8 THE OMAHA DAILY liETC: FRIDAY, TAKUA'RY 11, 1901. llAflWAL Wheat Enlos Henry on Lack of Cutti t Bnjing, but Olotes Steady, CORN CLOSES JUST A SHADE LOWER Influenced li- Oilier Urn I tin On It 1'rlprn l-'liiuluntril NnrriMTly I'ro tlslitnn Open lllKher, lint (ill i Wny l.ntiT. CIIH'AOO. Jnn. lO.-Whctit ruled heavy today on luck of outside support, hut closed steady. May 11 shade IiIkIipt. Corn nnd nats dosed it shade lower unit provisions Wr.Do depressed. Wlieul wax only moderately itettve. hut Mill nervous. Trade, wan lately local! .May opened 'iflV higher at "N'.ioftTSHe, bo cause Liverpool was Mrm, In tlio face of the decline here yesterday. On lack of sup port Ihe market early dropped to 7TT. hut rallied to 7ie on n prlvnln Arnontlne estl mate thai the portahln surplus of that country would he hut 3i,ixjo,uo0 bushels. This Inlluence soon died out, however, nnd May dropped to ""'.iHT'Sc. Hero the mar ket steadied on Ihe New York report of fifty load taken for export and the close whs n shade hinder at 7t'M7i'io, Primary receipts aKKteKatell 7tn,(l bushels, com pared wllh iKO.imo bushels lust year, Min neapolis and Dulutli reported sVi cars, against 411 a year iiku. Local receipts were 74 earn, 3 of contract Rrade, Heahouid clearances In wheat and Hour were count to 7IN.U0O bushels. Corn wan cpilet, opening higher on the unsettled weather and In sympathy wllh wheat, hut iiellliiK nff Inter on the wheat Indifference to dullish neWK. Receipts were 313 cars. May sold hetween 30U and S$y CSSiO and closed a shade lower nt rjtie. Oats were quiet, prices lliictiiiitlui; he tween "5 and 25'nO and closeil cosy, a shnde lower nt 2.i',e. Receipts were IMS ca rs. Provisions opened hinder In xympathy with an mlvance at the yards, hut prices Rave way later under local prcssuie. The short Interest seemed lo do pretty well protected and packer were more littoral In Idclr offerings. .Mnv pork Hold delwcen Jll.Sa ii nil ll.TM and closed Wk- lower at IH.OO; May lard between 7.7i and 17.42'j, closing fir lower at J7.I23 and $i.I5, and May ribs Itelween $7.'.'7'i and J7.H'Jlj, with the close 7'4' de.orenseii at $7.I"V, Otlmatcd recelptH totnorro'w: Wheat, 77 earn; corn, 535 cam; imtH, 255 cars, Iioks, SiyiOo head. Tho leading futures ranged an follows: Artlclos.i open. High. Low. Closcl Ycs'y. Wheat Jan. Kelt, May Corn Jan. Feb. May Oats Jan. May I'nrk - .lllll. May 1, -i Jan. .Men. May ItlltM Jan. May I 7i 1 4 7 7S',ii sou 7li 7,".l . Vi 7811;! :i7 75V -i, ;.. .- n;j"i -i ."! I i 71i1i!ii77"i''l", .Wi' 3i''i ::7'4l :.7'5 SUl Ml, ami i I I tr no i 1 1 1 30 i i I 7 15 15 no 1 1 so i I '5 )' 7 t: II M 1 1 !C it 10 II IN) i.' m II 20 7 itiU 7 C-t j 7 : 7 7 ?A l..... ' r.74l ii 7 1,'t I 7 fi'l i I m ? m 7 njiii 7 07141 7 0Ui 7 10 7 12(51 7 20 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOIMI-Qulct; winter pntcnts. .l.V0fl3.M; straight:!, W.idlt.il"; clears. $2.sn3.l0; snrhiK spcelal.l. "I.Heflt.lO; pateulH, $3.iW3.!W stralKhts. JXliiXfj.t.r.O; d;iker. M.2flfl2.70, W1IHAT-No. 3 sprliiK. C7''(i7lc; No. 2 red, 7f"U' COItN-No, 2, 37V4e: No. 2 yellow. 371i,e. OATS Nh. 2. Sl'ir; No. 2 white. S7Uc; No. 3 wdlte, 2iiVi'(27',iC. UYH-No. 2. r.fe. nAllLlJY Fair to choice maltlni". n7li(::'e. SKKOS-No. 1 Max. $l.in; No. 1 nortliwejt em. "I.fi.1; prlmo timothy, $1.7.1; clover, con tract grade, JlU.7.'i. IMlOVISIONH-MesH pork, per hhl., XI l.T.I l 15.00. Lard, per 100 Ibx.. $7.S0T 7. 13. Slnrt rllts sides (loose), "i?.!iO'7.2i Dry salted sdoulders Idoxedl. i;.12'.,i)i.2j. Sdort clear sides (doxed). 7.301 7. 10. WHISKY-On tdu Vasls of IiIkIi wines, per Kill.. 11.27. SCOAHS-Cut loaf. W.39: Rranulatod, J5.73; confectioners' A, j.f,0; off A, J.V54. Following nro tho rccolptn and shipments for today: Articles. Itecelpts. Shipment". Flour, bills 30,no.) ts.frti Wheat, dll !tt,0.?J 43,000 Corn, till 3I'),ikh) 2tii, ill Oat, du 32fi,oii) nt'.'XO rtye. tin 4, lino 1,00.) Harley. bu W.OOO 1 i.lH0 On tho Produce exchange today the but ter market wnii dull; creameries, lM;2Uc; dnlrles, 12fi20c. Cheese, dull, lOUiillc Kkbh. dull; flesh, lJc. MOW YOIIIC (JKMMIAI, MAItK li'V. Itiiolnltoiin of tin liny on Vnrlons C'llllllllllllltll'M, NEW YOltlC. .Ion. lO.-FLOl'H-llecolpts, 15,100 bbls.; exports, 11,000 bbls. Inactive nnd Htlll nominal, with buyers and sellers lofi15c upart. Minnesota. pat ents. H.OOfi 1.30: Mlnesota tinkers, MM4t 3.23; winter patents, ).t.70fr3.!5; winter slralRhts, 13X0'fi3.tW; winter oxtrns. U.55Tf 2.!D; winter low grades. J2.l3fi2.00. Ilyo flour, dull:' fair to Rood, 12.S0ii3.15; cholco to t'aiicv. 13.15ft3.50. Hucku lieat Hour, dull nt 12.10fi2.20. Ill'CKWIIHAT-Steady at COfCV, c. i. f New York. i-OItNMKAIr-t'lrm; yellow western, ale; city. !i2e: Urandywlne, tS.ViQi. 15. IIYH Firm; No. 2 western, 67sic, f, o. h., alloat; state, MftCSc, o. I. ., Now York, carlots. H A KLF.Y Steady; maltltiR, &Vf(rt3c, c. I. f., New York. HAHLHY MALT Dull: western. n5(!f72c. WltliAT ltecelnts. Mi.7()0 till.: exnorts. St.- !so bu.; spot, steady; No. 2 red, S,",Nc, f. o. b.. alloat; No. 2 red, 80'io elevator; No. 1 northern Diilulh, SCTic, f. o. b,, alloat; No. 1 hard. Dulutli. 91o. f. o, b.. ntloat. On- lions opened active and Ilrni as it response to htuher Kncllsh markets and bullish es timates on tho ArRcntlno surplus, ruder succeedliiK sales for our account nr cos lost tho advance, tho afternoon market rulliiR dull in tho men of dir uour clearances, with tho close easy at unrhniiRcd prices. .Inuuary closed nt SOe, Marcli at Kl'ii S2V.C closed at SlTic: May. S3 3-lWiS3,p. closed at S2c; July, SlHr(ll?ic, closed at 81 He COltN nccelnts. 113.100 bu.: exnorts. 170.- 213 tin,: spot, quiet; No. 2, 47c clovator. nnd 470, f. o. b., alloat. Options held Hteady to firm all Ihe afternoon on small receipts, further rooi) clearaiuvs and higher forelRn markets, Later It eased off under small exnort InmlneSH for larger recelptH. closinir easy at MiUo net' lower. January, WMf 4i'i',ie. closed at li'ic; March. 45W45Hc, closed at I3c; May. IIVuNlc. closed at July closed at 4-.c. COnN-tlecelpts. 41.500 bu.; exports. 12.K0O bu. ; spot, quiet; no. s, jw.ic: no. :, aw; ,o, 3 white, ffllilisat'; No. 3 whlto. 32c; track mixed western. 301i3lUc: track while. 3U4W 3,'c. Ontlons steady, with corn very dull at New YorK. HOPS llulel ; stato, comninn to choice, 1900 crop. Ififi21e: 1SS9 crop, IHflSe: old oldi. Siftic; Pnolllu coast. 1900 crop, 15010c; ISK) crop. 1HH14I: oiu inns, ;ji,c. lllDKS-Steady; Galveston. 20 to 23 lbs IfHilflDc: California, 2t to 23 lbs., 19e; Texas dry. 21 lo ;si ins., kk. Ll5ATIll''tt Steady; hemloi k sole, llueuos Ayres, llRllt to lieavywclBlit, 2l'u25o; ucld, MViJiaiUe. WOOIOulet; domestic fleece, 2l5J2i!c; Texas, 15ril7c. rilOVJWiONS Hoef. quiet: famllv. tU.Wil2.o0; mess, 19.00fl9.5O; hams, lin.W llv. lll.oOJt 12.00; mess, iOMWJ.M; hams, 119.50 ffi'20.00; packet, 110.50; city extra India mess. lll.ooniii.oo. cut meats, sieauy; picKieu nei lies. 7' t'jc; plcklPd nliouldrrs, S'tifllCc; plPUIed hams, swiiauc. l.aru, steady; west ern steamed. 7.i0; January closed nt 17.50, nominal; rcllued, steady; continent, 17.70: Sniilb America. fS.lO: comooimd. 13.G2M1 5.75. Pork, sternly; family. 114.5Oril5.O0; short Clear. 