Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Davis sells glann.
Davis sells Urugn.
"Mr. miry," 5-oent
Kino Missouri onk. Gilbert Bros.
Gas fixtures anil atolies at nixby's.
Fine A. U C. beer, Neumayor's hotel.
Wollmnn, sclentlllo optician, 409 IJ'd'y.
W, J. Ifostr-ttor, dentist, Ualdwln block.
Mooro's stock foqil kills worms, fattens
Schmidt's uli'otos gtluranterd to plrnso.
Urlnk HudwelS'jr beer. l. Rosenfcld, ngt.
Lcffcrt, Jewelor, optician. 23S llroadway.
Kino lino of plutlnotypcn nt Alexander &
Co.'h, 333 U'way.
W V Ornff, undertaker and dlslnfcctor,
101 South Main stiect 'Phono KG.
Oet your work dono nt the popular Eaglo
l.umdry, 721 llroadway. 'Phone 13".
W. C. Kstcp. undertaker. 28 I'enrl street.
Telephones: Olllco, It?; residence, 33,
Try our 2i)-ccnt tncnls. Lndlon' and Ocnts'
cafe, 11 llroadway. open all hours.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. V. I.. Kcrney of
725 Hlxth iivotitie yeHterclay, a daughter.
Morzan Klein, upholstering, fumlturo
repair!?, mattress muklns. 123 S. Main st.
Mac Ilanchctt left yesterday for OhlcitKo
to rosunio hlu studies at tho Chicago mil
vcrslty. MIkm's Klftv Ilullard nnd Polly Krb loft
CHtcrduy for I'lorro, 8. 1)., to attend tho In
augural hall.
Mr. Clay Plainer of Olen avrnuu, who
hns been seriously 111 for sotno time, Is re
ported convalescliiK.
A wnnt add In Tho Deo will brine results.
Tho snmo attention Riven to a want add in
Council Muffs as at tho Omaha ulllce.
Mrs. M. llensoro has been called to Jef
ferson, la., on account of a severe acci
dent which bnfell her brother, Frank Stake.
Sheridan coal, oner, tried always used.
Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur.
1'rlco $3, !.5Q. Friilon & Foley, solo nccnts.
Tim rentrnl tTnlverslly Kxtcnslon club
will meet tomorrow afternoon at the resl
tloucu of Mrs. Mark Williams on Madison
Cadets f. Poors Knhrcr and Pay lleards
ley left Saturday ovtmlllK for Mexico, Mo,,
to resume their studies at tho Military
academy then'.
Tho (Iracc Church Social club will ln
dellultcly postpone Its semi-monthly soclalH
owIiik t' tho serious Illness of tho daughter
or the rector, Hev. It. I.. Knox.
Tho regular meeting of muffs company
No. 27, I'nlform Hank Knights of Pythias,
will be held this evening In Hughes' hall
and the election of olllcers will tnko place.
Mrs. M. M. Jllllch of Cheyenne, U'yo..
has been called hero by tho serious Illness
of her stater. Mrs. Harriet Hhimrt, who Is
suffering from a severo stroke of paralysis,
Tho condition of W. W. Wallace of Hluht
treet was reported last evening to bo some
what Improved and. although In a
condition, tho physicians havo some nope
of his recovery.
Dr. V. I,. Trcynor Is on tho. program of
tlii Southwestern Iowa Medical associa
tion's meeting this week for a paper giving
tho result of bis observations In the recent
smallpox cases In this ilty.
Thi pollen Into Saturday night raided tho
premises at 1018 West llroadway, where a
crap game wa.i reported to be In progress.
Knur colored men wern arrested, who later
isnvo hall for their uppearanco In police
court this morning. They are charged with
Oeorgo L. Pcaslo'o of Portland. Ore., li
the guest of Captain Cleorgo Crano and
family of Park avunuo. Ho in on his way
homo from llurfalo, whero ho went In con
nection with his position as commissioner
from Oregon to ilio l'an-AinerlcuVi exposi
tion. Mrs. Marclo 1,. Tracy of Pino Illuff, Wyn
daughter of K. C. Clark of Council muffs,
filed January R. Tho funeral will bo from
the residence of Dr. Deppecher, 27fl
Webster street. Omaha, Tuesday at 2
o'clock. Interment will bo In Knlrvlcw
cemetery, Council UlulTs.
lMw.inl Meyers of Hoouc, Ii., Imbibed ton
freely of strong liquor Saturday and while
In a rtate. 'of Intoxication was tuken by a
friend to a llroadway resort. Wheir he
nwoke he missed J13 and accused tho women
of tho place with stealing It. Onn of tho
Inmates was arrested charged with disor
derly toiuluct and later released on bond.
