Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Unexpected Compliant with
the Allied Powen.
'Xmpfirnr Initrncti His Plenipotentiarin to
Get the Pert Tennj Pouible.
Diasnunrat of Forti Instead of Their
Destruction ii to Bo Demanded.
Ilralth of Vennrnble I.I HiitiK ClimiK
Continue Very Hail and It In He
llerrd That He Will lip Com
pelled to (live Wnjr.
PEKIX, Doc. 30. Tho Chlncfio plenipo
tentiaries havo boon unexpectedly ordered
to sign tlio preliminary Joint noto nnd havo
notlllcd tho foreign "envoys to that effect
Tho Chinese themselves wcro greatly as
tonished nt receiving tho Imperial Insttuc
tlons. Neither LI Hum; Chang nor l'rlnco
Chlng had expected success In persuading
tho court under ten days.
Tho emperor's Instructions aro to agree
fully to tho noto, hut to endeavor to got
tho hctit terms possible, particularly In the
matter of limiting the number of thn lega
tlon guards and nlso as to tho places where
theso aro to be located. Tho plunlpotcn
tlarlcs aro Instructed to endeavor to limit
tho number of army posts along tho line
of railway to iih few ns posslblo and finally
to requlro tbo powers not to destroy the
forts, but to meicly disarm them.
1,1 Hung Chang's health Is bad and It Is
doubtful whether ho will be nble to do
more than ulllx his signature to nn Instru
mcnt delegating his powers to Prince Chlng
until nnuthcr plenipotentiary has been up
pointed. Ho wns dressed this morning anil
carried In a chair to tho residence of l'rlnce
Chlng, with whom ho held n long consulta
tlon. l'rlnco Chlng then rolled upon tho
tloycn of tho diplomatic corps, tho Spanish
minister, Honor do Cologan, nnd requested
hi in to notify tho other envoys Hint In
structions had been received from tho cm
pcror to sign tho note.
llinperor Ycarim for !! 1 n .
PAUIS, Dec. 30. l'rlnce Chlng nnd 7.1
Hung Chang, according to another dispatch
to tho Havns ngency, say that Emperor
Kwang Su has expressed a desire that the
court should return to l'ckln at tho end of
Tho Havns agency has received the fol
lowing dlcpatch from l'ckln:
"l'rlnco Chlng nnd 1.1 Hung Chnng havo
communicated to tho foreign envoys nn Ini
porlnl edict In which tho emperor declares
that China accents the Joint noto nnd
nuthorizrsJIrlnce Chlng, and LI Hung Chang
to negotiate nnd nsl; for a suspension of
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. Tho report that
thn Chinese plenipotentiaries had been dl
rcctcd to sign tho Joint noto Is a rfourco of
satisfaction to oltlclals hero nB Indicating
a disposition, on tho pnrt of the Chinese
government to heed tho deslro of tin
powers that negotiations shall bo entered
on nt onco and tho present unsatisfactory
condition of nffatrs terminated. Tho cm
poror. It was expected, would instruct his
agents to obtain tho best terms possible
Ono of- tho principal objections said to
havo been mado by ttho Chinese to tho lo
cation of any great number of legations
guards In l'ckln Is that theso guards would
bo a menace to tho existing Chineso gov
Only DlNiiinntle the Torts.
As hns already been slated In these dis
patches, thu United States government
docs not deslro tho nbsoluto demolition of
tho Tnku forts, but simply their dismantle
ment, so that ready access to tho Chineso
capital of n foreign forco would not bo
provrntcd. Tho demand of tho powers In
tho Joint note, however, was for tho de
struction of tho forts. Inquiries said to
havo been made by tho Chineso government
of the onvoys, of which Inquiries, howover,
no official Intimation has been received
from Mr. Conger, havo been regarded by
tno omcioiB oi tins government ns rcuson
nblo and becauso of this moro dolay than
has occurred whb expected In tho court'3
direction for tho Blgnaturo of tho note,
Nothing has como from Mr. Conger regard
ing uie status of tho note since n cnble-
gram from him somo days ago announcing
inni u nan ueen presented to tho phlncsc.
Mr. Wii, tho Chinese mlulster. Is some
what puzzled as to Just what construction
to place oi- the l'okln dispatch All along
ho has regarded the demands ronveyed In
tho Joint noto as harsh nnd severe nnd tho
statement that It has been signed causes
him suiprlre. Ho U Inclined to believe
that In nil probability what the emperor
hns directed Is that the Chineso plenipo
tentiaries protecd to (IIscusb In n friendly
manner with tho envoys tho terms of tho
agreement with n view, ns stated In tho
rokln dispatch, to obtain tho best terms
possible along eortnln specllled lines nnd
lo la othtrs not coutalned In thu cnblo
Clalnrar Aiixlnua l.cxt n Di-cialvr Kn
snitrmeiit lie Fort-ril limn the
lmpei-lnl Troop,
PEKIN, Saturday, Deo. 29. The Hermans
killed forty Chineso troops near Man Cheng,
northwest of Pno Ting Fu. They hud no
casualties. Among tho natives n feellug
of great mistrust Is being caused, ap
parently, by tho high-handed notion of tho
(Jcrmans, us tho Chineso suspect them of
nn Intention to forco a serious engagement
with the Chineso troops.
llcrlln Honker Convicted of mi Of.
fcime AKHlust .Moriillty MnkeN
MliceeiHfiil AM'nl,
DEHLIN, Dec. 30. Tho Loknl Anrelgcr
announces that tho uppeal In tho caso of tho
banker, Sternberg, convicted of an offonso
against morality, will result In n now trial,
owing to a legul Haw.