114.5011 17.00; mess. ?13.CWj 11,00. TALLOW Firm; city, To; country, 5!4 5Uc. HICK Steady; domestlo, fnlr to extra, 3J fiffiUo: Japan, 4?4ffi4Tlc. P13ANUTS - Fancy Imndplcked, 4?if5(j; outer iiomesuc, ie, nt'TTUU-tlecelpts, 5,315 jiUrs,; barely steady. Clli-'ESF lteceliits. 1.297 nkus.: llrm. lCCiOS Itecelpts, 7,'kV) pltRs, ; steady nt tho ileciine; western, nveriiRe pacKeu, in lliiun, L'Mi"J-'Ui: western, loss o,T. 23c. POt'LTItY- -.Vllvo. firm; fowls, lie; chick- ens. no j turkeys, wnoc; dressed, stesdy turkeys, SWiJ0',id! chickens, 10ft Uo; fowls lOe. MHTALS--ttearlsh pondltlous continue to lio dniuliiaiit in menu circles Roneruuy. Tin wn iiriiiii lower, iioin nero ami in i.onuon ovvliii? In lliii lack of hlteelatlvo Interest desplto the fact that arrivals for this year to (Into havu nnlv reached tho small total of forty-two tons, Tho local market opened easy, wltn n weaK uuiierione aim nniiiiy closed oasv nt 126.30tft2tj.50. nltlloimll the re ports from London rcgardliiR copper wero of on unfnvorablo purport, hIiowIiir an easy Itnnllnn thero at iTJ Is 3d. The locnl market for that option held oulto llrm at fully mrtiiuaineu prices -jn uu lor i.uno nn iterlor nod ll',.o for cnsthiR and electro bile Domestic Iron nmrlccta continue la a somewhat nominal mnnnrr, but fcentlment whs bulllshly Inclined on account of ,m ex peeteil taritc Inquiry In the near future. Prices unchatiRed. I'.nullsh markets were Is lower at Olnsjcow to Km 8d and Mlddlebor ourIi nt 45s Cd. Lend and spelter wero barely active, with the closing basin nt J4.37H nnd M.10 respectively. omaiia viioi,i:iam: maukots. Cfinillf Ions of Trnilo fltul (Inotntloun on Slnp'.e nml I'miey Produce, KCJOS-Hecelnts. llRhtJ Rood stock, tSVWs. LIVi: 1'OCLTltY -Hens, Millie- sprlnn chlckcns, C'4t7e; roosters. 3IHc: ducks, 6f" O'ic; Reese, ii'4?f7e, turkeys, i;i7c. FHKSH DIII'SSKD POCLTIIY-Hcns, 714 TSc; roosters, Ctibo; ducks, 7li'i8c; Reese, 8i(8V4c; sprlnR chickens, per lb., 7H1?Sc; turkeys. Jtfilfte, OAMK-Mallnrd ducks, per doz.. J3g 3.C"; teal. -l.Crill.7D; mixed. Jl.50tJl.76: Jack snipes, 7uc; Jackrnbblts, il.W; cottontnlls, S0e$l. . IttlTTini-Common to fair. llHc: cholc. H'7'.ii:.Sl)2345,5Hn z zb zb zb zb zb zb zb 14t;lue; sepurntor, 25c; gnthered creamery, IWiSle. FllLIStr OYfiTfCnS First Rrnde, solid packed, Now York counts, tier cnn. 3"ej ex tra selects, 32c; standards."2rc; medium, toe, Second Rrade. slack filled, New York counts, per cnn, 30c; extra selects, 2(5.;; standards, K)c; bulk ptandurds, per Rnl., IMOIJONH-I.lvc, per doz., 30c. VIJALS-Cholce, OfZlOc. HAY I'rlcn quoted by Omaha Wholej.lln liny Dealers' association: Choice upland, !; No. 1 nrlnnd, it; medium, $7.50; conrse, 7. Itye straw, 16.50, These prices nro for hay of Rood color and quality. Demand fair Itecelpts, 3 cars. OATS-No, 3 white, 26c. COHN-Nn. 3, 32c. UHAN--J13.50. VF.OKTA I1LE9. I'ARSNIPS-Pcr bu.. 50c. Tt'HNtPS -Per bu. basket. 40c. 11KKTS I'cr bu.. 40c. I'AHHOTS-Per liu., 40C. LHTTI'CH- Per doz., 35f40r. IIADISIIKS- Per doz.. sbQ&c. DKANS Wax, per 1-3 ttu. bnsket, )1; s trine. SOc. POTATO KS-Pcr bu., rAaCOc; Idaho, per bu., MV-, HWi:i:T POTATOKS-Per bhl.. . CAHUACHC-Hollnnd seed, Hie. TOMATO ICS - California, per 4-bnsket crHte. J2. ONIONS Native, per till , Mo; Cnlorntlo yellow, per lb., 2c. CKLKUY-Cnllfornln, as to lzo. 45B7JC. CAULIFLOWlClt-Cnllfornla, per crate, K. Ftlt'lTS. TRAUS- Per box. I2.0OH2.25. OHAPKS-MalnRii, per 4or. APPLIES-Natlvw. 75c5tJI.Oo per bu ; per dbl.. 12.50; eastern, .oon3.rp0; California HoliriowerM. per box. ILlOtTLfJ CILNNHHIUtlKS- Hell mid Hugle. 110.00 iter bbl. ; Jerseys, per hot., t!.23; per crate, 3.25. i TROPICAL FHIMTS. OUANOFS-Cnllfornla seedllnRS. 12.M; nnvels, J2.75'n3.25; Mexicans, 12.73; Florida?, 13.50. LKMONS-Cnllfornln, extra fancy, 13.50; choice, 13. . HANANAS Per bunch, nccordliiR to size, !2.00fi2 50. FlflS-'.'allfornla. new cartons. K)c; lay ers. 76c. Imported, per lb.. Mfiinc. IMTi:S Persian. In 60-lb. Imxcs, Salrs, 5V4c per lb.; Hnlloween, Uc per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. IIIDKS-No. 1 Kreen, liUej No. 2 preen, 5lsc: No. I salted, 7Uc: No. 2 salted, B'.ic: No. 1 vent calf, S to 12 Ids.. .tUc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lb C'4'; dry hides, Sgi3e; sheen pelts. 2j?f7oc; horso hides, ll.5W2.25. NHT.S- lCiiRllsh wnlnuls. per lit.. 13c; III berts. tier lb.. 13c; almonds, per lit.. ISffl'Oo: raw peanuts, per lb., dttM.fcp: roasted, ClMp ,4c; uraziis, i;c; pecans, locduo llONICY-Colorndo. 21-sectlon cane. 13,75. CII)i:n-Pcr bbl.. 15; per halt bbl.. 13. HAl'KRKttACT-Per bhl.. II: iter linlf bbl., 12.50. St. I.onls (.'rnlu nml I'rovlslons. ST. LOt'IS. .Inn. 10 WltFAT Lower: No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 7:lt;: trnck, 73fi7Cc; Juniiiiry, 73c; May, 7'Ic; July, 7t,c; No. 2 hard, 70(,fi7IHe. COILS' HlKher: No. 2 cash. 3f,Uc: track. 37'.ic; January, 3G'.4c: .May. 37I?jc: July. 37TW .vie. OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. 25c: trnelc. 25lsc: January, 21-S.c; May, 2,Ve; No. 2 white, 27'.4C. mi'., I-inn at wivtc. FLOCK Dull: nalenta. 13.fiO(Ti3.75: ,-xlni fancy and strnlRlit, 3.20ft3.33; clear, 12.70f ;in. H..llSTlM,nlliv ,,, I, ti '-.5.-1 1.75 for nveriiRe receipts, prlmo worth more. Flaxseed, no market. ('OHNMnAL-Steady at .'. HItAN Firm; sacked, east track, f,7c. HAY IrroTiilnr: llm-ttliv. M.ROti 1.00: prairie, HO.OOfi 11.00. wjiihkv meiuiy at 11.27. lltON COTTflNTIKS-ll.VS. UAOCtINO-7iii7ie. HUMP TWINI'7- Pe. PHOVISIONS-Pork. firm: lobblnc. 114.50. Lard, nominal lit J7.12",. l)rv salt me.ils (boxed), tlrm but unlet: extra shorts. 11.12-4: clear ribs, 17.25: cUtr sides, 17.371,4. Iln"nn (boxed), llrm but quiet; extra shorts, 17 75; elmr rlb. 11; clear sides, 1S.25. Si li'i'A i.s- Li-ad : Nominal at 11.20. Sne - ter: Dull at ll.niU-ftS.Dj. POI L I It Y l'lrm: chickens. fii4c: tnrkevs. Co; youiiR, Oe; ducks, 7'.4c; aeeese, 5V4c. ill TTiJit-uulet: creamery. I5i21e: dairy. 13ftlSe. KCKlS-HlKher at 17c. IlKCi;iPTS Flour. 3.(i00 bbls.: wheat. 30.- 000 bu.; com, 82,000 bu.; oalu, 19.000 bu. SIIII'MKNTS-Flour. r,,uno liltlsv. ; wheat, 31,0ii) bu.; corn, 73.000 bu.; oats, 23,00i) bu. Liverpool (irnln mill Priivlslons. LIVHHPOOL, Jan. 10. WHHAT-Spot. stroiiR; No. 1 California, lis 2'id; No. 2 northern sprhiR, fii IV-d; futures, steady; March, (is. 2-i,d. ( OHN Snot, unlet: American new. 4s: American mixed, old. Is tkl: March. 3s 10ld: .uay, .is utiio. PKAS Canadian, quiet nt 5s Ciiu. FLOl'U St. Louis fancy winter, stendv nt Ss fid HOPS At Lonilon (Pacll o const), steady lit 'i;2 5sftJ3 5i. . J'UOVISIONS-Heef, extra Indian mess, dull nt (Vis, Pork, prlmo mess, western, dull at 39s, Hams, short cut. 14 to It! lbs., tlrm at 45s 9d. Hacon, steady; Cumberland, 20 lbs., lis I'd: short, ribs. 1G to 2j lbs., tlrm nt 43s Cd; Ioiir clear middles, heavy, 33 to 40 ins., us wi; snort clear iiiicks, w to 20 lbs., tlrm at 34s 3d: clear bellies. It to 10 lbs.. 4Ss tid; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., llrm ut Uls. Lard. American re lined, in mills, tlrm nt 29s Ski; prlmo weitern, In tierces, Arm at uiS 'J1. II liTTHU-F nest Cn ted S ates. mi et at !5s: Rood t'nlted Stntes. dull at Sis Cd. CHinCSK-Stendy; American llnest white, 51s, fid; American llnest colored, 52s Cd. tallow prime city, steady at 25s 9d; Australian, in i.onuon, stenuy 111 27s. KmiftitH City (irnln nml Provisions. KANSAS CVVX. Jan. lO.