N. Y. Plumbluii Co., telephone ISC.
ivii.i. Kifiiir run aspiiai;
Alilrrniiiit Mi'Doiuiltl to :irlnw Hie .Mai
ler In Council Ton I u lit.
Tho monthly session of tho city council
Is slated for tonight, when it Is expected
Alderman McDonald will bring up ngaln
tho matter of tho asphaltura pnvlns in his
Aard. Alderman McDonald says tho matter
is far from nettled, dcsplto tho fact that
during his ahsenco nt tho recent special
meeting the bids for Bitch paving were all
rejected. Ho claims to havo a majority
of tho Interested property owners nt his
back and Intondo to mnko n light for
City Engineer Klnyro has completed tho
estimates for tho paving on North Klrst
and Plcrco streets and will submit his
report tonight. Tho llgures for North First
street show a yardago of 1.C11.78 souaro
yards, which was laid with Dcs Molneu
brick for top courso and Council muffs
brick for base. Tho total cost of tho pav
ing was: Cash, $3,538.G3; certificates,
Tho paving on Plorco street, laid with
tho soino material as First street, made a
total yardage of 1,00 1.05 square yards. The
cost In cash was $2,DG7.&G, or $2,697.17 In
Howell's Antl-Knwf" cures coughs, cold.
i;rforl to llrciik n Will.
S. T. Tousey, private secretory to th? su
perintendent of tho Oreat Northern road, Is
In tho city on business connected with the
will of tho Into Mrs. Mary 11. Tousoy of
Now York.. Mrs. M. F. Rohrer of this city
Is ono of the direct heirs of Mrs. Tousey,
nnd If the heirs succeed in breaking tho
will, which they aro now attempting to do,
nho will bo entitled to half of tho estato.
The estate Is a valuablo ono and consists of
personal property to tho amount of $173,000
nnd n largo quantity of valuablo real estate
holdings in tho city of Now York and else
where. Mrs. Tousoy left her property to
charitable Institutions and others thnn her
heirs, and the latter nro seeking to break
tho will, claiming undue inllucnco nnd thai
Mrs. Tim fey was not of bound mind nt tho
time she made It.
Davis sells paint.
Our Aim
Is to make this
storo distinct for ex
actness and precis
ton, with excellent
values at lowest
possible prices.
Look for the Bear.
NorotlntcJ In Eastern Nebraska
unu iuwu james ni, uasauy, jr.
i.t .wiiii oi , uouncii i nuna.
Save Your Money
Fin vesting
hAMMJS, LOAN AMI lltll.nt.Vn ASV.N,
mil rcnri aircci, million iimna, In
Effort of Intervenors to Make All Creditors
of Officer tc Puey Bharo Alike.
Judge A. II. ThornclPs Term Promlsr
to lie a limy One l.onir 1.1st tif
Hot Ii CUI1 iiml Criminal
Tho January term of tho district court will
bo convened tomorrow morning with Judgo
A. H. Thornell on tho bench. Tho term
promises to ho a busy one, as the docket
shows a large number of civil ensoa Haled,
and tho criminal business Is likely to bo
above tho average. Tho grand Jury will bo
convened at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Tho first matter to come before tho court
will be tho .hearing on tho petition of In
tervention filed In tho Officer &. Puscy rc
colvcrshlp by Day & Hess and J. K. Cooper.
This Is the petition In which tho plaintiffs
stuto they represent creditors whoso claims
against tho bank aggregate upward of $250,
000 and In which It la alleged thut tho bank
was Insolvent at tho time tho deposits of the
Intervenors wero made, and that thereforo
tho moneys bo deposited should bo declared
trust funds and given preference.
Tho caso Is tho most importnnt yet com
menced In the lltlgntlnn over the winding
up of tho hank's affairs. If tho contention
of tho Intervenors Is sustnlncd by the court
It will practically wipe out of existence all
preferred claims and every creditor of tho
firm will havo to shnro alike.
Tho petition was tho result of tho al
leged discoveries of the expert nccountnnt
now examining tho books and accounts of
tho firm In tho Interest of tho credltoni.
Mr. Walters, tho expert accountant, Is au
thority for tho statement that his Investi
gation shows that tho hanking firm of Offi
cer & I'usey had been Insolvent slnco 1881.