It also ' asserted thut proceedings havo
been begun a'galnst Dr. Selle, tho lending
counsel for Sternberg, and his Junior coun
sel, for collusion to securu tho acquittal of
Blcrnborg. ,
Yunirrr WiiiiIn to Flitlit Mcfiovern.
,uCJi9; I'"'- ao.-Denny Ynnger. tlio
"1 liiton Hlusher." through his manager to
Jilght deposited a forfeit of Jl.WO wlt.t
rseorge Slier nnd Issued a challenge to light
Jerry McUovern nt 113 pounds, rlngsMo.
beforo the club offering tha best Induce
ments. Ar these am tlio terms naked by
MeOovern's malinger It is almost u cer
tnlnty tho match will bo mudo. if the
men meet It will bo for tho featherweight
championship of tho world.
Knnnitft Mnloon-Mninnlicr IteftiNeN Ilnnd,
lint Wants Money with Which
I'ny 1'rolinblc l'lne.
WICHITA, Kan., Dec. 30. Mrs. Carrie
Nation, tho Woman's Christian Temperance
Ion "Joint" wrecker, has refused ball
red by her co-workers. Sho now Bays
t under no circumstances will sho step
f Jail until cleared of the chargo
st her, and tho Woman's Christian
Teniperanco union committee which had
taken up tho matter has practically aban
doned its efforts to securo her release.
Tim county nttornoy. It Is said. Ib se
rlously considering a suggestion mado by
tho suloon men to withdraw tho chargo of
malicious destruction of property and pre
ferring ono of insanity against her. Thcro
is doubt In their minds that they enn hold;
her upon tho prosent charge, nnd they aro
bound to punish tho woman In some form
for tho mischief sho hns done.
Whon spoken to on this matter, Mrs.
Nation laughed and said:
1 expect they will resort to this its a Inst
means to moke mo nbnndon my crusade
against tho liquor dealers, but I will appeal
to very lltieriil-mlnded person nnd let them
Judge lit nny argument with mo iuid by my
conversation whether or not I nm crazy.
As I sit ulono In this cell nnd think of
how many buys aro going to tho dogs be
causo of this Vila trnlllc In liquor t um
ready lo enduro anything fur tho cnusii.
When I leave this prison 1 will not be con
quered, I will go on to other cities nnd
there do Just what I havo done In Wichita.
Thcro are thousands of Joints nnd open
saloons taking tlio money and manhood
from our young men nnd ofllcors stand by
mid tuko lines nnd bribes to allow such
awful work to continue. I appeal to tho
peoplo In tho enst to stop such abuses of
the law. 1 admit that my method of wreck
ing saloons hns been rather out of tho
bounds of tho general custom, but some
thing despcrntn Is noccHsary.
If tho people of tho cast, who nro for
temperance, will lend m their moral sup
port and Influence, with tho few hard
working temperunco women of Knnsns, wo
will bo nbln to get rid of tho Joints In
KnnsiiH, nnd 1 do not think they would ever
come back. All I wnnt Is pcimle to help
mo out of thesu scrnpes when I wreck sa
loons. I need money to pay my lines, so I
rnn got out and go tit It again. Instead
of lying In Jail. True, I can now get out
on bond and go to smashing up saloons
again, nnd I niny yet decide to do bucIi
work, but I want to mnko u clean sweep
nn 1 go, nnd not lmvo fines hanging over
my head. Quick aid Is what Is needed.
Money with which to prosecuto this work
must ho forthcoming Immediately. I will
make thn saloon men sorry and In thrco
months thero will not bo ono Joint In tho
state. I point with prldo to what work I
have already accomplished In Medicine
Lodge and Kiowa. Until towns nro devoid
of Joints because of my work, nnd no ono
will deny It.
A movement has been started by the locnl
Womnn's Christian Temperance union to
Impanel n special grand Jury to Invostlgato
tho conduct of tho city and county'ofllclals
In permitting the salo of liquors In Wichita.
To day the county Jail was placarded with
a quarantine sign and no visitors wero
nltowed to enter. It 1b (said that this was
a ruse of tho Jail officials to keep out Mrs.
Nation's friends, who havo dally visited her
In great numbers.
llrltlsh Correspondent ttxcltetl Over
the Way the GerniniiN Arc Con
ducting ThlnK" In China.
LONDON, Dec. 3l Wtrlnir to-tho'Tlmcs
from Pokln yesterday, Dr". 'Morrison Bays:
The Chineso havo' accepted nil tho con
ditions of tho Joint noto. They aro send
ing formal acceptance by a foreign envoy,
nnd nsk that negotiations shall commence
forthwith nnd that military operations
LI Hung Chang is much bolter, although
greatly shaken. Flvo expeditions aro now
opcrntlng. Every report tolls of increasing
unrest. Tho policy of depriving tho Chineso
of all power to exercise authority Is spread
ing disorder broadcast and forcing peaceful
Chineso Into opposition.
In a dispatch dated December 28 Dr.
Morrison tends n long protest against Ger
man harshness, which ho says Is creating
instead or checking disorder. He accuses
tho Germans of harrying tho country and
punishing tho Innocent nnd the guilty In
discriminately In order to levy lines for do
fraying their own military oxpenses nnd to
form nn excuse for continued occupation,
He nlso chatges Count von Wnlderseo with
n breach of faith on tho ground that ho
gavo LI Hung Chang n map defining tho
nrea of tho occupation In tho province of
(.hi LI nnd Indlcntlng tho district beyond
which tho nllles would not operate and
yet allowed the German troops to Inflict
sevcro punishment upon tho Chinese at
Tsang Chnu nnd Yung Chlng, both of which
nro outsldo tho area. Ilcpcatlng his state
ment that tho Germnns nro prepnrlng for
nn expedition lo Slan Fu In tho spring
nnd niso fomenting troublo In tho Yang Tso
vniioy, nr. Morrison says:
"Tho question arises whether tho oc
caslon should not be soiled to scparnto tho
Ilrltlsh troops from Count von Wnldereeo's
Arelideiieon Ford lee I'rlur of Went
minuter Abbey .Sees Trouble
Abend for Kuulnnd.