-WimAT-May. CS'-iffitiSTi.e; cash. No, 2 hard, rw.ioimc : No. 3. li'dtNc; No. 2 red. 72!4c; No. a. 71c. COHN May. Sti'.ic: cash. No. 2 mixed. ai'-io; no. j wiuie. ,iVjc; no. j, mc. oats no, 2 white, 20c. 11YK No. 2. 47Uc. HAY-Cholco timothy, $10.50iTjn.OO; cholco prairie. y.wi lu.im, IIL'TTKn-Creainery. 16ft21c; dairy, fancy, lfie. KfiOS Firm: frofh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, no dozen, loss on. cases returned; new wdltcwood cases included. more. UICCHIPTS-Wlieut, G9.CO0 bu. ; corn. 19,100 1.,. ..n . T All I till UU. , i in in. ii ii. SHIPJIKNTS-Wheat, 120,100 bu.; corn, io'j nil.; oais, n,uv" uu. Tiiledii (irnln mid Seed, TOLKDO. O.. Jan. 10.-W'IIKAT-FoIrlv nctlvo nnd liiichnnged; cash and Jnuuary, 79V;c; May. Wc; July, Mi'. COHN Firm; cash nnd Jununry, 3Sc; May, :ie. OATS Steady ; cobIi nnd Jnnunry, 2i;tu; .liny. io;-sc, HYK-KIWi. CLOVKHSHKD-Dull but firm; 1S99, prime, ju.w; ensn nml Jnnunry, 57.15; March 17.25. Mlmienpolls Wheat, Flint r mill limn, MINNUAPOLIS. Jan. lO.-WUKAT-Cnsh 75:)ie; January. Tic; .liny, 77iii77Ti.e; on truck: No. 1 hard, 77s4c; No. 1 northern, 7u4c; no. j noriuern, wai FLOl'H-Flrst patents, SI.201J4.30: second patents, HooftUO; llrst clenrs, IJ.SOQJ.W; soeonu clears, tiiwuiiu, lIHAN-lu bulk. 11.75gl2.00. Ditltitli (irnln .llnrke(. ni'IA'TH. Jnn. 10. AVHUAT-No, 1 hnrd 71Hc; to arrive, 77',4c: May. NO&c; No. l northern, cash, 74Vc; to nrrlve, 75Hc; May, iiiiic; Jiuy, lUVic; ro. . noriuern, mmvic No. 3 spring, BG'iftCIUc. (TOIIN 3iiie. OATS-25ft'26c. MIlYVitiiUee (Srnlu Mnrkrl, MIIAVAIIK HI3. Jan. 10.-WHKAT-Dull No, l nortlioru, 774T77Ho; No. 2 northeni 71H4175.. UYK-FIrm: No. 1. rXfiCtHc. IIAHLKY Quiet; No. 2, t)ft"Glc; sample 4at0VC. I'eorlii liirl(et. PKOItlA, Jnn. 10,-COHN-Innctlve; No 5. SfiUe. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, 2fic, blllol I lirnlli-lt. WHISKY-On tho basis ot 11.27 for fin ished goods, I'lilliiilelitliln Priidiice ?ilnrkrl. PHILADHLPHIA, Jan. lO.-HUTTKU- Dull. unchuiigtd; fancy wrsturn creumery, Kiel fancy wesiern prims, vie, ):aas-Finn, 1" lilgher. fresh nearby fresh wettern Hint fresh southwestern, 2J" lrsli Kontbertt. 20i' CHUIsaU-Btcudy; New York full creams ffilipy Btnall. llKTiiici New York full creams, fair to choice, lOmm'.ic .MOVK.MK.Vrs OP tT(IClCS AM) 1HINIJS. Speculnllon ('out Iimich on the Vmu mill Slocks (lo mill Loiter. NIOW YOltlv. .Inn. 10 TlinrA rvntt n de cided further fullltiR off of activity of tho tradliiR In stocks today nnd prices fell back very Rcnerally throuRhout the list. Thero were abortive efforts to contlnuo the ml vance, both nt the openlnR and at different times diiritiR tho day, but the market did not at any time show any decided strength, 'the most that the bulls were able to achieve was to check tho reactionary ten dency. Tho pressure to sell wns much relaxed during tho latter part of the day and the (lemnnd to cover from the shorts lifted the level of prices considerably above tho low est. The spurt In I.oulsvlllo Just at the cioso on mo mcrense on the dividend rato helped thu market somewhat, iillhouRh thero was no Renernl response. Tho clos ing was. In fnct. decldedlv unsettled nnd nt it substantially lower level of prices. The first movement of tho bulls wns In the southwesterns nnd some of the specialties, iiieiiKiinR jexus m j'nclllc, union racitic, Southern Pnclllc. Delaware .t Hudson, Peoples Ous and Western t'nlon. The last named stock was tho only one of tho group which showed sustained strength, with mi extrcmo uilvnnco of nearly 3 points. Mis souri Paclllc was marked up nt one time to f7, but fell back below S3 In tho sharpest reaction of tho day. still Inter thero was n movement In the tobacco stocks, which parried Continental and American Tobacco up 3 points, Ten nessee Conl 44 nnd General Klcctrlc M4, but the general disposition to realize protlts nnd the rather vigorous attitude of tho Honrs frustrated all attempts to advance tho market. The rather sharp break In St. Paul of IK, nnllits nt tbn onenlni; bud it decidedly disturbing effect on speculative sentiment nnd soma of tho oilier stocks which hnvo been tho subject of tho most persistent stories of Inclusion In vnst con solldutlous wcr also quite ncutely nffcoted. i no reported (iiscinimcrs oy tno nnanciers rnncorned of nnv of Ihu stories which have. been clrculnted regarding those combina tions novo in on totanv usreariieii neie toforo bv tho snei'iilallvn rtenient. but something llko conviction wns borno In upon them today, and wlillo the nellet was tiuafTecteil that something very Itnpor tnnt had been Kolng on In St. Paul and III other railroad ouarters. tho snectiliitors nwoko from tho renllzntioti thnt tho elaborate detnlls published from tlmo to thin, wero based on vorv lllmsv evldeiicn nml that they do not know much about tho actual transactions. The extreme de cline in St. Paul was fi'J and It reached from 1 to 3 points In practically every Im portant stock In the list. The Krlcs, the Headings, tho graiiRcr. Pennsylvania nnd tho Pncltlcs were most nffecleil. Iltihhcr preferred broko Vt points, Tressed Steel Car 4(j and the preferred 11. The hears wero timid, however, about presshiR their advantage. This element Is so eager to discount ttie exported reaction that they keep the market well tilled wllh short accounts, ami upon any considerable rcnctlon Ihey begin to buy eagerly to cover. Tho existence of Ihe persistent short In terest is a material ractor III the resisting power of tho market. It nlaved Its nart in effecting the rally from the extrcmo low point. After the llrst drop In prices and tho dlslodgliiR of the weaker speculative ac counts tnere wan n decided railing ore In tho pressure of liquidation, which added much In the timidity of (ho bears. The rally extended to 2'i in St. Paul, 2i4 In Frio llrst preferred, 2i In Delaware A: Hudson and between 1 and 2 points In quite n Hum ber of stocks. Tho marked feature of tho trading after, the heavy selling ceased was tho dullness nnd sluggish movement of prices. Prices of bonds moved Irregularly In fiyiupnthy with stocks. Total shares par value, Hloo.("i. t'nlted States refunding 2s advanced 2',i III the lust call. The following are tho closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: itchlsou 43tf do pfd Mild Wabash .... 901,4 do pfd . '.U'- Wheel, ft L, do pfd Iialtlmoro & O.. . 27A4 . 2.st! . 15Vj . Ill JIM . wi?; .145 .175 anadlaii Pnc U hii:u!h So 'lies. K- Ohio.... , Tu do 2d pfd.... 30 Wis. Celitrnl . 10' National Tubo lllVi do pfd 2Mi II. & O. pfd..., iV,'i4Adnms v.x Bl',4 American Kx.. 171i C. S. Kx Chicago It. W... C. H. .t O Chi. Ind. L.... do pfd Chi. iv 13. Ill X- N. W It. 1. & P.... r.s 125 Wolls-Fnrgo WX..130 C. C. C. & St. L. Colorado So 7."',4Amer. Cot. OH... !HV4 lit, lilt pill 42,4 Amer. Malting 10V, do pfd ,UV4 Amer. S. & It. t'l't i do pfd 81 do 1st pfd tin 2d ttfil 4i 20 57 fii'.i I?U 121 S7Va Del. it Hudson.. Del. L. W Denver ,fc It. O., 31 Amer. Spirits . do pfd Srlo dq 1st pfd it. Nor. Jifd "do pid 27i Amer. S. Hoop. . 4 '.ft do mil 19014 Amer. S. & AY.. Hocking Coal ... Vo I do ptd.. locking Valley.. Illinois Central.. Iowa Central ... . i;U Amer. Tin Plate, my 132V4 do pfd J) . 2J',i Amer. Tobacco. . 51 I do pfd . 12 Anne. Mln. Co... .110 Itrooklyn It. T. .SID U'olo. Fuel & I., . 