It was on tho strength of this statement that
tho petition web flled. Iho hearing hns been
specifically assigned for tomorrow by Judgo
Thorncll and the outcome Is being watched
with nioro than usual Interest, owing to the
Importance the result will bo to a large
number of tho firm's creditors.
Gravel roofing.
tiiium: mux'
A. H. Head, fill Broadway.
Clinrito In AnkiiiiH ttltli Illicit! ( Com
mit HlKlitvny itolilicrj.
A. Volmer. Charles Carter and John
Noonan nro under arrest at tho city Jail,
charged with assault with Intent to com
mit highway robbery. They wero arrested
at an early hour yesterday morning on
complaint of David Mottaz, tho aged care
taker of Cochran park.
According to Mottnz's story, us told the
police, ho was returning homo about 1
o'clock from n Uttlo friendly gamo of
"seven up" when ho noticed tho three men
standing at tho corner of Tenth nvcnuo
and Main strcot. They wero on tho op
posite sldo of tho street to htm. but ns he
was about to pass. Carter stepped abroRS
tho street and called to him to atop, say
ing: "Hold on n minute, I want tn speak
to you." Mottaz says ho started to run,
but Carter knocked him down by a blow
under tho eye. Mottnz called for tho police
and ran to tho cnglno house, whero ho
was about to telephone to police head
quarters, when one of tho gang, ho says,
assaulted him again.
Ofllccr Swanson wns attracted by Mottaz's
cries und hastened to tho scene, when tho
three men, seeing tho ofllcer, ran down
an alleyway. Swanson gavo chaso and
emptied his revolver after tho men. Ho
succeeded In capturing Volmer, nnd tho
other two wero arrested later.
All of tho three men deny Intending to
hold up Mottaz, or that they assaulted him.
Thoy say ho was unduly frightened. Volmer
and Noonan live on South avenue nnd Car-
tor's homo Is on High street, near Fifteenth
Commonwealth 10. cent clear.
Special Mci-tliiK of Hoard of Kducnt ton
lit Hetllc Voxiitloim Problem.
President Henry Is expected to call a spe
cial meeting of tho Hoard of Education nt
nu early date to tako some action In tho
matter of tho contract for tho heating and
ventilating plant for tho new high school
building. Nothing has been dono slnco the
contract wns awarded to Stcphan Pros, and
tho objections to tho award lodged by the
other bidders on tho grounds that Stcphnn
Pros.' bid wns not In conformity with tho
plans and specifications.
Tho contract has not been entered Into
by tho hoard with Stcphnn Pros. and. tho
matter Is still at n standstill. Several mem
bers of tho board nro In favor of rescinding
the action of awarding tho contract to
Stcphnn Pros, and rejecting all tho bids ro
celvoii aifd readvertlslng for new bids. This,
they bcllovo, Is tho easiest way out of tho
dilemma. Somo of tho members havo sug
gested this plan to President Henry and
have requested him to call a special meeting
at an early date so that the matter may be
disposed of ono way or another.
County Supervisor!! .Meet Today.
The January session of tho Hoard of
County Supervisors will bo convened this
morning, when tho first business to be
tnken up will bo tho npprovlng of tho
bonds of tho county olllcers elected last
fall. With ono exception all tho county
olllcers whoso terms oxplro today succeed
themselves. Clerk of tho District Court
F. L. Iloed will onter upon his fourth term;
County Auditor Innes, County Itecordcr
Smith and County Attorney Klllpnck will
enter upon their second terms; Justlco
of tho Ponco Ferrlor will succeed himself
nml II. T. Ilrynnt, who wns elected Justice
of tho peace to succeed Justice Vlcn, will
nssuuie his offlce. In tho latter caso Jus
tice Ilrynnt will meet with opposition, as
Justlco Vlen has decided that rather than
violate tho law he will hold onto tho ofllcn,
as ho believes ho Is entitled to under tho
wording of tho Titus nmondmont. Tho
courts will, It Is expected, hnvo to do
cldo whother Justlco Ilrynnt, whom the
peoplo of Knno township elected, or
whether Justlco Vlen, whom the voters of
tho township failed to elect, sbnll hold
tho office.
Tho board will also bo called upon to ap
prove tho bonds of tho Justlcea of penco and
constables elected In th& country pre
cincts. I'ottinviitliiiulc County liar.
The annual meeting of tho Pottawattamie
County Hat association will be tomorrow
meriting In thu district court room at tho
county court houso titter the calling of tho
docket for tho term by Judgo Thornoll, At
this meeting tho bar will elect Its officers
for tho ensuing year and transact other
business that may como up In regular form.
