.ilt.l :ioute''-acneriiI Olliccs, N, L. Cor, Ninth nnd Furnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllce, 1334 1-uriintn Street, Telephone, 3itL Depot. Tenth and slaroy Sts. Telephone, CIS. Leave. irri,,. Tho Overland Limited., n 8:20 am 11 7:,To tim Tho Chicago-Portland 1 wpeciai a s:w am a 7:30 pm Tho Fust Mall a S:W) am a 3:23 !m Tho Mall nnd Express .ull:S5 pin a 4:23 iin Lincoln, Heatrlce and StromsbuiR Express .b 4:("i pm bl2:S9 nm Tho Paclllo Express.... a 4:23 pm Tho Atlantic Express,,. 11 fi:.V) am (Irand Island Local. . .h r:30 pm b 9:33 am n w.iii. u jytiuy t-An-jn nuiuiay. W A11AH1I RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. Do pot. Tenth nnd Mnrey 8tB, Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrleo. St. Louis "Cannon Hnll Express a 5:0j pm n 8:20 nm a Daily. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL nnd Paclllo Railroad "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route" City Ticket Olllce. 132.1 Fur-nam-St reel. Telephone 42S. Depot, Tenth and Murcy SIb. Tele phone. G29. Leave. Arrlvo. EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local n 7:23 am Ml:.!', am Chicago Express Iill:l.ri 11m a 8:10 nm Des .Alolues Local a 1:20 pm a 4:46 pm Chicago l'a si Express. ,11 5:00 pm u 1:25 pm Des Mollies. Hock Isl and und Chicago a 7:40 ptn a 9:35 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colorai'o Spgs.. Denver, Pueblo and West 11 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm Coloindo,. Oklahoma Ik Texas Flyer a C:20 pm n 9:50 nm n Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE H St Paul Hallway City Ticket Olllce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone, 281. Depot, Tentli nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive, Chicago LI ml I cil Ex.., .a 0:oo pm n 8:03 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 urn b 3:40 pm a Daily, u Daily except nunuay. 11UHLINOTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Hiirllugton Route" General Olllces, iNorui west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Tlckot Olllco 1502 Farnam .Btruot, Tolupliunc, Hurlliigton Station, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Huntings nnd McCoolc a 8:40 inn a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado, Utah, Callfornla.a 4:23 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln & Hlack Hills .11 9:00 nm 11 6:43 um Montana. Pugct 8jimd..a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am i.incoin 1'iisi .Mail i ;i:uu pm a J.u um Wymtire, Hcatrlcu and Lincoln a 8:40 am 1)11:55:1111 Deliver. Colorado. Utah An.l rr,tli,...t,l,. fl C.'i-. nm South Ik'Mil. Louisville. I'latlsniotitli b 3:33 pm bll:05 am vi. 1,-rooK, J'jniismoutll find Paclllo Junction., a 7:00 pm u S:M am Hulloviio Plattmoutli and P.icllle Junction. ,nl2:10 am u D.itlj b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, DURLINGTON & Qtilnny Hullroad "Tho llurllnKton Route Ticket Orllco 1502 Farnum Street. Telephone. 850. ..Depot, Tenth and Minion Hlrueis, Tulcphone, 128. Leave, Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe .a 7:00 nm al0:25 pm Chicago Vcstlbuied Ex! in. 4:00 pm a 7:45 um C lilcnSo Local Expross.ii 9:30 um 11 4.05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm u J: nm Fast Mall 11 l"n u. Dally KAN8AS CITY, ST. JO senh Counrll Muffs llnllrniiil "Tho Hurling ton Houto" Tlckut Olllce, Iiirnain Street. Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth und Mnson BircciB. xeio phone, 128. IjL'IIVU. it livt:. Kansas City Day Bx. ,.n 9:20 am 11 6:2.) pm Kansas City Night Ex..nl0:30 pm a 6:15 um 31. LoiiIm Flyer for St Joseph nnd St Louts.. a 5:10 pm nll:15 um a Many. FREMONT, BLK HORN A Missouri Valley Rallroid "Tho North western Line" General Offices, United Htatcii Natl.mal Hank llldg., S. W. Corner Twelfth and I'lirnani Wis. Ticket Olllco. 1101 Farnam St. Tel. wi. ue pot, 15th und Wcbstur Sts. Tel. 1158. Lcnve. Arrive. Hliiek Hills. Doadwond Hot SiirliiRS a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wvnfnlnir. (Jimiiur mill DoiirIiih d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, x ura, duviii Cllv. Siinerlor. Ounnvn. Exeter and Soward....!) 3:00 pin b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Verdluru and - Frcmunt b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Lincoln, Walioo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0;?5 an Fremont l)cni c 7:30 um n Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun day only d Dally oxcept Saturday. 1 Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH, western Railway "Tin Northwestern Line" - city Ticket Offlce, 14J1 T.-....n. a. if... 1. ..),.. MM I- uiiiti-11 ,71. 1 ririiituiiB, Ml. Depot, Tenth urui MarcyBts. Telephone c,Z9, L,eue. ..rriVO. Da (nl '.a 7:00 am nll:'.0 pm c: Chlcugo Passenger a i:u pm U4:ivum Eastern Express, wes Molnc'i, Marshalltown. Cedar Kuphls uud Chicago al0:55 am a 4.05 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East a 4:55 pin n 4:Cu pm Fast Mall, Chtcauo to Omaha a 2:13 pm Oitialiu-ChlcaRo Llmit'd.a 7:15 pm a ,s:0) pin Frist Mail a R;.H nm Cedar EnnliH PasKougor a 5:2) pm Eastern Express b 9:00 pm n Dnliy 1) Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC Railroad - "Tlio North weslcrn Ltilu" Gononil Cilices, United Stnles Niitlouul Hunk Hiillillmr. fi. W. Corner Twelfth Mid Fnrniim Sts, TlcUet (Mile-. 11-1 Fiirnnm St. Telephone 551. D" pnt. Tenth and Murcy Sis. Telephone G29, Leave Arrlvo. Twin City Express a 0:55 um al0:25 pm Twin City Limited n 7:35 pm n 8:1.1 nm Hloux City Local a fi:00 um a 3:50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, HT PAUL.. Minneapolis At Omnha Rallwny-"Tho .North western . Lino" General unices, Nourasga uivi iMiLWAumj Sis.'' Cnyn.!koVomc"0''''' tlu's.n.. , , of Sh.rlcs Kt, Telephono, CGI. Dopot L. McUfnT wbo wan u h u Lwcn - hanged 1101 Fnrn-jm itth and Wcbalur His. Ix'ftve. Arilve L O'll) Twin Cily PaMKoncor,..a d:(io nm a o-lo i 1 ninna j'acscnRer .... ., Sioux Clly ft North east Ncbrttaltu a 3 II pm it Dally. , an io f RAILM VV TIME TAHI.ES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clly Ticket Of flee, 1403 Fnrmrti Slr.vt. Telephone. 24. Depot, Tentli and Matey Streets, Ioave Arrive. . ...a 7:00 nm a 4:05 nm Chicago Uxpre. ChleiiRO Limited Mlliiunpolls niK Paul Express ... MlntienpolN and ,;.a 7:15 pm a S:o5 nm 'b 7:W am b ff;40 pm .11 7:19 nm a 8:03 nm Paul Limited i-ori l.'OOJ.e 1,0cm iioiu Council Muffs . . . b 4:30 pm b S:15 am Fort DodRC l.oenl from Cornell Rturr . . . .b 7:4." nm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. Mtosorm pacific rai(.