90'4 Con. Tobacco . . , . ICVjl do pfd .If,;;? Federal Steel ... . ir.'ni do pfd . is .Con. Hleotrlo ... .103 loiucoso Suar ... . sr.'.K1 do pfd . 4J-VInter. Paper . Jfi'-4l do pfd . ITVLncledo Oas .153 iNatlouat Lead . Mm do pfd .11 174 .139 . 4tf4 . . 624 4314 . !5V4 . 55t . 77U .190 . 49 W W .. IK . W do nfd Lnko 13rlo & W. do ptd Lake Shoro L. & N Manhattan L.... Met. St. lty Mvs. i:entrai ... Minn. & St. L... do nfd Mo. Paclllc Mobile & Ohio.. M., K. K- T do nfd N. .1. Central ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk & W.... 4:;7n National Steel 40!4 9i S'a do nfd 8.' do pfd No. I'aclllc M,4 ?1. . 42 70 .1 is- , 3M4 , 71 v4 , 13 N. Y, Air Ilrnke.lM do pfd No. American 19U. Ontnrlo & W.... I'aclllc Coast .. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Paclllc Mall Peoplo'H Oas .. Pressed S. Car. .. m . 92 . 05V4 ,. 11 ..101 .. 151.4 "Ore. lty. & Nnv do nfd Pennsylvania ... Kenning do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd do pfd 7ti Wo O. W , Iki Pullman P. Car..l9S do nfd S. It. fc T 5 St. L. & S. F 23S Sugar .1.18 .UK-)4 . 5, . 13H . 7.r- . 19V1 . ooh . Mi . 91 . 1514 . C2Vi . 67li do 1st pfd do 2d nfd dii pfd . 50',? Tenn. Coal & I., U. S. Leather ., do pfd U. S. ltubbcr ... do pfd Western Union. A mal. Copper .. ltepubllo 1. & S. do pfd P. C. C. & St. 1 St. L. Southw.. do ntd . 49Vj .15214 .191 .lit St. Paul do pfd St. P. Omaha. So. Pacttle . 421 So. Unltwny . 2114 . 72 do ptd I'ex. & Paclllo.. Union Paclllc ... . Kit I3x-dlvldend. Nominal price. Commercial Advertiser's London financial cnblegram: Tho market hero was Irregular today and thero was evldouco that Interest Is passing from American ticcurltlcs to those of thu homo market. Americans began heavy and after dis playing 11 Hardening lenuency nrolio sharply on reports of the Now York open ing prices, hi. i-aui inning u poiuis in llvo minutes. Hrles und Northern I'aclllcs wero also adversely affected, tho last mentioned being received from Uerlln on pnvntn cables, Intimating that the lllll ileal is not roiiir quite as was expected. Tho close was tl.it and disheartening. Discounts wero hlsher. affected hv ves. terday's rlso In Paris, while tho bank beRan borrowing on consols. Money, however, was plentiful, ns the bank returna showed repayment ny me m.in.ci 01 xj.vu.w) These, however, were ansorned by money returning 10 1110 pruviiiccu, leaving tno muri:ct uaiunees unimproved. im York Honey Market. SEW YOI1K, Jan. 10.-MON13Y-OH call Rtendy nl 2liftl,4 per cent; last loan, 2? per cent; prlmo mercantllo paper, 414(5 per cent. STHItLINO I3XCIIANC,r3Flrm. with n.e. tu til bUHiiiess In bankers' bills nl 11.87 for demand and ut n.Muiii-i.wvi tor sixty days; posted rates, $4.S3Wft'l.84 and ll.8714ffl.8S; conimerclal bills. 4.S214(ifl.82. S1LVI3H CprtllUntes, GUsftOJo; bar, C3?4c; Mexican dollars, 491bC llONDStiovernment, strong; stnte, Innc- tlvr; rnuroaii, irregular. Tho closing prices 011 bonds todny are as follows; V. S. rcf. 2s rcg.lOi'Al N. J. C. gen. Cs..r." 1H1i No. rnclllc 3s ... 71 do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do now 4s, reg do coupon do old 4s, reg.. do coupon do 5s, reg do coupon D. of C. 3 t'.3s.... Atch, gen. 4s... . do adj. Is Cannda So. 2s... C. & O. 114s do 5h C. & N. W. 0. 7s do S. I'', deb. Chicago Ter. 4s. liiOl'j do 4s 1013-4 .110 N Y C & a L IS..111S .13714 N. & i. con. Is., rmii .iji'.u urogon niiv. is. ..109 .111 do Is 10'I ill urcgon H. L. 8s..l?9 112 ,112 T.j ,WVt , 80 .109 ill, r.ntianl Ra :. in.. ll n O. V In (nl Si L it T M c. 58.11114 ii ; a i' g. lis.r'i'j 1011 ,1 HI. 1'.. l K- 1 lM 11 J.I .12o'4 do 5s km' .1391aSo. Iaclfli' 4s 831, .ijj bo. iiauway os...U2ii . 9?14 S. P.. & T. fis 7014 Coin. Ho 4s D. & 11. O. Is.... 13rlo general ts. F, W. K- D. C. Is Oon. Klectrlc Bs L. & N. tint. 4s.., M.. K. & T. 2s.. , do 4s N. Y. C. Is . ' 1111 ii,, . si'i Union Pnc. 4s. ...10,1 7S Wnbash Is lis Kt5 do 2s Kiiii p:lliiYeBt Shoro 4s. ..1111 77'4 wis. Central Is., ft 9S Vu. Centuries ... w 10f,l(, Hunk Clciirlitiis. NKW YOUK. Jan. 10.-KxchnnReB, 1333, 1W.231: balances. 116.1S9.604. I1ALTIMOHI3. Jan. W.-Clonrlngs, 11,1,0, 100; balances, Jl.frfVl.MK). P1IILADI3I PHIA, Jnn 10.-CIcarlnRU, ;i...-.i. t ; iiaiiiiiccs, 1. 1., .'..1. CIIICAC.O. Jnn, 10. Clearlncs. 12' 931,103; balances, 12,122,707; posted exchange, $4.M14tN S7Wi New York exchange, 10c pre mium. ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 10.-ClenrlliRS, 15,96.1.277! balances, 1615,fi9i); money, Sgfi per cent, New York exchange, 15c premium bid; 25o pre mium nsked. IIOSTON. Jnn. 10.-Exchnngcs, 124,873,519; balances, l,DS0.43l. CINCINNATI, Jnn. 10. Money, 30(5 per cent; New York exchange, 2214c premium. Cleurlngs, 13.434.MO. Iloslou stock (inotnllons. UOSTON, Jnn. 10. Call loans, 4I?G pet cent; tlmo loans, 4y4l4 per cent. Official closing: A.. T. & S. V.... do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel Boston Xc Alb'y. Itoflton Flevnted Hoston & Mo.... C, H. & Q Dominion Coal . do pfd Federal Steel ... do pfd Fltchburg pfd... Con. Klectrlc .. do pfd Kd. lilec. Ill Mex. Central ... N. 13. O. C... Old Colony Old Dominion .. ltubbcr t'nlon Pacific ... IPnlon Land . 2?4 . 9Jl,3 . 51 .10114 . fit . 1014 . 91 14 . 2714 .315 . 7S .MO . 23 . 50 . sc"4 . 4f't .175 . I'Vj .53-t . 3:1 R!i :4J!t Mi',4 West Lnd .13314 Westlngh. Elec. IIS Atchison 4s...... 59?i N. 13. O. & C. 6s 252 Adventuro 159 Am.il. Copper ... 191 Atlantic HP 'Hoston & Mont. 3714 Hiltte Hoston ins .Cat. & Hecln ... , 55 ICcntontilnl , 754 Humboldt ,i;w Osceola 1SP14 Parrot l.v: (julnoy ,217 'Santa Fo Cop.. , 15 Tamarack 13 Ptiih Mining ... ,L03 Winona 31'i Wolverines ltn,.,.i,.ii 114 Hlnghiun M. Co S3 'Asked. I.oniloii Stnek (luo(n(lotis, LONDON, Jan. 10. I p. m.-C!oslng: Con, money., do account Atchison Canadian Pnc. So. Paclflo Loillsvlllo I'nlon Pne. pfd N. Y. Central .. 97 3-l(!i:rle VU. .. 9."- do 1st pfd r.v .. 47 Peniisylvniila .... fit .. fl'i Heading lii4 .. 57 No. Paeltle pfd... J914 .. 91 (Irnnd Trunk .... 7 .. tMi Anaeondn ..150 llimd Mines .'t7 SILV13II Hnr. steady nt 29M per ounce. MONI3Y 214P3 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 4iMU per cent; threo months' bills, 4 1-16 per cent. Ximv York" Minim Slocks, Ni;w YOUK. Jnn. IO.-TI10 following are quotations on milling stocks: Adams Con Allen Ilrecco Uriinswlck Con... Comstock Tun.. Con. Oil. Vn... Deadwood Terra Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvlllo Con... 20 15 ii) 23 I 225 5.-1 HO t.2 r. Little Chief ... .. tfi . .t!") ... Ki .. 10 ... 17 .. r. ... 3.1 ... tl'l ..400 .Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ., Standard I'orelixit I'litnuclnl. LONDON. Jnn. 10.The weekly statcmiU of the Hank of Kngland i.hows the follow ing changes: Total reservo, Inerensed Cl. 073,000: clrculitlon. decreased Jt72ii00ii, bnj. lion, Increased 170,438; other srcurltlei, de creased 3,514,000; other depinlts. ileereai"it ,t33,oi)0; public deposit'-., ileetvased 127.0C0; notes reserve. Increased Cl.CS.Oo); govern ment securities, decreased .t4.0n0 The pro portion of the Hank of F.ngland's reserve to liabilities ts 30.91; last week It was 32.15. Hate of discount unchanged at 5. PAIHS. Jan. 10. Tho weekly stntement of tho Hank of France shows tho following cl'iinges: Noter. In circulation, decreau'd lOLMOjmof ; treasury accounts current, de creased 32.P25,lioof : gold In liauil, Inerensed fi.5o0.000f; bills discounted, decrensed lOJ.SOO. OOi'f: sliver In hand. leerea?'d 82.t,O0ilf. HI3IILIN, Jan. 10. The weekly r.tutpmnnt of tho Imperial Hank of (lermany shows the following changes: Cash In hand, In creased 31,10.fnp0m: trensiiry notes, i'i ereased 9S0.CKXim; other securities, decreased 123.740,nonm; notes In circulation, dccrcns"l 100,7 10,000m. LONDON, Jnn. 10. Money was easy today. It was believed tho Hank of Kng land Is taking uteps to reduce tho floating supply, but this probably will prove a diffi cult undertaking with such a plcthroa. Dis counts wero steady. Outsldn of tho Ameri can department tho operations on the Stock evchnnge were featureless, the approach of tho settlement restricting transactions. Americans opened dull, reacted, hardened fluctuated and closed weak and Irregular, with some further declines, After regular Stock exchange hours thero was a growing disposition towards profit-taking. Grand Trunks were lower, the trnlllo returns being less fnvorahle than had been expected, this being attributed to tho Inclusion of western receipts, Oold bnrs were quoted In tho open mar ket nt 77s 10-4d nnd American eagles nt 76s 614(1: Spanish 4s, 70id. PAHI8, Jan. 10. Prices 011 the Rourso today opened tlrmer'iiind Inactive. Spanish 4s attracted attention, hardening Inter. Tho weakness of tractions and Industrials af fected tho mnrket generully. Aftorwnrd they recovered nnd closed undecided, Three per cent rentes lOlf 7114c for the nccount. Kxchnngo on London, 25f 11c for checks; Spanish 4s, 71.25. HI3ULIN. Jan. 10. Intcrnntlnnals wero In good demand on tho Hoursn today. Home funds recovered nml Americans wero wenk. Cnnndlan Pacllls were stendy. Locals hardened somewhnt on bear covering. Dis count rates, short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills, 3sii per cent. Condition of the Trcnsnry. WASHINC.TON. Jnn. 10. Tho statement of the treasury balances In tho general fund, exc'uslvo of tho 1150,000,000 gold re servo In the division of redemption, shows: Avnllablo cash balance, 1112,250,433; gold, 190,428,314. Cotton ):nrkel. NI3W YOUK. Jan. IO.-COTTON-C011- slderltiR tho ir.cagerncss of speculation tho cotton market today rnado si mo pretty fair iiiiciuiiiions, wiinoui, uowavcr, snowing material net changes. The opening was steady, with prices 3 points lilgher to 1 point lower, Mid for 11 brief period held tho advanco on pupport from sherls, who took jirollts. Hut tho cables from Liverpool wero bearish, whllo tho movement iouth fallal C Keep within tho estimates, Llquld.itloii soon gained iiieeeuence una prices siowiy fell nway until it net loss of 5 points was In evidence. For tho rest of tho forenoon tho market wns fctblo and, to nil appearance,, drctltuto of lecuperntlve erergy. Yet lm mediately followlnc tho noon hour tho rumors that tomorrow's receipts would fnll inr neiow 1110 iiRiirca OMimnieu, wnien, with New Orleans buvlnc. c.imr In fnlr do- lnand. Tho advices from New Orleans nnd Houston conllrmed tho rumors nnd ruvo the market additional strength, whllo nt the same time stimulating buvlnir for n ilse. During tho rest of tho nfternoon tho tluctuatlons In prlco wero small and nut Indlratl p of dull aggression. Tho cloro wus Etendy. with prices lf8 polnls niirner. wpni closed uuii; tuiiiiiiiiig uplands, lOl'.c; middling gulf, 3'se; sales, 20 bales Futures closed quiet nnd rleadv: Jununry, 0.S5c; l'ebruary, 9.G0p; March, 9.65e; April, 9.51c: May. 9.52c: Juno. 9.49c: July. 9.45c: August, 9.17c; September, S.CSc; October, "N13W ORLEANS. Jnn. 10. COTTON Steady: sales, l,2i bales; ordinary, 8e; good nidlnarv, Sic; low middling, 9'Je; middling, (.)v; good middling. OTif. m'ddllug fair. 10 5-1io; receipts.. 7.392 dales; stock. 371. KJ bales. Future stendy; Jnnunry, 9.55T9.50-; Fcbrunrv. 9.51fi9.53c: March. 9.4SW9.4le: April, fl.45tj9.l9e; May, flMiO-ICc; June, 9.43ij) :.w, .liny. :i.4."iiu.iic; August, iryj.iuo Sep tcmber. K.4fifiS.lSc. ST. LOC1S. Jnn. 10.-COTTON-Stcarty snles, nono reported; middling-. 9;ic; re celpts, 5T.S bales; shipments. 3,9:0 balls stock, 76.303 bales. OALVF.STON. Tex., Jan. 10.-COTTON-Kasv. 9 ll-1fip. LIVRItPOOL. Jan. lO.-f'OTTON-Spot. fnlr demand. 3-32d lower; American mid dllng fair, 53l-32d; good middling, 521-3'd; middling. 5 9-lCd; low middling, 5 13-32d; p-nnfl nrdlfinrv K K.!1,! nrillmirv J "fl.TM Tho sales of tho day were 8,060 b.iles, of which 500 wero for speculation and export and Included 7.000 American. Hccelnts. 5.(0) bales, Including 4,0)0 American. Futures. opened and closed quiet; Jnnunry. 5 2S-G41f r.Vli-fitd, buyeis; January and February, 5 2iWUd. sellers: February nnd Mnreh. 5 23-fild, sellers; March and April, 5 3.tW ii2l-(d(l, sellers; April nnd May. 0 IB-Bid, sellers; May nnd June. 5 15-fi45 lCCtd. sell, ers; Juno and July. 5 i2-i'difT5 13-ftld, buyeis; July and August. 5 09-04175 10-Gld, buyer.-t; Auiiust and Sentember. 4 CD-Olff I a)-64d. buy- ers: October, 1 42-Ctd. nominal; October nnd November, t ."u-oui, nominal. Sugar Market. NUW OULKANS, Jnn. 10.-SL'OAJt- Strong; open kettle. avtv& open kettle, centrlfugnl, 3l3-10tflHc; centrifugal yellow. wTac: Beconus, jtiiiniic. ..ioiasses, steady open kettle. 2230c; tentrlfugul, SQ21e; syrup, ioii.wc. NF.W YOUK, Jan. 10. - StJOAU - Itnw quiet; fnlr rellnlng, 3'(,c; centrifugal, 9(1 lest. 41e; molasses sugnr, 3Hc; retlned. Arm nnd lllRhcr; No. fi, 5.50o; No. 7, 5.45c ; No. 9, 4 SOc; No. 10, 4.75e; No. 11, 4.70c; No. 12, 4.J5o: No. 13, 4.B5o; No. H, 4.00c; Btandard A, 5.40c; confectioners' A. 5.40c; mould A. 5.90e; cut loai. i.uv; criisneu, n.iuc; powdered 5.70c: gninulitted. 5.00c: cubes. 6.850. Mo, lushes, steady; New OrlentiH open kettle, good to choice, kihoc. I'.t niMit'iiled nnd Dried I'riills. NKW YOUK. Jan. 10. KVAPOKAT13D A PPLKS Cholco nnd fnne.v grades exnerl enced a good demand at fully sustalnf-d prices: prime nlso held steady, with tho get eral undertone qjlto llrm In sympathy with favornblo country ndvnnces; common state wns quoted nt 31W4c; prime, 6tiuHC choice. tMihlc: fanev. fi'fl7p. CALIFORNIA DKIKD FUl'ITS-tnuptlvo but easy, prunes were quoted nt 31f)8Vje per in., as to size ana quniiiy, Aprirots Ilonl, "MU2c; Moor Pnrk. SUffflSe, rcacnea, peeled, llQlbc; unpceicd, oisyioc. OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Otitis Eeccipti Light and Fricei Improred Fire to Ten Oenti. HOGS AT HIGHEST POINT SINCE LAST MAY Xnt Hnottglt Nhrcp on Snle lo Slnke a Good Test of the Mnrket, but 4Vhnl Were Offered llroitght About Stendy 1'rlcrs, Itecelpts were: Olllclal Monday ... Olllclul Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Olllclal Thursday , Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. .... 1,451 4,2M 4,019 .,..3,213 10,471 6,:3o l.itii 11110 tour weens HRO..n,iJi "'iv' w,- AVPrilVA li.ln- .... l.l knnd f fir lllO PAflt several days, with comparisons: 1 ijo. amis.i.iisM.iisojjiw Dee. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 'I 4 4 09 e,ai -! 7.7315 553 Four days this week 9,lfi2 31.317 12.ii8 Sumo days last week.... 7.811 1,049 i.l07 Same duys week before.. 4,578 15,620 -'.L,1 Same threo weeks ugo.. S,979 38,423 i.