Ctuirucil ttitli Tlifl of Itcvolver.
C, I,. Damon, who claims to bo u barber,
was arrested Into Saturday night, charged
with tho theft of a revolver which Abo
Glllnsky of South Main street claims Is hit
property. Damon sold tho weapon at n
pawnshop and claims that ho had owned
It for ten years at least. Judgo Ayles-
worth will determine the ownership of tho
rovolvcr In police court this morning. Da
mon was unable to give bonds and spent
yesterday behind tho bars nt tho city jail.
.MeellnK for Clitircli Consus.
A meeting of tho general commlttco ap
pointed to tako tho church census of the
city will be held this afternoon at C o'clock
In tho ofllco of Scott & Scott, corner of
llroadway and Pearl street, for tho purpose
of hearing tho report of tho special commit
tee selected to district tho city.
Ills Slater In Fearfully lliirneil
Her llfTorln lo llrsuiie
FOHT DODGE, la., Jan. G. (Special Telo
gram.) Albert Munson, a blind deaf mute,
nearly 10 years of ago, was burned to death
yesterday morning at tho homo of his sla
tcr, Mrs. Thomas Pilot, in Crawford county.
Tho unfortunate man occupied n small
houso by hlmsolf. adjoining tho Pilot rest
dence. Mrs. Pilot first discovered tho
fire, but too lato to rcscuo him, ns tho
houso was a sheet of llamcs. She mado
bravo efforts, and In bo doing was herself
fearfully burned. Munson wns cremated.
Nothing hut charred bones remained.
Taken I'd I no no tin Miiliuciit.
FOHT DODOB, la., Jan. . (Special.)
Mrs. John nines of Llvermoro Inadvertently
took poison nnd wns rescued with dlfll
culty. A bottlo which contained lltjlment
was mistaken by Mrs. nines for medicine
and shb took n largo doso beforo realizing
her mistake. Prompt medical nttendanco
wns secured.
KEOKUK. Ia.. Jon. G. (Special,) Detnlla
havo been received hero of tho marrlnge.
of J. Fred Howell of Keokuk, lieutenant in
tho Philippines, to Miss Adelo Widdlflcld
of Honolulu, S. I. Tho marriage took placo
at tho homo of General nnd Mrs. Dell and
was an olaborato society function.
Ten Thoiixiiiut I.lliel Clnltn.
FOHT DODOE, In., Jan. G.-(Special.)
As n result of thn excitement caused by
tho saloon agitation in Emmet county, F.
E. Sherman hns commenced n libel suit
against M. V. Atwood. claiming $10,000 for
defamation of character.
Neorolurj fit War Dellnrn llclntlvn
IlrNiionnllillHIrN of (luiirlcriiiiixler
nml Miiwlrr of Vessel.
WASHINGTON, Jan. C. On tho recom
mendation of QunrtcrnutBtcr General Isl
ington tho secretary oL war has mado a
slight amendment to tho nrmy regulations
relating to military transports, the object
of which Is moro clearly to dollno tho du
ties and responsibilities of the principal
olllcers In chnrge, viz., tho master of tho
vessel and tho quartermaster. Tho quar
termaster has supremo chargo of tho ves
sel nnd cargo when In port nnd also di
rects tho movements of tho ships from ono
port to another tn execution of tho orders
of tho War department. He, however, has
nothing to do with tho navigation of the
ship when under way. Then the mnster
of tho vessel is In supremo command nnd
Is tho only person authorized' to give or
ders to his subordinates, Including the
crew. This hns been tho general Bystom of
operation of tho transport, scrvlco for
months past, but there seemed to bo some,
misunderstanding as to tho relative au
thority of tho quartermaster and the shlp'n
captain at sea and the new regulations
were Issued to prevent tho possibility of
any further doubt on the mnttcr by tho
persons directly concerned.
War Survivor Itciiicmlirrcil li" the
(icnernl Go veniiiicnl.
WASHINGTON. Jail. G.-(Spcclal.)-Tho
following pensions havo been granted:
Issue of December 18, 1900:
Nebraska: Additional James I.. Ilenton,
Endleott, $10. Increase John Fink, Arling
ton, tin. Original widows Hobecca A. Cupp,
Stella. J8.
Iowu: Original John Swaney. Glenwood.
$12: Abram J. Tracy. Nowton. J12. Original
widows Hose A. Kendall, Marysvllle, $S;
Cleopatra Levan, Guthrlo Center, J8; Mary
H. Morehead, Perry, $S; Lydla Inman, Dcs
Moines, $8.