- road (Jeneril Oftlccs and Ticket O(11?ot, fouthenl Corner 14th nnd DotiRla-j ats. Telephone, 104. Dep-it, Vnlon Btsucn L'tvj. Arrive. Ml 1.1111U niul 'vansas Cltv Express .alO;00 am 11 :25 pm K. C', St. L. Bvprese . n!0:50 pin u 6:1 inn Leave from rh and Webster Streelsi Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water . . ..1)4:14 pm nl0:U. am a DallJ. b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA A ST. LOFI8 HAIL road -Omaha, Kuiisas City a. Eastern Railroad "Thu Qtiliiey . Route" Ticket Ot lice, 14)5 Farnam lit. Tela I aa 1 WA phono, 3.".' Depot, Tentli ntiil Atitrcy Stroela. Telephone, urj. Leave. Arrive. Hi. t.011! Cannon Hall Express . . .. a 5.15 pm 11 i:'J) nm Kansas City nnd yultiey Local ...a 7:00 nm a 9:Wpni a Dally. HEARING ON FINANCE BILL Srerrlnr (June mill l.cmlliiK l-'liinn-clers Appenr llrlure lloinn Oiiiunlttee. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. - Secretary of tho Treasury (luge, Horace While of New York ami scleral other ptoiulueut Mimiclm today appeared before tho huueo ruimnlltco on coImiRe. weights and measures, at the re quest of tho committee, and gave I heir views oil tho Overstrcct, Levy and HIM bllln to maintain tlio purity ot llui money of thu United Slates. Thn three bills, although containing different provisions, each pro vide for tho exchange nt tho optloa of the holder of the gold and silver coins of tho Dulled States. To nccoinpllnh Ibis, the Ovorstrcel bill aitthorlr.o the secretary n( tho treasury to use tho Rold reserve fund In the treasury and tho Levy bill nil- thorites hi 111 lo issiio 2 per cent bonds, llo- foro the hearing Chairman Southard read a letter from John 11. Rhonda, the chairman of the llnauco cnuimttlen of tho New York Chamber of Commerce, heartily endorsing thu bills nud urging the ouiictineni of the proposed legislation at this session of con gross. Wo believe." said Mr. Uliodes. "that I lie sooner any and nil defects In tho legisla tion nf tho previous session relating lo Hie maintenance of tho old ntnndard are re moved, tho heller It will bo for the country at large and for business In Rciicrnl; and we ulso feel that action In this direction should be taken now at the present session of congress, rather than bo delayed until another session uf congress, when nn elee tlon Is approaching. Tho development of the mcrcutitllc interests now In progress demands, In our Judgment, the serious nt tentlou of congress In order Hint thu ground work may bo laid and tho superstructlnu begun of a broad and comprehensive bank liiR system which will bo ndequatu to tho needs of the coming generation, I fear nniio nf us realize, what Ilea beforo us lu thu way of expansion of business during the coming twenty-Ilvo years of this century's growth mid bow quickly tho vacuum tliliH created will bo (Med up uud wo will onco moro llnd ourselves fucn to face with a neod for currency at a tlmo when a quick expansion of .credit Is absolutely necessary to prevent Ilniinrlnl disaster and a luonetary panic." Hi') nil's Silver Vlnn Mr. Levy of Now York, who wub present tn advocate his bill, created something of a sensation by slating that Mr. Hrynn, tho recent democratic candidate for president, hud told him that If elected president ho would llnd u way to pay thu obligations of tho government In silver, Tim only question at Issue wub the menus to bo placed nt t ho disposal of thu secretary of tlio treasury to secure It maintenance Ho then took up the lungungo of the blllti nud kuo thu Hill bill his endorsement Mr. Blufroth of Colorado nsked whether to malic silver mid Rircnbnrji excliango ablo in gold did pot In fact mako Uiem simply prouiincH to pay In gold. "Certainly." replied