- a 3 951 3 27 3 24 4 01 3 30 3 29 3 20 3 31 3 93 3 31 3 92 3 28 3 94 3 28 3 33 4 01 3 82 3 2S 4 02 3 31 3 24 4 01 3 37 3 21 3 47 3 26 4 11 3 50 4 09 3 44 3 30 4 14 3 48 3 50 4 lli 3 43 3 30 4 14 3 45 3 31 3 51 3 35 4 21 3 42 4 33 3 67 4 29 3 57 3 48 I 27 3 44 3 41 4 37 3 47 3 38 4 35 3 48 3 39 3 42 3 40 4 34 3 43 4 3S 3 45 4 35 3 50 3 43 3 17 3 27 3 17 3 48 3 16 3 3b 3 18 3 31 3 32 3 17 3 27 3 14 . 3 17 3 2i 3 19 3 3t 3 20 3 30 3 38 3 38 3 If ' . 3 15 3 41 3 17 3 39 3 18 3 40 3 17 3 43 3 46 3 25 3 61 3 27 3 2!" 3 53 3 IS 3 4 3 12 3 4'i 3 11 3 M 3 51 'I A 4 13 4 13 4 07 4 U 4 16 4 II 4 13 4 17 4 13 4 13 4 13 4 23 4 22 4 16 4 OS 4 11 4 16 4 10 4 (0 4 II 4 09 1 it:8 lice. 7 i 4 804 4 S.ST4 I S2".; 4 7fiV 4 8uk Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. Dec. 2S.. 29.. 30.. 31.. 1 . .1.. 4.. 6.. C... . . . R... 9.. 10. Dec. Dec. Dec. Ja it. Jan. Jnn, Jnn. Jan. Jan. Jan. 4 9OI4' 4 9 14 5 02 i 5 oii;' 5 51. Jnn. I 6 05il r, 11 1 Jan. Jnn. 5 25UI Indlenten Sundny: indicates holiday. Tho ulllclal niiniher of cars of Btoclt brought lu today lty each roai was: Calt e. HoKt.atfP.UTH. c. m. .1- Ht. P. lty :i n o it St. L. Itv 1 2 Missouri Paclllo lty 1 i; 20 5 20 "l VI 12 S 1 t't.lon Paclllc system.... 7 C. & N. W. lty 1 1. 12, & M. V. It. II 13 S. C. .t P. Itv 1 c, hi. I.. m, .;. u. ny, h. & m. it. it. n , II It 5 c , H. & o. Hy C. It. I. fc P., east It. I. P.. west Illinois Central 1 Totnl receipts 00 101 The dlsnorlllon of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tno num ber of head indicated. Iluvers. Cuttle. .... nt .... H3 .... 100 Hogs. Sheep. (mmlia Packing Co... 1.253 O. II. Hammond Co Swift and Company Ciidahy Packing Co l.ffll 1,479 1,230 1.IIS 659 6C0 601 120 Armour & Co Armour & Co.. Sioux City It. 1 looker & Degan Vnnsnnt ti Co MiCreary & Clark Livingstone .t Sehnller .. Hnmllton & Itothschlld... L. F. Husz I l.Mi 16 43 :ts 35 117 Other buyers Totals 1.129 7.07O 003 n . ,t,n, 1- tl. ...no n 1 1 r 1 1 1 fllll lf Cllltln 1 1.1'. 1 lirtc- vin , ,...v ..... ... here todav. and. as packers nil had liberal !., in tin them were hardly enough cattlo to ro around. The market started out uouvc ami niiuiiKei tt ......t, sold In Rood season. Beef steers of Rood quality wero ready sellers this morn ng at prices fully a dlmo higher. Tho less desira ble, grades also Joined In tho advanco owing to tllO IIKIIl Sltppiy tltlll HI", limine ..o .w wiiole could safely be quoted strong to 11 dime higher than yesterday. Tho cow marKci mso iimn mi nimu than It has had for somo tlmo past and tirlces .vero strong to a. dlmo higher all around. Tho greatest ndvunco wns on the choicer bunches, but tho medium kinds nnd tho dinners nlso sold strong to 11 dlmo higher than the same kind of cattlo brought .... 1.... -....t.,.- Ittn tnu ..little nil sale nnd tlio active demand the market soon came to n close for lack of stuff to sell. HllllS. pniVOS aim tiutgn um mi """" much change though sellers had no dlf ticniiv in netting fully steady prices for their holdings. Thero wero oniy a iew iraucra n piiiu . , , .1 ....... ...I .1 1 11 nmnln In 1 fi lrrt looay tiini inu in iin.nu "" I"" ' nil that wns offered at stendy to strong over, aro hcUUir in Kood Bhnpn nnd today , . .ln.,il,l,i n.iiilnii until .i-ltl.- even 1110 icm urniiiiinu ." . ...i. ,iim1lt, ut anttnriielnrv nrlres. lllll tiiuu-ii utiii." , Thero Is n pretty Rood demnnd now for cholco sho stuff und prices strengthened up u llllio xottay uu umv v.. a.M... rescntatlvo rales: l3i;i-;i' Hiwtiiia. Av. Pr. No. Av. It ... 490 2 73 9 1006 4 3." ....970 3 50 12 1091 4 33 .... 730 3 V) 24 1232 1 40 ...1080 3 85 11 1197 I 10 ,1(io3 3 90 21 1117 4 40 ....1063 3 90 14 1095 4 60 . 1120 4 10 9 965 4 00 i.,.1010 4 20 17 1072 I 00 it.:-. .1 't !) 1115 1 65 No. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3 18 1270 4 25 16 1260 4 75 o JI36 4 23 18 1313 6 00 3 ... 926 4 25 12 1311 5 05 3 I'hO 4 2 j STI313IIS-T13XAS. ...10S5 4 13 42 1138 t 75 I 80 C 00 3 nr. STKEIW AND HEIFERS 901 i an 13. 1113 1156 .'950 845 4 60 21... ..1101 COWS. 1 50 ::. ..1006 ... 106.3 2 00 3... 12;;; n 3.'.'.' fi... 3... l!! 10... :t... 1... 2... 3... 10... 1... 1... 1... 12... 6... 12... 1... 1... 10... 6... 1... 4... 12... 1... 14... 1... 3.., 17... O ixi! i... o... i.., 13.., 6... 1... 4... 3 (if. 1.. 1.. 1.. , IKK) 2 0) .1150 3 10 K30 2 25 ..1100 3 10 ....1000 ..1010 3 10 13.. .... SM .... MCi .... 820 .... SW ....1035 .... i70 .... 930 ....1001 ....1090 ....1032 .... 992 .... 817 ....1033 .... 820 .... 930 ....1180 ....1151 ....1070 .... 99J ....1130 .... 8-16 ....1020 ....1083 ....1300 ,...1U5 ....1012 '.ISO 1200 ,...1035 USD ....1000 1000 1060 ....115S .... 910 ....1062 900 1430 2 15 2 23 o t5 2 25 2 35 2 .15 2 10 2 40 2 60 2 65 2 00 2 1 5 2 75 11 " 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 10 2 80 2 S3 2 85 2 fS 2 90 2 SJ'J 2 ID 2 00 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 HO 3 (Ii) 3 I HI 3 00 3 00 3 U0 3 ill 3 U) 3 00 ....1210 ....1186 ....1220 ....1165 ...Mm ....1033 ....1210 ....1220 ....1140 1250 ,....1011 ,....1200 ,....1000 970 10S7 .... 9S2 ,....1013 ,.,..1210 ,....1060 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 13 3 15 3 20 II 20 3 20 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 23 .'I 25 3 25 3 30 3 .15 1... 11... 6... 4... 11... Ii... 6... 1... 1... 1... ti... 1... 7... 1... 3... 1... '.'.'. 4... 3 35 .1120 3 35 .1028 3 40 1080 3 10 3 43 ...1157 ...121S 3 43 :: -is 3 50 ...1210 ...1250 12... Ii... 1... 4... 1... 1... 1... 1... 6... 1... S... 10... 1... 1... ...1130 ...1190 3 50 :: 50 ...1126 3 65 ...1100 3 00 ... 9SI ...1480 ...1000 3 t5 ...1230 3 75 3 75 ...1126 ... 7IS ...1200 3 80 3 85 ...1180 :i no 1050 3 00 1.. 1390 4 10 COWS AND HEIFERS 750 3 5 912 985 990 3 tO 3 65 3 65 13.. 896 1057 10!7 ;i 60 16... :i 65 HEIFERS. . 855 . 560 . 650 .1010 2 75 .... 990 ... 922 .... !tS0 .... 876 ,...1180 ... 822 90 ...1070 .... 822 ....1400 ....1100 ....1220 ....1490 ....1650 ....1410 ....1780 ....1670 ....1070 .... 830 .... 800 ....1310 ....Hmo ....1160 ....1820 ....1320 .... 640 .... 80 .... 101 .... H3 3 73 3 75 .'I 75 3 !h) 4 00 4 00 I 00 1 HO I 20 3 27 3 .'. 3 25 3 3.1 3 55 3 40 3 40 .'I 40 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 SO 3 50 3 60 3 fi.', 3 80 6 60 6 () C 25 3 10 t , 10 21 , 1 , 28 21 1 -.1 3 25 3 35 , 470 , 700 ;: 35 , K0 3 50 850 6 1 80 1030 1360 1050 1370 120i) 1170 1210 1690 1920 .... '." i 1420 1610 lift) 3 65 UULLS." 2 60 2 75 2 85 2 90 2 90 3 I) 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 20 1510 20 4400 3 20 ii-. 3 20 .1235 3 25 CALVES. 210 260 , 290 4 1.) 1 . . . . 6 00 f;..,., 6 25 2..... b 1 Alia. 1?WI 3 ....1410 t '.en 3 15 1 1220 3 35 'TOC,,fl0C2WS ""ii.'.'lUiO 2 60 " 8() 2 65 .... 730 2 76 1 AND 4 3 3 115 .. 3 75 HEIFERS. 637 3 25 603 3 23 723 3 25 . ... 610 3 30 '''STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 1170 .1 HI 2 870 3 '5 1 1020 3 '!0 3 953 3 99 7 73S 3 "0 3 'W 3 PO 3 7W 3 10 13 6tvS 4 () 4 1027 4 00 21 940 4 05 3 400 4 33 26.., 12... I... 20... 19... 6... .. W4 3 !i5 "la n .1, uu e v . 670 3 tVi . tilO 3 75 . 