Montana: War with Spain, qrlglnal Lo
roy H. Lovely, Helena, $10.
WiinIiIiikIoii I'roinlncH Xclirunkn. .o
(irent CluuiKe In Climatic Con
dition Colder fur Iottii.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
Nebraska and Kansas Fair Monday; vari
able winds; Tuesday fair.
Iowa Fair Monday; colder In eastern
portion; westerly winds; Tuesday fair.
Missouri Fair Monday; colder in eastern
portion; variable winds, generally south
westerly; Tuesday fair.
South and North Dakota Fair Monday
nnd Tuesday; northorly winds,
Montana lvocai snows Monday; warmer
In northwest portion; varlablo winds; Tues
day fair.
Indiana and Illinois Fair and colder
Monday; west to northwest winds; brisk on
tho lake; Tuesday fair.
Arkansas Fair and colder Monday; varl
ablo winds r Tuesdny fair.
Oklahoma and Indian Territory Fair
Monday; vnrlablo wwlnds; Tuesday fair.
New Mexico Fair Monday; warmor In
northern portion; southerly winds; Tuesday
probably fair.
I.oenl Uccoril.
OMAHA, Jan. G. Official record of tem
perature und precipitation compared with
the corresponding' day of tho last three
1900. 1899. li9S. 1SD7.
Maximum temperature... 23 45 21 42
.Minimum temperature 21 34 7 31
.Mean temperaturo 2:t 411 Pi
Precipitation 00 T T ,00
iiccoru or temperature nnu precipitation
at Omnhu for this day and slnco March 1,
Normal tempernture 18
Excess for tho day D
'lotiu excess slnco March l 1121
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Excess for tho day 03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 30.21 inches
Excess since March 1 2.1 Inch
Deficiency for cor. porlod, 1900... 4.43 Inches
Dctlclency for cor. period, 1699... 3.91 Inches
OH m
3 2 c c
iS Hi
Omnha, cloudy
North Plutte. cloudy.
Cheyenne, clear
Salt I.akc, cloudy
Hapld City, clear
Huron, clear
Winston, clear,...,...
Chicago, raining
St, Louis, cloudy
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy.,,,
Knusas City, clear.,,,
Helena, cloudy
Havre, cloudy ,,,
lllsmarck, clear
Galveston cloudy
21 25 ,00
30 31 .00
32 3S ,trt
IS f,0 ,00
21 32 .00
12 IS .00
-K 4 .00
W, 43 .Oil
4S M ,00
20 30 T
31 40! ,01
32 40 .00
I ir. in t
o n! ,ro
(i 101 T
GO Gl .()
m. Zero,
1.. A. WELSH
Local Forecast Official.
New Iowa Treasurer Will Be Oustotliin of
Nearly Million and a Half.
Sues InKtiriiiicc Coinpnny for Keen ol
Illumination Capital lliilldlnn to
lie 1"IhIIkm1 No I.ntv School
Clinnecllor Selected.
DES MOINES, Jan. G. (Special.) Whou
John Herrlott, treasurer of state, turns
over tho office to "his successor tomorrow,
Mr. Gllbertson will tuko custody of money
nnd credits belonging to tho stato of Iowa
or stato institutions amounting to $1,40G,
699. 53. Tho stato treasury of Iowa is
literally overllowlng and thuro Is no offset
In tho form of n big stato debt drawing
interest. When Iowa fitted out four regi
ments of soldiers for tho Cuban war tho
stato nlmply Issued treasury warrants
which wero sold tn banks and cnrrlcd until
tho government returned tho amount ad
vanced. It was not neccssnry to Issuo
bonds. Tho treasury hoard Includes college
and endowment bonds nnd securities
nmountlng to J352,7fjO. Tho nmount ou
hand In endowment fund cash Is $37,G50,G5.
This leaves cash In hand belonging to tho
state of Iowa, $815,793.70. Tho balances
wero drawn lato Saturday night und alt
accounts squared up so that tomorrow
mornlug tho new treasurer can tnko charge.
Ono source of the lncreaso of revenue hns
been In the collection of Inheritance taxes
nnd this has greatly added to tho work
of the treasurer's office. Tho Hoard of
Control system has also greatly Increased
business In tho treasurer's offico by din
penslng with tho dozen or moro treasurers
of stato Institutions. All this work goes
directly to tho stnto treasurer now. A
thorough examination of tho accounts of
tho stato officers Is being made by a spe
cial board appointed for that purpose. Tho
board recently finished examination of tho
offlco of auditor of stnto and yesterday
finished on tho stnto treasurer's office. All
accounts wore found correct.