LONDON, Dec. 31. All thn rollulnn ,1...
nomination arranged for "end nt thn nn.
tury services," somo of which wero hold
yesterday nnd somo will bo held today. At
WoRtmluster abbey Archdeacon Fordlco
Frlnr. preaching vesterdnv. tnnk n i-lnnmv
vlow of tho future. Ho said he thought It
liy no means Improbable that nurlv in th
coming century England would havo to moot
u romoiniition or i.uropeun powers. Ilofer
ring to tho "serious trade romnntltl nn nf
Germany and tho United States," he ap
pealed to England to rouse herself. Allud
Inir to the national iMirfln nf
ho said that Hev. Charles Sheldon of To
peka, Kan., said he had seen moro drunk
enncfjs In England In n year than In bis
own country In a lifetime.
t.'oiitlli'tliiu; HeportN Cnnccrulntr the
N I u t it h In South Amerlriin Itepiib
He Come to Ilnnd.
CARACAS, Venezuela. Dec. 30. General
Urlbe, the chief of tho Colombian revolu
tion, who was recontly defeated at Corazol,
In tho provlnco of Ilollvor, has nrrlvcd at
Mnracttlbo. This Is regarded as n deathblow
to tho revolutionary movement.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Dec. 30. Tho Ilrlt
lsh stceamer Orinoco, which arrived hero
today from Colon, Colombia, reports con
siderable rebel activity in nearly nil tbo
provinces. Tho Colombia railway nnd the
Magdalonn river sorvlco are disorganized
nnd business Is at a standstill In every sec
tion excrpt Colon.
The Colombian government, according to
the samo ndvlces, has been making unsuc
cessful nttomptB to corner the rebel bands.
Two Killed by HleviitorH.
OLKVEIVNl). O.. Don. X) Tm fright
ful rlevutor necldents oceurml Imrn tn.iuv
within flvo minutes In building niv .i
short distance from each other Sydney
llnmm of London, Ontario, stepped Into in
open shaft nod fell six ntorlss and Italph
Hpellmitn. apod ID. fell ntuu blorles. Hoth
ni'iu inoiuiiuy Kiueu.
Lord Kitchener Beporti Eritith Loss at
Fifty Killed and Wounded.
lloer Evacuate Helvetia After Cnp-
InrliiB- It and Are Xow Uelujr Fol
lowed by a StronK De
tachment, LONDON, Doc. 31. Tho War ofuco haB
recolved tho following dispatch from Lord
"Pretoria, Dec. 30, 7:60 a. m. General
Lytlcton reports that our post nt Helvetia
was captured yesterday morning by the
Doors. About fifty wero killed and woundoJ
and 200 taken prisoners.
Goncral Kitchener reports that ho Is fol
lowing with u small forco In tho track of
the etiomy, Helvetia being reoccupled by
Keovcs, who has been reinforced from Del
fast. Helvetia wns a very strong position
on tho Machadorp-Lydenburg rnllwny and
wns hold by n detachment of tho Liverpool
regiment. Am asking for further Informa
tion." Whtlo Lord Kitchener Bends bad news for
Knglnnd on tho closing day of tho year, the
press continues to tnko a surprisingly hope
ful vlow of a grnvo sltuntlon nnd of revela
tions of an enormously wide flold of Doer ac
tivity. General Dewct la still at large. Kim
berloy Is Isolated. Tho Doers nro In forco
enough to havo captured a Btrong position nt
Helvetia, In tho Leydcnburg district, while,
Judging from Lord Kitchener's very recent
advices no progress Is being mado against
tho Doer Invaders In Capo Colony.
According to further telegrams received
yesterday Zccrust Is practically bcalcged,
but has provisions sufficient for flvo months.
Tho garrison at Ottoshoop has been with
drawn to Ltchtenburg.
A dispatch from Carnarvon dated yester
day reports that tho Doers, who havo been
threatening that point, havo been driven
off and aro being pursued.
"It 1b evident," says a belnted mcBsago
from Krugcrsdorp, dated December 23,
"that the Door commissariat In the dl
roctlou of Magallcsburg Is well supplied and
that until tho country between hero and
tho Mngallcsburg Is properly cleared of
Doers they will continue to concentrate
thoro, tho ground being particularly adapted
to their methods of warfare."
norm Admit Ilenvy Loss.
Tho Doers admit that In their fight with
General Clements at Nooltgedacht they lost,
130 men.
"It Is understood that Lord Kitchener
cannot ask tho colonlos ofllclolly to send
troopB," Bays a Durban dispatch dated De
cember 29, but ho desires It to be known In
Australia and Canada that Australians nnd
Canadians arriving In Natal will be eligible
for Immediate enlistment In tho Irregular
corps, which Is proceeding to Johannesburg
for flvo months' service."
To cmshasUo Lord Kitchener's covert
admission that no progress Is being mado
ngalnst tho Invasion of Cape Colony, a
correspondent at Durghcrsdorp, wiring On
Saturday, reports as follows:
"Two fresh commandoes aro entering tho
colony. Ono has already crossed near
Knappdnnr and tbo arrival of another Is
momentarily expected In tho Steynsburg
district. The Doers nro said to have two or
threo horses each, though in bad condition.