678 3 75 . WX) 3 S STOCK CALVES . ISO 3 l0 10 405 4 00 t 260 3 60 t 280 4 60 i 470 n vr. 1 IOOS Thero wero nearly as many hogs on sulo todny mi yesterday and prices ad vanced shnrply. The market sturted out Just ubout a dime higher, with the bulk of tho sales at 15.22'fc and M.25, The de mand on tho part of puckers wns In good shape, but they did not llko lo Py tho advance nnd as a result the market wns not particularly active. Tho hogs kept moving to tho scales, however, and as sellers held for the full amount of the '"tvunco the packers had to pay It In order Jo tin their orders, The raiiRe for tlio bulk of tho early sates was 5.221i55.27's, with the long string nt H5.23. riiero was llttlo or no chungo lu the mnrket from start to finish, tlio Inst end lielng fully ns Rood, ulthough Chlcngo closed weak, with most of the advance lost. 1 ho top prlco of $5.30 was paid for n loud weighing 397 pounds. Iho market Is now nt the highest point since Muy I of last year, when the nverngo cost wns $5.26. Representative, sales: No. Av. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. IS 113 ... 4 TO 73 213 10) 5 25 110 157 80 6 10 63 291 ... 5 25 67 223 1 60 5 20 70 210 ... 6 23 .190 80 n 20 80 212 80 6 2ft 80 5 20 69 227 120 6 25 ... 5 20 til ffill 80 B 25 28. . . 28... 32... 37... 65. . . 9.1. . . 114.. 68... 85... 61... .217 .KS .2IS .2.16 40 ft 20 63 nW 80 5 25 6 2214 79 236 ... 5 25 .236 !55 160 5 22U 60 .22:1 120 5 25 ...IBS 40 6 Wij 75 22H 120 5 25 ...148 ...262 ...176 . . .285 ...321 . . .226 . . .269 ...193 ... e 2i 2 40 5 '."!"- 80 6 2214 280 5 2614 ... 621, 120 6 22U 200 5 22lj 40 5 22l.', 7S 202 40 5 Hi 61 260 ... 6 25 71 210 280 5 25 68 227 120 5 25 66 221 80 6 23 65 29S 40 6 25 72 228 ISO fi 25 lllO 170 ... 5 25 61.... 61.... 75. . . . 47.... 47.... 61.... 44.... 78.... 62.... 69.... 85.... 75.... 62.... 79. . . . 66. . . . 69.... 74.... SO. . . . 77. , . . 62. . . . 70. . . . 71.... . ..in iw it :'i'i,4 ..2.M ... 5 u'l, . .362 120 6 25 . .212 40 6 25 . .238 41 6 25 . .295 40 6 25 ..28(1 10) 5 a-, 72 23J ... b 2." 47 283 66 217 69 3o 57 207 69 317 SO 6 25 ... fi 25 40 fi 25 80 fi 25 . . 6 25 . . 5 25 IS 27 ..220 120 ..217 ... . .28.1 . . . ..JOS ... ..211 ... ..2iil ... 6 25 64... 66... 71... S6. . . 75... 77. . . 66... 7 7i.. . ! 77 . . . 76. . . fa... 60... 68... 65. . . 71... 65... 61. . . I?!. . . 71... 90... 64. . . 82. . . , 6. . . .235 120 6 25 ... 6 2.1 ... 6 2.-i ... 5 25 ... 5 26 ... 6 25 SO fi 25 80 6 25 40 6 25 ..256 ..2IS . .Sufi . .226 ..249 . .232 . .225 ..212 ..191 ..211 . .223 '" C HI- ' .'.-.i'J ... 2. 'j ... 5 27'a 40 fi 2714 SO fi 271a . . . fi 274 ... 6 27' 4 80 5 !!74 40 fi 27ia So 6 27j ..253 . .336 . .220 ..250 fi 25 . . .ni 4ii ; ..223 280 5 25 IWI WJ ll i.1 ..221 70 317 160 i 2i ..268 120 0 '.T'a 71 .227 2i) 5 25 276 85... 68... 40. . . 67... 21 t ... r. 25 . .23.1 120 f" r'i fi 27l!i .261 KK) f, 25 ..211 ..276 ..'.lit . .1-92 . 234 ..19 . .597 ,.225 ..260 ... fi 25 5 "5 'SO fi 25 'l6 6 27 r I 'i0 fi 25 80 5 2714 ... fi 274 80 5 .'71 j SO 5 2714 ... fi 27'S ... 6 30 . . . 6 '10 40 6 : ..219 ..210 . .255 ..231 ..291 ..235 ..318 0... 6'... 65... 61... 62... 67... ...it 6 25 SI ! KKPw Thnrn rn tr ntili 4 htrnr rum f if nheep on talo lodny, which was hardly enough to make a test of tic market. Thero wero two loads of ewes, which brought $3.50, lint they were hotter thnt; tho tines that sold yesterday for $3.10, so that the mark- could be quoted ns steady to strong. Thero win tii.-ii, ii niixeit lotto or nunve owes 'fin limbs, tho former selling nt $3.65. ami the lambs at $5.23. The demand for cholco stuff seoms to be in good shape, and buyers pick " tho bunches that nnswer to that descrip tion wiiiioui Hesitating. 'I hero wero no feeders on sale today to test the mnrket. quotations: Choice fed wethers, Jl.dOlf 1.35: fair to cood fed wethers. !1.S.-,lt lif : choice yearlings, $4.25fi 1.40; fnlr to good yearlings. $I.OO4.25; choice owes. $3 00i3.60; fair to good owes. St.00O3.S0: chiilcn spring lambs, J3.0Oii5.35; fair .o good spring lambs, $I.S5f'5.G0; feeder ewes. $2.25f3.00: feeder weincrs. ia.urtta.iii; reedcr minus, jl.ooift.io. Representative sales: No. Av, Pr. tio western ewes loo $3 M) 4i native owes 127 3 65 61 native Iambs 82 fi 25 23 feeder wethers 86 3 85 CIIICACO I.1VI3 STOCK MAIIKI3T. (.'ill (lo Strong; nnd lllixlier Hokn Clone Luc bunged Sheep Higher. CHICAOO. Jan. 10.-CATTL13 Recelnts. 8.000 head, Including G00 Texans: steers, strong to 15c higher; butchers' stock, tlrm; Tex-nns. 10c higher; good to prlmo steeis, $5.35(1.10; poor to medium, $3.60J5.25; stoclt ers nnd feeders, steady. $2.75'fi 1.40; enwit, $2.C5fd.25; heifers, $2.75fi,60; cunners. $2.00 fn2.C0; bulls. $2.75f(l.40; calves. $1.00fi0.25; rexas-fed steers. $l.l05i4.9O: Texas grass steers. $3.33l.60; Texas bulls $2.50(3.50. HOOS Receipts today. 30,000 head; to morrow. '.D.OUO head, estimated: left over. 7,000 head: opened 10c lilgher; closed with adviinco lost; top, $3.4714; mixed and butch ers', $5.15fi5.47l4; good to choice heavy, $5.30fiG.I714; rough heavy, $5.15fii5.25; light, $5.15JiC.42!4; bulk of sales. $5.205.35. SHEEP AND LAM 11S Receipts. 10,000 head; sheep and lambs steady to 10c, higher; good to choice wethers, $3.805-l.75; fair to cholco mixed, $3.503.85; western sheep, Ki.S5Tel.65: Texas sheep, $2.tWj3.60; untlvo lambs, $I.23J5.I50; western lambs, $5.0005,60. SI. Louis Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 10.-CATTLE Recelnts. 2.200 head. Including 1.200 Texans: market slow; native shipping anil export steers. JI.60Tifi.85; dressed beef apd butcher steers, $1,005)5.10: steers under 1.000 pounds, $3.00Ti 4.90: stockors and feedcrH $2.l3ff4.50; cows and heifers. $2.00T4.i55; dinners. $1.25Ti2.75; culls. $2.(ki(ii3.6,: Texans and Indian steers. $3.40T4.60; cows and heifers. $2.2503.5O. iiuus-neccipis. y.umi nenii; marKet inc higher: pigs and lights. $5.15Ti5.30: nnclters. $20!ii5.30; butchers. $5.20ffi5.7H. rtiu'.r.r ..u ita ueceipis, uu ncauj market strong: native muttons, $4.S5TiG.25; lambs. $I.35T4.75: culls and bucks, $2,754' 4.25; stockcrs, $2.7503.10. Knnsnn City Live Stnct: Mnrket. KANSAS CITV. Jan. 10.-CATTLI3-Re- celpts,, 4.:ifi0 natives, 20O Texans, 60 calves; market 10c higher: native beef steers, $4.76 Ti'5.40: stockers and feeders. J3.73Tcl.5o: cows and heifers. $3.255il,90; canners, $2.60ff3.00; fed westerns, $1.2jTi4,90; southerns, $3.73T( 1,25; calves, $l.50f(i.75; bulls, $3.O0f(4,15. HOOS Recelnts. I3.(ifl0 heat : market 1MT 15c higher: top, $5.40; heavy. t5.3OTI5.40; mixed packers, $5.25T5.35; llglit, $5.15Tiu.30; pigs, tl.n5T-5.00. Hliiiii'ir ahh iiA.il um Receipts, LHH) head: market steady: western lambs. $5.25 5?5.60; western muttons, tl.0OTM.40; western owes, $3.50U3.73; culls, $2.75Tj3.00. Sr. .loscpb Live Stock Market. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo Jan. 10.-(Spc-clal.) The Journal quotes as follows: CATTLE Receipts. J( head; markot weak; quality common; natives, $4.0OTj5.15; Texans nnd westerns, $3,33T5.0O; cows and heifers, $2.25jN.I0; bulls and stags. $2.10fi 4.65; yearllngH nnd cnlves ,$3.30TM.fiO; stock era and feeders, $3.00T4.33: venls, $.).50Ti6.25, IIOGS-Recelpts, ,ftj0 head; market 2M( 20c higher; all grades, t5.2OTf5.40: bulk ot sales. $5.25T?3.32!4; pigs lOo lilgher. SHEEP Receipts, 300 head; market weak. Neir York Live Stock Mitrkol. NEW YORK. Jan. 10.-I113EVES -Re-ctlpts, 310 head; no trading; fooling w?:ik, CALVES JUcelpts. 41 head; steady: veals, $l.fi0iS.3o; yearllngi, $1. SHEI3I' AND LAMMS Rcepts, 4.01 1 head; weak: bheep. $!.ftot t.C21i; lambs. t5.76 TiO.75; Cannda lambs, $6.50; exporta, 23 hem! ftheep. HOOS Receipts, 2,793 bond; 1 car one sale; feeling weak; pigs, choice. ?3.75. Slock lu Sight. FnllowlnR aro tho receipts nt tho four principal western markets for January 10: Cattle. Nors. Sheep South Omaha 1,467 7.736 639 ChlcnRO S.O00 30,(ni0 10.000 Kansas City 4,i) 13 000 l,6w St. Louis 2.200 O.OuO 600 Totals .16,267 61,236 12,559 Coffee Mnrket, NEW YORK, Jan. lO.