CIiiiiikcn lii Olllcc I'orcc.
In tho offico of treasurer of slate, John
Mc()uIston, lately county auditor of Polk
county, will bo chief deputy; E. n. Mnrls
will bo continued as cashier, Qulncy A.
Willis of Dallns county has taken tho po
sition of bookkeeper, Miss Perry will bo
stenographer, Miss Spofford of Sac county
clerk and A. Jones of Winnebago county
will bo Janitor.
In tho secretary of Rtato's olllco D. A.
Httcs remnlns as deputy, U. S. Harrlmnn
and G. F. Brewer ns corporation clerks,
William Lewis remnlns us chief clerk until
tho spring, when ho goes Into the
auditor's olllco as insurance clerk; J. T.
Jnmlcson Is to bo chief clerk, H. T. Snber
son will bo land offico clerk and D. W. Gar
rett ncccpts n clerkship In tho land de
partment. Mr. Itydcn ns document clerk
remains nnd Miss Swltzcr, who has been
stenographer in tho nttorney gencrnl's of
fice, goes Into tho secretary's ofllco.
In tho nudltor's oDlco, whero tho pres
ent uudltor remains, C. H, Day Is now
doputy, which position ho took In No-
bor .last, E. I;. Cany Is .chief clerk and
examiner in insurance ucportment, E. T.
llkluson Is assistant In insvrunco de
partment, II. T. Gunderson Is chief clerk
In tho rovenuo department, M. M. Kobertsou
is clerk In tho building and loan depart
ment, itnrry isorrls and Ella Johnson, gen
oral clerks and Cora Frlnk stcnocranher.
in mo nttorney general's offico Charles
van Vlcck remnlns as nsalstant.
Tho governor will accept tho resignations
on fllo with him tomorrow and formnllv
nppolnt tho now stnto officers, so that thero
wilt no no question as to tho legality of
mo action or any official.
Siiom IiiNiirimcc Co in pit ii)'.
Tho last move in tho Insurance uuarrol
over a fee for examination of tho' Minimi
uosorvo I1 und Lifo association Is by Max
iiuunicr, mo nenu of tho Insurnuco depart
ment, anu Auditor or Stato Merrlam. It
Is n suit for $189.78 on tho part of Ueohler
ioi mo lees claimed. Tho notice was
served on Auditor Merrlam, who has for
mally accepted scrvlco for und In behalf
11,0 msurauco company, clnlmiug that
under tho power of attorney filed in his
ofllco ho has u right to do this. Ho has
refused to permit tho company to wlth-
uraw irom doing business In tho statn. nl
though It has no agents or representatives
nerc. j no retiring attorney general. Mil
ton A. Ucmley, hns been employed as nt
tor&oy for Ileehler and Merrlam and tho
caso was brought In the district court of
I'oiu county.
Complete Hie Cnpllol.
The commission nppolntcd In accordance
with n resolution of tho last legislature to
Inspect the stnto cnpltol and report on
what Is necessary to complete It mado a
preliminary survey of tho building and
will begin nt onco tho work of estimating
tho cost of tho finishing. Tho commission
will recommend that tho building bo
finished ns tt was planned and that every
thing put Into tt bo of tho very best. Tho
cnpltol was built on that principle. Every
tnicg about it Is tho finest and best. U
Is of stono and steel nnd tho stono Is from
every part of tho world. When tho capltol
wan commenced the first commission pu
in n foundation of cheap stone nnd ex
pended Jol.000 beforo It was discovered
that tho work was bolng slighted and thnt
a building constructed In that way would
not stand. Tho legislature sumarllv dls
mlnscd tho commission nnd nppolntcd nn
other, which took out nil of tho stono put
in before nnd mado a new start. This com
mission built tho cnpltol at n cost of
llttlo less than $3,000,000 nnd tho nccounts
camo within $1.80 of balancing nt tho end
Peter A. Day of Iowa City, ono of tho en
glneors who laid out tho Union Pacific rail
road, was actively In chargo of the work
during nil tho tlrao of the construction
and ho has been appointed at tho head of
tho commission to report on finishing tho
work. With him Is H. A. Jossolyn, nn
architect, and C. A. Cummlng, nn artist
The main corridors wero nover frescoed
tho basement story was not finished at nil
In many places wood was substituted fo
stone, tho sldowalks wore laid of cheap
stone, which is already crumbling, nnd
much of tho furnishing was loft undone.