They havo no guns or transports, but are
woll supplied with Leo-Metford rifles nnd
ammunition. Captured Doers say that tbo
Intention of theso commandoes Is to roam
nbout nnd wait until General Dewot ap
pears upon tho scene."
Cnnc Colony Dutch Are Unlet.
All dispatches nrrlvlng In London ngreo
that tho Capo Dutch show no Inclination to
rlso, but on tho contrary, appear to bo
tired of tho war nnd desirous of pence.
Many refuse to supply tho Doors with food.
Details of tho Grcyllngstad nffalr show
that whllo Colvlllo's column was pursuing
the Doers a second forco of tOO of the enemy
was seen moving toward the ramp whero
tho Drltlsh transport was enspanned. Tho
Ilrltlsh forco mado a plucky stand until
reinforcements arrived with artillery and.
nfter n sovoro fight, the Doers wore defeated
Tho Drltlsh losses altogether were nlno
klllod nnd slxty-threo wounded nnd missing.
The Doors nro said to havo thirty-one killed.
Lord Kitchener, wiring from Pretoria on
Saturday, December 28, says:
Thcro is not much change In thn situation
in Capo Colony. Tho eastern forco of tho
enemy nppenrs to hnvo broken up In small
pnrtlea nt Utrecht nnd to bo moving nbout
rnpiuiy in nut samo district, evidently wait
ing for support from tho north.
Tho Inst report states that the western
forco Is moving to Carnarvon. Do Llslo
anu inornycroii aro in cioso pursuit.
French has occupied Ventersdnrn. Cln
ments reports that he Is opposed on tho
rnnd to Hustenburg. Tho eastern lino was
mown up near run and a train wns held
up on tho Stnaderton lino near tho Vnal.
White's column has nrrlveil nt Hnnnknt.
Knox's column nnd Doyo'o brlgude are
iioKiuig jjowei irom ureaiting south.
"A warrant Iwb been Issued against Dr,
newntor, a member of the Into Schrelner
cnblnot, who Is unflcr arrest on a chargo
of delivering n sodltlous speech at Oraaf
Kolnct, Inciting to rebellion In connection
with tho recent Door Invasion of tho col
ony, and this," says tho Capetown corre
spondent of tho Dally Tolegrapn, "Is tho
commencement of n scries of arrests, hcr
nldlng a wldo extension of martial law,"
LONDON, Dec. 31. Tho Dally Mall calla
on tho government to send out at least 00,
000 moro mounted men.
Chamberlain Credited with Declining;
SnrvlvcN of Ilron'ii-Nklnued "War
rior of Sew Kealnnd,
LONDON, Dec. 31. Mr. Chamberlain, ac
cording to a dispatch from Wellington,
Now Zealand, has declined tho services of
Maoris for South Africa.
Kenor SuKimtn, Former Premier, lie
clnrca That a ChuiiKc. of Ministry
. la luevltnhlc.
MADPJID, Dec. 30. Rumors of a cnblnot
crlBls Increase. Scnor Sagasta, formor pro-
mier, has broken sllenco and declares that
a chango of ministry Is inevitable on ac
count of tho difference In tho cabinet Itself,
as well ns In tho ranks of Its supporters.
Many ministerialists nssort thnt tho Az
carraga government will continue. Should
It fall ItB only posslblo successor would bo
n SUvela ministry.
German TnurUU Attempt to Am-end
Mount holin nmeiilicriteii Without
Guldea and Full Into Abyka.
LONDON, Dec. 31. Two Gorman tourists,
Lolner and Klndllngcr, ascended Mount
Schwarzenbergen without guides, according
to n dispatch to tbo Dally Express from
Vienna, and fell Into an nbyss und were
Komcnst for Nebraska Fnlr nnd Warmer
iuuMimy; winus uccoining iNonncriy.
Tcmiiernture nt Otiinhu Ycsterdnyt
Hour. IIck.
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Chlenuo Prenehcr Counsel! the United
Stiile to Let the I'lilllpnliirK Go
Their tlvin Way.
CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Prof. M. M. Manga-
snrian, n well Known Chicago Congrega
tional clergyman, delivered a lecturo on
"Tho Closo of tho Century" at tho Grand
opcrn houso tonight. Ho said In part:
"Lot tho American peoplo celebrate- tho
birth of tho twentieth century by n mem
ornblo net glvo liberty to the Filipinos.
Victor Hugo used to say that no festival or
celebration was complete wltjcli did not
brlnir nmnontv nr nnnlnn t.i uAtn ,s..l,.
Lot us pardon tho Fillplnoa for rebelling
against our sovereignty. If that Is tho crime
wun which wo charge them. Lot us con
fer upon them liberty. Let, America es
tablish this precedent that nf giving frcoly
and without price to a peoplo who prefer
liberty to life. Liberty has hitherto been
wrosieci irom rulers nt tlio point of n bay
ouot. Let us havo liberty In tho twentloth
century without tho bnyonet. Our exam
ple, I nm hopeful, will becorao n noblo
epidemic, ltussln, Turkey and Great Drlt
nln will go and do llkowlso, and Poland,
Armenia and South Africa will onco moro
know tlio sweets of liberty. Such nn net
on our pnrt will dcnl tho deathblow to wnr,
which n great American hns called iioll,
and will usher In tho thousand yeara of
"Let us baptize tho twentieth century
in mo namo or nc.irn. ntmrtv m,i nr.r..u
Let us christen her tho pcoplo'a century.
uci u h bsk or tlio now century n religion
Without BUnerRtltlnn. nnllllna 'wlllm,,! .......
art nnd tho sciences without mnterlnllsm
fintl li'nnlll. ...Il.... I J
..w.,.., mmum misery qr wrong."