Mr. White. "Then you deslro to Impound $500,000,00') In silver and eventually dump the silver 011 tho country us bullion?' "Not at once, hut gradually," replied Mr- White. "We would do Just wliut floruiiiny lias dona, I think wn would bu lucky If wo could get back half uf what wo paid for tho silver. Questioned further, Mr. While mild 11 failure nf cropn or iiiiylhliiK which would greatly lessnu tho demand for money would semi silver and silver cerllllcates, pudc tlio present law, lulu tho treasury ami uvcilliuilly cause a dlhparily txitween thu prlco of uuld nnd sliver, beruso of (he governmunl'n Inability to pny gold Mr. II1II of Connecticut mild that lu his opinion the two dangers which tlirentencd the gold staudurd were tho fireeiilmrks and silver. Of those two ho rimuidcred tha former the Rrentest, but the country seemed to think otherwise. Ho asked If Mr. Willi did not urico that much of tho idlver could bo rcrnlnud into subsidiary coin and tho remainder made exchangeable. Mr, Whlto ngrced In this position. PllliiK I l Hie While .Metal. .Secretary Hiiro said tho question Involved lu tlio hills beforo tho committee was Him pic. He agreed with Ar. White that I: times of dullness or business dcprcKiilon tho bunkers uud other holders of money In tho centers of population would gradually withhold gold and allow sliver and iillvei' ccrtlllcatcn lo pile up In tun treasury through tho payment of custom dutlm nud tuxes. If roiifjresH failed lo mnhu gold and silver exchangeable It Implied a douht 1 ... . . . ) aa to wlnitlier I hoy woro at a parity Am J i0llK (,s this doubt, no mutter how slight It ; .-,, , vlul,l Iho 1,11,1 l,(,l,l,.ru I of money refused lo tako tho link. ...v,iy ummi, they tnko tho rlr.k?" ho oaUcil. "If you rcfuso to reninvo It, why chnrso tbiun with tho rcnioiiHllillliles you will not lake?" ho jskrd. Htrliili:1; tlio tnblo emphatically. Bccrciaiy (J:ii:u Hiihl tliat ills experience nnd taught him that If a mnu allowed the slightest Inclination to evnda responsibility for enterprlscri ho hud 1111 dertaken, he v..ih hurt In his comtnuuUy It was tho low of life, said hn, and It wan a pretty good luw. Hn saw no risk in thu government removing every doubt its tn Uf. policy and purpose Mr. Cochran of Mlsnourl nulled tho sec re tary If silver was In be mndn rcdermtihlu In sold, and why It would mil ho better (nun tho standpoint of economy, to sell sll vcr and plm- It In Ilia gold fund for ru dcmptlon purposes. ''If It could be done without seriously dis turbing Iho money puiikelH," replied Hec rctury Uagc, "J tlilult Hint toiirsu wtuilil bu more honest." 1VIH Tim Himrr Todio. WASHINOTON. Jan. 10 - The proihlrnt In JiIbTchv IO..V). npi'lsohment fo llf 4n i a oiooririu" lillhsd snoih 111 I MUIn, who v 1I10 street rnllw n. Jealoui.y v. , cause. SURPRISE FOR SIR. SHIELDS CcnncU nivalis Oeuntj Ailniej & Bunch of Nuir.ov E IS ALMOST UFTC0 Off HIS FELT iiepe4rd Turn In (lie Pnrlli- SbleliU Ulrt'tlmi 4 iilltesl Cur llefore .Itiilur Vliionbuler III I iiiiiily Court. Y. J. Council, attorney for John W. Par- Mi, Inis tiled In the county tourt In c ordnnce with the order of Judge Vlnson- hnler an nincnded petition In Hie Psrlsh Slilelds coiiiest case, giving ihe nutiiivi of the Judges nnd clerk1) uf elect lor. Bllepei' to have been guilty of fiaud, and the unmet) of the Illegal voterr. I'd tho county attor ney nnd bis hupportrrs, who expected to b.txt cliirgas preferred aaalnst iWe or l of tho election otllclnls and pcsslbly a dorcn no nun ttu.incl"d of lllcvil voUrir, Hie ninendmeiit was a bl.t nurprise, aa iverj Jtidue and elerl. contieoied villi thu tlcctlon lu nulh Onulia :s It.cliulod In (lit list barged with fraud, and I lit' of lllrs.ul voters numbered I r J u.ttuoi, taken f 1 om the records. lth their plnecj of rcsldeiici'u appended. 