Tho cost of completing tho building In ac
cordance with tho original design Is va
riously estimated nt from $100,000 to double,
that amount, nnd oven moro could bo spent
on tho building to good advantage,
I'arnuTN it ii it Hip AVcnllicr.
Prof. John n. Sago, director of tho Iowa
weather and crop sorvlco, returned yester
day from Wilton, whero ho attended a
farmers' Instltuto nnd delivered nn address
on moteorolngy Illustrated by maps and
charts from the government records. Prof.
Sago reports that tho Interest in the sub
ject of tho weather nnd tho method pur
cued by tho government weather bureau
In forecasting changes Is growing among
tho farmers and thero In a constantly In
creasing demand for lectures on this sub
ject nt tho institutes held In Iowa. Tho
farmers manifest tho greatest Interest in
evory phnso of tho subject und on every
octuslon ply tho lecturer with all sorts of
questions about tho science of meteorology.
Last winter ho mado n Inrgo number of
lectures nt thero Institutes, but owing to
tho condition of his health ho will go to
but few places this year. The stato makes
no provision for paying tho expense of lec
turers or speakers for these farmers' Insti
tutes, but each year a number of tho col
lege professors nt tho Iowa Stato college
go to these local Institutes nnd add to their
vnluo to the farmers. Something like 200
of these Institutes nro held In Iowa every
Ail Clinnecllor Selneleil.
Tho matter of calling a meeting of th1
Uonrd of Itegents of tho Stnto university
to sclent a chancellor of tho law depart
ment was left to tho law committee. This
commlttco has not yet Issued the call, hut
has been canvnsslng the situation and con
Idcrlng tho merits of various candidates
for tho place. It Is believed tho regents
will bo called together to act somo time
this month. Tho most favorably received
namo with the regents is said to bo that
f Prof. C. N. Gregory, associate dean of
tho law faculty of tho University of Wis-
onsln. Tho other candidates under enn
Idcrntlon nro: Judgo N. M. Wado, lowa
City; Milton ltemley, ox-attorncy general,
Iowa City, nnd I.. M. Kenn, Sioux City.
IllMIl ctci liiiirlniiM.
This year for tho first tltno tho profes
sion of veterinary surgery Is placed In the
snmo category with other professions und
nil who nro entitled to engage In vctcrlnnry
work must bo nbtu to exhibit certlllcutes In
dicating eomiK'toncy. Tho last legislature
created a Stato Hoard of Veterinary Ex
aminer nnd charged It with tho duty of
registering tho veterinarians of tho state.
This board consists of: President, W. A.
Hock, Maquokcta; secretary, H. E. Talbot,
Dcs Moines; treasurer, S. II. Johnston,
Charles City. Provision was mado for reg
istering veterinarians who had been en-
gnged In tho profession for five years In
lown, similar to tho provision mado when
tho medic a J practice act went Into force,
und under this provision about 350 vet
erinarians will receive certificates. Ono
hundred und eight graduates of veterinary
schools presented diplomas and wero regis
tered upon these. Hereafter nil who deslro
certificates must bo graduates of schools
and also submit to an examination by the
bonrd. The meeting of tho Stuto Veterinary
society will bo held In Dcs Moines Jnnu
nry 22.
Central lima TchoIhtw.
A great many of tho teachers of tho state
never nttend tho conventions of tho lowa
Stato Teachers' association and among
thoso who nro thus absent u largo number
havo formed what they call tho Central
Iowa Teachers' association. This was or
ganized at Nevada a year ago nnd has
about, 300 members. Thoy claim they can
get better results from a small conven
tion of this kind than from tho unwieldy
stnto convention. This year tho conven
tion Is to meet about tho middle of Feb
ruary and Marshalltown will probably bo
tho placo selected. Dr. Vincent of Chlcngo
nnd others hnvo been Invited to glvo nd
dresscs. Information comes from Cluy,
Carroll and other northern nnd northwest
ern counties of tho state to the effect that
teachers -are scarce this year und that tho
districts find It hard to find a sufficient
number of teachers qualified to tako earo
(if tho rural schools. Tho number of male
teachers Is noticeably smaller than for
Ecvornl years and few men, except tho pro
fessionals, nro making application for
certificates. This is accounted for by tho
fact that there aro so many other oppor
tunities for men to cngago In business,
MIsNlonnry lu Itctnrii.