.ramea II. McCiiIIouhIi of Altoonn, l'n.,
I.enven Timtii After Confeasliiu:
to ShortiiKf of IfUO.OOO.
ALTOONA. Pa.. Dec. 30. Jnmeq H. Me.
Cullough. former receiver nf ntntn niut
county taxes for Altoona, has disappeared
anu is snid to bo over $20,000 short In his
nccounts. McCullouch had held the office
or receiver since 1894. but thoJconntv rnm.
mlssioncrs did not reappoint him last sprlna
oecauso no uad not squared Ills duplicates
for tho past several years. Ho wns nmtnr
bond In the sum of $S0,000.
Tho county commissioners had n ancmt
exnmlnntlon mado of tho accounts nnd n
shortngo of 110.000 wns nulcklv ill
County Commissioner Hughes went to Mc-
i.uuough ror an explnnntlon. McCullough
confessed ho was over $20,000 short, tin
said that ho began buying stocks In New
-vi. I. .... .i
"m ""ra ji'ars ago, ann-wncn Ills first
venture railed He doubled to retrlovo him.
self, nnd lost every time.
I could not win oven nt noker." hn nrt.
mlttod, "nnd tho moro chnnces I took the
further I went townrd ruin."
McCulIough's homo Is mortirnppr! imt i,
deeded It to his bondsmen, nnri nn rrlinra
dny night ho left the city. McCullough was
short In 1897, tho shortngo nmountlng to
somo $20,000. It Is said ho used tho col
lections of IStlS nnd 1S99. to sminrn Mila
nmount. McCullough Is nbout CO years old
nnd wns looked upon ns a solid business
man. Thcro has been no effort tn nrr.i
him as yet
Hull Cnlnc Snya IIIkIi Pnaltlon of
"Wo in an In Thla Country In Partly
Dun to Other Sex.
CHILLICOTHE, Mo.. Dee. 30. Hall Calnn.
writing to tho Sorosls, n local woman's
club, under date of Grecba Castle, Islo of
man, December S, says:
When ono considers what the position of
woman wns, oven In thn most civilized
countries, ns recently hh ioo years ago, un.i
how high a plueo sho has now won for her
nir, not only In tho statute books of na
tions, but in tho republic of art. onu can
not but feci thut the change In oven moro
rcmnrltablo than somo of tho great ma
terial developments which havo distin
guished tho century.
Speaking ns ono who has seen thn con
ditions In mnny countries, I feel thnt It U
within tho truth to Bay that tlio position
of woman is higher In America than In
nnv other part of tho world, for this re
sult Amerlcun women havo. no doubt to
thank their own natural gifts nnd great
independence of mind, but thev have also
I think, to bo grateful to tho splendid
chivalry In thn other sex, which Is nowhere
moro conspicuous than In tho best typo
of Amerlcun gentlemen.
Governor Murphy on Ilia AVuy. to
WnshlnKton to Continue 1 1 1 ;f
forta III Terrltory'a Ilcluilf.
NKW YOHK, Dec. 30. Governor Nathan
C. Murphy of Arizona Is nt tho Holland
houso and will go to Washington Tuesday
to continue his efforts to havo that territory
admitted as a state.
"Wo hnvo n hard fight on our hands," he
said today, "but wo purposo keeping It up
until success crowns our efforts. Our peo
ple want self-government nnd tho advan
tages of statehood. Freedom Is tho underly
ing sentiment which urges us on. Wo bo
lleve It entirely wrong for n peoplo to bo
taxed directly or Indirectly without repre
sentation. Wo nro tired of territorial vas
ealago. "Arizona has n population of moro than
122,000, having Increased over 100 per cent
In tbo Inst deende. Wo hnvo moro people
and moro money than twenty-threo of tho
states had when they wero admitted."
Populist Senator WiiMihurii An
nounces Thnt He Will llerenfter
Act with the Iteiiiibllciiua.
HAItltlSUUIia, Pa., Doc. 30.-Stato Sena
tor AVnsUburn of Crawford county, who
was elected two years ngo ns n populist
with democratic nnd prohibition endorse
ment, Issued a formal statement tonight
announcing that ho had allied himself with
tho republican party and will participate
tn Its councils nnd organization, Mr. Wash
burn voted with tho democrat!) at tho last
session for Georgo A. Jenks for United
States senator and took part In their coun
cils and voted for ull party measures,
Mr. Washburn's declaration created much
surprise, as ho was counted on by tho dem
ocrats to voto with them on tho organiza
tion of tho senate and for tho party nom
inee for United States senator. His deser
tion gives tho friends of Mr. Quay control
of tho senate nnd practically Insures the
olentlon of William P. Snyder of Cheater
as president pro tern.
Here is the Text of the Misspelled Note Sent by Mail
to the Cudahy Household.
Followltio; Is the exnet text of the second threntenltiR letter sent
to K. A. Cuttnhy:
Ctultiy: If you vnlun tlio boy's life nt the price of n unlet
yoit will withdraw the rownrd tit once nnd let well nnoiifrli
nlone. If you don't do thin we will llnlxh tho Jolt with it lmlot.
If nny ninn whether gllty or lnoeent Is ever nrcsted it
lmlot will close the boy's mouth. You will thlnl: of this
warning when It Is to Into.
Pusengert on Board SteamerLake Megantio
Believe They Are Surely Lost,
After llnttllnK ttltli the Klrmrntn for
(Ivor Two I)uj the Vcssrl M mi
lium to .Mnkc (liiiTiixtiiivn, Her
l.nnt Port of Million.