-COFFEE-Futures opened steady, with prices DTflO points lower under local nnJ foulgn liquidation, together with bear pressure, founded in weak cables, from Hrnzlllan and Eurnpeu,i markets, lnrRcr receipts than expect"il. sliiRglsh export trade conditions, total ,ih senco of speculatlvo support and talk of li.-crensed shipments from Itrnzll. Rui-i I barely steady most of tho sesrlon. with shorts In control. Tho close wns steady with prices CT10 points net lower. To'al sales, 22,000 bngs. Including: February, 6 65c; Mnreh. 6.80c; Mny nnd Juno, SS't-, July, 5 S5?i5.90o; August, 5 90c; October and November, 6c; December, 6.05e. Spot. Mi, easy; No, 7 Invoice, 7'ic. .Mild, easy; Co.--dovn, STji21o. Dry ('ootlM Mnrket, NEW YORK, Jan. lo.Thero hns been no business of any moment today In tlio cotton goods division of Iho market here. Spot buhlnes has been Interfered wllh by bail wen I her. Tho tono Is without change and prices without quotable alteration. Print cloths Inactive at Fall River, but some out side business doing lightly under Fall River quotations for narrow odds. Oil it lid Ilortlii, OIL CITY, Fa . Jnn, lO.-OILS-Credlt bnl nnres, $125; certificate, no bids; runs, 108.. 631 bbls , average, 78.029 bbls,; shipments, 81.217 bbls.. nvernge, 90.618 bbls. NEW YOltlC, Jnn. 10,-OILS -Cottonnccd, 1 1120 3 50 2 855 3 60 firm; prime crude. 26f?re4cj prime yellow, IKjYI'tc. Petroleum, llrm. Rosin, steady; strained, common to Rood, JlGifLSO. Tur pentine, dull at 404fHM TOLEDO. Jnn lO.-OHS-Nortli Lima, 90c; South Lima nnd ltullatuu ti'. LIVERPOOL. Jan. in.-OtLH-Cottonseed, Hull relltied, spot, quiet nt 21s 01. Rosin, common, steady ut 4s lojid. Tallow, Austra lian, lu London, steady ut 27fl Od.' Linseed, 31s 3d. Wool .Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 10. AVOOl-Wenk; terrl tory and western medium, l7i? 17iC : Hue, 12V4(iTtte; coarse. l2'...ilSc. NO DEMAND FOR REVENGE American Msliinnry lltintdi lime .ot Altetiipleil to liilliience Policy Tint lint liilttn. NEW YORK, Jan. 10. -Rev. Dr. Avtliur J. Itrowii. otic of the sei-retnrlcs of the Pres byterian Hoard of Foreign Missions, re cently wrote lo President McKlnley re garding curront reports criticising tho m slonarles lu China for urging tho govern ment to what wns termed n revengeful policy townrds tlio Clilnese. Ho naked for information as to the mat ter. Dr. Itrown has given out a letter which Jin had received from Seeretnry Hay. The Brcretnry of stnlo snys that the presi dent had referred lo him the hitter ic crlvcd from Dr. Itrown and lie quoted from that letter n sctileneo to tho effect thnt If "any bloodthirsty coiuiuiiulrntloiis from missionaries havo been received at tlio White Hotiso or tho Slnto department It Is Important to know to whnt denomination fetich missionaries belong In order thnt no lnjustlrn ho done to Innocent parties." In his letter Secretary Hay says: Many worthy and estimable men hn'. written to tho department lu regard lo thu settlement of tho Chinese matter. No com munications, of this nature have been re ceived from tlio Rieat mission boards tr their uuthurtzzcil representatives. In di vidual letters hno been nddliyscd to mo by missionaries, nctlvo or relit cd, honestly nnd sincerely expressing their personal senti ments, to which the president nnd 1 nttuoli weight because the writers appear to halo ii useful knowledge of China nnd Its pon tile, so that no Information of this kind, ba-eil upon knowledge or belief. Is piiHSeil over. These coiiiinuulcatlims. like thoso we receive from moro or less well-liiformeil laymen, and like the utterances of popular sentiment In the press and tho conclusion! of the representatives of Hie powers lit Pekln, glvo widely various oplnfotls up ti ttii tlegreo of reparation and punishment deemed effective nml deterrent for tho tu tu ro. It Is not thought that at the present .luno turn any good can come from tho publica tion of Individual vlcus, wlmther moderate, or extreme. All alike have iilded this gov ernment in shaping Us own course mi as to glvo tho must hopeful practical effort to Its iletermlimllnii. long tiuce announced, to exact tho utmost nooo'intublllty of Ihu authors of the crimes whereby our citizen. have suffered lu China ulnl lo reach u set tlement, which shall n-curc the Rood order und Integrity of China, preserve Iho .liifct rights of foreigners in 1 1n empire, und prt' vent ll recurrence of the late disorder. TIM. HI. A LTV MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs day, Jnuuary 10: Wnr runty Deeds, M. R. Hatlroth and husband In John Cartano, wLj of c'4 lot 22 (M of Cali fornia streetil. ill 16-15-13 $ rO August Doll and wife to iKiulore nnd Samuel Soininer. lot 1. block 6, Horrs & ll.V add 1,4'JO CrelRhton university to St. John's) Roman Catholic church, lot 3, block 5. Sweesy's mid 2,000 F. W. Carmlchael and wife lo C It. van Nnstratid. jr., lot lo, block 11, Halcyon Heights 125 Totul amount of transfers t 4,023 JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER AND &HET IRON WORK Qrake, & Williams HttcccRsora Wllm & Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoka stacks and breechlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard and water tanks, boiler times con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold, Speclnl nnd prompt attention to rcpnlis In city or eountrv 19th and Plnrco. DRY GOODS. HE. Smith & Go. Importers nd Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Qoodt AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. VAcsfern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Electric Wiring Bells and Oas LIshtlB. O. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howard St, . SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Davis & Gowgil! iron Works. MANUFACTURERS AND JOnGERd OF MACHINERY. OSNERAIj nEPAIRINO A BPECIALTJ IRON AND URASS FOUNDERS. 1S01. inOll nnd inoti Jol;on Streat. Omaha, Srb. Tel. n.-. B. Zaljrlskie. Acent, J. B. Cowslll, Mir, ELEVATOii SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Cu ck and Kasy Rlslns Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators, AUTOMATIC HATCH GATES. Send for cataUiue KIMHALIj BROS.. COUNCU.ni.l'rFS. I. 100S 8th Street. 'lelephon 119. c H. Davis & Son Agents for Ibr Mtcluuomt fatvty l.atr anil l'lrr Doom. Elevator Hydraullo and IUnd Elfratori. Eluvator repnlrliiff a f,pccUlty. I.uather Volvo Cups for Elevators, Enclnes and rrlntliiB Prrssscs. GASOLINE ENGINES AND ELEVATOR MACHINERY David Bradley & Co. Council IHiilTe, lowii. Gasoline Ensiiies Vertical. Horizontal and Portable, from one homo power up Jobbers f AKrlcullura! Implements nnd nvcrythliitf ill wuttr, steam und i;an sup plies Dr. iKay's Ly ng Balm cures every lilnd of eoimh, In 1:1 Ippe, bronrhllls, Mire throat, croup, whooplni-cciu-li. etc. Novfj rirruncH theutcmucli. At DruujiutB, IO&Kk, JAMES E. BOYD & CO., 'IVIl'Illimil Klilll, (llllllllll, .Veil. COMMISSION, fillAIV, PIKIVISKINS nml yrOCKU, llniirit uf Triule, Corrf-pondi iui , John A Wurrcn ,i Co. Direct wires to C'hUagu und Now York.