Miss Emma Settlemcyer, u missionary of
tho Presbyterian church. Is soon to return
to her homo In this city for a year s rest.
Sho has been In missionary work In Japan
tor seven years and has had no vacation.
Sho will sail tho latter part of tho month
for homo nnd will como by way of tho Suez
canal, taking nearly two months on tho
Tho annual meeting of the Iowa Whole
sale Putter and Egg Denlcrs' association
will bo hold In this city February 7 next.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
svery day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious nnd healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling' no
baking! ndd boiling water and sct to
tool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
t your grocers to-day. io cts. i
Indicate bad digestion, disordered
system ind falling state of health.
It t positive and speedy cure. It
clears the body of poisonous secre
tions, cleansej the blood, aids diges-
tlon, strengthens the kidneys, purifies
the bowels and imparts renewed
energy to body and brain,
irn. Wlnalow'a voiiIIiIiir Syrup.
Han been used for over FIl'TY YBAltS hy
CUltliS WIND COLIC, and Is tho host rem
cUy for DIAUUIIOEA. Hold by UrusijlHt.i
In every part of tho world. Uo sure ami
ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothlnir Syrup,"
und take no othr kind. Twenty-tlvo cents
u bottlo.
BLOATING Alter Meali, I
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cure every kind of rnuiih. lu grippe, bronchitis
ore throat, croup, whuuplntrcouKh etc. Never
deranges the stomach. At DrmririsU, io&S&
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen Iota In A body for aalo at a Tory rennoiable prlc. TfcM
lots arn locatod In Omaha addition and lie high and dry. Thar
will make a splendid location (or aema factory. Barorat other lota
ultablo for bulldln? purposes on of thorn aapeclalljr will maka
a fine location for a home, being within one block of the meter
line and within two blocks of a school house and church locate
la th western part of the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
SMwmIi im.iwi v ,
htormon Hlahooa! Pills t " i" " tr 1,11 it-" otitic Mmma
....k a.iT lac L..ucik. Po.ititai euret lha wottt cun In old lad voub tmlnff (fn cflrcW
of MUttux. (Uuiptuoa, riuiitt, oi
evpr tTunttion. foi
WtfXT.l, SttmnUtck the bri'n tndTerre ten ten. 50c a box,
f iciuaaMt wiia voitt wuxujiri tree AaaiM
roit nam: uv Mvnns-iui.iaO.
: . .
TKli JI(5rV.
Aff', , tvery Bot,e
nntitncv. Last Power. Nlsnt-Losaes. BDsrmatorrnoen insomnia, ri
In line: E.I I bnlrb. tYimlnnl tmiitloni, Ltimn Bnok, nervous ui
b llty, Hendach,UnntneetpMarrr,.pi of WjyM tinmen, wnr'cpooio.
ii ret aetuonaent. m cure u mi mnn. mjj'i
1 l
As an
There is nothing
like an Education
A college education coats a great many dol
lars, but tho man with a good dictionary at his
elbow has a good education bohind him.
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V,' 1-
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Is the Latest and
The cost is low only $7,
The book is new
It is well edited some of
ablest men of the day have
contributed time and ability
to it
It is complete containing 300,
000 words, No other dictions
ary has so many.
It is standard can be relied
upon for both definition and
I Vr l
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r? -tff
tif t
I Vr
v -
Thero are a great many other things which
could be said of the work, but if interested, call
ou the Megeath Stationery Company. 1308
Farnam street, and examine a copy. You will
agree with us in admiring the work.
te 1-
Ve I-
(S 3)
s s sea
If You Wish
good rolinblo dental work nt mod
enitc prices we can please yon.
Our methods are the most improv
cd our prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 145
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hotel
cfcuette - uBokiic. Curei Lost Mnnhood, lm"
Kntorct troill, tintlerMopefX
Ar n r -antef. tocura
6 fir fi $obr mall.
BIshOD Homed Co.. Ann sco CaU
The Best Cooks
in the Country recognize the
superiority of
w " w " "
For Qame, Steaks, Roasts, Soups,
and everv arletv of marie itlftha.
'Orrtrki is most invaluable.
John Duncan's Sons', Agbnts, NfW Yokk,
I "75
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We, the underslBned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on CO-cent bottle
of Downs' Elixir tt It floes not cure any
couch, cold, croup, whooping couth or
throat trouble. We also guarantee Dowca'
Elixir to cure consumption, when used ac
cording to directions, or money back. V
full dose on going to bed and Hmull d set
during the day will cure tho most sever
oold, and 'stop the most distressing cough.