QUKENSTOWN, Dec. 31. Tho Drltlsh
steamer l.ako Meguntle, Captain Taylor,
from Liverpool on December 25, and
Queonstown on December 2iJ, for St. John,
returned to Quecnstown harbor yesterday
(Sunday) morning, uftcr n terrible experi
ence In tho gale. Tho vessel left Queens
town on Wednesdny, carrying tho Canadian
malls, foity-flvo saloon and fifty cabin pas
ecngcrs nnd nbout GOO stcerago passengers,
principally foreigners, with mnny Jews
among them. It had reached n point about
400 miles west on Thursday night, when It
encountered n merciless gnlo. Dchavlug
splendidly, tho steamer would havo got
through hnd not tho steering gear bocomo
damaged badly, placing It In a dangerous
position. Tho crew worked bravely and
rigged hnndgear and tho vessel wns again
brought under control.
Unfortunately tho hnndgenr nlso beenmo
damaged. Tho galo lasted twenty hours
and an Immense sea broko over tho ves
sel, smashing' tho booby hntch nnd Hooding
It between decks, whero tho stecrngo pas-
scngors woro located. It also washed nwny
a greater portion of tho fittings nnd did
considerable deck damage. Threo lifeboats
wero smashed. Somo of tho crow wero
seriously Injured nnd ono nenmnn wns killed
on deck.
When tho storm moderated, Captain Tay
lor dochled to return to Queonstown. It
wns difficult work to steer tho big ship,
but It managed to nuchor hero without as
sistance. Its officers nnd men woro ex
hausted. To everybody's surprise tho Denver com
pany dliccted Captain Taylor to tnko the
Lnkc .Megantlc to Liverpool nnd It pro
ceeded thero with nil Its passengers nnd
mulls, to bo transferred to tho Lako Su
perior, which will leavo tho Mersey on
The company ordered n tug to nccompany
tho vessol, but none was nvnllnblo here.
Tugs will be sent from Liverpool to meet
It. Thcro will be consldtrablo anxiety ns
to tho vessel's snfety In Its prencut ills-
nbled condition, especially as tho weather
has again broken in a high northwest gftle.
It wns Impossible to interview any of tho
Lnko Megantlc'H crew nud the ngcnt3 nro
reticent, but It Is understood thero wero
Indescribable scenes among tho phssengors,
who wcro said to hnvo howled In despair,
expecting thnt tho steamer would founder
nt any moment.
I'rimfMMitlmi n Yet I'linlilr to Get Any
Ileal CI in- to Sin I'd re r nf 1'rnnU
ST. JOSKPII. Mo., Dec. 30. Tho belief Is
rapidly gaining ground thnt tho murderer
of tho millionaire merchant, Frank Ttlch-
ardson of this city and Savanunh, will novcr
bo known. Tho prosecution has run down
nlmost every theory that has como to tho
nttenton of tho officers and nil hnvo van
ished Into nlr. Ex-Congressman Charles
Doohcr, who Is tho prosecuting attorney
of Androw county, said tonight that ho
probably would bo oblo to got hold of tho
domestic servant of tho Richardson home
somo tlmo this week.
Sho Is visiting In northern Missouri some
where, hut tho officers havo been unable
to locato her slnco tho night of tho tragedy.
traveling man, whoso name has been
Incidentally mentioned In connection with
tho caso, has disappeared and dotcctlves
aro endeavoring to locato him.
Mrs. Dlchardson Is iitlll confined to her
bed with nervous prostration and tho at
tending physicians tonight did not think
sho would bo nblo to go to tho courtroom
Men mill Company Airrer tn n Com
promise AVhlcli ICniU Trouble
lli'Kiiu tine Week Alio.
SCUANTON, Ta.. Deo. 30. At 12:45
ni., tho street car strike, which
wan begun n week ago, was called
off. President Clark, General Mnna
gcr Sllllman and Directors John and Tim
othy Durko of tho street cor company enmo
to tho strikers' hall after tho voto to com
promise was carried and wero received with
tumultuous cheers. Tho men demanded
whnt was an equivalent to nn udvnnco of
3 cents nn hour. Thoy wero allowed 2
cents. Tho old rates of wages wcro 1214
cents for tho first six months, 13 cents
for tho second six months, 14 cents for
tho second year, 15 cents for tho third year
nnd 15 57-100 for tha fourth year. Tho now
rates nro 14, 15, 10, and 10 cents. Tho
men aro also allowed n ton-hour dny. Three
hundred and twcnty-Ilvo men wero affected.
IIIkIi Olllclnl of Ileniniirk Drclurea
Thnt (aerimiiiy In Not .VeKiitlnt
Intr for I'll relume of InIiiiiiIn.
COPENHAOAN, Dec. 30. In Danish oin-
clul circles tbo report that acrmany Is no
gotintlng to purcbuso the Danish Antilles
is denied.
"If tho Islands nro to be sold." said a
high official today, "tho purchaser will bo the
United States and no other power. All will
bo sold or none."
31 r, II. HoHiMvntcr Contributes the
l'unil Which Hie PiMiplc of tlmt
Vicinity llnlse.
ASHLAND, Neb.. Dee. 30. (Special.) W.
N. Decker, Jr., editor of the Ashland Oa
zottc, has received back from 13. Hose
water tho check for $21.60, which was for
warded to him ns a contribution from tho
peoplo of Ashland and vicinity towards thu
payment of tho lino Imposed upon him by
tho supreme court. Mr. llosowutcr mndo tho
cnecK payauio to ltov. u. r. iincKnoy, whim
was authorized to distribute tho proceeds I
ob n holiday gift to tho worthy poor of
Ashlnnd. In his letter to Mr. Decker Mr.