'No wonder Ihe fiices of County Attorney Shields nud Deputy Thomas lengthened out when they saw thnso lists," Mild Mr. Cou ncil. "Their plan to ciiuso delay and trouble- by the motion to make speeltlfi tlui petition has mUcarrled. Tlio only icolilt uf Iho motion waa to compel Mr. Parish lo disgorge 11 part of our proof a little oooucr than we had planned 10 spring It. That list of Illegal voters stunned Shields. I knew It would, for all of thout names which nrn given, with the residences oppontto them on thn records, arc for the incut part urlltlotiD. Vaeiinl Lots lor lloitn'i. "In uinny InstauccH there aro vacant loti whero tlinso men nre alleged to live. In tho others there aro houues all right, hut the peoplo who live lu thorn aro positive In the statement that no such men rcr occupied apartments there. 1 don't suppok the county attorney believed we hud been to tlio pains of making such a completo culmina tion of the records, but Unit is where wo furnished him with 11 little surprise. "Mr. Shields was Iniid lu his tmiiplnlntK that w have Included In tho Hit of Judges anil clerlta of election nil uf them. My Idea In doing so Is Just this. If wo allege, lor Instance, that certain of (hoso ollleUki wore guilty or ilrlnkliii; to execus. they will naturally take the witness stand and dull It, proving by way of defense that the other men In the booth were lulmlfulcil, That Is siilllclent to knock tin) props from be neath our case, so to prevent Httch a ttrnte gem we hit upon (lie plan of Including lb.) entire lot of olllcliilH, thus obeying tho order of tho court and enabling us to pi uvc, when tho proper lime comes, the cluiiRo that some of those olllclals wero drunk." One lln)' Tlmr (ii-iinlril. At tho request of tho county altoriif.". Judge Vlnsonhnler gave thn privilege uf a day's time In filing 11 it answer, specifying that ut 10 o'clock thin morning the pica of tho contestro must hn beforo him. 'Iho ounty attorney admitted that thu iilimhi r uf tinmen In tlio iimeiided petition surprised him. Neither he nor Deputy Thomas nindn much of nn cflort to conceal tlio gravity Hint tbo formldlhlo list uf names and tho proof of tho places of residences Induce;!. City Attorney Council Informed tho court that ho Is prepared to push thu contest to n conclusion when thn plea of tho contested is tiled. Court Noli'N, John J. Malier has petitioned (he district court for 11 divorce from Mary Mahcr. Judge Fawcctt has granted 11 divorce In tlio case of Hindu H, Hlco against RIl-IiiiiiI Rlcn on tho ground of cruelty. Hcrtha Mover and others luivn nnlltlmieil tho district court to have imuullcd tho 1111- sessmentH for paving ami grading Eight eenth street, between California cu.i Webster. Morris Mover has commenced suit nenlnst the Omnha Street Hallway company to recover 2,00O ilamngcH liecauso or nil iiccldent 011 November 211, when a motor collided Willi Ida wagon ut Tenth uud Wil liam streets. Judge Sbbaiigh Iiim issued 11 1 entraining order provetitliiK GeorHO A. Slcphitu fiom molesting Minnie M. Slcphuu, Ids wife, who Iki.i polltloucil the