Ilosowatcr expresses to tho subscribers of
tho fund his hcartfolt appreciation of their
Succpx Down Upon O mil tut from tlic
NortlnvcHt, but Siunvfiill
In Mulit.
A blizzard swept down upon Omaha yes
terday from tho northwest, but the storm
wns not general In nnturc. Advices show
that the storm is slight and thnt, tho fall
of snow has not been great outsldo of Colo
rado. At Pueblo 3.C Inches of snow wero
reported and other points In tho stato had
a llghtor fall. Dodgo City, Kan., reported
ono-half-lnch of precipitation, and tho
amount decreased for points further cast.
South and east of Omnha the storm was
very light and' many points reported no
precipitation whatever. Tho tempernturo
west was falling rnpldly. At Choycnno It
was six below zero ot 7 o'clock lost even
ing nnd tho tempernturo was still falling.
At tho local weather station tho state
ment wns mado last night that the storm
wan comparatively light over tho limited
nrea It covered nnd that th9ro wns no reason
to expect nny great fall of snow.
Snow Storm nt St, .fosenli,
ST. JOSEPH, Mn Dec. 30. A sevcro
snowBtorm set In Into this afternoon with
a constantly lowering temperature. Tele
graphic reports from nil sections of Kan
sas, Ncbrnsltn, Iowa nnd northern Missouri
show tho fall to bo heavy. Winter wheat
In mnny sections of these stntcs, ns well
ns throughout tho west genernlly, has been
greatly in need of n heavy blanket of snow,
which will nfford nmplo moisture as well
ns protection to tho grnln from sevcro
Colli In Colnrmlo.
DENVER, Colo,, Dec. 30. A blizzard vis
ited Colorado last night nnd hns continued
with vnrled strength throughout tho stnto
today. Tho temperature Is falling tonight
In most sections nnd nt sovorul plnces tho
fall of snow has been qulto heavy. Rail
road traffic, though not seriously affected,
has been Interrupted nnd trnlns nro nil ar
riving Into. No great damago to llvo stock
has been reported.
Six llelotv Zero In Trenton.
TRENTON, Neb.. Dec. 30.-(Speclal Tele-gram.)--At
an early hour this morning it
commenced snowing nnd has continued
throughout the day, accompanied by n light
wind. Tempernturo, C degrees below zero.
This Is tho first mbleturo for several weeks.
Storm Striken South went.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 30, A snow
storm, driven by a strong north wind, pre
vailed hero tonight. Tho storm Is general
in tho souihwest. No reports of damago or
delay of trains hnvo been received.
Three Men llenil nt Alilierllle, . t.,
its the lied ii It of it Itefiimil tn I'lny
for tine Mnii'n Stnke.
ADIIEVILLE, S. o ucc. 30. Sheriff
Kennedy of this county, William Kylo of
Massachusetts, who has been superintend
ing tho building of n cotton mill hero, nnd
John Dansby, a United Stntcs marshal, nro
dead ns tho result of n shooting nt n enrd
gnmo nnil nn attempt to nrrest tho men
who did tho shooting. Sovcral persons
wcro plnylng cords Inst night, when Dansby
throw fi on tho tnbln ntfd snld: "Play for
this." Tho men at tho toblo refused nnd
an nltercntlon ensued. Dansby suddenly
drow a pictol and shot Ky0 jn tho nb
domen. Ho then backed out of (ho room,
declining that ho would shoot nnyono who
attomptcd to etop hlra. Ho wub followed
by two policemen, but ho held them nt
nay until bnorin Kennedy nnd u number of
citizens nrrlvcd. Tho sheriff called to
Dansby to como out of tho houso of his
father, whither ho had lied, and surrender.
Dansby cmno out nnd, with tho remark
"Woll. wo'll nil go to hell togother," be
gan firing. Dansby wns shot twice In tho
ieg ami ono in tno chest and tho sheriff
was struck near the heart and fell. Dansby
walked fifty steps and was reloading his
pistol when he was shot ngnln by tho dying
sheriff. Tho sheriff and Dansby died within
a fow mlrutes of each other. Kylo lingered
until 2 o'clock today.
J. fi. .lofiiiHon lleelnreN Thnt ul lomil
Deiunerntle Committee Will .Vot
He CliuiiKeil.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. SO. Judge J. (.
Johnson, chairman of the cxocutlvo coin
mitteo of tho national domocratlo commit
tee, who passed through Kansas City en
routo from Chicago to his homo In Kansas,
"I am not In a posltlou to say what will
bo dono toward maintaining thollomocratlo
organization porfoctcd during tho last ram
palgn, but I will say that thcro will bo no
reorganization of tho national committee.
Tho cominllteo Is organized until 1004 nnd
will remain practically as It Is until that
tlmo. I bellovo that the present precinct
organization can bo maintained and mado
entirely self supporting."
They Grow Moro Brutal and Etckleis
Toward the Ondahy Family.
Other Parents Feel Keenly tho New Danger
That Scemi Imminent.
Bho Honelf it a Mother and Appreolatei the
Grave Situation,
Chief of Police nnil III .Men Are fUtent
ltCKiinlliiHT the I.ntest I'linsc of
the limolent llnntllls'
E. A. Cudahy, tho millionaire packer, hav
ing thought Letter of his resolution of Sun
day that ho would not reveal to thu publlo
tho contents of tho second letter ho re
ceived from tho bandits Tho Deo Is now
liermlttcd lo publish n verbatim copy of that
communication. Here Is tbo IcttcY:
"Cudhy; If you valuo the boy's llfo at
tho price of n unlet you will withdraw tho
reward at once nnd let well nnough ulone.
If you don't do this wo will finish tho Job
with n bulet.
"If any man whether gtlty or Inoccnt la
over nrested n bulet will closo tho boy'rt
mouth. You will think of this warning
when It Is to late."
This letter, which was unsigned, wan Bent
through tho malls, nnd was addressed aa
"E. D. Cudhy, 518 South 37th street.
It was postmarked "Omaha, Dec. 22, 8 u.
m.," and was delivered nt tho Cudnhy homo
nt 11 a. m. by a postman.
Tho paper used was ordinary whlto noto
paper, nnd tho matter wns printed In
capital letters with black Ink.
Tho second lottor received by Mr. Cud
nhy from tho kidnapers, publlshod exclu
sively In Tho Sunday Dee, renewed Inter
est In tho caso and wns tho principal topic
of conversation ycBtorduy on street enrs,
In shops nnd wherever peoplo congregated.
An Impression generally expressed wns thnt
tho bandits hnvo becomo foolhardy. Klushod
with success they hnvo gloated over tho
case with which they ovndo nrrest nnd
could no longer restrain tho Impulse to
taunt tho police nnd further Impress Mr.
Cudahy with a senso of his holplcssnoss In
their hands.
Others hold directly tho opposite that
tho kidnapers wero so closo prossed by tho
detectives that they wero fearful of being
caught and that tho second lottor comes
ns a cry of distress. They wnnt tho re
ward withdrawn in order that man-hunting
mny bo less profitable nnd zealous.
Ilrutnllty In Cold Ulnoiled
Thcro Is no monns of learning how tho
chief of pollco construes this letter, ns ho
refuses to discuss It. All agree, however,
that tho outlaws manifest n cold-blooded
brutality, which Is most revolting, and
mnny n mother with children of tender
yenrs hns shuddered ns sho thought of hor
own denr ones In tho handB of theso thugs.
Mrs. Cudnhy has tho sympathy of ovory
mother who hns heard of tho cruel threats
to tnko nwny her llttlo girls.
"Thcro Is excellent mnttor In this for
n sermon on tho theme of 'Contentment,' "
said a well known society woman, hersolf
n mother of thrco children, "I dare say
thero aro many families In modornto clr
cumstnnces who nro better satlsflod .with
their lot In llfo now than they wcro beforo
this nffalr camo up. It serves to'drlvo homo
tho lesson that money can't buy happiness.
"Did you ever try" to put yourself In
tho place of that poor mothor In tho
Cudahy mansion? With nil her wealth sho
Is nmong tho most wrotched of mortnls. I
can plcturo her, with over-wrought nerves,
startled nt ovory sound, seeing causo for
alarm In overy shadow nnd In every strango
footfall a mennco. When those rumnns
threaten to steal awny ono ot hor little
girls they struck nt tho very cldndcl of
her nffcctlons. Picturo tho helplcbsncss of
that llttlo ono In tho hands of tho outlaws
and tho thoughts thnt tnothor's brain would
conjure up of tho unspcokablo fato which
might befall It!
.Mother In CoiiNtnnt Fenr.
"Every moment of tho day the fear ot
kidnapers must bo uppermost In her mind.
Sho doesn't dnro trust thoso two little girls
to tho caro of a governess, lost tho governess
by somo chance bo In league with tho out
law gang. Sho cau scarcely trust horsolf.
I can sco her now, frozen with horror, nn
sho sees ono of thorn alono In tho yard, nod
gasps tho question: 'Whoro Is your Bister?'
"As I thought of this caso, tho lines of
that poem by Kugeno Field havo been run
ning through my mind:
"All dny long they como and go
lit typnt nnd Tlppytoe;
Footprints up ami down tho hall,
Playthings scattered on tho noor,
Flngerinnrks ulong tho wall,
Telltalo strcuku upon tho door
Itv theso presents you shall know
littypnt nnd Tlppytoe.
"Hut when comes this thought tn me,
Homo there uro that childless be.
Stealing to their llttlo beds, 1
With a lovo I cannot speak,
Tenderly I stroko their bends,.
Fondly kiss ench velvet cheek.
ijirn Help tnose who no not Know
A Plttyput or Tlppytoe!
"And thn children themselvos nro to bo
pitied. They certainly can't havo tho freo
dom that other children enjoy. Thoy enn't
.romp In tho flchlH anil parks nnd como nnd
go with thnt careless ludependencH which
is tho very soul of n happy, buoyant child
hood. To them tho woods aro peopled with
dreaded foes; behind every treo Is ri ban
dit and ovory shadow harbors a terror
human shapo. I toll you that, until the
younger members of that household grow
up Its peace of mind Is blighted."
Wo in ii n Who Sinned "IHoIn T" Write
Attain nnd iin If She Knew the In
Nlile of the Kldiinpliiu; t'nue.
CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 30. Tho Enquirer
hus received tho second strangely slgnlflcent
letter from "Elols T ," who now signs her
self "Elolso V. Turroll." In this lottor tho
writer says that conjectures as to her
Identity on tho part of Uio Omaha corro
spondent nro wrong that sho Is not Llzzlo
Diirns, und that the correspondents aro
not at nil likely lo fathom tho mystery of
her Identity. Sho also gives reasons for
her offer to clear up tho Cudahy mystery.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
Is tho quotation Miat sho uses toexplaln
hor position.
Thn lust lotter is dated December 2!. And
again the woman It tho writer bo a