district court rnr n. divorce. Tho Stcphiins wero married Ii: this city 011 .iiiiio 12, IM17. Cruelty In Iho plea 011 which the suit Is based. Judge en went t Is hearing tho application of .1. A. Llmihaii for an order rcsllillulii'r Patrick J. I'reuon rrom coiiecung ci rial.) mutiny iltio In Llliiilliill t'rcilou 1 -i parliicis. I.lnahau ullegcn that Crcduu i' fuses lo shuru the proilts uccruliig i'v.;m contractu where bo ami Crcdon constii(,iii Dulid inuH jointly. Tbo case of Juli o Lank ngaliiHl the t-.v- ercigu canni, Woodmen of thu World, Inn bcin Hullleil out or conn nun iiisuussru without nrelllillce. Mis. Luuk'll llttilbund had 11 policy In the order, hut II was ((in tended ny 1110 omcers m um iuuku uimi iid committed imlclde und could not recover tho amuiint 01' thu policy 011 tbut nccouiit. THE NEW SALARY ORDINANCE (11 j Council Endeavor SI rnlali ten (lu( the Mnliiry .Mnilille CiiiiiimH m 11 11 HiiMcnll GiiIiim Point. I'lio city council held 11 spculal uicotlct; yeBterday nioriilng nud tool, a now turn on tho nalnry ordinance (or December, which h hopelcBiily tied up. A now wh Introduced which provide.! for Iho amend mont of the nrlfilnul ordlnnnco by 11 f-w chnnitos In tho wording. Innti'iul of pro vldlii'; that salaries for nil departments uhnll be pnld from upcclal funds lh aiuciid meiit specify that tlio suhirles shr.ll be paid from iho general fund, tint ruin thu money set iiiildo for each particular ln partmcni. In effect thin ordlnuncu oiubndliw thn point., for which Councllmiili lltu-.all has mado hlu light nlnco tho boKlnulim ot thn controversy. Comptroller Werdherg's ualury list Ir. not Itirlildcd In tho ordlnuncu and Mr Hiisrall Insists t liul Home special action of th coun cil will bo ncccHuary to securn Ihe money for this (Icpurliiiunt, as It has exhausted, tlio r-iouoy It by tho rlmitcr A nil has been Issued for a special niuvtln.', Sair (lay iiioiuliii;, when tlio council will probbl' Iins.i tho oidliiiince Introdudd cstrrdn')-. Tlio orillnunco duen not iniilio nny provision fur the llvo doparlmenlii wlilcli ncnlve their pny Irom Hpuclnl funds sol nsl'lu by lh clurter, tlio wiirinulu on Ihrho Hiiul.i l.av 1111; bo. 11 lusued iinilor tin nilaluul oidlnunc' Alihough tho now o'dinr.nco rcptilH tho orlr.lcal ordinance, It provide.! tint 1111 iiclion taken under the orlglnul iloeujntni. rlinll l,n (dfected. Vnrr. ulM nn tho p.irV. llbrury and ilro and iiollcu funis veto ImikiI i!i,.,r thn old iiiilluiiiicu and t.iuJt or '.tic employeii ol thuiiu 1I1 imi thieiiU havu Recuri d their pay. A few of thero warrants are i,ll lu tl.o Imti'l.i of Ho (o.nuliollur. who Is 01 Iho opinion Hint they will ho Mild If no' dcllvcrid lo ihilr owiki.i bofori: thu m ' nrillniiiK'c I'.o Inio efic't He piultiUInn that Iho del I vi 1 y o' tho wcrratilh lu nries nary lu keep thciu fmin Irmi: lv tlio proposed action of tho council. Iloixii'l Nciii (11 Atidlclilc. PARIS, Jan 10 Tho Datiljh , hnro, J, H. von HeRKi'rmuii-Llnib ntroti' 1 nu Interview rosurrtlnx reoo't-j from Con n liartoii that thn king of Dtiiiucrk f. 1'ilxr IX, wrts (UftDoscd to iibillciito in fvor nf his son, Prlnco Frcrterl.l., said "fluch a story greatly surprise me, r tin king, In spile of hit years, Is lu such vigorous health ii tho little dirrereiicvs or inioraatiaftai , , o.itlcs do not fntlfiuc him lf iritllVJvtry rupablo of governing, but, of coufH.'iiwi wa, )ilecliIo otherwise, I cannot mitm.whh f M J villi do." i